Newspaper Page Text
DAKDTOfi STORE JUST RECEIVED BY WLL A GILL, No. 30 ITorth High Dtreet, Ou of At UrgMt Ml Bt MmM Awt , . . ', ... r ; Of ' " VER)0fFIRlD IH THIS 0ITY1 fc ' House Builders1 . Furnishings Of IV 1ST ITT LI AND QUALITY. . . treacaAABaerleani ' TJSrxxxCLaxxr CUcuaol PAINTS GROCND IN OIJL, tal pat aria half pound earn for family , and Cry Faint In bulk. Brushes of every variety & quality. A Splendid AMortment of . MACHINISTS TOOLS. CARRIAGE MATERIAD8. AXES GRINDSTONES, Sus. GUNS, PISTOLS, SHOT, 4o. FISHING TACKLE. - ROPE 4 CORDAGE, LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER. ' BELTING. WEDGES, MAULS, PUMPS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS SCYTHES, fee., SCALES, BELLS, CHAINS Table and Pocket Cutlery. 1 arpaelally Irrrlte th attention of til Interested to took of Pocket and Table Cutlery, and . I1LVER PIRATED FORKS, Table, Desert, and Tea Spoons, Butter Knives, &c, of ttoai&Sa a. BRO'S. aunnfacture, warranted to extreheavy, Electro-Plated, on genuine Albatt. ' Ooutry Merchant, Mechanic, and .then, art Inrlted to call and examine my Stock, ailaa prepared to nil Whole) Bad Retail. WM. A. GILL. Oorumbue, Ohio, May 8, 1B60. : LATHKOP, IUDLNGTON & CO, 23 & 25 PASK PLACE, 20 ft 22 MUEEAY SIEEET, KT3WYOIUX, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Foreign and Domestic D H Y GOODS FOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. SPIaXNO, 1861. We ire opening, at our ample warerooms, at the" abort number, Moot of Goods in each of the tlx department! of enr basinets, enpertor to anytnug w nav nereioior exhibited to the trade. CLOTH DEPARTilENT. Thlt la grown toltepreeent magnitude under the thorough management of a buyer of long experience tnd acknowledged good taate. We keep ex ten lire line of the flnett and choleeat FANCY VESTttfCS AND , FANCY CASSIMERES To be fontl In the market, all telected with the nloeet discrimination. Alto, til grade, colon and vertetlei of; BROADCLOTHS, , SATINETS, " LADIES' CLOAINNGS, , TWEEDS, FARMERS' and MERCHANTS' 0 ABBlTaaRIB, KKNTTJCKT JEANS, from 9' to IS J cento per yard and upward; TWEEDS, 13X to IS eentt perytrd-lait year lold a IB to SO; PSINTED SATINI TS, at 14 cent; And ttMer hod$ corrmpondinglif Lu. Bwmaw Dress-Goods Department. Mancheater D Lalnea, Bamlltoa do. Padflo i do. Printed Lawn, Printed Brilliant, Fancy Oinghami, , Bombazine, -Black Bilk, fancy Silk. Printed ChalliS, Manchester fllnghamt, Olaagow do. Cllaton do. Ottoman Cloth, Alpacas, Poplins, And Ik Nat Select 8tyUf . FANCY SPRING GOODS. Merrtmae Print, Blchmond'i Prints, Oocheco do. Arin Pieins do. Bunnell' do. Spragu' do. ' English do. Mancbetter, Ac. Prints, Ac. . lX)MIG9TIO CXDTTOTTB. Lawrcno 0. BheeUnf, Attentlo A. B heeling, Stark do. Amokf do. Lathrop do. Appieton do. Shawaut do. Errtt do. PoSt do. Ctlca. to.,- do. rocaaw AU Wmi. BLEACHED SHTBTTNOS AND SHIITDIGS. Wararatta, Swlghti Iwreno, lEZSSZ . Great ValU, Naumkeaf. VOlT . Waltham,. Boott, ' HwTorkMIll,e.,e. " SHAWLS ANFmANTIIIAS, IJ1BOB APD SlLltfT AiOOATanrrT. 00TT0NADE8 a great variety. OttBCKS . do. ' i TlOKINaS-ell tb kadlog brand. ' SBNIMB d. do. BBIRTIIfO iraMPES-all th leading brand. -' ANKBBNB , , do. . do. 1 ; OOAHBT J BANS .do. do. . . unaiSNi oo. v. . DAJaAcKS, . PAPER -CAMBRICS, COLORED CAM- LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCKS OF. wsro eooDS, ". YAVZXK KOHOTS, . Gciitlcnien's FiiTttialiing Gbod UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, , CAKPETS AND OIlCl,OTIIS, And gra rariety e iood tot enumerated all ot wbleawptMgwarerreioeii at in itwen mwr j).en tat target portion at trom 10 to 30 per cent, law mj awAyuar.. . , LATHROPjLlJDINGTONCO., HEW YOttK. .. mart .. , KSP02TED GOODS. JTST BECEITEIk BO eatta Italian Oil, Barton At Co., for tabtt as. . lO M Iitnch Maatard, favorite brandt; , , S Boned Bardiaet. the BKST Sardine Imp'td 4 " ef Caper ndOHre. 6 M Table rSaaof "Lea At Perrin't Woreettor ahlre." "Soytr' Sultana," "Joha Boll," "Harvey," "Beading." . ' 10 Walnut and Tomato Catsup. 1 Tdo. 0rx At Blaekwair eelebrated Bnglleh v " lkk!et,eoo!i!tir.gof"0ullflowwr,""PW ealill," OhowJhow," 'Walnut," On . tou," Ciage,' "Bean," -Qbrk'" Mx Pickle. r tf ' London Porter. . OampneirttelebratodScotehAl. " ejeameinrer Praeerve. . . ' ' to b-iim Iwii Maoarenl.and Tenaaellla. groae Oox'a Oelatint. OolffKoo'e oalebrated Bngllsh Mmrtart, la keg, bone, , wng.K.DOAU). I bo G E E A T CUBE". DR. LELAND'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC BAND J-iAlE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR " heom&tlsm, Goat and Hauralgia, AMD A SCSI CDRS f OR All' Mercurial Diseases. It U a it arranged Band, eontalntni t mad- leated compound, to bt worn a round the Waiat, without Injury to the mo it delicate peraoni; ao chants In kabitt of Utlng to required, and It entirely remove! the die ate Iron the tyatea, without producing the Injurktui efleota arising front tot att of powerful Internal medl etnet, which weaken and deettoy the eonitltuUon, and Eire temporary reltel only. y i treatment, in mea :tnal propertlei contained In the Band eomt la esntaot with the Mood and reach the diaeaee, through the poree of the akin, effecting In every butane t perfect cure, and restoring the parti afflicted to a healthy condition. Thia Band to alao a moetpowerful Aim-kUacoauii agent. and will entirely reuere in ayetem iron tnepermoKme effect! of Mercury. Moderate taeee are eared la a few day, and we art eonitaatiy reoalving testimonials of it tlBoacy In aggravated eaee of long Handing. raioa