Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY MORNING, JOLY 11,1801. Rail Road Time Table. MTTlt AIIAKI 0lMBUI fc XlXIA Ha B.i . V-J .- ' '". Leaves. vArVjves Cincinnati Accommodation. 5:00 A. M. ' 0:10 P, M. Express 11:40 A.M. ll:(i. M. Mall snd Accommodation.. 0:10 P. M. 8:00 P. M, Night Express via Day ton.WOu midnight. ,S:S0A.4M. ,! '' Jmo.'W; DcsxavY, Agsntj ' Colomsos A CixvruxD n. K. Night Express. .....3:40 "A. M. 11:11?. M. Ntw Tork Express 11:10 A. M. 10:50 A.M. O.O.fcO. Way Express.,.. Si:.l0 P.M. '!:!. U. ' Janes Pattxksok, Agent. CditralOiiio B, n. !' Mo. 3 Kzpren.. 3:30 A. M. 11:35 A. M. No. 5 do 11:15 P. 11. 11:45 A. M. W. J. Fan, Agent)' Prrtsavaoa, Ooumscs As Ouiouaun B. R. . :' . Mill Train , , 3 30A.M. 11:25 A.M. Express Train. . . . , 1 1:85 A. M . 8:45 P. M ' Jos. Bomntoif, Agent. CoUJHBOS k. iNDUNOroLM, B. ft. . . (OoLoKiai Piqoifc No. 1 Express 8:30. A. M. 2:00 P. M Mo. 8 J.OO P. M. "' 8:45 P. M. Accommodation ... ' - ':-'-: 10:50 A. M. 0. W. Surra, Agent LOCAL MATTERS. Tbe-Adams Express Company places us daily under obligations to it for the very latest papers from the eastern cities. The. American Express Company has our thanks, for its daily favors In the shape of t,he very latest eastern papers. . ... Democratic County Central Committee. inlttee. - - There will be a meeting of the Democratic County Central Committee, at the office of John M. Pooh, City Bank Building, on Friday, July 12, at 10 o'clock A. ,M. As business of importance will be brought bofore tbe Commit tee, It is desirable that there be a full attend ance of the Committee, ' '"- . ,. July 10,1861. . r " - i The Comet. Tbe following are the onlyscicntlfio publica tions with regard to tho comet ' that have yet been made: '.'"',.' "i I [From the Washington National Intelligencer, July 3.] SUDDEN APPEARANCE OF AN EXTRAORDINARY COMET ON MONDAY EVENING. At'eleven o'clock last night (Monday),' while some gentlemen of the Coast Survey were en gaged at the office, they observed a broad beam of light stretching op toward tbe lonlth from behind a dark cloud extending over the north western sky. It was supposed at first to be an auroral beam, and but little attention was giv en to it till utt bofore one o'clock, when, tbe clouds having blown off, a comet of extraordi nary brilliance was observed la the northwest. the nucleus brighter than a star of tbe first magnitude, at au altitude of about six degrees abort tbe horizon, and the tail extending to ward the stars of tbe Little Bear, and stretch log over an area of at least eight degrees, tbe line or tbe tail making sn angle wltn tbe horl son of between seventy and eighty degrees. Tbe tall was wltbout sensible curvature, bnt In biillisDcv and magnitude this comet rivals tbe comet of 1858. ' W. P. TROWBRIDGE, Assistant U. S. C. S. EDW'D GOODFELLOW, Ass't Coast Survey. EDW'D GOODFELLOW, Ass't Coast Survey. Washington, July 2, 1861. [From the Chronicle.] THE GREAT COMET OF 1861, AS SEEN FORM THE ALLEGHANY OBSERVATORY, JUNE 30, AT FIVE MINUTES PAST NINE IN THE EVENING. Nucleus in the Lynx abont 95 degrees R. A and about 53 degrees N. deolinatlon; well defin ed, both to tbe unassisted eye, and also by i magnifying power of sixty or ninety, and in eith er case apparently much larger than the planet Jupiter. Tall 7 degrees broad and more than (iO degrees In length, extending between tbe bead ol Ursa Major and the Camel Leopard, and about midway between Paris and Betca Ursae Minoris, and onward almost to Lyra. It does not set in this latitude, but is visible dor log tbe nlgbt, skirting the northern horizon. It will be on tbe meridian to-day at about twelve o'clock, and about 10 degrees to tbe north of onr senitn. . , , By tbe appearance of the tail there Is reason to loler tua it is approaching the sua at an in roneeivable rate, 1 think by the cut of her jib sne win proD&Diy ne rememoerea, ana also re corded, as one of the moat extraordinary craf is that has floated Into our horixon for hundreds BRADLEY. Alleghany Observatory, July 1, 1861. O" The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Ohio Regi ments now In Virginia hive been paid off for one month's service. Tho other Ohio Regl ments, It is said, will be immediately served in like manner. H7 The members of the City Council of Chioago are on a visit to Cinoinnall. . O Two hundred thousand rations, weighing three pounds each, making a grand weight of three hundred tons, principally rice, sugar and coffee, were sent from Cincinnati, on Tuesday, July 9ih, to Grafton, Va. Treason in Texas. Edward Class, the at cession Governor of Texas, has issued a procla mation.'ln which he sayst "To pay any debts now owing by him to a cltisen of either of tbe States or .Territories, now at war with .tbe Confederated States of Amerioa, is treason." ILT By means of dies attached to a bnokle machine in the machine shop of Mr- F.Hayden at the Penitentiary, It Is said sixty common musket balls may be manufactured In a minute. Dies are being constructed for the manufacture of both the Minnie and Enfield rifled muskot balls in the same establishment: " " ' ' :' - O At the Military Laboratory near tbe rail road, in the buildings formerly, occupied by Messrs. Rjoowat & Kimball, Lieut. Harsaci has about forty men and boys employed in the manufacture of cartridges, who turn out about eleven thousand per day,' " Editor Drownid. Wjsi A, HoLLRY,e'ditor of the Fort Edward (Washington Co., N.'T. Ltdgir, was drowned while bathing on the even' log of the 3d. -"--.H. vt .,tT ' ' ' 1 i ' ..,' i The English Pans Fioht The injuries sustained by Bout in bis late prize fight with Macs are so serious that fatal-inflammation the brain is Imminent. . uT,;Tba Eighth. Ohio Regiment left Camp Dennlson, on Tuesday night, July t 'and the Flfih.'CbT. 06NNiN?;waf to leivTyetfayTlhi 10th Inst.' for Western Vlrfflnlk. - ' C m " :! O The) army shipments from Cincinnati, Taesday, July 9, by rail, inoluded one hundred and tbirty-six horses, thlrty-three wagons, six teen teamsters, and twohundrsd and, fifty-four set of harness, for Clarksburg, Va., together with a large lot of provisions for Bellalre and CUrksburg,.,,,,;.v.,;!,., ' . OT. There are three oompanles from! Mou'roe eoanty in Camp Chase, and one Capt. HOLttl ter's is In Western Virginia; m? 1 "' ' i. i i " i i'i r, II, ' ii ST Ohio has two companies o! cavalry servloe BoansAL's'sinder McClixlan, and George's, under CoX armed With revolvers, Colt's new pattern, 8aAars's carbine, and sabers the best material id the service. . H7 The State Arsenal, located In Columbus, Vtie noplled about 9 000 OQO rosnds of Infantry jlu-tuwi, Ui daVj jroop'i.of, wbktj about one-hUf was purohased and fabrloated here. . v-u , .... jt:,m. O" Lleat. Stiatto and the tight privates of Capt. Barrett's oompan In the 19th Ohio Reg iment, who were discharged from the service for outrages perpetrated on the property of Vlr glnlani, arrived hero to-day, eseorted by a de tachment of an artillery company, and were re ported, at headquarters. O It It announced that (tor. Dennison bat determined to fill all vacancies In the three years' regiments by appointment. '"' (CT R. Kenned?, near the Postoffloe, hat the pictorial war papers -Harper V Weekly, and