Newspaper Page Text
iv u iiii ii. ii . . if ii ii n ii ii ,11.11 .11 t ..ii-.Minii.iii'ii : 'i ii i- t j ii ,i v i v . s w iixam w.4 jm a. s a i -w:. . mm--i - - - . a s -T"T -V 1 5 .fj.i. t I . I I ,r- iiivi I O ' i - 1 tlUVJUVV iiJ t VOL. VIII . NO.' 27 : NEW SERIES. a ! ".0 i.'i ' - 'y ' ' f ' 14 ;f. .i'l I,,i e,: c'.j;-,.ii.iiai . IPC J0O t ASS PES YEAxtf DAILY, Tftl-WEEELY AlfD WEEKLY ?,' mt- , c :it ; ( MANYPENNY. & MILLER, etJBLISm tS -AHD PB0PBIEI0BS, XT Office Km. 86, 88 and 40, Horth High lc TKRM3 INVAttIAM,FlJf ADVANCST Dally ... . -;., - , ., , $0 00 par par. " ny vr carrier, per weex, Mnti. rrl-Werif - ; ' ' 8 00 perym. waekiv., . l on crmi est AdTcrtiiluK by tbe Nqre. Dtiuare t fai...(30 00 One " U moLtbi 1H 00 On iiottri 8 ireeki. . 4 00 Out I wetki.. 3 00 One " lwwk... 1 7S One " 3dyi... 1 00 One . " Sdky.. 73 Ooa " 1 IniorUon 90 One " Cmoctlii .15 00 One One One V monthi 10 00 V! montlii . 8 00 AmoptU. ,5 60 Diiplayod mlTertiHttienti half more that the atior rates. t ! j -. . u : .-. i A IverlitomenU ieaded and placed In the tglnon Of pjciai Notieeii" auuowi in oratnaru rout. All ueticci requlrea to be publltlied by law, legal rate. ii orucreu on iiieiuoiaeexciuiiTeijaiier meuravweea per cent, more than tbe above rates; but all mch wit appear irr the Trl-Weekly without eharre. Bueinesi Oarda, not exceeding fire lines, per year, In si ie, f rer line, ouuinv fx, ' NoUceror meetings, ebarl tables ocletlcs, fire companies, tc, half price. -, - - All tranaptnt advtrtUemmtt mutt bt paiifor in aivaruM Te rulewlll notbeTarledfrom. - - Weekly, same price as the Dally, where the advertiser es the Weeklv alone. Where 'hi Dallv andWeekl an both used, then the charge for the) Weekly will bt na'f the rates of the Daily. , , No advertisement taken except for a definite period. BUSINESS" bAKDS. F. A. B. SniKEJS, Attoriibjr 'o.t Law . 4AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Offlce Ambos Building, opposite Capitol Square TOtUMUUB, UlllOj x. Q0X3ort3xrjD, Attorney & XJounsellbf "afLaw, MARION, OHIO. Machine Manufacturing IJompany " MaNuraoTOKni ov ' '-' STEAM, ENGINES & BOILERS, OMtlafi, KUl-0oatlBf, Maohlnery. , JELertllzroAca. ' T7Vorlr. Of BTUI PtSCUrTlOR. . " ooi.DnurjSe ohio. UHAB. AMBOS, Bup't. ' T- AMJB08, Trtal..' deoll. lW58-tf a Winter Arrangement. Little Miami Columbus & Xenia RAILROADS. For Cincinnati, Dayton 4 Indianapolis! Through to lndianwiolig without Changs of Car And but On Chango of Cars between Columbus ami St. Loots..' . ?. THREE TRAINS DAILY FROM COLUM BUS., , ; . i. .FIRST TRAIN- , (Bally, Mondavi txoepted.) ' ' . ' r. MOIIT EXPHKB8, via Dayton, at -S:45 a. m., stop plug at London, Xnia, Dayton, iUddletown aad Uamli toD,arrtvlngatClndontiat8:!Ua. n,.Daytoa atS:iS l. m., Indianopolla at 10:48 a. aa.ifct. UuUat 11:60 p m' . SECOND TRAIN. : : - ! ACCOMMODATION, at 0:10 a. mitupplng at all 81a tloni between Columbus and Cincinnati and Dayton, ar riving at Cincinnati li:02a.m., Dayton at U: I J a. m., lndlanopolls al S;W p. m. THIRD TRAIN. 1 DAT KXPBK83, at 8:30 p. m., stopping at Alton, Jefferson, London, Charles too, Oeuarvllla, , Xenla. Spring Valley, Oorwln, Morrow, DeerBcld, Toster's, Lovelacd, MilUord and f lainvill, arriving at Cincin nati at 7:20 p. m-i St. Louis at 13 tu; Dalon at 5 35 p. c; lndlanopolls at 10:id p. n, ' . .. stleeplns; Cara en alii Nlcriat Train to sjincinnail ana Indianapolia. BAG U ACE CHECKED T1IUOUUH. for further InformaUoa and Through Tickets, apply to . M. L. DOHKKTY, ., , ticket Agent, Union Drpot. Columbus, Ohio. ' , r . jf.W.WOODWAKD, ' . Superintendent, Cincinnati,' , , ' . JNO. W. DOnKRTV JOlJV. ,."'r' ; q... '.. Agent, Colnmbttg, , t . Juit Beeelvedt: , -. : ' 1AA "f- vl1 CHI'.EIV and BLACK 1UU TKA9 100 bogs prime Rio Ooaee.-- .i I HO pockets old Dutch eovernment Java Coffee. ' 1 6 bags Ceylon Coffee. - . - - " -i SOObbla. standard White Sugars, eonsMlns; ot few - dred.Chruahed, Granolated Aand BOoOee. 60 quinUls George Bank Oodftah. ,; ' ' - 80bbls. Mess and No, I Mackerel. '" fltcs. Pick Bilmon.; '.- lOOmt. Layer Baisins. - v- ftOhf. boxdo , do "" -V ' lOOqr.boi do -J " " -' 1 1 ' 10O M Cigars, different-brands arid grmlesV" nova? .-- WM. MaOOMAUV i- : 33X2T33JJJX-i And Blank-Book Kana&aturers vostb man itbxxt. coLUstBut, ohio marll-dly . "PEl.AlPirB, ,(a -jku ,hJ,; . .i.i. UIBBONS, (IEOK 1E. -,il t;i t,-..1. Just opened by -m 1 ' BAISfciOK,''".; No. 89 South Ilish street. ,l aprSp 'Vfo.'ssduiH HIQ'oHMTi1 Have lust recti veil a navf Brake'' of - HOWSKIRfs flniahed la a mauler far superior to any yet .iaU.o4uoed for ' DURABILITT AND GRACEFULWESS skto ' ' ir-'! i' ' a -..!!. WHITK WMliAT, BBAKPC0, -ut-i ; v. " LI . A '.; "bno'wj'" from "Bamett MtUs," BprhrRBeM, O. the heethrand of flour brought to ei'r market,. SatlsraeUoa guaranteed. l-nr onlT at WM. Mr-nN AT.n'ff. novX7 - . . ( : .i k 100 aouOtJliith street 3 TwtaV. T.inan fl-AnAa TTJAHRANTED FABBIO ' J . l , 11 Linen Bhirt Bosoms - Plain and luay . ...... Shirting and Bosom Linens. ' , Linen Hheetlnge and Pillow Casings. ' Linen OambTiee and Long lawns, -Una Fooket-hsndkru. all slses. 1 ' 1 1 a i : . " i Linen TowelllDis and Diaers ... ., Linen Napkin, and D'Oyllea. Linen Table Cloths and Batin Damaake, i Linen Tewele with eoiewaA borders. 1 6 1 Linen Stair Qovaruigs and Crash. VarsalMt lowprloesf t!V V t .i. .'i t .Bl o.n t (V'i " " ? Voita uth Hint) street. a, u N - A a- , ..laiAXJAS .'A Agta)r Ati I RUqslM, Je liort JuslovenMOv , , . . (. aprllS Ke.tS kith HlaA stmt, : WOROEST3B3'S v ROYAIQIJARTOmCTIONAIlY. Th ! LatestThe) Largest"-The Best, The Cheapest Because the Beit, Tiio JTfoat Kallablo atanaard An- tlioritr of tbe F.ngllsn Langruag;." ! " Bin ItundrtiZ Eminent Educator of Ohio, "tlin BEST 1NOLISH DICTION AKT IITANI." I'd;:: Hitrdry Mtn BurptKirt. . . ''Bete an upwards of a Hundred Thousand Words, whose multifarious meanings aoduerlvatlons, together with their correct spelling, and pronuneiatloa are dearly mi, before thi efe.'' . .. . j , .. Cincinnati Ommereial. BtqA th DtcltUmt of the ifmbtrt of th4 Ohio Btati . .,'.; , 2iiaoAr's AwocAatlm. . The undersigned, members of the Ohio 8tate TsaoherS' Association, adopt and aim to use In teaching, writing and speaking, the orthography ana pronunciation of Worcester1! Koval Quarto Dictionary, and we most cor. dlally recommend It as tbe most reliable standard au thority of the Kngllsh language, as It is now written and spoken. . i Loiik Ammtws, President Kenyon College. - - M. D. Laooirr, SuperinUudent Zaneiriile Schools. Titos. W. Hauvit, Hup't Massilon Union Schools. M. t. Cowr-av, Sap't Public Schools, Sandusky. . John Lvkch, Sup't Publlo Schools, Olrcleville. 