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COLUMBUSt OHIO. TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 16, 18CI. I Democratic State Convention. Ai a meeting of the Democratlo State Ceo tral Committee held In the 5th day or July, 1861, it was Re$lttd, That it it expedient to hold a Demo eratio Btate Convention at Columbus, on . Wednesday- Angnst TU 186t ' lo nominate a Democratic State Ticket, to be imported at the Ootober election. Rcolord, farther. That all the electors of the State of Ohio, who are In favor of perpetuating the prinoiplee upon which, our Union was found ed, and are convinced that the present S(ate and National Administrations are woolly in competent to manage the government in its present critical condition, as well as all who are opposed to the gross extravagance and corrup tion now so alarmingly prevalent la publio af faire, be earnestly invited to unite with the democracy in tbis boor or our country's pern and thus redeem the State, and place Its ad ministration In competent hands. i Rctolved. further, that the basil of represent tation in said Convention be one delegate for every 500 votes, and an additional delegate for a traction of 25U ana upwards, east ior ihujsu J. 8. Ram. far Hnnrama Jndtre at the October election in 1860. and that it be recommended that the counties elect tbelr delegates on this basis. . The Democracy of Ohio and all other con- s ervati ve Union men, who are willing to co-oper ate with them on the above basis, are requested to meet in their respective counties at such time as the local committees may designate, and ap paint delegates' to the Democratic Convention on the 7th of August, to nominate a State ticket to be supported at the October election. It Is presumed that no lover of bis country will require prompting at this time to ioduoe him to discharge his doty, and therefore the Committee is impressed with the belief that the counties will eagerly respond to this call, and that an imposing Convention will assemble in Columbus at the time designated above, and put in nomination a ticket of good and true men, to be supported for the various State of Gees on the Sd Tuesday in October next. WM. MOUNT, Chairman. WM. J. JACKSON, Secretary. Disunion, North and South. There never has been a time since the origin of our Federal Union, In which there have sot been ambitions and designing men plotting its overthrow. There was no lack of torica at the beginning and during the Revolution, who were opposed to the union oi the colonies for mutual protection and defense, and especially, to their union for the ' assertion and maintenance of their independence. "There were bitter oppo nenta of the Union under the old Artioles of Confederation, and still bitterer opponents of the "more perfect Union" established by the Federal Constitution." FromliB? to the pres ent moment there bas not been a day or an hour when disappointed and ambitious men have not been at work for the dissolution of the Union. . These disunionists have not confined their operations to any one section. Before the breaking out of the present rebellion, It would perhaps have been difficult for the most cute and Impartial observer to determine whether they had been more aotive and mischievous In the South or in the North. There have been existing almost from the first settlement of the ountry certain old prejudices and grudges be tween the sections, owing to a difference in cli mate, productions, pursuits, personal character istics and other causes. It has been the aim of factious leaders to revive from time to time these old nreiudices, and as the progress of events afforded them opportunity, to add new grounds of sectional complaint and dissatisfac tion. Growiog bolder as they found among the plain and nnsophisticated people listeners and adherents to their seditions and disunion senti ments, tbey did not hesitate to proclaim that the two sections eoold never live in harmony and peace in one Confederacy w Union., . The disunionists, North and South, have been aotive and. persistent In their efforts, and have both contributed to the one result the present rebellion or attempt to sever by force one por-J tion tif the Union from the other. Looking over the history of other governments, or even con fining ourselves to our own political .history, it will not appear strange that such an event has happened. There are never wanting eanees for sectional strife and animosity, and where these are continually stirred np for a series of years by bold and unprincipled leaden, In both see tions, and the minds of the people kept excited and Inflamed, a rebellion against the Govern nient li a natural and Inevitable result. If it does not begin in one section, It will In the oth er. The only difference likely to be manifested is, that the people of the section the more im pulslve'and more easily roused to action, will be apt to lead off In a revolutionary movement The South has led off in a rebellion which has been fostered and encouraged at the North as well as In that section. The disnnioniats In both sections are loud in their demands that the civil war which has taken place In consequence, shall not be ended until the dissolution of the Union Is final and complete. This was their darling and sole object from the beginning, and now that they have succeeded at last in embroil 1 ng the people in a destructive, fratricidal war, they are determined that it shall not be termi nated until their sohsme for the dismemberment of the Union is fully consummated. All over tures for peace and all propositions for a return to the old harmony nnder the Federal Constitu tion, will be rejected and scouted at by the dis unionists on both sides. Nothing will satisfy either but a division of the Union. . .,.v . ( Several times in our past history has our beloi- ed Union been brought to the verge of civil war from similar causes. . Heretofore it has been saved by the strenuous and united efforts of true Democratlo and Union men, North and South. The same efforts by the same men immediately, earnestly and vigorously- put forth, can save it now. '.Without these efforts, the disunionists will manage matters In both sections to their own liking, and to the destruction of free gov ernment In tbU country, and the blasting of the hopes of Its friends throughout the world. . ST The New York Wtrld and Courur and Enquirer, toe Administration organ, lays: "We submit that, in the light of this expose, we are Justified In asserting tbat the Tribune Is a more daoateroua enemy of the Union than the army of Jeff. Pa vis, toe area rebel. Some of the New York people are of the opinion that the design is to get np a mob to destroy the Tribuni office. - ::;. ;- ID" We bare not received tbe Boston Atltt, cne of the Irrepressible Republican sheets of Massachusetts, for some days. Tbe following from the Jimrttol tfCmmerct, .explaloi tbe reasont . . ,,-.',i.