Newspaper Page Text
: Vl)t )w3taH$mavi SUNDAY MORNING. JUNE 30, 1861. LOCAL MATTERS. Tbe Adams Express Company places us daily under obligations to it for tbe very latest papers from tbe eastern cities. . ' Tbe American Express Company baa our thanke for it daily favors In tbe shape of tbe very latest eastern papers. t V Tnc Thirtrrnth Rioihcnt. It was an nounced in one oi the Cincinnati papers that the Thirteenth Regiment, Col. Smith,' fully armed and equipped, and taking with them twenty tents, would leave Camp Dennlaoo, at five o' clock yesterday afternoon, for Grafton vie Bel lalre, accompanied by Company I of the Elev enth Regiment per order of Gen. MoClrllai,, It is also stated that seventy tents and fixtures, and three pieoes of cannon, were shipped from Cincinnati, by rail, on Friday, for Grafton, for the nae of tho Regiment. m Prosati Court. Tbe Criminal Term of the Probate Court for this county will commence on Tuesday next, July 3 There are sixteen cases now on the dockot. Tbe number (or the term will probably reach twenty. Crr. Bbrdsal's Cavalry- The following Is from tbe Cincinnati Gazette of yesterday morn ing: The complement of Capt. Burdsal's Company oi dragoons leaves to-day. There will be forty men to join tbe fifcv seven already gone to Grafton under Capt. Burdsal, jnaking;one hnn dred men rank and file. First Lieutenant Mi nor Milllkin commands the detachment, and takes uniforms, tents, etc, for tbe whole com pany. They ate thoroughly equipped and armed, with the exception of oanteens and hav ersacks, wbioh will be furnished at Grafton. CiLtBRATioif or the FoDRTR. Almost all of our Ohio exchanges contain notices of the eel oration of the Eighty-fifth Anniversary of American Independence, In tbe old fashioned style. Tbe order generally Is a procession to ft grove, banners and muslo, prayer, reading the Declaration and an oration, rounded off with a dtnnor and toasts. May the day revive patri otism and rekindle the love of the Union throughout all the land! . BtiriRiOR Court. Tbe Superior Court for this county will adjourn its present term on to morrow (Monday) morning, July 1. The next term will commence on Tuesday, October 1. 1861. , Htmsnial. The number of marriage licenses Issued from the office of the Probate Jodge oj Franklin county, during the month of May last, was thirty-five, and during the present month, June, twenty-cine were Issued.- U.Si Officers in Columbus The following offloers of tbe United States Army are now in this city: Capt. Siansbery, Topographical En gineer; Capt. Robinson, 5th Regiment U. 8. Infantry; First Lieutenants 18th Regiment U. S. Infantry, Messrs. L. Proctor, A Mills, and L. Brand. Capt. McLaughlin, and Lieuts. Ben ton, MoCleary, Fetterman, Cash and Sohmldt, of tbe 18th Regiments , U. S. Infantry, aro ex pected to arrive here to-morrow. O The work of olearing the ruins of the NeilHouse, preparatory to rebuilding, was com menced yesterday. D" fa the Court of Common Pleas for Madi son county, a breach of marriage promise case was tried Ian week, In which the jury rendered a verdict for the lady plaintiff, for $1500 dama ges. Judge Warden and Col. N. H. Swavne, of this city, were connsel in the case. -mm The First Prisoner or War Brought to Coldmbos. Two of the Dytoa Zjuaves ar rived in this city yesterday morning, from the line of the Marrietta end Cincinnati Railroad, near Marietta, bringing with them as a prisoner of war, a man who is alleged to have been detected in the aotof firing a bridge." He was lodged in the stotlon bouse. U" Somebody has written a book, showing how all work and stndy may be made play or as good as play. This Froibil practically and successfully accomplished for very young child ren In his admirable system of Infant Garden. Hesooomblned the useful with the amusing, the praotlcal with the beautiful, and the serious with the gay, as to make physical exercise sport to the ohild, and mental Improvement a fascina tloo. The exemplification of the workings of Froidel's system oan be seen at Miss Franrin biro's Infant Garden, No. 19 East Rioh street. Tbe Outfit or Rioiments. The tents for a ingle regiment cost not far from $4,000. Twenty-five wagons are required, costing about $150 each. The entire expense of equipping a regi ment does not fall short of $G0,0U0. BTForty thousand cartridges musket,Minie, Enfield, revolver, and artillery are now daily manufactured at the Indiana State Arsenal. The Crom in Shelby Countt. The Sidney Dtwuerat says: We were much cheered, recently, with the fine prospect of orops in this county. Tbe re port from all sections was highly flattering for an abundant yield of wheat; but we are sorry to learn that much that was supposed to be wheat proves to be cheat. Tbe prospect for an abund ant oropof oats Is good; and we believe tbe eorn generally stands welif and if the season continues favorable, we may expect a good crop. IT The London, 0., Democrat, records the sadden death, on Tuesday last, of Mr. Jacob Weaver, of Pike township, Madison county. He was about sixty years of age, an old citizen universally respected, and classed among the wealthiest men or that oounty. . DTWe observe by the military orders of Massa ohnsetts that William Sohodur, formerly edi tor of the Cincinnati Oaxttte and Ohio Slate Journal, is Adjutant General of that State. """The Weevil. The Wyandot Piosrer savs: V From rnliahla Infnrmatlnn nhtalnml fmm Af. reu. quarters of tbe oounty, we learn with regr, ibat ,ae weevil is making sad bavoo in tbe matwiog wne.,. fields. Great complaint Is ' "a ij 0,.h che' being to wheat, in ome fields to txtmtt M t0 deltr0, entlre elds. Complalnof like nature come from vuiwr boououb oi IDS rHatg, , Cork and Oars-The Keyrus Forum says 'the corn crop In that vloinityww. . there ts every prospect that It wMleriual t0 the erop of last year. TheoaUoronalso,. tees well, and the yield will be unusually larJM ' Itrun Thursday, 1,57a hats, 1,848 coats, 'together with a large amount of provisions were received at Camp Dennison. Seventy five thousand -rifle cartridges, and forty five thousand primers, and several boxes of small arms, were shipped to Bellalre from Clnolnnatl, on Friday. . . , f . . TT Thfe si 339 convicts in the Penitentiary at Frankfort, Kentucky.' Six of the number 'are females. Camf Chaie. The following is tbe organ ization of the four regiments at Camp Chase: : iS3j Colonel, C. P. Seammonj Lieut. Col., Stanley Mathews; Major, R. B. Hayes; Sur geon, M. M. Stimmel. of Hardin oountv i As latent Surgeon, John McCurdy, of Mahoning UUUUtT. 