Newspaper Page Text
DAHDWAnij STOBB : . ' ' ' : ". j ... i .i i '" ! JUST RECEIVED BY ' I7a CO North High fltreet, Om at Aa UigMt sal Beet MMttd iJNit . " : . orriB TBI! Oim iltsse BslldenV- Finishings ' Of BRY lim ARB ttUAirTT. r ' FreaehAa.erlcaa . Wtndow Olofla! ', PAINTS ABOUND IN OIL, a pot Bab sMpaderj tor Amlly B,ia4Dry . , Paint la balk. Brushes of jvery variety & quality. A Splendid Amx tm tut of MACHINISTS TOOLS. CARRIAGE MATERIAD3. AXES GRINDSTONES, Avo. GUNS, PISTOLS, SHOT, Ac FISHING TACKLE. ROPE A CORDAGE. LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER. BELTING. WEDGES, MAULS, PUMPS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SCYTHES, to., . SCALES, BELLS, CHAINS Table and Pocket Cutlery. I Bpsilly teTtta (to titonttoa of til mtrtod to ay atoekrf Foe and Table Cattery, and SILVER PLATED FORKS, Table, Desert, and Tea Spoons, Butter Knives, &c, 4 KMUli a BIO'S. Maaufeetare, warranted tu bs xtraaetvy, Blejetro-Plared.oD geniln Albetta. Ooutry Mavcawaas Mechanic, md other, ut invited blMl malM ay Stock, Mlw prepared to tell Wlaikatto and Retail. WM. A. SILL. I. Okie, May 8,1880. UHKOP, LUD1NGT0N & CO. S3 ft 25? ASK PLACE, 20 ft 22 XUXXAY 8TBE1T, IsJJLd W "STOIUDL, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS FOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. SPRING, 1861. a are ornln. at onraeenU Oi abov later. Mock. o flood la each of tb atx departaaenla ( ear kaaasea nptrior to as, thing w lurr heretofore exhibit to the trad. CLOTH DEPARTMENT. tblt hsagrowa to It preaenl BMii' dr th ftjMk uawiwal of bavw of long experience too KtinMpd roc W kwp ulmiln lis of lttatB4aotett FANCVVESTINCS AND FANCY CASSIMERES T. to Ibwad la U wrtet, all eletad with tb. nicest IsmisalaslleB AlsABllgrsie,eoiorBioavTiaucvi. BROADCLOTHS, SATINETS, LADIES' CLOAINNGS, TWEEDS, MIHIU' and MERCHANTS' CASSIMBR1S, KENTUCKY JEANS, froa 9H to 19X m per yard and apwardt; TWEED). aW to U nata peryard-laet year told a JStoM; nilTID IATINBTS, at 14 aaata; iaa'aUar Wi wrtfoniiglu Ltv. D&Ess-OooDB Department. BaUtnaa, Psaey Sllka do. Frtotsd Obailla, to. Maaiaaatf Glngheaa, Priaead Laws, OtaJaow do. Prtasrf arUttant, OUatoa do. Pasaay ttlrg'-iTi. ttosaaa Cloth, aMaaaaataaa, alpaaaa, tea Sitka, Poplin. AJ At N Select 8tfU of FANCY SPRING COOD8. Prints, JUahaiaod'i Print, 4. Aaaarleaa do. aa. Dianel!' do. Saaaral1! a. Bnglua ao. Maiil utir, a. Print, ao. DOMXSTIO COTTONS. Uitaaai 0. Saaaltata, AUaata A. ahoeuig, : ao. nmsss sag w. ao. Appwtoa do. da. InnU do. Paaaaae do. - TJtka, ae., do. Att OrU- tmi RUii. blbaobeb imraas and ihiitihoi. WaaaaNa, Vaifht, - lawranot, 1 laadali. raatPalla, Maaaaaaf. few, Wallkaaa, Boott, . .Ma lark Milks .,. SHAWLS ANFMaNTIILAS, a Utm AliBaWact aMaTMIKT. OOTTOWABlS-a graat Tartatj. OHBOKS do. !LIHaS-U tk laaduf anada. tNlaS do. do. SEUTIIfa StBlPBS-all tka leadlai braada. AMVIMS do. do. 05TiaAJ(S do. do. MOL-iuaNi do. do. . ' SAJUbJU. FillA 0AMBM0S, 00L0BID CAM' . Bgics,a.,o. UtQM AND COMPLETE STOCKi OF wzriieoocs, BOSIZBT, taihx iotioii, Gcitltnea's Fonlsuiig Goods, UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, CABFETS AW OIl,LTH, Aad aattatp at Baoaa act aaaiatatad all at atklehwaptadcaaanatraatoaatt attaaJaapaal morbtt fHm a laaarparaaaajaai M ta par aaaClaii LATIffiOP, LUDINGTON & CO rzitr:EV7 yoric. mat IUPOHTED GOODS. ' XVt BtBCBIVE IkUiaa OIU Bartoa St Co., for labia aaa. in mMk MaMara. ajwarlM braada: t " Boaa Santlnaa, tba BJtSI Sardtnai faap'tl 4 lOapanaadOllraa. a " tabta Baaoaa Ua t IVrta'a W ofnaatar , ohlra," 'Soyor'a Saltana," "Mia BaU," - 'Mara." 'Baadlaf.' , 10 " WataataadTaaMioOataaa. it do. )' diBlaokwaU'i nlateaWI Bncllak Pl!a, aonaUUDr of "OanllHowar," "rw aaUII,'' CboChow," "Waloat," 0a too," "Cabcac,'' "Baaaa," "Ohark'a" kKxrValaa. an - laodoa Portar. lbO " CMptall'lMUbratadlooklk Al. . a) aaaaaWlncr Piaaarrai. f 0 kaaa ltailaa MaoaroaJ.aod Tuaaalll. ' f am On' flalatla. 0ok'a aataanlad kngllak Mallard, la 10, kont, taadboUlaa. " WM. McTXIXAlD. 1861. 1861. Summer Arrangements.—Time Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, & CINCIN'I RAILROAD. Ooanactlng tt Oraatlla wltk th PIITBBUKaH, . wivhb & nmnAao kailboad tt. ibr JWaowrpA, PKUocUljMa and Jtattivun. Alio far Ion wayiucma vMcago.i OoanaetlDf at Clare land with lb LAKB SUOEB KAI L" . ,". ' OAD ,. ! Far Daakxtrk, Buffalo), Albany, Uoa- . . laa, MdNtw lata. THREE TRAINS DAILY, KICKPT SUNDAY, Proa Ooluabaa, In aoBneotlon with Tralm on Uia LITTLE FlIBmi AND COLUMBUS AND XeNIA BAILHUAW. PIK8I TBAIN. NIOBT 1XPBIB8. Lrarei Oolumboa at 3.40 A. M J will ktara paaaangara at til atatlona aoutb of Gallon, atop at Dafaaar. Aahley, Cardlnglon and Gllrad, and at allatiUooa north of Gallon, arrlrlnf at Olereland tt9:iSA. M., Dunkirk 1:35 r. M., uaoaio o.JJr. n. Albany tkW A. M., Maw York 10:30 A. at., Boaton 4:30 r. at., riitaourgn Tia uraainna r. m , pkla&IO A. M. Chicago Tl CreaUlntt8 IHIP. M. 8B00HD TBAIN. NBW YORK IXPBE88 Irfarn Columhoa at 11:10 a. a. Will atop at Iwla Centra, Delaware, uaruingioo, Oalloa, OraatUoa, Shelby, Maw London, Wellington and awmtum. arrlTa at Olereland at 3:2s D. m.: Dunkirk, u p. b. Baffalo, 10:J p. m ; Albany, 8:45 a. m ; Maw folk, S:Mp. a. Boaton, 4:40 p. m.; PltUburgh, to Or it Una, 8:80 p. B.j Philadelphia, 10 a. m.. Oon- aoetaat kbalby for all polnta on nanauiay, nanaueia Hawtrk at. tt., norm oi oneiny. THIRD TRAIN. MAIL AND ACCOMMODATION Leare Columbia at fcM p. m. Will atop at all atatlona Bourn oi enewy, aaa at new joquod, nocowier. vrauuigwn, ui.'"i ! luraa: rrtr at Cleraland at 0:10 D. m.: Dunkirk, S:Ma. a. I Buffalo, 4S0a. m.: Albany, 3-30 p.m.; New York, 9:30 p. m.; Boatoo. 