Newspaper Page Text
LZZ-Trr3" I T' ' ' " "' "' ' ' ." "'".",' ;'-'".':' I-; ' XJ: 1 ; ,t . .1,1 i . i-t .t-.v J "n r li -h'hI e t , im..i rtt -, InTariablr In AdftSOf DAILY, TW3&XLY AKfl W?KX1 MANYPENNY & MILLER, PUBLISH B8 AUD PBOPBIITOBI, O Offlet Hot. 86, 88 tad 40, Vorta High It TIRM8 INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. Bally a K '.-) IV l $6 00 par year. " By the Carrier, per wesk, 1U cents. fri-Weakly .... S 00 per year. Weekly. . . . . i 00 " ornm of Advertising hf the Square. at enuart t yen . . . ISO 00 One " U montbe 18 00 Due " 6 months, 15 00 Jne ' 3" months- 10 00 Jne 1 monthi 6 00 iat ' 1 month. S 00 On square 3 weeks.. 3 4 00 One 2 weeks.. 3 00 On " lnlb..-l 9i On " 3 days,.. 100 On " 9 days... 75 Ont " 1 Insertion 60 Dlapleyed advertisements bait son than tha abort rales. swi'iv-n'i .f.ii ji.-.Ji Advertisements leaded and placed In the column of npsciat oticea.y eumott tht ordinary rattt. . All notices required to be published by law, legal rates, ir ordered on the Inside exclusively after the drat week per cent,-nor than the above latet; bat all aooh wit a i near In the Tri-Weekly without eharee. BuainessOaroxiaoiexoasding five llnef, per year, ln 1 le, t-SO per line; ontelde $2, Noticeeof meetings, heritable ocletlea, fire companUt, to., half price.' All tramltnt advertisement! mutt It paid for fa timnct Tit rule will not be varied from. Weekly, aame price ai the Dally, where the advertiser tea the Weekly kloee.' When 'be Sally and Weekly arj both nacd, then the charge lrthe Weekly will be oa'r the rates of the Daily No adrertiaement taken except for a definite period. aawamaaaBaaaaw BUSINESS CARDS. ' f. a. b.; iuaasa, Attorney At XjA-w AND NOTARY PUBLIC. OfflccAmboBliaiug, oppoaltt Oapttol Square, -r t OOLUMBUB, OHIO jO.. osbornb, Attorneys & Counsellor at' law, MARION, OHIO. Machine Manufactnring Companj MANDFAOTUIXM Of STEiM ENGINES '& BOILERS, flAitlngi, MUl-Stailng, Mahlnry, ALIO, "ELcillxroAca. ,rvvorls. - ' -Jul : " t-'- ivlj- ' or mir Disctimoti. COLUIIIBCS, OHIO. OHA8. AMB08, Bap't- P. AMB08, Trail, deoll, 1858 tf v 1861. 1861. Summer Arrangements.---Time 1861. Summer Arrangements.---Time Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, & CINCIN'I IT tbfKMl RAILROAD. Connection at Creatlln with the PITTSBURGH, FT. WAYNB It 0DI0AQ0 BAILB0AD fur PiUtburQK, Philadelphia and BdUimor. Alto for Fort Wayn and Chicago. Connecting at Cleveland with the LAK1 BH0BI BAIL- BOAD For Dunkirk, nnrtalo, Albany, Boa ton, and New York. THREE TRAINS DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY, from Columbus, la aonatction with Trains an ths LITTLE PIIAmi AND COLUMBUS and xenia Railroads. I f PIB8T TRAIN. 1 i . A ' . NIGHT EXPRESS, Lsaves Columbus at 3.40 A. If J will leave pssaengers at all stations south of Gallon, stop at Delaware, Ashley, Cardlngton and Ollead, and at all etetlone north of Gallon, arriving at Cleveland at 9:00 A. M., Dunkirk 3:00 P. M., Buffalo 4 25 P. M. Slhana 5 ft 4 . M.. Nm Vnrk H H A. M hul,. 0 30 P. M , PltUburgb via Creitllne 3:40 P. M , Philadel phia 5;10 A. Si. Chicago via Crestlinaat 7:00 P.. . -" - " SECOND TRAIN. " NEW YORK EXPRESS Leaves Columbus at 11:10 a. m. Will stop at Lewis Centre, (for White Sulphur Springs), Delaware, Cardington, Baliea, Crestline, Shsl by, New London, Wellington and Grafton, arrive at Cleveland at 3:35 p. m.; Dunkirk, 8:50 p. m.i Buf falo. 10:S5 p. m.: Albany. 8:45 a. m.: NswYork. 1:45 p. oa.j Boston, fiw p. m.-i this Train ooaneeta at sntl by for Sandusky, and at Giafton for Toledo, arriving at Toledo at 0:40 p.m. . THIRD TRAIN. HAIL AND ACCOMMODATION leaves Columbus at 8.30 p. m. Will atop at all stationa Booth of Bhelby, and at New London, Wellington, firafton, and Bern; arriving at Cleveland at 8:30 p. m l Dun kirk, 8:00a. m.; Buffalo, 3S0a. m. Albany, SrSO p.m.; NewYork, 7.-80 p. m. Boston, 11:45 p. m.; Pittsburgh, VoOretllns,at 11:55 p. m.; Philadelphia, 1:00 p. m., Chicago, ria OreKllne, 8:45 a. m. This Train connects at MbyMtaadasky aas Toledo, jrrivasg at J?Ao Patent Sleeping Cars are run on all Night Trains to Chicago, Kew York and Boston. Baggaqt Ohdctd Through to Nea Tort and Sotton vif Ceni-landj ah to PhltaMfhifawl "Neva ' Yor&via OrtttlitUi - N RETURNING. Night Expreaa arrives at Columbus at... 11:15 P. If. Cincinnati Expreaa arrives al Columbus at 10:50 A. If. Accommodation Express arrives at Columbus at 7:50 P. M. Faro at Loir as) ; ty any ftnor Btamf . Ati for Tickttt via CrMfJftJseT Cleveland, .Me -.a '.B.. ILJ8T. ' . I Superintendent, Cleveland, Ohio. JAMES PATTERSON, Agent, coidnbusM.iiVn; yft'-rfffr 3 Just Beetlrtd! HP. Cn GREEN ut BLACK 1'UAl 100 bags prima Rio Cones. 100 ISO pockets old Dutch Government Java Coffee. 7 O baga Ceylon Coffee. eOObbls. standard White Sugars, consisting of Pow- draaXOhrasaat, Onmawtsd isnd B Coffee.--SO quintals George Bank Codfish. xObbls. Hess and No. 1 Mackerel. S tea. Plok Bslmon. MiinJf t m j i n SO hf; box do do -100or?os di dt . lOO it Oigars, different brands and grades. novwr -wit. Mcdonald," T . I . f T TI'-i-S t xittr a uis' ' X.tlL'LIEr 'And Btank-Bobk iranofentnrer, , V0BTH SIO 'iTBlilf, fITJKBCt,' OHIpL n.rtvd.,11 ri iP:nw ; - fiedi?itP'6-dBliii -M DELAINKft, ' ' CALlCOEa," 1 irstw 1 NECK ItEH. aiavaxsj, aprva Io. South High itrttt, . r r o: "a-. M . - 4a An mfrrrrt 9itnrt J llsvt Juststtaistd BtW) aMka)of ;BOOf rtTTa tnlsbsd la aasaaar (attapsuoAwsmyfatv latradeMtd Or oj:tT ,7Jiijfoieal '.ee atmttb"A DURABIL!7T,A GAC?FyLNj33 aia 91. i ,tti,h:t . i v ii ) u t i s . ix.r no ( .mvitnH .milt:'! ,ii wf-si:-i-T. ' , , n ggMMBMgg"i.i- WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO DICTIONARY. rT) I,;i)!iJ H-rr V.UCtl ''(Hill T lateit The LarrMtThs Beit The Cheapest Became the Beit, Tb irlest Rliak!x atanaarA ihority of the Enrllsb tanspiaf Sltt Hundrti KmlnUXduatort of Ohio, "TBI .BI-8T BNSU8H DIOTIOSABt BXTANT.'' j . v .... i ... . ,..'