Newspaper Page Text
i -e-TT - -- v .. - . .vi-i L V QAQDY7 ABE 'STGBE . JUST RECEIVED aj, c t iJ8 ! WX.I IL' G-ILL,' 1 No. 30 North High Street, One ol tb UrgMt Ul Btot Mooted Aeeett 01 ') 3 111 03 1 A v a oman is thi own , . . i ,. i i i.i.i House Builders' FurftisBtBg Of BVBBT BTTtl AND QtfAL.TY. rroneh A American - "" 1 Window ' 5 Q-Iojbo I FAINTS DROUHB IN OH. . an! pat mp la haf pound can tor fll et, aod Dry MntilabBlk- . Brushes ol every variety' & quality, A Splendid Assortment of MACHINISTS TOOLS. v CARRIAGE MATERIADS. AXES GRINDSTONES, ato. - - GUNS, PISTOLS, SHOT, ko-' ' 1 FISHING TACKLE ROPE CORDAGE, LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER ' BELTING. , W EDGES, MAULS, PUMPS, ' , " AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SCYTHES, A., , '..-. ' ; SCALES, BELLS, CUAIN3 '; " Table and Pocket Cutlery. l eapectally Invite th attention of all Intonated to ni lock of Pocket and Tabl Cutlery, ana SILVER PLATED FORKS, . , Table, Desert, and Tea Spoons, Butter Knives, &c, ol ttOaSBB. A BBO'S. Manufacture, warranted to be eitiahear,IletrPlated.on pnnlna Albatta. Country Merchant, Mechanic, and other, art invited .ocalland xamtB my B took, I aa prepared to U holeatoendBetall. WW. A, GILL. Oolumbu. Obi, May 8, 1B60.' ' " - LATHROP; 1UDMT0N & CO. 23 ft 25 FAILS PLACE, 20 ft 23 XU&BAY 8TSZST, -NTiJW" TOIUX, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Foreign and Domestic D R Yv GOODS rOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. SPBING 1801; I - w. .n nnanln. at oaramsl wareroome. at the) abort namben, ttocki of flood In each of the tix depertBenl uf our buaineat, tape nor to aayumig w. exhibited to the trade. CLOTH DEPARTMENT. Thl ha grown to Ki prearnt mi)rB'tni5 under U .i u .....,. r ht. vat nf ion. exnerienos and accnowledged food tail. . W keep extenaiv Uoea of Ik 5 flnnt and choice FAMCYVESTtNCS AND FANCY CASSIMERES To be found In the market, all telected with th Bloat (Incrimination. AUo, all gndee, colon and varietle of. BROADCLOTHS, SATINETS, ' ' LADIES' CLOAINNGS, ,. .. .. ; TWEEDS, JABMBRS' and MKB0HABT8' CABSIMBRBB, u KBNTUCKT JEiNB, from OX to KM" PTTd and apwaritoi ' ' T IflKDB, Wi t I5 Bt P Jr-,,rt ol . i8to2i ' PBJNTB8ATIHSTS,atl4centi; ; And other Omit torretpondinjly low." Dress-Goods 1 Department. t. Mancheter De Lainei, Banlltan do. Paoino do. Printed Lawn, Printed Brtllientee, fancy Olngham, K Bonbulnea, Black BUka, 1 ' ' fancy Bilks, Printed OaaMa, ManchMter flioghaffl, fllaajow . do. , Clinton do. Ottoman Cloth, Atpaeaa, Poplin, . And fid KStU SifU o3 FANCY SPRING GOODS. Msrruna Print, Oocheeo do. KlchBoad'l frkata, 1 ' Aaiarkaa do. . AManneU'. ..... Paeiho do. -.. da. . . Kniuaa ao. Uaacbattar, . Prlate, :, j . . , ixMvrasno cxxttons. Laarenc C Ubeellnta, Atlanlic A BheMitir, Stark . Ameeheag i . do Latarop o. Appletoa .... Bhawaut do. ; , a Poeaawt do. u Otlea, t.,.'.3- do.'; i ' Alt Grade and Width., i . i . BLBACD1D IITIKTI5QB AND BHIBTINCUI. !. Waarutta, Dwlght, - Lawraao, Loned.1, ' ' jr4v"U' " ' " am, . . ... WalthaB, ; ..ftratt, ;, ,j ' ; ' lew To Mill, dec, A. t ..i, SHAWLS MlHIANTlilAS, A LAIOB AND ICLICt ASSOBTaaiTT. OOTTONAMB- great tartoty. - - OHBOKB -'". '- '' "' 1-lOKINaS-aU tht kadteg brand. DBNIM9 do. do. flpiuTrwn iraiPBB-all the leading brande. ANKICNB . do.- ... . . d. , , .. COBf JKANS 6., i saaIu, rana cam brick BRI08, Ac., V do. do.- s- ooLoax CAM- LARGE AND COMPLETE 8T0CXS OF Bosnax, " ' , , j YAIKXI WOTIOIS, Geatlcmetfg FnraisliiBg Goods, viiWLlXJW PAKaSOIS, rinPETSI A1 OILCLOTH!, . variety of Aeod hot H of fii loor tht larger portloa at frool 10 to J pot eeuti rem fealatyr LlTflROP.WJJIIKCTON&CO, ta Baaaa m to. a ' m m aaev mt WAy V'a' r liliWJVKa, aart TTJBT avrrivr. Ik. Itaiiu oil, fiartoa It Co., for tahlt aa."' freneh Mutrd, favorite brand; Boned Bardlaat, tb BBBT Bardiat Uap'td VfOeata 10 " a a". efOarien mtvurwyj r . . . 1 . At emn " fliwwr tlilre," Pover't Buitana," vooa an,' 'fUrrjy," "Beadtng' t. ( J j ,.. Walnut ami Tomato Catena. ' . in TB doa.'.Onw. at Blaekwsn' hfjrcteei np) Virkle. eonltin of "OKiiltdower," "PU , ,eliiir C how t how," "Walnut," On ' "ion," "CAUmgc, "Beaat," "QberhV M'aPleklea. -SO - tondea Porter. 1 10 J " empteirleltABvtahAl. lT , 6 tatteOintter PrMorvea. ' , SObeMaltaiiaa WArutU44 J 'naiflill. ,, , t groauoa Mew"iw . . Goleman man oeieorate aagnan mmrTn, 141 . p, pvata. eAOi and bottle. Waf.liciORAU. ao.' I . Bit, I'lCLAITD'U AWTIrRH;UZ.lATIC BANDS IS THE! ONXY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Rheumatism, Goat and Neuralgia, j and a stjaiocwjioavv J All Mercurial Diseases.. It to a aoMrtntonUr arranacd Band, oontalnlnf a atod- ieatod aopoand, to bo Worn around lb WalM. w"11'" toior 10 tM bom aoiicau pnaon.i uv cujp" u. of, Urtaf to nqnlred, aod it anUrahf naot dl mm frout 0) antem, wltlwat BNdaolaa the InJ"0' offoota arialm froat tha M of poworfnl istemal modi. dnw, whkoh wnkra and doitroy tha cauUtaUon, and t It temporary relief only. By thl treatment, th WnatprotlBtalDa in ua aaaa nmm m with tho blood and reacn tho aiaeuo, irai , of the akia, eifeotlnf la mt totaiio a Pfee4 re, and mtorlntth parte afflicted to a boallhy oondiUon. ThU Band Uatoo a oatpowerfal Aim-ateawoaua airaat. and will cnttraly ltoo Uijte froaa topfmoio affeoteof Marcarr. aladerato an oared la a few ow!adrar.ot-alfl8 teaUnoniato of IU Paica aa.SO, to b had of UroggUte aoMrally, or eta to aontby Bailor oxpm, with full oUrooilon for nee. "any part ( ta aoaatrr ilro( bota tha ?rlnclpl OfflOS Ft. t ( Ho. 409 BROADWAY, Vnr Trk. G. SMITH 4 CO.'. Sol Proprietor.. , 5. 