Newspaper Page Text
UAEDWAIIESTOBB JUST RECEIVED BY No. 30 North High Street, Oat ai tht Largest ana Bolt sklented Assert , . -. VRH OgFERED IN THIS CITYI , , House , Builders' Furnishings Of EVERY BTYL1 AND QUALITY. ' ' '. French American ', ' FAINTS GROUND IN OIL, end pat ip la half pound cans for family use, end Dry Feints In balk. , Brushes of every variety & quality. A Splendid Assortment of ' MACHINISTS TOOLS. CAKKIAGB MATERIAD3. AXES GRINDSTONES, tut. , ' . GUNS, PISTOLS, SHOT, &o. FISHING TACKLE. ROPE & CORDAGE. LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER. BELTING. WEDGES, MAULS, POMPS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SCYTHES, Ave., ' SCALES, BELLS, CHAINS , Table and Pocket Cutlery. l especially Invite the attention of ill Interested lo my dock of Pocket and Tsble Cutlery, and . . HlliVEH PLATED FORKS, - Table, Desert, and Tea Spoons, Butter Knives, t&c, , ul KOQBRRa ft BRO'B. Mannfeotars, warranted to be extra heavy, Electroplated, on genuine Albatta. . Country MerclianU,Mechanlce, and o there, art Invited .0 call and examine my Stock, ai I am prepared to tell Vholeaale and Retail. "WM. A. GILL. Oulambna. Ohio. May 8. lrXSO. LATHROP, LUD1KGT0N & CO. 23 d 25 PASK PLACE, " " 20 & 23 MTJJLIIAY STREET, . . YORK, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS FOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. ; SPBING, 1861. We are opening, at onrample warexooms, at the above numbers, aiooke ot Goods In each of the six department! I our busineae, superior lo anything we have heretofore t xuuniea to uie irane. ". . CLOTH DEPARTMENT. Thlf hae grown la Ite preeent magnitude under the thorouch management of a borer of Ion. experience and ectnowleda-ed .nod taale. We keep extentive Hue, of Uii finest and choicest FANCVVESTOOS AND FANCY CASSIMERES To be found In the market, all icleoted with the nlceet discrimination. Alto, ail grades, colore and rarietiee of; BROADCLOTHS, SATINETS, LADIES' CL0AINNG3, TWEEDS, FARMERS' end MERCHANTS' CASSWSRta, KENTUCKY JEAN3, from 9X to KX eentt per yard and upwards; ,, ( TiTEEDS, 13 to IS eenta per yard laet year told m - ., 18 to 20; . ,,'.' PRINTED BATINBT3, at II centl; -, And other Good corrttponiinolf Low. " ! ' Dress-Goods 'Department. Manchester D tallies, Hamilton do. -Paclflo da. ' Printed lawns. Printed Brilliantea, Fancy 8ing hams , Bombasines, Black BHka, ' Fancy Bilks, Printed CheUli, MaBCheater Cuighams, Glasgow do. - Clinton . do. Ottoman Cloths, Alpacas, Poplins, And the Neie Select Stylt cf FANCY SPRING COODS. Merrlxaao Prints, Richmond's Prints, Cocbeeo do. American do. Pacifi .do. Dunnell'e - do. Bprague's do. Kngllah do. Msncbestcr, fce. Prints, 4c. ., BOMKSTIO COTTONS. Lawrcnca 0. IUieetins, Atlantic A. Sheetings, Clark v.- do. . ' Amoskeag do. Lathrop do. . , Appleton ' do. , Shewmat " do. Everatt " do. Focassot ' do. Utlra, ke., do. v All Gradti tni Width. .v. BLBACBKD BHIRTINQ3 AND SIIIBTUfOfl. Wanautta, , . . Dwlght, ' Iawrenae, Lonadale, .. . Great Falls, Naumkeag, Hill, Waltham, Boott, IKewTork Milts, etc., lie. '. SHAWLS ANFmANTILUS, - A tatOI AMD iM-lCT ABSORTalltrT. 0WT0NABI8-a great variety. , OUNCKB do. T10KIMQB edl the hading bramls. - DBNIMB do. do. BHIBTINff imPIS-all tfaeleadiog brands ANSBBN8 . do. ., do. . OOHBKT J BAMS , .. do. , ' do. MORCRNS - 1 do. " ' do. ' BAMAaKA,. PAMR CAMBRICS, COLOUED CAM- .-. BRICfl. fco. . LARGE .AND COMPLETE STOCKS OF WBITX GOODS, HOSIERY, ... , . ,,, , YASKCS H0II05B, ... . Gentlemen's Fnrnishliig Goods, . UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, k CABPETI AHO OIL-CJLOTIIS, ' , ajtd great variety of doeda not enumerated all of Hoos the larger pernoa at mm it) to io per cent, lets m laatyew. f It otj nP'TTTnrNrnTnw h rn hew yoric. IUPOETED GOODS. ' Slf sueaM ,iii v.., wiwh - ' - A " Boned Sardine., Uie BGBI Bardinea lmp'td nf Canern anauitvet. A ". I able faareWLea fc Perrln's Worcesler v shire." "Hover's Bu liana," "John Bull," j t "Marvey, "iteauing." . . 10 H Walnut and Tomato Oatsnp. ' a doa. Oroee si Blackwall'a eelebnted Knglish - ' Pleklee, comrl.tln. of "O.ulltlower," "Pi- allll," Chow-chow, "Walnut." 'On- ' Ion," Cabbng,, "Beans,' "aberk's" M'aPlcklce. , ' , ' 450 ' London Porter. ' . . . i 1 1UU " Campbell's eelebrated Scotch Al. 'r o onaosGlnKer Preserve. 1 ' i fj (i boxes J tU, a Maoaront.and Temaellla. - j i. , gross Con's Gelatine. , . - ' Ooleirn',eelebratrdhnglUhMnttard,takeg,boie, and bottle,. . ' " i p B7 ' WM. MoDONALD. 'DR. LEIiAND'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC BAND3 IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Rheumatism, , Gout - and .Hauralgia, ' AND A SURE CURE FOB . All Mercurial Diseases. It la a conveniently arranged Band, containing ; a ned Icated compound, to beworn a round the Waist, without injury to the most delicate pereonei no change la tab te of living le required, and tt entirely removes eaae from the system, without producing the Wwdwt effect, ariilng from the u.o of powerful lotanial : meat cine., which weaken and de.lroy the "'"?' " give temporary relief only. By thle treatment, the med icinal pripertlee oontalned In the f 4Wt"f with the Wood and reach the aieeaae, throu.hthe porei of the ekln.effeetlng in lnelanoe priest " and restoring the parte afflicted to a healthy condition. Ibia Band ta also A moitpowerful AbtiMbrocxiai, agent, and will entirely relieve theeyetsm from thepevwotowe effecleol Mercury. Moderate are cured In a few dave, aod we are constantly receiving testimonial, of Ite eilloacy In aggravated caaee of long aundlng. Paicx ttl.oa. to be had of Druggists generally, or eaa be eentby mall or axprees, with full directions for uss. to any part of the country direct from the Principal Otlice, Ho. 409 BROADWAY, New York. G. SMITH 8t CO., Sole Proprietor. N. . Descriptive Circular, 8ent free. A. J. 8CHUELLER ft BON. Srooouts, Aan, No. m B. High St., beu friend and Mound, Columbus, 0. JET Agent Wanted Everywaiere. mhS81yiaorJtp.dJnr ., GUEHNSEY'S BALMI GUERNSEY'S BALM 1-kEinOVes AND PHEVeSTS IN Xii flxmmatlon and sain, and heal, the worst burn, scald, bruise, cut 4or fresh wound of any kind, prevent, swelling and pain from bee atlnga, mosquito bites, and poisonous plants, neuralgia, rbeumatiim, ague In the breast, salt rheum, etc. When taken internally, it will positively cure croup in children, and gives immediate roller in 1110 worse cas oi iqu wrnois cvwibiui) miwu. moves ho&raeneaa and sore throat. Price. 