Newspaper Page Text
!l)C(Pljio THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 6, 1861. LOCAL MATTERS. The Adams Express Company places us dally under obligations to It for the very latest papers Irons the eastern cities. Tbe Amerkan Express Company has our thanks lor its daily favors In tbe shape of the very lutoet eastern papers. : T11.v,i.Pi.iit,n, . .... . . -. "-ri-B"" at rniinppi, sixteen miles (O-itn or uiaiion, dc i a. . . tweeo the Wheeling and Parkersburg branches of tha Bltlmnr .n.l Bailmerl. innlr nUfl Monday morning. Eight wv. tuwuuBj n computes of Col.. Kelley'e Wheeling Rcgl men!, elht companies each of the Iadlana Regiments, six companies of the Ohio ICtb Regiment, numbering about 2,300 m m, com manded by Col. Kelley, attacked about 1 ,500 se cessionists well armed and equipped. Ltle Sunday night, In a violent storm of wind and rain, Kellcy marched his men from Gralton. I The plan was well laid for a surpriso, but the impetuosity of a few troops gave the rebels! warning. They fled In haste, leaving their bag , ..... Mat na I Aal hnnana lAiia a a nrr m Inn A nrt eeiik 6-6' """"i "bui ,uMm n,lu Drovislons. and about five hundred mnalceta. In charelne after them. Kellev. In advance of his mttn .Ilk .a.aUu I . IaI L.J , jj . uurKooi a proriaiua wagon, iuo oau entering bis right breast, and lodging In bis Bkoulder. The rebel was Immedlatelv made nrlaoner.l and the men with difficulty shooting him. restrained from I t.. n - - v o r.n.i.l. TmGaiaT EauiSTaiaN SH0w.-We call the attention of the oubllo to the advertisement in Demonstra. kl nlaTli, ne place in this paper of the Great Equestrian tlon of the Antonio BroTHcas, to take this city, on Monday, the 17th insl. The large and well disciplined corps of performers which the managing proprietors have engaged, will render this a novel and interesting entertain" ment. - .. ? j r- r- Court or Common Plus. Decrees have i. -..ji ., ,-, . uumereU n me present term oi we VOUrt, H. t mr IvnMin. Vrafliy.. T L . - A - . - -"""a v. ii.a nun nL-ini i tidk, Fsidirio Scholer from Mary A. Scholer, and Locr A . CtlMNiNOH.M frnm lien A. riiMNmn. I 4K. All tbe persons indicted at the present term of the Court,' with the exception of those at large on bail, have been arraigned and pleaded "not guilty." The Criminal Docket will be call, ed up on Monday, tho 10th Inst. OTJeri. Willuus, editor of the Monroe Spirti ofDimoetaey, having accepted the com mand of a company of volunteers, has retired from the editorial charge of the paper, to battle for the Union with tbe sword Instead of the nan. I in- t ,,, . .. . . . I 7'" ,UB mVl wm De BnPP"M J0H . . o uet umu new toe captain ana tne 1 Editor will be able, each at his post, to do their I conntry good service. ICT We learned pAjlPrH.. ihrnnnh m I iu- we learned, yeaterday, through a person PAPf ffsAm llamilrMn fAxt.l. iL.t BIT- C 1 direct from Hamilton township, that Mr. Stam baugr, who was recently the victim of a brutal assault, was not expected to live through last night. Two of his assailants, the elder FieH and the negro Manly, have been bound over to the Court of Common Pleas the former In the sum of $3,000 and tbe latter In $500. - Clothing for the Troops. The advertise ment of Charlrs WHiTTLiBir, Assistant Quar ter-Master General for furnishing clothing fori the Ohio troops, appears in another column. It I will be seen that A. D. Bullock, an old and es timable merchant of Cincinnati, has been ap pointed Purchasing Agent. ET Micbail Edwards, the younger of the two men Indicted for killing Otho Farmer, has been tried at the present term of tbe Monroe county Court of Common Pleas, convicted of murder to the second degree, and sentenced to tbe Penitentiary for life. DTFive companies of volunteers have been raised In Monroe county. Two of these Capta. Jere. Williams and James Washsbrne have been accepted and expect to be ordered into camp I tbit week. Monroe stands by the Union. HTCol. Kellev was still living at tbe latest accounts. Tbe ball had been extracted from the wound, and the physicians bad reported him improving, with a strong probability of his re covery. i i i ESJl O A St. Louis emigrant recently put bis two story house on a barge, and with bis family and "traps" sailed np the Illinois river In tow of a ' steamboat, He was fleeing from secession trou bles. . ST F. D. Parrish, of Sandusky, bas been ap pointed by the Governor Probate Judge in Erie county, v et R B. Sloan, appointed U. 3. Mall Agent. UTThe Cincinnati Enquirer regrets to learn of the Indisposition of Major General McCi.el lan, and hopes that bis illness will bo bnt tern Por'J. . ..' ' . ' LCTIt Is reported that the Ohio troops at Washington are to have new regulation uni forms without delay. We hope It may prove true. "Papers In tbe seceded States say that farmers are plowing op their cotton and planting corn. IT One hundred voluoteera from Troy trrtv ei ut Camp Denniaon on Tuesday, to unite with companies in the Eleventh Regiment. UTThe Tenth or Montgomery Regiment) Col. Lytle's, was mustered Into the United States servioe at Camp Denniaon, on Tuesday I - I i - 1 I I I I I I I i. i I I i i at I I of l an I the I tn i .-...., I I y -heieceaalonlata gus deal ble nrl HAR ..uu slon. aione PolDt I rent veoi . riva row, It from meat to dered will erate may of and man, tbe the their It of the levy and of lew 4th at roue leave dent, on but fleet bnt War of i ! - ID Camp Harrison, at Cincinnati, baa been -given up by the SUte authorities to the proprie tor ot the grounds, Mr. Stevens. , .. Va., be ET Tbe Superior Court of this county, Jndge Matthews, is In session, and occupies the Pro bate Court Room, j . ; Rail Road Time Table. LiTTi.1 Hum sc Oeuifaca Ac Zmna R, R. Leaves. Arrives Cincinnati Accommodation. 6:00 A. M. " Ixpreat ll.-M A. M. Mall Accommodation 1:30 P. At. 05 P. M 11:03 A. M Nlsnt Uipreee via Dayton .18:00 midnight M F, M 3 MO A the Jiro. W . DonntTT. Agent Ooiorars It Ouvslaitd S. B. Night Ixpreee ........3:40 A.M. 11:45 P. M New York Kxprees JI:10A.aJ. 11:10 A. M Mall and Accommodation.. B:SO P.M. . B:10P. M . James Pattosoii, Agent. CditkalObioR. R. ' ' , No. 1 Bxprees.... ... 