Frank Leslie's Illustrated. Thesa are princi pally for the eyei for Information, be hat the Rebellion Record, a valuable repository of facts and documents relating to the war. Be sides, the leading newspapers and periodicals of the day are lor sale at Kennedy's., , ;. ' ', O Ohio has now twenty-tour rifled cannon, and arrangements are made here for rifling forty more. ' ' v ST Ohio has now one full battery, and a sec tion In Virginia; eight guns tnd a section at Galilpolis, under Oen. Cox. COLUMBUS POST OFFICE ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. DEPARTURES. Mailt for Nov York Oltv. Bn.ton. Alhanv. nnffalo. Pittsburgh, If tcabenrilla way, Cleveland, Zaaesvtll, Newark, Granville, Washington City, Baltimore, Phila delphia and New Orleans, close dally (Sundays except ed) at 8 o'olook p. m. A through, mall for New York and Cleveland eloaee dally (Sundays excepted) at 8 o'clock p.m. 0. O.fc 0. R. K. Way MallcloMi dallT rBnndanaz- oepted) at S o'clock p. m. uentrai unto vt ay Hail closes dally (Sundays sxcepted) at 10 o'clock a. m. Cincinnati Way Mall closet dally (Bundays excepted) at ooiocs a. m. Ohicaxo, Suboaue. Delaware. Marlon and Wortblnc ton Malls oIoks dally (Bundays excepted) at S o'clock m. Malls forXenla. BorlnKfleld. Dayton. Toledo. Cincin nati, Indianapolis, Louiarllle, Bt. Louis, and Detroit, closes daily (Sundays excepted) at B o'clook p. m. A through mall to Xenia, Bprlngfleld and Ulncinnali eloset dally (Bundays excepted) at 10 o'olook a. m. urnana, riqua, limn ana union Ulty mall clones dally (Bundays excepted) at 8 o'clock p. m. Lancaster, Logan, NelsonTille, ClrcleTtlle, Chlllleotht, Portsmouth, Washington 0. H., Athens, Marietta and uiuteorontn malls close aaiiy (Sundays excepted) ate ciocx p.m. last way Mall by National Road to Zanetrllle eloaee dally (Sundays excepted) at 13 o'clock m. liarriiDurgn sun closes dally (Sundays excepted) at 8 Mt. Vernon Mall, by way of Weslerville and Banbar. closee dally (Sundays excepted) at 8 o'clock p. m. vuDiin iiaii oioses aatiy(Bundays excepted)at 8 o'clock Lancaster Way Mall closes dally (Bundays excepted) at ARRIVALS. Mails from Mew Tork. Boston. Phlladelnhla. Buffalo. Albany, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Dayton, Toledo, Xenla, Detroit, Bprioitfleld, Cincinnati. Ohllllcothe. Bt. Louis. and all Southern cities, arrive between the hours of 9 o'clock p . m . and 4 o'olook a.m. Malls rrom LndlanaDOlla. Chlcaio andDubnane arrive at J:40 a. m. Malls from Washington Oltv. Baltimore. Wheellni. Zanetville. Newark, Bteubenville, Mt. Vernon, and the . 0. R. B. Way Mall, arrive at 12 o'clock m.l Way Mail from Cincinnati arrivee at 3 o'clock p.m. Lancaster Mail arrivee at 9 o'clock p. as. test Way Mall over the National Road arrives at 11 'clock a. m. Mt. Vernon Way Mall arrivee at 11 :0O a. a. Mall from Dublin arrives at IS o'olock m. lrbana Way Mail arrive at V o'clock p.m. lUrrlabuigb Mail arrivee at 11 o'olock a. m. Lancaster Way Mail arrives at 18 o'olook m- Offloe delivery open every day (except Sunday) from 0 clock a. m. to 8 o'olock o. m. Open on Bundavs from 7X to V o'clook In the morning, and from 5 to 6 JOHN GRAHAM. P. M. TELEGRAPHIC! REPORTED FOR THE STATESMAN. Great Battle in Missouri between Col. Siegel and Gov. Jockson—Great Loss of Life. KANSAS CITY, July 10. of on ii In We are Indebted to tbe Kansas Journtl for a copy of tbe Fort Scott Democrat of tbe 7th. It contains an account of a battle between the Missouri State troops under Got. Jackson and Gen. Rains, numbering, by their own acoounts, from 10,000 to 13.000. and the U. 8. forces un der Col. Sletrel, numbering 1.500 in all. 'ins informant says that on Wednesday, Ja ly 3, the State troops left Rope's Point and moved to Murray's, six miles south, tridey morning at 8 o'olock they broke np camp, and marcnea south, in tne aireotton or Carthage, to tue county seat or jasper county. At xfutork, seven miles north or Carthaec. they were met by Col. Selgil with 1500 men, who immediately save them battle. The first onset resulted in the State troops being driven back some distance, when the officers ordered a retreat. ' - Tbe center gave way, but the order not beioe- heard on tbe flank, the advanoe United States troops were in danger ef being surrounded, and tney tnemseives leu nacx. inev retreated slowly, but keeping np the fight with the artillery, makbg earful havoc among tbe ene my's raniu. At tne orosslns: of Drv r ork their lines were very near being broken, when, by tbe iimoiy arrival or two nunarea union men from Sboal Creek, they crossed with but a loss of nve killed and two mortally wounded. Tbe battle continued, the United States troops alter nately fighting and retreating, nntil dark, when they reached Carthage, baring crossed Buck Branch and Spring River on their way. Tbe fighting was all done wlth;the artillery, Colonel Siegel retreating as soon as tbey got them in position end playing on their ranks as tbey ad vanced. - . ' : It is believed Col. Slecel's obiect was to draw the State troops on to Carthage, when with 4U0 Keserves leit at tbat place and expecting rein forcements from Neoiho and Sarooxie, he would be enabled to turn and drive them back. or route them. ,. Tho loss on Jackson's side was verv ereat. Our informant says he counted between 70 or 80 wounded on tbe field. In houses by tbe wayside, and at Dry Fork, a large amount of beef was thrown out of wag ons, It is supposed to make room for" tbe dead. Another informant, a resident at Cartbase, states be passed over a part of the field yester day morning, and says he saw wagons and hacks passing in every aireotlon, eatberlns: up the dead for interment. Tbe loss on the part of the State troops can not be less than from three to five hundred. The ground In many places was strewn with dead horses and the eteuoh wae siokening. xnewnoie country was laid desolate, fences torn. down, orops trampled into tbe ground, and houses plundered, He met parties of women who stated tbat everything had been taken from them by tbe State troops, exoept what they bad on their backs. The retreat was oonduoted in a style worthy of veteran troops, with as much coolness as on the parade ground, instead of tbe field or battle. It was only tbe overwhelm lug odds on the side of tho secessionists that enabled them to carry tbe day. Tbe victory was wltn siegel. It was report' ed a night attack bad been made on Sieeel and 400 of bis troops killed, 600 taken prisoners and tbrse pieces of artillery captured, bnt our In formant says he overheard a messenger from tbe secession camp say tbat they bad killed one man ofter entering Carthage and had taken no guns. Jackson announoes his intention of fortifying ver.uegB nniu rnoe ana mauuuocn can arrive from Arkansas with reinforcements, when be will turn and act on tbe defensive and en force the laws or the State. . , . . Col. Siegel retreated In tha dlreotlon of Bar. eoxie, where he expeoted reinforcement. -' - nothing can ne neard from Mel. Stnrtla or Gen. Lyon later than July 1th. 8 P. M. . A oitisen oi tnis piece nas Just arrlrert. ha no- left Sherman, Jasper eo., bt daylight tbie morn ine. ne states tuat a iter leavlntr Carthaira CoL Siegel encamped two miles southeast tbelr town, wnere be enoamped in tbe night, and his command was badly out np. His loss la vari. ouslv estimated from 300 to 1000, and that tbe secessionists trom, iuuu to xWU killed and wounded. .. -Col. Brown, with 8,000 troops from Sorlne-. field, Is said to have joined him. MaJ. Sturgis is norm or tne usage, and Lyon, at last ac counts, was at Warsaw, on bis way Booth. On Friday, the1 day or the battle, Ben Cdllooh and Gen. Price arrived at Neosho, miles oouttj or uarthaMe. with 10.000 men gnard of 900, left by Siegel, Was surrounded and taken prisoners. One report says that were Durueiwi anotoer, tuai DUI a small POr tfon of them were killed. 