?fPpr01fltoWtt J TUESDAY" EVENING, MAY Ut LOCAL MATTERS. TIia ArUms Exnress Company places ni flaiiy nnderobligaHonitoltforiheTerjiat8tpapon .-. from the eastern cities. j ft 1 " '-' The American 'Express Company bai our " thanks Tor its dally favor In the shape of the Very latest eastern papers Council Prookdinos. The City Council mot i ) last evening at the usual hour. The oontraot ' ". of Messrs. Glinn a Thrall, to do the City Printing for one year from the 10th Inst., was presented End approved. , Mr. BuTTLia, from the select committee on ' T GooJale Park, made a verbal report, statiDg In "" Substance that the committee had called npon 1 ' ' the Governor and other State officers, and in- f. .h..w ir ,h nnniin., tnn.Hfl vl -- " v t Park for a Camp, It must be npon their own re sponsibility, and stating also that the oommlttee had visited the Park, and fonnd it la a muah better condition than it had been reported to be; that not bo much iojury had been done to it as was at first supposed, and that the committee were using every exertion to protect the Park and the city property therein... An ordinance to grade and pave the gutters, i; anagraaeana gravei me aiaewaiics on rourtn v alley and Division street, from Now streot to J Poor House Line, was read the third time and . . .. PMMdl ' mr. dhitb ouerea a resolution, which was adopted, directing the City Civil Engineer to .u. -i.4 ..i .i . urvmrfj hue ucuddokij Mua aula vdviiumio iu(i . grading and paving the sidewalks aud gutters . ou me uuriu siuu ui o; guoei, uuiu uiguw Front street, and on the west sido of High street from Gav to S ortnrr street. rr,. n', l. " r.. . ,Uo uuuuwi .Uvu T.u..u,.Uov..UUu. ..v ' wood Measurers, to servo for two years irom two years May 13th, 18G1; whereupon Messrs. J. II. Woods and 0. Casc were elected Wood Meas nrers. Mr. SrAURiNO,as Superintendent of the South Grave Yard, submitted a report, showing a bai ... ance in bis hands of $115 19. "Mr. wilson ouereu a resolution, whion was laid over for one week, providiog that all . , oooonts, claims and demands against the city I of Columbus (hall hereafter be verified by af- - . . . I nrmaMOn, nuiees specincany allowed t.y tbe , council. The bill of Messrs. Glinn & Thsall, for printing from Nov. 30, 18G0,to May 2, 1861, In- elusive, amounting to $134 07, was presented j r l ... . ., and referred to the committee on Printing. : ' b The contract of John G. Bicxro, for grading and paving the gutters and crossings on the . south side of Rich street from Scioto to Canal I - street, and on the east side of Canal street from . men to rriena sireci, at tne loiiowing rates for exeavating and grading, 20 eta. per cubic yard; for furnishing and setting curbing, 18 cts. per square yard, was read and approved. The Council also approved a contract with John W. Huohis, for grading and paving the sidewalks, gutters and crossings on Oak street, from fifth street to Washington avenue, on the following termsi for .excavating and grading, ,15 cts. per cubic yard; Tor furnishing and setting curbing, 10c ts. per lienar foot; for paving gutters, 33 cts. per square yard; for brick pav- ing, $7 per 1,000 brick, and for flagging, 22 cts. per lineal foot. ' Tha Vote wherebv tha contract in relation to the Spring street sewer was rejected at tbe last mectlnsr. was reconsidered', and tho further eon' ' sideration of , tbe contract postponed till the ' next meeting. ' . . . 1 '' The Council then adjourned. O An unfortunate affair occurred at Camp Jackson this forenoon. ' One of Capt. Mosi's Company, by the name of Alixanpir, was on guard in tbe north-eastern part of the Camp. A man belonging to Capt. Coon's Company, of Dublin, In ibis county, attempted to cross the line, and was repulsed by tbe guard. . The at tempt to cross was repeated several times with taunts. The guard, supposing the man was not in earnest, turned his back and walked off on his beat. Turning round, he saw the man in the '.'i' ' act of .climbing over or crawling through the ' fenee, and stabbed him In the side with bis - bayonet, inflieting a severe and dangerous wound. 'The affair created considerable com motion In the Camp. We forbear oomment, as the matter will doubtless undergo Investigation by the proper authorities. ,. , O" While passing up street we met with sev , ,. i eral of our worthy Military Officers, wearing " their splendid uniforms, and after inquiring for the manufacturer of these roost beautifully " made suits, they told us they had them made at the well known "Capital City Arcade," super Intended by Mr. Marcos Chilps. These mili ' tary' gentlemen assured ns that Mr. Childs has the best and largest assortment of cloth adapted for military purposes, of any bouse in the city, (.. and excels all bis competitors In regard to low , , prioes and superiority of material. By institu- . ting further inquiries, we ascertained that Mr. Childi has made a great many of these nnl ' forms, comprising all offices: Colonels, Ma ' Jon, Captains, and First and Second Lieuten ants. . , The perfects t of these suits satisfied every ' '' one of these' gentlemen, as the cutter, Mr. - ! Montzib, at Mr. Chilps' establishment, has bad ; " several years' experience in France In getting up Military Uniforms. i For your own benefit, we would, from what " we have seen, advise you to go to the Capital Citf Axcui and leave your , measures for- Uni forms, as you will not fail to meet with entire '.satisfaction.' , . r4 ;' ' .' Niw Location. Messrs. S. Dotli k Co. whose advertisement will be fonnd In this pa i per,. have removed their Boot and Shoe estab lishment to the old stand of Messrs. NiilA - PiR,""bn the North-west corner of High and Gay streets,' Costomors and Dealers will find Messrs, Doru li Co. in possession of a large and fine stock In their Irne, which will be disposed of on advantageous terms to purchasers. ' A Caro. The Zinesvllle Blues, under the eommknd of Capt. Most, at Camp Jaokson, ao. knowledge with grateful hearts the receiptor " k timely present of towels from Mrs; Geo. M 'IPkns, of this city. The present was receiv ed by tbe Company with three rousiog cheers for the patriotic donor,,. ., ;; 51 , , ; i i : 1 ' - ILTThe Governor ' has appointed Gioroi A Willis, Esq., an additional' Inspector of freight and merchandise at Portsmouth'. ' . - ti Little Giant Not Douglas, nor Breck -'- inridge, nor even "Old Abe." but Jams Pile's Dietetic Saleratus, that In its own department possesses-more strength and purity than all of '-i ' ' 4 ii .i "L , . . . . - v ' lueu. u otner Kinas are pigmies to u.. i pot; 345 Washington Street, New Yorkj Sold ' by grocers everywhere. ' '"v I I 1 TELEGRAPHIC! TELEGRAPHIC! REPORTED FOR THE STATESMAN. From Washington City. r Washihoton. Mav'lkAiS Ji reported that martial law will be declared in. JJaJUmore la I day or two. Tin - j .. m.Uami nAj.i Commodore Boohanan, Jete of Washington Nary Yard, bai signified ble desire to recall bis resignation, but