Newspaper Page Text
SUNDAY :MORNING, JULY 7, 1861.) Rail Road Time Table. r4: t . Hum ft Oolokics ,fc Xuoa Hi B. ' '"' . Leaves. Arrtrei Cincinnati Accommodation. 5 00 A. M. 0:10 P. M. liprtu '11:40 A, M. 11:03 A. M. Mall end Accommodation.. 0:10 P. M. g 00 P. H, j nigutaxpros via irayun.iicuu nuanigni. u:ua. 11. i , ' J kjito.- vr. uunasTT, Agent. CoLorous k Cl.tVKUKD B. E. Wight Ejpress,. ...... 3:40 A. M, 11:15 P. M. New York Kxpre. ....... .11:10 A.M. ' 10:30 A.M. O.O. tO. Way Express.. ; . ; CENTRAL OlltO &. R. ,' 8:30 P. M. 7:90 P. M. Jims Pirrmtoif, Agent. No. 3 Express. No. 5 do ., ... 3:30 A. M. 11:25 A. M. .. 2:13 p. M. 11:43 A. M. W. 3. Fax, A cent. Pittkomh, GoLcmoi OmcuiKiTi K. B. Mall Train 330A.M. 11:93A.M. Express Train........ . ....... 11:JJ A. M. 8.43 P. M ' ' Joi. Bohnsom, Agent. OoioiDt Jr. Imdukofolui, B. B. (Oolumboi Piqoa Jc Ihdia-a B. B.) No. 1 Express... 6:30 A. M. 2:00 P, M No. 9 1:00 P.M. 8 4.1P.M. Accommodation . 10:30 A. M. C. W, Smith, Agent. LOCAL MATTERS. -The Adams Express Company places us daily UDdcr obligations to It for the very latest papers from tbe eastern cities. The American Express Company has our thanks for its daily favors in tbe shape of tbe ' very latest eastern papers. DISCHARGE OF A SOLDICR ON HaBCAS CokPCJ, .'. Judge Albeit, on the 3d Inst., on the appli : cation of Jacob Stiller, Jr., of Seneoa county, issned a writ of habtat torpu$ for bis son, Bin J awn SfiLLia, who had enlisted in Company G, Capt. Asa Way, of the Twenty.flfth Regiment, now at Camp Chase. Tbe writ was directed to tbe Sheriff of this county, who on Friday, July - 0th, brought the yonng man before Judge Al scat. Captain Wat attended and proved that 1 yonng Snllir bad been duly enlisted and mug. tered into Jthe United States service. Bat it appearing that be was under eighteen years of age,' and' had enlisted without his father's knowledge or consent and against bis wishes, , , he was discharged from the service and return , edU ihocustody of his father. J .... Ohio State Teachers' Association. The an nual meeting of this body at Elyria last week, was a large and Spirited one. .The next annual meeting will be held in July, 18G at Mount Vernon. ' - The principal officers of the Association for tbe ensuing year are Wm. N. Edward, of Ml. ami, President; Edwii Reoal, of Harrison, ' . Secretary: E. E. White, of Franklin, Chair man Ez Committee. ST The Court of Common Pleas for this county met on Friday, July S, and adjourned dit The next, term Tuesday, Nov. 12. will commence on ID Tbe Great Council of the Improved Or der of Red Men for tbe State of Ohio will met in this city on Wednesday next, July 10. ID F. C. Sessions, of this city, has been ap pointed Director of tbe Asylum for the Blind, in place of John Griiner, resigned. ID Tbe comet having passed its perihelion, or point of nearest approach to the sun, is rap Idly leaving ns, and will in a few days be be yond the reach of our vision, ID Tbe gun boats are at New Albany, Ind., the water In the Lower Ohio being too low for them ta get down to Cairo . ; - Removal. Wm. H. Reqtieadx, dealer In groceries, produoe, provisions, foreign and do mestic liquors, fruits, salt, woodenware, etc., has removed his store from No. 34 North High street to No 106 South High street, the old stand recently occupied by Wm. McDonald. We with Mr. R.aucccas in his 'new location. He Is a gentleman every way worthy of patronage. . ihe Ivolditriam zouaves. be tine ap pearance and uniform of this company attracted very general attention and commendation on the Fourth. Tholr drilling and evolutions were executed in such a style ss to show that the rank and file is composed of the best materials for the camp or the battle-field. We hope there may be no occasion for them to endure the hard ships and the dangers of either; but should their country require their services, we trust they will not dishonor the gallant corps whose ' name they have assumed. Something Extra. We found upon our table . the .other day, some splendid specimens of Cahoan's Mammoth Rhnbarb, from the Nur sery of Messrs. Bateham, Harford Sl Co., near this city. ' The great size of this variety of the . rhnbarb, is equalled by the richness of the fla vor. We invite all who have not done so to pay visit to the Columbus Nursery, and see the extensive floral and horticultural collection of Messrs. Bateham, - Hanford & Co. . The roDRTH at Camp Chase. There was quite a spiritsd celebration of the Fourth at Camp Chase.' The companies were called out to paraae, ana Lieut, cot c.cklt,oi tne i wen tt-Sixth Regiment, read the Declaration of Independence, and then delivered a spirited bra tion to the volunteers, which was followed by the ishiglog of patriotic songs by an extempore glee olub. It was a pleasant and enthusiastic affair..-? ,,-. .:: -- " ' ' - ' The Columbus Cadets. This Is a fine com pany of gallant and patriotic boys, numbering '' : from forty to fifty,' and generally about fifteen years of age, .Thef are regularly officered and front their .own ranks, uniformed and equipped ,. .,. K. and have regular drills and a discipline I nuU " (airs. On Wednesday night, they bivtutekid in one of the Halls of the city, keeping watch , , and guard. In due form, Av4o'olook on the morning of the Fourth they turned out and marehfd, through the city, welcoming the dawn - i-of their ooQatry'sWrthdsy.7 In the afternoon .the; Agaiappewed oa the etraeU, aad gave r,n good evld'enoe that In the coming future the "Union win not lack brave defenders. Three hearty cheers for f he. Cadets I , v. ''Awards of 'Armt "Clothimq. The Army Clothing Commissioners, Messrs. Buciinsham Wriaht acd Bolxoci, have made the following awards of Clothlbg conwaotsi ., . tl.COQ BegalaHon Orercoate A. Jones at Co., , J ' OoluubM.. 7M .: . , 1000 OTtroiaa (or Mtuatod Men-i-A. A. Stew art, Colombo... 8 73 . ,: 4000 BegalaUea Freak OoaU-30O to M. Blaok, 7 00 1000 A. A. Stewart, 7 83 WO Arttllarr Jackets) W. I.JJndere Co. Boa- ... . 600 0ir Uaeketai ' too.. ...... ......... S WK . uarairr Xrowtere, reiDtoroea tt. W. Uol- Ud.yliOo.. rhlldelphla..T. 3 75 SOD Artillery Trawaerf-a. W. Coll4aj U Co,, Pblladelphl w 3 00 uWReg. BUlru-Wk F.; Saders c Co,, Bos- toe C 00 5000 Beg. Drawers Dwltht (tone, Columboi... 