Newspaper Page Text
TUESDAY MORNING,' JULY 16, 1861. Rail Road Time Table. LlTTLlMlilHkOtOBOJt IaiB. a. i ' Imtn. Arrive Cincinnati Accommodation. S:00 A. 11.. . :10 M. " lipmu.. 11:40 A.M. 11:03 A. M. Mall and Accommodation.. :10 P. M. 8:00 P. M, Night Kxpress Tit Day ton.BiOO midnight. MO A. M. Jxo. T. 'DonkTT, Agent. Columbus Jr. Ciavbland B. B. Night Bxpree.. New York Nxpres CO. AO- WsyBxpress. ...3:40 A.M. t 11:15 E. M. .11:10 A. M. - 10:50 A.M. ... 8:30 P.M. I 7:50 P. If. Jambs PtTTOion, Agent. - OdithalOiuo'B R. No. 3 Express...... 3:30 A. M. 11:25 A. If. S:15 P. M. . 11:43 A. M. . W. J. Pux. Agent. No. 5 do PiTTiiimnH, Coi.flilBDi Omcunun B.B. Mall Train S.S0A.K. HSS A.M. Bxpress Train 11:25 A.M. 8:45 P. M .. . . , Jos. BoimtoM, Agent. CoLCUBUS A. INOUNOFOLIS, B. B. '. . . (Columbus Pwo It Indiana B. R.) No. 1 Express 0 30 A. M. ' 4:00 P, M No. ' 3:00 P. M. :45 P. M. Accommodation -10:50 A. M. C. W. Burnt, Agent. LOCAL MATTERS. Tbe Adams Express Company place as dally under obligations to It for tbe Tory latest papers from the eastern cities. Tbe American Express Company has our thanks for its dally favors in the shape of the very latest eastern papers. Council PaocntDiiias. At the meeting ol the City Council last evening, Mr. Cohstook was chosen President prt tm. Mr. Stausino presented thepetition of Era. BiLLia and others, in relation to obstructions la the market space. Referred to the commit tee on the Market House. Mr. Douvr presented a petition from sundry citizens, asking the Cour.cll to take some steps for the reception oi the Vedettes and Fencibles on their return to tbe city from their three months' service as volunteers.. Referred to Messrs. Wilson, Doott and Btaosino, to report at the next meeting. . '.' The following ordinances were read the third time and passed: " "' '.. To grade and pave the south side of Long street between Hich street and Fair alley. To grade and pave Straight alley from Rioh to Friend streets. . To re-grade and re-pave the1 sidewalks and gutters on High street (east side) from Long street to Mulberry alley. ..: To giade and pave Mound street between Fifth and Seventh streets. ' To assets a special tax upon, the real estate bounding on the south side of Friend street from Washington avenue tast Pablio Lane. - Resolutions were adopted authorizing the City Eeglneer to contract with - RiohaidWA Davis, with Jacob S. Winams and with John G. Bickil for grading and paving. Adjourned. DracHikor or a Voloktiis on Hasias Cor res Patbick Bkadt, of Muekingum county, a young man twenty years of age, having en listed without his father's oonsent and against his express directions, in Capt. Sbclton Stub gis's Company, of Zanesville, and having been mustered into the United States service for three years at Camp Chase, on the appli cation of his father, Nicholas Bhadt, H. B. Albert, Probate Judge of this county, issued writ of habttti eorpu directed to Col. 8oaw mon, commanding at Camp Chase, to produce the body of young Bsaot before him. In com pliance with the writ, Col. Bcammon appeared, and responded to the writ through his counsel, Col. Stanlit Matthxws. Capt. Riamit argued the case for the father. Tbe counsel for the re spondenl cited and relied upon the case of the Commonwealth e, Gamble, 11 Sergt. St Rawle, 93. On Saturday, July 13, Judge Aum ren dered his decision, discharging young Bbadt. We make the following extracts from , the Judge's opinion! : ' ' It is claimed by the respondent that this ml nor is liable to military service and should not be discharged, because the Government ! supreme, and the rights of tbe father being de fined and bestowed by tbe Government, it may, and in this case has assumed its lawful preroga tive or right to the services of this young man. And having the right of eminent domain, not only in tbe soil, but in the bone and muscle of tbe country, the Government tas done only what it had a right to do, and has asserted and declared that right in a proper and lawful man ner. ' 4 . j,' ; : 'l : . ' r. The proposition of the learned oounsel that the General Government ought and must be sustained, is not only , the sentiment of every true patriot, but Is sound as a legal proposition; and I concur- fully -with the counsel that in order to malnjaln the Constitution and preserve tbe Government, it may exercise that right of eminent domain, and compel any of its citizens liable to military duty to servo in Its armies. - But until, the emergency does arise, and the Government acting under a law for the purpose, does demand the involuntary services of ito citi zens, do infringement of the right of a father to the custody and services of his minor child would, in my. lodgment, be legal j because tbe Govern ment means to protect, not violate the rights or liberties ot in citizens. Ana in tnis, i ininK, I am fully sustained . by the decisions of the higher court, and the clearly indicated policy of the General Government as well as-of the State of OMoj ' . " :' ' : : -, y In the matter of George B. geeler, Hemp stead's j Circuit Court Reports, 306; United Stales . Anderson, Cooke's Rep., 143; In the matter of Ferguson, 9 Johns,, 339; la the mat ter of Carlton, .7 Co wen, 471; Commonwealth . Cushlng. ll Mass.:, 67; Commonwealth ex rel. Webster e Fox, 7 penn.t6tate Rep , 336. - v; t All the Ybregoliig cases sustain the position that tbe .enlistment of Vjnuor, without the consent of his parent,, guardian or master, is illegal. - - .. I will riol asf that Congress may not declare the enlistment of minor to be lawful and val id, but they have not dene so In relation to the army Of the United States. "A cue may' occur whioh Will Induce them to do so, f,When the great principles of liberty and self-government are tn danger ot destruction ny we invasion i foreign foe, bv Insurrection or. rebellion,' per haDs thev wilt. : But until Congress does inter fere, we must take the law as we find it. and regard the claims which the laws of God, of nature, of the State and. of the United States give tbe father to the services and custody, of ms eniiQ, until no arrives si me age oi maiwi- tV. St-." tfJl " l,J.-i i! ..- l-'Mi If. however."'' the Dareit or feuardi&n sLvei consent, either directly oe by implication, the enlistment is lawful. In tuoh esses tho Court would remand the minor to the custody pf the military officers. ,; u,- i,,, .. 'a 1 ' ii i i i i re vji .ii Odd Ff llows PwNio.-If laws, as thef say, are silent in time of war, Uis blessing that picnics are not dead also."