Newspaper Page Text
G,)t9)otaksmaxi xirxnonrr mum, ruuh. CEO. W. MANTs-" Editor. --OOliUMBtlS. ; OHIO. " FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 17, 1861. To Newspaper Dealers. Carrlara la ths Tarlous cities and town! who t,nnlIKl the Stateeman during the time that It was issued m a morning paper, are advised tbat w BbU b pleased to renew business rela tione with them end reeeWe their oraeri again. Th. Statttmtn is the only ml Uion Dail yiper la Colambui, and therefore the journal to elroolate among the people. Send on your arderi. Mntlemert. They will be prompUy " ' i! '' ' : -; For What Purpose? The editortof the Ohio Stat Journal hae txhnmed the AboHHoa epeech of Joh Qomei Antm. delivered In Congress, April 14th and J5th, 1842, and eupplted their readere in jee terday Issue with coploue sxtracta therefrom, rhi. .neech made reference to the Incendiary vmoIuiIodb Introduced Into Congress by Mr -i...n and fnr which he wee ceninred. In it Mr. Adams goee erea further than Giddinos had gone, and not only denlei that there It any on ligation on the part of the United State to eup press a eervile Insurrection, If one should occur among the glares In the South, but that inch id event beinsT war, the States wbere Slavery exists would cease to have the exclusive man arement of the subject, and "not only the Preti- f of tht Vnittd Statee, but the commander of tht army in that case kae the power to order the unitereal emancipation of tht tlave. For what purpose doe the Ohio State Journal now rummage the debates in Congress In 1842, and reproduce these incendiary remarks? What motive can It have? The President of the Unl ted States has assured the people in all parts of the country, in his Proclamation of April 15, cailloc for seventy fire thousand men to put down rebellion, and retake and possess the pub lio property, that in the contest the right of TtaPiinna and nronertv shall be protected. In r i . that Proclamation the President uses the follow ine language: "I (Item It proper to say that th first service assigned to th forces hereby nlM forth wHI probably bo tor) hmm. th f.irta. niicee. and Dronerlv. which hav boon cited from the Union, and. In every event, the utmost ore will bo observed, consistently with the objects efort eald, to avoid any devuUlien, any .destruction of or interference with private property, or any disturbance of peaceful citleena in any part of the coon try. More recently, Mr. Siwaid has spoken very significantly in relation to slave property in Florida, one of the States that has sece ded. On the 7th of May. the State De partment bad under consideration the com1 plaints of certain slave-owners at Key West, whoso negroes are now In the employ of the Government, nnder a contract of some years' standing ; the masters claiming that the negroes were hired to labor at a specific place, and the Government agents claiming that, nnder the contract, they can be employed any place In the State of Florida The following extracts from Secretary Siwaid' " memorandum " will give the points in controversy, and the views of the Administration about slave property: It appear., from the loformatlon thai obtained, that certain slaveholder at Key West, In the State of Flori da, a long time ago, hired the publio agents of the Gov mines t a nnmber of slaves at very remunerative prices, to be employed ea laborers In the forttncalione of the United States, for a term of twelve years yet anexptred. Of these, aoertain nnmber, not. It la believed, exceed Ine twentv. were emoloved In the fortification at Tortn- 'gms,when Col. Broun arrived then, Rod having need of their help In reinforcing and tnpplying fort rattens, be took them to Pensaoola, and employed them there la landing stores from the Atlantic and the Illinois at fort rickens. it is not complained In the papers before me that the matters sre not paid or to be paid, for the labor of the elavea. and. on the contrary, Caps. Meigs distinctly an dcrstands that the Quarter-Master la to pay the wage to the mietere of the elaves at Key West, as heretofore. It is not pretended that the Quarter master has violated, or Intends to violate, the contract of hire in any way. It mast be entirely immaterial to the matter whether the slaves work at the Tortugas, or whether they work at fort Plckene; both the placet are situated la the Start . of Florida; they are alias sire nnder the government In both ciaeri. and thonld the contract be broken by the pub lie ai-enta. tha Pnti lent will take care to See that due re drew is afforded. I am sot able to nnderstsnd that than 1 anything wrong or centarable In this matter. We again ask, why does the Ohio State Jour nal produce and publish the remarks of John Qoirct AsaJts, made in Congress more than nineteen years ago 1 They have so binding force. - They are merely the opinions and views ot man who was full of hatred toward the Sjuth, because of his defeat for re election to the Presidency in 1823, by the vote of the South ern States, which carried Jackson triumphant ly into'the White House, and expelled Adams. From that time forward Mr. Adams became the most mad and fanatical Abolitionist, and to the day of his death used his power and great intel lect to . create an estrangement between the North and South on the slavery question. No patriotic, law-abiding or Union-loving impulees Induce the Journal to publish such Incendiary matter at this time. Its chief de- lire is for a servile insurrection in the South, aod it would rejoice with fiendish joy, if it could see the white population of that seotiot exter minated by the negroes. The editors of the Journal are the fit representatives of John Brown, except that they lack his courage. They are as malignant and fiendish as Baown himself, but they are coward, and will never be found exposing their persons, either in honorable and patriotic defence of their coon try, or leading a gang of desperadoes to incite Insurrection. The law-abiding and Union-loving people . Ohio should require the Journal to cease , incendiary course. That paper is without In flu- , ;uce for good-, but yet may do, and does do, much barm; and it should be required to keep Its fiendish and disunion sentiments from tue public view, or be abated as a nuisance by the withdrawal of the countenance and patronage of every loyal citizen now contributing to support. ' All such abolition articles as the Journal is the habit of publishing can have but one effect, and that is to consolidate the entire South in thie rebellion, and hence it must be viewed an enemy to the prompt and speedy settlement of our present national trouble; and those who have gone into the field to serve in tha war should regard it, and all other journals like as their worst enemy. HTWe learn from the Ohio Stale Journal yeeterday that the appointment of Joshua E. Giddinos as Consul General in Canada has been received there with universal satisfaction. If this be so, a great many people are pleased on both sides of the line, for his absence from Ohio is a very gratifying circumstance to all the loyal Union-loving men in the State). ' 1 E3 Tht Taunton (Mass.) Oatdte, referring to the attentkaa which Gov. Sprague receives from the ladies at' Washington, remarks ' 'follows: ' :" ',' . ! "Eumorbas It that tha Rhode Island Cover- ' nor, whose valor Is ss unquestionable as his patriotism, has already one 'engagement on his hands astqoeoca of his pilgrimage to commsm- ' orate tha las anniversary of the Battle of Lake Erie; the lady being the daughter of tba then Governor of Ohio, and now Secretary Of the Treasury." ' .'