3:30 A. M. 11:98 A. M No. S do 11:18 A.M. 11:45 P. M No. I do 3:10 P. M. 4):5 A. M . -..' m .. .. - 'v ' ' W. J. Pan, Afont. TrrrnDRen, Ootoitsos at CwcimuTi B. B. ' Mall Train 3 30 A.M. 11:38 A. M Ripreee Train,. .i..... i. 11: IB A.M. 11:45 P. M ; l v. Joe. RoiiReow, Agent, Ooloksos at tmnainreW . HV ' . - 1 ' ' CoLOMaua Pwoa Impiasa It. R. , : ' No, f Jxpreee 6 31) A. M. B;5 t, M No.B " 3 50 P.M. . t:B0 P. M 10:50 V. )lt Aegommodatuin la . TELEGRAPHIC! REPORTED FOR THE STATESMAN. Dispatches from Washington. [N. Y. Herald's Correspondence.] WASHINGTON, June 4. Thono.omonjW"siormanyoi our troops, indicating ior i J r I j r openly avowed purpose of a large armed force There was no forward movement last night. I Information was received by lien. Scott, I n the evening, that several tnousana rebels wera at Centrevllle. ten miles from Alexandria. The result was. that each of our regiments the Virginia side was notified to be prepared a nieht a tUck. Preoarutiona are going on In several commls sary departments for six, eight and ten days' rations lor many oi our troops, indicating for m,o ward movements. VI U V4 UIUI V U1VU tOI Intelligence reached Fortress Monroe, yes Intelligence reached Fortress Monroe, yes terdav. that a soouting party of Col. Allen's Troy Regiment had been taken prisoners by . OIM,.. hut Gen. Butler doubted the rerjort. from the fact that the country In that direction had been thoroughly reconnoilered, ond no such lorce of rebels could be discovered, ineuen eral Immediately ordered Col.Duryea's Zou- aves to oursue the rebels and rtecne tbe partv, it iney naa oeeo taxen. Slaves continue arriving la considerable numbers at Hen. Butler's caiuo. and are nut to W VI Ik IU llig HCUtUCQ- M U J HI V PUIU W VUUI prebend the position of affairs very clearly, and reportthat their masters are very much alarm- edD flying from their homes every day. rr.u. L i. in i . : "V1:. UCUI VI I1UOU UlUUUUi act Aj;vvtVV IV - A . m .l t turn lo Aqoia ureeK on rriaay. Immense Quantities of provisions have been aDa n being snippea iron L,ouisvuie,ovcr "u AJVFUIBV.IIO HUU 11BDU.IIIV IVHllUW.) W mg inenrrsptinnar HtatAfl! tun nreaenc uoi aeuir Louisville, a secessionist, refusing to obey the orders of the Treasury Department pro- niwting tne smpment Oi provisions Boutn. A wvi.suw. nam uncu n... force the prohibition.' lie will enter upon bis duties in a few davs, ins uovernmeni nan Deen aavisea oi me lennesseeans to make a rush to iiOUisvllle ttempt la made t enforce the embuF the'e' to, Btlr P ll Powible, insurrection along the line and thai mnminr an atiernintt Id ma Ha An fnvn. iho take possession of tbe Nashville Tennesseeana expect, and would doubt- leas obtain, ft BtroDtTBUDDort from tneKentuckT nuaninttA tnma anrl tl.i ntiAn artflHA llntt 1tT precipitators, and their open abettor, .Gov. Ma' goffln. It is to guard against this that the Government contemplated ordering the Ken- iucgy Drigade to Liouisviue to co operate with Union men of Louisville and tbe State at lartre in refliRLinc inn intennea invasion oi i en - ... . ... . "V1111UVBU D , u, RUUCaiD 1B. U PHVUK I ... -. ..... .O preiuaice exists in tientnclcy aeainst tne bri- gsde. A large number of its members are from y0, and tbe SO-called KentUCkiana are most- irom tne corner towns ana counties; only a I small portion of them are natives of the State. have been in the hahit or ren-l resentlnc the whole bricade asconaistinir of bo. KentuckianB. This la unjust, but there is enough truth in it to eive a colonntf to a ereat of scandal and reorehension. Anv other Federal troops, indeed, would be more accepta- to the Union men of Kentucky. This beine understood at the War Department, the Ken-1 tackv brit?adfi will be ordered hare, tinfl & HnmAl Qnant Ilka iht In Rt Tn..uHI k. n..nui I .1 1 n,,;.n!il. Tf,: : 1 1 -. . U Aim 1. A I I - uuviBiiiin uia nisu ucidiuiiu.- win rcuiuve iuuvu uiiiiuuiij nuu npureuen i I late on for - I - a - I i I I . I fa' i i I by I , I th I mi T.-... iuu " bv A WASHINGTON, June 4. [Special to the Post.] It Is said that a portion ot Maryland lying tne river between Indian Head and Finev " tenanted with rabid secessionists, who oonstaniiy senaing supplies to tbe rebels in BBfliuiCBje i,vww UIVU TflAt U3 UlBJJttljVUVU tfU UrV ftnjcommnnic&tioa with the enemy. A field any communication Wltntne enemy. A Held I battery will be sent to this point, and one of the X.... .... ... r. ..p I Mntniaa .in ha .fxinn. it,.. It is also contemplated to occudt White - " W .UV.H. . I tfnnoa Pln, Tk. k....i h... ' livHBH.vmw tll.wi.UUBI kUDIV IQ TDIT littt- and if the rebels should take possession f it would cost valuable lives to retake it commands the entire channel for several miles. All dispatches announcing that hostilities would soon occur at Manassas Junction or Aquia Creek, or reports of an advance of rebels Harper's ferry, are incorrect. No move' of the kind hae been ordered, nor likely take place A band of teleeraph operators has been or to accompany the Federal forces. Offices be open In every direction back of Arlington HeigntB, Botnat tne troops can be instantly con cenlrated at any point. Several members of the Maryland Legislature recently visited the rebels at Harper's Ferry and Richmond; doubtless to confer with tbe Lonled leaders. There is is a decided secession feeling still lingeiing in Maryland, and needs watching.. Zu w,t? . me . 