Newspaper Page Text
a1. J W i-iiii KiiiWJiJ JUST RECEIVED BY No. 30 North High Street, One ol th Urgott ui Beat Meetee Asatit i ;; ii V ; m ;' ; ' C : TIB Off BRKD IN THIS 0ITY1 Uonse Builders1 , , Furnishings Of IVBRY 8TYLB AND QUALITY. ,, Franc American . .'W Glass PAINTS GROUND IN OIL and put ap In Wf pound oent lor family , end Dry Painttlnbulk. Ii rushes of every variety & quality A Splendid AMOttmeni of. MACHINISTS TOOLS. CARRIAGE MATERIADS. AXES GRINDSTONES, to..'.4 ... . GUNS, PISTOLS, SHOT, o. FISHING TACKLE.. ROPE & CORDAGE. LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER. BELTING. W EDGES, MAULS, PUMPS, , , . ' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SCYTHES, to., 1 .. SCALES, BELLS, CHAINS s . Table and Pocket Cutlery. 1 especially mvito th attention of all mtere te my Hock of Pocket tnd Table Cutlery, and SILVER PLATED F0BK8, Table, Desert, and Tea Spoons, Butter Knives, fcc, of ROGBBRo BKO'B. Manufacture, warranted tob extraheavy, Ilectro-PUtod, on genuine Albatta. Oonntrj Merchant, Mechanics, and others, an tort tod o call and axamlno my Stock, u I am prepared to tell Wholesale and Retail.. - - WBI. A. OllX. Oolumbut, Ohio, May 8, 1866. ' LATHROP, LUDLNGTON & CO. 23 & 25 TASK PLACE, - - - 20 & 22 MUEfiAY STB EST, 3M lil W "3TOIF1.I3L, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Foreign and Domestic D B Y GOODS FOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. SPUING. 1861. r - We lit opening, at our ample wmreroomt, at the abort . . . i n i UAU m.t ska ; rlanartmanta or oar business superior to axsjtalng we bare hereto Core CLOTH D"SaRTMENT. Tail has frown to 1U present magnitude under the at. v UHanaai nt Kntjt shf Innv Avt-ftrieooe and UAUIVUKU HlaUiaaajsaHvai e va at m. -B actnowledged food tests. We keep extensiTO lines at thj finest and choicest FANCY VESTtflC$ AND FANCY CASSIMERES To be found In the market, an selected wttav the aleeet discrimination. Also, all trades, colors and yaiistlw of; BROADCLOTHS, SATINETS, LADIES' CLOAINRGS, ' , . TWEEDS, IAKUIBB' and BEBOH AHT3 OA88IUBBJ8, KXNTTTCKT JB ANB, from 9 to 12tf cents per yard andapwardsi - , TffHDS, 12H to IS cents per yard last year told a FBINTKD 8ATIH1T8, at If eentt; And other Ooodt corrapandinglji Lme. 1 ' Dress-Goods. "Department. J! Manchester De Lalnes, Hamilton do. Pacific do, Printed Lawns, ' ' . Printed Brilllantea, ,, Fancy Ginghams, Bombasines, fancy Bilks, ' . Printed Ohallls, Manchester Ginghams, Glasgow . do. . Clinton do. Otteenaa Cloths, Alpacas, Poplins, Black outs, And the Ntm Sslect Style . : r . FANCr SPRING COODS. Merrlmae Print, !iV BlohmeaiTl Prints, Coeheoe do. . ,- t . Amerloaa do, , Pacific . do. Dunneli's do. gprague'a do. Bniilsh do. " Manchester, 4u. Prist, etr ' - UOMSSTIO CJOTTOITS. Lawrence 0. Kbeetiop, Atlantle A. Bheetlngt, Btark . ao,. . - Amoueaf . uo. Lath rap do. ' Applctoa Bbawnut do. Krerett do. do. Pocesset do. VUea, ate., e. ' AU Grtde and Width.. BL1A0H1D ISIBTINQI AND BHUTINOI.. Wansutta, - . Dwtght, ' Lawrence, Lonsdale, Great falls, i Nenmkeag. Hill, Waltham, Boott, JNewToit Mills, fc.,e. ' (' 4 SHAWLS MFMCTIlLiS, A LAMB AMD MLtOT AWOMM INT. O0TT0NADM-A freat yartety. ? 0BB0K3 do. TlCKINaB all the leading brands. DBNIM8 'do. do. - -i" '. ; . 8HIRTIN3 Bt&iPXB-all the leadlnK brands. ANKBBNB do. do.. , OOB8KTJBAN8 do. , do. M0BBBN8 . do. do. DAMASKS, PAPtR CAMBRI08, COL0UD CAM' ' , BBIOS,.,,. LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCKS OF WET! GOODS, v , , EOBIZSY, " ' ' ! YABXXZ I0TIOT8, ' Gentlemen's Fflrnishing Goods, UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, i CAUFT8t AHA OIIXXOTB8, r And a great variety at Joed sot enumerated all of which we pledge earselToa to sell at the fewest wrlS eHcse the larger portion at from 10 to 30 per oent. lee baa iamyaar. . , , tiy. EATHB0P,LUMGT0N&C0, riEVVYORK. marS HIP0ETED GOODS. J CRT KBCEIVED-'- ' "' SOeasM Italian Oil, Barton Ac Co., for table aea. in Vmfich Muitard.farorlte brands: " 5 Boned Bardlnee, the BJMT Bsnaae Imp'td . 4 " of Gapers andUtiTes. 5 H Table Baaeee "lea m Perrln's Worcester shtre." "Boyer's Burtena," "John Bull," - Umrny," "Udlnt.- ' tO " Walnut and Tomato Oatsnp. IBdof.lOrote Bleokwall' eelebrated Sngllth Pickles, ton.iitiiie of "Oaullnewer." "PI. eallll Chow-Chow," "Walnut, 'On , . Ion," "0abDSfe,' "Beans," "Qherk's" M'sPicklee. , , 50 " tondoa Porter. -1011 " Campbell's celebrated loetch Ala. 0 eases G inner Preserree. g il bom Italian Maearoaiane' Tstmaetlla. . n ' t (rroasOoH S Gelatine. , i f. , Coleman ' eelebrnMd BogrlsB Mustard, la aegt bona, eni and kottlesi ' ' - . tMiff t - 'I vt':i;' "WM-HoDOHALD. I Dlt. ; LEEAIID'S ' " ANTI-RHEUMATIC BAUD 13 jrHE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOii Bheumatism, Goat and HouralgU ! AND A SURlOUBafOR ' ', All Llercurial -Difleaaea. . i- . - i.-,,. Rami. Mntalnlne a med' ..." ? ' """T"VTAV;j th. WaiaL Without niN nwpiMNi " ' . . injury to the most delleate person a; no euaag In nab ta Off living rsqairea, n . - . mm ttom the ayetem, without producing the Injurious . ii i .. ma nf nnrful Internal medl- sines, which weaken and destroy the constitution, and Eire temporary reiiei oniy. y una irauu.ii., - inal properties contained In the Band eomo In contact with the blood and reach the disease, through the pores of Ihe skin, effecting In eeery Instance a perfeot cure, and rretnrlng the part afflicted to a healthy condition. This Bend is also a mostpowerfui Aan-Msacoaut, agent, and will entirely reliere the system frees uepervMoto . .