Newspaper Page Text
- 1 JOL. VIII, NO. 31 NEW SERIES;- COLUMBUS; OHIO, TUESDAY MORNING. JULY 1C; i861. 1 ! SIX SOIL ASS FEB YIAB, : ! i ; Iarariablj la Adrance. j . DAILY, TBI WEEKLY JL2TD WEEKLY MANYPENNY & MILLER, PUBLISH! X8 'AHP rBOFlIIIOJi, O 0SLm So. S8, U ant 40, Vorth High It TERMS INVABIABLT III ADVANCE. " ' " ' Daily . 6 00 per fear. By the Carrier, per week, U)i Mill. - , 0 nu, 10 .-.i fri-WeeHy Weekly, .- '. . ,.i 1 00 emu of Advertising- Hp- the Square. neequare I yeai...B,20 00 On, " V month 18 00 3n " 0 months JS 00 3n " 3 months 10 00 3ne I! month, 8 00 Oat " 1 mouth. 9 00 On (quart 3 Weeks.. (4 09 On " StwU., 3 00 Ont ltuk... 1 M On " 3 days... 1 00 On , ' 8 day" " On " 1 Insertion SO Displayed advartlttuaota half mor than Mm ibm rates. Adveittaementa leaden and placed la th solemn ol 8pwlalNotloee,"aVmWM ordinary rata. All notice, required to be published by law, legal rates. If ordered on tb Iniide exoluelvaly after th Drat week ler cent, mora than th aboT rat; bat all uoh f 11 appear In th Trl-Weekly without charge. . Buelneaa Cards, not sxoeedlng flTallnca, par year, Ittf alia, as s per line; outside 2. ' ' Notlcea or meeting!, chart tabu Mictlea, are aonrpanl, Sec, half prlee. All trantirnt odaarHaniaaA m be paid for t nlmwc tie rule will not 'm varied Im, Weekly, earn price a the Dally, whr th adrarUaar ae, the Weekly alone. When Dally and Weekly an both oaed, than th charge lr th Weekly will b na'f the rate o( Uv Daily . No adrertiaemeat Ukea except for a deflnlU period. BUSINESS CARDS. . P. A. B. . 8IMXIS8, , ; ; Attorntoy at "Xtxxxr " . AND NOTARY PUBLIC. r i ; OBoa Amboi Building, oppoalte Capitol Iqnar. ' ' 00LTJMBU8, OH10J jx.. oshohnei, Attorney & Counsellor at Law, .MARION, OHIO. OOX-TJIVIDTJO Machine Mannfactnring Company MAMUFAOTOUU Of STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS. . OMtlnff, XlU-rtaxlfig, KMblBtry. -' ; Worls, OF ITIIT DISOIUTIOM. .. ,. , ; COIiTJlMBCrfl, OHIO, J 0BA8. AMBOS. Bnp't. - t. AVB08. XrMaV deoll. lb. 1861. Summer Arrangements, —Time Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, & CINCIN'I RAILROAD. Oonneotlnf atOreatlln. with th FITTBBUBQH, IT. WATNI tt 0BI0A00 KAILBOAD Ibr Pitttbwrgh, PKUadtlpMa and BaMmor. Alto or Fart Wayn and Chicago Connecting at Cleveland with th LAK1 BH0&1 KAIL BOAD For Dunkirk', Buffalo, Albany, Bos ton, and New York THREE TRAINS DAILY, ;; EXCEPT BUND At," "'. From Ootnmboa, la oons action with Train on the .' LITTLE lniAini AND COLTJfflBCT ANDXN1ABAILB0AU8. : 1IK8T CHAIN. - . NIGHT IIPRBB8. taarea Columbaa atS.iO A',M j will lear paaaenger at all (tatlon aonth of Gallon, atop at Delaware, Aahley, Oardlngioa and Ollead, and at allitatlon north of Gallon, arriving at Glare land at 9:00 A. M., Dunkirk 3:00 P. M.. Buffalo 4:2SP. M. Albany I.W A. M., New York 6:33 A. M, Bolton S:30 P. at., Pltttborgh vU Oreatlloe 1:20 P. M , Philadel phia S:10 A. M. Chicago via Ortallln at f. M. : BBOOND TRAIN. . , v.,v Ai NIW YORK IXPRBS8 Lcavw Oarambn it 11:10 a. n. Will atop atLewla Oestra, (for Whit lalpkur Springe), Dataware, Oardlngtoo, ealloa, OreatUoa, Shel by, Naw London. W.lllngtea and Oreftoa, arrlr at 01Tland at &3S p. m. Dunkirk, 8:(0 p. a. I Buf falo, 10'JiS p.. H Albany, B:ia. m. NawToik, 1:4S p. a. i Boaton, 4:40 p. aav - Thl Trarn mmawt at Shel by for Bandoiky, and at CMaftoa for Toledo, arriving at Toledo at 9:U p. b. i -; . . .. . - . - " WttaP TBAIH. ' 'ry : MAIL AND ACCOMMODATION Leave Oolumboa at 8.30 p. a. Will atop at all alatlona Booth af Bhalby, and at Naw London, WtHlsetoa, Arafton, and Berea; arriving at Cleveland at SM p. a.t Iraa kirk, 8:00 a. a.; Buffalo, 3:80a. .)Albay,:8ep.a. Naw York, 7 SO p. an.; Boaton, 11:45 p. m. PltUbMrgh, WaOraatlln.kt 11:5J p. ra Philadelphia, LM p. a., Chicago, iaOrcetllM,0!4ta.a. Thl Train eonaaot at Shelby for Baaduaky and Toledo, arriving at Toledo at8:p.m. N ... t..ljir , Patent Sleeping Citi are ran on all Uigut Train to Cnicago, New j t : York anajBoiton. 'A V if If Banagt Chtektt Through Mm York ant Boitm a OmlaiuL alto, n PkUadtlpMa and . i -. .Jim larkoia Or-tUn. returning. , ::r:i' Night Izprce arrive at Oolumboa at. ..11:13 P. II. ' CtnoinaiaU Kipreta arrivee at Oolnmba at 10:90 A. M. AoeoaaodaUoa Jixprae arrivea at Oolatabo at 7:40 P..M. ,: - r ,. .;. . ... Faro as Law a fcy anyotfcer Bonto, Aik for Ttcb-Uti CtftlituorCUuUni: " a. I -xt . I. FLIRT. Superintendent, Clevelaid, Ohio, I -..v JAMES PATTBBJON, Agent, .. -: ' n i . A i " -. t, j i twlaabo) Ohld.a Columbus, June 17, 1B61. lt ,...U s.. ,: t n. ,'i . Xast Beoslradi . HP. CH GREEN and BLACK TIC AS lOO bags prune Bio Cone. . . j 100 ISO pocket old Dutch government Java Coffa. lobagaueyloauooe,. . . . . aOObbls. standard Whit Sugar, eonslatlng of Pow - dreoChruhd,GrnulaK-d AanABOoIoe A SO quintal George Bank Oodfith. ' ' SO bbls. Mean and No. 1 Maeterel. 5 tea. Pick Sslmon, n - -f . , T lOOra.XaywWrlnl.w'j .rLLi-Cl- 60 hf, box do v do , .. lOOor.boi-iial d Vt I'IZtii 02 10O M Clxars, different brands and grade. .... nova? - a WM. MoDONALD.1 M. C. LIULEY Ana T.iftviV.TftVtTafiTitavivlVt i koeth feteH iratrr, coxuiatrtV cbio? Red, White nd Bine -tr.t ..-- JJa. . calicoes, - c.',avzi3 "lSSll-2?'.ca MA3KI joum apr . Ho. M South High stret. 1 No. t, SOUTH BUB TfitlT.'"