94th Colonel, Jaoob Ammon, of Brown oo.; Lieut. Col., S. A. Gibbent, of Muskingum oo.; Malor, Luoien Buttles, of Franklin co.i Sur geon, David Welob, of Belmont co.; Assistant Surgeon, Enoch Pearoe, of Jefferson co. 25 in Colonel, James A. Jones, of Huron co t Lieut. CoL.W.P. Richardson, of Monroe co.; Major, Geo. Webster, of Jefferson oounty; Surgeon, L.G. Meyer, of Cuyahoga co j As sistant Surgeon, G. R. Weeks, of Seneca oo. 26ih Colonel, Ed. P. Fjffe, of Champaign co.; Lieut. Col . E.R. Eakley, of Carroll co.; Major, C NY Dsgeleld, of Erie oo.; Surgeon, W.'Clendennln. of Hamilton co. i Asai.tant Surgeon, Andrew Sabine, of Union co. CT The army worm has been extensively de structive this season in Illinois, in Tennessee, western Kentucky, and In parts of Indiana and south western Oulo, as far north as Darke and Shelby counties. This so-called worm is the larva or grub In Us second stage. After doing Its work in this stage, It becomes a pupa in the ground, whence U emerges In a couple of weens a perfect moth. O The three gunboats from Cincinnati ra reported tbroosh the canal at Louisville, and on their wav to Cilro. u? Thirty-seven wagons, seventy-five horses and three hundred and eighty barrels of hard bread were shipped from Cincinnati, on Friday, by rail, to Grafton. O Three thousand shirts, two thousand nairs of drawers, and three thousand pairs of socks were sent from Cincinnati, on Friday, to Cairo. for the use of the troops there. 07 Governor Morton and several prominent ladiana gentlemen, wilhgo to Virginia this week to look after the Interests of the Indiana boys ID An Irish gentleman, visiting some friends, was received with so much hospitality, and drank so bard, that he dt parted in a shorter time thau was expeoted, and when asked the reason, very gravely said, " that he liked them so very much, and ate and drank so incessantly, that be was sure, if be had lived there a month longer, he should die in a fortnight." ID A gentleman coming Into the room of the late Dr, Barton, told him that Mr. Vowel was dead I "What!" said be, "Vowel dead? Let us be thankful it was neither U nor I." ID Twenty soldiers of tbe ICth Ohio Regi ment have been arrested for insubordination. said to be caused by dissatisfaction with their clothing. Tbe subordination here, amongst tho contractors, Is perfeot. They are perfectly sat isfied with the prices they received for the cloth- ing! Wood's Ilalr Restorative. Unlike most specifics, this is moved, hv un. Impeachable evidence, to possess great effioacy as a restorer of tbe hair to It pristine vigor. Where tbe head had become almost bald be cause of sickness, the use of this article has produced a beautiful growth of thick, glossy hair. It Is therefore a valuable preparation for an ciasees. us ingredients are such as to ef fectually eradicate dandruff and other imnuri- ties, wbich operate so injuriously to tbe hair. il aiso nas curative properties oi another de scription. In many cases pimples and other disfigurements of the skin disappear wherever it is used. There is no hazud attaching to the trial of this remedy, and its effects oan only be beneficial, as the compound, if it does not cause a manifest improvement, is Incapable of doing barm, as its component elements are perfectly Innoxious. Buna Transcript, April 22, 5'J. - . f Troth ts Powerful and shut Peeva. The great reason of the unbounded success of "Kenedy's Medical Dlecovary" la, tw.t it pro prietor has never stated anything in regard to it, tnat was.not striotly true. Un tbe otber band. be does not in bis circular mention many diseases that he has certificates to prove have been cur ed by bis "Discovery." When he has said one, two, or three bottles will care you of Erysipe las, one or two will cure you of Rheumatism, it has always been so. Thence the confidence of the publio has been gained, and persons who nave neen cured ot course mention it to all around them giving a notoriety to this medi cine that will last long after its discoverer has gone to receive his reward for the many be has cured. LOCAL MATTERS. Rail Road Time Table. tiTTLt Miami fc Oolomsos at Xxxia B. B. Lutm. Arrirae OinclDDatl Aooommodatlon. 8 00 A. M. 9:10 P. M. " Exp real 11:40 A.M. '. 11:03 A M. Mall and Aocommoitatlon.. 9:10 P. Y 8 00 P. M. Night JSiprett via Dayton. 100 midnight. 3:20 A. M. Jko. W. SonntTV, Ageat. OoLoaacs It Ouvilakd R. K. Night IxpreM 3:40 A. M. 11:15 P.M. New TorkBxpreii 11:10A.M. 10:50 A.M. 0.0. tO. Way Express.... 8:30 P.M. 7:50 P. M. Jamh Pathriok, Agent. - OntTRALOmo R. R. No. 3 Express 3:30 A. M. 11:25 A. M. No. 8 do S:1S P. at. 11:48 A. M. - W. J. Fill, Agent. Pittsburgh, Ooldhbfi St Oincninvn R. R. Mall Train J30A.M. II 21 A.M. Express Train .11:55 A.M. 8:45 P. M Jos. RoBmaoK, Agent. CoLrtMBot Ac InmmopoLu, R. R. (UOLOHBDi PiqOA Sc INDIANA R. R.) No. 1 Express 6:30 A, M. 8:00 P. M " 3.00 P.M. 8:48 P. M. Accommodation . 10:80 A. M. 0. W, Cmith, Agent. COLUMBUS POST OFFICE. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. DEPARTURES. PltUburgh, ettabtriYllle way, Cleveland, Zueaftlle, Newark, Granville. Wuhtnfton City, Baltlmort, Phila delphia and New Orleans, olots daily (Sundays except ed) at 8 o'olock p.m. . A through mail for New York and Cleveland oloeee dally (Bundaya axcepted) at 8 o'clock p. m. v. u. u. a. n. nay juauoioaes daily (Sundays el ected) at 9 o'olock p. m. . Central Ohio Wa Mall c1omiIi IHnnJ... an.dt at 10 o'clock a.m. " Cincinnati Way Mall elotes dally (Sundays exoepted) at 10 o clock a. m. . Chican). Dubnnoe. Delaware. Marlon and Worthing. ton Malls closes dally (Sundays axcepted) at S o'clock p. m. Malls forXenla, Bprlngfleld, Dayton, Toledo, Cincin nati, Indianapolis. Iioniaville. St. Lonla. and Setmit. tloaes daily (Snndays excepted) at 8 o'olock p. m. a wiiuugu wwi 10 AcntK, npnngneia ana umoinnau cloaca dally (Snndays exoepted) at 1 0 o'clock a.m. urnana, riqaa, Tiffin and Union City mall closes daily (Snndays excepted) at 8 o'clock p. m. lancaater.logan.Neleonvllle, Olrcleville, Chllllcothe, Portsmouth, Waihington 0. II., Athens, Marietta aod Hillaboraaih malls close daily (Sundava exoantadl at 8 o'clock p. m. ast Wav Mall b National Rnad In 7nin inu dally (Sandays excepted) at 18 o'olock m. iiarruonrga auti oloaea daily (dandays excepted) at S o'olock p. m. Mt. Vernon Mail, bv wav of Weatarrtlla and flnnhnv. oloses daily (Sundays exoepted) at 9 o'clock p.m. aruuiui auui oioaea aaiiyBonaays exeeptcdjat 8 o'clock D. m. t Lancaster Way Mail closes dally (Sundays excepted) at o olook p. m. .:, ARRIVALS. Malls from New York. Boston. Phlladelnhla. Bnff.ln. Albany, PltUburgh, Cleveland, Dayton, Toledo, Xenla, Detroit, Bprligueld, Cincinnati, Chllllcoth, St. Louis, and all Sontaern eltles, arrWe between the hoars ot 9 o'olock p- m. and 4 o'clock a. m. Malls from Indianapolis, Chicago and Dubuque arrive at 3:40 a.m. Mails from Washington City, Baltimore, Wheeling, Banetrille, Newark, Swnbenvllle, Mt. Vernon, and the 0. O. R. R. Way Mail, arrive at 19 o'clock m.