- u U -. ... Mind 111 S f.W daye, and we are oonstantly receiving testimonials of Its efficacy In aggravaisa oases nmi ""mj mica ax.w, w pe oau ui Ai-ei.'" - k. .u- ii will, lull dimnllnni for DM. to any part of the coenuy direct from the Principal umoe, lo. 409 BKOlDwAT, Bew Tork. G. SMITH t CO., Sole Proprietors. H. i D.MriDtlre Qlroularf Beat free. A. J. BCHTJlIiliBB SON. DsceeUTS. AotHTS, Bo. X77 B. lifgh at., Deu sneoa anu iouuu, voimnti v Aventa UTaated Everywhere. mhSSlyteorlstp.dkw GUERNSEY-a DALMI GUERNSEY'S BALM nrnorRl A N D t PIETENTI IN' XV Bammation and pain, and heal the worst burn, scald, bruise, cut .or frsah wound of any kind, prerents swelling and pain from bee stings, mosquito bites, and potaonoaa plants, nearaUla, rheumatism, ague la the breast, salt rheum, eto. When taken Internally, it will poeitlTcly our croup la children, and gire unmeant rettei in in wore, mm . wia r"1" hnwaM aad eore throat. - Price, 9a eenlv bottle. Bhouldbelaeyery house. For Ml by Drug- (isu and Storekeepers. . IBVLW Blown, Bole Proprietor, Mo. 1 Bpruoo St., New tork ettdcwlyl . No real Jostle can be don the aboy preparation hut by procuring and reading desrrlptlTS pamphlets A be found with ail dealers, or will be sent by Proprietor n. a..a snmnhi and Trial Bottles sent to Physl etana.who will find derelopments la both worthy the it acceptance ana approrai.' .' ... . n.n.n..rf.n minted from all whose nscsmltles as cnrlotity prompis to a iruu m oJm. for ml by the asnat Wholeml and retoll dealer everywhere. : ' JOIIrl V. BVNHEWELIi, Prprlet , CHUfUT Aitn fhabii aobotIbt , : Ho. 9 CoBUMitlai Wharf, Boston, Maaa. lobertj Jt Bamusl, N. . Msrple, J. Oaok, Denla. G. Denic Sons, A. i. Schueller Son, Agents for Oolombus, Ohio. ' .. myi- S. DOYLE & CO. Manofactareri tnd Wholetale DetUn In BOOTS AND 1 SHOES, Northwest Corner of High and Cay SU., - No. 61, colvdiuvs,... oaio. "A kip Stock f Pin ant Staple Good an hand," , yn-dtf . r - ; SUNDRIES. TAABINAt TAPIOCO, Bice flour ecoicn uat meai Pearl Barley Bpllt Peas Orsskad Wheat Chocolate Coco - Broma, etc. Cream Tartar, r Soda Pigs Prune Beedlees BaMns Presh Tomatoes Peaches Green Corn Prewh Oaon'd fruits of rrery descrlptlen; Jellies of all kinds; f larorlng Ixwact of all klrls. Gum Drops; Mixed Oandiea; '' Aunonds, filbert, Peoon Nuts, Bncllsh Walnata, Bntll Nuts. etc, BOa7 wm. McDonald. TRAVELLERS! N ros so to New Tor , erfT direct to the ssuinsviiaa.. v v " J BKOADWAT, C0B5BB OP HOUSTON BTZRZ. ConducUd oa th , EUROPEAN PLAN, flood far, flood Booms, Prompt Attendance, and Mod rate Charges. . SINOUE BOOMS SO CIS. 79 CIS. and 1 PIB DAT. . D0CBLlB00MSaadPABL0B8lto3. MmI. a. sedared. This Hotel has all th appointments of the best hotels, a most central location, and is heated throughout by steam. . . HAMLELB. MBAD, march tuan Proprietor. - JOBH H WBXCUSe :. .... A OENTFOBHOmEeCONTIlVENTAL, .a HAJUTru, MWliTii worn New Toe a Msncaawn) and Cm fraa or BaaiToaa Haw You Itiraand Con. Motoa Lrra. Office, 81 Hick St., HaTtWa Bl '' b7-dly ' - " , : Alexandre's Kid Gloves. . ; nLAllf ATfnentBROIDERBD, BIOCM V 0O8TAIBB and renlar shea Black Kid Sieves, embroidered In white, marenta, purple, . Undiemsd Kid Gloves. Mime KM Sieves. A complete assortment of these celebrated Gloves always lor sale ty - BAIM SB BUW, fetSt No. 9 louU Blgh stress. DBESS GOODS, Mew and Attractive. MozAMiiQirn, t . TBAmirioPorumi' - ' f . , . CN1 PofUrlS, , Foil b Cntuii - ; .'TW'IT. '.V; i r0vnuxt, FuttcB Cbintzu, .. Fixncr Mdbunb, Fiaaott Oho an dim, - , .. , ' T '. "ClUrimlVASHIN'a i.SlLBB, EuoAsrr Dim Siixa, '-..e'.V. '"..i - r. i '.. ' HlATT Baiooi abd Maiitlb SlJJtj; Aid all other sew and fashlonahl matorlalf most In demand for handsome Dresses and Mantillas. - . , . - , , BAIN k SON, , apiSS Ho. S9 Booth Blgh street, r.l HATINO THIS DAT SOLD OUR Stock of Groceries to 0. B.DIHINO, w cheerfully rtcosamsa but to etu el patrone and inerxu . THUS. WALKiB A BON. ' Celombtta, Maicfa SSth, LSDl-apl-dtf , ELEGANT PCAIKf BLACK SlXKSfOB Stmt Basques aad Mantles; also. Kkh Trlmmla -aimTseltomatob,at . BAIN mays v ' ' - . Qnmxnex Under Garmenta. LADIES LISLE TJIVVER TESTS. Iodise Gnus M-rlao do, do. Gints Silk Druwers and Shirts. Gent India Gauss Braweri and Shifts. . v v Cotton " - - - " Gaaaa Merino Under Shirt. . Whit nd Brawn Drilling Drawers. " Whits Linen Drawers. - Bxtra ram Under Shirts. , , " SupsiwrkngllshUallUoes. ''M I '! M Long Stockings. fancy Cotton Hah Hos.- " uepender. ' '" .'-.. " Golden Bill Bhlrts. i Tot gal ia great vaxioty aod'ti.iatdaraU flAtN A ROM. : 'i ' Nrf.'SJ South High ItieelJ'M aay30. . Notice, CITY BASS OF COItTUBUS, THE roLLowirto en Ahoes weiie made In the the officers of this Bank. January Wth, 1861, to Witt Wa. A. Purr, President, and Tnonas aoonn, uaantsr. reewiea imir ernee. vavin iiTwm, B,q., wae then elected President and Wa. A. Purr ap pointed uaanier. ' . r l t . bj oraer of ine aoaru 01 uireciors. feci S, 1861-dtf. W. A. PLATT. Cashier.-' INK HUffSi TI0T0BIMB8 andCUffB we are new selling at very tow prices, alt ail ether kind (sahionabl Inn. PBTB BANB, dsrtl. , t ,"i . , a.9Baa.Hlgh st.j i ladies' Line Pocket-Handk'lji. 1 - HEnnEDSTITCHEDLITfEft HAND kerchiefs, very wMe hems. " Bmbroldered Llaea Mandk't aU price. , . Hemmed Stitohedand pkla dr d,. V' do, do ,., , .colored border. ....,, Mourning do v " Hack borders """ s" '' 3 do do mw style eroes stitched. PlneApnledo - . aairpaUjrna - . ,- .. ,. . Misses' Pktla aW Bemmsd BUtched d All price. G Comprising th most telect satortmentla th city and St lowest prices. , , BAIN as SON, c. OHIO 0TATE3HA1I SIMiftlSlIl I ; ' ' a-, isma aveiiv nupm1 UJaL-3, Nfos. ; M, 33. & 40, North nigh St. INCREASED FACIHTIES I HAVING MOVED INTO MY. NEW BUILDING, I HAVE " Orootly 3imiAxe.ec9 BOOK ' & JOB ' DEPARTMENTI WHILE BOTH HAVE . BEEN , .. REPLENISHED TRROUGHOUT . s : t. : WITH '' . ,.; New Types, , Borders, Ornaments, &c f ROM TUB OBLIBRATBD I0CNDBT Of 0. T. WHITE 4 CO.; NEW T0RX, THUS MAKING IT TBI Most Complete Establishment IN, THE CITY. I b bow Dmarta to Exaeoto all Ordan tot BOOK AND JOS puiisTTiisra, WITH DISPATCH! -And ia the Xoat ApproTtd Style of th Art. ' ' PAETICTTLAB ATTENTION PAID 'TO :' MERCANTILE A,D RAILROAD pniwTiNr a-. 