11:45 p m.; PllUWugb, trfa 0reetlln,at 8:10 a. n. Philadelphia, 5:1S p. m., Oon naeli at Shelby for all polnti on Bandmky, BfenaOeld at Mawark Railroad. Pttent Sleeping Cats art ran on all Hignt Traini to cnioago, new York and Boston. Baggag Ohtetid Through to Kow Tort and Eottm lint ybrkiia Ortttlin. RETURNING. Night Ixprtai trriTe ttColnmbua tt... 11:45 P. M. Cincinnati Iipreta " " 11:10 A.M.. AooomaodaUoB, " " M 9:10 P. M. . Far aa Low a by any other Route. Ail for TichUtit Creatine tr CtntUnd. I. 8. FLINT,' Superintendent, Clereland, Ohio. JAMES PAfTKREON, Agent. Columbia, Ohio. Ooloabni, April 15, IBS1. CENTRAL OHIO R. R. Between Columbus & Wheeling, OONNB0TINO TIA BELLAIRE AND WHEELING WITQ Till BALTIMORE Si OHtO B. K AND Til BeUaire and Pittsburgh WITH THB rania Central R R, FOR Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Btltintort, WtihlDgton City, Pittsburgh, &ni all Etatern Citiet. , NO. 1 KXPRKS8 Laaaaa Colombo, al 3 30 A. M.t atosatt all atationieut of Newark when aignalkd. A rrirea at Newark at 4:50 A. M..Zanenllle at 0:00 A. M., Bellaira tt 10:20 A. M., eaanaeting with tb Baltimore a Ohio B. B.. and Tit Plltaburgh with Penaay Irania R. B. for all eutera eitiea. ' NO. S XXPBI8S Leave Oolumbai tt 11:18 A. at.; atop tt til atatlom when aignalled. Arrlraa at Newark at 13:48 A. M., LanaarllM at .u r. a.( seuair at d.iu r. aa., cud aeaUni with th Baltimore a Ohio R. R. for tU eastera dUea. NO. 3 RXPRB8S Leave Colombo, tt 3:10 P. M.; atopaat all elation when al anal led. Arrlraa at Hewara at . r. mi., saucaTiiia at i:0 P. M., BelUIr at 9:46 P. U.. eonaaeling Tia Plttabargh wilk tb PennaylTanli tt. lor an eastern oltlaa. Tbia Boat offer the ADVANTAGE of t Through Ticket tad Baggage Check to WASHINGTON CITY, ..wi .lu mint ha Paaaramr th Drirtlfte of Tititinf BALTIMORB, PHILADELPHIA and NPW-Y0BK, at th coal of a New-York Ticket alone; or the priTileg of Tiattini allot the principal bJCAUUABV uitimm we i m. BOSTON Ticket alone. Tia other Boole. Through TlekeU to NBW-Y0BK can be procared Tit WABUlMuTUH Ulll,aiaa aaaiuwai upaiwvi . Time as Quick and Fare as Low Ai on other Boote. Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains, ASK FOR TICKETS TIA Colaaabna aaa Bellalro or Wbeellar JNO. W. BROWN, Apr. 15. Gm. Ticket Agent' BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. GREAT NATIONAL ROUTE. mvamllflTl'S AT WASHINGTON XandBaltlmorooB thela.t,and WheellDg, Ben wood and Parkeraban oa tba Wait, at which place It unite with f", gtaamara, etc., for and from all point lath Wat ioata-trea an Horth-'weaf THREE TRAdS DAILY FOR ALL THE EASTERN CITIES. - Thkj It the anly rout to Washington City. .Mait)ili rnita aan wlilt Baltimore, Phlla aalphla, Nw York and Boton, tt the eoat of t ticket to Boatoo aloaa by athor line. Tkroagh ticket to th Baatara el tie eaa b procored Tia WiaBtagtoa vtty a an aoaiuonat wri . .ww ww. lars. - i v..nm m &U. Wiaarr Taaia. lima a gvtot and fan a tof a ta any oiht t c l.BHlmnr and Ohio Railroad tt any of the principal Bailroad office in th Wett, ' f u hitt I. IVAN an'l Weatara Arent. a, n w . , - D Baixanu, Ohio. L. U. C0LI, General Tleltet Agent, w D. BU1.U Muter Tranerjortatlon. - - BatTiBoaa, Md. aet96Hf. TRAVELLERS! :N job 10 to New York, drlTO direct to the BROADWAY, C0RNIR OF HOUSTON BTBST Ooadactedoa the EUROPEAN PLAN. Oral Vara. Good Room. Prompt Attendance, and Mod erate Cham. SINGH ROOMS 89 0T8. 73 0TS. and It MR DAY. ' nOTTBLl ROOMS and PARLORS 11.50 to S3. hTaala aa ordered. ThU Hotel ha all th appointment r tka heat koala, a moat eeBtral leeatloo, and la heated UlroagrKxt nj tteaa. ' , iaua.a.. BBWchvdjB ' a-ropnewr I0EI H WB3XLXR, ENT FOB HOME CON TIN EN TAL. k alimTT.B. laorirrr. and laTtawrtai in. vo. Bbw Yoaa; Maacaurr and Om Fma or HaaTroaa Baar Yoaa Lira and Oorm. Moroai Lire, triea, 11 BlB-h St., lawage'e VI abT-aly fc i Alexandre's Kid GloYes.1 TJLAIN AND KITIBBOIDEBED, fflUUS- r nrif HI Mtit.r thftna Black KldGlOTM. . i Lii i. wkit maMnta-mirfil. ata TJndreaaad- aUdaior. Mle Kid 4) tore. A complet aeaortawmt ( UeltdGloTalwaylorie By BA1A mt DVCT, i , No. SO Soath High trt, '. Oo-Partnership, ; HATF. Till DAT ADMITTED BIT bob JAMBS AD0BR BAIN aa partner in my bnt. a, which will veraaAer b oondooted wilder th firm of Bala a Boa. P. BAIN, 99 booth High St. ' Oelumbaa, re la, imi. koio Oanton Mattings., : . i 4, fa4, B- wane aaa nia aaia 4 Wnlt Cbaekod of gaportor qnallty. Tor aal by . . . . il.,.in DUD, bbSJ , . N. 89 Bouth High ft, B LACK ITBAW BONNET! AND EL. .... , , Lmtm At BaTB'la. ' ;., HTghitmt, ;0HIOfCXilfE3nAII SIEUN1II0 I 1 Nos. 36, U A 40, North High St. INCREASED FACILITIES 1 HAVING MOVED INTO MT NEW BUILDING, 1 HAVE ; Grontly, TTn1n.Tsec3 BOOK 4 JOB" DEPARTilEN Tl WHILE BOTH HAVE BEEN REPLENISHED THROUGHOUT . , . f -WITH . New Types, Borders, Ornaments, &c. PROM THB 0ILIBRATBD FOUNDRY OP ' P. T. WHITE ft CO., NEW YORK, THUS MAKING IT TOM Most Complete , Establishment IN THE CITY. I aa bow prepared to Execute all Ordan for BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, WITH DISPATCH! And In the Moit Approved 8tyle of the Art. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO MERCANTILE AND RAILROAD PniN"TI35i0. Bill of Lading;, Circulate, ' Bill Headi, Blank., Deed, Certificate, Keceipta, Dray TicKets, Ues;iatere, HOW CARDS & BILLS IN COLORS, CHECKS, NOTES, CARDS, ENVELOPES, HEADINGS, C0NTBACT8. Illustrated Show Bills, FOR COUNTRY MERCHANTS, Show BiUi, Hand Bllli, labeli, Concert Fro frtmmet, School and College Scheme, Ho tel Bill of rare, Invitation!, kc. Booli Work OP EVERY UESCRIfTION ( School and College Catalog-oei, KUeellaneoa famphleu, . Conttltutloni, Reporta, Brief, fte Printing in Gold and Colors Printed ln 'Ererj Color on a UammothHoo Cylinder. The only Freii of the kind la Central Ohio. My fadllUe for doing any and til of th abort deacriD-! Uoo of work, an now Bnaurpaaatd, and aatistaction will be guaranteed In all eaae. lLrAII work furniihed promptly by the tlm ptomlaod. - RICHARD NBYINB. STONE'SBAZAAR. No. 4 Gwvnne Block. A. P. STONE & O'HARRA ABENOWBECEIVINOTIIEIKWIN TBR GOODS, and InTite th publio to lntpect them. No inch ftock of Good ha erer been broight to thi market. Th South, rn eoniequence of the failure of th grain crop, haa not been able to purchase the na na! quantity of rich good, tnd thi fac t haa forced the Importer to ten tnam at public auction, uir buyer (Mr. Stone) being la New York tt theae large alt, took ad ran Laa of them, and we can tnd will aell onr good here, at lea una any one wno purchaaed two weeaa since, paid for tba at In New York. Our stock ia complete In rary department of ELEGANT DRESS SILKS, OTTOMAN VELOURS. BROCHE VAIENCIAS, PRINTED MERINOS, PRINTED COBURGS, DYED COBUGSj BLACK ALPACAS, ORLEANS, FANCY WOVEN FABRICS, ALL WOOL DELAINES, P0PLIN9, PRINTS, Dc.L.AINc.9. SHAWLS AND CLOAKS! Five Thausand Dollars Worth -Bought in One Day, At one half the Ceat of Impoitation. LADIES' FURS, i In all Varieties, of the Celebrated Biaanfatara of C. O. Gun- there tc Ron. . HOSIERY DEPARTMENT, Hen', Ladle tad Children' Under Shirt tnd Drawers; Ladle, Mine and Ohlldren'a Iloelery of all kind, In Wool tnd Lamb' Wool; Fleecy Lined and Cotton Qlore of Tery make. ' L0 A complete assortment of all tbe usual rarie tieiof LADIES' CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, OVERCOATINGS, ' Ti TWEEDS, FLANNELS, RIBBONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, Ladies and Gent's linen Cambric Hand kerchiefs, do., &o. , To penon who call oa us, we pledge our word to bow them the largeat, beat and eheapeat stock of Good erar aeeo in tnu martet, or pay mem on aonar per hour while looking. decl-dljiitawHw. btuns a uuinu. WM, KNADE & .CO., ' AT THEIB NBW 8ALEf--",,-a boom, so. iw Baltimore 8T.r--A - IBB lit I 1 1 . . NOS. 1,3, 5 tnd 7 N. 13TAW STBBT, Offer for sale their celebrated , , -' GOLDEN MEDAL, ; UKAND ANDSQARE PIANO-FORTES. Belna hlehlr recommended by th first Profeeeors tnd MnikaT Amateur of the country, and j KVBBY I INSTRUMENT . WASRANTBD FOR PrVR YBARS. Th moat fastidious customer may rely npon being pleased la retrospect.. , , . nr. -. Xsrma liaerai. Ba,aniMv. I BILTZBR a WBBBTIR, Agenta, Oetatilydw.. . ... Oolumboa, Ohio. E. r.VCOLLIGTER, Wholeiale and Kef ail : Dealer In TOBACCO,! SNUFF & CIGARS PIT SBjUliaH, Pi. BLaep MStantlr " all the rev . ,, rta aa naanua mm lOt. iy v ; , . . r j y -i - - nf.v.OANT PLAIN BLACK SILK FOR Ej BtnetBaaqBMsad Maatatat aanv Wch Trlmmht ' tnd TawkJ to Batch, at i " 'i- " V ' : ,NOW BEAJ3Y. - TII liEVISED STATUTES . BTATB OTJ OHIO it AOBNBRAL MATDKB. IN FOROB ATJ0. 1, 1800. , i , CTTT .T.ATH1U BY til Hon. Joseph H. Swan, . WITB NOTES OF TUB DS01SI0K3 OF TBS SU- PBSMS O0VBT, tContalned in twenty-nln TOlnmet of the Ohio and Ohio -'",..' . Stat Report.) AND REFIREN0BS TO PRIOR LAWS, al Y LEANDEUJ.CKITCHirELD.ESq. AND A FULL AND OONTIN1INT IMDKX.y In Two Royal 8vo. Volumes. Price $10 00. No care or ejpensehas been spared to tntko th work oerfeot tnd reliable in all reapeot. It haa now tb Legislattro auction, having been ap proved by nearly the ananlmou Tote of both Bouaea, and waa ordered to b diatribaUd to th following State tnd County Ulcers: ' 1 . , QoTernor, Attorney General, Bupreme Jndge, Secre tary, Comptroller, Treasurer and Auditor of State, and to th Probata Courts, Courts of Common Plea, Super ior tnd Polio OourU, Auditor, and the Claras of th rarlous Court in each county, to the Member of tnj Sonata and Ileuse of RepresentatlTM of Ibis State, and th Governor of the several State of the Union. Thi book, oontalnlng, aa It does, all of the Statute now in force, tnd the tuthoritativ construction of them tnd of the New Constitution, will b found to be especial' y uaefal In too performance of their duties, to til COUNTY OPPICBRS, JUSTI0R8 OP in PBA0B, TOWNSHIP TKU8TB 88, ' ' . I OLRRKS OP TOWNSHIPS, tnd .,! . CITY 0PF10KRS. Inasmuch as very manv change have been made In the Staratee etnee th publication of the last edition, by re peal, alterations tnd addltiona, aid many Important do clslons have been given by the Bupreme Court on con troverted point , til ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BANK BBS. MERCHANTS AND BUSINESS MBN GENERALLY, Will find thli an Invaluable Work. Two Royal Bvo. .Volumes of over JUneteen Hundred Page, In Strong Law Binding. Price $10.00. Published by ROBERT CliARKE, te CO.. . Law PBbllsher. Bookttllers: Stationer tnd Importer, No 65 West Fonrth street, febl8:d2m:ia