Newspaper Page Text
.jn w., I1ADD7ABCST0BB U'rtTiVil--' JUST RECEIVED BY WI A. GILL, ,XIo3Q North High Street, ted .ever1-'-- to s. A) T U ill & " ' k - or 1 , 3 et " 1 STIR OffERED IS IHIB CtTYl n0 o'-BwIden . Furnishings ffiT-SV.rM BTTLB AN D QUALITT. naUJ H" ' '" f ' ' khi .jf- J- '''fmch AAmerleaa . . .-" V a-"'' ' aASrTS CIBOCIfD IN OIL, il0'iM put up la half pound out tor family use, aad Dry At AHAJl- J S.. ' . " j' - "1 Taints In talk. '' Bruskes ot every variety & quality. uui"nVi a Splendid Assortment of ...MACHINISTS TOOLS. "CARRIAGE MATERIADS. U2 -KIa'XES GRINDSTONES, &o. . i, t ki GUNS, PISTOLS, SHOT, o. FISHING TACKLE. " Mj i , ,1,1.1 -. i.. . til ROPE it CORDAGE, ''"A.1 LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER -K r. ;.. .it W 'JOJ. " ' BELTING. . Wj EDGES, MAULS, PUMPS, f Jit u-1 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, bux iau, etc., : gCALES beLLS, CHAINS Table and Pocket Cutlery. reaatally Invlt 04 attention of ail interested to my of Pocket and table Cutlery, and UTEB PLATED FORKS, Take,J)eaert, and Tea Spoons, i Butter: Knives, c, I-'7- DC ROaERRi It BRO'B. Manufacture, warranted to be V rxtrahvy. Blewtro-Plaitd, on genuine Albatta. ,(ru Cury Merchants, Mechanic, and others, are Invited ! f "" tn call exA examine my Stock, aa I am prepared to sell iV WnoleeeJeanABetaU. Win. A. GILL. J OeHartne, Ohio. May 8, I860. SLATHROP; LUDMTON & CO. 03 25 PARK PLACE, li 20 4 22 MUREAY 8TBEET, f-p u . IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF " X fI6AgU , W1U MUiUOBtlV DB'Y GOODS ;vU FOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. $y:Ks&mJXG, 1861. '.y-- ' Weereepeoleir. at r ample wstttoot., at the aBore T", - Matm, etooka of CkMde in each of the aix department! V'i of ear bwelneee. nperior to anything we hare heretofore , ... wxhlMted to the trade. ip'.ui: CLaOTS ' DEPARTMENT. M'",.'"'Tlua hae grown toltepreeent magnitude nnder the J Chofongh management of a buyer of Jong experience and .. . cknewlMgee Ooa mete We keep extenelre llnei of AND 310 -1 To be found In the market, all aelected with the nloeet ' "Si "diacrimlaatlon. Alao, all grade, colore and rarietiee of; M BROADCLOTHS, satinets. u : t( ,,1.,. v , LADIES' CLOAINNGS, Ar,i!i'i..'i TWEEDS, v 1 'f ARSTKR8' and MIBOHAKTS' OASSWIBBB, H '"lCeCKtWANS,trem 9X to. BXeenta per yard I'm... a -ia-:-.. - -1 .1 .indwpwirda; Sf'r.?ffWkB,12K"toB'eenU peryard-lut year eold a u t-'.-aJ.cuj r f to50; I . . ' f .1 j - . r... 9 t ,-. l Press-Goods Department. ttanetaeateille Lalnea, h. fancy Bilka. -do. Printed ChaMla, Hancheater Oinghame, Glaigow . do. Clinton do. Ottoman Olothi, .e .'.W ' do. JJ"(,rlntad Brllliantee, tfilarSlnihami, Black Bllka, tr T. - - . - . Ai A JVeas Select Sljle 0 FANCY SPRING GOODS. ''aterrtmae Prtete, scbeee do. Blebmond'i Prlnti, American do. faeina do. Sunnell'a do. 4a. Enellah do.. SprtMftie'e A aUiwheeter, . Prlnta, Ac. Y lXJMBSTIlO COTTONS. Latneaoa 0. HbeeOnga, Atianlie A. ebeetlngt, "i Start, do. Amoekeeg do. 4 lathrof, , , do. Appleton do. f Bhawaet . " do. . Ererett do. I . r ill t v do. TJtlea, Ae., do. v ;; AUGndeitnd Width. BllAOSIlr BHXXTDiaS AND BHEETINGfl. : ITaaeetta, Dwlght, Lawrence, ' ionedale, . , ., , Great Falli, Nanmkeag, .' am, " Valtaam, Boott, , ' "S IHswYorli Mills, o.,e; " SHAWLS ANFmMTIIXAS, - - - A IMSt tlfD IXLICT atlBOmtlNT. OOTTCWABIS agreat yariety. . l6iLIsat-n Oh) leading brand.. DlttlHS ' . , - do. . BHIBm BWIPIB-sll the leading brandi. ! AlKBEKt " do. . 'do. -rUOKBim - do. ""do.' DAMABUB, patib cambrics, colobkd cam- .Jtvi,T.CvO-ii At. T.IUO,'. - - ; yJISffE AMD complete stocks of v - fun 0OODB, ' ; lux a u-jmwht'-: " " 1 a.t.ii i . t. 1 .- YASKEX UOHOSS, . ''TTMSREtLAS AND PARASOLS, " turl easae tit : CARPETS ABB OIL-CLOTHS, j n greet Tartetf of Jrood not ennme rated all of tt we pledge enreelTee to eell at the fence neariW et!ie targer portion at from 10 to 30 per cent, led eEATHROP, LUDLNGTON & CO, VTt HEW YORK t a nt ,T mPOUTED GOODS. ! J go eaaes Italian Oil, Barton A Co., for table See a. liMo) Ke.terd. faeorlte brandi: " Boned Bardlnea. the BB8I Bardinee top'ld . rr 4 of Caper sssuirveo. . B I j, U ftbKBeMee"Uafc Perrtn's Woreeeter ehlre," "Boyer'e Euluna," "John BnH," w J.J It B "Bartry." "Beading." - , , - 1 Ot'Welnat and Toento Catsup. I IS iot.'JDra fc Blaokwall's eelebrated Xnglleh ellll7 Chow-Ohow." "Walnnt," 'On- allll." lon," 'Cabbage,'. Beana.i' "flherk'." ai'X ncaiee. a 1 ! loion Porter. (,.-. f 1 I 1 - '', ,1 JJ i Ue Isaltan Uaoaronl.anl Termadlla. . ,'i,,TiroeOox,eeUMiie. , I 'Ou 'e oelbrte4JtollMuita.Jnkeis,tKixea, UnU B07 MeCvBAlP. at QBE CUBE; DR. LELAND'O ANTI-RHEUMATIC BAND1 IS THE ONLT KNOWN REMEDY FOR Rheumatism, Goat and Neuralgia, AND A BUM CURB IOR 1 All Mercurial Diseases. . n nnrl AAntnlnlnsT a mod- lea tea compouna, ia o wm ...... --. - v r.,: Injury to Ihe moit dellcale peraonarno chanre lnbab U 01, HTing u requirea, anu einm, which weaken and deetroy the ewatltnUM, ead tire temporary renei oniy. fclnalpropertleeoontolned In the Band eome In nUot with the Wood and reach the dieeaee, Unough the poree ... . . - .1 I- U.lenM TMTTMt CUrC and rettorlng the p&rU afflicted to healthy condition. Tbla Banaiaaiwa nioiipoworiui , aodwlil enUrely relieve the iyeteat from thepemiotoia . ' ui... mum km AQiwd in a few enecieoi eiorcuij. daye, and we are ooneuntly recelln tettimoniala of 1U euicaoy In aeirraTawa "u,u Pbiob $,00, to be had of Druggieta gen.rally, or can be tentby mail or exprete, with full dlreotlona for nee. to an cart of the country direct from the Principal Offloe, Ho. 409 BROADWAY, Few York. G. SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors. N. DeecrlntlveOlrculare