., i. . i ,mi . sr ii r .ii Xflerory Mm Xwrvvktro., -k "Eei are np'wa'fai of a Hnsdrsd Tnontaid Words, wboaa muHirarloua meanings and derivations, together with theft terrect spelling;, and pronaoelaUon ait clearly setWbrstbe.yeA; r , .., . .' Cincinnati OtmmtrotaL . , Recdt the Dtcltlon of M MTemttri of tht Ohio Stat Tbs nnderslgnetf, toemhera of the Ohio ItstATeaohera issooratiortt adopt and aba to ss 1st . teach tor. witUnc and speaking, the orthography and pronunciation of Worcester's Boral Quarto Dictionary, en we moat oor dlally tMoesmsnd it as the suit rellaM) stsadard aav thorltyo(tlisianllshlaniasge,Htt ls now written sad spokeaw' . ; ,.t .t i , , . ... tom Awsssws, President Xeayen Oollere. M. D, Lsware, laperhtBdent ZaaMtvllta Schools. Thos. W. BaRvrr, BnpH Haasllo Unloa cboen. . U. V. Oewsstv, Bnp't Pnhlts Bohsots, Bandasky. . Job Ltmcw, Bopt PwbHs ioheols, Olnlevllls. B. N. Baxfokp, Principal O lore land Jamais Semlna-tJ-L .. . . .. . W. JTrtcntxa, Bnp't Pobllo Belools, Mt. Union. Aag Oaotn, principal Btata Normal Bchool, Hlnne OntDt Nisoh, Principal fourth IntermedtaU Bchool, OlnclnnaU. ' ' . B. 8. MiTm, BapH Canton Union Schools. Bnwtt Raaab, Prinolpal McNeely Normal Bchool. u T. Tarmaa, Prof. Mathematics, Ohio University. Wm. W. lowAEst, Bap't Troy Union Bchool. A. a. Homm, Prinolpal West High School, 0 leva land. . S. A. NoToa, Associate Prmctpal High School. CUre Und. , i j 1 '111..': tA M "I. into Doss gTSauxa Principal Hlgll Babool, ClsveJ land." - A .-? ---,-7 ,.. a. f . BnHisTOH. Prlndnal Cleveland Inrtltule, J. A. OUiruij), President of Electlc Inatltnle, HI- ram. ' ....., W. L. Hiitis.Prof. of Chemistry, Ohio Waslsyao Unl varsity. - i. B. B. Baairsr, Ii-Oemmlssloasraf Oosnsqon Bchoolt, Ohio, t ' : r- . , , Jams Uoinosj, Prof. Bhetorlo, Obarlln Qollegt. Thos. Bill. President AnUooh College. 0. W. H. CaTncuaT, Prof. Matbematlcs, High Bchool, Davtoa. 1 1. O. OaoMsacon, Prof. Lanroage, High School. Dayton. .... . , B. H. Baamtm, Bap't Union Bchools, Ashland. . .. Hot than Si Bvndrtd othtr Prtrtdent of OolU 041, Pro ft nor t, Avtkort emi 2liimpith4d Sdmoar tort, kov tndorttd tUt oboo tmUmmt. , i PRESIDENT? OF COLLEGES. IN OHIO; ' Baaima OOLUma-wMlt It traly aaagnlAosat work, an boner to ths- author, the) vabliabtrs, and tbs who Is country." risatrtiul Andrawa. -u-t ,-. . Osno Watmi Umtsaain -'It tzoeeds my ttpacta Uona. It will be my guide In orthography and pro ann otation, and will often be consulted by me for Its seat and aoonratt definitions." President Thompson. . W. B. J ciKTno Ooiixos. "Beretof r wa havanaed WSbster's orthorranhv. - At a recent meeting of onr faculty, It was decided to change it to conform to that of i Worcester's Hoyal Vloarto Dicuonary." rrssMoni uaroeta. Wismsj Rsmvn Ootxios. "I And it worthy of cordial approbaUon." iTtaiaent uitcncoox. . ,.. 0 sat lis Ooutai. "It mora than meets my expects' timna. I recommend it aa the atandaad authority In orthoepy to my children and, my pupils." President Ajmooal Oouaus. "I ad9pt aid aim to use hi teach ing, writing and speaking, the orthography and pronun. ciatioa of Worcester's Moral Quarto Dictionary." President B1U. i-t..rl - "In all mv writing. tDeaklnr. and teaching, I have en deavored to conform to the rules for orthography and pronnnolatloa as contained la Woroeatera Dictionary," tloract Mann, lata President. " Xmrroa Oollmb, BaMtrsa. 'I most cordially recom mend It as the most reliable standard authority of tbs agllah language as it is aow written and spoken." President Andrews. -1 ,..1 - i ...i jr, rjcibc'c;oMissio$R of 'paid. Prom Sot, Anson JSntftH, OommUtiontr of Common I if;.' o 'UMOtt t0. ;,4 : 4 'The Dictionary Is an Imperishable monument to ths learning and industry of Its anther, and aa honor to ths world of letters. The mechanical execution as far sups- rior to that of any other Maioon with which x am ao- iquainiea."' , . . Prom Mm. B. B. Manut, Mb-OommUtiontr of i ... iionm$ m sw.,1 . - ... rTha most reliable standard authority ef the Ian gnage." : :r. .,. . . , .. . j ' n'.f 'lJ wtut Taw ,, , i j , IjpiBuiina; NvaTpairsi of. Ohio Say I InmaCUitdBtrafMimM!., tbt orthography of tht Wo roaster Dictionary it that used by most, it not all, authors of distinction In this country and angiand, ana conforms to ut general asags ef ordinary writers and speakers. Whatever prejudices may hare existed previously, a cartful study of this volamt will Invariably be foHowed by a warm appiaeiatloa of its great merits, and deslrs to add It to ut wsu selected library, be u large or smaii, It is a library inltseir. and will remain an. Lmptrlsha ble record ef the learning tf ftsoompller.; . t from tht CHaeaawcrSf flbamsnsfat of April 90. ', tiers art upwards of a hundred thouaetid words 'goad, bad and tadifferent wboee multifarious meanings and derivations, together with their correct spelling and pro nunclatton, ars set clearly before the eye. Tht work It unquestionably tht greatest Thesaurus of English Words tvtrpubllshaJ, t.ixl . ;. fromth0t9tUMdFktHdtalfST.Vi,m. fevldently Woitosrrn't Karat QoaJtTO Diermuir it only tA4iMtth4nrt vori of ih tintt mri wrf.sndcin by no possibility suffer by eompariswn r toatrovtny. ', . " ' "-" I ct::Prom lUToUiaSlaitaf Mair . , At tcr' ntortmctATtow, Wosersrsa na Sratnuaa foUowsA nr our beet authors! la dennlttoat he mat at nothing so be desired, tod In OaTBursnrKMaalasltnt to aay that Woacarrxa can bo safety foils wed. "i f '!.';' lNttHAII 4c BRAOe, ,' ' Ptiblisliert, BooktelleroscStationerat NO. 101 BUPERJOa frp; OMTiXiANp, OBI0. goail s. , 1 n .t-'.-trt ie f.i v.n., . , ,. THE ivnjTUAii' bENEFIT LIEE INSURANCE COMPANY; jrewAfAS-g W- J"- 1 i -. J .-i -i .... . ;.i .. ,.;i:ti. DTld'en'n, jJannary it i8t,,45 Pr Cent, ASSETS-,. ?f,.f v..m,. av $58I?,550 5fJ. 1 t 8MUaenianntarT 1,.181' i., , Balance, pet slatemenl Jan". 1st, '1880.'."; . S,40,5Sa' St Baosirsd far Pramiumw.das- n,.u titt tag tht fear 18U). w..763,053 8 ... t Baoeived for rnttresf durlnf ' ' 1 llfi " Paldf Paidl ' dend 41,111 W.i ' Paid Salaries, Post- -' ' ' ' age, Taxes, Ex- thangt,sto.. 11,620 64. ; Paid OAmmtaainna to iU 4.1. ;,.,, ' Pad,PhvslcWfees.-5,W75 V"u Paid Annuities 1,517 00 'V' -- Paid DrrMends dar I og oe yeas ..10650O 75 MS IWI ff;.-4U,7t 14 -vU.Wtil'aU r',.-HW.''iiini 1 1st Balaoot January lat. 1861. . 