Newspaper Page Text
flEQ. W. MANTEi Editor. 'YTiiiNQ.JULY?, 1861. Democratic State Convention. tral frsAaftts-Colur.bus.OD the 5th lay of Joly,1861,Uff ifcseW, That it ii expedient to hold a Demo- - - lafiltTlki'lBll . ..... . D.mSeral.o State Ticket, to be T.K fflft e51Md; that the pftftnl But. aomp.tae w jww- - .11 who exiaTaganc. ud corrup E.. .farmine-lv prevalent lo public f- vfwieit Tinned to unite witu we ' onrcoantr,'. peril. b (KM TedeemtMBtete, p" Vwittfatrt16ir lUDompeteot hepde. .SgMWi farther, tbst tw oasis o'"l' ttStTtitd CoiiVeLtlon be one de legal, for Vo,e...nd additional fraction of 250 end ,?J October V-on ibta t nki. .ml all other con- MiI'iH Utmoorwaj w eweriTeUnloe) two, wso ere whuis -rla Wim -ton ha the abora basis, we requested --iVmeet ta their respective counties t suoh time at the load committees may designate, ana ap tjratiefttM to the Democratic Conyention osytb 7 of August, to nominate a 8tate ticket to b supported ut the October election. 4t U.prwMl.tbatno ,0 of hi conntry IU 'require prompting at this time to Induce -fctnr-W discharge his duty, and therefore the CoaVtalttee ie impressed with the belief that the counties will eagerly respond to this call, and - list f farming Contention will assemble in Columbus at the time designated above, and aft feUriinatlon a ticket ot good and true SSi!- e ioM stateof iies) m the 84 Tuesday la October next. WM. MOUNT, Chairman. WM. MOUNT, Chairman. WM. J. JACKSON, Secretary. The President's Special Mesage. ww - - 'JYii "anxiously expected .document has at length made lu appearance,, Various opinions will be expressed, lo regard to U contents. In tome quarters, H will be the subject of unqual Usdptatsv; la others, of unqualified censure. ITeitherof these, We apprehend, is justly its The President very clearly exposes the soph- litrv "f the - secession ' arguments. Though ih'erWllWhlnf.'neir In the positions he takes, jif brief summary of some of the torlndoai oolnta advanced by our leading states- tifieiVAd JlrfaM against the secession heresy. Jafetfrnaforwe heartily 'concur in the views esifaay ia-thla portion of. the message. The attempted. Jasiifioation of the right of the Executive to suspend the privilege of the writ of Ufeafcrsus, is nor so apparent. It would appea'rilrom the connection in which the clauieastboficjnga sospeneion of the writ, is Dtactdlh the Constitution, that It was the in .teotlch' of tbs fra'mera of that instrument to plaeothe power of suspending the writ solely la the bands of Congress The President nrges the necessity of the cage as the main ground of hiajustificatioa for violating, in this case and ia his call for an increase of the U. S. army and navy, the Constitutloa and the laws, which tie labenid to see faithfully executed. .bv'Tne message will not satisfy the people gen rally, who are loyal to the Union and the Gov .COMeaty .This dissatisfaction win arise, not un maeh from what is said, as from what is left nns'afj. Hot that a longer message was wanted, bat a clearer" Indication of the measures the ttecutlve deaired to see adopted,' and some 'e drfiolte explanation acd Indication of the policy be designed to pursue in administering tfcr-Ouvennnenrln this momentous and awful The only measures specifically recommended to Conmeararetbat four hundred thousand jaeo auJ four hundred millions of dollars be placed aTthe eontrtl of the Government for the wIftftMkibt1 present contest a short and UdeiT one. The raising of such an immense tores would, according to the President's show Inf. deolaere the able-bodied men among the loyal people of the tounrVy, and a debt of four tundted mflflons would be nearly equal to one twenty-thlrd of the money value of all the property owned by men who are etill loyal to Ihe Unioa. -;; It will Mm to most men hiahly proper that the President shgnld.navo. sUted jome of the reasons for this extraordinary demand for men and money, to be placed at the entire 'disposal f the EieobCve,TaB'T that W ibould have In dicaatlMtYi)! tie xsarfl most proper and ju Alotoa toeauplejedjrjj aising both. This jrouldayj jloBhe .country some' insight ifito the wtuft pojucy, oi .we t Aqmwisireuou wuu cut developing any of tbo plans for miliUry ope. ratoiaiwTjlchftsaiihtnotbe proper to make i Tbete'iMtarlOBsqueitioni 'which are now agltjgi ib-OBUBfry, in regard to the policy of the Uoverameut, or toe Aaminiairaiion, lowara tDI SUM GOVmimeuli and the rights of prl tats eItfYi,)lpom wWeh the message preserves a studied silence. V-re well aware that the rpillercrjnld not la that docnment go into details on ubjeots, of minor Interest; but a few Short aintWrt might' bare let to rest, to far e;b;li.eacwned, many perplexing doubt that not a few of thrlhost loyal Union men in tteScouiirf&a'of bat' feel, ia view of the ul- faaapisiwM .hsld by a portion of hi Cabinet iu4 J Jixgi proportion of the party that elected These doubts will be increased by an unfor tuoato (tojoake the beet of It) expression in ie message.' Tht President seems to be aware thai then Is sosae ssaeiness ia the minds of andld smo as M the worse the Administration paygfttie.t He assures such Jhat af ter the re; bellloa shall have been suppressed, it will be 1.U ptepqse to be guided" by the Constitution and laws. Pot will he aotbs guided by these in uppresVing Cue rebellion,! Loyal and candid aiao sVtalwy 36 tot Wpi or desire to see the . tebollioo put doti la anyother mode or by any Other mease tbrthot authorized by the Con- y Z 4 . . JL at s aofortunate expression to which we par aVmlsrlj.allade, Js this;, ( The, President says flat afterthe rebellion il suppressed, "be prtb Iif wUljhave no different understanding of the fowerf aoiiles pf the Federal Government relative to the rights of the States and the peo ple under the Constitution than expressed in the . Jcangurk! addrtas."J The Inaugural expressed eitai!uVtlon'.ld,.lnphol4 ths rlghu of. the fita'ea, atri sot laterfert 'with 'those of private eltU$SSH th meseage throws . out a dark and i mJSottt TnAt8atihIt determination may bs changed. It will PROIJABLV be adhered tot as much as to say, It mr.y be changed- What the Presideat really meant by using the word sroe- if in that connection, is best known to himself aud bis advisers; but ita effect will be anything but salutary to the Union cajse.. -So far. as the message exhibits a disposition to vindicate the Constitution as it is, and faith fully exeoute the laws ia every Staft and ia every department of the Government, It wilt have the cordial approbation of every honest patriot, and of every loyal cititen. Il is to be hoped that the new Congress, to whom