filf(l)l)W WEDNESDAY EVENING,. MAY 15, 1861 LOCAL MATTERS. a,i, , Comnantolacesnsdalh The under I rum Ibo eastern oities. The American Express Company has our thttnka lor Its daily favors in the shape of the mry latent eastcrp papers. ILTTlie number of troops at Camp Taylor,! Cleveland, yesterday, was 3,623, Several com. panles at the Camp have signified tbetr willing dobs to enlist for tho three years' service. ir-nr- .11 n o..u.w iuu nuu, c.j.iuu ". Smith, let peace bo your objoot rather than trl - umph. Value triumph only as the means of natc r n n,.nlann la local.,.! nn tlm wmU" r ..!.- Tt..i. ,, -i viuo ui tug uuib juiami river, ui , . ... . i . t e irom Cincinnati, ana aoout one mue norm ui Milford, In Clermout oounty. It is situated on rolling ground, and amid pleasant scenery.- lucre are aooat cigui niuunuuu iruua uuw iu the Camp. Camp - Jackson. Capt. Abbott's Company from Sidney, consisting of 73 men rank and file, ,. . , ,rf. iL,,r . The issuing of rations and utensils for cook- log,' at the camp, was commenced tms I -,,.,-.-. - I lUICUUuUt I The mm who was bmonetcd vesterdav bv the .1 rtf. u ,.nnrlnff frnm th .f. h.n. tuniurlni, with thn HAntinel. ITa ran. I not, therefore, complain of the punishment he reoelved for bit recklessness. - 1 I I I I I I I I Tut Bucorc Ilooai, The following compli ment to mine host Dolson, of the Buckeye House, in this city, is well deserved. The mem bers of the Legislature who sojourned there during the session, have testified to what we have long known, and that la, that Ask Dolson I "knows bow to keep tavern:" ., HOUSE OF COLUMBUS, May 13, 1861. A. VV. Dolson, Esq Dear Sir: Please ac cept from us our best wishes and kindest re cards for the many favors and marks of kind ness we have received at yonr hands, and for the even and plentiful abundance that has in variably been served to us at your house for the vv .hB.i.y !Lfc r h6 ' Jilt th- "ni 1 ' I pleasure the "Old Buckeye ' XbS.TnnlK; final, luur uiumuB remember with llouso," and as bdu iu an nuniau prouauiniy win uuver an meet j . i, i LM!. : 1 1 - ,. . torether ar-ain. wo take this ODDortunitv to hiri " . - . . . . i you gooa Dyo, ana wisu you many aays or nap. piness in this life, and a good "wide berth" in the "spirit land." Remember us kindly to Mrs. Dolson, of whom we shall often speak, and all remember wben far away from the borne made pleasant to us. Yours truly, E. JramnLi,, C. L. Nobli, Joeim Thompson, T. K. Jacobs, J. W. Watt, Dknnis Oo, D. Van Voomhis, . Townbkno Gone, P. Kinnidv, Davis Johns. be SlCOND QUAIITIRLY RirOAT 0V THE OsPHAN's Home or CoLomos.-Durinff the past quarter lour children have been admitted to the ilome, and we have bad numerous applications for the admission of others, but owing to onr limited means, and the applicants not being whole or phans, it was thought best not to admit them. During the quarter eight have been sent to A , K " w uccu bcui w in intellect or are physically unable to take oare of themselves, which renders their stay at the Home a positive necessity. TREASURER'S REPORT. Balance on hand at tha close ot tha quarter end log Feb. 6, IfGt. ejii ju 1 Receipts for tha quarter Total Disbursements Balance) In Treasury For taxei on property Interest on tue debts of property- sol 72 9546 08 I ,.m sa .. 151 36 .. 1D3 3! .. 46 Hi Actual expenses of th Home for quarterjb75 20 CASH DONATIONS FOR THE QUARTER. Mrs- J.' W. Andrews, $5 00; Mrs. J. S Hall, $G 00; Columbus Typographical Society, $11 M. DONATIONS OF CLOTHING AND PROVISIONS. From Mrs. Case, Mrs. Kilbourne, Mrs. Cham pion, Miss Medbury, Mrs. Gray, Mra. Clark, Mrs. Hunt. Milk Mrs. fell, Mrs. Cham ANNUAL SUBSCRIB ERS. Judge Bates, Mrs. Bates, Mrs. S. E. Sam uels. Mrs. John Jones, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. T R. Wins. Mrs. Dr. McMillan, Mrs. J. J. Fer- son. Mrs. J. R. Pan), Mrs. Smythe, Mrs. S. D Harris, Mrs. B. E. Smith, Mrs. A. M. Denig, Col. John Noble, Airs. G. Robinson, Mr. S. Loving, Mrs. A. W. Avers,- Mrs. D. Cole, Mrs. B. Cole, J. F. Birtlett, Mrs. Bartlett. In presenting this report, we make one more apneal in behalf of the desolate ones entrusted to;our eare, and we trust even in mis time oi great excitement our cause snail not oe torgot ten, and that we may receive material aid that shall lighten the burdon we nave taken upon USi MRS. S. A. FELL, Sec'y. 117 While passing up street we met with sev eral of our worthy Military Officers, wearing their snlendld uniforms, and after inquiring . .v. r..,.,.A. Aftt,. -,n.t h..,tifnii. ,ur tuo iuu,,. made suil8they told us they bad them mado at the well Known capital iaty Arcane, super-1 Intended by Mr. Marcus Child. . These mill- . m f.- I tary gentlemen assure: us tua, mr. vh.u. u. the best and largest assortment of cloth adapted lor military purposes, ot any uouae.m mo vity, and exoels all his competitors in regard to low prices and superiority of material. ' By Institn ting further inquiries, we ascertained that Mr. Childi has made a great many of these uni forms, comprising all offioes: .. Colonels, Ma ion, Captains, and First and Second Llenten ants. . i- ; Tho perfect fit of those suite satisfied every one of these gentlemen r as the cutter, Mr. Moimn', at Mr. Childs establishment, has had several years' exporienoe In Franco in getting np Military Uniforms For your own benefit, we would, from what we have seen, advise jou to go to the Capital Cily Arcade and leave your measures for Unl forms, as you will not fall to meet with entire satisfaction. i- : Rail Road Time Table. Lrrru Miami is Osldhids fc ZnriA.B A. ' ' -- LeTs. l Arrives, OtnclnnaU AooammOdatloii, 11:00 A. M. ' t:05 P. H. Ixpra 11:50 A. M. 11:10 A. M. Hall Aoeomniudatlon.....: 1:30 P. M. ' 5S P. M, Might Kxpnea via Daytoa.ix:00 midBlaht. J.20 A. M. r !) o. W. Duuxuti, Agent. OOLUMSeS OLtVSLAlTD B. R. Night lxpreea. .......5:40 A.M., 11:45 P.M. New Tork Exp res 11:10 A.M. - 11:10 A. M Mail and Accommodation.. :M p. M. 9:10 p, M ' J luu soii, Agent. OwmtAtOmo B. B. No. 1 lipresr ."S:30 A. M. n A. f. 11:45 P. M Ho. oo Mo. da. A. Ha 3:10 P. U. : 4:50 A. U r . . . v w asu, Agent. Prrmuafll, Ooumacs St OincnmaTt K. B. MaU Train 8.30 A.M. 11:38 A.M. Ixpraw Train. ,........"....11:18. H: . M. Jo. BoiiNaoN, Agent, . CoLtmrnm t Isoiasomih, 1. R. ' : OOLOMIU PlUOA At IKOUMA B. It. , No.l Sxprei iiw A. M. 150 r, it. No. 8 " .. 3:U0 Jr. M. e:w r. m. Aooosnmodation ),-,.', 1U:40 A. llE"T ft PAPKH COLLARS AND VJI Neclc Tla.,.. .... . , , Bandiosn anil economloal. Also,. iik Ties', :;:::;'--:'V, ' - ' L,nrn ftnllars, " ' ' '. "" - llmlf Hose, " - - urawtiitAo. bain k ton, aprte X. 99 SoUtb Dih ptnst. TELEGRAPHIC! REPORTED FOR THE STATESMAN. From Washington. "wuugmuunrpwrry D8 untier- ""iwicnont a simultaneous advance of stronn- . New Yonw. Ma U Tha tTLTm ", Wanh fngton dispatch states, from a reliable source, inat we saored remains ot Washington nave been removed from Mt. Vernon by Col. Wash- ington reserved to himself, not only the tomb of Wasbineton. but also an aore of ground around it, which be also bound himself to renovate." The President takes the deepest interest; in the struggle now going on in Tennessee between the Secessionists and Union men. Measures are in contemplation for the sud- port of the gallant Andrew Johnson and his friends, in their devoted efforts for the nnlon. The Massachusetts regiments have been our- posely seleoted for oneainn the way to the Fed cl al rutw suruuKU "iaryiaiiu, m uruer 10 Ten dpp ' thu . finmlllatlnn nf thA .lnnl... .k greater.. The triumphant re entrance of the bth proved a pill of indescribable bitterness to me jJiooa i uos. Tf ln.nKnkl. it.