Slje (Dljio Statesman MAHTPZXVT MULES, TaUUtMii. oeo. vr,. BAUvmwmt Eutr. WEDNESDAY MORNINGr JULY 81. 1861. Democratic State Convention. At S mMtini of tU Democratic Slate Cii tril CommUtee held to Columbui, on the 6th day of Jolj, was Rtoolwd, TJiat pdS' to bold Deln0 oratlo Stat Coovaotloa t Colurabu, oa to nominal Democrats State Ticket, to be upportei at the October eltetloo. , , . 5SK further, That ell the eleclorf o th. State of Ohio, who ere In favor of perpetuatiDg .iVl. , .kinh rmr Union wai found- IGT Tcon"th;t the FNMtfBM .j xi.. i i AAmiiiUtrfttlona are wholly ln- uu iiatiuu I. It, competent to manege the government in i lu preeent critical condition, at U mi bU ho m opposed to the groee xWeTeganoe wd cor rup ...V. .u.minBW orevaleni in publlo at- Democracy In thli hour of out jsountr, e petiU and thna redeem theSUte, and piece lu aa--uintitration In competent hende. ,amm. Retolvti, further, that the bes.i of "F"!0 tation in eald ConTentlon be one legate for .rer,6Q0Totee,anden dditlonal dogate Jor a ration of &0 end W""'!?. EjJ tkEto counue. elect their delegatee on thl. haala The Democricj of Ohio end eil other con- erratlre Union men, who are Willing to cu-oper -ifh them on the abore baU, ere requeeUd to meet in their respective counties t suoh time as the local committees may designate, end ap point delegetei to the Democretic Convention at- F.I f A nrrMmt . ft nominftte State ticket to be supported at the October election. It is presumed that no lorer of hie country will require prompting at this time to Induce him to dlschirge kii duty, end therefore the Committee Is Impressed with the belief that the counties will eagerly respond to this call, and that an imposing Convention will assemble In Columbus at the time designated above, and put in nomination a ticket of good and tree men, to be supported for the various State of aoes on the 2d Tuesday In October next. WM. MOUNT, Chairman. WM. J. JACKSON, Secretary. The Latest War News. The painful' anxiety which has prevailed so universally among the people, on account of the reported reverses of the Federal army before Manassas Junction, will be very materially re lieved by the additional and later newe which we publish this morning. It will be seen that by the first reports our loss In killed was very much magnified, end the loss on the part of the rebels is greater than we were led to suppose from the first reports. All, of course, regret the mortifying casualty by which the Federal troops were brought to a fearful stampede; but it is, ender the circumstances, contouog w know that our loss is no greater. None of onr principal offloers fell In the conflict, while the rebels lost some of their ablest Uenerais. i oe reader will find (he details In their appropriate place In our columns.. - - ' , " "'. The War for the Union. It 1I1 aaonba seen in a clearer light than over who are the real friends of the Union Events are fast developing a crisis that will trt men's aonli" as thoroughly as did the darkest hours of the American Revolution It will eoon be known whether this war, which Is now assuming a most fearfully san guinary aspect, Is to be continued, on the part of the Administration, for the sole object of maintaining the Union In its original integrity or for other ulterior purposes which will find their accomplishment only in the final disrup tion of the Republic. There is scarcely e man, la the State whose Eieoutivee responded to the oail of the rresi dent for three months' volunteers, who Is not honestly and tealoualy in favor of prosecotlog the war, since It has been begun, to the lull extent necessary for the establishment of the authority of the Constitution and the enforce ment of the Federal laws. This ie the ground oceapled by true Democrats end Union men. All who do now, or may hereafter, urge the con tinuance of the war beyond the point and out side of the objects above Indicated, are disnn lonists, however loudly they may denounce others who will not enter Into their mad schemes, as traitors. Io the Booth, the men who set on foot treason against the Government of the United States, for the purpose of effecting a final separation of the Statee, will he firm and persevering in their efforts to push oa the rebellion to the last extremity; while those in the North who take the ground that there should be no reconstruction of the Union nnless slavery is first exterminated by the strong arse of the Federal Government, will nrge the continuance of the war until that object It attained, or the slave States finally sep arated from the free. Disunlonists in all parts of the Union, and under every possible disguise, will attempt to engineer thli war, so as to accomplish their cherished design. It will soon be made appa rent to the world, whether yet enough true loyalty to the Constitution, and genuine pat riotism in thli country to effectually put down this great rebellion, and at the same time, In the midst of the frenzy and turbulence of civil nit, and the anlaoaltiea aad factions it engen Am, baffle the machlnatloni of these conspira tor, who would convert a war for the mainte nance of the Union 'into a crusade egainst slavery. Gen. John E. Wool. These are perilous times, and the people are asking, where are onr veteran officere of the army t Where Is the gallant old General Wool? Why is he not at the head of some of onr ad vancloa- ooramnlT Why is ne consigned to Trey, New York! There Ie no enemy there. The army needblm in the field. No "red tape" arrangements will be tolerated at this time; no old grudges of Simom Camisom most be reveng ed now. If Gen Wool Interfered with any of hie or bis friends' i peculations during the Mexi ean war. It mast not 1o suffered to Interfere with tbe coantry hlvlflg the benefit ef hi val uable services nou? Any of ' these 'political Uansrels Banks, Sohkmcb, Cox, or moet 44 any other man," ean loaf about Troy and attend to offios business) eat tht pteplt wsirr Gen. John E. Wool in tm f itxb at thi hiad or oni or mi colomni of Th! asmv. 'Our brave troops want him and must have him. ' Officers of the Kentucky Regiments. Tbe rumor of the saptarebf Col. WoooiDfr, Col. Da Viuwa'a, Lieut. Col. Nsrr and Cepts. Hoan and Adstkn ot the Kentucky Regiments, Ie ooofrmedY'. Tbey were take prisoners by tbe Virginia J5tte troops. " They were out on a reeonnolMstiee, and were "picked np. 