Ihe des tinies of our country are now in a great degree committed, will be ablo to supply what may be lacking lo the Executive department, and save the Union from impending anaroby and disso lution. - ( The President's Special Mesage. The Painesville Telegraph—The New Movement. The organ o( ths "irrepressibles" of Lake county, where they are nearly all of that stripe, says: . .' ... ;.. . "We observe that those city papers, which under the specious phrase of a 'Union of all Parties' to elect a Governor, are endeavoring to ooromit the people without a pledge, explana tion, or a principle, to a particular man, is be ing oheckmated very eneotnaiiy Dy me country press. We observe that the Summit Btaeon, Ravenna Dmocrat, Ashtabula Sentinel, Elyria Democrat, etc, eto .have already spoken against It." .. We regard this as conclusive against a Union ticket of Democrats and Republicans. The Western JJeseree always controls the action of, Republican conventions The Tdtgrapk aptly says: "No one who la a crazy excitement shouts for the Union, and has nothing else but his Union ism to commend him, oaa suit our purpose-" Whenever you hear one of these irrepressible Abolitionists "shouting for Union," you may set him down as "crazy" or "slightly Inebri ated Beef for the Army. The Chicago man, who was the lowest bidder for the contract to supply beef, has, we under stand, not completed bis contract, or, In other words, has backed out. Gioaac Law is provid ing the cattle at eight dolltr per hundred, as usual. Has Simon Cahiron an Interest in this7 Why have not our Ohio bidders secured this contract? We understand they were the next lowest. There is a big swindle going on in this beef business. The Fairmont True Virginian. We have received the first number of this pater, dated "Fairmont, Virginia, July 3d." It is edited by Major C. N. Lamison and - Adju tant Fbamk Evakb, snd published by Hamilton, Chhisman & Balintink, of Company C, SOtb Regiment Ohio Volunteers, every Wednesday morning, by order of Col. Morton, commanding. Terms, 91 ot) If paid In advance, and "no paper sent to any point more than a half days' journey from Fairmont, unless paid for first." This we should call a military newspaper all over. There Is much of the editorial we would like to publish, did our space permit. From their "bow" to their soldiers, we clip the fol lowing extract: - "The fanatlo abolitionists we detest no less than the fanatio slave -bolder. They are alike enemies to Constitutional liberty and good gov- ernmeot. we come, not to make war upon peaceful citizens or helpless women, but to suppress treason and rebellion against the proud est government the world has ever known. The rights and tbe property oi toe people of Vir ginia are to be protected by us as lully as are the rights and property of tbe people of Ohio. We are your friends and neighbors. The waters of Virginia kisses tbe soil of Obio, Our blood Is mingled with jour blood, we are one kindred and one people of a common origin. The blood of our fathers has mingled together on many an ensanguined neld." From all we can learn from tbe paper, it ap pears they just polked In to the office fonnd tbe proprietors and editor, a Mr. Drinkarp, ab sent, and went to work. California. esaaaawaa The Republicans of Colifornia have Domi nated the following State ticket to bs beaten this fall i For Governor Leland Stanford: for Lieut GovernorJohn F. Cbllleei for Congress T, C. Phelps and A. A. Sargent; Judge Supreme Court El ward Norton; Clerk Supreme Court Frank F. Fargo; Attorney-General Frank M. Pixley; Comptroller G R. Wasson; Treasurer David R A.hley; Surveyor bener al J. Houghton; State Printer P. P. Avery. Arr ointmits sr trc Commissioner or Pos- Lio Bdiloinos. John J. Fink and Albert Brew er lamp lighters, in place of Peter Carroll and JJm Brady; John Vandcrheydea and G. W. Garrett, in place of Frank Riley and J. N. CrockwelliDiDiel Wbalen watchman at the sta bles, in place of John McGratht J. R. Cronin, A B. Dalton and W. T.Bailey laborers in tbe onblio rreunds. In place ot M. Connaugbhen David Mornn and J. B. Moeabee. fTaiAinjlo top. From this it would appear that they are re moving the lamp lighters, ostlers at tbe publio stables, laborers, eto. That is gettsng pretty well down. We suppose some of the fellows who went toWashington as applicants for consols, olerksbips, eto., failing in that, went after the ostlers. ' The Election in Philadelphia. The eleotioo of Hon. Charles J. Biddli over Charlu O'Nkil, is, under the circumstances, a great triumph. Col. Fornxt supported Mr. O'Nfiu, the Re publican nominee. The day before the eleotion he published a long article on the election, which concludes as follows: " While these doubts exist about Mr. Biddle, and the course he may pursue if elected, there is Done at all about his opponent. We can trust Charles O'Neil In Congress. We can trust him as an advocate for war, so long u a dollar Is In the treasury, or a man remains to shoulder a musket. He baa taken high, patri otic ground, tie has declared himself to be for toe Administration to its euorta to cross trea son, though it should cost a million of men and a thousand million of dollars ' He repre sents the sentiments which this newspaper has earnestly oontended for, and as their represen tative we recommend him as an eminently ap propriate succeeaor ot tbe Hon. jLdward Joy M v.risi and we believe it to be the duty of every good citizen to support his eleotion." It would appear that the "good citizens," or a majority of them, differed with (he Prett materially. - - No Party in Congress. It was carefully telegraphed that, as an evi dence that parties would be ignored in Congress, ths Republicans would hold no caucus to nomi oate officers. We see, however, that among all tbe candidates voted for there were no Dem ocrats. With all the efforts to cover the anl mal, ths ears will stick out. ' Organization of Congress. Congress organized on tbe 4th by the election of Galvssa A- Grow, of Pa , as Speaker, and Emerson Etheridoi, of Tenu , as Clerk., Mr. Fornet, it would appear, is over board. Ohio White Starsc 46riNos. We learn by a dispatch from A. Wilson, Esq.,' that lbs Telegraph Offioe is bow open at the Springs for th season."';'! , Corruptions in the War Department. 