- :' Have last rmrU a naw'aka f rSOOP 8KIBTI nnlahdWaaMuuaelMariottoajyka)eaiid DUiABlLlTT AND GRACEFULNESS J ah 98, .2 -J, X WORCESTER'S RQYAL QUARTO DICJIQNABY The LatettThe Larfes-tThe Beit, The Cheapest Beoauie the Beit, t Tbo most Rellaki" Standard An tborltf ol the Enflleb Lanffnago. Sim aundndEnintniEducaioriof Ohio, THK BEST BNGLISH piOnONAaY.IXTANT,'' Library Mm IporyvKtrt, Raia are nnwardi 6f a Hnndrad Thonaand Word. Whoa, mnltlfarioua meanlnra and derivation, torether flth their eorreot apellrng, aad pronMlUn are olearly at baton th. eye." anotnnati OmmtroiaU , tad th DtcUtont of tho ifmbtrt of th Ohio BtaU Ttachtr Attootatton. Th underlined, member of th Ohio Stat Teaohera' Aamlatlaa. mAnot aad aim to ma In taaeklnc. wrltlna and (peaking, th orthography and pronnnolatioa of Woroeeter'a Eoval Quarto Dlotlonary, and we moat oor d tally reoeamend It a th. aot reliable itandard aa tborlty of tb Ingllah language, aa It la now written and MUD. - - LoaiH Awdbiw, Prealdent Kaeyon College. m . y, iaMrrf. aoponownoena aauee,iiM rlnUndent taaevf. tohwle. mnr, bi ap't M Mellon Duioo Bchooi. . f . Oowaaav, Sop't Publis School, Bandoak. Jon LrncH, snp't mono eonooia, uirauviii. S. N. BaiiroaD, Principal Cleveland Teaal Semina ry. Wk. MiTcamx, Sop't Public School, Mt. Union. I Jobb Own, Principal Stat Normal School, Minne sota. ' Ontrj Naeoit, Principal fourth InUrmedlal Bchooi, Otneinnatl. J - . H. B. ManTm, Snp't Canton Union School, lawn BawakPrinelDal MeNeely Moraal Sonool. lu T. ttttAU, Prof. Matheeaatlo, Ohio Unlvaralb. Wm, W. JiimAan, Bnp't Troy Union Bchooi. ,. -A. fl. BotKia. PrfeKlval Wat High Sohool, Clrra- knd , B. A. Hostoi, AaaocUU Principal High School, Cleve land. : Tbioboii tmuta, Principal High Bchooi, CIvJ ind. -M !''.' ..:f i B. 1. HoMurrow, Principal Cleveland Initltut. i J. A. aaariau, Prealdent of Blaetle Initltut, HI- an. .r'",..:'- W. L. TUaio), Prof, of Chemlalry, Ohio Waalayan iTnrvwralty. I H. B. Baaair, Ix Cenunljaloner of Oonuaon School, Ohio. i amb IfoiraoB, Prof. BheUrld, Oberltn Collage, i Tnoe. Hill. Prealdent Antloeh Oollee. ' 0. W. H. Cathqaat, Prof. Ma thematic, High School, Dayton. r v -j- 8. 0, Oaoaaacaa, Prof. Language, High Bchooi, Dayton. . . . , I S. M. Baaaat, Bnp't Union School, Athland. ' Jforw Via Blm Btmdrti othtr PruUmt of C01U 041, Pro ft nor t. Author and BitUmouUhtd Bduoar ort nav tnwrtta an. sow WMnm, PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGES IN OHIO. I M mmi Oollis "It ta tralv a macnlSeant work. to Lonor to the author, th. publlahara, and the whole aown try.' r reeioenl Aadrew. - - ' Oato WaurraaUimraaatTT naaxeademyantpaeta- tlon. It will be ay gald la ortho lapta? and pronun elation, and will often ba eonaulted by a. tor it aeat and aocarate aeonltiona." freeMeat 3feampn. , W. &. Ictmn Ooixaaa. "Hmtofoi. w. have Webeter'e orthography. At a recent meeting ot. onr faculty. It waa decided to change It to conform to that f Worowtar'l Soyal Quarto DicUonary." Pmldent aarfleld., .. . . , . Waaraaa Banava Oouaaa.-"! Bod H worthy f eordlal apprwhaUoa.' Preaat liHaaeoca, I Omul OotLa.-uIt mere than my eopaohv loan -1 reeoanaad II a In aadara antnenrorin orthoepy to Kj eoHdiee aad mj papla." Prealdent Borgan. .-u-rj Aarroca Ooucae!. ! edopt and aba to a la teach' few. writki and loeakln. th orthocraohy and pronun. elation of Woroaater'e Koyal Quarto Dictionary."- Prealdent Hill, . . , .. , , ' "In all my writing, eptaking, and ttaohlag, 1 tare en deavored to ennfona to the rule for orthography and pronunciation a contained In worceiier I Dlcuonary." Horace Mann, lt PmMta. v . i t. .. c . Enrol CotxaOT. Gir. "I meat cordially reoea arad It aa the Boat reliable atandard authority of th Bngllah langnagoM It. as now written an4 ipokcn." rretldeat Andrew. 'school' ooMMissioNEiia of "pnib!' from Bo. Anton Smyth, OunmUtiontr of Common Behoolti Ohio,. ... , "The Dictionary I aa taperlahable monnrnent to th learning and Indntlryof It author, and aa honor to th world f latter. Th. maehanlcal zoatla Ufariup- )rlor to that of any other Laxioot with which I am ac quainted." - , i from Bon, B. B, Bamoy. BOommUrtoner o) Bonooit Vh. i -"Th moat reliable standard, antharlty of tt lan guage-' n-, ...,.- - - .. . '. warM. Ieadina: NewaTpapesra of Ohio Bay. Jrom th CUvttand Braid of March 98. The orthography of the Woraater Dictionary la that ed by Boat, U not all, author f dlatliMHoa In till eoantry and Bngland, and aonlorma to the general nag of ordinary writer andapeaiera. Whatever prejudloe may have ekliM piwvlonaly, a careful study of thl volum anil hrvartabty b followed by a wana appreciation at in great anta, ana aeeire to add It to th. well eeleoted library, be It Urge or nnall, Itaallbrary lnltaalf, and will taaala am fanyeraba bl reordof the learning of It eeanpller. ,lV, ,.. . i Jrom th Cfacteauut1 (bmmtroiai of April 90. ! Her. are nnward of a hnndred thonaand worde wood, had and Indifferent wboee anltlfariou meanlnra and derivation, teffatW with tbeir eorreot apalling aad pro- B uncle I! on, are ttn oiwriy ooior. vat mjm, i wora anqnaatioaably tb graaleat Xbenuras of Ingliah Words ver pabllinert. .. BromtUCUotUmd PkHnitaltr J5r. 80, IBM. -Ivldmtty Woactrrwa Borah Qoaar. Daerfoaaar I Jot only th tatif hut th aaar work of SA knd wv aaiad, and can by a. poalbUlty nffr by eomrloa or onntru miy, i . . .-i.' I i,JiTr7w"jW f &trC v I Aa at raowoaoiawaoa, Tmbt a taa BwAiraaia fbllewad by oai beat aatnom in denaUloaa he aaare apthteg tvk. 4e1at,Hl la OaTswemarert It a gaffidanl toayuiM weaiaijatoaa ae eaitiy aaiwwea.. i u :- Ta allaltora, Baokaollera & Stationers, NO. 101 SUPIBIOR SIm CLITILANDOHIO. ataiB M- THE MUTUAL BENEFIT ' LIEE-1NSURANCE COMPANYy piVldB'ndiayn'aj ASIITS....Ak.i;.u.AU......eiBS SO. p SUtoBMatJeuetasr' 1 lSttl Balance, per earmaVmi 7aa7 rVt,: ifeOT.'r...S,),58l 39 Baoelved for- Praaium dnr- I wvo-i: 1 -i ling the ear iau...j-wSWKJ i Beoeired tor Interest , dnring !':,:! iuw yow iwvu ....... 'Total nealpls fct 186.