3 rMr1ptrr Cn-cakir Bent Iree. n ; A. J. BOHWIttia dt BOS, Potrr, Aaiwra, W- S77 B. High Bt., bet, friend and Mound, uoiooo, . jjja;U Wanted ETorywnere. , BhSS-aylaortotp.diiwi .1 .ii ; . : ' GUERNSEY'S BALM! GUERNSEY'S BALM nEnorci a no PBEVEHTI IN- At umim and rain, and heal the wbnt barn, hrniMi. art jnr fraah wound of ear kind, MTaU waUIng and palm fnaa baa ttlnga, aaoaqulte kite, aad eotoonoua plaaat, acajalgla, . rheum tint, ago la th trmt, nit rbMJ, oto. When taken lnumally. It will poolUrely car croaai la ohHdrea, acid (It launadiaM rui in (a inw, . iu "r- , " .mnm hnaMiM and asmthraaU Frtoo, Hk caate bottla. lihoald be In enry aouja. for aale by Bruf ftotean4Bwrfcepara. - - 1.HH oxuna, . Bole Proprietor, la. 1 Bpruc at.. Mm Xorfc . oottdawlyl i vf.ii "" Ho iaal jutic can b don ta abet preparation baibyprocnringan roadtof oeerlpTrphlebiA be found with aU dealer, or will be atnt by ftoprietor - VnmnUa and f rtel Bottle eal o Pbrt -j i in i ! ..tranania atnhr Ihlf Iaoentaao ana appraru.-. -. - i . ' ' OoiTMpoad.Dc aoUcited from all whoa neotwlHo or ewrtoalty pioapia w a in, oi w gar Val ay th nrotl wholtatle and retaS dealer trerywhcr. JOUH L. HTJ JUNE WELL, rtyrii CHIMIBT AND raUtMACniTHT, to. 9 OOBJaatrtlal WTlaJ Botca, Maas. v i t & 1 V m UUvml. J. It. Cook. J. If Denla. S. Benla ions, A. J . Bchaeller fc Bon, Agent lor Oolumbu. Ohio. . .. myi-diy S. DOYLE & CO. Mnnfactiirer ri4 WholMalelkMterB k BOOTS AND SHOES, Northwest Corner of HIgn and Gay SU., NcOlg 0OLUB1UDII,... ...m ....HIO. "A torg Btock of Vta and B tap la ySl-dtf r SUNDETXS. TAFIOCO, Arrow Boot, Scotch Oat Mal f A BIH A, . Bago ' Bio flour . . B?Ut Pea ; i ' , Cbooolate BroBa, to. : 8oda Prune ' PreahToaato" ' Cracked ffheii u Ooaa , Orean' Tartu, , VfMW ' .l BeedlM Batoto , Sreea Oora freiJaOaon'd fruit of rrery deaorlpttoe Jellleaof all kind; ... . flaTDringlx tract of aU klr. ' . Drop) Mixed Oandi; 1 ' ' I f Almond, filberto, Peooo Null, t , -Bngliah Walnut, Braail Num. etc, -.. BoS7 wb. McDonald. TRAVELLERS! TTTHBN roa ao to Hew York , wrir direct to th BEOABWAT, 00aNE Of BOTJBTOH 8TBBT. " ' : .". 'rx Conduction th , EUROPEAN PLAN. ' flood fare, flood aooai, Prospt Attenduot, aad rale Obergte. 1 BlNOLf BOOMS SO CIS. 7S OTS. and 1 KB VAT. " 1 ' H)CBIJSBOOMB and PABXOM 11,50 te S3. ' ateahi a ordered. Thl Hotel ha all th appointment of th beat hotel, a noat central location, and 1 heated through t by (team. sAUUAb a. BarchM3m , , Proprietor ZZOXJXlZkTOlS. JOES B tfHXZIXB,' '' A sbiit roat boitik, continen tax. , MunurrAB, Bactram, and Iarraaf au Iaa. Co.' New You; MBBcmaan' and um rwaov nuii New Ioue LvaaaA Ooaa. More a In, . i Olflee, BLIUcto. RU ftojtTA.ra'a Bl Alexandre's Kid Gloyesw i.. -TXK.4.T1 Ann mnaaoiDEBEH, nton JCftUBIAIBa aad regular hap Blaok Kldflloeea, k n.r. in whita. Maranta-aarate. Ax. Cnai una- Kid flloTea. Mlaeet KM more. b,wwi of the celebrated fllore alway for au itata m tun, MkCB i Ro.B88oathBifhtrel. DBCSS GOODS, . ... ..NOW Attratrtlre. MoiAMM4iras, : TTBXIIrO POfUflO, ..i .. . ' Cairtt70LMi . ' i ; .jf Tott a Chitbib! ? , Gimu, ,..;.. i.a... FaaNCH Cbintzio, - . FRCNcHtMoBum, ; f i ;. FaBHOaf Oaoaamw, f-4.-.v i;; , , ClBBBOB WaBHINO SlLBO, Elwaot Dbbss Silm, v' " - ' " Hkatt Baiojob ard Mamtlb puis; Aad all other new and faahtonabl auteiiali Boat demand fer handaoBM Breate and Mantllto. : ' 4 , BAD. A BON, api!9: ; : Me. 9 Isvtb High tret.r - aaO. Oat11mO.aO. -TT -& T1I1I ' TIAT IULD . vain H fluolflroerietea.8.BBMWa,tretBeifully rtooBowaO alatoaaren rmtroni I XtlUDt fr AaliAlH ta HVH Cowabt. lurch S9tk, 1861-apl-dtI m i'; TJmBOAHT PL All BI.ACK SII.M fOB Btieet Baaqua aad Mantle; ao. i""-" aad Taealato matoh, at rr , "" ,' Baya . . , 1 1 ! ji i it '. 1 Qrixamer Under' Garaients. T ABIES 1.ISLE UNDER TESTS. XJ 1 -Ladle Sauce Maria do, dw 1 . TJ vim BllK vrawen n.uini. . ' Oent India Ht Srawen aad Bhtrt . '" ' " : Cotton '., , . " : ; -, ) Oawa Kermo TTiStr BWrt. . u ,1 . I Whit and Brown Drilnnl Drawer. . tt 71.lAAf.lnMTlv.War.. iBxtreaargeDaderBhirf; IV Z.Vf j " : Bupeitor angiiui atau aoee. " Loif Btaeklogt. !.,:! -' V ' ,-" I fancy Cotton Half Ha. Tl , . - iBupeodera. U'Yl " OoldeaHillBhlrt. For oali la prieoo, oy , ... gMal VarlOtw aiit Bt B3tfliTBt Wo. Si Bouts Blgh terMt. BtySO. r a - .v 5- Notice, Notice, CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS. mnK rni.i.fltrno cnANGES WBBI 1 aava-to) the taofar at thteB.nk. January gflth, JBBI, a wia Wa. A. Pbarr, Pretidwt, aad-THoaaa Moom, Caahlar, reetirned aetr eHc, Baq .. wa Ibeo elected Prtaidoat and WB A- '"TT pointed Oaahler. ., . By order of tht Board of Wfeetort: feb 5, IWl-dtf. W. A. PLAWi Ca-htor. M1 IKK IfTJffBi TICTOTinng MaCTJff B wt ar Bow lelllM at Very row prlo-, ate an oumr amoa A .... ...... .. '.1 neotn bini iiinirnwi ran. . . , ri "t detfil. r..:it j S.aeBmlfeMih t. , tafliea' Liaea StwUl'UuiSk'U. HEM WE O STITCHED WPTEBl II Alfl kerchieta. very wlda hem. n Batbroidered Lmen Handk'l all puce. Ileamed BUIehedud plain do, o ,d do . ..1 colored borrter. ;t1 ' ' Koarninf de r blank bonier an Am new tty k croal aUtcotd. . rmoPTieo -Bwprn f-x.-. Mltte' phln aid Hemmed Btitched do all price. Coapritlng th arott tercet esaorUo., I ro ti j m9 Uwlf I A BOS, gkBtmt. t inwett price. - . , , KAin m eon, few ' u- T. BtcU UlgkAHmt. la ( P . 3 v "W-ia wmm w -M t bTV nr. . i ,i 'I I J 1 ' . BrOll 1T. t j , . , : .1. .1 , . . ....r INCREASED rAOTJTIES ! : . BISPATH lJAvl NO MOVBD. IN TO-il V f ,' HEW- BUILDIHG, aT.itH 1 ' -I HAY II ca-xroatly EUxlo.: . .HI BOOK & JOB 1 WHILE BOTH HAVE BEEN RWaTSEEfl jTimCIJCHOlIJv' WITHt " New -Types, borders," tokbente,'&c.. 'ROM THB OILIBBATBD roUKVBX ur C I, WHITE ft t CO., NEW. : YORK, ' ' . THTJB HAKCfQ IT 5tHl ' Host . Complete 1 Establishment 'V:J ht;ths city.