Newspaper Page Text
- 1STJH A7V I--.','.-. IAKD17AI1EST0DB i i. JUST RECEIVED BY No. 30 North High Street, Oat at the UtfMt ana Beat StlteUe Veatt .-.'. bvbr omnt IN f HII CITY1 Honse ; 'Builders' Furnishings . - t OF IVIET BTTL1 AND QUALITY. FreacbA American X&lixCloxxr Glaaa S faint oboijnd in oil and pit ap lii Isalf pound ean for family , mi Dry Paint In bulk. I Brasbes of every variety & quality. A Splendid Ataortment of MACHINISTS TOOLS. CARRIAGE MATERIADS. AXES GRINDSTONES, Ac. GUNS, PISTOLS, SHOT, Ac FISHING TACKLE. ROPE CORDAGE, LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER. BELTING. WEDGES, MAULS, PUMPS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SCYTHES, ate., SCALES, BELLS, CHAINS Table and Pocket Cutlery. 1 npadalty Invlt tht attention ot all InUrastad to my stock of Pookat and Table Cutlery, and M1LVEK PLATED Found, Table, Desert, and Tea Spoons, Butter Knives, &c, of ilOGBRRb A BRO'S. Manufacture, warranted, toko txtrabtary, Blotro-Plted. on genuine Albetta. Country Merchant, Mechanics, and otbtn, art Invited to call and txxmlnt my 8 took, ulu prepared to tell . .. . wir- m m nwn W Columbus, Ohio. Ma 8, IBM. . LATHROP, LUDINGTON & CO. 23 & 23 PAEK PLACE, 20 ft 22 HUESAYST2XIT, HJXJW YORK, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS FOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. SPRTNG, 1861. V in opening, at oarimplo wareroome, it th bor numbers, stock o( flood tn tech of th tlx dspartsatata f omr bads m. superior to anything wo hart heretofore exhibited to Iko trade. - CLOTH DEPARTMENT. Toil hu (Town to iU preesnt aiagnltod nnder th thorough ansnsgtmeot ot a buyer of long axporkmct tad acknowledged good tut. Wt ktep txteniir line of uo aneii ana enoioeat FANCY VESTIKCS. AND FANCY CASSIMERES To b foand In ttao market, til tokettd wttk tht nice dberimuiaiion. Alto, all grade, colon and rarialleeot; BROADCLOTHS, SATINETS, . LADIES' CLOAINNG3, TWEEDS, FARMERS' and MERCHANTS' 0 AS8IMSRBB, KENTUCKY JEANS, from X to 12)f eent pr yard and apwarda; TWEEDS, MX to IS eonU pot yard kit year told a 18 to 80; PRINTED SATINETS, 14 cent; And ther Good errrcfondiitgly Low. Dbess-Goods Depabtmeot.- Manchester So Lelne, Hamilton do. Pacific do. Printed lawnt, Printed Brilliant, Fancy Gingham, Bombeeiaee, Black Bilk. FuieySlike. Printed Cha'llt, Maaobsetar Ginghams, Glasgow do. Clinton do. Ottoman Cloth, Alpaca, Pop lis, And thl Neu Select StyUvf . FANCY SPRING COODS. Msrrlmes Print, Richmond' Print, Oochooa do. . American do. Facia do. Dunnell'i do. Borage' do. English do. Manchester, At. Print, Ac. . DOMHSTIC COTTONS. Lawrenct 0. Bbeetlngo, Atlsail A. stheeUog, Stark do. Amotkoag do. Lathrop do. Appleton do. Bbawmut do. Erarett do. Pocaatet ' do. Utiea, o., do. AU Ofdtt mnd Widlht. BLIAOHID BniRTI08 AKD eniiraoB. Wamtta, Dwlght, UraM, Ixndalo, flrcat PtU, Nanmkeaf, mil Waltham VmI New York MIIU, A., . :SHAWIS ANDMANTIIXAS, A LAM1 AUD KLSCT 8gOTIT. COTTON ASIB a grtat Ttrlety. . -0BI0KB do. TIOKINflS all th landing brand. BBNIMS do. do. BHIRTIKO URIPIS-all Um leading brand. HANKBENB , do. do. 00H8KT J SANS do. do. MonnaNH do. do. DAMASKS, PAPIR OAMBRICB, 0OLORID CAM- JfttlVD, C. LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCKS OP WHTfieOOSS, . E08IXBY, YAIKXB VOnOVI, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, ' CABPETS AUD OIL-CLOTHS, And great ewrier of 4od not enamermted all of wbleh w pledge ennelrt to nil a the loweei mark tn-inm th atner portion atfroaa It la 10 per cent. 1m than laatyaaf. t Tnpnp T.nnTWfiTnw rn r - flEVVv YORK. aarS IUFOHTED goods. TVIT . nvnairrvn cjeo I Italian oil, Hartoa m uo., ror aua aa 10 6 4 ft Wmmm rill H.IUM. M W T , mM! ' .1 nMd Sardine, th BEST BardtaM bnp'td nuBrn hviit.i Table Btaoea "Lea A Perrln' Worawter. . tbire." "Beyer' Bnllana," 'John Ball," 'Harry,H "Reading." , . . 10 IB do. Omea A BlackwaU' celebrated1 Infill. Ul.t.1.. . .. m ,,m ...,.. K acaiarwi ovsajaNaMi'ji; m y ' iwwan r , aallll Chow-Chow,,'"Walnat,, On low," "Cabbage,'' "Bean," "Oherk'," M'xPlekl. j ' London Porter . . . ' Cteipbire.lbrtUdSoo)h Al. . afllnrif riMII I ' 1 80 lOO e f t bexe Iltlltn Mtoaroni.and Ttraadlla. Colemtn' tiebnted Bngllah Mutard.a kega, box, an and bottle. ,07 ' WM. MoDOMALB. 1861. 1861. Summer Arrangements.—Time. Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, & CINCIN'I RAILROAD. OonnaotlniatOmtlln with the PirT8B0Ba0, IT. WAYN1 A 0B 10 AGO RAILROAD Jbr JPIMmrgk, fitiadtlpMa and XaUimon. Alt forlbri Ww& OUeago. OonneeUng at Cleteltnd with the tAKB BH0RB RAIL- . , ,, BOAD 1 . rDaBirt llaffalo, Albany -' t, iidHw Xrk. THREE TRAINS DAILY, - KOEPt BCNBAT, . from Colombo, In oonneotlon with Train on the LITTLE irHAMI AND COLUIUBUS AND AMU iuiuirai IIR8T TRAIN. ' wrnnm VTDDHB Tjimi flftlnmriril tt S.40 AiMfe will leav puwDger at all ttttlon outh rf O w. top at ueiawere, aiuicjr, viuimS- '.--t at all lUUou north of Gallon, arrtTing at Ole.lnd tt9:iSA. M, Dunkirk S:S5 P. M-. Bnffilo '; Albaaj 5:00 A. M., Kew Xork lt:w A. a.. ." P. U , PltUborgh Tla Creitlln 3:80 ' rn""1 phi 5:10 A. M, Chicago Tla Oretllneat8-5iOP. M. BIOONDXBAlft. N1W TORK EXPRESS Leave Colombo at 11:10 a. m. Will top at UwU Centre, Detawtre, Oardinglon, Gallon. Orettlloe, Shelby, New London, Welllnijtot and Grtfton. trrire at Olereland tt J: p. m.i Dunkirk, 0:00 p. m.l Bnfftlo, 10:85 p. m : Alotny, a. m., NewToik, 8:30 p. a.; Botton, d: p. a ! PltUborgh, fi Cr.tllne, 8:S0p. m.; Phlltdelphm, 10 a. m.. Con nect tt Bhclbj for al 1 point on Baudutky, ManaQeld Newark R. B., north of Shelby. THIRD TRAIN. MAIL AND ACCOMMODATION LetTe Oolumbol at 10 D. m. Will Mop at all tatlon South of Shelby, ana at new lotmob, mcikk.ii . .a m.l..i4 O'lH n. m Dunkirk. uanm rn,w a. r 2:50. m.