1 Bill f Ljiellnr, Clrcmlara, . ' .", Bilt Heads, 1 ' ' Blanka, Deedat , Certificate, Receipt,, i Drap Ticket, , . iteciataf, HOW CARDS & BILLS IN COLORS, CHECKS, XOTZS, KHVXLOPZS. ' v i CASDB, . . - vrwavtrwria ' ,- CONTRACTS., XUostrated Show Bills, FOR COUNTRY MERCHANTS, iiov Biiia, Hud SlliB, tabala, Ooncart Pro B-rmmmaa, School aad voiun ocneoie, no- . tal Bill of Tara, InviUtiona, k. .. , Boo is. W:or li OF EVERY DESCRIPTION .. lehool aad Collftg CaUlofu, 1 MucouaneoTiB rajnoiuau, I ' , ConititoUost, Boporti, BrUfg, ao i'-'- . . Printing In Gold ' and Colors , ..' Pristed 1b Xrery Color oa a Ilaminotli Hoe' Cylinder, The only prtai of the kind U Central Ohio. My fnolUtie tor doing any aad all of th rtov dewrla ttons of work, an now ansmpamtd, and ssflsfactloa will be guatantosd la all ease. ....... ITT Ail work furnished promptly by th Urn premised. BIOHAKD MBT1NB. . . WHO SHOULD USE nn i nnucc nnnc? Ulla . J UU kb UUIItf "VTXJETABIjK - " IMPERIAL WHE . BITTERS? AU who are afflicted with Incipient Oonsumptioa or Weak Langs should ass taemw . All who suffer from Weak Btomachs, Indigestion. Dyt pepela or Piles ihould as them. A II who suffer from General or WervoasDsotl BUenes at nigh, Waa af Bleea, At absuld on them. ' AB persons wbe r eoavaleeeent after fever oe other slckaeas should as them. '- At in ia ten of th Goepel, Lawyer, Lecturers, ana ai pnlillo spcalters should us them. -Book keepers, and all persons loading sedentary If should a them. Theafedand roflmt encmM uss men. All wbo reoaire a sttmalant or tonic should as them. A B who as addicted to th use of ardent spirit aad With to Intons, iboum use unaa. The SMamderf anon BhnT WkM,aaa or in - Ursplaamaodaerk of the country, and should hto eoamoadod by temperance soeiUes, (lerfymaa, physl- elanMaatnend(ol aamaacy. i , They ar pepasea ay a experiences aaa aniuni pny. slctam aad, aadelrsm their nudidnal swoperttos, are a most dellghtrai beverafOi aad yet, a medicine, are as Innocent and hsrmlemutha dew of heavens - Sold by druggists generally. i-. u- CBASlIi vJTBDinilJ) CO., rroprUton, . . . T8 WllUant St., New Vork. E0BEET8 ft SAKTJEL, Agenta, .: . . . . .Calamtana, ottla eotaSdAwly. , M Wjiolesalef and ' Retail Depot for Nb.u'l06 South High 'Streei. Win. HcDOMLI), : ; r.'r.rDEmtER INr'' ' FINE & STAPLE" GROCERIES i IN ALL fHEIR VARIETIES. V'f , j .1 vl II'- i . '" Daily rriral f Oooa lI; - :' For the, FaU d;, Winter -rade . itpKETUKPIIJItl SINCERE TIIAAKS TO THE PDBLIO for east favei and patran S, and being DETEH MINED to 9IERIT acotitlnuanos at same by atrict attaatlam te trade, and aramtpB dollTerr f , Iwdold call thsnatle of thepubllc to the fact that aavfcij Large and well Sale te4 Sl tack on hand, and being Inldally receipt of goods from the differ ent market, i latter myself that 1 aaa offer ia the Oii cent sf Columbus, r to any trho may desire to puretass. an assortment of articles appertaining to th QBOCtKT track., fJ9ECALED bf 'ny aous. la th city. Th prto tnd waHty pt th goods of end, I g;uar aatee ta tira imtUl action .'- J";.:i'J1: Ooaila DallTaratl frea el Charn. aevS?;:,' ' ;-;.;.'l;,(-"v;;" ;.",.WM. J4cD0SALD,i' i i FIRST " ,;" ' ' SPRliGlND! SMMER GOODS A.T DP. "ROBE'S. I I AGAIN OFFER' TO THE lfJBLIO n entire new stock of floods In my line. Just purch ased tn New Vort'et ah eheaoeet paste mteell ef which I sballeell at th smallest profits, tor Cash. My sueteav rs ad friends are reepeetf ally lavlted Meallsmdeum ine mr floods aad Price, a I am deleralDedtooeil m ehean or cheaper than any other bouse In eh sits: aad a I do wy own Cuttlftt, and npetlnamd my own (. nr, I feel assured, ftwm- ms. leaf experteno nbuel nces, to flv geaeral Mtlitaetlon. .. Ike finest of work men r employed, aad all work doOe strtotryto time tnd on abort notice, and warranted to BlraSHier vtertlrx our city would consult their Interest by givrnr m a call before purchasing elsewhere. - --.. au8B, ' - . i -. - mevehatTtlor"' snarehW-dly ' Cor. High and Town em. ! Laces and "Embroideries, TTALF.NCIENKS, MALTESE Ac POINT V . Laos Collars aad 8Mu. ffrsnsh, Pniber and Thread Lac Veil, tne pattern,) f aleoetenes, Thread and Point Laces, Bsihroldorea Collar, Belt, Trimmings aad tkirta, Laos Barbe aad Cel Pares, Plata Lhwa Oellais, Mlts and Cunt, aononnaerwa voiiars ana uuus u aeus; , ti - BAIN AtBONr -i , Ra.I,8rwthnghStT9i. ' . . a ef tn i f to ' J ' 1 i . at Uir ' -!'. -CO ;.; g " ' 8 ' ' 9 ' " S o " 9 R tu ' o . S t -- s ''jH -8, --O ttpl INVITB ATTBNTION tosom of th most tracrdloary cores by my ,.t PECTORAL SYRUP. ; : , ; . ,. . . ',. ;r. . . -' .. i i,LM.H.iLn. ana dnnhia Can In- qUir of th person who have been cured , BXAMINB LUNGS WITHOUT CHARQBi JOB ALL THOBB WHO NBBD BIS MBDIOINBB. ATTKND TO TOTJB COLDS A ease of Ave years' landing cured by DB. KKVBKtt'B PEOTOBAL BXBUP. I. . - MHHM ..... .' :' - PrrrssrMW.Jaa. Ht I860. D. Kkvssa t-My wlf has been afflloted with a bad ocagh and difficulty sf breathing, for Br Of lis fears, which , for several years back, had gradually Increased In violence, the oomplelnt has been hereditary, and she had been treated by several physicians without any re lief. In this stat of her ens, I procured some of your Pectoral Cough Syrup. I bought, the first Urn, a liny eent bottle, which relieved her very much ; I then called and got a dollar bottle, which cured her entirely, and she ass now no tmo of the former disease, except weak ness. I would alas ststo thai I ased th modlcin my self to a cold and cough. The medicine cured me by tak log one dose I express my entire satisfaction with th medicine, and you are at liberty to publish this If you dslitodoo. WM. WILSON, v - ' AldtrmanPlfthWarl.: '' ' ' Pirrsscioa, Nov. 18.1858.' Da. Kavna : Although not an advocate of Patent Medicine., In general, It affords me pleasure in describe aia to recommend vonr Pectoral Brrup. As a medieln it u wall worth the attention of any person who may In any manner be afflicted with coughs, oolds and hoarseness ol any tuna, and for me peculiar quaimcsuon. tor re moving all that dlsagreeaoi sensation aiisnawg a awraanld. . I have beta, mot or less, In my life, affected with the severest of oolds and hoarseness. At times my throat would become so closed a to prevent my speaking above a whisper, and by taking a tow doses of the abov Syrup it would relieve me enureiy. ...... In reoommendlng this medldn, I must unhesitatingly av that it la the best remedy I ever found, purporting to cure the abov, nor should aay family be without this remedy for diseases so prevalent.. . . . , ., Yours, most respectfully, : . . - BDWABDJ. J0NB8, I " - Oashier Oitlsen' Deposit Bank. i ! ' BiusEiinix,0., March li, 1880 t ... mrmA T W fljva.vh flwvnn tnw .haJ nun 4 lun a-n ... m vm t f " - "- of several years standing, and can cheerfully say It US OTBl OeOICUH 1UT U1V Mm lU, ..ID.,., wmmvuw . n. ruus. COL. PBATT AND DB KITSIB'I PI0TOBAL BVHUP. Da. KaTssa Dear Sin Xxcus the delay of my ecknewledgiag theexoelleno of your feotoraioougn cvrup sooner, i take great pleasure ia suyiDf uaa ii illnlaiUll. ft tnuCkMl tAS HOU4 O OJ 1UV OOWA and the worst one I was ver afflicted with: I have not used more than one-half of the bottle, and I can and do wish that all who are afflicted would give it as fair a trial I have done, and they will be proud to say, "It Is no quack medicine." 