-.-, ,'.,., "Tbe Boston Atlf has been discontinued for want of patronage." Disunion, North and South. The Republican Press and the Democratic State Central Committee. "The Republican Iptees and eom of the Re publican politician! or the loafing sort, as well as some of the contractors for fat Jobs, appear to be vers much duplexed with Aha terms el the call for a Bute Convention ai made by the Democratlo State Central Committee. .These hnn natrlnta arhft will never nOt 000 01 them expose their persons or fire a gun in the face of the rebels, fret and fume, because the committee has called upon all persons to unite with the Democratic party, who believe in tbe Incompetency of those now in power to manage the administration of our publio affairs State and National in the present critical condition of the country. They declare that tbe call evlnoes hostility to our bravo men now In tbe field, and that it is the Intention of the Democratic party to abandon them to their fate, without support or protection.' '' ', 1. ,' The Republican editors, loafers, contractors' aye, and the seekere of office and plunder should know tbat this is rather too shallow s dodge to deceive intelligent people with. , The Demooratio party never did, and never will, desert those who stand by the flag of the country, and hence it has no intention or design of deserting the brave volunteer army, who are now In the field and in the face of the hosts of the rebels, and oine-tenths of whom, officers and men, are Democrats. The Army is not the National or State Administration, and It Is these latter concerns tbat the committee de clare to be incompetent and who dare say tbey are not? The committee need no other evi dence to prove the charge than the assertion, within the last three months, of every Repabn- ean paper in the land. ' Let any unprejudiced man take the Cincinnati Cmmtreial for the past three months, and In the columns of that journal he will find charged over and over again, thai the State Ad ministration is not only Imbecile, but corrupt. In the same paper be will find ell sorts of .cor ruption charged on the Seoretary of War, and tbe Administration denounced over and over again for its Inefficiency and tbe wickedness of its political and incompetent appointments In the army. Taking, therefore, the Republicans as witnesses, the committee will have no diffi culty Iff proving Inefficiency, Incompetency and corruption against both Administrations, and henoe the propriety of the invitation In the call, to all who are convinced tbat a reform is neoee sary a reform that will give vigor and Integri ty to the Administration, and proper aid and support to the volunteer armyto join tbe vt mocracy in. the 7th of August Convention and in the fall election. ' - . But, say these apologists for imbeoillty and corruption, "suppose all jou say la true, what can you effect by tbe organization you propose this fall? Mr. Lincoln has more than three and a half years to serve, and therefore no good can eome out of yonr party organisation." Our reply to that is, that we may redeem our own State, and take It out of thebandfof those who are running it to ruin. , This is a point we deem worthy of every honorable effort; and about the State mismanagement, there la not, we believe, any difference of opinion. Beyond the actual benefit to our State and this cannot be over estimated the redemption of Ohio would bare most salutary effect upon the notion of the Federal Administration. Unfortunately we have a weak and vain man in the Executive chair, and he has now around him as hie controll ing advisers eome of the most accomplished sconndrels in the land. The wonderful enthusl asm for the old flag and the'Unlon, and the mill tary display made to defend the one and preserve the other, has bewildered Mr. Lincoln, who Is so vain and silly as to think It i ort ot oration to him personally, when In fact seven-eights of the volunteer army have no respect for the man and would not vote for him for any civil office; and those about the President who are corruptly dispensing fat jobs and cantracts to pets and favorites, think they may, under the circum stances, do whatsoever tbey please with impu nity', and without danger. A salute from the ballot-bax In Ohio the great forum of the peo plewould wake these gentlemen up, and ad monish them tbat the people were keeping close watch of them, and that, for their misdeeds a day of reckoning and accountability would soon eome round; and thus great good would be ac complished. ,' .-n , ,. . ,r, r I In addition to this, a triumph la Ohio of the sound constitutional .men of the State, would give a rebuke to the Lorwors, Gidmngjm, etc., etc., and all men of that class, and 10 effects! ly put down their higher law, abolition doctrines and dogmas, apon which they think the war should be conducted, as to be worth an hundred regiments in the field in the fact that it would give hope and courage to the Union men of the Southern States, and enable them to rally and unite upon constitutional principles, which tbey could safely eepoose and defend in their respect ire States. In fact, there li no aspect In which the question can be viewed, wherein the neoes eity for a Democratic Union triumph In Ohio is not apparent to any candid ecd impartial mind; and 10 the people view it, no. matter what par tisan editors, loafing politician!, or smaim'sy contractors may lay to the contrary.' ,; , . The seventh of August Convention will be an Imposing affair; made np of the ablest men of the Btate; men alike patriotic, fearless and discreet, i It will be a Convention of Union men, alike opposed to Southern rebellion and North era Abolition disloyalty, It will apeak plainly, frankly and patriotically, and it will nominate a ticket which the people will be certain to elect by an overwhelming majority. ,,' The Republican Organization. The Dayton Otzttte, edited by W. H- P. Dinnt, lets a candidate for Postmaster at Day ton, is out In an article in opposition to igpor log.tlieSepnblica organization. In bis paper of the 12th, he says: - .