the Government will not consent M 5 ! . . i The Union men In Virginia who occupr the Congressional District on the Potomac, inclu ding Fairfax county, win run a candidate for the federal uongress. The latest news from that region states that Charles H. Upton, of Falrfai, agrees to rnn. .'". v.. r ; i ' A gentleman from Richmond lavs that 8.000 reDei (room are now stationed in tnat oitv. and mat io.uuu otner troops are soattered through Virginia. He also states that an attack will be made Irom the direction of Harper's Ferry on ine unitea Diates troops at tne Kelav House ana tnat uenerai i,eo, oommander of the Vir g'nla forces, threatens Western Maryland and Pennsylvania from the samelpolnt. These are 1 mere renorts. mere reports [Special to the N. Y. Commercial] Washington. Mav 13. Evidence that can be contradicted is proving to the Administra tion that treasonable operations are coins: on among the oitiiens of Baltimore. The Govern ment will take decisive measures to execute its authority In that city. The Union men must be "stained, "d Baltimore must be kept loyal to VESSEL f th.avth tt,.i't frw airy, admirably mountedare expected to arrive uereauring me present wees:. Washington, May 13. The Secretary of the ,eMurT iU8 "u? coiar to all colleo tors. inrvAvora and other oiucara of tha Cm. toms, precisely similar to that recently address led lo those on northern and Western waters relative to commerce with insurrectionary States, with the following additions: . , , . , ., 1 graph instruments, wires,, porous cups.'plati- dh, suipnurio aoia,.zincs, ana a:i otner teie- grJFnl materials. - .-.--.- - , , U.to actorily wcertained that the whole DnmDer W ln.v W " 3",. uuu, 006-10 neing in Kicbmond The ultimate direction of trooos now here and daily arriving Is a matter of oonjeoture, the Aaministration seeping it secret. No doubt that, among other vieorous meas ures determined on, Is the construction of from forty to fifty gun boats by coptract for opera tions in shallow waters. ' A Montreal firm 1 offers ' to . take a million i reasury notes at par. at the on i-sia [The World's Washington Correspondence.] An attempt ' was discovered : to-dav to poison a number of the 12th Regiment, of New . Several are now ill. n.ppear. that some sugar was used which contained arsenic. Washington, May 13. The Navv Depart ment expeots tbe ports of Charleston, Savannah, the month of the Mississippi, to be blockaded In the eonrse ot a week, i - , ... . The Goverriment contemplates the erection of earthworks at regular intervals along railroad i'ues leaning irom ine nortn tnrougn Mary- . p.lni. ' rreliminarv survevi are now makintr The Capital is now surrounded by a circle of encampment, controlling ail roads to Virginia BB" -rjiana. JfSS Too State authorities of Illinois were anxious to secure his services as General commanding the volunteer forces, but could not obtain the consent of the War Department, whose role not to detach any officers from the regular army, 'ew 01 tie formation of new regiments, will safe. 'and the reporto of an impending attack by the rebel troops without foundation. , ; . .The Pawnee know anohored at the main V"oi 1 the poA h.leT ShesT to itop interference with the free navigation of the Potomac, attempted several times within, the ,M' (ew da?" DT "e rebel garrison of the town. the secessionists. Washington, Mav 13th. General Butler has ordered ont parts of Colonel Jones' Camp at Relay Honse, to be extended, this P. M , some 10 miles towards Harper's Ferry. They will act in conjunction with an advanc ing foroe from Cbambersburg, whose operations will ne against Harper's ferry. ;; ; , l nese advanoed outposts are also intended to out off tbe flying rebels from Baltimore, who, it is supposed, bave attempted to escape from General Butler's forces. 1,000 troops under Col onel Jones entered the citv this P. M. i bis movement was made in consequence of reports that another attempt was being made to revive the war spirit in that oity , and to prevent tne passage oi troops ana destroy the Kail . ... . , . why ui the some of bave of eral the of of on and balls field inch [Tribunes Dispatch.] Washington, May 13. Mr.' McMullen has ust got In from Richmond. He savs there were 10,000 troops there, 10,000 at Norfolk, 7,000 at Harper's Ferrvi and others were nreoarinir to eave Richmond for the latter place. Business In these places is entirely snspend- ea. was this [The Post's Special.] Washington, May 13. Preparations Indicate that the Government is getting ready for a eon- test at Harper's rerry The World' t Washington special dispatsh says i Barksdale writes that he has company in virginiawnicn ne intends marcningon Wash logton. ' 1 -' forty cannon are planted at Harper's Ferrv. Tbe Pawnee is anchored off Alexandria. 1500 Alabama troops and twenty cannon were landed last night at Alannassa's Junction, en route to Harper's r trry. The Express V'upatck says the British Minis ter has applied for permission to ship certain productions, particularly tobacco, from Virginia to Ji,ngiana to mini contracts, but tbe Uovern ment politely declined. Part of the fleet has been ordered home from the coast of Africa. The best feeling prevails between, the ; British Minister and our Government. not tbe of to to ture in [Times' Washington Dispatch.] There are now In this eity, or within sieht of toe capital, aoout iu,uwmen... lien. Butler dined in Baltimore to-day. . No attempts were made to annoy him, and every eonrtesy was extended both to himself and his staff. The 69th bos been accepted to serve dur Ing the war. .. ..,i. twr or of of but Bmton, May 14. A special session of the Legislature ot Massachusetts met at coon to dy . : ': . . Uor. Andrew's message is exceedingly patrl otto, and gives a detailed account of the action of the commonwealth. He says this Is no war bf sections: no war of tbe north on the south j it Is not waged to avonge former wrongs; not to perpetuate anolent griefs or memories oi ooniiioi; put it is a struggle of tne people to vinaieace tneir own rights, tore' tain and invigorate the institutions of their fathers, and tbe maiostio effort of the national government to vindioate Its power and execute its tunctions, ior me weuare ana nappiness of tbe people. After speaking of financlal!affairs of the State, he says: Commissioners, with letters of credit for ou.uuu pounds, bad bees sent in April to fin rope to purchase the most efficient arms for the State, ana says wnen uongress meets tney wui doubtless relieve ns from paying , duty thereon. . . 1 .1 . : I .1 ....Lt!.L . Anotner lecnmmauuauua ia tun eiuiiou- ment of a State Encampment for military In struction.'"'