Newspaper Page Text
V FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 17, 1861. LOCAL MATTERS. " Tbe Adams Express Company places us dally - . J under obligations to it for tbe very latest papers ; 12 Irora tbe eastern cities. . 'iTlie American ExpreBS Company has thanks for its daily favors In the shape of " very latest eastern papers. Tiic Sixteenth Regiment. This fine Regl ment, under the command of Col. James Irvine, : , ' preceded by the splendid Silver Bugle Band ' -l- from Springfield, marched, yesterday afternoon , ', , to the front of the State House, to hear an ad - , dress from Adjutant General Cahrinoton on the reception of a flag for the Regiment. 1 The address of General Cawunoton was ani' . . mated and patriotic, and the soldiers of the Sixteenth Regiment cheerfully renewed the ob ligation, which he administered to them, to be faithful to the Flag of their Country. After General Carrinqton had concluded, the Regiment was addressed by Governor Dennison , in a few brief, but very eloquent and approprl ,. 1 1 ate remarks.' Among other things, he told the citizen soldiers gathered before him, tnat too present war was not a against any State or the Institutions of any ... oiate; that it was not designed to humiliate one : . section of our common country or to Bubordl- nate it to the other j nor was it a war to advance the policy of one political party in preference that of another; but that it was a contest for TT1 A-l nt.a inin an1 mASAHUH Ik Itl j . a jr- Q uw nun ijt nuu the glorious Union our fathers had bequeathed us.- These and similar noble and patriotio sen timents caused the Governor to be heartily - cneerea at the end of almost every sentence in his speech. . It was a very appropriate and well timed address. The Regiment then returned to CamD Jackson. The officers and soldiers composing it, are a fine looking set of men, and will, we doobt not, do good service on the field of battle, if they should ever be put to tho test. The number of men belonging; to the . Regiment Is 935 rank and Hie.- m i, 1 : t ,. t. juJ3R ANDER30N. Tho Hero of Fort Sum ter arrived at the depot in this city, yesterday our the No. on the II o'clock A. M. train from Cleveland' oa his way to Cincinnati, to join tho Kentucky n.egiiueui ui woien no nai been appointed Col onel. As the train cams into the depot, the gal lant Defender of Sumter was greeted with loud and enthusiastic cheers by tbe multltudo or citi zens hom tbe bare lutnor of his possible ar rival had drawn together. He presented him- ... self upon the platform of the iron car in which he rode, and every eye was fixed upon his manly uu uuuid expression 01 nis countenance. . He made no speech, but shook hands and engaged in familiar conversation with those around him.' He contradicted the ' telegraphic report that John C. Breckinriooe 1 1 II 111 H II II inn 1 1 ft li IT nnrt ...... 1 ..... .. lu . uuiuuiuuu unaer mm. lie said be bad made no such statement. . XT-!L- J .. . .... -nuiwimnwuuiDj! tne Driet period of his stay, we gauant major had a short interview with fflftvamn. Duu.jmu - . I ... .. . , ......... ianmwn BUU UIUIT UlSllDgtllBrJCtl citizens. At twelve o'clock the train boro him ( onwardtowards bis native Kentucky. May his preaeuce on her soit tend to keep her steady and trUfl tn tha Flair nP , Ftao Raising at Camp Jacrao Yesterday afternoon, at about five o'clock, a large and Handsome flag was raised to the top of a beauti ful pole ninety feet high, standing in front of then guard-house at Camp Jackson. All the troops in the Camp, about two thousand sishundredln number, were ranged around the spaoe between tbe entrance to the Camp and the guard-house. . It was a spectacle well worth seeing. . a be ceremonies wero opened by a truly elo quent, tervid and appropriate prayer by the Rev- . rar. Conrad, of Dayton. Tho flag was then elevated to its place and flung to the breeze. A national saluto of thirty-four guns was then fired. At the instance of Adjutant Jones, three i .1 . . limes turee cneers were given for tbe flag of our Union. During the exercises tbe music by the Silver Bugle Band, and by the fifers and drummers of tbe Camp, was truly Inspiring. The whole ' ceremony was a grand and inspiring one, and passed off handsomely. ! 4 Fire at the Penitentiary A fire broke on1 at about six o'clock, last evening, in the roof of the new building in the northeast corner of the - Penitentiary grounds, oocupied by Mr. Hatoen as a Foundry. The steam fire engines were promptly on the ground, and succeeded in ex tlnguishlcg the flames, but not until the roof of tbe building was almost entirely consumed. .The building belongs to the State, and its loss Is estimated at from $1,500 to $3,000. The damage to Mr. Hatoen cannot bo much less, - . The fire was no doubt caused by an Incendiary, Suspicion rests npon a prisoner who was employ ed In the foundry, and who Is noted for bis mis chievous propensities. It is supposed that he attempted to fire the building on Wednesday evening and failed, but renewed the attempt IsBt evening with better-success. -. ' . Tbe prisoners aro excited on account of the war, and exasperated at the withholding . of overwork. The consequence is th, tthej are much more mischievous and turbulent than usual. Under existing laws, It will be difficult for tbe officers, In the use of their best energy ' and skill, to keep the convicts in due subordi nation. . Tb,e nnmber at present in the prison is ' about nine hundred and seventy. D" If there b a Philosophy of Clothes In general, for which we have great literary au thority, there must be a Philosophy of Uniforms In particular, for which we have the authority of a great practioal philosopher la the person of Marcus Chubs, who may be consulted on any day and evening at the Capital City Arcade. no BBBiaieu or one woo nas nau crea. expe- V rlonce In the French'army, in the art of fitting uniforms to :offioers of the different grades, 1 in such taste and style as to give the most com' , plele satisfaction,'. Those offioers who will consult our practical ' philosopher, Mr. Child, and follow his counsel, will find themselves in such substantial and (-race f al nnlforms as will be an honor to the corps in .. " wnico tuey serve, ana a souroe or lasting gratl ' '" flcation to themselves and their friends i - - weu-uressea ana nanasomeiy uniformed officer J 3 3 3 . oommands mors readily his own respect and confidencsand the respect and CDnftdenoe of his men. Let every officer, then, who ls lnsearoh of a good uniform, call at the Capital City Ar cade. ' ' ID" Ohio's quota, under the new call of the President, Is nine regiments. Five of these, it ',M ls said, will be organised from State troops now 1 1 ,vi camp, and tbe other four from outside com 'p,-,?.:v.';';,.; 'c'V- ST Gen. MoClillan has been appointed MajQ; Qfatrftl ll) the regular U, 8, army. Lift rot Camp Goddaib. The Fifteenth Regiment left Camp Jackson at three o'olook, yesterday afternoon, for Camp Goddard, ZincBville. This Regiment Is composed of following Companies and men: Men. .... Company A, b, 0, D K, . G, U, I. K, Captain Hat,...... " Wallace...,. " Wilion u Oamailnl.... M Clark " ' Kaga ' ' Tyler. , Millar ' " Kirby " Lay ton...... .... .... .... .... .... .... ...I ....79 .... Total. The officers of this Regiment are Col W. Andrews; Lieutenant Col., Moses R Dickey i Major, S. B. Walker; Adjutant, A.J Spaoldino. Post Aojotant. We are daily under obliga tions to J. F. Neereamer, Post Adjutant Camp Jackson, for bis courtesy in the military line.