Newspaper Page Text
17 m ; ' i ax ?0L. VII. NO. 311. NEW SERIES, COLUMBUS. OHIO, THURSDAY MORNING. JUNE 6, 1861. SLT DOLLARS rX3 YIAI, InrtrUbly la Adyaneo r 11-11 I l v O AILY. TKI-WEEKLY AND WEEKLY MANYPENNY & MILLER, PUBLISH) AS ASD PROPRIETORS. 07 Office Koi. 86, 88 and 40, Korth High St. ... TERMS INVARIABLY IN ADVANOl. Dally , .. . - . $6 00 pr jsar, " uy ino uarriar, per weec, 6 esnts. m-w9iriy - soo per year, wsoaiy, ... . . i oo " eriim or Advertising by the Square. n. square 1 yeai...90 00 One U moi.the 1H OU Ja " S inonlln 15 00 Jna " 3moallia 10 00 Jue 'J monlhi tt 00 One " 1 month. 5 00 One niiit 3 weeks.. S 00 On ' 8 weeks.. 3 00 Ont " I week... 1 75 One 3 days... 1 00 One " 9 days... 75 On " 1 Insertion SO Displayed advertisement half nor than th abov rates. Advertisement leaded and placed In the solemn of Hnioiai nouet," aouoit im orcunarvraui All nullcen required to be published by Uw, legal rates. ii ordered on tne inside exclusively after the met wee per cent, mora than toe above re tee; but ell nob wll appear lo the Tri-Weeltlj without charee. Butineat Cards, not exceeding are lines, per rear, In ue. m au per line; outside n't. Notices of meetings, charitable ocletlea, fire companies, ltd half price, All tram lent adfriltementi mutt it paid for ta Tlmnct Tie rule will not be tailed from. . Weekly, tame price aa the Dally, where the advertiser aaathe V.'jo!y alone. Where 'he Dally and Weekly arj both need, then the charge lor the Weekly will be nit trie mice oi me uaiiy No advertiaement taken ex oept for a definite) period. BUSINESS CARDS. F. A. B. SIMZINS. Attorney eat Xiaror , AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Offlce Acubil Building, opposite Oapttol Square. COLUMBUS, OHIO; OOIiUMBUO Machine Mannfaclnring Company To o o o t) o ot d w s o6 o sVeV i iff" Eg?- iNuricTCWM or STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS, Caillngi, Mill Oearing, Maohlntry. ALIO, tTctllroacaL , Of (TUT DESOlirTlOn. voivmaim, vmo. 0IIA8. A II BOS, gup't P. All BOB, Treai. deell, IbSH-tf Winter Arrangement. Little Miami & Columbus & Xenia RAILROADS. For Cincinnati, Dayton ft Indianapolis! Through to Indianapolis without Cbtnge of Car and bat One Change of Car between Columbus and St. Loats. Til R KB TRAINS DAILY FROM COLUM BUS. F1RSTTRAIN. ' (Daily, Monday excepted.) ' NIGHT KXPKhSS.cfo Dayton, at : a. m.,atop- plni at London, Xenia, Dayton, niuuietown ana iiamih too. arnrinEaiuinciDonii aic.v a. m. Dayton at 5:45 a. m., Indianopoli at 10:W a. m ! ft. LoaUat 11:50 p m. SECOND TRAIN. ACCOMMODATION, at 0:10 a.m., stopping at all Sta tion! between Oolnmbue and Olnoinnati and Dayton, ar riving at Cincinnati 11:W a. m., Dayton at 9:15 a. ., Indianopoli afS;1 p. m. THIRD TRAIN. DAT EXPRESS, at 9:30 p. m., stopping at Alton, Jtderaon, London, Oharleaton, Oedarvllle, Xenia, lipring Talley, Corwin, Morrow, Deerfleld, Voater's. Loreland, Miliford and Plalnrllle, arrlring at Cincin nati at 7:20 p. m.; 8t. Louia at l!i m; Dayton at S 35 p, Indianopoli at 10:3lj p.m. Uleeplna: Car on all Nleht Train to Clnciiinntt and Indianapolla. BAUOAUE CHUCKED TIIIIUUUII. for farther Information and Through Tickets, apply to M. I. DOHERTY, Ticket Agent, Union Depot, Colombo, Ohio. tS. W. WOODWARD, Superintendent, Cincinnati. JNO. W. DOUKBTx jul3 Agent, Oolumbaa, Jast BeMlradl 1VA llF. CIS GHEEN and UaVACK IUU TKAS 100 bag prime Bio Conee. 150 pookeUOId Dutch QoTernment Jara Coffee. 1 5 baga Ceylon Coffee. gUObbl. sundard Whits Sugars, conalatlng of row dred, Chruahed, qrannlated A and B Coffee. 00 quintal George Rank Codflah. 10 bbla. Meee and Mo. 1 Mackerel. ' A Pick Baltnon. ' 100 bx. Layer Raialns. liO hf. box do da , 100 qr. box do d 100 At Cigars, different brands and grade. dov27 Wst. MoDONALD. M. C. LILL'EY And Blank-Book Manufanturer, jTOBTH sob stbut, coltjmbds, OHIO urll-dly Red. White and Blue EI.AIKIFN, tALItUt Kin BONS, HILSkS, NKCK. 11ES. Just opened by , BAIN k BON, No. 99 South High itreat. A NEW HOOP SKIHT, ' , tto OON, No. 90, SOUTH HIOB BTKSBT. .' : nave Just received a new make of HOOP BKIBTS Bnisbed in a manner far superior to any jst Introduced for ' . DURABILITY AND GRACEFULNESS " ' mhS3. . ' '' ' l - : fariisiY riiOCK. : ;, -yyiXITK WHEAT, BRANDED ,',.SN'OWB,IJ'AII0.,, . Prom tBarnelt Bills," Bpruiggid, 0. the test brand of viour prooriii k siu aunn, Battitactloa guarantet Por sale only at WM. MoDONALD'B, novS7 .--' 106 Boaih High street . Irish Linen Goods.- WARRANTED FAHRIO i Linen Shirt Bosoms Plain and fancy ; ' Bhlrtlng and Bosom Linen. ' 'I , ... Linen Bheetlng and Pillow Outngs. ' ' " ' Linen Cambric and Long Lawns. , ...... j. ., Linen Poeket-bandk'fs, all alias. ' ' ' Linen Towellings and Dispsrl i Linen Napkins and D'Ojlies. Linen Table 0 lotbs and Satin Damasks. " - i , i Linen Towels with colored borders. ' " , ' Linen Stair Coverings and Crash. . , i '.' 'v ' '' ' Por sals at low price. BATH J SON, ' feb93 . No. 99 South Ulah street , - T ONNRTIf RIBBONS TABS, AND JLS jiuuitEB, new styles, JuiopensaDy ' j ' BAIN k SON, sprllS . . . , , No. 99 South High street. ALEXAItTtUES KID GLOVES. , ' All sites and solors Imt opened at BAINS, dee.ll. Ho. WBotittlBlghitpft. WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO DICTIONARY. The LatestThe Largest The Best, Tbe Cheapest Because the Best, "Tbe noil Itellab.iA Standard Au- tboritr ! tb Encllah IaBg-nage.' Bim Hundrti BnUnmt Bducatori of Ohto, "IBB BEST INOlISn 9I0TI0NABT 1XTANT. ., IMtrary Hen Evtryxcturn. "Beie are upward of a Hundred Thonaand Word whoee mnltifarloua meaning and derlratlona, together with tbeli cornet apellln(,and pronunciation are clearly et before the .' Oinolnnaii Commercial. Bead th Declttont of tho Member) of iht Ohio Stat UMcJur'l AMortalton. The underlined, members of the Ohio State