50pr. Beg. Bhoet S. tovle Ac Oo.,Oolobaa 400 ( " ,?Q..0'Harr,OolabBS 87 ISO 1H : f rrTheherlff 6f Ashtabula county; arrived at the .Penitentiary yesterday, wUh four bris oners three of wbom bad been convicted of eurglarly.and one of horse-eteallng. D There are at present thirteen persons, In eluding the Postmaster, employed In our City postoffloe. D" Since the flnt arrival of our troops a' Camp Jackson, there have been about twenty thousand, In the aggregate, encamped there and at Camp Chase. ST Tbe premiums offered by the Franklin County Agricultural Society, this year, amount to $1,102, all payable in cash. . O" The expense of supporting the Publio Schools of Cincinnati, for tbe year just closed, amounted to the sum of $302,333 43. ID The Georgetown (Brown county) Demo erai states tbat tbe wheat Harvest is now on hand, tbat there is a slim crop, and much chtat in ihe county . - t ID" Geo. B. Wright, of Newark, has been appointed Assistant Quartermaster General, in place of Wbittlijir, made Engineer in Chief. ST The Fifteenth and Seventeenth Indiana Regiments left Camp Clay, on the Fourth, for Western Virginia. Exemplary Regimental Regulation. Mt. Editurs Havioii been favored with the reading of " General Order No. 2," from tbe Head quarters of the 18th Regiment, U. S. Infantry, dated lioiuuiDus, unto, July 4tn, low, ana: signed II. B. Carrinoton, Colonel Command ing, I was much edified by the following regu lation, which refleots great credit on Coi. Car rinoton, and which, It is hoped, will be strictly observed by the officers of the regiment afore said! " 9th. On Suodavi officers will report to the Adjutant, at 10 o'clock A. M , and will be ex pected to attend divine oervlce at least once, at such Church as they prefer, until provision is made tor publio worship in tne regiment." ID During the conflagratlou of Canton, caused by tbe bombardment of the British, tbe extensive medical warehouse of our country man, Dr. J. C. Ater, of Lowell (the depot of his Cherry Pectoral snd Cathartlo Fills, for China), was totally destroyed. He now makes a demand upon our Government for lndemity from the loss of his property, and hence will grow another nut to crack with our elder brother Johnny. Stick to it Doctor: and if our Gov ernnent maintains our rights wherever your Pills are sold, we shall only be unprotected on tracts tbat are very barren. Refornur, Trenton, Ntw Jirity. Sick Head-Ache Cured. We know that this heading will attract tbe attention of many, and tbe eyes of not a few will peruse an article that offers to point out to them a remedy for this prevalent disease. "Kennedy's Medical Discovery" is warranted to cure this malady by the use of one bottle. Now, reader, do not doubt this statement and suffer on; all that the' advocates of tbe Discovery ask, is that you will give It a fair trial, well knowing that the ver dict will be In its favor. But many other dis eases are cured with certainty, humors of every kind, Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, etc, and it Is with a heart full of sympathy lor the mioted tbat we present to them "Kennedy's Medical Discovery," A Genuine Boon. In our capacity as con ductor of a publio Journal we are called upon to advertise tbe cure-alls or tne day, each ot which claims to be unadulterated in its com' position and infallible in its curative effects lib what justice we leave our readers to deter mine. In one instance, however, Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative, we are so well assured of the notable qualities of the article that we give it our indorsement as all tbat its lovertor and vender claims it to be. Its effeot upon a falling bead or hair la universally known to be maei cal; like lime or guano on exhausted land, it brings its crop wherever applied. Our own thatch is fortunately healthy, but we advise our friends with sparsely growing bair to try tbe Kestorative. Uolumtmt spy. COLUMBUS POST OFFICE. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. DEPARTURES. Malls for New York City. Bolton, Albany. Buffalo. Pittsburgh, ttenbenvllle way, Cleveland, Zanctvtlle, Newark, Granrllle, Waiblnglon City, Baltimore, Phila delphia and New Orleans, clot dally (Sundays except ed) at 8 o'clock p.m. A through mail (or New York and Cleveland olotei daily (Sundays excepted) at 8 o'clock p. m. v. u.atu. h. a. way Man closes daily (Sundays ex. oepted) at 8 o'clock p. m uei antral Ohio Way Matlcloses daily (Sundays sxwDted) at 10 o'clock a. m. Cincinnati Way Mall closes dally (Sundays excepted at o oi oca a. m. Chicago. Subsume. Delaware. Marlon and Worthing ton Malls closes daily (Sundays excepted) at 8 o'clock m. Malls for Zenia, Borinrteld. Davton. Toledo. Clncln nati, Indianapolis, Jjoulsville, St. Louis, and Detroit, closes oat it iBunoaye exoented) at 0 o'olock n. m. A throoih mail to Xenia. SDrinrteld and Cincinnati eiosee asiiy (Sundays excepted) at 1 u o'olock a.m. uroana. riQtw, limn and union Ulty mall closes daily IBunaays exoented) at B o elook p. m. Lancaster, Logan, Nelsonville, Clrclevllle, Chllllcothe, Portsmouth. Washtnaton 0. II.. Athens. Marietta aod uiiisboroata mails close dally (Sundays excepted) at e oiocRp. m. Kaat Way Mall by National Road to Zanesvllle aloses daily (Sundays excepted) at It o'clock m. uarrtsourin ataitolosss daily toundava exoented) at s o oiocx p. m. Mt. vernon Mall, by way of Westervillo and Sunbunr. oloeee dally (Sundays excepted) at 8 o'clook n. m. Dublin mall eloses aally(Bundaye excepted)at 8 o clock . m. Lancaster Way Mall eiosee dallv (Sundays executed) at 'olosk p. m. ARRIVALS. Malls from New York, Boston. Philadelphia, Buffalo. Albany, Pittsburgh, Cleveland) Dayton, Toledo, Xenia, Detroit, Springfield, Cincinnati. Chilllcothe. Bt. Louis, and all Southern cities, arrive between the hours of 8 clock p- m. and s o clock a. m. Mails from Indianapolis. Chicago and Dubuque arrive at 8:40 a. m. Malls from Washington City. Baltimore. Wheeling. Zanesvllle, Newark, Steubenvllle, Mt. Vernon, and the 0. 0. B. ft. Way Mall, arrive at 18 o'clock m.t Way Mall from Cincinnati arrives at 3 o olock p. m- Lancaater Mall arrives at 8 o'clook p. m. Bast Way Mall over the National Road arrival at 11 o 'clock a. m. Mt. vernon Way Mall arrives at 11 :00 a. m.' Mall from Dublin arrive at 18 o'olock m. Drbana Way Mall arrive at 8 o'clock p.m. Herriebargh Mall arrive at 11 o'olock a. m. Laneastor Way Mail arrives at 18 o'clock m. Ofnoe delivery ooen even da (exoent Sumlav) from T o'olock a. m. to 8 o'olock p. m. Open on Sunday from 7X to W o'clook In the morning, and from S te 6 JOHN GRAHAM. P. M. TELEGRAPHIC! REPORTED FOR THE STATESMAN. REPORTED FOR THE STATESMAN. Seward Arrested--Ex-Senator Green. QUINCY, Ill., July 5. Soward, the man who assasinated Captain Howell at Canton, Mo , on the 4th Inst , wae arrested the same day by the German Home Uuards, who were cursuaded bv Senator Ureea to give bim tn charge of a oonstaole to be taken to jail at Manteilo. Ureen's intention being to release him. After leaving the town they were met cy aunion company irora Lagrange oounty, who had learned Green's intentions. The oris oner was taken by them from the constable and returned to canton, ureen ued, and although uotiy punaea escaped by biding In the woods Senator James S. Green Arrested. QUINCY, July 6. Two more companies of Col. Palmer's regi ment started for Canton last night. A Party of about twenty troons. nnder com mand of ex-Governor Wood of this State, wbo were In pursuit of Gen. Green, returned to Canton yesterday evening, having oaptnred bim about SO miles on the road to Montioello. He was placed for sate keeping in College Building-, which Col. Palmer is using as a barracks for the present. Aid to Gen. Patterson. [Herald Dispatch.] BALTIMORE, July 5. Passengers by the Western train from Sandy Hook, report Col. Stone there with 4,000 troops. They will be joined by 1000 more to morrow, ana cross