!. We rejoice to lerh that th Odd Fellows' Association, of which E. . F. JcNNiNds, of tbisoity, U President, an4 1. G Tuball, also of this city; Is Secretary, hu made arrangements iot a- eeoona . Annual rwnio i Brush Lake on Wednesday next, tho 17tb Instl, in which kit good Oitlaens are invitrd to par' uui)rc. i ue HueM ait : mif iiiiH ewii ipi the rounff;&!fTrauiokwlH;jwt6;toIoMini' at 7:41-M- on Wednesday, and returning, leave Brush Lue at 0 P. M. - This will offerd a fine ride and a day for ru ral sport indiodlal enjoyment, T- 1 1 1 i '.'iw-i f . l.rl'j .; IO" Tbo workmen, onSaturday last, In clr lng away tbo rubbish of tbo Neil Uosf fouud, at tho depth of fifteen feot. soms' timbers 'f A on flroi , Jt it over eight months shoe tbo is U House was burned down. ; ST 640 mules. 100 horses. 400 barrels- of bread, and 40 wagons, passed through hero by rail, on Saturday last, July 13, n rtvta for Vir ginia OT There are at present In tbo Military Hos pital at 208 Sooth High street. 54 patients Their physician is Dr. R. M. Dinio. .) 'N O Applioatlons will bo reoelred .to day by the County Commlssionert for relief front the Volunteer Fund.: ' -. ." m .. ... EX We learn that the troops ot Gamp Chase, many of whose garments had become "au tattered and torn," are now balog uniformed at the expense of tho State. t -i . i COLUMBUS POST OFFICE. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. DEPARTURES. Malli for New Tork Oltr, Boatoa, Albany, Buffalo, Pittsburgh, tleubenvllU way, Cleveland, ZaaMTilla, Newark, GranTllle, Waehlngton City, BalUaon, Phlla delnhla and New Orleans. oloM daily (nundan ezoavW ed) at 8 o'clock p. m. ., A tnronga mau lor new ion ana uiovaiana sums ailly (Snndayi excepted) at 9 o'clock p.m.. 0. 0. 1 0. B. B. Way Mall olotee daily (Bundayi ez epttd) at 8 o'clock p. m. Otntml Ohio Way Mall okeee dally (Sondays excepted) at 10 o'clock a. m. . . - Cincinnati Way Mall elosae dally (Sundays exoepted) at o'clock a. m. , , " Chicago, Subnane. Delaware. Marlon and Wortblnc ton Malls elotee dally (Sundays cxoopUd) at 9 o'olock p. SB. , Malli for Zanla, BpringtUld, Bayton. Toledo, Olnoln natl, Indianapolis, Louiirllla, 8t. Iioula, and Detroit, cIomb dally (Bundayi exoepted) at 8 o'olock p. m. A through mail to Xonla, Oprlnrflold and Olnelnsatt Imb daily (Sunday! exoeptod) at 1U o'olock a.m. Urban. Plana, llffln and Union City mall closes dally (Buadaya axeepted) at 8 o'elook p. m. Lancaster, Logan, NelaonTllle, Olnlevilla, Ohlllloothe, PorUmoutb. Waehlngton 0. H h Athans, Uuletla and Hlllaborouin saaUs eloaa dally (Sundays axotpted) at 8 o'clock p. m. But War Mall bv NaUoaal Boad to ZananllU nloaaa dally (Sandayi excepted) at 18 o'olock m. r . , ... lurrubursa Mau oictes dally (Sundays excepted) at X o'elook . sa. - , - .t. ... Mt. Vernon Mall, by way of Weiterrlllo and Sunbunr. oloaet daily (Sandayi xeeptcd) at 9 o'olock p.m. AiuDUn aiau oioiei aaiijiDnnoayi exoepioujai ociock P. , r . - Lanoaatar Way Mail clous dally (Bundayi excepted) at o'clookp. m. .-....... i. . v . i .... , .... ARRIVALS. Malls' from New Tork, Boiton, Philadelphia, Buffalo, Albany, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Dayton, Toledo, Zenta, Detroit, Bprlngfleld, Cincinnati, Ohlllloothe, 8t. LooU. and all Bouthern cities, arrira between the hours of 9 o'olock p. m. and 4 o'olock a. m. Malli from Indianapolis, Chicago and Dubuque arrive at 140 a.m. Halls from Washington City, Baltimore, ' Wheeling, Canes-rill, Newark, Btaubenville, Mt. Vernon, sad tbe 0 . 0. B. R. Way Mall, arrive at 19 o'elook aa. ' Way Mall from Cincinnati arrives at 3 s'eloolt p. m. Iianoastar Mail arrives at 9 o'clock p.m. ' - Bast Way Mall over the National Boad arrives at U o'clock a.m. - i i ; , mt. rernon waynaiiamveiatii:uua. m. ' Mall from Dunlin arrives at 19 o'clock m. ' TJrbana Way Mall arrivsi at 9 o'clock p. m. Barrlsburgh Mall arrires at 11 o'clock a. m. Laacasier Way Mall antral at 11 o'clock m t Ofiica dalrrtry open mrj day (ezoept Sunday) from 7 a'ckwk a. m. to S o'clock p. m. Open on Sundays from 7x to 0 o'clock In tbo morning, and from 9 to 0 JOHN GRAHAM. P. M. TELEGRAPHIC! REPORTED FOR THE STATESMAN. Gen. Garnett Killed and the Rebels Routed at St. George. Clbtblano, July 15- A train arrived at Grafton, Virginia, this morning with tho body ol Gen. Garnett, tho rebel commander at Laurel UU1, killed wbUe attempting to rally bis foroeo at St. Ueorge, yesterday. ' - Tho enemy were routed and a large quantity of munitions ana valuables taken. Tbe enemy lost fifty killed and many taken prisoners. Wo have four killed and a few wounded. . , There is no rebel fore now within General McClellan'i distrlotv ' " - - 1 Movement of Gen. Patterson's Division. [Special to Commercial.] i Niw ToBK. July 15 A nrlvato letter from one of the 13th N. Y, Regiment, dated Martins burg, July 11th, says tho regiments were under marching orders, and expected to leave that evening, as all the tents bad been struck. Tbirty-alx thousand men were In the vicinity, and camped In sight of eaoh other. , , , The 12th have had the right of the line given to them. A flag of truce came Into camp on tbe 10th Inst, with a request from the rebels for an arm istice of ten days, to make up. their minds whether to fight or retreat4 , Patterson replied, "No; not a day." Tbe enemy have since retreated 15 miles to wards Richmond. t ' Jeff. Davis's Privateers. Niw Yobbt, July 15-Tho.Tribano translates an account of the operations of tho rebel priv' teers from the; Cienfuegoe correspondent of the Havana Diaro, of the 9th lnot., whioh says, the privateer Sumter' brought in port six prixee, the cargoes consisting principally of aogarand molasses.' Tho aoting Governor reported the occurrence to the civil Government. I' It Is reported tbo commander of tbe Sumter demanded, as tbe cargoes were Spanish, they should be immediately unloaded, and the ves sels delivered to hinv to be destroyed, and the cargoes kept until tbo Confederate Govern ment declared if they were legal prizes.. . It ap pears unquestionable that tho civil Government ordered the Sumter to leave the port immedl ately, and he should retain the prizes antil the determination of her Majesty w Government be known. . (,,.,,; . .-(: .... . ,i ... . It is almost certain that, tboi privateer, cap tnred the vessels above mentioned within wa ter under the-jurisdiction of Cuba, .and within three nautical miles of tbo ooMU u ".v:.,'?r.. Defeat and Death of Garnett Total Defeat and Death of Garnett in Western Virginia---His Forces Completely Routed,and Scattered Cor aptured. GkArroN, July train Arrived here this morning, bringing the body of Gen. Garnett, late commander of tho rebel forces In Western Virginia. The rebels were tmrsaed from Lau rel Hill by Gen. Morris's command, consisting of tbo 14th Ubio and lib and tb Indiana Kegl- ments. t ' -t- ' '.'"' ''i1'.:' :lm) At Carraok's Ford, eisht mileA south of the town of St. Georee.