01 I. in plies oi to rax, [Special to the Tribune.] It is not confirmed that the rebels bad ad vanced from Harper's Ferry to Leeiburg. It have sprung from the presence of the line disunion pickets from Fairfax Court House Leesburg. i Marshal Kane at heart is aa bad as Merry- against whom there are strong proofs of treason. tie is still at laree, and boasts tbat Government la afraid to arrest bim. His friends threaten to rise if he is touched. Reports received in Richmond recently from rebels at Manassas Junction boast that position Is now Impregnable, They were anticipating orders to march upon Alexandria. Count Garrawskl was to-day designated to a confidential position near the Secretary of State. tbat our and tne page. [Special to the Commercial Advertiser.] WASHINGTON, June 5. is understood that Gen. Scott disapproves landing forces at Aqula Creek, as be regards point unimportant at present. to in [To the Associated Press] WASHINGTON, June 5. Tbe belief extensively prevails that a new is to be called for by the War Department, various offers have, therefore, been made regimenta additional to those already accept ed; but it la certainly ascertained that no auch is now contemplated. Minister Uorwln passed through Jalapa on tbe of May, on his way to the city of Mexico, having had a pleasant and Important Interview tbe latter city with tne Mexican Minister to France, who recently arrived in New York, en for burope. Mr. King, Minister to Kome, having obtained of absence in order to command the Wis. troops, Is in Washington on business con nected with military affairs. Mr. Nicollav Private Secretary of the Presi left this P. Jtf . for Springfield, Illinois. Written arguments have been submitted McCormlck's Patent Reaper extension oiee, the Commissioner will not finally decide for several weeks. Current reports and newspapers have Bent a with troops down the Potomac la9t night, this Is news to tbe Navy Department. John P. Sanderson, an ex-Chief clerk of tbe Department, baa reoently been appointed Lieutenant colonel in the army, and will be second In command to Col. Anderson. Tbe Star says it has oertaia information from Leesburg that Beauregard was positively at the Junction. - Also, that there was an aggregate 20,000 rebels at Manassas Junction, Cen treville, rairlax station, and rairfax Court House. The people at Waterford, Loudon county, were ordered, Sunday last, by officers to at Harper'B Ferry next Monday, with their teams and wagons, to move the. materials or tbe trooDt there. ' it la believed x.uuu reDeia win move np tne Potomac to opposite Wllllamsport. Tbey are known to be without the meant of army trans portation. not has 000 for dull dull dull are tide war, From New York. NEW YORK, June 5. The prize vessels to be released. Hawklna' regiment oi zouaves cas sauea ior fortress Monroe. Advices from Fortress Monroe Bay Gen, Ha ger hae 10,000 mon at Norfolk, and 10,000 more Portsmouth and along the shores of the river. It la inexpedient to make any demonstration towards Portsmouth or Gnanort at nrnannt: The report tbat Gen. Butler contemplated an advance on Peterehnro i. nnr.,no4 Six Dahleren bronze, 10 mim PVUUUVIB USJB V V MVVU fished np by the rebels near the navy yard. Eight tons of gunpowder are said to have been . H,BB,J:l, of the Merrimac, oerfectlvdrv. . " ,a . . - jr. . .. - TheMerilmac, Dolphin and GerteantdwnrU aald, will be In aea-golng order In two Weeks. 297,000. aqb nwoie Drouent oy tbe Waehinoinn has From St. Louis. ST. LOUIS, June 5. case, to the writ of habtat corp$ were made by Col's. Boernsteln, Brown, and McNeal, substantially the same as those of Gen. Lyon and Col. Blair. An attachment against Gent Lyon was then an. plied for by petitioner's counsel, which Judge Treat declined to issue, on the ground of In' aumcient proof showing such step ought to be wxen nere. me case restaiortne present. I Mayor Tailor, believing there was a settled determination on the part of the Board of Com- I mon Council to embarrass his actions as chief executive of the city, tendered his resignation yesterday, which was accepted last night. Eighty men from Hannibal, Mo., forming pan, Dattsiion m iiome uuaras, unaer com mand nf Ma nv Hunt. anhl th a n t waarav. wal iitiiivi msh aiiwuvw vj j vuwva day, and were sworn Into the service of the United States, and furnished with arms. They returned borne last night. Muskets were also ov m a or Hunt. From Cambersburg. CHAMBERSBURG, June 5. Two regiments of Infantry and five oompa nies of cavalrv advance to Haeeratown to nlcht. or co-morrow. A scout reports that the Secessionists succeed led in naasinir a wmn lniul nf nnwoi- thrnnirh M.i j r "I UaUUI IXa IUMI IliliU Another scout, returned from Maryland iieiguis, ovenoumDK iiarper'8 ferry, says lew- er troops are UPOn the heiffhts than were a week .-I. A i ."u ... .l.i..IW1Q8.0 vuw Liifltiv vau uo OHHUIBU WIVU IIHIC IVH VI lilOe J . . anu guns turned on tne enemy. Residents there think the rebels are nrenur mg ior a retreai, as an eventuality, A 1V..WU UlUTUUIVUIl VI UUT krUUIV IB CDI lemniatea tn-mnrrow I I I - I From Leavenworth. LEAVENWORTH, June 5. uu muEuay uigDi, i A volunteers lrom Uampi Lincoln, headed bv Serjeant Deowzin. of ih vaah r2n.u1. . J !0- , Elwood Guards, armed with JWinle rifles and ,ni.. .... v, . r... i '., viira w ivou, uiiiuB above this city, crosalne in skilTj. their Durmae belnir the capture of a secesaion flair. Heine- j at. . . - askeS their purpose, Decwzin demanded' the fla authority of he United States. The flag was hauled down, and the nn. .tariii nn th.i.l wag nauiea aown. ana ine nart atArimi nn thA p I roiuru, wuu vuey were nrea at oy tne seces-1 sionists, and tbe fire volnnfPPrn ArA mnnniUA a-i. - flT. f 1 . . .e ... . J me niirtir cnusea mucn mik m totflcity. I of ? "e tl to From Louisville. LOUISVILLE, June 5. im,, ii,,?,,; n' i . . , , i 1 be B uuetin says Col. Anderson feels sure no trnona ar onmlnc ho... n u(-r." rl I '"n " ,uivl,Vl.'UI,U 1IUUI I t . . I xuuobo rennccuDg raiiroaa matters beine I anticipated; and that the Nashville and Louis- raiiroaa will ODey tne orders Ot the rede-l uu.oiumeui. 