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(3)l)i0 Statesman XAXTrxSHT OTII.CT, ruhllshers. CBOTWt MAWTfcKWJIsT. Bir.. COLUUBU3, OHIO. i THDESDAT MORiS ING, JULY 11, 1661. Democratic State Convention. At a maettne; of tbe Democratic 8 tot Ceo- tnl CotaUltiee held In Columbus, on the 5th dT of Jul t.1861, It wm ,,.-,...... Rtithrd. That II i nHot bold a Demo- aretle Bteite Oooventton at Uimoue, oa i -redfceetlay. Afft Tlh, lseit ' .0 nomiee Demoevstia State Ticket, to be annnortssVet the Oelober eletioft.' ' "i Rle'd: further, That all the lectori of the State of Oblo, who ere in levoror perpetuating the nrlnainlce noon wbloh our Union wee found ed, end e oonvlneeel that the preeent Slew end Nji&inel Admlalitratione ere'whollv In oompotoai to manage the lovernmeni In 1U preeent erltloml swodlisoo, ea well m all who ere oppoted'td the groee extravataae end eorrap tlon nod to elarmloglj prevalent in public af fairs, a aaraestly invttea m hum wtut ui Deaooreaw in thie hour of our oeuntry'e pwll na was reoeem toe bibis, em piece iw ministration In competent hands. . ' Betottd, further, thet the bull of represen tation 1rt said Convention be one delegete for everj 6Q0 voir, end en eddltlonel deleirete lor frsotiea of 960 end npwerds, celt for Thomas J. S. Smth. for Supreme Judge et the October lection th 1860. end thet it be recommended thet the counties elect their delegate! on thie beeie. - . -...'', u1.'; :'. . i. Tbs tfemocracv of Ohio end ell other eon servatlv Union men. who ere willing to co-oper ate with them on the ibote basic, ere reqneeted to meet In their respective; eountUe at wen time aa tbeiooal committee! may designate, and ap point dtegatee to the Democratic Convention on th '7Ji of AncuaL to nominate a State ticket. tabe supported et the Ootober election It la presumed that no lorer of hie country will require promptiog at thie time to Induce him tfl. dUcharge hie doty, end therefore the Committee le lopreeeed with the belief that the ooaotlce will eagerly reepond to thie call, and that an' Impoelng Convention will assemble in Cjlombue et tlie time dealgDetod above, and put la'Vomlnatlon a' ticket of food and tree men, to be supported for the various State of Boee on. the 84 Tuesday in October next, ' WM. MOUNT, Chairman. WM. J. JACKSON. Secretary. Nominations—The Toledo Blade. The Toledo fiJeJs, like the Cleveland Ltaitr and Sandusky RtgUttr,U in an awful bad hn mor, at the Demooratlo State Central Commit- te, for calling a Democratic Convention, for the parpoje of nominating a Demooratle Unloi $Mt ticket. We deeply commiserate the con dition of oat Abilitioa friends, aud if It ve consistent with our views, and the welfare ol the country, we would gladly use our Influence, to have the call so worded that they might be admitted as members of the Convention. From the wording of the resolutions of the committee, these papers are no doubt excluded though we hoped that they would reconsider, their course, which has brought our beloved country to Its unhappy condition, and unite with na la an at tempt to redeem the nation from ite perilous condition. If our friends, are not of tboee "who are In favor of perpetuating the principles upon which our Union waa founded," of course they have Bo bnsiaeee U the convention.: And if they are aet satisfied by this time "that the present State and National Administration, are wholly incompetent to- manage the government in Ite present critical condition," then there Is no hope for tbem ever being satisfied with anything, no ma'.ter how plain It Is made to almost any un prejudiced mind. There are none so blind as they who won't see. . If tbey are not 'opposed to the cross cxtrav gaoce and corruption now so alarmingly prev alentin public offices," we. don't want tbem In the Convention. They are not included is the call. What the condition of the National Government will be, when the "powers that be" release their hold, time alone will determine. But so far as they have gone, our writ fears will no doubt be fully realised. As for our State affairs no one ventures to a apoloc lie for them. The condemnation Is anlvereal, emphatic and overwhelming. . Tmsu miluom or doixaas were aporopriat- 1 by the Legislature, to be paid from the hard warnings of the people, almost without asking a question. It was put at the disposal of ths Executive, three months since, and what la our condition nowl Of its improvident expenditure the whole Motile have complained. No one defende it that we know of. And now, at this day, about skvkm bditdud tboosako boxxabs have been paid out, and about Twttvc cndbbb raoosaMB totuu of claims are in ths hands of eltisens, who are clamoring at the doors of the Bute offices for payment, and cannot be paid. The officers of the State after sMaaiee oar btate bonds about in this Bute, are now la New York, going through the same operation The bonde of Ohio always regarded as first elate bonds In the market will not command 83 cento on the dollar, though It is known that no people are mere prompt in the payment of their, taxes than the people of Ohio, or bear them with more patience. This loss of credit does not arise from any fear, on the part of capitalists, that the people will repudiate their just engagements! but from the knowledge that the State Government is la Incompetent bands, and that the money has been squandered in a saost villainous manner, in outrageous contracts, bestowed upon political fevoriteo, to such an extent that the tax payers will become outraged at the infamous expenditure of their money, thereby rendering its collection tardy. ' 111 the face of these facts, not denied, the Blodi aayet 'It remains lor the people oi Ohio to rebuke this partisu sobsme and gross attack apon, the Government." The Democracy make no attack upon jhe "Government." They pro pose to remove the tarn who art administering the 'Government," and who have brought it into discredit aad disrepute. The Democracy made the Government, and they are determined to remove the elan who are rapidly subverting It.. (The attempt to dub the effieobolders the 'Government" will not do. , It le the "Govern aenf'we would' eave) by taking it out of the heads of mea who arc Incompetent to adminis tcr.Jts affairs. ';.' .'