( Buffalo, 4:20 a. B.I Albany, 3-30 p. m.; New York, 9:30 p. a.; Bolton. ll:4J p. m.s ruuimrgo, 8:10 1. m.l Phlldelonit,o:ia p. a., von neet at Bhelby for all points on Handuiky, UantSeld a N...k IUIlrciil. Patent Bleeping; Cart are run on all Bight Traini to cnicago, new York and Boston. Bawag Chtckti Through to Ktu Tort and JBotton CM Wlwtmaj alio, v riiu(y-.u'. JS'eu Yorktia OrfUliu. RETURNING. Night Bxprea arrive at Colnmbni at... 11: P.M. Clnctnntti lrtpren " " " ":J"A' J?' AocoaaodaUon, " " " Far aa Law bjr any other llonte Ail for TichUvii Crtitlineor Cleveland. B. 8. FLINT. Superintendent, Olereland, Ohio. JAMES PATTERSON, Agent, Colombo, Ohio. Colombo, April 15, 1851. CENTRAL OHIO R. Between Columbus & Wheeling, CONNECTING VIA . BELLAHIE AND WHEELING WITH MB BALTIMORE & OHIO Re AND VIA : Bellairo and Pittsburgh WITH THE Pennsylvania Central R. B., poa Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, Pittsburgh, and all Eaitern Cities. NO. 1 EXPRESS Leaye Colombo at 3 30 A.M.; atop at all tUUon etil of Newark when ilgntlled. Arrire at Newtrk at 4:50 A. M..ZnTill ttC.OO A. M.. Belltlre at 10:80 A. M., oonnectlng with toe Btltlmore A Ohio B. R... and Tia PUtaburgh with PnnylraDia R. B. for aU tutera eitlea. NO. 8 BXPBE8S Letrte Columbu at 11:18 A. M.; (top at all tattoni wara aignalled. Arrirea at Newark at 12:48 A. M., SaaeerUM at v:U4 r. a.; iteiitire t( o:iu r. son nectinf with (he Btltlmore a Ohio R. R. for all etetern eitlea. NO. 3 BXPREB3 Leare Oolnmba at 3:10 P. M.; itorn tt all itatlon when dgralled. Arrire tt Newtrk tt 4.30 P. M., Ztnetrill tt5:40 P. M., BelUIre al 0:45 P. M. , connecting Tia PUtaburgh with th Pennaylrtnia B. B. for all etatern ettiee. Thli Boole offer the ADVANTAGE of a Through Ticket and Baggag Cheek to WA8UINOION CITY, aadaln glre the Paeerager th pririlero of rilllng BALIIM0RI, PHILADELPHIA and NBrT-YORE, tt the coat of a New-York Ticket alone; or tne prlrilege of TUIUng all of the principal SRABOARD CITIES at the ooet of a BOSTON Ticket alone, ria other Boatea. Through Ticket to NlW YuBK can be procured rla WASHINGTON CITY, at an additional expant ol 2. Time as Quick and Fare as Low A on other Route. Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains. ASK TOR TICKETS VIA Calaanbna aa Bellaire or Wbeellng. - - JNO. W. BROWN, Apr. 19.' r. Tlcief ;nf. BALTIMORE AND OHIO. RAILROAD. CREAT NATIONAL ROUTE. TtERWUKATES AT WASHINGTON JL and Baltimore on lha But, and Wheeling. Benwood and Parkeiabarg on the Wett, at which place It unite, with Ballroad, Bteamen, A., for and from all point in th West, nta-weat ana Nortb-wcaf THEEK IBADIS DAILY FOR ALL THE EASTERN CITIES. Thla a the only root to Washington City. Pmnnnlit thli route ean rlilt Baltlaoro, Pblla delphia. New York and Boiton, at th coat of a ticket to .... iiu. h n.Kap I'm... Th.xngh ttoket to th Butern eitlea can ba proenred ia Waaulngtoa Vlty at an aoaiiionai ooarge 01 two uvr an. ijmpi Cue ATTuama to aia Niaarr Tattra. 7'WnM quick and far at lorn a via any other mm Inqalr for ttetet rltBtltlmor and Ohio Railroad at any or IM principal naurota omcee m in n en, . II. BULUt AN, Gen'l Weetera Agent, Vu.4U(, Ohio. L. M. C0LB, General Ticket Agent, , W. P. BHITH. Muter Trannmrtation. ' oetSS-tf. Bu.Tiiioaa, Md, TRAVELLERS! N jo go to New York , drlro direct to the niiniwniiui iiwuoii BROADWAY, COINER OP DOCBTONBTEKT , r OondacUd on the , , liJTJROPEAN PLAN.' Good Ttre, Qood Room. Prompt Attendance, and Mod' ertte Chargte. SINGLE BOOMS SO CTS. 75 CTB.'and (1 PER DAY. DOUBLE BOOMS and PARLORS 1 1 ,50 to S3. Meal a ordered. Thl Hotel ba all the appolntmenl of th bett hotel, a aot central location, and I tie tea throughout by Iteta. BAMUXL m. aiBAU, narchlMJa iroprtttor JOBS H WHEKLSB. A 3EHTrOKH01TIE,COTlMEIITAL, X BUnatTTtii, aacoa itt, ana lanm rni in, no. Nnw Yoact Mauittm' and Oitt P or HtaTroas Nw Tone Lira and Com. MDToaa Lira. Office 81 Hlarb St. Savane'a ill abMlp ,(.. Alexandre's Kid Gloves. ; PLA11V AnD ElaBigOlDKKKV, JTiuin duetai&B ttd reenlarahan Black KidGlore, embroidered In white, m tit en ta, purple, Ac. TJndreated KtdOlore. Mlatea KidGlore. A complete ataortment of UMaeeelebraiea uiore aiwaya er i . ' , sain m cur., febSt No. SO South High atreet.' Co-Partnersbip. -, , I DATE TI1M DA V ADMITTED BIT too JAMBS ADQER BAIN aa partner in my barl a, which will hereafter be conducted rider the firm of Btln A Bon. P. BAIN, boath High St. OoluBbne, feb lj, issi. rebio , Canton Ilattings. -: , 4.4, f4, s-, wait ant ttwei aa Whit Cheeked of aperior quiity, Psr al by baih a nun, mhSJ . : - Ne.S0aoathIIlgblt. MALTESE dk THREAD LACK rfllTTfJ mi (legtBt qnaUUee for Udie; aua, Mieeee' Mitt gnat variety v ; ;v; , ,- tear . OHIO BTATE8IIAN sfMiieiiiii OUSE, Nos. 36, 38 & 40, North High St. INCREASED FACILITIES 1 HAVING MOVED INTO MY NEW BUILDING, I HA VK MY i ' BOOK & JOB DEPARTMENT! WHILE BOTH HAVE BEEN j REPLENISHED TnUOUGHOUT : WITH New Types, Borders, Ornaments, 1 &c PB0M THE CELEBRATED FOUNDRY OP C. T. WHITE & CO., NEW YORK, THUS MAKING IT TBI Most Complete Establishment IN THE CITY. I am now prepared to Execute, all Order for BOOK AND JOB POINTING, WITH DISPATCH! And In the Uoet Approved. Style of th Art. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO : MERCANTILE AND RAILROAD PRiNTiKra. Bills of Lading;, Clrcnlara, Illlt Head, ltlanka, Deoda, Certificate, ICecelpta, Dray 'A'icketa, HcgUters, HOW CARDS & BILLS IN COLORS, CHECKS, ' VOTES, 0AEDS, ENVELOPES, HEASmeS, CONTEACTS. Illustrated Show Bills, FOR COUNTRY MERCHANTS, ' Show Bills, Hand Bills, Labels, Contort Pro grammes, School and Collega Scheme, Ho. tel Bills of Pare, Invitation!, o, Booli Worli 07 EVERY DESCRIPTION School and Collega Catalogues, Hiieollaneons Pamphlet, Constitutions, Report, Briefs, e Printing in Gold and Colors JE OSTER Printed in Every Color on a Mammoth Hoe Cylinder. The only Prats of the kind in Central Ohio. My fadlitle far doing any and all of th above deaerln- tton of work, are now onaarpaaeed, and aatli faction will be guaranteed in all oaeea. lXrAll work nunlalied promptly by the time promlted. RICHARD NBTINS. STONE'SBAZAAR. N"o. 4 Gwvnne Block. A. P. STONE & O'HARRA AKENOtVltECEIVINGTIIEIU, WIN TER GOODS, and Inrlia the publio to Inrpect them. No inch itock of Good hu eror been brought to thto market. The South, In ooniequence of the ftilnre of the grain erop, ha not been hl to pnrchate the ne ntl quantity of rich good, nd thl fact baa forced the Importer to tell them al publio auction. Our buyer (Mr. Btone) being tn New York at tbene large tale, took tdrantageof them, and we ean and will tell our good here, at lea than any one who purcbtaed two week inoe, paid for them in New York. Onr atock li complete In erery department of ELEGANT PRESS SILKS, OTTOMAN VELOURS, . BROCHE VALENCIAS, PRINTED MERINOS, PRINTED COBURGS, ... DYED COBUGS; BLACK ALPACAS, ORLEANS, FANCY WOVEN FABRICS, ALL WOOL DELAINES, POPLINS. PRINTS, DELAINES SHAWLS AND CLOAKS! Five Thausand Dollars Worth Bought in One Day, At tne half the Coat of Importation. LADIES' FURS,;: In all Varletlea, of the Celebrated Blannfatare of C. O. Gun , thera & Son HOSIERY DEPARTMENT, Men'. Ladle and Children' Uoder Shirt and Drawer: Ladiea, Hlieeeand Ohililren'a lloelery of all kind. In Wool and Lamb' Woo); Fleecy Lined and Cotton (J lore of erery make. , ( UO- 't' A complete anwrtment of all the usual varie ties of LADIES' CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, .1 OVERCOATING8, ' TWEEDS, FLANNELS, RIBBONS. DRES3 TRIMMINGS, ladies and Gent's Linen Cambrto Hand kerchiefs, fto., &e. To nenon who call on n. w pledge tar word to how then the largnt, beat and eheapeat alock of Good rer een in uit maraet, or pay mem on aoiiar per nonr wnue looting. decl-dljStawltw. BT0NB A O'HARRA Ea. IwTCOLLISTERi "vTholeaale and. Uciatl Dealer In' TOBACCO, SNUFF & CIGARS No. S3 lUftra Streat, ' PITTSBURGH; Pa. Keep ' wnatantly on hand all the va rloas BUAN AiS of , Oct. WHyd WM, KNAOE & CO., AT TIIKIR NEW MLE.r"ta f. ROOM, SO. J.tO BALTJ11QMS oT. Aim NOS. 1, J, 5 tod 7 N. BUT a W ST TEST, j 1 . vaer ror aai uieir eeieorateu . ... GOLDEN MEDAL, ; ' t .:,,,!..', , vBAWU.'- , , . AND SQARE PIANO-FORTES. iutao hlihlv recommended by the Brat Pmfeiaeri and Mnlcl AaaUnn of th country, and ,, , , i ' BVBBY . I " ,' IWBTRUaEnT ' -J . . , , WARRANTED F0U c :-ri'' ' i TVB YEARS. The moat futidlon etomr nay rely noon being pleteed in erery reepect. ' (, Xtrana literal. ' ,w ' ira,nnABBvvi 8BLTZBRAWBBBTER, Agenta, 1 iljtwt '' ' t . n . ' 1 1 1 J Colnab . Ohio. REPGI'LArtT OH WATBIfrHOtir OLOAK OLOTHB. Alto, other make of Spring Oloak Olotba.lnall dedrablt alxtaret Bindings, ! ui -A B-UMUhMtKli.... - RATH jr. ftfW. (prili, Bt. W Boutn uigntHW - .rl , ,t .3 A .'j ,o f I. . NEWiABBIVALS D A I Xj OF v AT KNAPP 8c CO.'S, 119 South High Street, oct352awd-idcw-0m NOW BEADY. THE REVISED STATUTES OP THB &TLTm OJF omo OP A GENERAL NATURE, IN P0RCB AUG. 1, I860. mT.T.ATBTI BY Hon. Joseph R. Swan, wtrnxoTES or tbxdsoisioxs or rax su preme oourt. 'Contained In twenty-nlo volume of th Ohio and Ohio 8Ut Report.) AND REFERENCES TO PRIOR LAW8, HIT LEANDEIt J.CKITGIIlFEEiD,ESrj. AND A POLL AMD CONVENIENT INDEX. in Two Royal 8vo. Volumes. Price $10 00. No ctre or expenieha been iptred to make the work nerfect and reliable in all reoDCCia. It ba now lb Leguiaure aauction, ntring neen tp prored by nearly the nnanlmoua rote of both IIouki, and wa ordered to b diatriliuted to the following Bute and County officer: Qorernor. Attornev General. Bunreme Jodie. Bee re lary, 0 mptroller, Treainrer and Anditorof Stale, and (0 the Probate Court, Coarta of Common Plea, Super ior and Police Court, Auditor, and the Clerka of the rarlou Court In each county, to the Membere of the Senate and Horue of Bepretentatlre ot ihi Bute, nd the Oererner ot th' eeroral Stale of the Union. Tbi book, conUtning, a it doe, all of the gttrotei 90W In roroe, tna uie auinonutiro conttruction 01 tnem ind of the New Oomtltntion, will be fonnd to be epecll' y naefnl in th performance of their dntle, to all COUNTY OFFICERS, JUSTIORS OF THNPRA0B, TOWNSHIP TKUSTBK8, CLERKS OF TOWNStllPS, and CITY OFF10ER8. ' Tnarrnnch a rery man change hare been made In the Statotea unoethe puhiication of the Ian edition, by re. peel, alteration nd additiona, and man? Important da. cUione hare been giren by the Supreme Court on con- troreriea point, an ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BANKERS. MKROnANTS AND BUSINESS MEN GENERALLY, Will find thl in inralnablt Work. Two Royal 80. Folwrne of over Xlneleen Hundred raaet, In Stronf Law Binding. Price S10. 