Teachers' AsMotation, adopt and aim to ue in teaching, writing and speaking, the orthography and pronunciation of woroeeter's Hoyal Uuarto Dictionary, ana wo moat cor dlally reeommead It aa the moat reliable atandard au thority of tho Jsngllth language, as It Is now written snd poxen. Loaia Aroaaws, PresUeat Zenyon College. At. D. Lioarrr, Superintendent Zanearille Schools. Taos. W. lUavrr, gup't Maaallon Union Bchoola. At. . Oownaar, Bup't Publlo Schools, Bandnsky. Jonn Lrxca. Bun' Publlo Bchoola. OircleTille. S. N. Bjjtrean, Principal Clereland female Bemlna' War. Mrrowni. Buo'tPubll Bchoola. Mt. Union. Jouk Oodek. Principal State Normal School, Minna sola. Ontcs Nason, Principal Fourth Intermediate School vincinnatt. B. B. Maana, Bup't Canton Union Schools. Enwm RsoaL, Principal UcNeely Normal School. Bu T. Tirria, Prof. Mathematics, Ohio Unlrerilty Wk. W. Enwiina. Suo't Troy Union School. A. Q. Horxiics, Prlnolpal Weat High School, Clove lana. B. A. Noitok, Anoclate Principal ulgh School, Olere land. Taaonoaa Bnauaa, Principal High School, Olere land. R. T. HtmieTow.Prlnelnal oierelana Inatltute, J. A. QaarixLO, President of Electio Inatltute, III ram. W. L. Kaaais. Prof, of Chemistry. Ohio Wsileyan Unlrerilty. II . H. Baaxav, Kx-OoDmlnlonerof Common Schools, umo. Jamb Homtoa, Prof. Bhetorlo, Oberlln College. Tho. Bill. Prealdent Antloch Coileie. C. W. U. OiTBOiiT. Prof. Mathematics. Blub School, Day'.jn. O. CaoMaAuoH. Prof. Lantuaie. Bleh Bdiool. Dayton. B. M. BAtsxa, aop't union Bonoois, Ainiasd. Jfbrs than Sim Bundrtd other Pntiitnl of Colli- pas, rroftuori, Awnort ana jjuimfpiunta tunica tort, har4 mdoritd (habov4entimtnt. PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGES IN OHIO. MaaiSTTA Oouxoa "It Is trulr a magnificent work. an honor to the author, the publlahera, and the whole country.- rreaident Andrew. Ohio WsiiTiTJimfrRiTT.-"It exceed my exnecta- Don. II will be my guide in orthography and pronun. oiation. and will often bo eonsalted by me for its neat and accurate definitions." President Thompaon. W. B. IcximoCotLcat. "Heretofore we hare need Webster's orthography. At a recent meeting of our faculty, it was decided to change It to conform to that of Wo reel tor' moral Quarto Dictionary." Prealdent uarneia. WtsTtaa RnrXTi CoiLioe. "I find it worthy of ooraiai approDsuon.'- rresiaent uuchcock. Oinux Oollioi. "It more than meets my expecta tions, i rooommena it as tns standard authority in ortnoepy to my children and mj pupils." President morgan. j i Aanoow Collcos. "I adoot and aim to nse In teach' log, writing and speaking, the orthography and pronun ciation ot woroetr Hoyal uuarto Dictionary." Prealdent Bill. "In all my wrltina. sneakina.and teachlns. I hare en- dearored to conform to the rales for orthography and nronuneiatlon as contained In Worcester's Dtctionarr." Borate Mann, lata President. Kairroa OoiLMa,aamra. 'I mot cordially reoom mood It ae the moot reliable atandard authority of the nguan langnageu it is now written ana sposen. Preeident Andrews. SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS OF OHIO. from Rev. Anion Smylh, QmmUttontr of Common IXAOOM ! VMO, "The Dictionary Is an impsrlahabla monument to the learning and industry of Its author, and an honor to the world of letters. Ths mechanical execution is far supe rior to that of any other Lexicon with which I am ac quainted." School in Ohio. "The most reliable standard authority of the lan guage.'' WHAT THS IesacLiiiK Newspaper of Ohio Bay. from Ms Clttnlani Berald of March 28. ( The orthomnhy of the Worcester Dictionary Is that naed b moat. If not all. authors of dlatinction In this country and JCngland, and conforms to the general usage of ordinary writers snd speakers. Whatever Dreladice mar bars exlited prerlonaly, a careful itudy of this will Invariably be followed by a warm appreciation or its great merits, ana a aeairo to add it to the well selected library, be It large or amall, It is a library In itself, and will remain aa imperieha ble record of the learning of Its compiler. from ths OtnelnnaU OommtroUa of Jprtt 90. Here are anwards of a hundred thousand words good, bad and Indifferent whoee mnltifarloua meanings and derivations, together with their correct apelllng snd pro nunciation, are eel cieariy oerore ue eye. ine won is unquestionably tbe greatest Thesaurus of English Words ever published. i Iromth (nvlandPlaindtaUr of Sept. tO, 1B60. Evident! Woacum's Botal Ooaeto DlcnoiuaT i not onlv th fast, but Iht network oftht kind over is sued, and can by no possibility suffer by comparison or oontroveray. rrom thtTUedo Blade of May V). As to rnoaouciATioM. Woacaem is ths Btahoaro followed by our best author; In definitions be leavee nothing to be desired, and in OaTBOoaArav it Is sufficient to say that Woaotrrsa oan be aately roiiowea. ; INGIIAtfl St BRAGG, Pnbllsuera, Booksellera & Stationer, NO. 191 8UPBBI0B ST., CLEVELAND, OHIO. maiB THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIEE INSURANCE COMPANY, OP KToxv-earls., 2NT- T.. Dlrldend Jannarr 1,1861,45 Per Cant. ASSETS 4 13,813,550 50. Statement Jannarr Is 1861, . Balance, per statement Jan. 1st, 1800 $3,408,581 39 Beoelved for Premiums dur ing the year UfcO $703,053 55 Beoelved for Interest during I the year law nn.tin ju Total reoelpts for 1 SCO.... a 977,007 74 Paid Claims by Death,3C7,050 p0 ' Paid rolloles surren dered. ... 41,111 iW I Paid Salaries, Poat- ags, Taxes, MX' chanse.ete SI. 020 54 Paid Commissions to Atenta a 1,385 30 Paid Physicians' fees. 6, 90S 7.1 Paid Annuities 1,517 00 . Paid Dividends dur- ' ' Ing the year 100,500 73 SGS.OOI 09 411,970 14 Net Balance January 1st, 1801 13,819,558 50 . ., . . AS8IT8. Ouhonhand. $6,(1384 19 Bonds and Mortgages on Beal . state, worm aouoie ue amount loaned S.397.B4I 68 ' Premium Note, on Policies In force, on ty drawing o per sent. Interest. 