-...ga77J(!t 7i t; :i PaldOlalnubyLth,8Q7Jtt0O0 , . . (, . Paid PoUole surren- - ' " 1 ' " x -r'-'1" aered........... I,tn 7 'I in I'-av i' Paid galartasi ' v--i '4 "-a.s i . ,agu. SaaaSt-vBga ! nw ainid.' -.n -.1:o re o sa !aIaavNaa.V, SMW S4 'JJM '' ' ' Paid OoaaUslbM t ' ''i, n. I ? .rtl iAa.t..w.u.M JliSH So- ni4hefcwvfvt'S,W a. nl fvu (, na. Paid AnaaltMaui...k."'l.Sr?)0 ' ii"' h but M'4 Paid DMSeaawdar v -'ii .1 nl .fc.T'm a. . lrBgwar-.'i.W6,9eTa 885,691 411,S7 14 I I . in.' :.. i iaw . .. i in i m i i in Mat BaJano January lit. 1801 .....3,Slt,3 SS !Li.i-' " 1.-: .-2 i-k-J. .'I ftl rl UvS iBatat, worth aoabra the .cx'.t aaaaat leaaied. 8,387,841 Prealaa Note, . f 0cia .t i" i;,! - leent. Interest.. w.T7..r l.W fwi 17 1 1 utm Hi Real Bat.....A.-....i.,a' msos r7 :' l LoansesBerrp. .-. ay,i aj.-,,;!,, t.f,r j rranuouia, no anu yja, u, , , couraeoi nransnuaioa..., ,343 75 Tota! Aasta.... .....Aii.u. S)g,81SaB N T5T Policies la force, Inturiibg. , ... .99 A,420,s3 1 i:433 aewPondet av been lataaaaarlnr th vear. After i careful calculation" of '(M preaant taltf of th oatelasdlng Poilctea of th floapaiiy , and tuning the woaw ia a reaevv. laaweieev .-uirewtoa bavadeeUreda Uivisnea e( peraenw on w Praml nna bald at th tabl rate, to all polloie for lite In forae. kwaed prter to January 1, ltMO, payable aooetdiag to the prenijniaat-ina uoapany. , Bate for all kinds of Life Contingencies. Proapeot , SkvaaaatV and Appaeationa, wUt a. snanuued wiT,orjT caaaaa, at ttuj Oiftoa or AgaelM olh) Pqb- T, '. .X .6,1 B0HT.H. TITTBaiDSjr, ft istltst' H BISJ. O.BIXLEIl, Beflratarv....,, , , , ! - - It. at. U.E1tJi Jotnt, " no- mmdb aioeB, f. ,iwi rrrnaaraai 0. WTCi-v wiada.' 1 mnet Hleot Savoruuasl ia tb lty, bnd t piot pr'- ' ! rntn. I .. . . ' . ' i . . . i ,i A, aora u ' p'rlsl"' " ."' l Sbf, ;ttf Koatjt 0iA trwM; 1 I "'Vi'-" niw,,,jo ' llLwhJ95..ieCU,, I ill e itrrmrrmm TJfI,'Jl!lW. -Alt jrs AT DKIf S of Ayer'sSarsaoarilla A compound remedy, designea to be the most effectual AUtrativ that can be made. It is a concentrated extract 01 Fara Sueapariila, so combined with oAer subatance of sti)l greater alterative power u to afford an effec? tive antidote tot tho diseases Sanaparilla i reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, ana that one wined win accomplish tbeir curs must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow citizens. How completely this compound will do U has been proven by experiment en many of tbo worst cases to be found of the following Complaints s . . . & 4 . . '' 1 Scrofula and Scuortioos Complaints, EaotTioifs and Eruptivs Disuses, Uixtns, Pimpxes, t Blotohis, Tumors, Salt Rrsvm, SoalbUbad, Brraais and SYTHiAirio'Ar mOtiohs, MbkotjbtalDiseasb, Dbopst, Nrtr- Bitof a on Tio DotmooBBtnt, Debility, Dys vspsiA and Indiobstion. Ehysifelas, Rous ob Sr. Anthony's Finn, and indeed the whole (loss of complaints arising Cmm Itrpuuitt or TBS Blood. Mji 1 Tlila compound will tftround a great pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to eiroel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of the year. By thetlme. ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores 1 cleanse it when yoa iind it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder ft felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep tho blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. ' Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of Lie ia disordered or overthrown. - . Sanaparilla ha, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing those ends. But the world has been egregioualy deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations. pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. 1 Dunna late years the public have been mis led by kirgs bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, tor ., . . . 1 . . , . ct tney not oniy contain uwe, u any, oarsapa. Villa,' But Oftanao curative properties whateV' cr. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the noino itself is justly despised, and lias become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such' ft remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy' Which- rests upon it. And we think We novo ground for believing it has virtues which oro irresistible by the ordinary run of the discuses it is intend' ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. ' TOEPABKO BY DR. J. C. AVE It & CO. 1 LOWELL. MASS. Price, 91 per Bottle 1 Six Dottle for $3. Aver's Cherry Pectoral has won' for itself such a renown for tlie cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, tlmt it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it his ever been lounu to do i i ' i Ayer's Cathartic Pills, . ,. . . f IOBTHJ CUBa Of " ! I : Cottinett, Jaundice Duspeptia,' Indigtstion, Pytetiten, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, lltadadie, I'Utt, luitttmatum, EntpUon and Skm Vitetttest Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tttter, Tumor and Salt JRhtiim, ' Worm. Gout, Ntumlnia, as a Dinner Pitt, and for Pririfnim th Blood. They are aogar-ooated, so that the most aensi tire -can take, them pleasantly, and they are th. bast aperient in th. world for all the purpose of a family physic. .. , Prioe 25 cents per Box; Five boxes for $1.00. ! rlrnit fiiianKar ftf PlfTVmn fliv.ti.lnna Stntna. , v.,..m...w-.-w. w. 5 ; -, .. , men. and eminent personage, have lent their Eies to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these edies, but our apace here will not permit the rtion of them- The Agents below named fur aish gratis our Ambrioan Almanac in which they are given ; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. 