1 would not suffer another such an attack for any consideration, or at any cost. I am oon- Ident I can breaths mora freely than i ever sua. i snail always acknowledge a debt of gratitude for Inventing so excel lent a remedy. Xou are at uneriy u use my nams In this regard, as you think proper, a. w. rnii r, Messenger uommon vouncii, ruisDurgn, rs. nttbarsh,Myll, lo&O. ' . N. B I am no stranger to my fellow-etti sens. and who entertain doubts can conanll me personally. t - On AutII 9J. 1RT7. BB AD TUB TKUTH.-Da. Karsaai laavtadaagh tor who has taken several medicines for a bad oough without benefit among them Avar's Cherry Pectoral. I purchased from you a bottle of your PI0T0BAL t, r-1 hr.-. .k. h..l mmjI half & Itftltl aHU w telleved. The second bottl oured her entirely of her eoagn euun vuin. aooinson sireci, Aiiegneny. a. . m. .Q.n riTTSSCBOo, veoomner, 41, icvj. ' A ORB AT CCBB BY DR, KBfSBB'S rBOTORAL TRUP. I nve in Feeble townanip. Aiierneny county. I bad a coughing and spitting, which eommenoed aoout tbs th of February last, aad aonUnued eight months. I employed th best physician la th country, and my eonsh continued unabated until early In October. At that tim J su advised to try your PB0TOBAL COUGH gVRIlP.whlehldid. and after I had taken on bottl I was entirely free from th coughing and spitting. . 1 had despaired of ever getting well, end I think It should be known that this valuable remedy will do for others what UbasdoMlnmyeaa. Juan u.a,n-rL,a, Witness B. M. Ksna. ' Peebles townhip. Parroa T.. April 14. 1857. A WONDCRVTJL OTJBB. Some tins am. an old neighbor of mine was very 111 with a bad cough which srery one supposed to be consumption. Bis relatives told ma that he had takes every remedy they board of without benefit; h brother came to see aim au. ana all were confirmed In the belief that heoouid not live. 1 had about the third of a bottle of yoar Pectoral Byrup, which I gave hlm,and it entirely cured him, to the aston lihment of all. What make th aaa mora lemarkabto, th extreme age of the man, he berngaboutelghty years old. A hare ao doubt the fectorai tavea nis nit. DB. KKTBB&'S PBCT0BAL BTBCP IN BLAIB8- YiLLB. Please send sea another supply of your valu- abl "Pectoral Byrup," Almost everybody -oand as aastbsooldandaralnqulrlng for "Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Byrup." Ws hits sold sixteen bottles last week, and are now entirely out. Mr. A. Altorand Mr. P. Maher, both Blatnvtlle, Pa., tell a they would not be without It their families. Ia fact, all aha us It ones want it again.. - Yours, respectfully, y ; . J. B. WATTSB80N At SONS. January SO, I86D.' ANOTHBB NBW CIRTIf IOATB DB. KBTBBB'B BUTOBAL BIBCP. I had bee troubled with aeough and eold tor several weeks ao bad was It that I could not sleep. I had the advlc and prescriptions from three of the beat physicians In the dry, whom loeuld name, but do eat do so. 1 finally procured a bottle ef yoar. Pastoral Brup, which cured m entirely. blroed, ' , J. W. 81M0NT0N, - : 1 836 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan. ie80. v 'STOP TSATJCOTJOHINQ." 'How can I do ltf fle Keyscr'son Wood street and get a bottle of bis Cough Pectoral, and V that don't ear you, your see must be inMnn tndoed." Chit itaipeolmeaof the eotloour ene hears alraosl srery day in oold catching periods of the vaar. And ws can. mm actual experiment, cneer- fully 00 nonr In the adviser's admonition a absvuvfor ws bars toted the "Pectoral.'' In a moat stabborn ease, with entire mooeM. Near two weeks ago we weal to Pittsburgh, with one of the most dutressmg, ooairary, muiisn, an subduabto oought we ever experienced since our ad vest upon thl muadsa sphere. - W osaghod steadily and Ubortoasly for on who I weak, In hope of tiring U out, but It was a go. In (sot It seemed rather to have im d roved bv practice, and to havs acquired strsngth.poton- y and tfto3rwssMUf by the operatic. Ia this sue of ths aieire. w eouxbed oar way to aeysera, itu wood It. p rounds fifty cent bottl of th "Peotoralit took It acconunf 10 uirecuone, ana in rorvyignt nours ws were maeter of th field, th enemy having unconditionally surrendered, after a brief but Uoaaual enafilotwlih so formktabl ea adversary as Ksyasr1! tusoas "Cough Pectoral." rvpavW CUpptr, ). 14, lbS9. , , . i 1 .:: ' DR. KBTSBB'B PB0T0RAL 8TBTJP It prepared and sold by Dr GBOBQB U. KBYBKB, 140 Wood, street, Pittsburgh, Pa. . 10 Bold In Columbus by B0BIBT8 At SAMtTBL.- TOOTHACHE HE91EDV. . ' ; 1 .' .' 1 ;..!' ' " 1 1 ' ' . . ' it -i : . a stJKK ctjiibt ", Prepared and seldby ' ' , .--7r-l ' Da.flBO. U.KBfBBB, pNc,S3oaats. 140 Wood St, Pittsburgh, Pt. ID Bold to ColuaUroi by BOBBEIS At SAMDtli. atx?:Stawdtim. , . a BNTSt PAPEU UOLhABtSi JBJvD Neck, Tlee. -;. i(, ,f,-n! 1 . . Handsame and aeonOMlital. .Alan. lUk Tlea, Mhl.l. 1 -Mnea vaiiart, i VviHall Blaaa, if '.r.-H.ter. t..filt ttrawera, Ve, -. v-.-..r.-i i, ' ;. ,r ,., 1. ' BAIN k BOlv ,. tpr 0 , '. No, 9 0otb Blgh street.01 GOLDEN HII.L HIHT, OOLDBN BILL SHIBTB, OOLDBN BILL SHIRTS. Th patten ef tbe shirts are ow. th Bedlet, Tekssi sleevee aad boemee trs formed to fit the pissia with ease and comfort. Ths mark upon each on designating th sis may be relied on as being correct, and each alilrt It guaranteed well made. A Mil stock of si I eaalitlet oonstantly for sale at BAIN'aV aovtK. ' NfcM South Blgh etreet: STELLA InAWLfr STELLA SHAWLS II ia all dwrrabto colors, and at vary rrosibargaln, .. v. .. j . : BAIN at SON, 1 :. ,prliA , ;., . ., ,, ,. , No. 99 Aouth Blgh street. WIDE MANTLE BABAOES, BOTff White and Black, just received st lirts ' --a- , . - - -i Mnrao! THBTJinOKFOIlDVEIll UNION) ENVRLOPrS-A BAKITV OF designs, at 84,00 per LtM. . , xnnoi ixrrzB airs sots rani, -t-. half th price oharged by small dealers. ... TCrUtkb QUARTERS No. 7J Soath HIgti street,-. tTumbut, May 8,1801. . ; , . j,.- .. ,L.