8. N. BAiroao, Principal Cleveland female Semina ry, i , Wat. MiTcan-L, Sup't Publle Schools, Mt. Union. Join Oodui, Principal State Normal School, Minne sota.' Chios Misou, Principal Fourth Intermediate School, Cincinnati. H. 8. MutTM, Bup't Canton Union Schools. Edwih RsL, Principal McMeely Normal School. Ru T. TarraR, Prof. Mathematics, Ohio University. W . W. KDWaina, Bup't Troy Union School- A. O. HortiKs, Principal West High School, Cleve land, 8. A.Noiton, Associate Principal High School, Cleve land. - ' Thiodori B-rntLwa, Principal High School, CleveJ land.' B. f. DomrroN, Principal Cleveland Institute. J, A. Giariauj, President q; KejUonttltuteL Hi ram. " W. L. lit at is, Prof, of Chemistry, Ohie" Wesleyaa University. - - H. H. JiaiNR, Ix-CemmUslonsr of Common Schools, Ohio. - . Jak as MoNkoi, Prof. Rhetoric Oberlln College. Thos. IiiLL, President Antiooh College. O. W. II. OaTBcaiT, Prof. MatbeDatlcs, High School, Dayton. 8. O. CaousiCen, Prof. Language, High School. Dayton. a. M. Basin, Bup't Union Schools, Ashland. Mart than Bio Eundrti other Freldml of OoUe- pse, Proftaort, Authori and XltingvltKtd Editor tori, Ave wdorud Ifo aboU tentiment. PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGES IN OHIO. Haairrra Ootxtoa "It Is truly a magnificent work, an honor to tbe author, tbe publishers, and the whole eeuntry." President Andrews. Ohio Waurrm Uxivuiirrr..-,4It exceed, my expecta tions. It will be my guide In orthography euad pronun ciation, and will often be consulted by me for its neat and accurate definitions." President Thompson. - W. R. loticno Oouni. "Heretofore we bare used Webster's orthography. At a recent meeting of our Faculty, It was decided to change it to conform to that of Worcester's Royal Quarto Dictionary." President Oarfleld. WiartJtN Ravntvi Coitioi. "I And It worthy of cordial approbation. " President Hitchcock. ' OuaLiN Coitrai. "It more than meets my expecta tions. I recommend! It as tbe standard authority la orthoepy to my children and my pupils." President Morgan. - Awnooa Comui. "I adopt and aim to use In teach Inr, writing tnd speaking, the orthography and pronun ciation of Worcester's Royal Quarto Dictionary." President Hill. 1 "In all my writing, speaking, and teaching, I hive en deavored to conform to the rules for orthography and pronunciation as ooatalntd In Worcester's Dictionary." Horace Mann, late President. Kenton Ooutoa, Qams. 'I most cordially reoom- mond Has the most reliable standard authority of the Kngllsh language as it la sew written and spoken." PiQsldent Andrews. . SdHOOL COMMISSIONERS OF OHIO. from Set. Anton Srft, OdknmitUmQf Oonrmcm tUkooit in VMo. . "The Dictionary Is an Imperishable moiamentto the learning and industry of Its author, and an honor to the world of letters. Tbe mechanteal execution Is far supe rior to that ot any other Lealoea with which I am ac quainted." From Bon. B. D. Barney.' JCa-Commitetoner ot t txKoolt in Ohio. "The most tellable standard authority ot the lan guage.'' WHAT TBI Xicadlns Newspapers of Ohio Say. trim fJU ClimiAnA Beratd ot Maret. St. ' The orthography of the Worcester Dictionary la that ased bv most. If not all. authors of distinction In this country and Bngland, and conforms to the general usage ot ordinary writers and speaketaw- - -Whatever areludioes mat have existed previously, a careful study of this volume will Invariably be followed by a warm appreciation of Its great merits, and a desire to add It to this well selected library, be It large or small. It la a Ubrarv In itself, and will remain an imperisha ble record of the learning of lis compiler. Jrom th Cincinnati Commercial of April 80. -Tiara are onwards of a hundred thousand words good. bad and indifferent whose multifarious meaniDgs and derivations, together with their correct spelling and pro nunciation, are sat clearly before the eye. The work Is unquestionably the greatest Thesaurus oi nngiua worus ever published. ; Iron Oi Cltaiand ftatndeaUr of Sept. 80, 1800, Svldantlv Wouoawrn's Royal OoaSto DionouiT ft not only th kut, but the isst work ofth kind ever if sued, and can by no possibility suffer by comparison or Controversy. , . . , , u' i ; From tht Toledo Blade of May SO- As1 to noiniUATtoN.'WoaccsTie; is Taa Btavdaid followed hy our best authors; In definitions be leaves nothing to be deslred,and in Oat-HoaaaniT it If sufficient to say that YVoacEsru can ne saieiy loiioweu. v ING1IAITI lc BKAOG, .... Pnbllekore, Booksellera V Stationers, HO. IU1 SUPERIOR ST., CLEVELAND, OHIO. aniS ' ' ' ; ' THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIEE INSURANCE COMPANY, Dividend Jannary Is ISOIf 45 Par Cent. ASSETS ... .. eJJBUfW JO. Statement January i, isqI, Balance, jrtr sUtement Jin. 1st, I860 $3,400,58 J 39 Reoelved for Premiums dur- '1 ' Ins the year lBtu B7o3,uw M ' Received- for interest during ; .i 7 i-jirj the year 1800 iiM.OM m , ( Total reoelDls for lW0....t!m,0U7 74 Paid Claims by Deeth,807,05u 80 . y: fi Paid Policies surren- " dared 41,111 v ' ' ' Paid Samrlea, Poet-. . .. .. r . 1 aia. Taxes, i- chanire. alo 31.020 54 Paid Commissions to Alton,.... Bl.KI 30 ' PaldPhysidaTJi' fees, S.wa 75 . .- ..... Paid Annuities 1,517 00 . Paid, Dividends dur- , " " sng tne year ltw.WJU 73 huo.uut Oil 411,11.0 If t Net Balance January 1st. jeei.r.iTn.S,8Hitae 60 , ASSITS Cub on hend. ; fO,C384 10 Bonds and Mortgages on Real jistaie, worm aoabla the ' " amount loaned a.m.gtl fifl Premium Motes, on Policies , In force, only drawing s per ' . cent. Interest..... 1.879.864 IT Real Istate fcVHva 87 Loans on Scrip . 