the rotomao to aid uenerei Patterson, who was at Martlnsburg with 82,000 men.j . . . .. , . .,. ..... ALEXANDRIA July 5. The rumor enrrent In Washington to-day, that oar troops nave aTasre4 within ttire anil ( falrfax, laooTreoe . - , , Thirty-Seventh Congress—Extra Session. ion. . WASHINGTON, July 6. BiRiTi. Mr. Hale moved tbat the tfenato proceed to eioci an Assistant voorsecper. Forty votes were east Isaao Bassett, 30; Charles Jones, 8; Scattering, 8. Baisett was declared elected. Mr. Wilson presented the eeveral bills of which he gave notice on Thursday. Mr. Grimes moved that the bill to promote thesis clonoy of the army, be referred to a speoial committee of nine. Ihe Vice President annonneed tbe standing oommlltees. After discussion, the bill was referred to a special com mittee of nine, which consists of the following: Messrs. Wilson. Bale, Latham, Bberman, Powell, Oowan, King, Kennedy, and Howe. The other bills were referred to fbemllltery committee. Mr. Polk presented the credentials of Waldo P. John son, Seoator elect from Missouri, who took the oath. Adjourned. LIST OF STANDING COMMITTEES. Foreign Jtclatlons. Bumntr, Oohimer,, Dcollttle, Wllmott, Browning, Polk. Breokenridge. Military Afairt andMUUU. Wilson. Elm. Baker. Lsne of Indiana. Lane of Kansas, Rice, Latham, Jeinanet- fc Feieenden. Simmons. Sherman. Howe. Hunter, Petroe, Bright. MoDougal. naval Atfair Hale, 0 rimes. Foot, Sherman, Thom son, Nlcboisoo, MoDougal. Commerce. Chandler. King, Morrill. Wilson. Ten lyck, naulabury. Johnson. Judiciary. Trumbull, Foster, Ten Eyok, Cowan, Harrli. Hsvard, Powell, Olingman. foitoMct and fott Road: Oollamer. Dixon. Wada. Trumbull. Hire, Bright, Latham. Jlnolutionani Ciafms. King, Chandler. Wilkinson. Hale, Nesinlth. rulUa Laud). narlan: Blnnham. Clark. Pnmernv. Johnson, Kice, Nesmlth. ( waimt Ulark, Simmons. Howe. Wllmot. Pom- eroy. Polk, Bayard. mttrlct oloumofa. Grimes. Dixoo. Morrill. Wade Anthony, Kennedy, Powell. Indian Again Doollttle, Wilkinson, Cowan, Foot, Lane of Kauias, Harlan, Nesmlth. and tht Paltnt 0 flics. Simmons. Bumner. Cowan, Thomson, Saulsbury. Ptnkont. Voote, Blnghsm, lane of Indiana, Howe, Wllmot, Pomeroy, Saulshury. tublla JSuudinat and Ground! Toote. Anthony. Chandler, Bright, Kennedy, Wade, M'llkinson, Baker, Hae, Browning. Johnson of Tennessee, Bratg. jingrouta unit Lane oi Indiana, norriu, iainam. lb AuiJit and Control umtlnaent Srventti of tie Benat. Dixon, dark. Johuson of Tenne.see. Jlnrouta mil. Hlogham. Baker, Ssulsbur. Printing. Anthony, liar lan, Poirell. Hones. Mr. WrlKht announced the death of Mr. Soranton of Pennsylvania, and offered resolutions of profound regret. Dispatches from Washington. [Tribune Special.] WASHINGTON, July 5. The grand army advanoe In three divis ions. The right led by Gen. Tyler of Con necticut, tbe centre by Col. Hunter, and tbe left by Col. Henitzelman, tbe whole by Gen. Mc Dowell. There will be a fourth corps of re serve, bach will be not tar from l,UUU men. Where the three columns will combine cannot be stated, but we may venture to say that -it will be at a point beyond rairtax Cpurt IIoubo. Lverytblog indicates tbe bonr of marching is not far distant. The 23th Brooklyn Regiment has received orders to occupy all tbe entrench ments on the Potomac, except those at Alexan dria. Tbe regiments now holding them having orders to move forward. ' The following dispatch has been received here: "Martins noRQ, July 4th, 4 P. M. We have intelligence that Gen. Johnston seems disposed to make a stand at last. He is directly iu front of Geo. Patterson's army, only seven miles off;. His command consists of 15,000 men, of which 600 are cavalry. Gen. Patterson must set up with bim by sunrise to morrow morning, unless he moves off again. Burnside's Rhode Island battery has joined wen. ratterson."- A general order now const! tues tbe btate ot Illinois and tbe States and 1 erritorles west ot the Mississippi River, and on this side to the Rocky Mountains, Including New Mexico, separate military command, to be known as the Western Department, under command of Maj. Uen. rremont, of the United states army, with its headquarters at Bt. Louis. It is believed that Gen. Scott will take the field when tbe army advances. The Secretary of the Navy sntjiestod to the War Tt. partment to-day the propriety ot sending a foree down the river to take and hold Mathlis Point; he was told to wait two or three day. This was understood tn mean that within that apaco of time the enemy would have other work to do which will take off his attention from the Potomac and compel him to draw In his advance [World's Correspondence.] WASHINGTON, July 5. Attorney doners! Bates has prepared an opi nion at some length concerning the power of the President to suipend the writ or habeas corpus, special reference ne Ini made to the Merrlman case. He holds that the func lions of the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary branch es of the Oovernment are so distinct and final that neither can class with the other, and tbat the previous Judgment by the Supreme Court against the Executive right of suspending the writ of habeas corpus, would not continue a binding precedent Ihe action ot tn f real dent la futlr Indorsed In the document. The relstloneof the Oovernmeit with foreign powers are understood to be so aatialactory, that the Senate Committee on Foreign Eolation will report no resolu tion having reforenoo to loreign auairs. He believed no compromise propositions will be presented to either Senate or House, during this session. Mr. Breckinridge will no doubt make a com promise speech at an early day, gW e have further evidence that a forward move ment into Virginia is about to take place. By Sunday, Fairfax, Willi no doubt, be in tbe Fed eral possession, aod by a week from tbat day, our troops will encamp at Manassas. 1 1 is not be lieved that the rebels will make any stand at Manassas Junction. Mr. Colt received an order to-day from the War Department for 35,000 Minnie mnekets. Tho conteetfor the Secretary of the Senate is growing animated, and candidates increase daily. Gco.Dewitt Clinton Clark, of Vermont, will doubtless be eleoted. Col. Forney is making vigorous efforts ibr the position. ' ' Robert Morris, Philadelphia,' bas been ap-j pointed Chief Clerk of tho House, by Mr. -;' L [Times Correspondence.] Oar troops continue to crosi to Virginia, but it Is not believed there will be advance for some days. The rebels are advanaing toward our lines and entrenching as they come up, or rather preparing defensre,to cover their retreat in case they are driven back, I predict that tbey are to go back without a fight they are gone book and line and must 'give way; we shall have a great viotory and no blood shed. : Secretary Cameron and .lien. 1'remont have gone to Fort Monroe. ... 