1 De not b. put off by unprincipled dealers with ether preparations they make mor profit on. Demand Ay eb s. and take no other. The sick Want th best aid there is for them, and they should . .it,. . - ' . .-,, A'l Our romsdies-are for sale by . . . t . . . ' ' '. aOBXBTS A SAJMUIl, Colombo, . , iad bw'DragfJats aad Sealers everywhere. avwia,iwa - CASACLUr TJ5ITED STATES MAIL STELflMEEia - -' TO AND IHOn i t. LONDONDERRY,: GLASGOW. Liverpool, Montreal, Quebec, ' ' ' " '"'and r The Montreal Ocean Steamahlp) Company's flrsf-elaai full-powered Clyda-bolll Steamer sail )Vry data ardar (roa PORTLAND, oarvytngth Oaaadiaa aad Bolted stat atati ana pasangers, ." . i HORWwOIAS. NORTH AHHRIOAW, BOUBMIAN, ANULU-SAAOOI, . . .. NOBTH BRITON. HIBKRNIAN, CANADIAN, '1 HOYASOOTIAir.'. kawteet, CBieaateat and Qalckcat Con ABtXSIOA TO ALL PA1TI OF TT&0tt, Bate ot Faaaogo tea Euroye. mu, tftjo. au. wiuaaurror LiTanrvuuwvairT weaaasaayi and from Q'JIBKO every- Rata rd ay. aalllag at iiUHUWDLiauii, nreoeivaoa Boaraanaaua auuuana Pamenrer. to and fna Inland aad Sallsnd. . TrPTheaa Steamer are baHt ot Iron, la wakar-tlrht aonpartaanl, carry wca an xpnnoed surgeon, and .very attention la paid t the eomfort and acoomaoda- tioa of iiaawaa"! a. ' aa iaypTooaa airaos to aivnuvn DSB.Y, th. gnat rlak sad delay of sailing at St. John's I avoided. .... i tilaawow pasangers are furnished with rasa paeng ticket W aad froa Loadoad.rry. - 1 Horaateketa granted at reitooaaaatea. -,.,, j OertlSeatea leaned for aarrylng a and rarlngrbgcat paa- engar from all the prisolpal town of Ureal Britain end r . i - M-.M hv.hl. 1IM M. - a by the WAnHIlierOl. LIN Of BAILINtt PA0KBT8, leaviitg Uverpeol vry week.;: t :v ., ' .,). Slsrbt Draft far i an aavrarata af- ' Tor1 paaaay,' SppIY at th Offloe. 89 BKOADe TV AT, T4v Varky and 19 WaTEB bX feiTaraaai .i i.j ' - IABSX HAULS, esnsral AgwnU, ' prtc . .JaTiTTinMSTROfIC, ! B10-lydW ' . Poft OlDo, Odlunbtt, Ohio. , :0!..J S'J ' lkJ -JL t ' -. , Mij.iat VArA,tUliUSiSaUU, u. Sir ,U r SSATll THIS VAT D1SITTEI NIT Baa JAMBS ALHICBBAIIV a. partnwr.ta ar baal- aeaa, whloa will fcat alter be eonduotad ander th. Ana of naiaateon. . r.taun,iBoutaaitga St. Ooluabu, rb 15, 188K- - - rblS l hi- i tot V nXlHHX KCEiTXBS. "stit .'. Lata of Pnalea's Xatahllshaasa, IT. Ta): PjeprMtor , ,m p,.. kvkk wauuDiiaoi. aaavina. atau- untnnw Bbaapaaalag, (Hrllngaed Dtwawagfcrioea, Bat Sat (tiwet, mi th. foet Omm, whew eaUalactlon will be gtvsa fa all th. varlom braoeha. LadKs aad vaimran s ttatr v resting wons la ID bast style. llwaip, t- ,r: vs v.'.-".,; v;. ,t, 1 . PAP. 1 n :-; 1 ;-:fci BElA.TJTIFXJ'L, AND CHEAPER THAN EVER! j 1 a. - ."iie nrratwa BTflfTK mm jntJaaJABi- VJ ly ntrg. and wall aaaorted. The vary latest pattern (rora ADXttiWAa, - GOLD PAPERS AND BORDERS. ; Gold iaiid Velvet Borders, SPLENDID DEC0RAT10JN AND ' ' FIRE BOARD PAPERS, Gold and Painted Shades, GOLD , WINDOW CORNICES BUFF, BLUE, AND GREEN HOLLANDS, VriKDOWriXTUBES, aU kinds, CORD AND TASSELS, . , BEAUTIFUL PICTURES AND FRAMES. RANDALL & ASTON, 100 so-ixtn. TZO.elX&t '; COLUMBUS, O. N.B. Landlords and pareooa wishing quantlliw PapwrwiU mak fctoney by buying ot a. Country Merchants and persons from abroad will do well to call andsMns. aprll ldSraeodl . B.AA. RAILROAD. EAST. CENTRAL OHIO AND AND Steubenville Short Line RAILROADS COMBINED! sSCl I CONNIOtlNa AT BSLLAIKI WITH IH1 BALTIMORE & OHIO, 1 AND AT.PITTBBUBQH WITH TBI PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL '.RAILEOAD: I0BM1N0THB Shortest, Quickest & Most Reliable i Route to till Eastern Cities ! I Trains Leave Columbus as follows : i' ; M0ENIN8 IZFBB8S , , Leave Colnaba 3.30 A. M. front Union Depot, Ballalra or gteobenville 1 arrivea at Bellair, 1U.20 A M .1 Btaahanvllla. 19.M P. M. : Pittabnnth. 3.40 P. Bf Rarrlabaig, 1.10 A. St.! via Allmtovm, arrtrea at Naw xora o.w A.a.s ea mtuuKtpmu, mmiwm 5.10 A.M.; New York, 10.30 A. A1. Connect alio at Barrabnrg for Baltimore, arriving at 7.45 A. M. i flleeplng Can attached to this Train Troln Oolaaboa, ran dlnetly through to Bellair Fltlabargh without change ; and faaaengers via Alien town arrlr la New York at 8 A. at., O-tWO.HOUBS I!T ADTAROK OJ NORTHERN Lioao. Tai Train also connects at Bellaire with the ' Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. , PITTSBURGH IXPRE88. ' Leave Columbus 11 SS A. from Union Depot, Steubenvlll: aniva at Newark. U.30 P. U.t Goahoc- toa,8.U P. Bf. Strakwnvtll, S P. M.; PltUburg, 8.40 P. M. imhia Is th. oalr ivat by which Pasaengara n leav ClnclnnaU at 7 A. at., go through to Pitt- burga in aayugnt, witnoui anaag or oars or aeiay. .... . MAon ions. ... leaves Columbus 8. J5 P. 11 from Union Depot, enair: arrive at newarc. a.xa r. at.: xanasviue. 4 SS P. aa., eltalra.7 .SS P, St.: Pltretranrti, L; Harrlabarg, 8.00 A. 11. tHa AUtntovn, arrive. at Maw xork,4 r. at.: eta fMlaattoMa, arrive Philadelphia, 1.10 P. U. New York, 6 P. M, Train ale. oonnect at Harrlabarg for Baltimore, rlvingatl P. U. .... j - , r . Thl Train ran threaRh U Bellair or Plttabargwitlv nt chann of Cars; and from Pittsburg then I ahaage of Oar to Philadelphia, or via AUentown aew aora laaaoneimg The only Route from Columbus to Baltimore, . Philadelphia, or New York:, with only '. ,.". one change of Cars. Bv taia .Train Paanniar ante ia Naw York lonra In advance of the Northern line. - Core Tratii ale evueeta at Bellair with the Baltimore and Ohio B. .- ' - ' tT;Thls Koate ia 30 miles shorter to Pittsburg, . anaimore tnan iuu miles snorter to ' New York, than Northern Lines, ; Bagg-ag Checked Through to all im . .; por.ajn, Aoiitig xiasu i.. .. "-'"' ' ' ASK I0B TICKS TB TIA ' ' 1 V BELLAIRE OR STEUBEN VILLE. I i i . vt "i r Tlclceta ? tt , Te Utef , !.,., I 1-'' I . '"H BasUe, . 