- ;-,t f I tun aow prpard to Szeente all Order for BOOK AND JOB :PBINTING;i WTH. DISPATCH! Aid It th Kot Approved BtyU of tho Art. r T A VWTTTTTT AW A BJ-f SHf 1AW al Ttli MERCANTILE AND RAltROAD PRINTIlffG-. Bllla ( llMg Clrcnlr 'j' ' Bill Ilaaaa, , Blank, DMil, enartlf icatfl. Hccelvta, Dray 1'lctoet, Kegiatera, HOW CAKDSlfBILLS 'IN COLORS emcxs, CARDS, EXASDiei, VOTES, - MTltOPSt, ' CONTRACT. Illustrated Show Bills, FOR COUNTRY MERCHANTS. (' Uiew Bill, Hud 2111, Xabolf, Contort Pr rrajame, BcDoet ua vouagw aon, aw . tel BUli of f tre, ImTitettou, aVt, - Booii "ysroiris. OP EVERY DESCRIPTION i ' School u CollAge CaUlogTita, ' XUoeUueoBi pamprueu, , CoutitBtlona, Beporti, BrieA, a Printing .' in Gold and Colon P O S T E3 TEL Primtra ta Irtry Color oa a ; UammbtliHoe Gylinder, Tbo Oalj rraa of Ui kind la Ceatral Ohio., v. tttHM w AMnm u and an of th abOT deeulp lion of work, ar now mirowaaeA, and atlfaUa wiU bajruaranterftoaU .. ; , . WHO EH0TJ1D USE J. BOVEE DODS vjaxrarrABXiic DR. mPERIAllWINE ; BITTERS? Allwh are afflicted with Inclptea OonjumpUpa or Weak Lnagaahouldue them. . ' ' ' Allwh raller from wee Hoaam nmjau. vjr pepdaorPiletahoulduntheB. - All wao tuner irom nnnnu " .....w ...... BeatleMaea at night, Want of Bleep, Ami., hould tut Aa'plnon who are eosTaleteeat after fern or other icsnta inouid ua tnem. . , . Minuter of th Goepel, Lawyer, Lecturer, and al public ipeaker aboald ua taaa. ; -Book Keeper, and all penon leading aedentary if thou Id ue them. ' " " r . , . Thenredand roflrm uioaiJ a. mu. - 1 All who require a (tiatalant or tonie ahould ue tbea, All who ar addicted t tht aa of ardent P trite aod UJ An tnfnn. ahnn A mam them. iSmt wm MAAanf am Bherr wine, ana nainr tiro plant and herb of th country, and ahouli a rer enanneneed by tem prance aoeletiea, olergymea, phyaV AML Ann All IMiu. M DJUU111.Y. Th am MmmM BT ma exuenennm mna wmu pur. lelan, and, acid f roa their medicinal propernca, ar a ket delightful be-mtfei aad yet, a a eaadtoln, r aj Irmoeeatandnaiaiaauuw uowioi mi. Boldbyrjiriwieriiy. i . - wniMmLD A CO., Vroprletori, I vllWUUW Bt., Now Tk. E01SST8 ft SAMUEL, Apnts, i ' I : ' " CalaiBiBM, Obl ecCldkwly. j.. . ... . Wholesale and Retail r Depot fr A- A 1 " No. 1 106 Soutli v High -Street. ' , ,. dealer in ,. , ' ... : TrB-A.S, ti si FINE k STAPLE' GROCERIES tIN ALL ' HEIR -VARIETIES. 14 Dally rrlTal ! Ooode For the EOT ian : Wmtcr Trade - ! -V4. Of: ,180061 TrPKETCHNirte SINCERE XIIAJfKS TO THE PCI1LIO for part favor and patron aga, aad betog DEXEBBtllVED t JTCEUiT aeontlouaae of taattby etrlct attentloa (ram, and prompt delivery eg ceoou I would call tht BteUoe-pf, thtpublie to thefatt bAvtac AArffo and wtU Selected Btock hand, and being luMelly reeelpt of good free, th differ- n t market, I fatter aryattf aatb I eaa eBar t ta oitt ei f Oaluabua, of to any ?ho may (retire to warebaat, aa aawift at article appertaining to tht OBOCB trad, t7HElt7Al.El by taybooe la fa dty. Th prlot and quality of th good otTered, I antee te BTtwe olfaeUaa. iJf Ooodi Pelitered Tree of Charga. .!-, a,,..:.,',"; ,.yyoPosAtp.: ...J . FIRSTtti.rWyUaJtf, OflwtwtSO SPRING AND SUMMER GQODS aoAitt orrtR To the rtnlLie Xan eatite new ttock of flood In my line, Jnat porch ated ih New York at the cheepeat panic mtea,tll of which I thaU41AthrAllet profit, tor Cuh, Myeuttom trt And friend art mpeclfully invited to call and exam la my Goodies Price, a I am. determined to ell chMpor cheaptr Uraa BT athe nonat in in any; at I d my owa CuttlDj, and tuperintend my own burl nee I feel aaured.frou my long experience tnburi . 1. .a nncnvi Mtltfactlon. The flneat of work- men are employed, and U work a larleUy to tia on horrjotl, an wwiranieo 10 . o"i". ourcfty won Id erotult their lutereat by giving Mtal before purcliatlnrebewhere. ' BwB, t ,1 . Merchant Tailor; f makh dly , Cor. High and Town it. IS Laces "aM VroitTerie LB-OIEHE,nai.TIiraj ardlllT Oollanatm ttotuvn jrieaca, ruaaer an i oureaa Lute Tell,. (w ittera. Kateiicane, iure ,,in. iaaa. ' Kmbnidered Collar, Bette, Trlmtnin ira ta. n.r.M eaa C oig are. Plala Linen Coiiaf. ! ,tte I'i it vl.v;l I aadr BwnAevaoBjienjtwwwvwv""" v ro A ii o. ,louUBihlitret. r;.; . .A ! t i K . ft I r. gwS. J. .i.'l . t -l it i yvj'i: '"t".'"8"';ia: kj". l-.U i ,,t pC. i,; I'J', w ...ii im INVITB ATTENTION to om of tbmoi Inordinary curt by By r' " -' '-' ' S"''' : : s I,:3f ;; ' ' PECTOltAL SYRUP. aii.t .' v!i '. : ; to ! (!,';! ... . u, ... j . VhAw im At Mnmm. AnJ . one who ha doubt ran tB' quire of the tB wn t pm uiw i. DR. KBTBBR 18 PRBPABBD AT ANT TIMB T 0 SXAMINB LUN08 WITHOUT CHArWKf FOB ALL IHOaa WHONBEB HIS MBBI01BBB. . . - - . '' .." ' 1 t" 'aTMND 0 TOTJBt 00LB4 A eaaa of "J fandlngouredbyBa. KKXBBB'B PB0T0BA1 1 XUP. ) ' " Jan. 11, 1800. Da. Bjrraa:-My wlf hu lieen afflicted with a bad oough and difficulty of breathing, for Ore or tlajfeara, which, for tewral year, back, had rradally toereawdln Ttolence. Ihtoomplalntha been hereditary, and h ..j , a k. .a-mai nh,Hiu without any r- ll.f. i In thi tete of her oa, I procured om ol : your Pectoral Oough Byrup. I bongoi, we ""VIiLiil- . A..M. Juk iiab4 he er aueh 1 1 theaoalled aod got a dollar bottte, which tared her entirely, and the baa now no trace of the former di-aaa, acpl , weak nea. I would al Ut that I naed th medloln ar uir . . m .t.a n.h. Themedlelneundabytak log on dot I expr-a aiy eaUn BtUfMtton with th aedlclne, and you ar at Uberty toniiblUh i thl If you deilra to do to. , ' WM. WIJ?"'" ' i . ' AMMTBan autn nvw 'J rt .' . .a ,dka Da. Krriia Although not aa advocate of Patent uhm. in m-a1. It Afford ma Dleaiurt todeeerib AIa .n puMIAWld TOn. PMtoral Brruo. Al medicine It to well worthy th attention of any perm bo Bay la any rnanntr bt amloted with aoagh, oc-Id and hoareenea of any hind, and for th peculiar qualification Sot re aoTiog all that dlsagreeabl (enntion attending; a - I her been, met or lee, In my life. F-oted with the terereet of cola aad hoanenea. At time By thrott would beoan o eloaed at to prevent my .peaking abon a whleper, and ty taking a lew aoeet wi me moan pi-f tt would rlkrr.Bv entirely. . ' tn raoeaaendiivt thi medktaa, I auat unhMltatlngly a, i. ihA hnAt MmArlT I ever found. Burportlng to cure the abore, nor ahould any family bt without thai iwatofordieaeprtTltnt.. Tours, moot retpeetfally, ,.. , I , KDWAHDJ. JONBB, ''' 'i f ' 0Ml'i, Oltlen'I)(Po,tBank. : '' '' nTTintntiLiAvO., atarchlt. 