. ' ,' : .' '- ' He recommends a loan to meet tbe expenses of the emergency, end suggests that scrip be partly iarueable in sums of 50 to 100 dollars, mat small capitalists may share in tbe Invert- mens. , -1 " i , , .Tbemeasage concludes bv saving heavy, re sponslbilltiee have fallen, in the Providenoe of uoa, upon tne uomnment and people, and they are welcome. -m..? t-,i,tinn,-ir.tu t'r-vn t. ' They oould not bava fiwn adfnt Mtnnnu1. They have not krrived too soon; I'fbey will sift snd try this people, all who Jead and all who follow i but this trial is given v as to revive our past, and will breath, the Insnlrnu of a aew life into our national oharaeter.aud re-as- UI UVUVIMUJ Vt U4 VOWU1Om )t. r f tive ass Official Account of the Terrible Riot at Louis—Condition of the City. St. Loots. Mav 13. An official atatemAnt nnh lisbed this morning savs tbe first firing at Camp Jackson, on Friday evening, was some balf dozen shots near the bead column of the 1st Kegiment, occasioned hy a volley of stones and pistol shots from the 'crowd. No one was hurt at IMS point. 1 he second firlnir occurred from the rear of the column guarding the prisoners. The crowd here was large, very abusive, and one man discharged three barrels of a revolver at lieutenant Saxon, of tha regular service, many of tbe mob choering him on, drawing re- luivoro ana nncg at tne troops. The man who commenced tha utt.arV then iaia a pistol across his arm. taklncr deliberata aim at Xiieutenant saxon, wnen ne was thrust through with a bayonet. He was fired upon at mjs same, time ana lnstantiv Kinea. The col umn then moved on. having reooived orders to maron, ana tne rear company being assaulted bv the orowd. and several of Ibem shot, halted and fired, eauslng the deaths already reported. The order was then given by Capt. Lyon to uease nring, wnion was promptly ooeyed. The prinoipal arms taken from Camp Jackson were four large sized howitzers, two tectinch mortars, and a large number or ten Inch ahel is ready cbarged, and some five thousand U. 8. muskets, supposed to be a portion of those taken from the Baton Rouge arsenal. Thousands of People left the citv venteriU afternoon, in consequence of reports of insubor dination among tbe German troops, and their threats to burn and sack the city; but theap pearance of Harney's proclamation in a ereat measure restored confidence, and many of those who left will orobablv return to-dav. Tha city la now quiet, and tbe highest hopes are entertained that no further disturbance will oc cur. Twentv-two persons are known to be killail camp Jackson, among whom are the follow ing, eighteen of whom have been identified! John Sweerkhardt, Casper H. Glencoe, John aierg. mos. A. llern. Wm. Jeenhnr. T I JODCi. P. nnne. F.rla Wrinht. Han. James McDonald, Walter McDowell, Nicholas" rvnaoiaoit, f rands Wheeler, Job Carter. Jas Bodsen, Emma Somera and Mrs. MnAnlirr Three of these were soldiers helonoinfr tn ,hA : ouuta-west exnea it on. ana were BMnc nr oners captured at Camp Jackson. Tbe city has been quiet and orderly to-day, uu ciuzens generally nave oeen engaged in their usual avocations. Capt. Totten's battalion of regulars are still quartered in tbe city, and will be kept here, as police commissioners consider their presence necessary ior tue preservation ot peace. The troops at Camp Bissell. near Casewilln. the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, are tbe itegiment or Illinois volunteers, under oommana oi uoi. JUOArtbur, 01 Chicago. The telegraph office was opened to-day, put tbe oamp in direct connection with St. Louis and all eastern points. The Evtnina Journal nublinhei a statement:. signed by Gen. Frost and his staff, explaining CampJackson was surrendered. They say there were onlv five rounds of ammnnltmn in Camp, and neither arms nor provisions enouzh to supply tbe forces, eight hundred men, under their oommand. . To bave attempted resistance, sur. rounded as they were by six to eight thousand troops, well armed and with every appliance war, wouia nave Deen mere suicide, and re treat was impossible.they being without means to transportation or provisions, and no credit of procure either, 1 bey censure tbe Stale authorities for not psjiog just military debts, so that proper sup plies could be procured, and pronounce Capt. Lyon's demand illegal, unconstitutional and wanton, trampling under foot the laws of our common country. It is estimated that ten thousand persons loft city yesterday. A perfect panio is racing in quarters, almost entire streets being deserted. Latest from St. Louis. St. May 14. The first four Reeiments United States volunteers, under command of Colonels lilair, Boernstein, 8 1 gel and Schuttutr, been formed Into a Brigade, under tbe style the First Brigade of Missouri Volunteers, and captain L.yon baa been elected Brigadier Gen GommanainK. General Lyon accepts this position and retains command of those Regiments bv authority tbe President. Emmet McDonald. Captain the Mounted Rifles, belonging to the south west expedition, having refused to swear alle giance to the United States, or accept a release parole, is still confined in tho Arsenal as a prisoner of war. Judge Treat, of tbe U.S. Circuit Court, was petitioned yesterday for a writ of hahtat eorpui, his decision Is anxiously looked for, as it will involve a Constitutional question which has been raised in reference to the capture of Camp Jack son. The following arms, in addition to those al ready enumerated, were seized at Camp Jackson : Three thirty-two pounders, a large quantity of and bombs, several pieces of artillery In boxes, i,2uu riues ot tbe late model, six brass pieces, six brass mortars six incb, one ten iron mortar, three six inch iron cannon, sev eral chests of new muskets, five boxes of caunis ter shot, ninety-six ten inch and three hundred inch shells, twenty-five kegs of powder, a Dumber of musket stocks and barrels, be tween thirty and forty horses, andja considerable quantity of camp tools. 1 be number ot prisoners taken to the Arsenal 639 men and 50 offioere. St. Lodis, May 14. Gen. Harney publishes morning an address to tho people of Mis souri, in whioh he calls attention to the milita bill recently passed by the Legislature; he regards as an indirect secession ordi nance, manifestly unconstitutional, and ought to be nphsld by the good citizens of Missouri. He says, whatever may be the termination of present condition ot things in respect to the Cotton States, Missouri must share the destiny the Union. All her material Interests point this result, and so important Is this regarded the great interests ot the country, that I ven tne opinion mat tne wnoie power or tbe United States Government, if neoessarv, will bo exerted to maintain Missouri in the Union. ' Speaking of Camp Jackson he says, that the names of Davis and Beauregard marked its main avenues, that a body ot men organized the interest of the secessionists bave been received there, openly bearing the dress and badge distinguishing the army of the so called Southern Confederacy, and leaves the people to draw their own inferences of the oharacter and nitimate purpose of the encampment. . He states, however, there were many good loyal men in the Camp, who were In no manner esponstbie for its treasonable cbaraoter. In conclusien be says, disclaiming all desire intention to interfere with the prerogatives the State of Missouri, or with the functions the Executive, yet I regard it mv plain path of to express to the people, In respectful decided language, that within the Cold and scope or my oommand, tho supreme law of thefers must and shall be maintained, and no sub terfuges whatever, whether in forms of legiela acts or otherwise, can be permitted to har or oppress the good law abidintr people of Missouri. i I shall exert my authority to protect tbeir persons and property from violation of every kind, and ehall deem it my duty to suppress all unlawful combinations of men, whether formed under a military organization, or otherwise. Halivai, Mav 14 The steamahlD Burooa. with Liimpooi dates to the 4tn,via Uueeostown 9th. has arrived. Tbe Perm arrived at Queenetown on tho 4tb. via Edinburgh the 3d lost. ... . Cotton sales this week of 90.000 bales. Market firm, all qualities advanoed 63-ic. T .J . rt" . 