( Way Mail from Cincinnati, arrives at 3 o'clock p.m. Lancaster Mail arrives at 9 o'clock p.m. But Way Malf over the National Road arrives at II o'clock a m. vt. Vernon Way Mall arrives at 11 :00 a. m.' Hll from Dublin arrives at 18 o'elook m. una. Way Mail arrives at 9 o'clock p. m. HarrUm,gn Mlll tniyM a O.clock m, "neaaie Way jj,u ,rrl, lt 18 o'olock m. 1 S?i?' 1 Ui.0Pa every day (except Sunday) from iv? ?L .oa,M0'oloolt P' rn on Sundays oTjeX "0,ln, nd"0,n.4t0a JOHN GRAHAM, P. M. iMifi ua ai "J tow prices m N.R.uOiHl(htmt. TELEGRAPHIC! REPORTED FOR THE STATESMAN. REPORTED FOR THE STATESMAN. Interesting from Hagerstown--Movements and Operations of the Federal and Rebel Troops. HAGERSTOWN. June 29. Major Doubleday saw a party of Rebel troops clustering around some woods upon a high hill opposite Willlamsport, and threw a 24 pound shot at them this p. m., when they scampered over the crest of the hill. Orders for the march of tbe Reserve Guard, consisting of the 1st Wisconsin, 4ih Connecti cut and llih Pennsylvania Regiments, were Is sued this p. m. -Lieutenant Elder, of Major Donbleday's com mand, learned from a. party who brought in a flag of trnoe yesterday, that tbe Virginians are forced to feed their horses exclusively on oorn. They bavewjo old bay, and acknowledged that not only bay but provisions ol all kinds were very scarce. They said that every thing in the valley of Virginia was literally exhausted. It is believed that our troops will cross the Potomac partly at tbie port and partly at Sbepard's Ford, nine miles below. Both are excellent fords, . AH are inspirited at the idea of a forward movement, Intelligence from Stevenson's station! where Gen. Johnston's headquarters are, states that the force encamped Immediately about him. at the most, Is only 6,000. He has sixteen pieoes of artillery. Of these, six are rifled 13 pound ers, and two 24 pound howitzers of tbe old kind, and six 13 ponnd howitzers. Of these last, none are rifled. - The troops are drilled, but not so well equipped as ours. They are under very strict discipline, but seem discontented. - two Kegiments, one or Aiabamians and one of Missleippians, reached Harper's Ferry this morning, and destroyed the balance of tbe Ires- sle work of the Railroad bridge, fhey then came over to tne Maryland snore, seised all tbe boats they could lay their bands on, snd either broke them up or took them over the river. All the Union men of Harper's Ferry were agiin driven out. It is learned that the McMillan rangers will enoamp to morrow eight at Snap, ardatowo, and - that eame Regiment will be thrown forward with them. The headquarters of Gen. Patterson will be advanotd further southward within a day or two. Capt. Hun ton, of the Engineers, has visited Maryland Hiehts, for tbe purpose of selecting a point on which to erect a battery, to com- mana narper s rerry. From the Southern States. LOUISVILLE, June 29. H. R. Walker, British Consul at Charleston, passed through here last evening, goiog South. Tbe Journal this morning says, the Colonel of a State Guard Regiment, who was to have been stationed at Columbus, has resigned, being unwilling to support tbe neutrality policy of tventucKy. tie is a secessionist. It is thought the presence bf a regiment at Columbus will producemucbtrouble, snd Is only a trick of Magoffin's to create a panio in that region. Tbe same paper has a letter from Padncab, saying that the Union men did not vote their strength. Many were forced to vote for Bur nett. A Mr. Brigham, a Kentuckian, suspeoted as a spy, was arrested and shot at three times, and started for Union City, Tennessee, to be tried tor treason. The mob, however, desisted. The same day, the Coroner of the county was killed. Tbe secessionists say every man must declare either for tbe North or tbe South, and North erners must leave. The day after the election, the Sautharn flag was raised, and General Prentiss Invited to take it down. A fight occurred between two Unionists and two Secessionists in Graves oounty, in which one secessionist was killed and the otber had his arm shot off. Two companies, one Union, and tbe other dis union, were drilling near by. The latter started in pursuit ot tbe two Unionists, when tbe Union eompany followed. Nothing is beard of the re sult of the affair. The Nashville Union of tbe 28tb-, says Col. Hardee and Magruder have been appointed Brigadier Generals in the Confederate armv. The Nashville City Counoil appropriated xuu,uuu ior a residence lor tne rreeiaentra an inducement to establish the Capital there. Joshua Pearl, oi Massachusetts, Superintend cut of u Ntahrilla Public Soboela, JkM am notified to leave. The Memphis Avalancb, of tbe 28th, has an account ot the seizure of the steamer City of Aicon, ana prooabie capture ot luuu Cairo troops. The New Orleans Delta's special says: Hurl burt was arrested at Atlanta as a spy and deliv ered to tbe Virginia authorities. If tbe evi dence is not sufficient to oonvict him, he will be turned over to tbe Uonlcderate authorities. It was advertised that Mr. Stephens would solicit subscriptions of cotton for the Confede racy at Llncolnton.Ga., on tbe 29th of June. Tbe State Treasurer of Georgia gives notice that, on account of tbe war with the Northern Anti Slavery States, the interest on coupons and bonds of tbe State, payable in New York, must ne redeemed at savannan. An advertisement announces the re-opening of the Confederate Loan at several places in Georgia. It says, only '$1-1,000,000 of the jio.uuu.uuu nave been subscribed. Coroner's Verdict in the Last Shooting Affair at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS, June 29. a ten days, and tbe examination of quite a number of witnesses, tbe coroner's ury rendered tbe following ver dict in tbe Seventh street shooting affair: -"That the subjects of tbe present inquest came to their deatbi from gun shot wounds in flicted by Minie musket balls discharged by oertaln members of companies C,E, F, B and J, of the 21 Regiment of U. S. Reserve troops, while marohing down Seventh street on the morning ot the 17th Inst." The ury further express it as their opinion that eaid wounds were inflicted without any provocation or discharge of firearms from citi zens then present, and also without any order to fire being given by the officers of said corps, From Missouri. JEFFERSON CITY, June 29. Messrs. Morrison, State Treasurer, Mosley, State Auditor, snd Houston, Register of Lands, took the oath of allegiance to day, and will en ter upon the discharge of their duties. Attor ney General Nott declined to take the oath, and Is now a