1 De Memphis Arut, of the 30th ult. , says "uut owners ana caotains of that cltv re- commended the military authorities not to allow DOuts owned North or by Northern sympathizers run in aontnern waters uon, I izc. Stabbing Affair at Steubenville. STEUBENVILLE, June 5. night, Washington Lovine was stabbed Sam'l Sannderfl. & npoMnlnn iafc frnm lit a Pan ITonrllo. Vn . Thanrl......ji.i..r...i I SunniWa. la nAA in .n :L. . I .vw6wu iu inn. KUMUVU Bll ulKIii DT I InpnA haIIi,. . - . . . I , ' I fio auruc, iu restraio ine people. I ' r I oity mt From Baltimore. From Baltimore. BALTIMORE, June 5. . . , ' . ' J I this city, to-day, and seized all tbe breach there, '?a(llDB nmsketa ,,, the establishment. Intima- A steamer from Old Point renorta all ntilitt I there. The bark General Green, of Charleatnn. fnr Baltimore, owned by amerchantof Charleston, ' ""J" ""iobiob, e,llg0 f!8.' anJ?. molM8e9. haa been IAVVliaAil kat Hi t i a IV m tOI A I captured Dy tne uuaker City. . IT 1. 1,-.. . . ' . . 1 oe untiea Dtaies marsnai iook possession of Run factory 01 Messrs. Merrill and Thnm.a w. llu '"P'e empioymem would soon be given to tne estabiisnment In tbe manufacture Vma Ior.,ne Government. . eon?""" ' citizens, returned from Wash. Ineton.have received the aeeurance Irnm th Government that Baltimore shall have a share Duiiding the gun boata and furnishing sup tu mo uurerumeDi; bibo, mat me govern ment will soon have opened and keep free and unobstructed for travel and trade the entire line tbe Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, now effect obstructed by tbe Confederates at Harper' Ferry. Kiel BOSTON, June 5. Appleton, a well known citizen, died day: The conduct of the American Consul at Hall N. S vbaa led to a public meeting of Americans, who adopted (he following resolu Retolvtd, Tbat we feel mortified at the fact we have an officer of the Government in midst who not only approves of the corrup tion and treason at home, but misreoresents vilifies, (not only tbe Republican party, but wnoie people ot tne north. The 3d Maine Reelment. 1.000 stronc. Cnl. Howard commanding, left this evening for Fall River. The Regiment goes fully sannlied with horses. baggage wagons and all necessary camp equip give wan oi and Thle and daye, ne to EVANSVILLE, Ind., June 5. Camp Wallace has been in a state of ereat exoitement to-day, occasioned by the receipt of dispatch by Col. Wallace, this morning, from Washington, ordering his regiment, the lltb, Cumberland, Md. They leave to-night or the morning, tia Terre Haute and Iadianapc- HALIFAX, June 5. An explosion occurred In the Allison mines. killing three men and sixteen horses. It will affect the supply of coal. aeed l ine Two Days Later from Europe. SANDY HOOK, June 5. arrived. Cotton Salea of 80,000 bales; to speculators 19,000, and exporters 10,000 bales; middling baa advanced d; lower qualities un changed; breadstuff dull and slightly lower; provisions steady, lower, and unchanged; money slightly eaaior; bullion in, bank, decrease 587,. pounds. Liverpool The weather has been favorable croops, and market 1b generally dull, with a slicht decline. Various circulara reDort: Flour and declined Cd aince Tuesday. Wheat and Sd lower; red ll12s 9d. Corn very and fully Is lower, and holders pressing the mantei ai j(jjs na. Produce Market. Generally steady. Beef teady. Pork aulet but firm. Sutrar heavv. Coffee quiet and closing firm. London Market. Barings sav breadstufis quiet; flour declining tendency; sugar quiet; oouee ouoyant; tea unchanged. American stocks latest sales were, III. C. shares 45'ici Erle2021. , Parliament proceedings were unimportant. The news is quite meagre. Motley (tbe historian) haa an elaborate ar. In the London rimer, on the American wbioh attracts considerable attention. He tbe whole responsibility on the South. I ne r rencn uovernment contemplates a more liberal press law, and tbe repeal or tbe law for puDiio saiety, , -an . I A Hne a f ttouree nat at n:ii. 4uo. It Is asserted that the Italian eovernment has reiecteo tne coooiuona on wbioh f ranco con' sented to evacuate Rome. ' . . France will recognize the new klnedom before end ouune. The peasants in Russian Poland are to be fl released from compulsory labor on the 1st uciooer. Tne duty on cotton twist and varnsln India been reduced to 5 per cent. LATEST 'COMMERCIAL VIA QUEENITOWN BY TELE' ORAPH. Liver tool, May 26. Sales of Cotton Satur. day 8,000 bales; 2,000 to speculators and expor tern market closing quiet and steady. Bread stuns ouu; provisions steady. London, Saturday tvenine. Consols closed today at 91091: Monev 911091 for accounts; III. C. abarea 4039 discount; Erie The Australasian Baa $'J2l,000 In specie on our before A I tell either A ar ment at B LEACHED RHEETmCS ' AND BHIBTINQB, all widthe, of meet celebrated nakea. offered to greatest variety and. at very low price. , BAIN At BON. aprllS N,SvBtbBI(lreet. THE MARKETS. New York Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] NEW YORK, June 5. fcTBlK.IUWl-KHB lIKHarlOKdo pre- ILOUB Receipts of 9,300 bbU: market So lower: alee of B.0UO Mils at wfiim.,w ror snperfln cute: S.'85 10 for extra stt 94 82(34 W tor superfine western; 4 85(35 73 for common to medium extra western; $5503 for snipping brands extra Round iioop Ohio. Canada nour auu; salts tuu unit at ta 7,50 KYE FL0nR-8teady at 3 10(34. WAKAT -Becelpt of 6M1,72 buibeti; market doll and ltgMc. lower foroommonto Inferior grades; ealee of 50,000 bushels at I1 05 lor unicago Upline; 1 009 1 B for 1111 Club; l 18 for Can Club; tl 40 for White western. RIK Quiet at67C8o. BAULKY dull at 555o. CORN reoelpte of 1,33B bush.; market steady; ealet or ou.uuu bush, at etcsiwe. ior new mixeu western, aai 47o. for new Weetera yellow. OATB dull at 3K333He. for Weetera, Canadian and SUte. . PORK-dull; ealee of 300 bble. at 110 75917 00 for meee, and t lit 37 for prune. una If quiet; ealee oi w uoia. OUT MaATB dulland unchanged. LARD ateadvt ealee of 500 bble. at 'J3c. BUTTTKB. in fair rwiuestat l8Hc. foe Ohio, and 8 (fltioe. for mat. OUKK8K steady at 3c. WHISKY dull at 18(3)16X0. OOPPMB aulet but held firmly; ealee of 300 bags Bio ai kxo. BUu ARB continue heavy and dull; ealee or 100 bbdt. Cuba at4''4e MOLABBKB neeleeted amtnba ...a ,ii a ..SI.IA at a thouVh .inVti. mXtMitTr, Plenty and freely offered on can aie per cent, on can ad 7 upwards on paper. B Boloeee quiet al tl 05 ' . u u i nn i a. u .. i - iHi i ' ii . ai nr. n m- i - ui, La 55 Oa 55 N O 51 Va X Mo 40tt Tenn 10 Oal 7'e 77 Treaiury 12'i 8 1 02V C 8 O'l 81 caup ne 84. do refill- leredUtX. Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, June 5. WOOL There appeare to be no fair openlns up of the I Wool market. Moet of the buelneee yet done la by the I email buyers In the country, who are brought into direct I mieroouree witn me rarmere, ana wno itte tne wool in W"'0' store debU Sealera remain aeluetana about SSnTnStr..9 PreMDt ,B"'Unt but uuun uroere are euuneing n lea ror tno Met graaee Flour for a reguur trade demand, but the market hae fLOUROrdere are etlllbelng filled for the beet gradti I vitality or snap to it, and deaiera menifeet rather a JJS UVUiS. Ciit tV to5 25 wn.w a regard to It. We quote en- Extra at B16U to eu ttit it nnM n.,k.... . . i aiiuere, dui ine iraaeaoing u net oi a cnaracter to I iKev, iiuce miucra are not oia potea to bia op d le quoUd at BOe to 95o. galea were made to correspond. White rnlee from 1 105 to I 10 for ordinary, and from tl 12 to tl BO for cholee I rancy . ror the latter there are buyere oonatantly. I BHIAD8TDFF8 The tables of tbe movement at Ban Francitoo, California, ebow a elngular revereal of trade I mat point, ineteaa oi being an Importer or wheat and I nur, h now large exporter, xne laoiee enow inai I July let to April 20th, there wen ebipped 84 KLuZ, r". :XnJ!,Zrr.r:rJZllf,Ml v. vhh ti ..iiiu.i.i. 'U uwwa, miu iuh. I r i i . I. 1 . ... I " pi, .ur.Kuuu. ui cork hua f.i.i market ao OATB Are In request only for tegular local conluao ana are contequenny innuencea coniuntiy Dy tne recelnte. u A KLEX -Kernel ne net and neglected. RYE ! In eome requeet, and buyere bid up a little I on oil Quotations maklnc Drone at 5S(353e. WHISKY Hae the euonort of nerlatent holdere at nut eonceaiions on ton ogart are bed almost daily. Oin. Com. Cleveland Market. Cleveland Market. June 4, 1861 FLOUR Inactive Small lots are telling to tbe city trade at old prices. S.WHKAT Baleeof Scars red at 1 07 and 1 car while Ml 7. Thu wtftjlc, la flDIl .nil hMvv. . " " " . 1 uunn inaccire ana not quotable. a.m. Ti.. 1 1 ai- . a . nr. jna .uii, pnicv ui KmlW Kb JC. BUOB Balee at 8X3.9. BUTTER Sale ot good quality In email lots at 16c i 1 1 Philadelphia Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] PHILADELPHIA, June 5. yuioa nnchahged. wT-flrm: ealee of 40,900 bu.hei. red at ti 35i 3; whit. ti. Oorrn- ttt 1 1 foL 1 9rt . WUtSIVrlnll Sit 1111(1911 Flo tie nnchahged. Whiit Arm; ealee of 40,0001 GREAT CUBE. DR. LELAND'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC BAND" I IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Bhenmatism, Goat tnd Neuralgia, AND A 80B1 CUBE f 0B Mercurial Diseases. All It is a conveniently arranged Band, eontalnine: a med icated compound, to be worn around the Walat, without to the moet delicate pereona; no change in habite living le required, and it entirely remoTes the die from the e;etem, without producing the ininrinu. effecte ariaing from the uee of powerful Internal medl-1 clnee, which weaken and deetroy tbe conetitutlon, and I temporary reuei oniy. . y inie treatment, tbe med-1 propertlet contained In the Band eome in contact I I ne oiooa ana reach the dieeaee, through the poree I me aain, cunning m every ineiance a perreel cure, reetorint: the parts afflicted to a health oondllion. Band le aleo a moetpowerful Ahti-Mercurial aeenL I will entirely relieve theeyitem from thepernroioue I euecie oi mercury, aioaeraw eaeea are cored In a few I and we are oonetantly receiving teetlmonlale of ita elhcacv in aggravated caeee of lona etandlni. Prici 'i,00, to be had of Druggieta generally, or can I eeniny man or expreae, wiin iuu airecuone ror nee, I any part of the country, direct from the Principal! Ho. 409 BR0ASWAT, Hst Tork. G. SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors. N. B. Descriptive Olrculara Bent free. ICP Ag-eute Wanted Everywhere. mh28 If Iiorlitp.dfcw FIRST OPENING OF THE SEASON 0P SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS A.T F. ROSE'S. AGAIN OFFER TO THE PUBLIC entire new etock of Ooode In m line. Iiut nurch-1 In New York'at the cheapest panic ratee,all ot which I ehait sen at tne emaiieat pronie, ror uaeh. Aty euatom era and frienda are reepectfully Invited to call and exam my Ooode and Prices, aa I am determined to eell aa I or cheaper than any other honee In the city; and I do my own uniting, ana superintend my own buel I feel aeeured,from my lone experience inbuil to give general eatltfactlon. The flneat of work are employed, and all work done strictly to time and I abort notice, and werranted to fit. Strangers vlaltina I city would ooneult their Intereet by (Wing me a call I purchaaing elaewhere. P. BOSK, merchant Tailor, marchW dly Oor. High and Town atl. Watches! Diamonds t! Silver Ware!!! CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF UOLD and Silver Watches, In great variety. am Agent for tbe Aktamioaw Watch Co , and ean thee excellent Watches at manufacturer' prices, Wholesale or Retail. Com and chooee from my beautiful display of Dia monds and other rich Jewelry. Stylesnew prices low. to Silver Were or sterling quality, I can tbow new patterns, very handsome. Silver Plated Ware, Tea Sett, Urns. Wallers, Castors, I Baskets, Pitcher, Goblet, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Ac I Then I hav a supply of fin Table Cutlery. Pocket Knives, Bssor, Ac, and many Fancy Good such as I desired ror presents at tucn prices a are an induce to in purcnaaeri Si. JSLxfIN, no, IU Hockey Block, martl North tide But Ilouae tquar. S. DOYLE & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In BOOTS AND SHOESJWE " I Northwest Corner of High and Gay Sta., . -: No. 61, COLIUtlBUS,... OHIO. "A largs Stock of fin and Staple floods on hand." 31-dtl Ladies' linen Focket-Handk'fs. HEBIBIED STITCHED LINEN HAND kerohlefia, very wide hem. Embroidered Linen Hendk S all price. Hemmed Stitched and plain do, do. do do colored borders. Mourning do black borders do do new style croe itltched. Pine Apple do new pattern, lllisei' Plain and Hemmed Btltohed do all nrtnee. Comprising th most select assortment In th cltv and loweet price. ' BAIN As BON, leuai . no. x Bouta High Street. 