1,979,864 17 Beal Xltate 90,893 97 Loans on Scrip a,Jl 4 Premiums, Notes and Cash, In ' court of transmission.. 45,343 75 Total AsseU $3,819,55050 T.5T5 Policies In fores, Insuring.... -$96,486,638 1,43 nsw Polldst have bats ttiued during ths year. After a earafal ealeulatloa of th present value ot the outatandlng Policies o( Uts Company, and having the oey amount la reserve therefor, Uje Directors aava aeeured a Divtpcvs of 4 pereeni. on tne rremi am paid at th table rates, to all policies for life la force. leaned prior to January 1, IHCO, payable aooordlng to ths present rule of the Company. . Bates for all kinds of Life Contingencies, Prospsct useo, Statements, and AppUeations, will bs furnished --, at ma umoe or Agenoloe oi in uom pany.. . " Is ,. BOBT. t. VATT1BS0N, Prssldent. ,: '... ''.Ma . SiSONv Agent, ', ' ' Johnson Block, at u cm mi , March 88, ISim,. -j : , .. Oolumbaa, 0. BliRAOHEV SnEBTINGS If AND SHIBTINOS, all widths, of taeeteelebrated makes, new offered in greatest variety and at very low prfeey" vjun aa wvmt aprtlJ Ho, nStauHlghstite)' ScrofUla, or King's Evil, w a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Being In the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out in disease on any part of it. No organ ia free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint ia variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth ana lllthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. What ever be its oriirin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending " from parents to children unto tne third and luurtli generation : indeed, it seems to be the rod of Ilim who says, 11 1 will visit the iniquities or the lathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suii'er from scrofulous com plaints, but they have fur less power to with stand tho attacks of other diseases ; conse quently vast . numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered futal by this taint in the system. Most of tho consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in tliis scrofulous contamination; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ; their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine wo supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined uom the most active remcuials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should be employed for the cure of not only Ocrofuln, but also those other affec tions which arise from it,, such as Ebuptivb and Skin Diseases, St. Anthony's Fire, Rose, or Erysipelas,, Pustules, Blotches, Blains and Soils, TuMons, Tetter and Salt Rheiw, Scald Head, IIinoworm, Rheumatism, Syphilitic and Mercurial Dis eases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Dehilitt, and, indeed, all Complaints arising from Vitia ted oh Impure Blood. The popular belief in " impurity of the blood" is founded in trath, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerato this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. AYER'S Ague Cure, for the speedy cure or Intermittent Fever, or Fever endAgue, Remittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb Atrae. Periodical Headache, or Ttlilnna Headache., and lillioua l'vaa-e, tmdecal for the whole ot dlseaaes originat ing; In biliary derangement, canted by sua iiaiaria ox iriiasmaiio Lounuia. - . Wo ate enabled hero to offer the community a remedy which, while it cures the above complaints with certainty, is still perfectly harmless in any quantity. Such a remedy is invaluable in districts where these afflicting disorders prevail. This "Curb" expels the miasmatic poison of Fever and Aque from the system, and prevents the de velopment of the disease, if taken on the first ap proach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not only the best remedy ever yet discovered for this class of complaints, out also tho cheapest. The lame quantity we supply for a dollar brings it within the reach of every body; ana m bilious districts, where Fever and Aoub prevails, everv bodv should have it and use it freely both for cure and protec tion. A great superiority of this remedy over any other ever discovered fur the speedy and certain cure of Intermittcnts is that it contains no Quinine or mineral, consequently it produces no quinism or other injurious effects whatever upon the constitu tion. Ihosc cured by it are left as healthy as if they had never hnd the disease. lever and Ague is not alone the conseqnence of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of disor ders arise from its irritation, among which are Neuralgia, lihettmatism, Gout, Headache, Blind nest. 'J ooth ache. Earache. Catarrh. Asthma. Pal pitation, Painful Affection of the Spleen, lhstcr- ia, uw. f. ..if vuH, Kf uiyaid aiiu rangement of the Stomach, all of which, when originating in this cause, pot on the intermittent type, or become periodical. This " Curb " expels the poison from the blood, and consequently cures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residing in the malarious districts. If taken occa sionally or daily while exposed to the infection, that will be excroted from the system, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into dis ease. Henco it is even more valuablo for protec tion than cure, and few will ever suffer from Inter mittenta if they avail themselves of the protection this remedy affords. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEB & CO., Lowell, Mast. BOBIBTB at SAMUEL. Columbu. And by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. nov:iyd,tww n CANADIAN ft UJJTTED STATES KAIL STEAMERS TO AND FHOM LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW, Liverpool, Montreal, Quebec, . . . i and JTJaJ W t YOB.BL. The Montreal Ocean Bteamahlo Company's flrst-olsa full-powered Clyde-built Steamer nil every Mat nrday from PORTLAND, carrying ths Canadian and United states man ana passsngers, NORWIGIAN, . NORTH AMERICAN, BOHEMIAN, . ANGLO-SAXON, NORTH BRITON, HIBERNIAN, CANADIAN, NOVABCOTIAN. Shortest, Cheapest and Quickest Can veyancs arona AKEBICA TO AUV PABTS OF XTOOPI. Ruteaot FatMage to Europe, 03O, see, sjao. Will tall from LIVERPOOL every Wednesday, and from QUBRKO every Saturday, calling at LONDONDBRRY, to receive on board and land Alalia and Paaeengen, to and from Inland and Scotland. irpTheae Bt earner are built of Iron, In water-tight compartments, carry each an experienced Burgeon, and every attention is paia w ue oomion ana accommoda tion of paassngers. a. iney proceed oiraot to iiun uun DBRY, the gieat risk and delay of calling at St. John's avoided. Glasgow passsngers are furnished with rasa paange tickets to and from Londonderry. Betum ticket a granted at reduced rates. Oerttaeatea Issued for carrying to and bringing out pas sengers from all tho principal towns of Great Britain and Ireland, at reaucea ma, ivuii. unw oi .icamei, nnu by th WASHINGTON LIN At Of BAILING PA0KBT8, leaving laverpooi every weea. Bight Draft for 1 and upward nay- (I DIB l MM I.OlBUU1 1IQIUU OUWV- land er Waiee. Tor passage, apply at th Office. 23 RltOAtf. WAY. New York, and 19 WATEU ST., Liverpool, . IABIL ft IXABLX, Qcntru agents, Or to- J. R. ARMSTRONG, aolO-lydkW r Pot Office, Columbu, Ohio. HENRY KtEHCEB, CLat of Phalon't Bitabltihmtnt, N. T.,) Twprletoro Bhampoontng, Curling and Creating Saloon, Bast State street, over lb Poat Offlce, when satisfaction will h .Iven In all th various branches. Ladies and Children's Hair Dressing, dona in ths beat Ityle. )yl-diy SPRING CLOAKS AND HAStlaNESI NSW 8TTLBS Bala V Son, No. South mv V I ... .nar.rt naV atvlM flf CLOTW Ola- cnuas. Bascuu" and BACaots, made In thsaewett and moat sultan nauuv.. - aiaf ailka. var hctvr. detlsufd txprenly for maauitif an nntunri i maw, BEAUTIFUL., AND CHEAPER THAN EVER! a arrant unnfatn ta (TlaTtK 11 f TNfTSUA ti ly large and well assorted. "!WlatMt patterns from AMERICAN, JCBULion ami .... GOLD PAPERS AND BORDERS. Gold and Velvet Borders, SPLENDID DECORATIONS SIDELIGHT and' FIRE BOARD1' PAPERS, Gold and Painted Shades, GOLD WINDOW CORNICES, BUFF, BLUE, AND GREEN HOLLANDS, WINDOW FKTDBE8, all kinds, CORD AND TASSELS, BEAUTIFUL PICTURE3 AND FRAMES. RANDALL & ASTON, 1O0 SoxvtH HI Six St. COLUMBUS, O. N. . Landlords and persons wishing quantities of Paper will make money by buying of us. Country Merchant and persons from abroad will do well to call and see us. aprll l'dSmeod B. fc A. NEW ARRIVALS OB1 Spring & Summer Millinery. The Btoolc ITeplenlshed PATTsY FROITf LATEST IlfTPORTATIONS' OF NEW YORK. MY STOCK OF Spring & Summer Millinery Is now oompUte, comp riling every variety of Millin ery; also, a large assortment of Embroideries, Hoslsry and Notions, fcc, and la quantities and prices that eanj not fail to suit all who msy favor us with a call. The goods have been bought at Pan ic price,, and will be sold at a small sdvance on cost. MILLINEBY Miss M. E.YOUNG, late of New York City, will superintend the Millinery Department. Her long experience in tho most Taahlonablo Establishment in Broadway will alone bs a warranty that she will be able to give entire satisfaction in matters of taste to all who may favor ber with their orders. The Ladies of Columbus snd vicinity will please ac cept my sincere thanks for their liberal patronage, and I would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. R. H. WARE, 08 East Town St., Colnmbu O. aprll-d3m-eod Wholesale and Retail Depot for FAMILY CftOCEMES No. 106 South High Street. wm. Mcdonald, DEALER IN TEAS, FINE & STAPLE GROCERIES, Til ATT rTr"TT TT1 DTTTTPtl IN ALL "HEIR VARIETIES. Dally rrlyal of Good the Full and Winter Trade Of 11860-61 ' For irPH ET CRN IN G BIN CERE THANKS TO THE PUBLIC for past favors snd patron age, and being DETERMINED to JTIERIT a continuance of tarn by trlct attention to trade, and prompt dellrery of Good, I would call tne no tic of the publlo to the fact that having .aLarf and wall Selected Stock on hand, and being ln'dally receipt of foods from ths differ in t markets, I Batter myself that I can offer to th eitl sens of Columbus, or to any who may dstlrs to parents, aa assortment of artlclss appertaining to the GROCERY trade, UN EQUALED by anyhouee In th city. Th price and quality of the good offered, I srnara anteo to fire satisfaction. - Goods Delivered Free of Charge. novS7. , . vra. modonald. -Wlllittna jm G-lll COLUBIBUSa OHIO) - AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE And Seed Store, BIALIE IH GENERAL HARDWARE, HAILS, GLASS, SASH, PUTTY, C0RDA01, Gun, Pistol, Wood Willow ware. athtrand Rabbet Belting, lao Leather, Ho and king. . i ,-i ol-41r Notice, CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS, THE FOLLOWING CHANGES WERE mad In tbe the offloer of thl Bank, January SIHh. 1BS1, to wit: WK. A. fLATr, rretiaeat, and tbosias Moonia, Cashier, resigned their omoes. David TarLoa, Isq., was then elected President and Wit. A. PlatI ap- po nted oathier. . , . Jiy oroor oi mm .wans vi wmuwn. rebi, 1861-dtf. , , ; W. A. PLATT, Cashier. M1 INK MTJIIBr TICTOBINBS aadOTTf W ww are new telling at Tory low price, alee all other kind fashionable fur. JJIB etk KOi W jtoiUl Big St. ' Sljje (0ljx0 Statesman mil, Dally, per year ...t8 00 Tri-Weekly, per rear 3 00 Weekly, per year 1 00 [From the St. Louis (Mo.) Republican.] Ethel and Archie Clare. BY EMMA ALICE BROWNE. I shall be happy when It Is said, "Xthel and Archie Clare are wed t " For you have hli heart, and I hit troth Btbel, dear, cm A foes ui both t We are two blossoms on one stem You are the fair tree's diadem; You are a red rose fully blown lam tho