'Vne, It look! very much like they were We understand they were all mounted.' ; 'V ; Officers of the Kentucky Regiments. What is the Senate Doing! MAftflr an Executive leae'jfMi. the Senate ad journed." , Snob Is the lava rlable eonolusion oi tha daiiv reDOri oi me situate procvuuK. What la dona lu these Executive sessional Are thai Hnvntxi nniatlv in tha Confirmation Of the appointments or unquaunea civilians mro oal follUolane to toe eeaeoaeikd of companies, regiments, brigades, ana divisions in we regu lar army I Is it under cover of saoh brief re porte that the Sandersons, Petrikens, and others oi that UK, or rennejivania, ana similar tary Incompetents in other States, are to be lis tened epon the army during thlB war, and per haps for lifer The universal uprising or the peonle egainst this style of appointments should command more respeot from the Senate, and tne people and the press shoald make their voices heard once more, or, before they are aware or it, the whole list of objectionable men will be confirmed in these short "Executive eetslons, that look so harmless In Congressional reports. -N. Y. Timet, July 20. . . .. We art told that It is iosdmUsable lor Democrat to question enything done by the "powera that be" that Democrats most stand opto every thing, end do all the fighting into the bargain, or else he termed traitors and charg ed with treason.' And tome exceedingly kind Dmnoarata anoear to coincide In this view dutyj but leading Republican edltora or politi cians turn np their noses at what they please, and nobody objects. That's all right for they are patrlote per re. . The Senate of the United States, according to the Timet, is engaged confir ailng the appoiLtmente of unqualified civil ians, lent into that body by the President, "to be fastened upon the army daring this war and perhape for life," as officers. This Is now the dally duty of the Senate of the United Statee, according to the Times, and to stop it off that paper thinks the press and people ought speak out and make their voice beard. Tbat'e so, and In their efforts, the clarion voice of the press and people sbonld sound the incompetency of the appointing power as well as those who are thns impossd upon the country by it, for the most important offices. The Coffee, Tea and Sugar Tax. The protectionists in Congress bang on their pound of flesh with the tenacity of starving wolf. We copy the following from the New York Pott's Washington correspondent: "Thi Amended Taairr Mr. Stevens, of the Waya and Mesne Committee, struggled very hard yesterday to carry bis own bill of amend ments to the present tariff through the House. He threatened that if the House persisted the amendments of the Committee of the Whole, reducing the proposed tax on sugar and coffee, the Committee of Ways and Means would give np the attempt to provide the moo ev neoessarv to carrv on the war. Under these circumstances the House gave the original Ste vens bill a majority or tnirty votes- it win probably pass the Senate just as It leaves the House, though this Is not absolutely certain. An excise tax ana a stamp auty, it is now al most certain, will be agreed to by the Ways and Means Committee, Mr. Chase recom mends them." Here Is a direct throat to Cangiesa, that tbey do not pass the bill as they recommend they wtll not attempt to provide money for the war. If any Democrat had said this, every Republican prese would denounce him as traitor, but as Tbd. Stivkns is a bitter Re publican, it Is all right and very patriotic. On this subject, the New York Trlbunt says "Theee indispensable elements of existence for the million have been brought eo prominent ly into notice by tbe contemplated tax upon them ae to render theeubjeot worthy of particn lar examination. Allkamqh thirtv millint ftople, from thi utlmti adult to us tnast t tht eradlo, art to o affected oy the tax, ytt no mntag entitle eeics heard i deprecaiion of what all fed to bom political ntccttitw. This is tbe more remarkable from our being the greateet sugar ooneuming people ia the world. In 1840, tbe everace ooneumptlon per individual was 16 pounds, but in 1865 it bad risen to 40 pounds thus lar outrunning the increase of population Daring meet of this period the cost has been eteadily diminishing, especially to consumers in tbe West, owing to the multiplication steamboats and railroads, and the consequent reduotion or freights. In all tnat region the increase ot consumption nas been enormous. From 1839 to 1844 it was 53 per cent.: from 1845 to lb4! it was w per cent and from irou to 1864 it wes7U per cent." . Tbe people are submitting to much from ne oessityj but tbe moment Congress attempts a redaction of the duties on New Eogland manu factures and Pennsylvsnla iron, so that It can be Imported and produce a revenue, the Tr6ue and ite kind raise a howl, and Thad. Stivini threatens to refuse to raiee money eem for th t Ho plea of necessity relaxes their grasp for profit. 'r Oa the other band, it will have the effeot to ronoe ooce more we easy going, comment North, until the puts forth her whole strength to tbe work, would to uod it oouia rouse mis reoole to a knowledge of the trnth, that tbev cannot protect slavery with the one hand, while they fight elaveholdlng traitors with the other! tMie stars Jotnrim. We extract thonbove from tbe leader in tbe Journal of yesterday, on the subject of the re cent sanguinary battle near Manassas Junction oo the 21st of July. Slavery cannot be pro tected while we fight slaveholders or, in oth er words, the Journal wants the war carried oa, not for tbe enforcement of the laws oi the land, the protection of the Constitution and the preservation of the Union, bat for the abolition of slavery. Every inch little paragraph aa the ahove, from the Journal or any other leading Republican paper, is aa good ai one regiment of men to the Booth, and ia that sense and for that purpose inch paragraphs are indicted, no doubt, since the editors of the Journal are intensely hostile to the Union of the States, and take this method to promote the eanse of their final separatloc. The people should demand and require that this sort of Abolition Disunion slang should cease. Returning Sense. We take the following from an article in the Cincinnati CfemmereisI; "It would be an ungracious task to dwell up the eausee of this most serious calamity. It will, however, we