-t.n i , A number of leading Republican journals of this State, have recently advocated the pro priety, at the present juncture, of disbanding the Republican parry, witb tbe view of forming a Union party. This, in our opinion, Is a tacit acknowledgment, tbat the Republican party baa fulfilled its mission, or tbat its principles and poliey have been condemned by tbe people. . We admire the spunk of friend Dissi, but we do think the concern Is too far gone to save. It Is no doubt a "tacit acknowledgment" that the concern "has fiulfilled its mission." The originators of the party got it up to carry one leetioa of tbe Union, In bitter hostility against the other, knowing tbat tbat would end in dis union. It has accomplished its mission, and the policy and principles of the party are repu diated, and tbe people only want to. hare an opportunity to est their seal of condemnation upon them. To do this effectually tbe people want a ticket without the least 'visible admix ture" of Abolitionism In it pure Anglo-Saxon Union Democracy. ;' '', v , , ' Illinois Wat" Loan. The Commissioners of Illinois have given up for tbe present the hope of negotiating the war loan of that Btate, no bids being offered for it at anything like a fair price.'-' ! ;t ;.;-'... .. '.-o.-u Got. Ellis, of North Carolina, died suddenly at Red Sulphur Springs, Va. A Man with an Easy Conscience. j We have heretofore referred to' the case of Urron, the bogus Representative in Congress from tbe Alexandria dlstrlot, Virginia. This UrroN was a citizen of Zanesrllie, and voted in that city last fall. - He formerly resided In Ylr ginla, and it is supposed went to Waabington on a pilgrimage for elBoe, hoping ot (he advent of "honest" old Asi Lincoln, tbat bis case would be attended to. - lie was on hand some time before the Inauguration, and not being sue oeesful wm lying around Washington "loose" at the time of the Virginia election, when he contrived to get a lew bogus votes in some pre cinct in the Old Dominion. After due prepare tion,' and finding, no doubt, from the knowing ones, that he could come la,Urron proceeded to prepare himself, and thereupon1 the following advertisement appeared In the ZinesvUle Cettr- itr, from which paper of July 1!!, we copy it;;, DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. un A designed, under the firm name of UPTON BHKVOUK. as publlheri of the Hilly and Weekly Courier, tad Job P rlnttnf builnea, was dKiolved on ine luin u,t., njr nutiul oonnnt. The bmineee will in future be conducted bvJNO. T. BBRTOOK.who will attend to settling all the aoeoanti CHAS. H. UPTON. JOHN T. SHRYOCK. Zanesville, Ohio, June 26th, 1861. UrroN has rare qualifications for a Republican editor an easy conscience and ought not, therefore, abandon the tripod. ' ' '. , . The War Too Slow. It would appear from' the following to the TribuH that Gen. BCott was not urging for ward the war with aa , much rapidity as Gen GaiiLir and his war correspondents desire. How would It do to have Gen. Scorr resign, and allow Gen. command? . , . Thi Slow Soar or Was I regret to atate that the opinion is gaining oredence among the members or Congress tbat tbe luture proaeen tion of the war, like tbe past, is to be tardy and indecisive. Tnis Is belteved to be the po'i cy of Mr. Seward and Gen. Scott, the President and other members oi tie uaDinet coinwaing not so muoh from conviction of its propriety, as from indisposition to differ. - The consequence must be a collision between xhe Executive and Legislative departments.-' '-Congress is eager for an Immediate advanoeal 111 points, and in this respect is but an echo of the sympathies of the people. It is well understood that at any time during the past three weeks there have been troops enough in the field to march successfully upon Richmond, snd that to-day the work of mustering onr best drilled troops out of service baa commenced. , Tbe people and . troops feel that they have a right to complain of -a pro craatination. which tbey cannot understand. , '.- .j Mr. Vallandigham's Speech. We copy from tbe Otoie the following closing part of tbe speech of Mr. VallanoIobam in tbe House ot Representatives on the national loan bill, and tha resolution he proposes at some future time to Introduce:- :'; " I have finished now, Mr. Chairman;' what I orooosed to say at this time upon tbe message of the President. As to my own position in re gard to this most unhappy civil war, I bare only to say tbat I stand to-day just where I stood up on the 4th of March last; where the whole Democratic party, and the wbo'e umttttutionn! Union party, and a vast majority, as I believe, of the neoDle oi tbe United States stood too. I am for' ptact, speedy, immediate, honorable riiof, with all its blessings. Others may bare changed: I have not. I question not their mo tives nor Quarrel with their course. . it li vain and futile for them to question or to quarrel witb mine. Mr duty shall be discharged, calm ly, firmly, quietly, and regardless of consequen ces. The approving voice of a conscience void of offense, and the approving judgment which shall follow "after some time be past," these, God help me, are my trust and my support. ' Sir. I hare snoken freely and fearlessly to day, as became an 'American Representative and an American citizen; one firmly resolved, oomewbat may, not to lose bis own conBtltn tional liberties, nor to surrender his own consti tutional richts, in the vain effort! to impose these rights and liberties upon ten millions of unwilling people. I nave spoxen earnestly, too, but yet not as one unmindful of tbe solemnity of the scenes which surround us upon every side to-day. Sir, when the Congress of the United States assembled here on tbe dd of De cember, I860, just seven months ago, the Sen ate was oomoosed of sixty-six Senators, repre senting the thirty-three State! of the Union, and this House of two hundred and tbirty-seren members evert State being present. It was I grand and solemn spectacle; the embassador of three and thirty sovereignties And thirty-one millions of people, the mightiest republic on earth, in general Congress assembled." In the Senate, too, and this House, were some of the ablest and most distinguished statesmen of the country; men whose names' were laminar to the whole country some ot tnem neennea to pass into history: 'The new wings of the Capi tol nad out just recently neen nuisneu, in an their BOfieous magnificence, and, except 'a hundred marines at the navy-yard, not a soldier was within forty miles or Washington. Sir, the Congress of the United States meats here again to-day; but how changed the scene. Instead of thirty-four States, twenty-three only, one less than the number forty years ago, Ire here or in the Other wing oi the Capitol. Forty six Senators and one hundred and seventy-three Representatives constitute tbe Congress of tbe now United States. And of these, eight Sena tori and twenty font Representatives, from fonr States Only, linger here yet as- deputies from that treat Booth ; Which', from the beainniht of tbe Government, contributed so much to mAld its policy, to build up Its greatness, and control its destinies.