Bent free. 377 B. High St., bet. friend and Mound, Oolnmbua, O. JO Agents Wanted Everywhere. mhSB'Iylaorlitp.dkw GUERNSEY'S BALMI GUERNSEY'S BALM REMOVES AND PREVENTS IN Semination and pain, and hex la the wont burn, ecald, t raise, cat or fmh wound of any kind, prerenta welling and pain from bee etinge, moequito bltee, and poiaonoua plant, neuralgia, rbeumatiun, agne In the Oreast, eait rnui, wmj. .nuraww. ....... noeitively cure croup In ohlldran, and glrea Immediate .. . . .f tkl. l..kl. Mmnl.lnt. .Im reueimino worww vi ? ' ' w MnJ M threat. Prta. OS Mate. bottle. BhouldbelneTery houee. for aale by Drug- gietaandBtorekeepere. Sole Proprietor, No. 1 Spruce it., Hew York No real Jnitlce can be done the abore preparation, but by procuring and reading deecrlpUTepamphleterf be found with all dealere, or will be aent by Proprietor . 1 n I.. .. IP-la.1 ttntrlM SUtnt IA PhVlt Mi.n hn win And deTftloumenU in both worthy their aocf piancc uiu luurvvBi. Correspondence eoliclted from all whose neceseltlee 01 cnrioiity prompts to trial of the abore reliable Retae . . j 1 '"for sale by the ninxl wholesale and null dealer ereiywhere. JOHN V. nCKKEVKLL, Proprietor CHEMIST AND rHASJUOIOTMT, No. 9 Comnnrolsl VnarL Boston, Mass. nnl. a. Denlr A Bone. A. J . Bcbueller A Bon, Agents lor Oolumbne, Ohio. myi-uu S. DOYLE & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, Northwest Corner of High and Gay Sts., 3STo. 61, COLUITIIII'S, OHIO. "A Urge Block of fine and Btaple Boom on nana. y31-dtl SUNDRIES. FARINA, TAPIOCO, gsro Arrow Root, Rice Flonr Scotch Oat Heal Pearl Barley Bplit Peas Cracked Wheat Chocolate Coco Broma, etc. Cream Tsrtar, Sod Pigs Prunes Beedleis Balsins fresh Tomatoes Peaches Green Corn IrethCann'd Fruits of erery description; Jellies of all kinds; f larorlng Extracts of all klrfe. Qnm Drops; Mixed Candies; Almonds, filberts, Pecon Nnts, BngUsh Walnnta, Braxil Nnts. etc, EoOT WM. UeDONALV. TRAVELLERS! WHBN yon go to New York , drire direct to the ' SMITHSONIAN HOUSE, BROADWAY, COENER 01 HOU8TON8TEET Condnct;don Hie EUROPEAN PLAN. Oood Fare, Good Rooms, Prompt Attendance, and Mod erate Charges. SINGLE ROOMS 50 CIS. 73 CTB.snd II PER 1AY. DODBLK BOOMS and PARLORS 1 1,50 to $3. Meals as ordered. This Hotel has all the appointments of the best hotels, a most central location, and la heated throughout by steam. BAMUEIi t. MBAD, march 9d3m Proprietor. J0HX H WEZELES, AGENT EOR HOME, CONTINENTAL, Uuihattah, BacuaiTT, and IxtiioFixi In. Co. Niw Yona; UxRcBAma and Cm f res or BiXTToae New You Lin and Com. Moioal Lira. Office, 81 Hicb St. Sarage's Bl eb7nlly Alexandre's Kid Gloves. . . m-wm mn TsinnomKREn. moils. if QUBTAIRR and regular shape Black Bid Glores, embroidered In white, magenta, purple, Ao. TJndreaaed Kid eioTee. Misses Kid OloTes. A complete assortment of these eeleo rated Oloree always lor sate oy BAIN 4c BON, fcbSS No. SO Booth High street D KESS GOODS. New ana Atiracuwe. MoXiatBIQlTES, Tiatilino Poplins, ',.. Creni PorUMS, Poil i Chivkks, Ghizilus, Fmnch Chintzes, FaiNOH Muslins, 1 Frmch Oroandizs, ChINISI WaSHINO PlLIS, ELioaNT Drcss Silks, Hbatt Basque and Mantlb Silks; And all other new and fashionable materials moat In demand for handsome D raises and Mantillas. - BAIN at BON, aprS9 , No. SO South High street. u9l GAUD. HAVING THIS DAT SOLD OCR Stock of Groceries to O. B.DCMING, we cheerfully recommend him to onr old natrons and friends. THUS. WALKBB BON. -J Ooltunbns, March 291h, 1861 apldif ELEGANT PLAIN BLACK BILKS fOB Street Basquaa and Uantlea; also. Rich Trimmirr and Txnela to antes, at - BALN f' maySS . r Summer Under Garments, LADIES LISLE UNDER VESTS. Ladles those Merino do. do. Gants Bilk Drawers and Shirts. Gents India Gauze Drawers and Bhirts. Cotton " r " Gans Mertno Under Pblr's. ' WhtU and Brown Drilling Drawers, ' ' White Linen Dr.were. Bxtra large Cnder Bhirts. . ... . " Bopettor Kngllih Half Bote;- -" Long Btoekingi. ' fancy Cotton Half Hose. u Buspendere. ' Golden Hill Bhirts. ' - - For sale la great variety and at nsdsrate prices, By - BAIN Sc BON, No. St Booth High street, mayHO. - ' Notice, CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS THII FOLLOWING CHANGES WERE made In the the officers of this Bank, Jannary 8Wh, 1H61, to wit: W. A. Platt, President, and Taoaua Mooms, Owhier, resigned their offioee. Davin Tatlox, Iii., we then elected President and War. A. Platt ap pointed uasnier. By order of the. Board of Directors. - 1 fob S, toul-dtf. W. A. PLATT, Cashier. MINE MTJPFBt TI0T0BINES and CUTIS we are now selling at rery low prion, alio all other kinds fashionebl mra. rtI bab, dee0.!. H. to Sontn Mtgri et. ladies' linen Pocket-Handk'ti., . HE1Q IQ ED STITCHED LINER HAND kerehiefe very wide heme. v . , BmkroideTed. Une xtandK'S an prices. , ' Bemmed Btltchedand plain flo, do. . do do , 1 colored borders, ' r Mourning do black borders do do . new style cress stitohed. Pine Apple do 1 newpttteme. . .. Wiisei' PmIb and Ilemmed Stitched de all prices. Comprising the most ssleot assortment in the city and lowest prices. . , BAIN fc BON, . W - CM el iL til -A. " - -a OHIO STATESUA1I Nos. 36, 58 & 40, North High St INCREASED FACILITIES I .2ttr7. HAVING MOVED INTO MY NEW BUILDING, " 1 have -. . ., HI . . BOOK & JOB DEPARTMEMTI ' ,: . WHILE BOTH HAVE BEEN REPLENISHED THROUGHOUT WITH New Types, Borders, Ornaments, &c. f ROM THB OIUBRATID fOUNDRY Of C. T. WHITE tt CO, NEW . YORK, . THTJB MAKINO IT THB Most Complete Establishment IN THE CITY. I ain bow prepared to Xzsente all Orders for BOOK AND JOB PEINTING, WITH DISPATCH! And la the Host Approrsd Style of the Art PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO MERCANTILE AND RAILROAD Bill of LSMHaa;, Clroalare, Bill Heada, Blank, Deed, Certificates, Hecelpta, Dray Tickets, HeKiatera, HOW CARDS & BILLS LN COLORS, CZXCTJ, CAED8, fiSADISOS, KOTKS, IH mOPES, C0NTBACT8. Illustrated Show Bills, FOR COUNTRY MERCHANT8, Show Bills, Hand Bills, labels, Concert Pro grammes, school and wuego sec ernes, Ho tel Bills of 7are, Inriutioni, e. Booli Worn. OP EVERY DESCRIPTION School and College Catalogue, Miscellaneous ramphiets, .. Constltntlons, Reports, Briefs, fts Printing in Gold and Colon P . O & T B DFL & Printed ia Krery Color on a IlammothHoe Cylinder, The only Press of the kind is Central Ohio, My facilities for doing any and all of the abore descrip tions of work, are now unsurpassed, and satufaotion will 00 guaranteea in ail caeca. . .. HjrAU work rarntsnea promptly oy tne tune promised. . . RICHARD NKVINB. WHO SHOULD USE nn 1 nnucc nnnc? Vila el a UUIkl. VUUtf , VEGETABLE . IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS? All who are afflicted with Incipient Oonsnmptlon or Weak Lungs shonld one than. -All who suffer from Week Btossaehx, Indigestion. Pyt- pepiia or m inonia nM men. .- ah wno suner uom uenerai or nerroujuj'm Bestlexanessat night, Want of Bleep,' Ao., ahoold ese them. All persona who are eontalesosnt after ferer or other ticknese snouia us were. Ministers of the Sospel, Lawyers, Lecturers, and al publlo speakers should use them. Book Keepers, and all persons leading a sedentary If should use them. The aged and roana snouid use them. All who require a stimulant ortonio should nee them. All who are addicted to the use of ardent spirits and wish to Inform, should as them. . They are made of a pare Sherry Win, and of the na tree plants and herb of the country, and ahoald be re commended by temperance societies, clergymen, physt- eiana, ana an inenaa or Dtrounvty. Tney are pupaied by an experienced and skillful phy sician, and, aside from their medicinal properties, are a most aeugnmi nereracei ana yet, as a medians, are as 'nnooentandharmleaaaathe dewaof heares. Bold by drnggtete generally. CHARLES WnromZLD CO.,. Proprietors, 78 Wllliatn SU. Nsw Verk. - K0BEET8 SAHUEL, Arunts, - ,1 (Colambns, Onto eetSOdtwly, . .r Wholesale and Retail Depot for FAMttV CROOEHtESe. No. 106 South Hieh J Street Wia. HcDONALD, DEALER IN TEAS, FINE & STAPLE GROCERIES IN ALL HEIR VARIETIES. . Daily , rriral f Goads For the : Fall and Winter Trade :Of tl860-61 , 1 ' H7UETORNING SINCERE THANKS TO THE PUBLIC for past farors and patron age, and being DETERMINED to BIEHIT a continuance of same by atrlct attention te trade, and pranipt delivery of Gaod, I would call the laatlce of the public to the fact that baring ka Large and well Selected Stack oa hand, and being inldally receipt of goods from the differ ent markets, I flatter myself that I caa offer to the dtl esn ef Oolambos, of to any whe may desire to pumbaae, an assortment of articles appertaining to theQROCBRT trade, UNEQCALED by any house in the city. The pies and quality ft the goods offered, I gaar. gflwa satisfaction. . ( f ' Goods Delivered Free of Charge. nor97. H ". . WM. McDONALD. rZ - FIRST" r" oppmc of the zmw SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS . AT. J?. ROSE'S. I v AGAIN OFFER TO THE 1PUBLIC Tan entire new steeh ef Goods In my line, just porch aaed in Mew Tork'at toe cheapest pule rates ,att of which I shall sell at the smallest proUte, for Cash. My custom ers and friends are respectfully InTlted to call and exam ine my Goods and Pries, aa I am determined to sell as ehettp or cheaper than any other house In the city; and as I do my own Cutting, and superintend my own hasl pess, I feel assured, from my long experience in holi ness, to glre general aatiafaetloa. The flneat of work men are employed, and all work done strictly to time and on abort notice, and warranted to At. Strangers Tlslttng ourelty would consult their interest by girlng me a call before purchasing elsewhere. f. E08B, 1 Merchant Tailor, ' marehlO-dly - ' ; Cor, llleh and Town sts, Tt Laces and Embroideries, L V A LENCIENES, MALTESE Ac POINT Laoe Collars and Bett. f rench, Paiher and Thread Lao Tells, (new patterns.) Talencienes, Thread and Point Laces, Jtmbroidered Collars, Belts, Trimmings and Bklrta, Lace Barbae and Ooiffaree, Ptala Linen Collars, '.ettsand Cuffs, Bntbreldend Collars and Cuffs In tetto , , . : , . . ." L BAIN tt BOM, ' ' i ,. ' Ho. 89, South High Btrset. n . e"J CO P o a', f. " w M 0-1 0! ft : ICT1 INVITB ATTBNTION to some of the most ex traordlnary cures by my PECTORAL SYRUP. Ther are at home, and an on who has doubts can In quire 01 tne person wno bar been ourea ny.u. DR. KSJTBUR Tl PRlPATtHTJ AT ANT TIMB Ti IXAMINR LUNGS WITHOUT OIIAROBi FOR AL TH0BI WHO NKK0 BIB MBDI01NBS. ATTXND TO TOUR COLDS A ease of fire years' tending cured by DR. KEXBBR'S PI0IORAL BKBUP. ' Prrrsspaea, Jan. 11, I860. Da. Kirsot: Mr wife has been afflicted with a bad oougn and difficulty or breathing, ror ore or six yean, which, for several yean back, had gradually Inoreasedin Tiolenoe. The complaint has been hereditary, and shs hid been treated by aereral physicians without any re lief. In this state of her oase, I procured some of your Pectoral Oou.h Benin. I boa eh L the first time, a fifty oent bottle, which relierodher very mucn ; 1 tnenoatiea and got a dollar bottle, which cured her entirely, and shs has now no tnoe of the former disease, exoept weak- nets. I would alao state that I need tne medicine my self to a eold and ooueh. The medicine cured me by tak log-one dose I express my entire satisfaction with the