-- But apart from this consideration, it is bnt ustioe to Mr. Neereamer to say tbat, though the duties of his position are onerous and per plexing, ho fulfills them with promptness and fidolity. His services should, therefore, be du appreciated and meet with a corresponding reward. . ' SZT Ei-Lieut. Gov. Wilker has been appoint ed Judge Advocate In Gen. Cox's Brigade., with the rank of Major. DTbe officers of the Ohio Penitentiary hare contributed $135 in aid of the Missouri volun teers. ' Geo. Rail Road Time Table. Littls Mum t Colombo-; Xmu K. a. Leavei. ' Arriyei. Olnclonatl Accommodation. 5:00 A. M. ' 9:05 P. M. " BxDraa 11:90 A.M. ll:M A. M man Accommodation 1:30 P. II. 3:5.1 P. M, Nlgnt JCzpren Tla Payton. 18:00 midnight. 3,20 A. 11. jno. yr.jioniitTT, Agent. Colombo-, k Cliviuhd K. R. , Night Exp res 3:40 A. M. 11:45 p. M. new lorHEipre 11:10 A.M. 11:10 A. II Mail and Accommodation.. 3:80 P.M. 9:10 P. M James PiTTunson, Agent. OintrilOrio R. B. . .. . No. 1 Eipreat .... 3:30 A. M. 11:38 A. M. do 11:18 A. M- II 45 P. M. o. 3 do 3:10 P. H. 4:50 A. M W. J. Pill, Agent. PrmioRon, Colombo! h. Cincinnati R. B. Mail Train ....3 30 A.M. 11:38 A. M Kxpreaa Train 11:18 A.M. 11:45 P. M Joe. BonimoN, Agent, CoLUMBoe k Ikdiinofolm, It. B. Colombo! Piqoa At Indiana R. It. 1 Expreia 6:30 A. M. 1:50 P, M No.S " 3:00 P. M Accommodation 8:45 p. M. 10:50 A. M TELEGRAPHIC! REPORTED FOR THE STATESMAN. Dispatches form Washington. WASnmoTON. Mav 15 The Secretary of the Treasury specifically explains what is meant by the words "other supplies" in the enumeration of articles contraband of war, contained in tbe circular of tbe 2d of May, addressed to collect ors and other officers of the customs; tbey mean mercury in an its compounds, cnioride ot potash, muriatio acid, nitrate of soda and pearlash. bagging, rope,and nitrio arid. The last named could be used for the manufacture of cun cotton The Department will do all in its power to exempt loyal citizens ot tbe insurrectionary States from the operation of the circular, and therefore it has suspended it so far as Western Virginia is concerned, aud of this dae notice will be otnciaily given. - Dispatches form Washington. [Special to the Times. ] Washington, May 15. Seoretarv Cameron has tendered to Simeon Draper a Colonelcy of a new regiment oi aragoong. Mr. U. Holds tbe proposition open for future consideration. , [Herald's Washington Correspondence. ] It is understood that tbe rebel States have made proffers of purchase of English and other European vessels, but our Government has no tified the diplomatic oorps tbat no such purchase ill berespeoted, no matter hat tbe nag tbat covers tbem. i be language used on- this occa sion was unequivocal and decided. It has also notined tbe diplomatic corps, that any commissioner from the rebel States be received by any European power, this govern ment will not hesitate an instant to break off all diplomatic relations with said offending power, and not only recall the Minister of tbe United States, but dismiss from Washington the Min ister of said power. It was remarked tbat the entire diplomatic body was present at the military soiree of tbe Secretary of State, last night. The Time correspondence says, all work upon the Capital was suspended to day, by O.der of the Commissioner of publio buildings. A messenger was sent to tbe commander of tbe fawnee, now on Alexandria, witb guns pointed upon tbe town, and it is understood the secession flag now floating over that city will eooa came down. A schooner was seized to day at Baltimore, having on board two boxes of Minie Rifles, and three boxes of ammunition. Some of the Baltimore police were also de tected taking boxes of Minie muskets from a warehouse, with the evident purpose of secreting them from the Government. The arms were seized, and taken into the, camp on Federal ill. Conclusive evidence was found, bovond doubt, of the complicity of the police of Baltimore with the Rebels. Tbe ZViiune' correspondent says, having seen it stated that Senator Donglas bad receiv ed an appointment of Brigadier General, I asked the President If it was so. He said it was not, and that he had not thought of tender ing it to him. He aUo said tbat if Generals were to be ap pointed from civil life, be imagined there were many who would be Inferior to Douglas in tbat position; that Senator Douglas wns the first to tell him of anticipated trouble in Maryland, to point out the proper route via Perryville and Annapolis, and suggested that Fort Monroe and Point Comfort were the points that commanded e whole of tbat seotion ot tbe oountry. Mr. Lincoln referred with pleasure to the fact that Mr. Douglas, earlier that any other politi cal ol opponent, called upon him, announcing his determination to stand by him, and approving or bis course, -me rrcsioent bag promoted Brigadier General Butler, to be henceforth a Major General of the United States Army. Tbe most significant offer yet made the Gov ernment is just received from Scotland. . Cer tain prominent bcotush merchants, doing busi ness in this country, are responsible for a ten der of ten regiments, unequipped, but well built, hardy, active men, who are not earning eleven dollars a month above tbeir living, and who are ready and willing to enter the service of the United States for the war, be it long or short, on oondition that, at the expiration of the war, the Government will grant tbem each a .bounty of land. " " ' Two yachts belonging to private Individuals have to-day been formally accepted by the Gov ernment, and detacbea tor servioe, by the Trea sury Department. Their owners, Jas. G. Ben net, jr., of New York, and T. P. Ives, of Provi. dence, Rhode Island, have been commissioned as Lieutenants tn tbe revenue service, and are ordered to their respective vessels as Lleuten ants Commanding. .. Niw York, May lG.