1' i , I [Herald Correspondent.] Col. Blinker's Regiment of German Rifles will form the advance of skirmisher. A general movement Is to occur early In the coming week, but the precise time will of course be made to correspond to tbe movement ot tbe division ot Generals McfJieiian ana ratterson. ' , Since the rank of Ma or General has been conferred upon General Lyon, of Missouri, it Is probable that Mr. Blair will oe promoted to a Brigadier tscneraisnip, ana .win soon resume the field. . . . . . - r- Mr. Carlisle, in the House, received a dig' natch from Gov. Pierpont, of Virginia, to day. announcing that two Ohio Regiments had sur prised a nest ot rebels at Buckhannon, Virginia, capturing 400, killing 300, and seizing 2(10 horses. ' "' [To the Associated Press.] WASHINGTON, July 6. No volunteer will be discharged upon a sur geon's certificate of disability, until the certifi cate shall have been submitted to the Medical Director, and shall have been approved and countersigned by him. ' " ' " 1 1 Captain John McNab, of the Tenth Infantry, having, while la command of Fort Laramie, given satisfactory evidence of his disloyalty to the uorernment, tne rresiaent directs that bis name be stricken, from the roll of the army. The President also directs that tbe name of As sistant Surgeon Lafayette Gould, of tbe medical staff, be stricken from the roll for refusing to renew his oath ot allegiance. r . - . It bas been deoiaed tn tbe ftenublican Sena torlal caucus to push business forward with . all possible Rapidity, and then adjourn.' War ap propriations are likely to be made at once.' .Senator Wilson this morning Introduced bills for the increase of the army. , The general Im pression Is that they will be put on tbeir pas sage with as little delay as possible. ' Yesterday, as one of tbe rebel regiments was advancing on Fairfax, one of their own regiments mistook them for regulars, and commenced fir ing on them; eight were killed , and several woncded. Another assassination was perpetrated on a tire zouave, wno was anted iat night oa tne street by a concealed foe. 1 ' 1 : 'J ' . On good authority, advice Irons our Minis tersat London and Paris, give most ttmphatlo aaiuranoes tbat England and France will fully respect our blockade cotton or no cotton-. [Special to Post.] WASHINGTON, July 6. It Is rumored that Crittenden and Wlckllffe, of Kentucky, are preparing a plan of oompro mlse to be Dreaented to Congress.-' It te. how ever, quite oertala that no oompromls measure would received twenty votes in Congress, even if it were received at all. Tbe rebels have planted six guns near Vienna, ana six more ciose oy rairlax, on the road from Winchester to Alexandria. Senator Chandler's bill to confiscate the property of rebel officers, is a bomb shell ia the ranks of the enemv. Senator Wilson added a section to bis bill for organizing tbe volunteer force. It authorizes the Colonel, Lieuteoatt Colonel, Major, Adju tant and Quartermaster of each regiment to frank letters for the troons under tbeir com mand. Tbe number of regiment and company, and tbe name of tbe writer, must be super scribed on each letter. High authority says that 12.000 troOLS have croeeea over tne rotomao within twenty-four hours. FORT KEARNEY, July 4. The first coach of the daily Overland Mail going west, passed at noon of the third with five passengers and sixteen sacks of mall. Chief Justice Hale, en ronte for Colorado. passed to day. A salute ot d4 guns were fired and 34 rockets sent up to night. i LEAVENWORTH, July 6. We are under obligations to the editor of the Fort Scott Democrat for the following items in regard to the movements in Missouri, under date of June 23: He save Gov. Jackson's secretary called a srsjlon of the Missouri Legislature, to meet at SArcoxl, seventy miles southeast of l'ort Scott, for the purpose of pasaiog an ordinance of se cession. The rebels in Western Missouri were con centrating at that point. r fugitives lrora Jasper county were hourly ar riving at Fort Scott, and report a terrible state of affairs in that section. It is reported that Dr. Wilson, Dr. Ullman. and other leading Union men, had becu hung. In some canes, escaoinz fugitives had been followed into Kansas by the secessionists. Montgomery, with 4UU men, entered Mis souri on tbo morning of tho 27ib, but bis objeot nas not transpired. NEW YORK, July 6. The report of the Secretary of Navy states the force in commission to bo 62 vessels, carry ing upwards of 1,100 guns, besides several steamers aod other small craft, temporialy in sorvice. Twenty-three gun boats are contracted for (luce the 4th of March. Two hundred and fifty-nine officers have resigned and been dis missed. 1 he report reoommends tbe appoint ment of a Director of Ordinance, to have the supervision of tbe details of that branch of the service. Also the appointment of a board to Inquire into -the expediency of building iron clad steamers; also an increase of the clerical force of the department: also tbe appointment of an assistant secretary. The estimates for the service are S3U,3ua,&2U. From Louisville and the South. LOUISVILLE, July 6. Notwithstanding the stoppage on the Louis ville aod Nasbviile Railroad, the Amerioan Letter Express Company continue (o receive and forward mail matter via Clarksvillo, regu larly, and tbe travel North and South continues by the tame route. unreliable rumors are prevalent of appre hended daDger from Tennesseeaus, in reference to the stoppage of the first named route. A special dispatch to the Nashville L'nion, ot tne urn tnst., lrom Richmond, reports Pat- terson's loss ia the skirmish with Col. Jackeon at eighty. Jackson's force was 4..rC0, whereof six were Killed and twenty wounded. The Mobile Adoirtiitr of the 2d, says 5,000 federal troops are on Santa Rosa Island. The New Orloans Picayune of the 3 j, says the confederate ship of war Sumter, ran the blockade on Saturday, putting to sea. She has a crew of sixty-five men and twenty marines The following is in Southern papers of tbe 4to: -, "NEW ORLEANS, July 2d. "The enemy has seized the telegraph Instru ments at Pass a Soutre. The United States steamer left tbe bar yesterday." A collision occurred on the Mobile and Ohio R. R., on the 1st, at Imnton, Tennessee, wherein two soldiers were killed and twenty five wonnded. Reliable information from Camn Troasdale. Tennessee, says the measles and small pox are prevalent among the soldiers. Every train carries twenty to thirty sick into Nashville, and seldom a train without a corpse or two. An eye-witness informs us, tbat on tbe 4th, the morning down train from Louisville, was stopped at Richland, Tennessee, ostensibly to await tne up train, and ordered to Camp Troas dale. There a file of soldiers, under Major Howard, surrounded the train with loaded arms, sod putting three or four into the locomotive, and three into each passenger car, were in structed to shoot tbe engineer or anybody who opposed them. . Further on, at Fountain Head, leonessee, the up tram was met, and both trains, together with a freight train, were sent oick to iMasnviiie. . From Baltimore. BALTIMORE, July 6. Four kes aod two. boxes ' f powder were found secreted in the western police station, A small number of arms was also foond. From Cairo. CAIRO, ILL, July 6. The Oovernment has decided to acoept all the artillery companies of this brigade