8ft cents bottle. Should be in every house, for sale by Drug. gi,U and Storekeeper,. IKVI.t BTU.NB, Bole Proprietor, Mo. I Spruce st.t New York ootWtwiyis No real IniUce can be done the above preparations but by procuring and reading descriptive pampbleta be found with all dealer., or will be sent by Proprietor nn demand. Formulae and Trial Bottles sent as Phyai dans, who will find developments la both worthy theu- bvMiunni .no anoroval. Oorreapondeoce solicited from all whose necessities or eurloilty prompts 10 a uiai oi me aowc niiauu uim dies. for sale by the ujual wholesale and retail dealer everywhere. ,-, .. JOHN L. HCNNEVYELLi Proprlete ' CUIMIET AND PHAllMCtTJTI9T," -- ' i Ho. 9 Commercial Wharf, Boston, Mas . Rsharts A Bamnel. H . B. Mamie. J. B. Cook, J. M Denig, 0. Venlg Sons, A. i. Bctiueller Son, Agenu for Columbus. 01 Jhio. . , ... myi-uiy - myl-i S. DOYLE & CO. Manufacturer aod Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, Northwest Cornet of High and Oaj Sta., 3To. 61, COLIilHUIg) OHIO. "A large Stock ot Tbie and Staple Ooodt on hand." y3l-dtf SUNDRIES. CTAKINA, TAPIOCO, Arrow Root, Bootch Oat Meal Spilt Peas Chocolate Broma, etc Boda Prunes fresh Tomatoes X.' B Bago Rice Flour PearhBarley Cracked Wheat Coco Cream Tartar, Pig' Bead lew lutein Peaches Green Corn Ireh Cann d Pro Its of every descriptien, Jellleeof all kind,; flavoring Extract, of all klrls. Unra Drops; Mixed Candle,; Almonds, Filberts, Peeon Nuts. Knglish Walnuts, Braail HuU.eto, wm. McDonald. noS7 TRAVELLERS! 1TTHEN you go to New York , drive direct to the SlUIVldtlONIAN UOllSE, BROAfWAT, CORKER OJ HOUSTOH BTEET ' Conduction the EUROPEAN PLAN. Good Fare,Oood Rooms, Prompt Attendance, and Mod trate Charges. fllKQLK ROOMS SO CT3. 7S CTB. and $1 FIR JUAT? DODBLI ROOMS and PARLORS !, to 3. Meals as ordered. This Hotel has all the appointment, of the beat hotel,, a most central location, and Is heated throughout by steam. BAmuisb m. uiu, march0d3m . . . ' Proprietor. JOHBT E WEZELSB, A CENT FOR IIOIflE, COrTTIKfENTAAi, XX At AHriATTa N, BscmiTT, and laviito Jrias l.s. vo. New Yoaa; MaacBaim and Crrr Fma or UaATroaa Nnr York Lira and Comr. Mrmat, Lira. Office, si lllg-h St., Savage' Bl 07-0 IV - Alexandre's Kid Gloves,-... TkLAI!! AND FTflBROIDKlIKD. BIOl'S 17 QUETAIRB and regular ahape Black Kid Oloves, embroidered In white, magenta, purple, o. Undressed' Kid Olovee. Mlues Kid Oloves. A complete assortment of these celebrated Gloves always tor sale ow . , baik et sun, febSl . ' ' No. 89 South High street rvRESi coons. . ' . . U lew and Attractive.1 MoiAiiBiQtrrjj, j , t J ' ,"- Tiavilino PoruNi, , .', ... b , . . Cntii Poplim, ' ' '- ' - Gmcellki. FgiNcif Chintiii, ' '' ' V .- ' Fimoii MosuNg, 1 '" &' . FglNCH OlOAKDIM, . j J ' . ' CHiriiii Wabhiso Silks, CufitNT DtM SlLXS, .. . UiAVf Bamub amo UamtuSilu And all other new sad luhlonalle tnaterial, most la demand for handsoma Sreisef and Mantillas. " : ;,'i ; q 'if - " ' BAIS A BON, aprM ' ' No. IS lootb High itreet. HAVING THIS DAT HOLD . flfJH Btock of Uneeriea lo fl. 8. DAsIlhO, weebeerfally rccosunsna nun to oar oia p,rms ana menus. Columbus, Uarch S9th, 181 apl dtf 17tEOArT PLAIN BLACK MIl.Ks) FOB XJ Btreet Baequee and Mantles; also, a lea Trimia and Taassla to match, aa. .. . . . , ' BiXii '-. ar . ...,t ... Summer Under Garments. LADIES LISLE UNDER VESTS. Ladlee Oauae Merino do, do. ttsntsHllk Drawers ana Bhlrts.. 7 . : Genu India Gauae Diaweaand Shirts. OoUon i " " Oauae Merino Cnder Shir's. " ',' V " White end Brown DrintuDreTen. " ' ," , Whit Linen Drawers. Bxtra Urge Under Shirts.- ., . .,' ' " Bupeilor kngllah Half llote... , , . . i " Loan Buokiags. r.. Fancy Cotton Half Poet. , !' Baspaaders. V V, . Ooiden aiU Shlrhj. , h ,, , , ,,. .; For sals h ' creat Tnrleiy and at nwdsrate pness, oj . ' ' BAipt as BOi, i. .. . .. No, 8? South High sumL mtjtO. , Notice, CITY B4JTK CF COLtTHEUS, THEFOLLOWINO CHANGES WERE made In the the offienrs of this Bank, January Sttth, 1B61. to wit: Wei. A. Piatt. President, and Taotus Mooont, Csihler, retlvned their offloet. Davia Tatloa, Ban., was then elected President and Wai- A. pLarr an- poinieo uaanier. ' ; ; M uyomeror ine noara oi Dirernor,," i febS, WWl-dtf. .. W. A. tt ATT. Cashier. I MINK HTJVfSi TICTORINI8 aadCUfFS we are now selling at very low prioes, aim all ether kinds awhionabU fur,. I'KTK RANB. dec'U. ' No - fS South High St.) ladies' linen Pocket-Handk'fa. fEininEDSTITOnEDlJNEN HAND A. kerchiefs very wide hems. EmbrnUlrred Linen ITandk'f all prioee. '- J.' '. Hemmed Stitched and plain do, do ' "'" do do colored border. - '""' " IfonrnIi) do -" black tnrdera - do d r ' new style croas stttckad. PlBApn1edo -. newpatiarns. i , f I i MiaaePlaln and llemraed Btllched do All nrloes. ' Comprising the meat seleot aasortaent In th elty and lowest prices. . UAin as aun, feiai No. M South High Stmt. OHIO BXATEfLXAlf SIMIIMIM Ns. 36, 38 & 40, .North JUgh St : INCREASI FAC1XITIES1 M'CESKI. Hi DISPATCH HAVING MOVED IK TO, MY NEW . BUILDING, ;..i.e,' . . r;? 1 .-H A V Ji ':i-. Crrojatly- 33xxliarsoc3 BOOK & JQB - DEPARTMENT! WHILE BOTH HAVJS JHUCH REPLENISHED THROUGIIOUT . 