CindnnaU O. RECOMMENDED BY TUB LATB SIR ASTLEY COOPER, Or LONDON, AND DR. VALENTINE MOTT Or HEW TORK, The acknowledged Bead of the Frofesaton tn atlae Bemlaphera. The beet Diorotio, Tonio. and InTigorant. Tb4 rtnrnt Extract of the ITALIAN JTOTCFUB BSBBY. The rarest and Most Costly Qin Ex tant. INDISPENSABLE TO FEMALES, INVALUABLE TO THE SICK. . INCOMPARABLE FOR THE AGED. THE SAFEST AND HOST DtLICIOUS BEVERAGE IN THE WORLD. For Bale. Flnta and Ouarts, br ttrw DrnggBt, Grocer, or Country Merchant. LOOK OUT FOB B00TJS LONDON GINS. THB ONLY OEWUINB ABTIOLB IB CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL QIN. B. BALDWIN & CO., Importers, 91 Llbertr St., NHJ-W YORK. Sold la Columbu by McKBB a RESTIIAUX, Wholesale tnd Retal I Grocer, Statesman Building. O. A. WAGNER. tnd other. In Cincinnati, by 8UIRE, ECKSTEIN a CO., oCM-deod&liw and other. WHO SHOULD USB DR. J. BOVEE DODS' VEGKTABLK IMPEI1IAL WINE BITTERS? All who an auilctcd with Incipient Consumption or Weak Lang ehould use them. All who suffer from Weak Btomache, Indigestion Dyt pepsia or Pile should use them. All who Buffer from General or NerrousU)!)!! Bastletanea at night, Want of Sleep, ao., should Bee then. All penon who are convalescent after fever or other sickness should use them. Minister of th Gospel, Lawyer, Lecturer, tnd tl public speaker should use them. Book Keeper, and all persons leading a aedentary If should oa Uiem. , The aged and roflrm should use them. All who require t stimulant or tonio should ate them. ' All who are addicted to the ose of ardent aplrlta and Wish to inform, should use them. They are made of a pure Sherry Wine, tnd of the na tive plant and herb of the country, and ehould be re commended by temperance societies, clergjmen, physi cian e, and all friends of humanity. They are prepared by an experienced and klllful phy sician, and, aside from their medicinal properties, are a most delightful beveragei and yet, aa a medicine, are as nnoeent and barmleM a the dew of heaven. Bold bv drnaaist irenerallv. CHARIM WJDDIFIXLD CO.,' Proprietors., . . 7g William at., New York. ROBERTS ft SAMUEL, Agents, Coluuibua, Oblo ectaGdawlr ..i,.' THE WEEKLY' OHIO STATESMAN J - HAVING A CIRCULATION LAR0EB BY BXVXB&l THOUSANDS Than any other paper In Ohio, outilde of Cincinnati Offers Facilities for . Advertising Which CANNOT FAIL to bring Npeedf and Kenauaeratlwe UetnruB To those who take advantage of them. - ' XI IE WEEKLY BTATE9MAN, Distributed aa It 1 through every Post Office in Ohio, Reaches a Large Class of Readers Who patronage U Ttlnthl, and who aeldoa see th Daily Edition of city Joornals; tnd ae only . A Limited Number of Advertisements 1 ' Are Inserted In It oolnmns, tppoprltttly and HANOSOMEtV WSPtAVED! TH1T OtBIIOT FAIL TO -cV.ttraot .ttontlozx OF ALII , ' i WHOLESALE DEALERS Advertising In the WEEKLY STATESMAN will fin It adTtnttgon ia THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which I tUnost certain to follow an axtenslT dlssemli atlon knowledge of (heir basine AM0BQ COUHTRT DEALERS I : , ADVERTISEMENTS INTENDED FOR The "Weekly Statesmian , 'M .i Should b handed Id befor Friday noon. G1 ENTS PAPER COLLARS AND xv ecu. xieai . , .- . ; lS Tiandsom and economical. Alio, Si IK Tlee ' - ' j : Mbirta, ' Llnea Collar, , Half Ilaae, ' Drawers, e. BAIN A BON. tprtD No. J South High street... W IPB BIAlfTLB FIARAOES, BOTH White and Black, jtut received al , c 4,j " Mori;; i m w o . g w ,s P- to IOI INYITB ATTBNTI0N to tome of th moat ex traordinary oures by my . , , PECTORAL SYRUP. They are tt home, tnd toy one who haa doubt can In quire of the person who have been cured by .It . DR. EBYSER IS PREPARED AT ANY TIMB TO KXAMINH LUNG8 WITHOUT CHARQB FOR ALL TUUBB WHO NEED BIB MEDICINES. ATTEND TO YOUR COLDS A eaae of five year' landing cured by DR. KEYSER'S PE0TORAL SYRUP. PiTTssutaH, Jan. 11, 1860. Da. Kavma: Ui wife ha been afflloted with a bad oough tnd difficulty of breathing, for five or tlx yean, whicn , for several years oaci, naa graauany increaaea in Tiolenoo. Ib complaint ha been hereditary, and th bad been treated by aeveral phyaiclan without any re lief. Ib this state of her oase, I procured torn of your Pectoral Oough Syrnp. I bought, the first time, t fifty cent bottle, which relieved her very much j I then called tnd got a dollar bottle, which cured her entirely, and ah ha now no trace of th former disease, except weak ness. I wonld also slate that I used th medicln my self to a cold and cough. Th medicine cured me by tak log on do I expreM ay entire satisfaction with the medicine, tnd yon are at liberty to publish thi if yon desire to do ao. WM. WILSON, Alderman Fifth Ward. , Prrrsioion, Not. 18. 