. ... ;. A Danger to Which Our Country is Exposed. War is at all times a terrible evil. ' But It Is useless now to dilate upon tha magnitude of its horrors. , A civil war. for a shorter or longer period, seems Inevitable. It Is, therefore, the put of wisdom to prepare for the dangers that must arise from such a state of things to the publlo welfare. These dangers are great and manifold. One of tha most serious is the tendency In the time of war, and particularly of olvil war, towards the zeroise of arbitrary and unconstitutional powers. The plea for the exercise of such pow er generally Is the necessity of the case that It is necessary in order to maintain and preserve the authority of the government. But this is the plea which oppression always makes for its inroads upon the rights and liber ties of tha people. When a people can patient ly submit to wrong and outrage upon civil rights and personal liberty, and justify snob arbitrary proceedings upon the ground of ne cessity, they are gradually being prepared for the iron rule of military despotism Our boasted free Institutions are now under going a new and terrible ordeal. We have passed, since the formation of our Federal Union, through two foreign wars, though not wholly unscathed,, yet without serious detri ment. But now we are involved In a domestic war, in which about one-third of our people may be said to be arrayed against the other two thirds an Intestine war, which, it is to be feared, will be prolonged and bloody. 'r In the midst of our excitement, aod "appro (tensions, we should pause and take warning from the lights of experience. We have, as people, do experience of a similar trial of our own to take lessons from. .But other nations and governments have had such trials of their wisdom snd virtue. Their united testimony is that prolonged and constant civil wars almoat Invariably tend to the establishment of arbitary governments or military dictatorships. This is the rock before us upon which our ship of state msy be foundered. The wise mariner will look out cautiously for the first appearance of danger, when be knows that it lies almost directly in the ship's path, and give warning in dull season. He who refuses to heed the warning Is as reckless of the lives and for tunes of the crew as though he were bent upon betraying them into the hands of pirates ETA writer in yesterday' Journal, over the signature of "Star and Stripee,' says we have men in our midst, "the business of whose lives has been to advocate the supremacy of al leglaoee to a State over allegiance to the United States, a pestilent heresy, which eradicates all true patriotism from the mind, and prepares it to nourish treasonable sentiments as naturally as mullens and thistles spring up and flourish in a vitiated soil." That is all true, as evidenced by tha conduct of the followers of Chabc.Din. SON, BslNKIIHOFF, WoLCOTT, GlDDlNOS, Plumb, Pick, snd others, in their resistance to the execution of the fugitive slavs law. But the recent uprising in favor of the Union, so powerful and overwhelming, makes it neces sary for all such men to keep shady. Many of them even profess now to be loyal citi zens! 07 The Republicans in the Richland District have nominated S. T. Woscistu, of Huron county, at present Judge on the Common Pleas Bench, as the candidate of that party for Con gress, to fill the vacancy caused by the resigna tion of John Sanaa am. A SclMI M TBI CaBADIAN HoU:X OF AS6t- LT The following is a sketch of a scene in tha Canadian House of Assembly the time be ing Saturday evening. Toe Quebeo Chronicle ays: "While the debate wu proceeding some mem bers whistled, others, bummed, many slammed their desks, made mysterious creaking noises with their boots, threw paper pellets at each other, and behaved in a most uproarjons way. Speak French!' would be called out to an Eng lish orator. Remarks as to his personal ap pearance would be addressed to tha next speaker. ' This Is rather a school boy way of doing things, but it is orthodox parliamentary practice. We have seen a member's wig art fully pulled off bis head with a hook and line, and bushels of shreds of paper showered like snow-flakes over chalrmea of committees. We have beard soma members crow like ohan ticleers, and others bark like puppies or mew like kittens. All this looks rather undignified to people in the galleries, but it does very little harm." Pkbsonal ArntAtANoi or Sccission Liad ess. The Wilmington Journal thus describes Gen. Beauregard and Jefferson Davis: "General Beauregard baa not a single An rlo 8axon feature in his face. Tba whole tone of bis countenance and attitude would lead any one to expect mm to speak In some of tne lan guages oi continental Europe. It is a irench lace, but not of the style of Cavaignao or Lt- moriciere. it la or tba solid type or trench men. Mr. Davis looks young for his age, which is well over fifty. He might be a preacher, for any fire-eating expression about Dim. Hut for tba square and straigntly opened eyes and nab itually closed mouth, firm as iron, no one wonld suspect Mr. JJavl of being tba uU and mn tary leader of a great national movement." An American Entertainment in London. an of its its in as it, of George Francis Train's "Turtle Lunch," civ en to commemorate the opening of tba first street railway in London, was tha nine days' wonder of the great metropolis. He introduced many innovation upon the staid and stupid ungiisn dinner customs Danisbed lormality expelled the professional toast-master, fostered sociality and fraternity, and, by his originality and humor, put everybody on tha best of term with blmielf and neighbor. His guests were from various classes. Noblemen, artists, au thors, professional men, merchants and others ware present. His bill of fare was inscribed with tha following short address, which was ths key note to tbe spirit of tba meeting: Many of England's leaders are Here to-day and it will be your fault if we do uot-bring them out. Saturday is a holiday Parliament has adjonrned over Easter many members of both Houses are present. Five-minute speeches are tba order or tbe day everybody meets on neu tral ground chief of parties are here Eng lish bards and Scotch reviewers Royal engi neers and distinguished authors a congress of representative men lords and commoner everybody is in tbe dress circle all are first- clas passengers. Tbe base of enjoyment Is Rood nature formality freezes hospitality, Make up your minds to pass an agreeable afternoon, and von will hat sura to do so. I want each of von t help me. Permit ma to introduce you to gen tlemen on eacn aide or you; don I best late to maka their acquaintance, and draw upon me at sigbt for tba consequences. 