think, e agreed, that a mis take was committed ia underestimating and un dervaluing tbe foreee under Beauregard and that It waa a grave error to push on tbe attack upon a formidable line of fortifications in a dif ficult country, with troops who had little expe rience, when it wae apparent that the enemy had a force numerically superior." Is it possible that tbe Commercial has at lut oometotbis eonolusion T It has been a great mistake, and has undoubtedly cost us many val uable lives; and yet If any person bad dared to intimate this before this battle, he would have been told that he "sympathized with tbe tral tors." The New York Tribune, and papers of that kind, have been bellowing at Gen. Scott for three weeks, " Foiwaed to RromioND." When will men learn common sense? ' . Tbe partisans of the Administration should not be Impatient under any questioning of its acts. If emergeneiee justify tbe exercise of ondelegeted and extraordinary powers, let the eeoeeeity be proved to answer to complaint Tbe times are full of danger, and our liberties require as strict a watob within as without, lest they bo lost to us, and no honest patriot will complain of the vigilance which protects them on the field or in the council chamber. Botton Poot. : ' ; Marion County. The Union Democracy of Marios county ap point (heir delegatee te the State Convention, oa thsJd of Augusts r 1 84 tfc Wtcttitf Kinrn, Tks Boston Pvtt of tbe 30th ult.,eays; a of The Third and Fourth Regiments ef the Mas sachusetts Volunteer Militia, oommanded re speotively by Cols. Wardrop and Packard, were among tbe first to leave here under, the requi sition for three month's volunteers and their term of service baring expired tbey have now returned borne. Both regiments arrived in Boa ton harbor yesterday, but did not come up to tbe oity, to tbe great disappointment of their friends who had contemplated giving them a glorious reception.' 1 e -- e - e e -- With two exceptions, every man who went away with the regiment has relumed not one having been lost by death or desertion. Brig. Gen Pierce did not oome home in the Cambridge as was expected, being detained at the Fortress aa a witness in the offioial investigation into Col. Bendix's conduot In the Great Bethel affair, but it will be seen that he followed In the Spauld ing. Two of his staff, Brigade Major Pierce and Cupt. Richmond, came home, however, with Col. Wardrop. Yesterday forenoon, Col. Wardrop visited the State House, for orders, but aa his command had not yet been discharged from the United States service, it was not considered inoumbent npon the Governor or Adjutant General to make any disposition of the troops until advice had been received from Washington. The regiment will accordingly remain under charge of Capt Amory, U. S. army, who decided to put them Into oamp at Long Island for a day or two, until tbey could be paid off and finally discharg ed. in to 1 1 ii : U The objection made to running two tick ets in Ohio at the coming election, is that it will indicate a division among ourselves, and so embolden and encourage the enemy. In order to guard against it, we euceeet that as the Dcm ocrata will nominate first, on the 7th of August, that the Republicans adopt our nominations afterward, when tbey meet in Convention In this way we can preeent a united frost. The Democratic ticket will be far excdlenct a Union ticket. There will not be a man on it who is not now, and always has been, for ths preset va' tion of the Union. As that is the only issue, according to our Republican friends, there Is no reason why they sbonld not go for our men as tne Demoorats are in the advance In the military column, doing most of the fighting for tne oountrv. it Is proper, it utrlkes us, that tbev should be put In the politioal lead. Cincinnati enquirer. General Patterson. a , if a Tbe WashlngtoB correspondent of the Phlla delphia Inquirer says: . . "It Is stated that intelligence baa been re ceired to-day from General Patterson, at Cbarlestown, which ie now his beaduuarters, in timating that General Johoeton bad abandoned me iaea or Holding Winchester, was known, he was strongly entrenched, and had oegun nis retreat toward Htrasburg. Tne lat ter place is only fifteen miles from Winchester, over a good road. I doubt the truth of tbe re port, and am more Inclined to believe that Johnston will ficht at Winchester. "wmie tne would be crmos are enoenns at uenerai ratterson, it would be well to remem ber what he has done. He has performed faith fully and to the letter the part assigned to him by the Commander iu-Cbief and is ready to co operate with tbe other grand divisions of tbe army. He has performed all of bis manoeuvres in such a macoer as to gain ail of bis results with a verv trifling loss of life. He has moved victoriously from Williamsport to Martinsburg, and from Martinsburg to Charleatown and Ban ker Hill, driving General Johnston before him. "He has full possession and use of the rail road from Harper's Ferry to Winchester. He has opened, and has bow in use, tbe canal, along Its entire distance, from Harptr'o Ferry to Wathington. He bas also secured the direct communication, by railroad, between Harper's rerry and Baltimore. He bas gained tbe con fldence of hie troope, and inspired them with mat araor only telt by a tuccetitut and adeaee g army, certainly tneee are astonnamg re suits to nave been accomplished bv 'an mnrm officer moping in a friar's frock!' " We put this npon record, as there appears to be a disposition in certain quarters to cast censure npon this gallant and brave old "war horse" for his conduct. If any one is to blame, let the proper ones have it, when it is discover ed who they are. Reliable Dispatches from the "Associated Press." FIRST DISPATCH. "The retreat was in good order, with the rear wen covered bv a good column. Onr loss law or 3000." , SECOND DISPATCH. "Tha honttt estimate of killed and wounded may be placed at from 4000 to 5000." ' THIRD, HERALD'S DISPATCH. "It Is estimated that the killed oa bur aide ia Irom three to five hundred." If tbe editor ot any paper should doubt the reliability of the above dispatches, and ahall in any manner reflect upon the reporters of the Associated Press, he will be immediately re ported to a man by the name ot Hicks', who will proceed to stop the dispatches to the paper. Hold your breath! . , . i M-awBaassaaM