-Gen. Garnett attempted to rally his foroess.when a sharp aklrmiah ensued, mwnlcb uarnett waa klUed, ano twenty ot bis men left dead on the ground, besides many bodies being oarrled off. - The rebels were com pletely Pouted, and scattered in all directions, Forty loaded Tsgons, and all their horses and osmp equipage, fell into nis Bands. . - lUarnett's remains will , be embalmed and Dlaoed at the disposal of his friends. : -. it wo men were tinea and two uortaur wonnded of the Ohio Fourteenth, No other lost on our side. r-iTy.yi . . Our troops took mors prisoners than they oould take care of. .ri--'- t.nj i . v .ji.i Gen. McClellan's Account of the Destruction of the Rebels in Western Virginia—The Victory Decisive. .Washington. Jul 15: An official disnatoh haibeen received at headquarters from General mouiellan. from Uattoavilie. Va.. on tbe lath. Siviog an aooountortbe routing of tbe forces and oath Of Gen. Garnett. ' ; It confirms the nrovloai hheoniiti.' Ha sava ho. hu completely .annihilated the enemy in western Virginia. v. .,,.(-: . . uur loss- was but- 13 killed arid about -40 wounded ' T: ' -'i -a a..M 1 tTho enomj' wu'. 600 itUeiind,. i,r00'prU- onOTB. .iw.ji t: jir-.'yiw . .( i vVeoapturod oevon gunsijr:r'r"'kn T " A portion of Garaett'l iorWritrtaled, bit look; for their oapture by General Hill, who is in hot tnrsnlt.u i ."fjwtaou v It Is oald that Garnett'a troops are tho crack regiments oi Eastern Virginia, , Aided by ueor glons, Tonnwslano and Carolinlano. i Chrr suo oess is oomnlete. and i mmlr JteUoro that a eession is killed in this teotion of tbo country. Virginia—The Victory Decisive. Fairfax not Occupied. i "Washinotoh. Jul? l&-lbe roetomoo iDepart mlOttt hu ordrL that matr. matter for East Tennessoo tV,!! go to tbe Cincinnati distributing oiuna. iThe result of InflntrlMT rafhllitarv ouar ten this morning Is that .Fairfax Court House if yet occupied by tbo.tedwal .tToops. "CABTHAes, K. Y July l6adeotraottvir bictitrvd hero thir eYlBg,'oflBttnllijt-alfb0o1 t&e snurs DUBipejuf- portion of tbo cur. comnr s lug: twelve stores three, dwellings, one church One hotel, and ono carriage manufactory,. ;Jjms unknown, generauy Insured. Virginia—The Victory Decisive. Fairfax not Occupied. Thirty-Seventh Congress---Extra Session. i OlB I " WASHINGTON, July 15. Seiiati Btr. Sixos said: The rebellion must be put down, whatever may o ium touh - " j movo South with Irroslstlblo tread, and tot the banner ware over Btchmond and Now Orleans. - ' Mr. Bala moved that tho Benats proceed to elect a On the Brit ballot, thlrty-ilx votes war cast. 3. W. forcer received twenty-six, and was declared elected. Mr. Wad Introduced a bill for tho protection of Uov rnment nontraats. . , The army appropriation bill was taken up, and sava. ral amsndmmts, reporUd from tho committee on ft- nanM. mmrm ..Inn tit. . . , Mr, Grimes offered an amendment, that the Coast Survey be impended during the Urns oi wan uing nea to. Mr. Teseandsn moved to amend sou to read I "All the provisions of law and appropriations herein contained, applicable to three years' volunteers, should apply to two yean' volunteers, aad all othsr vo uuioers oxmsu- lng three months, In the amy or navy." Agrssa to. Tho bill was reported to the Benau ana pusea. -The bill to Inoreas tbe military establishment of the United States was taken up. Tha question was upon ina amenamon, nuuoiug iuv army again In six mo n tas alter int insurrauop u np. pmasdi and It was moarnea so as w m vhs jw instead of six months. " ; atr. Wilson onnosed tha amenamena, as is wraia nave a bad effect on tha army, an deter offloers from entering the nsw regiments. Mr. Ball and Mr. Harm aiso opptneu me ameno- ment. ' ' ...... Mr. Wilson said, thourn ne was not urronaiy anaensa to the army, still the oountry was not wstohinv ths Inter Sits of the army as It should do. UWO Bid Bad 0,000 mm last Ootober, properly dlstrlbuwa, we miUi nave had tha forts la tho Bouthern ports to-day. On motion or Dr. Brecktnruw, ina resolution ap proving of tha acta ot tha (resident was made the special order for to-morrow, as ho wished to submit a few re suarki. i Mr. Hmra mavad to amend mi amanumeni, rauocini tha army again In on year after the Insurrection Is sup pressed, by providing that tho army biwduosd a Con gress may direct. The amendment to the amendment was agreed to yeas S3, nayi 18. . xoe diii men passea. onandler Introduced a bill providing for th con fiscation of th property ot tha rebels. xb loan Dill was taaen up, auu svTerai aaicuuuieota reported, from th commute on finance, war adopted, Bonn. On motion of Mr. Washburn; It was ' Runlntd. That th commutes on Oommsroe ba direct ed to Institute an lmmsdlat Inquiry, aa to what further measures ar ntoaasaiy, if any, to make th blockade of tha do rts In th rebellious States mors eneotuai, ana io arreit th depredations of pirates, now praying upon American commerce under pretended lettara of marque limed by th s sailed southern uonreaaraey. On motion of Mr. Dixon, a resoluUon waa passed, tha Senate concurring, that Congress adjourn next Friday. Mr. Oonkling asksd leave to Introduce a resolution providing for a aalsot committee, to which shall be refer red th subject of anneral bankrupt law, to report at th next session by bill or otherwise. Adopted. Mr. alllott, from in committee on uommerc report ed th following: JUtnlmtl. That th Bcrtarv or tne Treasury ba re quested to employ Immediately, sufficient force to protect our oommero irom pirates wowu now iiiiow w sea. Passed. Th Bpeiker laid before tn uoua a letter rrom Air. Oarlil resigning hli seat, he hating been elected Sen ator from Vlrainla. Mr. Wood offered th roliowmg resolution, mat in is Congress raoommeni to th Governor of tha various State to avn',tblr Leaistures for th purpose of call-Ins- tha alactloa of two delegates from ach of th Con- crasslonal dlstriota to meet In general convention at Lsulsvtlle, on th first Monday of Ssptnobsr ne.t, th purpose f th Oonvsnlton being t dvia measure! for tn restoration oi yowaw w uur wu.i j . Mr. Washburn moved to ley th resolution on th t ble. Agreed to W against S3. , Mr. Allan asked laev to offer th following reiolu tlons : MesobtS. That whenever Statsi now In rebellion inat tha Oenaral Oovarnment sbali'ceas their rebel- Ilea, aad become loyal to tha Union, ft la th duty of tha Oovernment to susnend th prosecution or th war. Jeoiv4d, That no part ot th objsct of th present war Is to Interfere wlln slavery. Mr. Blake suggested an amendment, try adding tn Words "and surrender tbelr leaders to b hung." Mr. Vallandtcham asked leav to offer a series of res olutions, setting forth th recent acta of