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2lj.e(91)VorSlatfsman SCO. W. MAM nK fcUtir WEDNESDAY MORNING. JULY 17. 16C1. Democratic State Convention. At .htOMM& SlU C t,l Committee htJ Coiumbu, M tt 6th dnvof Jniv.l861,itwai5 ' V' v ", ftetsiW, Tbat U is expedient to bold a Demo- ortlo 8UU Coaventioa at uuumous, ua ., wid.u4iT. iinil Ttm lieit to Dominate a Deraocratic Stat Ticket, to bs supoorted at ths October Uctio. m -i . KmM. forth sr. Tast all tfcaalactoisof tit Sum of Obio, who are to frwot Brrmtoaun h. I..!.,!., .nnn whiflB OUT UuiOB TM foUDQ- ed, and J. convinced tbat tas present 8tate mod NaUottelAdraiBlstrations ui wholly In compeleml to manege tha OTernreii la its preeeot eritjeel condition. M well u all who re oppoeea to 1M gross exwTgtivw -r tlon now so alarmingly prevatot is publio af ivire. h Mfuitli invited to unite wllb the Demoeraov In this boor of out eesntrj s per", and tbw redeem the State, aod plaoa it ad mlnlstratioa to oompeteDt band.- , -Rttolxxd, further, that the buis of represen tation In aaid Convention be one delegate for every 600 votes, and an additional delegate lor a fraotloa of 250 and upward cat for l?0" t a a JadM at the Ootobet leotion In i860, and that It be recommended that the conntiea elect their delegate on this bull. .' -;.: The Democracy of Ohio and all other con- Amtifn Hnton Men. who are willing to co-oper ate with them on the above basis, are requeeted to meet in their respective counties at mob lime as the local eommitteee may designate, and ap point delegates to the Democratic Contention nn ih 7ih if Aionii. to nominate a State ticket to be supported at the October election It ii presumed thai no lover of hie conntry will require prompting at this time to induce him to discharge hif duty, and therefore the Committee ii Impressed with the belief that the conntlee will eagerly respond to thii eair, and that an imposing Convention will assemble in Colnmbm at the time designated abort, and pnt In Domination a ticket of good and trae men, to be supported for the various State of ficea- on the 2d Tuesday in October next. ".' WM. MOUNT, Chairman. WM. J. JACKSON, Secretary. WM. J. JACKSON, Secretary. Mr. Cox's Eulogy on the Death of WM. J. JACKSON, Secretary. Mr. Cox's Eulogy on the Death of Douglas. From among the number of speeches deliver cd in Congress on the announcement of . the death of Judge Douglas, we select and publish this morning, the beautiful and eloquent tribute made by our own member oi Congress, Mr- Cox. It will be pemsed with interest by all our readera. It Is an effort of rare merit and does great credit to the author. , A Glance Over the Field. It is now over three months since the Presl dent issued his proclamation for seventy-five thousand three-months' volunteers, and jut three months since the First and Second Ohio Regiments left the capital of their State for the capital of the United States. During these three months, the Federal Government has met with a series of successes aod reverses, which seem to have decided nothing, and to have brought ns no nearer the close of the war than we appeared to be on the 17th of April last when our Obio troops left this city for Wash ington. There is, however, in the recent suc cess of Gen. MoClillan, ridding Western Vir ginia of the secession forces, a gleam of hope that the tide ot events may soon change in fa vor of the Union cause. , In Missouri, the Federal commanders have resorted to some strong coeroive measures, and have been successful in several encounters with the State troops. But large bodies of these troops are still in arms, while rebel forces from Arkansas and other Sonthern States are oppos iog the advance of the Federal troops in the . southern portion of the State. We bear cothing of any decisive operations in the neighborhood of Cairo, from whbb. so much vu expected a short time since. In Kentucky, volunteers appear to be enlisting both on the Federal and the secession side in nearly equal numbers. There oan be little doubt that the majority of the Kentuokians are disposed to remain in the Union; but what course that 1 State may eventually take, still hangs in doubt The vote In the early part of June on the se cession ordinance, showed a majority for seces sion in Western and Middle Tennessee, and s majority against it in Eastern Tennessee; but making a large majority in the aggregate in favor of the ordinance. There has been much said about the Federal Government sending a force to protect the Union men in Esst Tennes- see, and to enforce the United States laws there; but no movement ef the kind has been yet an. nonnced. - '" ' " It Is difficult to form any just conception of the real state of thiogs in Maryland. Martial law virtually reigns in Baltimore, and the pres- enoe of Federal troops represses the outburst of any latent sentiment that may exist in favor of the secesskm cans. ? There is a strong seces sion party In the State, and if the future soars of Kentucky Is doubtful, that of Maryland may be said to be equally so, especially if, the pres ent guerrilla and Indecisive warfare eontlauts to go on for six' months or s year longer 1 Three months ego troops were ordered on to Washington to protect the Federal capital, and to disperse the rebel forces which were concen trating la that direction. To d&y, there are in Washington snd its neighborhood from, fifty to seventy thoisand men under arms, snd proba bly a hundred thousand or mors could be eon. centrated at that point upon short notice." But while the Federal Government has been gath log troops In and around Washington, the rebel leaders bars not been Inactive, and to day their foroes In Eastern Virginia art probably not to ferlor in numbers to those oa eur side to the vi cinity of Washington. '' Thotfgh they have abandoned Harper's Ferryand fallen back