1858. Da. Kirsaa : Although not an advocate of Patent Medicine, In general, it affords me pleaaur Indeaeribe ble to recommend yonr Pectoral Syrup. Aa a medicine It 1 well worthy the attentloa of any person who may In any manner be afflicted with oough, colds and hoarseneM of any hind, tnd for th peculiar qualification for re moving all that disagreeable sensation attending a se vere cold. I have bean, mora or leaf, in my life, affected with tbe several of colds and hoarseness. At time my throat wonld become ao cluaed as to prevent my (peaking above t whisper, tnd by taking a few doae of the abov Syrup It won Id relievo me entirely. In recommending thi medicine, I mast unhesitatingly say that it ia the beat remedy I ever fonnd, purporting to cure the above, nor should toy family be without this remedy for diseases so prevalent. Yours, most respectfully, EDWARD J. JONES, Cashier Oltiaena' Deposit Bank. BTjunmua,0., March It, 1859. I have used Dr. Keyeer't Cough Syrup for a bad cough of several year atandlng, and can cheerfully aay it is th belt medicine for the tame that I have ever taken. J. W. PRI0B. . COL. PRATT AND DR KEYBER'S PECTORAL SYKUP. Da. KxYssa Dear Bin Excuse the delay of my acknowledgiag the excellence or your sectoral cougn Syrup tooner. I take great pleasure in saying that It ia all yon aay it I. Ji knocked thmoUo out o my oough and the worst one I waa ever afflicted with: I have not used more than one-half of t he bottle, and I can tnd do wish that all who are afflicted would give it aa fair t trial aa I have done, and they will be proud to aay, "It Is no quack medioina." I wonld not suffer another such an attack for any consideration, or at any cost. I am con fident I can breathe more freely than I evr did. I shall alwaya acknowledge a debt of gratitude for Inventing so excellent a remedy. Yon ire tt liberty to naa my nam In thi regard, al you think proper. M. F. PRATT, Messenger Common Council, Pittsburgh, Pa. Plttabargh, May 11, 185V. N. B I am no stranger to my fellow-cltliens. tnd Who entertain doubt can consult me personal ly . E.F.V. PiTrsaoaoH, April 84, 1857. BEAD TUB TRUTH. Da. Knaaa: I hare a daugh ter who haa taken several medicines for a bad oough, without benefit among them Ayer' Cherry Pectoral. I purchaaed from you a bottle of yonr PKOTOaVAL BYBUP, and befor ah had need half a bottle th waa relieved. Th second bottle cured her entirely of her Cough. JOHN DAKIN, Roblnaon street, Alleghany. Pirrnuian, December, 31, 1B53. A GREAT CURB BY DR, KEYBER'S l'BOTOBAL SYRUP. I live In Peebles township, AlleibenT county. I had a coughing and (pitting, which commenced eoout the 4th oi a eoruary uai, ana oonunuea eigiti arjnuia, a .inland tha beat nbveieiana la the country, and By oough continued unabated until early in October. At that time I waa aavuea to try your rauiuxu uuuun B i BUi, wnicn 1 old, ana Biter a naa one Dome a me entinlv fre from tb oouthlnc and (pitting. I had despaired of ever getting well, and I think it ehould be known that tnia valuable reneay win ao lor otner wnat fthaedoneinmycaee. jouh v. LiriLK, Witness B. AI. Kua. Peebles lownhip. PaTTOB Tr., April 14. 1657. A WONDERFUL CURB. Borne time aco. tn old neighbor of mine was very illj with a bad cough which verr una auDooaed to be consumption. Hi relatives told me that he had taken every remedy they heard of without benefit; hi brother came to see him die, and all wer confirmed in the belief that be could not live. I had about the third of t bottle of your Pectoral Syrnp, which I vave bun, ana it entirely corea nun, to the Baton iahment of all. What makes the eaae more remarkable. is th extreme age of the man, he beiDg about eighty years old. l have no uoudi uie i-ectorai aav.a nu lire. JOHAIN'aiNNIS. DR. KEYBER'B PE0TORAL SYRUP IN BLAIRS- YILLB. Please tend m another nipply of your vain able "Pectoral Syrnp." Almost everybody around n haa the cold tnd tr Inquiring (or "lr. n.eser's Pectoral Syrup." We have sold sixteen bottle last week, tnd tr now entirely out. Mr. A. Alter tod Mr. P. Maher. both of Blairavllle, Pi., tall us they would not be without It in their familie. in fact, til who a it once want it again. . Your, respectfully, o. naiiaaeun a BUHB JannirySO, 1860. ANOTHBR NEW CERTIFICATE DR. KEYBER'S PECTORAL SYRUP. I had been troubled with tcoaxh andcold lor aeveral weeks so bad waa it that I eon Id not sleep, 1 had the advice and prescriptions from three of thbetphysicianui ineeiiy, wnom i eon la name, bat do not do to. l nnaiiy proonrea t bottle oi you sectoral Syrup, which cured me entirely. Bigned, . vr. eiBvnrun, 836 Liberty (treat, Plttabargh, Pi , Jan , I860. t'BTOP THATJCOUGHING." 'How can I do IW "Go to Keyser'son Wood street and get a bottle of hlaCough rectoiai, ana u mai aon i cure you, your eaae moat be des rente indeed." Thi laaapeclmenof the colloouv one hear almost every day in cold oatchlog period of the year. Ana we can, irom actual experiment, cheer fully concur in the adviser's admonition aa above, for we have tried the sectoral,'1 in a bom itnbborn eat, with entire success. Near two weeks ago we went to Plttabargh, with on of th most distressing, contrary, mullah, un- subduable oough we ever experienced sine onr advent npon this mundane aphere. we coughed steadily and laboriously for on whole week, In hopea of Irrtn it out, out it waa no go. an nu is seemea rawer to bare in Droved br nrtctlca, and to have acquired ten. cy and dlltrouibtiity by th operation. In thi stage of th lieM. e combed our war to Kaiser'. 