7L! JNO. W. BROWN. ! Gen. Ticket Af ant Central Ohio B. K, ..LA. HCTOHINgON, Qen. Ticket Agent Steubeavlll Short Line. ;.l .- ,ij t'., ' . i ..... i, h ji .' .., i.i. ; -..i.i i. i J18 VlULlTVixi. A, OU1 I i;";,:,lfv.wT.i;.fr;!-. iGlUClILTimLFAIlEHOUSB 1 - BBALBB lsliiui I iWQi s..r ,.t jGENERAlTTIAHDWARE, ! , . NAILB, GLASS, SASH, PUTTY, CORD AQB, Oans. Pistols "Waed WUlew. Ware i Werand Babbar Bcllltig, lace Leather. Hoe I f Uaav i I ,'. ,.' - Sbi-dlw r b w.t . b m e n : s ir7Kw ishinq Vfl a a a a . NaralUa la Na tSskatd Voara. Siu M " Byroa and Sarro. Collar. . ' Embroidered PoektHadkrchlf. i Pari K(8 )ove, superior make. j -'-'Oolden Hill Bklrta, varleas styl.'' - K -IwBayt'lfcblawHIU Bhlrtaj.jd: ,if,-:.u : ;.v - DrlvlnBaa4Btr.tlovs,d. , . . , j ' ' Hemmed Pocket Handkerchief, rsrlonj ttyla. "' Half HosS and Undr Jamint, - f i ,.:.y J. .......J . ' BATJf a BOW, aprlU ir i jvijja bot-a Rs.-M IratttBlgh street, &l)t (DIjxtf Statesman TIBKI. Daily, per rear .gsoo . 300 Tri-Weekly, per rear..... WMKiy, par year 1 00 Congressional Representation. The followina; communication of the Secre tary of the Interior annonnces the apportionment of Representatives among the several States, ander the signtn cent us: - "DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. WASHINGTON, July 5, 1861. " To th Bptalur f th Houu of Rtprutntitioet : I. Caleb u. Bmitn, secretary of tne interior, do hereby certify that, In discharge of the doty devolved on me by tne provisions or an act oi Congress, approved May 23d, 1S50, entitled 'An act Drovluine for tne taking; or tne seventn ana subsequent censuses of the UU'ed States, and to fix the nnmber of tne members or tne uonss oi Representatives, and to provide for the future apportionment among the several States,' I bave apportioned the Representatives lor tne Thirty-eighth Congress among the several States as provided for by said aot in the manner directed by tbe twenty-fifth seotion thereof. And I do hereby further certify that the follow ing is a correct statement of the somber of Representatives apportioned to esch State un der the last, or eighth, ennmeration of tbe popu lation of the United mates, taken In aecoraance with the act approved 23d of May, 1850, above reierrea to: ' To the State of Alabama Arkansas. ,. 0 Minnesota.. . aafialMlppl 3 Ulaoarl t.NewHampihiie..... . 1 New Jerjey... ,. 1 New York 71 Berth Carolina...... .13 Ohio ..lliOraaon. California .'. 3 .. 5 ,.31 ,. 7 18 Connecticut Delaware. Florida... Ceorgta Illinois : Indiana Iowa Hanaaa. Beatucky.. .......... Loulilana.. .......... Mala Maryland ktaasachueetts Michigan 1 .Pennsylvania ...S3 ., l Rhode laland I .. S South Carolina .. ITanaeaMt.M .. S Tezu. .. 5 Vermont ..10 V'ralnla 11 ,. 6 Wisconsin 6 ' The aggregate being two hundred and thirty three (233) Representatives, ; In testimony whereof, I bave hereunto sob' scribed my name and caused tbe seal of the De nartment of the Interior to be affixed, this fifth day of July, Id the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and sixty-one, and of the independence of the United States of America CALEB B. SMITH. [From the Hartford Times. Gov. Seymour's Peace Offering. via . -dalphia, via i CoNNicTictrr Lioislatoss, July 3. War res olutions, Introduced into the House, ss passed by the Senate, being the subject of discussion, Gov. Seymour offered a substitute, and spoke against the war resolutions as follows. (We give his words just ss they were taken down in our report, made as tney were spoken; t Uov. seymour rose, and spoke sgainst the war resolutions. He said: I thank the gentleman from Stratford for his remsrks last night. lie was right in his position. His speech was a patriotio one. Sir, I am on this floor as the ad vocate of peace measures t I will not- sanction this war, except so far aa it can be waged on constitutional grounds, r This question now wears a totally different aspect from that which it presented when the President issued his oall for volunteers. Then it was for- the "protec tion of the Capital, and the repossession of forts." I am heartily glad that the Capital is protected. I would protect the Federal Capi tal and the archives. But nothing has been done to recapture the forts. But a movement of Invasion has been commenced an in vasion of a sovereign State. 1 think the gentleman from Stratford was right In saying there is a movement growing sen timent among the people. In favor of a peace ful settlement of an honora'e peace! I go with him. and with all who ars In favor ot Fcaob Mbasuris instead of Was Mcaarais! There seems to be a radical mistake on the part of many people tbey seem to think th South can be conquered. Sir, this is impossible It can no more be done than the South ean oonaner tbe North! There are brave men thert as well as Aire. In Revolutionary days we knew something of them. , In the war of 1812 they rallied around our flag and protected our oommeroe. wow it is not well to under rate the prowess of our enemies as you call (beat though I recognize, even In this state of things, some mere wnom A knew, ana wno are still our brothers in heart. This mistake cost Braddock a calling defeat in the old French War; it cost the British many a humiliating de feat in the war of the Revolution. Do you think'you can secure their loyalty by force! Two or three sovereign states nave been over run and trampled under foot already. , You have cot a kind of foothold, which yoa oall "peace:" but it ia aot peace it Is tmthtred Kir! Maryland is in volcanio condition to-day and the same spirit will rise at all times, in spite of all the chains you can