1 ' , McCnlloch sent forward a fino mn Ia 'l'S.A Jackson., He, expects., ,000 additional troops aavui nrakuen ........ u . .v.A.:lT KANSAS CITY, July 10. Thirty-Seventh Congress—Extra Session. WASHINGTON, July 10. Bixita. Mr. Sunderland was elected Uhaplalo for the araaent aetslon. i-. u Mr. Clark offered 4 resolution expelling tbe soceeded senators. . uu over. ,v- . The Senate's resoletlon, not to approve ef certain acts ox me rreeiaeDt, were nuo up. r r Mr. Powell wished the nutter laid ever. He wished to make some remark. t : . Mr. Yoesenden said It oonld not be expeoted that boil nsse would be done in the usual way, or pat (ft! to give time for speeebee. . Mr Sing offered an amendment, that to six months after the re eetebllahoont of the authority of tha United Stales, the standing sixty be reduced to the footing of the act of July, 1681. . . .. .7 Mr. Latham said, as s member of the Military Com mittee, he wlahed to explain. Ha did not agree to all the provisions of ths bill. Be saw ne reason toy aa In crease of the regular army, and the suspension' cf the act of habeas corpus, though be was willing to lodoiso tbe ects of the President. ';..' Mr. King said be was willing to sustain all the sots of tha President, and vote for any amount of msn and money, nntil only one flag floated over tbe country. Mr. Lane of Indiana oontaoded tbat tbe army needed to be liiorcased, and believed coercion the only means of sustalnloR the Oovernmtnt. lie would eanctlon no peace until tne death of all tbe armed traitors who lead the rebellion, not simply by tha steel of the soldieij, but a felon's death by the halter. ' - . Mr. Kennedy said be was still mora opposed to coer cion now than before. They might ahf for twenty years and not reoonstreot the Union. He eaw no reason lor tbs lusnonalon of the writ of habeas eorpus. Mr. Wilson sold tbat the organisation of tbe band of traitors at Baltimore, who murdered brave men going to serve the country, wsa sufficient juatiOcatlo fox the present. Mr. Kennedy replied that no man lamented more than himself that occurrence, and no man did more to sup press that mobatd save the soldiers than Marshal Kane, and be (Kennedy) wu opposed to the secessionists in Mr. Polk spoke eralnst the previous' resolutions, and said the Prealdent had mada thla war. which, Oooareaa alone bad th power to do, and bad increased the army and suspended the writ of habeas oorpus, which latter, V,ITl ... I.' 1 .Hu ... J i , . k . . . ' uvuiug w uu,,uiu wvuiu uui uj. jie uuaoivu iue Chief Justice for tbe ground takes asaltst It, and that necessity Is always a tyrant's plea. Tbe Prealdent had gone even beyond tbat. la proclaiming martial law, a thing not In lb Constitution. Mr. Kelson moved to postpone the consideration of the resolutions until tomorrow. Agreed to. House. A messag wsa received from the 8enat In forming Ibe House of the passsge of a bill relunding and remitting the duties on arms imported by the States, sines th 1st of May last and till January next. Mr. fctevens asked that th bill be put on its pas ssge. Mf- Burnett said, I am perhaps one of the few mem bers who think not only the commencement, but tbe pros ecution of the present war, might nave been, or may now be avoided, by proper effort on tbe part of the National Administration. Entertaining Mils opinion, I am one of those Indisposed to resort to force nuoer any eircamsian ces, believing under tbe theory of oar Government tbat the Uolon can never be held together In that way. Hence It Is my purpose, representing a congestions! dlitriot of Kentucky, to opto e, bo b hy my vole end vol, erery movement that looks to lb piosecutlou of th ar agalnat lb seceded Bute. These beiog my views and sentlmsnts, I cannot and will not, nnder any drcamstanoea, give my vote for measuree which look to tbe Involvement of our common oountry In a bloody etrugyle, the results of whih to both seotlons, will be the destruction of thslr material and beet interests, and th prostration of republican government on this continent. Mr. Mallory said, I have risen simply to protest In the nsme of Kentucky end ber Union Keprescntattvss on this floor, against the remarks made by my colleague, Mr. Burnett, and to siy Ksntucky, by a large and over- WDvimiog majority, win euppport ana rcaintatn the Gov ernment and the Oonstltutlon or the United Bute,. I Ap plause on the floor and In th galleries, which the Speaker promptly rebuked- Mr. Mallnry resumed, aaylog Wha't t have said Is the feeling of Kentucky In this unfortnnat state of tffalrs. We In Kentucky believe tbat the peril, the danter, the destrnettoi and the ruin of so many material interest!, have been brougblabcnl by these very seceding States of the Booth, wtilob seem to excite tbe eympathy of my eolleaguo. Xbls being my opinion, and that of Ken tucky, 1 am authorised, I think, to eay to tbie Houae and tbe oountry, tbat tb people of Kentucky, through ber Union Hepretentatlves on thla floor, stand ready to support th Ctovsrnmsnt of tbe United States by every constitutional means to which It may be thought proper toresoit, for tbe maintenance of th Government and the Constitution. Applause The Speaker ssld he wald direst Ibe Bergeantt-arms to arreai anybody wbo should repeat the demonstrations of applause. The Hons passed tbs loan bill. Only five nays. Mr. Stevens from lb committee on Waja and Means, reported a bill for the support of the armv for tha flual year ending June next, and for arrearagee for tbe year iuuiD,viigi une usi;eiaoa out making appropria tions fur th navy for Ibe same period. Both committed to the committee of tbe Wbnla. Mr. Waihboroe called np th bill reported by him yesterday, further to provide for tb collection of duties on imports ana lorower purposes, and asked that It be put on Ite passage. Mr. Vallaadlgbam regarded th bill In two particu lars at least unconstitutional. He voted against Bin ham's bill twtcesnd would doso now. Mr. Washbarne osneed an AxDianatlim nf Ha hm. lona to be raid, by which itapprared that it contained a feature similar to th act of 183,1, known as th force Bill. , , Th bill then pasted, yeas 133, nsya 10. Kays Bnrnett, Harden, Norton, Vendletcn, Used. nooinaon, Vallandigham, Yoothiea. Wadsworth and Wood. Mr. Btevens moved to go Into committee of the Whole on th loan bill, and that debate be concluded In one uvar. Agrcea to. Mr. rimtWA presided over tne committee. Further from Missouri. ST. LOUIS, July 10. crat, under date of the 6th says, immediately after the arrival of Brigadier General Sweeny at Dpringneia, ne dispatched a messenger to