few miles from Washington City, their pickets and entrenchment are still almost within Its Sub . General Botlis remains in Fortress Monroe comparatively Inaotl vs. Since the mistakes at Great Bethel, nothing has been done In that quarter to wipe out tbs .stigma, occasioned by that unfortunate" aff4r. Probably General Brrua I restrained from snaking Any naclsivs demonstration by General Bern and ths War Department. ; u u a it . t r i The Federal Government has at this moment, It Is said, over two hundred and .fifty thousand men under armi and Congress, it Is expected, win Increase the number te half a million. T meet the expense of this army, and of a large and increased navy, measure will probably be taken for raising five hundred millions of dol lars. Thus the resources of the conntry r to be taxed snd drained for supplies of man and money.' Preparations ire'ffia&itig' f "a lofij, expensive ana bloody contest. It Is evidently np n us, and must be met, Oar only wish and hope is, that It may result in the re establish ment and perpetuation of the Union. A Glance Over the Field. The Associated Press—The Statesman —An Unwarranted Act of Potty Tyranny. We append below special dUpatch received b an. veeterdav. front Mr. Gcomc B. tlicx U GetMtal Agm af the Associated rress, from which it will be observed that, for, corn ratine oa ths conduct of those wps;ma a the concern, wo ar hereafter 'to bsds- prired of tas beaa&t of ths dispatches rnraianed by it to ths newspaper press. Tas Associated Proas is determined. It seems! to shield' itself from crilieisia by stopping ths supplies. ' It can not afford to allow the press to be free and in dependent, although It Uvea by the patronage of ths newspapers. Ws do not know when we have witnessed such an unwarranted act suoh an exhibition of petty tyranny. The Cincinnati papers also commented on the conduct of the Agent of ths Associated Press, and, tnaeea, other papers have dons the earns thing, and we shall see whether ths same course hafbeen adopted toward them. We doubt It, and ven ture to predict that It will be found ' that ao other paper In Ohio has been visited with the petty vengeano of these agents, bat ths Ohi$ Stttumtn. Oar criticisms were no more severe if. thm of the Cincinnati Daily Freer, and we shall hardly find In It of this morning a aim ilar notice to the one we publish bslow. 1 This assault on the Statesman Is with ths ds sign of Injuring Its circulation Jand thus impair log it usefulness, and is political in its charac tor; being, nodoubt,lnstigated with pollrjoal par tlsan objects In view. L, 1 f ' To say that lb reports of the Associated Press have been "impartial and reliable" is to Ut a falsehood so bold and glaring, that no man In ths community will credit the story, and be who can make the utterance, most, be a rare man indeed. Of the truth or falsity of lb re mrt. n AlA not. however, complain so much as of ths attempt at extortion, sod the CIncin nati papers exceeded as la this particular." . The assault upon ths Sttttma is a direot attack upon the freedom and Independence of the press, which interests every editor In Obio, It is the cause of all publishers snd editors as muck aa it 1 the cans of the Stittmun, and w shall be surprised if It bs not so considered. J We shall, of course, be placed under some In convenience, to what extent we cannot now tell, bv this tyrannical and indefensible act; but we will as far as weean supply th defl ctenoy, and ask, that, under the circumstances) our patrons may bsar with ns for toe present. We do not know, at this tims, ia what direc tion we cm turn for a remedy for this' Incon venience, nor what our rights; may be in the premises; bnt ws shall ascertain these, and in the meantime do the beat we can. ' ' referred to: CLEVELAND, O., July 16, 1861. To the Enrroa o thm STATistus:- , : , . -. Sir The New York Associated Press has used its beet endeavors to snpply the papers Senerallywlth Impartial and reliable reports, t there be cases of failure, they do not ariss from neglect or want of industry on our part. W obieoi. therefor, to tnv editor making hie dissatisfaction th baais of personal abas of as In th column of hi paper; and i am ai rooted to Inform yon that th Association's re port wiu not be delivered to yon alter to-aay. GEO. B. HICKS. General Western Agent. With reference to th above note, we may remark that our business In connection with dispatahes has been with ths Telegraph Com pany, and not with the Associated Press. W have dealt with the Telegraph Company alto gether, and paid the bills made by it, when pre sen ted; and we shall ascertain, after having first mad demand for the dispatches as they come, which we will do, how far the Company may violate its contract with ns with impunity. Peaceful Dissolution of the Union. "It thonld not be overlooked or forgotten that the advocate of a peaceful dissolution of the Union are not confined to tbe rebels of the South, or even Sonthern people. They are found in other sections of the country. We have those in the North, among our publio men and leaders of opinion, who wish to see the Union dismembered, aod two Confederacies formed of the part the one to be Free and the other with Slavery. With such ths only points of difference with the secessionists are the lint and ttrmt of division, the policy being agreed to on both sides.' . -' W clip the above from the Toledo Blade of th 13th. This Is undoubtedly true. Thar are many such, and they are confined exclusive ly to the sams clue of politicians of the BUie, though that paper is opposed to the scheme. The Ohio Stat Journal, th recognized organ of th Republican party, has favored ths propo sition. Not long since, it published an krtide from which we extract the following: . . , ' "Tb Africanized people of th South bav precipitated a work which