-, - .1 - ' W.IIUEOlUGr lUIMIVUBVIQ kUAD B UUUJUU' l! .1.4 IT I- I.. ' 1 1 1 , ukAfi frnm AirliAr Pannavlvanla ni . . . " . '"'J . r .i -t . . . ... uurps irom urn city to some point oetween gnondv'nd ll?e Ferry' t0 cut off BUMOr from TbePawnMls'lDcreasing her armament, a. mougo sue was expecting an early brush with the rebels at Alexandria. , Two more ham .4-1.1. . i ... . J uauigreas more mounted on ner to aay, The Seoretarv of War announced last ntcht in the President that Oen. Sickles offered hln bri gade, 5,000 strong, to the Government for the war, fully armed and equipped, and ready for any service. The President says It must be aocepted. 1 he secretary has accepted It. Senator Pomerov. of Kansas, has satisfier! thn ' rM Department that several offioials at Forts L?.lve? .T ?Pe? "jmpathizers Iwun me etoutnern Kebels. a tnorough clean lng has alreadv been ordered. Parties from northern Missouri are nrctnir lh S'"rnm0Dt t0 8tation " rmy in tha' Part of the country. A large auantitv of oowdor was dtsonvAferl n the new building occupied by the New Jersey troops, previous to their coin? into camn. No officer of the Government knew anything of it, or bow or when it came there. A keg of pow der has also been discovered in one of the base ment rooms of the Patent Office, which had not been used lor some time. The powder seemed to have been there some time, and is nearly worthless. Orders have been Issued for a strict search of pnblic buildings, and a more stringent guard them. It is said great discontent prevails amone the military moo at Harper's r erry. a serious and bloody row occurred a day or two since, in which one or more of the Kentucky volunteers, of Blanton Duncan's squad, were killed, and oth- I er" W0UDded- FollSwing this Duncn t0 di8bDd hiB "l"d ni iadgD,tlon ,. eXpre8aed by that G?v,Letcber,Pby his pr'o era wounded following this was a threat by I ana return home. I the Virginians I roclamation, has I b.,i,iki.j u ... ....i i -n Li ST.1 ,."u ul m,uu" u P viaiona rrom virptniA.. me anv mipnnaA. Before Saturday nieht. aocordine to the caleula lion ot the War Department, 6U.UU0 men will concentrated at Washington, Baltimore and Annapolis. The Tribune states that the steamship Africa, I now unloading at Jersey City, has on board 50.- UUU Enfield Rifles for the U. S. Government. I 1 he .rtfcunesavs the.Uovernment has intelli-1 gencetbat large bodies of Mexicans are garri-1 soning their frontier towns. i nore is now no oouot that Texas will soon have lively times in looking after our Govern ment troops, various tribes of merciless Indians "O" "?P8. wjous nines or merciless .Indians "a V"aw ' mextoan soldiers, and may perhaps wish she was safe home aeain. Washington, May 14 A special dispatch to the Pott aays: No obange will be made in the command of the fleet off Pensacola. It is regarded as not improbable that the Fed i f- : 1 1 v e 1171 11 . c- ,u. .... WASH1H0T0N, May 15. In Consequence of I pressing publio aflairs, no personal application appointment awiUDe entertained. . ; ; nuuau vicucroi 1 uuuue on to, uv, ui lut 1 wmviw uuwuu vi iiwu. w nuwu. u u wu i ministered the oath of allegiance, only about 30 bad r el used, and in no instance did a retusai originate in disloyalty, but from family or busi ness ties. ' ' J. C. Vaughen has been appointed military storekeeper at Fort Leavenworth, and other changes of civil officers have been mado b oth at that fort and Fort Riley. - of to New York, May 14. A special dispatch to the Commercial, dated Washington 14in, says the Chapter ot Virginia Knights Templar have officially seceded Irom the United States Grand bncampment. A detachment of regulars and volunteers have left here for Baltimore. The Pott't special says the "th Massachusetts Regiment moves to-night to the Relay House. A New Jersey Kegiment la nnder orders for Al exandria. ' 4 I Senator Kennedy, of Baltimore, publishes In the NationallnUUigtnetr of to-day, an eloquent yv w pup.- u. -b k m 7 J Harrisboro, May 14. It Is understood that I Governors Curtin and Dennlson have pledged the Union men of Western Virginia the entire I lupportor an tne lorcesoi rennsyivsuia ana i Ohio, to protect them against the secessionists. I Indiana ano Illinois nave aisopieagea me union i men of Kentucky and Missouri in Ihe same I way. v i -i The Governors Of all the tree States, from Pennsylvania west, have asked and obtained a 1 pledge from President Linooln, that no oompro-1 nise or oeseationoi tne war suau iaKepiacounn we national flag shall float overall the patlonal i Western Virginians say that part will certain- ly iorm a separate state, ana win inciuae tony i lgbt eonnties. AH unio valley supplies are I uu 1IUUI V II KIM ID). HIV IUUUBIUU VV IDIOl AS Vlrglrj,an troopi-hve been sworn into the Unl ted statss service, From Fort Kearney. Ft. Kearnev, May 13. We have been band ed the following letter lor publication: HEAD QUARTERS FT KEARNEY, N. T. May 10, 1861. To Col. E. B. Alexander, Commanding, Head Quarter, Department of tht Wett, St. Louiti Colonel: So many of the Federal garrisons have been surrendered to the secessionists, that I have deemed it rrudent . to spiko ten 12-inch pounder howitzers, which I have feared might be turned by a mob against the garrison. I have reserved six ot the best pieoes. in tne abort time I have been in command, 1 have ex erted myself to prepare tbem for any emergency. I hope that you will approve the oouree 1 have pursued. ' ,:- J ' " Orders are on file directing those pieces should be sent to Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, but in the distracted state of affairs and the Impossibility of an adequate escort, I have not chosen to send them. Threats have been made to take these guns by mob violence. ' ' I have the honor to be, , "t t respecuuiiy, .t. Your obedient servant. C. H. TYLER Capt. 2d Dragoons, Commanding. vTrl A MMwaaa a KAatja mant lAno way A (irI ar Oft ft 1 II B MUUal UVTv JllVJUklVU W "WIO ayuimvH waa the evening of the 10th, creating considerable aTnitoment. . . i . U. S. Troops in Baltimore—Maryland Legislature. inre. n.imuna- Mav i. a larce train or reas - . -j --- r j i i. raltroope arrived tht outer depot from the j Juw1". , t.u k r and 8th New York Rjg'ments, with 'battery of aril lery, whloh marched through 8onth street, posting to lederal HIUV overlooking the oity, one mile west of Fort MoHenry.- The audden Bpnomraooeoi irocmi tooktbecillzttflDT UTDrlfle, . a . . u,.!n?y , fc ' arpWDMior ano . . . ' obeered along tne whole route, " J"- The leclsiature didn't ad loom. Prnwtalnn Is made to appoint Commissioners to confer with Lincoln. Davis and the Governor nt viroini and Pennsvlvnnla to stay hostllltta till rt th mealing of Congreai.,; The Iuse' tcfuncd accede. lj" .