prisoner at the Capitol. BOONEVILLE, June 29. A company ot about fifty Home Guards ar rived here, early this morning, from Laftyette county, for the purpose of procuring arms from General Lyon for the Home Guards, who are organized in that county. These men came In wagons, and carried rifles and shot guns to pro tect themselves from tbe Secessionists. John Minor Botts not in Washington. ton, WASHINGTON, June 29. The report that John Minor Bolts is here is probably unfounded. It is certain that his inti mate personal friends here are unaware of his presence. From Baltimore. BALTIMORE, June 29. new police at the eastern po lice station house several drnms belonelne to the Massachusetts Regiment, which were taken, witn otber articles, from tbeir barrage ear. the day of the riot. Six Kegiments hare passed through here in less than 24 hours. The city continues quiet. There are many rumors as to the intended action of the police board, bnt nothing definite as yet, ' Death of Capt. D. N. Ingraham and Col. J. H. Prentiss. NEW YORK, June 29. It is reported that Capt. D. N. Ingraham, died at Charleston on the 10th. Col. J. II. Prentiss, formerly of Worcester, late editor of the Cooperstown Journal, died yesterday. Aged 77. From Fortress Monroe. FORTRESS MONROE, June 28. Tbe Massachusetts Third and Fourth Reel mente are' under orders to march to-morrow morning. They will probably lotrenoh them selves beyond Hampton Bridge, and form tbe advanoe or an important movement toward Jtorswwn. - Dispatches from Washington. [World's Special.] WASHINGTON, June 28. spy was morning by R. I. Regiment. He' bsd four revolvers and one pound of, arsenio 4 When arrested,, be was on tbe way to a spring near by, undoubtedly Intending to deposit the arsenio there. ' It is intimated that the Cabinet had before them to-day tbe question of carrying on ths campaign with more vigor than has character ised tne last lew weeks. Senators Johnson and Etherldee. of Tennessee. had several conferences with tbe President and Cabinet, and have reoeived complete assurances that the Union men in East. Tennessee will be favored with ell the advantages which the gov- eromeui ean possiDiy extend to mem. All information from scouts and others who advanced towards Fairfax confirms reports that ine numDer ot itebels tbere are daily lessening. There are deoided intimations in Lish Quar ters that General Patterson will be transferred from bis present command. His movements are not active enough to satisfy headquarters. [Special to Times] WASHINGTON, June 28. Tbere is no doubt that tbe Government has recently determined on making a forward move ment in Virginia soon. The regiments on tbe otber side are under orders. Additional forces are moving across quietly but steadily. It is clear that a stand will shortly be taken In ad vanoe of the present position of occupation. A battery is being thrown up at Flint's Hill, two miles this side of Fairfax. It is intended as a resort after a forward movement. It is evident that tbe Federal forces are con centrating by at least two different routes at Harper's terry. - [Herald's Dispatch.] The Secretary of War's reoort will show there are 300,000 men in the field. .oeland has shown no disnosition to rsnlv to our Government's proposition, accepting the Paris Conference on tbe subject of privateering, and this fact, in Connection witb Important mili tary movements in Canada, and Naval move ments on our coasts, makes ber secret designs apparent. It is understood that instructions Bare been forwarded To our Naval Squadron to allow no Interference with our blockade under any pretext, and vigilant watch will be kept as to British movements., Yesterdav. atte'mnta r mnria hr a ttohol force to cross tbe Potomso above the mouth of the Mooaoaoy, but it was effectually repulsed. Tbe hovering of a Rebel force )n that neigh borbood, and tbe suspected of a large number of Virginia Rtbelsln the city of Bait! more, Induces tbe belief that tbe Rebels' pro gramme for tbe introduction of a division ol their armv to tbe rear of Washington, and the insurrection of tbe disunioniats ot Baltimore, simultaneous with an engagement in the direo tion of Fairfax Court House, has not been aban doned. [Special to Tribune.] WASHINGTON, June 28. Department has determined not to accept any mure regiments lilt the meeting of Congress. Among tbe last accepted were tbe Anderson Zjuaves. Col. Stone has ample force to protect our rear up the river, and Geo. Banks has turned tbe ta bles of tbs Baltimore Rebels snd tbeir aiders snd abettors. All io safe In that quarter, and tbe Rebel leaders, Davis, Johnston and Beaure gard will be forced to depend eolely upon tbeir force in iront ot tne oitv. These faots will furnish additional Incentives for a retrograde movement on their part toward Richmond. WASHINGTON, June 29. The Republican professes to have a disostcb that tbe Ninth New York Regiment has reach ed and occupied -Harper's Ferry. No Rebel troops were seen. This is doubtful. Another skirmish occurred at Seneca, yester day, between Evertt's Battalion and 2UU0 Reb els. I we or three of tbe latter were killed snd a number wounded. Tbe World has a special dispatch from Fort ress Monroe; stating that Coi. Allen, of tbe New York First Regiment, was arrested to day by order of Gen. Butler. It then states tbat Allen and otber officers have arrested many armea oece'siomsts lately, wuo nave been re leased by Butler. [Special to the Post.] A prominent Kentuckian states that twenty Mgtaeania eooio oo-rataea umv lac tbe Uov ernment. - During the passage of the Jersey Regiment wvujia mit yeeieruay, ifc was greeiea wuo cuecrs ior jeo iavis. [Special to the N. Y. Commercial.] WASHINGTON, June 29. Hon. J. E. Harvev. Minister to Portugal, nnh lishes a letter in the Intelligencer, dated Paris, June 6th. He states tbat he has had interviews with tbe leading writers of the London Journals, snd that he impressed upon tbem tbe necessity of standing by the Union, and savs he found tbem all changing their views as tbey came to unoentana tne position assumed by our Govern ment, and tbat both tbe English and French people are earnest for tbe perpetuity of the union, tie inrtner says that be has taken everv opportunity to ascertain tneir views. [To the Associated Press.] WASHINGTON, June 29. just arrived from Alexandria, re ports tbat tbere was a slight skirmish between tne picxeis last nigbt. Two Rebels were killed, and one Federal soldier wounded. Our pickets numbered about 30 men, and were attacked by tbe same number ot tne enemy. Un rridav, word came that a field of wheat belonging to Maj. Thompson, of the Rebel army, was being gathered to be sent to York town for aid to tbe Bebels, and some