-The ltiraU't Wash ington dlspatoh states tbat the police have been reaulred to take the oath of allegiance. An other spy has been arrested in the Pennsylvania camp. . . . . . it is rumorea mat Virginian troops were en camped in rear of Arlington Heights, 3 miles from w asmngton. aumor not creaitea, al though all troops are ordered to sleep on their arms, with artillery on tne alert with double shotted suns. There was another attempt at riot in Pratt street, Baltimore, on. tbe occasion of the pass age or the Doylestown Guards, witb tbe Ring gold Battery i but the fact being known, every mau uu loaaeu rule, which deterred any ae rlous movement. [Post's special dispatch.] Wabhinqton, May 16,-iThe Government will receive troops as lastas they can be advantage' Ex-Gov. Smith, of Virginia', arrived here a'nd visited tne war department. to-d. - Ha i. i l9ir plfW5 RW Virginia is aroused and. mesas near the DO 90 at to fight; but the sight of the vast preparations here evidently appalls him. Tbe first mail for New York, via Balti more, whlob has left here since April 19th, was made up to-day. Mr. Clephane entered upon his duties as Post master here to-day. 8pwltl dlapatch to tho Commercial. Gen. Butler has received orders to take com mand of an important expedition. 100 f6 88 93 100 It is believed here tbat Vireinia secessionists 84 nave erectea batteries at Aquaia creek, to pre vent an approach to Richmond. Certain developments indioate that tbe Gov 101 ernment will make a decisive demonstration 9is I a snort lime. I Washington, May 16. Wm. S. Coffin, of In diana, baa been appointed to the Southern Su perintendence of Indian Affairs, in the place of Rector, who has left for tbe West, with im portant Instructions for several Indian tribes. New Yore, May 1G The Post's dispatch says Congressman Ashley, of Ohio, proposes a plan to float an army down the Mississippi river to take New Orleans. . Tbe World's dlspatoh says it is believed ten thousand Pennsylvanians are moving on towards Maryland. The transfer of Gen. Butler to Fortress Mon roe, and eendioz there large quantities of am munition and stores, Is believed to inaicato im portant movements. Advices from Fortress Monrce state tbat on Mondav a band of secessionists, of Hampton sent a deputation to Col. Dimmick, demanding toe sole possession ol tbe road leading across the Dike, which baa been lately under guard Dimmlck's reply was tbat no would give tbe rebels Just ten minutes to disperse, i wo com panies of Massachusetts troops were ordered northward, and cannon were placed so as to sweep the entire distance. The Colonel, with a watch in band, waited for the expiration of the time, when not a rebel was to be seen. 300 Massachusetts troops then took possession of the Dike and bridge. None of the managers of the Mount Vernon Sooiety, residing here, have any knowledge of tne reported removal ot tbe remains of W atniDg ton, oeyona wnat nas been puDiieneo to tne news papers. They reasonably prcsumo tbat if the fuels were as reported,' those in charge of that place would before this have informed them. from representations made to the Depart ment, it is probable that nearly all, if not the entire, river service will bo officially dis continued, in tbe course of a few days, in the secession btates. in i In From New York. New York, May 16. The Herald states that on the 17th tbe War Department issued orders directing the commanders of Fort Smith, Ar kansas; Forts Cobb, Gibson and Washita, to evacuate, and repair with their troops and gov ernment property to rort Leavenworth, and authorizing the occupation of these forta by Arkansas volunteers, called out by tbe first proclamation of tbe President. This explains the abandonment of Fort Smith by tho federal garrison, some time since. The government to day received advices from the squadron off Fort Pickens. No change op to tne last date ot tne military status. The tauadron. in accordance with instruc tions, bas out a stop to lauding of vessels from Mobile and New Orleani, with supplies for the Rebel army; being a complete blockade. It appears the Rebel troops have been almost wholly supplied with provisions from these two ports. Tbe stopping ot tbese supplies at tbis time Will, it is tnougbt. operate most disastrous ly to the troops, as tbey were but poorly supplied before. A private letter from tbe wife of a leading fiolitician of the Confederate Government to a riend in this city is as follows: ."Northerners need have no expectations in re gard to the bones of Washington. We will see tbat they are not desecrated by the touch of abolition hands. Tbey are our sacred inheri tance." Niw Yoik, May 16. The steamers Chesa peake and Parkersburg sail this afternoon for Pensacola and Key West. Guu-boat Mt. Ver non accompanies as convoy. ged ei.i 811 beef In and for O'l the From St. Louis. St. Loots. Mai 16. Tho testimony la the ease of the Walnut street tragedy, Saturday evening, closed yesterday, and tne following verdict was rendered : "That six of the persons shot on Walnut street were killed by musket balls discharged by volunteer United states soldiers, under com mand of officers unknown to the Jury; that two the persons shot at tbe same time were killed by pistol shots fired by persons unknown to the Jury." Keokuk and uuincy papers say Hundreds ol Union men have heen driven out of Missouri, under orders issued by tbe Council of the South ern Legion. A dispatch from staubert to the ifemoerat says Dr. Leerner, residing in Liberty township, near Usage Drioge, nas oeen arrested ana sent Jefferson City, for trial by martial law, for raising a company of Union volunteers. A military encampmant or about xuu btate troops at St. Joseph, mostly armed with guns recently taken from tbe Arsenal at L,merty, (lis persedon the 13tb. Enlisting at the Arsenal eontiuues active; about 300 having been received yesterday. It Is understood tbat Hyde rark.intuenortn. em part of the city, has been leased by the Gov ernment, and a regiment of troops is to be quar tered there. eut leu, nr ror are .". itore white D 9o.and Matters at Harper's Ferry. Niw Yore, May 16. The Herald' Special from Frederick states that a rumor prevails that the Kcntuckians at Harper's Ferry have not been furnished with arms, are in a state of mu tiny, have declared for the Union, and are about leaving for home. There is treuble there, and desertions are numerous. The Htrald'i Chambcrtburgh correspondent Btates that an attempt was made last night to blow np the bridge on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, just below Point of Rocks, which failed.' - Corn Corn bush. Marly. Lard [Special to New York Herald.] Whiilino, May 16. Passengers who have returned here this evening, who attempted to reach Baltimore by the Baltimore & Ohio Rail road, report that two culverts on the road, near Harper's