-., ,- I Wallace reported bill calling a sovereign eonventioo. N j aotlon taken.' -Adjourned tUl (o-morrow, From Baltimore. ! Baltimom, May 13. The Herald' dispatch saysi i A fleet oi transports, loaded with troops, coming up the bay from Annapolis.". General Butler is here, Five Pennsylvania Regiments are expected to-morrow. They wlll pass through this city for Washington. A gentleman from Washington says President Lincoln has positively had a Major General's commission made out lor senator Uougias, and matne will accept. -The news from Harper's Ferrv states that the position Is now Impregnable. The batteries are mounted bv the heaviest Columbiads. Also, at the mouth of James river, batteries of a formi dable character are erected. Baltimore. Mav U. The Federal trooos are fully established at Federal Hill. A schooner was seized at the whart this morning. Sho bad a lot of pikes, manufactured bv Winans. Gen. Butler has Issued a proclamation, saying the troops are here to enforce and uphold the laws. . Baltimore, May 14 Gov. Hicks replies to Mayor Biown's charge, that be authorized the destruction of the bridges. He denies the charge, and says, if the Mayor's oommunica tion and accompanying certificates have induo ed any person to doubt mv true position In the premises, I respectfully ask a suspension of judgment until a sufficient time be afforded me to collect the necessary proot, and show, as I shall bo able to, that the burning of the bridges, &e., were all a part of a con spiracy against the Government. ineoity is quiet, and members of the Mass chusetta and New York Regiments are stroll ing through the streets, wholly unarmed, gene rally in couples, baviDR full confluence in the loyalty of the cltv. . , . Kumors are afloat that uen. butler will make another test to-day of those in high position ' A portion of the First Pennsylvania Regiment arrived at Woodburg'a this morninir.and the rest of the Regiment is distributed along the line of me roao irom toe fennsylvama line down. It is expected that a large body will come down to-day. Early this morning Ringgold's ariuiery passsa tnrougn the city, on their way to w asntngton. 1 wenty thousand troops, eta Perrvville. are now landing at Locust Point. It is supposed the are en rouie for Washington. From Missouri. St. Loois, Mav 14, Accounts from Jefferson City say the militia frOm snrroundine towns and counties continue to arrive. There are many of them mounted, and all indifferently armed. Ex-Gov. Sterling Price hag been an- poiuted Mujor-General ot the State forces, and now has command of the troops in Jefferson City. Orders were Issued by him vesterdav that any attack by soldiers or mobs on the property oi citizens or sojourners, wunout authority, will be promptly Inquired into, and the offenders hunu under martial law. if ofl'enaca amount to loss of life or property. The Northern Methodist Church was stoned on twnaay night by a crowd of drunken men and boys, and windows were smashed. Members of the Southern Church Immediately made np a subscription to repair damages, and expressed disapprova' of tne act. Uov. Jackson has given orders to repair the Ossge Bridge on the Paciiio Railroad. The officers of Gen. Frost's Brieade return thanks to the ottioers or the United States rcgu lar service, for kind attention and conrtesv dur ins; confinement In the Arsenal. The U. S. Volunteers Iiavo heen removed from the Pacific and Notthern Missouri Rail road depot St. Louis, May 15. After the examination many witnesses, the coroner's jury returned the following verdict on the Camp Jackson case: That the several victims of events which took place at Camp Jackson on the 10th of May, came their death from gun shot wounds, inflicted by mnsket balls, discharged by certain U. S. Volunteers, under command of Gen. N. Lyon, uoi. r . r. uiair, ii. uoernstein and others. Examination of volunteers relative to the Wal- in thscanaof Cant. Mnnnn.M. nn MnnH.. wu not granted by Judge Treat, In consequence 0f the petition beiotr attested bv a Justice of the reu., ana cnnlrt not thArplnrA ha VAAnirnlraH h toe uuiieu states iours, Yesterday the U. 8. Commissioner. Hickman visited the Arsenal to certify to McDonald's affidavit, and was informed by General Lyon that the Capt. was a prisoner ol war, and more over was not in Missouri. A petition of the prisoner's brother was then properly attested, and a writ issued, returnable at 11 o'clock this morning. Gen. Harney denies any Insubordination tak ing place among tho United States volunteers, but, on the oontrary, says thoy havo submitted with alacrity and oheertulness to the disciplin ing oi tne service. ' The publio schools of this city will bo closed on Fridsy next, in coneeaueoce ot the act of the Legislature prohibiting the distribution of sonool money. Western Virginia Convention. IX;n.A,TUn HI. 11 T1. PAnvanllnn .OBAm ., ""'r'T'il. irC . ... 7 ,np. th. ,,j. P, h, r Srni.h. The journal w-is read, and after some oorreo s. among which was striking out Frederick hnlorei tha Convention was tha renort oi tha committee on State and Federal Rlations. - Mr. Wtlley, of Monongalia, rising to a qucs tion of nrlvilese. said he had been mlsuuder- stood as favoring postponement ot action until the ordinance of secession is voted on. He only differed with Air. (Jarlile, wbo favors immedi ate aotlon, as to the course to be pursued. The committee not beinereadv to reoort. Gen Jackson, of Wood, moved an adjournment till 2 o'clock, but withdrew It to enable Col. Wheat, 0f Ohio county, to present resolutions as the sense of the Convention, which be said he did on big own responsibility, to bo referred to the ... a, . i D.l..: demninir the action of the State Convention. retcrring particularly to the ordinance or seces- ,ion the schedule attaohed to the ordlnaooe, and the transfer of the State to the Southern Confederacy: and was followed by a resolution of Mr. Carllle, Instructing tho committee on State and federal Relations to report an ordi nance declaring the connection of the eonnties oomprisine the 10th and Ilth Congressional Districts, including the county of Wayne, dis solved. Also, to report .a declaration of inde pendence, with a Constitution for the new State, to be called "New Virginia." Col. Wheat objeoted, on the ground that it was forestalling the action of both the committee and the Convention, as all debate on such rcso lutiona was prohibited. ' Debate ensued between Messrs. uirn le, Wiley, Jackson and Wheat. Finally Mr. Car Ule modified It to as to read, asking the com mittee to report on the expediency of such or dlnitnce. The resolution was then adopted, referring all tuggestioni tending to the action of the Con vention to the committee on state and recerai Relations, without debate or explanation. Gen. Jackson's motion to adjourn till i o oiock then came np and was carried. ' The Convention re-asacmDied at J. o eiocc. Mr. Porter, from committee on State and Fed eral Relations, snbmitted a report embodying substantially the, resolutions offered by Mr. Wheat, and providing lor a Convention, in case the aot ot seeeeaion be sustained. .. Mr. Carlile moved to recommit, with Instruo: tlons to report an ordinance of separation and constitution and form of government for the ... to IT , , N6W, Vir6lnia- .' H .