7-.. a WITHi ,:1;;t,J' New .' Typci, Borders, , Ornaments,.' &c. FROM TEI C ELI BRAT ID FOOWDRT 01 CZ T.' WHITE A CO., KEW YOEK, ., . . THUS MARINO IT .IB , .J,,".;, Most Complete Establishment IS THB CITY. V , T I am now prepared to KxeenU all, Order for BOOK AND JOB : pniS"Tiisr0, WITH DISPATCH! And In ti Moat Approrgd Btyle of tag Art, r"' PARTIOCLAB ATTENTION PAID TO - MERCANTILE .LD RAILBOAD 2? 3El X2kT T it JST a- - Bill of LstdlBsf, Clroalarn, Ulll Head,, Ulstnka, Deedi, Certificate, Keeelpla, Draw TlckeU, Uefc-iatera, HOW CARDS & BILLS IN COLORS, CHICKS, ., CAiDS, HIADIHOS, HOTES, j. r KHVIL0PS8, COHTBACTS. Illustrated Show J3 ills. 70 A OOOTTRY KSBCHANTS, ' ..... . , Show Bills, Hand Bill, label. Concert Pro- franmea, Ben sol and colisra tcnemm, Ko s tel Billi of Yare, Invitations, As. , , BOOK: "Worls. - OP EVERY DESCRIPTION' shool and College Catalogued, ; . , .. '. Xiioellaneoni FampUaU, in'' Coajtitationi, ieporti, BrUb, Ae f. .' ti i. '"I ii i . - . i Printing in Gold and Colors' LP O J3 TB 3EL f ' ? " Printed In Krery Color on a ' ' p . Elammoth Hoe Cylinder, The only Fran of the kind la Central Ohio; My fadlltles for doing any and all of the above deserlD- Hons of work, are now emavwassed, and eaUrfaotioa will ignamneea ia au eana. - , - ILFA11 vork funnaUed promptly bvthe tin, nromised. .. , . JUUUAJUi BBTInS. WHO SHOULD USE . DR. J. BOVEE DODS' yiOTirrrABijrB IMPERIAL . WINE BITTERS? AH whs araaflloted with ladnlent Oonsumntlan or Weak Lungs should ass them. , Allwho suffer from Weak Btomaoht, Indlgeirttoii. Dyt pepsla or Piles should use them. All whs suffer from General or Kervou1))!! Reetlessness at night, Want of Sleep, etc, should nee mem. All persons whs ars oonvairaoeat after fever or ether Sickness snouid ass them. Minteters of tht flospel, Lawyers, Lecturers, and al public speakers should uss them. Book Keepers, and all persons leading a sedentary If should uss them. " Theagedand roflra should ass them. All who require e stimulant or tonlo should nMtham. All who are addicted to the ass of ardent spirits and wwa winiovm,eooaMi assinom. They ars made of a oars Bbernr Wins, and sf the aa Uvs plants and kerbs sf the eeuntry, and aboald brs sommsnoea By tempssaajea aocteUes, oargsan, physt. auu.uuDuigi uumauivy. i p . . Chsy ars prepared ky ao eneriesKd and skillful nhv. skiaa, and, asidslrasa tbelr meUlanai propattles, ars a Baost oeiigauui osveragsi aaa yes, as a medicine, are aa nnooenianunarmiessasine aossoi aeavsn. . Bold by drugylats irene rally. - . ":.. CHABLX8 WTJDDOTKJLD A CO., froprltUn, . 78 William St., New Verk. &0BEBT8 tt 8AMU1L, Apenti, : " ' ColTJmiine, 0!iie' sonalAwly. , i . , ..j Wholesale mil Retail Depot for No. 106 South High. Street. Weir IIcDOfllALb, DEALER W ri 7 .7, FINE &ST1PIE GROCERIES m )t IN ALL 'HEIR VARIETIES. For ,' the Full M' , Winter - Trade Ofi86CH81' n7UETOHMIBIl SINCERE THANKS TO THE FCBEIO for past favors and patron age, aavd acme DETERniX ED te BIEBIT esBettaaaoss afaaBss by efrlct saaacatlatl te trate, aad araawpt slellTerr f Ceode I would sail ths kUC sf IbspahsHts ths feot that having p Lmxt aad wall I else sect Stack ea hand, aad Mac bCdailjr reotipt sf goods from lbs differ at BiarkAts, I Cattsr svysalf that I taa sfftr to ths etti- tens of Colamkfsi, tv to any wbe mag daaire te parcaaee, an aassrtaatat sf article, appertaining to the OROCBRY trade, UNEQUAEED by anyhixtss la ths dty. Ths price end quality of ths goods offered, I f aar ante ta sire aatltfactlaa. ' .. . Goods SeliTered Fres of Charge. r9T... v" v. ' wm. Mcdonald. . ... . first OPENING OF THE SEASON ; SMNG AND SUMMER GOODS IACA1T OFFER TO THE PUBLIC aa saehis sew stock af tjaods If air Una. lost no nth. ased In New York at the cheapest panic rateall of which ahall tell at tht tmalleet proflu, fot Cub. My custom. ere and friends ars eeessotfulty InrlMd to call and exam ine my Goods and Prices, aa I am. determined to sell aa cheap er cheap., than any ether boots to the city; and I do my own Cutting, and superintend my own buel Beet, I feel assured, from my long experience In butt nets, to give general satisfaction. Sbs flnest of work seen ars employed, and all work don, strictly to time and on short notloe, and warranted to fit. Strangers visiting our city would consult tbelr Interest hf giving me a call before pwohaeing elsewbers., BoHE, ' marflWrJly' - 1 ' Xtl rllgh aadTown'sis. -.1 .... " .Lace and Embroideries; '. VAI,EHCICNES,ItIALTESE AcPOirfT Lace Collar, and Seas. . f ranch, PuibtT snd Thread Lace Veils, (new pattern.) Yalenrienee, Thread and Point Laces, Kmbrntdered Collars, Setts, Trlromlnjr, and Skirts, Lane Rarbea and Ooiffuree, Plala Linen Cpllara, tttsand t;ojia,murn)aereaoiArianauuniin eetts. ,.,.. ,., ' A4I ft BON,. f l ars t - ' " 1 i'1 fit n -. D at 1 -)'.. I.:. , 'V ..- rr .taaffTfJ.v ' -j . . a. M c t ;: ... C i. 3 I X1' '.i.':-r .'. G '"i1. v a-' I ' J1 ' . I V " g -!. a O g b S u S 8 -3 O Bi ffi ; : ' : v,-h'; ' I ' ' ; ' TCTI INTITS ATTINTION to some of the most ex traordinary sarae by my ' . PECTORAL SYRUP. Ther an at home, and an one who has doubts can la quire of the person who have been eured . . ,, DR.' K1TBBR tS PREPARED AT ANY TIMS Ti KXAMINB LUNQS WITHOUT CHARGBi FOR AL1 THOBB WHO NIED HIS MIDI01NBS. . - ! -' ': !. i. . j: -j i i. : attknd ra Yimn a eesa of Ave veers' tending eured by DR. KJS XBBK'0 PEOIOBAI, SIRUP. -' PiTTianaaa. Jan. 11. I860. ' Da. Ksnmt: My wife has been afflicted with a bad oontn ana atraeuuy oi Breaming, tor nvs or but, years, which , for several years back, had gradually increased In violence, xne complaint lias been norauitary, ana sue nan Been ireatea by several pnyaiciani wiuous any re lief. In this stats of her oase, I procured soma ot your Pectoral Ooush Bvrun. IbouahU the Brat time, a flftr esrjt bottle, which relieved ner very mucn a uencaiied and got a dollar bottle, which cured ber entirely, and sue nas now no trace ot me tormer uiseaw, except weaa n. 1 wonld aleo slate that I need inn medicine my sell