1 bave engaged tha hall till midnight; any gentleman leaving early may return later. When ranks are tbin ned, please close up so loDg as wit and wine aoouna. x ou may bave observed tbat, at many ot these social gatherings, the chairman avails himself of his distinguished position to go to sleep. Be so kind as to remind me, should such an accident occur. . . .. (- . as ' Removal or Taoors. General McClellan is fued orders to General Camp Harrison, last evening, to move two regiment, on Friday, under command of hi senior Colonel, to Camp Dennlson, and on Saturday to move with the re mainder ,of tba troops, under his own command, to tha same point. Tba arms to these troops were distributed yesterday, and they will mar oh through our streets on Friday and Saturday, In regular military style, to tha L. M. . R. de pot. Tha tents and cantonments for our troops are all put np ready for occupancy. Ct. Enq., Jfey 16s 1 "T. '- The Gun—boat Discussion. Every' reader of the Cincinnati Commercial and the Oautta has . been amused at the silly discussions of these two papers on the subject of Gun Baals. The Cincinnati Prete, of Wednes day, thus treats the silly editors of tha Gazette and Commerei alt ' Having confined our praotloe in gunnery principally to weapons of a less destructive character , than guns, revolvers, Derringers, howitzers, Liatlgrens, fowling-pieces and Co- lumbiads, wa ubould do wrone to profess to speak experimentally upon a matter so abstruse at once ana so important as tbe Uun-boat ques tion) but as we have read prayerfully, and we trust not witnout aa vantage, toe articles or the Vommeraal, we may venture to lay down a few elementary points wbioh will be beueficial to tbe lese instructed readers of the Prrtt, in case tbey should ece fit to pursue the sub eot in tbe more proiouna polemic or our cotempor&ries. We will begin with the definition of a Gun-boat, What la a Gun-boat 7 r A gun Is a gun, and a boat is a boat: combine tbe two, and tbe product. In fact as In terminol ort. is gun-boat. Any boat, with any gun in it, is, pre Mara, a gun-boat; while a bug vessel of multitudinous tonnage, witn Duiwarks rendered invulnerable by massive plates of iron, and oar rying aeveral ugly-looking and worse-behaving piece ol tubular pot metal, is still a gun-boat, ana no more man a gun-noat. A profound thinker of Mew England was wout to sum up the result of his philosophical researches in the following brief sentence: There's odds in deacons " Tbe GazttU, with equal protoundity, haa reached tht conclusion that there is, or may bo, odds in gun-boats. 1 bis fact,or principle, tbe Commercial disregard With a sublime uoconsciousnes, of minor dis tinctions so common with lofty Intellects, the Commercial reasons we give it in a paraphrase a gun is a gun. and a boat Is a boat: therelore a gun-boat is a cun-boat, A auu boat can do thus and thus: for example: Let A. B. be the ob jector attack a battery of sand-bags or a lort of log of palmetto; and o. U. tbe gun boat whose business it 1 to destroy It. A. B. can go to B. C , aryal B. C. must go to A. B. Every thing 1 in readiness; tbe universe bold its aerial and other fluids In an agony of expecta tion; bang goes B. C. and duwn comes A. B Hurrah! Nay, but, says the Gazette, lugging out its discovery, and remembering ita scripture at tne same time : as one star dillerfllh from anotner star in glory, so one gun-boat differeth from an other gun-boat in what shall we call it to turn tne sentence properly 7 sop-ularuv. Besides, ear tbe Gated! -now fairly under way witn ita logio there' a difference in forts a well as in gun boats. To the Dovil with your differences, ears the Commercial, growing alarmed at these fioe-ppun distinctions, and trying to get into deeper water. And tbe Government, safe tbe Commercial" still harping on its old strategic paint bad but two or three gun-boats at fort Sumter How big 7 puts la the GattHe. D the odds, says the Commercial Beside reading up for this article la the Com mercial, we have been glancing at the Ency clopedia lor materials, We iouked for guu in G., and for boat la B., and combined tho iulor nation. Treatinor ita auhiAnt miflcllAhpnaalv and, as it were, hysterically, tbe Cummer cud does not supply those strictly coientihc formula necessary to a full elucidation of all it practi cal aspeota. Its fundamental proposition a gun is a gun and a boat is a boat, therefore a gun boat Is a gun boat perbap renders tbi unnecessary. We bave, however, been seeking for some rule by which the relative power of gun boats and batteries may be determined mathematically; and have lound it. It is as follow, and we submit it to tbe Commercial, confident that Its consummate military geniue will not fail to eee in it all that is desirable. We subjoin it, confident of its approval, giving it full permission to use the same in lis future controversies with the Gazette: As the square of tbe exposed surface of tbe boat, added to tbe calibre of its gun, is to the cube of tbe sand-bags composing the battery, so is the ratio of the sbots fired by tbe former to the sum of the killed and wouuded lo tbe tat ter. Tbe conclusion to which we have arrived is. that although there may be things in which size ana weignt ot metal make no ditlerence, gun boats are not one of them. The Southern Rebel's Declaration of War Against the United States. The Montgomery (Ala ) papers contain the Secession Declaration of War against tbe United States, occupying a column and three quarters; but annexed is tbe only portion of gcueral In terest: An act rtcogniting the existence of tear between the United. Stalce and the Confederate Stale. and concerning letter of marque, pritee and pnte gooae. Whirsas. The earnest efforts made bv this Government to establish friendly relations be tween the Government of the United States and tbe Confederate States, and to settle all ques tions ot disagreement between tbe two Uovern- ments upon principle of right, justice, equality and good faith, bave proved unavailing, by rea son of tha refusal of tbe Governmeut of tbe United States to bold any intercourse with tbe Commissioner appointed by this Gonernment lor tba purpose aloresaid, or to listen to any pro posal they had to make for the peaceful solu tion of all causes of difficulty between the two Governments; and whereas Vie President of the united states of America has issued bis procla mation making requisition upon tbe States of tne American Union for 7a,UUU men, for the purpose, as therein iudioated, of capturing forts and other strongholds within tha jurisdiction of and belonging to the