1 We copy tbe following from the Philadelphia Enquirer, a Republican paper. The Jotter ol the New York rimes will bs found on our first page. . '. It appears that the same system of plunder for favorites, la being carried on by tbe General Government, that was perpetrated in the States, only oo a larger aoale: . A Small Business ior a Cabinet Minister Oa oar second page will be found an able and dispaMlonate letter ia the New York Tim, from tort Monroe (where the editor now ie), exposing the extraordinary proceedings of the Secretary of War with reference to tbe post ol Sutler at that place. It appears that a Mr. Moody, who has experience iu tbe business of a Sutler, has been displaced by Gen. Cameron, and that a Mr. Wietar, we believe, of this city, who has no experience, baa been appointed, and that this has been done in defiance of tbe regu lar official action of a Council of Administra tion, much to the damage of the public service, and for ao other reason than because tbe Secre tary of War desired to give a fat offloe to one ol bis personal adherents. It will be seen, from this correspondence, that General Cameron is not only abusing the pow ers of bis high office, by conferring nigh mili tary rank on the gang of worthless politicians in his train, as we have heretofore shown, but is aotually degrading bis position as Cabinet Min ister, by grasping the profits of the camp and the garrison, with a view to their diversion into the pockets of his own near friends. ' News Items from Washington and Camp Philippi. [From the Commercial's Special of July 4.] Grow's election is attributable chiefly to termined opposition to Forney, who is thought to have made almost too good a thing out of the Clerkahip. The Forney and Blair men joined forces, which killed Blair. It was this, and not Urow's popularity or ability, tnat elect ed the latter. Grow having triumphed, Ether idge's election followed as a matter of course, since two Pennsylvanlans cannot come In. Grow has always belonged to the radical wing, so his eleotion don't content the conservatives any better than Blair's would have done. Quite a breeze was raised in the House by Burnett's motion refusing Virginia members eats until investigated, it was promptly vot ed down, after John S. Carlile bad made a strong speech, proving himself and Brown al most unanimouslv chosen bv the people of two Western Districts. He did not commit himself as to the three other claimants of seats from Virginia. CAMP PHILLIPPI, July 4 was celebrated by brigade parade. Tbe Declaration of Independence was read by W. P. Edgerton, of Cleveland Artillery. Oration by Col. Eite, of tbe 14ih Ohio Regiment. . Ohio Sixth (Guthrie Greys) arrived this after noon. Hundreds fell from tbe ranks overoome by beat; tbe worst cases were brought la wagons. Another regiment expected. Gen. McClellan's column moves from Buck hannon to day, on Beverly. We shall undoubt edly advance within 48 hours. Harry East man, scout, accompanied by Captain Korshner, of the Obio 16:b, and a mounted picket, rode within three miles of Boliogton, to day. near ly a hundred rebels pursued them, the bullets wbistiinson an eiaes. inev cave ine reoeis tbe contents or their revolvers ana rode on in safety. Mr. Eastman says they have no twelve thousand men as reported, and are apparently P. ID" The Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Sun says: I bear of the circulation in business circles of treasury notes of small denomination ($50), which having been indorsed by the government creditor to whom they were Issued, pass as cur rently as specie paying back notes. They are redeemable in two years, and bear interest at the usual rate. A great squabble is going; on among tbe pa triots touching tbe offices of tbs House of Rep resentatives. One would think that in this hour of the country's perils the coarse, bareb note of wrangling among Irtends would be bush ed. But not so. Not only is tbe spoils doctrine reoognizsd and Juetlnea in general, but tbs spoilsmen are aow engaged ia pillaging their own camp. It is stated in the press generally that Dr John Richards, of this city, who was taken prisoner near the tails Church, by ths Confed erats troops, has been released. But as he baa not returned borne, the fear is that he has been carried "bevonorthe sordera of tbe Coofeder ate States" farther into tbe interior perhaps to Montgomery. The war has worked more changes in tbe medical fraternity than in that ot any otder proiession. ur. uarnett Has ielt for Richmond, where be is said to have a largo practice already. irs. Uoyle, Maury and Miller are undeiatood to be in the Confederate army. Mavor Berret extended tbe time for the reception of bids for tbe $5,000 loan, in aid of tbe families of our district volunteers, until three o'clock this afleraoon, but tbe only pro posal reoeived was one for $25.90. Six per cent, was, unquestionably, too low a figure at this time. At the usual hour this morning, when Mr. Haliday, collector, and Mr. Morgan, register, entered their respective offices Id the city ball, they found that Mr. Dixon and Mr. Douglass, tbe recently elected collector and register, re spectively, had reaobed there before tnem, and took possession. During tbe day tbe two sets of officers have been in attendance, one set claim ing Ms tffict snd the other the bock: What is Demanded. The Democracy throughout tbe Northern States have, as one man, announced their pur pose to sustain t bs Government in all proper measures for tbe maintenance of its authority, and the re-eatablisbmsnt of it, wherever it is overthrown. Ths patriotism which stands the test of a call to support such an Administration as ths present, is proof against all assaults, and might seem to be worthy of some acknowl edgment from those whom our country's ill. starred fate has plaoed in power. No indioation of the existence or suco a reeling is yet mani fested. 1 No admission of ths obligatioo Is made. Even so small a boon as tbe appoint ment of ooe of tbe same faith, to succeed tbe noble Douglas, is refused with scorn, and the groveling wire-workers of tbe gang are desperately intriguing to supplant even those officers in the army, of Demo cratic antecedents, whom ths powers that be were forced to appoint, or lose the mea whom their call had rallied to fight cut tbe quarrel. One of tbe Eastern high priests of Republican ism, la reply to tbs query, " what Is exneoted of the Democrats! " says, " forget that you were ever Democrats." That, then, in the modest demand, forsake their ancient faith, get on the Chicago platform, side by aide with all ths mongrel sbades of abolitionism, dwell in barmony with those wbo canonise the horse thief, John Brown, like Barnum's happy family; and then they may go forth to be shot by seces sion assassins, expecting no favors or thanks, but deem themselves honored as with great privileges, and never dare to doubt the plenary inspiration of abolitionism. All this, bat no thought of a favor or concession from their side, do thought of yielding any of their ultra dog. mas, and do abatement ot ine oio uncnarttabie airogancs toward those who dare to differ with them in opinion. 