- Again, the BUM esyst "This is the first die tlnot movement toward reviving the olJ politir cal division la the ioyai 8teta." . Tot BU4$ to sadly at fanlt on this point. Did, or did' hot, the Republicans, as a ftrfjr, hold a Cooveotloa and nominate Mr. Wobcxstib estbe ftaetiiee candidate for Congress, la the Hnroa district? .Did, or did tbey sot, bold a Convention and nominate Mr; Haaux as a Awns boa candidate la the Warren district? Dave not the RrpullitM nominated a full JJs- ftilint ticket In California? - Have sot the JJrjaii stas nominated a full RfMicin ticket In Vermont! Did the1 Krpatficeae not, by a party Cooveoiion, nominate Mr. O'Niu in the second district la FhiUdelpuleT ,. ( With these foots before the country, what J wt sheer-nonsense it is for the BUd to put forth such statement ae thbK "i ,i If ths Republicans as a party are disgusted at the, complete failure of their organisation, and are satisfied that they are Incompetent to adalalstet the Government4et them dltbsnd the ooncern.and stop their hypocritical whining about no partyism, especially while theif Ad ministration Is wielding the cxecutlonetis axe with a political vengeance-never before ex- coued.,;.,.., ,;! " G. V. Dorsey on the Crisis. ' We publish elsewhere a letter from G. Vol mr Doubt, of Miami county, on . the preeent otatc of publlo affaire, and the manner in which be thinks the political parties of the country ehoald aot in the premise Our readers will tire to Dr. Bonsai's letter a eareful examina tion and due consideration. For ths author we nave the highest respect,' knowing him to bs a patriotic oltixca and an honest mas. , The ob jeota he baa la view are moat praiseworthy, aad U we believed that his plan for accomplishing them was at all feasible, we shonld second hie efforts aad the efforts of those who coincide with blm. But we do not) and besides, we rc gard the cant of some of the Republicans (the number Is not large), who pretend to be for a Unloa party and nothing else, as insincere and hypocritical in the extreme. No Just and pro per union, can be formed with the Republican managers, and their objeot In making the pre tense, le simply to draw off the publlo mind from the gross rascality and corruption, which thus far have marked the progress or the war, aad will continue to disgrace , the country as long as Republicanism is In the ascendency, or has any control of public affairs. 0 - - The Uaioo, If preserved, must be prwerved by the Democratic party.. The war and all Its incidents, if made effective and successful, m ait be placed In Democratic hands ' throughout The army is vasly Democratic; but it is palsied and paralysed in its operationa and mevemente by the incompetent clvillane kow holding poai- lions In all the departments, both State and Na tional. The complete and. thorough organln tlon of the Democratic party, and the nomina tion by-it of a full, ticket -of sound, Union, constitutional Democrats, of ability and Integ rlty, instead of damaging our cause, will give additional confidence and Strength to It; and if the ticket be elected, as it will bo most certain If, new life and energy will he Infused Into the llltary operations, and the people will have their con fid nee In or eased, and consequently give to the great work additional and now nttgj. ..,. The organisation aad restoration of the Dem ocratic party, Is, In our opinion, a necessity to our existence as a nation, aad . therefore to be, as we think, applauded and approved by all true, good and loyal ciUsens. ' Every man of common sense must seo that the Republican party is wholly unequal to the great task, and (n the progress of the wcteat It will be over thrown, and go out of existence with the uni versal consent and condemnation of the people. Wc hope that Drl Dobcxt will rsvisw hi opinions, believing that If he do, the conclusion he cost ultimately arrive at, will be In accord ance with what we have expressed above. - The Telegraph and the Newspaper The Telegraph and the Newspaper Press. The Cincinnati papers did not publish the President's message on Saturday morning) the reason being, In the optoloafif the proprietors. "that tky ptaetiaed upon unfairly by the Associated Press, the Telegraph Conpaa 7- erally, or its representatives In Cincinnati, or by somebody else," In respect to the transmis sion of the message. Io referring to .the sub- ject, the Put of that city seyst "The Drtoc of telegraphto matter to newsaa oers In Cioolnnati has recently, notwithstaod- inc the nreesure of tbe times, and the ffreat consequent Increase to tae vame oi money, been considerably advanced. Wc are paying what le equivalent to more than double what we were paying three montbe agoi and this, without a oorrespoading increase in quantity, or as the pubilo is well aware any thieg that reeemblee aa improvement In quality. And when, in addition to thie, a tariff which was thought exorbitant, was put spoa the meseage, under the idea that, being Indispensable, we could not choose bat pay -whatever should bs demanded, we, one ana all, coneiuae not to trade ' "The circumstance Is one and we say it with extreme regret, tor wc entertain no feelings but those of kindness toward the proprietors end local managers of the telegraph line, In ibis city which shows how difficult it Is for men to avoid availing themselves of ths means which the exclusive ownership of comethiog necessary to the public, affords for- making money. Wealthy by. accumulated gains, and powerful by the poseeealoo of that which is equivalent to a monopoly, this company has the ability to advance ita prices In the face of a moot anprccedentad rednotlon in the value of every tblng else; nor, were tneir exaouone ten times as exorbitant, thave the public or the press any recourse but to pay, or to decline to avail themeelves of the facilities,, which it onsrs." Wc submitted to the exaction, although we felt that it was aa outrage, and famished the readers of tbe ttsfcemc with the message re oeived by telegraph: .What is said by the Cin clnnati Press about the conduct of tbe tnoaop oly is true, and for one we feel that the time has oome whea the proprietors of the Weetera press shonld have come concerted action to re lieve themselves (from the exorbitant charges which we Imposed upon them by the telegraph company, or the agents of the Associated Press, or "somebody slse," for wc confess to our igno rance of where the whole abuse and blame are properly ohargeabU' ' . , ? - : .t '.,','? r. There Is one thiol, however, of which we feel quite certain, end thet is that the Ass sola Ud Press Agents are a nuisance, and even worse than that. : Two-thirds of tbe gossip aad- stuff which tbey send over the wires, is of saoh a na ture that oo ludioions editor would think of extracting it from his exchanges and publishing it In bis columns, and yet aa it comes by tele graph, It nods its way by a sort of compulsion into ail the papers that take tbe dispatches, and an exorbitant price Is. paid for I Into the bar gain I We submit to oar cotemporarieS" whether an efft tbonld aet be made to oorreot the abuse and Imposition which all admit exists.' Atnl ted movement Would work a moat salutary