for three Tears, or during the war, as tbey profer. Ihe Uoveroment boat W. tl- H , witb Uen, Prentiss aboard, made an excursion down tbe river as far as Norfolk, this afternoon. The result of the expedition bas not yet transpired. Great Fire in East Boston. BOSTON, July 4. A treat eonflizratlon occurred In Es,t Boston to-dav. Th wharve aud salt warehouses, rjuffjls. Salt Mills, East Boston Iron roucd'y and Machine chops, Section al Dock, Marine Railway, and nearly all the dwellings snd marine and mechanical warehouses, as well as an immense quantity of lumber, limber and marine sto.os: also, the moulds for the new gun boat contracted for by ront uurtts, were burnt, rour vessels were totally do stroyed, and five badly burned. Also twelve dwelling houses elsewher In th oltyt were burned to dsy, From Fortress Monroe. FORTRESS MONROE, July 5. Ool. Baker1 Regiment arrived from Baltimore this morning, and hav encamped this side of Uamnton Oraek. . Got. Bsker, It was supposed, would be made a Brigidler General. Ool. Duteyea wa yesterdsy promoted to Ihe rank of Brigadltr Ueoaral, to command at Camn Uamllton Brigadier General Pieroe oommands the Massachusetts ttegtiLents in Hampton village. General Butler, yealeiday, made a stirrln g speech to our o-oop at vamp Hamilton. Ihe Montioello made a reconnolssanee up James Riv er this morning. Fiva miles from Newport News, she discovered a rebel force of 700, on shore. She Immedi ately opeced a brisk fire upon them. lght companies were lent by laud to sustain her. The obnoxious flag of truce Is down again from Nor folk, accompanied by a lug, carrying the British flag. The Brltlih Consul at Norfolk, a noted secessionist, is on board, and persist In Din abort to visit Baltimore. About 5 o'clock thi morning, 25 of Uawkius' Zouaves encountered a rebel force, supposed to number about ISO, Including about 15 cavalry and one field piece, seten mils from hewport News. It Is reported that 3 of the rebel ware shot, and also 0 of Hawkins' Zonavea. The latter sent for reinforcements, and live companies wen sent to sustain mem. Arrival of the Great Eastern. FARTHER POINT. July 6. Til Ore Eastern left Liverpool on the$7th. Ihe FJlbernla airived out th Siih. Oily of Washington on uieuum. - - Ihe sales of Cotton for thr day were t 000 bales. Speculator aad exporter took 1000, th market closing Steaoy anu uduuhiikou. ttanoirestei martet quievqnotationi barely mentioned. Breatlstuus rather firmer, mora inquiry. Provisions uonsois ev?fWPi. The Aras'i and Edinburgh sailed for New York. The latter ha 403,000 on board. Lord Chancellor Campbell died suddenly, from a roo mie OI ft Diouu-Tesiei. - , The Sultan of Turkey died on the 85 th. He is sue seeded by hi brother. Sir James yarguson. in tn nous ot Common, eon- demued the reinforcements sent to Canada. D'laraelL also, thought Ihe Government Was incurring serloas re sponsibility. Lord Paliueraton defended the aot of the Government, as Ihe usual precautionary measure of all governments in, uo immeutato vteinlty of hostilities; the step inoicaiea no oistrun oi in latin or th North- era States, and no want of i.attdeuo in Canadians: the time waa fit and proper because reinforcement can only be sent to Canada la Ihe SMorasr. .. , . -. Tbe loss by the oonflsgration In London was over 2.000,01)0, some estimated it as high a S or 4,000,000, matnlv Insured. . - m,. ... , .The recognition ot th Kingdom of Italy by France, I formally aunounoed.- - i Th London Tlraes continues to maintain that the Amerioan have no ground for their abuie of Xnglaad but mortification at Mnglaud, and laok of aonnciation. U says the northerners have throws themselves into a paisloo, and must be leit to recover. ' i i Sir Archibald Alison. In a letter toO. M. OHrv. loon- tends that the American Oonatitutlon aafllura. and reotmmends National Church and a monarchy a th remedr. , 1 lh conflagration In London, briefly tlgrapli4 by I: the Persia, was lha moat disastrous for fenerations Ira mens pile of warehouts on hs Vurrcy .Ids of London Bridie, filled with all kinds of nradnc. were destroyed. Borne estimate the extent o th loss at from tbre to four millions sterling. lbs urobuDl ! of eonsol by Insurance companies caused a deolloe tn stook exchange. Some article of product advanced in conseqnenc of grt at quantities o( it uviu ooDsumea. . - Mr. Cobden addressed hi mnstliuent at Bochette. on the 20th. Il eulogised the Punch Oovernment and Commercial Trenty with Prance, and denounced ths vol- unte-rmuvanient In Kailand. He called to Idea of a rreoeo invasion a ridiculous invasion. Fr.ncx The bourse was Improving on the 20th. Rentes were quoted at 67f., 05 c Draw. A royal decree admit eotton at much lower due in Spain from September till January. The Spanish proclamation relative to the American war, ssys tbe Queen 1 determined to observe the strict est neutrality between th federal States of the Union and th Confederal Btate of th South.. With this view, It Is prohibited to arm, build, or St out privateers, no matter under what flag, In any Spanish port. Ship owners and captains are pronionen irons accepting let ter of marque, and from partioipating in any way in arming ani Dttlng out privateer. 1 Privateer and prise are prohibited from remaining over 21 boors in any Spaolsh port, save in case of nr. gent necessity, in which case the harbor authorities are to compel them to proceed to sea a soon as posiible, and not allow them to ship but what Is necessary, and never, under any pretext, arm or ammunition. No ar ticle belonging to prise may be sold. OOeaders are responsible for their own act, aod have no claim for protection.' Span lards ar probibl ed from taking ser vice on either aide, and to abstain from all act which may be regarded as opposed'to neutrality. Offenders are to be liable to the measure adopted by lb belligerent. and punished acoorolog to th law of tpain. Heports are ourrent mat tne Bngtisn ambassador at Vienna hsd insisted upon a solution of th Hungarian question; but semi-official Journals give a denial. The alarming report In regard to th health of the Impress of Austria are tjo true. Funds from consols advanced H . The Hoard of Trade returns for Hay show increased export over llay last, notwithstanding the American crisis. Brs aovrrrr Mabkit. Weather favorable for crops. W aketteid As Oo. and It. 8. Sr. Co . quote flour quiet at S4l'7s. 6d. lor American. Wheat steady: bet ter tone and mnrn Inquiry; Bed. iui. Ud.l3s; white, 13t.8l3. Od. Corn steady: mixed SSs.t Yellow k8,. ttd.j Whit 30j.31s. 6d Prime pork steady; Bacon quiet; Lard dull and nominal; eugar ateady; Hyequlc; Coffee quiet. London Marxit. Breadstuff declining; wheat dull, 1'2, lower for superior, new closing steady; sugarquite; coffee firmer Bales of Illinois Central railroad share at 40&5U dlsot; It re shares at !flSi; Mew Xork Cen tral shares at bv. BUCKHANNON, July 5. TeleirmDh completed to this plac this evening:. Oen. McClellanrand tlilidlvliion of bis command are here, and a forward movement will probably be made In a few days The enemy I reported in considerable