7Wds Herald and Times. ST Tbe Cincinnati Enquvrtr ought to be ar rested Immediately Snd punished under the statute which protects animals from cruelty. It produces the following from the Cincinnati Qaittti, befari tbe Presidential election i : "Second, because bis election will give peace and quiet to tbe country, of which it Is sadly lo need; " ' . ' "Third, because In his election all branches of 'industry will rsvlve, business will be good and wages high." , " ' : , It is a wonder tht office of the Equ,Wer Is not mobbed! for killing off one of the friends of the Administration!! . ' t - No Coalition. Let us hear no mors talk of a ooalltioo between Democrats ana Republicans on a State ticket. Let as nave a straight-oat Democratic Union ticket j let it bs early in the field ; lei it bs made up or some of the multi tude of boneet, competent, patriotio statesmen with which tbs Democratic party absnnds, and then let it be ths sworn purpose of every oatrioS in Ohio, at whatever hazard, to drive the thieves and plunderers from ths Stats capital. - Wraw- Southern Items. Ths following Items are taken from the late numbers of the Richmond papers. We get very few items of news of what they ars doing in ths Seceded States: AFFAIRS AT PORTSMOUTH, VA. A letter dated Portsmouth, June 87, says: " At two o'clock yesterday, tbe sloop of war Germantown ' waa successfully raised. The damages te this fine vessel are, it Is said, muoh leas than to eitber the Merrimac or the Plym outh. Since these three ships adorn- the sur face of tbe river, matters begin to look very muoh as lu tbe days of yore. Tbe brig Dol phin is still under water. It is not yet ascer tained with precision what tbe repairs will coat, or ths length of time requisite to effect them; but' employees of government intimate that both tbe Germantown and Plymouth will be in readiness for servioe all too soon for those who sought to destroy them. Tea large guns were recovered from the river yesterday, part of tbe bittery of tbe Ger mantown. They were perfect, though a little rusty. tor a week past, nothing of special interest hsa been reported by the Virginia lookouts at Cats Henry beach. The blockaders have overhauled several small vessels and taken tbem Into Old Point; oiher ships approaching tbs fort are ordered to head away, and others, sgain, are appropriated for transportation purposes. HOSPITALS FOR THE SICK. The Culpeper Court House hss been selected for tbe location of tbe division hospital of tbe Alexandria department. - B. Hill's farm, Presbyterian Church, Methodist Church, Court House, F. C. Rizey's bouse, Piedmont Institute, and R. 8. Jeffries' shop, ars used for hospital purposes. Some 300 disabled soldiers are now ia hospital receiving attention. DEMAND FOR VIRGINIAN TOBACCO. Tobacco is going up higher every day. Mr. Luel, ths agent of the Messrs. Huffer St. Co., who are the French contractors, is now in Rich mond superintending the purchase of tobacoo for the French Empire, and this, of itself, is sufficient to give a great stimulus to trade. We may state that tobacco ranged higher on Wednesday acd Thursday than at any time this year, ana as nign as aft any time last, it ranged in prices on Wednesday from 6 50 to $10 50. THE VIRGINIA CONVENTION. In the Virginia Convention, on Thursday last, an ordinance was passed providing that the acceptance or holding of office by any citi zen of Virginia under tbe Federal Government ot tbe old United States, after the first day or next AuguBt, shall be evidence of treason to the State, except In cases of officers out of the United States, who shall hays until July 1st, 1862. A resolution was also adopted on the same day determining that when the Convention shall bave made suitabls arrangements for the election oi members oi Uoneress and lor tne choice of a President and Vioe-Prealdent, and disposed of other measures of public necessity, it will adjourn to meet on the second Wednes day of November next, to consider the amend ments to ths Constitution, and such other mat ters as, may be required by tbe publio interests. ARREST ON SUSPICION. Mr. E. H. Cralge. agent of Messrs. Wheeler & Wilson, of New York, was arrested at Rich mond oa Thursday last on the charge of being a suspicious person. He was committed for an examination the next day. ATTACK THE CONFEDERATE STEAMER HUNTRESS. the following account of the firing into the Confederate steamer Huntress by a U.S. war vessel: . The Confederate steamer Huntress, Capt. J. N. Maffitt, arrived yesterday afternoon from an engineering trip up North and East. On Sat urday Col. Traper decideed oa all bis points of defense, and at 10 o'olock p. M. Saturday the Huntress was anchored by Captain Maffitt at tbe northwest entrance of Calaboga Sound. After an inspection, early on Sunday morning, Capt. Maffitt ordered the Huntress to be put across tbe Sound. When abreast of Stoddard's a man-of-war was seen off the harbor. Capt M. headed for tbe intruder; and we ran within long range, when the gentleman opened with his 11-inch gons. His fires were direot, but bis fuses were too short. 'Having taken a care ful look, and stood five heavy shells, Captain Maffitt returned, vowing that oa the next occa sion he'll give Capt. Goldsburgh as much at be senas. i ne Huntress was unarmed AFFAIRS IN LOUISIANA. From a letter dated Biton Rouge, June 18, we take tbe following: Our crops are teemiog with promise. Louis- lana can spare one-half ol her corn crop. No one can account lor it but, with tbe exception of pork, and other products of the swine, every article of food is cheaper than for years past. This liitle city, with five hundred voters, has sent over hve hundred men two hundred of whom, tbe Baton Rouge Fencibles acd Creole Guards are now in Virginia, the remainder In Arkansas snd Mississippi. Our little Creole neighbor, West Baton Rouge, has ssnt near two nunored or ber tbree nundred and nlty planters, leaving eight tbousand negroes to make the crops. THE CONFEDERATE LINES CLOSED. The Richmond papers of Thursday oontaln tbe following order Irom lien. Jtieauregard for bidding any person hereafter to enter his lines: HEADQUARTERS ARMY OF POTOMAC, Manassas Junction, June 25, 1861. Sunday, the 30ih Inst., no Per- son whatsoever, with or without passports (ex cept irom tne war department;, win bs per mitted to cuter the lines occupied by the array oi tne rotomac witn tne intention to pass tnence or tnereaiier into tne