--AH thwothee States of that South are gone. ' Twenty-two Senator! and sixty-five Representative! no longer answer to their names.- - The vacant leate are,: indeed, still here; and the escutcheons f their respective States look down new aadiy and solemnly from these vaulted ceilings. J But the Virginia of Waahlnston and Henry and Madison, of Mar. shall and Jefferson of Randolph and Monroe the birth plaoe Ob Clay, tbe mother at States and of Preeidente; the .Carolines of Plnakv bey and Soanpter and Marion,-of Calhenn and Mason; and Tenneseeai 'ine corns ana c trial place sif Jackson; and other States, toot once meet loyal and tone, are no longer here, The voices and the footsteps of the great dead of tbe past two agee ot the Republic, lingers still, It may be in echo, along the stately corridors of this Capitol, but their descendants from nearly our half of tbe States of the Republic will meet with as no more within these marbla hails. Rut in the parks and lawns, and upon the broad ave nues of this spacious city, seventy thousand sol diarahavoeapDlied their places i and tha morn ing drum-beat from a score of encampmeale wUhia light of this beleaguered capital,' give m el an choir warning to the- representatives of tbe States and of toe people, mat amio anna LiWi All SILXNT." Sir. some years hence, I would fain hope some month! henoe, If I dare, the ptesent generation will demand to know ins eauee or ail this; and some ages hereafter she grand and impartial tribunal or ntstovy win mate soiemn ana am- gent inqneet of the1 authors of this terrible rero lution. 1 t4t. . -i j-y.a, ny :i.i Reultd. That' the Federal Government is the scent of - the people of the several State! composing the Union; that it consist! of three dianct departments the legislative, theeiec. ntlve, and the judicial each eqaally a part of the Government, ana eqoauy enuuea t tne confidence and support tt tbe States and the people; and tbat it la the duty of every patriot to auttain the several department! of the Gov ernment la the noroiea of ill the constitution al powers of eaoh Which nay bl necessary and nroDer for the preservation of the Government la Ita principle ana ' m it vigor uu integrity,! and to nana oy ana aeiena tor tne upmost me flag i wbloh represent! the Government the Union, and the country; f"r--. ?.t c; i ST The sblp carpenters of Boslotf, In view of being employed on the Government .gun-boats', have held a meeting and rwlrd an demanding $9.50 per day for first-class, and for second class, workmen. 1 "We.abnot pee wjiy 'the cari penteri and eU other 'wotklngaw fji lot bar! full wares, while tbe contractors are pock eting the nosey b7 the thousand. Expulsion of United States Senators. Mr. Clark : I move now to take tip. tha re lution which I submitted yesterday in .regard to tne expulsion or; certain memuera oi Ttoe.pen ate. - Mv The motion wai aereed t5T and the Senate proceeded to consider the following resolutions: Whebkas. A oonsmraor ban been lormea against the peaoe, union, ami jibe t flea of the people and Government of thDauedtateat ana ilium. anoe of auch oonsolracv a portion of tbe people of the States of Vira-inia. North Carelina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, ana xexae, nave attempted to withdraw tboae eta tea irom tne Union, and are now in arms against the Govern, ment; and where!! James M. Maspn and Rob ert M. T Hunter, Senators from Virginia; Thomai L. Clingman and Thomas Bragg1 Sen ator! from North Carolina; James Cnesnut, Jr.. a Senator from South Carolina; A. O. P, Nicholson, a Senator from Tennessee; William K. Sebastian and Charles BlMitchel, Senator! from Arkansas; ind John Hemphill and; Louis T. Wiefall. Senators from Texai.have failed to aDnear In tbelr seats in tha Seaete and to aid the Government 1st thle importail crisis; and it is apparent to tbe Senate tbat said Senators are engaged in said conspiracy for the destruction of tha Union- and; Government, or,- with .full knowledge of touch conspiracy, have, failed: tdJ advise tbe uovernmeni oi its progress or aw its suppression; therefore, . r.w . ,. , Retolvtd, Tbat the laid Mason, Hunter, Cling man, Chesnut, Nicholson, Sebastian, Mitchel, Hemphill, and Wigfall, be, and they hereby are, each and all of them, expelled from the Senate of the United States. ; Mr, Latham:'! move to strike out theWord "expelled," and to Insert tbe words' "tbat their names Be atrixen jrom ine. roiu ana jneir eeais declared vaoant.7i rJ a ' . 1 V. j.T The resolution, if amended as proposed, will read as follows: Reiolvtd, That the names of the said Mason, Hunter, Ciiagmao, Bragg, Cheeout, NIohelsort, Sebastian Mitch el, Hemphill and Wigfall, be, and they hereby are, stricken Irom tbe roll, and tbeir seats declared vaoant. r The question being taken by veal and nayi, resulted yeai 11, nayi 32, aa follows: Yias Messrs. Bayard, Breckinridge, Bright, Johnson of Missouri, 'Johnson of Tennessee, Latbam, - Neemith, . -Folic, Powell. Rica and Saalibury-lli M ' J ' J t J lt'- i r Navb Messrs. Anthony, Bingham! drown ing, Chandler, Clark, Collamar, Cowan, Dixon, Doolittle, Feasendco, Foot, Foster; : Grimes, Hale, Harlan, Harris, Howe, King, Lane of In diana, Lane of Kansas, . McDougall, Morrill, Pomeroy, Sherman, Simmons, Sumner, Ten Ejck, Trumbull, .Wade. Wilklnsen, . Wilxnot and Wllson-33. ' -i ... U ( ili' W I r So the amendment was rejected, : Tre Presiding Officer: The question "now is on the adoption of the resolution. : Tbe question being taken by yeas and "y ay) I retulted yeas 82, nays 10, as follower '' j Y ias Messrs. Anthony, Bingham, Browning, Chandler, Clark, - Collamar, Cowan, Dixon, Doolittle, Feasenden,. Foot, Foster,. Grimes, Hale, Harlan, Harris, Howe, King, Lane of Indiana, Line of Kansas, McDougall, Morrill, Pomery, Sherman, Simmons, Sumner, Ten Evck. Trumbull, Wade, Wilkinson, Wilmot and Wileon-32. Nats Messrs Bayard, Breckinridge, Bright, Johnson of Missouri, Johnson of Tennessee, Latham, Nesmltb, Poik, Powell and . RioelO.. ( The Presiding Officer: On this question the yeas are-32, and the naya 10.