(d hiB "J- j tion by an able speeoh, to which Wiley replied, Harper's Ferry. I e Baltiiiosc, May 14. The correspondent i .. . - - , . .v . .u. l tne Ameneeii aocompaniea tue utoBiuora ui niw L..utare to Harper's Ferry. He says the Virginians have strongly fortiBedthe Maryland f h faarper'. Ferry, and are 'imt. .nd .yldentlv have no Intention 0r.-Vacattas: their position. . Oa Sunday 7,000 I j ..Jr. I luiuu in Br Hi d a'aiuiw aumaa aaaiiasi 1 " rr.AM .- ,r.A...mA i vrrriTtnia a houvi hiww wen Bjaijaji' h"'" . . L , a better feelinir prevails In Washington nnnntv atralnst the Vlrelnians', and a collision Is not considered probable. Ross Winans was Mncived b the Vlrelntanc. The Legialatuie has adjourned till tne tn t-vi TWtom. Itfav 15th. The steamehiD Arabia sailed this morning. She took outabout $13,000 In specie. Harper's Ferry. European News. is St. Johns, May 14 The steamer Parana, from Galway 7th, arrived, bringing nomail. Lord John Russell made an Important state ment on American affairs. As to the Federal Government committing infringements upon International law by collecting duties from for. el go shins before breaking bulk, the law offi cers of the Crown said so much depended on oircumstancea that no definite Instructions had been sent to cruisers. The Government be lieved such collection impracticable; that block- , i i ..i aae can on y ue recogmzea wueu uot, aua regaruing leuers oi marque, ii, iub uiiuiua ui the Uovernment that toe tsoutnern uonieoeraey mustlbe recognized as belligerents. Consuls 9191 American affairs have not embarrassed the London money market. Grkat Britain. In the House of Commons, Mr. wart asked whether, owing to the possi bility of privateering being permitted and en couraged by the Southern Confederation, the Amerioan Government had placed a sufficient naval force in the Gulf ot Mexico for the pro tection of British property in American ships and if privateers, sailing nnder the flag oi an unrecognized power, would oe oeait with as pi' rates. Lord John Russell said that her Maiestv's Government had directed that a naval force for the preteotion of British shipping, be sent to the const ot America The Government bad reoelved accounts of th nrotrroBd nf thn war in the United States of America. The Government heard the other day that toe eoutnern uomeoeracy nau issuea totters 01 mtrnno .nl It intAnriArl ho tha IIrUaH fltikiAA riAvAvnn, AniTtli At th apa aIi mi I H hn, hlnrb. wl Z " mo ui nil mo ouukuvru itiwt iut'ru were some poinw ot law on ineso qucBiioofl, ana mej Ka nA hAAn mnfmail tt this 111 B it PTt nnma e IriA "U IBIUI.W ejaau W.ASCID Crown for their opinion, in order to guide them In its instructions to the Minister ia America, and the Commandant of the naval squadron. Ihe Government naslclt mat It a-as its duty to use every possible means to avoid taking Dart n tnts lamentaD e contest, rv Dinner but the imperative duty of protecting British interests, In case they are attacked, juatifies the Govern ment in interfering at all. We have not been involved in any way in that conflict by any act or by giving advice in tne matter, and for God s sake, lot us, it possible, Keep out ot it. The betbrothal of Princess A hoe to Prinoe Louis, of Hesse, had been formally announced oy the Ministers in ootn nouses. The London Timet says the excitement in the Northern and Southern States ol America has had no parallel since the early days of the French Revolution. The underwriters asked higher rates of In. I eurance on unitsn vessels irom Amer can ports on nr. (. m r i ,n it I -say 20 to 2as from New Orleans, 10 to 15j i rum new juirw, uue uuu two percent, extra is demanded nf American vessels from India, China, &o. War risks on American vessels de tained in Southern ports had advanced from five to ten guineas. Tho London Olobt says that it was rumored that it was M. Theirs who wrote the secret pamphlet published by the Duke D'Aumale. The Archbishop of Tours, in a letter to the Minister of Justice, says that the Catholio world will bold Louis Napoleon responsible for it. The Paris Bourse was firm, 69f. 15o. Spain. Correspondents had said that all the towns in San Domingo had issued a pronuncia mento in favor oi annexation to Spain. Italv. Large bodies of Italian troops bad embarked from Genoa for Southern Italy, and 35,000 had reached Naples. The official journal of Rome denies that Sardinia had made conciliatory proposals to Rome. Allotment of Volunteers to the Several States. Washington, May 14. The following is the number of Infantry Regiments to be received Irom each state tor a total Increase of 75 regi ments of three years' volunteers, nnder the re cent determination of the Government: New York, 11; Pennsylvania, 10; Ohio, 9; Illinois, 6; Indiana, 4; Massachusetts, 5; Missouri, 4; Kentucky, 2; Wisconsin, 3; Michigan, 3; Iowa, 2; New jersey, 3; Virginia, Maryland, Maine, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont. Rhode Island, Minnesota, Delaware, Kansas, Nebras ka and the District ot Columbia, one regiment each. The other regiment, viz., of Cavalry, Is not assignee. The General Government Is doing what itcsn, though its Commissary and Quarter Master General officers, to take proper care of the vol unteers and contingents ot States as thev arrive. but it will always be prudent on the part of the States to have in Washington or on the route, In advance ol their troops, a member of the State General Staff to provide lor contingencies and see that the troops are properly cared for. Departure of Colonel Anderson for Cincinnati Southern Items. this morning for Cincinnati, Bin Pittsburgh. The Woria't Washington dispatch says two gentlemen connected with Southern telegraph lines, and furnished with passes by Gov. Pickens, arrived and confirmed all the reports about mill, tary preparations in North Carolina and Vir ginia. , Beauregard had not Deen at Klcbmond.. The prevailing sentiment is that an attack must and will be made on Washington. It was thought Davis would take the field on the border as soon as the military preparations are completed. . . : . , Gen, Lee is chief commander of the Confede rate forces in Virginia. Gov. Letcher has prohibited the military authorities from giving ' passes to persons to leave tne Mate. : Wheeling, May 15. Nothing of special im portance occurred in the Convention this morn ing. The regular business was Carlile's mo tion of last night, to recommit the report of the Committee on State and Federal Relations. Mr. Wiley, of Monongabela, finished hie speech, opposing the motion, and advocating the adop tion of the report of the Committee. He was followed bv Mr.Paulstry, of Mason, who also opposed Mr. Carlile's proposition at this time. Maryland Responds to the President's Requisition for Troops. Biltimork, May 15. Gov. Hicks has Issued a proclamation in answer to the President's requisition for troops, and calls on the loyal citi sens of Maryland to volunteer their services to the extent of four regiments, for three months, to serve within the limits of Maryland, or lor the defense of the Capital, subject to the orders of the Commander-in-Chief of- the United States. Gen. Wool to take Command of Fortress Monroe. Washington, May 14. Orders have none from the War Department directing uen. Wool to assume command ol fortress Monroe. The Providence banks wilt take half a million of the loan next week. , . . Gen. Wool to take Command of Fortress Monroe. [Special to the Herald. ] Whiilins. Ma 1 14. Major Oaks, of the U. S. Army, left this morning for Wellsburg, to In spect the military and distribute u. a, arms to companies lormed tnere.. !.