we believe advancing civilization and th teaching of Christianity would bave, ere long, demanded at the band of th people of the North., Th complicity with th barbarism of slavery which tbs iattsr bsvs had forced upon tbem by us Union, bu besom mors bortneneome every year, aod must bav been thrown on voluntarily before the lapse of many years. Tbe Union bis done noth ing in reality tec ireeaom. i- its legislation has all been in favor of slavery, when required to decide differences, between these antipodes. Thm turn Aeetf fret mtn infor tk$ In f the Vni1 Serr esuaWZ itnce f ii tte- nea r ireftnbl f (ma wktcA t tfutatu fttUrf V en sad telle1, Tftcrrdt tkt prgrti f ,W are frankly informed here by ths Jimr-nal, that if the "Africanized peopl of (he Booth1 bad not "precipitated the work", it would. "ere long bar been demanded at tbe hands of the peo ple of the North." W are told by th rarawl that "tbi TJmoa ' doni HoTBtna in siautt roa vaixnoa," and then coolly asked raonxD mt tm ocnoai ni aoss m Unrowr' Caa th BUd point to an Democrat In ,0hl who was ever guilty of uttering suoh sentimental . No, not one 1 , With this Infamous ttntlmeot entertained and promulgated throogb th columns "of the ' recognized organ' of the Republican party, w are invited to ignore ' .th old Deiaooratlo Union organisation tad unit Not for one moment cad th thing be toleratod. Hoist your sixteen etat flag over vour pirati cal araft, Inscribed with your motto, "The Union has done nothing for freedom." Man her with yoor Abolition crew ol GiDDimj, Xomsr, GaxiLtr, Wink,1 Ashlxt ' Co., start ' bet afloat, and es what will be -their fate 'if!, )Ce coming election. ) No such flag, or crew, a this cat be smuggled Into1 favor by covering iff with th old National Union Democratic) orgtn ..... -J fU .irl 4 VJ i-lrf Izatlon. I,-, -. t!i) vp .... f-t.A'K , j W tell the Bltd that tb leaders ef Its party care nothing for th salvation of th Union un less ft is followed by the abolition of lavsry- Thev ar for. wiping oat slavery though ft de stroys th Union. They want no Union ' witfi slaveholders." - Tbey want ao Ualoa that baa, a their organ falsely says, "don sotting for A4 '. - ' - -x,;- -tU' W U..SWX4J freedom." , h ... , ....,-,,,.. ; ..' ! The Union of lb States i a aconuv coa- aideratlon with them. "i ' i i There srs torn Demerit wbo think: It n- tttrUtit to refas to joln ia sapporting . a' ftcket mad of each mtn. ti. i "i - '.t.wwti Cal.SnnsiAii's Regiment I fob disbanded when the three mon lb, expire July 27.., But few. It Is thousht, of its juembers will ed for tares yearrDon bv oompanies. Col. Norton's regiment is on th Kanahwa River in Western VirglalSrfjris (nmrn. Outrages on our Commerce. .Th New York Zfcr?i of the 13th instant, afUf rynarkjpg pon in nsfflclwioiof the arrangement In the Navy Departmentthus peak Ut4oi utrga by tharitaUert of Jirr. D.via- Grown bod fiomilnunltx,ltey wseorabig Konrurara,- asa on r tbeii, feauea alter- n aron-rebei bimaeir, oaptured the brig John Welch; ladeued wlto suirsr, off Hatteras on bU ardaylast. Ths shin Mary Goodell -wa also plundered, and.. was not made a orizo oplvqn ac count' of her teavy' draught of water. Th Jefr. Davu captured the sohooner S. J. Waring and ths brig Mary E. Thompson, together with th Enchantress, from Boston for St. Jago, Cuba, on th 8th instant, off Monlauk. i She ha thus captured five in all, that w know of, and how many more time may tell. She has ventured to within one htndred miles Southeast of Nantucket sheala. This ia, of eosrs, north of New York; and w have no doubt that these Impudent pirate swarm ' the ocean between hero and Europe, and that eoms of therri are now on their way to the sea of India snd China, to capture our ships laden with silks and other valuable cargoes,-1 Deprived of port! to bring their plunder to, they will' rob the vessels and sink or ban them, or, If they have guns and men to spar, put a crew on board and turn them Into privateers. ""u 1 " " It Is Impossible to prevent this at a distance from our coast; bat strrelv it Is vert discredit able to permit each depredations as w have re corded, In sight ot the American shores: ' It Is only audacity on th part of th pirates; find ing that oar waters are not guarded as tbey ought to b. We- bav more ship lying Idle at. New York than, if properly manned and armed, conld sweep every one of them from the coast. '''.''' ' ' ' ", -- The British Fleet and the Blockade. A frigate belonging to tb British tquadron of observation Sent Into oar Southern waters, bu arrived off Fort Pickens. The commander of the frlxata ha exhibited th fbllowlna In struotions received from his flag offletrf ' "1. No port Is blockaded efficiently If anv vest! can enter or aepart irom jjwiBitnown to or in spit of th caardian mear V '."9. As efficient blockade V Vtes'the complete eotting off of all marhwTngress or egress, except in rewrd to harbor Island, bar tog no outlet to the tea. save under the guns of the fleet.'" '! "3. The esesne ef the third Veanel'rVnrn th blockading squadron signalizes tbe Invalidity of me Diociaae. ' . In commenting on the 6ov instructions, the N. Y. Timu remarks: .,. , , ... ,, , "We bave no doubt that Mr. Mulr. the British uoneni at Wow Urleus, whose business It is V. diacover any loophole through which it ship meet of cotton to Liverpool sasy be resumed, naa a net reaay tor bis Admiral or twenty vee Sell that bav ran th blockade since we aosum ed to maks it a competent -on. Tb evidence may be conclusive that w oarservee may be compelled to acknowledge It ioro, altboags an attennt to raise tb blockade would, under any circumstances, inevitably lead to a war witn bogiand." The Sandusky Register—The "Visible Admixture" Party. Tbe Sandneky Rrgiittr contains an article, headed "Th way they favor the Union," in which it parades a list of th Democratic papers of Ohio that are opposed to a union sf parties at the coming State election. c The Jtyufrr can enlarge the list very much, if it will publish (be sentiments of tbs Dsmocralic press on tbi subject. '-' ' ' - -.''