i , , ( r . Patterson's Treachery. Gen. Patterson has elated tha Grouchv In this affair. After drawing heavy reinforce ments from Washington to attack Johnson, he ocoupied his column in countermarching, while Johnson leisurely united bis force with Beaure gard at Manassas. These operations give suf. ncient consistency to the previone suspicions of raiterson s naenty, to make It a sob ect or lor mal Inquiry . Cincinnafi Gaatttt. . ..... - The craven who penned the above should be horse whipped. Gen. Patterson's "treachery!" suspicions of his "fidelity!" A braver man or a truer patriot never lived than Gen.PATTEB son. If Gen. Pattersow was an Abolitionist, like the editor of the; Gazette, be would be ell right in tbe estimation of that paper. We shall soon expect to see the Oizetle elandcrlng some of those men who have been killed in battle-field. It wonld be no more infamous than its attack upon Gen. Patterson. Indiana. The Indianapolis special to the Cincinnati Cmmrtitl aays: -. , ' - , "Gov. Morton has returned from Washing ton. He had the entire indebtedness of ths State for arming, equipping and putting in tbe field all of tbe State and tbe Federal troops, accepted, and got seven thousand rifles for new regiments, : . "Indiana will sell oo mors bonds, and tbs war will cost her comparatively nothing, owing to financial arrangements made by tbe Governor L. How about Ohio?. . L- - - .1 Sostension or NEWsrArxas. Tbe Loulsvllls Democrat, which Is aa unqualified Union paper, and goes quite as far as ths Journal in tbs sup port of the Government, has the following comments on tbe suppression or the Missouri State Journal: The suppression of a newspaper in St. Louis Is one or tbe last acts or despotism, ibe Con stltutlon not only grants no power to any an thority to do such an act, but absolutely forbids it. The first amendment to tbe Constitution savsf "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of sneeah or the Dress." . Congress did ooce make such a law, and men were fined end imprisoned under It, but tbe law wae universally condemned. It will hardly be contended that tne military can exercise a power without law, when Congress Is forbidden to make such a law," However, laws and con stitutions do bot amount to much now. All we want to .accomplish now Is, that after the , final settlement of matters, this shall nof be a pre cedent In tiJsgov(ernmenU iC ITT, The celebrated military ( !) editors of the Cincinnati Gazette' and Commercial are engaged in a fight about the military blunders each bas committed. Ws hope the Injury to each may be ss great as has been their war upon our officers in ths army. Go jpa,';gentlemen, no one cares whiohirhlps. ;: A ior-.'t':- [Telegraphic Correspondence of Daily Commercial.] The Gloom of the Disaster at Washington —Joy at the Appointment of —Joy at the Appointment of McClellan to Command to Army of the Potomac—The Terrible Battle of Sunday—What Russell has to say of it. - Washinotoh, July S3. This city is wrapped ia profound gloom, T . - , Both Houses of Congress adjourned early, being wholly indisposed for bulsinees. - The various regiments are slowly regather Ing. ..-.. ..- - ........ The utmost possible satisfaction is felt at the appointment of Geoeral MoClellan to this Department. The soldiers hail it as a good omen. . -,- .. Russell, of the London Times, says he never la bis life, saw suoh fighting as yesterday. Four hours, he eays, both armies stood np to a kind of conflict, whioh for vigor, enduranoe and pertinac ity, was unequaled. Gharlee McCook, of Steubenville, cousin of Col. McCook, was killed la the afternoon caval ry charge nnon our retiring forces. Lieut. Athearn, Cincinnati Zouaves, informs me tnat racurew, who was wonnded in an eye, escsped from the hospital and arrived safely; be i earea our nre other Ohio wounded were bayon eted by tbe enemy. About half of the Ohio troops are known to be safe already ; a great many were behind at Fair fax, last oight. Every street corner and hotel are crowded with eager and excited groups, listening to. the story of some esoapsd volunteer. Leading Congressmen, many of whom were witnesses of the action, loudly condemn tbe Generals on tbe field, for ordering premature attack instead ot fortifying and awaiting rein forcements This is tbe universal verdiot of every man who knows tbe sitnation. These "leading members" of Congress' are very smart fellows. Tbey are like soma of these military men woo fight from their sane turn with a goose quill. Nearly all tbe miafor tunes we have had have resulted from appoint ments from such lellows as these. [Correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial.] [Correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial.] Fugitive Negroes--A Camp of Secessionists. eianiste. Cairo, 111., July 23 EJward Duval, of this city, was attacked Dy three runaway negroes, on Saturday morning, in tho woods near Cairo, and terribly beaten, and left for dead. His life is despaired of. Citizens started after the nig gers and arrested one. He is in jail. Tbey are after the others. The woods near Bird's Point are full oi fugitives; but they are not al- iowea io pass tne lines. There is a secession oamo of one hundred and five men well mounted and armed, at Bertraud, u miles irom Bird's foint. [Correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial.] Fugitive Negroes--A Camp of Secessionists. The Cincinnati Commercial and No-Party. a-artr. At tbe present time we are not orenared to say mere is any nuouo necessity for the con- Minuance of the Republican or any other organ isation oi tne past, rarties should take their rise in occasions, sod pass away when their work is performed. Cincinnati Commercial, we agree with tbe Commercial that there is oo public necessity for the perpetuation of the n.epuDiican party organization. There was no necessity for its organization. But with the Uemooratio party it is quite different. It had its rise in the formation of our Government and Uoion, and as long as they exist there Is neea lor tne preservation ot tbe democratic party. There never was a time when the Democratic party was more needed than now. And as long as we shall have a Union to be maintain ed and a Government to administer, the Demo cratic party will be needed with all its original purity ana lores. Lancatter Union. That and That. Tho Oration of Mr. Critchflald. delivered on the occasion, will be found in to-day's paper, ana we ask lor it a carelui perusal. Jt Is elo quent, truthful and to the point. We are glad that the wholesome doctrines It contains are to find their way into tbe colums of tbe Holmes County f armer. Hornet veunly Republican. Wholesome doctrines are always welcome to the columns of the Holmes County Farmer. None but such as are wholesome are approved in Ite columns. We only copy to condemn the following from the Holmes County Republican or Deo. UJ, usvj: "WE HOPE NORTHERN REPUBLI CANS WILL REMAIN FIRM. AND IFTHE UNION MUST GO, WHY, LET HER SLIDE." Hvlmeo County Farmer. General Army Orders. WAR DEPARTMENT, ADJ'T GEN'S OFFICE. WASHINGTON, July 19th, 1861. GENERAL ORDER NO. 46. 