13,818,558 50 Cash on henauU.C2.',-.'Joi58s IaA JLf PGiUS Baal Estate... uo.893 87 C 1 1 ' ' ttUdcl8'93lT "-"- touraeef tranamimlen.... dLytl ;r$ S -I V I toMAMtal.......v f 7S7I PtUelti la foroa, bst)rlBg MB9atAs8saaa 1 a mmm VaIUIm -- - .l V" ... ' wiiuib; tin JW 7S Anar a oarsrui aaicaiatioa or tat present yalus of the talstandlnc Pollciee of the Company, and kmytnv ik SMtessory tmtmiU M nssrra thsrefor, thav Directors hart declared a DivmsKS of 45 per cent, oa ths Pnasl- nms para ai me caDie mens, id an saimwt sor Die la font, eeaea prior so rfaauan trtsent rult tf tht do. Issasd prior so January l, 1WJ, paablt aooordins m the reseniiuitti ut uompany .i fates for all kinds of Ltla ConUngendrs, prespect. nsts.Btateuisanv haul JLpplloaUaas, trill a tundabed witooTcsuisaa,altht.OiIlcto)rAxenoletot Jht Ooaa- .-BOBtV sLpatwrsOn) PresMtnt. ST.. r, .u . I - v Ut H. h.eOie;TJtrni- '51. Columbus, 0. D1UUS BTLKM, af avew aeade. aka aaMt asaMe r total ks ibt sli, a4 u mot. reason.hia rw. ;) -i BAIN a BON, , ,PAifl A y;lAls ".WaWhUighstrsen total rtoelptj r iBBO.i.'.asn.on J M Halms by Death.207,050 00 'elioiea surren- - ' ri r ,t 1, ,-l :tl i T a! t'n ' Mi a ( .! the most effectoal AUerativt that -can be made. It it concentrated extract of Pars Baraaparilla, to combined with" other substances of still greater alterative power as to afford an effec tive antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure, mutt prove of immense tenice to this large class of our afflicted fcllow- Sitizens. How completely this compound will o it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following cor.iplaints : j iJciiorrjLA. and ScaorvLous Cost plaints, EiArPTiowt and Eruptive Diseases, Ulcers, Pimples, Blotches, Tumors, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Syphilis and Syphilitic Af fections, MebcurulDisbash, Ditopsr, Neu ralgia on Tic Douloureux, Debility, Dys pepsia and Indioestion, Erysipelas, Hose on St. Anthony's Fins, and indeed the whole class of complaints ariainjjpm Impurity of ths Blood. J t This compound will te-rtiund a great pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of the year. By the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Clcanso out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities Bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or; sores ; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will toll you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, end live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum, of life disordered, there con be no lasting health. Sooner or later something Tmist go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. . Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been cgregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any tiling else. ' 'During late years the pnblia have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sartoparilla for one dollar. Most of these hnvo been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Snrsaps rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the namo from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has. virtues which are irresistible bt- the ordinary run of the diseases it is Intend ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on tile bottle.; ifii ' - ' ' ': prepared by DR. J. C. ATEIt & CO. i i LOWELL. MASS- : - Price, Ml psrOottlt Six Bottlts far 83. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself inch a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Conipluiut, that it' it entirely unnecessary for us to recount tho evidence of. its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. At it has .long been in' constant use throughout this section, ire need not do more thnn assure the people its quality it kept up to tlio best it ever hat been, and that it may lit relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. i - i . i . 'i Ayer's Cathartic Pills, ' TOR TUB CUBE OF Cottivaxcu, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, JJytenfery, tout Stomach, Erysipelas:, Headache, Pile, Rhettrnatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Livtr Complaint, Dropsy Titter, Tumors and Salt Jlhenm, Worms,' Gottt, Neuralgia,- at a Dinner Pill, and f of Puriyino tin Blood.. . ' They art sugar-coated, so that the most sensi tiro tan take theen pleasantly, and thoy aro the best aperient in the world for all the purpoict of a family physic. . . , ' t " Priot 85 cents per Box ; riva boxes for $1.00. ' Great numbers of Clergymen, Fhvsicians, States men, and eminent personages, nave lent their Barnes to certify the nnparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our spnee here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents bclotv named fur nish gratis our American Almanac in which they aro given;. .with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that ahould be fol lowed for their eurev - '. ' ,i : 'Do not bt put off bv unDiinciDlod dealara with other preparations they make more proftt on.' Demand Ayer's, and take no other. ' lbs tick want the best aid there is for them, and they should' kave it. 1 All our remedies-are for sale by I BOIEHTS At BAMtTBL. Oohxmbaa' lad bv Drarglsbjand Dealers tvsiywhtrt. Borw:iya,iwssw ' ' .'. , i ;i . i . , r CAJJADIA ft U3HTED STATES KAIL x to aho mora i ; '1 LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW, J u ' iii;ti !-.-:; v and '. ; .1.1 r , lv . 1 - .i vi. n , i i-.i: i ,.rr.:.'.