-.- i - Tbe Jlroiifrr sajs: , ; ' I. ",' ;:" ' "The Republican Central Cojamittee of Lick Ing county recently made a proposition to the Democratic Central Committee, to call a Union Convention to nominate a onion ticket. , Of coarse the proposition was indignantly scouted, and pronounced by ths Advocate a most impu dent affair." , ,. , ,, - . : ,. , Ths Regitter, if ws recollect right, Insisted that Judge Wmcirm should bs elected to Congress from the Sandusky district, because the district was Republican I and on that groucd hooted at the idea of electing a Democratic Union man, who was a Captain in ths field at ths. head of his company., We should tnlnk ths Register was ens of the last papers to whine over the refusal of the Democrats of old Lick ing to divide the ticket with the Republicans.1 ' - Ths Idea of making a ticket a better Union ticket by putting Gioowos men on It, is an ab surdity too shallow to talk about. ; " 11 -- J 3 Of The Traitor Harvey. Taking the word of the Republican frlsnds of Mr. Hanrir, he must be a traitor.' The New York Tribun' Washington correspond ent of the 14th says: ; . ... "The Can or Jims E. Haavir.L-A com mittee of Senators wm selected this morning, In caucus, to wait on ths President snd request the recall of Jas. E.Harvey from Portugal. An'extmlnation of the telegraphie dispatches shows that bs gave bis Charleston friend, Judge Magrath, a larger amount of explicit Informa tion concernlnc the doing of our Government than had been supposed. Be even Informed tbe Judge of tbe fluctuations or the Cabinet from time to time, as they occurred on ths question of reenforcinr Fort Sumter.' One telegram advised him that, with a Single exception, all voiea jot evacuation; snotner tnat tbe party In favor of re-epfoTcement had grown,' In conse quence of the arrival of certain New York ml- uloians. ' Two of th dispatches, as has already been stated, were signed A friend;" the other witn tne inn nam or tbe abettor or treason. Now that all the evidence ha been placed be- rare the President, he cannot hesitate in follow ing th advice of ths executive branch of Con greet." -.:--. a .'.. .-.-. K -.... There are two points slated.' hers that give the natter to appearance of testa. First ths fact that th Administration bad agreed to withdraw the garrison from Fort Sumter." Sec end that It was chaogej .by. polillcIsnsTrOm New - Yerfc. h.Ts eerrespoodent might have kddedwlth trath, freavOblo, Indltnt,-Maa- cbnsetts Snd PennsVlvabiS.1 11 A little further ex amlnatloii will prove ' (hat Cfbe traitorsare ' in theibwn camp and bavs been rewarded with good appointments; 'JS: aoi it', b ., uen- uo. yv. MMom was rectuea,o seno tliis' bW jUwiift V-A 'tl&4 ieftfii,( Vn'f lit .:r fo i ''Ti:i.i.. 14 ts-.-jl-iiii ' I !tb TWewSj' kddfl I ''V-i i "Harvey's 'case Sppeari H be wofi kod worse, as tbs light Is let in upon It.' Alt the secrsrs of tbs Cabinet were regularly sent' by him tn Maisrath. the traitor Jade at Charlaa. ton, eventhe votes and their variations being duly transmiitea. dlcatlon that be ! th , itT It is' said ihersis great', 'dlasattsfactlon' among tbe volunteers, i tb field, wltk ,Scre: ttry CasrlBoa ppolatment of bis yttana; art from PcTJbsjlvtnla,who would not volanteef".)H It appears to ns tnat tees , appointments should bav been made from thos rn volun teered ai th eatl of the Prsldeat, t sthss 1 thib from j thos "whtfer fytitfVtimlP irsitliig forifsome'tng WturB'np.'ao'j u. 1 Frr Cajm r Ysliow Fcvta raos Matah zSr-Tbe brig U-C. Berry, , from Jlataazat, brought three cases of vellow sver.('Tjey were sent on board th floating hospital in the lower bav, sad tb vessel is detained lor fuml ration tt . Lowe? Quarantine. , - Two vessels that previously arrived from Matauzu, brought ean bills of health, snd tbs port.was supposed . be entirely fr from fellow fv, , Tb Benry originUy oleared fem.. Havana, .where tbe lever J known to be, ,Tb Commissioners of altb, at their meeting on Monday next. Will iavMtigat. tfj tacts of tbs ou,, , There ar now only Jthre vessel st (b Uppsj Quar tatine, snd tw atthslower stoUon,, H r, u rj 'Ths fief that Hnrt Jlffl thonld btVe' defeat ed Henry Wirdir Davis snd removed him from hi ConBTeeiiontI seat, is accounted f.- Winter ie slwsyt WV!tti$i b7 BpriOrT [Correspondence of the Cincinnati Gazette.] The Battle at Cheat River, Va. FIELD BATTLE OF CHEAT CARRICK'S FORD, 8 MILES SOUTH CARRICK'S FORD, 8 MILES SOUTH OF ST. GEORGE, July 14. [BY COURIER TO ROWLESEURG.] On ie night "of "the flth,' ine'rebel armyat Ltnrel Hill, andntbettajid -ol Bflradier Psneral Qaroett ktVMaiar U $e Unitei SUteV Army, evacoatsd ftscamnla wek basts, lm mediately on learnios; of General MoClellan's approach to Beverly, and retreated In that direc tion, apparent! v honing to nass Beverly before Get. MoClellan's arrival, and thus escape the trap set for them by a passage through tbeat Mountain GaD. 