uu.uneis Dirgei ana ooiomon, who were en camped on the Neosho, to move their columns to lartuage, which was cromntlv done. Last night a metseneer arrived from Cntnnsl Siegel, stating that Jackson and Generals Price and Rains united tbeir forces, about 4,000 strong, and were encamped eight miles north oi isariuage. . ... Colonels Siegel and Solomon pushed forward rapidly and attacked tbe rebel force early yes- .eruaj morning, ana continued ngbting daring the day. . (- , . . Messengers are continually arriving bringing Information that the rebels are retreating eouth eastwardly between Sarcoxie and Mu Vernon, falling back on Caesvilie, with baggage and plunder, nnder cover of their cannon, and Siegel attacking their rear. ' , 1 bis afternoon Gen. Sweeney commands in person a njing column moving south-westward iy to intercept the rebels at Verona, thus crush ing them completely between onr columns. Large bodies of mounted mem ara annfrmcat. Ing west of this plaoe, and Forsytbe intended so join jaoxson-s force; ont Sweeney sent a de tachment of 800 mounted men throneh Done-. las county to prevent their union and drive worn oaoK. . Uen. Mcuride's command, a'snmnanv nf Home Guards, arrived last night, bringing Col woueci, .ate memoer oi tne legislature, as a prisoner. . ; . - . : .,- - Later advioes say, a report "reaohed Spring field on Sunday morniosr of an encao-empnt be. tween 600 Federals nnder Col. Wolff and about lauu rebels. Col. Wolff oocnoied- a nrairia wueu in Dame oeeso. out tne rebels retreat- Ing to the woods, be followed, and In skirmish ing in the Umber, lost thirty men killed and wounded, he himself being among tbe killed. Loss 'of Rebels considerable, but not definite ly ascertained.. t ; .. A messenger was then disnuohed to Snrinc field for reinloroements, and the whole force at at plaoe Immediately pushed forward. General Lyon was at Lseeville. Clinton Co.. uunday morning, Major bturgess was at Clin ton, Henry Co , the same day. They expeoted to form a junction about ten miles south Clinton on Sunday night. . ,7 . . ; , From Louisville LOUISVILLE, July 10. , of of The Picayune having denied Russell's state- ment regarding the impressment of .British sub jects into the confederate army, the British Consul in a letter corroborated Russell's state ment..". ; , The Petersburg Express of ths 6th. has an ao- oonnt of a fight at Newport News between ISO T.rtnlalanlane anil fVtiaa ln t.ti. 1" vgllUBUI 111 .VfUlUU the Zouaves are reported to have lost a' great number, iwhlle the Louislsnlans lost only 3, amongst wuum was vol. ue nousey.' " , ' ; a tiouisviue recruiting ooicer tor the South ern Confederacy, informs us that 2.0110. man have left Kentucky for tbe Confederate! . armv . I.LI- . . ' . v , . .. ' . . wiioia niHeu anys) mat during tne same time the Federal enlistment In the State' had not reaohedaou. .' '. .V v He further says that be shall send southward to night five deserters from Roesean's camp, and would get plently more, if the rules about cemo were less strict; " r; 1 "" ' . '. . ; - Other authorities agree that from sixty seventy five per day leave Kentucky for the s-rfmieaereca armv. .i - ' - ....... . . . FORTRESS MONROE, July 9. Gen. Boiler to-day is on the Rip Raps exper imenting with Bawver'e. James's and Hotch. kiss's shells. ' Some experiments with the last yesterday were pronounced remarkable, : . BALTIMORE, July 10. all The- expedition , whiohi went in search Thomas's rebel ' vessel, returned ensueoessfal. A run boat had been sent on the, track. 7 V Soldiers quartered la the eity are preparing to return to oamp. Mr. Dodge, Unionist, Is appointed Polloe Marshat.;-- - ' , ' , It l. again f'u'mortd that Pattersoiv. a?my has beet) awulillftted. . Dncooflrmed. ' - - M. .... ,' l.-.a-f Additional from South—Western Missouri. , kOul-l. ., ST. LOUIS, July 10. A special messenger this evening by tne raomo Kaliroaa wnn aispatcnes irom Col. aiegel to Adjutant Harding, at tbe Arsenal ' Toe following is an abstract written at Ralla for the Democrat! r : On the morning of tbe 5th, Col. Sieve!, with a portion of bie regiment, part of Col. Solo mon's regiment, and ten pieces of artillery, in all from 1100 to 1300 men, attacked a body of 6000 rebels under Gem Rains and Col. Parsons, about Seven miles cast of Carthage, on tbe prairie. . - Tbe enemy bad five pieces of cannon and many mounted men. : Coh Siegel began the attack at half past nine id the morning, breaking the enemy's center twice. After fighting an hour and a half, be silenced their artillery. The Rebels had three flags, ono of the State of .Missouri, which was left, unharmed, and two secession fligs, which were twice shot down and raised no more.r'-v , The enemy attempted to outflank our troops with their cavalry, and cut off our baggage, but Siegel made a retreating movement, keeping up a constant firing, and ordered the baggage train to advanoe, which fas formed into col umns, with a battalion of Infantry, supported by four pieces of artillery in the rear or each body, and the remainder of tbe artillery in front and on the flanks . Tbe rebels then attempted to cut 'off his communication with Carthage, with their car airy, but our artillery took tbe m at a cross fire, wntcn played bavoo wltn tneir ranks and open ed tbe road, and Col. Siegel fell back on Car thage, tbe enemy harrasstng his flanks up t tbe town, where another stand was made. ' ' Tbe rebels beiog in possession of tbe place, Siegel then surrounded tbe town, throwing shot and grenades into tbe enemy's cavalry, and us ing his infantry with great effect, while attempt ing to reach tbe adjacent woods to prevent tbe use of cavalry. , Here tbe rebels made the most serious attack and tbe bloodiest part of the battle was fougbt but the enemy were finally routed and forced to withdraw their forces. . Col. Slcgle then fell back on Mt. Vernon, where he could be supported. Some captive of ficers, taken about S o'clock, reported the loss at near S50 on their put, but as tbe severest fighting was done subsequent to that hour, it ie believed their loss Is considerably greater. Forty-five prisoners were taken. Our loss is 8 killed and 45 wounded and miss ing. . Tbe battle in which Col. Wolff was kill ed was fought on Saturday . 30 miles from Springfield. ' i . ) . From Gen. McClellan's Column. BUCKHANNON, July 10. 1 Messengers are just from Gen. McClelltn. He reporte the enemy very strongly entrenobed, Usb tban two miles from bis oamp, and directs that the forces within a radius of forty miles sball join his column at once. Tbe Indiana Fifteentbjwill leave here early in the morning. Tbe Ohio Tenth will be recalled from Glen ville and proceed to join tbe main oolumn, which is now about 9,000 strong. Alter tbe messenger got under way he beard an exchange of shots. , i Tbe dispatch from Gen. McClellan intlmatee that be would attack tbe advance position of tbe enemy to morrow. The forces are so near together tbat tbe rebel fligs can be distinctly seen oy our forces. Col. Tyler, with the 7th Ohio Regiment, oc cupied Glenviile, and the rebels had fallen back some twenty five miles into the country to Arnoldeburgb. Fred. P. Stanton a Senator. CINCINNATI, July 10. F. P. Stanton pis?ed through here to-day, en route for Washington..' fie has been appointed by tbe Governor of Kansas to fill the vacancy in tbe Senate caused by Oen. Lane's acceptance of a Brigadier-Generalship in the service of the united states. FT. KEARNEY, July 10. The Pony Expross with San Francisco dates to the S!y;b ultimo, passed here on tne Bib tost, The news is unimportant. Tbe next steamer via Panama, the St. Louis, will eo armed with two brass field nieces and a Dahleren gun, besides small arms. . 