to form. ' -'. - - ; . Surgeon General Shumard. From tbe Ohio State eerxsl of July 5th, w clip the following; "Grief sod Indignation pervade thVAwfe In vlsw of tae following faoti ... . . i A DBsnoaBLi Taarroa Drv G. G. 6ba mard. formerly vt Fort Smith, Arkinaas. we see br the papers, has been appointed Jurreoft of ea.Obie reatment. The earns detesuble traitor was so SDDlicant for tbe came 'position in the First Arkansas Kegimrat, sua trie txjs com posing it. If tbey should ever ses him', wilt give mm an opportunity oi practicing o art upon himself.'" ' - ' Csn It be posiilbls that this le tie same Deo tor SRDVaBO appointed by Gor. Dmrmsow Burgee Geoeralt - . fl',' .?.f,V If so, be Is the same man who could not pass the sxamlcatioeof lid Board of Examiners, as KC Inforaei. ' " f I of the Cincinnati Commercial.] From Beelington, Virginia. ADVANCE OF THE BRIGADE OF GEN. MORRIS TO BEELINGTON—THE IMPORTANCE OF THE POSITION —SEVERE SKIRMISHING. —SEVERE SKIRMISHING. BEELINGTON, Va., July 7th, 1861. " Th 9rigadC - Oca.- Morris oommandlag, left PhllUppl thU morning at 9 o'olock lutbe follow ing orderi IadUna Vth, Ohio 14th, Barneifs Artillery, Indiana 7th,1 three companies of the Oblo ISth, three of the Ohio 16th, body guard Company E, 9th- Indiana, squadron of Cavalry, Indiana bib, one oompany of the Virginia Si and ihe tOhlo 6ih.-. There were also several companies of the 1st Virginia la theoolamn. Tae force to about 4,500 effective mea. Ooe oocspaoy of the Indiana 9tb and one of the Oblo Mibtook tbe advance as eklrmisnere. iney fired apon a body of 40 of the rebel oavalry who fled, end -were tracked by their blood, but no formidable opposition was mads to our advance autil we reaobed this place.-. Company G, In diana Via, Capt. Moody, advanced round a bin to the south of this point, and entered a thlokly wooded bill on tbe left ot tbe road'. They bad nearly reached the summit, when 400 conoealed skirmishers fired by platoons on tbem, killing private William Garber, from Bradford Sta tion, Ind. .' He was shot through the forehead. The Indiana boys Yell back upon their regi ment, which was advancing on tbe right of tbe road, but not till tbey had brought down some of the rebels, who still hold thai hill, as an or der net te advance was given, We have thus occupied tble strong position,1 commanding the roads to Pbilllpol and Morrantown completely cutting off the rebels on this sids. Three pieces of artillery, tbe 7th end 9th Indiana and Ohio 14th. cuard the road from Laurel Hill, with strong picket thrown out to bold every point1 oecuplea BBtrmtsning le constantly going en. We shall advance aa soon as intelllrenoe is re calved from McClellan's column, which is now moving up from Beverly. ' Our troope oame tbroogh lo admirable order, arriving nere at 7 dock. The citizens the rebels P. CONSTANT AND BLOODY SKIRMISHING NEAR BEELINGTON —LOSSES ON BOTH SIDES. BEELINGTON, VA., (near Grafton). July 8th—P. M. The tidings from McCJelUn are that he is supposed to be sdvenolug from Beverly. .There Bae Qeeaenerpakirmiaoingaii oay on toe wooa ed knoll to the left of Beellngton, andalong tbe ttne oocunied br the Ohio Fourteenth. Our battery threw several shells and a few rounds ol grape and conn later into tnc enemy, supposed to be one thousand strong, wbo yet hold the knoll., About fifty of tbe Indiana Ninth and Sixth, and Ohio Fourteenth, rallied and rushed into tbe woods as the sbelt burst, and shot down a number of ths rebels, wbo in torn rallied strongly and drove them back, kllUi'g John Smith of tbe Indiana Sixth, and wounding three others siigbtiy. Uur boys round lorty or orty dead bodice In the woods, and brought off uni forms, anas, etc.. V .' Tbs Georgians are dressed lb gray, tbe lack- ess elmo I the same aa those of tbe . Indians troops-." - During the day, the pickets of tbe Oblo Four. teentb killed two mounted scouts, sod captured three horses and three others of the enemy-' The nicketo or tbe Xadlana Ninth bare killed five men, wbo were seen to fall. After ths firing of tbe first sbells, the enemy were icsn Carrying oa dead Dooiei on utters or poies. Two men Cf the iddiana Ninib were wounded sllshtiy.-. ., "V. he rebels arc armed with Minis rifles and common muskets.. They dare not come oat of ths woods, .... " ; ,; Gjo. Telletson, Company D, Burnett's Artil lery, waa shot in tbs thigh, while getting water at a spring in Beellngton, He is doing well. The same day, Frank Jero, Oblo Fourteenth, waa wounded In ths side.'. He will recover. , 8. B. Brown, Company D, Sixth Indiana, fas also woonaea in me arm, nut augntry. has been three wounded, not fatal ly, aad one or two mlMiog. ' 1 ..The body of WmGarard, killed In the first skirmish yesterday, was tied up to a tree by the rebels to draw our force. '.Several pounds of stryobnine and arsenio were found by our boys in- Dooglass store, In Beellngton. Douglass bis fledVTOti n "lifer whs -cttay-tam, doiasr with thaaa nelsons. Our bovf arc In tni plrtw, aud wilt Cgtas' to Ida dcarbrr-The rebels outnumoer us, out we noia a strong posi tlon. The rebels have withdrawn their battery, Tbsv have semstbinx afloat. - ' July 9ih. 7 P. M. There were several alarms during tbe night, and considerable skirmishing bets-sen tnc ptcxeta. as near ss we can ascer tain, the rebels bare lost, in killed and Wound' ed, about sixty. One of the first Virginia reg Imenta to re Doited to have been taken prisoner. The rebels are reported to have been reinforced and were seen tents. P. MOVEMENTS IN WESTERN VIRGINIA. BEELINGTON, July 9. ' Our woods took possession of the hill this morning, where exirmisbing has been going on for two daya past. The rebels have probably fallsa back, and are reported going out toward Beverly. Tble report to not authenticated. A prisoner captured this morning reports the rebel foroe at 6,600. He says over 1,000 would sur render It they knew they would not be killed on Their officers tell them would. P. [Correspondence of the Cincinnati Commercial.] Pickets at Bird's Point Fired CAIRO, July 9. Em. Cow: The clcksts around the came at Bird's Point were fired Into last night by arebel scouting party,numberlogsoms fifteen or twenty men. Several shots were interchanged with no serious reealt, at leaet to our men. The great est excitement was manifest, both at the Point and Csmp Defiance. The boye were ready In a moment, thinking that perhaps there wee a DELTA. [Special to the Cincinnati Commercial.] WASHINGTON, July 9. ,. AU realPf important information regarding army foroec or movements being again Interdict ed by telegreph, recourse to tbe mails is the only alternative. ' ' - i. Unaeoeeeary exoitement was created to day by Jeff. Davis's spy under a fltg of truoc, bear ing a letter to the Preeldeat. No answer was returned. It was a Weak invention of the enemy.' " ).! v-A . n: a .. la Congreet the chief feature waa the com memoratiod of Dobglae. 