1(C I bar uerd Dr. Keytar 1 0ough Byrup for a bad oougb of eeTeral yean ataading, and can eneenuiiy mvy i. the belt medldnt for the am that I hiTeeyer Ukrn. OOL. PBATT AND DB KBTSBB'B PBOTOBAL BTBDP. la. Kareaa DearBlri Bxcua the aeiay or my acknowledgiag the excellence of your pectoral vougn Bvrunaooner. I take great nleeeure in aynig mai u. m ail you ay It to. Jl knock 14 not- o of W -V and the wont one Iwaierer afflicted wllh: I bare not mrnrm mora tkan oue-hair o( t he botUe. and lean and do wtoh that all who ar aiiucua woum a .ua. aa I hare done, and they will bt proud to ay,"ltlno quack medicine." I wonld not tufftr another mchan attack for any conakleration, or at any coat. I ta eon- M,i I n hretna more ireeiy man a ever uiu. a uv.ii alway acknowledge a debt of gratitude for Inventing to excellent remedy. Ton are at liberty to no my name in thl regard, a yea inm VV-,,m-?' tfeaengor vomaon uuunu, awisu, ... PIttbnrgh,My 11. Ki9. w n fira no atranter to ay fellow-clttren, and who Dtertaln doubt can commit m pertonallj. ' ' ! ' . . Prrnanaoa. Aorll St. 1857.' uBin nna TBTTTTt Da. Krrm: I have a dangh- ter who hu taken aeveral aedlcine for a baa eougn .uk..tkti-A-ntliialnt'i Cherry reeviral. parohaeed from you bottle oi .your nwuui, TKCP, and before aha had naed ball a bottle the Wa itava . . ." nanmA AT 1 relieved. The rcoood bottl cured ner entirely oi ncr ooub. . , wtrna wavbib, : Pmeaoaaa, Breember, 31, 18S3. a onCAT nnRI BT SB. KBYBKK'i rBOTOKAL BTBUP. I live In Feeble townhip, Allegheny county. I had a coughing and (pitting, wnien eoammow auuui th tthof f.eruary toat, and oontmned eight nvantha, J avaployed lb beat pbyaiciao Id tn tountry, ana my oough eontteai...bte4jatUJ a.rly ta ftf. At that um I wa acrnsea w try wr tnv. , BTaCP,whiohIdia,aadalterI had taken one bottl 1 . fra, ih. AQaohlnA AAd suitUnx. 1 baa le 1 1 1 bad de-paired ot ever gatUag well, and ItUak it ahould be known mat una vatBAvu rrmeuj w.u tthadonlnayoaeet . .jVHn v.iixum, Witnea B. At Atmit. i rn.w... 1 ' P.rronT..AnrUM.loOT. a wAWTianwrrt.' CTTBB. Bern time an. an old neighbor of mine wat very 111, with a bad cough which told b that he had taken every remedy tbey heard of without benefit; bia nrothir cam ra eee mm are, uu mmrm M.rmHl In the belief that be oould not Hve. - I h.n .hnnt ih. third of a bottle of sour Pectoral Byrup, which I gave rum, and 11 entirety cunu aim, to w mwu lakmant nr All. What make the cam more remarkable, to th extreme age of tha man,hbeingabouteightyyeart old. 1 hart no doubt tne recunai baytu nm m.. nw.. R-nYHKR'a PBOTOBAL BIEUP IN ELAIBS- TILLB. Pleaae tend mi another aupply of your valu able Pootoral Byrup." Almott everybody around ut ha theoold and an inouuing lor -nr. aeyaer recwrai B.nn. Wa dav. eolUMxteM touie ia weea.anaare UM AAIIM1V MIL. AIT. A . A1VTT AUU Air. A aiAUOl, UUbU ' . . m . . 1 . u n of Blalrtvlllt, Fa., tell ua may wouiu not d wiuoui w la their f amillca. In fact, all who ua it one want It "". rtapecuuily. ( 4. U. ITAliAMUn A. PWR. January 30, 1800. , . AlfOTHBB HBW OBBTiriOATB-PB. KBTBBB'B PBOTOBAL 8 YBCP. I had been troubled with a cough and cold lor awroral work eo bad waa it that I aoukt not lieep. 1 had tha advice and preecriptlon iroa urea ot tht Mltpttf aciae a tu oy, wnou wani hauid, . not eo to. 1 nnauy proourea a ao-ue w wwum xoawr. Byrup, which ura ae tnuniy. . Br,o, a- m Liberty t treat. 71tttburgh,Pt., Jan. , iseo. , 'BTOP THATJOODOHntO.'' 'How can I do Itr M8o to Boyter'eon Wood ttreet and get t bottl of hi Ceuth Pa-tn,ai. end if that don't care yon. your oaet at bt aa.n.r.U lTllaa. fhil I IIDeciOAO of th lkMIUy one bean almott every day in oold eatchlog period of th Mr. And w eaa. from actual xpertaent, ebrcr- I tally concur la tha advlwr' admonition a above, for w 1 have tried th 'Pectoral.'' in a Boat itobboni cam. with ennretuocee. Hear two week ago w went Mrtttaeargn, with ma nf tha Boat ditrelag, contrary, auliah, an- tubdaabl oougk we ever experienced tine our advent uponttUmanaaneepoef. eougoea wieamiy at bborlouly tor oa whole week, la hope of ffrrnp it out, kntltwMnaaa. la fact It aeemed rather to havelm- mTt h. nrantio. and to have acoulnd a trenrUL, poten cy and III 11 11. 1, "f oy MM uprnMoa, Ml wa wuA.ut the tlete, weoeuzbed our way to Keyar', 140 Wood Bt. p roe red a Bfty cent bottle of the "Pectoral;'- took according to direction, and In forty-eight boon w were matter of th field, tb enemy having unconditionally aurreudered, after a brief but Uneqiud conflict with toiraidabl an advtnary a Keyar Tamou "Oough Pteial. .Prwnroute tMppor, im. at, itov, BB. infYSBRf- PBOTOBAfj BTBTJP it prepared and told by Br. flKOBQB H. KBIBBB, 140 Wood ftreet, tlttihnrrrh. Pa. I Ilwh 14 10 Oolumbuj by BOBBBTB rpoaf HACDC bejuedt),1' 1 BAM CBL, that oa A STJItK CTJRE1. .' .-.1. Kk-- BT r. Preyarodand told by .:i4Ks Ba.OtO.B, KBTBIB, Pakt.SSoent. UO Wool t., PltUbargh, P. U7 Bold la Otlaabat by BOBBBTB A BAMUJL. or7:tawaaav :" aa ana aod 0 anu and riBNTBt P APE at cat, LABS AND VJT neck Tie, ?: t . . t ..1 tit 1 4 I 11 " lUndfom and eewidmloal.' Alto, lllK Tiei, ,.f . . ! Xi'Hr i ,,,.iv a oair .wt .. .. - ,. .1 x Lit J'C 1-1 Ailnato Caller. vt-awd-vr.l I Half llaae. Drawer Ac ' AlTf 4 BOHr aprta Ha. 39 South lllgb itreetf.. OLDF.n HH L IHinTI. tvOLBBN BUb U1T, tl . . nnr nv. irr.r. UITTWT. oV a"-w !TA Thenatten of theMihiruart new. The Boole. Tore. lleeve and boaoma are formed to tt tht penon with and osmfMrW . Tht mark apoa each on deeignating .( a at be relied on aa bein c eorrfot, ana each ahlrt guaraiteed well aude. A full tock of all qnaUliee eonruntly for nl at itr, ovS4 14 (T. 0 South High ttreet. 8TP.M.A Sit XtftllSTBliliA1 BHAWLBI I In all dettrabtt oolorr, and at very great bargain. - BAIS A BON. No. S9 Booth High Mreetr T7DE fflAKTLE TJAKAOES, BtTI V ft Wilt and Blaok, jut received at ' V t t BAITS TJ1TI0ITPQIU3VEI1! ION EUTFLOPfS A BAM IT if OP algna, at 4,v per t,tv- - - " ' ' K, Tmunr imn ass sot.i patm, 1 .If the artct ebarr d by mall dealer.,' ' " :STBtki QTJAKTf. ttS-Jfo. 7S Stafh High ttreet.' .'Mumbut.alayS.ieoi. '"t,r 7,11. BlUtV." ' ?" BSIIT.K -fjjAir .t.r' '. watV. I( I , ' . --.til it to ' I- " tatt 11 ' ..'J 1 iimtu' ?wiroJv vj' SrATATIirDwn BT THB LATB SIR A3TLEY. COOPER, . .I..,' . ar LOMDow, w, "ii t DE. VALENTINE UOTT'. , . . or MW TORE. Th aoknowledged Head of th Profetaloa la talkr The Beat Wtrwtio, Tonk and InTlgorant ' TM rioait Extract of th ITAAOAM wtinraui Br.HRy, Th Pnroet and Mont Costly 6in So INDISPENSABLt 'ttA i .1 INVALUABLE TO THE MOK. -!r - .oat - INCOmrARABLt run intwuu. THE SAFEST AND MOST , . -.