gstuo to no nan w vrnggiaia generally, or n be lent by nail or tzpreee, with full direction! for we. to any part or. in country uirooi irom. tn rnnoipmi Office, Bo. 409 BROADWAY, Hew York. G. SMITH or. CO., Sole Proprietors. N. S.DecriptlvClrculari Sent Free. A. I. SCHUELLBB It BOH, DtueeiiTl.'AoiRT. No. STT B. High St.. bet. Irlend and Mound, Oplumbm, 0. jrj Areata Waatedl Ereryivnere. mhSS lyliorlitp dfcw GUERNSEY'S BALM! GUERNSEY'S BALM T3EMOVES AND PREVENTS IN- namiiiatlon and nain. and heal the wont burn, ecald, bratee, cut .or fmh wound of any kind, prevent twelllng and pain from bo itlngi, moeqnito uiu, and potoonou plant, neuralgia, rheumatitm, agne In the breaat, tail rheum, eto. When taken internally, It will poeltlrely cur croup la children, and glree Immediate relief in tnt won, nn v, uu. puidm wvmi,iui iw. remoTe boanenem and tor throat. Price, 'JS eentt' bottle. Bhonld be In arery bout. For tale by Drug. gtit and Storekoepen. invin btunb, low Proprietor, Ho. 1 Sprue at., Mew York oeMdfcwljit no real luiUct era be don the abort preparation! but by procuring and reading deacrlpur ptmpmeu.i be found with all dealer, or will be tent by Proprietor M.m.nri. Vnrmulu and Trial Bottle tent to Phyal elan, who will And derelopmtnt in both worthy their aoceptanc ana npprorai. Oorreapondence tollctted from all whote necenltle or cnnotity prompv to a triat oi uv wt. niMw, mw ulc. lor tale by th njnal wholesale and retail dealer trtrywhert, JOHN A.. HUNNEWEIX, Froprlel CHIHIeT AND PHABJfAClUTIBT, Ho. 9 Conmnelal Wharf, Botton, Kan. ' a. hni. K. B. M.rale. J. R. Cook. J. M Denlr. 0. Senlg at Sou, A. J. Bchueller At Son, Agent lor Colombo. Ohio. myl-diy 8. DOYLE & CO. Mannfactnreri and Wholesale Dealer in BOOTS AND SHOES Northwert Corner of High and Gay Stt., ,) No. 61, CULDMBUg OHIO "A larg Stock of fin and Staple Ooodi on hand." 731-dtt SUNDRIES. TJIABINAt TAPIOCO, Arrow Boot, Scotch Oat Meal Split Pea C t wo late Broma, etc. Soda Prune Preah Tomatoei Ban Bio floor Pearl Barley Cracked Wheat Coco Cream Tartar, fig Seedl Bitelna Peache Oreen Corn Preah Cann'd PrulUof rrery decriptln; Jellietof all kindi; larorlnglxtractaofallklr'tJ. ' flam Drop; Mixed Candle; almond. Filberts, Peoon Nut!, Bngllah Walnnta, Bruil Nuu.etc, B027 wm Mcdonald. TRAVELLERS! rrrillK yon go to New York , drlr direct to the VY SiTlITtlSOAIAN MOI SE, BB0ADWAT, COBNEB Of HOUSTON 8TEST Condactrd on tb EUROPEAN PLAN. Oood Pan, Good Boom, Prompt Attendance, and Mod- rate Oharge. 8IN0LS SOOMS 50 CIS. 75 CTS. and $1 PES DAY. DOUBLE BOOMS and PARLORS 11,50 to $3. Maala aa ordered. Thl Hotel ha all th appointment of th bet hotels, a moit oentrai location, and la heated throughout by (team. eamu !. a. BuronvdJm . xroprieior. JOHV E WHKKMCB, A GEHT FOB HOBIE, COHTIHESXAlii X. MairaaTrAM, Stccam, and IartMalimt int. uo.' Nbw Toax: MBacHarrt and Cm Put or Haarroaa Nair Toax Lira and Com. Motoai, L.t1. Office, 81 Hlfk St., Savatje'a Bl bT-oiy " Alexandre's Kid Gloves. -rar.alM AW D EIIBROIDEHKD, ffiuus I OTJ BT AIRE and retnlar hap BlaJi Kid 6 lore. mibraiderad in white, matenta, purpla, dto. Undttesed- RtdOlore. Mtoaet Kid Olores. A complete aaaorUntnt f lb celebrated Glove! alway for tale by BAIN BON, , fb29 ' No. 89 South High itreet DBESS GOODS, . New and Attrttrtlve. , MOZIMIQUKS, v ; TkiviLiHQ Porum, '; CrRIfl POPUNS. ' . Poil d Cirrviis,. ' 1 ' GsilXLLM, FgiNca Chihtzi, .' ) Fkcncm Mosuns, . ' ' '. FlBNOR ObOANDIU, . ' Csirfisi Washiho Silbs, Elsoant Date 8iucs, . Hiaw BASQUE and Msntlb Silks And all other new and fashionable material! most In demand for bandtom BretK and Mantilla. . ' y BAIN ft BON, - aprS9 ' No. 29 ontlrHIgh street. HAVING THIS DAT SOLD 4CB Buck of Grocer id to 0. 8. DIMING, we cheerfully rwamw. au. our o r m Coldmbus, March SOlh, 1861 apl-dtf ' . - WM ww. . nr mmm wrm mfi TT'l'KUAI. ri.Al.1 naijaun. ua and TMtel! to match, at . , . , . BAM Siunmer Under Garments. X ADIES LISLE UNDER TESTS. Ji Ladle Otar Merte do. do. tint B11K irawer ana mmnm. Oeate India Oaat arwtri aad Shirt. . Cetton . , " " ; 14 - Oaux Merino TTnderStr). . ' ') Whit and Brown Diillinj Drawer. I ' White Lineo Drawer. ; , ! Extra large Under Shirt. " f apeilor Bsgllah Half Hotf. ' . toog Stocking!. - . ,. : ' . ' ' fancy OottoaHaltjIo. t ' Snapenden. .... J floldn Hill Shirt. ' Tor fkle in greet rariety add it ntdertte priOH, by . - inn .. -.-t ... J - 1 No. 39 South High lueet. Notice, Notice, CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS. mmOB ID UM tOaJWIUtTCiP we - " . 1 irJit w wiw BOIUaV lyHnnre ro-iguvja - ------r B., WMlheo elected President and If". A. Ptarr ap-pointedC-b.ler. . i ..laJ hlw Afllnawl. II1TIB 1 11 LDSL fcbTSl-d". ""-"w.A7PLATT.0h MINK kfUriSl TICTOtunaa anuvurao we are m Mlllng at V'rr low price, lto .ll olher kind feehlor,bU fur. . JTrlu ' ladier linen Pocket-Handk'fs. . HEW HIED STITCHED LINEN HAND kerchieft very wida hem. - ' JtiuDroldcreo atroen nanox t p".' - Hemmed StltchedendplMn do, do. . r do - do colored border. Moomlnf d . black boraen y in do newetjrlecroaiitltehed. . PlneArpledo newpattern. MlMtPlaln tad Hemmed SUtched do all prloe. floatDrlstM th meet nleot aetortaverit la th city aad at lowett Rrtoe. - BAIM At BJN, , serai . v. m vvwm ---- OHIO BXATESUAII I! HOUSE, Nos. it, ?8 A 40, North High St. INCEEASED P ACUITIES I 1.1 HAVING MOVED INTO MY NEW BUILDING, . ; : i have - - MY BOOK & JOB DEPARTMENT! WHILE BOTH HAVE BEEN ' REPLENISHED THROUGHOUT WITH New Types, Borders, Ornaments, &c IROM THE CELEB BATED FOUNDRY OF C. T. WHITE A -CO, NEW