1 O 1-! t aircauHVUiis auu aruviniuiin nieaoy. ' Consols closed Friday at 919l. . LATEST VIA QUEENSTOWN. Mav 5. Cotton excited and an settled under Amerioan advices. Breadstuffst and Provision market Is also affected by previous advices, and ts unsettled and excited. : ,, ' - , Niw York, May 14. Another reeiment of New York Zouaves, now enrolled and fully equipped, ready for seivioe, aod auo another reelmsnt from uoeton, are ready to march at an nour'd notice. . A Washington dispatch states that the Presi dent aod suite took a tour of inspection down tbe rotomao yesterday. , .. . New York Bank Statement. New Yost!, May 13 Decrease la loans, 1 1.. 4i),b8: ao. deposits a,4i; increase of specie ntJl; ao. oirouiavion, j r , , ' iM!,:l . t'T.. ' Union Convention of Western Virginia. ' Whsclino, May 13. The Convention re-assembled at 3 o'clock. Tbe oommlttee on Credentials and Permanent Organisation reported John W. Moss, of Parkersburg, as President, with a Vice President from each county repre eented. The oommlttee was not prepared report at that hour on credentials. The time was occupied by members in discussing with con sidreable warmth the object of the Convention. J. J. Jackson, of Wood county, made a lone speech. He opposed too hasty and immediate aotion, and said tbey had come there to consult and advise. He considered the calling of tbe convention premature, ana wished to wait till tbe Ordirance of Secession was voted unon. Mr, Carlile replied in an eloquent and for cible speech, taking directly opposite ground saying it was no time for paper resolves. He wanted prompt, immediate aud decisive ao tion. Mr, Wiley, of Monongalia, took the floor, and in a speech of considerable length, favored me position or uenator jacxaon. tie was followed by Campbell Tarr, of Brooke county, who went in. for immediate division of tne etate. Tbe committee on Credentials reported, ad mitting the delegates from 26 counties to seats on tbe floor, r,zi Brooke, Monongalia, liar rison, Wood. Preston. Ohio. Hancock. Maon. i Tier, Jackson, Wetzel, Marshall, Lewis, Wirt, marion. Barbour, frederlok. Tavlor. Burke bt Pleasants, Roane, Gilmer, Upthu, Ritchie Doddridge and Hampshire. A motion was then made and cariied to ap point a committee on State and Federal Rela tions, to whom be referred all motions or reso lutions tend ne to tbe Obiect of the Convention ibe Convention then adjourned till morning, The ceremony of ralsine a Use on tha Cut torn House, which took placo at 2 o'clock, was a very impressive scene, ana was w tneneii h thousands. Several National airs were sung, and Mr. Carlisle delivered a feeling aud pat riotic address. A crowd has again assembled to-nigbt in front of the McLore Honse, and speeches are being made and are continually applauded. A large 4cicgwuii mi iuo isuureuuon irom some ot tbe tower river countiee arrived late to night. Speech by Col. Anderson. NlW York, Mav 13. A disnatch tn Rimenn Draper to-day, from Wasbineton. situ all the regiiueuvs eousiea ior tne war should be for warded Immediately. This d SDatch will be noted upon promptly. Col. Anderson visited the Board of Brokers tnis aiternoon. He was introduced by J. R. uanana, to which tbe Colonel renlied in suh- etsnce as follows : He said he was not in the habit of mabinv an...L.. U .. . L . . ... O opecvuen, uut uis reception oy tnem was so nat tering that he must say something. The situa tion be bad been placed In he would willingly have shrunk from, on account of the rennnnai. billty, but Providence bad placed him in the situation, and he had tried to do his duty. Since the fall of FortSumter.he had received very bitter letters from the South. of bis tefueal to link its destiny with theirs. He bad never written or said anything to In dicato that be would unite with the South. At the outset of the slavery troubles, he did sym pathize with his Southern friends, thinking there was too much Northern interference with the subject; that if slavery was an evil, it at tached to the South alone. At tho present crisis, neither eiaverv nor party politics had anything to do with the sub- feet. The question is Government or no Gov ernment, and he felt satisfied that when the present ordeal was passed, we shall be again a happy and united people. His address was received wlLh thn mn.l hearty cheers. He seemed very earnest through out and bis words flowed as if they came direct from the heart. From Missouri. St. Louis, Mav 13 It was reported in this city on Saturday and yesterday that General Harney disapproved of the action of Captain uyou iu reierence to tbe oapture of Camp Jack son. It Is anthoritativelv denied this mornlnc. He not Onlv approves Of the whnla nrncAedinir. but compliments that officer for the prompt and admirable manner in which he executed the or ders ot the Government. Kellable information from Jefferson City says ncariy an ine oDjectiooaDie features of tbe mil itary bill, whioh was debated during tbe secret session, had been materially amended; but when the news of the capture of Camp Jackson reached the oity, the amendments were Immediately reconsidered, and the original bill passed both Houses by large majorities; also, that no secession ordinance has been brought before either House, nor was such act contem plated. The Legislature has passed.and tbe Governor signed, tbe bill providing a military fund to arm mediate, inia lund will include tbe receipts from assessments for the years of 18GU and '61, auer me regular expenses or tbe government have been paid, a war loan from tbe banks or Individuals, a special tax of fifteen cents on the bundred dollars, and a million dollars worth of bonds. Ibe bill also authorizes the Governor to establish an armory in the Penitentiary for the manufacture of arms and munitions of war. Matters at Harper's Ferry. Harmsburo, May 13. A special agent sent from here has returned from Harper's Ferry. He reports 6,000 troops