- DfUCIOUS BEVERAGE IN. THE WORLD. Pnr finl. PlntB nd OtiaitB, t)T OWwrT DragglBt, Grocer, or Conntry Merchant , .look: OUT TOR BOOUS O N D O N 0 I N t O.N D O N ' O I N S THB ONLY OEIfUIWB AKTIULB la CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL GIN. B. BALDWIN & CO., Importers, Dl Liberty St ' 4U to 0,1"b,, ht (' turn - aiBTi.ATW-; In Olncinnatl, by - 8UIBB, I0K8IWN A CO.. oeim-ueodAlyw ...... . - and other. WEEKIiY OHIO STATESMAN! j UATINd A CIRCULATION . 'lABOEB B"" reVERA! IHOUBAnTBS,:'! Than any othe' paper In Ohio, oataid t Cincinnati Offers Facilities for Advertising Which CANNOT PAIL to nrlng ' ". ' Speedy and RemnDera-lrt He turn To tho who tak advantage of lhaa. .- TTIK WKKI,Y BTATESMAil, PirtrlbuUd aa It to through every Poat Offlc la Ohio,' Reaches a Large Class of Readers Whow patronage 1 Talutble, and ho teUom tt the Sally BdlOon of eity Journal; and a only & Limited Knmber of AdvertiBementB Ar Inierted In It colomna, appbpriately and HANDSOMELY DISPLAYED!- . ,' ' TBW CAtWOTfAttTO. ; ' ZLttxaot Attontlon or Atxr '" ! WHOLESALE DEALERS AdvertlriDg h th WBRKLT BT ATlfBM AN will fl , . ," ' ;. tt adranUgo'ui la i", !.,', THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which to almott certain to follow an xtoniTa dtoieal atlon knowledge of their builnea i AMOKQ COUXTEY DEAXEES AHTBRTISBUSNT8 JHTBNDED fOR k , , f. rr.. 1-r-r 1 C11.1 i 'ne w eeKiv oxa-iesixitiiA Should bt handed ra before f rlday noon. TUB js,1 . . ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST 01 YEARS, And grow more and ntore popular ,; , , , every, day I , tnA laalimnnlil. new. and almoat without naaber might be given from ladle and gentlemen in all grade, 01 eocieiy, wnoeo huilcu w.,iuiuUj wwn. tb.t Prof. Wood! Hair Bettorativewlll rettore the bald and gray, aod prtterr th hair of the youth ta old ace, tcall luyouuttui oeauiy. , ,t 1 . ' BaUle Creeki Mich.i Beo, Slat, 1858, Pane. Wook The wilt plea accept a line to Inform thee that the hair on my head all fall off ever twenty ynn ago, canted by a complicated chronic dies, at Made WILU au vrnpuon VU Ml. a nuwjuii eonne of tnfferint throuirh Ufa having reduced me' to a ttat of dependence,. 1 nave not been eoie 10 ootaio lion for cap. Btiiner nave 1 oeen aoie to ao tnem up, in con Maucmee of which my head ha tuffered extremely from cold. , ant inauceu me topay anfrg k nooge aiaott th latt cant I had on earth for a two dollar bottl of thy I Bk, a.HUrAUTe, about tht tint of Aogntt Utt. I have I muhfully followed the direetiona,nd th bald .pot 1 now eovered with hair thick and black, thonth thert. It It alao eomlor In all over my head, reeling eonfident that anour large douio woum reatora it inttniy aad nermanently. I feel anxloui to peneverv In II ue. in teing aetuiuie oi hi cam to purcmse any aore, weald aak thee if thee wonldat not bt willlnk to and mt an order on thin agent tor a notta, aad reoelve to thy elf ,th aortptum oeonrauon -tn reward la to thoae that are kind to uie widow ana tne miner if a." . , i Thy friend, oUBANNAH KIBBTv ' Ltrrmler. Noble Cennty, Indiana, f eb. Sth. W90. Paor. O. J. Wooat Door bir: In th latter uartef tha year I6S1, whllt attending tht State and National Law Sohool of the Btate ot Mew Yrk, my halt, from cauat unknown to mt, commeoeea tailing on very n idlv. to that in the thort tpace of tlx month, th whol upper pan at my acaip waa aiaon ennniy ern ar covering, and much of th remaining portion apoa th to ana Deo part oi my neaa aortiy alter necamo gny, to that yon will not be aurprUed when I tell yon that no 0 my return to th Btate of Indiana, my ' mora canal acquaintanoa War not to much at ha to ver th owa ot uiacDaag ua my appearance, a my nun lull' mate acquaintance were to recognlae me at all. l at one mea application to me moti taiuroi Dhnl' elan I th country, but, itotkrUr a aanraaa from them that my hair woukt again n aetteRd, l wu roreed to become reconciled to my fate, until, fortnnately,. the latter pert of thl year 1857, your Beatoratlv a re commended to me by a drugrtet, a being tha moat relia ble Ualr Beetonttva iaae. I tried on bottle,, and found to my great tetlMaollon that It wat producing tb j Uri. mru, of yoor Betlorativt, and a a remit, have oetirea cacci. ntnoe iat time, i nave uieu aven 00 rich coat of very toft black pair, which no money ea buy.' i . ... . .,, 1 am a man ot my xrautuoe lor your lanor ana um the prodactlon of to wonderful an article, 1 hart recom mended lu u to many of my friend and aeuAlnhncet, who, I am happy to lufona yoai an iiinf it with tutct. v ery rotptcuuuy, your, . .,, i . .. . .. . H U-,. 1 ' , .'. t. 1 ... , a 11 . . - , .; 1 ' ' " .Aurncy aou vouDveuor .1 L4IW.- , Depot, 444 Broadway, and told by all daalen thronih- I put tne woria. . w . .iv ' t -i".t The Betontlvt to pat up lo bottle of Ore .lie, .via: I large, medium, and email; the amall hold pint, retail! for ont dollar per bottle; the medium hold lent twenty per cent, more m proportion thaa fhetmalH and retain tor tw uoiiaa a Dome; tn argt Bold quart, 4p er oent. mtn in proportion, and retail (or 0. wood a co,, rroprt-tor. 444 Broadway. Ww Trk. and 114 Market Street, Bt. Louit, M ' :'u.t , And eold by BOBBBTB ABAMPBL.OolQint)U,iOUo. aa try an goou Arrugguw aaa kancy uooa Healer. , prui:owowur. . . . . ., ',. i f ,1 ,.1 ' . i n, 1 ; Watclieij JDiamondi !1 Silver Ware A CHOICE AlBOBTHENT OF O0L.D XX. and Bilrtr Watch, In great vtriety. , a . I am Ageat for the Aauicix Watch Co., and II thete excellent Watchet tt manufactunn nrl either Wheleal er Betali. - - "-' Com and ehoo from my beautiful dlntlar at Cl. atond and other rich Jewelry. Btylee new price A to Silver Ware ftterliaf quality, I can thow Bilvar Plated Ware, Tea Belt, TJrtt. Wet ten, Oatlpr, Bwkete, Pltchere. Goblet. Knlve. Fork. Boeona. Then I have a aupply ot Baa-Iaal Cutlery, Pocket n.oivea. aaaora, ., anaaany- yancy uooat ucn are detlred for preaente at inch prlre at are an Induct- euepi to in pereneeen - t wa, BLII.N, , ' I No, 10 Bnckey Block, mm i.