Confederate States of America, and has detailed naval armaments upon tba coasts of the Confederate Slates of America, and raised, organized, and equipped a large military force to execute the purpose afore said, and haa iesued hi other proclamation an nouncing hi purpose to set on foot a blockade of tne porta oi tbe Uinfederate states; and whereas the State of Virginia has seceded from ths Feder al Union, and entered into a Convention of alli ance, offensive and defensive, with the Confed erate States, and has adopted the Provisional Constitution of tbe said States, and tbe Stvea of Maryland, North Carolina, Tennessee, Ken tncky, Arkassas, and Misiouri, have refused, and it is believed that tbe State of Delaware, and tbe inhabitants ol the Territories of Arizona and New Mexico, and the Indian Territory, ' South of Kansas, will refuse to co-operate with the Government of tbe United States in these acts of hostilities and wanton aggression, which are plainly intended to overawe, oppress aud finally lubjogate the people of tbe Cou federate Diaiesj ana wbereas by the acts .and means alore said war exists between the Confederate States and tbe Government of tbe United States, and the States and Territories thereof, except tbe States of Maryland, North Carolina, Tennes see, Kentucky, Arkansas, Missouri and Dela ware, and tbe 1 erritories of Arizona and New Mexico, and tbe Indian Territories South of Kansas: therefore Sio. 1. The Congress of tba Confederate States of America do enact that the President of tbe Confederate States is hereby authorized to use tbe whole land and naval force of the Confederate States to meet the war thus com menced, and to Issue to private armed vessels commissions or letters of marque and general reprisal, in such form as he shall think proper, under the seal of the ConfederateStates, against tbe vessels,' goods, and effects of tbe Govern ment of the United States, and of the citizens or Inhabitant of the Bute and Territories there of, except tbe States and Territories herein be fore named. Provided, however, that property of tha enemy (unless It be contraband of war) laden on board a neutral vessel, shall not be subject to seizure under this act: And provided further, that vessels of tbe citizens or inhabit ants of the United States now In tbe ports of the Confederate State, except such a bave been since tha 5th of April last, or may hereafter be, in tha service of tba Government of the United States, shall be allowed thirty days after the publication of this act to leave said ports and reach their destination; and' vessels snd their cargoes, excepting articles contraband of war, shall not be subiect to capture under this act during said period, unlets they shall have pre viously reached tbe destination for which they were bound on. leaving said porU. .1 Allofatbv m the Arm, It seems that no surgeons exoept ol tba allopathic school of prac ttoa win receive commissions - m uw "hi Pmteata have been made against this course by leading practitioners of other. Schools' of '. .'. .... . -'-'! ' Gen Butler's Proclamation at Baltimore. Gen Butler's Proclamation at Baltimore. DEPARTMENT OF ANNAPOLIS, FEDERAL HILL, BALTIMORE, May 14, 1861. A detachment of tha forces of the federal gov-' ernment under my command bave occupied tha city of Baltimore for the purpose, among other things, ot enforcing respect and obedience to tbe laws, aa well of the State, u requested thereto by the olvil authorities, as of tbe United States, which are being violated within ita limits b anm A malionont and traitoroo men: and in order to testily the acceptance oy the federal government of tbe faot mat tne city ana an ids well lntcntioned portion ot tne mnaoitanis are loyal to the Union and the Constitution, and are to be so regarded and treated by all, to tho end therefore tbat all misunderstanding of tbe pur poses of the government may be prevented, aod to set at rest all unfounded, false, and seditious rumors, to relieve all apprehensions, if any are felt by the well disposed portion or tbe commu nity, and to make it thoroughly understood by all traitors, their alders aud abettors, that their rebellious acts must cease, 1 nereoy, Dy tae authnrltv vnatnrl in ma as commander of the Department of Annapolis, of which the city of Baltimore forms a part, ao now oommaau auu make known tbat no loyal and well disposed cit izen will be disturbed in hi lawful occupation or business; that private property will not be interfered witn by tbe men unaer my ouuiuiauu, or allowed to be Interfered with by others, ex cept in so far as it may bs usod, or be In course of preparation to be used, to afford aid and com fort to tbose la rebellion against tne govern ment, whether here or elsewhere; all of which property, munitions of war, aud that fitted to aid and aunnnrr. thA rplipllion. will be Seized and held subject to confiscation; aud, therefore, all manufacturers of arms and munitions of war are hereby requested to report to me forthwith, so that the lawfulness of their occupations may be known and understood, and all misconstruc tion of their rlrtlnpa avnMeil. No transportation from the City to the rebels of articles fitted to aid and support troopsinthe field will be nermittcd. and the fact of such transportation, after the publication of this proclamation, will be taken and received ss proof of illeiral intention on the part of the consignees, aud will render the goods liable to seizure and confiscation, the government being ready to receive all euch tore and uppnes. Arraugements will be mide to contract lor thm Immediately and thn owners and manu facturers of such articles of equipment and clothing and munitions ot war and provisions, are desired to nut themselves in communica tion with the commanding general, in order that their workshops may be employed for loyal purposes, and the artisans of the city resume and carr on their wonted profitable occupa tions. Tbe acting assistant Quartermaster and Commisiiary of subsistence of the United States bere stationed has been instructed to procure and furniah at fair nricei fortv thousand ra tions for the uso of tbe army of tbe United States, and further aunolies will be drawn from the city to tbo full extent of Its cspaoity, if tbe patriotic and loyal men choose so to lur uish supplies. All assemblages, except the ordinary police, ol armed bodies ot men, otber tban tnose regu larlv organized and commissioned bv the State of Maryland, and aoting under tbe orders of tbe Governor thereof, for drill and other purposes, are 1 Jtbidden within the department. All officers of the militia of Maryland, hav ing Command within the limits of tbe depart ment, are reauested to report through tbeir offi cers forthwith to the General in command, so that be may be able to know and distinguish the regular commissioned and loyal troops of Maryland from armed bodies wbo may Claim to be suoh. Tbe ordinary operations of the corpo rate government of tbe city of