YORK, THUS MAKTNO IT THE Most Complete Establishment IN THE CITY. I km bow prepared to Execute all Order for BOOK AND JOB PRINTINGS, WITH DISPATCH! And in the Knt Approved Style of the Art PABTICU1AB ATTENTION PAID TO MERCANTILE AND RAILROAD Dill f LadlntV Jircnlra, . Bill Head!, . Blanks, Deed, Certiflctitea. Iteceipt. . rx Ticket!, KenUtcre, HOW CARDS & BILLS IN COLORS, CHICKS, CABDS, HEADINGS, HOTES, KNYXLOFES, . CONIEACTS. Illustrated Show Bills, FOR COUNTRY MERCHANTS, Show Billi, Hand Bills, Ikbeli, Concert Fro frmmnie, School tnd Collagt Schemee, Ho tel Bills of Tare, Invitation, Ao. BooK Worli OP EVERY DESCRIPTION School and College Catalogue, Kiaeellaiieou Famphlotf, Conatititlong, Beportt, Brief, Ae Printing in Gold and Colon ,' Printed In Every Color on a HammothHoe Cylinder, The only Frees of the kind in Central Ohio, My faculties for doing any and all of th abort dewrtn- non or won, art now nniurpanea, ana sauiracuon wiu be guaranteed in all case. 'All work fumlabed promptly by th Urn promlaed. BIOHABD NETINC OHABD NETINS, WHO SHOULD USB J. BOVEE DODS' DR. IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS? All who are afflicted with Incipient Consumption or Weak Lung ahould an them. All who (offer free Weak stomachs, indigestion. Dyt aepil or Plletthould as them. a., i. . i , . r . i All .uu WBDr iron vnnu ur nciTuuvm, Reetlettnem at night. Want of Sleep, Ac, should am tbem. All peraoni who are eonvaleacent after fever or other Mine anouia a a tnem. Mlntstenof th ttoepel, Lawrera, lecturers, and al publte epeaken abould use them. Book Keeper, and all person leading a edeotary if ahould as them. The aaed and roflrm ahould ue them. All who require a itlmutant or tonic ahould nt tbem. All wh are addicted to th nat of ardent spirit and wun w tntorm, snouta at tnem. Tbev are mad of a pur Sherry Wine, and ef th na- tire plant and herb of th country, and ahoald be re- eommenaea by temperano aoeieue, Clergymen, pnyav dans, and all friend of humanity. Ther ar prepared by an experienced and skillful phy etctan. tnd, atlde from their medicinal propertlei,. area mott delightful bmragci aad yet, ae a medicine, ar at nnocentaadharmlemaath dewi of boa Ten. Bold by dragirlett renerally. CHABLXS WIDDLYIKLD k CO., Proprietors, 78 William St., New York. - ROBERTS ft SAMUEL, Agents, Calaatbna, Onle - ctSCdAwly. Wholesale and Retail Depot for FAMILY GROCERIES No. 103 South High Street. Wm, JIcDOMID, DEALER IN ' TEAS, FINE & STAPLE GROCERIES IN ALL 'HEIR VARIETIES. Dally rriral at Goad For the Fall and : Winter Trade Of .1860-61 TTPHETCKNINQ SINCERE THANKS TO THE PDBEIO for past favor and patron age, and being DETERMINED to JDTEBIT a continuance of same by etrict ai'tonUaai te trade, and praaap aellwerr mt Gaaaa I would call the Biatlce of the public to th fact that having .aEarg-e and wall Selected Stock, on hand, aad being ln'delly receipt ef goods from th difltr- sn t market, I flatter myself that I tan offer to the eUV aeni of Oolutibu, r te any who may dnlre to purctaee, aa awortmtnt of article appertaining to th GROCERY trade, UNEQUAEED by acykoua la the city. The price tnd quality of th goods offered, I gfaar. antee to fir eatlalacUaa. ' Goods TeliTered Free of Charge, atvsr. ' ' wm. Mcdonald. FIRST OPENING; OF THE SEASOW 01 SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS A.T IP. HOSE'S. T AGAIN OFFER TO THE PUBLIC A'an entire new stock of Goods In my Una, Jut purch ased In Hew York at the cneapett panic ratet,all of wmcn I shall fell tt th tmalleat profit, for Caih. My cuites. n and friend ar mpectfully Inrlted to call and exam ine n, Goodi aad Price, a I am determined to tell Cheap or cneaper man any outer nnuie in ine oiiy I ana es I do my own Cutting, and tuperintend my own busl nees, I feel assured, from my long experience in bull ae, te aire general tatltfactloa. Tht flnett of work men ire tmplofod, and all work done strictly to time and on ebjrt notice, and warranty co fit. Btrangor visiting oar el t j ww Id oontalt their interest by gIMn; m a call before purchasing tswhtr. f. BOSB, .. raercnanixauor, march99-dly Cor Hlrh and Town tit. , Laces and , Embroideries, VALENCIENES, SI tLTE'R Ac POINT Lace Collars and Belts. Preneh, Puibtr and Thread Lao Yell, (new pattern,) Talenctenet, Thread and Point Laoee, breidered Collar, Belt, Trunmrng ud fklrt. Uo Barbee and Coiffure. Plain LI nee Collar, ttte tad Guff, BmkroidtrM Oolavn and van in Ben. . i, ..,..:'-.: aain at sun, . .. No. OT. South High Street. SI I DUIITIM 1 llll Hill u g co ,S A , Bt s EtH an o W w I 8 91 i N to tm H M h . : irri INVITE ATTENTION to om of th most ex- Inordinary nra by my , PECTORAL SYRUP. They ire at home, and any ona who ha doubt can In quire of th parson who ea?.been cured . DR. KBTBKR IS PREPARED AT ANT TIME Tp EXAHINH LUNGS WITHOUT CHARGE FOB ALL TUOBB WHO NBBD HIS MEDICINES. .ATTEND TO TOUB COLDS A cat of Svtyeart' tending cured by DR. KEXBBR'S PBOTOBAL 8YBUP. - PiTWnmH,Jan. 11, I860. : Da. Kma-My wif he been afflicted with a bad cough and difficulty of breathing, for Av or ill yean, which, for erral year back, had gradually increaaedin violence. The complaint baa been hereditary, and ah had been treated by aereral phyalclani without any re lief. In thl itate of her cue, I procured some of your Pectoral Cough Byrnp. I bought, the Snt time, a fifty cent bottle, which relieved her very much ; I thenoalled and got a dollar bottle, which cured her entirely, and ah hai now no trace or the former dlieaae, except weak ness. I would alto Hat that I need th medicine my telf to a cold and cough. The medicine cured me by tak ing on doe I txpren my entire setlifactlon with th medicine, and yon are at liberty to publish tho if yon deilretodoK. . . WM. WILSON, Alderman fifth Ward. PrrmtmoB, Ifov. 18. 