to a cold and oouirh. The medicine cured me by ink Ingone doie I express my entire satisfaction with tht medicine, and you are at liberty to publish this if yea uesire to do so. wju. vriLBun, Alderman Firth Ward. PiTTBtJen, Nov. 18, 1858. Da. Karon : Although not au advocate of Patent Medicine,, in leneral, it affords me pleasure Indescriba ble to recommend your Peotoral Syrup. As a medicine It is well worthy tbe attention or aay person ane may in any manner be afflicted with coughs, colds and hoarsensss of any hind, and for the peculiar qualification, for re moving all that disagreeable sensation attending a se vere cold. l have been, more or tees, in my lire, aireotoa witn trie severeet of oolds and hoarsenees. At times my throat would become so closed as to prevent my epeakini above a wbiiper, and by toning a rew uoses ot tue above Byrup it would relieve meenureiy. In rsoommendins this medicine, I must nnnssitatuuiy aav that it la tht beat remedy Icrer found, purportloa to oure tht above, nor should any family be without this remedy rordi eases so prera.ent. . , ' loan, most recpectruiiy, , - ,; KDWAKDJ. JONKB, Csshler Citliens' Deposit Bank, 8raatKVtLLt,0. March 14, 1MB I have used Dr. Keytar's Oouih Syrup for a bad cough of several years standing, and can cheerfully aay It is tut best medicine lor ine sams mat i nave ever ttten. J. W. PBIOB. "COL. PRATT AND DR KXTSBR'g PKOTORAL STKUP. Da. Kmnae Dear Sir: Bscues the delay of my acknowledgiag Ihtsxosllsnes of your Pectoral Cough Byrup sooner. I take (reat pleasure la savin, that it is all you aay Ills. Ittnocktdth noi out of my vmqK and the worst one I was ever afflicted with: I have not need more than one-half of I hs bottle, and I can and do wish that all who are afflicted would give It aa fair a trial aa I have done, and they will be proud to say, "It la no quack medicine." 1 wouia pot suner anouier sucn an attack for any consideration, or at any coat. I am con fident I can breathe more freely than lever did. I ahall alwaya acknowledge a debt of gratitude for Inventing to excellent a remedy. You are at liberty to use my name in this regard, aa yoa think proper, ai. v. pbait, Messenger uonrmoa uoancil, riiiaburgu, la. Pittsburgh, May 11, IBM), N. B I am no stranger to my fellow-cltlieni. and who entertain doubt, can consult me personally. B.f.P. PlTTSSDASB, April Si, 1SS7. READ THB TRUTH. Da. Ka-rsam: I have a daugh ter who baa taken several medicinet ror a naa cougn without benefit among them Ayer't Cherry Pectoral. I suTObaaed from yoa a bottle or year ruuxuttAij BYRUP, and before ehe had used half a bottle she was relieved. The aecocl bottle carta ner entirely or ner eongh. JOHN DAHIN, Robinson street, Allegheny " w . . - til lOia A GREAT CURB BY DR. KEYSKR'S TxlCIORAL SYRUP. I Uvs In Peebles township, Allegheny county. I had a coughing and spitting, which eoaomenatd aoout in sin of r ebruary test, ana oonunueaeigntmocuis, i employed the best physicians In the country, and my cough continued anabated until early In October. Al that time I was advised to try your rauTUBAii uucuii BYRUP. which I did. and after I had taken one bottle I MtlMly h. .A h mn.kl, mrtfl eplttlnf load la be getuni weiu ana i mink it ah. known that this valuable remedy will do for others what It has donelnDycase. JOHN 0. LITTLE, Witness B. M.Kaaa. reeuiea townmp, ' T . - Pattom T.. April M.18S7, A WONDERFUL CURB Borne tuna ago, an old neighbor of mine was very llljwlthabad cough which every one tuppoted to be consumption. Ills relatives told ms that ha had taken every remedy they heard of wlinout benefit: hit brotntr oame to tee mm ale, and all were confirmed In thebeliel that neoouidnot live. had about tbs third of a bottle of your Pectoral Brruo, which I gave him, and It entirely eured him, to the aston ishment of all. What makes the eass mors remarkable, is the extreme age of the man, he being aboutehthty years old. I navt no doubt tne reciorai saved ms lire. JOlLilN' GINNIB ' DR. KETBKR'fl PBOTORAL SYRUP IN BLAIR8- VILLE. Pleas tend ms another supply of your valu abit "Peotoral Byrup," Almost everybody around nt i the oold and are inquiring for "Dr. Keyter'a Peotoral Byrup." we navt sola sixteen Domes last week, and are now entirely out. Mr. A. Alter and Mr. P. Maher, both of Blalrsvlilt, Pa., tell na they would not be without it la their families. In fact, all who ass it ones want it again. .. Ysura, respectfully, 4. a. nan a. noun ex runs January 30, 1860. ANOTHER NBW OKRTIrlCATB DR. KIYBIR'S PKOTORAL SYRUP. I had been troubled wlUiacouxb and oold tor several weeks so bad wat It that I tonld not sltep. 1 bad the advice and pretcrlptioni from three of the beet physician, in the elty, whom l soald name, but do not ao to. A aoauy procured a tows of your rootorai Byrup, which cared ms entirely. signed, , vr. Dimunxun, ' WO Liberty street, PltUburgh, Pa., Jan. 9, 18C0. STOP TrJATCOUGHTNG." 'Hewoanl do Itr "Go to Keyaer'ton Wood street and get a bottle uf his Cough Pectoial, and If that don't ours yoa, your esse must be desperate Indeed. Ibis It atpeclmerbf tht oolloquy ont hsars almost srsry day la oold catching period, of tbs year.. And ws eaa, froBaoiuAl sxperiment, sheer fully concur la the adviser's admonition aa above, for ws nave tried tne "reciom." in a mom swooora cajs. witn entire saeeess. Near two week, ago ws went to Plttabargh with one of tbs most distressing, oonlrary, mallsh.. na subduablo coughs ws ever axperieaoed sines our advent upon this mundane Boners. s toagnea steadily ana Ubonoutly ror one wnoteweex, innopee oi itrtnotiotM, but ft was ao re. . in not u teemea ramer to naveim Moved by praetles, and to have acquired strength, po ten cy and dMrtutbilltv by the operation. In this stage of the siege, we eon jhed our way to Keyser's, 140 Wood 8L procured a fifty cent bottle of tht "Pectoral)' took It according to Sirwetteoe, aaa ta loriy-sigM noun we were iter of tbe field, the en amy bavin unconditionally surrendered, after a brief but unequal conflict with to formidable an adveveary as Keyser a famous Cough rectorai. irmmmu npyir, 4to. J,, toov. DR. KIYSBR'S PEOTORAL SYRUP It prepared and sold by Dr. GEOROB H. KEY8CR. 140 Wood street. niisuuran, ra. - HJ- Bold in ooiambut try RUBSBTB ft SAMUEL. OTHACHE KENEDY. A. BUHE CURE. ' ' Picparcd and sold bjr . 