there, including 200 iveuiucKians, ana a company ot south uarolini ans. They had onlv one dav's nrovisions on hand, supplies from Western Virginia having uutiioui uu.imi two weeas more win exnaust the supplies in the surrounding country. Thev onlv recovered 1000 stand nf arms frnm the wreck of the Arsenal, and some of these are in bad condition. They cannot manufacture more man twelve nues a day. Tbey have only COO men this side of the Po tomac Tbey have not ereoted any batteries on tbe Maryland side, and show no disposition to erect any. All the preparations indicate defensive purposes on their part. They must retreat or be provisioned. This, however, does not oontradiot the proba ble advance of the main Confederate army by that route on Southern Pennsylvania, when Jeff. Davis discovers the impossibility of break ing n.n flnntl'j I!.. nnnJ U7..klJ. Baltihori, Mav 13. A train from Pennsvl- vanla came through this afternoon with mails and passengers. It was hailed with evident satisfaction by the people along the route, and as it passed through the city, msny expressions of welcome were given. - The National flag was displaced at various points of the citv to day, the prohibition having been removed. Tbe citizens nave Deen all day in expectation of the arrival of troops over the Northern Central Road, but thus far none have arrived. from Western New York. Niw Ton. Mav 13. Ned. Buntlin has ton.. dered a rpolment of 1 .500 Sharn-ahnnta. hnnt. Niw London, Mar 13. The renart that two privateers had been towed into New London, is not correct. , , Cairo, III, Mav 12. Several eomnaniaa of AricaDsas troops arrived at Memphis this morn injf...... ., , . i : . i lommenoinr to-dav. all boats caseins- this point will be slopped. No provisions er muni tions of war for the seceded States will be al lowed to pass. ' ' ' 7 ' .', . . . Niw Orleans, May 13. The Mexican war steamer Constitution, from Havana on the 6th, nas arrived. , Sugars declined JOc. " ' New Orleans 12's Quoted at W. reals: Sterl Ing exchange, V7 premium; exchange on new lore, xtQo premium. . , i : . 1 , 1 e ' Frankvort, May 14-The Senate vesterdav passed a bill suspending; the Civil Courts until January, and ordering all executions issued since January last to be reissued, returnable next Marcn. ' " Employment. ! nraiE 8TJBSORIBGRI. ItRAf.IKJn IM JL a Staple Articles will famish employment to lew ecuvo men to act aa ar.enia ior Ineur Bouse. J preference will be gives to those who are well acquaint ed In the district for which they apply. for which services they an willing So pay a salt ry 01 irom .,... . v 1 .' $600 to $800 psr year, and Xxpsnses. ; for farther partloalars address ' 1 i ,,i,ui,., ' ' W. B. MOEIHOTJBI It CO. " 1 ,. .! ..1 1. r v 3 ? hsme riaos, . SL)-d3o. 1 a : 1 Jersey 01tr X.J .' tilt d-;-;i 1 -' '' -r THE MARKETS. New York Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] NEW YORK, May 14. to - urket heTT tnd eomawa rule, lomri Mia of 9MO bbli 14 0: Kk$S 10 for Mptrfloa tate; 13 (HiW 85 for extra state; Sj 05 S lOforstiuerttDe Wiitsrn: S5 1745 30 for eommnn tn Mdlnm txtr wntenr, S;S (10(85 81 for shipping branda xtra Hon i,d Hoop Ohio. Canadian flour dull; wle, of tea Mils 5 2575o. ; BYK rLOUK-tteuly at S3 104. " ' : WUKAT rteolntlof &7.H0.1 bu.h: mmrkat thulA firm.. fair export demand; sales of 10,000 bash at $1 10(3)133 ior unmrakea Club! ai 84(311 25 for amber low: ai Ml ur no Biaie; i xnisi au lor winter red welter n) l 7! for choice whits Michigan; ! 2091 S3 for Oanlda state ii rorunicago spring. RYB quiet and ttaady at 08c.' ' BAULK Y dull and heavy at 5S3E05o. (JOHN receipt, of 5.050 hnih: market hetry andde cIIdIok; sales of 50,(100 bosh at S7$50o for old mixed Weitcrn, delivered. OATS heavr itllAXVifn, W.,i... ..j Dial. PORK market onlet anil aljiufv r ftnn m.i. f" u ior men, ana u xo ior ptline sen. quiet. OUT MKAT dull. LARD auleft and T.rv Aim ..I. nf irulKkla 0-31 J0P - , . uw VW,V R.Wp BUTTKB. In fair iinnnl at IfoaiS fn. Ohi ..j n OHEEHB steady at 4$fte for oommon to prime. - WHISKY market a aharia flrmar. aala nl Mill Kkl. .1 10l0),o. OkVJsa quiet bat Arm. ' BUOAB dulc auction sales postponed. MOLA88E8 dull. BTOOKS-better; Money plenty acd dull at 43 6 ner cent on call; Kxrhengs firm and more doing at I05k(3 myt; Brokers' Bills: Cn Ac R I 30; Q.l A Oh 9fX; III O strip 65 M J 13: Pao Mall 08; Erie S3) 111 0 bond! Mo 0's35X; Ky77. Cincinnati Market. There was somethlnir done In our crocenr market In. day, rather more than usual, lateiv for tha flrat bualneaa day of the week. Staples command the old poiltlou as in uie proauoe marxet ine oniv in nv in ravn ... Wheat: for this there was a fair demand and but very little was offered. The sales were mostly of the beet grade). Quotation! are nominally unchained, though millers are below the aiklngrato in their views from 2 io so. per bushel. Float was nearly negleeud, and tbe ji rum lawiy quoted lor superane are merely nominal. vorn, nye. uats and barley, are at last quoted. Cin. Com. May 14. Cleveland Market. FRIDAY May 10. FLOUB steady and arm: bat market without o Im porunt sales. 30 bbls. Michigan rye sold at S3: an4 40 bbls. Indianl white wheat, doable extra at 15 50. Will. AT steady, with sales 5 ears red from store at 1 io , ana inree can white at e 1 ai. OOBN quiet at 370. OAT8 sale 700 both from store at 55o. HIOUWINE8 sale 25 bbls at 14e. EQ03 are lower. Teeelpts continue large, and 'the stock 11 accumulating witnout any present prospect or an out'n. Bales are reported at a;io for poorly packed, lo for prime lols BUTTER ball. Sales 0 bbls good roll at lO'.'o, and bbls do st no. Philadelphia Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN]. PHILADELPHIA, May 14. Floor auiet 15 509583. WHtiT wanted:!! 40 I SO for white. Si 33(311 35 for red; UoRK in good demand 83c. WnuKT-dull at 1717Xo. STONE'SBAZAAR. . No. 4 GKvvnno Block. A. P. STONE & O'LTARRl AHENOW RECEIVING THEIH WIN TKK GOODS, and Invite the public to Inspect them. No such stock of Goods has ever been brough t to this market. The Sooth, in consequence of the failure of the grain crop, has not been able to purchase the us nal quantity of rich goods, and this fact has forced the Importers to sell then at public auotion. Oar buyer (sir. Stone) being in New fork at these large sales, took advantage of them, and we can and will sell our goods nere, at teas man any one wno purcnasea two weeks since, paid for them in New York. Our stock Is complete in every department of ELEGANT DRESS SILKS, OTTOMAN VELOURS, BROCHE VALENCIAS, PRINTED MERINOS, ' PRINTED COBURGS, DYED CO BUGS; BLACK ALPACAS, ORLEANS, FANCY WOVEN FABRICS, ALL WOOL DELAINES, POPLINS, PRINTS, DELAINES. SHAVLS AND CLOAKSI Five Thausand Dollars Worth Bought in One Day, At one half the Cost of Importation. LADIES7" FURS, In all Varieties, oi the Celebrated laannfatnre ef C. O. Gnn there etc Son. