Newspaper Page Text
XU 2D W .'.V'l JUST RECEIVED BY Wlf GILL, No. 30 North High Street, ' On of ths Lurut end Beit leUeteB Aieert , BVBR OFFERED IK THIS 0ITT1 . . House Builders' . Furnishings Of ITIRT BTYLB AMD QUALITT. i ' Window Grla&al FAINTS OBOCND IN OIL, end put Bp l half pouii oen tally uM, end Brushes of every variety & quality. A Splendid Assortment of MACHINISTS TOOLS. CARRIAGE MATERIADS. AXES GRINDSTONES, Slo. GUNS, PISTOLS, SHOT, to- FISHING TACKLE. ROPE A CORDAGE, LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER. BELTING. WEDGES, MAULS, PUMPS, V AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SCYTHES, Slo., SCALES, BELLS, CHAINS Table and Pocket Cntlery. 1 tapectally Invite the attention of all Interacted te mj lock of Pocket and Table Cutlery, end . SILVER FIXATED rOHKS, Table, Desert, and Tea Spoons, Butter Knives, fcc, of HOOIRRe A BRO'B. Manufacturs, warranted to be extra heavy, Elect ro-Pla ted, on genuine Albetta. Country Merchants, Mechanics, and others, an touted to call and examine my Stock, at I am prepared to Mil Wholesale and Retail. WM. A. GILL. Columbus, Ohio, May 8. I860. Wholesale and Retail Depot for FAMILY CBOCEBtES No. 106 South High Street wm. Mcdonald, DEALER IN TEAS, FINE & STAPLE GROCERIES, IN ALL HEIR VARIETIES. nn rrlwal af Gaadn For the Fall and Winter Trade Of :1860-61. friiMfHllUtllKCEUETlIAIK.8 TOT HE PUBLIC for paat faorf and patron- and being eontlnuane of eaow 07 -"- " " tra, and praaapt awllwerr af Gaadn, Iwould call the aaUce of the public to the het that haTlng a Large and well Heleelea Black on hand, and being IB.daHf 'P tooil froa the differ .at aarketa, I Salter ayaelf that I can offer to the dtl at Colombo., or to an j who aa, dear. P"' ITuaortment of artlclee appertaining to the OBOCIRT bade, UNEQUALED b anyhouaa In tha city. The price and quality af the gooda offerad, I aa antee la give natUIacilaa. Goods Delivered Trea of Charge. norST. McBOBALD. Baltimore Clothing flonse. HES9 cJ 23XiTJ, aajraracTntiM am weoiaaata mi READY-MADE CLOTHING, No. 308 W. Baltimore-street, (arrwaa umrr am owaas,) BALTIPIOBE, 51 A. A Urge Assortment ol Piece and rurnlsMni Goods Constantly on Hand; Oot96dly ' WllUam -A.- O-lll COLCmBVSe OHIO. aGRICUITUIULWaREHOUSE And Seed Store, ., dbaub n . GENERAL HARDWARE, HAILS, GLASS, SA?H, PUTTY, OORDAGB, SmBa, FlataU, Weed Wlllew Ware ether and Rubber Belting, Ieee Laalher, Hoa i and king. ' G. DOYLE & CO. Mannfactorers and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, Southeast Cornet of High and Cay Sts., No BO, ma rrirrftlia OHIO. A large Stock of Vine and Staple Good, en hand." ySl-dtf RTINDRIEIS. ; P Ban Arrow Boot, BicVflour Scotch Oat Meal ' Pearl Barley l,m?, Cacked Wheat Chocolate Coco Broma, etc. Cream Tartar, . Soda fin Pronei Bexllew Ralalna ., fmbTonabMa Peachee Green Corn ftyth Cann'd Trolt. of ereiT dtMriptien; Jelllaol all kind.; flavoring BatiacUof all klria. Qua Srope; Mixed Candle.; , . . Almonda, Pilberte,Pecon Nuta, " ' Bnaliab Walnuta, Breall NuU.etc, B0S7. . WU. alcDONALD. E. P'COLLISTER, WhalaeaU aad Jbleiail Sealer la TOBACCO, SNUFF & CIGARS Ko 85 Bfth Street, s' -PITT SBURGH, Pa. Keep aiietaatl T r i rtwae) IIaiAFiSa ei - . XnxiDOirtocl Oisnro , Oct. tti-ita . ..: " Laces and Embroideries,.;' : ' VAI g.-CIEPIEBILTEE POWT La 6ollar..nd Seli. Irenoh, and Ihraad l v7u. new pattern. ) Venetenra, Thread and vt I !1 J mhroUlered Coll.ra, Bella. Trimmluf a and I'B.rb d Oollfiwa, Plaia Linen Oollari, VibianumbroWered 0,'"',J'u,(JJ(,t,, I , ,-, -gj i o. . BonthJllgh Street. . 1861. 1861. Summer Arrangements.—Time Changed. Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, & CINCIN'I CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, & CINCIN'I RAILROAD. Connecting at Crestline with Ihe PITTSBURGH, TT. WiXNB CHICAGO BAILROAD tor Pittebwrgh, thiladeiphUk and Baltimore. Alto for Tort Warn and OMoago. ' Connecting at Clevslend with the LAKE SH0B1 BAIL , JlOAD , .. FerDaaklrk, Baffale, Albany, B 1 Mk,aidKw Korti THREE TRAINS DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY. m ruinmhna. In aannaatlnn Willi Train! OS the LITTLE MIAMI AND COLUMBUS JLnM9 JJEsri mm. ajauveTa.a-e IliiT TRAIN. Dlrinil TiTDDVaQ T.aawaa flainmriHa fct 3.40 AH 1 will ItW MtMngers at til Utione wuth of GftUon, top at DeUarv Aihley, CardlDglon and Glltad. and r ik rL.ii... m..mtim at- fl lava land at All I (A lion uwrm wi wanvui -. i7 at 9:4i A. at. Dunkirk , 3: P. M.. Buff.l. M f . M. Albanf :WI a., sw " , , I u ...-,. k .i. ,mi. 1911 P. M . Philadel phia iilO A. M. OhloafOTU 0reelilneat8:HUP. M. , BB00ND TRAIN. wnnv .Tnnili Pn InmVin. .t 11:1U a. m. Will iton at Lewie Centre, Delaware, Cardlngton, Grafton. arriTe at Olereland at 3:8J p. m.: Dunkirk, awm . m.i Bnfflo. 10:25 D. U i Altany, n:a. m.; Mew folk, :30 p. Bceton, 4A0 v. m.i Pltteborgh, VdOreetllne, eaup. m.; rnuiaeipuis, . y neoUat Shelby for al 1 polnte on Baudaiky, Mani&eld Hewari K. norm ui Duenfj. , , THIRD TBAIN. MAIL AMD AOOOMMODATION Leatea OolumbM at 3:10 a. Will atop at all etatlone South of Shelby, and at bow bonaon, w-r, - and Berea; arrlToatCl-relandatfclO p .; Dunkirk, York, :30p. m. Boeton. Jl:p m.t PliUburgb. Wo ... r. n.en . Itt.ll. J. I.. VI. It. 1 1 wa. wn . flnffi UreiiiB.a. 3Kiwa. m, ruinmi.,w. r- neott atHhelbf for all point on Bandotky, Maoititld Naarark ILmllrnAil. Patent Sleeping Can are ran on all Signt Trains to umosgo, now York and Boston. Baaoag Chtckti Through to Kmn Tort and BoUon VU CteI, OMPi W uc.jw.m JVm 1'orAvto OruUine. RETURNING. MIhtBTnreeaarriTeatColumbuat...ll: P. JJ. ClLnnaUSiprea - 1 Aoeommodatton. " " ,M Far an Law as tr any alter Baate. Ail for TichUvia CttHliu ur Cleveland. B. B. FLINT. Superintendent, CleTeland, Ohio. JAMES PATTERSON, Agent, Columbtu, Ohio. Oolumbui, April IS, 1651. CENTRAL OHIO R. Between Columbus & Wheeling, ' nnNKKnriNa VIA BELL AIRE AND WHEELING WITH TIMv BALTIMORE & OHIO Re, mn Til Bellaire and Pittsburgh WTTU THB Pennsylvania Central R R., FOB Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Pittsburgh, tod all Eastern Citiea. NO. 1 IXPRE88 r .