1858. Da. KiTixa : Although not an adrooate of Patent Medicine!, In genera, it afford! m pieasur lndeecrtra ble to recommend your Pectoral Byrup. As a medicine It Is well worthy the attention of any person aho may In any manner be afflicted with toughs, ooldi and hoaneneei . vi . - - .v. . Kuniia nn.liAMtlnn. fnr n. Ol BD, tUUU, .UU 1UI 1UV nmia.M moriDg all that disagreeable sensation attending a se re re oold. J V?L- . i. . nr. .WixIimI wtlh the a uaTO ucvo, nun wi ivmut m. ...w, - - - tvereit of oold and hoartenew. At time my throat would become eooloied as to prevent my speaking above a whlsder, and by taking a few dose of th shore Byrup Itwonia reuere me enureiy. In recommending thl medicine, I mart unhesitatingly ay that It la th belt remedy I vtr totnd, purporting to curt the aboT. nor should any family be without thl Yon re, most rerpectfully, EDWARD J. JONES, . Ctshtir Cilisetu'DepoiltBtnk. RTenancrrLLa.0'. March 14. 1PS9 I bar used Dr. Keyier's Cough Byrup for a bad cough of aereral years standing, and can cheerfully say It Is th belt medicine for the tarn that I hire erer taken. J. W. PRICE COL. PRATT AND DR KETBER'B PECTORAL BYRUP. Da. Km ra Dear Bin Excua th deity of my acknowledging theexeellenc Of your Pectoral Uougn Byrup sooner. I take great pleasure In taying that It li all you lay it la. knocked (A tuyito onto myomQh and th worst on I was erer afflicted with.' I bar not need more than one-half of th bottle, and I can and do with that all who an afflicted would girt it at fair trial aa I have don, and they will be proud to say, "It Is no quack medicine." I would not suffer another inch an attack for any consideration, or at any coat. I am con fident I can breath mora freely than I ever did. I shall always acknowledge a debt of gratitude for inventing so excellent a remedy, ion an at uoeny w nee my name In thl regard, aa yon think proper B. W. PRATT, Messenger Common Council, Pittsburgh, P. Pittsburgh, May 11, IBM. N. B I am no stranger to my fellow-dttaeni. and who entertain doubts otn consult me personally. E I. P. FrrrsBuiaa, April Si, 1857. BEAD THE TRUTH. Da. Knaaa: I bare a daugh ter who has taken tereral medicine for a bad tough without benefit among them Ayer' Cherry Pectoral. I purchased from you a bottle or your rjsuruMAx, SYRUP, and before the had used half a bottle ah was rellered. Th second bottla cured her entirely of her cough. . JOHN DARIN, . ) nooinson sireet, auegoeny, PrTTstoaaw, December, 31, 1853. A GREAT CURB BY DR. KBYSEK'0 I'Jf 010KAL BYRUP. I Urt In Peebles townehip, Allegheny county. I had aeonthtnt- and nlttlna. which commenced aoout tbeeth of february last, and continued eight months. I emoloved th but physician In th country, and my cough continued unabated until early in October. Al mat tiro I wa aavitea to try your rsui vnAii uuuun BY ail P. which I did. and alter I had taken one bottle I wae entirely fret from the eonghlng and (pitting. I had despaired of erer getting well, a' I think It ahould be knnwn that thl valuable remedy will do for other what It hae don In my cue. JOHW V. unu, - Witness B. M. nana. x-eeDies townnip. Psttom Tp, April 14, 1857 . A WONDERFUL CURB. Bom tun ago. an old neighbor of mine wa very 111. with a bad cough which rery on supposed to be consumption'. His relatires tola me tost n naa taken (very remeuy iney nearu oi without benefit; hli brother came to tee biro die, and all were confirmed In the belief that he conld not lire. 1 had about th third of a bottle of your Pectoral Syrup, which I gav bias, and It entirely cured bint, to to aelon lahmentofalL Wbat make th cast mora remarkable. is th extreme age of the man, h being aboutelghty years old. i have no douDt to rectorai sarea nil me. jgUMN' eiNNIS. DR. KEYBER'B PECTORAL 8YRTJP IN ELAIRB- YILLB. Pleaae send m another supply of your valu able "Pectoral Byrup." Almost ererroooy around ua ha theeold and an inquiring for "Dr. Keyaer'i Pectoral Byrup." W hare loldilxteen bottles last week, and are now anttrelv ont. Mr. A. Alter and Ms. P. Maher. both of Blalrrrllle, Pa., tell us they would not be without It In their families, in net, au wno us it one want It again. Your, rerpectfully, J. 8. WATTEB80N at EONS January , I860. ANOTHER NEW OERTI I1C ATE DR. KEYSER'S PEOTORAL SYRUP-1 bad been troubled with a cough and oold tor aersral week to bad wa it that I could aot sleep, 1 had th ad rice and prescription from three of th best physicians In thtelty, whom 1 oould name, bu t do not do so. i nntiiyproeurea a ooiim oi your rectorai geran. which cured m enure lv. rlirned. S3fiL j. n.nuiunivn. Liberty itreet, Pltteburgh, Pa., Jan. 9, 1860, 'STOP THATjOOTJQHING. 