force a few miles west, at Beverly, th largest body said to be at Laurel inn. From Alexandria. ALEXANDRIA, July 4. All Is oulat. Extra precautions are used to-dsyand all the soldier are confined to their camps, on the sup position that Beanretard might attack, thinking to find confusion and frolicking. I wo battalions ot rebels nave been seen reconnoltering the past two days. MONTREAL, July 6. The Great Eastern arrived this mornlna. She is be lieved to bring Liverpool date of tbe 20th, and troops for Canada. Hope to get new this afternoon. THE MARKETS. New York Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] NEW YORK, July 6. FL0UB-Still rules In favor of the buver. with less doing lor export, and only a moderate h'lme trade de mand. Bales of 8 OnO barrel at 83 Sbm3 05 for simer- fine state; $4 $f 15 for extra slate; $i i5al5 50 for su perfine western; 13 554 30 lor common to medium extra western; 4 ou4 75 for shipping brands extra round hoop Ohio; (4 e5JtU 00 for trade brands do. Marketclusing quiet and somewhat unsettled. Canadian flour only a limited business doing and prices favor buy ers. Bates oi octi no is at S3 oa for common to choice extra. " KYB s'LOUR-Qulet at (2 503 5 80. CORN MSAu Dull and unchanged. UIBKY Unchanged. Bales of o'OO barrels at IS I5,"ic. W 11E AT Demand less active and market scarcely so Arm. Uood souod spring scarce and held pretty steady. Bales of 48. OU0 bushels Chicago spring at 677Bc; be, 1011 bushels Milwsukeeolub at 8va9!o; 14 600 bushel Amber Iowa at W95o; lt,W) bushels northwestern club et92fii9jo, and Isl.oOO bushels do at r?036;.; 5W.5WJ bushel winter red western at SI 0I1 09; d.OtiO bushels common white Wesiero atai tn!jo; 18 OoOwhit Michi gan at 91 1531 30; 600 busbela white Kentucky at $ 1 23.41 30; 13,200 bu,hel Canadian club at 9iV!X. B i B Steady with sales of 47,000 bushels at GSo for Btate. BARLEY Dull and nominal. '' - CORN Market heavy and slightly lower. Bale of 81,000 bushels at 38$43 for unsound and new mixed western ; 44(845 for round yelTow. " OATS Plenty and dull at 25j29 for western and Ca nadian, and S9$50 for stats. POHK Dull and without any material change la prices. Bale of 400 boU at I14 50S14 63 for mess; 1 10 for prime. ' - - MEdoBKltf Uoraaetivedamandi being in part for Oovernment. Bales of IfOO bill at (4 4 50 for oountry prime; (5 50(S6 for mess; S8i0Ior repacked mess; I0&11 for extra mess. Prime mess beef dull and nom inal. BEEF HAMS Quiet and unchanged. CUC HE ATBHule quiet. LARD Quiet with sales of 500 barrel at 8S9j. BUITEu Is selling at 7W40 for Ohio aud 715o lor state. C UK IS SB In moderate request at 27o- SUGAR Ac ive aod X&Ko pr bbl higher: sales 17 hhds Cuba at 4Jf3Sc. Keaued sugar 1 alao firmer with a strong upward tendency. Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, July 5. FLOUR There continue the same dull trade. Su perfine will not bring over $3 75, though held higher. Bneri slra to get it even lower. - -WHEAT Was as dull as everuntil the New York dis patches encouraied holders a little. Bed la quoted at 8I75c; white at 75'Oo. CORN Haa been stiff. ned up some, byth f.ict that receipts have been less than the current wants of the market; 30o I now generally asked, and 39c Is freely paid. ... OATS Command 23o readily, and ar held mora firmly. .. ' BARLEY and RYE Aro very dull the former not quotable the latter nominal at 4j3. WUL8K. firm at 11 He. j - - Headquarters Ohio Militia and "Volunteer Militia. ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE,) ;'. i Ooiombcs, June 89,-1831. j Special .Order No. 403. CATHARInCs P. BUCKINGHAM, Commissary Cen tral of th Btate of Ohio, 1 hereby appointed Adjutant General of tho State of Ohio, with the tank of Brigadier General ; laid appointment to take effect on 1st July 161, at same Una with the resignation of H. B. Oar- ribgton, heretofore tendered, and he will be obeyed and retpected accordingly. - By order of the Commander-in-Chief. ' H. B. CARRISGT0N, 1)3 . Adjutant Geaeral, Ileadciuartersi Ohio' Militia and Volunteer Militia. ' ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, I CoLumoa, July 1, 1801. ( Special OiTder USTo. 404. Captain COLUMBUS DELANO. Assistant Commlmry of Bubslitance.Ts hereby appointed Commlsrary 6 M al of the State ot Ohto, witb tht rank of Brigadier 0 fit .-al, efct Catharlnut P. Buckingham, appointed A Jo. wt General of the State of Ohio, and ha will bt obey t& and respected accordingly.', " By order of (he Commander-in-Chief. .' ! - . , ' 1 ,. 0. P. BUCSINaFsUC, jl3' Adjutant Ctrnral. MST BE SOLD! ALL. THE GOODS SS..' ' ; pt r '. '. i ' AT STORE - Town Street, ' 1 AST II1.I01I3S TO,' SUIT, THE TIMES ! ,..-."-.!i tvr-n: .. A 1 . WAR! WARM WAR1M rXXVTKG TO TBG WAU BETWEEN J th Union and the Sunny South, l hav concluded w sen on . A L L ! M Y ' G O O DS, BELOW OoSTi i ? Tht stock consists of tht largest lot of HITEGOODS . . I. U.. t f i . . .. .. . - III Ml. VtLJ V ' r C;. JACOIIETS.f . r'l-1 ki.?, .-c.'i.:i 4 J.'" .- r EBalEBAIDAB, MTJIX8, Dr. H. McLEAN'S Strengthefliug Cordial and Blood PURIFIER. eateet Mesne jrg, The Tbe Ore World, AND 7DI host xraicioos ANT) DELIGHTFUL OOBD1AL EVER TAKEN. I TIN STRICT ly a acientiflo and Vegetable Compound, procured by the distil lation of Boots. Ueria and Bark, Yellow Dock, Blood Boot, Barsaparllla, Wild Cherry Bark and Dan delion enter into its Ml Man Takins'i .sou' remedial After Taking. principle of each Ingredient I thoroughly extracted by mvnew method of distilling, producing., a delictus, ex hilarating spirit, and the moat INFALLIBLE remedy tor renovntine ine mseasea lyiCTu, mnu rcsiorrnr '.ne sick. offering and debilitated INVALID to HEALTH and BTHKNUXH. AICLEAN' STKENflTHENINO CO II Will efiectully ears LIVIB COMPLAINT, DVBPXP8IA, JAUND101, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Disease of the Sidneys! and all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Mom; acn, iivnen.ta, ueartnnrn, inwarn files, Acidity or bior. ess or in to much, Fullness of Blood to the lies.l, Dull aln or swimming in the head. Palliation of the Heart 'ullnessur vVeiirht In the Btomach, Sour Eructation Choking or suffocating feeling when lying down. Drvnes or yellowness of the Bum and Kyes. Maht Bweau. In ward Ftvere, Pain in the small of the hack, chest or side. Budden Fineries of Heat, Depression of Bplriu, Frightful Dreams, Languor, Despondency or any Nervous Disease Bona or Blotcbe on the Bkin, and Fever and Atrue (or Chili and Fever.) . Over a Million oi ilottlea Ilave been aold during th last six months, and in no In stance ha It failed in giving entire satisfaction. Who, then, will suffer from Weakness or Debility when Mo- LBAN'B BTKKNUT11KN1NU CORDIAL will cute ynu? no lanrnaire can convey an adequate idea or th imme diate ind almost miraculous change produced by taking thi Cordial in th diseased, debilitated and shattered nervou system, whether broken down by excess, weak by nature, ortmpaireaoy sicxnese, uereiaxeaana unstrung organisation is restored to its pristine health aod vigor. ItlABRIEO PEHSOIYH, Or other conscious of inability, from whatever