00. Pabllibed by , ROBERT CXiARKE, te CO., Law Pnblliherf, Bookaellerti Blalloner and Importer. No. 66 neat Fonrtb itreet. . ftbl8:d3a:i( . Cincinnati 0 GUERNSEY'S BALM T-EinOVEl AND PBEVENT8 I If Xli llammation and pain, and heala Uie worat burn, cald,brate,cut .or freih wound of any kind, rrerent welling and pain from bee atinga, moeqntto bite, and poiaonon plant, neuralgia, rheumatitm, agne In the breait, ait rneam, eio. v nen lateen iniernaiiy, 11 win poeltlrely cure oronp In children, and gire immtdlat relief in th wonteaaa of thi terrible oomplaiuti alto. remoret boaraeneea and tor throat, met, 10 cent, bottle. Should be In every bona. For le by Drug- gla ana Btoreneepera. in in btowb, Bole Proprietor, No. 1 Bprno at., New York oet4dkwlri CANADIAH & TOUTED STATES MAIL , STEAMERS TO AND I'HOiTI LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW, Liverpool, Montreal, yuebec, and "NUTGW TORS. . Th Montreal Ocean Bteamablp Company' Brt-c1a fnll-powered Clyde-built Steamer nil every Nat orday from PORTLAND, carrying th Canadian and United Btatee Bail ana piaKngen, NORWEGIAN, NORTH AMERICAN, BOHEMIAN, . ANGLO-SAXON, , NORTH BRITON, HIBERNIAN, ' CANADIAN, NOVAB0OTIAN. - Shorteat, Cheapeet andQalckcatCon vrftuuB ireut AKXRICA TO ALL PARTS 07 STOOPS. ' Ratea of Faaaacce to Europe, - '" S30, SJ6Q. CSO. Will tall from LIVERPOOL orrery Wedneeday, and from QUEUB0 every Hatarday. ealling at LONDONDERRY, to recclro on board and land Mall and Paaoengera, to add from Ireland and Scotland. 17Ibe 8temra art bollt of Iron, In water-tight oompanmeni, oarry on an ezpenencea nurgeon, ana erery attention la paid to the comfort and accommoda tion of Daaienrer. A they proceed direct to LON DON- DERY, Uie gieat riik and delay of calling at St. John' i aroiaea. Guugow paaenren art furnlihed With ran raang ticket to and from Londonderry. , Helnrn ticket granted at reduced rate. ' Certificate lamed for oarrymg to and bringing out pa enger froa all Uie principal town of Great Britain tod rednced rate, by thl line of iteamera, tod by th WASHINGTON LINE OP BAILING PACKETS, leaving Lira rpoot erery week. Slg-ht Drafia toy tt and aptwardt pay- land ar Walea. For paaaag,. apply at tht Office. 88 HROAIU WAT. new Work, and 10 WaTEK MT. Liverpool, i f, . ii :. f. 3'., a, i . 1 ' "' SIB El ft SIARLS.6inaTmirDU,j Of J. R. ARMSTRONC, AND SUMMER - Doiv-yuiw Douenaan voice, voisuaowa, vpse. 'J I 3 CO Cfi W in tM H a o o w p-l TTVt INVITE ATTENTION to iom of lb mot ex traordinary cure ny my PECTORAL' SYRUP. Ther are at home, and anv one who haa doubt ean In quire 01 tn peraon wno nave neen eunu v.i. , DR. KEYBER IS PREPARED AT ANY TIMB To HXAMINH LUNGS WITHOUT CHARQBi FOR ALL TH08K WU0 NEED HIS MEDI0INES. ATTEND TO YOUR COLDS A east of Bra year' tandingcuredbyDll. KBYBER'B PE0I0RAL BYBUP. FiTTBBtjaaH, Jan. 11, i860. Dr. Krm:-Mr wife hat been afflicted with a bad oough and difficulty of breathing, for fire or ut yean, which, for aereral year back, bad gradually Increased in Tlolence. too complaint na neen nereunary, anu had been treated by aereral phyicin without any re lief. In thla atate of her eaae, I procured tome of your Pectoral Cough Syrup. I bought, the flrat time, a fifty cent bottle, which relieved her very much ; I then called and got a dollar bottle, which cured her entirely, and he ha now no trace of the former dtaeaaa, except weak- net. I would alto Hate that 1 need tne meoicine my- elf to a cold and cough. The medicine cured me by ttk ing one dote 1 exprea my enure aaiuiacuon wim xav medicine, and yon are at liberty to publish thl if yon dotlre to do to. WM. WILSON, Alderman ruin w aro. ' Pirnanaoa, Nov. 18, 1858. Dr. Eartxa : Altlwuph not an advocate of Patent Hedlcinee, In general. It afford me pleainre Indetcrih ble to recommend your Pectoral Syrup. Aa a medicine it ia well worthy the attention of any peraon who may in any manner be afflicted with oough, cold and boartenea of any hind, and for the peculiar qualiflcatlona for re Bioring all that diwgreeable aenaaUon attending a ae rere cold. I bare been, more or lea. In my life, affected with the aererat of cold and hoaneneas. At time my throat would become eo doted aa to prevent my ipetktng above awhUper, and by taking a few done of Uie above Byrnp it would reliere me entirely. In recommending thi medicine, I muat nnheiltatlngly ay that it ia Uie beat remedy I erer found, purporting to our the above, nor ahonld any family be without thli remedy fordieeaae o prevalent. Yonra, moat respectfully, KDWABD J.JONES, Cashier Cltlsen' Depoilt Bank. BTannaxTiLLa. 0.. March 14. 18S9 f hv nial Dr. Rener'a Oouiih Bvrnp for a bad cough of several yean standing, and can cheerfully ny It I the best medicine for the earn that I hare erer taken. J. W. PRION. COL. PRATT AND DR. KEYSER'S PECTORAL SYRUP. Dr. Km. Dear Bir: Excuse the delay of my acknowledging tUe excellence of your Pectoral Cough Byrup sooner. 