-I . If mtnnm at .11 .tftiiOM at ... . . . .... . J W.warlr , UI A. or newara wnen ikd'icu. ."n" " ; " connectlu with the Baltimore fc Ohio B. B., and Tla PillwurgD wltn renniyiTania a. b. lor an KO. I BXPBK8S LeaTeaColumbua at 11:18 A. M.; elope at all etatlone .. rimaUeri. ArrlTea at Newark at 12:tS A. H., I i ii 1 1 1 1. .1 3,:vi r. H . uciiaira . . wu- necUng with the Baltimore a Onto it. - lor an euiem clUea, NO. 3XXPRBSS Learea Coluabui at 3.10 P. M.; ttope at all etatlone when lignalled. Arriree at Newark at 4:31) P. St., ZaneerllK at 5:40 P. tt: Bellaire al S:45 P. M.. ennneetlDg PiUaborfh with the PennaylTaoia B. B. ror all eaatera Thla Boute offen the ADTANTAOB or a Threorh Ticket and Baggage Check to WASIIINOTON CITY, and aleo KiTea the Paaenger the privilege of Tlelllng BALTIHOBB, PHILADKLPBIAaod MtrT TOKK, the eoet of a New-York Ticket alone; or the pririloge rialting all of the principal SBABOABD CITIES at the . - w na Mil-. 11 IK: -a,. la wla A I haw aLraMtM. COS! 01 a DWDIVW Aicawa " " Throafh Ticket! to KBW-yOBKcan be procured Tla . .?,nmnKr mmtr a aenanaa al WABtlinUlVil UUltatW auwiMUaiai 'pw-" Time as Quick and Fare as Low Ae on other Route.. Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains ASK fOB TICKIT8 TIA Celnmbna aad. Bellaire ar Wheeling, JNO. W. BROWN, Apr. IS. Gm. Ticket Agent. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. CREAT NATIONAL ROUTE. TEBBIIATE1 AT WASHINGTON I ..j n.itinnraon the Eaat. and Wheeling, Benwood and Parkereburg on the Weet, at which plaoea It unite, with Railroad., Steamer., Ac, for and froa all points In the Weet, Saath-weat an Nartta-weet TERES T2AISS DAILY FOR ALL THE EASTERN CITIES. This Is the only roots to Washington City. hfbla mate can vlelt Baltimore, Phlla delphia, New York and Boston, at the cost of a ticket Dm.. Inn. m AttlA. ltOM. Through ticket, to the I altera el tie. can be procured via Waabington tiity at an aaaiuonai cu.ig. vt ww tare. a. r .mm ann ta ui Hiaarr Taaws. Hmae guiek and (am at km a via ant other route. Inquire for tleaets via Baltimore aad Ohio Railroad at any of the principal Railroad office, in the Weit, . H SULLIVAN, flen'l Weetern Agent, BsLLata, Ohio. L. M. 00L1, General Ticket Agent, w. p. HMITH. Mailer Tranenortatlon. oetSS-tf. Baltuobs, Md, IMPORTED GOODS. JUBT BECEIVED-" 20 caees Italian Oil, Barton a Co., for table use. 10 frenohhtutard, favorite brand.; . ft " Boned Sardlnee. the BBBT Sardlna lmp'td 4 " ofOapenandOllTes. ft 11 Table Saucea "Lea a Perrln's Woraeeter ahlra," "Boyer. Sultana,'' "John Bull," "Harvey," "Beading.' 10 M Walnut and Tomato Oatenp. 7ft dot. Ones a Blackwall's celebrated Bngllah ' Pieklea, oonaUting of "Cauliflower," "PW eallll," OhowChow," "Walnut," 'On ion," "Cabbage," "Beans," "Gherk's" M' Pickles. CO " London Porter. 10O " Campbell's oelebrated Bootoh lis. 6 eaaee Ginger Preserves. S ( boxes Italian Maeeronl.and Vermaeilla. - Coleman', selebrated Bnillsh Mnstard, la kegs, boxes, cans ana wwes. .. BOY7 ' r ws. nauunabv. iiiroTJXLLiNroia. JOHHH WHULKB, ' J1 ' A GENT FOB HOITIE, CONTINENTAL, XI MaanaTTAii, bscditw, an " . New Yoai; MaUnBams and Orrv Frna o HaaTTuao Haw Yoaa Lira and Comi. MoTOai Lira. . Office, 81 Hick St., Saragee HI - Alexandre's Kid Gloves.. ' PLAIN AND E1HBROIDEHEB, IffOUR. mi..noa mA Mnla.hana lllank Kid fiHoT.S. . v. i j . i- M.MAla unrnlLa.. ' TTftilieaaert. riuuiviuwiwi iu w u.w. w-n r r KtdGlovee. Mlaee Kid Otoves. A complete aatortaent ol uewsaiearawa viora aiway. ior j , Dim A Ofila , , vntu av RiviVf fobs? : , . ; Ha. ! South Illgh .met. ' : Co-Faxtnerahip. ,1 I HAVE THIS DAT ADMITTED lrlT ton JAMBS ADOBB BAIN ae partner In my boat . ... -hkh will hereafter be conducted under the Bra ifBaln a Son . P BAIN, if ouhB)th Bt. Coluabua, yen jo. k"v , - i Canton Mattings. ; .. i .e. .4. -4r While a Kei' aaa Whit! Checked af superlotnallty. gleby jjjj No.SH Bouta' High ft! Ti I. t -' t .- tJi-.'l '-7 p s5 ( . tK i I Tla at of ). to , OHIO 8TATESIIAH SfllffJIlI , tw a ii !4iii Waiaawy Nos. 3, 38 & 40, North High St, .INCREASED FACILITIES 1 i . 1 ' ' 1 HATING MOVED INTO MY NEW BUILDING, I HAVE - aroatly iZTrilctrsocS MY BOOK & JOB DEPARTMENT! . WHILE BOTH HAVJt UJiUtn .-. REPLENISHED THROUGHOUT :with New Types, Borders, Ornaments, &C IROH THB OKLXBBATED fOTJMDBT Of C. T. WHITE & CO., NEW YORK, TITOS MAKINO IT TH1 Most Complete ' Establishment IN THE CITY. X am bow prepared to Xzaoate all Ordars for BOOK AND JOB PEINTINGr, WITH DISPATCH! And ta the Koit Approved Style of the Art PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO MERCANTILE AND RAILROAD PRINTING. Bills af Lading-, Clrealara, fill iiead.i , uianaii van Uertlfieateae Hecelpta, ray Tlckete, Heglatere, HOW CARDS & BILLS IN COLORS, CB2CI8, ' BOTES, CAEDS, KBVKLOPES, EI ADD! OS, C05TKACTI. Ulnstrated Show Bills, FOR COUNTRY MERCHANTS, Show Bills, Hand Bills, labels, Concert Pro rrammea, Benool ana Coueg scnemw, do Ul BUU of Jare, Invitations, As. - Book Worn OF EVERT DESCRIPTION School and College Catalogue., Klaoeiianeona rampnieu, Coaititntioni, Beports, Briefs, As Printing in Gold and Colors