140 Wood 8L procured fifty cent bottle of the "Pectoral;'' took it Becoming to airecuoni, aaa in lony-eigni nours we war master of th field, th enemy having Biconditional ly surrendered, after a brief but aneqnal eonfliot with ao formidable an adversary al Heyeer'e famous "Cough rcctorai. imnraivui vnpper, w, ja, ioa, r DR. KEYSER'S PECTORAL SYRUP I prepared and old by Dr. GEORGE II. KEYSER, 140 Wood (trait, Uj" Bold in Golumbai by ROBERTS A SAMUEL rriOOTIIACIIE REMEDY. A SURE CUBE , Prepared tnd told by Da. GEO. H. KEYBBR, Price, 25 cent. HO Wood St., PltUburgh, Pa. JO Bold In Columbus by R0B1RT8 A SAMUEL.. oct!I7:2tawdB. Laces and Embroideries, t VALENCIErYES, RI ALTE8E cfc POINT Lace Collars and Sett. French. Pn.her anit Thraail Lace Veil, (pew patterns.) Valencia nee, Thread and roiniiiaca. Amoroiaereauoiura. Hetta. Triaaarnaa and Skirta, Lao Barbe and Ooiffore, Plain Llnea Collar, -Kits ana vine, jkmureiacrca uoiiar ana una ra Belli. BAIN a BON, No. 60, Soath High Street. GOLDEN HILL SHIRTS, GOLDEN HILL BHIBTB, ' GOLDBN HILL SHIRTS. , The pattern of theae tblrt are new. Tb Bodlea, Yoke, sleeves tnd bosoms ire formed to fit the persoi with eaas tnd eoafort. Th Barkapoa each on datlgnatlng the is Bay be relied on a being correct, aaa amhthTrt I guaranteed well aaada. A roll (took of all cmalilie constantly for sale at BAIN'S, Bovm. wo. yj Booth High tract. ; Gents' Linen Shirt Collars,1 ; OF SUPERIOR QUALITY, IN OAK. ROTE. Stendlne. Biron. Prslroav. Renfrew and other new shapes. Hemmed Pocket Handkerchief, Nook Ties, Blocks, Street and Bvenlog Glove, Half Hoee of every kind, UnderGarmenta tod ill Wide of GenU' Far n lining uoods in great variaty and at Boderat pneaa, BAIN a SON, feHR Ho. 89 Bolth Hlgt street. 17IANCY DHENS MILKS. ' FANCY DRB8S SILKS, ' , ' : ' FANCY DBB8B SrLaTeX ' We an bow offering oar Inunena (look of Fancy Dree Silk at prioaa toe than ore befor offend to this city. Tb attention of the ladlM f abt etty and wletalty to ollelted. M onr stock is Terr aslaot and eoatBlet in all grades of good IB thltUn. FKTBRBAIN, novta. , . no. aw Boau uixu (iraaf. THE GREATEST 1 1 p rv DISCOMY OF THE AGE. MR. KENNEDY, OF ROXRUHYi haa dtaooverad in on of onr oommoi pasture weed a rBd thtloaree j Every Kind of Humor, FROM " ,f j The wont lorofala down to a common Pimple. He ha tried It Id over eleven hnndred etaea, tnd nev r filled except in two one, (both thunder humor.) He haa now In his poesealon over one hundred certificates of Ita value, all within twenty mile of Boaton. Two bottle an wamated to cure a nursing (on aonth. 1 One to three bottle will cure the wont kind of Pimple on th face. I Two or three bottle will eletr the system of bile. Two bottles in warranted to cure the worst canker In the month or stomach. i Three to fin bottlei an warranted to eon th word kind of Erysipelas. One to two bottles an warranted to enn til humor the Bye. Two bottle tn warranted to enn running o the ear tnd blotches among tha hair. Four to six botles tn warranted to cure corrupt tnd running ulcers. . One bottle will enn ecaly eruption of the (kin. Two or three bottle an warranted to onr th went kind of ringworm. I , Two or three bottle tn warranted to enn the most desntnt eta of rheumatism. Three to four bottlea are warranted to cure alt-Rheum. Five to eight bottle will cure the wont case of acro- 'nia. A benefit I always experienced from the first bottle, a perfect oure is warranted when the above quantity it taken. , BOXBORY, MABS. - Eul MaDiM: Tha reputation of th Medical Dl eoTery, in curing all kind of humor, I so wall estab lished by the unanimous voice of all who have ever need it, that I need not say anything on th subject, aa th moat (klllful phyalclana and th moat careful Druggist In th oountry an unanimous In It praise. In presenting th Medical Discovery to yonr notice, I do It with t full knowledge of ita curative power, In rej tiering all, and earing Boat of thoee dlseaee to which yon are unfortunately ao liable. I hat Boat excruciating dlaease to an affectionate mother, NURSING SORE IHOUTII, ' I eared ts If by t miracle; yonr own temper I restored to it natnnl sweetne, aid your babe from abort and fretful naps to calm tnd sweet slumbers; tnd the Medical Discovery become a fountain of blessing to yonr husband and household. In the more advanced stares of C A Nk EH It extends to the atomach .causing DYSPEPSIA, which la nothing bat canker on th stomach; then to the intestine and , KIDNEYS, creating t (Inking, gone feeling, tnd tn indifference tvea to the cares of your family. , Yonr stomach U HAW AND INFLAMED, , yonr food distresses you, tnd you can only take certain kind, and area of that your system does not get half th nourishment 11 contains, aa the acrlmonouj fluid of the canker eate it opt then your complexion lose It bloom tnd become! sallow tnd greenish, tnd yonr best day la gone. For want of nourishment your system be comes loose tnd flabby, in d the fibres of your body be come relaxed Then follow a train of diseases which the Medical Discovery ia peculiarly adapted to cube; Palpitation of the heart, pain hi the side, wcakneee o the spin tnd email of th bact, pain of the hip joint when you retire, Irregularity of tha bowels, and tie, that moat excruciating of disrates, th ' PILES. . j How many thousand of poor women are suffering from this dlaeaaa and pining away a miserable life, and their next door neighbor doe oot know the cause. I wish to Impress on yonr Bind that good old proverb, "An onno of prevention I better than a pound ol can," In th BIEDICAL DISCOVER Y . you have both th preventative and th eon, with this great and good quality, that it will never, ander any circumstances, do yon any Injury. THE BIEDICAL DISCOVERY I aspedtly intended for dleeate of th blood, but elect It Introduction in th Western State, It 1 fonnd to br the best AGUE REMEDY that waa ever