'How cah I do ltT "Oo to Keyaer'ion Wood ttreet and get a botth) of hi Cough Pectoial, and If that doa't our you, yonr oast must be desutrate Indeed,"- Shi la aipecimen of th eolloaur one hears almost arery day in oold catching period of th year. And we can, from actual experiment, cheer fully concur to tht adriier' admonition a aber, for w hare tried tne "i-eeiorev-in amoisiuworn ease, wito Mtire success. Near two weeks ago w went to Fittsbargb, with on of th Bostdiitrening, contrary, mulish, on subdusbla cough w rer experienced ilnce our advent upon thte mundane sphere. We 'Coughed steadily and laboriously for on whole week, in hope of tiring a out, but It waa no go. in tact it aeemea ratnev to nav lnv nroved b nractlce, and to hire acquired atrenrth.ioten cy and dittrtttibililf by the operation. In this stag of th siege, wa eoajbed our way to Keyaer', 10 Wood St. procured fifty cent bottle of th "Pectoral;' took it aooorolog to airecaona, ana in ioriy-eigut noun we were master of th field, th enemy baring unconditionally surrendered, after a brief but unequal conflict with so formidable an adreraary s aeyair tamoui "Uougu rectorai." irovmmu4 vupport im J, ity. DR. KEYSER'S PECTORAL SYRUP I prepared and oldbyDr OEOHQB H. KJKYBEB, HO Wood Itreet, ritfibunn, ra. . Bold la Columbus by ROBERTS At SAMUEL. rpoOTHAVHE KE1MEDY. ' . A STJIUn CTJKK. Prepared and sold by Da. 0E0. H. KETSEA, Price, 15 oenta. , UO Wood tt., Pltteburgh, Pa. IO Sold la Colunbui by EOBIRTS At SAMUEL. crs7:8tawdm. WM. KNABE & CO., Wat k ww AT 1 11 K 1 Ira NEW BALiKra., BOOM, SO. 1M MALTJMORSST. aaa - NOS. 1, J, 5 and 7 N. ETJTAW 8TEE Offer for ail their oelebrated GOLDEN MEDAL, r UKAJNU ' . AND SQ ARE PIANO-FORTES. Beln hlihlv recommended by the first Profetsoit and Musical Amateurs oi tne country, tna BVBRY - . : . " ' INBTBTJMBNT WARRANTED TOR IIYE YEARS Th most faatldloui eustoaer may rely upon being pleased in every rasped. xerm neerai a. . wv. SBLIZER At WEBSTER, Agents, ocl9S;lydw. - Oolumbu. Ohio, FANOT DREW SILKS, -. IAN0Z DRBBS SILKS, , IAN0Y DBEBS SILKS, Wt an bow efferina car Immen (took of fancy Dress Bilks at price lea thaa err befor offered la thl city. Th attenUo of th ladle of thl city aad vicinity ta ffmdei of food! la thU 11m. PITKR BAIN, mart. " tyvuvj uiko nmi. STELLA SHAW LSI STELLA SHAWLS 1 1 In all desirable color, and at rery great bargains. . BAIN Ac SON, ., apnid 1.0. mw ppqin into street. W IDE jrtANTLB BAHAGES, BOTH White and Black, Just reoelred at ySB BAITS , BSOOaniXNDEO BT THE LATB ' SIR AStLEYl COOPER, DR. VAtENTiNE MOTT. OS MEW TOEK. The. oknowltdgsd Heada of th Frofeuloa ra eltkt jriomiipnere. The beet Wnretio, Tonio. and Inrlforant, The Plneet Extract of the ITAli4N JUNXPBB BffiKBr. The rarest and Most Coetlv Gin Ex- tent. INDISPENSABLE TO FEMALES, INVALUABLE TO THE SICK, . INCOMPARABLE FOR THE AGED. THE SAFEST AND MOST DELICIOUS BEVERAGE IM THE WORLD. For Bale, Pints nd Quart, bw ewer Drnggiat, Grocer, or Country Merchant LOOK OUT FOB BOGUS Xj O N D O N Gr I N 8. TEB ONLY OENTJINB AHTICLB IS CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL GIN. B. BALDWIN & CO., Importers, 91 Liberty St., NKW YORK. fxrtd la Oolnmbns by - McKHB ar BIBTiaAm, . . Wholesale and Retell Grocers, Statesman Building. C. A. WAGNER. and othera. In Cincinnati, by BUIRB, KOKBTEIN At CO., . orfM-deodAUew and other. 'HE WEEKLY OHIO STATESMAN. HAVING A CIRCULATION ' LIEGES BT SEYEBAL THOTJSANDS Than ny other paper In Ohio, outside of Cincinnati Offers Facilities for Advertising Which CANNOT PAIL to bring Speedy and IaemniioraMvo Heturne To those who take advantage of then. THE WKKiXLY STATESMAN, Distributed as It li through treiy Poit Office la Ohio, Reaches a Large Glass of Readers Who patronag I valuable, and who seldom ice the Dally Edition! of city Journals; and a only A limited Number of Advertisements Are Inserted In It columns, anpoprlately and HANDSOMELY DISPLAYED I nirr caintoT Mt to OP ALL I WHOLESALE DEALERS Adverting In th WEEKLY STATESMAN will fin It advantagon in THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which I almost certain to follow an cxtenilve dlssemln atloa ' . knowledge of their buslnes . AMONG COUNTRY DEALERS! ADTERTISEMENT8 INTENDED POR The Weekly Statesman Should ta-kaaded In before Ijrldirjrjfjai THE ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, And frorwa rnore and more popnlar - every dayl And .teitlmonlali, new, and almoit without number might be given from ladle and gentlemen in sit grade, of society, who united testimony none oould reilit, thatPiof, Wood' Hair Reatoratirewlll restore the bald and gray, and preserr the balr of the youth to old age, in all itsyoutnrui beauty. Battle Creek, Mlch.i Deo. Slit, 1858. Paor. Wood: thee wilt picas accept a line to Inform the that the htlr on my head all fell off over twenty year ago. cauaed by a complicated chroolo disease, at tended with an eruption on th head. A continual course of suffering throunb life harina reduced me to tale of dependence, I have not been able to obtain luff for cap, neither hare i oeen able to do tnem up, in Con leononce of which my head has suffered extremely from cold. Thl Induced me to pay Brlggi da - Hodge almoit th lait cent I had on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Hair Reiioratlve, about th tint of August list. I hart faithfullf followed the dlreotloni,and the bald ipot It now corered with htlr thick and black, though inert, it li alao coming In all over my head. Peeling confident that another large bottle would reator it entirely and permanently, I feel aoxlo'ui to perteverv in It use, and being deatltnte of meant to purchase any mora, I would ask the If thee wouldit not be willing to tend me tn order on thin agent ror a ootue, and receive to thy self the scripture declaration "the reward la to those that are kind to tnw widow ana me ituierieai." Thy friend, SUSANNAH KIRBY. Llionler. Noble County, Indiana, Feb. Sth. 1859. Paor. 0. J. Woon: Dtar 6ir:la tha latter part of th year lew, wntie attending in slat and National Law school or tne but ot new tort, my hair, from earn unknown to mt, commenced falling off very rap idly, so