POSTERS Printed la Every Color on a ' ' LlammotliHoe Cylinder, The only Press of the kind In Central Ohio. af CadlltlM for dolna an and all of the above deeerip- ttona of work, era now unaurpaaed, and aali.tacUoo will be guaranteed In all eaaee. ii r-Ail won rarnuuoa prompur or mo nm pnmw. The Court of Common Pleas, Franklin Coun ty Ohio. Barah J. Walton ) ti. Bale In ParUUon. Ludnda Walton et al.) T fUBSlANCE OF AN OK DEIS Of A the aid Court to me aireciea, i win ouer lor eaie ai public auction, at the door of the Court Home, in the oily of Colombo., on Tuesday, May 7th, 1861, the following described real estate, situate In Norwich townehip. Franklin county, Ohio, to wiu Partof the W. B. Ben veld eurrey, No. U4, bounded as follows: Beginning at a atone In the road leading from Columbus to Dublin; being the south-easterly corner to lot No. one, in the surrey In proceedings In partition to Michael Walton; thence with the south 1'ns of amid lot No. 1,8. Udegrees W. 148 pole., ton etone south west erly corner to said lot; thence with tha westerly line thereof, N. 87 degrees W. 31 SOUK) poles to a. tone, north westerly corner of said lot, and corner to land be longing to the heirs of Apollo, ltogers; thence with their line N. 17 degrees W. 40X pole, to a .take , soother cor ner to said heirs' land; thence with another of their lines S. 54 degrees, W. 3UI), poles to a .take and .tons In the original weit line of the eurvey, and south-west corner to aid heir's land; thence with the original line of aid sur vey, B. 43 degrees 30 minute., B . 73 polee to a etone.north easterly oorner to a tract of land of two hundred acres conveyed by Abner Olepp and wife by deed, dated Ang. 27, lKli; thence with his line N. 63 degrees, K. 3U1 pole, to atooenother corner of said Olapp's land;thence with another of his lines 8. 27 degrees, B. 14 60 100 poles to another corner ol said Clspp's land; thencs with another of his lines N.S3 degrees M. 146 pole, to a alone, another of raid Clapp'e somen; thence with another of his Unas 8. 87 degrees B. 13 poles to a .tone, another of and Clspp's comers: thence with another of his lines N.63 degrees B. 21 poles to a stone, north easterly corner to aid Olapp's land; thence N. 66), degrees W. S poles and 14 links; thence N. 11 degrees W., following the Dublin Boad seventy-eight poles to Ihe begin ning, containing 273 acrea, be tha same mors or lest; and also. In tha same survey f 554, and ailloinlng the above described tract, another tract of 3 38-1 ta) acres, bounded as follows: beginning at a stone Kuth-eaiterly oorner to the above described tract, thencs N. B. 11 poles and S links to a stone la the Dublin Road froa which a cheiry tree 'Mi iuehe. In diameter, bears N. 34 degree. B. 60 links, then N. 11 Jf degrees B. 17 poles and IS links to a poet, from which a walnut 13 Inches in diameter bears 8. 46X de grees B. 8 links distant, thence N. 87 degreea W. 9 poles sod 21 links to a .lone In the south line of Henry Mo Orackea's land; thence 8. 75), degrees W. 2-2 poles and S links to a post in the Dublin Koad, 8. B. corner to aid McOracken's land; Ounce 8. 10 degreea B. Si poles and 18 links to a post, thence 8.68 degrees B, ' poles and 19 liake to the beginning. Excepting from said two traets.the following described part thereof, heretofore set off to Blltabeth Annistead, described as follows: Commencing at the aouth-esst cop nor of Michael Walton's land abots mentioned; thence south with the Dublin road 8 rode; theooe westerly on a Una parallel with the said Michael Walton's south line a. en decrees S3 minutes W. 224 poles; thence N. 17 de gress 30 minutes W. 69 70-1U0 poles; thenoe N.54ds grass B. 71 60-1U0 rods; thence 8 17 degrees 30 minutes Beat 40 50-100 pole.; thenoe 8. 27 degrees E. 39 20-1U0 poles; thenoe n. In negrees ax minutes m. m poies u the beginning, containing- forty sores. The property to be sold as an entire tract, est1 mated st two hundred and forty acres, and appraised at 850 par acre. - -Tsans or Bala. One third in hand on day of sale, bnlanca In ons and two yeara from day of sals, with in terest secured by mortgage. -J ,, GEORQIW nurrMAN, 'AprU5,lEl.-dlt-Aw4w. , . Bherlff. , .WHO SHOULD USE DR. JV BOVEE DODS' ..' 'I ' "VTX3rKTAEIJK ;."'J.": ,; IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS? All who are afflicted with incipient Consumption or Wsak Lungs shouldass them. , . in.Kn .,,. faMB WMk Btauaeha. Indleeation. Dys pepsia or Piles should ass thsm. '. . . . - , v n .... All Wno suner irom urncrai vr wrrooawi. Restlessness al night, Waat of Sleep, Ate., ahould ess vea. ' All persons who ars eonvaleaosnt after fever or other swsneasnoaiaaeo ibbv. Ministers of the Gospel, Lawyers, Loots re rs, aal al public speakers should use them. Book Keeper, and all persons reading a sedentary If should ass them. -. . . ; The sged and rofirm should ass them. ' ' All who require a stimulant or tonic should uss them. All who are addicted to the aae of ardent spirits and wish to Inform, should use them. They ars made of a pure Sherry Wine, and of the na tive plants and herbs of the country, and ahoald be re commended by temperance societies, clergymen, phyai Siana, and all friends of humanity. They ars prepared by an experienced and skillful phy sician, and, ailde (rom their medicinal properties, area mod delightful bererag, and yet, a a medicine, are as the dswsof hsaven. .! ' . Bold by drugglets eenerally. . . .