Baltimore, and the civil authorities, will not be interfered with; but, on the contrary, will be aided by all the power at tbe command of the Uenerai, upon proper call being made; and all such authorities are cordially invited to co operate with the General in command to carry out tbe purposes set forth in the proclamation, so that the city of Baltimore may be shown to the country to be what she is in fact, patriotic and loyal to tbe Union, to the Constitution and the laws. Noflig, banner, eosiga or device of the so called Confederate States, or any of them, by evil disposed persons, will be deemed and taken to be evidence of design to afford aid and com fort to the enemies ot the country. To make it tbe more anoalent that the Government of the United States by far more relies upon the loyalty, patriotism and zeal of the good citizens ol Baltimore and vicinitv tban upon any exnioi- tioo of force calculated to intimidate them into that obedience to the laws which tbe Govern ment doubts not will be paid from inherent re spect and love of order, tbe Commanding Gen eral has brought to the city witn Dim, oi tne many thousand troops in tbe immediate neigh borhood which might be at once concentrated here, scarcely more than an ordinary guard; and, until it fails him, be will oontlnue to rely up on that loyalty and patriotism of the citizens of Maryland which has never yet been found want ing to tbe Government in time of need. The General in command desires to greet and treat in this part of bis department all the citizens thereof as friends and brothers, having a com mon purpose, a common loyalty and a common country. Any infractions of the laws by the troops under his command, or any disorderly or unsoldierlike conduct, or any Interference with private property, be desires to bave immediate ly reported to him; and be pledges himself tbat if any soldier so far forgets himself as to break those laws he has sworn to defend and enforce, be shall be most rigorously punished. The General believes that if the suggestions and re quests contained in this proclamation are faith fully cairied out by the co operation of all good and Union-loving citizens, and peace and quiet, and certainty ol future peace and quiet, are thus restored, business will resume Its accustomed channels, trade take the place of dullness and inactivity, efficient labor displace idleness, and Baltimore will be in fact what she Is entitled to be, in the front rank of the commercial cities of tbe nation. Given at Baltimore the day and year herein Drat above written. BENJAMIN F. BUTLER, Brig, Gen., Com'dg Department of Annapolis. E. G. PARKER, Lieut, Col., Aidde-Camp. Shocking Instance of Indian Superstition. Th British Coloniet, published in British Co lumbia, relates tbat a Dydah Indian boy, wbo bad been employed as a scullion for several month at a hotel, was recently missed, bat af ter some time was discovered In close confine ment in a ledee of tbe Stickeen Indians. He was boond hand and foot, and was reduced to mere skeleton from want of food and water The boy's version of tbe affair is that he was clandestinely seized by several Stickeen Indi ans and taken to the lodge where be was discov ercd by tbe police, where he was shown a sick Dydah, and told tbat until that man recovered he would be kept in close confinement without food; if tbe man died, be would be killed; he lived, be would be set at liberty. Tbe captive was then bound with ronos and gagged, so as to prevent bim from calling for asKiatance, and placed in a corner of the room, where be remained without food water for nine days! Daring tbis time the Indians occasionally tantalized him by removing tbe sac, placing rood to bis lips, and tben jerk ing it away, and by offering him salt water driDk.. If he sought to sleep, be was tortured till he awoke. The excuse given for this bar barous treatment was that the boy bad bewitch ed one of their tribe by burying a quantity herbs near bis house, tbat tbe Indian was taken sick, and the only means through which he could ultimately recover was by treating tbe boy they had done; they also add that be some time ago bewitched a child that afterward died, and that the whole tribe stood In dread of the spells he was enabled to throw around them by bis In cantations It was their intention to have burn ed bim on the tenth day, and use his aabes tbe preparation of a cordial that should heal the sick man, and tbe pyre was nearly reaay lor nis reception when tbe polios fortunately discovered bis locality. . ' Ihmemsi Contoaot toe Postage Stamps. The American Bank Note Company of New York bave succeeded In obtaining the contract f or the crintins; of postage stamps, lor which work there were sis responsible bidders.' Some idea of the work to be done can be gathered from tbe fact tbat last year 3C6,0UU,O0U stamps were issued by the contractors, exclusive stamped envelopes, which were prepared otber parties. . It is tbe belief of tbe Depart, man I tbat tbe falling off of the demand for tamns. in conseouence or secession, win oe a- bout one-third of tbe number issued.' Tbe con Have o o " jf.i . . (n.,,i-(,,irj i : LETTER FROM GEN HARNEY. To the People the State of Missouri. MILITARY DEPARTMENT OF THE WEST. ST. LOUIS, May 14, 1861. Ou my return to the duties of the command of this department, I find, greatly to my aston ishment and mortinoaUon.amostextraoratnary state of things existing In this State, deeply affecting tbe stability of tbe Government of the United States, as well as the government and otber Interests of Missouri itself. As a citizen of Missouri, owing allegianoe lo the Uuited states, ana having interests in com mon with you, I ieel it my duty as well asprivl lege, to extend a warning voice to my fellow- citizens againBt tha common dangers that threatens us, and to appeal to your patriotism and sense of justice to exert ail your moral nower to avert them. It Is with regret that I feel it my duty to call your attention to tbe receut act of the General Assembly ot Missouri, Known as toe muuary bill, which is tbe result, no ooudc, oi tne tern porary exoitemeut tbat now pervades the publio mind. I bis bin cannot do regaraea in any oia er llcht than an Indirect seeeistoa ordinance, ig noring even the form resorted to by other States. Manifestly, its most material provisions are in conllict with tha Constitution and laws of tbe United States. To this extent it is a nullity, andoannotand ought not to be upheld or re garded by the good citizens of Missouri, There are ODiiuauons ana uuties resume uuuu iuo ucu- pie of Missouri under the Constitution and laws of the Uuited States which are paramount, and which I trust you will carefully consider and weigh well before you will allow yourselves to be carried out of the Union, under the form of yielding obedience to tbis military bill, which Is clearly iu violation of your duties as citizens of the United States. It must be apparent to every one wbo has t tiU en a nrorer