th President In relation to calling out troop for the war, etc., and declaring they war without th warrant of law, and in Violation ox ine uonsnmuon. Mr.Vallandlgham aald ha wanted fbe resolutions re- rsmdtothooommiiteMtnWBOie. . - Tha House tabled them. Mr. Hickman, froaathejadieiary committee, reported a bill which a said had recslved the approval of the law officer or th uov rnment ana tne i uaiciary commit tee. ' The title of to bill is: To denn and punish con' sntracv. After considerable discussion tie bill passed yeas 133, aaw 7. Mr. MoOlernand offered the following: Warjtaai, A portion of the people ot tbe United States, in violation of their OonstltuUonal obligations, have taken up arms agalnat th national So ve rnment, and are now atrivlng by an aggressive and unrighteous war to overthrow It and break up tha Union; Therefore, Jtuolmd, That this Bouse pledges Itself to vote any amount of money and any number of men which may be neosssary, to secur tbe speedy and effectual suppres sion of said rebellion, and the permanent restoration of tbe federal authority evtrywhsr within th lbnita and jurisdiction of th United States. Th resolution waa adopted yeas 131, naya 5. A long discussion took place on the resolution of Mr, Porter regarding Congressman May to inquire It he had been holding criminal Intercourse with rebels, and to report what courts should be taken, and giving power to sand for persons and papers, - Resolution passed. . fha Bouse concurred In the Senate amendments to the volunteer bill. Adjourned. m Proclamation in Northeastern Missouri. QoiNcr. III., July 15. Brijr. Gen. Hurlbnt has issued a proclamation to the oitizens of northeastern Missouri, denouncing the false and designing men who are seeking the overthrow of tbe Government, and warns them tbat tbe time for tho toleration of treason has passed, and that the man. or body of men, who venture to stand In defiance of the supremo authority of the Union, peril tbeir lives in tbe attempt. , He says the character of the resiBtenoe which has been made Is in conformity with the source from which It originated. Cowardly assassins watch for opportunities to murder and become heroes among their associated bands by slaught ering by stealth those whom openly they dare not meet, i This system, unknown to civilized warfare, is the natural fruit treason bears. Tbe Drocess or criminal courts, administered in dlsaffeoted districts, will not oure this system of assassination but tho stern, imperative de mand of military necessity and tbe duty of self- proteotion will furnish a short, decisive remedy, in tbo summary justice ol tbo court martial. He cuarantees protection to all peaceable oitizens who remtln In the discharge of dutyi but urges the neoesslty of their organizing and taking part in the reconstruction cf the frame of so ciety. t; "' . - ' ? ' He oloses by assuring tho people of North Eastern Missouri that tbe United States, though freferrlng a quiet, uniform obedience. to the laws, are yet ready and abundantly able to en force' compliance, and to inflict,' if neoessary, the extreme, penalty, on nil active and known traitOrSt., ;-. v. II liu .I i ..: tiM ! n u 1 hi. 1 1 i 1 ' Niw Yoaai Jnlv 14. Advices -from Pensa- oola report tho arrival of the Wyoming. She would leave on tbe am tor tne uuir oi uantor nla,to cruise for tho protection of American commerce, under Lieut, Murray. ' --. Commodore mitcbeii, Lieutenants rorter ana Hackett.and 3d Assistant Engineer Linnloe had resigned. - Most of them came on tbe North Star; also Lieutenant Bbyrock of the Saranao. Tho State of rantma was concentrating troops at Panama, The movement is generally believed to be in favor of the independence of the Isthmus. - - ' . . 1 AJtIoct sVous Nluarauitua ear that Garell, the murderer of Jos. L. White, baa been sen tenced to the chain-gang. . f. Alianv, July 15. Ex-President Van Buren has expressed tho opinion that the war ought lobe rleorously prosecuted until the full author ity of tbe United States Government Is re-estab lished.. . ... . .. . ,. . . ,,. '..I, :, . . T","""T" ...jt ,ri-. i- PffiLAOiLrHiAa July 15-Aooordibfr to-the Rlohmond Whin. Gen. Garnett is Robt. S. Gar nett, late a Major In the Federal army, and not the member of Congress. n A letter dated Havana, 10th Inst i says the Cantaln General ordered the crivateer Sumter off, and retained the prises tho cargoes being Spanish property. Tbe vessels had been held for toe notion ot tne nome uovernmeni. - - i I i it i :. Boston. July 15. Hoa. Nathan Appleton j, . ' : Otoa yesteraay. ,.,. - . , . . . ,;.,.. n, o A letter rrom too captain or mo dns? Aioeri Adams.' dated Cionfueroo tho evening? of the 7th. states tbat tho cantainrUenerat has reieas ed all. tho SomUr's prizes, and they would sail tho next morning". i : '-' : ..' i.-v.iv. -' I ' sT' What Minister Harvey Writes. [Special to the Post.] i-WAiituOTOW, July IS. Harvey writes from Paris, dated Jnne 21st, that the rebel agents look for a decisive movement ab road in tnoir favor witnm sixty asys. From Baltimore. [Herald's Dispatch.] Baxtimou, July 1. Hon.- Henry . Mays re turned trow Rlohmond Issl Bight, sick. ' He says tho oonfldeneo of the Southerners in their ability to triumph over tho North Is unabatsd : Rlohmond papers advocate the confiscation of tne property or tbo Union farmers in Fairfax MOnty wno are lending old to the Uplon troops ' St. Lodis, July 15. A Springfield correspond ent Of too Kepuoiioan, says Indians entered Alls soon wim vne ATKanss troops. Dispatches from Washington. [Herald Correspondent.] Washington, July 14th Tho First Massa ehusetts, SecondMiohlgan and 12th New York Regiments will form a brigade under Colonel Richardson of Michigan, and will be a part of General Tyler's division. They win prob. ably be the rigbt wing or tbe advancing col [Special to the Tribune.] Three citizens of refuge in tho oamp at Falls Church this morning, say tbat uovernor L,etcner oaa issuea a proclamation re quiring the Counties of Fairfax, Prinoe Wil liam, Loudon, urange, stanora, cuipepper and Rappahannook, to furnish 1,000 men within two days.; If not forthcoming, the men are to be drafted. Men say many of their neighbors will follow to onr lines Aonnrrllnff to trustworthy reports, there are 7000 troops at Fairfax, and 2500 at Centrerille. They are chiefly from Alabama, South Carolina and Georaia. Most of tbe Virginians have re moved back to Manassas, - Union Virelnlans think no stand will be made this side ot Manassas. ' The Herald save that it is rumored tbat Jos. Holt, of Kentucky, will be appointed Judee of thq Supreme Court in place of McLean, de ceased. It is again rumored that Patterson bad a con flict with Johnston. On