- 1 CHABXKJ WTDDrPlELD CO., Proprlstorf, , TS William 8t., New Yark. EO BERTS A 8A1IU21, Agents, ; '" Calaniboe, Okla : eotaSdawly.;". . , ... - . . i Gents linen Shirt Collars, OF RUPEBIOB auALITY, IN OIB. KflTR. gtandina. B.ron. Per.lm.T. Hrfifrew sod .ii... Heniueri Pocket llantikerrhief. Neck Ties. Blocks, Street sad Evening Gloves, Ba!f Hoes af .ii rr A.. -J .ii li.j. ni H.n r.' Vnr niahing Goods in great Variety and ft moderate prices. J i .i it ti t a C -.t : .Sim m. wvm, febSS 4 rtr 29 SyutVHigh atrcet., t I -.-i'iri4 jeod wq le tt ' ' . U- 0 0 3 X 4 J T A BJAS HOt rrtwi-j-it-.jia , NEW ABKITALS . tivrJO" ,uv ... I-. v 1 .'' -..- )-'i!:i'r..?.-. 1'i i'JVi': .' '' i.'i iiv'if s i .' '' '.-l1' i-( : ' , , , , j " , , ... i i , ... I.. OF -. . . i i-it: ft'..-'.. !J !. : AT KNAPP & CO.'S, 119 South High Street, oct25-8awd-ltw-6m THE WEEKLY OHIO STATESMAN HAVING A CIRCULATION L&SOZB BT OTZ2S.L TH0TJSA1TDS Than any other paper In Ohio, outside of Cincinnati n . a e ... Utters lor AQvenising . Which CANNOT IAIL to bring Npeedr and UsMiBsralivs Ketarae ' To thooe who take advantage of thsa. THE WEEKLY STATESMAN, Distributed as It Is through every Post 0 files In Ohio, Reaches a Large Class of Readers Whose patronage is valuable, and who seldom see the Dally Editions of dly journals; and as only A limited Bomber of Advertisements An Inserted In its columns, appoprtately and HANDSOMEtV DISPLAYED! to eT cantor rati to LttXAOt w.ttOX3.tlOZl Of ALL I -i : WHOLESALE DEALERS Advsrtlslng In the WEEKLY STATESMAN will fin It advantagoas In THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which Is almost certain to follow an extensive dtssemin v ' atlon knowledge of their bualnea AMONG COUHTBT DEALEE3 I ADVERTISEMENTS INTENDED FOR The Weekly Statesman . Should be handed in before Iriday noon. REOOaTKEirDBD BT THB LATB SIR A8TLEY COOPER, DR. VALENTINE MOTT or www voaav The acknowlsdgerl Heads of the rrnf.arlctn tg sitae . . Hamisohara. ins oeei iviareiio, xonio. ana invlgorant, ' Ths rinent Extract of the ITALIAN JTJNTPtB amtuxx . ne roreet ana Host Coetly Uln INDISPENSABLE TO FEMALES,' i miALUADLr. iu irtc oiVlv. - INCOMPARABLE FOR THE AGED. THE SAFEST AND MOST DELICIOUS BEVERAGE INI THF WflRin Fat Bala, Pints md Quart, try rer ""itui. wavusa, at ivuuaoy Meicncvni. I00X OUT FOB 106TJTB Xj o n r O N Or I N s. THB ONLT OEIfUINB ABTIOUI JJ CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL BIN. , ; B. BALDWIN & CO., . Importers, 01 Liberty St., ,v.u; '', .1 t,1 .JBBW . VORS, Bold In Oolambus by ' " r McKEE A RESTIBATJZ, . Wholesale and Betel I Grocers, Stats. man Building. 0. A. WAGNKR. and others. In OlBdnnstt, by SUIRE, ECKSTEIN A CO., ocSO-deodAlyw , r- r ,-:-' r!i and others. T7AnCT' DHEftSj BILKSJ. , . 1? TANOY DRESS 8ILR8. 1 i unt- f ANOY DRKbS BOKS," ' " , , ' We are now offering our immense stock of Taney Drees Bilks at prices lea than ever beforw ottered In this city. Ths attention of ths ladies .of this dty and vicinity is solicited, as our stock Is very select and complete in all grades of goods intuit Mar. PETER BAIN, j tt i SPRING IK -fj.'li! b-: m 1 11.1 )0 !. Cli'.ill yiiM, Il.rt f M.I ' a si Cu 'i - gt v. ,--:'Ti 'T4J.. T?I INVITE ATTBNTION to some of the moat ex traordinary cures oy my , , ...... ,,,. PECTORAL SYRUP. ; j frKM . n, . hnm. .nit mi Ana wrhohas doubts osn ln- 1 i n, vnin va nnwuinwn AT ANT TTVW Ta tviullyl I.TINfia WITHOUT OHARGBi BOB ALL TUOSB WUO NEED BIS MEDICINES. ATTEND TO YOUR 00LD8 A ease of Ave years' landing oured by DR. KEYBER'B PKOTOBAL BYBUP. PiTTMoaoH, Jan. 11, 1860.1 Da. Keraia: Mv wife has been afflicted with B bad eough and difficulty of breathing, for Ave or six years, which . (or aeveral veara hack, had araduallv Increased In violence, me complaint naa neon nereanary, ana eue had been treated by several physicians without any re lief. In tills state of hsr ease, I procured soms of your Pectoral Cough Byrup. ibougnt, us nrsi time, a miy osnt bottle, which relieved her very much ; J. then called and got a dollar bottle, which cured her xntlrely, and Bhs has now no trace Ol me former uieeaae, ipi w w ne... I would also slaw that 1 nsea ins meaiuns my- aeir ta a cold and eoneh. The medicine cured me by tak Ing one dote I exprea my enure minaruou wiui m medicine, and you are at liberty to publish this If you deairs to do so. . Alderman ruin wara. t ,o ,aca riTTXBUKon, H.Ti JO. iwt Da. Kivaia: Althouih not an advocate of Patent Medicine., in general. It aflords ma pleasure inueeonraa hia ta nnnmnl vour Pectoral BvrUD. As a medicine it u wall iih. tha attention of anv rjerson who aar In sny manner be afflicted with coughs, soldo and hoarsenea ol any bind, ana lor wo peculiar qnaiiuoauvu. .v movlng all that disagreeable sensation attending a as I havs been, more or lea, in my lire, anecieu wiiu ine severest of cold, and hoarsenea.. At times my throat would hecoms so closed as to prevent my .peaking above a whisper, and by taking a few doees of the above Byrup It would relieve me entirely. In ,iw,mm.n,lin. this medicine. I moat nnhesltatlngly ay that It is the best remedy I ever found, purporting to ours the above, nor should any family be without this remedy for disease, so prevalent. Your., mo.t respectfully, EDWARD J. JONES, Csshisr Cltisens' Deposit Bank. ATruazvviLLX. 0.. March 14. 1859 I have rued Dr. Kevser's Cough Byrup for a bad eough of several years standing, and can cheerfully say it is the best medicine lor ine asms wai i nave ever laacn. i. rr. tuus CM.. PRATT AND DR. KEVSER'S PEOTORAL 8YBUP. Da. Krrira Dear Sir. Excuse the delay of m artknnwiediriai the excellence of vour Pectoral Cough Syrup sooner. 