had the assurance to ask Col. Allen for horses which had been confiscated to convey the wheat to the enemy, wbioh were refused, and a squad of men sent to prevent tbe wheat from being taken. ooon aiter me wneat neid was in flames, and twenty acres were destroyed. Maj. General Butler thereupon ordered Col. Allen to report at headquarters under arrest, and placed bis Regiment under command of Lieut. Colonal Dickerman. The dispatch further volunteers the remark that this and other movements of Butler eansa his loyalty to be suspeoted, and says it is ru- morea mat regular otnoers are preparing a pe tition for his removal, and that the New York Regiments are clamorous to bave a-Ma ior Gen eral from tbeir own State; and also tbat all the officers, both regulars snd volunteers, will de cline to sot in battle under General Butler. The arrest causes considerable exoitement at tbe Fortress. Tbe Tribune remsrks on the above soeoial dispatch, that it has no doubt Col. Allen de served to be arrested. He left tbe poiloe de partment of New York, last fall, on account of drunkenness; and the above dispatch evidently was sent by some friend of Allen's.- It consid ers the imputation on Butler's loyalty absurd, as do tbe msjority of the publio of Mis eity. - WASHINGTON, June 29. Cspt. Craven commands tbe Potomac flotilla. In place of Ward, deceased. Two large scows will be built at the New Yards, each mounting eight 33 pounders, and barricades for protection to the troops thereon. Supposed Spy Arrested in New York. NEW YORK, June 29. To-dav. a vounv man n.m.H Rnnnli. arrested, charged with being a spy of Jeff Davis. His father is commander of the Rebels near Frederick, Vs. Important if True. WASHINGTON, June 29. arrlmd from N n.i..r. " ... . 77 . ". reporta mat a cruiBQ ship recently ran tbe blookade, and brought to that hnrt dred tons of powder and twenty thousand stand oi arms. . PHILADELPHIA, June 29 Win. M. Meredeth rianlina. tha nnmln.ilnn for Congress in the second district, mads at a meeting last night. . nePCLLAST SR ' Wavcu.DDnaB IRi CLOAK OI.OTHR. Alan, nthu a.i v ioai vioini. id u umraoit mixtures Btnamn, las on ana ouiioni to meicn. BAIN a SON, apnia No. W South Hijhitrte tTIRNI OHITTINDKN. . , . HINRT T. CHITTINDIM ; S.t H.T.CHITTENDEN, t ATT0KNKY8 AT LAW. ID Offices, 989 Broadway Mew Sort Oil, and F arsons' Rgonma, Columbus, Ohio. ' , ' , H?CareraIattnUppmHo0VlIUos. i aprtlStdvai THE MARKETS. New York Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] NEW YORK, June 29. FLOUR (t-ivi oroti lower, witb a modertU builnstf afalnn? fr nstunrt nnrl hnawt . o i ; ,, cB l wvuruw iitun at ma acciiDC. Vw wvwi w sur vjurn) avi, cmenj DUl j U5jfl4 Q5 ina auiMVTina nrMlaawwa mt ukzA t J . dtom txtr western 4 INK 5 00 for ebipDlntr brand. SXtrsi snnnrl siaa nv.ln. AC nL.a Ct . . . . . . , , y vo aw Va vuv jv ior trAflt Dr&odi: mnrlrf ofmro flu 1 1 mnA hu.. n " doing , mt the market .tilt oooUoae hem; uleeof j7ivua (uki m a ofu srl. n list M MBIT Mj a a. aaa . . aaVH V s.fl TT D it nll .a sn ori ftt $3 00 for OllorfO. Ud 13 MQ&i tiiow Hrnn,l..lnas WHlHKy-lleftryana lower. SiUe.ofMvbbli at 19 W'f?s)w. WlJ IE iT1ftl9il ' nm htaahail -t- s ' , wtawusa iui , IBkir t7lUinCwB IOT export, the market oloelng with a rather mora tMdT f I (nav. Am mm OO nAn a..,.l,.i. riki . ... mm " B v vunuejsa vUluaTU linuf KV tO &Bo; 21,000 btuh Morihweitern club at &395i, 100,01)0 83,000 buahela Amber Iowa at 100103; loelndfnfr w . wwwvu w wiuaava JDIIWauiOW OIUD M BUaWBI UtK wusj parcel ai ai v., wnicn ii anore tne mtrket 18,000 sSnnhssla lltutlnst anvlrns at a I fy . araa ami l . -f " ea aai s w , UW DUlUflll Will' tor red weitern at k)L OVjl 19; 5100 baibele white llanaJIK m A A I tHSi 1 III. 1 U Dlln . ... . ' " w, jo.ouii ouaneiiwnu western at tl I9vS18I. U.YII .ITnfth.nMwI. hIm f OtWn v v. -1 - .a . . . , .v v. rv u.iu.n wo. ior Canadian, and as f r Bute. . if A kl a Y Unchanged. . . ..... . nnniiDaiij nncnanree. 40,000 baihels at 40aM0o. for nnaouod new mixed weat- am A(Kfa, rji- --fcJa j . 1 1 .-, . . . ... . OATlU.Hae.ww St VJrSi Ux a. ..J r : nn - . mw H.wwv iui wtiH auu uauauiaua v 31 for State- ' PORK 4 little mor dolnff, and tha market U firmer. ilaaai nf MO SI a m l i uui.i( si.. - 8al mZjz:, "v,m fc w1" w or men acl BKltF Oontirjuee dall and beary at $4f$4 50 for rlm: MH AfiXA tn na.i tudi in i.. j . prln 1 0(4 I 1 for f Strn . Prlmat awiaaa kaaf.l H Z'A v w-Ba 4M.o. . -II- HKfeF HAMS Qa let tni nnchanred. ODTMBAT8-bt-artyi lalti of UO package! at AW& 5X DfluunmymuH uncnanren. LARD Uontlaaee dull. Sales at 8DKc. HUTTER-In moderate requeit. BOTTKB belllDRat 8To. ?U0.Z8'. r1, Ter'r flrnl- tner ' Joins, al. of SWblidsOuba at M5X; 330 boxes Bavana MOLAoSRg Qnlet. tales of 04 hhda Pcrto Blco at 2Jo Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, June 29. FLOUR Was retarded aa aren mora rinll awT. ,h. nan I. Holders do no report eooeeaalona below (4 to for superBnt, bat It is sadb? sellers to be bard to get tbat family oan be bad at II 60, and is said to bare been sold at 14 75. WUSAT II afftln lower. Prim, ir.ntiw.lra kit. old at Mo ' and red at 80c. Onr local mlilera bava no oocaiioa tostook np now, In view of ibeir sninendlnR opor.ttovs for repaira In a few daju, and In th farther consideration of tba fact tnatoflors to sell wheat ahead have been made, at figures materially below ttioie now current In this market. CORN-Is still quoted at S8o ,bat will Dot brio it free) 0 aTB Are very dall, bnt cannot be bad at leas than onr lait quoted flgarae 85a. i a wuiold atXc. BARLEY I, not remarkable. WIIISKr-Stands at lSXc. Irmly. Oommtrctai. Cleveland Market. CLEVELAND, June 28, 1861. FLOUR Remains doll and heavy aod tio macb nn !ttled to apow of accurate oanUtlooi. WMBATrinll .nrl h.Hw T . . Ul. .1 J . at. fennd no buyers, ion load sold at Wc. uunn Birictry prima la wortn Sic ror shipment. OAT8-8aleof 1 ear at 91s. at,dlatS2c; H I U H W IN Rb Sake ot 50 tbli. at 14o. OUEBSE Selllnf at a wide range according lo quail r. Oool new la worth 5X3Sc. POB K Hen la off trig at IS 00. RM ,K ED MIITlUhllMi. ..mJ are selling at 10c. and dried beef at luxo. v prime eeiie in email iota at vo. uom mon Jj'1" sre heavy. A lot of 10 kegs No. 9 sold at Philadelphia Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] PHILADELPHIA, June 29. FLOUR Quiet. Buperflse at 94 753 00; extra S 0H35 25. W Hal AT In limited derated; ted II S3; white e i xiimi . CORN steady. WUISK-KullatI0X(S17. PROF. L. MILLER'S HAIR INVIGORATOR, An EffeotiTe. Safa and Eoonomioal - - . Compoand, VOR SE3T0RIMO GRAY IIAIft To Its original color without dyeing, and preventing liatrfrom turning gray. FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS, And curing It, whan there Is the