united states or ths lines of the enemy. BRIG. GEN. BEAUREGARD. THOS. JORDAN, A. A. Adj't. Gen. EPISCOPAL ACTION. The Diocesan Convention of tbe Protestant Episcopal Churob of South Carolina last week passed nnanimoualy a preamble acd resolutions approving the seoeasion of the Southern Churob, which the people of the North bave forced up on us. - THE LATE INDIANA VICTORY. , Haoerstown, June 30. The following dis patch is official: HEADQUARTERS DEP'T OF PENNA, Hagerstown, June 30. General Order No. 29. The Commanding General bas the satisfaction to announoe to the troops a second viotory over the insurgents by a small party of Indiana volunteers under Col. Wallace, on the 26th inst. Thirteen mounted men attached to tbe regiment attacked forty-one Insurgents, killing eight, and chasing the rest two miles. On their return, with seventeen oaptured horses, they were attacked by seventy five of tbe enemy, and fell back to a strong po sition, which they hold till dark, when they re turned to the camp, with tbe loss of ons man killed and one wounded, in tbe last skirmish, a captain, two lieutenants, and a large number were wounded. ' The Commanding General desires to bring to tbs attention of the officers and men of bis command the oourage and conduot with whioh this gallant little band of comparatively raw troops met the emergency, by turning on an enemy so largely superior ia numbers, chastis ing him severely, and gathering in retreat the fruits of victory. By order of - MAJOR GENERAL PATTERSON. ONE OF THE HORRORS OF BATTLE. Ws leara that oa Thursday last, two of the dead bodies of tsderal troops wars found lo the woods, lo tne neighborhood or tbe Bethel battle-ground, In a state of decomposition. They were traced out by means or tbe buzzards boverlog over tbe spot, une or tbe corpses bad in his haversack a Quarter of a baked sboat. It is supposed tbey had crawled away from ths scene or tbe battle, alter being wounded, and died oo the spot on which they were discovered. f rom their uniforms II IS presumed tbey were members or the Zouave regiment. It Is said that all along the road from Bethel to Hampton a most Intolerable stench prevails, and that from ths appearance of the buzzards circling round about, mere must be numosrs or putriiy Ibg carcasses In ths woods. Norfolk (Va ) Day Boo. FLAG OF NORTH CAROLINA. The flag agreed upos by tbe State of North Carolina Is said to be very handsome, The oolors are a red field, with a single-star in ths center. On the upper extreme is ths Inscrip tion, "May SO, 1776," snd at tbs lower, "May 20, 1861." There ars two bars, one of blue and ths other of white ; . -t ... r x Secretary Cameron. I A decent respeot for tbe Government will, wo mrw luuiiuca mi loioa. ucmana too rcujut of Secretary Cameron. He bas made tbe War Department a nest of robbers, ' and sanctions, through contracts, robberies of the most impi ous obaraoter. He goes further than that. He undertakes, In bis rapacity, to set aside law, and thrusts his friends into lucrative offices in defiance of the regulations of tbe army.' We puoiisn eisewbere the particulara or a contro versy at Fortress Monroe, relative to the ap pointment of a Sutler to a regiment. Cameron attempts to set aside tbe army regulations to provide tbe position for one oi bis Iriends.. We oall attention to it, and it seems entirely relia ble. Tbe oonduot of Cameron Is disgusting. There Is no honor In him, and he is diegraolng the po sition he holds. He ought to be removed He will bang to the Cabinet as long as there is a dollar to ateal, If be is not kicked out, as he ought to be. Cm. Times. O A fugitive slave ran away from his master at Hannibal,(Mo., and sought protection inhe army. . ne was delivered up oa uemano. j Some of our Abolitloo friends will be very mad about this, and want to stop the war, if this ia to be tbe cbjeot of it? 07 The ipecialol the Cleveland Leader, from Washington, July 5th, says: "It iasaid that Secretary Cameron is a prls oner at Fortress Monroe, neither he . nor 'any other man' being at liberty to return by way of tbe river, In oonsequence ot a rebel battery at Mathlas roint." GENERAL ORDER No. 26. HEADQUARTERS O. M. & V. MILITIA, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, COLUMBUS, July 4, 1861. The organization of the corps or artillery called into aotive service of the State of Ohio, under tbe law of May 8th, 1861, will be os to! lows: Each company will be composed of not less than eighty nor more man ninety men, mciua log officers of all grades as follows 1 Captain, 1 1st Lieutenant, 12d do 1 1st Sergeant, 1 Co. Quarter Master Sergeant, . 4 Sergeants, ' , 8 Corporals, 9 Musicians, 2 Artificers, ; 1 Wagoner, 68 to 68 Privates. Ths full armament of a company will be four guns, or two sections. Wbsn the number of guns is not complete tbs number of men may be reduced by leave of absence or detached duty, so as to keep up tne proper proportion of men snd officers to each gun. ' Two companies will form a division of four sections or eight guns under the command of a Major. Four companies will form a battalion undtr the oommand of a Lieutenant Colonel and Major. Two battel ons will form a regiment under the command of a Colonel, with a Lieutenant Colonel and two Majors. The Major commanding a Division, when ins separate detachment, will appoint an Actiog Adjutant (a Lieutenant) to act as such during such separate oommand. Tbe Lieutenant. Colonel commanding a bat talion will appoint an Adjutant and Quarter master of Battalion, to act until tbe battalion is attached to a regiment. By order of the Commander-in-Chief, COLUMBUS, July 4, 1861. C. P. BUCKINGHAM, Adjutant General of Ohio. Holloway's Pills and Ointment. Abscesses of many years standing have yield ed under a short course of these anti-septio and detergent medicines. Tbe Ointment cleanses tbe sore of all irritating purulent matter, and Imbues the fibres and tissues with new life and vigor, while tbe Pills, purifying tbe blood, neu tralizs tbe noxious humors and expel tbem from the svstem. Id skin diseases ot whatever char acter, tumors,, old sores, ulcerated legs, etc., the aotion of these remedies is safe and certain. Sold by all Druggists at 25c, 62o., and $1 per box or pot. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HEADQUARTEK9 Ohio Militia and Volunteer Militia ADJUTANT QKNBRAL'S OFFICE,) COLOMBO!, Jul 1, lftil. 