1 Tbe Humboldt Times, of the 22i, contains an eovottnS ol lb. vymmtlvmtm ag tlun . aetSI In dlans in tbe northern part of the State: 117 In dians have been killed without any loss on onr side. . WASHINGTON, July 10. The dispatches brought by Major Taylor ex cite inouiry and comment. This much, how ever, is professed to be discovered, namely, that if the contents ot them were otuciaily regarded Washington would virtually bo surrendered the Confederates. The bill which passed the House to-day, au thorlzea tbe Secretary of tbe Treasury to bor row, within twelve months from tbe passage tbe act, toU.UUU.UUU, tbe payment to be secur ed by duties on tea, coffee, sugar, spices, wines and liquors, and otber duties and taxes.- . " The otber bjll which passed auiborires tbe President to oause duties to be paid at any ports of delivery, and establish custom houses on land or sea, lor the collection of duties, and employ the army and navy, if deemed neces sary, and if duties cannot be collected to close ports. Special to Post. Colonel Fremont leaves for Illinois to-night. A bill will bo Introduced Into Congress pro hibiting ths sale of liquor to soldiers. Union Congressman, Henry May, reaobed Jeff. Davis's headquarters at Richmond on the 3d Inst. . It is expected the President will soon lay be fore Congress instructions to the American Ministers and British correspondents relative to privateering. . , Special to Commercial. " A committee appointed have ascertained that there are still many 'traitors employed in the departments; but the head of departments say it is Impossible to dispense with their servloes, from their knowledge of departmental business. Discontinuance of Mails. WASHINGTON, July 10. The Postmaster General' ordered tbe entire discontinuance of mails, etc., In middle and western isnnesiee. , , . , , From Cairo. CAIRO, July 10. " A gentleman front Rush Ridee. eight miles below Cairo, reports that three rebels, wounded In the skirmish at Bird's Point on Monday night. have died of tbeir wounds. A fourth was aisti uangerousiy wonnaea. BOSTON, July 10. Prof. Longfellow's wife was badly burned and her life is despaired of. He, In endeavoring to save ber, was badly burned, but not danger ously. NEW YORK, July 10. ,. - Owing to Gen. Scott's interdiction of news the morning papers are almoet barren of special dispatches. . All facta not oonflioting with im portant movements will be furnished by author ity to the agent of tbe associated Dress. Thus Journals will be better Informed and tbe insidl ous rumors, wbiob eitbertoi barraased tbe publlo mind, will be kept out. . Secretary Cameron, in reply to the letter tne committee ot tbe Xouug Man's Christian Association, requesting that no Chaplain's com mistlons be Iseued to any one unless he oould give satisfactory credentials of his ofllolal char aoter, eto y says be will do all In his power carry out their wishes. - aw a eta- Virginia Legislature. WHEELING, July 10. to of A resolution passed the lower House, to-day Instructing eur Senators,' and requesting Representatives in Congress, to vote tbe necea. sary appropriations of men and money, and oppose au compromise until reDeiuon is crushed out.-'v . ,i n "" -' . 'The'followlng'reiolutlon was' jeffsrad by'Mr, Vance, of Harrison i , , ., .-...V,..!., r Wbsseas, One Owen Lovejoy, of Illinois, has effered a resolution In the House Of Rep resentatives, bavlbg for Its object the repeal ths rapitlve slave law, thereiofs ba It , it Retdttd, That our Senators la Congress iostrnoted snd onr Representatives bs reousatad to vote gaiutt said . resolntloa arf.anv other liuooistN. iSr't yij;' ' " ''l'1 '"' ' ---pi Rlif til, CANT' M IWATEbUTMOO CLOAK. CLOTHS. Ala, Other makeeot BSrir O loak Ololhs, tn all desirable mixtaree Uiodiant Ta and BttlrOTS to match. ,. BAIN A BON, aprilS ' , K6.9B loath High strew THE MARKETS. New York Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] NEW YORK, July 10. yLODttpeaedashad firmer, but with a farther adianoeln freigbu. TH market dosed uiat at about I V. . J " r. "'" OI oarreleat fsssts 3 75 for superfine state; 90 rr extra state; S3 SUA 3 75 for .upsrfln western! e3MS4.0for common to medium extra western; g,534 7J for shlpplnx brands extra round koop Ohio; U t4e 00 for trad brands do. Market for Canadian flour a little mora active, but prices without, important cliang. Sale 1 too bblsat tmi tot common ut good extra j $3 4 43 30 for .uoer One. -' . .. , . .. HY ILOUEr-Selllug in small psroels at I930J vv CORN MSAL-Quiet. .Baits of ISO bbls, Brandy- wine at S J 10. ' . . . WHIsKf-Market a shade easier, rels at MvaiSe. Sales of SO bar- WHBA'i' A fair export demand. Th market may be quoted a shade flnaer.but the advance in freights ma terially checks the unward tendanav of of 17.400 basbals Oblugo spring at S8Sj83o; IS 400 both els Northwestern olubat 84S85o 16.000 buehele Bsclne epilog at fc791o; 48 WWbushoU Milwaukee olubat 7i 49,100 bushels Amber Iowa at dSjiBOo; V.SOO bush, els winter red western at ! 07(Sl 10; lObOO bushels wuiw neaiern as l joi wj; 8,300 baabels choice whit Canadian at II UOO bnahaia .hit. if.n. tuokyat $1 ii. TB SUady and In moderate Semanil. S snn bushels Western- at AVaSOn- in nun h...hi. a..,. . ... , WH.HVM 4CC. , ' , .. BARLEY Quiet and heavy. Bales 1.000 hu.hala l rowed Stat at 52o. OORN-Onaned onltj. Arm ...t .I...4 .,.. t- c.i.. 63.000 bushel, at 384S for Inferior to common new mix ed western; 4343,o for good and prim do. 4Jofor old do. 1 OAl'5 In modernle reoneat at MM, fnm and Oanadlan, and asuauo for State. POKK May b- o, noted a ehade flrmer, with little more doing, galea of 7oO bbls at SJ1S to for Mees: 110 OOffl 10X3 ror prim. . DEKf Dull and nnchaneed.' Salaa nf an Hhi. ea nn 4 SO for country prime; S3 S03D 00 for mess; 18 0O 10 10 forrepaolied maul and SJ10 00(3111 00 for extra mess. Prima Mesa Beef oontinuea dull and nominal. BEEP 11 AM- Rule steadv. Balaa nf Mil hhi. anr,A westrrnat SJ 13 73. UDt' MEATS neavy and lower. Salea 7.1 narkaiM at XiHs for shoulders, and StfffiCXo. for Bams wAviH wuii uu uncuasgeu. LABD Continues dull. H.laa nf ino Ssrvailai sit KHh. o. - aiUITBIl-gelllDg at7fflllc for Ohio and 7Jlo for State OHEE8H In moderate reauaatat fliSta v tn nmi. Ity- ' COrrEB-SIIU roles very firm. Sales SCO bags Elo atliffllic; 100 bags Manoaoo at 13;: 300 bags Laguyra at UmxQe; the latter prime, 8UOAK flood white raw, eontinnet Arm. Sale of 1907 bhde Cuba at 8X6e: ISO hhdt Porto "loo at 0X7ct 740 boxes BavaoastS; 844 do Melsdo Port at 3; remainder on priests temu: by auction: 140 hhds rorto Bloo at at 80 days. B COCKS Baaier anil Im. anilra flMo mr,A Ialund, M; Cleveland end Toledo, 85V; Galena and Chicago, 6Xi M. 8. 13; Paelflo kail, 70; N. Y. Oentral, 75; llllools Oertral ecrlp. 