1 take great pleasure in saying that It I all yon any It la. Jt knocked tA noise out of my ovugh and Uie worst one I was erer afflicted with: I hare not nae.1 more than one-half of th bottle, and I can and do wish that all who are afflicted would gire it a fair a trial aa I hare done, and they will ba proud to ear, "It It no ouack medicine." I would not suffer another such ao . Mflir tnr n consideration, or at any cost. I am con fident I can breathe mora freely than I er'-r did. I shall always acknowledge a debt of gratitude for Inventing to excellent a remeay. xou are at iioenj w w uuu. in this regard, a yon think proper. B. F. fkatt. Messenger Common Council, PUtaburgh, Pa. PUtaburgh, May 11, 18M. N. B 1 am no stranger to my fellow-cltltn. and who entertain doubt can consult me personally. E.P. P. PrrntciaH. Anrll 94. 18S7. READ THB TRUTH. Dr. Kntta: I hare a daugh ter hn hu taken aereral medicine for a bad cough, without benefit among them Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. I purchased from yon a bottle or your PE0TOBAL SYRUP, and before aha had used halt a bottle aht was relieved. The second Dome curea ner enureij oi uvr cough. JOUN DUtMl, Robinson street, Allegheny. PrrmnnaH. December. 31. 1853. A GREAT CURB BY DB, KEYBEH's PB0TOHAL frVKTTP. I live in Peebles township. Alloiheny county. I had a coughing and spitting, which commenced aoont Uie 4th of February last, ana oonunnea igni unuu. i mniovtrl the twit uhvslciana In the country, and my oonoh continual nnantiea watil early in Ctober. Al that time I was adriaed to try your PECTORAL OOUGH SYRUP, which I did, and after I had taken one bottle I wa entirely free from Uie eonghing and spitting. I had jmh at mrmr rattlni well, and I think It should be known that this rateable remedy will do for others what ithaadonalnmycase. JOHN O. LITTLE, Witneaa B. U. Hsxa. reeDies townnip. Patto Tr., April 14, 1857. , A WONDERFUL CURB. Bomt time uo, aa old nei.hhor of mine waa very 111, with a bad cough which erery one supposed to be consumption. HI relatives told m tnat be naa uie a every rancor wey neru oi without benefit; his brother came to tee bim die, and all wrm annfirmed In Uie belief that be could not lire. 1 bad about the third of a bottle ol yonr Pectoral By rap, which 1 gtre him, and It entirely cared him, to Uie aston ishment of all. What make th out more remarkable. ia tht extreme age of Uie man, he being about eighty yean old. I hare no douDi in reciorai aareo ni me. JOilMN' GINNI8 DR. KEYSER'S FE0TORAL BYRUP IN ELAIR8- vlLLB. Please tend mt another supply ot your rain able ''Fcotoral Syrup," Almost ererybody around ns has thecold and are inquiring for "Dr. Keyser'i Pectoral H.rnn.i We hare euld sixteen bottle last week, and are now rntlrelr out. Mr. A. Alterand Mr. P. Maber, both of Blairariile, Pa., tell ns they would not be without It In their families. In laci, an wno us u one, want ii again. Four, respectfully, 8 J. B. WATTER80N A SONS Jannaiy 30, I860. ANOTHER NEW CERTIFICATE DR. KEYSBR'B PECTORAL SYRUP. I had been troubled with a cough and cold tor several weeks so bad waa it that I could not leep. 1 had th advice and prescriptions from three of tbebestphysiclanain the city, wnom loouia name, nut ao not do ao. 1 nnauy procurea a Dome i your recwrai Syrup, which cured me entirely. Birnea, v J. W.B1MONT0N, S3C Liberty Itreet, PltUborgh, Pa , Jan. 9, 1860. "STOP THAT;00UanrNO." 'How can I do Itr 'Go to Keyaer'aon Wood atreet and get a nolll of blaCongb Pectoial, and II that don't cure yon, yonr ease must be desoerata Indeed." Ibis is a specimen of th colloquy on beara almost erery day In cold catching perioda of the vear. And wa can, from actual experiment, cheer fully concur in the adviser's admonition as abare, for we BaTe tried tne rocuirai, in a moat siuuoorn otiv. wiin amire success. Near two week ago we went to Pittsburgh, with one of the most distressing, oonirary, muiisn, nn subduabl couglis w erer experienced sloe our adrent upon thla mundane sphere. We oougbed ateadily and laboriously for one whole week. In hopes of firing U 04, but It waa no go. In fact it seemed rather to bare Ira roved br oractlee, and to hare acquired strength, poten cy and diUrettlbltUy by Uie operation. In this stage of the siege, we con joed our way to neyaer , Itu wood Bt. procured a fifty cent bottle of Uie Pectoral;' took It accordiog to directions, and In forty-eight hours we were master of th field, Uie enemy harlng unconditionally surrendered, after a brief but unequal conflict with o formidable an adversary as neyser umou -uongn Pectoral." JHowntviUO vuppor, tveo. i, iv. DR. KEYSBR'B PB0TORAL SYRUP Is nreparedand oldhyDr GBORUB U. JUCXBiUt, MU Wood itreet, Plttaburgb, fa. Bold In Columbu by ROBERTS A SAMUXL. rpOOTIIACHE ItEIflEDIT. A BUUK CTJRB3. ' Prepared and (old by Da. GEO. H. KIYSIbY 140 Wood it., PltUborgh, Pa. Price, 25 oenta. JO Bold In Colnmlni by B0DEBTS A SAMUEL. octVff:2tawdt)m. FANCY DHESS NILKN, FANCY DRESS BILKS, ; FANOY DRESS BILKS. We art now offering oar Immense atock of Fancy Drea Sllki at price less than erer before offered la Uii city. Th attenUon of the ladiea of this city and vicinity I (oiiclted, aa our iioea is rery icieoi ana complete