cause, will find McLean Strengthening Cordial a thorough regenerator of tbe system; and all who may have injured themselves by Improper indulgences, will find In the Cor dial a certain and speedy remedy, To the Ladle. McLean's Strengthening Cordial I a sovereign and speedy cure for INCIPIENT CONSUnPTION.WIIITES Obstructed or Difficult Menstruation, incontinence of Urine or Involuntary Discharge thereof, Falling of the Womb, Giddiness, Fainting and all Diseases incldne t Female. Thar Is no Mistake About it. Buffer no longer. Take it according to Directions. It will stimulate, strengthen and invigorate you and cause tbe bloom of health to mount your cheek again . very bottle is warranted to give satistaction. FOIt CHILDREN. If your children ar sickly, pnny, or afflicted, McLean Y Cordial will make them healthy, fat and robust, Delaj not a moment, try it, and you will be convinced. IT IS DELICIOUS TO TAKE, Oaotior. Beware of Druggist or Dealer who may try to palm upon you some Bitter or Barsaparilla trash, which they can buy cheap, bysaylni it I justs good. Avoid such men. Ask tor McLean's Strengthening Oor dial, and take nothing else. It la th only remedy that will purify the blood thoroughly and at the eauio time Strengthen the system. On tablespoonful taken every morning fasting, Is a certain preventive of Cholera, Chills aud Fever, Yellow Fever, or any prevalent disease, It i put up in larg ponies. Price only tl per bottle, or 6 bottle for IS. J. n. McLHAK, Bole Proprietor of this Cordial, Also McLean s Volcanic Oil liniment. Principal Depot on the corner of Third and Pin streets. Bt, Louis, Mo. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. The nest Liniment in the World. The only safe and certain cure for Canoen, Pile, Swelling and Bron chitis, or Goitre, Paralysis, Neuralgia, Weakness of th Muscle, Ocronlo or Inflammatory Rheumatism, Stiff noes of the joint, contracted Muscle, or Ligament, Earache or Toothache, Bruises, Sprains, Wounds, Fresh Outs, Ulcers, Fover Sores, Caked Breast Bore Nipple, Burns. Boalds, Bore Thoat, or any Inflammation or Pain, no difference bow severe, or how long the disease may hav existed. McLean's Celebrated Liniment la a eer tain remedy. Thousands of human being have been saved a life of decrepitude and misery by the use of this invaluable med eine. McLEAN'S VOLCANIC OIL LINIMENT Will relieve pain almost Instantaneously, and It wll cleanse, purify and heal the foulest sores in an incredi ly short time. For Morses and Other Animal. -McLean s celebrated Liniment I the only saf and re liable remedy for the cure of Spavin, Bing Bone, Wind galls, Splints, Unnatural Bump, Nodes or Swellings. It will never fall to cur Big Head, Poll Evil, Fistula, Old running Bore or Bweeny, if properly applied. For Sprains. Bruises, Scratches, Bores or Wounds, Cracked Heel, Chafes, Baddl or Collar Galls It ia an infallible remedy. Apply it as directed, and a cur is certain in (very instance. Then trine no longer wttn tne many wortmoss Lini ment offered to you. Obtaio a supply of Dr. McLean's celebrated Liniment. It will cur you. ,1. II. ncLEAB , goi proprietor, Corner of Third and Pine Streets, Br,. Louis, Mo. For sale by all druggists. For sale by ROBERTS It BAMTJEL, aug26-datwlF Columbus, Ohio. PROF. L. MILLER'S HAIR INVIGORATOR, An Effective, Safe and Economical Compound, FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR To It original color without dyeing, and preventing natrirom turning gray. FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS, And curing It, when then 1 th least particle ot vltall or recuperative energy remaining. FOR REMOVING SCURF AND DANDRUF And all cutaneous affections of th Scalp. FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR. Imnarttng to tt an uneqaled gloss and brilliancy, making It toft aud silky in it texture, and causing it to curt readily. lb great celebrity and increasing demand for this un counted preparation, convinces tbe proprietor that on trial is only necessary ra sau-iy a aucermng pontic or its superior qualities over any other preparation in use. It cleanses th head and scalp from dandruff and other outaneou diseases, causing the hsir to grow luxuriantly giving It a rich, soft, glossy and flexible appearance, aud also, where the hair is loosening and thinning, It will give strength and vigor to the roots and restore the growth to nose part wnicn nave Become naio, causing ii w yteia a resb oovering oi natr. There ar hundred of ladle and geatlemen In New York who have had iheir hair restored by the use of this Invigontor, when all other preparations have failed, L. M. has in hi possession letter innumerable testifying to th above facts, from persons of the highest redseeta- billtv. It will effectually prevent the hair from turning until tbe latest period of life; and in cue when' the- hair hu already changed its color, tne use or tne invigorator art 1 1 with certainty rator. it to it to Iu ong'nal hue, giv ing tt a dark, glossy appearance. A a perfume for the Ulliet SOU A Jiail onmwimwm pM.H.uiariJ IKUA' mended, having an agreeable fragrance; and the great fa el I i ties u affords In dressing the hair, which, when moist with the Invigorator, can be dressed in any required form so aa to preserve It plaoe. whether plalnlorln curl; hence the great demand tor it oy tne ladle as a standard. toilet article which none ought to be without, the price place it within tn reaco oi an, netng Only Twenty-Five Centa per bottle, to b had at all respectable Druggist and rsnuiin. L. MILLER would call the attention of Parent and Ouardlana to the use of his Invigorator, In case where the children' hair incline to be weak. The us of it lav th foundation for loaodiuad of hair, as It re move any tmpuritie that may hav become connected with the scalD, tht removal of which la necessary both for th health of tht child, and tb future ;ppearane of it Bair. Oaonott. Non genuine without the fac-simile LOOTS MILLER being on the outer wrapper; also, L. MIL LER'8 BAIB INVI0O1UT0B, N. Y., blown la the .lAA. WnOlMaiW JefHa-0 MVJ 111.. ! W.l UJ .11 .lie a, a II T J ..1 I .11 .V principal Mercnants ana Druggist inrougnour. in worm IlLDBrAI UUWaH, w Jiaivaani. a, ai.uuauaiy, . " I alto desire to present to th American Publio my 1TSW AJTO MPBOVED jsnoTLseovB LIQUID HAIR DYE, which, after years of telentMe exnrtmentlng, I have brought to perfection. ltdjeaBlackor Brown instantly wlthoutlnjury to the Bair or Skin; warranted the best article oi in kind tn xitano. . , . PRICE, ONLY 50 CENTS. . ! Depot, 56 Dey - St, New York, crstJ:dwty. ' MANUOOD.ll; HOW X.0ST, HOW BESrORBD. man wrrai.TSHBD. ON THI NATfJBE. TRBA UEMT AND RADIOAL CURE OP SPERMATORRHEA .r HAAilnal Weaknes. Sexual Debility, Nsnrou.ness.Iu voluntary Emlstlona and Impotency, resulting from Rir.Ah.M. Ac By Root. J., If. D. Bent anderet,ma plain envelop, to any addres,pot Enid, on recaipt of two stampa, ty nr. uhab. J. J . LINE, 187 Bowery, Mw lork. Post Offlo Box, No 4,366, irtll:3iridfc Pi MRS. WINSLOW, sxpsrienced stun aod rami rhyvtoiaa. i , prssoat a. ' v. Hon, ar SOOT HIN O fi TttTTP . ' w M. g t FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. !atly hellltatea the proew. o( to. thing,' which nine by soft- ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, and U1 allay HVRE TOHEGFJEAVTE THE BOWEU Depend udob IL nnth and , " to yoarMlv wrrvw . - . : ! 