Ferry, have been blown up, and the trains removed. A number o( secessionists have arrived from below, and report the temporary detention of a party of Virginians, including Judge Bracken brough, a member of tho Montgomery Con at Gallipolis, Ohio. effect Uie effect None Bold Southern Commissioner Arrested and Released. Niw Yost, May 16. Gustavo Holland, who as dispatched by the Montgomery rebels to Europe, to make arrangements for a recognition of the Southern Confederacy, was arrested here on his arrival in the Arago, from England, and was discharged after an examination of bis dis patches, which were returned to mm; tbey bo oa such as will be productive ot little aid or comfort to th rebels. The propeller Bowman, of Troy, Cant. Clark, arrived this morning. She left Fortress Monroe on Wednesday afternoon, and brings the re mainder of the women ana cbiiureu irom tne Fortress. If you Hair of or not ued, From Baltimore. Massachusetts troops withdrew from Federal Hill this morning, taking balf of their battery with them, and returned to tbe Kelay House, There Is a report that tbe removal of tbe re mains of Washington - was done on the ground that the North was about to do tbe samo thing plate a. MoNTooMiav, May 16 Mr. Smith, of Ala bama, introduced a resolution In reference to establishing district courts In Virginia. Keltt, of tsonth Carolina, introduced a bill for ' the protection of Indian tribes south, oi Kansas. . : I M v '' Augusta, Ga., May 15. We learn on authori ty that the Southern stockholders of Adams' Di gress nave purchased all tbe property, privi leges ana interests ot trie com nan t in tne Southern Confederacy A now company will be organized in a lew days, and continue tbe busl nees wunoui interruption. .! 1 ' . ' 1 : T of en, - Madison, ;Wis., May, 16. The Legislature of this Btate convened la extra, session-yesterday. ' ' '' i-i i n'lriW.,,.. ' Gov. Randall's message recommends that six reglments,ln addition to one now waiting orders, be put into Camp and equipped by the btate. Also that one million dollars be appropriated for wm Col. Anderson's Reception at Cincinnati. Cincinnati, May 16. Col. Anderson arrived hero this evening. He was met at the depot by a committer of the City Counoll. Mayor Ilatob tendered the hospitalities of the city to him. Col. Anderson replied briefly, He was then escorted through the principal streets by the Home Guard and an immense throng of citizens generally. Everywhere along tne line of march, most nearty expressions ol welcome were given. At Camp Dennison, tbe soldiers were drawn up in line, presenting arms as the train passed. Col. Anderson is at present with his brother, Aisrz Anderson. New Orleans, Mar 16. Tbe report tbat com mlssioners have been sent from Havana to Mont gomery is denied. The Postmaster General at Montgomery elves notice bv proclamation tbat he will be ready commence tbe mail service on tne first of June, Harribburo. May 16. Ex-Gov. Geary, (for merly of Kansas,) is spoken of as Brigadier General of Pennsylvania. 75 members of the House, headed by the Speaker, have tendered their services to the Government. Louisvillc, May 16. Street rumors say that there is likely to be difficulty here between the opposing parties, on tho advent of Col. An derson. to THE MARKETS. New York Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] NEW YORK, May 16. FLOUR market for Common irailee heavi and donlin. Ing while good and oholce descrlptloni without lmnortant chance, (hotels however eren in the latter klndi leu flrmnesi than ruled a few dayi igo! sales of fl 3(10 bbli at 4 55 10 t ir luperflne Hale: S3 15 "8..". M for xir. Hate; 84 03485 lb for lupcrfloe weitern: 5 135 50 for common to medium ex.ra weatern; S5 CO a) 5 65 for ship ping brands extra Round iloop Ohio; 507 35 for trade brand! do; market closing hearp wltbont buyer! at outtide Quotation! market for ernmon n.i nn.. dlan flour dull and heavy; sale, of 750 bbll at 85 15 iu inr interior io ciioko extra, ltYB FLOUR auiet: laiti of 150 hhli t el ina 14(H) CORN MEAL without Important clunm: nl. r iin bbli brandywlne at $3 30. WUJtAI roroommnn and Inferior uradei; the market I dull heavy and declining: white, mrul iinmi n.,.i. fair reaueit for export, at 5 tend r nrli-p. nw r - 3CH'buiheli nniound inferior choice ipring at (1 031 10 14,00(1 boshell goodand prime do at $1 I71 18; 12 000 north western Club at SI ll61 30: 4 600 bush ipri .t.t. i -48iiai ui.uuu ouan uanaua Ulub at SI 23; 23,. hush nniound and inferior Milwaukee Club $1 10 1 10; 48.500 food and prime do, 1 2I133; 38,000 buih winter red western SI ttSH 3(1: 3 50,ihn.h u,hn. Canada SI 35. 52 0(10 bushwhlte western at l 3m,im. 20.000 bush while Kentucky at 81 7ul 78. ' kik quie; laieior l,'.'(Hi builiat U7 XtgtWc DiilliKY continual dull and hmi. i.Ipi of l inn bush at 58c. t'OKN only moderate business: market wlthnni in. portant change; ealeinf 53,01)0 buihat S.VSIiSo for old mixed Western: 5054c for new do.: 42i52n far rfom. In Inferior old aud new do, and 58ofor white Wei- tern. OAT3 In little better renueit: lalea at ni '.'rtiL' forHtate. PORK dull; prlcei In favor of bnven; aalei of 3,730 bliat 817 50 for men; 814 50 15 50 for prime meai; uu ror prime; 818 maolfeitedfor men. BKr continue! dull, prlcei without Important chime; talcs of 330 bids at 84 0O4 50 for prime; 85 87 0 83 fcr men; 810 00 11 00 for repacked mesa; 25 12 50 for extra mess; prime mess beef in moderate Inquiry; with sales of 130 tiercel extra at 8 18 50 qniet at 8 13 00 14 00 for Western. CUT MEATS-dull and lower; sale! of 5()0 pickoici at5X(S6o for ihoulderi; 77(o for hams; bacon moderate requeit; lalesof 100 boxes cutmlddl-iat abontPo. LARD dull; sales of 300 bbli, at The latter prime kettle rendered. BUTTKK in moderate request at 12IJo for Ohio, l.'MJIOfor Btato. CIIEH8K iteady at 435a. for common to oholce. WHISKY less active demand, marker easier; lalei io tlve, 550 bbli at 10 S, closing with no buyen over 10c, oommon and Interior description!. STOCKS dull Chic. & R. I. 30; 0. Sr. Toledo. 83V; 111.0. icrlp65; M.0.45; Reading3lH; Har ll.S Pac.mail MIX: N. Y. O- VV: E.i.onz. !Z n-.. ip. 44; Va. 6 i 43AJ; M. 8. O'l 81; Coupon! 88. ' 8. J. J. I. B A. K. A. J. N. H. 0. E. w. II. J. A, J. W. A. L. W. J. 0. G. J. GEO. M. A. JOHN H. 8. W. Cincinnati Market. FLOUTl standi nominally at vestftrrilv'a nlintattnna 84 5IK34 00 for mperfine; 84 tJ0S5 for extra. Ai few ealei making are for local consumption, they com prise mainly tbebestqualitiei. IS AT ii icarcely offered at all . The tame prlcei asked but miller! are set against, paying them, since mm uicdnuuai gvi weir money naca at proa- pikaia for a-lour. CORN Is in verv Iliht raeelnt fnr ih j.,m. that farmer! are too busy with their work to attend nitioriitiporenii. ine remains tbe price. vaib are dull but do not decline below 2o. Re ceipts were, very large compared with what they hare mcusiy in-Tjue BARLEY baa no market and quotations are merely uviaium flat, uuv, KYH-commands a better price and holders ask 55c, best quality. A iale was made at 54o. TVHfsKY-li quiet at 12Xo.