8. tV H. Te CHITTENDEN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Djt Offices, 8 J9 BroaJwey new York Olty, and Paaaom, Buiuiim, Columbus, Ohio. KITCareful attention paid to Collection!. aprll8:d0m ST E T, L A iniWLII STELLA SHAWLS 1 1 In all desirable colors, and at very ireatbargaini. - BAIN As BON, prllJ No. W South High ttreec. ITIRNI CHITTINDI14. . . . HllfltT T. CHITTXNDI K I I I I I I I I I in .,.,,ii.i,,, . ., WM FAV0RABLY C0MPA T HE OHIO STATESMAN STEAMl f i i BOOK AND JOB I I PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT I Having lncreated its already EXTENSIVE FACILITIES, Ii fully prepared to exeaute In the MOST ELABORATE MANNER, AND IN THE LATEST STYLES, CATALOQUK3, BRIEFS, BILLS LADING, BILL HI ADS, NOTES, DRAFTS, CHECKS, CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS, LETTER HEADS, LEQAL BLAMES, DRAT RECEIPTS, LABELS, CARDS, ENVELOPES, RAILROAD, INSURANCE, And every description of LETTER PR EM PRINTIIVG, -.-..-..-... , Vim. , uu mvm terms which will compare fkvorably with the leading Eattern Printing IToueee Having 'every Kaoilityjto ail TJn IN TOE PRODUCTION Of ELEGANT POSTERS AND HIGHLY ILLUMINATED SHOW ' CARDS, w offer our services to all who may deelr that cleat of work. We have connected with our Eetabliehment a BLANK BOOK BINDERY, From which we produce the Flnoait BlAnls. 'TOTox-ls. AND TBI ITOST SUPEfiB RAH. BOAS BLANK BOOKS. OUR ESTABLISHMENT It to beadmitted IiVnQEST THI 1(08T COMPLETE IN FACILITIES, am Tan Hoar PERFECT I AT ORGANIZATION In this City, and wt may add, wills ART Printing House In tk West. RICHARD KEVINS, PROrTtOTOR. .'ABYlBTlSlUlirr. mm. .. Ior th INSTANT MUST and PIULANINT CUB I of th 4ittrln( oomplalnt BKDTU' BROICHIAL 0IQAKZTTK8, Had by a B. SITIIOTJ 4t CO., 107 Haett St., H. I. , Frko tl per box) tent free by pt. aurt-dAwiii THE UNION FOREVER! TTNION ENTELopkIX-A RARITY Or j aesigna, at t,uu pee a,uuv , , . TOIOTlEmBaUtD tOTtttta t . at ball tb prio obargd fey avail deeJera, . TrTHIAD QTJAETIR8 S!o. 75 Soith Htak street, Columbiw, Mai 8,1801. J.H.BILBY. tt. I I Dr. J. H. XIcLEAN'S I Strengthening Cordial and ftiootf PU1UT1I2R. ;i anauremiasi Haaeriia Ti Urid. ANT) TUB , ,X0R. l)ZLICI0iri AND DEUGHTTUL' CORDIAL EVER . TAKEN. IT IS STRICT ly a acientlfie and Vegetable Oompound. procured by tbe dleUl ietion of Roote. Ilerbt and Barke, ' Yellow Dock, Blood ' Root, Bareaparilla, Wild OherrrBark and Dan delion enters into lie Before Mint" W remedial After Taking; I principle of each Ingredient Is thoroughly extracted by ny new method of dlitillin. nrodaciDH i.a delicirue, ex- I hlleratlng apirlt, and the moet IMFALLIBLR remedy for renoTaune tne dlteaeea irBwrni, iuu icKuuruiK uio Itufferlnr and debilitated INVALID to HEAL' BTBINGTH. BIcLEANig STBENOTUENINU , VOHe VIAL Will effectually eure LIVIR COMPLAINT, DV8P1PBIA, JADND10I, OhrantBarNarroiuDebilltt. Diaeeeef of the Kldneye. and all diaeaeee artalng from a dieorderavl Uver or rUm, aoh, Dyapepeia, Heartburn, Inward Piles, Acidity or Siok- twee oi uie Blomaon, ruiineee or nioou w mm mu, mu pain or ewlmming in the need, rait.iation or uie uean Fallneea or Weluht In tbe Btomach. Sour XructaUona Ohoklng or euffocaUng feeling when lying down, Drrneei or Yellownece of the Bkln and iq yee. mgro eweau, jee. Nlnht Bweata, la ward Fevere, Pain In the email of the back. eheet or tide. Budden Vluehee of Heat, Depreeaion of Bplrlte, Prlghtful Dreama, Languor, Deepondeney or any Mervoua uieeaae Bore or Blotohe on the Bkln, ana rever ana Aiue (oi Obllliand lever.) ,, Over a million ef Mottlea Have been eold during tbe laat ill month, and' In no In- etance baa It failed In (tiring entire aatiefaction. Who, then, will enfferrrom Weakoeee or Debility when Mo LEAN'S BTHKNOTUBNINQ CORDIAL will core yoat No lanvuace can convey an adequate idea or me imme diate and almoet miraculoue ehange produced by taking thle Cordial In the dleeaeed, debilitated and ahattered nervoua ejetem, wbetlier broken down by exceea, weak by nature, or impaired by eickneee, the relaxed and unatrung organlaatlon la reetored to ita pnacine ueuin anu vigor. fflAHHIED PERSONS, , Or others eonecloui of Inability, from whatever canee, will find McLean e Strengthening Cordial a thorough reeenerator of the xvetem: and all who may have injured themeelvee by improper Indulgences, will find in the Oor dial a certain ana epeeay remeay. . To the Ladle. McLean's Strengthening Cordial Is a sovereign andepeedyenre for INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, WHITES Obstructed or Difficult Henetruatlon, Incontinence of Urine or Invo untary Dleobanre thereof, vailing or the Womb, aiddinen, fainting and all Dlseaeea inclJne t Female. There la bo Mistake About it. Suffer no lonaer. Take It according to Dlrectiene. It wllletimulate,etrengthen and Invigorate you aadeauae tk bloom of health to mount your cheek again . 