1 1 i 5 5 W.ninp,5,i",ia tn" rUel 'w over taw mii andC. whati -k-"--, tm ipeu ua terms of (OBBsmdaUea W iu m?."'..,.""?"i?,te virtu,. wTu I. iku "utr-naAT wb no KNOW;" after ton w..r.'VrZ almot every instanoa where the infant U soffrWrwif .am and .xhaustlon. relief will be f oVid Tta U&ZZ twenty minute after theSyrup ia admmlitorisl. ?1JtbilP,,,,l0B prescription at M f the i mo.t KXPIBIEMCBDa. BkIlLFUL MUR8M Is New Eniland. and ha. town ua i,k nB -T ING BUCCRdS In mm.iu THOUSAND! orCABCS. It notonly relieve th ahiid rn , Z.. . . at, ihe stomach and Lowell, oorreol ldlty, and glva itauMj 10 " 5 OB.P.SQ n IHK B0WXU3, ASH WIND COUfj 5?0TeHC?,'iCOBT,"M' whlch',f otPdll7ren u.s su i'-Vkaa. VT S3 tllSJTVJ TC Ua H MT and 111711. EST REMEDY IN THE WORLD, In all oaeei of OT ENTEBY and DIABBUfEA in rtnir nn5? fL?Il it arises from teething, or from any other eaos W. would ay to every mother who hu. .mih .w.. -- 4n ' th foregoing oompUInt DO MOT LET TODM PREJUDIOEi NOft TUB PREJUDICES OP 0IHBB6 stand between you and your unerlng child, and th r lief that will be SUKM-yefc ABSOLUTELY SvSiJZ, follow the use of thi aaedtetoe. If tin.l. oyi. w.h rection for using will accompany arh bottU Hon genuine unless th fic-simils of CCR1I8 tt PRFJUMg New York, is on th outrid wrapper. . ,v """ Bold by all Druggist throughout th world. PrlicipalOffiee, 19 Cedar Street N.Y. I-KIUIS ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. oct27-dAwly. , ' . . s 1 PE0P. WOOD'S BLOOD BEBOVATOR I Is precisely what its nam Indicate, for, whllt pleasant to tbe taste. It is revivivl at. axhll.r.t. dng. Invigorating and strengthening to th vital nnv.H. snd At fh. A.m. tlm. h.i.u ... fv 'states, and renews tbe Blood In all Its purity, and Kithus at one rsatorst amd rssidWt (A stewa t- ;"'' vm-- 'y " - as so onm ..preparation ever offend to the world, so ctwrnl-l n cany ano aiiiiiuiiy comoino ss SW be tb moat V wenui wuio. mil mi iu. earn nasi (0 Mrreouy iiuapiea 10, aa so act iu pr'osovaMwtth thel M. aw 01 natuie, and neooe -ill ttitlU fib ssniTssf a H tatomaat. ana tana an uia dtMAtto Ithus allay all nervsus aad thar KritatiM.i it 1. Jl perfectly exhilarating, and at the cam lima it Is! NJ composea eotireiy 01 vegeutd, yt easblnd 1 laa to produce tbe most thoroush tonic .ffMt. wtoi. Jout producing any hiJurioueonquaBCB Buchj C a remen; nas ioDg ocen reit 10 o a dealdaratua In h medical world, for Uneed no medical aklll to aee inatdeDinty 101 lows all attacks of disease, asdl proceeo anu maeea uy tsr yrsa open to the 0 insurious auacA. ui didj oi in most ratal, sweb, if or example, a th following: Cnnrasptloa, In digestion, Dyspepd. Lose of Appetite, Falntiws, VMrn. Trrttahllitw. NmmU. , Cj Heart, Melancholy, Night Sweat, Laogaor.-GlddlJ - ness, newDuga vi, as wen as swatat oeatractM too profuse, or too sosnt Menstruation, and fall ling of the Womb. These all depeid upon genenU uiood lienovaior 1. as sun to ease th sun to a rise and set. There is no mistake about It. Butl .his is not all. It the system I weakened, w are ipeu 10 uuhjuaaavaa, ui. liver Me. Ate torpid, 1 jr won diseased, tb kidnejs rtfon to potform H their funotions, and w ar troubled witk soaldlng-ti and lncontlneuoe of uina, or Involuntary dia charge of tbe same, pain in th hack, aid and bt- A tween th shoulder. xotdinly liablato slight U colds, tough, aad if Unchecked, soon adaUeo 'ollowi, and lh patient goeadown to a premature A grave. But spec will not allow ns to numerate M It tne many 11 is to wntcn w an liable la a wwakeDOd, V condition or the system. But w will say, in thlsl Cordial and Blood Renovator you hav a penwctjLA sal, pleasaot and effeetual remedy for lot of 11 Appetite, Biliousness, Flatulent wk and sick v jtomich. Languor, Liver Complaint. Chills andj Fever, oraoy Bilious attaik. CoaiimMA. ArtHn.l I ... lh.atM.uili U 1 . 1 - n,,. of th Stomach, Nervousness, Neuralgia, Palplta-L OlUoaof the Heart, Depression of gplrtts. Boras, M Pimple on th Face, or any dlssaa arising from Jf .ITinUr. hlofMl. anl, AA Rf-mftllA Smlnal.. Dana. imijurv oiova, sucn aa ocroiuia, arysipia, uron f nun, uougu, aimcuuy or oreatning, ana ail tut'.. Jclas of diseases called fesaal rulmj tiullTl enumerr-ted above. We will also say tb traveler U oxporeu ui epiuemtc. cnang or ciuaat ana wet-t er, will find it a pleasant, sal and sure remedy, and none should ever travel without. Header.! try It. for we assure vou vou will Snd in It a I rlondi indeed, a well aafriod io sued. All ptreonaofl lo 4 saucuiarj win una i. a Deriocx nrevuDtiv or i a well as cure for those ailments to which Ussy ar parucaiarry expowa. sienoe minuterstuaentlaM I torneys, literary gmtlemen.and ladie who are soil aorustomad to much outdoor aisrctse, will Bod It I o their advaotag to kep a bottle constantly on hand; and, aoovt til, mothers, or the becomlni ucu, win inraagn usi moss aaojrero a parioal oot only wth all sbeir aouteod (trength, bull saieana iree rrom tne inousanaaiimant so prav-1 0 alentaaong the female portion of th world. Id! thort. it is indeed a mother's cerShil., TrwILoldlt and joung; no longer run th risk of dlay ; it will relieve and prove Itself emphatically a Rtora tiv Cordial and Blood Btnowator; - I 0 a O. J. WOOD.nroorletor. 444 BroaAwwr. NawI 'York-, and 114 If arke t Btreet, Bt. Loots, Mo.i andl sold by ROBERTS at SAMUEL, Oolumbo, Ohio, 'and all good. Druggist Price On Dollarl per Bottle. Brarcb-dkwwowly NEWARK aMA NEWARK. OHIO. eUlMU ITIanutaclurera' of 'itll ' klsiitj'-ia Pr table and (iutianary klstnt Sa llaet, baw mills, urU Aj ,iliw, . :..' -,. o.f t.jbAJ,.Afi LANS BODLS1 Meatmf S. 4 1. BLAND TB0mJ J. t J. JL. MCTJXL Btatm III, COLUMBUS UAcmancco. Btauttirr BBllrmi CO. Beauk1iUl y'Z6a Our Portable Xusrlaa' and Saw Kill Was awwrdtd th first premium of $M al tbe Indiana State Pair for 1S60 over Lan At Bodley on, aoooant ol Prise, llghtnis; lkvMyi'Mtiijot int. and sopetlor eharaoter ol latabtr tawl. Our Stationary Engine was awardod at tht Fair th Snlt prsanrcm o( 10. T.v-vvi uur f ortatii aingtnt was awarded .ths list premlu o eiUO at th Fair at Memphis. Tepn.,ovet Blandy1 Su vall's, Columbus Maoblns Go's., and Bnkirord Oo's by a committee of practical Ballroad Enalura for nriM and term. aHdnaa ,"t' -'- WILLAJID WABKaUa. lisasiir. deoo-dfcwlyttiiu tj J tTiilwejDiOlila E' T.TCOLLISTER, tVisoleaala aotTircUlJLDwal' TOBACCO; SlFEiwIS a' ,J i; m'lill MnasOk V OO WlftiK Btrtytv. Kei aalanUf kaatl sill ta a. .. raaasj a.aUf f0l . XnoL OiSazo. Oct. Hfi- Ijd TlLRAOIIBr) WiTl!TlrT'Wa AN l M, f Mtb.l0i.-ad Aaakaa Jj BUIRTINQbII wtth, Wjoatbale now olfered In jreateal variety m at rt tow yrto, ., . -.. ......... "t-,,;'riAiOs., . apnu -t - w. T Simiia fltgn t AliKXANAStAfctt JA1U tJwaUWV, t All suss and oulor Just openad at BAIMI, deoll. Mt..aoat.Blghtfttti RESTOBATITS CORDIAL emm