- tht ktoalraal Ootaa BteamahlD Otmnanv't Brst-elast full-powered Olyde-bullt Bteamers tall every 8at tarsias' from PORTLAND, tarrying tht Canadian and untssa wars a auii ana patteagert, ; : , I NORWEGIAN. NORTH AMERI0 AM, , I , BOHEMIAN, . , , . ANGLO-SAXON, I NORTH BRITO, ' ' ' HIBERNIAN, , I CANADIAN, ' '- ' MOVABCOTIAN.1 ' aittttes taeaveat anQtikee0n AJdilCA TO UX'Xm 0T ETE0PX., ltbt 'Iuiwaaeto JDttrope. " Will taU from tTTBarOOL trrtry WattnaMar, and tromQUBaao awary Batardiaw, tallmwat w.iJvunvaaAi , wu rwxiiw on oearaaBSi uust alalia act Psjmgert, tsandtreta Inland aad BoaUaadk " irpTbese Bteamtrt ana built of Iron. In wnesMlsht eomptstsnantt, tany each aa experienced Borgaia, and every atUntloa le paid to the oomfort and aotomaaoatr oon or pesssngsri. as iney prooeed direct to LONDON DEBT, tht groat risk and daisy of calling at St, John's It avoided. elatgow psseengwt are famtihtd with ran t a mare flokets to and tram Loadoaderry. - ; , v, . , lru Uoketa treated Uroed most. ..,r i, , OerUncatas issued tor oarrrlns to and brinainseut nu. tsagen from all the principal towns of Grant Britain and Inland, at ndtaeod rates, by tht) Mat tf tttasaen, tad by tht WAlMUiOTOM LINE Of SAILXNd PAOAJIA, saving umpm avwry tch, , ,. , Blgbt Draft far Xf aad npwardt aay I able In Knalandlrelaasl, Meet- 4 WA' lanA tr Wales. r Maaaga, awirp at fee OSet. WMOAD iTi, Wow Varkt- aad ie WAVXtiai 'f l.lwornaal. ., , , U8XI BXiSIX. wtasTsi ifntt, . -J. R. ARMSTRONC. ' tolttyda ' .' Pott Offlet, Oolataf t. Ohio. In ATE THIS DAY ADBHTTEJD) MI son JAMBB ADQia BAIN aSDartner In mv bat- ats, which will vet after be oondnoted under Iht Sra of Ma a Son. . BAIN, W HttMh Hit St..- -t- ; lIENnT KffinLEK. (tart tt Phalon't Pitabltthaont, V. X.J f jatrletat s . tht New lorn laahiooabla Shavina. Bala flaui.. Blianipoonli'g, Cullg and Dsaming BfUoo, East Stat , sli.t,,e iht Poet i,M, wber aaUefaxuoa will r;" l all Uia various braaohae. Ladles aad ' r.V, . iT ' son ut tot sees tiia rl-diy, vvU, .A ,. . ....,.., i,, j:,. J o t l ' Ayerssarsapani M 'W. r. .11. 1 . - I II" , A compound remedy, designed to be I ll' : . ' S- w .. '"fj l-'.D 1 1,- ,i. 4l 1 1 1 1 . Jil.'. r BEAU TJLb'U'L, ; . ' i I.-,:, :wl , .i .,.'! j , ... i adr gpamo STOCK' UNUauAL- J lyUrge and well assorted. The very latest patterns irom anaiuvani auupu GOLD PiPERS AND BOEDERS. : Gold find Velvet Borden, , ! SPLENDID DECORATIONS srokciaiiT ; . . and 'v'' 1: !::') FIRE BOARD PAPERS, Gold and Painted GOLD ii. . ffcADES, WINDOW CORNICES BUFF, BLUE, AND" !-..:!.v ' - v e 'v.-.- 1..- GREEN HOLLANDS, WIBDOW miUi.ES, all kinds, CORD AND TASSELS, BEAUTIFUL PICTURES AND FRAMES. RANDALL & ASTON, loQQoutn msiist. COLUMBXTS. O. . M. B Ltndlordt and persons wiihiog quantlUas ol Paper will make money by buying ol ua. Country aferohants and persons from abroad will do wall to call aodaetaa. lapril 1-dSmeodl B.AtA. TTt r eg trjw B ' ' CENTRAL OlliO AND Steubenville'Short Line R A I L R OA D S i OOM33X3NT2IIIDI : C0NNE0I1N8 AT BELLAIAB WITH THE . ' BALTIMORE OHIO, AND AT PITTBBtmdn WITH THH PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL '.RAILROAD: P0EM1N9 THE Shortest, Quickest & Most Reliable Route to all Eastern Cities ! Trains Leave Columbus as follows : MORNINd EXPRISB Leaves Columbut 3.30 A.M. from Union Depot, via Belial re ot Steubenvllle I arrives al Belial, 10. SO A, H.l Bteabeaville. 12. JO P. At.i Pitteburth. 3.40 P.M.: Harrisbnrv. 1.10 A. hf.: fa AUtntovm. arrives at New Tork 8.0S A. M.i tits PMladtlvkia. arrives at Phila delphia, S. JO A. At.; New York, 10.30 A. M . Connect alio at Harris burg for Baltimore, arriving at 7.4 A. at. Sleeping' Cart attached to this Train Prola Columbus, ran directly through to Bellalrt or Pittsburgh without ebange; and Passsngtrt via Alien town arrive in New Xorkat8A. M., . ffjTWO H0UE8 IN ADVANCE Of NORTHERN This Train alto connects at Bellaire with the . Baltlmortaod Ohio Railroad. . PITTSBCRQH IXPEBBS. . Lesves Oolambus II K A. tf ., from Union Depot, via Bttubeuvillo; arrival It Newark. 12 50 P. M.: Coahoe- ton, 9.13P.M.; Btsubsnvillt, P. H.; Pittsburg, 8.40 P. M. TrTThU Is the only route by which Ptsaengers oia leave Ctrtotnaett at T A. M., go through to Pltts- ourgu qi uayiignn wiutoui onange of aarsordejsr. i: :' EAST LINE. .. I , teavatOotaabus 9.14 P. M., from Union Depot, via ?ltrt.v arrives at Newark, S.23 P. M. Eanesvilla, i 33 P. M BeUalrs,7 .56 P. M.; Pittabarirh, 11.25 P. M.; Harrison rg, 9.00 .A. M.i eta AUmtowt, arrives V..B!W, ie"lr' M.;tfS Philadelphia, arTivet Philadelphla, 1.10 P. M.; Hew York, P. M, Thlt Train alto connects at flarrisburg for Baltimore, sr- this Train runs throusn to Ballalm or Plttihwtwwnii. oat ebange ef Oars; and from Plttsbarr there la ns change ef Can ta Philadelphia, tr via AllenUwn tt new spreT-snutoaerug , n j, , ! i:l ..- , Tji- ooiy Route from Colombns to Baltimore, j Philadelphia, or New York, with only lf ib. .i one change of Cars.' " ' ; , fey thlt f rain Patsennm iinln In Naw Vn.k In hours In advance) of the Northe rn lines. Tats Train alt ooantets at aellairt with tht Baltlmors and Oak) BUS,;! i ' .-t ,i ,.. ,t .. UTThls Route Is 30 nllea shorter to Pittsburg, uu luvrw man suu miiee snorter to b' .Now York, than Northern Lines. V Bagg-aga Cliecked rjirough to all im- ; ,-, portant f olnti Eat, .. I I. ' ' ' " - ' .V'--- ' A Y- A aw won. Ttf ttrvTS vra . ' I BELLAIRE PR STEUBENvIlLE TIcKota ! OaaA evaritltktr' ..ii. ii. ' ir i Heaisa 'II -ur, .1 ' I t'il'SlIO. W.BaOWN.v if I . Gem. Tkktt Aftat Central Oht B. R. .1... : -- Jt n 3- A. HUTCU1NSON, ) Oen, tVikat, AfaBUubeuvllla Short Line. i.i .w ' 'rWit.di'j:.:..-. jalO AGRICULTURAL i-i . ,' BSsatia.Bfl.v.riinoU ti'i t t: r6EnFatiAU:HAltDvAi.E;; 1 Willi. tJLASB, BAiTi, POrtt, C0RBAOB, SHnarPtaiale. Waatilc Wlllaw WAre, athar tad aabbsr. Bating, ;Iot. taather, Boee. and .!'."y-n.:..r.-..-Tf.'.v-. v:.-'-t . i Wertltlet In Nock Ties end Boswh. "J.-.n'f 1 t-ri ' Bfrou and flarrotr Collars - V 4 u . . v EmbtwUered Ilaadkerohlefi.. " I Trsrit flsTOIovee, tmperiormalre.'". " r I tSlu lilll UktrM. nrinin tlaa - -'.IJI) UI i 'iwl ' Laenrf OoMea Hill BMrts, do ) oid nd Jia h i .annsstai i w v.r-;t T" i - ioil llem.ied Pocket Hantterchieft, wtrJotU ttyltS. .lltir H sjod Fnde Oarmentt, ;V'M. i .. 4 r.u ! ,.... (. yiaTW ft BOW, lit i-fspriu v .'l n r noinfotttaBtta tiawet, V: Dally, per year., -..w......... M Trl-Waekly,ertetjr... .. 3 00 Weekly, per year 1 09 . MR. COX'S EULOGY ON THE DEATH OF JUDGE DOUGLAS. In the House of Representatives, July 9, 1861. Mr. COX.