8,031 44 Premlumi,NotesandOua,in ' coune of tractmlsslon.. 45,841 75 v Setal Ajuetl... IM12,5M So T,6T5 Policies In fores, Insuring. . 98436,688 1,435 new PoHdes have been lssusd doting the yean After a eareful eatealatloa of the present value ot th outstanding Pollolesof the Conipanj, scd having the neomtary. amount In reserve therefor, the Directors have declared a Divrssiriof 4 peroent.on the Premi ums paid at the Utile rates, to ill policies for life In force. Issued prior to January 1, I860, payable aoeotdlng to the present rule of the Company. Rates for alt kinds at Life Coutlmrsnoiee, Prospect uses, Statements, end ApplteaUons, will be furnished witioui cnasei, at the Office or Agencies ot the Com: An. ' ' ' ... . ; , ' . , ; e Johnson Block,"" T McS,Jf301. V : . i . "..Cdiumbs,0i TlliAIN - AND FIGTJaED BLACK A : LKK88 8ILK8, of every grade.v She most selt ill X' " ' " RAIN At SON, . asjrllf Ho. SO loath fiiah street. i" - ' ' . i Scrofula, or Kim's EviL Ts a ooiiatltutionsl disease, a corruption of ,0io Wood, by wIuqji till nuia becomes Vltiatqd. weak, and poor Being is the circulation, It pervades thq whole bouy, and may burst out Li disease on any port of it. No ornn I free from its attacks, nor is there one which it tuny not destroy. The scrofulous taint is v-riousjr caused by mercurial disease; lcr living, dis ordered or unhealthy, .food, , 'mpure air, filth and iilthy hablts,,'.the' denrewing Tices,"ahd, above nlL ty the venereal infection; ' VMat ever be ifei' origin, it is liercdtary ill tno con irtitution, descending " fiDra parenti to children unto the tliird mid four ill generation i " Indeed, it seems-to lie the rod of Ilim who toys, ,"I will visit the iniquities of the Citliers upon .their children." .. i ' , , ;.' . Its ofreots commence by deposition fiom the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles in, the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, no thnt scrofulous constitu tions not only HufTcr from scrofulous com plaints, but they lmvo for less power to with stand the,, attacks of other diseases eohse' fluently vast numbers perish by disorflers which, although not scrofulous in tneir nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint hi the system. " Most of tho consumption which de cimates the human family lms its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination; and many destructive diseases of (ho livor, kit'ueys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated, by the same cause. One quarter of all our people ore scrofulous ; their persons are invaded by tills lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by It. To cleanse it from the system wo must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate .it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in , "; . . .' . AynE's'; ; ' il Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for tlu's every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remeuialt that have been -discovered for tho expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from Its destructive consequences. Ilenoe it sliould be employed for the cure of not only Scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as EauPTrvi and Skin Diseases, St. Anthony's Fiitc, Rose, or Ertsitelas, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Blaiws and Boils, ToMoue, Tettib and Salt Rhkum, Scald Heap, Kibowoiim, Hukumatihm, Syphilitic and MehcurialDis eases, Dhomv, Dyspepsia, Deiiilitt, and, indeed, all Complaints aiuStno mow Vitia ted on iMruns Blood.' Tho popular belief in " impurity ofth blood " is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood, The particular pnrpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla Is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. 1 Ague dure, rort the speedy curb or -" Intermittent Fever, or Fever and Asjoe, Remittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb A true. Periodical Headache, or Bllioua Headache, aad Hillone Fevem, indeed for the rfeunisi dngluaf liitj " """ivy aeransresncni, csnien uy tbe flietiuria or Ullasmatie touniriei. AYc are enabled here to offer the community a tftnetly wbich, while it cures the1 above complaints with -certainty, ie still perfectly harmless in any quantity. Such a remedy is invaluable in districts where these nlllicttnn Uisorders prevail. This Cciib" expels the miaainatic. poison of Faveb and Aovb bom the system, and prevents the de velopment of the disease, if taken on the first ap proach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not, only the best remedy ever yet discovered for this class of complnint9, out nlso tho cheapest. Tho large quantity we supply for a dollar brines It within the reach of ev ery body and In bilious districts, where FEVEit ami Aosb prevails, every body should have it and use it freely both for cure ana protec tion. A great superiority of thin remedy over any other ever discovered fir the speedy and certain cure of Intermittent is that it contains no Qiiiuiue or mineral, consequently it produces no quinism or other injurious cficels whatever upon the constitu tion.1 Those cured by it arc left as healtrijf.ns If they had new had the discus?. ' ' ' L"i: Fever arid Afrne Is not itlone tbe eonsequefrre of the miasmntio poison. A ertat -variety of dlsoi- ders arise from its irritntiuti, sniontr which are Neuralgia, Hieunmtisin, (joutf Httuluchi', X'ki'oi nest, loothachii, f.araciu; (.a.w''i, (iMima, J ul pitatiofi, Fainut .ijl'tt tiun oJ''ie i.pu:cnr UyiUr ict. Pain in lite UoictU, C'etic, l'arulysis ntitl De rangement of the Stomach, all of v.liich, when originating i'u thi cause, put on llic intermittent type, or become periodical, This 41 ClTtE " expels Uio poison irom tne oiooa, nnu consequemiy cures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to immicnuits and persons travellinir or tenuiorarily residing in tlio malarious districts. If taken occa sionally or daily while exposed to the, iiifottiuu, that will bo excreted from the system) and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen .hire dis ease. Hence it is even more valuable for protec-, tion than cure, and few will ever suffer fmm Inters mittonts if they avail themselves of the prorectibh this remedy affords. ' 1 ' i - '-i rropared byDr.J. C. ATEB & CO., Lowell, Mast, . ROBERTS 8AMURL, Columbus, , And bv firarglsta and Dealers everywhere. ov9: Ivd.twfc -' !..'