aud unbiased view of the sub ject, that whatever may he the termination of tbe uoiortunate condition oi tnings id respect to tbe so called "Cotton States," Missouri must share the destiny of tbe Union. Her geographi cal nosition. her soil, productions, and in short, all her material interests point to this result. We cannot shut our eyes against this controll ing fact. It is seen and its force is felt through, out the nation. So important is tbis regarded as to tbe great interests of tbe country, tbat I venture to express the' opiuion that tbe whole power of the Government of the United States, if necessary, will be exerted to maintain Mis souri in her present position in the Union. I express to you, in ail frankness and sincer ity, mv own deliberate convictions, without aasumintr to sneak for tbe Government of the Uuited States, whose authority here and elsewhere I shall at all times and under all circumstances endeavor faithfully to up hold I desire, above all things, most earnestly to invite my fellow citizens dispassionately to con sider their true interests as well as their true relation to the Government under which we live and to which we owe so much. Iu this connection I desire to direct attention to one subject, which no doubt will be made the pretext for more or less popular excitement. I allude to the recent transactions at Cams Jack eon, near St, Lnuis. It is not proper for me to comment upon the ofBoial conduct of my prede cessor in command of this Department, but it is right and proper for the poople of Missouri to know that tbe main avenue of Camp Jackson, recently under tbe oomraand of Gen. Frost, had tbe name of Davie, and a principal street of the game camp that of Beauregard; and that a body of men had been received into that camp by Ita commander, which bad been notoriously organ ized In tbe interests of the teceieiomete tbe men openly wearing tbe dress and badge distin guishiog tbe army of the so-called Southern Confederacy. It is also a notorious fact that a quantity of arms had been received into camp which were unlawfully taken from the United States arsenal at Baton Rouge, and surrepti tiously passed up tbe river in boxes marked marble. Upon facts, like these, and having in view what occurred at Liberty, the people can draw tbeir own ioferences, and it cannot be difficult for any one to arrive at a correct conclusion as to tbe character aud ultimate purpose bf that encampment. No Government in the world would be entitled to respect tbat would tolerate for a moment such openly treasonable prepara tions. It is but simple justice, however, tbat I should state tbe fact tbat there were many good and loyal inou in the camp, who were In no manner responsible for its treasonable character. Disclaiming, as I do, all desire or intention to interfere in any way with the prerogatives of the State of Missouri, or with tbe functions ol its Executive or other authorities, yet I regard it bb my plain path of duty to express to tbe people, in re?peotful but at the same time decid ed language, that within tne neia ana scope oi my command and authority, tbe surKbraiv LAW of tbe land must and shall be maintain ed, and no subterfuges, whether In the form of legislative acts or otherwise, can be permitted to harass or oppress the good and law-abiding people of Missouri. 1 shall exert my authority to protect their persons and property from viola tions of every kind, and 1 shall deem it my duty to suppress all unlawful combinations of men, wbetber lormed under pretext of military WM. S. HARNEY, Brig. Gen U. S. A., Commanding. Gov. Sprague's regiment is a noble one Yesterday it made up a purse of il.OOO for tbe sieters of young Howard , wbo was murdered by the policeman on Wednesday night last, an ex ample which Is very likely to be followed by others. Thirteen members of the regiment were sent borne on Friday night, in command of Major Slocuin. Tbis is done as punishment for intoxication and disorderly conduct, which Is something the regiment does not intend to allow on the part of any or its members. ivoritnlon Letter. The contributions so far from tbe loyal States in aid of tbe Government amount to the enormous aggregate of $27,133,000, which has all been raised In little mora tban three weeks Of the fifteen States making this patriotio effort, New York is set down for $5,747,000, Pennsylvania for S3,30,0(I0, Illinois for $3, 553,000, Ohio for (3,348,000, and the remain der in proportion The city of New York alone gives over two millions ot dollars. a An ExriaikNctD Secedzr. Col. W. T. Aus tin, ol Galveston, onti of the original Texas seceders from Mexico, and a participant to the first siege, assault and taking ol San Antonio by the Texan volunteers, has been appointed Adjutant and Inspector for the State military district of Galveston county, under command of Gen. Sydney Sherman, who led a regiment at tne Dattieot an Jacinto. Holltrwaj's Pills ind Ointment. if or to Piles and Fistulas. Consolation for the Af flictedsufferers from these terrible penalties of abused nature, wilt find speedy relief by tew applications ol this popular ointment. A steady perseverance iu ita use, will, with Ihe aid or tue fins, effect a radioal cure witnout re course to ligature or other barbarou operations worthy tbe dark ages of Scienoe. The Pills are a most valuable specifio for indigestion and by tbeir aperient action on the bowels, tbey exter minate tbe primary causa of piles, &o. Sold by all Druggists, at 25c,, G3c,and $1 per box or pot, . . i ' : ..-!! ' of as in A Pose, Healthv Tonic, and one free from the deleterious aad injurious eft'eots sure to fol low tbose in ordinary use, has long been felt to be a desideratum in the medical world. SuCh a tonlo, and one so skillfully combined from the vegetable kingdom as to act in perfect accor dance with the laws of nature, and thus soothe the weakest stomach, and at the same time al lay nervous snd other irritations, and tone up an tne organs oi woicn toenuman ooay l com posed, is offered in Prof. Wood's Restorative Cordial and Blood Renovator. Hence it Is per feotly adapted to old and yoong. Aeader, try it, Thousands bave already alone so, and the testimony is universal in Its favor New York Atla. v , i . of by Good. We met one of our friends yestorday on Broadway, and were astonished at the change in his appearance. A few weeks ago wa saw him, ha was pale, lean and dejected; complain log of weakness and debility, having been so afflicted all summer. Now he appears to be fat, healthy and strong. We learn be owed his res toration entirely to McLean's Stbebqthenino Cordial. .., ; . - -, , ' ' - We advise all wbo are complaining of Gen eral Debility to try it; It 1 certainly, a vary pleasant remedy. We learn tbat there are large quantities of it selling tlally. ATsraiaf ,wW " M ,-'' i" :'l !! r.;,r:.:i n,r li ,V,f.if .1 1 " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS WOOL FOR 1861! WE FEEL OH EAT CONFIDENCE IN announcing