-..Two thirds having voted for the passage, the resolution ia agreed to. Stanton and Lane—Which Toils the Stanton and Lane—Which Toils the Truth! The Washington correspondent of the" ''New York Tribune who is . understood, to be Fitz Hxnit WASRKN,.of Iowa aays, "The Kansas SxNATotaBrr'f.. Stanton arrived, here to day from, Kansas; ejeaelirg, a commission from tbe GovernoS tot fin the va- oancy in the Senate siippoted to be created by Gen. Lane's acceptance of a Brigadier's com mission In the army.:. Nxt Lane says' bs -has not eaoepted the. appoint nrent, but. admits that when be does his seat will be vacated. Mr. stanton insists that ho baa. and atakea that Mr, Lane earnestly solicited, the appointment, that he has it now in his pocket, that tie- took the oath of office, and baa. tbat also, in .bla pocket. That he Issued i proclamation to the people of nansae, in wmcn ne announced nis appointment and signed in his official capacity as- Brigadier ueoerai, and that these acta estop nun from de nying that he has accepted - the -appointment I he whole controversy thus turps en a question oi fact." ... - , ., ,., This places Lani in a 'rather disagreeable position. It would appear Jhat Stanton had rather the best of the controversy, so far as the facts are concerned; bat Lanc has the seat. , . The Enquirer at the Seat of War. Tbe Enquirtr office is represented at the seat oi warm Virginia by no least has four captains, two nontenants ana iour privates ten in all a greater number, we believe, than went from all the otber newspaper establishments in the cliv' Not one of them voted for Lincoln,' or" ha,aoy sympathy with, the political erincioles -of the Administration All, we believe,' were 'for a compromise of bur troubles. ., We mention this act to mow tost, wane we are eugmatizea Dy lying partisans as, having symp'athy with .seces sionists', about one fourth of our establishment Is now absent fighting for the stars aid Stripes 1n Virginia, ty mie wo uve po reBnecT jor politi cians who, by oppoalntf ,compromise,rbrought about this war, we have eyTry regard for tbe brave soldiers who, having no aseacy in It. flew to tbe standard of their country to protect it from disgrace and humillatton, and to save the capital of the nation from capture. For their success and prosperity we feel a deep interest, rnrit l ltuhl Lripak liihw win rnmrn arm iirtiw rn their hfppy botries,1 cqveredwlth ,honot ,aad loaded with the praise of a grateful eountry. u It the Adoaiaistration was ai wise as the" .)ldiete are brare and patriotic, there wotild took be ah tad of our tronbles. " We ire glad to see that it ii proposed to lficTeSIOBe . pay of the sol diers, for they ire certainly deserving- of it. Cut down!, the natary of the : office-holders', of tha oiviUani la' the Waehingtoq service,, and loorease -that ot tbe soldiersCiaeMasti a Correspondence between Gen. Carrington and Gov. Dennison. ' We. ban ' before us Adjnt ant General' CV rington'i letter of resignation af ais--offloe,w He accepts a Colonelcy in the regular army.-r, Though Without arsenal!, arms, camp equip age or munition! of war within forty eight boon after the receipt of he reaulsirlon ef tbe oi umo volunteers awrteu ior rt asaingtoato . " . " m w w yn lullv eoulnned battery, with rifled pieces lot excelled fn any lervloe, is in tne neia; ine second' wur be ready ia one wiekJ' One tquafron' or Cavalry has left the Statei two more will be ready soon. Twenty-eix. thouMod. tnfantrjy at . material, moral and phjaloalnq wherf. expelled, are or ganized ana uoaer niscipiine. neany two thirds of this farce Is Tn the fce"of the oommon One month's pay fs in probess df distribution. Tents for the rewregimenu sun nnauppiied, are being iasaed.1' Clothing, kmple1 and tub-' stantial, is available for every Just demand. Im proved arms era gradually supplying tbe place of those tbat are lest effective.' 3' u Gov. Dennlson sirs Id reply:.... T ,. -I need not say that it ia with great reluot- anoe 1 oonsent to your -wimarawai irom my Staff,' T. r-V . rr s tZ.l tJ Your services to the State In its Military De partment, and especially to the" preparation of tha Ohio trooDs to meet tha present demands of the General Government, and for tbe defenieof our State, will be gratefully remembered by tbe people of Ohio, and by the coantry at large, and by no one more than myseU i Logan County. The Union Democracy of Logan dou'ntV bold thefr County Couveotton 'to a'ppolnt delegates lo the State Convention; on Satuioat, the 87th 0f-'?yT,Vs l y" ' j- " " j w :T .t T, A r 11 mi . ii . . . L, r ST Tbe Clinton (Uo.) Jtmul, published by the printers la Mnj. SlurgtsV nommand, Itatet that "outraefS ire beW cotpmltted along tbe western frontier of llMnrI, by a lawleee ban ditti nnder command of Montgomery and Jen nlaon." It Is also anthotired to sly' that they ra acting without the authority or lahetlon of the United Slates Government, and will be treated a! outlaw! by all good eltlieni and tol dien whoreret they my p fwnd." Retreat of Gen. Johnston. The Rlohmb'id Ditpatch, of the 6th, announces tho retreat of Gen. Johnston to Winchester - TbeDiMai(vy!.' 1 1 . i H O'WS f- Gen, Johnston has resumed his 'orTglnar posi tion at Wlncbettor.TvThla plaoe ii tbe com minding strategla-oint iU thaaoaantry.H He moved forward irom it to meet Patterson ; that General -ell bask: into.- Martlnaburg, to await relnfaroettionts.l Ilaving the protection of the town ah -a fortifioatlon, and ita women and children ai a shield, he lies eecure,.Jobo- ston. with his far inferior force did not feel I us tified lrf kttaokfng, and Winchestef being the oommon converging point of several roads, he felt 'bound it fall baok jipoh that town, "lest McClellan or some other enemy might get Into bifl rear.'-; '' " ,uvn-T,.r..-i;: ' j ti .... ' , - '- Uur.V; SrxcDiATiNd in Soloiiu" pAT.Neir meth ods of speculating on tbe necessities -of volpn teers, ire daily Invented by slarp middlemen. One of these has just come to light.'1 it seems that while the pay-rolls of the 36th Regiment ii. x . v . were in course oi preparation, ana were delayed by one cause and another; a man offered to pay the regiment their dire In ad vance, deducting 15 percent, commission.1 'The men, who wera hard up, and many of whom had families almost at tbe point of starvation, hav ing received nothing from tbe Unlorr Defense uommittee, Jumped at tbe cbance or getting ready money at any sacrifice. '-. The. Colonel considered 15 per cent, an exorbitant rate, and finally persuaded the moneylender, to- come' down to 13, on which term the poor Mows were accommodated. : The: officers, greatly to tbeir credit, have agreed to repay 7 per eenti of the deduotion out of their own pocketa, and the Colonel, witb unexampled generosity, has prom Ised to pay the remaining 6 per cent, aa his poc- tion, so mat tne soldiers will lose nothing by ine operation, r .. -r i j. t'r I There is said to be good deal of this, aUav idg at Washington,, and. 20 to 60 per cent. re mentioned aa not uncommon hergeq,..,w by Will not some association of respectable capital. iati undertake to advance money to soldiers on reasonaoie terms ijour. oj iommv. i - Swindling in Army Contracts. The Washington correspondent pf the .i&m- mereial says: : , .