1 General Order No. 25. THE S7th, 88th, 89th AND 3uth REGIMENTS OIIIO VOLUNTEHS, to tw muttered into tha aervlce of the United gutea for three Tears, alll be organlied lo the Following manner: The troooe eompoainr the Hth. 15th, 10th, 17th, 18th Ittb. SOih, Slat and SH Hefimeota, belnir thoie now in the aerrl e of tbe State, will dare precedence In belofr enrolled for tbe eeiTloeor tbe United Btalea to tue extent of forte eomnaDiea The Ooloneia of theae Dine regiments will proeeed to (ecertalo, through the ofOoare of their comanlea. the namee of tbe men thai wllline- to volunteer in the C 8. erriort which namee will be arranged on company roll! of not leea than ewbty-tnree. nor more man oneiinnared and one each, and will be designated by Ihe nnmbereof the rettmcnis from wbieb tber are taken, with the addl- tlon or tbe aambars 1, S, I. etc, ee a temporary dietino tion until organiaed Id to-new reglmenta. Theae rolle will be forwarded to the Adjutant General. at Colombo!, by Ihe 10th day of July, IMil. should more than forty eompamee be thua enrolled, the exeete oonaliilnf or tnoeo e mpantee naving tne amaueat mm. ber of names, will be dropped. As soon as the company rolle are received, the organ isation of tha regiment will be made, and the field of ficers appointed. At uoh time and place as may be designated by Ihe Qeieral commanding, the companies will be assembled b rimenta and nominate tbtlr company cflicera. which nomination will be certified to by the Colonel. arjDolnted to the reapecur renimentt, and Ihe certin catee transmitted by them to the Adjutant Oeaeral at Columbus. As eoon as the nomination ef tbe officers of one reel ment Ie made aod properly certified, the otSrert will at onos aeaame their respective commands, and the regiment will be muttered Into Ihe service or me united Btiieiior three eeara. Commissions will be Irraed In acmrdance with ths eertiflcatee of nomination, unlets toe oommandor-ln Chief ehall, for sufficient reasons, decline to confirm the asms. - i - The remalnlDf troops of the Bine reglicents, in the service of ths Bute ' f Ohio, will retain their present mtmental oreanisatlon nntll mustered out or the ler vice, and each regimens will bs under the command of the senior omosr noi ineiuara in tne new organisation. Should rruoeats of companies be left without any eommiaalonea officers, the commandant of the reiiment will detail a D roper officer to the command or auen irae mentarr company, who will take charge thereof until mustered out of the service. By order of the Oommander-ln-Chier. ,0. P. BUCKINGHAM. Jly 7, Adjutant Antral. OHIO UNION LOAN. Omci or Taa Coarmastomas or ma Binainw fond, I UoLOatsoe, unio, jont iu, ion. ril Commissioners of the Sinking Fund of the Stale of Ohio invite subscriptions by the people of Ihe State to the Loan of Two Millions of Dollar., authoris ed by the act of the General Assembly " To provide more effectually for the de ence of the Butte against in vation, patted April 80, 1861. Cortlncatce will be leaned In soma of SiOU, and up ward, payable July 1, ItioS, at Ihe But Treasury, bear ing InUreat as the rat of elx per cent, per annum, pay abieeeml-annually, anl by the act authorising the loan free from taxation. Subscription will be received at the office of the Com mistioners In the Oily Of Oolumbus, at each of the sol vent hankine Inttliullont In the State, and at' the several Oounty Treasuries In the (late, until the 1st day of July, 1861. . - - - Interest will be computed snd paid from the date ef the deposit of the money at eitner ot in piacei aoov named. K. W. TATT.KR, Auditor of State . A. F. RCRSBI.L, Secretary of Stat. - - JAMES llUBilAT, Attorney Oeneral. jell-dtd WANT ID 10,000 Onilomers lo buy IS cent Ambro typo at M. WITT'S Cheap Ambrotjp Boom, No. 81 High street, Oolumbus, Ohio. WAHTID 100,000 OBstomevs to bay SS cent Ambro type at at. WITT'S Cheap Ambro type Booms, High street, 4 doors North of the American Hotel, Oo Umbos, Ohio. WAHTID 1,100,000 Onitomer at at. WITT'S Fin Art Photograph Gallery, to bar Photographs mad, either colored or plaio. of all slses. In abort, all kind of Heliographs mad anywhere and In the best aiyi of the art. High tret.4 .doors North of th American Hotel, uoiumnu, vm. TtTANTBD 10.000.000 Customers to hare Card Photo. TV graph made full length or atmple bo.ts, at M. WITT'S Pine Art Photograph Gallery, doors Notth of the American Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, . , jl4-lw r- " ' ' WANTE .-AGENTS) TO SELL naekar of STATIONBBT and JBWILRT. at Srtew oM-tbird lees than aaa be purchased elsewhere all a or address (tamp enclosed) t L.BAILIY.Xo mvvwli-iWviu' ' marcn, iwajia -.1 I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS! BAIN & SON, No. 29 South High Street, Columbus, ARS NOW OrFERINO 8000 yard, InvelcDg Dress Ooodl at 8,!, Tflue ' lSKoenti. -.. S500jrrdi Trtwllos Drew Ooo.1i at lSX, va'us SOctl. 9IKN) yarda Kngllih Heranet at IX. Talu S3 Mutt. V luuu jurat rreoon uiyai.mei at mx, vaiu . , SiiUn varria Hut Uoloftd Lawna at 10 ralua 15 eenti. IOIIU yard! ruuiara uietn jjj, thiuo u ISiOjard. Super Plata Bliok Bilk at St 00. Talus SlUS. Holca of Organme Borage, ana Injllsn ucrage, ai one half their value. v . . VAIN ac nin, left 2ft South High Btreat. Elegant Lace Mantillas. BAIN eto SON, No. 29 South Higli St., TT AT B luet opened an Involc of very large and XX band. t me PUSHER, FRENCH, AND CHANTILLA LACE MANTILLAS AND P0INTE3. Wide French Laces for Shawls. Very Deep French Flonnolng Laces. Real Thread, French, Chantllla & Gcnevese "VTUIIjS. Valenciennes, Point de Gaze, Brusielt and Thread Laces and Collars, VALENCIENNES TRIMMED H'DKFS, MALTESE LACE COLLARS &, SETS, LINEN COLLARS & CUFFS, In new Shapes PAPER COLLARS St. CUFFS, For traveling PRICES TTyrJSTTATJjY XrOW. Traveling Dress Goods. MOZAMBIQUE. POPLINS, BqEPUKRD'S CHECKS SILKS, FOIL HE CHBTRBS, LATELLAS. BROCIIK TALKNOIAS. to. to. The beat and moat fashionable styles In the oily, AT VJCRV t.cvw pmcira, . " BAIN At BON, Jt21 . ' 29 South High Street TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. The Public Works of Ohio Ornct or ins Lima or ths Pi nun Worm, Ooluhios, June 13, 1801. ) 'fMIB) nnderslgnsd having beoome the Leasees of tbe X ruullc Works or unio, under tne act 01 may 0, irui and havlni entered Into tbe posaeaslon of laid Worka hereby glv notice lhat In operating under aald leaae, and dlfchsreine their duties usder the same, the bual- neaa will be Iraneaoted with tb publio through agents appointed by tbe Lessees, under suon rates, regulations, realrictions and limitations, as shall be preacrlbed for their government. Thoae Asenu for the nrescnt, will consist of one Oen eral Agent, a Treasurer and Heoretary, for th Central OffiM of the Leaaeaa at Columbua: and tbe ncceieary number of Superintendent of Bepalra and Colleoiora of Toll oo tb sevaral Worka embraced m