1. Major General Robert Patterson of tbe Pennsylvania Volunteers, will be honorably dis. charged irom tne service oi tue United States, on tbe 27ih Inst., when bis term of duty will expire. Brevet Major uenerai Uadwalader. also of the Fennsylvaoia Volunteers, will be honorably discharged npon tbe receipt of this order, aa bis term or service expires to-day. 3. Maior-Ueneral viz ot tbe United Statee forces, will relieve Major-General Banke of tbe eame servloe, in bis present command, which win in Inture be called tne department or Mary- land, beadauarters at Baltimore. Uoon being relieved by Major-General Dix, Malor General Banks will proceed to tbe valley or Virginia, and assume command or the army now under Major-Ueneral ratterson, when that Depart ment will be called tbe Department of the Shen andoah, headquarters in the field. 3. Tbe following-named general officers will be honorably discharged npon tbe expiration of tbeir terms ot service, as set hereinafter oppo site their respective names, viz: New York State Militia Maj. General San ford, August 18. 1861. New Jersey Volunteers Brig. Gen. Tbeo. Runyon, July 30, 1861. Ubio Volunteers Brig. lien. J. V. Cox, July 30, 1861. Brig. General N. Sohleicb, July 30, 1861. Brig. General J. N. Bates, August 27, 1861. . Indiana Volunteers Brig. Gen. T. A. Mor ris, July 27, 1861. 4. Surgeons of brigades rank as surgeons on- o. umcers mastering out volunteers will charge upon the rolls the indebtedness of the troope to tbe State by what tbey were furnish ed. - WAR DEPARTMENT, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, July 19, 1861. GENERAL ORDER NO. 45. 1. Brevet Seoond Lieut. Clarence Derriok, Corps of Eogineers; Brevet Second Lient. James P. Parker, Fourth Infantry; and Brevet Seoond Lieut. Frank A. Reynolds, Second Dragoons, members of ths olase just graduated at West Point, having tendered their resigna tions In the face of tbe enemy, are dismissed from the servloe of the United States, to date from the I6th Instant. . ' 2. Military Storekeeper and Paymaster Den nis Murphy, Ordnance Department, is hereby dismissed irom tbe army. 3. Officers mustered in troops win be carelui that men from one company or detachment are not borrowed for tbe occasion to swell tbe ranks of others about to be mustered. In future no volunteer will be mustered into the service who ie unable to speak the English language. Mus tering effloers will at all times hold themselves In readiness to muster ont of servloe such regi ments of volunteers ss msy be entitled to their disobarge. 4. Officers of tbe volunteer service tendering their resignations will forward them through tbe intermediate commanders to ths offloer com manding tbs Department or corpt d'Armee, in wblcb tbey may be eerving, wbe is hereby au thorized to grant them honorable discharges. This commander will immediately report bis action to the Adjutant General of the Army, who will communicate the same to tbe Gover nor of the State to which the officer belongs. Vacancies occurring among the commissioned officers la volunteer regiments will bs filled by the Governors ot the respective States by whioh tbe rest were furnished. Information of such appointments will in all catei be furnished to the Adjutant General of tbe Army. ' . . L. THOMAS, Adjutant General. RThb Fioht at SoARET-Colonel Jesse 8. Norton, wbo was wounded and oaptprea by tho rebels at 8carey, oo Tborsday last, re sides ia Ferrysbnr, Wood county. Captain Allen, ot the same Regiment 91a Ohio who wis killsd, rsjlded Io Pattern county) Seneca County. The Advtrtiter published the notice for the usual conventions Io make nominations for ths fall campaign.;, r v ' ,v i- v ' ' The county nominations are to be made on Monday, the 19th of August. . Ths Senatorial Convention meets at Booyrus on Thursday, tbe 22d of August," !And all the Union Democracy are invited to attend tbe State Convention. Come on. The Advtrtiter says: ; - "But we know that the Democracy of old Seneca will act as thrlr judgment dictates. They are patriotie and enlightened. They are men who know tbeir rights they will maintain them. Tbey have tbeir opinions end they will express tbem. Let tbe Uemooratio union men of the county turn out in large numbers to both Township and County Conventions, and show to tbe world that In tbe hour or pern to tne uov ernment, when the will, ability and statesman ship of our organization is demanded to safely conduot the Government to a bavan of safety, that the old and historio party will not basely fall to pieces, and be numbered witn tbe reuos of the past." Shelby County. ' The Union Democraoy of Shelby oounty ap point their delegates to the State Convention on Saturday, the 3d of August. Scioto County. The Portsmouth Patriot contains a call for 'a mass meeting of the Union Democracy, tit Portsmouth on tho 27 ih, to appoint delegates to ths State Convention. Corruption. Tbe Washington correspondent of the New York Timet ears: "The Investigating Committee, appointed by the House to ferret out tbe corruptions connect ed with furnishing supplies and transportation. Is likelv to have any Quantity of work to do. Tbe members of tho committee are daily re oeiviog letters giving information of swindles whioh have been perpetrated. One man re counts a wagon swindle in Brooklyn; another givee tbe details or a bat job in Cincinnati, and another exposes some clever jobs which an ex Member ot Congress and a distinguished politi Uclan, had In tbe infantry line." Corn in the West. We learn by a private letter irom a gentleman in iowa, that any quan tity of corn can be purchased in that State at eight