medicine, and you are at liberty to puDiisn wis u you desire to do so. WM. wilhuh. Alderman fifth Ward, PrrmtrasH, Nor. 18, 1838. Da. Krrsxm : Although not an advocate of Patent Medicine., In general, It affords m pleasure Indeecriba ble to recommend Jour Pectoral Syrup. Ae a medicine it is well worthy the attention of any psrson who may In any manner be afflicted with eoughs, colds and boarseneae ol any bind, and for tne peculiar quaimcauone ror nr moylng all that disagreeable sensation attending a se vere eold.. I hare been, more or leas, In my lire, anciea witn ine severest of colds and hoareeneae. At times my throat would beoome eo olosed aa to prevent my speaking abore a whisper, and by taking a few dose of the above eyrup it would relieve me entirely. In recommendlns this medieln, I must unhesitatingly say that It Is the best remedy I ever found, purporting to euro the above, nor should any family be without this remedy for diseases so prevalent. Xoun, moet respectfully, BO WARD J. JONES, Csahisr CltUens' Deposit Bank. Biauaamuxau O.. Birch Id. 1839 I bar used Sr. Keysers Cough Byrup for a bad eough of several yean standing, and can cheerfully say It Is the best medicine for the same that I have ever taken. j.w.rjuuj. COL. PRATT AND DR KBTBIR'B PECTORAL STKIIP. Da. KxTsext Dear Bin Bxeus the delay of my acknowledging the excellence of your Pectoral Cough Syrup sooner. I take great pleasure la saying that It Is all you say It I. ItknocJudth noit otUoJ mv eough and tbe wont on I wae ever affllesed with: I hay not nsed more than one-half of t be bottle, and I can and do wish that all who am afflicted would give it as fair a trial as I have done, and they will be proud to eay, "Itleno quick medicine." I would not auffer another such an attack for any consideration, or at any cost. I am con. Detent I can breathe more freely than lever did. I shall always acknowledge a debt of gratitude fot Inventing so excellent a remedy. Ton an at liberty to us my came In this regard, aa you think proper. B. f . PRATT, Alessenger Common Council, Pittsburgh, Pa. Pittsburgh, May 11, lt&9. N. B I am no stranger to my fellow-etUxens, and who entertain doubt can consult me personally. B. Y. P. PrrrsBtntaa. April St, 1837. RB AD THB TRUTH. Da. Kavsss: I hay a daugh ter who has taken several medioines for a bad eougn without benefit among them Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I purchased from you a bottle of your PB0T0KAL SYRUP, and before she had used half a bottle ah wae nlieved. She second bottle cured her entirely of her eough. juuh xaui-H, Robinson street, Allegheny. PrrmatreaH. December. 31. VSi. A GREAT CURB BY DR, KBYBBR'B TROTORAL BYRUP. I live In Peeblee township, Allegheny county. 1 had a eonghing and spitting, which commenced aoont tbe 4th of f ebruary last, and continued eight month. I employed the best physicians iu the country, and my cough continued unabated until early In October. At that Urn I was advised to try your PRCT0RAL COUGH av hit P. which I dUL and after I had taken on bottle I was entirely (re from th soughing and spitting. I had despaired of ever getting well, and I think it abould be known that this valuable remedy will do for others what It baa done In my caae. wnnv.kii iiii Witness B. M. Kxaa. Peebles townhlp. PATrowTr.. April 14, 1857, A WONDERFUL CURB Bom tun ago, an old neighbor of mine was very til j with a bad eough which every on supposed to be consumption. Bis relatlvee told m that be had taken every remedy they heard of without benefit) his brother cam to see nim die, ana ail were confirmed In the belief that he could not live. I had about tbe third of a bottle of your Pectoral Byrup, which I rive him. and It entirely cured him, to tbe aston lihment of all. What makes th case mora remarkable, the extreme age of the man, he being about eighty yean old. I nave no doubt to reowrai savea nis me. JOHMN' GiNNIfl DR. KETBER'B PECTORAL BYRUP IN ELAIRS TILLB. Pleas send me another supply of your valu able 'Pectoral Byrup." Almost everybody around us baa the cold and are Inquiring for "Dr. Keyaer's Pectoral Syrup." W bar sold sixteen bottles Isst week, and are now entirely out. Mr. A. Alterand Mr. P. Maher, both of Blaireville, Pa., tell us they would not be without it In their families. In fact, all who us It once want It again. Yours, respectfully, J. 6. WATTE R80N Is SONS January 30, 1890. - ANOTBBR NEW CERTIFICATE -DR. KETBER'B PROTORAL BYRUP. I had been troubled with aoough and eold tor several weeks o bad was It that I could not sleep, 1 had the advlo and prescriptions from three of the best physicians in theclty, wnom ioouianame,boido not do so. 1 anally procured a pottw ei your jrectorai Syrup, wbicb cuno me entirely. turned, J. W. 8IMONTON, 236 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan. 9, i860. BT0PTHA,jO0UGHINa.,, 'How can I do Itr "Go to Keyset's on Wood street and get a bottle of his Cough Fectoial, and if that don't cure you, your ease must be deenerate Indeed." This fat aspecimenof the colloquy one hears almost every day In oold catching periods of thvear. And w can. from actual experiment, cheer fully concur in th adviser's admonition as above, for we bare tried me recwni. in ajnooi sinooora oase. wiw entire success. Near two weeks ago we went to Pittsburgh, with one of the most distressing, eontrary, mullah, un snbduabl coughs we ever experienced sine our advent upon this mundane spher. We coughed steadily and laborloualy for one whole week, in hopes of tiring a out, but It was no go. Ia fact tt seemed rather to have tan nroved by nraetlc. and to have acquired strength, poten cy and