'ri-" . The vaooatloa was discovered on th morn. tag ot in ixtb, snd a pursuit instantly oraer' ed. By 10 o'clock th Ninth Indiana entered th reuoi simp titnrei liiu, ana iouuu larga number ol tents, a let f floor, amp equipage and olothlnn and 4 doaen of their aick aad i. . i . ..... i . - , wounded, with a note asking ns to givs them '"The whoT road for'Jver itenlfmUes, Us Strewn with ths baggage thrown from their wagons, to lighten their loads and hasten their retreat' snd obstructed bv fallen "trees to delav lb rebel army went within three mile or ceveriT, ana ther met tke rebel nyipg iram Rich MoaaUint and flodlag an escape to Hat- tooafrille imooealble. all united and returned to ward Laurel Hill until thev reached theLeadina Creek Pike, and took that road in the direction " ytu Morris' army panned them for k mllet or two beyond Leedsville that nlgbt, and baited irom cieven e clock tui tnree tnis morning, when the advance resumed the pursuit, and continued it all day In spite of the Incessant ram pouring down. On tbs route of tbe rebel armv. tha Utter lnft tha nlka. utrnrk Hhaat Tlvr, n boraued the mouutain eoad down the wtileyi" Their' passage, with 'heavy' wagun train, rendered tbe road almost immssabl. Thtj were still without food tome for over fwontj-iour nonrff j ' Var sdvanoe, Uomposed of the Fourteenth Ohio, Seventh soB Ninth Indiana Regiments, pushed on, guided through the mountain gul lies by the tent, camp urnitnr;t provision end knapsacks thrown front th rebels' vagotia, o facilitate their flight. We forded Cheat river tonr times, and finally, about one o'olock, came on witn me enemy's rear guard and wag en. Tbe Fourteenth Obio advanced rapidly to tne ioro, in wnicn wagon were standing, when suddenly the rebel srmy opened a furious fir: orUsesn from th bluff ob th opposite aide v tne river, wner iney naa neen concealed, with small arms and two rifled cannon. Fortanalely, moat of their firing was a little too- nign. ins rourteentn returned It with spirit, 'Meanwhile, two pieces of the' Clave land Artillery came up and opened on the reb el, and tbe Ninth Indiana advanced to support the fourteenth Ohio's left, while the Seventh' Indiana maroued down toe river between the two Ires, and came IB on the rebels' riebt flask. The rebel then fled In great disorder, leaving their finest piece of artillery. At tbe next ford, perhaps a quarter of a mile further on, Gen. Garnett attempted to rally his forces, wbeB tha' Seventh Indiana,' cam jr.: pp r hot pursuit, and another brisk little eneaeement ensued. , Gen. -Garnett was finally shot' dead, wbsn bis srmy ned in wild contusion toward St. George. - ,T TT TA"i Tbe eeventn Indiana pursued tbem a mile or two farther, but our torces were So ex- busted with their forced march of twenty miles to day, with but little rest from yesterday's march, that Gen. Morris refused to let them pursue further. .The results of tbs whole affair are the cap ture of tbe rebel camp at Laurel Hill; the total rout of their army j, the capture of a large amount of their tent and camp equipage; forty of their baggage wagons; the field eamp chest, supposed to contain all their money; two regl mental banners,' one of them tbat of the'Geor. git Regiment; fifty or more prisoners, Includ ing four Georgia Captains and . Lieutenants, aod a Jargd nsmbsr of Virginia officers;' .the death of Brigadier General Garnett, and twen ty ot ill raea, and tbe wounding of s much larger number. ' , " - r " ' Our loss la wholly In ths 14th Ohio Raflmsut: killed Samuel Mill or Co. A, snd Henry Richeldiffor of Co. Ci 3 fatally wounded John Kirighano of Co A, by a ball through the chest, and Daniel Mills Of Co. A , by four severe wounds by shell, and about fifteen others wound ed, bat not fatally. Jiiohard Henderson of Co. C, wounded in the leg; Sergeant Greenwood of W. Ii. a slight wound in tbs bead: CaDt. F sher Co. C, a sbght wound in the facet L; Rich. I MB ut '.v. .v, wvuiran m wc.wii,.uupflr Slaalf of Co. D, wounded in the wrist. 'Others were more or lees seriously bnrt, but were too eager to fight to remain in tbe hospital after dressing their wounds, snd hsHce I cannot give their ham, .-r .,i,.; Our forces sre now encased in burvintr their dead. Gen. Garnett Is lying at headquarters. His body is to be sent to bis family at Rich mond. . ' ' '',iy.7r' 1 Garnett 'a army at Laurel Hill numbered about 6000. It was increased by tb rebel routed from Rich Mountain, and dimished by the numerous desertions. ' Along the line of re treat the woods are filled with deserted rebels, and our men sre ordered to stop arresting pris oners, because we can't take care of them. Three times as many as w hold woald bay been taken but for thisc ... r .,,-,'..: , There most bavs been over 4000 rebels a bluff commanding osr position, who opened fire on the Fourteenth Ohio, and th distance wa little over 200 yards. -' Their artillery was rapidly served, but aimed about two feet too high; cutting off trees st that distance above th beads of our boys. Some of, their shell buret near our -ranks, doing considerable damage- f Our advance, whioh alone entered tbe cngagement,nambered hard- It Is boiied tWtietL'McClellkn.'or 0i force at Rowlesburg, may cut off tb retreat of the remainder, and cure tb Tew baggage wagon left. Tb rebel army was composed mainly of Georgians and Eastern Vrrjriuiena. Colonel Raauay, of tb -Georgia 'regiment, seeseed General Oarnetl.mtoetr command. 'Tb lieor- sianl had all been moved to Laurel Hill, direct LATER. GRAFTON, July 15. Comins: throush ths field of battle of iivar veaterdav. with Major Gordon, -who bad charge ot tbe ewrpseei asa itooert o. war nstt, ws learned tbat the rebel army bad left the rernainder oi tbelr Uggac train ana artiL lory at. a point about two miles . fraii Jit. George. Word was instantly , sent back to General Morris, aod . all is now probably ctp- heading for Hardy county. It is hoped that Gen. Hill, now. at .Oakland, may .be.abl tp to- bere, awaiting orders from AGATE. 8AToa lULi-Wbat has become of Jaok Hale, that brats pbllsnthroplsV 'He bat done all that lay in hlrrf to bring CB :vh -war, and now he seems to fade Into th back-ground. Come bnt, Jack! pay your' money, en fist, or do something besides' lay Snd grant1 like'si lazy Airioan nippopotamas. iv. tt . vtmeru. t We lean frost oat exchanges tbat Jack ha been lobby lot in ueju. L.egtsiatare, (or cer tain corrupt , scheme, which he bat carried throuch that bodv, and has mow returned with bis Dockets fall, to"th United States Senate: but as for enlisting, or paying, In support of ths war, that is not bis i styis. it was enough for him La haln vat him. t Jielp. get np this "cotillon" without danAngtothsmns'-i :o nmttH.