- Mr.' Sneaker, aot aeoa- rated from Kentuckyr' either in the estimate of Judge Dooglai, which. has been so eloquently pronoanctd by the ditlinguiihed statesman Mr, Crittenden who has iast taken his seat, or fa tho grief which has been expressed lot the premature closing or bis lilostriona career. That career closed with the opening of this evtntfal summer, It abounded in friendships, services, and ambitions, , - It ended while be was enjoying the tumult of universal acclaim, and Then all loit toe need of its oontinoanoe. La bor paused in its toil, bankers shut their offioes aad mercbanta their (torts, lawyers and judges adjourned their courts, ministers added Dear fer vor to prayer, partisans united In bushed regret, and soldiers draped the flag in crape, to bear their part in the great grief ot the nation, fie died Jo tba midst of tbe people aho had honor td him for a generation i in the city whose growth had been fostered by bis vigilance; in the State whose prairies were familiar to h ia eye bom earliest manhood; and In that great North west, whose commercial, agricultural, physical, and Imperial greatness was tbe pride of his heart and the type of his owaebarsoter. There was Inhlm a quick maturity of growth, a fer tility oTyesowce. and a sturdinest of energy, which made biira,rhe microcosm of that great section with j I was so closely identified. , That rninA., bad few equals and tbat will which had no conqueror, aave In tba grave, wars at last wrung from his irons frame. - It is bard to believe tbat be lies pulseless in his sep ulcher at Cottage Grove. It ia sad to feel that the au aimer wind which waves thenasaand Dot era of bis loved prairies baa, In its low wail, an: elegy to too departed statesman. Well might tbe waters of the lake, just before his death, as If premonitory of some great sacrifice, swtll In mysterious emotion. These poor ctn- egyrios, from manuscript and msmofy, fail to express tbe lose which those letl who knew bim best. One would wish for tbe eloqnenoeof Bos suet, or ihe muse ot Spenser or Tennyson, to tell, in the poetry of sorrow, the infinite woe which woold wreak itself upon expression. -For weeks the public hare mourned bim aa a loss so (trievous as to be irreparable in this Irv ing time of tbe Republic. The lapse of time only adda to tbe weight of the bereavement. Tbe tears which fell around bis bedside and oa bla bier still - . ,!-. . ' "Weep a lost forever new With every passing day we turn, but turn In vain, to catch bis hopeiul tone, his discrimina ting judgment, his philosophic foresight, and his courageous patriotism. They only come to us in memory aad la mourning. Hia lips are sealed, bis eye is dim, his brain is shrouded, his heart la still; and tbe nation stands with thgob bloe heart at bis crave. "His virtue is tress ursd In our hearts; his death Is . onr despair," it (a no mere ceremonial, uereiore, tbat tbe na tional legialsture. in whose counsels he has ta kea so prominent a part, shonld pause, even in extraordinary session, to bestow that homage which friendship, Intellect, and patriotism, ever offer to the true man, tbe gifted soul, and the enlightened statesman. ' ' ' . Jadge Douglas struggled Into greatness. He bad no avenue to honor except thst whieh was open to all. Tbe power and patronage which aided him, becreated; and the w faith wbioh be made and spent to ftreely, came from no ances tral hand. Part teacher and part cabinet msk sr, he left the east for the ruder collisions of border life. There be grew up under tbe ad rersittes which strengthened him into a vigor out and early matuiity. His own manhood soon made itself felt. He became the political necessity of bis State. He filled many or its most Important offices before he became nation all known.' Tbe Demoeratie people of the Union were toon attracted to him. Aa early at 1H4B tbey began to think ol bim as their can didate for President; while, In 1852, the Demo cratlo Review bailed him as the coming man; man who had no grandfather or other incident of biographical putter;; aa one whose genealog ical tree had been sawed up; as a graduate from tbe university of the lathe; as one with the materials, the mind, and toe energy to shape, fashion, and jnke enduring, a platform ot bis own. No notice of Stephen A. Douglas Is complete which does not remark upon tbe singular mag netism of bis personal presence, the talismanic touch of bis kindly band, the gentle amenities of bis domestic lite, and the ineradicable clasp of bis friendships. It may not be Improper to refer to the fact that I was one among the many young men of the West who were bound to bim bp a tie of friendship, and a spell ef enthusiasm which death bas no power to break. These are the pear la beneath the rough shell of bis political life. There are many here who will understand me whan I recall the gentle tone and tbe cordial greeting with which he used to woo and win and bold tbe young partisans of bis faith, aad tbe warm protectors of bis success. Ever ready with hit counsel, hia means, and his energies, he led them as much by the persuasiveness of his besrt as tbe logic ol bat bead. . 1 he same gentle de meanor which fondled hia children and taught them a, beauty of mannera beyond all praise, the same pure, respect and tenderness with which be treated bis noble wife and companion, Silvered the eerds of attachment which bound bis . friends to him, and made bia borne at Washington and his sojourns elsewhere recol tactions as sweet as memory can embalm. Wbllo others bear testimony to his moral hecoism, intellectual prowess, fixedness of prin ciple, and unstained patriotism, tt seems that bis spirit, K hovers over the scene of bis oo atqukee, would receive with the purest' delight these tributes or friendly anection. 