in all grades ot goods in this line. i'ETEH BAIN, norm. jo. an boo in wgn street. Laces and Embroideries,, TTALEIVCIENE9, MALTESE A POINT V Lsceuoiisrstnd Bells, yrencn, rasner and Thread Lact Veil, (new pattern,) Val.nclsnea, Thread tad Point Laoei, Embroidered Collar, Bett, Trimming and Skirl, Lace Barbes aod Oolffuree, Plain Linen Collar, vus ana t;uus, Jtmoroiucrea uonar ana una in acta. BAIN A SON, No. 80, South High Street. GOLDEN IIII.L SHIRTS, ' GOLDEN HILL SHIRTS, GOLDEN HILL 8UIRT8. ' The pattern of the shirts are n iw. The Bodies, Yoke, sleeves and bosom rc formed to fit the peraon with ease and comfort. Th Bark upon each ent designating the It nay bt rolled tn a bein g correct, tad tack ablrt I guaranteed well mad. A full itock of ill emallUa oonsuntly for sal at BAIN'S, nort. No. 90 South High atreet. Gents' Linen Shirt Collars, . Or FJPEttlOB QUALITY, IN OAK BOTE, Standing, Byron, Pertlgnay, Renfrew aod other new shape. Hemmed Pocket Heodkereblefi, Neck Tie. Block, Street and Craning Glare, Half Hoe of erery kind, Under Garments ud all kind of Oente' Fog . nlabtng Good tn great variety ud at aaoderat price. p,- . ..v. i . .1 BAIN a tOH, H e um i ,ina.utkuifrttmiu.t , .t-wq-.ii.: tr Hi,'- GftEA I EST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. MB. KENNEDY, OF BOXBURYI has disco re red in one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures i Every Kind of Humor, -' ;i" " FROM ' 1 The worst Sorofnla down to a eommon Pimple. Bt ba tried It in over citron hundred ease, and n er er failed exoept In two cases, (both thunder hnmor.) He hu now In his possession orer one hundred certificate of Its Talus, all within twenty miles of Boston. v Two pottle art warranted to our a aunlflg tore mouth. One to three bottles will cure tht wont kind of Pimplei en the fact. 4 Two or three bottle will clear the system or bile. Two bottle art warranted to cure the wont canker In th month or stomach. Three to fire bottle are warranted to euro th wont kind of Erysipelas. une to two bottles sre warranted to cure ail numor the Bye. Two bottle art warranted to enrt running o the ear and blotches among th hair. Four to aix bones are warranted to cure corrupt ana running a Icon. one bottle will cure ciy eruption oi me si in. Two or three bottle art warranted to cart the went kind of ringworm. Two or three bottle are warranted to cure the most deiperate cast of rheumatitm. . xnret to ronr nouies are warranted to cure stii-ninwui. Five to eight bottles win enra the wont case of scro- ! ' . . . . J A benefit I always experienced rrom tne nrsi pome, a perfectcure I warranted when the above quantity la taken. ..... BUABVrtr, nans, tin Madam: The reputation of Uie Medical Dll eorery, In caring all kind of bvmon, I so well estab lished by tne unanimous roroe oi an wno nave ever uci It, that I need not ay anything on the subject, a the most skillful physician and the most careful Druggist in the country are nnanlmoua in Ua praise. In presenting the Medical Discovery to yonr notice, 1 do It with a full knowledge of II cnratlre power, In re; llering all, and curing moat of those disease to which you ar unfortunately ao liable. That moat excruciating disease to an affectionate mother, NTJHMNG HOKE MOUTH, I cared a If by a miracle; your own temper la restored to Its natural weetne, and yonr babe from short and freUnl naps to calm and aweet slumbers; and the Medical Discorery become a fountain of blessing to your husband and household. In Uie more advanced stages of DANKER Ittxttndl to the stomach .causing PYsrErsiA, which I nothing but canker on tht stomach; then to the Intestines and KIDNEY", creating a (Inking, gone feeling, and an Indifference wvta to the care of your family. Yonr stomach U RAW AND INFLAMED, onr fond distresses ron. and too can only take certain Win,!., .nil vm at that ronrsrstem doea not ret 'half the nourishment U contains, a Uie acrimonoua fluid of th canker eat it up; then your complexion lose It bloom and becomes sallow and greenish, and your best day ia gone, ror want or nourishment yonr system ne anme loose and flabby, and the fibres of yonr body I come relaxed Then follow a train of diseases whioh th Medical Discorery i peculiarly adapted to OVKE) Palpitation of the heart, pain In the side, weakness o Uie spine and until of the back, pain of th hip Joint when yon retire. Irregularity or uie boweis, ana eiie, that most excruciating of diseases, the PILES. TTnw mint thousand of noor women art suffering from thi disease and pining away a miserable life, and their next door ne ibbor doe not anowinecanae. i wiso im Impress oa your mind that good old prorerb,"An ounce of prerentlon is better than a pound of cure," In tht 1UED1CAJL) DISCO V Ell Y - yoa have both the preventative and the cure, with thl great and good quality, that It will never, under any olraamatanoea, do yoa any injury. THE MEDICAL DISCOVEBY b tsptdaly Intended for diseases of the blood, but tine IU introduction in tne rreaiern Bute, it is rounu to or the best . . AGUE HEJHEDll thatwa erer before Uie public No change of diet aver necessary eat the best yoa ear and get enongh of it. Diaermona ton naa Adult ont table spoonful per day Children over tenyeara, dessert spoonful Children from fire to eight yean, tea