-CVi. Com. JajrlG. GEO. GEO. B. GEO. G. P. b. 8. J. 0. J. R. R- Cleveland Market. WEDNESDAY May 15. VLUUK II Steady, bnt not nartlcularlv active. fui. in small lots, mostly 83 35 for rye; 85 for red double .u" a,. J iwr ciiuice quamiei 00. WHEAT In good demand. Bales 2000 bush red from at 81 10; 0 can do at same: 1 car rei and common at 8 1 10 1 25 . and one car good white at 81 SO. CORN quiet, falei 1000 buih from itore at 36o. OAT3 quiet at S5o. RE dull at 50a. KOQ9 remain dull, with sales at 5c, tii and 7c. AKD late of 5 flrkloa at 9c. n,n HAMS, d0. COUntrv etlreri hsmi ara aslllnir mi QurSL ihoulden at 77; city cured hams bring 10 llc. BUTTER drill at a range of 10313c. T. A. V. J. JEHU J T. E. F. J. BEN Oswego Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] OSWEGO, May 16. Flour ileady and nnchanred. WntiT oulet nwlnr Itringency In monev; white Canadian held at graim nominal. Oanal porta iteady. Wheat and to New York Lake import! 120 000; Wheat 10,500; 17.000. Canal export! 0,000 bbla nf Flour; 53 (1110 Wheat; 30,010 buih of Corn: 3.400 of Rye: 13.000 . F. J.J JESSE 8. LEVI 0. Philadelphia Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] PHILADELPHIA, May 16. Floor nnchanted. Whiat aetlva. red 11 37. while 8144(31 55. Coax firm, aalei 8,000 buih. 03o afloaU 10X0. Wniaxr unchanged. N. WM. L.D. W. A. Batchelor'i Hair Dye! This iplendid Hair Dye has no equal initantaneoui In Beantlfnl Black or Natural Brown no staining skin oriiijuiing tiie Hair reocdiestneaosar u of Bid Dyes, and Invigorates th hair for life. are genuine unless signed "W. A. Batchelor." everywhere. CriAS. BATCHILOR, Proprietor, Jyl2:wly ,. , 81 Barclay Btreet, New Tort. HAIR DYE HAIR DYE. Wm. A. Batchelor'i Hair Dye! The Original and Best la the Worldl All others are mere Imitation!, and- should be avoided wish to escape ridicule. ' GRAY, RED OB BTJ8TT HAIR Dyed Instantly to beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, without Injury to or Skin. FIFTEEN MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS bays bet awarded to Wm. A. Batobelor ilnce 1839, and over 80,00 applications have been made to the Hair of his patrons hi! famona dyer WM. A. BATOiULOR'B HAIR DTI produce! a col not to be distinguished from nature, and Is warranted to injure In the leait, however long It may be contin and the III effects of Bad Dyei remedied; the Hair for Ufa by. this splendid Dye. . Bold In all cities and towns of th United States. Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers, ' JO'Ibe Genuine has th name and addreis npon a steel engraving on fonr tides of each box, ot WILLIAM UAIUILKLUH, audresi vllAHLEs DATOnELOR, Fioprtetor, JylS-wlr - HI Barclay Kroet, Mew York WM. 0. E. B. E. I. II. JOHN JOHN J. JAB.R. L. B. N. GEO. J. W. WM. N. OIIAS. F. A J. 0. G. D. T. A. J. J.H. NOTICE. HAVE SOLDTO 1TIB. HENRY WIL- i BDM H, TlHim MTORB. which la mniini from tha orner of High and Gay itreeirto tbe Southwell oorner Broad and High itreeti, Oolumbui, Ohio. With many thanks to my rormer patrons and enitom I re spectrally request ine continuance or their fa vors to my successor. - - HKNRY M.NKIL. Oolumbui, April 1, icoi. , ' , , . !. , IDRTJG"8T0KE. TTAVI1MO PTJRCIIAIED THE DHTJO XI STORK ot Mr. llKaaV M. Nitb, I have opened new en the Southwest corner of Broad and llurh itreeti. Columbus, Ohio being (h old ami reliable eland for that bueineti jor many year. T have a fresh and well lelected atock of Pur Midi- cine, indfnri Chemical, together with Paint. Oil, lamuhe, n).. usually Kent in inch an establishment. VTT PRttcarmoiM carelully and promptly compound id. ! ":- ! ,- . - , Store open as au noun 01 ue nay ana utgiu. T Msnanlfull solicit the Watronara nf th. nuhllft. , ' L--. - HiNBY WILSON.'' Columbti, April 1, 1801 aprS:dlm W. 0. A. H, Co. do GUERNSEY'S BALM ! 117101 AUIBIOAN WATCH O0XPARY, of ham, Uau.,bogitocall Uw attention ot the publloto the following tmphatlo recommendation ef Waltham Watches, bj th leading practical Watchmaker! an4 elen throughout the United Btates. The entire ilgnatuiei to It li quite too long for publication Hit ol In one sdrertiiemeDt; bat the names prerented will be recog Diced by thoie acquainted with the Trade as being In th blgheit degree rcipec table and and inllaential. At eiUbllibments ma; tlwayi be found the genuine WaUh ei of the Company's manufactnre, in great variety. Blgoaturas from many cities and towns not fatly reiented in this Hit will appear In a future adrer . ment. TO THE PUBLIC. The undersigned, practical Watchmakers and dealer! In Watches, having bought and told American Watches fr a on mber of yea.i fait, and having dealt in all kind! o f foreign Watches for a much longer period of time, bo j to itate that they have never dealt In Watches which, ai a elaai, or in lodirldual initancei, hart been moreiatU- factory to themaelrei or enitomen, whether In reipect o f durability, beauty of flnlih, mathematically correct pre portions, accurate oompeniatlon and adjustment, or of fin time keeping rttvltt, than thoie menufactuied by the Waltham Company. N. B. CRITTENDEN, WM. BLYNN, JAMRS 3. KOSS, H. JENKINS St CO., BEQQS . SMITH. WM. WILSON McdltEW. Cleveland, Oolnmbus, Zaneavllie, Cincinnati, Ohio. DUHMBfcCO., O.OHOAMP, 0. PLATT. KINO Sr. BROTHER J. T. t B. M. EDWABDS. J.J. ALKXANDKK, JOHN H. MOE8E, A. HEl'PLER. W. H. HlOHMONll, H. D. KAYS, A. B.OILLKTT. Delaware, Warren, Chicago, La Salle, Peoria, Blooming ton, Decatur, Springfield, Quincy, D. LIXLESTON, B. COKRAN, W. IIROWN, B. TOBIN. AS9Et HULMitN, V. BOYNTON, WM. M. MAYO, NORTH KY, W. FOIID. , WM. BCUKRZER, M. VOX, WILLAKD It HAWLEY, HAIGHT, 4c D. KOSENREHO. Galena, Jacksonville, Cherry Grove Freeport, Peru, Canton Pyracnie, Nesrburgb, Rochester, N. Y. A. BURR St CO. B. ETTEN11KIMER It CO, WM. B.TAYLOR, w. Hannah, K. Jr. II. O. CARPENTER, HOBKINSSc EVANS, HAIGHT Sr. LKACII, JAMRa nYDK. JOHNU. IVES. TJUca Hudson Troy, Oiwcgo, " Auburn, " .. t Fairport, " Caiiandalgua, " i. i. Poughkeepsle, " WILLIAMS Sr. CO., N. BENSET, 8. STORMS. WM. 8. MORGAN, HENDERSON BHO'S A. CLARK, BLOOD sc PUTMAN. JENNINGS RHO'S Batavia, Amsterdim, Saratoga, Allwny, Goihen, Peun-Yan, Catsklll, Indlinapolll, Richmond, Terra Haute, Bullivan. Plymouth, Kalamazoo, Detroit, JOHN 1. JENKINS, II. WILLIAMS, WARDEN, 0. DUNNING, CHA8. 