7 ' " ' Da. GEO. H. KITSRK,. Prloe, 15 tents. 140 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Ia. '. i :' , i . . . . . " ..i ....... JD Sold ia Columbus by ROBERTS As SAMUEL. ocU7:Stawdom. . . ... GENTS PAPEH Neck Ties. COLE AH 9 AND ' Handsome and teonomtoal. Alto, Sllkc Ties, : "i - " irsa,. -j - -...v ;,.t r .an , ., , Linen Collar. . ., , ..Half Hoae, ' V '; " Drawers, cVc. - BAIN SON, sprxD Ne. 89 South High etreeU GOLDEN Hll lr SHIRTS.-. IV GOLDEN HILL BI1IRTB, GOLDEN BILL HHIRTS. The pattern st these ahlrts ars aew. Tbs Bodies, Yokes, eleevee and aesomi ars formed to fit tbs person with saee and eomfort. The mark noon each oaa deatenatiii. tha else may be relied on as bain correct, and each aliTrt It guaranteed well made. A full stock of all qualities oeoeUntly for sale at BAIN'S, aovi. No. W Sooth High street. - STE f, LA SHAW ESI STELLA SHAWLS 1 1 In all desirable eolors, and at very great bargalie. " mis a aun, Mo. t9 South High street. ! aprus WIDE IflATSTLE BAUAOES. UQTH Whrtg and Black, just received at, . . THE UNION FOIU3 VER! UNION ENVELOPES A RAHlTYOt .designs, a t4fltmttfi'r--:-r T t7SI0BIXZlTXB AS9K0T3 FAFEI.S ! ItaU the prieeebargedbysmall dealers. 1 - ' innlKApTOuArXTERS No. 7J Booth High street CTlombuej Nay oyi.801., J.H.BILEI. . RICOsItrEKDED BT THB ULTS ',' SIR A3TLEY COOPER, 1 i. '.I ' 0 leiTOOW, Ann-' ' ' ' DR. VALENTiWE IHOIT OB S1W TOKK.. . -n. Ins kcxBow lodged Head, of ths Profesalea ta ettkdr . 1 .llemUphers. , , .., ..-.. The bent Dlantlot Tonlo, and Iarlffonutt,' 'Tnt Itasat KxtJnot of the IT A TJ ATT JUNTFKtS BBUU1T. Tbe Pnreat and Most Costly Qln ! Ian t. INDISPENSABLE TO FEMALES, . IUU1I II1DI T TfliTUC cioir - INCOMPAHABLE FOR THrf AGED, THE SAFEST AND MOST DELICIOUS BEVERAGE IN THE WORLD. For Bala, Pints rod Onarts, by ever? urngfjiflT, urocer, or country jueronant tOOK OUt FOB BOGUS O N D O N O I N 8. THB OIlliT OEIITJIHB ASTIILB IS CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL 6IN. B. BALDWIN & CO., Importers, 91 Liberty St..' NEW YORK. Sold In Columbus by ' ' : McKBB Jr. RESTIrSAtnti' ' Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Statesman Building. 0. A. WAGNER, and others. In Cincinnati, by 8UIBE, ECKSTEIN t CO., -ocSd-deodklyw ' . .. . and others. THE' '-' " ' " ' ' " ' WEEKLY OHIO STATESMAN: . ..V HATUfd A OIBCTJIATION .' , , , LASOEB BT BEVSRAI TE0U8AITD3 , ,. Than any oths' paper In Ohio, outside of Cincinnati Offers Facilities for Advertising ' ' Which CANNOT I AIL to bring Speedy and Rsmuntra'lrt ilctorna ' To those who tAkt advantage of them. '. THS1 -WTEKKX.Y STATESMAN, Distributed as It If through every Post Office in Ohio, . Reaches a Large Class of Readers WhoN patronage Is valuable, and who seldom see the Sally Editions of city journals; and as only : A Limited Kamner of AdTertLtements Are inserted in ite oolumns, appopriately and .i : HANDSOMELY OlSPUVEO! i , THIT CaaKCT fAU. TO . -''V Attract Attention Of ALL I - WHOLESALE DEALERS Advertising In the WEEKLY STATESMAN will fin It advantag out In T.i'J THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which It almost certain to follow an extensive dfssemln atton knowledge of their business AMONG COUOTBY DEALERS ! . . . ADVERTIBEMENT8 INTENDEP.IOB The Weekly Statesman Bhouldbt handed la before Friday boon. . the- - - ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, And grtwt more and more popular every day! . i , . . i And testlmonlali, new, and almost without number might be given from ladles and gentlemen In ell grade, of society, wuoie united testimony none ooukt leant, that Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative will restore the bald and gray, and preserve the hair of the youth to old age, In all lis youthful beauty. - ' " Battls Creek, Mich.) Deo, Slat, 1658. 'Pxor. Wood: Thee wilt nleass accent a line to Inform thee that tbe hair on my head all fell off over twentr yean ago, caused by a complicated ehroolo disease, at tended witn an eruption on uie neaa. a continual course of Buffering through life having reduced me to a ataieoc aepenaenee, i nave not been ante to ostein etulr for cat: A neither have I been this to do them on. m eon- sequence of which my head bu suffered extremely from cold. This Induced ms to pay Briggs ft Hodges almost ths last cent I had on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Hair Restorative, about ths first of August hit. I have faithfallr followed the direettoaand the bald spot Is now covered with hair thick aod blaok, though short, it is also coming in all over my need, reeling confident that another large bottle Would restore It entirely and nermanentlv. I feel anxloas to nsrsevervs in Its nae. and being destitute of means to purchase any mors, I would aak Woe u toes wouidit not as willlne to send me an order on thine agenta for a bottle, and receive to thy self, the scripture declaration "the reward la to thoie that are kind to tne widow ana uie ratbertess." - Thy friend, fcUBANN All KIBDYw - Ligonisr, Nobis County, Indiana, fob. Slh, 185 Ptor. 0. i. Woosi Dear Sir: la ths latter oarl of tne year lew, wnua attending inentais and National Law Bonool of the Stats ot New York, my hair, from k oauae unknown to me, commenced railing off very rap. loir, as mat w tue .nor, nraoe oi sin monms. in. wnote uoner Dart of my scalo was almost entlrelv bereft of it. covering, ana mucn or tne remaining portion upon the slds snd bee part ot