least particle of vital! or reonperatlve energy remaining. FOR REMOVING SCURF AND DANDRUF And all cntaneona affections of tha Scalp. FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR. Imparting to It an nneqaled gleas aod brilliancy, making son ana auaj in its wxuira, ana eaaaing it to can readily. Ihe great celebrity and increasing demand for this oo equaled preparation, oonTlnoea the proprietor that on trial la only neceaaary to satisfy a diaoerning public of It superior quantise over any ouier preparation la oao Ii clean tee the head and ecalp from dandruff and other outaneoua dlaeaaea, eaaaing the hair to grow luxuriantly giving it a ricb, soft, gloaay and flexible apnearanoe. and alao, where the hair la loosening and thinning. It will give airengiu ana rigor w we rooia ana reetor tne growtn to hose parte which have become bald, causing It to yield a reah oovering of hair. There are hundreds of ladles and gentlemen In New Tork who have had their hair reatored by tbe ate ot tbie lavigorator. when all other preparations hare failed. L. M. has in bis poaaeaaion letters innumerable teatlfrina to tha above facta, from persona of the highest redaacta blllty. It will effectually prevent tbe hair from turning until the lateat period ol life; and In case wbere'tha hair baa already changed ita color, tbe us of the Invlgorator will with oertainty restore it to it to ita original hue, gir lng it a dark, gloaay appearano. As a perfume for tbe toilet and a Ilair Reatoratir It I partieulerly recom mended, having an aareeebl fmrranoei aod tne ereat fa cilities It afford! in d reeling the hair, which, when moist with the Invlgorator, ean be dressed In any required form so aa topreaerv It place, whether plainer in curia; bono the great demand for it by tba ladle aa a standard toilet article which none ought to be without, the price places it within the reach of all, being Only Twenty-Five Cent per bottle, to be had at alt lupeotabl Druggist and rcnomer. L. MILLER would call the attention of Parent and Guardian to the ate of bli Invlgorator, In caae where the children's hair Inclines to be weak. The ua of It lave the foundation for aoood head of hair, aa It re move any unpuritiea that may hare become oonnedted witb the scalp, the remoral of which la neceaaary both for the health of the child, and tha future iappaaaano of It Hair. OaoTioa. Nona genuine without tha fao-ilmile LOOTS. HILLKR being on the outar wrapper; also, L. MIL LER'S HAIR INV1Q0RAT0R, N. Y., blown In the glaa. Wholacal Depot, 56 Dey street, and sold by all ths principal Merchant and Druggist throughout the world Liberal ai count to purcnaaer by in quantity. I also deal re to preeent to ths American Publio my KXW ASD IMPBOVKD HT8TAXTAHXOTJ8 LIQUID HAIR DYE, which, after years of soienttflo experimenting, I bave brought to peritenon. It djee Black or Brown Instantly erlUtoutmjury to tha Hair or Skint warranted tba beat article of the kind In axiatano. PRICE, ONLY 50 CENTS. Depot, 66 Dey St, New 'York. eotS8:datwly. Clothing for Ohio Troops. S VALID PROPOSALS WILL BE MOIIVID AT the offlo of A. D. Bulloek. No. U W.. Seannil street, Clnctoaatl, and at the Qaartennuter General's omce aiuoiumoua, until V u. of SATURDAY, June SDth Inst., for the following supplies: 11,000 Regulation Orercoeta,. all-wool aky blue Kersey; 4 000 Regnlauon Frock Ooau, all-wool, heavy dark blue cloth; t 4,0u0 Kegalatlon pairs Trowasra, all-wool, aay blue Keney; S00 RegulatlOB Cavalry Jackela, beery, dark-blue ! cloth; HOO Regulation Cavalry Trowsert, all wool, dark bla Kaiaey, reinreroed doable elotb; S00 Regulation Artillery Jaoketa, all-wool, heavy i dark blue oloth; 500 RegulatloD Artillery Trowiers, all-wool, dark blue Kersey; ' 1,000 Regulation Overcoats f t mounted men, sky blue Keney) 10.OC0 Palra Regulation Socks; " S.OOONhirt tray mixed, ' 5.000 pair Drawers, gray union: " , . ' 5,000 pairs Shoes, pegged or sewed. All the above are required to be of materia la and atrl eorreaponding In vry ntpeot to the Stat Anay ftega- l.uuu, . Sample pattern ef each artlol will b fumlihed by the Bute, and may beaeea on aod after Ihe SJth lnit., at my offloe la OlnclDnail, and at the Quartermaster (ten eral'e office In Oolumbaa. - Bid must be made prate!y for each article, the same to be Indorsed on envelope. For all aocep'ed bid the pertleawtll b requited to give sonde to the Bute of Ohio, with ufflcteat carity, for the faithful performance of the anattn i. caa of failure in the time of delirery or In the quality of tbe articles, Ihe Stat reservee lb right la pruour tbem elsewhere at Ihe expense of the contractor. Payaeat to be made at the pleaaure of the Butte with in ninety days from ths oomplellou of contract. . All araoie ooau aa auoject to Impaction berore betas' r SlTv4bItlieJtr. , -; Dr. T. JL IIcLEAN'S Strengthening vCordial and Blood rnaUreateet Uesaaeelyln Tn tterld. AHPTllS - MOR WUMVB AND DELIaHTFUL OOB.DIAL 4 EVER TAKEN. IT IS) STRICT, ly a aclentlnc and Vegetable Compound, procured by the dietll lation of Boot. Herbs and Barks, fellow Dock, Blood Boot, tlaraaparilla, Wild Cherry Bark and Dan- j?! olln enters into if Before Takins" active' remedial After Taking. principle ot each Ingredient la thoroughlv extracted In mynew method of distilling, producing), delict nut. ox- mieraung apint, ana tne mow IMTALLIULII remedy for renovating tbe dIMaed aystem, and reetoring (ha ilck, niienng ana aeniuiaiea AavaiiUr to xtaiAbTli and Bi'ttanuTii. . , neIKAN'8 STRKNUTIIBNIFIO COR fill sfoetaally ears LITIS OOMPLAWT. DYDPIPSIA, JA0ND10B, ' Obrorle or Mervons Debility, Dlieaeee of the Kldneva! and all diseases arirlng from a dhmsdereJ Liver or Ptom, ach, Drspepeia, Heartrjura, Inward Pi lea. Acidity or Blok neas of the Stomach, rallneas of Blood to the Heal. Dall Ssin or swimming in tne neaa, raiL.tatlon or the Heart ullneaa or Weight In the Stomach. Sour Iiuctatinna Choking or suffocating feeling when lying down, Drrneas orYellowneaaof thegklnand Bye. Night Sweat. In ward Ptver. Pain In the null of she back, cheat or tide. Buooen riaauea oi ntn, aiapreanoa Of Bninu, rrightful Dream. Langaor, Dpondenov oranv Merroua Dim, Bore or Blotches oa to Bkin, and I ever and Ann (or over a million ef uentlea Bar been sold during the laat ix months, and In no In stano ha It failed In riving entire satisfaction Who, then, will suffer from Weakoeaa or Debility when MC LEAN'S 8TBBNOIU1NINU CORDIAL will cut youf Mo lanauaae can ronrev an adwumta Mm nf u, diet and almost mlraculou ohange produced by taking thia Cordial in th diseased, debiliuted and shattered nervous system, whether broken down by exoeaa, weak by nature, or Impaired by sick nee, the relaxed and nnntrung organisation is restored to It