8. WILLARD, P. BIN011AM St CO., CHA8. G. FRENCH. NcLANE, A. DIUKENSEN, H.RASCOMfc CO,, M. STANKII, ADOLPn MYERS, THEO. V. PICKERING, DOTY. 8. SMITH, B. VAN COTT, ELKIN3, N.8HEKMAN, 0.8PAULDINO, A. GILES, in;i. Mich Milwaukee, Wil. Racine, " Belolt. " Janeiville, " Prairie duChlen, " PitUburgh, Pa. Norristown, " .1 i Xaiton, " ' REINEMAN MEYR.IN, SAM'L RIIOWN, Jr., T. KOPLIN. V. STEIN, B. TITUS. HBOKMAN fc. YOHE. BTEIN, J.LA8CELLE, SAM'LGARMAN, JOSEPH LADOMUS, J.J.BLAIR, ; W. McOAlti, FRANOISO. POLACK, M.fZAnN, GEORGE HELLER, P. HOLLER, aug ti in b Aran, T. HOPfMAN, O.HANNA, T. ROBERTS, 0. DOLON. Allen town, Westchester, Williamspoit. Cheater, Lebanon, Harrtsuurg, York, Lancaster Reading 11 Chambersburg, Greensburg, Newcastle, Xbeniburg, Mauch Chunk, Ashland, Indiana CHA8. L. FISHER. M. Bt. OLAIit, St A. PETERSON, LATE HACK, T. RAE, F. BILLS, B. JAMES, 8. LITTLE, CARBON Sc BRANNON, TH09. GOWDEY, W. PYLE, SIMPSON St PRICE, Scran ton, Patenon, Newark. Bordentown, Trentun, Cnmberland, Pulaski, Nashville. Springfield, Clarksvllle, Savannah St. Louii N. J. Md Tenn. W. SKIFF, Sc A. GARDNER W.O.DEFRIEZ, MAURICE HENRY, Ga. Mo. SYLVESTER, T. SCOTT fc CO., ( Va. 11 N. C. ti Wheeling. Richmond, Salem, B. I1UMPUREY3, A.VOGLER, W.LEINBEOK. W. MONTGOMERY, Newberry. 8. 0. J E. COOK, OniLDS, Sc nASKINS, TI8DALE, PITTS. GIPFOKD. Northampton, Mass. New Bedford, .. ,1 Taunton, " .. 1, Fall River, Glouoeiter, Salem Woroeitcrr, " W. MACOMBER, BURN 8, SMITH, T.M.LAMB, N. STORY, JOHNSON. ANDREW WARREN, Waltham, 1 Lowell, Lynn, Lawrence rittsfleld, . . - .1 Greenfield, fpringfield, Providence, W. FOGG, SANBORN. . barton, McGregor, M. ROOT. B. SCOTT, MOODY. , . KIRKHAM, Jr.. ANTHONY Sc CO., PELKG ARNOLD. R. I. E. Greenwich. THOMAS STEELE fc CO.. Hartfjrd, Conn. HEMINGWAY Ac STEVENS. ROQERHAtSON, J.MCN80N, BENJAMIN, New Haven, K1KBY. GEORGE BROWN. 8. HUNTINGTON Sc CO.. A. WOODFORD, D. HALL. Danbury, , Mlddletown, 11 New London, Bridgeport, Walerbury, Sanborn Ion, Concord, L. SMITH, GORDON, 0. BLACKMAN, AYRES, SUERBURNfl SHAW, R. HANDEREON, KNIGHT, G. OARR, W. DREW Sc CO., N. Hi HELLISH. nanover, Ciaremont, u Exeter, Laconia, Nashua, Dover, - Bo. Beiwlck. Baoo, Augnita; Portland, Buckiport, ' Rockland, Portsmouth, Auburn," . Bath, . " Bangor, ., Gardiner, Houlton, Lewiiton, . ' Burlington, ' 0. 0. WOODBURY, REUBEN SPENCER, B. MOHKllili, RICHARD GOVE, JONATHAN H08MER, W. UOUDAKD, E. BACON, M. HARDISON, ' TWOMBLY Sc SMITH, H.8WAN, Me. MBRRILL jambs bmery, - bimson blooo, ;. : . - nHNRY H.HAM, ' " ROBERT N. RODSB, HINRY McRENNKY, T. HOWLAND, TOMPKINS MORRIS, U. W1UL1AMH, B.StG. L. ROGER!, r- B. LUCY, 0. HALL. BRINSMA1D niLDRKTH, vV It. 11ARDIN1, nraotoru. Montelier, 0. PHIMNXY, ',- - J A. HIAD, 0. BATB3, Northfield, Woodstock, St. Johosbury, St. Alhaui, Chelsea, Newbury, Bellowi Villi, New Orleani, ,i MURDOCK, ' 0. CHILD8, H. HUNTINGTON, F0BT1RGROW, K. WALLACE, LBANDB8 AMADON, 8. JSNNINGS, GRIGORaaCO., S.OOCKRBLL, N. HALL, La. Hatchet, Mllford, Toronto, Mill. Del. O.W. ROBERT WILKER, CiCTtox. A. onr Watch ll now extensively counter felted by foreign manufacturer!, we have to Inform the public that no watch li of our production which la nnao oompanledbya certificate of genalneneM, bearing the nnmber of the watch, and ilgied by oar Treainrer, ft. Robblni, or by onr predecenon, Appleton, Tracy sc " ' ' ' - ' ' '' ;' - ' Ai the, watches ire for sale by Jewelers generally throughout the Union, the Americas Watch Company not sollolt orders for ttngls vratchM. i 4 v I BOBBINS tt APPL1T0N ' ,-' ' ; Wholenle Agenti, Ho. 189 Broad wa spSO i s, 0. 1, k e. 9, w, Sn. ll. I Walt. Jew their R a n And of that and in thee state for cold. the Hair alio that and and an uiai the Law cause .u.j, Ide 10 eausa I clam them to the found lata' rich buy. the who, out large, least ind quart, a York, and An alii and and oine who the ' ate It PfiOF.WOUD'- AND - BLOOD HENOVATOn RESTORATIVE CI ll precliely what iti name Indicate!, for, while' 'nleaiant to the taite, it ll rerWIfyl ng, exhllarat-ifl log, invigorating and ilrengthentng w the yltai nn.r. n1 I hi. ma I i nm -. , latei. and renewe the blood in all In nuriti ... thai at once rutort ani render the tvtfam in wwww ,c awMcxm or aiavuee. u u ine only H preparation ever offered to the world, 10 ehemi . -ally and ikillfully combined ae to be the mom powerful toots, and at the lame time 10 nerfecilv Fjlidatiled to, ai to act In perfect aceordance with thei ST? awi of nature, and hence will tooth th weakttt ttomach, and ton up the digeitive organi, and luiuaaitayai, nervoua aua oiner irniaiion. jr, t perfectly exhilarating, and at the lame time it Is1., composed entirely of vegetable!, yet io eomhinerllM u io pruuuee ma moil uiorougn ionic t-uecl, with out producing any Inlurloui conieriuencei. Bunh'i. a remedy has lung been fell to be a desideratum in the medical world, for itneede no medical skill tr see matdeoiiiry roiiowiau attack! or disease, ami proceeds and indeed lays the system open to the Insidious attack! of many of the most fatal. mrh J W7 Kir example, w iuu iuiiuwiiik; uoDVumpuon, in digestion, Dyspepsia. Loss of Appetite, Falntnesi, p,) Nervous Irritability, Neuralgia Palpitation of the1 Mi Heart, Melancholy, Night Sweats, Laniruor. GidtU- oesi, Retention of, as well as Painful too protuie. or loo leant Menstruation, and Fall in Ing of the Womb. These all depend upon general debllltv. Thli pure, bealthv. tonlo Cordial mH Hlood Kenovaior is ai sure io cure as tbe sun to H rise and set. There is no mistake about it. But Dj .1.;- i. t .M It , ..... i. ..... 1 1 WV fl, open to bilioui attack!, the liver become! tornlrl ', , or worse diseased, the kidneys refute to perform )H their function!, and we are troubled with scaldlnrr and lnconllnenee ot urine, or involuntary dii-l charge of the lame, pain la the back, side and be-iA tween the ihoulderi, exceedingly liable to illght U coldi. cougbi, and if unchecked, loon emaciationl follow!, and the patient goes down to a prematurely OS fl grave. But spare will not allow ni to enumerate f (he many llli to which we are liable in a weakened w condition of the lystem. But we will say, in this Cordial and Blood Renovator yon have a perfect, LJ safe, pleasant and effectual remedy for Ion of M Appetite, BiiloumeM, flatulence, weak and sick w ilomich, languor, Liver Complaint. Chilli andl Fever, or any Billons attack, Ooitlveneis, Acidity if the Stomach, Nervoumess, Neuralgia, Palplla-, , Hon of tlie Heart, re ssion of Spirits. Sores. M o Simple! on the Face, or any disease arising from di impure blood, luch is Scrofula, Erysipelas, Bron I hi tin, Couuh, difficulty of Breathing, and all thai1, o aclasi of disease! called female weakness, ami M enumerated above. Wi will alio lay the traveler LJ exposed to epidemic!, change of climate and wat- er, win una it a pleasant, sale and inre remedy, and none should ever travel without. Reader trV It. for Vt