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. Hen's, ladles and Children's Under Shirts and Drawers; Ladies, Mine and Children's Hosiery of all kinds, in Wool and Lamb's Wool; Fleecy Lined and Cotton Gloves of every make. ALSO A complete assortment of all the nsnal varie ties of . LADIES' CLOTHS, CASSIMERE3, OVERCOATINGS, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, RIBBONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, Ladies and Gent's Linen Cambric Hand kerchiefs, Ac, &c. To persons who call on ns, we pledm our words to show them the lamest, best and cheapest stock of Goods ever seen in this market, or pay them one dollar per hour while looking. deol-dlytawltw. btunm a U iiAHrva. CANADIAN ft UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS to and mom 0ND0NDERRY, GLASGOW, Liverpool, Montreal, Quebec, and. 3NT3I37V7- The Montreal Ocean Steamship Company's first-class full-powered Olyde-hullt Steamers sail every Nat. tiraay from PORTLAND, carrying the Canadian and United States Mail snd passengers NORWEGIAN, NORTH AMERICAN, BOnKMIAN, ' ANGLO-SAXON, NORTH BRITON, BIBBRNIAN, CANADIAN, , NOVABOOTIAN. ' . Shortest, Cheapest ancKlalckcatCotia vevaacs arena , AMERICA TO AU PASTS OP ETOOPK , Kates of Paeeae to Xtarope, 630,860. SO. Win sail from LIVERPOOL every Wednesday, ana rrom vusnau every eaiuraay , caning at LONDONDERRY, to receive on board aod laud Mails and Paaaenrers, to and from Ireland and Scotland. JjThese Steamers ara built of iron, in water-tight compartments, carry each an experienced Burgeon, and every attention is paid to the comfort and accommoda tion or passenxers. as mey proceed direct lo lundun. DBRY, the gieat risk snd delay of calling at St. John's Is avoided. Glasitow passengers are furnished with na passage tlcaets io anu iroaa aionaonaerry. , Relura tickets granted at reduced rates. Certificates Issued for carrying to and brlnttlntrout pas sengers from all the principal towns of Great Bri lain and Ireland, at reduced rates, by this line of steamers, and by the WASHINGTON LIN Of BAILING fAOKITB leaving Liverpool every wee a. Sight Drafts for JCl and vpwarda pay' aoie an csssrsassaa ireiaaa, land, er Wales. for passage, apply at the Office. 83 BROADa WAY, New York and 19 WATEU 8T., Liverpool, BABEti IXbJUX, General Agents, Or to- J. R. ARMSTRONG. aolO-lydfcw Statesman OSes, Columbus, Ohio. DKESS GOODS, , . New and Attractive. MOZAMBIQUBS, i- TsAVBUNaPoPLINS, "' ' ; ' Chsmi Portias, ' u-'; . ' ;. Poil st Chkvsks, FtirtoH Chintzes, .-.v A , j- - 1 , Frchoh Mcslius, ; FMCH Oioandim, I . . , Chinksi Washino Silks, Elioaut Dans Silks', 1 ' - ..J , ' ' Htavv Bascure asm Maan-i.lt Sn.cs: And all other new and fashionable materials most In demand for handsome Dresses and Mantillas.' ' " : ! 'BATW AiSOW ' '"BJS v- No. ' South High street. And of that and thee for the an the so to the the a PE0F. WOOD'S -' mmm com AND BLOOD RENOVATOR I Is precisely what its name Indicates, for, while ipleaaant to the taste, It is rerlrifji ng, exhilarat ing. uivutoraiioK ana sireniuuniDi to tua ii.i 'powers, and at the same time rerltlfles, sein tales, and rene s the Blood In all lis nurltv. ana uiua at once rutortt ana rnan in tvium an. vuliurallt to attack ofalta. It Is the only preparation ever offered to the world, so chemi cally and skillfully combined ss to be tbe most powerful tonla. and at the same time so perfectly idapted to, as to act In Mrleot accordance with the laws of natuie. and benoe will oooth On Malum ttomach, and tone op the dleestlre orr.ins. snd: thus allay all nervous and other irritation. It H perfectly exhilarating, and at the nna time It la I composed entirely of vegetables, yet so combined. a to produce tne mosttnorousn tonic euect, with in chlt. ioP to out producing any Injurious oonseauenoea Bnch a remedy has long been felt to be a ueilderatum ine medical woriu, ror it needs no medical skill nrn.ail. ana InAmmA lava tha .v.lm Ann . a .K.fLJ v, Ihatrieli Ittv r.illnara all attack. nf i!i.a.u r-- - - i - J v,n... .u nic I f. Insidious attacks of many of Uie most fatal, such, !. W iur example, aa uis luuuwing; uousumpiion. In .lliva.llnn nu.i.anala. 1... r.f 1 ...... 1 1 f I .. . " ' ft""' """ -1" 1 MMvwm w. nJ.UW JiaiUUlOW. nervous irriuuiuity. neuralgia, x'aipllauon of thej Usart, Melancholy, Might Sweats, Languor. OidilU! i nesa, Retention of, as well as Painful obstructed, too nrofute. or too saint Menstruation, and Vail ing of the Womb. These al I depend upon general idehilltv. This nnre. healthv. tontii LMnliai ,mi Blood Renovator is as sore to care ss the sun tojW rise and set. There Is no mistake about It. But LJ . 1. 1 i- . - ii it .i. -. ..i. i. i. ww lull IB ail, ail. in, ajvivui w woaavilcu, we are open toDiiiousaiiacas, tne liver Becomes torpid, 'ij or worse diseased, the kidneys refuse to perform rl their functions, and we are troubled with acalriinn and Incontinence of urine, or involuntarrdla kharge of the same, pain In the hack, side and be- A tween the ehoaiuere, exoeedint ly liable to ellehtU colds, coughs, and If unchecked, soon emaciatlool 'ol lows, and the patient goes down to a premature aa grave. But space will not allow us to enumerate 1 1 tbe nisny Ills to which we are liable In a weakened V condition of the system. But we will say, In this Cordial and Blood Kenovator you have a perfect. U safe, pleasant and effectual remedy for loss of J Appetite, Hlliousnees. flatulence, weak and sckiw iuuii;ii, uaiiKuui, aii.cr vuuiiiaiui.( villus anil Pever. or anr Billons attack. Coatirenesi. aclrilta ui vue oiuioacn, .vrTOUiuena, neuralgia, I ai pi la I , tion of the Heart, re ssion of Bplrils, Biires. M Pimples on tbe Face, or any distase arising from sal mpure blood, surh aa Scrofula, Erysipelas, Urnn I 'hit a fllnnoh. -1irr..ulltf nr Kraathlnw. anil all Ih.l O'xiaas of diseases called female weakness, and, lenumerated above. We will also say the traTeierj -t -r J - f" - " I caj-uacu ui epiucmicaj oiiano ui unmaie Mill WM-- ler, win una it a pleasant, aaie ana sure remedy ana none snoaia ever travel witnout. neaiier trv It. for we ataura tnn vou will find In It a friend indeed, as wen as a friend in need, aupersonsot . - - , - - - r .v: : sedentary habits will find it a perfect preventive ol as well as cure for those ailments to which they ara, particularly exnosed. Hence minlstert,studenls,at torneys, literary gentlemen ,and ladies who are not accustomed to much outdoor exercise, will find it o their advantage to keep a bottle conitantly on lhand: and, above all. mothers, or these becoming such; will go through that most dangerous period not only win all their accustomed strengin, oui are and free from tbe thousand ailments so prev alent among the female portion of the world In short, it la Indeed a mother's cordial. Try It. old andoong; no longer run the risk of delay; it will relieve and prove Itself emphatically a Uutora tint Cordial and Blood Iimovator. O.J. WOOD, proprietor. -144 Broadway. New fork, and 114 Marke t Street, St. Louis, Mo., and sold by H0BKRTS tt BAMUBL, Columbus. Ohio, and all good Vrufaistsi Price One Dollar per Bottle. march'Ai-dfcweowly j THE ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, And grows more and more popular every dayt testimonials, new, and almost without number, might be liven from ladies and gentlemen in all arade. society, whose united testimony none oould resist Prof, Wood's Ilair Restorative will restore the bald gray, and preserve the hair of the yontb to old age, inallitsyonthlul beauty. Battle Greek, lllch., Deo, 31st, .1858. Paor. Wood: Thee wilt please accept a 11ns to Inform that the hair on mv head all fell off over twenty years ago, caused by a complicated chronic disease, at tended wlin an eruption on uie neaa. A continual course of suffering through life having reduced me to a state of dependence, . 