ptleaterer grown; Therefore he gathers your bloom, and I Am left by tbe old house wall to die I Nol but I never could die for him, Though all the world with my lots wers dim. He la fickle and false, and vain, A scoffer at woman's joy and paia; Wearing ths love of the foolish Ihlug As I would wear a ribbon or ring, Only to tire and toas It by for a newer gaud and a later tie. Well, yoa may alt In his house, and aing, A summer bird with a fettered wing But I shall be up, and out and awsy, free ss the winds that blow in May, Over the hills and the roaring sea. Breasting the aunahlne glorioutljl Scorning your meaner prison bars, I shall be psltoed among the stars, High over the drowning sea of tears. Dons with sorrows, and hopes and fears; Never the broken vows of men Shall trouble my Infinite quiet thml Yon will envy me, little one, You In the shadow, and I In the sun1 But, beautiful Xthsl, slater mine. By the red light of your bridal wine By your own face, so tenderly fair! By ths false heart of Archie Clare! By my love and my ruined faith1 By all that la strong In lire and death, Though he wed you this very dsy, With face turned heavenward I ahall prsy Till my soul goes out at a deathly door God's peace abide with them evermorel A Soldier's Emotion in Battle. Our citizen soldiers inexperienced in tbe bat tle field will find tbe most terrible moments Inst before the combat begins. A soldier in his narration of personal adventures in the Mex- loan war, published in "How' Achievement of Americans, gives some interesting Items on this head in his description of the battle of Palo Alto, tbe opening battle of tbe war. When all was ready, both armies stood still for about twenty minutes, each waiting for the other to begin the work of death, and during this time, I did not see a single man of tbt en emy more; they stood like statues. We remained quiet with two exceptions; Gen Taylor, followed by bis staff, rode from left to right at a slow pace, with bis leg thrown over like a woman, and as be passed each regiment. be spoke words of encouragement. I know not what he said to the others, but when he came up to where we stood, he looked steadily at ns; I suppose, to see what effect the novel cirotim- etanoea ia which we were placed had noon us. and, as be gazed, he said: "Th bayonet, mv rvwruf uv.m. m, irfKi w up imvy" i OS Otn er occasion wss that of Lieut. Blake, of the on. gineers, who volunteered to gallop along the enemy's line, in front of both armies, and count their suns; and so close did he eo that ha mfoht nave seen anot a nnnarea times. Une of the officers of the enemy, doubtless thinking he had some communication to make, rode out to meet bim; Blake, however, paid no attention to bim, but rode on, and then returned and reported to Taylor. 1 t - a " . - D Thus stood tbose two belligerent armies, face to face. What were tbe feelings of those thou sands! How many thoughts and fears were crowded into those few moments! Look at our men! a clammy sweat Is settled all over faces slightly pale, not from cowardly fear, but from an awful sense of peril, combined with a deter mination not to nincn from duly. These are the moments in which true soldiers resign them selves to their fate, and console themselves with the reflection that whatever may befall tbem tbey will act with Aoitor; these are the momenta when the absolute coward suffers more than death when, if not certain he would be shot in his tracks, be would turn and flee. Fighting is very hard work; tbe man who has passed through a two hours' fight has lived through a great amount of mental and physical labor." At tbe end of a battle, I always found that I bad perspired so profusely as to wet through all my thick woolen clothing, and when I bad got cool, I was as sore ss if I bad been beaten all over with a club. When the battle com mences.'the feelings undergo a change. Read er, did yon ever see your house on fire? If so, it was then you rushed into great danger; It was then you went over places, climbing over walls, lifting heavy loads, whiob you never could have done in your cooler moments; you then bare experienced some of the excitement oft soldier in batlle. I always knaw my danger that at any moment I was liable to be killed, yet such was my excitement mat i never luiiy realized It- All men are not alike; some are cool ; some sre perfectly wild or crtsy; others are so pros trated by fear that they are completely unnervedan awful sinking and relaxation of all their energies takes place, awful to behold; they tremble like an aspen, slink into ditohes and covert places, ory like children, and are totally Insensible to shame dead to every emotion but the overwhelming fear of instant death. We had a few, and but a few, of suoh in our army. As tbe two armies were facing each other. It was remarkable to see the coolness of our meirt there they stood, chewing bits of biscuit, and talking about the Mexicans some wondering if they would fight; others allowing that they would, and like demonsto. 