&1UI ! - 1 aaooinrrarDZD it rai LATl ; : 8IR A8TLEY COOPER, n,: ' - t . tir Loimoa, ahd j. f t j. . DE. -VALENTINE MOTT, or saw Toaa, . ; , , fit acknovr lodged Head of the Profession ta attaC 1 . h . , 1 Hernurphere. Tha beat DlnretSo. Tonlo. and lnwlirorani Tht Flneat Eitraet of the ITATiTAN JUBTPma BUELBT. Th TnnuX and Moat Costly Gin J lant. 1 ' INDISPENSABLE TO FEMALES. . ;, Skill m B II A HI F TUC Clal . ,, ; INCOMPARABLE FOR THE AGED. -. ! THE SAFEST AND MOST DELICIOUS BEVERAGE IN THE WORLD. ror Baio, Plnta and Qnarta, by tnty DrneglBt; Grocer, or country uercnaat. r LOOK OUT TOB BOOTH ' ' : tOND O N 1 G"I N S. ran nwT.w nrwnmp Awrtm.a Ta 1 CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL. SlM ' BALDWIN & CO., ' TMeAAv4avaa Q1 T . 4 K fltT f3 1 " t . 4U1 UVA lyOl . 4VA, UArVV.AVJ Vt - Sold th Colnmbai by. .' : : ' 11 ' Z.1 boiu m woium . McKM 4. BEgTIBATJX, T ', Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Statesman Building. C. A. WAGNBft.nd other. ' ta Olnclnnti,'by ' 80IRN, KOKBTBIN CO., oosa-deodetlyw , . nndother. WEEKLY OHIO 'STATESIiN! I; BAVTNO k CIROTJLATION . iaroeb ' bt betxbal THOTTBAITD J ' . ' Than any . 0 the1, paper ia Ohio, tntttdt 1 of Cincinnati Offers 'Facilities forAdycrCisiiig ." Whtcn CANNOT TAIL t brln . ;' Speedr "' BemanerliT iBetitrtta .. ; , To those ah take advantage ef Ihera. V THE ,-WKKItX,Y BTATjrlSMAlf. D lstrlbuted at It It through every Pott OiBc in Ohio, . Reaches a Large Class of Readers Whoso patronsg It valuabl, abd who seldom sea the Dally Idltiont of slty Joamals; an4 as only ' ' A limited Bomber of A&TertiIements, ' Ar Inserted In It oolamnt, apooprlatel and '. '", ! HAtahOMElVP THtv camoT rta to ' Attxot Attention or ALL I 1 WHOLESALE DEALERS Advertising la the WRBKLT 8TATX8MAN will So ' 'rit advantagoas la'i .. ,, . a ,,i THE INCREASE 0F;TRADE Which 1 almost certain to follow an Sitenslv dlssemtt . atloci knowledge of thehj business -A t. , . AMONG COUHTET DEAlEKS I 1 " ADTBRTI8EMINTS INTEND ED POR t,' 1 1 The Weekly Statesman Should bs handed In before frlday noon. TUB i- -j, .,. ONLY PREPARATION ; ( I-..:.-:. :'. THAT-HAS t-..i v: STOOD THE TEST OF YEARSy Ana grata mora and more popular ...;v ,; ,-. ;.!" And leitlmonisls, new, and almost without .number mlsht be siren from ladies and gentlemen la sll grade. of society, whose united testimony none omild resist, that Prof. Wood's Balr Restorative will restore ths bald hod gray, and preserve the balr of the yoath ta old ago, uauiuyouuuui peauiy.- : t , .. I .. c Battto Creek, Uioh.i Deo. Blst, J858.. Paor. Wood: Thee will sleaae accept a lino to Inform thee that the hair en my head all fell off over twenti year ago, causes ny a compiicarea cnrooio oiseue, at tended with an eruption on the head. A continual ours of suffsring theoagh life having rednccd me to a state of depeodencev 1 bar not been able to obtain stuff for caps, net trier nave i neen sole to ao in em up, in con eeouence of which my head has suffered extremelv from cold, Tblt Indaood m topay BrlggsAs Bodge almeet th kutoen I hadoneartii for a two dollar bottl ef thy Balr Restorative, about the first of August last.' I bare faithfully followed th dlrections.and the bald spot It now covered With balr thick and black; though short. It M also coming ta all over my bos, reellsg onfidaal that aaathet larsw bottle would restore it eatlrel and harmanenlly, 1 feel aaxlou to peree verve In Its use, and being destitute ef means to purchase any more, I would auk the Utne wouidsi nfft b willing to send me sn order on thine awents for a bottl, and receive to thy self tbe scriptur declaration ui reward la to those that are una wine wiaow ana ine lameness. . ; ,Thy friend,- ' , B08ANNAH KTRBT. . ' Llsonler. Noble Connty, Indiana. Feb. Sth. 18S9. Paor. O. i . Wooat tHar iSvrt In -the Utter part of the fear 1869. while attending th Btato and National Law School of the Stat t New York, my hair, from a unknown to mo, commenced fauing off very rap- Idlv. so mat in ins snon space oi six monies, in wnois uupsr part ef my scalp was almost entirely bereft of Hi covering, and much of the remaining portion upon the tide and aaca part of my nee aaostiy after he won gray, so that ye will sot b surprised when I toll yoa that up on my return to th State of Indiana, my mora casual acaualntanoe were not so much at a lea to discover the cans c tasanans ia my appearuaoa, at my mors mu- ante acquaintances were to reoofrcilae m, t all. i , i-,--,-1 at one mad application lo th moat akiUfnl physi cian In th country, but, receiving no assurance from then that myfcalr weald again b restored, I was forced ta beoom reconciled to my fatal until, fortuuatsry, ta ta latter rt of ths year 1857, your Restorative was re commended to m by a druggist, ta being the most relia ble Hair Restorative tn uss. I tried on bottle, and round to my great saOsfaetlon that It wa producing the desired elect. - nine inat time, 1 nave uss a seven ost lers' worth of your Restorative, and as a result, havs rUh f www soft Mark hair, whtk no monav nan k... . ...... u .... ... as a marl or ar traumas ror pour moor aaa sum I the production of so wonderful s article, I hav reaera mended in use to many of my friends and acguaintaoees, who, l am nappy to iniorm you, are ssipg u with like effect. Tery respeclfully, your - ,.. ;u ..' v -'t ii'.. :'kiM. iATTA'ii:.: r; i ,. . i : saiwrney aa wo-.iiwra lwl d i Depot, 444 Broadway, and told by aU dealer! throach. out the world. , The Restorative It put op In botllet of three ttse. vlr tart, medinm, and small; ths small holds X a pint, and retail tor on dollar per bottle; the medium bold at toast twsnty per oent- more in proportion than the smalL and retail for two dollars a bottle; (he large holds quart, 40 per cent, more In proportion, and retails for 3 anomo. ' ' v"i' k 0. A. WOOD CO., Proprietors, 444 B roadway, new Terk, and 114 Market Btrest, St. Louis, Me. ..... Aad sold by R0BKBT8 SAMUKL. Colnmhos. Ohio. and by 1 1 good Drnrgtito and fancy Goods Dealer.' ' - rpruiiaLweowix ..i i . ,v,-,.,:u-i nr. Watches I Diamonds lUSilTOP Ware !!! . CnoicE a-soktbieNt of oold iV;and Silver Watches, In grest variety. " . I am Ageat tor tb Aasauaa Tfvre Oa.j lad AM ellllhes oxeelieeA Watches, a ajanatackueua1 mica.. minor wneiemio i tieiau,-, .. i . ,-, , Corns and chooss from my beautiful dlsnfaV' if Die. Bonds and tthar rielk Jewelry. Styles Bew price lowt at to silver nare or sierung