1 Tramball'a speech was most sale a aod lorproselve. All Senators frear heavy mourning badges. la the House, Cox, of Oblo, made the best eulogy oat of sine. Crittenden's was caraest but eoareely audible. Cox declared lit the last great glory ef Doaglae's life that he insisted ea maintaining the Government egalnet the Great tteeeiiioa oi oixty-uos, auneagn too uov eromeot Was administered by hie chief aa tagooist, aad although lm malnUlnknce might cost the Uvea of a bandied thousand of his Irteods. '- .-.": j .. : ,. ;-i ; .. . .f s; v -; Toe bill for tbe payment of the volunteers passed wltboatbppoeiiwa from any quarter. - Lovejoy brought ap tbe first of toe reaolnt iocs tbas were defeated yesterday la a body. It de clares h not the duty ef our soldiers to rcoapture and return fugitives. After excited oppualtioa by Catlile, oi Virginia, and Mallory, of Kan tuoky, demanding the yeas aod nays, taken three ttmoe, tbe reeolutioo was adopted Without aeoate ayes, ij nays, oe. ' s i Too Ohio membero voting ay wars Ashley, Bingham, Blake, Cutter, JSdgertoo, Gurley HulohiDS, Riddle, Sbellabarger, Trimble, Wor oeeter, - egauve--Aiitn, uorton, raorrie, a ble, Nugent, Cox,- Pendleton, Vallandlgham, White.- Indiana affirmative Dvua, Julian, Mitchell, For (er, Colux, Hbauks, White. Neo auve cravens, notmaa, tvaw. - ' - i " Jcabaa R. Giddtpgs was on the floor, end ea gaged in a smiliog oobqay with Burnett, ef Ay., whife tbe vote was bsisg taken. - : SIGMA. KT Th, Cleveland Henli don't want th Repablioan to nominate a jfa alHae. ticket, bat suggests that "they Join la a popular more (bent, etc Last fall the Republican 'was "a .'e)Mlsi Wvetneni: What Is 'tue matter ' 1 . ! ...... ... . .. . ... , with it now I. Are hot your abolition doofrlnss ss ? copula" after aneL aa they were bewref The' truth Ir, the tfsrwM kte' seen cooagtf 't know tbst abolitionism won't da to praotlo In this, oountry, and 11 desire to shak it ff. That's right, ' Get rid of it. We wish too had seen Itoof error pafor ih' mischief af Jone. 1 v-r.i ne (j'Q i'. [For the Ohio Statesman.] Letter from G. Volney Dorsey. Ma. EditoB! I, p'eoeivo that mjp friends Gaarof ths Clsvelsn FUiwUaUr aad Faaaa oi the Cincinnati JEjirr,' differ In regard to the proper actios of ihe Demooraoy In the ap proaching fall etectloQ.-The Tatter favors a ObmSete DemocmUaJrgabkalmtfasflthc nom- laatioa of aa exaloelvsDexiocrati ticket, while the former a In ftvorof merging party prefer ence fbrthe pwseit, In a Union ticket, com posed of good mm from each of the two great parties of the State. ,, T. - The oonsidsrathn of this question al the pres ent crisis, demands a cool, oandld end careful attention, and I tiust my fsllow oltiisns of the State will allow bo to speak to them In this manner, and that too." not as a oartr man. bat as one who loreslhs Union and whose arhtat prayer Is tor its kosperlty and for Its perpctu It matters not wet may bars heretofore been oof differences of opinion lo regard to politioal mettersKwe havCalways professed devotion to the cause oi the souatry, and bars proclaimed oof doctrines aa ieouilerly fitted to uphold and benent it. X bat boon try le now In danger, and It becomes evorvua to-dav.' of whatever car. ty or political creed he may be, to prove the truth of bis former declarations, by evlooing a willingness to do all in bis power lor it sattty and nreeervation. To those who or many years have stood, side by side with e, io tbe political contests of the State, Ion truly say, there to now a time for you to emoastrato you true love of thai great State, vbloh has stood forth so nobly In the defense of tie rlgbte ct tbe whole coun try. The noble ions of Ohio are already pre pared to take tber etand on every battle-field woere tne nig oi the Union le to be supported. Let ue wbo are bee at home be not lew ready to sacrifice all forthe same great oause. Here as on the tented flild, and in the military camp, all distinctions wh cb have existed In times past suouia oe isia asioB. Ana we say this, not be- ctuoe we naveanyiess predilection than former ly for political associates or organlsitions, but beoanse a greater and more absorbing theme demands our attbtion, aol because "wo. love Cellar less, but we love Rome more." It is not the f urnituie of the house or the mode of entertainlog Its guests which to-Uy demands our care, but Ue question is, of tbe preeerva- tioa of tbe houm itsell, which shelters us from tbe storm and nom tbs tempest. Iu the prei enco oijhis grem and momentous questioa let all toinor considerations bs laid aside. Let hi look tble quettios full and steadily in the face, and let ns act as becomes men In the oresent crisis. -, ...... I ny farmer cotltcal CDDonsnts tbrouBkout tbs State wbo bare kiown me and beard mv senti ments in limes rait, will at least give me credit lot an earnest oesiw to oontrioute, so tar ae In mo lie, to the wel'are aod honor of this creel State, -rVe are already approaching thai period waich in former times, wbea surrounded br peace and piojperlty we spoke ot war only by symbols, we were wont to call the commence ment of a eastesix, a political campaign. Now wnn tne reauty ot war te upon as, wo mast make the symbol subservient to the dread re elity . -Tber te not a man In Oblo of any party, or worthy lo belong to any political party, wbo is not ready to Ufboid 'tho General Government in all the efforts which it has made or may here after make to support tbe Constitution and tbe Union oi these 8wies, and, although ae Demo crats, we opposed our Republican friends in. tbe elevation of the present administration to po er, still ws recognise in its bead, tbe Supreme Executive of our couotrv, aod extend to it our heertiett aid, In all its efforts to rescue the coun try from impendinx destruction. - Now it it evident to cay man obe-et all re flects on th pieeent crisis, that' oil former political issues mast for., the pre oat be laid aside, must for a time at least he merged io more important considerations, and the energies of the whole people of tbe State must be boot te the support and preservation of the General Government. II then wa all agree on this point, where then is the necessity of separate political reanisatiposV When tbe United Btatea troops were at Charleston, in lew, by order or tne PiWdaat, General Jaokeon, fot tbe purpose of aidlog la eras bug out nuliiaoatloo, and a fire occurred which threatened to destroy tbo rebel city, tbey engaged aotively in efforte with tbe oitiaena testsy tbe progress of ibe destroying element, ant tor a time all were