-.:.b?r.: ';:,'t .? V v, t "The House committee on corrupt army eon- tracts has slready discovered astounding' swin dle in subsistence and clothing letting! by the War Department,- previous To yuartermatter Meigs's appointment.;- The old Coogrieelonal thieves have been at work." --H .nvrfvr " We bat! no doubt but that, If a fair eximfo' ation and report is made, such i black ptaogue of swindling will be exposed, is Las : never be fore been heard of in any country. i'iri ;.,: [Correspondence of the Baltimore Exchange.] From New Orleans. NEW ORLEANS, La., June 25, 1861. BoBlness of nearly avert kind ii at a 'stand still, but the community 1 irt cheerfully bearing its trials and discomforts. With a blockade by sea ana river, we are actuauy overourtbened with every artiole Of real neoeealtv. Rice 4 ote ; augar 34cts.t flour $68 corn 70 cts.; meats more aoundant and at lower- prices than for years past, and the whole of Texas tad Louisiana to draw from. We have not; a want that cannot bo easily supplied We draw front n ew x ore. ana w n cat, woe aoeoiateiy ns- cessary, Diocaaae to tha oontrary. . ven eona andi (volvara art constantly raoaived. j Piioes. LcDaaeqaenuy, nro aedinug. ; - -t .. -. i . We nave advices recently of fifteen Ihousand stand Dt muskets (Minie) it a rVeat Indian port doubtless landed at this time In tha Con federate States of Amerloa, and plenty mere cowiinj., xaaaviue is turning out twelve nuna red kegs of powdetn week,, with itoek oo bbadtonuke.600 tons.. Oar army ia supplied with six months' provisions for 3(10,000 men. Tbe simple faot is, we are more than ready for a five years' war, if the United States Govern ment want to keep it np.. .Our planters elra freelj their crops oi sugar and cora to oar Gov ernment tor Dondi hearing eight pec cent. take the Treasury notes, as thousands do throughout the Confederate Slates of America; at par, and I xpeet to o so is .long as our uovernmeni requires it. i Tbe government has advised the .State au thorities to postpone sending more men into Vir ginia.- Wa have: eent 15,1100, and have more than tbat number now laths State readi for service. Louisiana ia thus far the bander Stata for volunteers. We have, in the neighborhood of Memphis and Nashville, 60,000 men to' meet the Northern Invasion vm the Mississippi. Tex aa ana Arxansas are senaing zu,uuu to relieve Missouri. ' Federal gunboats are troubling us about the Pass. (Christian), Mississippi City and vicinity. Wo are preparing a few vessels of Giddi's line to defend (hose points. , ( c ' . ' v ! Tbe season is delightful hot very hot rains enougn ior our crops, wnion, beyond ail former preoedent, are luxuriant.: Tha city ia healthy, witu every proapeci oi continning so. -' j June 13th waa set apart ai a day of humilia tion and prayer.- It was rigidly observed. .-I never saw a Sabbath so solemnly keptl Jew and Gentile united. Every church iwas opened, and tbe people really bumbled themselves.- Wa believe our cause to be just, and, according to finA'm f L U1 : I r . . . . . ..'.) iw i m uiewiug-.- no Will cbnqner for ns. Not a fear or doubt crosses our winds, for our ; firm reliance npon our R. [Correspondence of the Cincinnati More about McClellan's Victory. BEVERLY, VA., July 13. MoCeilan'a advanced division ia movlne run. idly to Cheat Mountain Pass. The rebels have burned tbe bridges at Huttonsvllle and will burn Cheat Mountain bridge.- dt oin't delay us an hour.' At Rioh Mountain one hundred add thirty-one dead rebels Were found.' Onr wound Id ire dolor well. Cant. Chris. Miller, of La fayette, is suppoeeij to to mortally Wounded by a musket shot through tne right, Jungr!JHe is easier tbis morning. The .tnaraaad and wouaded noVyet-asowtainsdi CarXConk- iinoi xny Anqmpa, is severely tit not dangerously wonnded. J'rivataAloOUl danger ously; indue following Jtra.wouidld I can't lay how severely: PrtveteVWm. Slghton, B. Laodn,'A. L. Powell, Phtliin('abd xwigv wuBuni wvrgcaui AaumpBOU, lUtU Regiment, f.erely . wonnded fn t the thigh. Lieut. Col. Bryant badly injured by falline on f rock. Ten commissioned rebel officers killed ind cap taredrlnelnaingap. tkipwtthof- Pow- aauan, an eminent oraeeror.artiUeryCapt.p, t. Langeli,' JiU, Vi. S., A.,-Capt, . Irwin, of PfUiswitX, .oangeronaiy woundea, IM' Tylov, late U. S. A., and Dr. Walk-, U. S.- A', prison' rs.i Srfnio 0lrgln and Booth' 'Carolinians among the dead, but the rebels found, dead are ! i nis. morning, ot tregram, aemmandse at Rich Mountain, eaot a letter la Sen. McClellan, offeriog to ter render blmaeXt md Tonunud oi six hundred men, who had collected since their flight. The' surrender was accepied, and' the prisoners will march ia to-day. Thi prisoners w trftnteV r'ed.ubci'B nahgk; VTbe'' wounded W. D. B. i iAtsYst'tir; i W.-4 'Jamei'Guy weht'to Port Tobitpo iiaTfiaay aalat 40 r.ii, after iallalerae. late-oierk in tne Wavy aJerjawHifent. a Virginian,- snd sbd-in-law W rhJ latef Senator Mason,, of that state, lie went thither by land yesterday, and Cant. Darling, oi the capital p Iioe, dlsooveriog the fact, charged him with he- ingwilpvof Jeff. Divfsi and'fibtatned the James Goy and irsrit W pafBWVr.iTho Gdy" arrived it rort ooaqco in toe signs,' met night, in roind Taliaierro, who was arreeted; takett on board. sindtoroor.berr TstfteTj Irfivlftg'1! (he navy yarn as oxiocar xo-aay. :. Alaree bun- die of letters, addressed' to nrnmtnnnt awiAulmi. lata id" th Siuth, .was found pa himi als9tpiani oi tne location oi our camps in and aroead Wishington,,,, xxti J79J A - li woioirD-vraw or thi "W a. a vnnntr lady wai 'sitting ar a Window In Camofen.N. J few days.ago, when sh pbservedro, colored sin, cutting vpseme-i&ucs.anawoicwmmenced laughing. The darkey abeerwd-Kyiunied up ner nose, ana saiai i'-ioii wniw sins needn't laogh-fcyoove got no headl hdw-Hhey're ' an gone bquth to fight for 4 ttomtriTt'Jiw ST A farnvertsokhki snnVav si Chicago, for which heira1d'JW'eifri'emaTkTnl'.-,'Thefiai noi mm 04- oorn, at tea oefiti per ftuiiai,ri,rs lilt si.nM I ,TVO Ml lows, fills twenty columns of tho Dolmans UeriJd. Justice of the Peace. a jL rroa : Pleue announot fl.pi oanHatofrJnstlce of tha'yeaTo) al! ThaM!l' 1" MWi ., nnnnni IJ. iV. 1H a HoiomeryWDjhlp,Aarast 18llinbJt to ta BomoaullA aomtoation, and obllgo . MANY DEMOCRATS. NEW ADVERTISEHENTS. RE M O V A Lvf- wttttAivtW '..esnc .edT.JftPtVI'-iisI t 1 H-r'Jt W'-1'.