priatin health and rigor. raAHKaJSJ PERSONS. Or others conscious of Inability, from whatever cause, will And McLean s Strengthening Cordial a thorough regeoerator of the system; and all who may bars Injured thenwelre by Improper indulgences, will find In the Cor dial a certain and speedy remedy. Te tUm Ladles. McLean's Strengthening Cordial Is a sovereign and speedy ran for INCIPIENT CONS DnPTIOH, WHITES Obstructed orDiffleult Menrtruatlon, Incontinence of unne or inroiuniary vuonarge uereor, railing of the Womb, giddiness, Painting and all Diaease inoldn t females. Thsrs is bo Mis take Abont it. Suffer no longer. Take It aoeordlne to Dliwin.. Tt wllletlmulate, airengthea and Inrigontte yoa and cause tas bloom of health to mount your cheek again . arsry khu ii warranted to give aautractkn. FOR CH1LDBER, If your children are akklr. Dnnr.orallot M.t.nv voruiai win maae uiera neaitny, ut and robuit. Delai a. I. .ul ... .Ill L. . . uv,,Hwin,Mi n,wi.fwi wmn voonnoea. IT IS DELICIOUS TO TAKE, OaOTtow. Beware of Drunlata or nni,M ,. try to palm upon you some Bitter or Saraaparilla trash, which they oan buy cheap, by ayin It 1 lust aa good. Arold such men. Ask for McLean StrengtheningOor dial, and take nothing else. It I the only remedy that will purify tha blood thoroughly and at th tame time strengthen ths system. One tableapoonful taken every morning fasting, I a certain preventive of Cholera, Chill and fever, Yellow ferer, or any prevalent diseases. It Is put up In lares bottles. Price only SI per bottle, or 6 bottle for 15. J.H. HcLRAN, Sol Proprietor of thia Cordial, AlSO McLean's Vnlmntn mi ..Ulm..!. Principal Depot on the comer of Third and Pine streets, McLean's Volcanlo Oil Liniment. The beat Liniment In th World. The only safe and certain our for Canoe re. Pile, Swellings and Bron ehttts. or Ooltrs, Paralyali, Neuralgia, Weaken of the bukhs, v unlaw or inflammatory uneumatiem, atifl nesa of the joints, eontracted Muscle or Llgamenta Barache or Toothache, Bruise. Soraina. WnnnrV llr.h Outa, Ulcere, Fever Bores, OakedBreuta Bora Nipple, Burns, Scalde, Bore Thoat, or any Inoammation or Pain, neduTerenoe bowerre, or how long ihe diaease max wa. . whani wnunm a.uuaient w a oer tain remedy. Thousands of human bemn hare been saved a life of oecrepiiuae ua misery dj uie aa or Uiia taralaaaie1 sin. McLEAN'S VOLCANIC OIL LINIMENT Will relieve pain almost Instants? m-.-V, and It wit eleanae, purify and heal th foulest wre In an inoredl ly abort time. Tmr Ilaraea and Other Anlmala. McLean s celebrated Liniment I the only safe and re liable remedy for Ihe rare of Spavin, King Boas, Wind galls, Bplinla, Unnatural Bumps, Modes or Swellings. It will nerer fail to sura Big Bead, Poll Bril, fiitula, Old running Boras or Sweeny, If properly applied, tor Bp rain, Bruises, Scratohes, Sores or Wounds, Cracked Heela, Chafes, Saddl or Collar Calls It Is an infallible remedy. Apply It as directed, and a cure la uriain i very lnatanc. Then trifle no longer with the many worthless LInl stents offered to you. Obtain a iuddI of Dr. Vnlui'i oalebrated Liniment. It will cur yon. j. ss. racajUAN. Bole Proprietor, Oorner of Third and Pin Street, St. Louie. He. Pot sale by all drugglats. For sate by BOBIBTS At BAHTJIL, augSe-ddtwly Oolumbua. Ohio. PBI0IB BKDTJCKD From ths New IrorkObaerrer.l ' As all oartlea manufacturf n tUwina. M,inj . niw liged lo pay Mr. BoweaUeenM on eh ninhin, old. and are aso compelled to make returns to nlm, under oath, as to the number aold, hi book give a correot state ment, from this reliable source we have obtained the following statistics. Of the machines made in the year lU.n tnaaa ewAau ulj alAr-tV, IAACS V WSIe BU1U By Wheeler Sc "Wilson Bl.SOt I. M. Singer As Co 10,054 " Crover At Baker 10,) Showing ths sales of Wheeler At Wllinn tn h AnvH those of any other Company." Awarded th highest premium -at tha United States Fairs of 1B58, 18i and 1800; . alao at the Ohio Stat Fairs of 1859 and lfWO, and at nearly all tha Oounty Fairs In the State. Our prion, at th lata reduction, an m 2ai toot fttcA machine now told, and but a trifle higher than th Interior wo ttraad chai $ttcJk maeMtu; now forced upon the market. The WHBBLBB ac WILSON MAOHINB makes the Lock Stich the only one which cannot be rare led. It la Aula oa Both Sinn of th modi, learlne nn t-Mi or cAainontA under. tide. AU marMtut warranted S ytart, and imtrueHon given In their us, free of charro. , B. VBAST.Bl High St., Oolunbu, O. WM. 8DMNIR A CO., dec3-Sawd3mtwflra Pike's Opera Hoasa. Omeinnatl. t9. M. . Notice to Contractors. S1ALKD PROPOSALS will be reoeived at th office of the Oountv Auditor of Franklin eonntv. Ohio. until MONDAT, JULY 15th, IflCl, at IS o'elook, M. for tha Superstructure, Muoary. Xxcaratlon and Rmnank. ment of ths following bridge In th oounty of Frank lin; Over the Rocky Fork, where th eounrv road on tha townehlp line between tha township of Jeffsrsos and Plain crones th eame . Bridge to be 80 feet span and IB feet wide In tba elm, rovarMl n... nt. W. !.... Oreek at Dr. Olark'a ford. In Hamilton tovnablp. on the road leading from Oolumbua to Lookbourne. Bridge w oe sw iwt epau ana io reel wine in tne Clear cover ed. Over tbe branch near Dr. Btenhenaon'a. whitta tba road leading from Oolumbua '0 Weaterrllle eroeae the eame. unuge lo o at reat nan and 16 feet elite In tha clear. Oeer Canal at John Rogers', In Msdlson town ship. . Bids to be separate ror Bnparstruotare, Masonry, aad Exoavalioa and Bmbankment. Blda for Superatruotuxa to he ascamnanleil b. ana ppwiuGBiione. ' JOHW gWIDKR, ' . THOS. PPARHOW,! Oo; Oom. - TJ. B. STRAITR. ) j14-dlw4 ' ' i tunsiseopv.j Dissolution. THE CO-PARINEHSHII IIEHETO for xistlnc between the uodererfned. under tha Arm nam of A&xtrTROMQ THOMPBON, wu diatolr d by mutual aooaant aa the fires day of April, 1801. is Duimeeaoi to late nrm wiu aa aettiea by B. B. AaxUToao, who oonttnue aae bualnea at the old stand. .- a. b. aanaTRONQ. naylB-43w. . , I. THOMPSON. THE UinON FOREVER! UNION mUVBliOPKS-A UAUITY Ot darlgn. at 94,00 per 1,000. .k ) tnrioit letter iim van pap at nailS ths price charg 4 by amall dealer, i KTU AD QU ART B RS No. 75 loath High atreet. Columbus, May 8, 1881. J.U.BILKT. MIIO, W1WSLOW, An eiperienoed Nora and' Female Physician, present - - to the sttentlon of mothers, her . 800 T HING SYRUP, FOR CHTI.fJRRN TPK"rrrritr "ll'.l""' 'scllitata. the proceas of leathlng.'by soft ? pV. F,ln?' "omg all Inflammatlon-wUI allay ALL PAIN and spaamodio action, aod is BCHE TOHEGVLATE THE BOWELS Dirpend upon It, mothers, 1 1 witf give rest to yourselves , w?'Afa EEALTS TO T0TJB miKIB. ij iir V. '.1. anicie ror over ten years, wlil l,fiY, IN f"DKtl0B AND TKUTIlfof it, iiioi en . la oinuiiB INrtT who uMd u. orthr.urT" ? on. operation, .n ri"""B,,n,? wna. " Z7. 