ciatrweeiMMry by the operation. Ia this stage of the eiers, w oo jbed car way to neysers, ji wood Bt- procured fifty oent bottl of th "Pectoral; took it aoeordiog to directions, and In forty -eight hours w were master of th field, the enemy having unconditionally surrendered, after a brief but anequal conflict with so formidable an adversary aa aeyaer s ramona --uougn Pectoral." Jtwmvut4 vnpptr, tm. it, uv. I DR. KETBER'B PECTORAL BYRUP Is prepared and sold by Dr GB0RGB B. KBT8IR, 140 Wood street, rittiDurgn.i'e. IO Bold In Columbus by ROBERTS A SAMUEL, npOOTHACHE REMEDY. A. BUEE CUTtlC. Prepared and sold by Da.GEO. n.EEYSIR, 140 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa, Price, S3 cent. IO" Sold la Columbus by ROBERTS SAMUEL. ocU7:Stawdtim. . . "Baltimore Clothing Honsc. TTDSS . c3 , . X3ZjX72eX, . . MAJtorACTrajas awe waousALi psauu in READY-MADE CLOTHING, No. 808 W. Mtimore-fltreet, (asTwxxa uiwvrf aae BoWAan,) j , ' ' BALTIMORE, Hid. . A Larc aVssortmtnt of rise and TarnUhln ' i floods Constantly oa Sand 0ct36dly ' 1 I21ANCY DREB9 BILKS. " .. fANOT DRESS BILKS, " F ANOT DBE8B BILRB, ' We are now offering ear lantern stock of fancy Dress Silks at price less than ever before offered in this city. Tli attention of th ladle ef this city and vicinity a auiiviimi, wm wnr iwci u very woinm ano onaipieie in ail gradee of goods In this line. PBTBB BAIN, now. H. u Booth High street. STELLA SnAWLSI STELLA BHAWLBI I In all destrebl colon, and at very gnat bargain. BAIN se BON, apnu -,. v . . . i pe. hp eouta tuga streew... TTTIDH PIAlfTLB BARAOE9, BOTn Whit aad Black, Just reodred al y8 BATH'S. , BJtCOinrENDKD BT TBI LATE SIR ASTLEY COOPER, or loifnow, and DR. VALENTINE M0TT or Maw toxk. The acknowledged Beads of the Profession la either . oumupner. The beat Dinretlo, Tonie, and Invigornnt, Tht Flnein Extract of the ITALIAN JUNXPBB BHUBT". The rarest and Mont Costly (4in Ex tant INDISPENSABLE TO FEMALES, ii , a i iiidi ar rn tuc cioi INCOMPARABLE FOR THE AGED. THE SAFEST AND MOST DELICIOUS BEVERAGE IN. THE WORLD. For Bala, Pints jrnd Quarto, by every DrngglBt; Grocer, or Country mercnant. LOOK OUT FOB B0OU8 tiONDON.G-IN - THB ONLT GENUINE ARTIOLB IS S. CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL GIN. B. BALDWIN & CO., Importers, 01 Liberty St., NlflW YOKH. Bold la Columbus by McKEB A RE8TIEAUX, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Statesman Building. O. A. WAGNBR. and others. In Cincinnati, by BUIRB, ECKSTEIN A CO., ooS6-deodAlyw and others. 7 JFI R WEEEXY OHIO . STATESMAN- HAVING A CIRCULATION LABGEB BT SETEEil. TH0TTSAJTDS Than any otbe' paper In Ohio, outside of Cincinnati Offers Facilities for Advertising Which CANNOT f AIL to bring Speedy and Remunera'l re Return To those who take advantage of them. nrm "VVJHIHiKLY STATESjVIAN, Distributed as It Is through erery Post Office In Ohio, Beaches a Large Class of Readers Whose patronage Is valuable, and who seldom see the Dally Editions of city Journals; and as only A Limited Hnmber of Advertisements Are Inserted In Its columns, appoprlately and ' HANDSOMELY P!$?UVED! mrr cakhot rin. to Attract Attention Of ALL I WHOLESALE DEALERS Advertising In the WEEKLY STATESMAN will An it advantagous in THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which Is almost certain to follow an extensive dlssemli atloa knowledge of their business AMONG COUHTEY DEALERS I ADVERTISEMENTS INTENDED FOR The Weekly Statesman Should be handed in before f rlday noon. THE ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, And frrovwe more and more popular erery day! And testimonials, new, and almost wiihont number might be given from ladies and gentlemen in all grade, of society, whose united testimony none con Id resist, that Prof. Wood's llalr Restorativewill restore the bald and gray, and preserve the hair of tbe youth to old age, lnaiiltsyonuiiui neauiy. Battle Creek, Mlch.i Doc. 81st, 1658. Paor. Wooo: The wilt pleas accept a line to Inform thee that tbe hair on my head all fell off over twenty yean ago, caused ny a complicated enrooio disesse, at tended witn an eruption on in neaa. a continual course of suffering through life having reduced me to a stats of dependence,. I have not been able tooblatn stuff for caps, neither hay I been able to do them up, in con eeouenc of which my head hae suffered extremely from oold. xms lnaueea me sopay nnrrs ex linages almost the last oent I bad on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Hair Restorative, about the Ant of August list. I have faithfully followed the dlreottons,and the bald spot is now covered with hair thick and black, though short. It is also coming in all over my head. Feeling confident that another large noui wcuia restore it entirely and permanently, I feel anxious to persererve In Its use, end being destitute of mesne to purchase any men, I would ask thee If the wouldst not be willing to send me an order on thin agents ror a Cottle, and reoeire to thy self .the sorlpture declaration "the reward ia to those that areklndtothe widow and the fatherleai." Thy friend. SUSANNAH KIRBT, ' Ltconler. Noble County, Indiana, Feb. 5th. 18SS. Paor. O. J. Wood: Dtar Sir: In the latter part of the year lty, wane attending tne state ana national Law Sohool of th Bute ot New Tork, my hair, from a can unknown to me, commenced railing off very rap idly, so that In th short spec of six months, th whole upper part ef my scalp was almost entirely bereft of its oovering, and mnch of the remaining portion upon the aid and basa part of my head shortly after became gray, eo that you will not be surprised when I tell you that up on my