1 have not been able to obtain stuff caps, neither have I been able to do them np, in con sequence of which my head has suffered extremely from cold. This induced me to pay Briggs Ac Hodgea almost last cent I bad on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Hair Restorative, about the first ot August last. I have faithfully followed the directions, and the bald spot is now covered with hair thick and black, thonih short, it is also coming in all over my bead. Feelinr confident that another large bottle would restore It entirely and permanently, I feel anxious to perseverve to its use. and being destitute oi means to pnrcnase any more, would ask thee if thee wouldst not be willing to send me order on thine agents for a bottle, and receive to thy- seir tbe scripture declaration "tne reward Is to those that are kind to tbe widow and the fatherlfw." Thy friend, , SUSANNAH EIBBT. Ligonler, Noble Oonnty, Indiana, Feb. Sth, 1859. Pitor. O. J. Wood: J4arSir:ln the latter part of year 1852, while attending the State and National Law School of the State ot New York, my hair, from a cause unknown to me, commenced falling off very rap idly, so that in the short space of six months, tbe whole upper part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of its covering, and maeh of the remaining portion upon the aide and baoe part of my head shortly after became gray, that you will not be surprised when I tell you that up on my return to the State ot Indiana, my more casual acquaintances were not so much at a loss to discover the cause of tbe change In my appearance, as my more inti mate acquaintances were to recognize me at all. I at once made application to the most skillful physi cians in the country, but, receiving no assurance from them that my hair would again be restored, I was forced become reconciled to my fate, until, fortunately. In latter part of the year 1837, your Restorative was re commended to me by a druggist, as being the most relia ble Hair Restorative in use. I tried one bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that it was producing the desired effect. Bince that time, I have used seven dol lars' worth of your Restorative, and as a result, have a rich coat of very soft black hair, which no money can boy. i Aa a mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill In production of so wonderful an article, I have recom mended its use to many of my friends and acoualntances, who, I am happy to inform you, are using it with like effect. Very respectfully, yours, A. M. LATTA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot, 444 Broadway, and sold by all dealers throngh out the world. The Restorative Is pot np In bottles of three sites- vis: large, medium, and small: the small holds M a nlnt. and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per cent, more In proportion than the small. and retails for two dollars a bottle; the large holds a quirt, 40 per cent, more in proportion, and retails for $3 Dome. O. J. WOOD fc CO., Proprietors. 444 Broadwav. New Tork, snd 114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. AndsoldbyKUBBBTS tt SAMUBL. Columbus. Ohio. and by all good Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. spriii:dKweowi.r. MRS, WINSLOW, An experienced Nurse and female Physician, presents to ine attention ot mowers, ner SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, which greatly facilitates the process of teething, hy soft ening the gums, reducing all Inflammation wil 1 allay ALL FAIN andlpasmodio action, and is 8TJHE TO KEGUJL ATE THE BOW EL.8. Depend npon It, mothers, it will give rest to yourselves and BELIEF AM HEALTH TO Y0TO INFAH18. We have putupsndsold this article for ever ten years. snd CAN SAY, IN OONFIDKNCK AND TRUTH, of it what we have never been able to say of any other meill olne NEVKR HAS IT FAILED, IN AB1NGLK IN8T ANCE, TO EFFECT A CURE, when timely used. Nev er did we know an instance of dissatisfaction by any one who used it. On the contrary, all are delighted with its operations, and speak in terms of commendation of its magical eneout and medical virtues, we speas in wis matter "WHAT WE DO KNOW;" after ten years expe rience, AND PLEDGE OUK REPUTATION FOR TUB FCLILLMENT Of WHAT WE HERE DECLARE. In almost every instance where the infant is suffering from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes alter tneeyrup is aummisierea, This valuable preparation Is the prescription of one of the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NURSES in New England, and has been need with NITER FAIL ING BUCOR89 In i THOUSANDS OP CASES. ' It not only relieves the child from pain, not Invteor stes the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy ts the whole system, al will almost in stantly relieve , . . .':,..; , OBlPJta DT THE B0WKXS, ASD WIND COLIC and overcome convulsions, which. If not speedily reme died, end in aeaui. we neneve k tne bkdi and SUR EST REMEDY IK THE WORLD, In all cases of DV ENTERY and DIARRUOU IN CHILD EEM, whether it arises from teething, or from any other cause. Wa would say to every molherwhohasa child suffering from anvof the foremlns complaints DO NOT LET YOUR PREJUDICES NOR THE FREJCDIOB80F OTHERS staad between you and sour aufferins child, aad the re lief that will be SURE yes. ABsOLUIELY SURH to follow the ase of thismedlclne, if timely ssed. Full di rections for using will accompany e.vh bottle. None genuine unless the fac-elmlle of CURTIS fc PERKINgj New York, to on the outside wrapper. ( Bold by all Druggists throughout the world. i Principal Office, 13 Cedar Street N.T. PRICE ONLY 35 CENTS PER BOTTLE. tKtST-dfcwlr 1 V" VIA:, ... I by or he ro a I 1 1 :---w8 For all THROAT and IiDMO COMPLAINTS Incladlnf WIIOOPINU COUGH, aad srtrr Complaint ttao foreran ner off and OTn actiial COIfSCBIPTIOIt. UNIVERSAL COUGH REMEDY. HUN 1TZ WELL'S The Oreat NEIIIIAI.. OIC KF.IflKHY sand Nat. ural OPIATK, adapted to every specie of Ner. veet omplalnte. Ner vous aad Cnronle Headache, lihenmN. tlanta Catarrbt Tooth and Ear Ache. tti T0LU ANODYNE. Sleeps and Bowel Com plaint. No real Initlm an K tnn. ,ha akin .m..hm.. bat by nrocnrlnv ami .mi.. ..