-MU-ttmuk Arts. The Bill for the Collection of Duties on Imports and for Other Purposes —Mr. Pendleton. f W hav Mcelyed House Bill Np.,16 which bears the heading, "Introduced front ths Com BltWe on Commero by Ut, Wsshburn, of Halne-Vi It cemet t ut sudor the frank of ear aieniDci io'sgion, mv jauuvauig at. tmn dleton.i Upon th saargln of., jt Mr, Pendleton writes ns the following note: ! "The bill ha ost pissed tne'iTdWe'. Tbey rotated debate, refuted explanation", and pane II Wluun one uvur wr wm pnntea, aaa CH- fore anv body bad an opportunity o readinar it. I appealed for a little time not id peak, but lo read thetblll. . TitftmU tui grant it, mni i ttted tgtxan tM tut." v i " ftnm thm vntlnr anlrtcl a Mil 'hriV araa'nnt through bo qulok after it was presented, that he kad not neen aoie to read it, onr. patrioii aa Unlon-lovin member t stlimisvSaed le-th tnnln nreaa aa" a 'Dlnnloolst. : In' ths fiatne Of God whavtmidi. vote for an Important bill when they do not Know What tas tn IVCincimnH ifitirsirtr, . . Justice of the Peace. i ; M. Iditox : rkiw aoioanoe a. V. Wis at oandldatofor Jostle of ttPw at 'ti -aJJou i' Montgomery tarnaalp", luguit S, ieeiisurjcl to tbs Domooratlo nomlaartori, awl obllfo 1 1 111 " i . t " ? ltAiiriiitMBtnui'iJ Wt AllVlfifjSEmiTSe Tsl'O'V'A-L: , t j C W1Wfl ,JIJHEg: : ! n.ii. ."- deasjBk 'liv f-HiwtK hot. , I 4.ii;-M!i t.,l i .'v,i-,jr-, fc,7rn3rt. Groceries, t tL M:c JrrodUC, t-A e.iob:fnn -i J.Tct ii-i , :1 .t vt bH. ncii -VSas ci fofr v iPrOVlSlOIlS. U LtB , r.:.,ato nut -v.. Foreign and Domestio Liquol 1 1'"-?- W ::i,,J:":t S' 1 ' it ; r JfUlLS, BtU. BIAVMT.' ltl .rrJ swusfo v.l n-jreu; ri.-f .,( 1 'HAS BCUOVBD BIB STOKE FROM-K,w O i t ,NO. 34, NORTH HIGH STREET, I ' t.i ! .I'tt'T. .rsiintcjn' ,?T.v1 !.".: "ii :.r,K '! Jc:' . f'TUITT.3 ,H'jlI (II , Ifa ;i00, J3outh; Hightr Tbe oliiUnd rtcanlly bcouple by .Wit- McDONAtD. ! Tie Ii In dailv raclDt of -i l'l .';': ' . 1 j.----- '"1 ,.. 7 i .11, ".:?'-. ii.i'J NEW': AND ; FRESH ' COOD9, ;'- t )..!(' traidibSWIUteU c-f :r.'l )t I.. Cbeap lor CasU or Conntrf Produce. ' ! '' " 1 ' 1 . . . . r lit 'to bi JO Good Aellvered to City trad fMeJof chirg OI JlyN . iy. , ' at i -.Tf n; u-nt; A7M. II. RESTIEAUX, I (SUCCB880R TO HcKEK he BESTISATIX) j "; - i- i i-!. . . v'litslj ;rsi:i m. . ' ''t DIALER IK GROCER IE 8. PR ODUCE, e- ii w a a a w ; , , Foreign ; find Domestic Fruits,''. ! n ; i'' ..i-i'-i i' .1 . i , FLOUR,' SALT, LIQUORS, ETC. STORAGE & COMMISSION Jlylt ' ' -l'l- -1 ' ' BAIN SON, No. 29 South' High Street, Columbus, 1 11 NOW OFFKBINO .-, iV. SOOO yards XiaTaung Drete Goods at S, value ' lsixeenu. 8500 yards TraTOling Sraes Ooods atlSX, value 90 ct. BUO yards Knglleh Berairea at UK, valaa SS oanU. . 1000 yards Vranoh Orgaadiee at 12 X, value 90 cent. 200a yards Past Colored Lawne at 10, valaa 15 eenta. ' 100 yards Poniard Dreee Bilks at 37jf, vain 50 cents. ' 1500 vards Bonar Plain Black Bilk at a 1 00. value 1 85. Bobe of Organdie Berage, and Ingliah Berage, at one- naif their Talne. I BAIN ac BON, j - t ! i. 99 Booth High Street. Elegant Lace Mantillas. Pi j L Na 29 South High 8t., HAVB Joit opened .an invote of very, large, and handsom - ' i ' ' 1 , PUSHER, FRENCH, AND CHANTILLA , LACE MANTILLAS AND P0INTE3.' ' WrDR .; French Laces". iob Siuwiik Very Deep French Flouncing Lacea. . Real Thread, French, Chantllla & Geneves . , VEILS. v;.i Valenciennei, Point de Gaze,1 Brussels j and Thread laces and Collan," VALENCIENNES TRIMMED H'DKFS, ' ' MALTESE LACE COLLARS & SETS, LINEN COLLARS fc CUFFS, i ( j In new Shapes, i PAPER COLLARS &, CUFFS, . For traveling. PRICKS X7NtJ8TjAlVL.Y LOW. . Traveling Dress Goods. MO.ZAMBIQTJB8, POPLIKB, BBIPHXRS'B CHEOKB, i BILKS, POIL DE CHBVBBS, " ,.r. ' LAVELtAB, BB00HI VALBNOIAB, he. Sto. Th best and moit (aihlonabl styles In tha city, ', ' lAT VKRY.MTV.PBICaia..". . I ' BAIN fcBON, " ' j9t m-- ' : v r.,,..S9o'hHigh8tret. . TJLKAOHED KHEETIHGB- AND 13 BHIBIINOS, all wldtha, of moat celebrated makes, now offered la areateat variety ana at van low price. T' . ' BAnt St BOH, 'sprlU .'''.r Ifo.WBoath High street i SPRIKie CLOAKS AND BASQINKS I KBW BTTLKo Main cfc Horn, Ho. Sooth High atieet, bar j ait opened new etyke ef Ours Oof. cntaa. Baaqauras aad Baeaosamade la the newaet and moat atyliah manner. , AUo, Snperk flala Ulmcli. alike, very heavy, designed, expreasly for Mantilla and Baeqolnes. " '. laprilS - Oantcn Mattinfs. 1.4, fi4, B-4, WHlta and Hael MM t1 wMt Uhecaed elaoperlar quality. . Jforeal W lUhsu iir.iTa2MiVsaiavi' jgp,ECUVgMW. IO RESTORE T HE SICK TO HEALTH, Tbi blood mnat b pnriled, and all men- kibe ar naeles which do tiet poesess the quality of etimnlatiof Tb blMU.alSobarg IH lapttnie rn.tdjhe boweli, BaaKsaaTB'a rius-peaeeis this, quality in a high AegreeVand, shcrnld 4 In every fcmtir-7 They; sre tqnaUy asefol fpr ehlldranacd.adulhi . adapted, tq'bp tx, and are as innocent a bread, yet aotrvmscrm aa a Mttiei. -A H'. ri -1 .Y.kUilf u.H I ne nsn. rfacoa eyan, oi Bprmgviua, JM., wntea teDr.Braadrth,TOdordtof May li. 18C1,,, d yesr'ISTalaakie Tct)l Cairenal Pllli In my family aibee Joid; they .havw always enrad, Tea wuaa buwt meaictnn were Di do avail, JL have neen ut meana et ay neinmii nm baadrad ef Sol- an wonn, ana t. a eauanea may- nar reoairea t mtunna per oeni. in Dieiaed nealtn, through their naa. Tbey ar need in thi r(lto-fb BtHoen and Llrar Dla- eaioa, lever and Am. and aU rtiMBatto Ma wHh the moot nerfaat aoceeaa, i Ia fcVheyare the gtwat.ewB-4 anoe m inaaM, aa A. uasvyoar veneaanie lue may aa loag spared to prepare exoaUeot a aiedteme for the ie a( macw . i ..,-,, t:- . ,nif..., . t. PleaaaaendeMtheloweat artae he Ikmq ioM Vy Josm St QbeBt'VrVgrtetf'VAinnieuv. and