1 1 kept my eye on the artillery of the enemy, and happened to be looking toward their right wing, when suddenly a white curl of smoke sprang up there from one of their guns, and then I saw the dust fly some distance In front, where the ball struck. Instant ly another and then another rich curl of smoke arose, succeeded by a booming sound, and the shot came crashing toward us. The enemy fired very rapidly; and their balls knocked tbe dust about as In all directions some went over our heads, others struck the ground in front and bounded away. Our batteries now went to work, and poured m upon tbem a perfect storm of Iron; Lieuten ant Churchill and his men began with their eighteen-poundere, and when the first was fired, It made suoh a lond report that our men gave a spontaneous shout, which teemed to inspire ns with renewed confidence. I could hear every word the Lieutenant said to his man. When ths first shot was fired, be Watched the ball, saving. "Too high, men, try another I" "too low, men; try again in intra ume is tne charm!" The third shot was fired, and I saw with my own eyes the dreadful effect ot that and the following shots. "That's It, my bovs!" shonted Churchill, jumping up about two feet. "you hrvve tbem nowl keep ber at that;" and so they did, and every shot tore complete lanes through the enemy's lines; but they stood it manfully. Tbe full chorus of battle now ragad ; twenty-three pieces or artillery belohed forth their Iron bail. - We were ordered to lie down In the grass to avoid the shot; this puzxiea tne enemy, and thev could not bring their guns to bear noon ns. making our loss very small. Many were the narrow escapes j one ball name within six Inch es of mv left side. Th force o( the shot was tremendousi a horse's body was do obstacle at all: a man's leg was a mere' cine' stem. 'I I watched th shot as It struck the roots of the grass, and It was astonishing how ths dust flaw. In about an boor the grass caught fire, and the oloudaof smoke shut out the opposing armies from view. We had not ss yet lost men from onr regiment, in the obscurity the enemy cntDgea tneir line, and tbe efghteen-pounders, supported by our regiment, took a new position on a uttie rise ot ground. As we moved on to tbe spot, a tfz pound shot carried away the lower jaw ot capt. rage, and then took off a man s ncaa on tns right, as clean as with a knife. Toe blood of poor Page was the first blood I saw: he was knocked down in tbe grass. and as he endeavored to raise himself, he pre sented sucn a gnastly spectacle that a sickly, fainting sensation came over me, and the mem ory of that night I shall carry with me to my dying day. A little later, Major Ringgold was uiurutiij wuisuueu at uia oaiterv: A saw Dim just after it. The shot bad torn away a portion of the flesh of his thighs: its force was tremend ous, cutting on Dotn bis pistols st the locks, and also the withers of his bono a splendid steed, which was killed to relieve him of bis misery The enemv tried hard, but without avail, to hit our eif.nteen-poundere. Tbe battle continued until night put an end to the scene. We bivou acked where we were, and laid on our arms: we slept, however, but little, thinking we might be attacked in our sleep, The enemy bsd been very severely bandied, owing to the superiority of our artillery. The gunnera went into it more like butcher than military men; each stripped off bis coat, rolled up his sleeves, and tied his suspenders around bis waist; tbey all wore red flannel shirts, tod, tnereiore, were in uniform. To see tbem lim bering snd nnlimbering, firing a tew sbota, than dashing through the smoke, and then to fir again with lightning like rapidity, partly bid from view by dense clouds of smoke and dust, with their dark red shirts and naked arms, yell ing at every shot tbey made, reminded me of a band of demons rather than of men. The Ruins of Palenque and Other Monumental Relies. The principal structure remaining among the rains of Palenque, stood on a great pyramidal mound of nearly three hundred feet squsre, and forty feet high, faoed with stone. Upon this foundation rose the building, covering a space of about two hundred feet square. The walls, of massive stone laid in mortar, were carefully adjusted to the points of the compass; snd the entire front was stuccoed and painted. On this stucco were represented human -figures, some of them colossal, In various and significant at titudes, witrj nierogiypbics near, which, no doubt, originally explained their meaning. These figures, in facial outline, resemble the Choctaw and Flathead Indians of our own coun try. On tbe Interior walls remain similar representations, of which some are very striking; snd generally, though disproportloned, tbey in dicate considerable conceptive power and me chanical skill in tbe artist. The extensive floor of the building is of cement, ss bard ss that seen in tbe remains of tho best Roman baths and cisterns. In this region there exist also ether monu ments of great capitals on tbe Mexican plateau, which were crowded with inhabitants at the time of tbe Spanish conquest. . This populous and comparatively refined city, said by Cortex to have contained twenty thousand houses with in its walls, and a bid any more in its environs, was admitted by the Axtecs to be of high anti quity, and to have been founded by the race which possessed the land belore themselves. Tbe inhabitants of this town cxcslled in such arts ss working in metals, manufacturing cot ton and agave cloths, and producing a delicate kind of pottery, said to have rivalled In beauty that of Florence. But this capital, so conspicu ous for its refinement and great antiquity. was even more venerable as the centre of the old religion of th country. There stood the vast temple dedicated to the "God of the air." (lb reader wbo will take the trouble to turn to Ephesfans, II, 2, will note a singular signifi cance in this designation,) with all Us colossal paraphernalia of symbolio sculpture and costly ornament the mightiest mass, by far, ever erected by human bands on thiseontinent, and scarcely scrpsssed in dimensions by any other wore ot man upon tne globe. ui this structure, the base wss an enormous truncated pyramid, whose sides faced the car dinal points. These sides were mnoh over a thousand fet in length, and the height of tbe mound was nearly two hundred feet. On the summit rose the walls of the sumptuous temple, to whose shrine, venerated throughout the land, pilgrims continually resorted from the farthest recesses of tbe valley. The nndying fires which here shed