my bead anortly after became gray, so that yon will not be surprised when I tell yon that up on my return to the State of Indiana, my more casual acqualntaneeo were not ao much at a loss to discover ths eauss or tue en an re rn my appearance, aa my more inti mate acquaintances were to 1-ecofrntr.e me at all. -J latonoa made application to tne most akiurul nhvat- elans in tbs country, but, reeelvinc no aaanranea fiam them that my hair would again be restored, T wss forced. to oeoome reconciled to my rate, until, toi 'nately, In lbs utter part of ths year 1857, your Restorative waa re commended to me by a druggist, as being the moat relia ble Hair Restorative In use. I tried one bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that It was producing the desired effect. Blnoe that time, I have used seven dol lars' worth of your Restorative, and aa a result, have a rich coat sf very toft black hair, which no money can buy. . i ... j ...... . As a mark or my rrautude ror your labor and skill In the production of to wonderful an article, I have recom mended its use to many of my friends and aooualntances, who, I am happy to Inform you, ars nana It with like effect. Very respectfully, yours, - - - A.M. LATTA,,. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot, 444 Broadway, and told by all dealers thronah outthtworld. . . .. . ti... The Restorative is nnt up In bottlss of Hires ettea. .let large, medium, and small; the small holds H a pint, and retails for ont dollar per bottle: the medium holds at Isast twenty per cent, more In proportion than ths small, and retails for two dollars a bottle the Urge hold, s quirt, 40 psr cent, mors In proportion, and retails for S3 abotttt. ' - 0. 1. WOO ft CO., Proprietors, 444 Broadways New York, and 114 Market Btrsst, St Louis, Mo. . And sold by HUBKBTM ft BAMCBAi. Oolumbot, Ohio. and by all good Druggist! and fancy Oopda JJealsrs. .l aprillidfcweowlr. k . Watches ! riamonds H. Sltyer Wre I!! A"' CHOICE ASSORTMENT DP 6LD and Silver Watches, In great variety! f , -I am Atont for the Aamuoaa Watch Co.. and can ell theee excellent Watches at manufacturers' prices, uwir nBDMBU, ui naiau, - - - ' ' Corns and choose from my beautiful diss la. af Dia monds and other rich Jewelry. Stylet new prices low. At to Silver Ware of sterling quality,. I can abow new patterns, vary kandsomo. 1 ' - auver i-tated ware, Teaoetia, urn a, watteat, oattort, Baskett, Pltchen, Oobleta, Knives, Pork, Spoons, ako. Then I have a supply ol Ane Table Cutlery, Pocket Knives, Baaon, Ao., and many. Fancy Goods such as ars desired tor present at such prices at are, an lnduce- bb ins purcuaaen ;'" - vrm. linei, . r .. ' Net 18 Buckeye Block. marSl North aide Bute House square; Genta-:Unea-. Shirt Collars, - Of SUPERIOR QUALITY, IN OAK. ROTS. Btanduir, Byron.. Ptrsiemay, Renfrew ani other new shapes. Hemmed Pocket Handkerchief,, Keek Ties, Btocka, Itrset and Evening Olovee, Half Hose of every kind, Under Garments and alt kinds of Gents' Pur nulling Sods ia great Variety aad at moderate prices. ' aaia BUN ;1 . febBB )r; j .;. B Booth Big ttnet. MALTESE ft THREAD LACE lrilTTS of iegant qualities tor Ladies; alio, Mlese,' Mltta S""vai. y . , m .-w . at A In a. aaayVS - r - ..- .. I ..- ' I'msuuvjiiii"-1 ! 'J OF THE 1 AGE. : urn. kennedt. or'- unxnimYi luL has discovered la one of oar oommon pasture weeds a rcraeuy uiat cures . Every Kind of Hwnor, Tha worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple. ; He has tried It In over eleven hundred eases, and nev er tailed except in two cbsm, (both thunder humor.) He oaa now in nis possession over one nunarea eertincstts or Its value, all Within twenty miles ot Boston. i Two bottles are warranted to cure a nuratng tore month. ,, One to three bottles will cure ths worst kind of Pimples on ins iaos. - Two or three bottles will elear the svatem of biles. Two bottles art warranted to oure tht wont canker In let mouth or stomach. Three to five bottle ars warranted to cure ths won! una or Erysipelas. One to two bottles are warranted to cure all humor the Eyes. Two bottle, are warranted to oure running e tht tar and blotches amooaj the hair. lour to six botlea are warranted to cure corrupt and One bottle will cure scalv ernntlon of ths skin. Two or three bodies are warranted to cure the went kind of ringworm. Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the moat aespents case or rheumatism. Three to four bottles are warren ted to care salt-Rheum. Viva to eight bottles will cure the wont ease of scro fula. A benefit la always experienced from tht first bottle, a perfect cure It warranted when the above quantity it Riaen . ROXBORY, MABS. Dm Hadim: The reputation of the Medical Vis oovery. In ouring all kinds of humor,, is so well estab lished by the unanimous voice of ail who have ever used It, that I need not say anything en tbs subject, at tht most skillful physicians and the most oareful Druggists In uwouuuiry are unanimous m lis pretBB. In presentlna ths Medical Discovery to vour notice. 1 do It with a full knowledge of Its curative power, in re! lievine all, and eurlni moat oi those diseases to which you are unfortunately so lishw. That most exarnclaUn. man tu mu bu actional, moiuvr, , N VKSINO SOKE ITIO I TU, Ia cured as If by a mlraclei your own temper la restored to ite natural aweetneea. and vour babe from short and fretful nap, to calm and sweet slumbers; and the Medical Discovery becomes a fountain of blesalne to vonr huahanS and household. . la the mors advanced itages of O A Nit Ii II Ittztendt to the ttomacb .causing ; . , . sJiSfivI'SIA, I which It nothing but canker on ths stomach: then to tht intestine and ... KIDNEYS. ereatlnga sinking, gont feeling, and an Indifference tvea to tn. careen your iamuy. x our stomscn is HAW AND INFLAMED, your food distretset you, and yod can only take certain kinds, and even of that your system does not get half the nourishment It contains, as ths acrimonous fluid of tht canker eats Hop: then your comolexlon loses Its bloom and becomes sallow and irreenish. and your beat day it gone. lor want of nourishment your system be comes loose and flabby, and the fibres of your body be come relaxed Then follow a train or diseases which ths Medical Discovery it peculiarly adapted to . , CURE) Palpitation of the heart, pain In the tide, weakness a the spine and small of the back, pain of the hip joint wnen you reuro, irregularity oi me Dowels, and ales, tnai moat excruciating ot aiictset, the PILES. :,') . How many thousand of poor women are sufferlne- from this disease and pining away a miserable life, and their next aoor ncignooraoee not snow tne cause. 