60Jf; O. T.23X; Illioois rrglsteierf bonds, T8; Mn.41x; Va. 4SX;Tun. 48 x; Trsasory.lOli Oal. 78; TJ. S. 6'l, 81; rsgittered, 87; da.OoauosuHSex. Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, July 10. The Produce trad has. throuahont tha week, been oonflned to the wants of tb local market. Vlour has dropped 30 to40o par bbl. below the quotations given a week ago It may o that the deollne bas loduoed some pnrchaaes for special order, bnt tbey are so limited aa to afford no rallying standard for the market. Quota tion, are qnlte irregular, and salri reported on the book at tb Ixcbang ,lve considerable dlaeatlsfaction Where the blame rightfully belongs Is hard to discover. Borne attach it ta the Inspection, some to th designs of those wbo auk reports, eome to carelesenene. end eo on . Superfine wis hard to bur to day below S3 CO, and equally ae hard to sell at $3 Sit. Kxtraa are quoted at j io w uu. ann ramny at xo to at 3U. nut very nut wneaiwa cScretl te-day, eo that hold ers bare a little more nerve, and ask from 3 to Jo per bu. oiguvr iuv,a may om oay or two avo. more wr sales or npnng etui xaitWHO. Prim Bed Is held at myuj. wn.tantmwaily atHStoSOo. Uorn Is held at VC3i perbu. above tha aaotatlons glvsn last week, end saMe during the last three or four day have been east ,y made at tbat figure . Tbe market is only sustained ny tne light rteeipte, and distillers are very slow to pay ic. OaU command 3c in bulk reality, and sellers goner- 11 ). aw. Barley Is a Plane. By is In no demand scaraelr. and 40a ontv era offer- vu. ... Whisky is still kept at 120 and was toay qnlte arm. of i, of to , i onr to T of I bs of j F I Mis I I i tv 1 1 - P2ICB8 RSDTJCSD from the NewYork Observer. 1 At all parties mannfactnrlcg Sewing Machines are ob liged to pay Mr. ilo we a license, on eeuh machine eeid, and are a so compelled to make re turtle to him, under oath, as to the number sold, his book give acorreot state ment, from this reliable source we have obtained the following statistics. Of the machines made In the year itun, were were soia, By Wheeler Wilson 21,30.1 - " I. M. Binger St Co 1(1,953 ' Grover St Baker 10,2HO Showing tbe sales of Wheeler Sc Wilson to be dvuU those or any otber Company." ' Awarded the highest premiums at ths United States fairs of lb53, UM and I860; also at tne Ohio State Fairs of 1859 and 1880; ' ' and at nearly ail the County lairs In tb State. Onr c rices, at the lata reduction, art at low a amv ioee ttiek machine now old.and bnt a tilne higher than th Interior Sim (Areao? chain eMcA snowJUns, now forced noon the market. The WHEBLEH Sr. WIL80N MACHINE makes the Lock BTtowtheonlyon which cannot be raveled. It Is Auks on Both Sinew of the rood, leavlni no rUo or eAainontAo muUr.ticU. Ml macMnu tcorrantoi S erecw-e. md imtrveUm given In their nse, fre of casryo. .' U. voAJiX,tu High St., oclumbue, O. WM. BTJMNEB St CO decl-aawdaatStwtnt Pike's Opera Hons. Cincinnati. HUNNEWELL'S 1 i 'UNIVERSAL ' ::';:i:couaHiiEaiEDY. for all Throat and Lung Complaints. Inclndnc. with most perfect reeult. Waoonm Ooowa, Oaaowio axs UOVHOK UStSIS, UBOROniAI, AXO TSaOAT UOatPLAWTS, always fonrunners of Consumption, as a Boothom eraof n nas no anyevier, ynexl rrom ail Oplat XtnerJo properties, may be aged by most delicate oonattj suuons, ana wiu pwneos eonnaence. HUNNEWELL'S ' , CELEBRATED ; T0LU ANODYNE. i i Tbi OxxansT Kattxal Omati aver offered to tbs world, containing not a panto 1 or Opium, nor any eub ttano bnt its striotly Tegetable and medical properties. A sun Remedy for Nsoiaiaua, RnoaUTuna, Goo-r, TOOTB awd Eaa Acna, OaTaaaw, Roes oa Mat tavn, and all minor Nervous Complaint. Foa Lose or lum and Headacn to ail ita varieties, it baa no equal, and to which most undoubted testmonw als an offered. Foa Dn.iaic Tasxfiws It is a most nerfeat rsmedv. Foa Bowsl OoatrLAurra, after removing the pain it acts as a pnyaio, a moai uapuiuw. oomrasi Wltn IB constlpa to ry effects ol Opium. X Phyaioians, Formulas and Trial Bottle will "be sect, and to Dealer or Invalid a deeoxiptiv pamphlet without "poaubgv-Buuup. - Prepared under the special Supervision of ' ' JOHN L. HCNNE-WEEE. I ' ' :.-f--i j '-craiDTT ajtb HaaiSjtcenrTisT, - Hs Contmsrcial Wnarf, Boston, Kasti To whom plea direct all oommunlctlons. rrless Largo Cough Remedy, SO easts per bottw. . : , -. - Small t - -! .;, - Tola Anodyne. 50 " " Tor sal by th nsnal wholesale and retell dealtnS, earerywnen. ----- ....... -, . k ROBBllTS St fJAUTJlL, . . ' . JJ, B.KARPl, JOHN R. COOK, ' 1 ' J. M. DENIG. . fl. DENIG St BONB, A. J. ROHUELLBR St 801 mayi-way agcnia lor votumtme, unio SB . Sntiaml V'AilW .Jt AltVV .SJIAIJllUI UJfllUgll) . DELAWARE CO., OHIO. THI3 FaVOIIITE RksOKT WfiLL ita OPEN v'-; t.-J. fob Visitors, ! Juno lo,1001. i FARtLtxs ftismis) soAKsnia boxiw tbsiasox,c.SS Mm- l StOOOaaOBATXB AT aSDOOSO XaTWS. .. . , , J FOB R001I3 OR DlFOllM ATI0S, ...v.- ', .-. .. ... .i- . J. A.8WAINIS, , -u..- Lewis Center P. 0.,Delswsr Co., Ohio. taySS;dlmo- . " 1 ' '.' MANHOOD. HOW I08T, HOW HS8I0BSDV JTJST PTJBLISHID, OM TUB NATTJRB, TBBA VENT AND RADICAL OURS OF SPERMATORRHEA Or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nrvouanes,Ia volunUr Kmlselons and Imnotsocv. resulting Belf-abuM, Sto. By Root. 3. Oulnrwell. at. D. nnder seal, la a plain envelope, to any address.poeat paid, en receipt of two Itampt, by Dr. CIIA8. 4.(1 B.LIHBU uff twwsry, new xorx. rostumoe box. ,58a. , , ... snr81:3mslfc At 7gv. - srr. vi . Rs-y:.. or ( i ! 1, , froan Bent no Dr. J.H. McLEAN'S Strengthening Cordial and Blood PURIFIER. rbsJsVreateat ftensedy In Tbe Wortst, , - . AND TBI HOST DHJCI0TJJ AND DELIGHTFUL , COBDIAL EVER TAREN. TTI8 8TUIOT hr a Mien Ufa and . vegetable Compound, procured by the distil ... lationef Boot. Herbs - a n d Barks, Xellow -. Dock, Blood Boot, Barsaparllla, Wild Cherry Bark and Dan delion enters Into lis inmtuMil,lnn Th,n. ... . . Wore Taking.- mnM Alter TaKing. prinolple of each Ingredient Is thoroughly extracted b? my new method of disUlling. prodnclngi.a dellol.ns. cs hllaiallna atilrit. and the moat INFALLIBLE remedf for renovating th diseased system, and restoring 'Jie sick, sufferlne and dobiUtated INVALID to H HALT II and BlttENflTH. . iriCLRAN'S STHKNsr.THEMiVfc COH niAia Will eflisotually ear , UVEB C01IPLAINT, DYSPEPBIA, JAOND10S, Ohronlo or Nervous DcHHty, Siseasee of the Kidneys) and ail diseaaea arising rrom a atsorderej Liver or r torn . aoh, Pyspeiuria, Heartburn, Inward Piles, Acidity or Sick ness of the Stomaoh, fullness of Blood to tbe Hit I, Pull pain or swimming In the head, PslL.tatlon of the Heart fullness or Weight In the Stomach, Boar Eructations Choking or suffocating feeling when lying down , Drvnees or yellowness or tne sun ana syce, mgnt oweais, in ward fevers, Pain in th small of the back, ohest or side. Sudden Flushes of Meat, Depression of Spirits, Frightful Dreams, Languor, Despondency or any Nervous Diaease Bone or Blotches oa tb Skin, and Fever and Anne (or Ohllisand Fever.) Over a million of tfottlee Have been sold during the last six months, and In no In stance baa It failed in giving entlr eatiefactlon. Who, then, will suffer from Weakness or Debility when Mo LBAN'B BTEENGTI1SNINO CORDIAL will cure yon! No languaKO