one party in presence of a common eoemy. So let it be with ne Democrata and Republloan.. Rebel lion and disunion stare ul in tbe face and threat en with destruction tbe country which wc love, Let us forget fast animosities and ergaga In a united struggle lor its preservation. This can not be dons by a separate and antagonistic or ganisation of parties. For one, I say plainly, I am not In favor of such organisations al ths ensuing fall election Let neither- party hold party .Oonrcntlonsi let ne assemble together as union men, as lovers of a common oountry, and form such a ticket aa tbe people can support with a full assurance that tbeir beat interests and those cf th whole country will bs duly re garded and energetically promoted. , Let no Convention be called by Central Committees ef either or tbe old parties, but ratber by men ef both parties, and let that Convention meet as a Union Convention, nominate good, conservative men from the ranks of both political parties, and let there be an election aa la toe daya when Mr. Monroe was voted for in Ohio for tbe Pres idency, an tUctien without a contest. Let neither Octavius nor Anthony have a party let there be but one party, and that for the country. Letter from G. Volney Dorsey. G. VOLNEY DORSEY. [From the St. Paul Pioneer, July 3.] Terrible Battle between the Sioux Terrible Battle between the Sioux and Chippewas — Eleven Indians Killed and Several Wounded. We are Indebted to James M'Fetridgc. Eld.. iste united mates uoueotor at rembinl a, lor the particulars of a bloody fight between tbe Sioux and Cblppewae, of which he wa an eye witness, at ot. josepn. oir tor rembtnta Hirer. on the 10th of June last. Laat summer, while th nob. Charles Grant wa encamped with a party of hunters on Mouse River, twelve horses wer stolen from him by a party of Yankton Bioux. - Nothing waa heard of the horses until tbs 10th of June lest. When a party of thirty-six Sioux warriors, accompanied by two squaws, arrived at 8k Joseph with the stolen property, for the purpose ot returning it, in pursuance or a recent treaty made between the Pemblnla half breed hunters snd the Yankton Sioux. The delegation with Ihe stolen horses arrived opposite St. Joseph aoont two o ciocx in tne afternoon i they imme diately orossed tbe river and proceeded to tbe residence of Governor Wilkie (a member of tbe laat Territorial Legislature. .. -. , - Unfortunately, a large party of Chlppewas nreaoa the Sioux wane tney were la tnc act ol entering Uov. Wilkie's house. The 8ioux took possession of the house, and removing tbe "chinking" from between the logs, returned the Are with affect. , From Ibis time until mid-night a oonstant fire waa kept ap between tbe Indiana 8Ix Cblppewae, three filoax, aad two Asslnl boioee were killed duriog tbe straggle. Gov. Wilkie's daughter, in passing witkia rangs of the combatant, was severely Wounded Id the tbigb by an arrow. -Mr. M'Fetrldge describes ibe sown as terribly exoiuogr and relates iostaooee of great individual kravery, , One Chippewa, a eoa of the chief, Red Bear, was shot three time la an endeavor to enter tbe hoaset at each ehot he fell to the ground, but raised himself and pushed forward) bis progress was stopped at tbe threshold by one of tbe Bioux weaving his head inrougn to tne cnin witn an axe- ' .,.. ' The bouss oconpled by the Blosx le about two hundred feet from tbe river. Tbo Chippe wa surrounded it and to make their escape, the 8ioux were compilled to run that dletauce, aaa wade tae river to th toutn oaax, in tbs taoe of a oonataot firs from tbslr enemies. This they did, aided by tbe dsrkoeoo of tbe ulgbt, with tbo lose of eno warrior, wbo wu loaoJ dead by the Cblppewae io tbe morning oo tbe south book of tbe stream. Tbe Sioux left behind tbem thirty-two horses (in addition to tbs twelve stolen ones) and the dead bodies of three of their warriors. - $. ' Mr- M'Fetridgc etates that th residence of Gov4 W llkie resembled e slaughter bouse en the morning alter tbe eonSiot. Five- Chippewa eno" two Sioux wer lying 'dead' 00 tbe floor, which was covered with their blood. Tbe Sioux did not scalp the dead Cblppewae in tbe bouse, nor mutilate tbeir bodies.- Tbe Cblppewae were more bruteli tbey cut op th bodies of hlr foot; and burnsd tbem,. ; ,:. . A - Althonffh the half breeds at St. Joienh ra framed tromatlPg any part (a UU ht, tbey are apprehensive of en attack from a body of Bioux, now ecoamped. at Devil's Lskct. - Th Bioux promised to ,ratura and' settle aocoouie wuu tne lioippeweo in somber nice toe mos quitoes a very foroible simile in that locality Killed and Several Wounded. News from the South. The RJohBond DiuL of the,'. 3ioontains ilii rni.- - ' UkHxrtnui si is J i t lautlful Confederate States flat, Ubrioa the fair hands of the ladies of Balli more, has beea sentby tbem- to BU-hmond Jo Capt. J. Ljle Clarke' company ,of Maryland volunteer. . It will be presented to, tbem this avenlntr. atfalx o'clock, after dres vparade at the Fair Grounds Geo. John ,H. Winder, of Maryland, Iuspector General, Will 'participate in Ibe oerCmonlee Incident. to the. occasion, i oe same oomptoy has also received a very hand some flag of the State of Maryland from ladles of Baltimore. ' 7 ' The Rlahmond Dinttch of Tuesday, sayst Lieut George W. Alexander, of the first Regiment of the Maryland Zouaves, reached suobmond o yesterday morning wunjurtr ouu fiiuooers of war, ojptureu on the rotomao ear' von Satnrdav morning. The prisoners con. slated of twenty three free colored snd nine, teen while persons, taken onboard the8t. Niob, olae. Thev were oommltted toUll. The Zjo ave ResimCnt has been for some time past In prooeee pf formation by Col. R. Thomas, of Rich ard, Lieut Alexander (Adjutant;, jL.ieni.-r. Oibson and others, in Baltimore. Several shops connected with : the Virginia Penitentiary were destroyed by fire on last Mon day. . Loss $50,000. ' ' THi rxiiis. ' :. ' Tha vassal eantured bv the steamer St Kioholas, after tbe Su Nicholas herself had hum nninrd. are aa follows: Brig Monlioello, from Biaail, bound to Baltimore, with '3.500 bage of cuffde. Schooner Mary Pierce, from Boston, bound to Washington City, with S6D ton of ice. Sohooner Margaret, from Akxau dria, bound to Staten Llsnd, with 970 tons of coal. . Lieut, SImms, C. S. N., was put la charge of the Mont cello: Lieut. Robert D. Minor, U. B- N.. in charge of tbe Marv Pierce, and Lieut. Tbornborotoi tbe Virginia navy, la charge of tbe Margaret. Tbe vessels, ss wen ss tne cap. tared and capturing steamer, are all In the Rap pahanhock....-" '.. .;:. .'