7. 1 . , "" oi sommeniiauon or It B.Ltl1j!-m?licl virtue, a, .peak In thia ' w Mi' w a uu H HOW :" after ten run' am.. 1 . - ww wnaj, w RSJ D ftfaaj IfUJliAltl. I Q f;.?H!tTOTJn f."0- wlM" tbln'fcntl.,uferlngfrom DUO &d sxlhsinntlnfi. mmMmf will m , . . -gnta.tlfnMI; TFalel wm I n ai Ami v. n a i . , . . . JnKP.trEE. INOSUOOBS rS"" U,ed W,Ul MiVB A1 rr... ' ""U'ANaM OF OASES. i 7i . "" PMn' ml "Vigor Sri tom,,t "i k)e,' eorreots acidity, and girrt tons and enanr ih. hi. .. ..' . ' .". stantly relieve .7 . 'm" ai GB:P:IO 15 IHB B0WILS, AND WIND COUfj alDd OTCfWrtllsa MfflniSrlAviai aarVfV tf ..a a, . ... . , , rrusvu, it uw injcaiiy rriTi -.'Si S." ' w bfllevs .It the BBrtT and SUK arua saBIUBUI All HI Tf UKLU, ID ftl 1 (MM nf ft V KNTBKY ,d DIAKRIICKA IN CHILDbTm! wMbl it arise from teething, or from any other cause. W. f.T ? ty,7 noihtT wh0 nu W nfferlng from Sn,,ILX'?iorea,'"'K0"DP1'nts-DO NOT LKT Vt)LB PBkJDDIOBS NOA TUB ntnnni,.;.V?. .I..f - m aw av wav a J Mm J Af J L IX Mm SAD lief LhaVL tTlll has HfTUIr- a nor, AfVi!?.? T folluw the dm of thl. medicine, If tlmelr uted. Fall dl- nr.tioDl frrr sisilnep will 'r. i...a. 1 --i -vvMijouj tw-n nuiiio. xnone genuine on em th fae-almll of CUR1IB At PBRKIN8. NSSV Vivsr. l m jwa Ina ah lal b. u Sold by all Druggists throuihout tha n.rM PrMclpal Office, 13 Cedar Street IV. V. nnrnn y-v t i,r,uflLI FER BOTTLE. oclS7-ditwly. PE0P. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE C0R1L AND BLOOD nENOVATOa I is preeiHiy what ita nam Indicate, for, whlli Q 0 pieaeaoi io u, ia,ie, it la renriryi ng, exhilarat ing. Invigorating and strengthening t j th rita' power, and at th eame time retiring. ,.tn tate, and renew th Blood in all It purity an Em 9 quo rwwnr ana renaer tv$tern in ntrabl to ait id ofdiwatt. It la tbe only Deration erer effarad to tha .iri,i mn .... cally and anlllfully combined a to be tb most p werful tonl). and at the same time aa n.rf.-u. wapiea n,Hwm in per eo aoojrrtano with the P .awa oi natu-e, ana nence will ueU Uuvnaktti MowukA, and tone op tbe dintattr organ, and tuu aiiKj uvrvwua hii omrr irnutUOn It I J per eotly exhilarating, and at th m time It i Si composed ntirly of rege tablet, yet so combined aa u proance tne mnsi in iroun tonic effect, with out producing aoy Injurious consequences Bucl sJ a remedy baa long bf en felt to be a detideratam I, ly he medical world, for It needs no medical skill tt w thatdebiiHy follow all attack of diieaae. and proceed and Indeed lay th rya'em open to Ihe Diineiaioueauacie oi many oi tne moat fatal, inch, if. r example, aa the following: Conanmntinn. In. w HlM.itnn flvai.,.t. I.,.. .n U Heart, Melauchoiy.NightSweata. Languor, Qlddi-j jveieouon ui, weii at raintui obstructed too profuse, or too leant Menitruation. .nrf p.n. a ing oCthe Womb. These all depecd upon general Hi debility. This pure, healthy, tonic ' cordial anil Blood Henorator i as sure to cure at the sun to n and at. There la no mistake about it. But h'i la not all. If the ayetem ia weakened, wa are .pen to bilious attack, the liter becomea torpid, jt wore diieaaed. tb kidneya refuse to perfonr heir functions, and we are troubled with ecalding ton loconuucuev vi urine, or inroiuntarydis charge of the tame, pain in the back, aide and be- A tween tba ahouidera, exceedingly liable to alight 11 looldi. coughi.andir ui checked, eoon emaciation v 'oilows, aoa tne patient goes down to a premature aiawe. auujpaiM win not allow us to enumerate fl the many lilt la which ws art lUble in a weakened U Mdlitaaaf the ajar.. But w will aay, la this! Cordial and Blood Henorator you hare a penoct.'Lj tafe, pleasant and effectual remedy for loss offl aupeuie, oiiwueueaa, riatuience. weak and lick" 4tomacb, Languor, Lirer Complaint. Chills andl Perer, or aoy Billoua attaxk, Ooatireneaa, Acidity if the Stomach. Nerrouineia. Nenralai. pint.. tiouof the Heart, Depresaion of Spirits. Sores.M f implea on the Face, or any dlisaae ariilnr frnm Jl ;mpure blood, uch a Scrofula, Eryaipelaa, Bron ? hitla. Cough, difficulty of Breathing, and all thatV. Jcla of diieue called female weakaeaa. and M enumerated abore." We will alio lay th trareler L"J expoeed to epldemios chantre of climate and ai.w Mr, will Snd it a pleaiant, tale and aura remedy,' Ut uu uuua euouia erer travel wirneut. tteader, -r. try It, for we mure sou you will find in Ita irianri H indeed, aa well aa a friend in need. All peraonaof tedentary babita will find It a perfect prerentira of , 0 4 a well ai cure for those ailment! to which they aie 1 imrucuiBriy expoaea. nence miniitere,atudenlt torneyi, literary g-ntlemen.and ladlea who ara not accustomed to much outdoor eietoiae, will find It to their advantage lo keep a bottle conitantly on hand; and, above all, mother, or the becoming luchi will go through that most dangerous perioc oot only wth all their aoouttomed atrength, but aie auu iree irom me mouianu ai menu ao nrer-l alent among the female portion of the world. It I thort, It la Indeed a molber'a cordial. Try It, ok I qu oungj so longer run me risx or aeiar; it wil relieve and enre ltelf emnhaticallir a Kttliwn Ur4 Cordial and lood Renovator. O.J. WOOD. , proprietor, 444 Broadway, No I ion, ana ne narxet street, et, bonle, Mo., an old by R0BKBTS Sr. BAatCEL, Oolumbua, Ohio i ana an gooi , Druggists: frlee On Dollai per Bottle. mrchi8-dA,weowly NEWARK MACHINE WORKS, hswaak ohio,' Iflannfaclnrere est all kinds of For- ie aua nniary sieans f.a-B-lnes, haw JVIalla, iirlaS tUilla, cVCar AX..' LASS OblX BeaUnt B. tt . BLAKJDYBeattnt J. mJ. a: DUTALL Beaten Ut-CO LVltBUi UAOmSX CO. BeaUnUH, BBXDtOBD at CO Realm! I !! ! - t - Ottr Portable Xuo-tna and Him VIII Was awarded th first premium of S5U at th Indlai a otaie jrair ror over Lane a Bodley's o account of Prise, lightness, simplicity, economy of liu-l and superior character of Inoiber eawetl. Onr Btationarr Cnin u .w.wl ar u :. the first premium of tOO. ' ' Onr PorDkhkn Knirlna na mfi. l tlUOat the Velrat Memphle. ffeima iyer BUni.y'g Da ell'm Oolambat litsohlDe QSw. etd Biot at Co'i , vj rm wiuxuiiitrvj ui prsa(Jlixaii nmiiasmea DKUimn tA. .-J 1. . J.l. AtVT IIW3 eUlU ICrOlSJ StUUrxrajg ' . . ' , WILLAEB WAE5J11; rraaaurer, decS-lawlyeoiS. ' - ' .t i, - Newark. Ohio it JTPni I inrrrt Wholesale and He tall Dealer ia . rOBAC(:0,:SOTFF;&CIGARS iN"o. SIS Fifth' Btrtset PIT VSBUGH.Pa. Kaop i miatantir n hand all th. ,.. nana BHAN M af . Oct. W- lA . . " new aiyira or l;Lnrn tin oniaaa. BaaqoiaMaod hatcnaa, made In t.,e tow.t and moat stylUh manner. alto, auperb flitia Mantilla and Baaouino. .. . , (aprilS BLACK STKAW llftNETS An lltm egant Klbbons, in great variety at Ml.Vrt, No. SU, Iliiiditreet,