-!. . ' ' Foreign and Ddmestic Liquors,' .l'-t"T tin,- WW:. ;.a ..! , HAS B1M0VXO BII ITOBf VBOM N O.' 34.N O RTH HIG II STREET, I V-?. i '"' .W. t ' t . ' ' .io-i to . , .f The eld stand reoentlr occupied by.WM. MoDONAiO . .. ;''iTe,Uln"dAfIrreel6t'of''',,:::!tA -tn..J il ! it,", :-c.. f.ii ,TTr!.t '1 ..' n W ' Awb ; rrtH eddos, j ' la1 'rhk he wtn'felP 1 Cbeap f or 'tThan or fJanntry Ft-oelnce.. j " . . ;' 7 ;! TxyOoods detlvered io blty Irada frealof enerV,!j JlylS c.hl tmlrtl .iraM .1 .11 - - hi; i-i n WHIf nESTlEAUX " '(BudcKsioil TO'&IcKM Jt BESTII kti'i) ,.' v't) ,'vm'A I-Kitt1 .-t .-.-Tn'' 1. 1 in- ii.ii -i -.-''i -- I .(-: -..!- .. -t vrajmrra '. ..-.-;B"WR IN, ,,'li C ROGER IE 8, PRODUCE, - ' 1 J T. 1 it- ..Ia. I - r - 1 provisions,..; I. M.:. ( .:, (1 .,iic,:m.1 .i l l ,V.I.?il.J1J .'I Eoreign . and Domestic. ,Fruit3::. ,FLOIJR.'BAtpiUqR 8TOItAClt;COM ,1. I I' I " 1 I ri-JV'-0 'ar' M' --0 l UHIIt'WiW W iSf . Ko.:29 Sou'tli EiglijStrset, , Colamfiu, l ',"wAv'lKethlJk'- V"' )-T n1 . .71 ,a000 yarda XiawUnt3 thi Oooia ilOJ.'.value S'yarde TravellniSreM Ckiddt at13X,'vaiis SO.cU. VJtn nras BDll,Q nengei h ix, vain ctnu. 1090 yards Ireoob. OrgaDdM at UK. vain 80 eeitr.' 7 SOOn nrds fast OolerW lame at 10, vsloa U eenai. 1 '1 lono nnli taolmti Dim 8Ukit 37K. value SO eentar. ISM) nnK BaMr Plain Bleok 811k at SI 00. value 11 Si. Sobmo OmgwiWa.araiia, aad BalitkIMtaee, aeDO aair innrvain. u, Elegant lace Mantillas, 3STo. 29 BoiilKmkK St.; HATJ Jojt' opened io invoice of erj Urge 'and handaoma - PUSHER, FRENCH, AND. CHANTILLA I 1ACE MANTILLAS AND POINTE3. Wide French Laces for Shawls. yryjDeefi Freooh Inncing tiees. , :. .Reaf Thread, Freflch, Chantilla Geneves ! '. VE1XS. Valeuoiennei, Point da daze, Brussels I - and Tiread Laeei ana Coiiari, VALENCIENNES TRIMMED H'DKFS, MALTESE LACE COLLARS & SETS,, LINEN COLLARS A. .CUFfS..', ,A .. c; r,r-.--i -.11 In-new. SbaBei, PAPER COLLAR8 6s CUFFS, a . r ..- T.t.i 0. .k u... : . 1 . For Raveling Tfraeling repress Gteoda.; BIIiKB, OHlTBBB, ' ' LAf ELLAS. BROOHS TAttNCIAI.'lo. aio , r;Tt)Vbei(Aad moat fajhlonable'itylei In' the Blty',!, ' i wp r uri ,i..m i -BAiir ae son, -JeSl '" ''l M Soath Hlgb lireet. IiKIOHB 'SJHEBTIJIGB' ' AND fiBIBTlNQS. all wMtba,f moataelebntad nakee, ow aeeet i greaUet varlotf and e very low prioea.. ;. in aa Bun, . aprllf No. 89 Booth High street , CPRINO CLOAKS Antt SASQINES I O ' MIW eTTLIB atavta ic Um, Xw i 9 South Big etreet, kava Joitopaaod newitrlaa of Guna Ouu- qnLAie. aeounw ana aMvm, anae an sewa ana dioet ityllah aoaamr. Akra, - Hairra tlmUa Black Mllkw, verj , heavy di! Bed preeelj for cm. 'Cvtito! Mattings: s 4v a4v 0-4v Wfctto evn Ued-auttf t WhHeChe!ed of sopertpr quality. 7 rorsatoby 111 mb23 No-WSonth Blah ell 4 (SPECIAL NOT ICE S . ITO BEITOBE'THE MICK TO ilEALTH, The blaod maai1e porlfled, ana all ied- ielaas U wseleas which do. not poueo the qnalltr af stimuUttai tbe Mead tediaaharse its tiaparttlet tato the bowela, BaAKsaara'a JPilu poaeei..tW o.ullt7.Mi,a high deiree, and ahonld be lb ovary teaailr.vlher.aee aooallT aaeral for ehlUnl ami .AaltasdaAMd W bath sexes, and are aa leafoent bread, jit'itceT' arrjtertva ae a Hedicum. .'. . . ' ' 4 Tha Bon. Jeeo Soyei, of Bprtofrfll, IK writtl to Dr. Brandreth, nnder oat! ot Kar 1L,18MV 1 "I have need vonr Invalnabai Tetable Unlvetaal Fllla in mv ramllv alnoe 1838: thev have alwua oared. even when ether nedletnee were of ne avail. . X hava been the means ot mj aelchboni aiisr hundred af dol lars worth, and I am aatlafled tbey have reaeivel eJ thousand per oent. In bleaaaa aeaita, through their sea Thev are need In this rarioa far Billons ana Lira, Sla- eaioa, lever and A(ae, and ail rhanmatlo naeee with the moot perfeot anoeeae. In faot, tbey are the araat nil ance hi altkoeaa, and I troae-yoarr vanerablo Ue aaay be long uumuu prepare ao exoeiwot a meaicine ior tne na- of maa. ti . ' -) .. -,-nff ! 1 - - jrieaaa aena me us loweet priot ny the iron," I Bold by Josnv B. Coos. SruerUL Oolumlui. asd bv all reepeotabla dealers In medloinee,;:,. ' V, , , ' I jlylOdawlmo. ,v- .. e, . r 1 . 1 t.i.i. .. I In all eases of ooeUveneadyapeprtu'Wlliotie anJ'Hr' aneenooa, piiea, rneastaiisia, reran ana aguaavcaa. sate head aches, and all general deranrentnw a( beaHh these rills have Invariably proved eertata snd speedy remedy. A atagte-trlalwlll place the Life PlUi beyond the reach 0 fooaVpatitloa ia thaMUaaUoav aS-araty pa- rJ,'iltt'nrg' jBttra will be joutS aqaaji alt (kadonihjaljCBees ot npodcMllty, drep)z' )"1 oka, thaeicMaaf IndM 'lea ln4alKt haalib, abS every lkaod aS-ajaataeew-aftne amaie vrgaatv lor tale bytf.'Wiiromft WproadW, w..Ti' WhlXQVi&ii "an xtxao'fioat,',a letler irrittn,t(y'll''E' 'A6ioe,'pasler' of '"the Pierre rata e4 are Bapv flbareh, Inaklya, H. T., to the "Journal ana Meeeepger, Clootahatl, 0..aud apriOa volnmet In favor af that World-wnetnad ntdMha, MkA. WniaMw'aloaWiawfaajferoaOanijewTawrwiFai 1 "Vtmttn dvrtltaent la roar eohnana 'eTITaa' tuavie'i Beeiaiiw tram --aiearwe eluaeofthediifcd'ftneaUtaaneof tha beat, andihoae. or won, reidera who bare babies can't da better than T ' (laylntltpply.,'. ooKVslydfcf toreof aftnMianeaioUkoeir life, pil we. tr tMloomplIrdtQakjr tJuBrreMerttliableaa hum .. ..ll.f AUUIM BlAU mil. .rill IYIA.1I. I r Summer Arrangement. Little Miami Columbus & Xenia RAILROADS. Clnoinnati, Dayton dc Indianapolial Throngh to Indianaooris withont Change of Cars ! and but ,0n4 Change of Cars between ,( ' i f 1 h 1 1 Columbus and St.' Louts. ' ! "' Four Trains Dafly from Columbus I jfsIiJ.lFIRSTTRAIN.' ' A000MMODATION at 5 a. n., stopping at all sta tions between Oolumbue and Cincinnati aod ar riving at Cincinnati at 10 05 a. D., and at Iton, 8.10a.'m.,connaottiigatPayton for Indlanapolu and the West. . ...... SEdOND TRAIN. ' No.' 1 EXPRESS at ll.40a.m., stopping atJefferion, tondon, Obarleeton, Oed&rvllle, Xenla, Bprlng Valley, Oorwin, f raeport, Jort Aoelent. Morrow Be, Lebanon, f oater'a, Loveland and milord, arriving at Cincinnati ta.Wl n. m. Tl.tflnn tttfi.aS n. m.. Aannectlna' with the Ohio and Hiaalaslppl Bailroalfor Loulavllle, Ey., Vln deanea, Cairo, Bt.Xuuls, NeWOrleans, eto.l at Dayton for InllaaepoKs, Lafayette, Terre Haute, Chicago and aliWeatorapolnta. - ; ; r 1 : THIRD TRAIN. 1 HAIL at 9.10 p. m , stopping at all stations between Oolumbue and Xenla, and at Spring Valley, Gorwla, Mot row and Lovwlaad, arriving at Cincinnati at 8 a. m. j -, , FOURTH TRAIN. ' NIGHT EXPRESS, via Styton, at 1! 