. i. CANADI1B ft UKITED STATES AIL STEAMERS I ;,, TO ANll FMOiU . LONDONDERRY-GLASGOW. Liverpool, Montreal, f, ; and 'I-. The Hoatreal Ocean Bteemshhj Company's' Snt-elass full-powered Olyde-bullt Steamers sail every Bat nrday from PORTLAND, carrying the Cauapisn and uniiea states juau ana pusengers, . . , . (VORWiaiAN,..- NORTH AMRRI0AH, , ii i ' WORTH BRIIOW,' I HIBBRNIArf, J -' . : CANADIAN, iiH L' . llOVAoOttTlANt i" , siborteBM cnapi ana Quickest Can ., veijrauBitM arwisa - j-. H .,. " 3o, seo. 80.'":.: ' '' ' will smu irom liivAArvuij vvvry ntanoigiri and from QURBR0 every Saturday, exiling at LONDOMDMRRT, to receive on board and land Mails and Passengers, to and from Ireland and Scotland.. , ,. ,. . lrrlhese Steamers are built .of Iron, In water-tight compartments, carry each an experienced Surgeon, and every attention is paid to the comfort aad accommoda tion or passengers as toey proceed direct to LONDON DBRT, tbe gieat risk and delay of calling at BL John's Is avoided. r..r. fllaagow passengers ire furnished with rail cuiasre ooaeoi nana iron aioneenuerry-c . i n v " n i Return tickets granted at ndueaa rates.., Oertlacates Issued for oarnlng to and brlnelnf aut nas- sengers from all the principal towns of Great Britain and 1 rmMBU, kt iw.iwj raws, njian iim m smews,' ami kytheWASIUNaiOJlAaNal Of BAiLINw PAOlaRia, 81gbt Draft for XI and upward pay.' lander Vales,"' "-Y 'l Tor nassare. apply at the Office.' ' RROAD XI AY. New Vark. and 19 WAl.SK ST.. Aayerpopt, ' r j .11 8ABH a IKIKI.K, fleteeaAAgenU, Or to- '"'J. R. ARMSTRONG. ' BOlO-lydAir' ' ' Pest Offlce, Ool ambus, Oh W a hi ,i i ii i .. it mi, a Co-Fartnenhip o n'.'Drt ft I HAVE THIS DAY ADMITTED DaY son JAMBS AD9KR BAIN as partner in sn bu.l- aeaa, which will ttel after be enndocted under the Arm, 01 Daln it Son. ' - . '- P, BAIN, By Heath YS Bl. ' Oohuabua, fob IS. 1801. u n . .. J .ru k i IIJenttY K(EHLEK J ,11: w (Utaof Pbalon's XstsAUshaent, K. T.J eoprietere , the New Jock Vuhionakle. Bncvinr. Hair Cutting hamuoonlug, Curling and pressing Saloon, Rut Slate Street, eras the PoetOmds, where-aateshenon will . be give la all.tha. varloas krancheev Ladles) and , Children's Hair dressing dose la the beet stjlii inil ; . L'm-Z2Z i , hi n '.I!v , i;-l-v erf)'io 'I tvf.! j 1 '.: t.i;.lU ,1'jrt 0-1) "o Si 1 11) v.. j : .: I J BEAUTIFUL, f i o v I ' OTJIl SPB11VG STOCK W UrustAi. fr'MM :;. - Oold'and Velvet Borders, -!' SPLENDID ; ;;;DEC0lTl6s AND. . ! FIRE - BOARD PflPERS, y ' Qolp'anp Pajnted Biades, WINDOW CORNICES, BUFF, BLUE, GREEN HOLLANDS, ; WIOT0W FIXTUBE?, all kinds. CORD AND -TASSELS, - BEAUTIFUL PICTURES t , 1 ; ... ; 1 ' ' '" V ' ' ' .'til " , '. . j - !-' !; ;- j . ' ; RADALL & ASTON,; ' ! columbus; "6; ' t N. B , Lasdlords and persons tithing ejuantniee Paper will make money by buying ct ns. Oonntry Merchants and persons from abroad will do Veil to'call and see us. . opril 1 -flSmeod 5. A A. EAST. CENTRAL OHIO AND AND Steubenville Short Line RAILROADS COMBINED! 4 COJUrodllNtJ AX BillAIRB WITH THR".''1, BALTIMORE & OHIO, , I AND AT pnToBURSH WITH IEB ai PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL vRAJLTiROAD: V Shortest Quickest & Most Reliable -er J -ar-a I Kouto to au Jtiiastern uuiea i . .. ., i . Trains Leave Columbus aa follows ' -J Leaves C Belial re or M.i tteubenvllle, Urlhr. A. lit t York S AH) A. U.I via Philadelphia arrives al Phila delphia, S.10 A. M.; New rark, a. m. uosiren also at Ilarrisburg for Baltimore, arrivlDgat7.45 A. M. Sleeping Can attached to this Train Prola Oolumbus. rut) directly through to 9 ellalre or Pittaiiurgh without change: aud Passeugers yia AUen- town arrive In Mew. York at B A. M. , ,. , JCFTCWO HOURS IN ADVANCE . OS . K0RTTIERN ' " I This Train aWconnectB at Bellalre with tbe Baltimore ana Ohio Railroad. ; . '7r BlTT&fltJJtaH KJPRiSS. Ci,1. Leaves Columbua.ll Hi A. M., frsmt Union Depot, vis tuauhnnvllle: arrivea at Newark.-U.3U r. M.: uosnoo- lon,S.13P. M.) Bteubenvtl 8 PM.; PltUburg, 8.40 p. M. XTTTbts is thaonly rout by which Passenger cm Jean ctnotnaatt as 7ii. St., go tiuoBgn t rins aurgh in dayUght, without changa of caseor delay., , FASTUNJS, ; ,ai. ; ,", Ci Leaves CoUmb 2.10 P. M from TJnloa Depot, via Bellalre: arrive at Xiawark, :i.V!i V. M.; zanesvuie, 4 3) P. M.; Belial re .7 ,35 p. M.; Pittsburgh, 11.SS M.t Harrlibunr, S.OO ' A. M.; via Atientovm, arrives at Nw Tork,4 V.-H4 ta Philadelphia, auivee Phlladelphla, 1.IO. E. M-S New -York, P. M,- This Train also connects atTliarriscars lor naiumor, " 1 ' " ' ' Tbi Tratn runt through to Betlair or PlttsborfWlth. out change of Oasst and from Pittsburg these iS:Bs change of Gar t Phlksdaiphla, or via Allentowa He Xork-thuj OBeiiag,, , ... .... ,,j The only Route from SColnmbas to Baltimore, rbtladelpbbt, or JNew rorx.wita oniy .ia -,.i.:ui i (net cejaoga 4C Cai8.:j., 3 .H1! ily'thts Trhln Pssseflgers "arrive hi Netrf Toik Iv mirtllti advene of theMerthem lines. ' ' ' -tf -io. " This Train also connects at BeUalra witA the Beltinaore and Ohio it. tt. .) l,, e j.,i ,ai.i-u.c iritTThls Route ts !JD miles shorter to Pittsbirgi " I ask Mw ej-sMMsask rnari 1 Her ten s I Asm- annate. ( ittaAU I UIVl U tllllU VU BUIIlvD BUUI WI ,U New Tork.'thsii Northern Lines.1 ' Baggago Cbeckflcl Tluocga' a all, :lm- . . ii ml im m a 1 i 'I' !' .1 r . , f. M i - , . ABK IOS, TlUAK'l'S VIA '- t'rj BELLAIRE OR STEUBEN VILLEJx.) tn iri ua vo Ticket Oeod althar Rottta l0 i n.J . iNfJ.'W.BROVm; :di; vBDTOHUISON, dsn, Tlek Agent Stemneavllle Short Ian.., lj;r''-' ceLaTitlBUSe OIIIO i 4.1 " - Aitid Srsed 'Star,'- i ,'-'ti-' 'rALM iw.3 . tV lo .seuS .o i- . i .1 l i lt. JU tit n Ai La, tiLAns, BAauuuik, wwwiiOi nnSt, flwtaia, wsslwiuwwafi ' .rnir Anl: KabMr BelUiit. Ie( taathar.- Hot As king. .61 intiW eol-dlr . f - Up II 'W T fc B M fi N 8) Ti'tCnRIVIftHIIta KA OOOOft.. - i'j-t 9 til!.. X S ;;i .tn .