-.K nortoaiat Bteteitouare Gents' ' Linen ' Sliirt ColIarflj',l;,'A Lv , J F RFERIOK flljAMTT-, IN OAHe BOTB. BteadJmt, Blron., Penfnav. Benfrew other new hape. Uemmed Pocket lluidkerchtef.. Keck Th. Btookaj Street and Bvenlng Glove, Half Horn every kind, Under Oarment and all kind ot dente Pur nlthlng fieodj la great variety ted at moderate price t son, febtt ; H0..S9 fouth Blgh itrrnt. MALTESE At THREAD I.ACE Btl TTS of derant qaalttlta for Udttet atoo, li!W f Bgmleaaietr ,' )i ,uil ..jl ,.ou BAIN'S. '.AafaJ i; trjw WA ;ni..i oaoh.A tT . i A-. ,rah'J ofl 1 a ne in 1 . in like , and at , fl low. new Ita. at .aa nf , illl TKE6aEAIE OF , THE .' AGE,! or iiuxRHltV. J.A ha dltcovered in on of our oommon puture weed a nmeuy thatoure ; , -v,m .iiyi.!i wTUam. IT inn nf HnmAri r, MVBtV aaaAAA wa miimp iO'.it I-. 1 a J .1.' WtlflM I'L'l .M-.nhc'J ,.l. IU wont Borofnla Aowa io i foautMalAipli ft a h.. t. tt In avav alavea hnhdred aa, add a. tt failed except In two eaaea, (beta uanwnume-.i tie bat aow In hi t.a elon erer on hwndrad ertlllaatef ltevalm, all within twenty mtia a aooww.' -i . Two fjoUie ar warranted te our a nnrrlag tor On! three bottla will curt tbt wont kind of Plmptoe n H- fae. ... , Tw or thrat bfitllM enil tiear tn eyaaa 01 otij -two tot tie are warranted It car the wont oanktr IB Ah. AAAMlh A. AtrWBAel,. . ' . Three to flvt bottle! are warranted to our in wore. kind of Brynpel- . ' ' ' ,lt On to two bottler warranted to oar atlnomor tela,, 1 " J ''.'; ,.,:.,'., . ... AattlM AM mntnua in cnr. rnnnin. o uw ..I ABflhlotekMamona the half . - " f oar to tlx botlet are warranted to our corrupt and guanine aloer. anm knttle will aura acal aruvtlon of the tkla. 1 two or three bottle ar warranted to oar th werat .tnj a rlmrwerm. .. . m V, r....... , , . .. 1 Tweor Hire bottle are wamattd to car tht autt tataarat ea or rheumatina 1 i ' " ,. Thraa to four bottiea are warranted to ear mlt-Bbeum. fir to tight bottle win our th wont cam of tcro- , A beaeflt I alway xperlenotd from th Bnt boUle, perfeotoure I warranted wbtn tb abort quantity to 1 " '.l .' aoiBnat. mabb , T... u.n.u: -Tha reMtaUoa of the AUdioal Si inanrin. .11 kind, of humon. I o wall wtab Uabed by the uaAolmoua voiMof til who bar ever ad It, that I ead not aty anything on tn aubieet. aa the aeet aklllful phyilelan nd ate aw careful Broggtete io IMauntry are unaniaouam iu praawr, , , la preMntlng th Medieal Dltotvary to your aolte. j. 1. h a tunrlaln.1 lu eBrativa Bower,.! r UeTiagll,andarinf Boat 01 tboee dieee to wbloh roa aw nfortuaateiy liibl. That moat eieruclaUng diataa t an afltctionate mother, . NfJBlSINO SORE IflOl TH, tl enreA a ffby A atreclai 'your owa temper 1 rettored Oa Ira aatatml aM AtaBT-VvaBBB . mat i Mtt.Ttfha troa ehort and fretful nan to oala and (weef ilumber; and th Medical Ditcorery become fountain ofblettlDg to your hatband Tt-itenditothaatomaA-ii t5- r. l whloh to nothing but oankat on the toicb; then to tht "rrr KIDRGTB, : - eitailng a linking, goo foua, and an lndurrtne vt o to earet ti your umiiy. ,vf V1 . . L' 1 Toarttomachl ' ', ri . r 'v 1 RAW AH P INFI.AiriElt," your food dlitreatMyou, tnd you can only takt certain kind, and (Ten of that yourryrtem doe not get half tha noarUhBtntK oonBin,aB Bcnmenoaa u ha aanVa. aata tt tin I than TOUr Oomnl.xion ! lit bloxnaandbttome aallow and greenlth, aod your beat day u I got, for want or nountnment our ayrunB iar goe, and flabby, and tht abret or your May m onme relaxed Then tallow a traia of maeaeea Which th anme. Medical CiKovery to peculiarly adapted to cube; Pitpltatloa of th heart, pal le th ad, weaknee tb ptn and amall of tbi back, pain of tb bip Joint wnea yea nura, trrewuian.y 01 ui vuwcu, ,u .mp that mot txcruclatlng of dtoeatet, th How man thoutand of poor women are lafering froa thi diteuo and pining away amlerble lift, and their next door neighbor doe not know thaeauie, I with to tapir en your mind that good eld provrbl"Aa eanot of prevenaoa to batter thaa a pound of can," In thl xiy nEDICAXi DISCO V Kit X ' you have both the preventative and th euro, with thi great and good quality, that It will aevtr, under any eirctunaaacet, do yoa any injury. ' THE fflLEDICAIi DISCO VEIaX v I cepacia ty Intended for dlaee of tht blood, but tlnct It Introduction In tb Waters State, it ii found to br tht beat ; '' ' . ,' . , , ., 1 , AUUtS K . 1TI I". IJ I ' that era va before the putlle. , I tl akanr of diet ever neoeuary eat tb bt yon car and get enough of It. : . TJraarjTiom roa cob Adult on tabl tpeonful per ar Oblldren ovr tea yean, deaeert tpxmnfui Children fast fire to light yean, tot apoonfu. At no direction tan be applicable to all evaluation, tak luffident to opratepnthbowehtrlcdy. i . .. . vu r. HUifv t v t I T. ; . PONNALD IBNNBDT. Price B 1 .00 per bottl.' for y every drnggtat In th Doited State. , eepJl dkwly. J)0 YOU WANT WHISKERS. DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? t 4 ' DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? BE L LISQH A IT ' 8 ,;: , CBLBBBArKD StlmiilatiDg Ongucut, For the WMikeri and Hair - Tb tubtorEber tak p learn r la announcing othe nitiaan. nf ih. TTnlled 8bttM. that they have obtained rat Agency for, aad art now enabled to ofet to th American public, the above Ju.tly aetokrattd and world-renowned article.' ih ; . . , .., ,..: ...', t STIMULATE 1 " . , '. ' ' i ' .i- J- r, rrataueA kv Da. 0. P. BKLLINOBAH. an eminent phytlciau of London, and to warranted to bring out thick Mt ot , .. , . i Whiskers or a Mnstache i,.. in fmm thraa tn ei. -aak.. Thi article to tht only ont of tht kind ated by th Irench, and In London and Pari it