that In th short tpae of ilx month, the whole upper part ef my acalp wis almoit entirely bereft of it eorering, and much of th remaining portion npon the lid and bee part of my head ihortly after became gray, 0 that you will not be eurpriied when I UH you that up on my return to th Blew of Indiana, my more casual aequalntene wet not ao much at a loss to discover the cause oi tne cnange m my appearand, as my more inti mate acquaintances were to recognise me at all. I at one mada application to tht moil ikillful phyil- el ana in th country, but, reoelring no assurance from them that my hair would again be restored, I was forced to become reconciled to my fate, until, fortunately, in the latter part of the year 1857, your ReitoratiT wai re commended to m by a drugglat, as being the most rellai bla Hair Restorative in use, I tried on bottle, and found to my great eatlifactlon that it was producing th deiired effect. Since that time, I have need seven dol tan' wgHB-or yiur-xteauuxir, and a a remit, have a rich coat of very ion black nair, which no money can boy. a a mark of my gratitude for yonr labor and iklll In the nroductlon of lo wonderful an article. I have recom mended It ua to many of my friend! and aCQUalntancei, who, I am happy to inform you, are uiing it with like enect. very respeciiuiiy, youri, . A.M.LATTA, Attorney and Oouqssllor at Law. ' Depot, 441 Broadway, and sold by all dealer! thrqrwh out the world. , V - Th Restorative U put up In bottlei df ft realise, via.' Urge, medium, and small: the intall hold K a slot, and retail for ona dollar per bottle; the medium holdiat ltait twenty per cent, more In proportion than the imall, and retail for two dollar a bottle; the larreholdia quart. 40 per cent, more in proportion, and retail! for S3 a bottle. O J. WOOD At CO., Proprietor, 444 Broadway, HtW; aora, auu ua maraec oireei, at ijouii, mo. And told by ROBERTS A BAWTJKL, Oolumbu, Ohio, and by all good Druggist and Fancy Oood Dealers. prill:dAweowlv. Watches I Diamonds.!! Silver Ware!!! A CHOICE A'SORTHENT OF GOLD and Silver Watches, In great variety. I am Agent for the AataicaH Watch Co., and can ell these excellent Watchei at manufacturer!' pilcei. eliher Wholesale or Retail. r TJome and choc from mv beautiful dlmla f nt. monds and other rich Jewelry. Styles ne w price low. A to Silver Ware of sterling quality, I can ahow new patterns, very handsome. ' .;. Silver Plated Ware, Tea Belts, TJrni, Walter, Castors, Basket, Pitcher, Goblets, Knives, Forki, Bpooni, Ac. Then I hare a rapplyof fin Table Cutlery, Pocket Knirea, Basora, Ac. and man Panes i3imln,-h ar deiired for presents at luch prlcei aa i re an Induce ment te the purchaser! WM. BLYNN, .. No, 10 Buckeye Block, mr31 ' North lido State Houae square. , Gents Linen Shirt Collars, OP "TJPEHIOR QUALITY, IN GAR. ROTE, Standing, Brron. Penlenav. lUnfr.. j other new ahapet. Hemmed Pocket Uandkerchiefs, Neck Tie. Block, BtraM and Evening Olore. Half Hew of erery kind, Under Garment and all kind of Gent' Fur nlshlng Goods In great variety and at moderate price. , . . BMH mt BON, - teta - No. g) South High itreet. MALTESE Ac THREAD LACE MITTS ef elegant qualities for Ladies; gin, Miami' Mitt 5 ' ' ' . BAIN'S. L . THE GREATEST DISCOVERY 1 I , ? OF THE AGE. K. KENNEDY, OF HOXBURTI has diseovarea in ont or our common pasture weeue a remedy thntoare Every Jlind of Humor, f ;,''lB0M .r .' r. The worst Scrofula down to a eommon Pimple. Ha has trltd It In over eleven hundred decs, and nev tr failed except In two oaae, (both thnndtr humor.) He hat now in hli possession over one hundred Certificate! of It! value, all within twenty mile of Bolton. Two bottle an warranted to cure a nunlng tor month. . One to three bottle will cure th wont kind ol PlmpJe An the . ' . Two or three bottle will elesr the system of biles. Two bottles ar warranted to cure th wont canker Id th mouth or tomach. . . Three to- five bottle are warranted to cure the wont kind of Bryilpela. . . uneto two bottle are warranted to cure an nomor th Eye. Two bottle art. warranted to cure running e the ear land blotches among the hair. sour to nx ootiei art warren tea to curt corrupt ana running ulcere. One bottle will oure scaly eruption of (he tktn. Two or three bottle ar warranted te euro th went kind of ringworm. - : ' , Two or three bottle are warranted to cure fh most desperate case of rheumatlnn. Three te fonr bolt lei are warranted to cure salt-Rheum. Tire to eight bottle will aura th wont esse of scro fula. ! A benefit 1 slway experienced from the first bottle. a penectcure 11 warranted wnen ue abort quantity u taken, : ROXBOBY, MABS. Data Maoim: The reputation of the Medical Dli covery, In curing all kind of humors, li to well eauh llshed by the unanimous voice of all who hare erer used it, that I need not tay anything on th subject, as the most skillful physician and the must careful Drnggiata la the country art unanimous In It praise. - In presenting th Medical Dlsoovery to your-notice, 1 do It with a full knowledge of it cnratlre power, In rej iienng all, and curtna moel 01 uiose aiieaae to wmcn rmmirfaMauliiii liable.