.:.;. Too Hasty Legislation. While we. in common with all good citizen, are in favor of strengthening the hande of the Chief Executive, and legslil ng, as lar as neces sary, all the acta relative' to suppressing the rebellion, which Mr. Lincoln bas felt called np on to perform without speciflo authority of law, we must at' the earns time eater our proteit sgaiost sues, wholesale legislation as Is contem plated io tbe following portion ot a Dill intro duced into Ibe Senate on Friday lastt - 1 "B It enacted, tbat all tbe acta and prooeed ings of tbs President In oalllog into the service of tha United Statee the militia of Ihe several States, for tbe purpose aforeeaid, Mtidall th teti end prfdig$Ucidmt Outdo and all acta and proceeding nUtina U tht tpiratiin ef th mil- itarv and naval forces of the Uuitsd States, are hereby approved and connrmea, ana tne same shall be legal and valid in all respeots as If done under. tbe express authority ol uongrets pren onelv conferred " it appears to us tbat this too general ungnspe will have muoh tbe eame mischievous effect as the act under wbiob Secretary Floyd esoaped punishment. It la verv much like taking an . . i oath with so Indefinite proviso added. Ia the burrvof business, such a law may be made to cover a hoast of fat contracts. A more detail ed account of the spsoifio aots .to bs legalised, aod the absence of such generalixttlons as 'all aots and orooeedinge lnoident thereto," would tend to disarm suspicion. Let the people have at least Ibe rntwnlaiioa of knowing how the money goes. N. Y- Times. We agrsswlth the Tiuu. Such legislation as this, is dangerous in tbe extreme. It would cover a mouitroas pile of iniquity and fraud. Wo should not be surprised if such a proposition was introduced into our Legislature next winter, to cover up and legalise tbo action of our State authorities. [From the Cincinnati Enquirer, July 10th.] Highly Important from Virginia. United Statee Quarter-master Joha H. Dick ereon last evening reoeived a special dispatch from Backhannon, Virginia, from a reliable soares, to tbe effect that a courier had arrived from Glenvllle, and tbat three companlee of Colonel Uonnera nineteenth Kegimeot or Ohio Volunteers were besieged and esptured by the rebel forces, three thousand strong, under O Jennings Wise, and were detained as prisoners of war. Two regiments bad been dispatched to their relief and rescue, and report gives it that a fight la inevitable. Ho dispatches from Usneral McClellan direct have been received here since Sunday noon, bat telegrams from Backhannon represent that he is oa the msrch for Beverly, and that, on tbe way, a number of skirmishes and oonfliot with rebtl forces bad taken place. It was szpeoted that a battle would take place before reaobing Bever ly, from the fact tbat several thousand of the rorcee were entrenobed northwest of Ueverly. McClellan, it Is believed, eucceeded in fighting his way through, but as to what loss or damage either party have received Is not known. Another dispatch renorte tbe occupation of Beellngton, east of Laurel Hill, by our troops. including the Guthrie Gray Regiment of this oity, after severe loss of life and a number be ing woanded. With the occupation of Pbllliom oo tbe north, Backhannon on the west, Beverly oo toe soutn ana tseeiiogton oa the east, the rebel army under Major General Henry A. Wire may he regarded as completely hemmed In. Ue will, therefore, be compelled to surrender with out discretion, or fight bis way out. The latter Is tha most probable. News from that quarter to-day may bs looked far with considerable anxiety. , . t , LETTER FROM A CAPTURED LIEUTENANT-COLONEL AT RICHMOND. Llentenant'Colonel" Dow men vf "the- Penn- sylventa Eighth, and his private Secretary', Mr. Cbaee, were mysteriously captured by the reb els on the 19th nit.,' on tbe height opposite rvuiismsport, Md. notning was heard Irom them until a few days sioce, when a 'rebel sol dier appeared opposite Willlamsport, bearing a nag or truoe ana a letter rrom tne iientensot Colonel to his Colonel. The letter givee no par ticulars of the capture, but merely mentions U, and sayst - - - -- " Tbe same night we war dispatched noser guard, to Wloobester, Vs., arrivmg there at 6 A. M. of Thursday. Thursday bight With no guard, but under written parole, we were sent to these headquarters, arriving in this city about 4 P. M. of yesterday. We have been treated from tbe firs! moxieat of our arrest with, tbe utmost courtesy, aod have the liberty of tha eity under parol s. Tbe only Inconvenience we sut fer arises from tbe lack of extra elothlng or the means of proouripg it. Unfortunately I left my nurse la my trunk, and, with the exception of a row dollars In Mr, thase'i pocf st, ana, entirely without funds. , i. . f . "ji. With this letter will come inetruotlon bow remittances may reach us- . f enclose toy drsft on the Wyoming Back for 100,hd Mr. Chase's on J C. Miller, .q , lor 960.1 i - , lie wishes yoo to plaoe to your acoount the balance in his favor at the banr'of Chambers burg. -.... .: I ,n't.l tfii , , Please Inform my family, the regiment aad our friends, of my safety sod health.-' ' I csnoot speak too highly of lb klndnes and .respect with which we have bees everywhere met, and tbe warm sympathies tbat have been extended to ns on svery hand. Hoping that a ssiisf yptc ry exohaoge, or other release, will soon ret tor me to my irlends at home again,, , : S. BOWMAN, Lieut, Col. Eighth Reg. , .. -I,. i in i I, Sick HxavAcaa Coast -W know that this bsadlox will attract ths attention of bud v. aod the eyee of not a few will peruse an article tbat offers to point cut to them a remedy for this prsvaieot oisease; ' "&enneoy'a Medical Discovery" le wsrranted to tare this malady by tbe ass of one bottle. .Now, reader, do hot doubt this statemeot nnd suffur oo alt that he advocates of the Discovery ask, is that yoo will give it a fair trial, welt knowing that the ver. diot will be la ite favor; But- many ether dis eases sr eared with ertaloty, humors of cvlry j 'Scrofal,' Salt Rbed'or. EryrlpelaS, 'te., ! UU .IU heart '"Ub i.tiiii Med that we pretest to them I'Ksnuedj's and sfflioted Medical Diseorory.'' ',. i v i s'n,ix Holloway's Pills and Ointment. 'lAbeoesses of many years standing have yield ed under a short course of these entl-sepiM nd detergent medlolnes. Ths Ointment cleanses tbe sore or all irrltatln? puruism matter, aaa Imbue thfl fibres end tissues with sew 11(0 and vigor, while tbe Pills, purifying th blood, neu tralize the noxious humors and expel thenrfrom tha stalem": ?n skin diseases of whatever char. aoter, tumors, old sores, ulcerated legs, etc., the aotioh or these remetlien la sare ana certain. Sold by all Druggists at!35o fl2s., and $1 per box or pot. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ADMINISTRATOR'S 1 SALE. TlIttSONAI, properly belonKlng to Ihe eiUt of Frank HVf. ,iL;.j -.i.ilu ehBr of UOBBX mvi tRAY, will ba sold st nubllo veudus, at th sornar of Ult h snd ChSrry itfeU, In Oolnmous, on the SSth d-r Ja'. ! lt8l oommsncuig at iu o ciooa id ...forenoon. . . jdWIBD M IIIIQERAID, Wsrden t Breiel. Atfrs. . . .Administrator. Jtll-dJtwlt - - ' il.'.n' Notice to Contractors. S"t AUD PBOFOBALS'WILI, B KKUSIVBU 41 LM offlna ( th Oommliianr Genersl, uolumons, Ahl nnlll ThfTRfinAT. JULY 11. at 9 O'ClOCKi t fr rnmlihlnt ths following Kubulatsnea ' Btoro at CutsTlIU, Marietta snd Galllpolii, Oblo, vW- ' 80)000 POUND!) UiKD UBEtD ....h.l ihithrn minl slasot. BamDleS Iiqolred umi to b of Ibabwiquillty. aod to bo Jnipaoied at oontrsotort' oxp,u,e u dsllreied. ' Ooe-flrih of tbo nmoont reqalrrd St rich plsce, to b dslnarcd bj ths IBtn lnst. and out flflb. wttkly, until Fsr ment to bo mid on pretsntatlon at ibis office of Iniptotor', certiBeats and attunnr uommtmry o r Otipi lor in mil mouni oi wu . DELANO, Com. Oen'l 0. i-3t TTTANTED 10 00 Oattnmtrs lo boy IS ctnt Ambro- VV tjpes t H. WITT'e) unnp amoroiypo nnu, . 61 niKbstnet, Oolnmbas, Oblo, XXTANTTtD 100,000 Cnttomsrs to baySJ cent Ambro- YT types at M, Wtrr'B uneop Amoroijpo noom. Hlfh stroet, t coori norra oi w amincm un vx- luaiMiSi unio. WANTED 1.1 00.000 Cutomers at M. WITT'S iii Art moiogMpb Gal lory, to bar l'hotogriptu .lih.. imlniail or nliin. of all sli. Inihort, all kinds of Hvllographs aud aujwbtre and In th best siji or tn ait. r - i. .-. High street. 4 .dooiS North of lb Aiatrlcw. Botel, ooiumbui, unto. TTTANTED 10 000,000 Customers to htve Card Pholo- TV graphs mar full lebRib or simpi buiis, at u WltVA Vine Art Photograph Gallery, 4 doors Noitn oi ibe American Hotel, C Jlumbu,, Ohl't. J)4-l . ; ... BAIN & SON, No. 29 South High Street, Columbns, Ann NOW OFFERING ' " " T' ' ' C0O0 yards TiarsUng Drew floods st BK, tales SiOO ysrds ) nTellnr Drees Goods at JSX, vS'u B0 ots. tuuu yards Enjllib lleraeee at lit, value St oente. liiui rri f r.r.oh OrjaLille, at liH. value 0 eaote. . 19 U NHll. tlSIn yards Fait Color. d Lawni at III value ii oeots. ISLOyarde Super Plain Silk at i 00. vulu ISJ. Kokea of Orn.ndlo Herage, and Kngliab Bereje, al on. half their value. ; DAIS at BOIf, " SOgouib JIUjh Street. jeSS Elegant Lace Mantillas. 33AUNT tfo SON, No. 29 South High St., TT AVI just opeoed aa rnvolc ef vsiy largs and AA nandeim PU3HER, FRENCH, AND CtUNTILLA, LACE MANTILLAS AND POINTE3 Wide. French Laces for" Shawls. Very Deep Freneb Floancbg Laces. Real Thread, French,' Cbantllla & Oeneese VEILS. Valenciennes, Point tie Gaze, Brossols and Thread Laces ana louars, VALENCIENNES TRIMMED H'DKFS, -MALTESE LACJT COLLARS A. SETS ! LINEN COLLARS k CUFFS, .t t In new Shapee i PAPER COLLARS' &. CUFFS. ; For traveling rRiqga XT jTTjsxr ally tjow. Traveling, Dress Goods. MOZAMBIQUE!. POPLINS, 8UEPHBRD'B 0 BECKS IILKS. POIL DB CHBTRBB, ' ! , LATBUA3, BltOCDB VALSNCIA8, o. ko, the best aod most fssblonabls stjrlss In us oltjr, XT VERY JXfW PRTCKS. ' i ' BAIN SON, jtjl , SO Month High Btrest. EAGLE BRASS WORKS, : Corner Kprlnr Water t., W. B. POTTS & OO. And Manufacturers of Brass aod Oom'poeltlon OastlnfS v . . i n - l .L. n .11 Tlaaorlntlnna f IBUWa JirOaU TIWIB. VI ail i;vsiau Electroplating and Gilding! STENCIL CUTTINC, StC. fell Hl-dlr EXTRAORDtNAnV BARGAIN BAILST cfc SOlSTi". HO: 29 I OUTS HIGH IIRBET, ; - ARH' NOW' ' OFFHB1WU ltOOO jards Baoer Pli'4 Blaok Bilks at tl OO-valus II ID por jam. fsSOOrards Traveling Dress and Mantis . Oaods at If ! oents vU su een:s per jam. 8,000 raids White BrlUiantts aL13 l-8 nts -vla 80 etnte per jard. . : ; : - ( ; - y r 8,000 7r4 'in and Domestlo Oln,hami ireatly an drvals. -i ' : I -j ' ' -ALSO I ( IAROE AND , DESIRABLE LOTS OF BWTE8, BAlXORHfEB, '- " CHAtlw; rOULaBD BILW, f c'sk6libh barkoes.l&velub, . . . lAwm, caucdm, ionivs,' ( AND ALL OTHER " Nfw and JTturtilcraeVbls XraMS GooOm la tt most dealrabUsljie ana at very io pno... Of all materials, mad la th most stjrlkh manner after tbs latest Paris PasMons tbs most elegant styles la theSlty. I my 30 BAIN SOW," SI Booth High street. Ns. T)LACK STRAW BOrsPIBT AKDJEl,. JJ ! ennt Ribbon. In srsat variety at - sus s, . 5 No. M. Bl,h street SPECIAL NOTICES. ;vi. laUt-FAI-'SJ ij VILLI! all ease of eostlven, dyepepela, bUlloM and Uv affedtlons, piles, rhenmatlim, fevers and agnse, obM aat bead aenss, and all isnsral derao gemot) ts oi aeaiui (haa Pills bavs Invariably -prorsd a avrtain and pM6 iMitdj. A single trial will plaoe ttrf (If Pills boyom) teach efoompstltica. In the roUon of srery ba- rttstil. , - Dr. MoUars Phosm Bitters lll b fonnd eqeally et Bcasloii In aU ease of narvas debility, dyspepsia, bead son, th akkasss looiesat Xo female In delloata health, and avwy kind of eaakeas .th. dlgesUv ergans. for ! sal by Dr. W. aJUOPPAX, KS, Broadway, V. T . sndbyslIDraftUrb ". 4-. '' ' aiayJ-dsil - The follQWinf la an extract from a tattrrttnytheBvi Ve. Bobne, pwtif el tbe Pierrepolirt-etreet Bapun vnnrro, vraoiiyn, n. i.,w thf Jooral and Meesenger,'' OlnolnnaU, 0.,and speaks VolsLtss savar oMhatworldrnown4 medicine, Mas. WneiLfw'e Soorrna fivner Mt Omumta t tiTBuieM . "We ae aa advertiMDtnt In fAat eolbmns of Mai Wtaaunr's 8ootik 8aur. Ho oerer said a word In favor a patent Saedlctn befor In oar IU. bat are Ml-eoopellM to (ay to yoar readers that this Is no bun bns-ws kivk T' It, a - .! m X.r readers trtrohav b , JD TV w it to n u n otjf th moat snreeeerol tnSdl- t Irorf of th beat. And Inosa babies caa'l do kettM shaa-.u. i acilT:lniaia, 1861. Summer Arrangements, Changed. Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, & CINCIN'I RAILROAD. OonnMllnt atOratlln. with th' ptlTtBUBQII, IT. WATNB fc ODIOAWJ Miw befMburol, PhUadtipUa and ioUlmor. . - - for Ibrt Wavn and CKteago. ConnccUn at Cleveland allh Ihs tAKB BHORi RAIL- : 1 . i 1 : ' . BOA . ' , - fet DUttUIrk, Buffalee Albany, Boa- - , VU, OEUU MWw - ' THREE TRAINS DAILY, J ' EX0BPI BUNDAT, From Oolnmbas, In eonneot Ion With Trains on th LITTLE iniAini AWn COL,vnuv9 , , AMP JLKMA BaAXa.aauaa,a. FIKBT TEAIN. KlflRT KVPRKS. Lnral OolnmbOS at 3.40 A.U I will leave paasugsrs at all stations south of Gallon, stop at Delaware, Ashley, Oardlngton and Gilead, and at all stations north of Gallon, arriving at Olereland , ett OUA. H., Dunkirk 3:00 P. M., Buffalo 4S5 P. M. Albany S.20 A. H, Me York :39 A. St., Boeiona.ju p. M.. Pltiabarah via Oreetllna 3:80 P. H . Vhiladol- phla 5:10 A. Al. Ohiosgo vU Oreaillo al 7:00 P. II. i: BBCOND XBAIN. NITr TORK IXPEE83 Isare Oolnmbos at 11:10 a.m. will atop at Lewie centre, for wmte euipaur Sprlngl), Delaware, cardlngton, uanon, urtatune, bmi br, New London. Wellington and Grafton, arrlv at Olereland at l;3t p. m.j Dunkirk, 8:30 p. m. Buf falo, 10:85 p. a.) Albinr, 8:45 