-fi i "i a Bovenies IB nwaiiieemnn iwrw , 7 j .4 . B.mi, uiA lla rrntM rUillapa. 10 vJ X -es'4- Embroidered Pocket Handkerchiefs Parts Rid eioveo. superior rawmev'-t . -' '-i' ttoUan Mill Bklrta various atysee, . t-.-.ti uu vi A n - Utll GV.I r nit ... . - linniii urn bhw .w . Tann4 Pkt Handkerchief. vartMM tftrWi' .-v Half Oloe end nat Uaraeatsv--' ". i! nivljl ,1JI tit lit q tr". wain a bust, ,. MORN ISO SXP&KS8 , . ., , . r.. oiumnus .sua. ax. iruu " Steubenvllle I arrives at Seliaire, Ju- , J8.S0 P. M.( Pittsburgh, S.4U r. L. U.t via AOmtoum. arrlvesat no. ns Bouw uiga street. i i i ii' w-TTIrMi J a : O , : l i . . . ,r ..T1RKI e 9 .T : Dally, per year. -wvrMr,ffr'r',';f Si, Trl-Weekly, per (.ar.:...r.,...'..-. V'lS , Weekly, per year .. ...J.Al.t i'tou The President's Message. , ' 'ThlLdMnmenL tr'anamlUed from Washlogtoo by telegraph, and necessarily somewhat imper feotoo tbat aoooont, wili be found la our col- arnnsj - It (A devoted icausivei., to toe one sreat toots biub now aaltates tbe, country and attracts iba aMenlion ot the world, aad its facts, teasoDings and reoommenaations win oe egasplne4 with nor or less care, as the people may be inclined to investigate the aubjeot, or oonteui themselves with tbe widely proolaimed polioy of pushing on the war. vTbe President doubCest intend a high compliment to the men corapoeing the army, when he deolaree that there is tearoeiy ) regiment "irom wniea tuerc could bos be selected a president, a cabinet, a ooogifoss, and perhaps a court, abundantly com petent to administer the .Government itself." r. , - i i!-j . i.tniy AS uilDga go, we are juuiuicu tu,u u lomew bad high-wrought eulogUm upon our oi tl ten eoldiery, subeUnnaly deserved,. - Certainly there U not on frm which a person could not be selected, qualified to present the subject mat ter of our national diflioultlcs, In a clearer and more coijciee form, than has been done in tbe paoer under considerations... . .The - hitoicl portion oi tho. message is not Itkeiv to attract, oariicular attention, since all th facts which it recites are inlly known to tbe public, and so fresh In tne recollection or lnioi. ligent readers as scarcely ' to require a repro duoilon. The account of the proceedings rela' tlrata Fort Sumter, omits to state all the elr outBttances,' and jhe vacillating poller of the Government on that subject,' Perhaps that was not Decenary, since thesr have becomfrqdeB Hons of the past,' and Congress has Only to do with tho existing ana aciaai circumstances con nected with the war.' . -" ' There Isreallv but one lmoortant ' considers tlnn in the meisaee. and that Is the demand for 400,000 men and $400,000,000 to carry on the war . Tali IS the point upon wnicn tne Aomin iitration festa Its hopes, and possessed of whiob, it will be able to oarrv on tbe war. with tolera bl visor. , We do not doubt that this' will be granted, and certainly, If tbe momentooa Israel . ' . . . . . . ! - I. J wnoee aoiuuon we are attempting are w no uc termined by military power, the calt of the Ex eatlve Is no larger than the circumstances will reuulre. Precisely br what system tbe Sim,- 000,000 required this year, and the thousands of millions which must be had before' the War closes, are to be raised, does not at thie .Hlme appear quite dear. V .- l bo rresiacnt virtually aomiia me csrrect nessof the allegations which have been made in various quarters, tnat in mt omciai action ne bat gone beyond the line ot Constitutional and lesal rower, when be asks that Congress shall ratify the acta in question... lie says, "these measures ftbe call for three yean' volunteers, and! for large additions to the tegular, army,' wBetner strictly legal or not,, were emerea moil under what appeared to be a popnlar de mud and public necessity," thus placing the Kiecutive estimate of "a popular demand and public necessity" above toe Constitution and tbe laws, w trust tnai tms aamiieion or me Chief Magistrate himself, will be accepted by onrl oity cotemporary which call upon ns to tell when President Lincoln "dared to disregard the Constitution," and charges as with "wilful and unscrupulous falsification," for attributing to the Executive what is here freely admitted in th message to Congress. ' ' -: The allusion bv the President to the proceed tu iVi ernrandum the piteiLage of the. Welt ofi ktota arput, aoei not, tnat we can see, throw txfiuem llflha npon tbat quaatlon Certain! the Administration view of. the case Is not as well rjresented ts it has been done a hundred times by the Republican newspapers. , Possibly the Attorney General, whose opinion I promised, may present a strooger iuatification. for execu tive interference with this great safeguard for tbe liberty of tbe eitiaen. , ' , '. There can br no question, we think, that Congress will fully sustain , tha Government n providing men and so tar as it may oe aois means for carryisg on the war. Whatever may be the opinion of members respecting the neces sity for its commencement, the means for its vigorous prosecution wiU withheld so long as mere is connaence in tue Aaminiscra tloq under whose direction it is to be prose onted. or until some oeacemi method or ad mat' N. Y. of Commerce. Gen. James's New Projectile. . r ' to ii ii The flying artillery of th Seoond Retiinen of Rhode lalo4 have been organised only about a month, and aro armod, wliu lien. James's rifled cannon' In presenoe .of Gov, Spragoe, and prominent military-oiliouri. Senators, and oitlrens, yesterday afternoon,: eighteen shells weqe ired on Morrnment Square, in fiftj-two seconds. after the order to load was given the una being . all aimed so as to concentrate tbe ra on the river noon .a very small surface. Tbe shells exploded when they struck tbe it-' terj Rod sent the, fragments about in all direc tions,, showing a dreadfully destructive power) If tsed against bodies of, men advancing upon the) position. After repeating tbe exhibition of firing "rapidlyatbe guns were, trained to file down tha. river, tnd were set at higher eleva- hops than could o given wneonrisg across tbe river. At ten