- Tim II ..MnLlliiii diseaM to an alTeotionate mouicr; NCBSINO SUHIC HIO TH, li cured as If bv a miracle: ronr own temper it restored to its natural sweetness, and yonr babe from abort and fretful naps to calm and tweet ilnmberi; and the Medical Discovery become a fountain of blearing to your huiband and houiehold. - In the more advanced stage or ' . CANKBIt Itextenaitothestomach,cau!lnr . ' DXSt'tiPltM, . which I nothing but canker on the stomach; then to th inteitlnei and . KIlinE '. creating a sinking, gone feeling, and aa Indifference tret to tne caret 01 your iamuy. Your itomach li RAW AND INFLAMED, 1 yonr food dlitreate yon, and you can only tak certain kinds, and even of that youriyitem,doei not get half th nourishment It contains, a th aerlmonou fluid of the canker eat itnp; then yonr complexion lose! It hlnam and becomes aallow and creenlsh. and your beat day la gone, for want of nourishment your (yitem be- oomei loose and flabby, and th fibre of your May oe eome relaxed Then follow a train of disease which tht Medical Discovery Is peculiarly adapted to Palpitation of tht heart, pale la 'the ilde, weak neat o the ipine and small of the back, pain of the hip Joint when you retire, Irregularity of the boweli, and al, that most excruciating of disease, the , ; ' PILES. How many thouaand of poor women are lufferlng from thia diieatt and pining away a miaerabla life, and their next door neighbor doe not know the cause, 1 with te Imprest on your mind that good old prorerb,'An ounot of prevention is better than a pound of cure," In the . MEDICAL DISCOVERY you have both the preventative end the cure,' with thai great and good quality, that It will never, under any etrcumitauce, do you any Injury. ' THE MEDICAL DISCOVERS I eaptdaly Intended for dlieaae of the blood, but ilnce it Introduction tn the Western State, it 1 found to br the bait - AGUE HEWED l" . thatwas ever before the public. ' No change of diet erer neoenary eat th beat yoa car and get enough of it. Diascnosi roa ran Adult on table spoonful per day Children over ten year, deaeert spoonful Children from fire to eight years, tea spoonful. As no direction! can be applicable to all eoniltution, take sufficient to operate on tht bowel twice a day. 1 ours truiy, ' DONNALD KENNEDY. : Price $1.00 perbeHlec- tor ' y erery drugriit ta the rjnlted Slate. - - lepSl-dfcwly, IftO YOU WANT WIIISKERS? DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? . DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? BELIIKGHAM'S CELEDRATED Stimulating Ongacnt, For the Whiskers and Hair The subscribers take pleasure In announcing o the CiUaeni ol tha United Statei, that they bare obtained the Agency for, and are now enabled to offer to the American publlo, the above- juitly celebrated and world-renowned article. Th ... ,.'... ; STIMUUTING ONGUENT S I prepared by Da. 0, P. BELLINGHAM, an eminent phyaician of London, and Is warranted to bring ont thick tet of ' , , Whiskers'or a Mnstache In from three to ilx week. Thlt article li th bnly one of the kind used by th Preach, and In London and Pari! it li In unlrenal use. It Is a beautiful, conomlal, toothing, yet atlmulatlng compound, acting aa if by magic npon tha root, causing a beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. If applied to the acalp, It will cure aaLntna, and came to ipring np io place of the bald ipot a fin growth of new hair. Ap Sited according to direction!, It will .turn tn or towt airaaK,and restore gray hair to Hi oriilnal color, leering It loft, tmooth, and flexible. The "Oxactirr" li an Indiipenmble article In every gentleman' toilet, and after one week' as they wonld not foranyconildaration bewlthoutlt. The lubKribert ar the only Agente for the article In the United State, to whom all order mult be iddreated Price One Dollar a box for aale by all Druggiit and Dealen; or box of th "Onguent" (warranted, to hare the deiired effect) will tie tent to any who desire It, by mail (direct), securely packed, on receipt of prlco and postage, SI. IS. Apply to or add reel HORACE L. UKQEMAN A CO., . " BkcoetsT, Ae., febSOdAafim ' . 4 William Street, New-York. -BaltimorriXlutliiBg House, aacraomtiat awn wbolbbVu piaum -ra READY-MADE CLOTHING, No. 308 W. lMtimorc-street, (srrwrjqi trantTT Aire Bowats,) ' ' BALTIMORE, Md. A Large AIOrtrnent ol Pieoe and rnrnlihlof floods Conitantly on Haid' Octaodiy . . . HENEY TOW, Wholesale and Retail Dealer la Foreign & Domestic Cigars, ARB BBST BKARD Bmokirjff & Chewing Tohaeco. Also, th beet quality of SirCITl eoniUntly na aano. TrpCountry Merchant are Invited to call before pur chasing elsewhere. ' , , . NO. 4 EAST THIRD STREET, Bel. Main and Sycamore, nov21wflm CINCINNA.TI. O. GENTS PAPER Neck Tie. ' collars. And Handsome and economical. Also. SUM Tie,- ' - ;4 ' ' ft)tjiri, , -v Llnen Cellar. Half Haet ' ' Vratweza, AO' j ' . BAIN SON, ' pr29 Vo.M South High itreet. GOLDEN HILL SHIRTS, ' : ' . ' GOLDEN HILL BHIRTS. ' , ' - OOLDBN HILL SHIRTS. Th pattern f ttteeo ihlrt ar new. I be Bodies, Yokes, lleerei end bosoms are formed to fit the person with eu and aomfort. th mark apon each oua designating th is may be tailed on ee being eormet, end each shirt i guaranteed well mad. ,A full tock ef all quallUe constantly for tale at . . GAIN'S, eovSA. . .. Ho. 9 South High Itreet. CURE. CURE iervousHeadaclie By th as of the Pill th periodlo attack of Asf ee or Ski BeaiacM maybe prevented; and If taken at th commencement of an attack Immediate relief from pain and ilcknei will be obtained ' They seldom fall In removing the Navua and ocAe to which female! are to luhjeot. They act gently npon th bowel removing Cbrtt " T v,. . r . at.. J, J- " for MMHrarji Mm, ermtmum, veuuaie ," andallpersoni of asJenfary AaMf. they are value a laxative. Improving th appetUe, giving tone tngar to tha dlgcitlv organ, and reatorlng th natur elutlelty and itrength of th whole aystem. TK,TPHALIO PILLS tre th result of