00 midnight, stopping at London, Xenla, Dayton, Middle town and Hamilton, arriving at OlncinnaU at 5.23 a. m. ; at Day ton at 8.53 a. m.i conneoling at Cincinnati with the Ohio and Mltateelppl Railroad tor Lonlavllle, Evansvllle, Tlneennea. Cairo, Bt. Lonla. Hamphii, New Orleans, and all point, Bqulh and Bouth-weit; also, at Dayton for Indianapolis, Lafayette, x Hante. Chicago, ate. I JO 'or further Information and Through Ticket,, apply to ai; Li DOHEKTY, ticket Agent, Union Depot, Oolumbue. . .. -., i - it ,. p. vf. BTRADBR, Oaneral Ticket Agent, Cincinnati, r :JN0.W.D0HERT7, frnwa-.rj.'giwimwf. v"'" - Agent, Oolumbue, . . , -. E. W. WOODWARD, . .-' ! . 1 i Superintendent, Cincinnati. ColumLut, July H, 1801. IRISH STEAMSHIP LINE. (Steam Between Ireland and America. NEW YORK, BOSTON AND GALWAY . ' The following new and magnificent first-elate peddle Wheel Btaamthle coipaea the above llnoi ADRIATIC, 5,883 tons burthen, . Capt, J. aUoar 1 1 1 ' 1 (Eormerty of the Collins Line.) HIBERNIA, ,4,fOOtoniburtba.Caat,N. Paowea. COLUMBIA, 4,m-,ir, " H. LaiTca. ANOLIA, 4,4(10 " -u NrcHOiaoH. PAoino, -i.eos 1. bmuh. PRINCE ALBERT. (Screw.) I 7 ''?.', ,3.0;. " . J.WAt.; I One of tha above ehlps will leave New York or Boston Alternately every Tueeday formliht, for Oalway, ear rrtne tha government mails, touching al Bt. Johns, ST. V. . ' The Steamers of this line have been conitructed with the greateat owe, nndav tha euparvUlon of tha govern ant,havawatactlght eompartmente, and are uoezcel kd (oroaanfoia, safety and speed by any ateamera afloat. They aae aoaamanded by able and experienced ofioera, and every exertion will be mad to promote the ooanfbrt af paaoengere. 1 An;erperlaioed Burgeon attached to each ship. 1 ' - - KATES Or PASSAGE, first-class N. Y. or Boston to Oalway or Liverpool 1 100 Second-olaes, p'l " . . 75 fiittclaam,, ; . toBt aohn's IS Third-clue, " to Oalway or Liverpool. I or any lowa la Ireland, on a Railway, - - - 30 I Thlrd-elaea paaoengers are liberally eupplled with pro vteions of the beet quality, cooked and served by the Mr Van ta of tha Company. I '" 'JBETUHir TICKETS. 1 FartlaswUhlng to eend for their friends from the old. errantry can obtain tickets from any town on a railway, ia I ft land, or from tha prlnelpai cities of Kngland and boot hod, at vary low rates. Paatengert for New York, arriving by. the Boiton Iteamera, will be forwarded to New York free of charge. I tor pateaga or farther IsforDatlon, apply to I Wai.B. WIOKHAII, ' At the offloa of the Oempany, oa the wharf, foot of Canal etreet. New York. I ROWLAND As ASPlNWALL, AgenU. aprlUS.dOm. PROF. L. MILLER'S HAIR INVIGORATOR, An Effective, Safe and Economical Compound, FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR, To Its original color withont dyeing, and preventing . Hair from turning gray. " FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS, indenting It, whan there la the least particle of vital! 1 ' or recuperative energy remaining. FOR REMOVING SCURF AND DANDRUF j Andallu1aneensa9eotloDa of the Scalp. . j FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR. Imparting to It an aneqaled gloss and brilliancy, making Iteoft and silky in Its texture, and earning it to cui' readily, i.r " i . li.j . : The gnat eelebrlty ahl InereaalBg demand for thla uo aqualed preparation, wvliMee the proprietor that ona rial is only neceeaary to satkly a discerning publio of Ita anpariorqualltlee over any other preparation lnt nsa. It Oleaoaea tha bead and scalp from dandruff and other outaoeoua dtaeaaci, canting the hair to grow luxuriantly giving It a rich, soft, gloeay and flexible appearanoe, and also, when tbe hair la looeening aod thinning, It will glva strength and vigor to the roots aod reetore the growth to hoee parts which bava become bald, causing It to yield a reih covering of hair. There are hundreds of ladles and gentlemen In New York who have bad their hair reetored by tbe nee of tbia Invigtrator. when all ether preparations have sailed. L. IU has an bia peaaeaalon letters Innumerable beatifying to tha above faota, from persons of the higheat 1 edaeeta-bllity.- It will efleotaally prevent tha hair from turning niU the laieet period af tlfei and tn oasea when'the hair baa already ehanged Iterator, tha asa ot aha Invigontor wUlwlthoertaintyTestora tt to it to its original hue, giv ing it a dark, gloaay appearaaoav Aa aperfana for tbe . toilet and a Hair Keatoratlvo It la particularly recom mended, having, agreeable fragrance; and aba great fa etlitlea It afford, in dressing the hair, wbloh, when molat with tbe Invlgoratar; eaa be droaced ia any required form to a ta praserve l plane, whether plainer In onrls; heoea tne graat aemana ior it by the ladies as a standard lolleearttole whteh bene oaght to be wlthoata the price Dlaoaa It within tha reach ot all, aalng 1 - - ; .- r . - I Only Twenty-Five iCenta ' "' per bottle, to be had at all respectable Druggists and !' '- ' Eerfaaiara. - ' jL. MFLLIR would call tha attention of Parents and guardians to the ue of his Invlgorator, In 'eases when -the children's hair inclines to bs weak.- Tha use of It lays tha foundation tor a food AM Aair, as It re moves any hnpuritlee tbat-may hava baeoaa oonneoted with the scalp, the eawvalol whaok la aeceaaary both for the health of th child, aod tha future ppearenoe of IteHalr.-. . .. v-, . I. Oactioh. None genuine without the fae-etmlle L0U18 MILLER belna on tha outer wraoMr: alio. L. HIT.. LBH'8 BAIH INVIGORATOR, N. Y., blown In tha gtaeai ,'l " 1 ' - .f-'.. r "1 id ".i .11.: 1 Whokaala Depot, 59 Day stmt, and sold by all the prtwdpal Maaakaota and Druggists throaghoot tha worlt, liiporai oieoount w pnronaaere oy me quantity. , I akw Aeetre4 wsaaeat to the American Public my W tA5p "WntOYID CTSXaJTTASXOUS DYE, which, after year of aelaattfla experimenting, I have brought to parfeotteat It dyes Blaok or Brown instantly, wlthoutinjury to tha Ealr or Skin; warranted the best FMweoi wi ama in aneianaa. PRICE, ONLY 60-CENTS. Depot,' &rX Dey.t; .NeVYorki i .imvmmm .0.: u-.d ni 1 . )i.v HO. 29 I0UTS EIQH SXBXET,? 1,000 yards tf net Plain Black Bilks at 1 OO-vala'a 11 so perysrdrr . . 4,4ortCUAV torn andMttUa beodi'et" 19 la aenta-.vale to e&U periardt'j a a,000 yfj Whits Brilliaatea pit 19 1a,oeats value go cent per yard. . 81OOO yards rine'anlDomeetlo Clot hams greatly on- flervala.:iv!Il Mr. i! Ai'tf -ALSO:- UROE AND DESIRABLE: LOTS oKt KCZUtBiatTES, SAl20nT28,l i a ar f jit a . challii, roraira im, , ,,4 etooUni kASsoss.uviius, .Z'.iltktit, cjoiooxi, . ropuM,1.. AND ALt'dTliER vv A yaW'dleTlsuehlqiaabU'pi Ctooda la lbs moit.aalrab)esirfc snd at vaiy towtrg prices. all material!, made la the most strllth manner aflen ji tha latest PaHUphliUh meat llegU' itylt. ih1 tna Hty. ' 'jrff.-. SAIIf AC MOXi PjV ,0, WBQurtDMjltptmt.l '