1 take great pleasure In ssylng that it is all you ay it is. Jt tmoaua vie notee ow oy my oowyo and tha wont one I wai aver afflicted with: I have not tued more than one-half of t hs bottle, snd I osn and do wish that all who ars afflicted would give It as fair a trial as I have done, and they will be proud to say, "It is no quack medicine." I would not .oiler another such an attack for any consideration, or at any cost. I am con Aden 1 1 can breaths more freely than I evr did. I shall always acknowledge a debt of gratitude for inventing so excellent a remedy, xou are at uocny i w mj nam in this regard, aa yon think proper . r . mai l'. messenger uommon uouueu, jrnieiwrgu, a. Pittsburgh, May 11, 1859. N. B I am no stranger to my fellow-cl tlieni. and who entertain doubts can comult me personally. a. j. r. PiTrsaugflH. April 34. 1857, EE AD THB TRUTH. Da. Kcrsaa: I have a daugh ter who has taken several medicines for a bad cough, without benefit among them Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. T nnn-haud from vou a bottle of vour PEOTOBAL SYRUP, and before shs had used half a bottle she wa relieved. The secona douis ourea uer cuuraij- ui uer cough. JUlin uanini Boblnsrn street, Allegheny. PiTTnanxaH. December. 31. 1653 A GREAT CURB BY DR, KBYSER'S TBOTORAL bvriip.I live In Peebles township, Allegheny county. I had a coughing and spitting, which commenced aoout the 4th of Vebruary last, and continued eight months. I amninved the beat nhvsicians in tha country, and ay cough continued unabated until early in October. Al that time I was advised to try your PECTORAL COUGH BYRUP, whlcn 1 did, ana ener i naa laees one a was entirely free from Ihe coughing and .pitting. I had despaired of ever getting well, sod I think it should be known llisl Wis vaiuaois remeuy win uo iur vuicr wua. It has done InmycsM. Juua u. uiiua, i-eeoies townnip. ParroN T.. AprhV14, 18S7. A WONDERFUL CURB. Some time ago, an old neliihhnr of mine was verv llliWithabad oouih which every one supposed to be consumption. His relative. told ms that he naa uien every rcmcu j uicy ucaru ui without benefit; his brother came to MS mm die, ana all wen confirmed in the belief that he could not live. I had about ths third of a bottle ol your Pectoral Syrup, which I gave him, and It entirely oured him, to the aston ishment of all. What makes the ease more remarkable, is ths extreme age of the man, he being about elrhty years old. I have no aouDl tne recionu savea nie ms. JOUMM' UUINiB, DR. KEYSER'S PECTORAL BYRUP IN BLAIR8- VILLB. Please send ms another supply of your valu able "Pectoral Byrup." Almost everybody around u. haa the cold and ars inquiring for "Dr. Ksyser's Pectoral Byrup.n Wa have soldsixleen pomes last wees, ana ars new .ntlrelv out. Mr. A. Alter and Mr. P. Mailer, both of Blairsvllle, Pa., tell us they would not be without it in their fsmilles. In fact, all whs use it once want It again. Yours, re.pectlully, ' . Januaiy 30, 1860. ANOTHER NEW CERTIPICATX DR. KEYSER'S PKOTORAL BYRUP. 1 had been troubled wlthaooagh and oold tor several weeks so bad was It that I sould not sleepi 1 bad the advice ana prescriptions irom lores oi the best physician, in the city, wnom loouia name, out ao not do so. I nnaiiy proourea a pottio oi your rcoiorai Syrup, which cured me entirely. signed, " J. W. blMONTON, 230 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa , Jan. 9, I860. 'STOP THATOOUGHINa." 'How can I do Itr "Go to Keyaar'aon Wood street and get a bottle ol hlsoougb PactoiaL and if that don't ours you, your aass moat be desperate Indeed." This Is aapeolmen of ths colloquy one hears almost every day In cold oatchlDg periods of the year. And we can, from actual experiment, obeer fully eoneur in the ed Titer's admonition as above, for we have tried the 'Pectoral." in a aost stubborn esse, with entire success. Near two weeks ago we went to Pittsburgh, with onsol the most distressing, contrary, mulish, an subduahls coughs ws ever experienced since our advent upon this mundane sphere. We eonguM steadily and laboriously for ons whols week, in hopes of tiring it tut. but it waa no go. In fact It seemed rather to have ia- nroved bv practice, and to havs acquired strength.poten' cy and dUtreniMlity by Uis operation. In this stsgeof ths siege, ws oou jhed our way to Keytar's, 140 Wood St. procured a fifty cent bottle of tha 'Pectoral;" took it according to directions, and Id forty-eight hours ws were master of the field, the enemy having unconditionally surrendered, altar a Uriel bu nnsquai contact wiin formidable an adversary as Keyser's famous "Cough Pectoral." vrovmtvtue vupper, jeo. it, icuv. DR. KEYSER'S PECTORAL SYRUP Is prepared and sold by Dr. GEOROB H. KEYSEU, 140 Wood street, Pittsburgh, fa. . JU" Sold In Columbus by ROBERTS ft SAMUEL. rpOOTIIACnE HEITIEDY. A. BTJKK CTJTtK. Prepared and sold by Da. GEO. II. KEYBER, Price, 25 cents. 