degrees elevation, shot War sus tained ia tbe air alxteeu seconds, and thrown 13,500 feet, or about two mile and two thirds At seventeen degrees elevation, tbe shot were sustained Iwonty-flve eeconds, and : were-, sent three mile and a naif; and At nineteen segtee elevation, the lime was tbjrty-iv. second, Md th dutanoe ever four rnHs..ui ,, ri t The boos used were tbaordiaarv united States bronsa 6-poander field pieces, so far as ttrior is concerned. They are bored a trifU latger inside than the tpounder, and lined eordlng to U en oral James's. plan: lb proieo- tiles weigh thirteen aad r halt pound when solid, and twelve pounds when made a sbeUa, In additloR to the greater range, and accuracr which retail from thi oonBtruotlon, anothet re markable effecals preduecd, which. Is th great er ee to the aun.jiotwitbstandinK tha becvesa- ed weight of the projootil. -This effect is illus trated by the tact Wat a.charg cj one and half pounds af pawder 1 beuiod a b pound round shot, repeated three, tinea, will always swell enlarge ona of these tuns so that it external shtpe is visibly altered, and two pounds of pow der, wttn. the same dmi, win destroy tn gun eotirelvi whereas, with thJmeplanofriaiuf and projeotilei projectile weighing iourteeu pounds have been fired fllity time out of the same gun rifled, with a charge, of two poand pf powder, without producing any ehaoga what-. evei in tne tmn, in unto ona w taese Ran was fired with twe and a hAlf pounds of rin Dowder and a iburteea-pound hot without pro- ducinz any Injury to the gqn,. although iha hot was sent i twthat aa trAoe.ofJt.wM erei ioundnirii .nt-r.., 'a r-.y .wy :.:n '-. a The UniUd States Government has bad three new , batterleA rifled by -Gtuttval dames, sad is .having its, old one rifled. Jn th same way.eTha State of Ohio, lUjnneoUouta Indiana, Khoda iBlasde sad AlaisactLasetca. sisa are pre vided with tbese lormljjaOi guns, wboe .auier States Sre arraoging te hve helr old b Merle tinea aid provided, witn uenerai, James pro- Philadelphia Press. Curiosities of the English Census. aid 1 ion , iff SlLiTiv POrtATlbw Of LANDOrf and tsi liciat, Towivsrxcraa er vmulm in triOLimr. .ji .... W mta . TaJaA VVSA.A a.JS..11.-f Irrit aiai""fts 1 ni irwirA m. wtmrm aaaa iwa.-. - "Ait"" ! The ReRiatm-Ganarat estimate tha nam ber f English, emigrant from the United King Hum tn tne sen years oetween icui aim aoua Edu.ziu. ana returns tne1 numoer 01 reciewrea hirtha aver feeritered death bt thA aanta per to t 860,676, , .Thi weuld WST n iflcreasaoi l,62U,4b6, but th tetual augmenuuon enumer ated on tbe 8th of April waa 2,134,116. Allowing that 513,750 birth mutt ftavpa4 uaregister. ed U th tea yeAre.,-Itpprs tbat the popula tion oi Loiuton is nearly equal to that of the twenr ty leading provincial towns having a population m wa tnl I Dnliam Pleminnriava OI IO.UUV IU4VI Hjllf IWJWW.uu dwstwsutAtBisaay Bradford, Brigton, Bristol. Hull, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchaster, 'Newcastle, Norwich, NttlaIrhanl. 'Oldham. ' Ports mmtbi Presto, Salford .Sheffield, Stoke-upon-Trent, Sunderland and Wolverhampton all pot together,' trie ' T ! al a .a mi DfM Ai l U. t. L.A. i. U anti t, f. 6-rV. "U troptHsrjvlnga,Bl,U34 innaDitanis, anninesi ntsiwlssrisa svetaM fiAKJMiLr Vilt SOtW.l i u , ii T i iT i,.oini mnp INVIUUIfl. kUQ ItthlCl IJ,,MWW.V'lM-"-'"Ji rapMly than that of the metrnpolW, the aug mentation TiavlnBi been 4(r,798 lb London,;as compared ith o9l,'05ij In the provlsotai to wast so that. CobbetL's area wen' is not. as torn assume, Absorbing ail the power of the state. . .vWith regard to forty three seeoiidary townv! the population of which range between uo.duu abd (0,000, an" advanetv bas -beea- made from 1,414,093 in lb51,to 1,653,3(40 la 18GI, showing an augmentation of 23993;. and, 107, still smaller, towns, tucluding, 'as In' the' case of their larger brethren, the addition made to many of tbenvfor ParUamentary pnrpoies, bSving a population .of, from 5, 000 to 20,000, bad hi, loai y:4,UJo, aoa in toot ya.ooj in habitants, showing an augmentation of 43,361. Tb metronolltan dietriot ooosequently increas ed In -populAtioa at the rate ot eighteen per cent.) tbe creat eenters of manufacturing Indus try at tbe rate of twenty-four per cent j the second-class towns at the rater of seventeen per oeat.f and the little boroughs at the rate of tour epfenk.1?Ja fourteen still muiler townships, faatrtOK less, than 0,000 inhabitants each,' the TvrtnnUt Ion remained all but stationary, being ' r . mm.. e r ir w r a a ci i aL.A 6-J,I(J3 in 1851, tno o,o; in ioui r ew no fewer one gets in the seal th mors stagnant one finds the tide of bumsn life. - )- - - -. : "The -excess of the fair. sex h.ogand amnnnti to the alarmlnit ISreS total oi om.vzi; but this dispropArllon between the sexes I -hot universal th revgnar sexee ot .awatgiii - uoiug in a majority in Derbyshire, Durham, Essex, Herefordshire, Kent. Hampshire,, Staffordshire and i Westmoreland. In Middlesex" there ire 163,389, and in Lancashire 88,100 more womea than men, and tbe agricultural oosnwes aiso re flect the-ooutinuous drain, of emigration upon their adult male population." "' , " ' " - si - THE NEW CONGRESS. CLASSIFIED LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE THIRTY CLASSIFIED LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE THIRTY SEVENTH CONGRESS. SENATE. rieoubilcans id Roman; Democrats In itatte. rte-elwt. if ed membersmarked -wttnaa isanseJte 1 XxLiroiina, f - , . June XeDwgal, (IJn) mtan.8 tathan 1 I ' Jkwss'plxsH c ' ? iosriicTietrr.-'' -' ' "a r o cm UfayetteS, lostsx ooi ,-. ' f mi was. ... ,.j 4amt i. Sayari " Wlltard Savlibvr. ILLtHOIS. r .., Lyman Tiasibull, 0. U-Brownlug i iHMsiia. , HenryS.' tan - JmD. Bright :l . I'll OJ J-,. -J'..c'J, a ax - James rj. flrlme , James Harlan , .. xaNsas. . , , ' '8i O.Pomeroy - Jam, s B. Line lanTDCIT. . e-j-, yrA0, JrsciiirW;s '' icaiKi.' r' "" !. - Wllltia Pitt reasesdsa ZaeeraA, W. fovtU :.)' lot M. Motrlll ' 1 i i1.t r . j- aLan. v r. AirrtiojiT Bjwsiby (AmJ , anu J..rFtarc !'