a dreadful glare upon hecatombs of human viotims, in the time of tbe conquest, and flung their radianoe far and wide over the devoted region, may light as to the I reading of tbose other monuments of the primi tive race at raienque, uxmai, ana irtpan. And thus read, those ruins reveal much that may be relied upon of that ancient people. Room, In deed, la scarcely left for doubt, that they be longed to tne loi tec lamiiy, tbe almost histori cal race, which ia known to have preceded the Axtecs, In taking possession of ths Mexican platean. An old Mexican annalist, relied uponbv Free- oott. relates from interpretations derived from these monuments, and from tradition, that this early race, tbe Toltecs, bad come from the north into ths pleasant valley before the seventh cen tury of our era; that after several centuriea tbey were pressed upon by successive warlike tribes, which came, as tbey had done, from the north-west; that under thia pressure tbey left many of their ancient homes, and migrated to other lands, yielding the country to tbe occu pancy of tbe invaders; snd that the Axtecs, as tbe last and most powerful of these, succeeded, about the middle of ths fifteenth century, In es tablishing that extensive empire which the Spaniards, within the next hundred years, found so remarkably consolidated nnder the Rev. W. N. Pendleton. dleton. [From the Albany Evening Journal.] History of the Stars and Stripes. BY ALFRED B. STREET. The moBt interesting incident oonnected with the battle of Saratoga was the unfurling for the first time the Stars and Stripes at the surrender ofBurgoyne. Bunker Bill was fought under a red flag bear ing the motto "Come if yoa dare," but on the 14th of June, 177, tne Continental uongress resolved "That the flag of the thirteen United States be thirteen stripss, alternate red and white, and that the Union be thirteen stars, white on a bine field, representing a new con stellation." This wss made publlo on the 3d of September following. Previous to this our na tional banner was ths Union Flag, combining the crosses of St George and St. Andrew (taken from the English banner) with thirteen stripes alternate red and white. Tbe banner of St. Patrick (Ireland's emblem) was not combined with the crosses of St. George and St. Andrew In tbe standard oi Ureat Britain until isui, tbs year of the nnion with Ireland. . i ne stars oi tne new nag represented in new constellation of states, the Idea taken from the constellation Lyra, which signifies harmony. Th blue of tbe field was taksn from tb Cove nantera banner in Scotland, likewlas significant ol the league and covenant of tbe United Colo nies against oppression, ana incidentally invoiv. ing vigilance, perseverance and Justice. The atare war disnoacd lo a clrole. svmbolialn? the perpetuity of the Union, ths clrole being the sign of eternity. The thii toes stripes showed. with tbe stars, tbs number or tbe United Colo nies, and denoted the subordination of ihe States to and their dependence upon the Union, as well aa equality among themselves. The whole waa a blending of the various flags pre vious to the Union flag, via , the red flags of the army and white ones of the floating batter ies th germ of onr navy. Tbs red color, also, which In Roman days waa ths signal of defiance, denoted daring, and the while purity. ' ' t . What eloquence do the Stars and Stripes breathe when their full significance Is known A new Constellations Ualoni rerpetnltyt Covenant against Oooreaslon; Justice; Equality i Subordination; courage; rarity B v the United States law of January 1 3, 1794, It wu enaoted "that from snd after tb 1st of May, 1795, the flag of the United 8tata be fifteen (tripes, alternate red and white," and m tbaJUnlon 06 flftn ttsrs, white in a blue war of 1813 ' Ur """H"1 flT dartD h ,fc?nfIth4'''J10f A1' "18, Congress altered ? f.lrwtu)g a return to tbe thirteen stripes, as follows: aB It enacted, ae., That from tad after the 4th iar of July neat, the nag of tb United 1 Biases tV Utrta horlsontal stripes, alternate irf .?!?!? .f ?.lw,Bt? wh,u. a blue leld" "And be it farther enacted, "That on thsadmissioa of a new State Into the Union, one iter bonded tota alon" ' r aw vis lvu uar au ml gaiwr nawi - .. . The return to th thlrtera abln. ... k. reason of the antlolnatlon that tha strip on the admission of each State would make tbe flasr too nnwiaMv. Th. .m ..k- of stripes also perpetuated the original number of Sutes of tb Union, while the addition of tbe ,taiilbiw1,tha ynl0B ,n "xlstiag state. The flag planted by oar troops In Ihe city of Mexico, at the conciliator, of th bore thirty stars. " " The aize of the flag for tbe army Is six feet six Inches In length by four feet foor inches in width, with seven red and six white stripes The first seven stripes (fonrred and three white) bound the square of tbe blue field for the stare, th stripes extended from th extremity of the field to the end of tbe flag. The eighth stripe blte xtding partly at the base or tbe neld. Tbe number of tha ata i hi.. mm J UUI Sueeest to the flag of our Hallos 1 Its folds all around us bespreail It It blasoned with deeds of the valiant, And aaered with th name ef th dead. Th stars of th symbol of Union In Union they ever mutt wavel The white I the emblem of honor. Tbe red 1 tb blood of th brat. tueoesa to ths Itag of our Nation! Let It sweep o'er the land aad Uw seal The shade of our heroes around It, beneath it the ranks of the free. We will keep its young glory antullled, In the agee to come, as the past ; Uprear it, a beacon of freedom, Unbowed, through all storms to tbs last. Is Childhood Happy! There never waa a neater mlatalra n.t. says Fanny Fern, than when childhood wu call- en tu oappiest portion or life. I have seen a little child's breast swell with aa anguish