- i ,' - -The citizens of Wellsburg are under $60,000 bonds to the Government, for the safety of the arms now there, Including 3,UUU rides, and UU, UUU rounde ot oartrldges. of . . i 4 aaaBxawaiaweaww MoNTOOHiav, May 14. In Congress resolu tions were unanimously ; adopted . that - the President be requested- to issue a proclamation appointing a day of lasting and prayer, in ob servation of whloh all shall be invited to join who reoognlze our independence. " . . - : . im i Boston, May 14 In the Senate, to day, bill was introduced authorizing the Governor form one or more oamui to consist of &,uuu men. who are to be enlisted for three years, and who are to be governed by the U. . military law. These troops are to be liable to draught, on th requisition of the uenerai uovernment, -3'-,' 1 1,1 ' . , ,i , . Nsw Yoa May 15. The Savannah New states, that en the morning of the 9th, heavy cannonading was beard in direction or tne L-aro Una coast, at sea. . ; , ' :. or A HUNTS TO SELL VV tiackairei of BTATI0NKRY and JBWBLBY, price One-lnirU less una can w pnrcuweui eisewncrv Call on or address (stamp enclosed) 4. 1. BAll,i,n 154 0oartt.4oston Alan. it , noarea ao:aj DLACK STRAW BONNET! AND Els' L egant tUbbons, in great variety at .ia , oeti No. W,Hlgbitret; THE MARKETS. New York Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] NEW YORK, May 15. I I 1 I terlal cbne In prir an.l ia modertU reqaeet; Mlet of 10.0(10 bkli ml 9S&S 10 for UDtrflne itate: ti inm 45 extra fit'; hipping bnndt, extra RoBDd Hoop Ohio Canadian Hoar quiet and Heady; talei of 900 bbls at 3 73(917 au. jtiio vluuh aieadv at si limit WHEAT recelpta of 5,fcC0 butb; market Oil rnlea tin nrra lor prima out interior era-iei are ami ana DM-y. lel o-3o,(hk, bojli at 1101 !i3 for Mllwankee oiuh; l vu&l Iu for amber Iowa; 1 70 for white Ken- I wc7 BVI anlet and iteadf ' ' BAitLKV dull and nnchanced. -' - ' OOKN reoetpta 0.830 been., market henvv anil droop- ids;. rjaieaiu,uuu num. aisixsiixo, mixed weaiern. OATS dull at 51(S55e. for woitern Canadian and state. PORK dull and heaw.' Salea ISO bblaat I7.25 17,75 for men, and yi9,vu:2iiJ lor prime. , hkeit iieany OUT MKATS-dull. LARD heavv and lower, sale of 300 bbli, at 03 BUTTER in moderate requeit at 1215o for Ohio. and im0 for State. OH EBSK steady at 43Po. for common to choice. WUtBKV market without mateilal chame. IliO bbls. at wumic. OOlfFKB dull but , Arm; sales 100 bt?i at Ho. 8U0AU pending; auctlnw sale to-day which la not oyer market, sales of 1,000 hhds Havana at 8(3)8c. elOLAHHKo from the same causes noticed lo sugar; the market Is Inactive. STOCKS better but without activity; money on call at mii per cent.; paper selllne- at Irregular and high rates: glerlins; Excbunae less doins; and SrmttlOtKa) 9,1 hnn.i. 01 i-a- n (fh m- 111 n .n.'in -.ti-. Man u k . noun juk; m u 43; 11m iix, do. prer. ukk; T 0 S!; Pao Mall 03: Chic Ac It I bonds 91V: Mo '.'i I 5f JL-Q9.' Ja SO l-9t Tenn ; U 8 B's 81, "oupons B7 I-se; U B 51 74, coapona 70 Cincinnati Market. I TJT ftTTll t..- A J A I J Am .1J imfvn iim iiiuiion uu w is us ijriuo uvnrijr tu 1110 um itandnrd. 5 SO. Thli U no it tbnut the heit figure that buyers offer for superSne. The high a-rarlessre better 15 25 for fa'miw. K ' "' WHEAT arrives in verv limited onantltles. and choice white has during the week been in small demand f"r. " h. . 18 for choice. Millers only p thene prioes In caeen of extreme need 3 1 for Heel audfl 10 being the extreme or tneir oners. CORN comes In only in sufficient quantities to meet the current market, and Is consequently kept at the old standard, 340, without variation. OATS have not changed from 88c. the spirit ot the martet varying wun me receipts. 1J A klb x has been in very limited reaueit; sue so v. the belt qusllly. Kir has heen in some request during tha week nn der which It advanced to Sue, at which figure it is now quiet, xneienipment or uotton, Hour, uom ileal, wheat. Corn, Beef and Fork from New York, snow an aggregate increase In valne thisseaern since January 1st as compared with the list of $1I,M!,77I. This gain has been verv evenly distributed to each week, showing a r" X. Til , . WUI8KV haa been kept(at 12)c, but the market has emtUaiUy Weak.-t'i. Com. May 15. Cleveland Market. TUESDAY May 14. FI.OTJR steady with only a few light sales double ex tra at $5 Viyi for good red, $6 00 for good white. WHEAT Arm and In goon demand, wun sues o cars red at Si 10 from store, and 1 car white at $1 35. CORN steady and quiet at 37c. OATS quiet at8."c. HIGHWINSIS sale M bins at 130. BUTTER sales lair roll at 10c. EQC1S dull and unchanged, Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] PHILADELPHIA, May 15. Fi.oua sleadr. 15 80585 62K for superfine. Wnciri advanced 4c; sales 8,000 bushela red (1 87(31411, while $1 431 SS. Coax buoyant, sales 0,000 buih. 63o. Wiinxr-1717tf. IRISH STEAMSHIP LINE. of a to Steam Between Ireland and America. NEW YORK, BOSTON AND GALWAY. The following: new and magnificent flrst-class paddlt- wheel Steamships compose the above line: ADRIATIC, 5,888 tons burthen, Capt, J, Micky (Formerly of the Collin Line ) fllBERNIA, 4,400 tone burlben, Capt. N. Paown. COLUMBIA, 4 4b0 U.LslTcu. ANOLIA, 4,400 " " Nicuouon. PAOlrlO, 2,600 " " " I. Bmin. PRINCK ALBERT. (Screw.) 3,300 " ' ' J. Walks.. One of the above ships will leave New York or Boston alternately every Tuesday fortuljht. for Galway, car rying tha government mans, touenwg at ot. jonns, N. V. The Steamer of this line have been constructed with the irreatest care, under the supervision of the govern ment, have water-tight compartments, and are unexcel led for comfort, safety and speed by any steamers afloat. They are commanded by able, and experienced officers, and every exertion will be made to promote the oomfort of passengers. An experienoea surgeon nitacnea 10 eacn amp. HATES OF PASSAGE. Flrat-class N. T. or Boston to Oalway or Liverpool 100 Second-clasa, " " " " 75 Flm-clase, . " " to Bt John' 35 Third-class, " " to Oalway or Liverpool, or any town in Ireland, on a Railway, - - - 30 Third-class passengers are liberal ly supplied with pro visions of the best quality, cooked and (erred by the ser vants of the Company. ' RETURN TICKETS. ParUes wishing to send for their friend from the old country can obtain tickets from any town on a railway, in Ireland, or from th principal citiea of ng land and scot land, at vary low rate. Passengers for New Tork, arriving by th Boston Steamers, will be forwarded to New York free of charge, for