.' " MAisacnrsxTTS '""J Cbarfe Sumner' ' Meury,Wlllo 't - , jturnreeT.. , EtnryM. Bltt Morton 8. Wintmson- " " '" aiisoent." ' ; ' thuttnPoH . . -JohMon .,, kew natmBisr. John P. Hals Daniel Chrt ,'' BiwnmoiT." ''' , ".-' John S. Thompson John a ten Eck I ' SEW ToKsT" PrestcB Kleg --, - - Ira Harris J ' '! i--r: s-eaio.c: ..wi? ' BenJaiaJnl'. Wade , , JohnShermau Edward V, Btkar Oeorga W. Nesouh , ' r. TajamClwaeVW""! ' DsvldWilmoU: RdgarCswan . -i anrjDi ulaitd. James t. Simmons. , ,,) Henry . Anthony I .,( i . f . - . Traxxiiaa. Andrew Johnton (Up.) A. O. P. Slchoito BBSrOBT,-' - ' Belomon Pool r , . Jacob CoUamer :;. ' ... James It- DooUttle Vf ISCOBSIi. - Timothy Howe. n-l I pQUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. -' a or . its ot OALirORMU. Two mem. to b elected. S. Wm.O. 6teU ,. . 4. (reorgt T. OoU 5. jehemiah Perry risw real, I. V. ffenry Smith ' ' 3. Jfeee J. MdeU 3. Manj- Wood 4. Jamt S. ,enigin 5. Wm.Wall . Pred. A. tlonkling 7. Elijah Ward . -1 S. Jsoao O. lulaplaine 9. Edward BaioM COHmOTlOBT. ' . . I. pwlghtLoemis 3. Jane E.Ettglith 3. Alfred A.'Biiraham ' , 4. Oeorge O. Woodruff f dklwaisJ' - George P. Iflster, People's 1 ,. ILLINOIS. . . Elihu B. Washburne' Isaac N. Arhold ' ' S. Owen Lovejoy . ' 4, William Kellogg William. A. Jtiahard eon - 10. Chas. H. Van Wyck7 11. tfoAis B.Steele IS. Stephen- Baker ' '-: John A' Mc01rnanP Jama 0. Bebtneon IS. Abraham B OlmT. 14, ErantM Qornina 15. James Bt McKeau ' 1 Id. Wm. A. Wheeler 17; Borates N. Hbenaso j 8. PhUHr . tank v. John A. J-ogan" INDIANA. John lam JntnetA. Craven IS. OAisamcey ilibarq William M. Dunn 1 William 3. Eolman aucuara arancnoi WO. Rosooe Conkllng kit. R. Holland DutU ' if Oeorge W. Jalian " Albert O. Porter" 4 ' ti. Wm. Lansing ixlt. Ambrose W. Clark Janiel V. Voorhttt ' S. Albert B. White ... , i4. Charles B- Sedgwick 9. Schuvler Colfax'. S5. The. M. Pomeroy t. SlK Jao. P. Chamberlain 10. William Mitchell ' J, P.O. Shanks ' ; I IM IOWA. u ' . Ales. 8-Pivea- -. . Wt, Robert B. Van yalkea- I burgb 4. Alfred Rlj''1 ' " 1. 'Samuel K. Ourtlst ,. wunam vanuever- BAirtAS. '' ' Ml. Aagesru frank'' : .11. BurttVanHoin Klbrldge O. SpauMIng" Martin t. Conway nirrucxv. . HcnrvU. Bnmett. SI.. Reaban I. lenton . (State Right; , . OHIO. V Oeoi S. Pendleton S. John j.aurley , 3. O. I. VallandWiam 4. Wm, Alien . 1 1 . J. B. Jackson tun ) 9. Hetiryarlder (Un.) M- A. lAnnltair riin.l . Chns.A.Wiekliffe(Un) O.i QMrM W-Dunlap S. 8. Jamea M. Ashley : Chilian A.. -White ' I ; , ,fUIo0) 7.1 r. manory rvn.) 8. J.J. Orlttenden (Un.) 7j UarrHen (f ustoq) B, m l rheliKhcrger 3i William H. Wadsworth s. wm. r. nor tit 1.11 ' frr,,.--,;, funsnni-iUb uarv a. xruDiHtt - 10. J. W. Henries Wo) . .11,. Valentine B-Horton XiUIS ...... .- ii -.IB. fisSuIJ. am v c 1. JobnN. Oaodwln -r IS. Samuel I. Worcester 8. Charles W. Waltott 5. flamnel O. feesenetsB' 14. Karrisoh O, Blake" 13. Jto6rtfnatn ' ,rrj 4. Anson P. Morrill 18. Wm-P. Cutler 1. Jame B. Morrit ' 3. John II. Rice . fredertckA. Pike 18. bldetey Rdgertea ; IW. Albert O. Kiddle . suiylaxo. 1. J.W. GrlsfleldOTn.) ISO. John Hutchlee' ' 1" . admiH.Webater(Un.h U. JobuA. Bingham , 3. C. L. L. Leary (Un.J " oai 4. -H. May (fusion) UomeS Aiei oittuos, -It:? 51 . Thomas (un.J. . 6. O.B. Calvert (TTn.J 1 , - MassauBusaiwB. 3 r- 1. Thomas D. Rltot . B. "BeuJamlU Buffingten 3, Sanjamia V. Thesnaa , 4, Alexander H. Rice 5, William Appleton (fa ' . lion) . .. .1 ft. John B. Alley- f. Wm. t.leyhman- ?, Charles J. Kiddle A: . John P. Verree . WmKelley'inj ;' ft, W. Morris Davis ,; . S. John Hickman'" 72mo e.uoover 8. &tmvel A. Anaona 0. Ihadtus Stevens -' 7. Daniel W. Oooob" i,. 8. Charles R- TraU , 0. Ooldsmim P. Bailey 10, John M. Kllllnnet 11. James H. Oamobell IS. Uendrieh M Wright 10. 4) harass Delano 1U Henry L. Dawes r, (oem.i Philip Johnton1 MICBIWAH. Bradley f. (Iraager .. Pernando 0. Beaman ranclsW. Relkwx r Gal us naA Oroir 1. 41. 3. -4. yuie a. oik , . 17 1 Rdward aUrbtraot, Rowland X. Trowbridge! 18, Bamuel N. Ulalj IU. John Coved .0171 "I.. Cyras AldrisbV ,a n Wm. Wlodom iia.Jttte Later S 21. James K. Mbrehead ; ! - mssocai. 1. PranolsP. Blair J Jams Rollins (Ant.) Sw John it. Clark li ' 4 SMah B. Jforton. 5 i John V.Reed t ir-.y e John 8- Phetpe (Cn.) me. nooen aicnuigiu- , John w . wallais 24. John Pattern '55, Blilah Aabbta BHODB ISLAND t, Wm. P.ehefitid z. wee. u. nrvwn u vsBBeirr. -1 e .1; 1. Wialplal P. U.ll.n . 71 John W. JoeW .. I . BAsmautx, l.-Ollman Marston'1! 'uetla 8. Merrill , Xdward H. Rollins 8PorMt Baxu tn v Skoma JASdwatd.! ia" isooiiaii,'T a .lbhajVPotter,. I . Lu tlr Hnr,.U'J 1 1 obnt.N-.iirtaI 3A. KeeetSloaA '! 1 ISPRINO CLOAKS JiND HASUf IJ.gW 6TTI1K8 Kln 4c Mon, No. 11 High street, hsrs jnrt opened new stylet of Clotb hiMka. itAievsnss sad Sowvb, kasule It) th newest meet stylish manner. Also, kuperb flaksi Itlaclt Mllka very heavy, deslsned eanresslr UanUllMinAaUaemBMBi ji.lj dl JiJ.n o,j 6rrlW3 '. n.s' . n.i ! "2 " 1 "r'T e,THT! A Canton Mattinsrs. 'i,4 : v asssw leaasj 4 sWhlle, CheckeAof sujJerlin quality. 8.. , , ) t. , , . . j. , , uin a "Wnlta ) Red; an for sal by iok. - !. 4nh23 .. Hlh r , " ' , .' r ' J e . J J , , ,ti -ii ,, tn (Fa.v ; - :P 1 rtj South (Jia and. fur 4 "'TO WHOM lT'KAlLC0SCEKir"?a ; e-"i.i i .... hi .. .; a 4 JA The Public Works of Ohio, o i, n . . . . . Orrici or TU Lusitsa th. 1m 10 VC t,; , ii'r Ccaoauue, diae ll. ism? t . 9 . 7 . W'' ll '' Is" unaersignea nevmg Beaom tne Leasees jo taa X Publio Works qf Ohio, isjuler tha set of May d, IHoLr and having entered Inta the possession of said 'Works, nereDy give nonce tual IB operating Bnoer saM taaaa, ji,J . and discharging their duMes under the eaast, the hosV; .... . ness will be transected with the. publio throach aienta appointed by tha Leasees, under such rules, regulations, , reniricuons ana nmiiauous, ss snsi ue prescribed for their goveramDtl -: j .,-iw i i, ti. in : iu e 'i , Those Agsnta tot tha present, will eaasietof eoeflen. .' ,(,, eral Agenba Tieaaurai and SeoreUrr. for th Central ' OfUeeof tbe LesMes at Columbus; and the necessary ' ' number of Superintendents of Repairs arid Oolleeiorsef ' u.'