quality, a sansnow aaa pattern, very handsoms. . anver rtstea war, xca setts, vus,.nallsst, oaitore, Baskt'ta, Pitchers, Goblets, Knives, Porks, Spoons, Am. Ikon I have aunnlvef flrj fable tlntlarv. Pnrk.t Xnltes, Baaors. A a., aad many Panor Goonb as ar desired for presents at such Price, as aro n loducs mam to the purchaser! : " WUj BI.YNN, ' ' ..i- .' ! :i u. ' ao, Buesey Blocr, t I msrSl i Berth side Btato Mouat aaaara ! Genta JJnen BErti Collars, OF BCPF.KIOR UVIAi.Trj IN OAK. ROTB, Stand inr, Bjron; Pwauay, Renfrew and ether new shape. Aismmed Pocket Uaadkerehiefs, Meek Tlea. ftlnnka. gtreet and Kvenlna Gloves. Half lima every kind, UnderGsrmenta and all kinds of Gents' far aiahtnf braoos ta f treat Variety aaa M moaeraw Prtoss. : J . (...'1:'::CT IS.' ''T" ' ! XBya,,! i( febSS i,..', .., No. B South Big ttreet. . . MALTESE te. Til ItEA D tACTE IHITTB of legant qagDUel for LfiiK-sJ also Misses' Mlthj v a f real vattety ; i"it'i- i ' BAIN'S.' .'' f.." 'r.-rttjclT:d,fi:.' ?o-i:-l fHj 1 -1 r..ujjiA tiitl flJiw .' - '. I J ' S ' . d . j -TKE4rA!SU-, m ... . OF THE AGE.' MB.-'KENNEDY, ' OF BOXBTJBTi has discovered in on of our oonunon pasture weeds a remedy that oures ., . ... , 1 ; ETery Hind of Humor, :r,i tariM '-C'-'' ' Th Wwrit SorofolA aowa to a oomnioa Junpla - Es has tried It in over eleven hnadred cam, and ner- ar failed naant In two ( both thundsr humor J Bs has aew In his possession over one hundred wrUfieatatof its valu, all within twenty mutt oi nosion. . Two bottle ar warranted to cur a nurjrlng tor montb. . On to three bottle will cur the wont kind of Pimple atbafac. Two or three bottle will elear th lystsm of MU. i Two bottle an warranted to cur th wont canker In th mouth or stomach. - ' Three to flv bottle ar warranted to ear the wont kind of Iryslpelas. . ... .i .. . - On to two bottle! ar warranted td euro all Burner ' iaoBye. - . ' : , Two bottles art warranted to our running the esr and blotohea smon the hair. - 1 four to tlx bolles are warranted to cur corrupt and running uioers. On bottl will cure soalv ernorlon of Ihe sklu Vw or three bottles ar warranted to cure th werst kind f rlnrworm. 1 ' Two r three bottle are warranted to ear th most aosperato can of rheumatism. - Ihre to four bottles are warranted toeuremlt-Rhettm - f rv to tight bottle will eure the wont est of tore fnl .1 ....... .- . -i- - benefit I etway experleneeS from' th first tattle, s perfect cure Is warranted when she above quantity Is laxen. . , -i ROXBrVRT. MA IB Dai Kaaait: Th refmUHon of the Medical Dhr eovery, la curing all kind of -hemorv,- Is so- well estab lished bv th unanimoa voice ef all who hat ever used It, that I need not my anything on th subject, a the most skillful physician and the most careful Druggists m ine country are unanimoasin its praiM. - . -In nreseattmt th Medical Discovery to your nottb. I do It with a full knowledge of Its curative power, In re Uevlng all, and eortng moot bl those disease to which you are unfortunately UabW, ' That molt excruciating disease to an asoetlonato mother " -- ' -" '"' . NCBS1NO HOKE AO! TH, Is oured as If by a mtraold your own temper I restored t Its natural iweetneM, and yoar babe from short and fretful nap to calm and sweet slumbers; and ths Medical Dioeovery becomes a fountain of blessing to your husband aaa nousenoia. . . . , , , , ... In the mors advanced stagee of " , OAHKEB -j Itactends to the stomach .oa using . .. i BYSFEPSIA,' 1 ' "J which I nothing butoanker on the stomach; then to ths intestines ana ,o ;.- ' i. ' i JalONBTS, creating a rinklng, gone rssUng, andaa indUfennee am to tue care oi your nmiif - .a - - i .i v. v Tonrttomaoha ; . . :,j.i..; 1 v.- l.i.: v4, I,;..'. I . RAW AND INFLAMED, , :-.r vour food distresses yon. and yoa can Only tak certain kinds, and even oi that your system doe aot get half tfa nourishment It eontslns, as the aorimonou fluid of ths canker eat it up; Uieu your somrucxion lose its bloom aod becomes sallow and greenish, and ' yonr best day I con, for want of nourishment your system be come loose and flabby, and the fibres of your body hi ooaee relaxed Then follow a train of diseaaet Which th Medical Discovery is peculiarly adapted to ' ' i mt ' ' .ODHCI -r-v-: Palpitation o"f Qi heart, pain in the side, weaknees o the aom and small of th hack, aala of th blDiolnt when you retire, irregularity a th-bowls, aad aha, that most excruciating of a ton, tn .. Bow many thousand of poor women art inffertfig from UU disease and pining away a miserable lift, and their aext door neighbor doe not know the cause, I wish to Isnprea oa your mind that good old proverb, "An ounoe of pref action to belter than a pound of euro, . Ia ti yoa bar both thsprevsntatlvs and th eure, with tha great and good quality, that It will never, under any slTonmslancfs, do you any Injury. -, , TJIE MEDICAJL, DISCOVERY , b paotaly tntondsd for dlseaseaof the blood, but tines It Introduction la th Western Btatet, It it found to b th.b'-t AtltJE BEJUED 1 " , 1 ": thai was tver before the public. - ' -m'" Noohangeof diet nor neccsauyT-eat the best yoa eat and get enough of It. -- Diacnoirs roa osa aaurt on ucir tpoonrui per day Children over ton yean, dessert spoonful Children from live to eight yean, tea spoonful. At ao directions can be applicable to all eonsltationv tokt sufficient to operate on the bowels twice a day. .,,,, . i : - -yoantrulyT , -A I r. i ; ; v -" '.ich DONNALD' KBNNKDT, Price $1.00 per bottl. lot y every druggist In m unitou ntaisa, , y sepi-uawiy. JjO; YOU. WANT WHISKERS? ' DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? . DO i YOU. WANT AUSTACHET , ! ' DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? b;;' BEIIIHOHAM'B - i' ' j OaLlBRATZJA - .. Stimulating Oiigucnt, .. ; ifor tha Whisker !aa4: ffair Th tabtertsers tak pleasure tn announcing o ths OttiMBi of th Called State, that they have obtained the Agency for, and an now enabled to offer to th Amarloau public-, the abov Justly celebrated and world-renowned anicw xae i " j ti 't.-l j,.m,.Ui-'j n'J iii. il .; .1 Is prepared by Da. 0". P. BKtLINOBAM, an eminent physician ef London . and warraated to bring oat a uaaatwettuii i:c i -,ci t-J :.-'.e.c J.-:u ; ' ! tm -'-'' ! ar r .