passage or further Information, apply to Wk II. WIOKUAM, At th offloe of th Company, on th wharf, foot of Canal street, New York. HOWL AND Ac ABFINWALL, Agents. apr1119:dt)m. THE BASHAW STALLION 1 JOE GODWIN : TITiXIj make ITIS FIRST SEASON YY toal limited number of marc, from the let of April to the lt of July, at my "North wood Farm," x, miles north of Columbus, Ohio. JOk flODWIN waa area anu raiseu or a. r. lowosena. r.ttt. nf Hnniei county. New Jersey, and will be six years old on the SDth day ot next June. He was sited by '-Long Island Black Hawk," be by Andrew Jackson, ha by Bashaw, ly me imported uaro urmnu oasnaw. Hla dam waa Lioertv. is. inoroaKiiorcu uinrc,, 17 Lance, out of the faoou "Chanlavoyne" mare. Thua It will bo seen that JOK OODWIN is a descendant of the fait tmttine: and runnini stock the United Blatescan boast of, vis: Old Andrew Jackson, who waa a aon of the famous Bashaw, and the American Eclipse, who wu a son of Old Messenger. Jo Godwin get back to Andrew Jackson through Long Island Black Hawk in two crones, nrf likewise eeta back to Kolios in fonr crosses, through Liberty and Lanoe banco being a son ot senpee; n niaarrnaaof Expedition throush Liberty, and also a cross of Bellfounder through the Chardavoyne Bellloun- der. A better combination or trotting ana running KinnA m hnrae nnsieaaes. and he is a Trotter. JOB GODWIN ia a beautiful bay, 15 hands snd 3 inches high, black mane and tail, and w'th no white mark except a star, lie naa a very stynan necs; ana oeia, ana a , hntiNt horse waa never foaled. Laat Vail. Joe God win was exhibited at the Lake Erie Horse Show at Cleve i.n.l. at tha Vlnrlnla State fair at Wheeling, at Ihe M us- kingum Valley fair at Zanesvllle, and in ivntv case carried off th first premium. In a trial of speed at the Ohio But Pair, held at Dayton, where thirty-seven of the best stallion from Indiana ana ot mis ntate con tended, Jo Godwin DisTaMcsD in wnoi neia. TEH ITIS Twenty-five dollars for the season, payable at th time of service. Mares not proving witn laal can nave tne service of th horse next year. Good pasture for mares furnished at reasonable rates, and careful attention will be aiven them, pat t wm not oe retponsisi iur aooncni. Columbus, unio. niarou ioui, jr,u. . r JJln, RICHARD NBVIN8. WHO SHOULD USE DR. i - nnucc nnnc? Ja UUVkk uuvv VBX5ETABLE IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS? All who are amictea wun incipirut vvosumpwua. ur Weak Lung should use them. All who suffer from Weak Stomach, Indigestion. Dyt- neniia or Filea snouia use mem. " .... . ...AT.. . I . ( H W.MAH.H.1,11 ReaUessnes at night, Want of Sleep, Sto., should as ail wnn auuer iiuin udu,im wi ,u. ..... them. ... All pron who ar convalescent after fever or other sickness snouto uaeuiem. Miniate r OI in wospei, uawywrs, wnnmn, mat w. publio speaker ahon Id us tnem. . . Book Keepera,and all person leading a sedentary If should us tnem. .-., rr v. . a n ri mnraa anonia use anem. an hn rannlra a atimulan t or tonio should nse them All who are addicted to th n of ardent spirit and Wish to inform, enoum as tnei They ar made of a pur Sherry Wine, ana or tne na- i i.nia and herbs of th country, ana snoaia ce rw - SwawDUDU vj w"K.,'fc. w m fw k n n.Mnv Mwiaiua. miaib inaftB. novas. otana, and all 'neno. ot nuaiani.y. Thy are praparea oy an eapvnewi m w, p.- an.aalda from their medicinal properties, anal most delightful beverage, and yet, a a medicine, are a CHABLKB WIUUiriKUJ Si VU., A-ropruwrw, T8 William St., New Yrlt. K0BESTS ft SAKTTEL, Agent, otiBBkblia,Oklai Merchaits and Agent s an ted, mo arl.I, OTJB VAUIETV JEWELKV X Emwesope lnsvryownln tha Union.. LargW proflt reallsai Ibaa oa any ether branch of Uerohendtaa. For parUoukr sent stamp to eObesnut trt, Philadelphia, Pa. r., , ; fabbabi u. nhl-wStr .1-1.. 1 psor. wood's mwm CORDIAL !' .and' ' BLOOD RENOVATOR II precisely wnai lis name inaieatea. lor. while 'pleasant to the tails, It I f-vlvifyi at, exUlarat-1 itates, and renews the Blood In all Its parity. anAf thna at ones ratartt omdrtmUrt Me ty$Um in- vulrurablt to attactt odlttatt.. It is the only preparation ever oiteraa to tht world, so chemi-!lpl cally and skillfully combined aa to be tha aoostlll Powerful tonic, and at the same time so perfect hi." powers, auu u uid wiio uuiu revtviurs, rein- dapted to, as to act in yerleetaoeordanoe with tliel laws of nature, and hence will tooth tht wtakttt tlomach, anil tone up the digestive organs, and U thus allay all nervous and other Irritation. It ill perfectly exhilarating, and at the aame time It 111, composed entirely of vegetables, yet so eombinediFl us to prouuceuie uingi. iniiruuKii tonic eueur, with out producing any injurious oonsniuences. Sucb L (jjlilie lieee remedy fins long iieen reit to ue a ueimeratara in IAS medical world, for It noeila no medical skill to." that debility follows all attacks of disease, and proceeds and indeed lays the system open to the A Insldions attacks of many of the most fatal, such, ii lor example, as tne lonowing: uonsumption, In- KGI.UU, , .,". ....BIB., .lIIWIUU U, IUClA fj Heart, Melancholy, Night Sweats, Languor, Cloen, Retention of, as well as Painful obstructed. j(y M1U . I U I U i-T . U I .IU ...111, h.uihuiuiu, AUU SAII ing of the Womb. These all depend upon general .debility. This pure, healthy, tonic Uordial and mood uenovatorii assure to cure as tne sun to rise and set. There ii no mistake about it. But1 3 this la not all. If Ihe system Is weakened, we arei wen to bilious attacks, tne liver becomes torpid, or worse diseased, tha kidneys refuse to perform Ii their functions, and we are troubled with scalding!11 charge of the same, pain in the hack, aide and be-'r tween the shoulders, exceodint 1 liable to sliiht U Ann inRnnoDBnca oi nnni. nr in.n mm... . .. colds, coughs, and if unchecked, soon emactationj follows, and tne patient goes down to a premature1 a 01 grave. But space will not allow us to enumerate I the many Ills to which we are liable In a weakened V condition of the system. But we will say, in this Cordial and Blood ltenovator you have a perfect, U sfe, pleasant and effectual remedy for loss ofQ Annj,tlt. hlllouinees. VlHtnleni'A. winlr an,! ,UiV itomich. Languor, Liver Complaint, Chills and Ifever, or any Bilious attatk, Costiveness, Acidity lof Ihe Stomach, Nervousness, Neuralgia, Paliiita-;,, linn of the Heart, re sslon of Spirits, Sores, M Pimples on the race, or any disease arising from fw .tnpure blood, sucli as Scrofula, Erysipelas, Brun i Onmn, coufh, difficulty or Dreaming, and all that class of diseases called female weakness, and .enumerated above. We will also say the traveler 9 exposed to epidemics, change of climate and wat er, will find It a pleasant, sale and sore remedy, anu none should ever travel witnout. lteailer try it, for we aisurevoayouwillnndin It a friem indeed, as well aa a friend in need, ah persons of! isdentary habits will find it a perfect preventive olifl s well as cure for those ailments to which they are, V particularly exposed. Ilenoemintsteri,uudeo!s,at torneys, literary gentlemen ,and ladies who are not accustomed to much'outdoor exercise, will