a. m.; New Yoik, J:4S p.m.; Boston, 4:40p.m. This Train soniMots at 8hl by for, and at Giafton for Toledo, arrirlng at Toledo at 8:41) p.m. THIRD TRAIN, MAIL AND AOOOUMODATION-Laave Oolumbue st W.30 p. m. Will stop at all staUons South et Shelby, and at New London, Wellington, Grafton, and Berea; arriving at Cleveland at F:30 p. m t Dun kirk, S:00 a.m.! Buffalo, 30 a. m. ; Albany, iSO p. m.; NevTork, 70 p. m.i Boston, 11:45 p. m. Plttabargh, tfa Orattlln. at 11:55 p. m.i Philadelphia, 1:00 p. m., Ohioago, via Ortstlloe, 6:45 a. m. Ibis Train eonneot e st ebalby for Sandu,k and Toledo, arriving at Toledo at 8:55 p.m. Patent Sleeping; Can are run on all i Bight Traine to Chioago, New York and Boston. BaqQaqt Ohtektd TkrtugX to JVets Tort and Bottcn , via UtrtUmd: alto, to Pkilaitlphiaani Htv Yorknia OruUtn. , ri, RETURNING. Night BxpresssrrlrtsatOolumbns at.. .11:19 P. H. , Cioolnnati Kxpnnarrlrta at Colnmbaeat 10:50 A. H. - Aoeommodation Bxpraaa arrlv, at Oolnmbas at 7:50 P. Alt - Fare ae Low as by any other Keaite. . Atk for Ticbttrtia Crullintor Cimland. . S. FLINT. "' ' ' I 1 Euparlntendent, Cleveland, Oblo. ! JA1IE8 PAtTERSOtf, Agent, ' Columbus, Oblo. -Oolumbus, June 17, 1801 ... ' IRISH STEAMSHIP LINE. 8team Between Ireland and America. NEW YORK, B03TON AND QALWAY . Thefollovlng new and magalflcsot flnt-classpaddl wbscl Steamships oompos th abov line ADRIATIC, 1,888 ton burthen, Capt, J. Maoar (Tonnerly of th Collins Lin ) BIBBRNIa, - 4.400 tons burthen, Cspt. K. Paosrsa. COLUMBIA, 4 HO " k. Litre. ANOLU, .4.400 " " McaoUOX. PAUltlO, 8MJ0 - " " 1. 8M11B. PAIMOB ALBBRr (Screw.) 8,300 " ' J. Watxm. ' On of th abora ships will lav New Tork ar Boston alUrnataly every Taoaday fortnltht. -4or Oal way , car ryins th (orernment mails, touching at 8l. Johns, N. I. The Steamers ef this Do hav bean eonslracUd with Ihe greatest ear, nnder th snpanrlslonof th govtrn-nt.bavewater-tif!ht compartment, and ar nnexcel- -lad foroimfort, safety and spaed by any steam rs afloat. They ar oommanded by able and xperienoed officers, sad erery eienlon will bs mad to promote th oomfort of psatengers. An.exprienced Bnrgaon attaohed lo each ship. HATES Or PASSAGE. Tlrst-clans N. Y. or Boston to Qalway or Liverpool SIM) Beeoed-dats, .. m 7S rirat-oiaas, " " ' to SI John's 35 Third-elasa, " " ' to Oalway or Liverpool, or any town In Ireland, on a Railway, - - - 30 Tblrd-alaa paatMtvra an likaaally aapplwd WHh pro TUIon, of the beat quality, ouokad and Barred by th ssr vants of the Company. HETDRIV TICKETS. Parties whhlnt to arnd for their friends front th old eonnlry can otnaia tlakat from any town on a railway, In Ireland, or from tbe principal allies of Boglasdand Scot land, at very low rates. Passenger for Mew Tork, arriving by th Boston Steamers, will bs forwarded to Maw Tork free of charge. Per patsag or further Information, epnty to War U. WIOKHAM, At the ottos of ths Oompany, on th wharf, foot of Oanalstraet, New Tork. HOWLAND St ASPINWALL, Agents. aprlllSkdOm. . , PROF. L. MILLER'S HAIR INVIGORATOR, An Effective, Safe and Economical Compound, ' i FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR To lis original oolor without dyeing, aad pravantlng Hair from turning gray. FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS, And curtcg It, when there I th teas! particle of Tlta.ll or reoupsratlv nergy remalnint. FOR REMOVING SCURF AND DANDRDF , - ' . And sllcutaneone affection otheSoalp. ; FOR BEAUTIITING THE HAIR. Imparting to It ea nneqaled gloss and brilllanoy, msklsg It soft and silky la it texture, aad sauting it to eof readily. Th great celebrity and Inoroaalng demand for this na- . equaled preparation, oonvinoe th proprietor tbat on trial I Only necessary to aatlify a discerning publlo ot It snpsrlor qualities oter any other preparation In a. It sieaase th bead and scalp from dandruff and other cutaneoua dlaeases.sanalng th hair to (row luxuriantly glvlag It a rich, soft, gloaey and flexible appearance, and . also, where the hair is loosening and thinning. It wUl glv strength and vigor to th root and restore th growth to bos part which hav beosa bald, oaualsg it to yield a reehoavevlng of hair. Tber are hundreds of ladles and gutlsmea. In New " i 1 Tork who hav bad their hair restored by th as of this InviKoretor, when all othr preparatlona hare failed. L. M. ha la his possession latur Unnmerabla taaUfying to th abov facta, from person of th highest radseota- blllty. It will effectually prevent th hair froa turning until th latest period ot it; and In oases wbara'th hat has already changed Its color, th us of th Invtgontor willwithosrtaintyrestorelttolttollionginalbu, glv . Ing It a dark, flossy appear oo. Aa a perfume for th toilet and a IlaUr JUstoretlv it I partloulsrly reooni- .' mandad. bavtnt aa MreaaU fracranos: and th gnat (a. . - atllUea ltafforda In dressing th hair, which, when moist ' with sh lnvlrorMf areaasa la aay nqulred form so as topreserv Its plaoe, wo ther plainer In eurls: great aemana ror li rjy me uaie as a sianaara tolletartlol which won oagbt to b wlthoat to prlo - plaoss It within th reach of all. being Only Twenty-FiT Cents per so UI a, to be had at all respectable Drngglsta aad . i. rerramrers. I'. MILLI1 would sail the attention of Parents and Ouardlans to the ae of his Iavigoralor, In ease where theehlldran's hair Incline to be wwk. The as ef It lays th foundation for aeood hood of Aa. aa It re- mors any Imparl ties that may hav btoom onaotd with th scalp, ths removal of whloh is naoaaaary both for th health of tbs child, and th fntarappreao of luUalr. Oadtiom. Hon swnntn wllhoat th fao-elnlla TATU MILLIBbaln on th outer wrenDSn alao. L. mil. : LBB'S HAIB ISTIOORATOB, N. T.. blown In th glass. Whole I Depot, St Dev street, and sold bv all tha principal arercnaor ana uragguis urougnout tn world itinera! aisooant to puranaaars by ins quantity. I also dssir te present to the American Pnbll ttf " KXV AITD IWBOVED , ISIIAjrTAXEOTJS LIQUID HAIR DYE, hWh. after yean ef aoicntlne xprfanalins;, X have,..' broaght to perfection. It djee Black or Brown Instantly withoutlnjury to Its Hair or Bkln; warranted th beet artltl of th kind ta rWren. - PRICE; ONLY BO CENTS.5 Depot, 66: Pey St, New " YorkT.7 otS8:dwly. - k ' - ' - t ' STIKNC OHrTTgrlDM. , Biaar T. oanraeiDia . 8. t H.T.CHITTENDEN '. ' ATT0KK1TB AT LAW. 7 ET Offloas, 939 Brotidwst Maw 'Tot'k City, and I."- Pakkit,' BrTiuuM, Cotambus.OhiS. .; . JO'Csrefnl attention paid to OollsoUons. ' aprilfl:d8ffl . v,r( , ' "' : 'x ABTBBT1UMBJII. :r-Tr the INSTANT RBL1II , snfltlBJUNINtOtmBofth -. alstreaalng eoapWat as ,' ' ll BKOHCHIAL CIOABEtTES, Mad by 0. B. SBTV0UB 00., 107 Naesaa It., V. wipu ana) avna ire y post. . , , "lOB.JALB 'At AlVDlTJeailti,