return to the State of Indiana, my more casual acquaintances wer not so much at a loss to discover the cans of th Chang In my (ppearano, as my more intl mat acquaintance wen to reoognise me at all. I at ouo made application to the most skillful physi cian In the country, but, receiving no assurance from them that my hair would again be restored, I was forced to become reconciled to my fat, nntil, fortunately, in lb latter part of the year 1857, your Restorative as re commended to me by a drnggist, as being Ihe most relia ble Hair Restorative In use. I tried one bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that tt was producing the desired effect. Bine that time, I hay used eeven dol lars' worth of your Restorative, and as a result, hay a rich coat of very soft black hair, which no money can boy. As a mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill In th production of so wonderful an article, I have recom mended It use to many of my friends and acausintances, who, I am happy to Inform yon, are using it with like effect. Very respectfully, yours, A. M. LATTA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. . Depot, 444 Broadway, and sold by all dealers throngb oat the world. Th Restorative Is put up In bottle of three site, vis: large, medium, and small; th small holds X a pint, and retails for on dollar per bottle; th medium holds at least twenty per cent, mora Inpioportlon then the email, andratatls for two dollars a bottle; the largeholdea cjnart. 40 per sent, mors in proportion, and retails for S3 bottl. 0. J. WOOD At CO.. Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New Tork, and 114 Market Street, St Lonis, Mo. And sold by ROBERTS A 8AMUBL, Columbus, Ohio, and by all good Druggists and fancy floods Dealen. , rJ apriUtdstweowu. - Watches! Diamonds!! Silver Ware !!! A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF GOLD and Silver Watches, In great variety. I am Agent fot th Ambsuaii Wato Oo., and can sell these exoellent Watches at manutaotarers' prices, either Wholesale or Retail. Com and ehooa from my beastlful display of Dia monds aad ether rich Jewelry. Style new prices low, A to Silver Wan ef sterling quality, I can show new patterns, vary handsom. Silver Plated War, Tea Belts, Urns, Walten, Castors, Basket, Pitchers, Goblets, Knives, forks, Bpoons, Ac. Thea I hay a supply of fin Table Cntlery, Pocket Kntvee. Baaora. A., and many fancy floods such as an desired for preeents at such prices as an an Induce ment t the parohaeeri WM. BLTNN, no, ju uucxeyo diock, marSl - Worth sid Bute House square. Gents' Linen Shirt .Collars, Or SUPERIOR QUALITY, II OAR. BOTB. Btaading, Byron, Perslimay, Renfrew and ether new shape. Ilemmed Pocket Handkerchiefs. Ner.k Ties, Stocks, Street and Evening Gloves, Half Loire of very tied, Under Garments and all kinds of Gents' far nlehing (roods in great variety ana at moderate prices,. ,r, . A1H A BON, feba '-' i " No. !9 Booth fllgh street. MALTESE ti THREAD LACE BUTTS of elegant qualities for Ladies, also, Misses' iiiisi great variety , ' - BAIS S. aaaySB- Is C Is It a be - ' . The and lis THE GHEAfEST DISCOVERY OF THE i AGE. MR. KENNEDY, OF HOXRDHY, has discovered in one of onr common pastun weeds a remedy that ouree - t ' : Every Kind of Humor, - f ROM The worst Borotala down to a common Pimple. lie has tried It In over eleven hundred cases, and nev er failed exrwnt in two cases, (both thunder humor.) He has now in his possession over one hundred certificates of its value, all within twenty mnes oi uu.iuu. Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing sore mouth. , One to three bottles will cure the wont kind cf Pimple on the face. .Two or three bottles will clear the system f biles. Two bottles an warranted to cure the worst canker In tht month or stomach. Three to five bottles are warranted to cure the wont kind of Erysipelas. One to two bottles an warranted to cure all humor the Byes. . Two bottles an warranted to cun running o the ear and blotches among the hair. four to six botles an warranted to cure corrupt and running u Icon. . . One bottle will enre scaly eruption of the skin. Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the went kind of rlntrworm. Two or three bottles an warranted to cure the most desperate caae of rheumatism. Three to four bottles an warranted to cure salt-Rheum, fire to eight bottles will cure the wont case of scro fula. A benefit Is always experienced from th first bottle, a perfect cure Is warranted when tbe above quantity Is taken. ROXBORT, MASS. Deis Mahaic The reputation of the Medical Dls covery, in curing all kinds of hvmon. Is so well estab llihed by the unanimous voice of all who have ever nsed it, that I need not say anything cn (he subject, as the moat skillful physicians and the most careful Druggists In the country are unanimous In it praise. In presenting the Medical Discovery to your notice, 1 do it with a full knowledge of its curative power, in re; lleving all, and curing most ol those disease to which you are unfortunately so liable. That most excruciating diseaac uaaaueotionatemolher, NURSING SOKE TOO i TH, Is enred as If by a miracle; your own temper Is restored to Its natural sweetness, and yonr babe from short and fretful saps to calm and sweet slumbera; and the Medical Discovery becomes a fountain of blessing to yonr husband ana Household. In tbe more advanced stages of CANKER Itextends to the stomach .cauaing DYSPEPSIA, which Is nothing but canker on the stomach: then to the intestines and KIDNEYS. creating a sinking, gone feeling, andan Indifference eves to tne care or your family. - i x our siomacn is