by an rvipecawie oeaicra in mvaKines." '-'.4 . j norrATs jlu viLut. .,. ," U In all caaaaof ouelm.w,ytpepeVILaea aadTrm enaction a, pnaa, rBannnura, ( TeTcis aaa, agnes, obsa Bat heid aehas, nl all general aaaaag "SiauU ef aealta thee Fills hee fcrrarlabfr ' preves a ewtat ant tpeeSy remedy. A single trial will toUcg th XjUkJt nit eybpd th tetiittta'fifcft !ifjM)iifj' pi.Mefal'i JHiejatz Bitten aUl-be found MaaUy ai aotetow fa Ml ease of serveas SeMrity, Syspe'beal ache, th stckneas rneident to female In dellcaU "health, ana erery ioy er weetneee er tbe Higotlr brgant. lov mla byja TTTini07I4t,35.lroway, Vr T. V. anBlryaUI)ratBlt.!.a.'i0 ti-t sar2AkT t iTte fcUeWnl Isitraoloni letter frrlttfal UMr-BeV.' $.J. tfilrSi, 'fAr? eVtht 'Mrrepoult-Btreet BAptUt pharfh BxopkIyn,Jlp J,tta tb "Joamaland Momonirmt.' n' " n ' - volomet Id favor of that worM-reooVned rnMlMiW, at HWeman advartlmeuj te yotir'eoluinnt otMas Tf maaee, Bee-nime) Ht cerereriiaa ward In faveref a patent medfelB before In i er "life, knt-w feel oeqelld toeay toyoerrMpnl hat thlaie rib bota nog era raie it, awe a now-it to it eunaw, it m eromoiTeneertue moit enMMirni I tl'uii, of yoar readers who bar babies can't de better then1 -1 taylntpappl." ecWilya I Summer Arrangement. Summer Arrangement. Little Miami & Columbus & Xenia On RAILROADS. For CinoiaaatiJ Eatoa IndUnaioifiil TnWnMtttrimaniaff I I and but OrisvChng b Can betwae v I Four Trains DUy ttom Oolambas. b I ,Jaii ojlf--.5nw.iJ ilT -JwJit-l ta5WTTflArvN.'Mrf'J eidT f aCCOMUODATIOM at S a. m., itoppiaf at all sta k.i.n nninmhm ui Ol&olnnall and Duton. ar- rlviaa at OLooimMtl at lttOS a. ., an at Baytoa at u.ius. m., coontoiiDi at UIJWU lur um.... .m v, SECOND TRAIN 11 No; IBSPJIBBSat UUa.m,,topptstJ''oi, London, OtaarlMton, Oaduvllla, Aoala, evna t mr,, (Vrln. lfaMM. Bart Anllaat. Horn St.. MbaaOD, foitor'. lrsltDil and MUford, arrlrlot at OlDOlnoiU tt(30p. mDiytontH.t5p. m., connwunr wiw ui. Qnitaod MiaiailpDi luiiroaoror i-ooumin, r-. ""i !. nlrs. St. I.nnrt. NrOrlci. eU.f at Dartoa for Indluipolls, LaTaystte, Terra HmU, Chicago asd all Wettern solntt.' ' i' Lie. .THIRD .TRAIN.. .k. . v : 'MAIL atS.10 p- m., tBoptaf at alt'itatlons batvaen Ooltnabna nd ixaala, ao4 at Bprla allay, uenrin, Uorraw and bovalaa, tniYlog at umciaaau ai a. a. ' I -i tmm : :t WMlVAiW,, 0 , .M n't- J.;- NlflHt EXPBBBB, Tla Saytaa. et '19 OS midnight, ftopplot al London, Xanta, Dayton, MtSdlatawn aa jUmllton, arming at Olnolnnati at 5.?5 a. m. at Day ton at 9.55 a. aa. coonaaUot atfllnolnnaU wllb lu Ohio aad HIMppl Ballraad lor LonlarUl, HtumtIIIo, VMcennaa, Cairo, 8tv tool. Mempbla, .No Ortoaat, and all point South and Santb-weatj alaa. at Daylan for Indlantpolia, LafayotU, Crr iiauta, Qhtaaga.'aM. : JTr" for further Information and Tbrqngh X apply to B.T. DOHEETT, Ticket Agmt, Upton . Oolumbui. ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' t ' Tlokati, Vtpot, I l-c-i P. W. 8TEADIB. arneral ticket Agent, Cincinnati. , -i o;(iH , jrI0.,w".DOHBRTT, s r i"-iit' ' -n. ,: i-Ag Oolaaab, rrtnr MT "rfO a.ejf; WOODWABDr- i ir.,r; n-we BarlaaMdMil..fllnauinaM. Oorrimbae,'JntyMil881.-''' " ' " 11 th. IRISH STEAMSHIP LINE Steam Between Ireland and America ' NEW YORfe, BOSTON AND GALrVA Y. 'I 1 .Trtl-uU " ' i "i,'f I I the following new and magnificent finttlui paddle- tbeal Btaameaipaeoapoaa u awn una, ,,..! . u ADRIATIC, .. 5,888 tool burthen, OapLI. Hadsv J I " (formerly of U CoUta tin ) I'.;.", ', BTBBSNIA, r 4,400 toniburthan, Oast. T. horn COLUMBIA. 4.400 ' " " H. LalTOB. ANOL1A.1 .'il 4,400 '...i" v.-' - Mwaouos. PAOiriO, 8,600 l.bana. .. f HINOB ALBBRI. (Screv J. mm-f r-jos.a.l H On of abovn ahlpe Will laavv BTev York Boaten altamately erary Taieasay lortaiaJii. m uaivay. r nana tha soranunent maila, lonchlng at Bt. Johns, kVr(-MI-i VI "t-''ITi'"l"'l rT"""" . t ha Sleamara bt this'ltn have been eonatneted wl the matte! oar, and or tha saparrlatoaof the aorara- mant, amviwatar-ugni aomparanaiua, n an oaaaasr led for con fort, safety and spaa by any niaaa i r afloat. They ai aoauuuaded by abls and ajXHrienced orhsera. and avary aarln wllf be aiad to proau If tha comfort . Aterpertmoed Bnrgean ailached to each ihlp,' 'a f ."i"Baia wr raaaava,. ., i : rirt-cU N, If ,or3ottoa to Oalway or Lircrpool 100 Beeoaaclaa,r ; . oi it " , ; " .- , vs firet-olaafc-f-. " , t -." i . to Bt John' .. , 3 TUrd-elaee, 41 " to Oalway or Llrrpool. i ' or any town In Ireland, on a Hallway, - .- - au thlrd-claMpajaengersar liberal It mpplled with fro- visions of the best quality, rooked and terred by thtaor- TantseriMOeoipany. ; - i Pirtlee wUblna to send for their friends from th eld conntry can obtain ticketa from any town on a railway, la Inland, or from the principal clttea of Bngland ant Boot- laad, atveyyhnrrata. 1 ' Puaanter for Mew York, arriviag by th Beaton Bteamere, will be forwarded to Mew Xork free ef Shaig. i arpaaaaKtMninMrtttfomMion.appnio . ' At the ofnee of th Company, on th wharf, foot of oanalatraet, new ion. .. , aprllWdto, ,4 r,t. , ... PROF. L. MILLER'S HAIR ItlVIGORATOR An Effeotlye, lafe and EoonomicaJ FOR, RESTORING GRAY- HAIR ; - ' Tq lis original color withoat dyeing, and preventing,. t . .,. uau irom uinucg gray. , ... , FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS, Aad coring It, When there 1 the taeat parSole ef vital! i or reoaperauvo energy remaining . FOR REMOVING SCURF AND DANDRUF ' ' ' And illovtaaeotuaffBefioM of thegcalp.' ! FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR. Imparling to ll an nneqiW gloeeanabrilllaMy, makmi It aoft and lilkv tn Its ' teitnre, and oaaiing it t ear reailllr. - "'J- - ---...'