long lnv tlgttlofid carefully conducted xperlment, having been la . at many yean, during which time they hare pre rented and relieved a rait amount of pain and suffer Ing from Headache, whether originating in the nerovl system or from a deranged state of the ttomaeh. They are entirely vegetable In their eompoeltlon, an may be taken at alt time with perfect safety without making any Change of diet, oni tht abmo$ of any iixtareedbk tart render! if easy to pdminiitor them children 1 - BEWARE Of OOUNTEdlBITS I Th genuine have five ilgnatnie of Henry 0. Spalding on each Box i LfloJd by Druggljt and all other Dealers la MedlctnM- A Box win awns aw aull. Brasald, on' receipt of th Price, QO Oozxtss. All order ibonld be addreated to . IIENItr V. SPALDING, - -8 Cedar Streets New York. TOE FOLLOWING ENDORSEMENTS OP SPALDING'S CEPHALIC PILLS, WILL CONVINCE ALL WHO BUPIIR IBOM HEADACHE, THAT A SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN THEIR REACH! Al Viete Tatimonialtvtr wuoUeiUd bvilM. true me, they afford vnqwttirmable proof of tht effi . caoy of thU truly tcieniiflc ditoovery. MiSonvruA, Co., Feb. 5, 1861. Ma. SraLBina. Sir: m I have tried your CepTiallo Pills, nd lik t hem to eeeS that I want yon to lend me two dollar worth more. Part of these ar for th neighbor, to whom I gar . few out of the flritbox I got from you. Bend th Pill by mall, and oblige '. Your ob't Servant, JAMES KBNNEDY. rUmtroRD, Pa., feb. 0, J861. Ma. BraunKe. ' Bibi I wish yoa to tend me one more box of your Ctphtllo Pill, I have received a gnat deal of bonefltfrom them Your, mpectfully, - MARY ANN 8TOIKHOU8B. BntDcxCuxK, HoRTtRBTOK. Co., Pa., January 18, 1801. H. 0. BratniRo. Bia: f Yoa will pleale tend me two boxet c.our Cephalic Pills. Bend tbem Immediately. Reipeatfally yourt, JNO. B. SIMONS. P. 8. J ham vied ont bom of your J'til, and find them excellent. Bttxa Yxmox, Ohio, Jan. IS, 1861 . 'tftwKTOrt3niriiRo, Bsq. - - Please find enclosed twenty-lire cent, for which seed me toother box of your Cephalic Fill. They are truly the beet PUlt 1 have over tried. ' Direct A. STOVER, P. M., Belle Vernon, Wyandot Co., 0. BrvntLT, Mam., Deo, 11, 1860. H. 0. BriLDtNo, Eiq. I with for some circular or larg ihow Mil to bring your Cephalic Pill more particularly before my custo mer!. If you bare anything of the kind, pleas tend to me. On of my customer, who I subject to serere Sick Headache, (uiually laatlng two dayi,) tea oured of an attack in ont hour by your Pill, which I tint br. Respectfully yours, W. B. WILKES. RrrROLMBrita, Ts.iRii.iR Co,, Ohio, January 0, 1W1. , DruRt 0. SriiniRe, , No. 4rJ Cedar it., N. Y. ' Dai Bib: Inclosed find twenty fire cent, (25.) for which send box of "Cephalic Pllli." tend to addieii of Rev. Wm. 0. Tiller, Reynoldiburg, franklin Co., Ohio, Your Pillt work like a charm oure lltadache al moel tnttanter. Truly your, WM. 0. FILLER, YniURTi, Mira., Jan. 14, 1861. Ma. BriLnura. Bia:. Net long since I aent to yoa for a box of Cephalic Pllli for th cur of th Nerroui Headache and Ooottreneie, tnd reoelred th same, and they had to good an tftot that Ilea induced to tendor mote. Please tend by return mail. Direct to A. R. WHEELER, YpiilanU, Mich. - From tht Examiner, Norfolk, Va. '' Cephalle Pllli aecompllih the object for which they were made, Tit. : Oure of headache in all it form. From th Examiner, Norfolk, Va. They have been tested In mora than a thouaand cases with entire lucceaa. From tha Democrat, St. Cloud, Minn. If yoa art, or hare been, troubled with th headach send for a box, (Cephalic Pill,) to that yoa may bar them la cast of an attack. From tha Advertiser, Prorldinoe, B. I. The Cephalle Pllli are raid to be a remarkably effective remedy for th headache, and one of the very belt for that very frequent Mmpltlnt.wbtch ha ever been dis covered. From the Weitern B. R. Oasette, Chicago, III. We heartily endorse Mr. Spauldlng, and hi uoriraled OtphallePlll. From th Kanawha Valley Star, Kanawha, Va.' We are is re that penom suffering with th headache who try them, will (tick to them. , i From the Bon then Path finder, New Orleans, La. Try theml yon that are afflicted, aad we are tare that your teatlmonycan be added to th already numerous lit that has received benefit that ne other medicine can produce, ,. . ; From th BL LouU Democrat. Toe Immense demand for the article Cephalle Pill If rapidly laereaalng. From the Guette, Davenport. Iowa. Mr. Spalding would not connect hi Base Wttll ta ar ticle he did uot inow to ooasea real merit. Eeaclaelie. nj'A tlngl bottle ef SPALDING'S PrUrARBD GLTJ1 will lave ton time 1U ooetanBOaMf-ad SPALDING PREPARE GtUE I SPALDING'3 rRrfARED GLUE t SPALDING9 PREPARED GLUE !' 8 AVI IBITIIOIBI BOONMlTI DISPATOHI K'A Stitoh ra Tun Savbj Nbh'."jCH At accidents will happen, erta la well retralated ram Ale, tt It very deilrabl to hare aom cheap and eon reniect way for repairing Farnltare, Tars, Orooksry ' BP AL SING'S PBBPABBD eLTJI ' meet! all each eiaTgenelet. and no household can afford to be without It. It is always ready, and Bp to th stick . Ing point , . " 'i , TJBBTTJL IN EYEBT nOUSE."' N. B. A Braih aceom panic eacti bottle. ' cent.. t, -'"I.RTo.(rPALDrNO. - . i'iwi ' No. 4H, Cedar Street, IViw fort. . . ofwr - cjaitmoii.v;'' As certain unprincipled pertbo ar tttemptrng I film off en the nnsuapeotlng publlo. Imitation of at RBPARKD GLTJB, I would caution all persons toe mine befor purchaidng, and te that the full nam, TCrSPALDINB'S PRBPARttBGLOBJI on theouUlde wrapper; all other are swindling ow ' terfelttv Bot