put upon it and of all toe ruin mat is wrougnt. i ou may de stroy their habltations.devastats tbeir fields, and shed the blood of thair people; still, you cannot congees them. "Even In their ashes live tbeir wootea nres." I ahall vote against thess resolutions.. I hone Coogress will adopt some peace measures which shall hold the border States, and draw back those that have sons out so that. In some fu tare day, we may have the South agafa under the banner or toe union. , r HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. MAY SESSION, A. D. 1861. r ar no to Ave Wheseab, One-third oi the sovereign States heretofore composing the United States, bave withdrawn from the Union, and the effort compel their return, and to enforce, within their limits, the laws ot tne United states, have as sumsd the pro port! oca of a elvil war of vast magnitude, threatening tne people of. tbe coun try aot only with the burdens of anormoos tax es and publio debt, but the destruction ef thous' and of men In deadly oombat: therefore. ' Rmolvtd, That while we are In favor ot main taining the Constitution of the United State the true spirit ot its rounders, and of npbolding the Government organised In oonsonanoe there with, we believe it to be tne auty or uongress. now to assemble, to adopt the resolutions known as the "Crittenden Compromise," or some otb er plan of adjustment of similar deelgn, for fair and honorable termination of the present troubles- And in any event, we solomnly pro test asralntt any interference, bv an warlike movement, with ne institution or slavery where it is reoogalaed by the Constitutionof the United States for the purpose or disrarafrina; equality ot tbe several states as United by federal Constitution. .. ):.'. ,-..'; [From the Boston Post, July 11.] v ., I and lul - PL , It would, do a great deal toward inspiring oonudenoe in mi Adotioistratoo, it flic, vame ron oould bs slipped out of the Cabinet. His notorious desire to fill his own aocketr creates much distrust aad dissatisfaction sending troops out of the regular and shortest oourse tiansportation, to benefit railroads In whloh Is interested, is an abuse of power tbe people of the oonntry ate not disposed to tolerate with? ont rajaonstranee, Again, his aMsfapt to loroe a Sutler on for trees Monroe, was a flagrant sumption; one which, if Congress be honest, will thoroughly Investigate. Almost from the mo ment the war commenced tbe country hag been complaining of hie bad management- ."It idle." says the New ' York runes, an ardent Republican sheet, "to attempt a auppresaion tbe taot that tbe publio universally regard administration of the War Department ae see- rounded with corrupt influences. Contracts have notoriously been made In disregard f the usual dictates ed prudence and economy Transports have bean hired, at. monthly rates double the entire, value of the vnselsr arms and munitions have been bougbt at prioea whloh onlv oease to seem excessive when we learn that one-fourth the cost passed Into- the Pocket of tbe purchasing agent; the most worthless trasn nas seen reeeireo. irom urorites paid for as if fully up to oontraot requirements; and In every trataot!(m ' connected With ITMllk tvertu of tM.OarerMtat 'f K-.?:.t"H r-if Ji yi !) in', has been the taint of peculation and dlsbones ty. For these phenomena, tbe Chief of the War Department Is popularly regarded as re sponsible, and at all events, upon mm will reBt the responsibility of disproving them." The oonntry is asked for indefinite millions, to be diebnrsed mainly through tbe War Department. The Time thinks, and we think, says tbe Prov idence Pest, that before granting a dollar, Con gress snouia institute sacn investigations ss will leave no doubt a poo the popular mind as to Its honest expenditure. Tbe extraordinary powers confided to tbe Executive must not be abused. 1 be suepioion that the national enthusiasm Is employed by bad and reckless men for self ag grandizement must bs removed. Until certain ty is attained upon these nointe. It I aafa to aa no loan will be received with any sort of favor in tbe money market; and no reliance can bs placed upon a continuance of that great popular impulse, tbe cessation ot which must be tbedls solution of the Government . Tflg Hasvgsr in Calisornia Asbest or the Actios Governor or Lowsa Calivorwa. Ad vices from Ban Francisco to tbe 24th ult., state that a destructive fire had occurred in the town of Cottonwood, eonsuming tbe entire business portion or tne town. L,oss about tiuu.uuu ins grain nsrvest nas commenced in all parts of the State. Tbe crop was never finer. There is probably an eighth more land under cultivation this year than ever before, and the proportion or wheat over other erops is also greater. Jose Matteo Moreno, the present acting Gov ernor of Lower California, was arrested at San Diego on the 19th of June, by a Deputy (J. S Marshal, on a charge of violating the neutrality lews of the United States during the late diffi culties in California between Don Felloiano Eaparza and Don Juan Mendoz. McNeese and Giddings's party had been dis covered murdered, and the bodies horribly mangled. Mr. Giddings was a brother of tbe mail contractor. . i Company B, 1st dragoons, from Fort Tejon, with the band ef the regiment, under command of Capt. Davidson, had arrived in Los Aogelos. They moved into csmp at once, making throe companies encamped there. i to - in a the of be as it is of tbe all of ana our i w"biish ar. Boota.BtatioMa and Importer. thtrel 19:40. . w." .W?Z!!cmV. ., ,-... ; i .