1 Bvery bottle I warranted to fSfw aaturaetion. FOR CHILDREN. If your children are etckly, puny, or afflicted, UcLeanV Cordial will make them healthy, fat and robuat. Delaj not a moment, try It, and you will be convinced. IT IS DELICIOUS TO TAKE, Caption. Beware of Sngglebi or Sealers who mat try to palm upon yon eome Bitter or Bareaparilla trash, which tbey oan buy cheap, by eaylni It la Juat aa good, Avoid auch men. Ask (or McLean's Strengthening Cor dial, and take nothing eta It I th only remedy that will purify tbe blood thoroughly and at tbe same time strengthen the system. une laoieepooniui taken every morning raaung, is a certain preventive of Cholera, Chills and fever, Yellow Fever, or any prevalent dieeaess. It la put up la large bottle. Price only II per bottle, or ( botllee for 5- J. H. McLIAB, Bole Proprietor of this Cordial, , Also McLean Volcanic Oil Liniment, Principal Depot on tbe corner of Third and Pine streets, St. Ijoui. Mo. i fj McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. Th beet Liniment In the World. Th only safe and certain cure for Cancer. Pile. Bwellinn and Bron chitie. or Goitre, Paralysis, Neuralgia, Weaknea of the Mueclea, Chronic or Inflammatory Rheumatism, Stiff nee of the Joint, contracted Maecle or Ligament, Bench or Toothache, Braises, Sprain, Wound, Freeh Onta. Ulcers. Fever Bore. Oaked Breaeta Bore Nipples, Burne, Scalds, Bore Thoat, or any Inflammation or Pain, ne difference uoweevere, or how long th dlaeaeemay hav axtated. McLean s Celebrated Liniment is a car tain remedy Thousands oinuman neinge decrepitude and misery by the lis of this invaluable med' to. McLEAN'S VOLCANIC OIL I LINIMENT Will relieve pain almost Instantaneously, and It wll clean, purity and heal the foulest sorei in an incredl ly snort time. For Horse aad Other Animal. ; McLean eelebrated Liniment 1 the only enfe and re- Hable remedy for the cure of Spavin, Bing Bon, Wind gall, Bplint, Unnatural Bumps, Node or Swellings. It will never fail to cure Big Bead, Poll Bril, Fistula, Old running Bore or Sweeny, If properly applied. For Sprain, Bruise, Scratches, Bores or Wound, Cracked Heels, Chafe, Saddle orOollar Gall It la an Infallible remedy. Apply it as directed, and a cure la certain in every instance. Then trifle no longer with the many worth ieee Lini- icnta offered to yon. Obtain a supply ot Sr. McLean e oelebrated Liniment. It will enr you. J. II. ITICK.F.AN Bole Proprietor, Corner of Third and Pine Street, St. Louis, If o. For sale by all druggists. For sale by B0BIBTB As SAKTJK, emOb-dAwly Columbus, Ohio. DO YOU WANT WniSKERS? DO YOU WANT WIIISKERS7, DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? ; DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE! BELLIKQH AlI'S j CELEBRATED IStiiiiiilatinsOnffiiciit For the Whiskers and Hair Th subscribers take nleaiur In announcing othel Cltltene of the United Btetet, that they have obtained tbe Agency for, and are now enabled to oner to in American i public, the abov justly celebrated and world-renowned article, to . i STIMULATING ONGUENT It prepared by Da. O. P. BBLLINQHAM, an eminent physician of London, and is warranted to bring ont a thick let ot Whiskers or a Mustache In frnm thnife to tli weeka. Thil article It the only on of th kind used by th French, and In London and Paris It Is In universal use. It It a beautiful, economical, soothing, yet stimulating compound, acting as If by magic upon the roots, causing a beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. If applied to the ecalp, It will our aaunn, and cause to spring np in nlaca of th bald spot a fin growth of new hair. Ap- Riiea aceo ruing to uirwuoua, win ir tnd restore mr hair to ttt original color, iMUnf it eon. smooth, ana nczioie. xm mik iBdlMMBSKble articl In every eentleman'e toilet, and after one week's use they would not forany consideration havlthnntlt. I ' Tbe subscribe re an uie only Agent ior in ameie in U United Bta tee, to whom all order mutt be addressed. Prlc Oaa Dollar a box for (ale by allDruggllt and DMlen; or a box of the "Onguent" (warranted to have th desired effect) win be sen l u any wno uesir n, uj HORAOIl eonnly packed, on rootipt oi price anu aaares - t H0BA0I L. BXGKHAN k OO. - stDMisra, Ac, . 1 feb20dkw6m . 4 William Street, Hew York, Baltimore Clothing Honsiiv, Ihes6 ets iJXjTJMi ....... . ., . , fj,i - iiaiioraoTDaaBs ass waousata mutR at READY-MADE CLOTHING; ' No. 308 W. Baltimore-strefjt, (sirwita LraaXTT u ajowaan,) " ' J ' BALTIRIORE, ' v . - I A ltrf Assortment ot Fieea tad fornlsnlnf eooda Constantly ot Hand OotSOdly r BHTIiBiaENvs rCHnisnnu AT QOODI. ' - Mowiuat In neck Tie ana nouns. . ; . , .... . Una and Oarrot Oollart. 1 u Embroidered Pocket Handkerchiefs Parti Kid Glove, superior make. ,. . Golden Hill Shirt, varion etyle. Boy' Golden Hill ShlrU, do i Driving and Street dlov. do M t X-l ' Hemmed Poket Handketehlefa, various tfyll - ' 1J. if Ham .nil VnAm. Qumenta. . ' BAIN t SON, ,prlll No. M South High street. 0 AA W I II LB . mill r i 1 I , i i i i . is' 1 1 li r MRS, wnjflLow, a etpertetiaed NdTen an FaataS ftilslelan, present to tne alien uon or mothers, her SOO T II I N ORUP. FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. which greatly facilitate the process of teething, by soft ening the ruase, reducing, all- raSaramai ion wll I allay ALL PAII1 andepaeeaodM acUooyaMl ie- SVUBTVItEUtlLiTeTIIE BOWELS. Depend nnon It. molhera. 1 1 will vlv ml tn tAnruflm ,1 RZlIEr AHD BXAXnt TO TOVK.'TltrAXll. We hare put up and cold thle article for orer ten years. and OAN SAVIM OONFIDBNCB AND TRUTH, of it, what we hare never been able to say of anv other medl- elne NEVKK HAS IT FAILKD, IN A SINQLI INBT ANOB, TO BFFB0T A CUJll, when timely need. Nev er did we know an instance of dissatisfaction by any one who need it. On th eontsmry, ail ar delighted with lis operations, and speak in terms of commendation of lie maeical effects and medical rirtnee. We eneak in this matter WHAT Wl DO KlfOW;" after ten years' expe rience, AND PLBDGBJ OUR REPUTATION FOB TUB FULILLMINT OF WHAT WB BBBB DBOLARB. In almoet every Instance where the Infant la suffering from pain and exhaustion,' relief will be found In fifteen or twenty minutes after theByrnp le administered. Thle valuable reraretln la th nraeerlrrtion of one of the most EXFlklBNCBDand SKILLFUL NUKBRS in New England, and baa been ased with NBVBB FAIL ING BU0CBB8 m T T1IOCSANDS OF CASKS. It not only relievea the ehild from pin,; ant Invigor atee the stomach and bowel, correct acidity, and givei tone and energy to the whole system. It will almost in stantly relieve i if t,n . . 