140 Wood St., Pltteburgh, Pa, TTT Bold In Columbus by ROBERTS A SAMUEL. ool!f7:2uwdum. i .. ,:: ... i ii: , Watches I Diamonds !l Silver Ware II A CHOICE A-SOUTSIKNT OF GOLD 1. and Silver Watches, in great variety. , , I am Agent for the Aaeaioa Watcb Co., and can sell then excellent Watches at manufacturers' pi loss, either Wholeale or Retail. ' : Come and choose from my beautiful dliplay of Dia monds snd other rich Jewelry. Styles new price, low. As to Silver Wars of sterling quality, I can show nsw patterns, very nrnnaiome - - Silver Plated Ware, Tea Salt., Urea. Walters, Castors, Basket. Pitchers Goblets. Knivss. Porks, Spoons. See. Then I have a supply of fine Tabls Cutlery, Pocket Knives, Rsiors, Ac, and many Fancy Goods suoh as are desired for prefects at such prices ss ars an Induce ment to ins purchaser. - r . wa. uuinn, No, 10 Buckeye Blook, , mar21 , North side Bute House square, G OLDEN Hil l' SHIRTS, . ... , . GOLDEN HILL BHIRTB, ' ' : ' GOLDRN HILL SHIRTS. " ' Ths pattern of tbess sblrtaare new. Tha Bodies, Yokea, sleeves snd bosoms are formed to tit ths persoj with eaas and comfort. The man upon earn one aesignsttng the sis msy be relied on as bein g correct, and each shirt is guaranteed well srsds. A full stock of sll qualities constantly lor sale ai ' sum, v Bov24. ... No. 29 South High stmt, STELLA SHAW LSI STELLA Ml AWLS 1 1 In all deslrablsoolors, and at vary great bergalES. BAin a nun, ' aprlli ' v.'' -No. t9 South High street, REPCLLANT OR WA'rER.PROOF CLOAK CLOTHS. Also, other makes ef Spring oioak Cloths, in ail aeeirsbia aixiuros Bindings, xge. Mis and Buttons to ms tea., - BAIN dc SON, . -.apjll..,;,. Ti.,;: flo, 23 g?ulh.flixUst. RrS'J J!! till .DO.rlVtJJe lull IUH (OosI qriO'ifi I tr 5 .'.'.O mi g EH g 84,, i O g . p-i i , .vit ltUM 91 4 0781J) b-lwt SECURE Hei'VousHeadcCche CURE Ji -tA MX By ths uss of these Pills ihe periodic attacks of Jfer- pout or Sid Etadaahe nay be prevented; and If taken at the commencement ol an attack Immediate relief froa pain and sickness will fee obtained. - They esldoa tall la removing ths Xauta and ; ecAs to which lemales ars so subject. ;. ; , , They act gently upon the bowels removing OotM Ml. " ". i ". ' i Tot literary Men, Studtntt, Delicate Female t and all persons of udmtarf habitl, they are valua , u a lamaMM, Improving the appetite, giving ton j tiger to the dlgsstiT organs, and restoring ths natur j elasticity and strength of the whole system. THB CIPHALIO PILLS are the resalt of long Inves ttxatton and earefully eondnotsd experimsnU, having been Is ass many years,' during which time they hare prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffer Ing from Headache, whether originating in the nervous system or from a deranged state of lis stoma cA. , . Thev are entirely vegetable In their eomposltlon, an may be taken at all times with perfect safely without Biking any change of diet, and ihtabtenct ej any dUaareeaUe tattt render U eatf to admnuter (Asm children. , SSirAKBuruvunianiaxiDi The genuine, have fire signatures of Henry C. Bpsldlng onsaohBox. Bold by Druggists aad all ether Dealers In Medlolnss. A Box will be sent by Bail, prepaid, on receipt of ths 3PxrJ.OGfj as Oonts. " j All orders should be addressed to II EI BY C. SPALDING, . 4S Cedar Street, New. Yark., THB I0LLOWINO ENDORSEMENTS OF . SPALDING'S CEPHALIC PILLS, WILL CONVINCE ALL WHO SUFFER, IROM HEADACHE, " THAT A L SPEEDY A5D SUEE CUEE 18 WITHIN THEIR REACH. At tktte TitUmoniale were untolicittd by Ma. SraLD ids, Ay ajora vnguetttonacne prooj oj ins tjp eacy of tail truly eoienHflo discovery, Masoimixa, Conn , Feb. S, 1SS1. , Ha. ErauiiKs. On- T tiava trfad ennp Cenhallo Pills, and like them to well that 1 want yon ta and ma two dollars worth more. Part of thsss are for the neighbors, to whom I gars few out of the first box I got from you. , Bond ths Fills by mall, and oblige Your ob t Servant, ' I . JAMES KENNEDY. ' HavaaroBD. Pa.. Feb. . 1B61. Ma. BrAimm. - ' Bra: t-t- . m,. .M knv r. t v-H P.Tltl .11 Pills, Ihave reoetved a great deal of benefit from them. ""mary'ann BTOIKHOUSB. Braoci Catix, HnwrwoTow Co., Pa., January 18, 1861. I H.O. BrAimm. aief Too will please and me two boxes el your Cephalic Fills. Bend Inem immediately. , i Jtespeouuliy yours, JNO.B. SIMONS. P. B. Ihave weed one bom of your J'Ule, and find VumeaoeUent, ' ' Bsixa Vinson, Obio, Jan. IS, 1801. Hawav 0. Sratmao, Bsq. Please find enclosed twenty -Ave cents, for which and ae another box of your Cephalic Pills. They ar truly the beet PiB have ever tried. Direct , A. BTOVErt, P. M., ' ' Belle Vernon, Wyandot Co., 0. BtvixLT, Mass,, Deo. 11, 18C0, n. 0. SriLDua. Em. I wish for some circulars or large showbills to bring roar Cephalic Pills more particularly before my custo mers, if you have anything of the kind, please and e. Ona ofm customers, who Is subject to severe Sick Headache, (usually lasting two days.) teas cured of an attacM en one hour oy your rvu, wnicn l seni nsr. RespectruliyyonTS, W.B. WILKBS RrTHouisrjo, Fbaxiun Co., Ohio, I . January 9, ltxil. ) HxxXT 0. BratDiwa, Ne. 48 Cedar St., X. T. DaaB 8ia: Inclosed find twenty Are cents, (25,) for which and box oi-uepnaiicr-nn." tend to addruss oi Iter. Its. 0. Filler, Reynoldiburg, Franklin Co., Ohio. Your Pille scorA Ui a tharmeura JleaiaeX el' most ieittanter. Truly yours, WM.O. TILLER. YniXASm, Mich., Jan. 14, 18C1. Ma. BrAUtoM. Bta: Net long sines I ant to yoa for a box of Cephallo Pills for the curs of the Nervous Headschs and Oostlvenea, and received ths sum, and they had to good an tfect that twaetnaueea to una for mote. Plsase sssd by r.'.nrn null. Direct to A. R. WHEELER, - ' YpsllanU, Mich. From the Examiner, Norfolk, Va. Cephalic PUla accomplish the object for which they were maas, vis,; uure oi oeauacne in an its rorms, Froa the Examiner, Norfolk, Ta. They have been tested In more than a thousand eases With entire From the Democrat, Bt. Clond, Minn. If you ars. or have been, troubled with tha headache and for a box, (Cephalic Pills,) so that yon Bay bars them In case of an attack. Froa the Advertiser, Providence, B. I. The Cephallo Pills are aid to be a remarkably effective remedy for the headache, and one of the very bast that very frequent eomplalnt.whlch bu ever been dis covered. . .!.