aa great aa would ever agitate it, though it ahonld live to fourscore. Call It a "trifls," if you will, that a playmate jeered before a laughing crowd of boy judges;no verdict of alter life would be harder to bear; and when sure of sympathy, hs tells his story to some one, whom he fancies will sympathize, and that man or woman or child listens with indifference, or pooh poohs it away do yoa think that child will ever drink abltterw draught! I tell yoa nay, and 11 the rough, grinding heel of tbe insatiate world were not on as all tbs time, we should know and feel it. Nor is the suffering momentary, aa many suppose. How oan it be, when some ju venile experience often color a whole I if? I say children suffer immensely more then Is be lieved. Take a child's first day at school, thrast into a crowd of uproarious, mischievous little sava ges, shrinking, cowering, trembling away from tueir tun contact, who neaving cheat and tear laden eyes, choking down the misery made so in tolerable by yoa tell me tbst Is a 'trifle 1' Take ths child who sits Internal li.t.n. log to some story related conversationally be tween grown people, when suddenly his presence is recollected and the peremptory sum moos "to bed." is promulgated without a ihooght of tbe a wise clemency of a reprieved ten minutes. I well remember . in mv dsva nf nlna. fore and pantalettedom, an old maid that naed to say "that child" In a tono that made all my curls stand on end. for years I aeitatad m. mind whether old maids went to heavon, be cause, strongas were my predilections for tbst blissful state, I was no wise content to sbsre it with her. NorshslI I soon forget tbe trtntiltn mje. when too tall for abort dreasea anrf fsVa shaai ww nuvi ivr long ones; called "nothing but a child," when was most anxious to do tha atati lsdy, and begged to recollect that I "was no longer cuuo.-wnen a nt or obstreperous romping came over me with a vigor I could not resist, called a goose for blnshing if a young man spoke to me, and "did I think he could no tice auch a child as me?" snd begged to re member my 'manner' when I bounced off next time without noticing the young mac, driven to the verge of desperation by my inability to defiue my place in the world, and disgusted eoongh with this terrestrial ball to kick it like would any others A few more Inches to my stature, however, settled all that. Then we my time. A Mill Run by the Spirit of its Former Owner. Mr. G. N. Roberto is putting np a grist mill, three miles east or Corunna. Tbe machinery was taken from the Nash mill, in Plymouth. Wsyne, county. The story ran that after the decease or Mr. Nash, the owner of tbe mill, strange sights were seen, and strange noises were beard about the old mill. At the witching hour of midnight, a ball of fire waa aeen pro ceeding from tbe grave-yard to the mill. Wood, nor stone, nor Iron could bar its progress, for it mattered not how securely every avenue of in. grees wu olosed, the ball or fire would find a way to tbe interior of the mill, the machinery would be set in motion, and all about the mill would have the appearance of bustling activity and farmers leaving grist there overnight would find it all ground and ready for them lo the morning, tolled (so scrupulous was this unseen agent in ita dealings) to the fraction of an ounce. Tbe mystery waa in course of time solved by someone In the neighborhood, who had a com munication from the spirit of th defunct Nash, stating that it was the spiritual essenoe of him self that bad been noting th part of midnight miller, and that the object was to sustain tbe reputation or tbe mill. It is eonjectured by some that changing the looalityof the machine, ry will make no difference with th indnatrtnna spirit, and that Mr. Roberts will be enabled to run his mill at a very trifling expense, being sure of the nocturnal appearance of the indefatigable it ana . wi.e trstniai. New Military Tactics. In the olden times, the solid columns and th desperate charge generally won the battle; but light, active troop, spread over au extended field with good ilffles, could soon slaughter tbe beat drilled columns in the world, armad wltb smooth-bored musket snd handled in th old- fashioned pasteboard style. Modern tactics re. quire a more extended field for manoeuvering; nence greater car is necessary in handling tne soldiers, and Intelligence on the part of the sol diers ia necessary for taking up proper poaitions, to aave uemaeiv anu narasa in enemy to tbe greatest advantage. Formerly the position of an army could be approached within 300 yards i.t . , , , , m . wiinoat experiencing: injury irom infantry Ore. With tbe modern rifles they could not approach nearer than 1,000 yards. Cavalry must now keep at a respectable distance until tbey can dash In nnder cover of the amoks, rr b preceded with riflemen and artillery. Scientific Ami an. '.. :.. . ui ,.. ... A Terrible Edict. Mahmoud, Sultan of Turkey, does not relish ' the idea of the Oriental belles exposing their noses and lips to tne sight ot people lo tbe streets of Constantinople, aa the following firmed sbowsi Wberear, It ha com to the knowledge of those wboseduty It is to watch ovr the morals of the ballsvsra, that certain women of aa Impudence that is proof lo sham, lo Imi tation of th daoghtera of perdition (Christian woman), bav exposed their noses and even their lips to tbe new of passers-by, It is order ed, lo the name of th AU Powerful, that tb wives and daughter of th Faithful abstain rigorously from auch Indecencies: that they take etretoblile their faces well with tieir ill, ao aa to conceal their Hps and no, leaving only a sufficient opening Id tbslr vslls to -enable them to avoid oomiog uoontaet with tho Infi dels In the street. Let them pay attention to these presents, or wo be onto t n