HAW AND INFLAMED, yonr food distresses you, and you can only take oertain Kinds, and even ot that yonr system does not get nan the nourishment It contains, aa the acrlmonoua fluid of the canker eats It up; then your complexion loses Its bloom aad becomes sallow and greenish, and yonr best day is gone, for want of nourishment your system be comes loose and flabby, and the fibres of yonr body be crime relaxed Then follow train of diseases which th Medical Discovery Is peculiarly adapted to - cure; Palpitation of the heart, pain In the side, weakness o the spine and small of the back, pain of the hip Joint when you retire, Irregularity of the bowels, and alee, that most excruciating ot diseases, the PILES Bow many thousand of poor women are suffering from this disease and pining away a miserable life, and their next door neighbor does not know the cause. I wish t impress on your mind that good old proverb,"An ounce prevention 1 better than a pound ol cure," In th MEDICAL DISCOVERY you have both the preventative and the care, with this great and good quality, that it will never, under any circumstances, do you any injury. THE MEDICAL DISCOVERY cspeclaly Intended for diseases of th blood, bnt sine Its Introduction in the Western States, It Is found to be the best AUSJE REMEDY that was ever before the public ' No change or diet ever necessary eat ins best you car and get enough of it. . Dircctiohs roa ess Adults on table spoonful per day Children over ten yean, dessert spoonful Children from five to eight yean, tea spoonful. As no directions can be applicable to all oonsitntions, take sufficient to operate on tne ooweis twice a day. lours truiy, DONNALD KENNEDY Price Si. 00 per bottle, for y every drnggist In tne united mates. - eeii aawiy J)0 YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? BELLIKGHAM'S CELEBRATED Stimulating Oflguciit, For the Whiskers and Hair The subsorilien tak pleasure In announcing o the itiaens ol the United States, that they hay obtained the Agency for, and are now enabled to offer to the American publio, the abore justly celebrated and world-renowned articio. xne STIMULATING ONGUENT prepared by Da. 0. P. BELLINGHAM. an eminent physician of London, and is warranted to bring; out a unci nt oi . . " Whiskers or a Mustache In from three to six weeks. This irtlele Is the only on of th kind used by th French, and in London and Paris n in universal use. It is a beautiful, economical, soothing, yet stimulating compound, acting as if by magic upon the roots, causing beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. If applied to the scalp, It will cure baldxws, and canre to spring up in place of the bald spot a fine growth of new hair. Ap plied according to directions, It will turn ain or towt hair barc, and restore gray hair to Ita original color, leaving It soft, smooth, and flexible. The "Gkouknt" Is indispensable article In every gentleman's toilet, and alter one week's uae they would not for sny consideration without it. The subscribers are the only Agent for the article la the United States, to whom all orders mint be addressed Price One Dollar a box for sale by all Druggists and Dealere; or a box of tbe "Ongueat" (warranted to have the desired effect) will be sent to any who desire It, by mail (direct), securely packed, on receipt of price and postage, ei. io. Appiy to or aaaresa . HORACE L. III! GEM AN A 00., . DHOOBIBTS, AC, , . febSMdcwCm ;'''. 4) William Street. New-Tork. aiira.a - ir-aianr? a. vvivsr, rtiiMUb ca a vs., r A T THEIR NE1V ULES-tVn V ROOM, XO. 150 BALTIMORE ST. ttfii ' NOB. 1, 3, 5 and 7 N, EUTAW. BTEJ5T7 1 , - - Offer for aale their celebrated ! GOLDEN MEDAL, . GRAND - " ANDSQARE PIANO-FORTES. ! Being highly recommended by the lint Professors and Musical Amatcun oi tne country, ana - ' Vicky : . INSTRUMENT ".i 0 WARRANTED I0R ' ' , . PIVETBAItS. th most fastidious customer . may rely upon being pressed In every respect. . Terms liberal. ' ' ' WM. KNABE k CO. , ' 8ELTZEB It WEBSTER, Agents, ' ' 0ctS;lydw. ; . Columbus, Ohio, HENRY TOW ' . Wholesale and Retail Dealer fat ' 1 v Foreign ' & Domestic Cigars, , Arm XT Bit AHDS Smoking & Chewing Tobacco. Also, the belt quality of SNUFT'S eonsttntly . . on. nana. Pr-T rO'Country Merchant are kvrttsd to call before pur chasing elsewhere. , it , V, i in A 7 . NO. 4 EAST THIRD BTREETr Bet. Mklaand Sycamore, ., i eovSl- wflra ..! CIN CINNATI, O. i ri E N T 8 PAVER COLLARS AND t ;-. X Neeli Neck. Tlee. . ,. ,.. . i Handsome and economical.. Also, Silk Tlee,- BUsrlS, - .- C; i ;-. Listen Cellar, Half Meae, , Drawer, Ac. 1 ' , . . BAIN A BON, arrtff ' ' ' ' " No. CO South High street. GOLDEN HIM. SHIRTS, .ty...;, I,, i , flOLDBN HILL BHIRTS, - i.iin ! i.'i , .. . . OOLDBN HILL BHIRTS. t pattern of these shirts are new. Th Bodies, yoke, leave and bosoms are formed to fit the person with ease eomfortr" Th mark upon each on designating th assy b relied on at being correct, and each shirt ia guaranteed Veil mad. A full stock of all rinalitfe constantly tot Ml t - " "jfBATN'fl, totU. No. 89 South Htgh street. WervousHeadache By the use of these Fills the penoaio auox o. eou orSktfftadaefoawbt prevented; and If taken at the commencement of an attack Immediate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. They seldom fall In removing the Xautea and aaht to which females an so subj eot. ' They act gently npon the bowels removing; Cottto nets for Literary Jfan, BtudtnU, Delicate female and all person! of sedentary AaMf. they are vslna as laxativt. Improving the oppdlt), giving ton vigor to the digestive organs, and restoring th natur elasticity and strength