-'r PRICIS BKDTJCID from the NewYork Observer-1 At all parties mannfacturlne Sewlne Machine are ob liged lo pay Mr. Howe a llcenee on each machine sold, and ar a'so soarpMled to auks returns to hun, ander oath, as to the number sold, bis hooka aiv acorrectatate- ment. Prom thl reliable aouroe we have obtained the following atatiittce. Of th machines made la the year isou, mere were aoia, By Wheeler A WHeon. !...!... .81,305 " I. M. Singer at Co 10.VU " Grover 4t Baker 10,2eO Showing th sties of Wheeler A Wilson to be doulJt IhoM or any other company." : Awarded th highest premium at the United State Pair of 1858, 18SU and I860; alio at the Ohio 8Ut fair ot 1859 and 1MB; and at nearly all th County fair in th State, Our price, at lb lata reduction, ar at Ion a any toot Ktct machine now aoid, and but a tiioe nigner man th Interior two thread chain tttch machintt, now forced upon the market. The WHBELBB A WILSON MACHINB makes the Lock Btioh the only 0 ne whloh cannot be raveled. It la Aula on Both Bionof tbe goods, leaving no rUgt or thalnonth under. tide. All machine warranted 3 ytari, and inttruction given in tneir use, rre or enaiv. H. C BART, 81 High St., Oolumboa, 0. WM.SUMNBRfcCO., dec3-3awd3mkw6m Pike's Opera House, Cincinnati. HUNNEWELL'S . UNIVERSAL COUGH REMEDY Por all Throat snd Lnnc Complslnt. Includne. with moat perfect reenlta, WHooruw Ooo.a, Chronic, and Common Coo.Ha, Bronchial and Throat Complaint. always forerunner of Gonaa motion. A a SooTHtM Svaor it ha no superior, freed from all Opiate er Noetic properties, may B need by most delicate oonsn: tuuons, ana wita penaot onooeno. . ...).,- HUNNEWELL'S - ' T CELEBRATED ':;T,""' TOLU ANODYNE. Thb Oreatest Natoral Otuts ever offered to the world, containing not a particle of Opium, aor any sub stance but Its strictly vere table and medical propertiea. A sure aeaeoy roe nscaaLetA, naBoaaTiasi, uorrr, Tooth abb Bab Aon, Catarrh, Boa on Uai Pevss, and all minor Nervous Complaint. Poa Lo o Slow, and Headache aa ail n varkttie, Ithu no equal, ana to wnicn most andoabtea tatmont ale are offered. ......... , loa Dbliridm tbbsismb Kill moat perfect remedy. Poa Bowel Complauts, after removing tbe pain It act i a nnysto. a most important aoniraat wita th eon tarv effect of Onfum. To Physicians, Pormulas and Trial Bottles wlll 'be ant. and to Dealer or Invalid a descriptive pamphlet without "posiage-suunp. prepared under tn speenti strpemaion or . . JO Hit Li. HtlHNEWELL, ; , auain ajb raUBMACBtrner, .c , Vo 8 Commerolal Wharf, Boston, Mass. To whom please direct all eommonleations. . , Price Large Cough Remedy, SO cents per bottle. - Smsll : .. .. . S3 - . Tola Anodyne, 50 " Porttla by U nsual wholenle and retail dealers. verywhere. .r--, ,,,, , j.. - ,:i a ROBERTS A SAMUEL, N. B. MARPB, jurin n. uuur., j. m. wbbiu. - 0. DEN 10 a SONS, A. J. 80HUELLEB it SON, mayl7-wly . Agents for Columbus, Ohio THE REVISED STATUTES ' OP THB -in. STATE! OTP it A GENERAL NATURB, IN FORCE AUO. 1, 1P60. : COr.riA.TKD BY - , li Hon. Joseph R.; Swan, witb jtotes or tub Btoisiom or tbbszp- PRS30S OOUBT, ( (Contained In twenty-nine volume of the Ohio and Ohio - "' ' Btat Beporhs.) ' "' - AND BEPBBENOBB CO FKIOB LAWS, ' : Ht LEANDER J.CRITCTnirEXI,B8l. AND A FULL AND CONVENntNT lNDliX:' In Two Royal 8vo. Volumes. : Pries $10 80. No car oe expenMha bean MPad to mak th-werk pcrfeot and reliable in all rewpact. .. , . -, , ,7 r. It has noar Ihe LegislaUve sanation, having been . ap proved by nearly the unanimous vote of both Home,, and was ordered to be distributed to th following But ana voanty omeera: , ., -i.,.--.,.- .1: . t JiilM-i., Governor, Attoraey General, -Supreme Judge. Secre tary, Comptroller, Treasurer and Auditor of State, and totb Probst Court, Court at Coram on Plea, Baper- lur Mia rvim vuuri Auuiiure, uiu uivvicr.v utr varloa Ooart in each county, to the Members of SeoaM -and Hauae of MepreeentaUve f thl Stat., and the Governor of tne aereral Btatea or tn union. .Xhi book, eootalntafr, ae It do, all of th Stabutaa now In force, end th authoritative construction ot them and Of the New Constitution, will be found to be especial ly aaaful la the performance of their duties, to an .!, qOCNTT 0FPI0ER8, ,., j.. JU8TI0B8 OF THBPKA01, ' " - -r' 0 . S .a ,:a TOWNBHIPTRUBTBEM . .! 1 ntn: , . , . CLERKS OF TOWNSHIPS, and T. !:" CITY. OFFICERS- - - ,-.'Oi l 'Ibasnrneh at very many ehansa have been roaflt Id'uSe Statu ue ainoe tb pubUcaUoa of the aat edHlron, -by alteration and addition, aad many Important bav beea Iflveo by th. Buprem Court ea ,tit ' BANKERS, MBHOHANTS .''..'. lo "r. I AND BUSINESS MEN GENERALLY,. Will Snd this an.tavatnabl Work. -l"L.. "" ' . Two Boyal 6vo Volume of oter. Bintjeen Bundred U'ke! V.. Ll,J.;' 4, An ' ''' r.rt . - . 1.. f i.i. ..'-1.1 Published by ...--...,.. : l-.j-j,;,-,: -'--.: ' ' ROBERT CIaARKE, 6c OO.. .,i "lv the , I re peal, de eaton oaA: II l, TO WHOM IT MAY COSCERN. . . The Public Works of Ohio. Orrica or Trra Liaena of thb Public Works, I . ColOMius, June 13, 1861. 