(, . ; . v, From the Western R. R. Gaiette, Chicago, III. We hartlly endorse Mr. Bpauldlng, and his unrivaled oepaaiie rills. V from the Kanawha Valley Star, Kanawha, Ta. We are sore that persons suffering with the headache who try them, will stick to them. , ., (, From the Southern Path finder, New Orleans, La. : Try them! yoa that are afflicted, and we are cure that yonr teatlaoay oan be added to tha already numerous list that has received benefits that no other medicine can produce. , : j . . ' t . ; front the St. Louts Democrat. ' ' ' ' r The Immense demand tot the article (Cephalic Pills le rapidly increasing. , i " 7 froa the Gasette, Davenport. Iowa. ." ' ' . Mr. Spalding would not connect bis cams with an ar- ncie ne nm ant rruno w pnaweaa real mem, - ' try A ' slngis bottle of SPALDING'S PRBPABBB ... GLUB will save tea time its eoet annually .JJL n : SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I , !' ,' SfALDlNG'S PREPARED GLUE I " ! ' SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUB i IAT1 TH PIECES! auunuaii -, , JCT"A Btitob hi Ttitt Bavw Nixb.VC1I'.'i. " As accidents will happen, even In well regolated fam lllea. It la verv desirable to have some cheap and eon1 W f.nrmrwi -a . r,TBTDainm ' veatoot way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Oroeksry, ae. ' 'i i -i . i 'i. j i " SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUM meets all such emergencies, and no household cad afford lo be wtinoat Is. it u always resay, ana up w ue suck Ingpolnt, "" '' Ji- ' ' l "USEFUL IN IVEBX HOUSE." N. B. A Brash aceoapanlea each bottle. . ; cento., ' , Address, HEITBT f. BPALDINO. Mo. 48, Cedar Btroet, Mew York. cAunbN.'.' '',;J ",;',;, ,,; As esrtaia nnwrineiplad persons are attempting to film off on ths ansuspsetlng pablic, hniUUon. of my RBPARED GLUB, I would eautioa all person, ts ex amine before purchasln. and sec that the full name, , IJTSPALDINO'B PREPARBDOLUB.JI Is m ths o&Uids wrapper; all sthers an swindling eon' torfelta.1 .... nos , , TfTIDE MANTLE BAHAOE3, BOTH v v wmis aaa Buea. I aa aaastvee as B-fWa hi.'.) a.U'-.H vril! WBfc t.l ,VtU -"jU.I r?l (!' -i '(.'' v .1 --ivimi rn to , . ; -1 ' . i' . THE E3EAIEST mm DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. MR. KENNEDY, OP BOXBFJBYI has dlMorered In ons of our common pasture wesdl a remedy that cures Every Kind of Humor, FROM The worst Borofnla down to a common Flmplt. He haa tried It In over eleven hundred esses, and nsv sr failed exoept In two esses, (both thunder humor.) Hs baa now In hi. poaaeaion over one hundred certificates of Its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. ' Two bottles are warranted ta cure a nursing gore month. . One to three bottles will curs the worst kind of Pimples on ths face. Two or three bottles will clear the system ef bllse. Two bottles are warranted to care the worst canker In IhS mouth or stomach. Three to Ave bottles are warranted to cue the wont kind of Eryilpelaa. One to two bottles are warranted to cure all hdmorl the Eyes. Two bottles are warranted to core running o ths Mr and blotches among ths hair. - Four to six botles are warranted to core corrupt and running ulcers. Ons bottle will care scaly eruption of the skin. , Two or throe bottles are warranted to cure the went kind of ringworm. Two or tli res bottles ere warranted to cure the aost desperate cate of rheumatism. Three to four bottle, are warranted toeursalt-Rbeua. Fire to eight bottles will cure the worst case of scro fula. A benefit Is always experienced from the Arst bottle, a perfect ours Is warranted when the above quantity Is taken. ROXBORT, kf ABB. Daaa Manait: The reputation of the Medical Die covery, In curing all kinds of homors, Is so well atsb- li.nea ny the unanimous voice or ail who Hare aver nan It, that I need not say anything on the suhjsct, as ths most akillful physicians and the most careful Druggists In the country are unanimous In Its prates. In presenting the Medical Plaoovery to yonr notice, i do it with a full knowledge of Its curatlre power, in re tiering all, and curing most of those d Isaacs to which you are unfortunately so liable. That most excruciating diseaie to an affectionate mother, NCUSINO SOKE NOTJTII, Is cured as If by a miracle; your own temper Is restored to its natural sweetness, and sour babe from ahart and fretful naps to calm and sweet slumbers; snd tha Medical Discovery becomes a fountain of blessing to your husband and household. In the more advanced stages of CANKER Itcxtends to Ihe stomach .causing JJKHfA.a'HIA, which Is nothing hot canker on the stomach; then to las Intestina and KIDNEYS. creating a sinking, gone feeling, and an Indifference evea to tne cares oiyour ismiiy. a oar stomsch is . HAW AND INFLAMED, your food distresses yoa, snd yon can only take certain kinds, and area oi that your system aoee not get nan the nourishment It contains, as the acrimonoua fluid of the canker eats it up! then your complexion loses Its bloom and becomes sallow and greenish, and your best day Is gone. For went of nourishment your systea be comes loose and nanny, ana ins nbres or your ooay ps otime relaxed Then follow s train of diaaas which the Medical Discovery is peculiarly adapted to cure; Palpitation of the heart, pain In the side, weaknsa e the spine and small of ths back, pain of ths hip Joint when sou retire, irregulsrity of the bowels, and also, that most sxoruclaling of dteeasee, the PILES. How many thousand of poor women are suffering froa this disease snd pining away a miserable life, and their next door neighbordoes not know ths catue. I wish te Impress on your mind that good old provsrb,"An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure," In the fflEDICAL DISCOVERY yon have both the preventative and the cure, with this great and good quality, that It will never, nnder any circumstances, do you any injury. THE MEDICAL DISCOVERY ' la especlaly Intended for dlsesses of the blood, bat since Its Introduction in the Western Slates, it is found to be the best AGUE REMEDY . that was ever before the public. No change of diet ever Accessary eat the best yoa can and get enough of it. DiaacTiQNi roa can Adults one table spoonful per day Children over ten years, dsaert spoonful Children from Ave to eight years, tea spoonful. As no directions can bo applicable to all eonsltutions, take sufficient ts operate on toe ooweis twice a aay. . Yours truly, DONNALD KENNEDY. ' Price 1. 