of th whol system. THB CEPHALIC PILLS ere the result of long lnves ligation and carefully conducted experiment, having been In use many yean, during which Mm thy have prevented and relieved a yast amount of pain and suffer Ing from Headache, whether originating in the aro4 system or from a deranged state of the Itomach. They are entirely vegetable In their composition, an may be taken at all times with perfect safety without making sny change of diet, and tht nftsead 0 any ditagrtedblt tattt renders ti tay to admtnitfer thm children. i . BBWABEOf COUNTEilfBITBI . . The gennlne have five signatnies of nenry 0 Spalding on each Box. Bold by Druggists and all other Dealen to Medicines, i A Boa will be sent by mall, prepaid, oa receipt ef the IPrioo, Oeixts. All ordera abould be addressed to - ... HENRY C. SPALDING, 48 Cedar Street, Netw York. THE FOLLOWING ENDORSEMENTS Of SPALDING'S CEPHALIC PILLS, WILL CONVINCE ALL WHO BUTfKK TROM HEADACHE, '-., i ' THAT A SPEEDY AND SURE CUBE IS WITHIN . THEIR REAUU mmmm . Al Vim TetUnwntali teer no!Wfeo! by Mil. Brain ino, thty afford wuputUonabU proof otkt effi cacy of thit truly soienfto (Uncover y. Masoxvillb, Cork. feb. 5 1861. Mn. SPALnme. 8m:. I hav tried your Cephalic Pllla, and J M them to tattt that I want you to send me two dollare worth more. Part of these are for the neighbors, to whom I gave for out of th flnt box I got from you. Bend the Pills by mall, and oblige Tour obi Servant, JAMBS KENNEDY. lUviitroan, Pa., feb. S, 1861. Ma. BrAUrmo. - BlBI I wish you to send m one more box of your Cephalic Pills, I havt received a great deal cjbtntjit from them Tours, respectfully, . .... MART ANN BTOIKHOUSB. . , Braces Cam, HoiiTiiioTrm Co., Pa., I January 18, 1H01. ) H. 0. Erauiira. Bia: Ton will pleat send me two boxes cf your Cephalic Pills. Bend them Immediately. Respectfully yonr, JNO. B. SIMONS. P. 1. I hav need out boa of your Pittt, and find them excellent, , Bills Vntson, Oaio, Jan. 15, 1801. nKxr 0. Spaldiko, Bsoj. Please find enclosed twenty -five cents, for which ssnd m another box of yonr Oephallo Pills. They art truly the bett rait I ham tvtr tried. Direct A. STOVER, 9. M., Belle Vamon, Wyandot Co., 0. BrvtaLT, Mass., Dee. 11, 1600. H. C. BrALniKO, Esq. I wish for some eircnlsn or large show Mils to bring your Cephalio Pills more particularly before my custo mers. If you have anything of the kind, plea send to me. On of my customers, who Is subject to eevere Sick Headache, (usually lasting two days,) teal emrtd of an attitek in on hour by your PUU, whloh I sent her. ' Respectfully yours, . W.Br WILKES. RtvuoLnsBoea, f Ainam Ce., Onio,( January 0, 1801. .. j Hxaar C. BrALPine, .... No. 48 Cedar St., N. T. m Da.a Bis: Inclosed find twenty fly cent, (85,) for vhlcb send box of "Cephalio Pills." tend to addiea of Rev. Wm. 0. filler, Reynoldsbnrg, Irenklln Co., Ohio. Your PUU work Hit a charm-eurt Headache al moti Inttanter. Truly yonn, ' ' , WM. CULLER. ' TrsiLAim, Mica., Jan. 14, 1861. Ma. BrALPtrw. Bm: Met long since I sent to yea for a box of Cephalio Pill for th cur of the Nervoua Headache and Oostlveness, and received the same, and they Aad to good an effect that tea induced to tend for note. Please send by return mail. Direct to , A. R. WHEELER, , Ypsilanti, Mich. from the Examlnsr, Norfolk, V. . i Cephalic Pills accomplish th object for which they were made, vla.i Cure of headache in all It forms. ' from the Examiner, Norfolk, Va. They hay been tested In more than a thousand cases with entire i from th Democrat, St. Cloud, Minn. -. If you are. or have been, troubled with th beadach send fur a box, (Cephalic PHI,) so that yea may bay them in oase of an attack. . . .. , r from the Advertiser, Provldenos, X. I, ' The Cephalio Pills are said to be remarkably effective remedy for the headache, and one of the very best for that very frequent cotaplaint.whlch baa- ever1 been dis covered. ... . ... , . . i ... . , from the Western R. R. Qaxette, Chicago, 111. We heartily Bdon Mr. Bpaalding, aad his nnrlvaled Cephalio Pill. , . ... . , r from the Kanawha Valley Star, Kanawha, Va. We are sure that persons rofftrlnr with the headache who try them, will stick to them. ' from tht Southern Path finder, New Orleans," la. Try them I you that are afflicted, and we are sun that yonr teathnonyeaa be added to the already numerous list that has received benefits that no other medicine n produce. . . .l :. . " From fh St Louis Democrat. 'J " Th Imnrease demand for th article .Ooufulia Pni. Is rapidly Increasing. , . ( , , f., .,,lfl from th Oasstte, Davenports lews. ' i Mr. Bpalding would net oonneet hie namaVwIih aa ar- Hole he did not hxou to n osss real merit. S3A sing I bottl ef - BPALDINSS PRBPARBD iriiua wui save ia tune its oostsnanatjj 1 SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE 1 Gl; SPALDING'S PREPARED .GLUE ! 'r SPALDi lSfG'S PREPARE GLUE 1 .'. in..,, . ' .... Ti : : SAV1 THE riBOlSt , ir BOONOMTI . . , ,t,J)JJVAT0HI ;' ;.JJj"A Uvsun,jT Asscoldant will hasp; ya In trell MMtmasd hm 111, It le very ieslrable to have son . ebeap and con wiv ve npururg nunsr, xcry vrectery AO. I M . 'I . o. BPALDUJa'STRBPARBDOLTns' r' meets all sash mergcnclo, and ao household can afford totwllhutlt.. Itlsalwaysready.andapce thesUck Ing point " : ' ' i' , j uonruit in avsax houbb., - -N, B. A Brash swonrpanlet sach bottle. cents. ' " : - 'Address, ' ' V'..iV. . t'Z''1 Street, Neyt ork. As oertain nnorlndnled neiwonr r attantitlnr- a palm off on th unsuspecting publlo, Imitation of m PREPARED JLUR, I would eaultaa aU pemnrtos amine befor purchasing, ini see that the full asm, 1 JjnPALBlrW PREPARD0LUR,jl5r