1 wish to impress on your mina mat good old proverb, "An ounce of prevention ia better than a pound of curs,' In the MEDICAL D1SCOVE11Y yse-tigv both the preventative and' thexars,' with, ihb great and good quality, that It will never, Under any liguuuw4iiM, u. jtvm muj iujuryl IJy TUB MEDICAL DISCOVERY It tspedaly Intended for diseases of the blood, bat since its introauction in tne western state,, it Ii found to be uie oesa - - - - ... - AGUE BEJIEDY that was aver before tht oubliot No change of diet ever necessary oat tht best you car aod set enough of It. DwacTiom roa est Adults ons table tnoonfnl nai day Children over ten yean, dessertspoonful Children from five to eight yean, tea spoonful. Aa ao directions can be applicable to all eonsitutiona, take sufficient to operate on uie poweia iwice a aay. Yours truly, " PONNALD KENNEDY. Price fl.uo per bottle. lor j every druggist in tue uuitcu oiaies. - scpvi-dftwly. j)0 YOU WAIST WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT WIIISKERSt DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE i .' DO YOU WANT A MOSTACHET BELLINQHAM'S CELEBRATED - ' C '. " : " ' ' .11 StiiiiulatiDgODpciit, - -For the Whiskers and Hair ' Ths tubsovlbert lakt nleaiurs m annonnelnw the Ottlxent of the United State., that thev have obtained tbe Agency ror, and are now enabled to offer lo the American publlo, the above Justly celebrated and world-renowned article, xne , STIMULATING ONGUENT IA prepared by Da. C. P. BELLINOHAM, an eminent physician of London, and la warranted to bring out t wiva Kl UI . . . . Whiskers or a Mustache In fron three to tlx weeks. This article la tha nnl. nna of the kind used by tht Prenob, and In London and Paris It la In universal use. . . , It is a beautiful, economical, aoothins. vet atlmnUtln, compound, acting aa If by maglo upon the roole, causing abeautlfal growth of Inxnrlant hair. If applied to the scalp, it will car. BALnxns. and cause to .orlne nr. In plaoa of tb bald spots a fine growth of new hair. Ap piled according to directions, It will turn an or Towr uairsaaa,ana restore gray tiair to lit orllnal color, leaving It soft, smooth, and flexible. The -Oaonairr" it an indispensable article In every gentleman's toilet, and after one week's aet they would not foranycooaidsratios Dewimouuu . , .'-.--... The suhscrlben ars tht only Agcott for tht article lo the United States, to whom all orden mutt be addressed Pries One Dollar a hexfar aula hv all nnmi.ii Dealen; or a box of lh "Onguenlt (warranted to have ui. ucsiieueuecu win ntteni to any woo desire It, by mall (direct), securely packed, on receipt of price and iuwtx.i v.J. pi"y io or auuraiB - - . i ' UURACX L. HKGBMAN ft 00 ,. ' v f,., m 4,1. , DacsoisTs, Ac, o., Ii,., .lebSoatwIim , ; . 4 WUllam Street, HowrYorkv. WM,1 KNADE & CO..' iJ AT THEIH NEW SALES-M' a XI. JtUUJl, M. 1.W BALTIMORE ST. inmi cektT . , , N0S.l,S,Sand7K.EUTAW BTEK' . - . -, Offer ror aale their celebrated I GOLDEN MEDAL, - ,: , '..;: ,1 : ; - GRAND ANDSQARE . - " PIAN0-F0RTE8 . Being highly recommended by ths flnt Profusion and musical amawanoi ins country, and , , EVERY " ' INBTUMBN ''' .i- ' ..i ' i i, j ii . WARRANTED TOR " ' ' ''' !' "' . . PIVB YIARS. Tht most fastidious castomtr may rely upon bains pleased In every respeot. ' Zsrmtlltenil 1 ' WM. KNABlft 00. :t BE LTZXRVft WEBSTER, Agents, ' . -1,' 0ctS8iIydw, ,. ,-. . .. , ;, . , , OolombBs, Ohio, C T7AJICY DRESS SILKS, i .-. u ... A?, , . IAN0Y DRESS BILKS. .1 m PANOY DREeS BILGES,"' 41 ' We art now offering oar immense stock of Fancy Drees Silks at prioes lees than ever baton sffersd la thle stty. The attention of 4hs ladles of this oily and wlointrx solicited, at our stock Is very seleot and complete la all grades of good! In thll lint. " PETER BAIN, . , nov4. -i - i i .... i No. 90 Booth ufe-n street ECENB Y c TOW,:i : j , . Wholetale and lwtali Dealer to. m... Foreign & - Domestic Cigar aun axtj siuant v k- Smokiug: A ChwingTobaooo.t Also, the Ui qoallty orBirtrrri onitantl; os hand. . "" UjCounlry Sterchautt are Invited to sail befon par chatlngslsewhers.'i , ' i , ,,' NO. 4 EAST THIRD STREET, , - n ' Bek Main and Sycamore, - , , , Dovp,-wum J(1 I-',', ' i "ft ' hi THE ;o-PAHTNEHSHIP HERETO fort existing between the nndV-rtlrned. under tbe firm name of ARatBTROBO ft TUUMPHOX, waa dissnlv ed by mutual oocemil on the flnt day -of April, 1801. The buslaeaa of the late firm Will bs settled By E. B. Aaauraoae, who sontlnuei tht bdilness tt ths old ttaed. X. Bl ARMSTRONG). Biail8-4Jir. THOMPSON. Is to It il . SJ "W teousHeadache CURE . X By the ate of then Pills tht periodic attacks of Ner eeiM or Sldk StadadU maybs prevented! and if taken at tht commencement of an attack immediate relief from pain and sickness will bcobtalned. - - ' Thsy seldom fall In removing the Sauna and , ach to which females art to subject. , .' SSSS.-1:'- ' ' '' XW - ULn-m-w Mm.