can convey an adequate Idea of the Imme diate and almoet miraculous change produced by taking this Cordial in tbe diseased, debilitated and shattered nervous system, whether broken down by exoese, weak by nature, or Impaired by sickness, tbe relaxed and unstrung srganlaaUott Is restored to Its pristine health and vigor. DIAHBIED PEHSON8, Or others conscious of Inability, from whatever canse, will and McLean s Strengthening Cordial a thorough regenerator of th system; and all who may hare Injured themselves by improper tnauigences, mi una in uie uor dial a certain and speedy remedy. To tbe Ladles. McLean's Strengthening Cordial Is a sovereign and speedy ear for INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, WltlTES Obstructed or Difficult Menstruation, Incontinence of Urine or Involuntary Discharge thereof. Vailing or the Womb, Giddiness, Fainting and all Diseases Incidne t females. There Is bo Mistake About It. Buffer no longer. Take It aocordlng to Directions. It will stimulate, strengthen and Invigorate you and cause tbe bloom of health to monnt your cheek again . very bottle la warranted to give satisiaouon. FOH CIIIL.DKEN If your children are sickly, puny, or afflicted, McLean V Cordial wjll make them healthy, fat and robust. Dell) Bel a moment, try It, and you will be convinced. T IS DELICIOUS TO TAKE, Oiotiow. Beware of Druggists or Dealers who may try to palm upon yon some Hitter or Barsaparllla trasb, which tbey can buy oheap, oy snytn, it te Just as good. Avoid such men. Ask tor McLean Strengthening Cor dial, and take nothing els- It is tb only remedy that will purify tho blood thoroughly and at the same time strengthen th system. une lamesnoonrui tar en every morning tasting, ie certain preventive of Cholera, Chills and fever, Vollow fever, or any prevalent diseases, it is pat np in large bottles. Price only ft per bottle, or 0 bottles ror 15. J. II. McLEAN, Bole Proprietor of this Cordial, Also McLean s Volcanic Oil ointment. Principal Depot on the corner of Third and Pino streets, St. Louis. Mo. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. the best Liniment In the World. The only sate and certain cure for Cancers, Pile, Swelling and Bron chitis, or Goitre, Paralysis, Neuralgia, Weakness of the Mueclea, Onronio or Inflammatory Kheumatiam, Stiff ness of the Joints, contracted Muscles or Ligaments, Earache or Toothache, Braiees, Sprains, Wounds, fresh Outs, Ulcers, fever Sores, Caked Breasts Sore Nipples, Bonn, Bcaldis, Son Tboat, or any Inflammation or I'ain, no difference how severe, or bo long the disease nay have existed. MoLean't Celebrated Liniment Is a cer tain remedy. Thousands ofhaman belnn have been saved a lifts decrepitude and misery by th us of this invt.nablc ued cine. MoLEAN'S VOLCANIC OIL LINIMENT Will relieve paia almost instantaneously, and It wll cleanse, purify and heal the foulest sores in an incredl ly short time. For Horses and Otber Animals. McLean s celebrated Liniment la the only safe andra Uabi remedy for the cure of Spavin, Ring Bone, Wind galls, Bplln te, Unnatural Bumps, Nodes or Swellings. will never fail to cun Big Bead, Poll Evil, Fistula, running Sores or Sweeny, If properly applied. For Sprains, Bruises, Scratches, Sores nr Wounds, Cracked Heels, Chafe, Saddle or Collar Salle it Is an Infallible remedy. Apply it as directed, and a euro is certain every Instance. Then trifle no longer with tha many worthies Lini ment effered to you. Obtain a supply of Dr. McLean's celebrated Liniment. It will cun yon. J . H. ITI CLEAN . Sol Proprietor, Corner of Third and Sine Sticsts, St. Lcals, Iff. For sals by all drugsiste. For sale by ROBERTS at SAMUEL, aug26-dttwl , Columbus, OMo. SOMETHING NEW. HOWARD & CO'S. AMERICAN WATCHES. LIASUSU Am JV F3a)f a-fVTSV am H IICVU t and examiBt oar neir inIu of .Af-m at ST ST VAT Afk gst SX ATtl WT faV1 STW HaAnWTaT SD l-AFI AMERICAN WATCHES, manufactured by I. HOWARD St CO , Boston, Mass. These Watchee an far superior to anything ever offend to the publlo, nentoion. Having tne exclusive a re nor. I can sell them at prices to tail the times. I have iust reoetvea a largo stoca oi AMERICAN WATCHES, manufactured by APPLEI0N, TRACY, St CO i also, An assortment of ENGLISH AND SWISS WATCHES, In Sold and Silver Cases, at Panic prices, jaatt . W. J. SAT AOS. NOW READY. THE REVISED STATUTES - - OF TBI . STATE OUT OHIO OF AOENIRAL NATOBB, IN FORCE AUS. 1, 1860. ' ; COXiiATKD BY - Hon. Joseph R Swan, with itotss or ths dsoisions or tbs PBSXS OOVBT, ' ' (Contained tn twenty-nine volumes of the Ohio and Stats Reports.) " AND REFERENCES TO PRIOR LAWS, UT LEAN DEH J.CRITCHIFELD.ESq.. AND A FULL AND CONVENIENT INDEX. In Two Royal 8vo. Volumes, Pries $10 00. No can or expense has been spared to make tha nerfeot and nllable in all respects. It has now tn Xiegtstanve sanction, navtng rjeen by nearly the unanimous vote of both Houses, and was ordered to bs distributed to the following and Oomnty officers! Governor, Attorney general, euprva judges, Becre tary. Comptroller, Treasurer and Auditor of State, to th Probate Courts, Courts of Omnmon Pleas, Super ior and Polloe Courts, Auditon, and the Clerks of various Courts In aach eoanty, to the Member of Benate and Hense of Representatives of this State, ih Dnnnion of the aeveml States of tbe Onion. This book, eontatning, as It does, all of the Statutes sow In force, and the authoritative oonetrnotion of and of the New Oonetltution, win re round to ne especial ly useful in th performance of tbelr duties, to all OOTJNTT OFFICERS, , JCBTIOR8 OF TH1 PIA0, TOWN8HIPTRD9TBB8, CLEHK9 Of TOWNSHIPS, end , - ' , CITY OFF10SRS. - Inasmuch as vsry many changes have been made in Stetnua aince the publication of the last edition, peal, alterations and additions, and many Important cisions Daw own uiv BUp(vin vuura oa points, all ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BANKERS, UMROIIANTS -, AMD BCdINBdB MEN QKNERALLT, Will Sod this aa Invaluable Work. ...'; 1 ' Tido Eoyal ttt. Telwntt of oner Sltuttn BvmArtd , f.. In Strong Law Binding. -Prio $10.00. I Published by - ' ' ROBETRT CLARKE, & CO. Law Publishers, Book.ellers; Btatloners and Importers. . no. 03 west gourtn street, ebl8:dSn:is .' r.. Cincinnati TITArtTEI.