find it to their advantage to keep a bottle constantly on hand; and, above all, mothers, or ineso becoming juchi will go through that most daogerous period aot only wth all their accustomed strength, hut safe and free from the thousand ailments so prey alent among Ihe female portion of the world. In ihort, it is indeed a mother's cordial. Try it, old and young; no longer run the risk of delay; it will relieve and prove itself emphatically a Awra- ttvt Vordinl and JJood ltenovator O.J. WOOD, proprietor, 414 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market Street, Bt. Louis, Mo., and old by ROB I! UTS Sr. BAMUKI,, Columbus, Ohio, and all good Druggists, Price One Dollar per Bottle. march'8-dtweowly THE ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, And rfroiTS more and more popular every day! And testimonials, new, and almost without number, might be given from ladies and gentlemen in all grade society, whose united testimony none could resist that Prof, Wood's Hair Restorative will restore the bald and gray, and preserve the hair of the youth to old age, Inallilsjouthim Desuiy. Battle Creek, Mich., Dec. Slat, 1PM. Faor. Woon: Thee wilt please accept a line to inform thee that the hair on my head all fell off over twenty years ago, caused by a complicated chrooio disease, at tended with an eruption on th head. A continual course of suffering through life having reduced me to a state of dependence, i nave not been ante to obtain sluu for caps, neither have I been able to do them np, in con sequence of which my head haa suffered extremely from cold. This Induced me to pay Briggs fc Hodges almost the laat cent I had on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Hair Heatorattv. about tne first of August last. I have faithfully followed the directions, nd the bald spot is now covered with hair thick and black, thonih short. It Is also coming In all over my head. Feeling confident that another large bottle would restore It entirelv and permanently, I feel anxious to perseverv In Us use, and being destitute of mesne to purchase any more, I would auk the if thee wouldst not be willing to send me an order on mm agents ror a oocue, and receive to thy self .th scripture declaration "the reward is to those that are kind to uie widow ana me laments,." Thy friend, bUoA.N'NAH EIRBV. LIgonler, Noble Connty, Indiana, Feb, Sth, 1859. Prof. 0. 1. Wood: Pear Sir: In the latter nart of the year 1K73, while attending the State and National Law School or tne elate oi New york, my hair, from a cause unknown to me, commenced falling off very rap- idly, so that in the short space of six months, the whole upper part cf my scalp was almost entirely bereft of it covering, and much of tho remaining portion upon the aide and baca part oi my nean snoruy alter became gray, so that yon will not be surprised when I tell you that up on my return to the State of Indiana, my more casual acquaintances were not so much at a loss to discover the cause of the change in my appearance, as my moro Inti mate acquaintances were to recognise me at all. I at one made application -to the most skillful physi cians in the country, but, receiving no assurance from them that my hair would aga'n be restored, I was forced to become reconciled to my fate, until, fortunately, in the latter part ot tha year lt7, your Restorative was re- eommended to m by a druggiat, as being the most relia ble -Hair Meliorative in use. 1 tried one bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that it was producing the desired effect. Bince that time, I have used seven dot lars' worth of your Restorative, and as a result, have a rich coat of very soft black hair, which no money can buy. as a mark or my gratitude ror yonr labor and skill in th production ot to wonderful an article, I have reoom mended it at to many of my friends and acoualntances, who, I am happy to Inform you, ar using it with like effect. Very respectfully, yours, A. H. LATTA, . . Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot, 444 Broadway, and sold by all dealers through out tne worm. Th Restorative Is pat np In bottle of three sites, vit: large, medium, and small; th small holda X a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per cent, mora In proportion than th small. and retails for two dollars a bottle; the large holda quart, 40 per oent. mora In proportion, and retails for 93 a bottle. O. J. WOOD A CO.. Proprietor. 444 Broadway. New Tork, and 114 Market Street, ft Louis, Mo. And sold by KOBKltTs At HAMUKL. Columbus. Oh o. and by all good Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealer. apriiitf&weowis. MRS. WINSLOW, An experienced Nurse and Female Physician, presents to tne attention oi moiners, ner SOO THING SYRUP, FOR. CHILDREN TEETHING, which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by soft ening the gums, reducing all Inflammation wll I allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, and ia 8U1IE TO KEGUE.ATE Villi BOWELS. Depend npon It, mothers, i t will give rest to yourselves and BELIEF AHD HEALTH TO T0UB ENFANle. We have put up and sold this article for over ton years. and CAN BAY, IN OONFIDKNOH AND TRUTll, of wnai we nave never been ante to aay oi any otner meat cins NKVKH HAS IT FAILKD, IN A B1NGLK IN8T- ANCB, TO J.FFKGT A CURB, when timely used. Nev er did w know an Instanoe of disaatiafaetlon by any on who used it. On th oontrary, all an delighted with operation, and speak in terms of commendation of magical en ecu ana meaioai virtue, yr ipaaa in in matter "WHAT WB DO KNOW;" after ten years' expe rience, AND FliBDOH OUR RHPUTATION FOR TUB FULILLUENT OF WHAT Wei HKIIH DKCLAhVM. almost averv Instance when the Infant la suffering from pain and exhaustion, reiier will ne lonnu in ni teen twenty minutes after theSyrup Is administered.-: ' Tbls valuable nrenaranoa ami presenpnon or one th most IXFRRIINOKDand SKILLFUL NDhKS New Bngland. and ha been used, with NBVa.ll FAIL- INQ BUCOKUt" m " ' 1 : TSSWliSAn isn ur ujaatirs.' Tt not only relieve th child from sain, oat Invlget ate th stomach and bowels, correct acidity, and gives to . to wt,oit -v,tm. n will almost 1 ,.. nmmwa TW Ttn? KfMirsTS. AWTl WTWIt WlTTn , . - f r - v m"Tn,"0"k which. If not speedily rente believe it in uws and BUS WORLD, in allouwe efDYil UNTBEY and DIAKU1KBA IN CUILDRKM, wheth It ariee froaa teething, or from any other came. woald say to (very mother who has ohlld snlTering anvof th foregoing complaints DO NOT LKT YOU PKIJUDIOK8 NO& TUA PKEjTJDICBSOF OIHERa stand between to and soar auflerinr child, and the lief that will M huhh yea, AUsOLUlKLI Bl'lta follow the era ot this medicine, tf timely aasd.- Full lor wslng will accompany eh bottl. Nnn genuine nnlees Uie fac-irall of CUBIIS PARKINS New Tork, V oa th nUM wrapper. Bold by all Druggist ahraugheat In worlA. - PrlnelpmlOffieey 13 Ce1r Street N.Y, PRICK ONLY 95 CENTS PER OTTLE., ctsrr-dfcwiy. v n-irv svvfTv . a I V a a it, Its its is In or or la In Ws frnm re w di rection For all THROAT aattl IiCNO COIrlPaiAINTf taclaallBie; WHOOPIMOi CVCUU, anal svsry Cemplalnt the foreran ner eft and eiren actnal COltSTJinpTlOIV. BtnnrEwzuvs TOLU 4 , The Oreat HEtHAU eiO HKifiEHV and Nat ural OPIATK, adaptea la every species al Ner. Tons Oeniplainta, Ner to us aud Ohraale Headaches Hheuina tlsm. Catarrh Xeoirt v and Ear Ache !, at mieepf andBowel fjania plaints. ANODYNE. No real Initio 'f ' bnt by nroeurina and Muuiin. a f.Li,.. . . be found with all deil..'