( i; , ; : ,vvmsKer8 or a Mnsiacne .. : . . i In from thro to six weeks. . This article It the only on of the kmd used by the French, aad la London ana Paris It Is In universal use, , r '. " ' : . It Is a beautiful, eoonomieal, toothing, ytt stimulating compound, acting as If by magio upon th root, causing a beautiful growth of luxuriant balr. If applied to the rain. It will ear an , d to spring up la ptsrs of th bald fpotoaflMfrowtbof now balr., Ap plied aoaordrna t 4 treatise, a will turn tea ef fowl hair toaax. and fester srav balr to It orlslnal eslo toavfaig It soft, smooth, and flexible. Th "Onocssrr" it a Indispensable article In every gentleman's toilet, and af tot on week't us they would not for any consideration bswtthtntttt r iUj .ll vu.-ii;.u , . The subscriber tra the only Ate ta tog th article la (ho United State, to whom all orders must bs addressed Price On Dollar a box -for sale by sll Druggists and Dealers: er a box of the "Oofuent" (warranted to asve ths desired eftoot) artll b sent to any who deal re It, by mall (direct), securely packed, on receipt of prio and ratg,ai,iB....Appiyiooraoansi . . .., - I10BAC1 L. BBQBMAN k CO-1 Cenm, tc.r terflOdkwtal tiUr.z'.-i William Btreet Hew-Tork. !Wm,::inabe ik'coi, iijr AT TnEIft'WEW SALE8S---- XV SOOM, ffO, ISO UT., 'amy ami hob. t, a, a and 7 N. IOTA W Offer for sal their celebrated GOLDEN MEDA1V, 11 ; ,1 r; ,i . - ) OR AND :t u. i -' AND SQARE ii.i I PIANO-FORTES. , BeJnf highly re com men sod by th first Professon tnd nosicai Amatoanof ths country, ana . , - u ., 'j i RVRRT - ; i . vINBTBTJBUNV ..r - - - i I I y.W i ..WilBANTIDKIR ' , v . I t n I ... ).-. I. -p ..! hJITBXXABS. Th most fastidious customer map rely upon bclnj proasea m every respecs. Terms liberal. WM. KNAB1 00.'- r.'.i ; BKLIZBBj a WBB8T1R, Agents r r,;i ,i:' oofaflilydr,,, , ...j, K . ., ,, , ColniBbo, Ohio, TTlANCY dress silk. f' t '' ' t AMOY TlRKSH Btl.KH llf !!l'liilltj' . 1 I Ai .. : mtinT7 nna mrtvm 't ' r .1 It W Ar now offering our Immense stock of fanny Dreai niias as pneea less man ever osior oneroa la tniseity. The attention of th ladle of tha city and vicinity a toilet ted. at our stock la very select and complete la all grades ef goods in thU line. ' - PBTBRBAIN, Tt norn. no. t Booth Hit etreel, rWnoUal and. ReteJl Dealer In , J) rl Foreign & Domcstio Cigm, . ; Bmokiijf "tfc. Clielnpx Totaooosca' , alar, ta MfaRaii af'WlT'l wOtffkBtl .t j .,!. ..ik j t,.jea b.';'-' 1 . lpOoualry MritpvlW th call tefprj pur P'AfnifeD sTEdETr;;! U. x t "fitii Main and Sycamor, V PJ 1 novSl-wflm i,J ' "'CINCINNATI; O. jTJ!ssomtlf3ti. a-wv-'l rrtliB co-PARTitE"'ir iiKitt;ro I (nra axlatlnc feerwesn the nnilersfrned. tinder the ana nam of AMaTBOaaiTOMfooB,.was dasotrr 4 by mn tual oaneeut on the first Aay of AprIL WV lbs b-.i"'M f th hit firmWIU b aeUlcd by t, B. AaanaoM, Who oontlnutt t bosinem at tlie old stand. . B. ARMtritOKtK'v nyrlrdjir. x , , j u '. ai. .:i .THUUtOOHii , luic uorJ Dr.J.H.McIEAN'8 StrtngtleniBg Cordial and Blood Ttiatireateet ftemeef in ana wsmi I ABDTBB ... HOfflf BaUCIOTri - rmeSrruLm CORDIAL EVER : TAREN. V 7 i. TT IS STBltls' ii :X If a actenuno ana . Vegetable Compound, ' procured by the distil Utionof Boots. Herbs .J and Barks, Xsllow . Dock. Blood' Boot, I' Binanarllla. fill Cherry Bark ana van- g-j dcllon enUrs Into It; vnmnoiitlon. Too na rflnlrlny Before Taklns1" Ut 1UIUU' principle of .each Inrredtent liW renovating Ftht diseased iJif" ""S suffering and debilitated INVALID to BEAM 11 and SIRBNUlB. " BlelJEAN'S STRENOTHENINU sjwsa- I DIAL . I , . . Will ffotuslly enn' ' tffIB COMPLAINT. DT8PBP8IA. JADND10B . Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kldneyt and all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or rtom j aah, Dyspepsia, Heart burn, Inward Piles, Aoldlty or Bjok- of the Stomach, fnllnest of Blood to th He J, Doll K'n or swimming in me neao, raivnation oi Usees or Weight In theBtomaea, Bear Bructatlons Choking or suffocating feeling when lytagdown, Drvness or xeiiownemoi wcbubbuu t . '.j ward Psven. Pain In th small of th baok, i iheet or t do. Sadden Plushes of Beat, Depremlon of Spirit, frightful Dreamt, Lanruor, Despondency or any Nervous Disease Bores or Blotches on the Bkin, and Paver and Asu (oi Obillaand fever.) : Over a Mllllott ol iiattlea Bsvs been told daring the last six months, and In no In stance has It failed In riving entire satisfaction. Who, then, -will suffer from Weakness or Debility when Mcr LKAJS'S BTRHNGTUKNINQ CORDIAL will eure youl ' No language can convey an adequate idea of the imme diate and almost miraculous change produced by taking this Cordial In the disessed, debilitated and shattered nervous system, whether broken down by excess, weak by . -nature, or Impaired by sickness, the relaxed and unstrung organisation Is restored to Its pristine health aod vigor. MARRIED PERSONS, Or others conscious of Inability, from whatovtr cant, ill find McLean t Strengthening Cordial a therougb regenerator of the system; and all who may bare Injured themselves by Improper Indulgences, will find In ths Oor dtal a certain and speedy remedy.. , " ' i ' To tba Ladle. HeLeanV Strengthening Cordial ' Is s sovereign and speedy cure for INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, WHITES Obstructed or Difficult Menstruation, Incontinence of tJris or Involuntary Discharge thereof, falling of the Womb, Giddiness, fainting and all Diseases Incidne t females. ; taaro is noMliUko About It. ' BuSer no longer. Take It escorting to Directions. It will stimulate, strengths and Invigorate you and cant ta bloom of health to mount your cheek again . Bvery bottle Is warranted to give satisfaction. . . . FOR CHILDREN. . .If your children are sickly, puny, or afflicted, MoLeanV Cordial ail make them healthy, fat and robust. Delsj not amoment, try It, and yoa will be convinced. IT ; IS? DELICIOUS TO TAKE OanTioK.VBewSr of Druggist or Dealers who may try to palm upon you torn Bitter or Saraaparilla trash, 1 Which they can buy saying It Is Just a good. Avoid such mtn. Ask for MoLeaa'a Strengthening Oor " dial, and take nothing ale It ia th only rsmady that will purify th blood thoroughly and at mease, tin , strengthen the system. On tablespoon ful talma every morning fasting. It a certain preventive of Cholera, Chilis and fever, fellow ' fever, or anyprevalenl disease. It It pat op In lan bottle. t ., - -V . .