-inii. . OS found With all dealara. ..lll KanC h. D. I.L. on demand. Vormulaa mil irn.i iiuhim n di.- oians, who will find dsvelonmanta In hnth worth, th.lr acceptance and approval. Correspondence solicited from all whnaa ncaaiti.a nr oariosity prompts to a trial of the above reliable Heme dies. tor sale by the usual wholesale anil ratal d.at.v everywhere. JOHN JL. IIVNNEWELL. Preprleto . CHIaflST AND PHAlll ACIOTIST, Vo. 9 Commsroial Wharf, Boston, Kass. Itnhavt. a. a. 1 ar B f 1. T , n . .. Denhr. Q. Dsnle h. Bona. A. J. Hnhaella At aim 1..-.1. for Columbus, Ohio. myl-dlr NEWARK MACHINE WORKS, NEWARK OfllO, rflannfactnrers f all kinds ol for- saute ana Ntatissnary Steam F.n Rlnea, saw Ullllm, urlat I'll I la, eVc.a Arc. LANK BODLKY Beatmt n. A t. SLAXD TBtntenl J. AJ. II. JVTAIL Btattitltt COLUMBUS MACUIXS CO. Btatmll II BRADIOBD A CO. Btatmll lit Our Portable Engine and Saw Kill Was awarded the ttrst premium of 150 at the Indiana State fair for lc60 over Lane fcBodlej's on account of Price, lightness, simplicity, economy -of fuel and superior character of lumber sawed. Our Stationary Inline was awarded at iha aama Valr the first premium of fftJO. Our Portable Ingine was awarded the Drat prmnlma of IM) at the Fair at Memphis, Tenn., over Blandy's Du vall's, Columbus Machine Go's., and Bradford Ac c: a oommlttee of practical Railroad engineers. a ui jii ii.c auu terms auareas M , W1LLARD WARNER, Treasurer, decS-dfcwlyeols. Newark, Ohio. GREAT CUtlB. DR. ICELAND'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC BA1W IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Bheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia, AND A 8(JRKCURB FOR All Mercurial Diseases. It is a conveniently arranged Band, containing a med icated compound, to be worn around the Waist, without injury to the most delicate persons; no chanae In habits ot, living is required, and it entirely removes the dis ease from the system, without producing the injurious effects arising from tha use ot powerful internal medi cines, which weaken and destroy the constitution, and live temporary relief onlv. Bv this treatment th. m.i. Iclnal properties contained In the Band come in contact with Ihe blood and reach the disease, thron.h th.nnr... tne skin, euecting in trery instance a perfect cure, and restoring the parte afflicted to a healiha-mnitiiinn. This Band is also a mostpowerral Am-MiRctmiat. aeent, and will entirely relieve the system from the perfusions effects of Mercury. Moderate cases are cured In a few days, and we are constantly receiving testimonials of its efficacy In agaravated eases of long standing. Frics $2,00, to be bad of Druggists generally, or csn sentby mall or express, with full directions for use. any pari oi tne country, direct from the Principal Office, , Ho. 409 BB0ADWAY, Hew York. G. SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors. N. . Descriptive Circulars Sent free. H7 Agents Wanted Everywhere. mh391yisorlstp.daw TO BUSINESS MEN. A. Kll EXCELLENT ClliWrr. roir reliable business men to secure a nmtiiahla a,,.. racturina- business, reaulrlna- bat a amall ranit.i in n. establishment and prosecution. The manufacture consista In the application of a pe culiar composition or enamel to common red bricks, and variety of other bnildins material, ornamental archi tectural noisnings, ceilings, tiles for doors aod for roofing. This enamel may he tinted of anr color, from the purest white to the deepest black, with all Ihe colors and shades between. It imparts to the articles to which la applied a hardness and durability almost Incredible, and a beauty surpassing that of the rarest aod most costly of the variegated marnles, and, unlike them, is impervi ous to moisture, and will never fade, stain, or deterior ate, costing but a fractional part ot the price of ordinary marble, . , It is also valuable for table and stand tops, mantle pieces, monuments, and an endless variety or other arti cles of staple use. The process of applying the enamel Is simple, while the articles enameled will command a ready sale, affording large proftta. Rcsponible parties may procure licenses for manufacturing under the pat ent for any oity or prominent town in the United Htates, by applying to the subscriber. A small tariff on the ar ticles manufactured will he required for tbe use of the Invention. Circulars giving full particulars will be for warded to all applicants. The superior merit and beauty of this enameled build ing material to anything in use has the unqualified in dorsement of many of Uie most eminent architects and scientific men of this and other cities. for particulars add resa JOHNSON PBALL, General Agents for Eaameled Building Material, spO d3m. SJ NASSAU SI., NEW YORK. FIRST f OPENING OF THE SEASON OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS -A.T J. ROSE'S. I AGAIN OFFER TO THE MTTfl.IC an entire new stock of Goods in my line, 'ust porch, ased In New York at the cheapest panic rates.all of whioh shall sell at the smallest profits, for Cash-. My custom ers and friends are respectfully invited to call and exam ine my Goods and Prices, as I am determined to sell as cheap or cheaper than any other house in the eity; and aa I do my own Cutting, and superintend my own busi ness, I feel assured, from my long experience-ia busi ness, to give general satisfaction. The finest of . work men are employed, and all work done strictly to time aod on short notice, and warranted to fit. Btrangers visiting our oity would oonsult their interest by giving me a call before purchasing elsewhere. r. ROSE, Merchant Tailor, merchSO dly ,. Oor. lti.h and Town sis. SPRING CLOAKS AND DASQINEN t NEW STYLES Halu it, Son. No. ituSuuth High street, have just opened new styles of Cloth Cia onuas. UaaQuiKM aad Bacnsa, made in the newest and most stylish ruannei. Also, supers rialn lllnck sllka. very heavy, dsslgued expressly for Mantillas and Baaquioes. : . . , aprilS The Celebrated " Horse, Cruiser, IMPORTED THIS YEAR- FU01TI Eogland, by JOHN S. RAREY, will stand this sea son atthefaraa of Wm. H. Rarey, Oroveport, Ohio. Cruiser is f the celebrated Venison stock of England, and was sired by old Venison, the winner of the Derby race In 1813. Venison proved himself the stoutest horse of his day, having traveled en foot in one year, when only three years old, nine hundred miles, and sua four teen races, aad one twelve. Cruiser was bred by Lord Dorchester in 1839; sired hy Venison by Partisan, by Walton, out of Parasol ty Pota toes, eon of Eclipse. Cruiser's dam was Red Rover, by Tramp, out of Syntaxlna, sister to Syntax, sire of Bees wing, tbe dam oi Mew Minster, the most valuable stallion now in England, snd stands at fifty guineas (0). Thoroughbred' mares, One Hundred Dollars. A liber al arrangement will be made with farmers of the neigh borhood wishing to pat common bred mares. IO Msrm from a distance will be laksn care of. ' may 4-e)fcw3t EinnrEwzu'i agg4ai 1 r-T-'iam rra.