.ml'L".. Z?JZa '.i!i0ano!,iU TrUI BoMtt ,ent "X clans, who wlll find developments in both worthy their acceptance and approval. - Corre.pondence solicited from all whose necessities or , eurloslty prompt to a trial of th above reliable kem t i Wot sale by th usual wholesale and nun ..u. verywliere. JOHN 1,. MfJNNEWELL, Proprleto CHIMIST AND PHARMACEUTIST, Ho. 9 Commsrelal Wharf, Boston, Haas, r . - J Roberts Ac H,nti.l w. . w.i. v n 1 t. , .. Denig, O. Denig Sr. Bona, A. 3. gdiueller At Son. Aent. lor Columbus, Ohio. myl-dly NEWARK MACHINE WORKS,. NKWABK OHIO, jranniiffir.iTirore of rill kind of Por- iniMe ana ruauonary Nleani Fr giaci, saw iviiiu, urist ITiilla, cVc, Ac. LANK B ODLETBenitnl IT. t I. BLAND TBeattnJ J. tj. tt. DDYAIL Beaten lit COLUMBUS MACU1XK CO. Beaten till BRADtORD f CO. Beatenllllt Our Portable Eogine and Biw Mill Wai awarded the first premium of (10 at the Indiana state Fair ror 1'60 over Lan t Bodley 'a on account of Price, lightness, simplicity, economy of fuel ana superior character of lumber sawed. Our Stationary Encln wis . the first premium of m a wal' ? "tlMJ". K".gL?e w"? "'!' " nrst premium of KM at .the Fair at Memphis, Tenn., over Blandy'a Du vall s, Columbus Machine Co'a., and Bradford A Co, by a committee of practical Railroad Engineers. at vs 1'iis.ceiuu axruis uiiresl , , CJa. . WILLARD WARNER, Treasurer, decS-dkwljeois. Newark, Ohio.' GREAT CURK. DR. LELAND'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC BAND? IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Eheumatism, Gout and NeuTalg-ia, AND A 8CRK,CTJRE FOR . . Mercurial Diseases . All It Is a conveniently arrange d Band, containing a med icated compound, to be worn around th Waiat, without injury to tha most delicate persons; no change In habits of, living Is required, and tt entirely remove Ihe dia eaaa from Ui ystera, without producing th Injurious effects arising from the use of powerful Internal medi cine, which weaken and destroy the constitution, and f,i?.!emp.7 relief on,y- B tblt treatment, the med icinal properties contained In ih. R.H -. .... ".h. I!!- b'd nd "ach ,he diaease, through the porea lin L 'kin;ff""8lnw'V Instanc. a perfect cuie, and restorlnr the naria .mi.A . . j,., . . . " . u , i , u j wnuiliun. -m i !. 1 B'0"tPrrul AaTi-MaacoauL agent. Jfrllullf ai thesystem from th. pernicious effect of Mercury. Moderate rase are cured In a few .fltni-Te",0?n,,tI,tl'irclTin testimonials of Its : eflicacy In agaravated cases cf long standing:. Ho ir-ai tmQ Jul A t,A w j . . " uau oi uraggists generally, or csn ne sent by mall or express, with full directions for ne. Jo any part of the country, direct from th Principal Ho. 409 BE0ADWAY, Hew York. G. SMITH & CO., Solo Proprietors. N. 8. Descriptive Circular Bent Free. K? A (rent Wanted Everywhere. mb.28 lyisorlstp.dfcw TO BUSINESS MEN. A1 EXCELLEWT CHANCE EOK reliable buslnesa men to secure a profitable manu facturing business, requiring but a am II capital in its eatablishment and protecution. The manufacture consist In th application of a pe culiar composition or enamel to common red bricks, and a variety or other building material, ornamental archi tectural noisnings, ceilings, ule for floor and for roofing. This enamel may be tinted of any color, rrom the purest white to the deepest black, with all the color and shades between. Ii imparts to the article to which tt is applied a hardness and durability almost incredible, and a beauty surpassing that of the rarest and most costly of the variegated marnle. and, unlike them, ia trope rvl oua to moisture, and will never fade, stain, or deterior ate, costing but a fractional part ot the price of ordinary marble, . It ia also valuable for table and aland tops, mantle pieces, monument, and an endless variety o.' other arti cles of staple use. The process of applying the enamel la simple, while the article enameled will command a ready aale, atTording large profit. ResDomihla mniea may procure licenses for manufacturing under the pat ent for any city or prominent town in the United State. v, mw ,yiug id uie subscriber. A small tariff on Ihe ar tides manufactured will be required for the use of the Invention. Oirculara giving full particular will be for warded to all applicants. tne superior merit and beauty of this enameled build ing material to anything in na l,na lh nn...liA.J Im dorsementof many of the most eminent architect and scienuuo men of Ibis and other citiea. iror particulars address J0HH805 ft PBAII,, General Agents for Enameled Building Material, ap0d3m. SS NASSAU ST., NEW YORK. . FIRST OPENING OF THE SEASON OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS : JsJT Ia ROSE'S. I AGAIN OFFER TO THE PTJBLIC) an entire new stock of Goods In mv Una. luat Mi. a ased In New Vorkat the cheapest panic rates.all of which, ' I shall seH at the smallest profile, fur Cash. My custom'' era and friend are reapectfully invited to call and exam Ine my Goods and Price, a I am determined to sell as cheap or cheaper than any other house In the city; ami as a uu my own uniting, anu aupermtenu my own bust- V seas, a leei assureu , rrom my long experience inbusi-,. Hess, to give general satisfaction. The finest of work''1 men are employed, and all work done sirtotly to time and On abort notice, and warranted to Bt. Btranirera vliitln ourcity would consult their interest by giving me a call Bcioro purcuasing eisewnere, . r. KOcai, . ' . ' ' Merchant Tailor, '' marchSfl-dly Cor. High and Town sts. SPK1NO CLOAKS AND RASQIKEN I NMW riTYLKS liial n A- Kan n. tfatkuih High street, have i us I owned new atvlea al Cloth On-. ctiLias. Uasqouis and, mad in th newest snd. moss siyinn manner. Also. Sunark A'lMlu IllalCls: MllkSa verv heaw. AeatiritaA aaureaale far . wuu..M ww imiuiiiwi ,riui I.f.iIII. u i r .,r Tho Celebrated Horse, Cruiser, Iff! PORTED THIS"' bTEAR FIIO.TI Kngland, by JOIIN S. KABMT. will stand tin sea son at the farm of Wm. H. Ranry, Qroveport, Ohio. - Cruiser I of the celebrated Venison stock bf England, and waa sired by old Venison, th winner of th Derby rare In 1813. Veulaon proved himself the stoutest hor of his day, having traveled n foot in- one year, when only three years old, nine hundred lultes, and run four teen races, aod on twelve, , Cruiser was bred by Lord Dorchester In 1R53; sired by Venison by Partisan, by Walton, out ot Parasol hy Pota toes, son of Kcllpse. Cruiser' dam wu Red Borer, by Tramp, out of Syntaxina. alster to Syntax, sirs of Bees wing, the dam of New Alinster, the most valuable Stallion now in Bngland, and stands at fifty guineas (U). Tormoto Oruloori , ThoronhVred mares. On Hundred Dellara. ' A Miner al arrangement will be mad with farmer of th Belgh borhood wishing to pat com nv bred mars. 4 i IO Mara from a distant will b Ukeacaraof, aty 4Atw3. -' ' . Eimxwzix'i UNIVERSAL1 couan Remedy.