to inuaireraalata. ... .i- - v ' J. It to a aaauUfal, eemaoaloal, oothlng, yet itlmnlatlng compoand, acting aa If by magic upon th roota, canting abeeudful growth of luxuriant hair. If applied to th tealpi It Will oar Biuntae,. and etut t tprtng ap place tftna aata tpou na arowto .1 .w uu Ilodaceoratng to atreouont, it wm wn. v .n ..l-A.av ana NwIaM .TAV h.l. tA It Tlftinl COlOr. lAATin. it aofL amooth. and flexible. Th -Oaeomrr" aa iadtopenaable article la twery twntleataa' toilet, Iter on week' oat (hey would not tor oeooaldertlon b tuhaorfber are t h only Agratt for th arrlcailn aha tlnttAd atAiaa la wham all order aut be addrtaaed PHr. Lin. DnllAV A bo. fUT BAL DI all VTUtlltlM AAlera: or a box of tb "OnruntT (warranted to Ui aeiirea enecu will neeeni to mj am re n, mail (direct), aeeurely packed, on receipt of price ao poatoga, tl.iu. Apply to or aoaree Mlw j 1 , . pauooirra, Ao. . liaJ f'Jld. WlHUa etreet.Hew'-Tori'.' . ,. ., . f I'll) h i. . , ' i O I WM KNADE t COi, AT THKIR NEW BALBS MOOJt, HO m MALTJMOMSSt "N6s:i..dTH;artrTAW Si! .V I , Offer for avte thtlr celebrated r':,l !(': UULUbU OaCaAAi. I ' . f '-. ' !.v :i ' .. ..GRAND V ; AND 8QARE 1 Wl PIAWirYifl'TES:- ' i 1 Tleltig hlgtily' rBBommetded kyth tnt Prfeonad aiuMeai Aaatuai tn eoaniry, ana imm'-.a ii- io ;i, ,, WAwwiirrgi)foa! I ..Ik,.:.,- ,...,. .BT-rtiraABa, ' Tfct aot tutldioa aanmar may rtly upon . piettod in very ratptoi,,, t WH'. KNABtA OO.' xtruwimrai ". I BBIjTZBB k WBBBT1IK, Arente, i eetSUilydw, Ootuatua, Qhl. NOT DRESS 8II.KS. u ... . v . wnm-a a., rr A ' t M.M - 1 4 ftflUl irnnon diijivd, m ..) janot dbbsS arttAt ,f. . We ar aow Sarinf oar Ima itcok of V o !' Bilk at price lea than ever before erea in tun She Attention, of th bulla, nf ihl. ctivar.i Tldnlty olkttcd. eur -took ll Ten ieteef wiA emnplete la grade c goootta Ihia Its, no.-n r PAT: a BAIN,, noTVr.,t o '! In , N aouw aia mitoa. :'ltu WBlejetaeaV b ? vO- riira A'iire' HVIi ttV)tl if ;vr Alio tne Boat e.aUty of Bmi'i.oanitABUi ,n,-, oa AUaeflx;fiiiiawik ..tr4mAAUllerkhant Oiwtt1tttdtcatt uTbgelawhere. .iw a'srll.. '-ti i NO. 4 EASTTEttRD btREBT, rtiii'. .. ;!. . t r itolt fa an Pycamore, , j jy. , -r ,' 'I ' I ii' rrn i'f r 1 JJAA.30AUVAWAA. fTiriD t4j-PABTNESHI ;. WEBETQ, flraaameot A.HWlKWa fcTliO.Vi'., w. din; Ad to Amtn.l eonMllt ou tn Brut il. y of AP"1" .k.V . , . ,k. i... wlll ir Mivied by M AJtarraoRa, who eoottwnrw the eld ttaod. lAOIW, iuiwdi,-.-- ARVVRnNfl ;a- HtO'iooV I .''IhuMPsoi?' ,.i. ip; J ill ' .;A.rI Tkil k .'rl"' ,l.t,a,4V.- ,. 't.rallt'. 4 lo ttoiil 1 In to and mma have mj ' belni ,rt ciij k all ,. !, 'HTld Dr. XH. McLEAN'S StrengtliciuDg Cordial and Blood ruAiix " - - ---- TofwatotBemeaTl Xli World, II' I ABDTBB Jr.any .. HOST DZLVODVi , " .. AWTt ' '",1 ;, DELIOHTFULVX 1 A CORDIAL,' feVEJl TARJEN.r.V 1TIS8TBI0V-X . lya astoaUfloaod Vegetable Coapound, , nmenrnd tav tht dlltil' kxtlonot Booll. Ilea tad Darke, ' YtlloW 1' Book,: 1 Blood Boot,, Ohorry Bark and Ban- A dellon enter Into Iterte. T 1 a a Mm Taking, 7Hby v prlnIpUot each Indent ll my new method of, r'nA 1eSJ; ior hileretlng tpirit, and th moat IALUBLB remea y . reuov.ttSgVU-dla-dtyte , tufr.rln and dtbllltated INVALID to HBALlit anu BIBBiioTH. . .. HcliBAN'S STD;EIfOXMr.r 1 DIAIj .......... , Will ffotuHy aura 1 "tflllMrl ' LtTBR 00MPLA1NT, DYBPBFW. . OhronloirNtrvoutDtUUty, u-a o'f Ita Kldneyt. and all dlaaeaariilng from a attoraorea k ach, Dytpepii, lle-rmura, in"""' : : .... iii Tmii nenorti aln or i net of the otomaca, nxwrnm -- V7 tV swatmlng in tne nena, . fallnenot Weiht In uia iouci.M feeling when lying down, Drvneaa kin and Byea, Night Bweate, In rt f.v,n!Palninth.;maU.frh. Sudden f luine oi neat, w uwmIi . ti Lmm Dreamt, Languor, Deepondency or any """"Dleeaae inZ Tm Bloteha on the Skin, and Fever and Avne (ot Chilli tnd fever.) " 1 ' V, Orer a million ei atonic , Have been told during th iMt tlx month, tnd In no In ttanc ha it failed in riving tntir alfaotlon. Yi ho, KmTwlll tmfferfrota Ve.knea or Debility when Mo- , LBAXI'8 BTBKNOTHKNINO OOBDIAL will eui youl , No langtage can convey an adequate Idtaaf U,e Imm date and almoat mlraculoot change produced by taking Utt Crdll in th dlaeaaed, debilitated and (battered aerroua ytea, bather broken dowo by exoea, weak by aatarv or unpaired by (ickneu, the relaxed and unttrung orgamlaatlon ta reitored to II prtotin health and rigor. I ItlARBIED PEBSONS, . i Of otheri eettotou of Inability, from whatever caue. Will find UcLean Strengthening Cordial a therou.h retenorator of the tyetetn; and all who may have Injured thamMfrei by Improper indulgence, will find In the Cor dlJ a eortein and ipeedy remedy. !. ..To tit Ledle. . . " ' ' Mei.c!aii,8 Strengthening. Cordial '4 '. It ovreign a ipeedy our for INCIPIENT GOMSDlOJPTIOIf.WUITES Obstructed oiDiDcult Mntruatlon. Incontinence of Cria or Involuntary Dlwharg thereof, falling of th Womb, alddlneaa, fainting and all BUeaee incidnct femle. . . :1 ; j There la no KUuko About It. " ' Suffer no longer. Take It according to TJIrectloni. It wlllttlmuUte, atrengthen and Invlgonte you ndeue Ut bloom of health t mount your cheek again . - Bvtry bottle It warranted to girt tatlifactloa. i ' roH CIIIIiDKEN. If your children r tlckly, bany, or afflicted, VcLeanY Cordial will aake tbea healtiiy, fat and roboit. Del not a moment, try it, and you will be convinced. IT IS. DELICIOUS TO TAKE. Otmo. Beware of Sreratot or Dtalen who Buy try to palm upon yoa om Bitter or BarnparUU trah, which they can buy cheap, byaaylni Hi Jut a good. Avoid inch ana. Aak for McLaaa'i Strengthening Cor dial, and take nothing elat. It 1 tb only remedy that will purify tb blood thoroughly and at th aa tia tnogtheo th tytteta. . .. On ubletpoonful taken rr.ry morning fatting. It a certain preventive of Cholera, Chill and fever, Yellow fever, er any prevalent ditcate. , Hi put up In larg bottle. Prlo only It per bottle, or souie ror . - J.H. McLBAN, ' ' I Bole Proprietor of thl Cordial, :'t . : Alio McLean' Volcanic