MUIIM .1)1 VOn Will fln In It a friar.,, Indeed, ai well as a friend in need. All person! of I jeueniary niDiu win nna iiapenect preventive ol ai well as cure for those ailment! to which Ihcy arc particularly exposed. Hence minlitn,itudeuii,at I s torneyi, literary nntlemen.and lailiei who are not J accustomed to much outdoor exercise, will find ii r io their advantage to keep a bottle constantly onl 1 hand; and, above all. mother!, or those becoming isucn, win go inrougn mat most aaogerous period not only wlh all their accustomed itrength, but affl and frAn fmm tliA (linnatintl mn Oialentatming the femalo portion of the world. lrj'J (hort, it ii indeed a mother'! cordial. Try it, olil .,. juuuk, uu lunger run uie ,ia ui urriay; u will iive iMravai ana mooa umotuior. O. 1 . WOOD , proprietor, 444 Broadway, JT ew laura.Bud i it uhtks i nireer, di. louii, nio., and I u m, Cin D" UUIUmUUI. UniO, n,land all good Druggiitu Price One Dollar iper Bottle, marchJS-dtkweowly TIIK ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS And trrowa more and more popnlar every day I teitlmoniili, new, and almost without nnmber. might he given from ladlei and gentlemen In all mils loclety, whose united testimony nona could resist' ProL Wood's Hair Restorative will restore the bald gray, and preserve the hair of the youth to old age, all its youthful beauty. . . I Battle Creek, Mich., Dec. Slat, 1S38. Paor. Woon: Thee wilt please accent a Una tn InfAra. tbat the hair on my head all fell off over tn-nm ago, caused by a complicated chronic disease, at rcoueu Run au eruption on me neaa. A continual oourse of suffering through life having reduced me to a of dependence,' I have not been able toobtaln Huff caps, mither have I been able to do them nn. in sequence of which my head has suffered extremely from Thli induced me to pay Briggi tr. Uodrrei almost last cent I had on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Restorative, about the first of Anmst lt. T h... faithfully followed the directions.and the bald spot li now coverea wun bus- wick ana Diaorc, tnonvh inert, it ii coming In all over my head. Feeling confident another large bottle would restore It entirely permanently, 1 feel anxloni to Dartevervo in ii. being destitute ot meani to nurchm 1 would ak thee if thee wouldit not be willing to leodme order on thine agents for a bottle, and reoeive to thy self, the oripture declaration "the reward la to those are ainu w uie wtuow ana tne fatherless.'" Thy friend, SUSANNAH KIRBY. Llgonler, Noble County, Indiana, Feb. Sth, 1359 Paor. 0. J. Woon: &tar Sir: la th u..r,. nr year 1P5S, while attending the State and National School of the Bute ot New York, sir hair, fmm . unknown to me, commenced falling off very rap- v ..... iu ui. mui tpma ui six montni, tne whole upper part cf my acalp wai almost entirely bereft of Iti covering, and much of the remaining portion upon the and back part or my head shortly after became gray, that you will not be inrprised when I tell you that up on my return to the State of Indiana, my mora casual acquaintances were not 10 much at a Ion to discover the of the change In my appearance, ai my more inti mate acquaintance! were to recognize me at all. at once made application to the moat ikiiirni nii. in the country, but, receiving no anuranoe from that my hair would aga'n be restored, I wai forced become reconciled to my fate, until, fortunately. In latter part of the year 1817. vonr Reitnr.tiv. commended to me by a druggist, 11 being the most relia ble Hair Restorative in use. I tried one hnttln. .nrf to my great satisfaction that It waa nnuinrin. ,h. desired effect. Since that time, I have used seven dol. worth of your Restorative, and as a reiult, have a coat of very 10ft black hair, which no money can Ai a mark of my gratitude for your labor and iklll In production of so wonderful an article, I have recom mended its use to many of my friends and acuualntancei, I am happy to Inform you, are ming it with like effect. Very respectfully, youri. 1 A. M. LATTA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot, 441 Broadway, and sold hv all rimlor. thrnnh. the world. . , i Tbe Restorative linutno In bottle. f th...i... i. medium, and small: the small hnida u . .,! reuila for one dollar per bottle: Uie medium holds at twenty per cent, more in proportion than the small, retails for two dollar! a bottle; the large holds a 40 per cent, more in proportion, and re tall! fcr S3 bottle. , ; T J. WOOD CO., Proprietor!. 444 Broadway, New and 114 Market Street, St. Louii, Mo. 1 And sold by ROBKRTS a SAMTTicr.. by all good Druggisti and Fancy Goods Dealers; ai'riai.utxwrvwjy. MRS, WINSLQ5.i ( experienced None and Female Physician, presents 1 w um aiu-nuou 01 motaers, tier -; , j SOOTHING SYRUiP. t FOR CHILDREN TEETHINfi. : which greatly facilitate, theprocenof teething, by loft ening the gums, reducing all inflammation wil I allay i-Ain ana spasmodic action, and is ' 1 SVUE TOltEGCLATE THE BUWIjlA Depend upon It, mothen, It will give rest to yonrtclvet - ( - r BELTEF AHD HIAITH TO YOTTB LKFArTIS. We have pot up and told thli irttcle far over tan CAN SAY, IN CONFIDENCE) AND TROTH, of it ... ucra aoie io say 01 any omer medi nnv Jitt has it VAILED. IN A SINGLE INBT. ANCB, TO KFF11CT A OURU, when tisauly used. Nev er did we know an Instance of dlnatlifaetion by any one osed it. On the contrary, all are delighted wjli in operation!, and ipeak Id terms of comveadatien f In magical euecti anil medical vlrtuea.-.We apeak la tbii matter "WHAT WK DO KNOW;" after ten' gxpe rlence.AND PLKDGK OUR RKPUTATION FORTHB FULILLMENT Of WHAT WB UKRB DKOLARH. In aimo.1 every instance where the infant li lullerlng from pain and exhaustion, relief will be foond in fifteen or twenty mlnutei after theSyrup li administered." j Tbli valuable preparation ki the prescription of one of most BXPBklKNCBDand SKILLFUL NURlHSiS New Kngland. and baa been eieU-with NlVKlv FAIL ING BUOOKSS in 1 - ' THOUSANDS OF CASKS-.:-I It not only relievei the child from naln. but hlii the stomach and bowels, correct acidity, and give! lime ana energy w Uie wool, ay.iem, 11 Will alUl.St in mniiy relieve 0BIP1I0 IS THE BOWJELS. AID WIND COLIC and overcome oonvuuwna, which. If notipeedlly'reme 'i ,u uc...., uviicva ii uie tEBx and PUH bx s!ui in ins wuhld, in all carwi ofDVif " iiisawiui ia uuiLDRBM, whether antes from teeming, or from an other ' nnw w. would lay to every mother who has a child autre ring from anvof the foretroioir eomnlalnta DO NOT I.RT VoitH PRBJUDIOIS NOR THst PRRJUDIOBSOF OrltKRfc eland between you and vour .ufferlni- child, and tha ra. iter mat win ne ouk. yes. ABDOLU rKLII liRH to follow the an of thlamedlctnet if timely end. Fall di rection! for using will accompany vh bottle. I None genome Boise, tne rao-umiie or UUKllia CJCRKIN8 new sons, w oa uie ouuiu. wrapper. n .. ...... I Bold by all DragglsU throughout, th.wirid. .