4 , GRlPiaTQ TEK BOW1LS, AHD WIND COLIC and overcome oonvuislons, which, If not speedily rem a lea, end in deaui. w aeiieve it we UKhT and BL'H EST REMEDY IN TIIR WORLD, in all case ofDVS ENTERV and DIABR1IIEA IN OHILDBEU, wbethe it arise from teething, or from any other cause. W. would say to every motherwho baea child suffering from anyof tbe foregoing complaints DO NOT LET Y0DH PHBJUDI0E8 NOR TUB PRBJCDIOES OF OlllBItb stand between yoa and youraufferlng ohlld, and the re lief that will be SURE ye. ABSOLUTELY SITRI to rollow tbe.ueeof tbla mediein, If timely used. Full di rection for using will aMoeapany each bottle. None genuine unless the fac-almile of CURTIS at PERKINS, lew York, le on the ontaide wrappers , im Sold by all Druggists throughout the world. Principal Office, 13 Ceaar Street N.V. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. ocl27-d:wly. - '.alt PE0F. WOOD'S rs t. BLOOD nEt&VATOH Hi Is precisely what ita nam Indicate, for, whllr Ipleaeant to tbe tail, it 1 revivlfyl ng, exhilarat-:M .Inff. inTiiroratine and atrenetbenine to the vitall power, and at th tame time- retlvlfir, iein j Ivlslatee, and renewe the Blood in all Us purity, anil,! VeVithua at once restores and render! Me tytltm rn V toufneroMe to attack of dittatt. It Is tbe onlji ,lpre preparation ever offered to the world, ae chemi cally ana aaiiuuuy commnea aa to n ui mosij powerful tonic and at the same time so perfectly tdapted to, aa to act In perlect accordance 'With tbe! M laws of natui, and heuce will tooth Uu wtaktrt 'ttonutcK, and tone dp the digestir organs, and l.i ii , I . .... J 1 T . t) iperfectly exhilarating, and at tbe aam time it 1' j, composed entirely of vegetable, yet so eombinedjn a to produo the moat thorough, tonic effect, with out producing any Injurtou consequences Suchlc a remedy baa long been felt to be a desideratum ic the medical world, foMt needs no medical skill to se that debility fol Iowa all attack of diseaae. andl . proceed and indeed laya the eyetem open to the H insidious attacks of many of Uie most-fatal, inch, a, 'for example, aa the) following: Consumption, ln-j Idiireetion. Dysnepsia, Loss of Appetite. Falntncts. " Nervou Irritability, Neuralgia. Fatpitatlennf the -Ej Heart, Melancholy,NigbtBweats,Langur,Giddi- CL li'ioess, Retention of, aa well as Painful obstructed, fj too profuse, or too rcant Menatruatkm, and Fall-, ajing of the Womb. These all depend upon general yy debility. This pure, healthy, tonic Cordial andl rise and set. There Is no mistake about it. But yj this la not all. If the sjstem is weakened, we arei open to bilious attacks, the liver becomes torpid, lj or worse aiseasea, me xmneys muse to peiiorm i their functions, ana w are troubled with scalding and Incontinence ot nrine, or involuntary dis charge ot the tame, pain In the back, tide and be- , A tween the snoaklers, exctedingly liable t 10 tiiRiit y colds, coughs, and if unchecked, soon emacialion (ollowt, ana tne patient goeadown to a premature . mi? grave. But space win not allow us to enumerate I I tbe many Ills to which we are liable In a weakened. condition of the system. But we will say, in this. Cordial and Blood Renovator you have a perfect, LJ safe, pleasant and effectual remedy for lest ofM AnnfflilA. Hlllnnsness. Vlaftl1f.nM. WMlr Anil .i.-b.V Stomach, Languor, Liver Complaint, Chills andj .Pever, or any Bflioua attack, Cottiveness, Acidity of the Btomach, nervousness, neuralgia, ralpita-1. tlon of the Heart, re aelon or Bpiiitstores, (J i Pimples on the Face or any disiaa ariaing. impure blood, such aa Scrofula, Errsipelae, Olxlaa of disease called female weakness, and M enumerated above. We will also say the traveler LJ nuia. uouau. aimcuiiy oi ureauiuiK. ana annual er, will find ita pleasant, sale and sure remedy.'M K and none should ever travel without. Reader.; & r .try it, for we assure you you will find in ItalrieoJi Indeed, u well a a friend In need. All persons of r itedentary habits will find it a perfect prerenlire of fl at well at cure for those ailments to which ihey lie; V particularly exposed. ltenoeminuters,atuaents,at lorneya, literary gentlemen ,and todies who are no: t accustomed to much outdoor exercise, will find It I to their advantage to keep a bottle constantly on hand; and, abov all. mother, or those becoming such; will go through that most dangerous period not only wth all their accustomed strength, but q safe and free from tbe thousand ailments so prey alentamong tbe female portion of th world. In 3 ishort, it it indeed a mother's cordial j Try it, olil and young; no longer run tne riskoi delay; it will relieve and prove itself emphatically tMatora iM Cordial and Blood Hmovator, 0 Pi: O.J. WOOD , proprietor.. 444 Broadway, New York, ana in eiarne t street, Bb-baaia, no., and nM bw ltnniRT Ac 8AUUEL. Atnlumhiia. Oliln n.and all good: Druggittai Price On-Dollar H per Bottle. march -dAwow ly NEWARK MAOHINE yOfeKS, '- NEW ABK Olid. 'ilAUt iriannfacttirera of all KlieeUe )l For table ana statienary eienm e.n srlne, Maw mill. OH tflilta, ' - r... Ac LAXS& BoblKi Sealmi E. tt I. BLAND T Beaten! MACELVS CO. BtiitentUr BSPJPRD 4 cp.ntate-rrtlr---' :0ur fortable Engine tnd Saw 11111 Was awarded th tint premium of t50 at the Indiana Sale tali tee lFtoVrvet Lattett fiodMtCt V Vceount of PricOr lightness, aimpl(cUye econf my of (uel tncl auparlor 9vcteroJ,umber sawetl. Onr Stationary InglnewaWAJ-Je4.,at. the tarn Fair the Ant premium of t'A , .-. .Jr.v-1- Our rortabl alngtn waa awanua jiie pirmiu oi tlUU at th Pair at Memphis, Tenn over -Blindy'a Du- vall't, Oolnmbut Machine Co's., and Braiirord a oe'e-. by a cemaltte lor price CvrnecVpgtacat . a tf ;. OoliinaTatxa ymo. W Br;! POTTS : & CO., and MannfactureT 6f Bras and OompottUon Outlngr, , flnithea 11 nun nor m an vecnpvn. Electro Plating - end Gilding ! ! - STENCIL CUTTING, &C. , febi 'si-diy -;-m'.v;-"?'7 1 WAKTEn.-ArtENS'TO SELL packages of STATION KB? ui JEWBLKY, at price one-third less than ean be purchased elsewhere Call on or address (stamp enclosed) t. L. BAILBY, No 151 Oourt St., Botton, Ut. march SB d:'e. V2"n .- " I 4 TiTinrfinn a mrnn Oil of pjacitcfi f w W'l- and terms atuimij ' ; -111 . n .u&tlVcl..V'4 N-varhlo. r. I.I.AUU T.A.... 1.1k. Ilt.nuiri,