Oil aiinlmeot. . ' PrindDal Depot on the corner of Third and Pint itreeti. Bt, Lout. Mo. i McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. ' -Th btrt Liniment la the World. Tht only ait and eertaia, aura for Oanetra, Pile, Swelling and Bron chltl, ot Goitre, ParalytU, Neuralgia, Weaknea of tht htuKlea,' ouronio or iimammaiory Mneumauam, nu Daa of tht joint, contracted Mutclet or Ligament, Barache ot Toothaohe, Braltet, Sprain, Wound, freah Cute, Ulctn, fever Sore, Caked Breaata Sore Nipple, l nor xnoat, or any tnnammauon or rain, how even, or how long th d ! Bay tcLcan't Celebrated Liniment to a oar a differ not bar axkted tain remedy. Thonanda of human belnn bar been caved a lift of decrepitude and miaary by tht uae of tbii invaluable mad am. .' McLEAN'S VOLCANIC OIL LINIMENT Will relieve pain almott toittmtantouily, and It wll eteanae, purify and heal the foulett tore In an lncredl lytbortamt, ..... Per Bereea AndOllter Animate. : McLmb a celebrated Liniment I the only aaf and re liabl remedy for the en re of Spavin, Blng Bon, Wind- gall, Bpllnt, Unnaturii oump, rtoue or Dwelling, it will never fail to cure Big Head, Poll Bvil, flttula, Old running Borei or Sweeny, If properly applied, for Sprain. Bra tie,, Bore or Wound, Cracked oelt, Chalet, Baddl or uoiiar uam it a an tniaiiiow remedy. Apply It a directed, and a cure tt certain in very In.tano. 1 ' - ... ... i The trio ao longtr witn in many wormian nun Bent offered to yoa. Obtain a tupply of Dr. McLean' otlebrated Liniment. It will our yo-' j. ii. niCL,a.iv boi rropr.-ior, Corner of Third and Pin Street, St. Lot da, Mo. for Ml by all draggtite. fortlt by BOBBBTB A BAMTJBL, " ag-dAwly Oolumbu. Ohio. . PEOF. WOOD'S i f. BCOOD nENOVATOlv pw, II preetaely what It nam indicate, ior, wnut LUViMAUit to the tatte. It I revivlfyl ng, xhllaret- ling. Invigorating and ttrengtbtnlng to tht vital rnnMr. and at the ami time revlvifln, leio blitatet, and ronw the Blood In all It parity, and ibn. At once rutont ondnrultrt tA lytic in- ' cvliuralU to attack of ditto. It It the only ' prepantlon ever offered to tho world, o eboat- H'cally and tkllirully combined u to be the moil I I y.nla anrt th. Mm. time an nerfarjtl. 0 adpld to, aa to act la prfeotocordanoe with the! 0 u lawk ot nature, auu uencv win www wauae. i1 lHonach, and ton ap th digtativ organt, and thu allay all Dtrvout and other Irritation. It l j'periectly exhilarating, and at tht tame time It It fflieompoecd entirely ct vewotable, yat eo eeablnad . in nmriAnaiha mottthoromh tonlo effect, with- oai producing any Injurlou eonwquenctt. Such a remedy hat long been felt to be a detidentoa In Lb medical world, for It need no medical (kill to Ua ih.tfl.bliltrlollowt all at tack i of diiea. and L-!aa. And Indeed lua the inter open to tht v.r. rr...... ... n,. ... ..i ...h inaldtou .hwu ." j w.v , forliximple, a th following: Coniumptlon, In- lieitlon, uyipepa'at " DI Jtppw, ...uu. Nervou rtiioiiiwj"..B".i a.Fw-. Heart, Melancholy, Night Sweat, Languor, Qlddi. . ...Llll.- V,... 1-1- t.n.H.Al ,ka L. nMfufl. ar too totnt Mtnatrnatlon, and fall' mm luimuini oi. ....iiNruuiui uwhhuw.i i-a hri nf ihA Womb. Tbea all depend upon eenenl O Ualilitv. Thl pare, healthy, toato OordUl audi " .... . , t, l. .n ra ta nr. a. th. ann tn BI.OD p.uw,--"! " - rla and t. There to no mlitaka about It. But thai I not all. If th lyotem to weakened, w an pea to btltoui aiutcaa, tu over oecomea npiu, nLnAaed. th kidocv refuM to peiform Ihlir funetiont, tad w are tnmbtod with aoaldliit and lneontinenee t ann. w ""Tw'"" TTT1 in. aama. n.ln tn th. hack, aide and be tia Aoulden. .xceedlngly HabW to .light cold, eongha, and if arjeneckid, oen eraaeiauou r"1" 11 . .V . . .i a a tn aw nrAkwrtAtiirwil to low, nd tn P"-o ",,1" .T Llii.ii-; .fat. But po will not allow w to- muainte SS-. -J Ttn. whkh w v rtobt. a a weakated o 7: . ' .k. .ram. i But W Will V. IU UU A jeonuHiow . - - -5 ... hv.. i.rf-L mix ti.J ,-sf,. .ffjiir .V" RMOMTIVE CORDIAL WLL .tuVTrted7fr tore if D ri mvikr. . niiiiiianaia VijatalAnrA. ind Hck ImIalAOrorf tiwCompUlDt, OUlll Ud ' ' ' StDmtWAv-D ntterAtavvAlaa. Airtifwl. m.-h fffjf, OT WmW al"."aa at tAvaw.Bk' vw ' .wwi'w' i -t, y.y, J Wa a! tnlTt AtaftKa Nervouanea. Meunltla, Palplta-L a lltnof tha Heart, Deprealon of Bplrllt, Sore, M t ranpte ta th Pace, or any dtota arlatnf frea UJ U wi I . v .. -nmfniA- HrrilnatuA. Bran.! rati, uougn, aimouiiy o jreAuimg, " "t"" . of rllrtiin ctilled feaiill weaiiaeaa, and ri Unumeratod above. ,W will alto tay th tnveitr,Bl ixpoied to epidemlol, ehang of ilrmat and waM nr, will una it a pwaaaut, ami. auu .ui. nani, and non snouia ver trevei wimimi. mu.,. in. it far we Aunra vou yon Will find In It A friend indeed, Veil frtend la aad. Allpronofl Mdentary habit will una u penoot HroTounT ui .. mi ai cure for thoe ailment to which they are r. aartirnlArlv exuoaed. Banc mlnliterMtuormuMt v , J ' . . ' . - 1 l.a-n... . flltrr f mi nrruaDu wuiw nuwa,wHv ocatoaua wmucu ouiuuvt. .Acjcircu .wiuumu t their aclvantag to aeepa Doiuecun.iAouy on i..a . ... akn.a alt. mnther. or thoflo beeotdri liuch; trill go threagh that moat dangerout period (a ' ot only wtn ail tneir twatiMr. nmrnna. afe and free from ttre thowaiw4lwte piey-l' - lent aaewg th fateim1ioB tn wwra'ini trtort, It to indeed thert eovaiat. iiy 11,01m ud teunal ae kMiger raa th flak f delay l it will ,pjii.,- a"" y"' . a nT-TT--7- a (0'4bfp4. m. Aa. AnWtwtAi. , Cjl Dr WtWD ,Trarirlto,.r44 Broadway, JJew 1 1 ... .mm llaalf AmnhAUOAllW A HUJArTOh I? Ptrk, end 1 14 M.rkat Street, B, Loul, ala.i ami told by kvOUBBTB A SAUVBL, Columbua, Ohio, fl, and alt atn.iSiuggittel rttWA-Ou Bollai M per Bottle. Brch4a-dAweolys, HTBDr-AOB"?' TO IBLLi. WB prlee tta-tliltH aet ahaa aaa bt hMd elwwhjr,,-, - CatleaaraAVl, ibt Court Bwte. !'. , aiAreh.!. - EX AI It tar. a a.axr wa,wa.s. ttttattd eetet Jatt tpnd aa- BAIHoV 'dMLl tltamp cuuivw.; At. B. T i tS'tAlAli it itiiturv Ietii tn a. i ,-mSl i.i.m In 0 o: 0 raV -v 0 91 -ttt,j ITJ "hA