uie icate. Tbe Oeneral Agent alia 1 1 be the principal executive offioer of Uie Le.iuee, acd ehall have chary of th gen oral buslneaa oflloe at Oolumbua. He ahall have anper- vlaion over tbe buainii of th Jbeaeeea with th public. mil a such agent shall execute all contracts, exoept those for labor and material connected with tbe ordina ry repairs of Ihe several Works, and he shall audit and settle sll accounts. Tbe duties of the Treasurer and Secretary shall be such as are usually discharged by similar g Ulcers in oilier cases. The Superintendents of Repairs Itiall, on their re spective dliiiions. have power 10 employ and discharge all subordinates and laborers, and to purchaee all toola and materials necesaary in Ihe ordinary repair or such diviilon, and the tame ahall be under their special di rection and management. The Collectors of lulls, Water Bents and Fines, are Invested with all the emhoriiy and powor, provided In the lawa of the State aod the regulations ot the Board of Publio Worka. made for that yurpoie, when auch Col lectors acted under appointment and authority from tbe But. . Mo Individnal member of the Leaiees shall have the right to tranaaot busloeae in the name of the Lessees, with any person or persons. In any other manner than through tne appointed aneuta, unleai apectaity autnoriS' ed by ibe Le.atee to to do; nor ahall any one of the ap pointed agent hare authority to transact any bnalneaa in the name of th Leasees, except in tha particular bratchof the bualneia confided to bim.and subject lo the restrictions and limitation of bis agency. 1 No authority to borrow money on th credit of ihe Leaaeea, ahall ever exlat In any Leasee, agent or other employee of the Leaaeea, nnlesa the aama ahall be con ferred by a unanimous vote of the Lessees, at a regular meeting, aod the amount so authorised to be borrowed specified in the order and entered on Uie journal. Geo. W. UaNYrmaV la the Oeneial Agent of Ihe Leaiees, Bntjaaui X. Smitb, Treasurer, and Jon Jotcs, ecretary. The Superintendents of Repairs are : On the M. Jt Cinal and W. Bt M. Road Josxre Cnnnra, Tuoato BauwM, Wat. 1. Jacihok and AinxaL BacKoa. On lha Ohio, Walhonding and nocking Canals and th Muakingum Improvement Uobbst II, Ndhsk, Th,oma, viflxis jucuasthy, BYLvcsrm aupaiaT anu cowaan Ball. Tb Collnctorson th Canal i, Muaklngnm Improvs ment and Maumee Koad, are- the aama that were in the aervlce of the Hiate at the time of th execution of the Leaae, but all the l agenla hold their appoint- menu at tne nieaiure ana opium or in ienees. -t KENT JAHVIb, i JUBKPU COOPER, WM. J. JAOKBON, 1 ' ARNOLD MBDBK&T, THOMAS MOOHE, 'THOMAS HhOWN, Lease of tbe Publio Works. JeH-d3Uw3ir SPECIAL NOTICES. TO IIKJTOIIK THE MICK TO II EALaTIIt Tb blood must bs purified, and all med icine! are nseless which do not possess the quality of sllmuUtiog th Wood to discharge Its impuities Into th bowels. BaamaiTH's Puis possess this quality In high degree, and ahould be In every family.' They r equally useful for children and adults adapted to both sexes, and ar as innocent is bread, yet Knar arrzems a a MsntciKS. V ' Th Hon. Jacob Beyers, nf Sprlngvlll, Iod., write to Dr. Drandreth, under dat of Hay 11,1861. . 'I hve need your Invaluable Vegetable tfnlvorsal PilUin my family ainco lH.t; they have always cared, even when other medicines were of no avail. I have oeen tne mean or rry neighbors u.lng hundreds of dol lars worm, ana 1 am eauaned tney have reoeived thuuwod ner cent. In blaaaed health, thrr.nffh imi n. They are uaed lu thla rem on for Bilioua aod Liver Ula. eates, fever and Agae, and all rhsumatlo catee with the moat perfect tucce.a. In fact, tbey r Ihe great nil aoce In alrkneaa, and I truai your venerable III may be .u .i.iii iv prepare ao excellent a medicine lor tbe uie of man. , i , i ) . - Please lend me th lowest price by the gross." Bold by Joba R. OOok, Druggist, Columbus. , HOW TO 9IAKE! LAKGIl Bit CAD. Uie James Pjle'a par Dietello Baleratus, and yon will have a large loaf from a llttl flour; not only light and pleasant, but free from all noxious qualities. Try It I Lookout for ImlUtlona I Depot, 34S Washington street, Hew York. Bold by grocers everywhere, MOFFAT'S LlfE FIULS. .. . In all eases of eostlvenen, dyspepsia, billions and Uv affections, pile, rheumatism, fevers and agues, ebstl naU head aches, and all general derangemanU of health thess Plltl have Invariably proved a eerbxln and speedy remedy. A Stogls trial will place the Life Piria'boyend the reach ofcompetltlon In the estimation of etry pa tient. Dr. Moffat's Phosnlx Bitters will be fonnd equally el ftcacious In all case of nervous debility', dyspepsia, bead ache, th sickness Incident to females Indelicate health, and (vary kind of weakness of ths digestive organs. for sal by Dr. W. B. MOFFAT, 339, Broadway, If. T. and by all DrugglsU. mayM-daswly , The following is an extract from a letter written by th Rev. J. 8, Holme, paster ol th Pierrepolnt-Street Baptist Ohnrch, Brooklyn, Jf. 7,, to th "Journal and Messenger." Olnolnnatt, 0., and speaks volumes In favor of that world-renowned medicine, Mas. WiniLow'a Boornua Svaor roa Cmuuiot Tsrrnwai .- "We see an advertlament In tour oolnmns ot Maa Wimnow'e Boothim Btrop. Now w Dover said a word in favor of a patent madicin before in our lifJiut w feel compelled to say to your readers that thla is a ham bug W RAVI niU IT, AND IKW. IT TO AI IT claim. ' It is probably one of the moil euroesanil -medicine of the day, because it la on of th best. And those of your readers who bare bible can't do-, better than lay In a supply." - odI7:lydkw ... TO CDBiamDtiTCI.i ,., , -: i The Advertiser, having been restored to health In a few weeks by every slrapl remedy, after having affered sev eral years with a sever long affection,' and that dread dUease, Oonaomptloa I .anxious te make known tohii fellow iuferer thmeanf eure."-) i n.'n To all who deslr It, he will send a copy ef the preacrla- tlon used (free of charge), with th directions for prepar ing and using th same, whioh thy will And a ecus Ota for OomrtTHPnoM, AbtbxU. BaoMBma, Ao. Th only ohjeot of th ad ver titer la (ending th Prescription Is to benefit tha afflicted, and spread Information which beon solve to be Invaluable, and he hopei every sufferer will try bis remedy,, as It will coat them nothing, and nay prove ableaalng Parties wUMng th prescription Will pleas address ' " ..... i . Bav, UPWARD A. WILSON, - ' '' ' WilUamaburgfi. 1 '' ' Kings County, New Tor;""' ivs c-; . ;i!iii supplies poTllieoHio wr r " ......uwia sV . Ptrs 1 1 trs t B a Or FIOH OHIO P?N"li"A.BTl Ootnsos,Junlili- ' .... nwnnTWI, AT the Institution with F.r we., oellvereu In toJXSX& 2ft any", arviAi -- - ' : m.j Lji .. 