., - the neat celebrity and toereaafnr demand for Oil on. equaled preparation, oonrhne the propnetot that one trial I only necmaary to senary a nmoermng pnnw or it sopenoraoaiiuea over any ouer pieparauon in aae- ll eieanaes ths bead land scalp from aandraa' and ether antaneona dlaeaae. eaatlni th hair to stow laxnnantlv giving It a rich, aoft, glomy and flenibie appearaaee, and alto, where the heir 1 Uoeeatof an thmainf, it eriU gtv strength and vigor to the roote and reatore pie growth to baa Bart wnkh bav become bald, auaing )U) leld IVBts OWTSa ImW Wt saemta i There are handred of ladle and geallimen In New Trh who hare had their hair raetored by the naa of thi Inrigerator, when all ether preparations hare failed. L. M. ha In hie poeeeeaton letters tnnomeiable teatlfying to the above facta, from persona at the highest redaaota bllldr.- at wiUeSeataaliy praveat the hair from to mini aatU the lateet period of life; and In oases where.'lhe hair aaa aireaay enangea uaaoior, me rue oi ne inTigoralot will with oertainty restore It to It to Its original hue, giv ing It a dark, gloety appearance. Aa a perfnm for th lolletaad a uair auatoraav it at parueoawiy reoem axaded, aarteg aa afrrseabia fraariao; and the gnat bv eillUea it affoada la daemlna the hair, whioh. whan molat with the Invigorates, ean ba draeeed In any leqaired form o u topreaarv its plaot.whathar plalujorln onr let henot the great demand for it by the ladlae aa a standard toilet article which aatjnght to aa withoet,U the prto pwemHwimwtiMiaMaoissavic r (-, j I '-Only Twentj-riTt CenU 1 1-1 per bottle, to be bad t all reepeetabl Dragglst aad i .. rw"raera ,.. .. , . .. . L. MlUiatmaUeaU th attention of Parent -aad Oaardlan u tha aaa of hltInVlgormtor,'ih caaat there the children's hair incline to be weak. The aa of It lays IB foandanen (oi aewraaaoel f Soar . a It re moved stay bnynrtieB that may have kesam eenntetad wkh the scalp, th rumeval of which I nemmarv both for the health of lb child, and the fntan Appearance ef ratiau. .1" , r . ,?,T"'f7''.'l.T1 - Citmoa. Hon genaln withoat th ntc-tunll LOtTO au biias neins on tne outer wrapper: also, u, BUr LIB'S BAIB, INTIOOBATORi N. T., ttown In tb Wholaeal Depdf.tS Bey Vtreet, i and told by all th principal Uereaaata and BMggmtt ntotajeaD world akeraAdlssotttapajohaaeM bT tt 1nt"(1? k alio dei Ire to preesnt to th 'IW mblloe nw aid nrsoTxn tnrsiA5TUrxcfm LIQUID HAIR DYE,' I a ' -i.-'i ;x -i whioh, attar year of edactlfla expe runes Ung, X neve bronght to perfection. ltdyesBmokorBrowntnitaaUf wuhontlnjnry to th Balr or 8kln warranted. Ah bail article oi the kind in emtance. ... PRTCE. ONLY BO C1!NT8. epot, 5G Dey StvNew WPWatKWlfa ..fill . 1 i.u:i.l. I. o i.iil.Ji h BAJ3tf afcSONf.-c 0. 20 I0TJTH JOQit mVEOSZS. ARJB3 NOW" QV.WXintXtMl IfOOO yards BaperPUiaBl RTM t fl )r-Jr.l fi a k 1 ' - i . ........ in ia 1 SSpeiyard f(X(fc 81J..J B,500 yards Tratellbf Sren mrt MintleaoMr W h f la oenta-vla 80 cents ptriard.'''';,'.' ,000 xard WMt" BrflTtsntts at -4eVj t 8 i.Ofjd rsrdi 1M airtlemffltilerly t Ser va1ol', l-vf kcavn k-"I m nWI 1 fc I l r'l i mtn twiraa-V.w!r-ii.'',r:,e I 1.1 ,i.,ri .. . - T ...I tf-rl-'t till- b.J arirf .IObil Nerw and JPWaV'?9"' felXla very lose iv prjor. LOf ai'nCK.4-ae is tUct styUik BrntM after is lAiemv thii 1 .Iru iU 4 utMf-Vt 'rrtMMIjet tletaal tjsylct fa ati mayJQ 0i STnirtlttWl! the aveti iwiiwM ttojlte and at I - t or HJI OHIO STATESMAN STB AM BOOK AKI JOB Barun Inweassd It already UU -j iif uoh hti 4 Jr 8 i V'rf f iotLtTi e a , IT! a It rj TV t i! 1 0 1. .TV is rui Iy prepared to execute In th !. ejiaijMS ,,..S'! lv .'. ''"' I vja r-t " Vf ' ! .'' ; " ' " MOST' if LABOR ATE MANNER, .jnj .. '1.1 ... i. 'si .- .. ' T'T tit; h - r tm at " !' rt--''-' ' ' 00 It r. (. -. i '.I I- ' - J5 (. . - ', - '' '- I'AtUt,! BTYI-ES, 0ATAL0QUB3, Jbbibpb, ' OIBOrjLABB, PAMPHL1TS, , ' LITTKB HI ADS, LMAIi BLANKS, ... DBAT BI01TPTI, . 1ABIXI, CAMS, ..BNVILOPBS, jBTrtfliACTjsa,;; BUX BIABS, NOTIS, najtm,'- cinoKflV. 'ii. RAILROAD, INSURANCE, f Ami every detarlptlon of ' VTfJt.1 t -'..,. A. .LETTER -I IM ' .'U . pbess PBiirmvo, qbal to any litabllehment In th Brat, and npon terms which Mil compare favorably with the k'Vuixx.Tf v.:..?. : - leading' Baarara Printing Hoatc. Ilavinj; every. Faoility to aid Ua r in thi PBonccrow or ELEGANT POSTERS ASD HIGHLY ILLUMINATED SHOW.' CARDS, I'-' W offer onr servtees te all who may desir that dan T.v.:.):T , of work. .11 .! W have eoaaeoted with onr f ttabllihmtnt a ri 1 1 f. BLANK BOOK BINDERY, : ..ll'U ' ''U.) ;.' i .. . . U 'I- ' -tt .-. .!! "rom which v prodnc'th ' -IV 'l '. I ariXAOSBt X31s,xxls. , Work If. ii u .'. - as vn host - -trl SUPER! RAUr BOAS BLAHK BOOXJ. OUR ESTABLISHMENT ; i.. .' ,:c.J.i . 'H q -i- - u ' ; '" 1 ,r ! Ie to haadmitted j; fllC.,.! : 'I ,1-1 ',.,11 ..: oi u I '."i-r ('.' i . -i . -..-.I .... f, nl ft1". ... t A '.1 T i A H.Q-1Z!QTl i I': Hi I .tian'uKtt r.-.; .licit' COMPLETE LV FACOITIES, 1 1 1 i V .1 ; I I I . -' '-'- j aoc'.i ijii.airt vas aoer, V..; te .t':t'f'. in u-rt.i: i - ' ..I PamVE7I5-0KOANIZATTOlV lt naiitHV-) t it ir. t "i In this Otty, and w may add, .,i', . it,iT.- t.y . ,ni-;A .m:lff.-:T' &; 'Jt... WE WILIi FAVORABLY COMPARE tr !.sil Jl'il'. T V: t . r TiHi) ;t'i .. HI VniB ABV -'-'Ul Prlatlas; lloaaa lm tka Vtt, t, ' I .1- .-, I- I 1 "ill 'H -'I i : '-J 'H Jin' it RICHARD ITtlTIrTlaT! mjniBimt'l., "i--: S3 TXJumxv ihuracrrckiks airs vrBouaua i . 'di Rl-TiiV-MADE CLOTiniiG, 1 . .. i i.i ii . No. S03 WJ IMrtiH taTTarrewai;r'',,a BAXTinoBE, na. it ..; r Xurp Ajsortatstit al FWee sal rtatUhlng' ' I fltvwffa rnnntmmtlm mm W..1I Hf A XTTTrkrT if-m imi iiitiri . -ir JTBT TrBt?BWi). Wm'. rJATTfEB; 'tBIA MKNI AHD RABiaAJiOCrKB Of SPKUM ArOKRBi!' Semlaat Weekaeta, Basal Debility, Keireneaeae, Ia H ... t TniHDw aimaanna ana impewaoy, reeeiung rrom lulf-abaea, 4te, .By Beet, t, Oalterwelk jM.'Pt Bentrn andereal,fa a plain eavsldpe," to an iddreai,po paid, on receipt of two (tampit, by Br. OIIAS. j.6Vvfai KLIItl, 177 Bowery, Bvf J(k. aat Offioe Box, Mo) rWi . . marVl;tntdw "A