-.k Tolls o tbe several Works csnee ned tn the mas, i-. -.n-,..v Tha Gene ml loat, shaii he - the rlaatpal executive officer of the Leasees, sod shall have eharre of tbe gen- " eral business office at Columbus, 11 shall have super- u 11 vision over the business of th Lessees with the eabUei ,i .. ft and a each ageit shall execute all eentraots, eaesps,,, thae fb labor ind materials conneoted with tha ordina- , . ry repairs of tbe several Works, and hs shall audit and ' . ' settle sll accounts. J i. ;' ,: The duties or tbe Tressarer and Beoretar snail te such as are asrallr discharged by similar officers In other Iha' Sunerlntendenta' of Renalrs shall, on their re- - ' spectivs dlslslqns, hare power to employ and discharge all subordinate and laborer, end to purchase all tools i . and materlale necessary la the ordinary repair of such . dlTMou, sad the same shall be under, their special dl- . '. rotioa and management, ' " Tne uoiieciors oi ions, water Bents ana rines, are -Invested wltb ill the sutberity and power, provided -in the lairs of the State and, tbe regulaUons of the Board ' of Public Works, made for that parpese. when such Ool- . ., lectors ia unaer appowtmanx sua authvrlu Hons u Bute. Ife Individual sncmbar of th Lessees shall have th , - , right to transact business In the name ot lb Lessees, . with any person or persons, In any other maaaee than I -t'ireugh In appetsted agents, enleee specially authuils- ed by tbe Lessees so to do; nor shall any one of the ap pointed agents have authority to transact any business : in- the same of th Lessees, except in the psrtlcular . branch of the business confided to falm,an4 subject lo -' the restrictions and limitations of Us sgeney ; s. lio authority to borrow money on the credit or me Lessees, shall ever exist In any Lessee, agent or other: . employee ot the Lessees, unleee the same shall be eon- , ., . ferred by a unanimous vote of the Lessees, at a regular meeting, and the amount so author lead to be bomwsd - apselhsd in th order and entered on the Journal. use. w. maavniiHv is tne ueneiai egeni n im - Leasee, Bnjasna R. . Surra. Stessurer, and Juiiii - Jotcs, Secretary. , , ThBuperintenaeatsoriierairs are; " - ' On sheMaR. Oakland W-.RsaM.Road-Josxra Coorva, TnoMas Baows, Wb. J. Jacasos and AssraL.- Bacbosv : r t : . .; i-i.- c. - ,ir On- the Ohio, Walhondlng and Hocking Canals aud tha Muskingum Improvement Rcaaaf B. nenair, tOBa Msluk, fisanrm ktcOutTBT Brtram Msdsirt and Rpwaao Ball. . ' Th Collectors on the Oarnle, MufklBgual Improva meet and Maume Road, aee the asaie that ware ia tbe service of the Stat at th time ot th axecuaoa ot the - a-sase; dui an tne aioresau agesiie poiu uieir appuiu,- at the pleasure aud option ot tne Lessees. .RENT JAEVIB, ' JOSRPH OOOPRR, -WM.L JACKdOS, ARNOLD MRDBBET, C - THOMAS MOORH, - THOMAS BKOWN, Lessees of the Publi Works. Jelt- u3awSir . NEW ARRIVALS Spkiag, &.: Sumrner ' Millinery . The Btoolc Koplenlahea pjimT..:,;,;:,,;,: Fltm LATEST' IltlPORTAXIOlSS Vt NEW YORK. . J ''"''"a-i stock of ' ' ' Spring tSc Suxnmer Millinery Is now complete, comprising every Variety of Mtllln- ' eryj alseva large aaaortaant of EntbroUleries, . Hosiery -and Notion, See-, and in quantities an prleM Ual can, .. not fail t suit all who may favor is with a call. The goods have been bought at Panic piicee, and will be sold ataamall advince on cost.' 1 i-.. 1 . '-. ' .:-.', j millihery 7 KIbsIiL E.YOUNG, late of Now YorkCitj', .' wilt superintend tha, Millinery Department. Her locg experience' In the most Fashionable Establishment in Broadway will alone be a warranty that she will be able to give entire satisfaction In- matters of last to all bo may favor her with their orders. The Ladies of Columbus sud vicinity will pieces ac- , eept my sincere thanks for their liberal patronage, and wpul d resectiuiiy solicit a continuance or tne same . ;i R. H. WAKE, 48 Cant Town St., Columbus) v.. arll43n-od. . . .... .. STONE'S BAZAAR. ; ; Gwvnne Block." ,.s dl ' 'A. P. AHKrtoWHBrRiviNGTiiriRAyim l JiH 000D8, and Invite the publio to inspect ,. . thegi No such stock of (Joods has ever been brought to this market. (Th South, in consequence of th failure 'm of tlu iraia crop, has not been able to purchase the us- usWuaullty bf rich goods, and this fact has forced the Importers to sell them at publio auction. , Our buyer (Ms. Stone) beini In Mew York at these lanre sales, took advantage of them, and we ean end will sail cargoedioxrr ban, at lees than any ane who purchased two weeks since, paid for them In New York. Our stock it complete' lnJ eviWV nepartment of -l! Lttj t: ) ei;eqantdres3 silks, . , OTTOMAN VELOURS, " "T ' BROCHE VAtENCIAS; r' " '' f '- n. i-'. , :: fKiNTED MEBINOS,. . Y 7 3 'v ; ' FKINTED COBl'RGo, t7 DYED COBlTOS: " . BLACK ALPACAS, f u !c FANCY WOVEN FAERICS.-, .sq tn ,: , , rrALL VVOOL DELAINES , , , . - POPLINiT PRINTS, " ' ,. .i r- r 1 ' 1 vi art si bv.' sTisisf vnvnitw, ! " !l?ive Thausand : Dollars Worth a u livullli lu vug aiv T , l.-. i 0 . in ;ji.iT '" V 'fcJJT sJed Mob's. Udlee aod CblWren's Vnder Shirts and Drawers: t Ladles, Mises and Ohildren't Hosiery of sit kinds, in Wool and Lamb's Wool) fleecy Line and 0otuOkYae. '.ft of every, make. B : i . ALC-- !; .1 'k'jiJi'i ii A 1 complete assortment of All tTio t tJes"of- - , .-....v-"; of All tho usual iVw'irlJ'-?0 . I a, -.. r.m,Hci " ' J..i 1 VS. i.i 1.1. 1 r 1 .- . ! -'liac!arMirrvsi''a ' .." uaulivci) ed.' ;3.,kc Cf. on T .: OVERCOATINOS,'- ck: L. iin n ii I I rAi r.iro Mi-jiij. TEEP3ui i r vi. . Z. DRE33 TRIMMIN03, " tRdieil8n4Qent linen Canibrib fiintt ...... ! A-'''' SLA ' " "'SB . . ,e,rcuiBis, o.. , to persons who call on us, wa pledge our words to show them tbe Unrest, beat sod cheapest stock of Goods' evoke, taw Bwrtst ur My uisat bb .aoiiar 4WA I Ml-VCOM ti Hilt ' -'' v ' -i' r i rln : :-- " ' iocr-ditaitir.-( oris!; Clothiiis T ; 1 !- IT& ."If y. ,'j f-i'N r ifi-.y.-. "5 1 fjt.4 j LiiprioaeM ANB'wiotiariUAssusniiIl i No. 308-W.' BiutitribrePetfeet,' ,, iff v,M f A-.'-i,t!i J iifrli tr-jiVae, reioii vil targe 'Atior'tmeVt, pf" Piece and rdrnlshitig1! f OotOBdlf ';:.?t .s i f.-.w H -u -i.i'-7 ;Ja .a act y l