- I Principal Office, IS J-dnr Street W.Y PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. ectx7-dfcwiy a A HVffffEWZLTl for all THROAT mm I, UNO COIOPl,AIITSt lnaiiidinr ; wnoopiNC! COUGH, mad erirr Complaint Ibe forerun RCNirjERSAL COUGH REMEDY. ner of, and even aclna CONSUMPTION. The Great NEU1IAL CIV UKSIEUY and Nat ural UP1A1E, adapted to every epeclee of Ner voua Complaints Ner and Chronic Headacliet Klieuiiia Usim, Catarrh. J ootli and Ear Aclie, f.eaa of Hleepv andllowcl Coma lalnte. lUNIEWZLTI A U TOLlI --. i i.o -iif.'. ? ' t: AUODYNE. Ll IJ L..Ntfftl uUc Jon 'ha above preparations Mtbyprocuriof and reading deecriptlve paapbleti.t .. .m ... . . czZ. ..... on emaod. Formnlaannd Trial Bottlei lent to Phyil mani, who will find developmenU in both worthy their acceptance and approval. Correspondence rAm .n .u.. .uu:nu ourloiity prompt! to a trial of the above reliable Kerne For rale by the mual shni.i. ..,.n j..i everywhere. m . . . JOHN jl. IIUNNEWEl,lit Proprleto ' OHUflST AND rHAMIAOlDTIST, , No. 9 Commercial Wnarf, Boston, M.I8. Robert! At Ramn.t: W. P V ' B n.. , .. Denlg, G. Denl At nn. a J. AV.n!,.n.. a. a.- "... for Colnmbo Ohio. ' "Sa," NEWARK MACHINE WORKS, NKWARK OniO, manufacturers of all kinds of Por luble and stationary ateim En i ctiiets, baw I?Illl, Uriat IMill,, Ac, Ac. LAXBA SODLSrHeatenJ II. t I. BLAND YBtattni l. J. U. DUYALL Stolen tit COLVMBVS MA ailSS CO. Beaten till BR AD OH I A CO. ulenfllll Our Portabls Englnt and 8iw Mill Wai awarded the fint premium of ISO at the Indiana Btata Fair fur 1-00 over Lane at Bodley, on account of Price, lightuess, simplicity, economy of fuel ana superior churactcr of lumber sawed. OnrSUtlonarvEno-lnewa. .-.i...! . fhafl. ..-t..- -.ViaTu. w" w ""r w ps uaiis uiu ui p for price and terms aiblrei! H.,a. , WILLARD WARNErY treasurer, decl-diiwlyeoli. . , -.- , Newark, Ohio. OB EAT CURE. , . DR. LELAND'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC BAND? IS TIIE ONLT KNOWN REMEDY FOR Eheumatism,: Gfout and Neuralffia. AND A SORECrjRB FOR . All Mercurial Diseases. It is a convenient! v , "au, vuu nil! Ill if m UCiJ i?nt f0",Poand- 5 J" "oro around the Waiit, without vtav.;".-OT . : , . " vi iiuwnnui id le real medi- cine,, which weaken and de.troy the give cmporary relief only. By thli treatment, the med icinal propertie. contained In theBDd come In contact with the blood and reach th. di.e..e, through th"p" i'nn".''"'''"'"' a prf.c7?u " thu,,,7,"(lUlprt, micU - l.hy condition. Thu Bsnd isalioa mo,tnr,.,ri i. dtdtV n.Ji!'-.,' efficacy In aggravated ca...Vf long .UndTng. " ' " ,W beientby mail or expreii, with full direo.ioni for u,e Omee, country, direct from the Principal Ho. 409 BBOADWAY, New York. G. SMITH &. CO., Sole Proprietots. N. B. Descriptive Circular! Sent Free. ID A rente Wanted Everywhere. mh28 lyliorlstp.dAw ' TO BUSINESS MEN. Ann F.XCELLKNT rn 1 nrx w.. .. reliable bualnea, m.n ,n . : : .."".. facturicg, quirlng bu, ViCT Til eatahlishment and pro.ecutlon. oapitai in lis The manufactur. consists in the application of a ne. collar composition or enamel to common d I brick. Jnd variety of other buildlnr mat.rl.i -7 ""c. "l rfoflng.1-fl0U'liD.8' C"iDga' floWand for This enamel may be tinted of any color, from tha purest white to (he deepest b'ack, wHh all thTZinr! and .hade. bee0. It impart, to' ttoL2Z SSS It is applied a hardness and durability .lmost incredible S??h. T5 :a?mi0 of the ra'rest and m?co. ly of the variegated marn le.. and. nnitb. ik. ,. V ou. to molstnr., and will never fade, italn.'or deterlor ate. costing but a fractional part of the price of ord"n.ry nit;? inI.bU f0 Uble Mi ,,n topi, mantle pieceii, norm merits ttnA mr r,riioo. ?Je.ta,?iaP!-h;u;k ""P," " applying the enneT r!sd? 'aUe article, enameled will command a reauy iale, affording la no nroRu. iki. ..n.. SSfcfr TnVal L0,";'fo'B'''f"'rlng under the rat tl . P,0,nl'' town in the United Bute,, by applying to the .ubicriber.. Amall tarlO en th. ar- inv.JtU-nUr?tUrt,d W'".b9 e''aire, "" " m. m.rJXZ!, mrlt "ir-anty of thli enameled bond ing material to anvih n. in nu i.- , uau ui uuiiuaiiuea in- ,ZZ??L'D?l'0'lPaw min architect, aud sclentifio men of this and other citiei. urparucuiiTiaaareie ..... ;,: JOHHBOS 4 riALL. Gsneral Agents far Enameled Bnlldlog Haterlai , pkimus. p NASSAU BT., NEW TOItK. FIRST OPEmNC OF THE SEASON i w, or .. I , SPKING AND SUMMER GOODS A.T P. ROSE'S. AOAlJf OFFER TO THE PCBLIO an entire new stock of nwvi. in i ..7.71 ,. IJ,.'h.l?.Nfi",..Y.Krkat th,,cheP"t Panic rateel. owhlch I shall sail at theamalW orofila, for Cut.. M.T..n. en and frltndi are reimoUully invited to call and exam loe my Goods and Pi feci, as I am determined to sell as cheap or cheaper than any other house in the oily; and aal do my own Catting, and luperietend my own husi- u.,iiniinim,irgiii my long experience in busi ness, to give general satisfaction. The flneit of work men are employed, and all work done ilrictly to time and on ihort notice, aud warranted to fit. Stranger, visiting ourcity would consult tbejr loferett by giving me a call before, purohaslng elsewhere. ; r, fcotta i on ji ' ' ' Merchant Tailor, march29-.dly ( , Cor. Ui,b,endTon ill m-i. . . . " . vj. inoiiuiii High street, have Jul ouenrd n.. ontaM. BaijoiMi. end Sacqon, mid. in the newest and M.-,;.L,,,on '0 mnftn-m. rutin if ry heavy, designed expressly fur MantillanudJBasqulnea. apiili ThO r-Celebratod llorso, Cruiserj TliT POUTED Tflfr TKAR fHOin A. Hngasnd, by JOHN S. HABIT, will lUnd thii,ea ion al ine Sirm of Wm H. Rarey.Oeoveport. Ohio. . CralMrUeflbe celebrated VenUooitook of Kngland, and wai aired by old Veniioo, tbe winner of the Derby rare In 1813. Venison proved himself the etouteit horse of hi! day, having traveled est foot in one year, when only thne year. eld, nine hundred miles, and run four teen racee, nod one twelve, - 0 raiser wa. bred by Lord Dorchester Io 1853; aired by Veniion Iry Partrsan, by Walton, eut of Parasol ry Pota toes, loo of Ccllpse. Cruiser', dam Wao Red Rover, by Tramp, eot of Oyntaxlna, .later to Syntax, aire of Bee wing. the dam of New Mln.ter, the most valuable HUllloa now In Kngland, and standi at fifty guinea ( t'OU), yLjoxma toOrxiiaon Thoroughbred morel, One Hundred Dollars. A Mar el arrangement will be made with turners of the neigh borhood wishing to put common bred wiarea. ' ILP Mane from a distance will be taken tare of. may i U,kw3t iVu. . l5nr'ne rdcd the first premlu n of f.,h" k ' 'a', U?n'l'1',T1"'-. BUndy'i Du vail 1, Culumbui Machine Co'i., and Bradford Jt Co'i by a Committee of nrartlr.l R.ll. V : ' u.wiujMijjiiini,,