1 recall mt own experienoe, which rani with unbroken aseooiatiea.ei friendship with him from the fl ret year of my political life, many of. hia acts unsemsnaevouon; many woros outspocen to the trnblio. which the mere flesienioir 'oolttlrtan won Id not have uttered; many tenders ofVid and counsel, which were the more grateiui be caase unsought, and the more serviceable be cause they came from him. . It fa one of the felicities of my lite tbat 1 bAve been tbe recip ient of his kindness and confidence; and that the people whom I represent were cherished him, as he was by them, with the steadfastness ot unalloyed devotion. : .' " . It wsb bis pleasure very often toioiourn In tbe capital city of Ohio, Where, regardless of party, the people paid him the respect due to htsobar- J l a t.fl.. I..I mS Um ...I act; auu Dvrviuo.. w. u& w, soclations which he had with Ohio was his ad dreaa. a few weeks before his death, to the Deo e at its capital, on the Invitation of the State igislature.. His stirring tones attfl thrill tbe air,- protesting tor we rtgnt ana migas the Brett West to agrees through out rivers and high ays to the sea against all hostile obstrucj tloo, and tor toe maintenance oi we uoveru- racnt, threatened by toe great revolution which vetsurroande is.-' '' ' t-etm roeit sur of i ma lass a iterance was we ni otimaxoi a devoted ta the study of this Government, and a patriotism which never swerved from its love for the Union. - It wae worth whole battalion armed men.-A word from htm made calm from tempest, and resolved doubt into- duty; thought swayed the tides' of fthblid opinion-aa veesats to bis win. After nis not contests in Senate, during: the first session of the last Oon grass; after his Harper essay la development his political vneoneti trier nis aerow campaign in the Boulh. closing at Norfolk tn hlsoourage- ous'feply to the question ef the dltirulonletej alter, nis struggles oriaat -winter, 1 wnen strung hie energies to uenltaoaf tt' pleadtog for peace and conciliation! after all had failed, and anarchy stalked with haughty head through the land, and even jeopardlseoV this metropolis ef tbe nation, it waa the consummate glory his life to have given' bit most wmphaue utter ance for the maintenance of the Government, even thoushlta administration 'ws committed tq bis eld poljUcal antagonist,; end although in of by on or an uie of of tils tne of do t he kDtV'siaUiaoh'eiDrtasioBimn4lt ah. rAi. -r a Huwutu tupuaeuia oi aii uiendSn scarcely, with , a UOOgiaS DO compared. IThn nnnnla ltl compare bim with Jackson,' forfclr ehergi 'an. nonewy. tie was like the great. WiutAvireteU Clay, Webster and Calhojw aut '!UkeJ,.ln.,dif. ference." Like them In bis gift of, political foresight,' still be bsd a power 'over' the masses possessed by neither. Like Clsfl In Ms Charm to maite and poid iriende and told friends and lead bis part,, in the massive substance, ofhil hedln apt political words; like . ia,.it f .j like Webster, in t thought, clothed Uaiuoun in the tenacity of hia tmroose and the snbtllty of his dialectical be yet surpassed them al) .in the homely sense, tbe. sturdy strength, and Indomitable persistence with whioh be wielded the masses and electrified tbe Senate. - ' ' a m t In the onslaught of debate ha waa av fore most; his crest high aud hia falchion keen. Whether his antagonists numbered two or ten, whether the whole of the Senate were against him, be could "take a raking fire at tbe whole group." Like tbe shrouded Junius, he dared commons, lords and king, to ths encounter; but unlike tbat terrible Shadow, he sought no craven covert, hot fought In tbe open lists, with a muscnlar and mental might which defied the unreasoning orles of tbe mob and rolled back tne thunders or tbe Executive anathema! , , Douglas was no scholar, in the oedanticsenaa of the term. His reading was neither classical or varied. Neither was be a sciolist. " His re searches were ever in the Una of his duty, but ineretu iney were inorougn. - tits library was never clear from dust, Ilia favorite volume was the book of hnmsn nature, which be con sulted without much regard to the binding. ne was skilled in tht eonteate of tbe bar; but be was more than a lawyer. He easily separa ted tbe rubbish of the law from its essence. As a jurist, his decisions were not esssys; tbey bad In them something deoiiivt, after tbe man ner of tbe beet English judges. As a legisla tor, bia practicalness cut away tba entangle ments of theoretic learn ice and ancient prece dent, and brought his mind Into the presence of us ining to do aone or trndons. tience, be. never criticised a wrong for which be did not provide a remedy. He never discussed a ques tion that be did not propose a measure. His style wsi of that plain and tough fiber which needed no ornament. He had a felicity in the use of political language never equaled by any public man. He bad tbe right word for tba right place. His interrogative method, and bis ready and fit replies, gave dramatic) vivacity to hia debates. ' Hence the newspapers readily copied inem ana tne people retentively remsm bered them. Gleams of humor were not infre quent In his speeches, as ia bis conversation. His logic bad the reach of the rifled cannon, which annihilated while tbey silenced tbe bat teries oi his opponents. . . . Douglas waa a partisan ; but he never wore his party uniform when bis country was in danger, nis seal, uae an excess, may have bad its de fects; but to bim who observes the symmetry and magnanimity of bis life, It will appear that hs always strove to make bis party conservative of his country. .i The tenacity with which be clung to his ineory oi territorial government, and tbe ex tent Ion of suffrage, on local ouestiona. from State to Territory, and the absolute non-inter vention by fJongreis for lake ef peace and union, while It made bim enemies, Increased the admi ration of bis friends.' His nature shines out with its loftiest grace and courage in his de bates on these themes, so- nearly connected as ha thought them with the stability of the Re public. If It be that every true man Is himself a oaase, a country, or an age; if the height of a nation U the altitude of its best men, then, in deed, are these enlarged liberalities, which are now fixed as American Institutions, but the lengthened shadow of Stephen A. Douglas. This is the cause self government in State and Territory with which be would love most to be identified in his country's history. He was resdy to follow it to any logical conclusion, hav ing faith in it as a principle of repose, justice, and union. Placed at the head of the Territorial Com mittee, it was hia hand which, on this batis, fashioned