before tha public No change of diet ever necessary eat tb beat yon car tnd get enough of It. Diaarmoas rot caw Adults ona tabl spoonful per dav Children over ten yean, dessert spoonful Children from Ave to eight yean, tea spoonful. At no directions oan be applicable to all eonaltutiona, late euoicient to operate on tne ooweia iwice a aay. Yours truly, DONNALD KENNEDY Price 1.00 per bottle. For y every druggist to the united Btatea. eepxi-dfcwly. PROF. L. MILLER'S HAIR INVIGORATOR, a wtfli i. Ma 1 r a. I ah jsnecuve, brio ana jsoonomioai Compound, FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR To Ita original color without dyeing, tnd preventing Hair from taming gny. FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS, ADd curing It, when there la the least particle of vital! or recuperative energy remaining. FOR REMOVING SCURF AND DANDRUK And all cutaneous affections of the Scalp. FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR. Imparting to It an nneqaled gloat and brilliancy, making It son ana siuy in ita texture, ana causing it to can readily. The treat celebrity tad Increaalnc demand for thi an eanaled preparation, convinces tha proprietor that one triai I only necessary to satisfy a discerning public of Its superior qualltlea over any other preparation in use. It cleanses ua bead ana cip from aananur ana other catineoat disease, causing the hair to grow luxuriantly giving it a rich, wft, glossy and flexible appearance, and also, wnereine nair ia loosening ana minting, it win give etreogth tnd vigor to tb root and restore the growth to bote part which have become bald, causing it to yield resh eovering of htir. Then an hundred of ladles and geatlemen In New York who have bad their bur restored by the use of thi Invlgontor, whan til other preparations have failed. L. M. baa In hie possession letters innumerable testifying to tha above facta, from penon of th highest redsecta billty. It will effectually prevent the hair from turning antil the latest period of life; and in ease wherethe hair ha already changed Ita color, th aaa of tbe Invlgorator will with certainty restore it to It to ita original ha, giv ing it a dark, glossy appearance. As a perfume for the toilet and a ilalr Reatorauve it IS particularly recom mended, havlnr tn agreeable frurranoe: tnd the treat fa. lilttes It affords in dressing the hair, which, when moist with th Iavigomtor, oan be dressed tn any required form ao a to preaarr it placer whether pltloor in curia; hence the gnat demand for it by the ladle as a standard toilet article which none ought to bo without, th price place It within tn reacn oi an. Being Only Twenty-FiYe Cents per bottle, to be had at all respectable Druggist and renanuen. - L. MILLER wonld eall the attention of Parent tnd Guardians to th a of bit Invlgorator, In 'eaee where tb children's hair Incline to be weak. The us of it lu tb foundation for affooxtMao or nair. a It re move any Imparl tie that may hav become connected with tha scalo. the removal of which It Decease rv bath for th health of the child, and th future Appearance of itaitatr. Oadtioii. Rone gennln without th fte-simlle LOUIS HILLIEB wing on tn cuter wrapper; also, L. MIL LER'S HAIR INVIGORATOR, N. Y., blown In th (Use. - -.. Wholaaal Depot, SS Dey (treat, and (old by ill the principal Merchant ana uragguu tnroaghont the world liirjerti auooani parcoaaen vj in quantity. I also desire to prennt to the American PubU ay nWUS IXFBOVH) JSoTAJfTATEOUS LIQUID HAIR DYE, which, after yean of letentlflo experimenting, I hav broaght to perfection. It dye Black or Brown Instantly wlthoutlnjury to th Hair or Skin; warranted th best triicia oi in xina in bxikbdo. PRICE, ONLY 60 CENTS. : Depot, 66 Dey Sty New York. oet:dwiy. DRESS GOODS, New and Attractive. ''MOTAMIIQ0ES, ; ' ' i .'.'." i TatTiLiNu ForuNS, j: , , . . Cheni Forum, i lm Foil d Cumu, ' i 1 ; Giizklli, Fbench Chintiis. : ' FaENOH Mcslini, j , - ' '? '' v Fbench Oroandiu, j ,: Cbinebe Waihinw Silks, , Eleoimt Dbess Silks, 'r ' ' V;' . '. ',' 'it Heavy Basque anb.Mantlb Silks; And all other aw and fashionable mateilali most In dsaand for litBdsoai SresM and Mtatlllu. ' - w'- ' - " ' :r- BAIN A SON, tpiSO ' Ho. 89 South High (treat H.AYINO TniS DAT MOLD OUR Sleek of Groceries to 0. 8.DBMMO, we cheerfully rcooBBand kbn to oar Old patrwB and friend. -- Columbtu, March 80th, 1861 apl-dtf , , , i m .'. PLAIN AND FIGURE I ULACK - DRESS SILKS, of mirarad. The moat aelaot aaaortBMnt la th city, and at moat reasonable rate. , SAUI BOB, ' aprllS -;,'J Ho.SOMtwHlgrnnwt; .