cents per buBhel. Think of planting, plowing, gathering and hauling corn at tight Ofrttt per buthtl! Logan Caxttte. Discharged. By the General Army order it will be seen that Brigadier Generals Schleich, Cox and Bates, of Ohio, are honorably discharged, on nod after July 30, 1861. Miami County. By tbe call in another column it will be ob served that the Union Democracy of Miami oounty will hold their Convention in Troy, on Saturday, the 27 h of July. General Hill. We have been assured by two gentlemen it ho have reason to be conversant with all the cir cumstances attending General Hill's operations in western Virginia, that tbe statements made in tbe Cincinnati papers last week reflecting upon that officers conduct are laise in every material tact. These gentlemen state that re ports from different commands, unaroidadly de laved, will eoon give the authorities and public the truth, We have been inolined to believe from the first that the facta would eventually vindicate Gen. Hill irom tbe wholesale charges maae egainst mm. mate journal. Apprehended Indian Trouble. We have been shown a private letter from a prominent citizen of Platto Valley, which statee tbat moon tear exists in that section oi tne Ter ritory as to the future movements and intentions of tbe Indians. It states tbe warriors, decked in tbeir war costume, composed of bands of tbe Sioux, isbeyennes, ibippewns and Arrappaboes, held a council of war near Cottonwood, a short time since, and it is supposed tbeir intentions are to make war upon tbe rawoees and tbe bor der settlements. The frontier settlere bave be come alarmed, and some have fled with their families to places of safety. Tbe ntter insecur ity to life and property, and tbe defenseless con' dition of the people, demand that something sbonld be done without delay to protect them irom any acta or violence by tneir dusky loes numbering from 6,000 to 8,000. Tho presence or two or three companies of troops would, per haps, be sufficient to maintain peace and quiet on our rrontier. we trust tne proper antiiori Omaha Nebraskian, July 13. Radical Republicans. Tbo Marietta (Ohio) Republican publishes late letter from Buckbannon, Vs., written by "a gentleman holding an Important position In our army In Western Virginia." We make the toliowiog quotation from It: "it woula be well for tbe country, if tbe se cesslonists and Abolitionists could be brought togetber to do some or this lighting; but there are very few of the latter in tbe army! We bad to day, at Gen. McClellan's headquarters, a fugitive slave case. Some of tbe soldiers from Giddlngs's District took a negro for a cook, and refused to deliver bim up. The case was Investigated , and Judge Key very properly decided that tbe negro muat go back to his mas ter, and back be went. These same men have written oa their tents tbe following words: Avengers of John Brown:' 'Don't forget the nero and saint, John Brown.' " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Democratic Meeting. rpniKf will be a meilnf ot tba Demoorary ef Miami jl uountjr, at tbt uonrt uoum la xrojr, oo Saturday, the 27 ih day of July, A. D. 1861, at 2 o'clock1 d. m. of aali day. for ths eurnoM of ao poln tag Dtitgatea to tba State OonTtntton which la to be bald In Columbui on the 7 th of Auiuit nut. Br ordar of th Daaooratlo Genual Committee of mlaml oounty. ...... UBO. keiveb, OMIrman OHIO STATE LOAN, 01,000,000. 7 OrrictorTaiOoMKieaostaaor Tin Buxtna fonDi t Ooumaos, iaij SO, 1801.) TBE 8tt of Ohio deilree to borrow en million and fir hundred tboueand dollars, and to that end th Oommluloner or th sinking rund or the Bute, under the authority of en act of tne umerai Aieembijr, will re eelr seeled nroDoeale at their office la th cut ot Co lumbal, until IS o'clock, M., of the 31 dy of August, and at the aptney of th Stat. No. SS William etreet, In th OUT of New York, until 12 o'clock. M., of the 7th day of auguit next, for th pnrchaaa of S 1,500,000 of th funded and R-glitered debt of the Bute, bearing Interact from th firetday of Auguit; lifll, at th rat of etz percent, per annum. Bid will be recelred for either of th followine cirates or atooks; lit. Oerttflsatee redeemable at the Hate Treasury in the city or uoiumoue, juiy in, iron, in mienst paya ble ml annually th But day of May and th dm day of November In each year, at th Stat Treainry. 3d. Certiflcetei redeemable at the agency ot th Stat In th oltr of New York. July 1st. 1BCB. the lmereit su able semi-annually, the Urn day of January and th Brat day or uiy in race year at earn agenoy. Bacb piopoaal muit ttat dlitinctly for which of these clatae of eortlflcaie It ia mad, the amount of either which ie detlred, and the price tor each one hundred dol lar! of each clan propoaM to be taken." In oat any proposal ahall not deelgnat tbe oils of etook dealrei by th bidder. It ahall be deemed te bar been payable when the bid la ncelred. - Mo conditional bid, or bid not. absolute in Its tormi. Will be esnildered. Payment oi th amount or th respective bid received In New York, moet be mad at th State Agency within three day after th aooeptanoe thereof: and of th bids iteetved at Columbui, within ten days after th accept ano thereof) at ohlch timea th proper Certificates will be ready lor aeiirery. - Certificates, payaDM at tbe State Treainry, will be la med In eumi of 9100 and upward; and thoae payable in New York will be leaned la lam of S300 and Howard at th option of th bidder. i n uerttneat win ne payanM.nneondltioaally, July 1, 1868, and are, by theaot authodiini the loan.uemDt. ed from taxation by th Stat. Propotal, for th loan mint be anclowd In a sealed an Telope, and addreeeed to "The Oammietioner of ibe sinking fund," at Oolumbti. Ohio, or at No. SJ Wil liam etreet. New York, and indorsed. "Prepoaals for Ohio Loan." , '.. i . ... " B. w. TATT1R, Aalttov ef State, ,u . " A. P- BUMiibl,. (Secretary of But,. '" ., !.'. JAMBI MUBBAT, Attorney General,. 1 . OomoriNloner of th Sinking PunS JleS3-dtog3 of th lut frt Ohio, Justice of the Peace. -If a. Boiiob: Please announce ths name of Jacos KaoMBiarma as a candidate for Jostles of ihs Peaea, atthseMalng election In Montgomery towlnhlp, Aug. , 1801, snbjeet to ths deolilon of ths Demoeratto nomin ation, and much oblige, a - . . . .1O0SX OP DEMOCRATS. Ma. SDiTM t-Pltaae announce O. V. Wahok as a candidate for Joatloe of the Peace, at tha election In Montgomery township, August 5,1601, subject to tba Democratic nomination, and oblige -'" ' " j - : I MANY DBM0CUAT8. Istmb TAtssaaiR ' ':' Please announce ua as a eandldata for r election to ths office ef Juitlc of th Peace of Montgomery town at ltctlon to be held Augoit 5, 1801. . WM. L. HEYL. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, REMOVAL. WIUIAM H. BESTJEAUX, DEALER IN Groceries, Produce, Provisions, Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Fruits, etc. etc., - 11A8 REMOVED EI3 STORE PROM NO. 34, NORTH HIGH STREET, TO No. 106,;South High Street, Ih old stand reeinlly occupied by.WM, McDONALD. He Ii In dally receipt of NEW AND FRESH GOODS, Which he will aell Cheap for Cash or Conntrr Produce. 2jOoodsdellvera to City trade freelof charge .TTJ J IT" WM. II. RESTIEAUX, (BUCCIBSOR TO McKBB Jt EE3T1IAUX) No. 106, South High Street, OoXjiX71wXBT7, D 8 ALEE IN GROCERIES. PRODUCE, PROVISIONS, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, FLOUR, SALT, LIQUORS.ETC. STORAGE & COMMISSION. BAIN & SON, (Io. 29 South High Street, Columbus, A Kl NOW OPPEEIBQ V. 8000 yard IiaTClIng Drsa floods at 8.S', value MX cents. jOOyardi Traveling Dreta Ooorli atlSK. va'u SOcti Stifle yard Engllih Barage at 12. value cent,. yards rrencn urganoi ai ism, vaiuexuoenu. yards Pait Colored Lawn at 10, value IS cents, rardi Poulard Dreu Silks at 37K. value 0 cent. yard Super Plain Black Silk at at 00. value S1S5 Robea of Organdie Berate, and Bngltih Berage, at one aair tneir vaine. BAIN k SON, j Jc23 29 South High Street Elegant lace Mantillas. ; BAIN" cib SON, Nb. 29 South High St., TTAVB Jnit opened an Involc of very larga and XX handeomo PUSHER, FRENCH, AND CHANTILLA ! LACE MANTILLAS AND POINTE9. Wide French Laces foe Shawls. Very Deep French FlouBoiog Laces. ; Real Thread, French, Cbantllla & Genevese VT21XS. Valenciennes, Point do Gaze, Brusiels and Tnreaa Laoei ana Collars, VALENCIENNES TRIMMED H'DKFS, MALTESE LACE COLLARS & SETS, LINEN COLLARS at CUFFS, , la new Shapes, ; PAPER COLLARS St CUFFS, 1 For traveling. prices T7irrjsTjAi.r.Y ixrw. Traveling Dress Good, MOZAMBIQUE, POPLINS, BHEPHSKD'S CHECKS, 8ILK8, POIL SB CDIVEKS, V IiAVXMiAS, BBO0E1 VALENCIA!!, Ac. 4c. The beit and most faahlonabl styles In th alty, AT YERY LOW PRICKS. BAIN A. SON, t 89 South High Street. JeSl DEPE1XANT Oil WATEIt.PROOF XIj CLOAK CLOTHS. Also, other make of Bprlng Oioaauiotni, man acairaoi mizturea mnuinn, xai sell and Button to match. BAIN A BON, aprilS No. 89 South High atre SPECIAL NOTICES. TO RESTORE THE HICK TO IIEAjYril, The blood mustbs purified, aad all med Iclnes are ascites which do not pouees th quality of itioulatlof th blood to discharg Its Impurities Into th bowels. BaimaiTB's Pius posssn this quality In a Ugh degree, and should be la vry family. They are equally uieful for children and adult adapted to both sixes, and art as lnnoetnt ai bread, yet Borr aitsctiri as a visum. The Hon. Jaoob Bayers, of Bprlng-rllle, led., write to Pr. Brandreth, under dat of Kay II, 1661. "I havt and vour Inralnabl Vera tibia Pllli In my family sine 1838; they hare alwar cured. m, wa.u vutvr umwipn wen oi no araii. a hare been th mean or my nalghbort uilng hundred of dol lars worth, and I am aatii&ed they hart reoelred a thoueand per oent. In bleaied health, through ihair um Tbey are med In thl regloa for Billon, and Liver Dli eaioa, Paver and Ague, and all rheumatic oaie with the moet perrect luooei. in ract, they are the great rell ano In ilcknua, and I truityour vnrbl Ufa ma h. long ipared to prepare so excellent a nedicln for the io or man. Clean tend me ths lowest price by ths groat Bold by John B. Cooi. BrnnliL Oolnmlina. ami i.. 11 MH&Ak,A J..,. I .1 1 I ' " jlylSdawlmo. fflOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS. In all ease of ccitlveneM, dy iptpila, billion and llvtr affection, pile, rheum tlra, fever and ago, obttt aatt head achat, and all gentral derangement of health theae Pllli havt Invariably proved t oertaln and aptedy remedy. A ttngli trial will plaot to Lib PUI beyond the reach of competition hi tbt tttlmation of tvery pa tient. ' Sr. Moffat'i Phonlx BltUr will b found equally tt Bcaotoiu la allot of ntrvou debility, Jytptptta, head achl, th ttcknet Incident bt female In delicti btaltb, and every kind of vtakata of tha dlratttr organ for ante by Dr. W, B. MOrTAT, 83S,' Broadway, N. T. and by aU Draggiat. ; v ; . - Bay3-dwlf . Ill following U an extract iron a letter written by th Rev. 7. I. Doha, patter of the Plerrepoint-Street BapUit Church, Brooklyn, V, Y.,to tha 'Journal tnd Mngr," Ctoclnnan, 0., and tpeaki volume In favor of that world-renowntd medicine, Hat, Wtmum't Bootbum Bract rot CatLsaxa TmsiKsi "Weeeeaa Mrtrtltntnl In your oolumnt of Mat fu'i Bocrmiia Braor. Now we never aald a word la favor of a patent madWn before la our life, not w feel compelled to say to yoar roadect that thl It do bum bug wavi ti rr, aao ov IT TO ra iu rr ouut.' It la probably ont ofth moit tucotaeful medl etneofthdy, becauat H It out of tbt beat. Andthott of your reader! rrtio haV babei can't do batUr than lafDBfapply.'l c87;lyd: Summer Arrangements. Little Miami Columbus & Xenia RAILROADS. For Cincinnati, Dayton & Indianapolis! Through to IndianaDolis without Change or Cars and but One Change of Cars between Columbus and St. Louts. Four Trains Daily from Columbus. first"train. s AO0OAIMODATI0N at 5 a. m., atopplng at all ite tlona between Columbui and Cincinnati aod Dayton, ar riving at Cincinnati at 10 09 a. m.,and at Uastonat 8 10a. m., conneotlcg at Dayton for Iodianipolii aid the Weit. SECOND TRAIN. No. HXPRESSat 11.40a. m., ttopplog at Jefferioa, London, Charleiton, Oedarrllle, Xenla, Spring Valley, Oorwln, Preeport, Port Ancient. Morrow St., Lebanon, Poiter't, Loreland and Milford, arriving at Cincinnati at 4.30 p. m., Dayton at 8. 