Territory after Territory, and led State after State into tbe Union. Tbe latest constellation formed by California, Iowa, Ore gon, Wisconsin. Minnesota, and I may add Kansas, received their charter to shine and re volve under bia hand. t These States, faithful to hit fostering, will ever remain as monuments of bit greatness!. , , .,. - - Hil comprehensive forecast was exhibited in his speech on tbe u ay ton and tiujwcr treaty, on the 4:h of Marob, 1853; wherein he enforced a continental policy suitable and honorable to the JMew world annua destiny, now so unhappily obeenred. That speech was regarded by Judge Douglas aa among the most valuable, aa I think it the most finished and cogent speech of his lire. Ilia philippic sgainst Logiand, which to day has Its vindication In her selfish conduct to wards ns, will remind the scholar of Demosthen es, while his enlarged philosophy baa tbe sweep and dignity of Edmund Burke. It waa this sneech which gave to Douglas the heart of xoung America. He refused to prescribe Km its to the area over which Democratic principles might aately epread. v"l know not what onr destiny may be." "But," he continued, "I try to keep up with tne spirit ot tne age; to keep la view the history of the country; see what we have done, whither we are going, and with what velocity we are moving, in order to be prepared for those events which it is net In tbe power of man to thwart." ' tie would no then see tbe limits of this giant Rennbllo fettered by treaty; neither wont he in 1861 tee them curtailed by treachery.- - If he were alive to-day, he would repeat with" new emphasis bis warning against England and her uniorgiving spue, wounded pride, and selfish policy.- When, in 187, he ad vacated tbe policy of terminating bet joint osk citation with os of Oregon, he wae ready to back it by military force; and if war should re sult, "wd might drive Great Britain aad tbe last vestiges of royal authority from the conti nent of Worth America, and make tbe United States an ocean-bound RepubHo!" : With ready tact and good sense, be brought to the fiscal and commercial problems .of th country views suitable to this sge of free inter chance and scientific advancement. J , 1 Hia position on the Foreign ArfatrS Commit tee ef the Senate gave him a eoope of view ab- read, which wl enriched by European travel and historic research, and which' he ever used for the advancement of our flag and honor among the national Ilia knowledge of our do- meetlo troubles, witu ineir : Bidden ;rocka and horrid breakers, and the measures be proposed te remove them, show that he wall a statesman of the highest rank, fit lor calm or Storm. ! . 8ome have lamented nis death Bow as un time ly and unfortunate lor bis own fame, since it has happened just at the moment when the .pol itician waa lost In tbe patriot: sod when he had a chance to atone for past 'error by hew devo tion. isfi f!f. rr-fcw' v-s :-i.'cj-?o vi-.ut' Mr. Speaker, men de not change their naturee so easily. . The Douglas of 1861 was tbe Doug-, Its of 1850, 1854, and 1858. Tbs patriot who denounced this great rebellion was the patriot ia every fold ana iioeamsnt m nss onsruoterven There moot a page of. bis history that we can afford to blot, . Tba words which, scaped him in the delirium of hit last days wbtn be beard the "battle afar off,, the thunder of the '-captains, A&d the shouting" were the ksy-neteto savmowDusweaii a.tTusi -iM j,.,.;;. c ! -Observant i of tba insidious, processes North and South which have led us to this civil war, ka ever strove, by adjustment, to avoid :tbeir disastrous effects. ' History will-'be false to her treat, u sae aeee not snite that Stephen A. Douglas was a patriot of, matchless purity, and i statesman who, foreseeing and warning, tried his utmost to avert the dangers which era now ao hard to repress.' Nor will she permltJ thole who now praise bis last great enort tor toe Union to Qualify it. by sinister reflections upon bis former conduct; for thus they tarnish tbs lustre or a life devoted, in peace and wetvts the preservation or the Union..-. His fame paves bad eclipse. Its disc "bal been ever Night the eve of history." ft sank betowvfce btrlnoa, lit. tha arm hf the Mbrea.- foll-Orbta. the full blaze of its epleodorl v-fowti i ii j ' How much' wo.Jhtii mics i htrti uow Jr." i. , i, : 'j ; . i . nU.,ti on,; no n iu'-u 'jo . tati we. biratnVMn.(ai"Tk .im.,. ... fiCw?laoUlV Jnded could, better stWd to lose a ophere of, ,tars from our flagf 4im and the bultes'of W tiT.-Sk "- " ' pP"a .ooa aUU Kail mta WajS .j ,." j" naveso long regard- n7a!!ri .,J arap-lsal. and com-, metoial neoMiUies tof which our Government" i wai adapted aa Tendertng- it eternal, that its ' present condltlrja wlhT iw' ,b4. 'rw, ,., tnenls of stateBmastbtp-. Are we equal to the - ; time and the trust? t Ob! for a Clay.a Webster.- , a Donglss, la this grist ordeal hf oonsUtnttonel . freedom! i While the' Country is entangled bv ' t these serpents of revolution, we shall mlsa the -"t giant the Hercules of the West whose limbs f -bad grown slnewey In Strangling the poisonous i " brood!--"--.'.. -..,-.!-., v., : Wbo is left to take his plaoel Alts! he has no successor mg eclipse Is painfully palpable, since it makes more obscure the path by which " oup alienated brethren may return. Many Union men, friends of Douglas in the -South, beard of bis demlss as tbe death knell of their -loyal hope. Who, who can take his place7 The '. great men of 1850, who were bis mates in tbe Senate, are gone, we trust, to that bettor Union above, where there are no distracting counsels ell, all gone! AUT No! thank Heaven! Kentucky still spares to ns one of kindred pat riotism, fashioned fa tbe better mold of aa earlier dsy tbe distinguished statesman who has just spoken Mr. Crittenden whose praise of Douglas living I loved to quote, and whose praise of Douglas dead, to which we have just listened, Isas lautUri lnudat at tr, it praise in deed; Crittenden still standi here, lifting on high his whitened head, like a Pharos in tbe set, to gnide our storm-tossed and storm-tattered vessel to