lo Wool O rowers and Merohants, that w poeaeas unsurpassed facilities for receiving, grading end selling Wool, which will be done i Exclusively on Commission, D wniK vntRBD, ' LIBERAL ADVANCES WILL Bl UABI ON RtOIIVINd WOOL. SACKS WILL BE SENT. . , To those who wish to oonilgn. ', ' ,' ' i , Otxr Charges are Iiow- , No efforts shall be wanting to merit the patronage of those who have Wool to sell. , , ' CLEVELAND WOOL DEPOT CO., Offie No. 107 Bank Street, Cleveland, Ohio mayiedut . . . CANAL LEASE. TIDRSUANT TO THE ItEQtJlHK X ments of the set "To provide for leasing the Public Works er tne btate," pasted Msy Bin, icui, willism LKNNIbON. Governor. K01IKHC W. TAYLKU, Audi tor, and ALfD P. 8TONB. Tieasurerof the Biate of Ohio, hereby give notice that they will let the Publlo Works of the State, with their appurtenances, as speclA- ed In the said aot, for the term of ten lears. at Publlo Auction In the Rotunda of the State House, in the city of Oommbas, between ins noirsoi ten o clock A. at. ana four o'clock P. M. of the SVth day of May, 1HC1; which said Public Works consist of tbe Miami and Brie Uai a I, the Ohio Canal, the Walhondlna- Canal, (be llocklni Ca nal, so much of the Sandy and Beaver Canal aa Is owned by the stale, the Muskingum Improvement, and the Western Reserve and Maume Road, and all the side cuts, feeders, reservoirs, look houses, collectors' offioes, weigh looks, and leases oi surplus water connectea wim the ume or appertaining thereto, and owned by the Btate for the purpose of being used in connection therewith, with the right to bave additional surplus water. Bald rnblio works will be lei to tne person or persons who, In consideration of the tolls, fines, water rents and revenues to be derived therefrom, shsll bid to pay the highest annual rent therefor, to be paid In semi-annual payments in advance In each year during the term of the leaie. No bid will be received unless the person or per sona maklns: the same shall have first deposited with the Auditor of Btate, In money or In stocks of the State of Ohio or of the United Btales.theoum of twenty thousand dollars, nson the conditions that he or they will, on their part, enter into an Indenture of lease of said Publio woru or tne mate or unio, nine same suaii oe strucs off to bin or them, and also give a bond payable to Ihe Btate or onio in trie sum or two nunarea tnouiana dot Ian. with five or more sufficient sureties to the satisfac tion of the Governor, Auditor and Treasurer of slate, and renewable every two years, or oftener, If the Gover nor, Auditor and Treasurer of Btate shall think the sureties at any time insufficient, conditioned, In proper form, that the said lessee or lessees shall perform all the covenants or said lease on ueir part to oe periormeu, and will oav all daman suffered by the State or by In dividuals, by reason of his or thslr failure to do so; and In default of said lessee or lessees entering into saia in denture of lesse, or giving said bond, the deposit so made as aforesaid shall be absolutely forfeited to and be come the property of the Btate. No railroad company can bid, or be Interested directly or indirectly, as lessee or assignee, or otherwise, or the lesse. No bid of less than twenty thousand dollars per an num will be received. The lease and bond must bo ex ecuted and delivered within file davs after the let ting, and the term will date from the approval of the bond. The lessee or lessees shall receive all materials provi ded or contracted for by Ihe Btate, acd all boala, scows, tools. Implements, hones, mules, and other property now belondni to and need by tbe State on said Public Works, at their appraised value, and pay therefor as pro vilpd In aald act. A bond and lease In accordance with the act wilt be prepared and be ready for elimination at the office of the Aulltor or Btate, prior to mo xuin instant, auu an blda made ahall be deemed to have been msde with ref erence to all the provisions of said act, and of the terms and conditions of Ihe bond aLd lease so pteparvd as aforesaid. W. DENNI80N, Gtenrnor. B. W. TAYLKK. AwtUer. A. P. MONK, Trtarurer. Columbus, Ohio, Msy 14, 1801 maylSsdld. EAGLE BRASS WORKS, Corner Spring & Water St., OolTXX33.T3XUB , OlXlO. W. B. POTTS & CO., MAOmNZSTS, tnd Manufacturers of Brae and Composition Castings, Pioisried Ureas Work or all vesenpuons. Electro Plating and Gilding!! STENCIL CUTTING, &C. ' feblTjl-dly " S. DOYLE & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, Northwest Corner of High and Gay Sta., 3STO. 61, COLUMUiJN, OHIO. "A large stock of Fin and Staple Goods on hand. y31-dtf STERNE CHITTENDEN. . . I HENRY T. CH1TTENDE N S.& H.T.CHITTENDEN. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. irp Offices, 229 Broadway New York City, and Parsons' Boiudim, Columbus, Ohio. HjOareful attention paid to Collections . april8:dStn . THE UNION FOREVER TTPIIQlt ENVELOPE A It A KIT Y OF J designs, at l,uu per l,uuu. TTHIOlf LETTER AUD ROTS PAPEB, at half the price charged by small dealers. TTTflK AD QUARTERS No. 75 Booth High street. Columbus, May 8, 1H01 . i . U . RILEY . St. IRISH STEAMSHIP LINE. Steam Between Ireland and America NEW YORK, BOSTON AND GALWAY. The following oew and magnlfloent first-class paddle- wheel steamships compote the above line: ABRI ATIO, 6,888 tons burthen, Cant, J. Madrt (formerly of the Collins tine ) ' HIBKRNIA, 4,400 ton. burthen, Capt. N. Prowh, COLUMBIA, 4,410 " " U.Lbitcr. ANOLU, 4.4UO Nicholson. PAOiriO, 2,800 " " I. Emm. PRINOK ALBERT, (Screw.) 3,300 ' " J. Walker. One of th abort ship, will leare New York or Boston alternately every Tuesday rortnliht, for Oalway, car- ryln th government malls, touching at St. Johns, N. V. The Steamers of this lio hare been constructed with Ihe greatest care, under the supervision of th govern ment, nave water-Hunt compartments, ana are unexcel led torcomiort, safety and speed By any steamers afloat, They are commanded by able and experienced ofiicers. and every exertion will be made to promote th comfort oi passengers. - - An experienced Burgeon attached to each ship. BATES Or PASSAGE. Flrst-clsss N. Y.or Boston to Oalway or Liverpool 1 100 Sccond-elass, ' . , . , 7J first-class, 1 " " to ft John's i 35 Third-class, - " - " to Oalway or Liverpool or any town In Ireland, on a Railway,. - - 3U Third-class paeeeniters an liberally supplied wilh pro visions of the best quality, cooked and served by the ser vants or the usmpany. . - - KETTJItir TICKETS..' ParUes wishing to send for their friend from th old country can obtain tickets from any town on a railway, in ireiana, or irom tne principal cities or Bogiana ana Boot land, at very low rates. '. Passengers for Mew York, arriving by th Boston Steamers, will be forwarded to New York free of charge - mot passage or luruiermionnauon, apply to . Wm.1I. WIOKIIAM. ' At th olBe of th Company, on th wharf, foot of uanai street, new lore. HOWLANI) at ABPINWALIi, Agent... . aprlllftdCm. yBEW 1IOOP SKIKT. I 33 AXN cfe QOItf, No. 89, BOUTS Hian 8TBBII. ' Ilsr Just received a new make of HOOP 8KIRTI finished In a manner tar superior to any yst lntroduotd for DURABILITY AND GRACEFULNESS. mh 83. . OI - ,,., r. A Novelties In Neck Ties and Scarfs. m." -,' .. Bjron end Garrott Oollars. ., I . Kmbroldered Pocket Jlaadkerohlef. ' - Paris Kid Gloves, superior make. : .