spoonful. A no direction ean bt applicable to all eonsllutton, take sufficient to operate oa the bowel twice a day. Yours truly, D0NNALD KENNEDY. Price l.OOperbottla. Por p every druggist In the United Btatee. eepvi-aaiwir. PROF. L. MILLER'S HAIR INVIGORATOR, An JinectlTS, Bare ana .Economical Compound, FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR , To It original color without dyeing, and prevenllog Hair from .turning gray. FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS, . Aodouring It, whan ther I tht least particle of vital) or recuperative energy remaining. FOR REMOVING SCURF AND DANDRUP And all onUneoa affection of tht Scalp. . FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR. Imparting to It an aneqaled gloaa and brilliancy, making It eon and auay in lie texture, ana causing u to curr readily. Xhe great celebrity and Increasing demand for thi un equaled preparation, eonrinoes the proprietor tint one trial ia only necessary to sati-fy a discerning public of Its superior qualities over any oUier preparation in use. It cleanse the head and acalp froa dandruff and other cutaneous disease, causing the hair to grow luxuriantly giving it a rich, soft, glossy and flexible appearance, and also, where the hair la loosening and thinning, It will girt strength and rigor to Uie roots and restore the growth to hoaa parte which bare become bald, causing lito yield resn oorering oi nair. There art hundred of ladiea and gentlemen In New York who hare had their hair restored by Uie us otthia Inrigorator, when all other preparations hart failed. L. M. haa in bis possession latter innumerable testifying to tht abort fact, from persons of the highest redeecta bllity. It will effectually prerent the hair from turning until the latest period of life; and In cue where'the hair haa already changed its color, the as of th Inrigorator will with oertainty restore it to It to it original hu, giv ing It a dark, glossy appearance. A perfume for Uie toilet aod a Llair aeaioraurt n la particularly recom mended, having an agreeable fragrance; and the great fa eilltiea it afford in dressing Uie hair, which, when moist with the Inrigorator, ean ba dressed in tny required form ao a to preserve Ha place, whether ulalnlor in curia; bene Uie great demand for It by the ladiea aa a standard ttiletartlcle wblca nosa ougnt to at witnoot.a the price place it witnin tn reacn oi an, neing Only Twenty-Five Cents , per bottle, to bt had at all respectable Druggist and Fsrfamers. L. MTLLEB would call th attention of Pareoli and Guardlana to the oa of hi Inrigorator, in esses where the children's halrlncllnea to ba weak. Th oh of it lay th foundation for a good Mad of Axir, ss It re move any Impnrltiet that snay hare beoom connected with the ecalo. th rtmoral of which I necessary both for the health of the child, and th future .appearance of ttauair. OaOTton. Nona genuine without tht fac simile LOUIS MILLER being on the outer wrapper; also, L. MIL LER'S HAIR INYIGORAT0R, N. Y., blown In tht (la. WhoUatl Depot, 56 Dey ttraet, and told by all th principal Mirchaot and Druggists throughout th world Liberal dieoount to purchaaeri by Uie quantity. : ' I aleo desire tt present to tht American Pnbllo my TV AVD XXPROYXD TJTSTAHTAHZOTJS LIQUID HAIR DYE, Which, after yean of tdenttfla experimenting, I hart bronrht to perfection. It dye Black or Brown instantly wlihoutlnjury to the Hair or Skin, warranted the beat article oi me lino in existence. . PRICE, ONLY 60 CENTS. ' Depot, 56 Dey St, New York. oowi:dawiy. DRESS GOODS, . , New and Attractive. M0I4MIQ0ES, . N ,t. I'1 ' TaaVELMO. Poplins, '!;--' '!; . Chini Poplins,"' ',,';.'! . ' POIL DE ChETIM, I . GtizuxEa, Fkihch Chinteis, ''',-.'''."'. . ' " FtENon Moslins, " ' ' ' French Organdie,' .' ." " ' Chinese Washing Sjles, Euoart Dress Sues, -1 f . ' HiavT Baso.ce and Mantli Silis; And all other new and fashionable material most In dmaad for handtoat Dresee aad ManUllas. . BAIN A SON, apiW . - lfo. W Snnlh High street. PLAIN AND riCCHED BLACK DREflB SILKS, of every grade. Tht moat select assortment In the city, and at most reasonable rates. BAIN A SON, : No. SO South High itrsst. aprllS TTAVINO TniS D1T SOLD OCR AA Stock of Groceries to O. B.DRMING . we chtaifally reoowmend him to oar old pttrons and friend. . ..... . ,( TllUn. VVAUILSkS es pujs . Colaaiahib,lieoipi;f : ', "THE IBDIRAL a T; CURE & CURE NervousHeadaclie CURE Jc By the use of the Pill th perlodlo attack of Jrev- eotM or Ski Headache maybe prevented; and If taken at the commencement of an attack Immediate relief from pain and slcknes will be obtained. They teldom fall In removing tht Xawta and ache to which female are to mbjeot. They act gently upon the bowels removing CbeHe net i. For literary Men, Btudentt, Delicate Female and all persons of tedentary habit, they art value a a Laxative, improving th appetite, girlng ton vtoer to the dlgeitlr organs, and restoring the natnr elasticity and strength of Uit whole system. THE CEPH ALIO PILLS art tht remit of long lnvei tlgatlon and carefully conducted experiment, having been In nse many yean, during which tlm they hare prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffer Ing from Headache, whether orlglnaUng in the nertoauj system or from a deranged slate of tht stoma cA. They are enUrely vegetable In their composition, ao may be taken at alt time with perfect aaftty without making any change of diet, and th abteno of any dieaoreeable taete render tt easy to adminteter them children. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS I The genuine have fire ilgnatnrea of Henry 0. Spalding on each Box. Bold by Droggliti and all other Dealers In Medicine. A Box will bt sent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of the Prloo, 23 OoiitSo All ordera should bt addressed to HENItir C. SPALDING, g Cedar Street, New York. THB FOLLOWING ENDORSEMENTS OF SPALDING'S CEPHALIC PIUS, WILL CONVINCE ALL WHO BUFFER FROM HEADACHE, THAT A SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. Al then Tettimonial were tinnoUcited fry Ma. Ersxt iks, they a ford tmqueitionabte proof of the iffi cacy tf thi truly cenfo diicovery. Iltmitmii, Conn , Feb. i, 1861. Mr. B'ALDiHe. Bir: I hart tried your Cephalls Pills, and Wk t hem to veil that I wantVoa to send me two dollan worth more. Part of these are for tht neighbor, to whom I gave few oat of the flrat box 1 got from yoa. Send the rills by mall, and oblige Your ob t Servant, JAMES KENNEDY. HiTntroRB, Pa., Feb. 8, 1861. Ma. Eraumco. Biri I wish yoa to trnd mt on more box of your Oephallo rills, I have received a great deal tf benefitfrom them. Yonra, respectfully, MARY ANN BT0IKH0U8I. SntcciCROT, nmmKOTOK Co.,P., I January 18, 1861. ( H. 0. EmniHo. Bir: You will please tend me two boxee ti yonr Oephallo Pill. Bend them Immediately. Respectfully yonra, JNO. B. SIMONS. P. B.Ihavtmed ont bom of your tYiile, and find them excellent. Bslli Virrow, Ohio, Jan. 15, 1801. Hinrt 0. SrtLbiRo, Esq. Please find enclosed twenty -fire cents, for which (end m another box of your Cephallo Pill. They or truly the beet PHI I have ever tried. Direct A. ST0V1R, P.M., Belle Vernon, Wyandot 0o., 0. Bivkrly, Man., Dee. 11, 1860. II. 0. SraLPixn, Esq. I wish for some circulars or large ahow bills to bring yonr Cephallo Pilla more particularly before my custo mers, if you bare anything of th kind, plea Mnd to of my customer, who Is subject to tertrt Sick neadache, (usually lasting two days,) tea cured of an attack in one hour by your Pill, which I tent her. Respectfully yonra, W. B. WILKES. RsTROUrlBDRO, FRiMXI.IH Co., On 10, 1 January , IH01. MrxRV 0. Priiomo, No. 48 Cedar at , N. Y. . Dun SlRI Ine'oscd find twenty fire oenta, (2S.) for which tend box of "Cephalic Pills." tend to address of Rev. Wa. 0. Filler, Reynold.bnrg, 1'ranklln Co., Ohio. Tour Pill work like a charm our Ileadach al mott inttanter. Truly your, WM. 0. FILLER. YrsiLAim, Mien., Jan. 14, 1861. Ma. SrALnmo. Sir: Nc t long since I sent to yoa for a box of Cephallo Pills for the cure of the Nervous Headache and OoeUveness, and rrceired the aame, and they had to good an eftct that I via induced to lend for note. Pitts tend by return mall. Direct to A. B. WUBELEB, ' 1 1 Ypsllantl, Mich. From the Examiner, Norfolk, Va. . Cephallo Pills accomplish lha object for which they were made, via.! Care of headache In all its form. From tht Examiner, Norfolk, Va, They hart been tested In more than a thousand cases with entire success. . , From the Democrat, Bt. Cloud, Minn. If you are, or hare been, troubled with th headache end for a box, (Cephalic Pill,) to that yoa nay hart them In case ol ao attack. From tht Adrertlser, Providenct, B. I. ' Tht Cephalic Pllla are laid to ba a remarkably tffeollvt remedy for Uit headache, and ont of the very beat for that rery frequent complalnt.which hu ever betn dis covered. ' Proa Uit Wntera B. B. Gaaette, Chicago, III. We heartily endorse Mr. Spauldlng, ud hi unrivaled Oephallo Pill. From tht Kanawha Valley Star, Kanawha. Ta. We are rare that peraon suffering with tht headache Who try them, will slick to them. From the Southern Path Finder, New Orleans, La. Try them! yoa that are afflicted, and art art sort that yonr testimony ean be added ta tht already nnmtroae list that has received benefit that no other medicine can produce. From the St. Loul Democrat. . The Immense demand for the article (Oephalie Pills U rapidly Increuing. ' Iron th Gatette, Davenport. Iowa. Mr. Snaldlng would not connect hi nam with an ar tlcle he did not toioi too oetea real merit. . . . . JOA single bottlt of - SPALDING'S PREPARED ULua wilt iav on umsw iuioMuiiMiiiy.ii, SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I ,, SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I SAV1 IHBPIIo'lSl' '" B00N0MYI ..... DISPATOHI ' JET"' A Bnrcn in Tun Savtw Nix."0 A accident will hannen. tnren in rU rfnlatd fam ilies. It livery desirable to hart aosnt ehetp iind con venient wax for repairing Furniture, Toy, Crockery, SPALDING'S PBBPABlfli 4LTJ1I Nil all soch emergenelee, and no id eta afford to ba wlthoat It. It lialway ready, and op le to Uck Ing point. V,.Y nnnsgn .' .-U0SU A. M, B. A Brush aceomranle each botU. cent. oa,7: r, ...rnisn A1ZV Lv A A Vs Dias'an " ' yo. B, Cedar Btreet, Mew York. '. e'l V oaohom. . -. .. a. nnnrinelnted Mnont art atttmotlns' to palm off on the unauspeatlng pnbllo, Imitation of my Lu.Disin I would caution all vereoatttax' amln befosw purohalng, and tee Iktt the full name, I ta theoutildwrappeTii otnen art iwinoiingeoa rtrfeit. Ileacl'aelie.