ita haven of rest. His feet tread closely upon the retreating steps of our states man of tbe Wept, in the order of nature we cannot bare bim long. Already his band Is outstretched into tbe other world to grasp the band of Douglas! While we have bim, let us heed bis warning, learn from bis lips the lessons . of moderation and loyalty of tbe elder davs, and do all and do if nobly for our beloved Re public! - In conclusion, sir. we can onlv worthily nraiaa Stephen A, Douglas, by doing something to car -ry out the will which he left his children and bis country: - "Love end uphold the Constitutiou of the United Statei." - I speak it all reverently when I say that this wag his religion. He had faith in that ii ) "creed of creeds, i The lovelineasof perfect deeds." i wonld not seek to disclose tbe future to which God has consigned him in tbe mysteri oul order of bis providence; but such virtue as hia cannot die. It begins to live most in death Or it may be said, as the laureate of Kagland sang, tbat transplanted human worth will bloom, to profit, otherwhere. The distinguished gen tleman from Kentucky Mr. Crittenden bai allnded to tbe fact that the mind of Douglas expanded with bis publio service. It hss been my own humble observation that be was one among the few publio men who grew in moral height with mental breadth. Year after year Inspired him with more of reverence and char , ity; while his "psalm of life" found expression in daily duty done. He never shrank from tho dust snd beat of active life- . He most desired to lire when dangers were gathering thickest Ho would not ask from us to day fears aud plaints, bat words which bear the spirit of great deeds "tremendous and stupendous'? efforts to save the Government he loved so well. We may toll the slow bell for bis noble spirit; wo may crape the arm in token of our woe; we may, while we think of the meannesses of our politics and the distractions cf our country, congratu late him tbat he is wrapped in bis shroud, for ever safe in the memory of the just; but if we would worthily honor him, let us moderate the heats ot party strife, enlarge our view of nation al affairs; emulate bia clear-eyed patriotism, which saw in no section his country, but loved all sections alike; and hold up bis life, so ftuit ful in wisdom beyond hia years, for tbe admira tion of the old; and picture him for the imita tion of tbe young as that ! "Divinely gifted man I Whose life In low estate begsn: W ho grasped the skirts of happy chaoce, I Breasted the blows of olrcumatance, Aud made by force his merit known. -. And lived to clutch the golden keys, To mould a mighty State's decrees, , And shape tbe whisper of tht throne; And moving up from high to higher, llecomei on fortune's crowning slope The pillar of a people's hope, Tht center of a world's desire!" But, sir, no language, either in prose or verse, can portray the greatness of bis loaj. Hia lama is printed in the hearts of tbe people.. From, the Green Mountains of his native State to the white tops of the Paolfla Sierras, while tbe heavens bend above our land to bless it, the riven roll and the mountains stund to unite it, or the ceaseless interchange of trafic and thought goes on by sea aud rail, by telegraph or post, the people of America, from whose midst, as a poor boy, by hil own self-reliance, he apruog, will preserve in the Pantheon of their hearts, to aa immortal. memory, tht name of Stiphi-n Arnold Douglas. No Uitraism. 'We agree with the Baltimore American, that, when the ultra prints of the North, flattered by tbe uprising everywhere in Kentucky, Mary land, Western Virginia, ets., mistake that sen timent, patriotio in its purposes and honest iu its intents, for a spirit ot "oonquest" when tbty venture to speak of mating that subsidia ry to "subjugation," they need not suppose that - -the Union men of Maryland or Keatooky will keep silence, or that they would not- do all in their power to sustain Southern constitutional. , rights. - In this reposes all our strength . i In' this, relation we are glad to note that in the speech, oa the occasion ef the ovation ex-. leaded to-theHon Andrew Johnson of Tenoes -., ste, reoently, . at Cincinnati, that prominent , champion of constitutional rights keeps all these " points distinctly in view. Aud we warn the ul tras North, that when ff lose sight of these plain guaranties, when tbey propose to abate . one jot-ror tittle of what is houeeily due all Southern men; tbey not only paralyze the arm of the Federal Government to that exteot, but at tha same time they strike a deadly blow at ail Union sentiment in tbe South, upon which obr wisest statesmen must hereafter rely for "reconstruction."' There is another point for ' the consideration of the Free States. Let them' i. repeal the last tared of unconstitutional kg is- , lstion hostile to the spirit of conciliation, let them leave nothing undone to sot themselves -' right, whilst they are asking of the civilized world a verdict in favor at Constitutional im v ; ernment. Lsatsaiils saraaf Julf 6., -,; t ... to .tit t-iijiu ADVERTISEMENT. , ; - ,. ,. Por tht INSTANT RLlKr ' and PERMANENT CUBE of th " distressing tompltlnt ns '-' N sat SB"'-', i It--;; BEONCin AL CIGARETTES, ... I . . r j . .- . , ., . mm tiadt by 0. B. BKYMO0R 00.', III? Naasaa Bt., M. N -' Priot SI ptr tax tent fno by poet. . - I jUrOB. 'SALA' Af All. IBOaflllTS. ,-,-: ! tlavS-llSlwlTtS . ... . f . Irish Linen Goods. i':''.cr.,t. sn-aT-y tTTAKRANTEB FABRIC .f-": ;J V I -'Jkmtm Sblrt Besom Piaia ana rants t, ,i , Bhlrtliig and Bosom Linens. al tJ i ui.ijj, tinea aasetingtanariimw ijasings.-t,, (Ml'.vy 'mi Waea Cambrics and Long Lawns. .r.i .. Lln. fodret-handk'ts, all etoesv ' ' oT -.' -.''" a 1 Lina Towellings aud Diapest . , Linen Napkins sod D'Oyliee. ' LicfenlSke-teOlothsaod aatta Dwiaakt. j ."-W J- ,,i ij,taaTs wim oo4ora norrtert. . , . Linen Btalr Coverings aud Craah. -lun m rrv.fdiMwatlowptiets.- , , ,, No. (9 South High street J nONHBTS,RIJIBONS TABS, AN Is styles, just open ii by "" "' BUM St BON, i'. ''-' -ManittUttllsAttssaW iSaprltB- t'rr. -? I at H 0! -