the authority of a Cabinet officer it is stated that an officer of the rebel army in Western Virginia bad arrived here, witb a prop osition that tho majority of the forces there un der the rebel flag sbonid run up tne united States flag, and avow alleglanoe to the Federal Government. ' Ha says tho majority are loyal I. -4 .m.A askolnna aA ftlaAaW) iKominl Wilt- der tho flag of their country. lien. AlcCIellan nas been telegraphed to to release tho privates and non-commissioned offl oers on simple parole of honor, upon tbelr sub scribing an oa:n or allegiance, ano pieoge not again to take up arms against the Government under penalty of death. As to commissioned officers, he is to exercise his own discretion, but under no circumstances la any offlcsr or private formerly In the United States army to be released. . ' , i ... Jas. Leslie, of Philadelphia, has received tbo Chief Clerkship of tbe War Department. The position la equivalent to the Assistant Secretary ship, i A rebel spy irom Kicbmond was arrested at tbo Relay House to-day. Also, a German wo man was arrested, and a number of letters for - [World's Special.] Washington, July 14th. It is rumored that Senator Carlile has information that a promt nent officer of the Confederate army is about to tender to tbe Government three regiments of Virginians. Tbe Chlcsgo Democrat and Springfield Jour nal are designated to publish the sots of Con gress for the ensuing two years, In Illinois, also the Republican at Omaha, and the Press at Nebraska City, for the Territory of Nebraska. [Times Dispatch.] Washington, July 14th. Seoretary Chase re ceived a notloe from the President rqneeting tbat tbe. nomination or Kulusr. Andrews be sent to the Senate as Surveyor of the Port of New York. This settles tbe list of principal " . [To the Associated Press.] It appears from official data that three several orders relative to the declaration of martial law have been Issued by the Administration, tho first on the 27th of April. This was modified on tbe 2d of July. The third case was under the proclamation of the President, and made mar tial law operate in Florida, over Key West, Tortugas and Santa Rosa. Capt. Bremer's battery arrived here at seven o'olock yesterday morning direct from Fort Pickens. The battery consists of four Impound ers and 84 men. Another battery follows the above. . .. From Louisville and the South. LomsriLLi, July 15. Joseph Holt, on Satur day evening, addressed an audience, one-third ladies, densely packing tne largest nan in toe city, in an unconditional Union speech, which was received with rapturous applauee. .. The Charleston Courier suggests that agents be appointed to receive subscriptions of rice and other Confederate produots to sustain the Southern cause, ,: - , ; The New Orleans Delta says the New York Marine Insursnoe companies cover losses by pirates and not by privateers. Therefore, if Northern courts condemn Southern privateers as pirates, Insurance oompanies will be liable. A speolal dispatch from Richmond on tbe 9th says, several prominent prisoners, who were hitherto on parole, were confined to day because of the action of the Federal authorities relative to Southern privateers. '' The Charleston Mercury tells its country readers to aara their goose-quills, as the stock of Steel pens will soon give out. - The New Orleans Delta of the 11th says, further persistence by the Confederate States in endeavoring to obtain recognition of our na tionality, is useless. It says tbe British Minis. try has not tbe courage nor the tnoiinatton to apply to the Confederate States the rules whioh she hoe uniformly applied to other nations ;' and says too much importance has been assigned to the idea, tbat France and England would break the blockade to get Southern produce. The editor proposes to recall the Commissioners, and refuse the resident consuls of all powers which will not recognize similar officers of tho Confederate 8tates abroad. : The uopkinsvllle Mercury reports tbat Quarter-Master AUenworth.of the Tennessee troops, stated there on Thursday that 5000 of tbe Ken tucky State ..Guard were mustered Into the Tennessee service a few days ago. , The same paper learns that 800 more have encamped near, Graysvllle, closo to tho State line..' "-'V.I .N -' . i : ... v.rt .;. ' Tbo ' Memphis News reached Little Rock yesterday via ' Pochahontss. Ben McColloch with 12,000 men attacked 14,000 Federal troops atSpringneld,iUo , killing auu.wnen tno fed eral - troops surrendered unconditionally; 200 Southerners killed.:;-.'' ',":' ' .'V The Montgomery Mail learns that tholr regi ment at Norfolk m i Inflicted wltn measles, though mildly; that many of them ' need Clothes and money, not having been paid OCT. .. Dispatches from Rlohmond say that lea is aeeroe at 5 to 10 cent per pound; The NasbMllO Union and American or tbe 14th. bontaint a letter from Clarksville, dated the 12th, saying that Brig. Gen. W. T. Withers Is organizing a Kontuoky brigade, for tho Con. federate States, at Camp Brown, eight miles from Clarksville. Withero has already about 1300 Kentucklans In camp, and awaits orders from Davis to aug meat liia brigade to 3QW.. . , - Col. Howee has just arrived from Richmond, to oommand one of Withers 's regiments. - - A letter to tbe same paper from a lady asks, whether the ladies cannot be organised to ad minister to the troops at Camp Cheatham, where, ehe says, the soldiers are being decimat ed bv disease. ' Advices rrom Augusta, ua to too iitb met., state that a large concourse assembled to hear Vice President Stephens epsak upon 'tho pro duce loan. A committee wss appointed to procure subscriptions. Tho Charleston Mer cury calls loudly on the Northern seoeded States to raise and ssnd along the produoo and provis ions lor tbe Uonieaerate army . .wis r. Niw Oblians. July 15 The sand batteries on Ship Island opened fire, Tuesday morning, on tbo Yankee war steamer, two miles err. Tho fire was returned, and ono ol tbo Confeder ate troops wounded. 