8,000 Pemneis uwraicu . '"SSSl.-Mi. to b. Increased of diminished as lb War- "n M'- v . th. date, and fV ALBU Biae win u "V I. i. f the the eame lime, for tb. clear, rough and salt grease or ws lmltatlni. . i. No Md will be considered unless satisfactory cur.17 for the faithful performance of the same acconpaniel .... a. ... uttlne. No blil will do receircu f" "- M. Msaioav ) H. B. rAeoxs, Directors. I. J. Wood, jMSTIfj( WtrdeB. JeffldSw . 1861 1861 Summer Arrangements.---Time Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, & CINCIN'I RAILROAD. Connecting at Crestline with th PITTSBURGH, FT. WAYNB 0DI0AG0 RAILROAD fbr ruttbwgh, PMtadelphUt and Baltimore. Alto for Fort Wayne and Chicago. Connecting at Cleveland with th LAKB snORI RAIL ROAD For Dunkirk, Buffalo, Albany, Bos ton, and New Kerk. THREE TRAINS DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY, From Oolumbus, in eonnectlon with Trains on tha LITTLE IrUABlI AND COI.ITDIBITS AND XlilMIA RAILROADS). .4- FIRST TRAIN. . - NIQUT IXPRX8S. Leaves Oolumbu at 3.40 A, M ; will leav passengers at all atatlon south of Gallon, top at Delaware, Ashley, Oardlngton and Gilead, and at slliUtlons north of Gallon, arriving at Cleveland at 8:00 A. M., Dunkirk 8:00 P. M-, Buffalo 4:25 P. M. Albany 3.S0 A. M., New York 8:33 A. M., Eoaton 8:30 P. M., Pittsburgh via Crestlin 3:80 P. M , Philadel phia 5:10 A. M. Chicago via Oreetliaeat 7 00P. M. BKOOND TRAIN. NEW TORS EXPRE 88 Leaves Columbus at 11:10 a.m. Will stop at Lewis Centre, (for White Sulphur Springs), Delaware, Oardlngton, Gallon. Crestline, Shel by, New London, Wellington and Grafton, arrlv at Cleveland at 3:35 p. m.; Dunkirk, 8:50 p. m.f Buf falo, 10:85 p. m.j Albany, 8:45 a. m.j New Yoik, 1:45 p. m.; Beaton, 4:40 p. m. This Train oonnecUat Shel by for Sanduiky, and at. Giafton for Toledo, arriving at Toledo at 60 p. m.' THIRD TRAIN. -MAIL AND ACCOMMODATION Leaves Columbus at 8.30 p. m. Will atop at all Stallone South of Shelby, and at New London, Wellington, Grafton, and Bern; arriving at Cleveland at C:30 p. m.j Dun kirk, 8:U0a. m.; Buffalo, 3:30a. m.; Albny,8ii0p.m.; New York, 7.-SO p. m.; Boston. 11:45 p.m.; PItUburgb, ea Orettline, at 11:55 p. m.i Philadelphia, 1:00 p. m., Chicago, via Crestline, 6:45 a. m. ThU Train connects at bheiby for Banduaky and Toledo, arriving at Toledo at 8:55 p. m. Patent Sleeping Can are run on all Night Trains to Chicago, Sew York and Boston. Laggagt Cheeked Through to Hen Tort and Bottom ctil Ctemiandj alto, to Philadelphia and New lorknia OruUim. RETURNING. Night Express arrive at Oolumbua at... 11:15 P. M. Cincinnati Express arrive at Oolumbu at 10:50 A. H Aocommodatlon Bxpress arrives at Cclumbu at 7:50 P. M. Fare as Low as by any other Route Atk for TicktUtia Orettline or Cleveland. v - B.B.FLINT, Superintendent, Cleveland, Ohio. JAMES PATTERSON, Agent, . Columbus, Ohio. Columbus, Jnn 17, 1801. IRISH STEAMSHIP LINE. Steam Between Ireland and America. NEW YORK, BOSTON AND GALWAY. The following new and magnificent first-class paddle wheel Staamahlps oompos tb abov line: ADRIATIC, . 5,688 ton burthen, Capt, J. Maory (Formerly of the Collins Line.) IIIBERNIA, 4,400 tons burthen, Capt. N. Faowea. COLUMBIA, 4 410 U.Liitoh. ANGLIA. 4.400 " NioaouoH. PAOIHO, 8 600 . " " I. Sana. PniNCB ALBERT. (Screw.) 3,300 J.Waun. One of the above ships will leave New York or Boston alternately every Tuesday fortnight, forOalway, car rying the government malls, touching at St. Johns, N. P. Th Steamers of thla line have been constructed with the greatest can, nnder tha supervision of lha govtro ment, have water-tight compartments, and ar unexcel led forcomfort, safety and speed by any steamers afloat. Tbey are commanded by able and experienced offloer. and every exertion will be mad to promo t th comfort of passenger. An.expenenced Surgesn attebd te each ship. HATEM OF PASSAGE. First-class N . Y . or Boston to Galway or Liverpool 8100 Second-claae, " " 75 Flret-olaaa, " to St John' 35 ThlroVtla, - " " to Oalway or Liverpool, or any town In Ireland, on a Railway, - 30 Third-class passenger ar liberally suppllsd with pro vision of tha best quality, cooked and served by the ser vants of the Ccunpasy. 1. .. . ... RETURN TICKETS. ' Parties wishing to tend forthelr friend from th old country can obtain tloketi from any town on a railway, In Ireland, or from the principal cities of England and Scot land, at very low rates. Passenger for New York, arriving; by tbs Boston Steamers, will be forwarded to New York fnc of charge. For passage or further information, apoly to Wat H. WICKHAM, At tha effiot of th Company, on th wharf, foot of Canal atreet. New York. IIOWLAND a A8PINWALL, Agents. aprlllOidCm. From th New York Observe. , . As all parties manufacturing Sewing Machine are ob liged lo pay Mr. Howe a license oarnah machioesild, and ar a to compelled tomak returns to him, under oath, as to Uie number sold, hi book rivw aeorreeWtat ment. From thl reliable eon roa w bare obtained th following atatliUc. Of th machines made la the year 1859, there were sold, Bv Wheelar A Wllinn . .01 MR V, " I. M. Singer at Oo... 10,853 " Oram A Baker 10,280 Showing th aales of Wheeler at Wilson to be doubt those of any other Company." Awarded th highest premium at the ".' "' """ '" United Bute Fair of 1858, 1858 and I860: ' also at th ! Ohio Stat Fair of lfttitnd 1B9I and at nearly all th Ooanty Fair fa" the Btatt. ; Our nrloaa. at tha lata icdnaUnn. om am tu am m loci aiieh machine now sold, and bat a trifl higher than the Interior two thread chain tticA tnacMnee, now forced upon the market. . ' f h WHiBr.uD av vm.anw viormrw v toca Stioh the only 0 ne Which cannot be raveUd . It Is Amis oa Both Srnraof the goods, leaving no ridge or thainon tha under. tide. 1 . m machine camuilmd a auri. AU ..f. i riven In their use, free of chare. 11. CRASY.ol High St., Colombo, 0. . . " lilZ'. wmTbtjmnsbaco., dc3-3awd3msrw6m Pike's Open Hons, Cincinnati. A . a, , i 1 1 1 i . 1 . . REPELLANT OB, TATBRVR06r CLOAK CLOTHS: Alao. othe n.kaa r nnrin OioakCloth. hiall deelrabl mixture aindlnri, Tas sell and Buttons to matth. - BAIN at BON. sprll5 ' 1 , 1 .No. 89 8outAHihtre Oamtoa" Mattiagsi.r J -4, K-4, ((-4, .TVhlto and Reel aaa t White 0 hacked of superior quality. For Sals by .1' . - . ' BAIN at BON, h23 v KcMSoathnifhst, ADttJtTlSIMBNT. i ... let the INSTANT BBLIil v- and PBRMANBNT CT7BJS of th " fllstrearinj oomplatnt ass ENDTI t JEOSCHIAL OIGAEETTKI ai:BTTirOW"00.,l(7Hama Itil.Ts Fries Sjt pet tail Sent fit by poet. ' J I a sita, itf'AtL uaofloisti. illA