-, .. ) Prio only l per bottle, or 6 bottle for S3. , , J.H. McLBAN, ' ' " Sol Proprietor of this Cordial, -. y- ' Alto McLean Volcanic Oil ulnlment, . Principal Depot on th corner of Third and Pine streets, ' Si. Louie. Mo. , ; . MoLoan'i Voloanio Oil Llnlmect. ' Ths beat Ltnlrcant In the World. The only sofa and certain eure for Cancers, Piles, Swellings and Bron ehiUa, of Goitre, Paralysis, Neuralgia, Weakness of the Muscles, Chronle oi Inflammatory Rheumatism, Stiff nee of th Joint, contracted Muscles or Ligament Baraoh or Toothache, Bruises, Sprain, Wounds, Presh Onto, Dlcera, Pever Bores, Oaked Breast Sore Nipples, Burnt, Bcaldt, Sort Theat, or any Inflammation or Pain, nediferanc how severe, or how long th disease saay hav (listed. McLean'! Celebrated Liniment a a oer mln remedy. ' '. . Thousands of human beings hav- been saved a lift of decrepitude and misery by th us of tha invaluable med- OllMe McLEAN'S VOLOANIO OIL LINIMENT Will relist pain almost Instantaneously, and It wil cleanse, purify and h,l the foulest sores In an lneredi ly short tune. ti- far Hortea and Other Animal. " McLean t celebrated Liniment Is th only safs and re ttabl remedy for the ours of Spavin, Ring Bone, Wind falls, Splints, Unnatural Bumps, Node or Swellings. It will never fail to our Big Bead, Poll Xvtl, fistula, Old running Bore or Sweeny, If properly applied, for Sprain, Bra, Bora tehee. Sore er Wounds, Cracked Heels, Chafes, Baddl or Collar Galls It It an Infallible remedy. Apply It at directed, and a can It oertoin in every instanoe. Thsn trifle no longer with th many worthleet Ltnl BMBt offered to yoa. Obtain a supply of Dr. McLean's celebrated Liniment. It will cur you. " J. II. McLEAN, Bole Proprietor, - Comer of Third and Pin Streets, St. Louis, Mo. ' for sal by all druggists. .Por sal by ' ROBRBTS k 8AMTJRL. aw86-dwlf Columbus. Ohio. . t . . PEOF. WOOD'S HTM Pt, tt precisely what Its nam Indicates, for. while U 'pleasant to th Utt, it Is revivify! eg, cxhtlarat Ijlng, Invigorating and strengthening to th vital ' powra,and at the mm Urn rsrlvilles, rein Jv lilatoe, aad renews th Blood In all It parity, and It4ithut at one restores and rendsrt (A ivtUm in- ' uulntrabU to attack ofdincu. It Is th only Hlpreparstloa ever offered to aha world, to chemi cally and skillfully oomblned a to b th most Ipowerful tonlo. and st ths mm time to perfectly soaptea to, as to act in perieoiacooraanee witn me laws or nature, ana nene will tootAt uu wtatMi a. a'stomcA, and ton apth dlgestivs organ, and 51 thus anay an nervous aaa omer irritation, it a perieetly exhilarating, aad at tha samstimslt b composed entirely of vegetable, y.t so combined, as to produce ths most thorough tonlo effeot, with! H lout producing any Injurious oonssquseoss. Such to reanody aa long paeu fen to be a ossiaeratum In ib medical world, for It needs ao medical skill to sea lhatdebllltyfollowsallattacksof disease, and proceeds and indeed lays th system opsn to ths Insidious attacks of many of ths most fatal, such, 0 W for example, a pie following: Consumption, In UlMtlnn. Tiv.nonsi. Lom of Annatlta. r.lntna. Narvons irriiaoiuiv. neurais a. raioiiaiionot me Ihsart, Melanoboly, Night Bweato, Languor, Giddi ness. Retoatloa of. as well as Pslnful obstructed. too orofuie, or to sosnl Menstruation, and ValH Q ling oi tue noma, inese siiaepeoaspon generei s.miuy. -xnis pure, ncaiiny, ionic voraiai ana Blood Renovator le assure to cure as the tun to rls and set, There to aaaahrmk about It. But Lbi. 1. mo .11. ir u. to wMkaoed, we are open to Dinout aitacis, ins uvtr becomes torpid, at worse diseased, th kidney return to Borform V': their funoUsma, and w are troubled with sealdlns tana inoouinraDu M-anne, wt involuntary aia- chara of the same, caiu la tha bank, aids and bs- tween th shonlden. exceedlnsl liable to allnhti knias. coasns, ana u uncnected. soon omscistioni follow, and tba pattoat foe dowa to a premature 0 grava. But space win aot allow at as enumerate th mirjy ills to which we are liable la a weakened condltlod of th system. But ws will say, in this m rCordlal and Bloo aeaovatcr yea nav a perteot. SMS, pleasant nu itccm, iwturior .ww i Appatltt, BIIIOU.BMB, s laiuieoco, n ana eicx Itlomacn, aogur, j,ithviwi',wui, ana ftver, or any nmous attacx, uosuveneas, aciaiqr of the Btomaen, nervousness, ttsureigia, raipira ilaaef the Basra Depresstoa el Spirits, Boms. Pbnplet on th face, or any diss arising from 8 CORDIAL impure blood, such at ecroraia, cryaipeiat, uron.r . y. . . . a i. ,,a.ii...iI,k. .It .V...T ill hltia, Cough, difficulty of Breathing, and all that Miamvof dlaeaset called) famal weainese, and Mlsss- ef disease called) famal weakness, and fjl i i numerated above. W will si so say the traveler! am ' taxaoaed to enldemles, cbania of ltnat and wat4 US, Will nna ll a pleasant, sai ana sure remcuy. ana none snouid ever travel wiinouu neaaer, try It, for we assure yow yo will Aad in H a frlendl Wieed, a wet I ass friend la need.AU persons eft 0 sadenutry nablis win una it a penect preventive oil las well a Cure for those aUmeato to which they ars articular ly exposed, ueaesmmisters.itudentst 'tone vs. literary tsntlemen,and ladles who are not (accustomed to much outdoor enrols, will find II to their advantag to keep a pome constantly on handt and, abov ell, mo the re, or these beoomlns soohl will go througn that moat oaageroua period not only wth all their accustomed strength, but safe and free from th thousand ailments so nrev. Alalentatneng the femsls portion of the world. Ir 13; 0: , oio will relieve and prove luelf emphatically a Mtttora Cofd4alaiUMUodJinator- " . - O.J. WOOD, proprietor,. 444 Broadway, New rant, ana lit nsmt ntrret, st. i,oui. iio.i ami Isold by ROBBRTS at 8A MCRL, Oolnnrbus, Ohio, ana an gooa vrugguisi - trice un voiisi per Bottle. ' maroh'-dfcweowly - l i .i " " ANTED-ADENTrTA BELL.. packages of STATION BRY and 3 BW1LRT. at Srioea one-third leas than on be ptmrhssed elsewhere all on waddrem (stamp aaeioaed) d. L. BAIL! Y, No V. 154 Court St., Boston, Usm. . - march M;d-Jm. A LETANDRES KID GIOTM. ,,1. rV. i A 11 siies and colors lust oi penea si BAirtB, . goea.ii. .).".. w.uuiar!instrssi, h -v. :J v. w::