-AOEIllT TO SELL VV packages of STATIONERT and JEWELRY, prices one-third less than can be parohased elaewMn Call en or address (stamp encMseu; 4. it. 151 Qonrt St-, Boston, alxss. . march ):dam. mm of It in a bu- Ohio work ap proved State and tbe the and them tbe byre de vun troverted : Oi at MRS, WINSLOW, An experienced Nurse and Female Physician, presents to th attention of mothers, her SOO THINGS YRTJP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by soft .n,?,tnia,ll!, reUaoln all Inflammation-will allay ALL PAIN and spssmodio acUon, and Is - SCHE TOKEGCIiATE THE BOWELS ' Depend upon It, mothers. It will give net to yourselves and BELIEF AMD HEALTH TO TCUS MPAnTlS. We have put up and aold Hire article for ever ten yeara. ' . and CAN BAY, IN CONFIDENCE AND THCTd'oflt! ' I what we have never been able to sty or any other medi cine NEVEft UAS II FAILED. IN A BINQLB INHT ANCE, TO Ef f EOT A COKE, when timely rued. Nev er did we know an Instance of dissatisfaction by any one wbo used 1U On the contrary, all are delighted with It operations, and speak in terms of oommendation of Ite magical edeots and medical virtues. W speak In this mattor "WHAT WE DO KNOW;" after ten years' expo rienoe. AND PLEDGE OCR REPUTATION foRTIil FULILLMENT Of WHAT WB HERB DECLARE. In almoet every Instano where the Infant Ie suffering from pain and exhaustion, nlief will be found In fifteen, or ' twenty minutes after theHyrnp Is administered. This valuable preparation la the nreacrlntlon of one of the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NUR-tBSIn New England, and has been used with V EVER FAIL- INO BUC0E88 In THOUSANDS OF CASES. Itnotonly relieves th child from naln, out Invhror- ktes tbe stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives ton and energy to the whole system. It will almost In stantly nlieve gr:?:btg in ths eowxis, and wind colic and overcome convulsions, which. If not speedily nm oien, ecu in iieatn, ne believe It the VKST and rlllt 8T REMEDY IN THE WORLD, In all cues ofUVJ ENTEHY and DIABRIKEA IN CUILDKEM, whethei It arises from teething, or from any other cause. W would say to every mother who haeachlid suffering from any of the foregoing oomplalnts DO NOT LET YOI'B VRKJUDIGBS NOR THE PRBJUDICE90V OIHEIth stand between yon and your suffering child, and the re lief that will be 8UHB yes. ABSOLUTELY SITRR-to follow the use cf this medicine, if timely used. Full di lutions for nslng will accompany eah bottle. None genuioe unless the facsimile of CURTIS at PERKINH. New York, Is on the outside wrapper. sold by ail vruggtsts throughout tee world. Prl tclpal Office), is Cedar Street N.. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE, ocltf-dfcwly. PE0F. WOODS BLOOD KEK0VAT05 Hi Is precisely what its name indicates, for, whili 'pleasant to the tatte. It Is revivify! eg, exhliarat lor. invhrorallni and smnetbenina o the vita nowers. and at the same time letivlfles. leln nates, and nnews the Blood in all Its purity, ana ihna at nnM MUtATM IMlf raiffiaV-a th AVtmm. eulmrabU to attack odusue. It la tbe only! nM,dnilnn ,., nflared to llm wnrlj. an chnml-i U cally and skillfully oomblned ss to be tb most Id werful tool a. and at the same time eo perfectly tdepted to, as to act lu per'eo; aceordanee with the U aws of natuie, ana nence win tooint tatwtajuii aP .fowkicA, and tone up the digtstive organs, snd 0 thuaai avail nervous ana otner irritation, ii v Jt per ectly exhilarating, and at th same lime It In vji composed entirely oi vegetaoiea. yet se coainmea wiayw- ....- - - ,y , las to produce the mott thorouih tonic elfeet, Wlih-I - S,ouv, ;a rci I be i iwe t out producing any injurious consequeiicee suct,L remedy naa long oeeo ieit woe aoeaiuvrauim av.yg ie medical world, for it needs no medical skill tr I r we thatdbilty follows ait attacks cf dlsesae. and Droreeds and indeed lays tb system open to the M 'insidious attaoas or mauy oi me moai tauti, stcn. W t ir example, as me luiiowina; uoniumpuoo, ia dlire.tion. Ispepeia. Loes of Appetite, Faintneas. Nervoua Irritability, Neuralgia I'alpiiationot Uie' Cj Heart, Melancholy, Night Sweats, Languor, Glddl-i 5 1 ai'ioess, Reteotlon or, as welt as Painint oustructed ,tna tirofut. or too scant Menatruatton, and fall' a ing of the Womb. These all depet d upon general UU debility This pure, healthy, tunic cordial anil Blood Renovator u as sure to cure as uie aun to. rlaeandset. There Ii no miatake about It. But his Is not all. l the sj stem te weakened, we ares ,oen to bllUiusstttcks. the liver be.oraes torpid. I, j jt worse dlsear.ed. the kidneys refua tn perform p iheir functions, and we an troubled wltn scaiding-ai md lncontlrence cf urine, or involuntary dis-l charge of the same, pain In the back, side and he- A tween the shoulders, exceedintly liable to slliiht U colds, coughs, and it unohecked, soon emaciation 'ollows, and tbe patiar t gees down to a premature 0 nitre. But space win nulaliow ua to enumerate the many Ilia to which we are liable In a weakened conditio of th sjatem. But we will say, in this lOordial and Blond Renovatir you hive a perleU, aale. nleaaant and eflectital nmedyfor loss of Appetite. Btiioueuees. siaiuience, weak ann sick. itiomacb. Languor, Liver Complaint, Chills and: fever, or any Bilious attack, Coatlveneas, Acidity I the Stcrnaeh, nervousne.s, neunigla, 1'aipita- 0 tion of the Heart. Depression of fcplrl is. Sores, f imples on tbe face, or any disease arising from . . , a , n impure oioou, sucn aa ccrumiB. crjrsiraiiM, iiroo , nine, i;ougu, aimcuiiy oi orraiuiug, ann an uiai , , Jclas of diseases called female weakness, and rrl enumerated above. We will elso say tbe traveler U exposed to epidemics, change of climate and wat er, will find It a pleasant, sale and sun remedy,! and none should ever travoi wiuiout. -ncauer, trvit. for we auure sou you will And In Ita iriend!" Imleed.aa well aaa friend In need. Allperaonsof tidenurv habila will Snd Ita perfect nreventiveof! 0 las well as oureior ino-eaiimenu lownicn moy aiei oartlcularly exposed. Hence miclsters,.tudenta,at tornevs. literarv x.ntlemen,and ladles who an not slaocuatomed to moon outdoor exercise, win nnd it io their advantage to keep a bottle constantly cn hand; and, above all, mothers, or these becoming such; will go through tbat most dangerous perioo not only wth all their accuatomi-d straugth, but I. safe and free from tne thouaand ailments ao prev alentamoni tbe female portion of the world. Ii 4 .short, It is indeed amother'e cordial. Try It, Ola and loong; no longer run the riak or delay: uwti relieve and prove luelf emphatically a Rtttora tie Cordial and Blood Rtnoiator. 0 O J. WOOD, proprietor, 444 Broadway, New York, ana 1 14 Harks t street, at. Louie, ato.i auc old h HOBKRTS A EAMCEL. Columbus. Ohio. t A, and all good Druggittsi Price One Dollar H W Battle. marchiS-dAweowly NEWARK MACTLIINE WORKS. NEWARK OHIO, ; (?, ITIannfacturers of all klnAa ef For table) ana tlnenary aaeaiia jr-.a-atsiea, taw Jltl. urisS fltAHw, CYC, AC. r .;-;7l LASS lODLTi Btaiml B. A t. BLAST) TBtattnl J. AS. B. DUYAIL Smimllt COLUUBCS UACniKS CO: Siatmllll BBAMOBD 4CO.Statnlltl ZtSX Out Portabls Inn-ins and Saw Kill - - Was awarded the first premium of $50 at th Indiana State Fair for lSO over Lan Se Bodley'a oa account ot Price, lightness, simplicity, economy of luel and superior character of lumber saweti, Onr Stationary Engine was awarded at th same Fait the first premium ol $i00. . , Our Portable Singlne waa awardea me nm prrmiu m oi UK) at the Fair at Memphis, Tena., over Blandy's Ou rail's, Columbus Machine Go's., and Bradford Go's. . by a commit tee of practical Railroad Bagiueera. yor prtoe and terms acureas . WILLAitD WARNER, Treasurer, decS-dJtwljeols. .Newark, l,ulS E. : iVS'COLLISTER, Whleal and HotsUl Dealer tn TOBACCO, SNUFF &rCIGAES No. S!S.. FlTth Street, ,,r , PIT SBURGn, Tak. Keen onstantir ass band all tha va rlwua BaSAiK aSJ af ,. Ixrxiooirtod Cisara. Oct. WHyd . ,;,,. iiTOMTlVE Oil BliE AO HE It SHEETINGS AND BHIRTINUd, all wldtha, of most cclMwated makes, In grsateet variety and at very low prices. ai.i i BUN, aprilf Na. M South nigh street. ALEXANUHEH KIU OLOVl. All Sties and colors just opened at BAINS, dec.ll. Na. W South llh straeu