'ri ( Tbo steamer named on ono went to unanda lier Island, twelve miles from the batteries. From Missouri. JirmsoN Cm. July 15. Ia oonseanenosot lnformstioo having reacbei here from Tipton, that a secession ioroo was gktheriDK there, a detachment wai seat there Irom hero by train this p.n. iM.' h " i'i . . It is ramored tnat mere is considerable ao- tivltj among the oeoessloDlsts throughout tbe countrj above here, it is supposed thev are leavlns to tola tne oiaoreni leaders, it is re ported that many have gone from the opposite side of tbo tlver,to join Harris In the oouthero part oi ueuowey oounty. .. w , ..... Th faniM above here have been destroyed orUken ponosBlon of by U, 8. troops. Tbo telegraph, wires are iull flown west of Boooo vlile and. SOBVB ot.Diraeose, aaa are cot au most dailv between these two points. .' Col. McNelh with a battallot of the 3d Rcr ment of tho Reserve Corps, arrived here from Bt. Lome bv speolal tram at oneir; m. otm - Col. MoNelU's oommand orossed. into1 CallO Wat oountv this afternoon. Col. Smith's Missouri Zouaves and a battalion of Boernsteln's regiment under Lieut Colonel Bensener are also approaoning tne same oouuij, and tbo 4th Missouri regiment, under tLlsut. r.r Hatnanaa will anl.l Mim Hnrmnn. Simultaneously with these movements, tne Illinois troops nndsr Colonels Smith and Palmer will approach from tbe east, thus completely surrounding tbo rebel turees under Harris and flrflnn. At th same time acoutinc nayties are marching through tho country on this side of the river, to clear that section of armed bsnds and prevent communication between tbe reb els. ' - , ' v All auiot here. Tbe Home Guards through out this vicinity are active and vigilant, and no apprehensions are felt with reference to the as sembling of tbe State Convention on Monday next. E. J. Donnelly, connected with the quarter master's department of Saxon's army, returned here to-day, and has been arrested. He is Im plloated in tbo first burning of the Osage bridge. Sr. Lnma July 15. Information from Hanni bal says ex-Senator Green violated his parole and left for tbo interior, with a band of armed men. . Iff, ' . Soma of Col. Steel's command from Bprlng fleld on the 12th, reached here to-night, and re port all quiet there. . Four of SJgel's command, wounded In the battle at Carthage, have since died, msklcg total loss of 21. , Cant. Conrad's comflanr. left at Neosba oy Col. Siegel, was surroanded by fifteen hundred Arkansas cavalry, and given 10 minutes to sur render. ... . Gen. Price demanded that they bo delivered to the Missouri troops, to be shot, which the Arkansas officers refused. Their arms and effects were then taken from them, tho oath administered, and they were marcheeLout of town under an escort of Arkan sas troqng, and reached Springfield Thursday . f rom eight to ten tuousand missouri, uouis- lana and Kentucky troops were concentrated at Neosbo. . ' f . i - - r ' t M The rebels report their loss in tbe battle With Sigel at 200. , t he oountry around spring noiu is Bwsrming with mounted Home Uuards. THREE DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. Niw Yobk. Julv 15. The Saxonia, from Southampton on the 4',h, Is signalled.. Her news Is tbree days later. The great fire in London was still burning.- The Patterson family case has been decided. Tbe appeal was dismissed, end the first judg ment confirmed. . . . . . . - - Two Bourbon committees bad been discover ed at Naples, and 500 muskets seized. A plot to assassinate Garibaldi had been dis covered. (. ; A roval resorint had been sent to the Hunga rian Diet, In which the address was stigmatized as disloyal and hostile to the rights of tho crown. Tho Diet was requested to alter tbe form and contents of the address. The Diet will ha dissolved If It refnaes. Rates of exchange were falling. Consols heavy at 8989 ' Money, 3939 for aocount; Erie K. K., receded. '' Tbe Saxcnla brings $I07,UUU In specie. ' COMMERCIAL. LivxarooL, July 3. Cotton sales Monday and Tuesday, 45,000 bales, including 24,000 to peculators snd exporters. Market buoyant. undergoing a large speculative inquiry, at an advance of roily and In some instances and oloses with so advancing tendency. Advices from Manchester are favorable. Livispool Breads tuffj steady. Weather favorable for crops. Wakefield & Naih report flour steady, with falrdemand at 24s. 6d.28s. Wheat steady, and prime qualities a abode dearer; red 9s. Gi.12j.; whits 10s. 6d 13s. bd. Corn steady, with ratber more doing; yel low 28(S28i.6d.!' white 31031s. Cd.. .- . . : Pbovibions. Market generally quiet. Beef firm. Pork heavy at 'easier, though quotably unchanged prices. Bacon dull and quotations almost nominal. London Monbv Market. Consols closed on the 3d at 8989 for money and 89 on account. ii 1 1 1 '. Chicago, July 15. The Fourth Wisconsin regiment arrived hero this aiternoon and were enthuBlasticalv received bv Urge crowds on thsir line of march through the city to tbe Michigan Southern Railroad depot, by which route tbey leave tnis evening ror tne iuisc. Albany, N. Y July 15. The Military Board is about furnishing the Government with lour run neld batteries ot tbe largest size, which will be forwarded this week. THE MARKETS. New York Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] NEW YORK, July 15. FLOUR Opened doll with downward tanaaaay, but a alight decline in freight, Market alosed with mor steady feeling. Bales . 9.30 barrels at $3 703 85 for superfln state; 33S4 lOtor extra state; B3tjaV170 superfine western; $ SOm BS for common to medium extra western; 04 603)4 75 for shipping brand asats round hoop Ohio; 04 WAS for trad brand. Qanailiau flour only a moderate business doing at abMl previous prices. Bale of 700 kbla at 03 403 44 for lupernna; f 3 V3a7 ror common to enoic extra . ;., i . Kin yiiuuti Btrauy at it ii. CORN MBalr-Bteady; aaln of 4,500 bbts Brandy- wine at 03 05. , ... , WHIBB.Y Demand good and market flrmr sales of 700 barrels and 10,500 casks drudga for future delivery atlXo. wheat wood sound ipMcgwneatmay be quoted a shads firmer while there Is no important chine m all other descriptions. Market doted with a little more steady reeling owing to a aiignt sownwara teadsncy in freights, bale ot 44,000 bushsla Ohioago iprlag at 68 83j; 0,000 bushels north-western club at 85c; 19,800 bushels Racine sorrnr at SO&iKo: 8.000 bushels Missouri spring at 05; SS.000 Milwaukee olub at 83a)9uo 33,000 busne la amber lowa at V3(aiiac; iit.euu busneis winter red Wisconsin atl 07(1 10; 10,300 bushels whit WIs eOBSta) 1190)1 18. ---f . RYI Bteady; nles Of 5.GQ0 bushela western at 45 6)50o; state 6668o. " . BAKLBX ANO BARLRT SALT uontinuea dull and nominal and unchanged, i , v ??