- DIImI. PamalS - and all Hnoni of sedentort' habit, they art vnlua as a laaaUv, Improving the appttiU, giving ton vtQar to the digestive organs, and restoring ths natnr elasticity and strength of tht whole system. ' THS CEPHALIO PILLS tre the result of long Isvet ligation and carefully conducted experiments, having been in nse many yean, during which Urns they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain arid suffer tng from Headache, whether originating in ths nereoui system or from a deranged state of the itomach. They ars entirely vegetable In their composition, aa . may be taken at all times with perfect safety without making any change of diet, and the aluno of any dtnaarttaH tat rtnder it ay to admtnittr then ektidrtn. y BIWARIOJOOUNTBAIIITBI . v. The genuine have five slgnatuies of Henra- 0 Spaldbg on sash Box. Bold by Druggists and all other Dealen In Medicinet. . A Box will bt tent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of tht . Prioo, 8S Ooxits. ' AU orden should bt addressed to HENHY O. SPALDING, 48 Cedar Street, New York. THB POLLOWINO INDORSEMENTS OP SPALDING'S CEPHALIC PILLS, WILL OONtlNCB ALL WHO BUFFER FROM HEADACHE, "'" THAT A V . SPEEDY AHD SUSE CTJ2E ; . ( 13 WITHIN THEIR REACH At Viet Tutttmonialt tcers untollciud by Ha. Sivud - wo), they of ont unquetUonabt proof of tht effi cacy of (Aft truly soim!e totoonry. AtASOHvau, CoriK. Feb. 5 18C1. Mr. Brainuia. Bib: I have tried your Cephallo Pills, and 1 lit them to veil that I want yoa to send ms two dollar, worth mors. Part of there an for tha neighbors, to whom I gave . few out of the first box I got from ygu. Send ths Pills by mall, and oblige Your obrt Servant, JAMEB KENNEDY. HavixreKn, Pa., Feb. 6, 1861 . Ma, Bmldibo. . Bit! I with yoa to tend me one more box of your Cephallo Pills, JAav rtetited a proof deal iff benefitrem them Yours, respectfully, ', . MARY ANN STOIKHOUBB. BraociCatxx, HnirraroTon Co., Pa., 1 January 18, 1801. j H. 0. BraLDiae. Bit: Yoa will please tend me two boxet cf your Cephalic Pills. . Bend them Immediately. '!', Beipeotfullyyour, JNO.B. SIMONB. P. t.I haunted en bom of your J'ille, and ftni themewotUii. Bsxu Vsamon, Ohio, Jan. IS, 18C1. . Hnotv 0. BrALBias, Esq. . Pleatt find tncloted twenty -five oents, for which tend me another box of your Cephalic Pills. They or truly tht beet PiO I Ami tvtr tried. Direct A. STOVER, P. M., " Belle Vernon, Wyandot Co., 0, .. BcvtHLY, Mass., Das. 11, 1860. B.C. Sr-ALnixo, Esq. I wlsb for some clrculan or large thow Mils to bring your Cephalic Pills mors particularly before my custo mer,, ii ; If yoa have anything of tha kind, please send to me. Ons of rflv nnitomera. who I. anhlent to aevarat Rlrk Headache, (usually lasting two days,) teat cured" of an attdrtc tn ens Aoiw by your PHI, which I tent hsr. . , Respectfully yours, W.B. WILKES. RrritoutBoaa, PtAHiLm Co., Ohio, January 9, 1861. HnitT 0. Erauiira, No. 48 Oedar tt.. N. Y. , - Daaa Butt Inoloaed find twenty five eenta, (23,) for which tend box of "OepbaUcPIUa." bend to address of Rev. Wm. 0. Filler, Reynoldtburg, Irauklln Co., Ohio, Your PHI enor lit o charm our Utadach al tAotf initanttr. Truly youn, WM. 0. FILLER. YniLiK-n, Mich., Jan. 14, 1861. Ms. SrALeixa. Sia: Net Ion since I tent to von fora box of Oenhalte Pill, for the euro of ths Nervous Headache and tioativeness. and received tha tame, and thty had so good an ftt that Iieo induotd to tendor mot. Please send by return mall. Direct to 1 - A. B. WHEELER, Yp,ilanU, Mich. , From the Examiner, Norfolk, Va. ' Cephallo Pills aooompllak ths ablest for which thev were mads, via.! Can of headache In all its forma,-p- : : " . from ths Examiner, Norfolk, Va. i , . . They have been totted in mora than a thooaand eases ith entire sucocai. If you are. or have bean, troubled with ths headsets tend for a box, (Cephalic Pills,) to that yoa may have them in eats of an attack. . . .. . , From ths Advtrtltsr, Providence,- K. I. ' The Cephallo Pills ars said to bt a remarkably effective remedy for the headache, and ons of tbs very beet fur that very frequent eomplalnt.whloh has aver been die- tovtred. . . . ; . i - ; , : . -j... ' from the We, lent R. R. Oaaetts, Ohlcago, 111."' Ws heartily indorse Mr. Bnaaldlna. and hia aarlvaltd Cephallo Pills. .. . . From tht Kanawha Valley Star, Kanawha, Va. Wa are sun that asrsoat sufferlne with ths headache wh try them, will stick to them. , .. ,; , , .... ., From the Southern Path finder, New Orleans, ta.' i Try them I yoa that ars afflicted, and ws are sure thai rour testimony can be added to ths already numerous 1st that baa received beneflti that no other medicine can produot. ... .(.- v i " - ' From tht St. Loali Democrat. Ths Immense demand fot ths article ,CerhAllo Pflls rapidly Increasing. , . .., ... . . ' from ths Gatstte, Savsnport. Iowa. Mr, flpaldln would net connect his nasao with BB ar- tlcleb did foi Aaots topoatest realms r . 0A single bottle et ''SPALDING'S PREPARE wm save ten times luoost annually ij ' ; " SPALDING'S PREPARED OLtJE.P ' SPALDING'S PREPARE1.GLUE 6PadLNG'S PREPARED GLUE 1 ' ' - BAVl SHI rilOlBI - ' - -f lV 00N6MYI . DIBPATODI . HT"A Btttcti m Tian Savme NoTk.ff' As accidents will hannan. even In wall reraUtadlam Hies, H is very desirable to have some oheap and cob vcatsat way for repairing Furniture, foya, Crockery. Ao. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLTJS '--r j-t meets all took aaaergeaoiae, and ao household can afford ba without it, ,11 iaalwayg ready, and up to ths tuck ing point. . . . . r. j- . t, , I .f'UBSIUll UI ATERI UOUBI.' ' . ' ' ' H. B-A Brash aeeompanlss etch bottlt. , oents. Addreao, ' ' 1 v ' -- i'.'iMii. ' - HBNRY O. SPALDlNSy TJ'.V . , Cij. , No. 4B. csdar tree Newjork. ' , OAUMON. - 'AtWuUn''4nprindplsa persont are attemptinf ( arm' off on1 tht ansuqieetlnf public, tmltatlona of m 'RBPARBD SLUS. I would saatioa all Darmnn. In. aatae Wjvs parohaeins;, and see that the fall name, - , .irrSPALDlNU'i PKEPARJtDOLDB -ir . or! (he outside wrapper; all olhtn art twlndUng vrfa iingeOa OT trieiis.