-.-1 . i . . Golden Hill Rhlrts, various sty lo.i - -i Boys' Golden Ulll nan, a.i , - Driving and Htreetttlovea, de Hemmed Pocket Handkerehtefs, -various style. ' - . Ball iioee aad Under Oamenls, H BAIN St SON,- , - aprlU " ' .; Mo. 19 South High street. TSJIDB PtANTLB BAHAUES, DOTH If Whit and Black, J net rewired at Jy Airi; T)LACK PJTRAW BOWWKTSI ANBEl. J 4rtnt Bibbene, a tree var X r . ' Oet tto. (, High etreetj ,V. -. isn't ryis SPECIAL NOTICES, MANHOOD. HOW LOST, HOW BESIOBED. JUPT PUBLISHED, ON TtlB NATUB1I, MENT AND RAUIOAl'UUJ! or nr,.riY-- or Bern nal Weafcneis, ru' uouunj, "'"""""-;--Voluntary Emissions and Impotenoy, reiultUjg from Belf abure, Sto. By Root. J. Culverwell. M. D. Bent nnder seal, In a p eav.j.. fTrWif i5 r3.rv. New York. Post Office Box.No marQl:3mdfcw ,000, , . raoi i at'S njim vivvh. In all ease of ooitlveness, dyspepsia, billions and tlvsi affeottont, plies, rheumatism, fover and agues, oosn Date head aches, and all general derangements of heal I thee Pills have Invariably proved a certain ami speouy remedy. A single trial will place th Life Pills beyond the reach of competition In the estimation of every pa tient. , Dr. Moffat's Phoenix Bitters will be found equally ef tcaolons In all cases of nervous debility, dyspepsia, head ache, th sickness Incident to female Indelicate health, and every kind of weakness of the digestive organs, lor salebyDr. W. B. MOlffAT, 333, Broadway, N. T. and by all Druggists. mayas-datwlv The following it an extraot from a letter written b,r Ihe Rev. J. 8. Holme, paster ol th Plerrepolnt-Btrtet Baptist Church, Brooklyn, M. Y.,to the "Journal and Meisenger," Cincinnati, 0., and speak volume, lo favor of that world-renowned medicine, Mas. Wihilow's Soo-rnifio Bvurr roa Ohildrxn Tuthisoi "We see an advertlsment In your columns of Mas Winslow's Bootiiiho Bvrcp. Now we never said a word in favor of a patent medicine before In our life, but we feel oompelled lo say to your readers that thla Is no hum bug WB HAVBTRIID IT, AMD R10W IT TO SS AU. IT claims. It Is probably one of th moat surcesstui meai- olnes of the day, because it Is one of the best. Ana tnose of your readers who have babies can't do better than lay ina supply." ocxi:iyu.w To csn.umptiTe., The Advertiser, having been restored to health In a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having offered sev eral years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption 1 anxious to make known to hi fellow-sufferers the mean, ot cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of tbe prescrit - tlon uied (free of charge), with the directions for prepar ing and using the tame, which thy will find a sdrr Ot Rr for Oonscmftion, Asthma. Bronchitis, ko. Th only object of tho advertiser in sending the Prescription It to benefit the afflicted, and spread Information whloh he eon- oelve. to be invaluable, and he hope, every .offerer will try his remedy, a. It will coat them nothing, acd may prove a blessing. rartie. wiiuidk we prennpuon win pinw. auareas Rtv. EDWARD A. WILSON, Wllliamthurgh, King. County, New York, oct&wly ' fiBOOimnrDED by raw latb SIR A8TLEY COOPER, or lo-WDOff, A WD DR. VALENTINE BIOTT OV XKW YORK. n acknowledged Heads of th Profession hi slUw xlemispner. Tba bent Dlnretio, Tonlo, and Invlgornnt. Ths flnmt Extract of tha IT ALT AN JLTKTPHH BffiHHY. The Parent and Host Costly Gin Ex tant. INDISPENSABLE TO FEMALES, INVALUABLE TO THE SICK, INCOMPARABLE FOR THE AGED. THE SAFEST AND MOST DELICIOUS BEVERAGE IN THE WORLD. For Bala, Flnta trod On arts, by vary Dnigglat; Grocer, or Country Merchant. LOOK OUT FOB BOGUS ,ONDON GINS. THE ONLT OENTJINH ABTICLB II CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL GIN. B. BALDWIN & CO., Importers, 91 Liberty St., NKW YORK, Bold In Columbus by McKKB St KBBTI1ATJX, Wholesale and Retail Orocers, Statesman Building. 0. A. WAflNBB.and others. In Cincinnati, by 8UIKK, KCKBIBIN st CO., oc26-deodatl)!W and others. PBICS8 BELUTCID From th New ork Observer-1 As all parties manufacturing Sewing Machines are ob liged lo pay air. Howe a license on each machine sold, and sr. a so compelled to make returns to him, under oath, at lo thenumuer sold, his books give a correct staU ment. Prom this reliable source we have obtained the following statiitics. Ot the machine mad in the year 1H59, ther were old, . .. -. By Wheeler St Wilson 21,305 " I. M. ginger At Co ..10,05,1 " Grover It Baker 10,'JBO Showing the sales of Whteler It Wilson to be double those of any other Company." ' Awarded the highest premiumsat the Culled State. Pair, of 1858, 1&U and 1800; also at the Ohio State fairs of 1S59 and 1MA and at nearly all th County Vain in th State. Our prices, it Ihe late reduction, are ao tow a any lock ettch machine now sold, and bnt trifle higher than the interior two thread chain etich machinee, now forced nnon the market. The WHRKLBft h. WILSON HACHINI make, the Lock Stioh the only one which cannot be raveled. It Is Auxt on Both ginxsof th goods, leaving no ridge or chatnontfit under. tide. AU marhinee varranted 3 yar, and intrudon given In their use, free of charge. 11. CRA&y.Bl High St.. Columbus, 0. WM. SUUNBjB fc CO., dec3-Sawd3mStw6o Tike's Opera Boas. Cincinnati. Watches t Diamonds! I Silver Ware III A CHOICE AftSOHTIfTEIVT Of COLD and Silver Watches, In great variety. 1 am Agent for tbe AnnioaR Watch Co., and can sell these excellent Watches at manufacturers' prices, tther Wholesale or Retail. Come and choose from my beautiful display of Dia monds and other rich Jewelry. Btylesnew prices low. As to Silver War of sterling quality, I can show new patterns, very handioma. ' Oliver Plated Ware, Tea Setts, TJroi, Walter., Castors, Baskets, Fltchers, Goblets, Knives, Forks, Bdootjs, Ato. Then I have a supply ot floe Table Cutlery, Pocket Knives, Baton, Jto., and many Fancy Goods suoh aa art desired for presents at such prices at are an Induce ment to the purchaser. 1 WM. BLXJJN, - Ho, 10 Backey Blook, marSl Worth aid Btaf Hone square. ADVBBT1BIMBWT. r . far th INSTANT BBLIH and P BM ANlMt OUM of ttt distressing tomplalnt new EltDT'S ,.". BBOHCHIAL CIQAEZTTB8, Kate by 0 B. SEYMOTJR At CO., 107 Masses St., . T. Prioa (1 per boil tent free by peek FOR BALI AT ALL BBOOaHI. 1 Ssay-4dtwlrl Red, White and Bine A DELAINES, .., n VACOE"s.IBBOI,S, NECK HE' Just opened by V . - . -aprW ; BAIN 4c EON, No. 89 South High street. TKt. I.A IIIAWI'll STELLA BHAWLSIlln all desirable oolors, and t Trj bargain..,,,, , - - M .".VaSk. apnu ,. ... , .. ELEGANT PLAIN BLACK MLKR FOE Barest Basques aa Mantles; alw. Rich Trimmla aodTessletomtch,at i.BA- e13 " V i ' 1 atf'S 'a