$ i ' ' i CORN Hal declined anodt lo per bushel with a mod erate business doing for export and bom consumpUon. Bales of 840,000 bush at 37ttS40o for unsound new mix ed western; 4244o for sound do; 47347X0 for west ern yellow. - OAi'a la moderate reauest at S6a30a for western end Canadian; 30$31o far stats. I . rORR. Dull and aomewhat unsettled. Bales of S50 bbls at 0 15 7518 for mssa lOSloita for prime; and ia 50 for clear. BKEF Dull but D rices without lmnortant ehanire. Small sales at t4xs4 50 for nrlme; 053)5 50 for mess: 08 (S10 50 for packed mess; 1 10 KKatll SO for extra mes. rnm mess beer quit and nominally same. BEEF HaMS-In aoUr demand at C19 S02114. OUT MEATS Rules aulat: sales f 1U.0S0 S,sofdrv salted hams at 6c; th rang 4X5Xc for aho.mders and o)i lornams. ... uauun ouit ana ancnanied. ' LARD Continues ateadr. Bala of S3n hhla m.t 8 0B9e. - BUTTER Bell na at 6SB12a for Ohio and RH13fnr Btate; iio ror ueiawara and orange county. una noain smtnin rsasni it saa .: COFPliK Still oontlnuae active aad market daeMedl firm. Bales 0( 3 550 bus of Rla at llVr&Mw- sso bags of Maralcabo at private terms; 300 bags of Laguira pars as i?g. "f ' - . ?..?, BUttAR Raw Without essential ehanM In n rices: there Is little mor doing, with sales of 1464hhdsof yuDa m xw aoxas of Havana at 7X1 0 hada ' MOLASBKdQnlet and unchanged. Bales of 5fl this uuna eiusoovadoiM;)ahhdsPortoRkates97o. . BTD0K8 Ar asain batter. Ohlaam Jt Badk Island. 41; Cleveland and Toledo. 58: Oalana and Chicago. WXf Illinois Central idrlD. 69: Panama. 110: Ulchlran nnitnern, it;: anoaitaa Ventral, W Beading, 97; , ; bis- 47V: U. B 1: roistered. j on, coupons, oof . -; ) i j BANK STATEMENT. NEW YORK, July 15. In loans 0310.874; eaareas la soeci OS13.' iou; uo in circmauea f joo,iuuj a ia oeposita, 1S4.' Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, July 15. Salaaof Bueerand 0ffe oontlnu be lira, aad price hav itill aa tmprovlas tandoncy. Bomo of th Oroosr ar Indifferent .about lupplyiag mor than tbeir regular trade, as they tl lonaaaui tin uiiusrpnosa. i ., . IVOUft Market wasasain daU toay, out no can' aasslona ar proposed from th fix-are emoted ycattrdey. ,- it nm At is tui vary ipsnngiy onsraa, an is taan leaany as (us tor smoj esiwo t( rr 411a. ., u COKMBtUloamandsuo.- OiT B Ar mr first, aad kW anally at S(o.. BARLBT and KYBAr unchanged. tVUla KI Waa nut an to 13o to day. but doei not nave strong ,.i ,. ; t I , - - . vommcntu. Cleveland CLEVELAND, July 13, 1861. TLOCft-Bales ot (0 bbls Iadlaaa white wheat double extra at 03 38, and 40 bbls doable extra at 04 S3. WHK AT Inaottv bat steady, with sale ot one ear Bxc on tract, and one do from awr at Wo. I .1, 1 1 . 1 CORN Bale of ofi oar on track at So. Nothlag doing la other artloles. Market generally active ana aucuangei. Zeoier. Philadelphia Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE STATESMAN.] PHILADELPHIA, July 15. fLOTJtt Doll: North-western euperano 11 extra to lamiiy w . i i WBRAT Eeoelnts moderate. Bales of led at II 1! 1 11; Whit l itnail us. COBN ror sound at yaraojo, and anoat ror western mixed tKsauo. . ' r ' - PROVISIONS Bull. ... BAGOBD HAM88X0. ' , . .. WHIBKY-Dull at 10i16fa. . ' ' Buffalo Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] BUFFALO, July 15. FLOUtt Market Unchanged. ' WHEAT Holders ar firm, and parties report salsa f 14,000 ba Hllwaake olub at 7 to; 9,tuu on unicago epilog etTSe. . CORN Markit closed dull; sales of tw.iiov truitieii at Sc. ' ' 'i OATB-Ia good demand: sales or tu.uuu cuineis at S3a. . . '.-. ' Other grains quiet. ' . at In MRS, W1NSLOW, . An experienced Nurse and Female Physician, prevents to in attention oi meuwn, aer - " SOOTHING SYRUP. FOR CHILDREN TEETHING - which greatly facilitates the pros of teething, by soft- aning the gums, reducing all mflammatUnrHWlll allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, aad la BTJHE TO REGULATE TUB BOWEL). Depend upon It, mothers, It wilt give rest to yourselves IXLIKP AM) HEALTH TO Y0TJB TXtiSlt We have put up and sold this article for over tm yean, and CAN BAT, IN OONFIDIN01 AMD TRUTH, (fit, what we have never been able t say of any other medi cine NUT Eft HAS IT PAILBD, IN A OINOLB INST- AHC1, TO IIIB0T A CUK1, when timely used. Mev- ar sid we Know an instane oi oissausiasuon oy any on who used It. On th contrary, all are delighted with Its operations, and apeak in terma of commends tloa of its magical eSeots and medical virtues. We apeak la this matter "WHAT WB DO KNOW;" after ten years' sxpe rience, AND PLKDOO OUB REPUTATION FOR Till IUMLLMKNT Of WHAT WB HE UK BECLABB. In almost avary instance where th Infant la suUsring from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found In flftecu or twenty minute after tbeSyrap la administered. . This ralnabl preparation l tne presonpuon or one oi the most BXPBRIBNOBD and SKILLFUL NURBS hi New Ingland. and baa been used With NXTKB FAIL? INQBUOOBSSIn ' THUUSAKDS OF VASES. It not on 1 relieve the child frosa aaln. Out Invlgor I ates th stomach and towels, corrects acidity, and glrei tone and energy to the whole system. It will almost lo itantly relieve . 1 . f. GStfiHa IV THX B0WZLS, ARD WIND COLIC and overcome convulsions, which. If not speedily rem. died, end In deatn. We believe It tbe JKoT and BUB- 1ST RIbLBDY IN THB WORLD. In all oasea ofDi NTKRi and EIAEUHCBA IN OHQ.DRJUI, whither it arises from tee thiol, or from any other cans. W would say to (vary mother who has a child suffering from any of the foregoing complaints DO NOT LET YOUR PR1JUDI0BB NO TUB PRIJUDIOBSOF OTHBR& stand ketwasa yoa and your lutTsrlng child, and ths r- llef that will be BURB yea, AHHOLurBLX nil hi to follow the use of thlsmsdtcin. If umdyased. Fall di rections for using will accompany each bottle. None anum unless tbe rao-imue or oumiaat 1-ana.iHB, lew York, la on th ouuld wrapper. Sold by all DruggUta throughout the world. ' Principal Offices 13 Cedar Street N.Y. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. octS7-dfcwly. - NEWARK MACHINE WORKS, NBWABK OHIO, Klannfacturera of all kinds of For table and, Stationary Steam En- sjlneej Saw Mllla, urlat Ulllla, - dko.t ice, -.. . v LASS A BOOLXi BtaUnl ILtl. BLAND YBtaltnl J. J. B. PUT-ILL MatelU C0LUM2U3, xA.cmnm co. sxamti it bbjlpiomd . CO. BtattnUUt , . Oar Portable XobtIbo and Saw Mill Was awarded the first premium ot $50 at the Indiana Btate lair for 160 over Lane St Bodlej'i oa aeoaantel Frioe, lightness, simplicity, cooqomy of fuel Bud superior oharaoter of lumber sawed. , Our Stationary Bnctne was awartai at the Sams Fail th first premium of uur rortani jingin waa awaraea in am premiu.ii o 100 at tha Fair at Memphis, Tnn., over Blandy's Da valla. Columbus Maeaine Go's., and Bradford Sr. Oo'l. by a committee of practical Railroad Engineers. 191 pile ana terms aaareai WIX1I1ABD WABNKB, Treasurer, dec3-dfcwlyol. Newark, Ohio t SOMETHING NEW." HOWARD & GO'S. AMERICAN WATCHES., ... nALIi AT NO. g3, 80TJTH HIGH ST.. . and examine our new make of ' - ' AMERICAN WATCHES, manufactured try 1. HOWARD It CO., Boston, Mass. Thee Watches are far auperlor to anything ever offend to the publlo, heretofore. Having tbe exclusive agency, I can sell them at pricea to mlt the times. I hare Just received a large (took of . t , r , i AMERICAN WATCHES, - ' manufactured by APPLETON, TRA0Y, Jt CO ; alio, a fine assortment of - ENOLISn AMC fctVISS TPATCHES," In Gold and oltvef Cases, at Panic prices. Janil ' . '.' ,' ' ' W. J. BAVAGaV DEP ELt ANT OR WATGH.PKOOP XI) CLOAK CLOTHS. Also, ether makes of Spring 0 loak Cloths, in all desirable mixture Bindings, Tas sell and Bottom to match. BAIN At BON, aprllS ' ' I N. 91 8utb Bighatre 1 EAGLE BRASS WORKS, Corner Sprlnf tc Water Sti,, - - poltxajaTQTUa, Oliio. W. B. POTTS & CO., Ind Manufacturer of Bras and Composition Castings I finished Brass work or au Descriptions. , - , Electro Plating and -Gilding!! j STENCIL CUTTING, AC..:? E. rrCOLLISTER, Wholesale an Ketail Dealer ia 1 TOBACCO, SNUFF & CIGARS C J . No. S3 Fifth Street. . . P.IT.