43 p. m., connecting with the Ohio and Miiiluippi Railroad tor Louisville, Ky., Vln oennea, Cairo, 8 1. Loun, New Orleans, etc I ai Dayton for Indianapolis, Lafayette, Terr Haute, Chicago aod all Weitern point! . THIRD TRAIN. MAIL at 9.10 p. m , Hopping at all ttationi between Columbui and Xenla, and at Spring Valley, Oorwln, Morrow and Loveiaad, arriving at Cincinnati at 8 a. m. FOURTH TRAIN. NIGHT EXPRESS, via Dtyton, at 18 00 midnight, atopplng at London, Xenla, Dayton, Middle town and Hamilton, arriving at Clnolnnati at 5.8 a. m.; at Day ton at 8.55 a. m.; conneotlng at Cincinnati with tbe Ohio and Mlnlulppi Railroad lor Louiaville, Evannllle, Tincennet, Cairo, St. Louli, Hemphta, New Orleeni, and all point. South and South-weat; alio, at Dayton for Indlanapolli) Lafayette, Terr Haute, Chicago, etc. Uj" For further Information and Through Tlcketi, apply to M. L. DOHERIV, TlcketAgent, Union Depot, Columbui. P. W. BTRADIR, General Ticket Agent, Cincinnati. JNO. W. DOnKRTV, Agent, Columbus, E. W. WOODWARD, Superintendent, Cincinnati. Columbui, July 14, 16C1. IRISH STEAMSHIP LINE. Steam Between Ireland and America. NEW YORK, B03T0N AND OALWAY . The following new and magnificent nnt-claai paddle wheel Steamiblpt compoit the above line: ADRIATIC, 5,888 tout burthen, Capt, J.Micar (Formerly of tbe Colllni Line ) UIBERNIA, 4,400 toni burthen, Capt. N. Prowix. COLUMBIA, 4 400 " ' k. LllTca. ANOLIA, 4,400 " " Nionouo. PAOirlO, 900 " " I. Bans. PRINCE ALBERT. (Screw.) 3,300 " " " J. Waists. On of th above ihlpt will leave New York or Boiton alternately every Tnoaday fortnight, for Oalway, car rying the government mailt, touching at Bt. Jobni, N. P. The Steamers of thli lint havt been eonitructed with the greatett care, under the inpervialonof th govern ment, hare water-tight compartment, and are unexcel led (oreomfort, eafety and ipeed by any iteameri afloat. They are oommanded by able and experienced officer., and every exertion will be made to promote the oomfort of paaeenger. An;experienced Burgeon attached to each ahip. HATES OF PASSAGE. FIrit-claiaN. Y.or Boiton to Oalway or Liverpool II 01) Beoond-claM, " " ' 7! Pirit-olaaa, " " to Ft John't 32 Third-clew, " " to Oalway or Liverpool. or any town In Ireland, on a Railway, - - - 3U ' Thlrd-elau paaeenger art liberally tupplled with pro Vltiont of the beat quality, cooked aod lerved by tht ,r vanta of tbt Company. HETUItlV TICKETS. Partlet wlihlng to eend for their friendi from lbs old country can obtain ticket from any town on a railway, in Ireland, or from tbe principal citlet of England and Scot land, at very low rate. Paaaenger for New Tork, arriving by th Boiton Bteamera, will be forwarded to New York free of charge. Por pauag or further Information, apuly to Wm. II. WIOKIIAM, At th office of tht Company, on th wharf, foot ot Canal etreet. New York. HOWLAND St A8PINWALL, Agentl. aprlU9:dCm. PROF. L. MILLER'S HAIR IMVIGORATOR, An Effective, Safe and Economioal Compound, FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR To It original color without dyeing, and preventing Hair from turning gray. FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS, And curing It, when then It tht ltaat partlola of vital! or recuperative energy remaining. FOR REMOVING SCURF AND DANDRUK And all cataneona affection of th Scalp. FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR. Imparting to It an uneqaled glott andrllllancy, making It aoft and tilky In it texture, and eauilng it to cm' readily. lb great celebrity and lncreaalng demand for thla un equaled preparation, convince tha proprietor that ont trial I only neceoaary to aatl-ry a dlaoernlog public of It uperlor qualities over any other preparation In at. It eleauet tht head and aoalp from dandruff and othir tutanaou dlaeaaea, earning th hair to grow luxuriantly giving it a rich, toft, glouy and flexible appearance, and alio, where the hair la looienlng and thinning, it will give ttrength and vigor to the root, and reatore the growth to hot part which have beoorae bald, cauiing It to yield a reih covering of hair. Thar are hundred of ladlee and gentlemen In New York wbo have had their hair reitorod by the ut of thl Invigorator, when all other preparation hav failed. L. M. ha In hla poneaalon letter! innumerable testifying to th above facta, from penon of th hlgheet rediecta billty. It will effectually prevent tbe hair from turning until the htteit period of life; and In eaiei where tbe hair ha already changed itaoolor, th me of the Invigorator will with certainty reatore It to It to It original hue, giv ing It a dark, glouy appearance. A a parfum for the toilet and a llair RcatoraUre it la particularly recom mended, having an agreeable fragrance; and the great fa oilltlea It afford in drening th hair, which, whan molil with the Invigorator, can be dretttd In any required form to at topreterv It place, whether ptalnjor In curl; hence the great demand for It by the ladiea at a ttandard tolletarttcle which none ouiht to be without.! tha nri placet it within th reach of all, being Only Twenty-Five Cents per bot tie, to be had at all reipeotabl Druggist and renumert. L. MILLER would call th attention of Pannla ,( Guard lan to the nn of bli Invigorator, In cue where the children' hair Incline to bt weak. Ih ua of It lay th foundation for a oood Aaad of Aair. aa It re moval any Imparl tie that may hav beoorae connected with the tcaln. th removal of which I neoeaaar hath for th health of the child, and tbt future .appearance of It Hair. v Oao-noK. None genuine without the fao-iimlle LOOTS MILLER being on tbe outer wrapper; alio, L. MIL LER'S HAIR IN VIGOR ATOO, N. Y., blown In th fit. . Wholal Depot, 56 Dey afreet, and told by all tha principal Merchant and Druggiita throughout the world liiDerai uiaoouui w purcuaaer oy ine quantity. I alto deelra to prevent to tht American Pnbllo my TEW ASD XX7B0VZD EfSTAJTTAITEOITE LIQUID HAIR DYE, whioh. after year of totentlfia eroertmentlnr. I hav brought to perfection. It djea Black ot Brown IniUntly wilhoutlnjury Io th Hair or gltln; warranted th beit artlcUof iheklndlnexiitano. - PRICE, ONLY 50 CENTS. Depot, 66 Dey Si, New York. oetS8:dwly. - BAXISr&BON;. BO. 29 I0TJTB B1QH SIBBXT, .' ABffi NOW OFFERINOI 1,000 yard! Saner Plain Black Bilk at fl 00 valet 1 85 per yard. 5 9500 yard Traveling Drei and Mantlt Qoodi at IB 1B Otntt valM SO cent pwyard. . 8,000 yard Whlla Brilliant at 18 lg cent valua SO oentt per jard. . 8000 yard Vint and Domeitlo Glnghami greatly an dervama. - . ALSO- LARQE AND DESIRABLE LOTS OF OZUIBIQTTES, BAUOBIirZS.l CHALLI8, FOULARD BILKS, ZKOLIBK BABEOES, LATELLA8, ' , LAWS 5, CAU03ES, F0FLXN9, AND ALL OTHER - , New and Fashionable Drera OoocLtf . In tht moit dttlrablt ttylee aad at very loirert prloet. Of all material!, mad la 1m aott tyllh maoM aftw tbtlatett parti Bathlont-lht moit tlcgut ttyUt la tht city. nAix A-ion; nay 'SO Re, W Boath High ttreeU