- a;- m 9 w a. ; m HUM i CST CURE tiervousHeadache By the use of the Pills tb perlodle attacks of Jfer tout or Bit Btadacha maybe prevented; tnd If taken at th commencement of an attack Immediate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. They aeldom fill In nmovlng the Sauna tnd ache to which females tn n (uhjeot. They tct gently upon the bowels removing Oottlt ntu. tot" Literary Hen, Student, Delicate Female tnd all persons of ttdentary habit, they ire valua as laxative. Improving tha appetite, giving tone tiger to the digestive organs, tnd restoring the nalur elasticity and strength of th whole system. THI CEPHALIC PILLS sn the result of long Inves ligation tnd carefully eonduoted experiments, hiving been In use many years, during which tlm they have prevented tnd relieved t vast amount of pain tnd suffer log from Headache, whether originating id the nertovi system or from a dennged state of th ttomach, They an entirely vegetabl in their eompoiltlon, to may be taken tt all time with perfect nfety without making any change of diet, and the abtene of any disagreeable taste render It easy to dn4nUter them children. BBWARI OF OODNTBBf BITS I Th genuine hav five signatures of Henry 0. Braiding on each Box. Sold by Druggist tnd all other Dealen la Medicines. A Box will be atnt by Ball, prepaid, on receipt of the Prioo, S30 Oonta. All orden should be addressed to HENRY O. SPALDING, ' 48 Cedar Street, New York. Bm FOLLOWING ENDORSEMENTS OF SPALDING'S CEPHALIC PILLS, WILL CONVINCE ALL WHO BUFFER FROM HEADACHE, Til AT A . SPEEDY AND SURE CUBE IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. As thete Testimonials wer unsolicited oy H. Bpils IHO, they afford unqvettionable proof of the tfft cacy of this truly soientita ditcovery. Masoimixi, Conn , Feb. 5, 1861. Ala. Br-ALniKo. Sir: I have tried yonr Cephalto Pills, tnd like them to veil that I want you to tend ae two dollars worth mon. Part of these tn for the neighbors, to whom I gave few oat of the first box I got from yon. Send the Fills by mail, and oblige Your ob't Servant, JAMES KENNEDY. Ilivntrotn, Pa., Feb. 6, 1801. Ma. SMLDixa. 8: I wish yoa to send me one mon box of year Cephalic Pills, I have received a great deal of benefltfrom them Yours, respectfully, MARY ANN 8TOIKHOU8B. BmrctCatir, Hdhtwotob Co., Pa., j January 18, 1861. U. 0. EraLoma. Sia: Yoa will please send me two boxes C your Cephalic Pills. Bend them Immediately. Respectfu 11 w yours, JNO. B. SIMONS. P. 8. Than used one boa of your fill, and find then excellent. Btixt Vxrhok, Ohio, Jan. 15, 1861. Ulnar 0. Spauniia, Esq. Please find encloaed twenty -five cents, for which tend me mother box of your Cepbtlie Pilli. They art truly the best PiUt I have ever tried. Direct A. STOVER, P. M., Belle Vemon, Wyandot Co., 0. Brvnav, Mis , Deo. 11, I860. B.C. Brimixo, Esq. I wish for some circulars or large ihow bill to briog your Oephalio Pilla mora particularly before ay cuiso mere. If you hav anything of th kind, pleaa send to BO. One of my customers, who Is subject to severe Sick Headache, (usually laating two days,) tea cured oan attack in one lour by your Pill, which I sent her. bsspectf ally yours, W. B. WILKES. RtTKOLDstDta, Faiitiini Oo., Ohio, January , IbGl. ( Hnmr 0. PriLoiKo, No. 48 Cedar St., N. Y. Diik Bit: Inclosed find twenty fin cent, (23.) for which send box of "Oephalio Pills." tend to tddreat of Rev. Wm. 0. Filler, Reynoldiburg, Iranklln Co., Oblo. Your Pille work like a charm eurt Headache al mott instanttr. Truly yours, WM. 0. FILLER. YrsiLaam, Mien., Jan. 14, 1861. Ma. Bpiloiwo. Sir: Net long since I sent to yon fort box of Cephalic Pills for the cure of the Nervous Headache and Oottiveneat. tnd received th same, tnd they had eo good an effect that too induced to tend for mot. rieaie send by return man. Direct to A. B, WHEELER, Ypsilanti, Mich. From the Examiner, Norfolk, Ya. Oephalio Pill locompliah the object for which thev were made, via.: Oan of headache in all it forms. From th Examiner, Norfolk, Yt. They have been totted In more than a thousand cases with entln success. From the Democrat, St. Clood, Mino. If yoa tn. or hire been, troubled with the headache tend for a box, (Cephalto Pills,) so that yoa may have mem in case oi an attack. From th Advertiser, Providence, R. I. The Cenhallo Plllt tn mid to be a remarkably effectm remedy for the headache, and one of tb vary best for that Tory frequent complalnt.whlch bat ever been dis covered. From th Western B. R. Gaxette, Chicago, III. We heartily endorse Mr. Soauldlnt. and hla unrivaled Oephalio Plllt. From th Kanawha Valley Star, Kanawha, Yt. We tn sure that persons suffering with tbe headache who try them, will (tick to them. From the Southern Pith Finder, New Orleant, La. Try them! yoa that an afflicted, and w are aun that your testimony can be tdded to th already numeroua list that haa recs lyed benefit that no other madlctn can produce. Prom th St Louis Democrat. ' Th Immena demand for th article Car hall. Pilla U rapidly increasing. . F root the Gaaette, Davenport. Iowa. Mr. Bnaldlnc would not connect hi aim with aa ar ticle h did not know topoosea real merit. tngle bottle of SPALDING'S PBBPABED UuUa Will BBVW nm iuhot ,e vuet aauiaaiiy.m , SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE ! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE ! SAVE THB FlicBBI 100ROMTI SI8FAT0HI jC'A BnTca ra Tin Siva Man."cO Adceldent will hannan. am In well re aula ted fam lllea. It ia v.rv tealrabla to hav ob obeap and coo venlent way for leptiring Furnltun, Toy, Crockery aPAT.T) TWO'S PREPARES GLUM ' Beet ill aooh emergencies, tad bo household eaa afford to be without it. II iaalwtyj ready, and up to the stick log point. , .'UBBaUii an aiaai jiuup.' 9. B. A Broth acoompaniet each bottle. ' eentt. . Address. iijfinnx U. Drauwuui No. 48, Oedar Street, New York CAUTION." Al eertaia nnprinclpled persons an attempting to' pain off on tha unsuspecting puoilo, imiutlonsor ay PRBPABED 6LUB, I would oaution all persons to x-' tmln befor parcbaslng, and see that the full nam, O'SPALDlNQ'l PREPARIDGLUB,ai k oa thsoutalde wrapprttll otb4n are iwlndliugeea tarfwite. mlmvtL.