-'S BURGH,. Pa.if Oop uonatantiy- on nana an tu va 1 ; r rtotio JBttAN as (, , j. 0 Oct. S6-ljd 'I, Ohio ;r,WUte.,;;.BnlhM. , Springs, ;:! DELAWARE CO., OHIO. " Tms FavoeIte Resort wiuibb open j " 'for Yisam. Juno XO, 1001. r.tlC.LlM DIP OARtlH DtTRTHO TBI irV0 J ClJ -FOE EOOMSOHETTOEMATIOj.,' ' V"".." ? :',";AllIlE59 3 j!,-j;; ' 'i'rU .'"1. ij' s . " ,t J. A. BWATHlli, lewis Center P. 0, Deltwsr 0o., Ohio, mar S8;dlmo, Bf- "Tlip.r' Va RMit H llift K , . ' ...... laatant Hellef ! Stop fmt Ceaffkl Pnrlff jronr Breath! Streng-then yonr Woleet THROAT CON FECTI ON8. u ; abb ' GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN, .GOOD FOR LECTURERS,- . ' ; GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, GOOD FOR SINGERS, ' faOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVES. OINTLEMES CARRY SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. . i i LADIES ARK DILIQHTBD WITH . SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. ; OHILDRIN CRT FOR . SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. Tbey relieve a Cough instantly. Tbey clear tbe Throat. They give strength and volume to the voice. Tbey impart a delicious aroma lo the breath. They are delightful to the taste. Tbey are made of simple herbs and cannot bsrm any one. ' ' ' ' k I ajvlie every one who has a Cough or a husky Voles or a Bid Breath, or any difficulty of the Throat, to set s paclag of my Throat Confections; they will relieve yon Instantly, and you will agree with m tbat "they go right to the spot." Yoa will find them very aseful and pleasant while traveling or attending public meet Ings for lUlllng your Cough or allaying your thirst If yoa try oaa packags, I am sat In laying that you will vr afterwards consider them indispensable. Yoa will find them at tha Druggists and Dealers In MedloJnes. , ' PRI01 ' ' -'. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS.. Jfy signature Is cn each package. AU others ar counterfeit. A packag will be sent Ly mall, prepii J, on rsciipt of thirty Ointi. Address, ' ' . Henry C. Spalding, j" NO. 48 CESAR STRUT, ' . ' ' ''' NEW YORK. : NervousHeadache CURE By the oaa of these Pills th periodic attacks ot Jier- eous or Sick Htadaah maybe prevented; and If taken at the oommenoement of an attack immediate relief from. . pain and sickness will beebtainad. They seldom fall In removing the Xavua and ocAi to which females are so subject. They act gently upon the bowels removing Oottin ntu. lot UUrary Jfan, fjtu&mt. Delicate Female and all parsoat of ndtmtaty Habiti, they are value as a LaasaUv4, Improving tb apptlti; giving ton ttgir to the digestive organs, and restoring the natur elasticity and strength of the whole system. .TBS CXPBAI.I0 PELLS ar th result of long lures tigaUon and carefully eondneted axparlmenta, having been In as many year, during which time tbey have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffer big from Headache, whether originating in the itsrvoti system or from a deranged state of the ttomach. Tbey are entirely vegetable In their composition, an may be taken at all timet with perfect safely without making any change of diet, and th atuno of any dltagrttabU tatt rmt&ert it aty to adminUftr tm cAWren. . . BBWABB OF OOUItTBdTIITS I - . J 1 Thege enulne hav five ilgnatrues of Henry 0 Ipaldlng on each Box. ' Bold by Druggists and all other Dealers In Medicines. A Box will b aant by malli prepaid, oa receipt of th PrlQOi BS Cents. . r An orden should be addressed ta- 3 HENHI C. SPALDIHU, 48 Cedar Street, New fork. From the Examiner, Korfo lk, Va., ' Cephalic Pills aooompllah the object for which, they were made, via.: Cure of headache tn all Its form. from the Examiner, Norfolk, Va. They have keen tested In more than a thousand cases ', with entire 1 1 from the Democrat, St. Cloud, Minn. If' too ar. or Ban been, troubled with the headaeba . send fur a box, (Cephalic fills,) a that you may hav tberalnoaaaoianatiacK. , . :..., f f ; From th Advartlaar, ProvWenoa, R. I. Tbe Oenhallo Pills are aald tn be s remarkably effective remedy for tha aeadaahe, aad on of th very best tor . that very frequent .camp lain (.which .baa ven been idit-w bovreu. . ' 1 ., ...... , " -!.r , y a from the Western R. K. OaseUe, Ohioago, III. "We heartily endorse Mr. Bpanlding, and bis onrltalec Cephalio Pills. .1 : from the Kanawha Valley Star, Kanawha, Va. . We are tur that persons suffering with the headacW ' who try them, will stick to them. . lrom the Southsni Path finder, New Orleans, La. " ";' . Try theml yoa that an afflicted, aad w ar sure that ' our testimony can be added to the already numerous list tbat has received beneuta tbat no other pudictne can. , produoe. -' '-' J '" ' i ' rt.'lM'r rr- fiom tbe St, Louis Democrat, The Immense demand ff th article Cephallo Pills is rapidly Increasing. 4 ' rrom She Oaett, Davenport. Iowa;'!-. ' ff Mr. Spalding would not connect hla name with aa ar ticle he did not ttxm to p oasaas real merit, ; ' ;i , . f Meada eke. TTj-A f ottto OPALSINO'S PMPARBDi .OLDO will aav tsa tfane Its cost annually .-mm., j SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE V 1 I sPALDiSGla raEPAatkl) aiviVTlA ; 1 SPALDlNG-tl PREPARED GLUE I . t ."- BATI THI niOlSt - ..: 100NOMT.1 it-.i,; t r . JDMPATOHl " j EP"A STrrosi in Tun BAvaa.Nupj.''jrj .,. f AaacskasntB will happsn, eraa m wall regulate far, . ( Hies, It la very aeaUmbla to have- soma hiuf aud con, vaniant way tec icpatriag f ami tur, . Toys, Crockery ""t - . . BPALDINa'BPBBPABBDCllCl .. ' meeta all lach eanergeaeie, and a boaMbold oaa afford tab without It. It Ualwaya ready, anO opts tbaitkk f"'1" 'tJSBr UL lit BVSM BOTOaV.c .-" V. t ,n. Alraih aeoompanlel sack OottleJ , eSatS." ... .. Adarasa, - . " n ni. n ... m r m .... . ra... No. 48, Oedar Wreet, New Turk. ' eAOTiOiT.'-'! . - -''t'l As ewrtala aspriaeipled pessou ar attempting 't on tn amuapatting puaii, imitauon ot m iH9 ttLDB, I wrald oantloa all p. raocs to lailns bcfrir purohasing, and ae that the full nitma, ... OBPALDLMO'I PHSPAKBDOLUB,!! - .-- en the outside wrapper; all others ar swindling eoa terfelts, oov :i