1 TH" .n?,?,"ned. h"lng become th Leueea of the Publle Work of Ohio, under ih r u. a m;i and having entered Into th poeeeieton of ettd Work Hvuc mat ia oparaiing ander said I- and discharging their duUea under the ante, the bual-' nea will be tranaaoted with the publio through aienl appointed by tb Leaeeee, under sueh rules, regulation, reatriotlons and limitations, a ahall be prescribed for their government. Thoa Agents for the present, will conalat of one Gen eral Agent, a Treasurer and Secretary, for the Central Office of the Leasee at Columbaa; and th nccnaary numnw oi aupenntendent f oepaira and Oolleoiora of Toll on th several Work embraced In th leaa. Th General Agent ahall be the principal executive officer of the Leasees, asd shall hav chary of th gen eral basin office atColumba. He shall have auper viaion over th. bueinea of th Lessees with the and as such agent shall execute all contracts, except uiun mr lawr ua maierima conceciea wicq me ordina ry repair of th several Works, and he shall audit and settle all aconunts. Th. duties of th Treasurer and Seoretary ahall be such as are niually discharged by almllar officers in other oases.' - Tb SuperlnteadMt of Repairs eball, an their re speeUve dlflalons, hav power to employ and discharge all aukordinate and laborer, and to purchase all toole and materials necesary In the ordinary repair of such division, and the ama ahall be nnder their special dl rectlon and management. Tb Collector of Tolls, Water Bents and Pines, ars Invested with all the authority and power, provided In the laws of the State and the regulations ot th Board of Publio Work, made for that purpoae. when such Col lectors acted under appointment and authority from the Stat. No individual member of th Lesiees shall have Ihe right to tranaaet bualnea in the name of the Leasees, with any paraon or psnona, la any other manner than through the appointed agent, unlea apeclally authorli td by th Lciae ao to do; nor ahall any one ef the ap pointed agent nav authority to transact any buelneae In the nam of th Leneea, except In the particular branch ef tbe bualnea con tided to him, and subject lo the restrictions and limitation of his sgency. No authority to borrow money on the credit of the Lessees, shall aver exist in sny Ltaaee, agent or other employee of Ihe Leneea, unlea the ama aball be con ferred by a unanimous vol of th Lessee, at a regular meeting, and the amount so authorised to be borrowed specified In the order end entered on the Journal. uso. w. aamrrsiuiv is tne ueneial Agent or me Leeaees, Binjamin B. Smith, Treaiurer, and John Jovcb, Secretary. The Superintendents of Repairs sre : On the M. t B. Canal and W. RAH. Road Josswi Coorn, Tboma Brow, Wm . J. Jacxsob and Assaa L . Bacecs. On the Ohio, Walhondlng and Hocking Canals snd th Muskingum Improvement Bobbbt H, Nrjaxn, Thomas Millsr, Dehni McCarthy, Sylvester Msdbiry and EdwaRO Ball. The Collectors on the Canals. Muaklnrum Improve ment and Maume. Road, aro th eame that were ia tbe ervice of the Bial at th time of the execution of the Leaae; but all the aforesaid agent hold their appoint ment at tbe pleaaure and option of the Leeaees. KB.Vt JBKV1B, JOSEPH COOPER. ' .' WM. J. JAOKSON, 1 ARNOLD MEDBKRV, THOMAS MOORE. THOMAS BROWN, Leaaeea of the Publle Works. ,jll-d3taw3w NEW ARRIVALS OF Spring & ' Summer Millinery. Th Stoclc Replenlshetl DAILY FItO.lI LATEST UTIPOHTATIUKS OI NEW YORK. MY STOCK OP Spring & Summer Millinery Is now complete, comprising every variety of Millin ery; also, a large assortment of Embroideries, Hosiery and Notions, to., and In quantities and prices that ean aot fait to suit all who may favor us with a call. The goods have been bought at Panic prices, and will be sold at a small advance on cost. MILLINERY Mies M. E, YOUNG, late of New York City, will superintend the Millinery Department, Her long txperienc? In the most Fashionable Establishment ia Broadway will alone bs a warranty that the will be able (o give entire satisfaction In matters of laate to all who Buy favor her with their orders, j The Ladies of Columbus and vicinity will p leaae ac ept my alncar thanks for their liberal patronsge, and I would respectfully solicit a cODUoaancaof tbe same. R. H. WARE, 68 East Town St., Colnmbua, . i prll-d3m-eod j STONE'SBAZAAR. )STo..4 Gwvnne , Block. A. P. ST0NF& O'flARRA ABE HOW RECEIVING THEIH WIN TER GOODS, and invite the publio to uapect them. No such stock of Ooods baa ever been brought to thl market. The South, In conaequence of the failure of the grain crop, has not been sble to purchase the us ual Quantity of rich soods. and this fact has forced the Importers to all them at publis auotlon. Our buyer (Mr. Stone) being In New York at these large ales, took advantage ef them, and wa can and will nil our good here, at lea than any one who purchased two weeks since, paid for them In New York. Our stock Is complete In every department 01 rJLfcUAJNT SILKS, i OTTOMAN VELOURS, :' BROCHE VALENCIAS, , . . . PRINTED MERINOS, PRINTED COBURGS, . ' J -- DYED COBUGSj BLACK ALPACAS, . . ORLEANS, i FANCY WOVEN FABRICS, ALL WOOL DELAINES, i 3 ' ' POPLINS, PRINTS, ,s--- DELAINES. SHAWLS AND CLOAKS! ' Five Thausand Dollars Worth Bought in One Day, LADIES FURS, ; . HOSIERY. DEPARTMENT. Men'a, Ladle and Children' Under Shlrta and Drawers: Ladle, ktlsaea snd Children' Hoaleryuf all kind, in . Wool and Lamb' Wool; Fleecy Lined and OoltonOlovee of every make. , 1 -;l . a ' ' I : ' ' - ALSO !A complete assortment of all the usual varie ties of : '-" ' ' 1ADIE3 CLOTHS, : ' 1 "' . t..-.: CASSIMERE3, i '- - :,,;, - ',. . OVERCOATINGS, , . : ".. ,' V , TWEEDS, flannels; - ' . - RIBBONS, v ' ;-1 j; 1 rr ,.:-.- 1 . DRESS TRIMMINGS, Ladiis and Gent's Linen Cambric Hand- 4 - kerchiefs, &e., &d, ' :-' To persona who call on ua, ws pledge our words to ao them th largeet, bat and ebeapat stoek ef ttod ever seen In this anarkel, or pay them oaa , dollar jier. hour while looking. - decl-dljutawllw. BTuna a ti n. Baltimore Clothing Eonse. ' ,( l 10 Oi' l'l'' r 1 ;,.j:.ii!J ',' 3SCE)3o"iVcj' ,'lDX.TOate 1 s ., - - .-,, ANaPAOTCRERS AirB f0tBSAL EALER M READY-MADE CLOTHlHG, No. 808 .W. Riltmiorstreet, ' . . . r . - ,.r ii t i ((rrwaar1 uiebtv abb bowaeb.) ' b 1' .. '; ; ' ":" "' !' - . . . 7. b ,, BALTIUIOKE, Jfld. 1 targa Assortment of Tisee and Tumishlng; Ooods Constaatly on EandJ ' - lOcrMdlF -..' ' ' 1 ' ," '''