00 per bottle. For y every druggist la ths United States. wpSl-dawly. PROF. L. MILLER'S HAIR INVIGORATOR. An Effective, Safe and Eoonomieai Compound, FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR To its original color without dyeing, and preventing llair from turning gray. FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS, ' -And curing It, when there is ths least particle of vitaD . or recuperative energy remaining. FOR REMOVING SCURF AND DANDRUF And all cutaneous affections of ths Scalp.. . i t . FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR. Imparting to It an nneqaled gloss and brilliancy. Baking it soft and silky in its texture, and causing It to our' readily. 1 Tha great celebrity and Increasing demand for thla an. equaled preparation, convinces the proprietor that one trial la only neoesary to atlxfy a discerning public of Its mperior qualities over any other preparation in uas. It cleanses the hsad and scalp from dandruff and other cutaneous dlsesses, causing ths hslr to grow luxuriantly giving it a rich, soft, gloay and fioxihle appearance, and also, where the hair la looanlngaod thinning, It will give strength and vigor to tha roots snd restore ihe growth to boM ports which have become bald, causing tt te yield a re.h covering of hair. There ars nundreds of ladles snd geatlsmea In New York who have had their hair restored by ths use ef this Invigorator, when all other preparations havs failed. L. M. has in Dispossession letters Innumsrabls testifying to tha above facts, from persons of the highest redssoto bllity. It will effectually prevent the hair from turning until the latest period of life; and in oases where" the hslr has already changed its color, ths sh of the Invigorator will with oertainty restore it to It to its original hue, giv ing tt a dark, glossy appearance. As a perfume for the. toilet and a liair Restorative tt la particularly recom mended, having an agreeable fragraooe; and the great ta cilltlea it affords In drealng the hair, which, when moist with the Invigorator, can be dressed in sny required form so ss to preserve Its plsee- whether plainor In curls; hence ths great demand for it by the ladies aa a standard toilet article which none ought to be without,M the price places It within the reach of all, being , ;) ., Only Twenty-Eive Cents per bottle, te be had at all respeotabls Druggists and . Perfumers. . . i L. MILLER would call the attention cf Parents and Guardians to the use of his Invigorator, In eaaee where the children's hslr Inclines to be wsak. The ass of It lays ths foundation for a good head of hair, as It re moves any impurities that may have become conneoted with the scalp, the removal of which Is necessary beta for the health of the child, and the future appearance of its Hair. Oaonon. None genuine without the fac-stmlls LOUIS MILLER being on Ihe outer wrapper; also, L. MIL LER'S HAIR INVIGORATOR, N. Y., blown la the glass. i ., Wholeale Depot, 56 Dey street, and nld by all the principal Merchants and Druggists throughout tha world l Liberal discount to purchasers by the quantity. ' '"!) I also desire to pressnt lo the American Public my "'' ' HEW ABD " IMPROVED IKSTAITAsTEOVI LIQUID HAIR DYE, which, after year of arlentlfie experimenting, I have brought to perfection.' It dies Black or Brown instantly wtthoutlnjury to the Hair or Skin; warranted the best article of the kind la existance. - ' - "-- ,:. . PRICE, ONLY 50 CENTS. Depot, 56 : Dey St.,J New 'York. et8:dAtwly. 1 "J V""'"' V Ladies' linen Poeket-Handk'ij. , a HEM MED8T1T0HED LINEN HAND, kerohlefe. very wide hems. . Embroidered Linen Handk'l allprloes. ,' !'-.!.! I Hemmed Stitched and plain do, do. , , , . . do do' - colored border.' ' '' i,v''. Mourning do black borders - do . do ; . nswstylecroasllMbei. 'I -' Pins Apple do newpstterns. ' MlisePleln sod ITemined Stitched do all pries. , Comprising the most select assortment in the city aad, at loweat prices. BAIN A BON, fetal . ,i , i t No. 89 Booth High Street. , GENTLEMEN'S rVBNIsniNO GOODS. . ; -.. i :. Itiucit) Novelties In Neck Ties and Boarfs. - rr ,,: i ' " Byron and Garrota Collars. ... Embroidered Pocket Handkerchief. i Paris Kid Gloves superior make. . ,. Golden Hill Shirts, various styles. :t-'! " Boys' Goklsn Hill Shirts, do , Driving and Street Gloves, do ... - ' Hemmed Pocket Handkerchiefs, various llyUe. .', i Half lloaa and Under Garments. - 1 1 f ' 1 '" ' aprlU' No. 59 South High street. '' MINK MUFFS. TIOTORINBB and CUFFS we ere now aellln at van law Dries, alto all other kinds fM.hl.nabf. fura. .. - , ' Pf M BAN" . deOV It ; ,J ' ' W. aTUWW i5a a MALT EMI THBK Ik LACK HI a aw ,of elsgant quaUUe lor Ladles; .!, M1" 'u" igreat variety, ,, ... ; ,,, . : . ".TiZlt ii--oT i .-. s' - 'i'I jf'. t tt " ,.tf:li!-fHIoJ 0'll