Newspaper Page Text
KAHTPEU7TT KTXIKB, Publishers. Democratic Union Nominations. -Jil-ogb. J. Jewett, r'i ottdhitmu JTTDGI. ' Of Montsonurn. " , ,TBBABUM:OFBTATV eohce V. HOLMES, ;'. .."-.-I """'VlUlin ABMSTHOlVOi V, ri'r . 0 ''.'.:- J ; .;' , . COMPTROLLER, " " , " 'wAXNIi CBIIWOIP. -- OPW"8'? BOARD Of PUBLIC WOBKS, . JABfZ w. eaavnt - Democratic Union Nominations. Meeting of the Union Democratic State Central Committee. l Th Union Democratic" State Central Com- 'mittee wiU nieet at Columbus, TcisDAr. Ao- 27th, et 2 o'clock, P. M. Every memoer ii requested to De present, uu ... dates on the Union Democratic State Ticket, re eeeaially invited to be present. WAYNE GRISWOLD, Chairman WM. S. JOHNSON, Secretary. WM. S. JOHNSON, Secretary. August 20, 1861. WM. S. JOHNSON, Secretary. August 20, 1861. THE OHIO STATESMAN For the Campaign. 'f ! We will fernUb tho different Hues of the Ohio Stat.t meb. durlBgtteOampelgn.atfollowe: . Tke Dairy Statesman, per month, at. " ' Ik f rl Weekly Bta(emn, month, at. ... . - Sither ol'lha mbor. tiiuw will b. furnlrted for on. or mora nontii, la club, or iblle cojlea. at tie abort rata. . , , , Ih. Watklj. Oblo SlatMBan be furcUhed n fol low: .-. t-'-1-' ' ' In olnbi vf S fpl. for to month In elubi of 1 1 coiet. f or two monilu In alobi of SO eoplea. for two montba. In clebf of coptat, for two month! $1.00 8.00 160 7.00 Tbi two montlia' CluM wlll eorer theprrtod of tba 1 .... i... .... MtMMOTll WEEKLY OiUnpaign, ana 1""" Intbabkndiaf allwho w.nttt, at a Ctmpalfn paper, 'Ut fba fcUnda of' the food cinte-tbe trut TJuloD bid of Oblo (0 to work, and ipreai tta CAMPAIGN STATESMAN. U or.r tb. ttate W tptet to makt It an efflclent all In tb food work 01 iLemnmpiiuu .u. LatltbtweH alitnlaieJ. , . i . CAMPAIGN STATESMAN. August 10, 1861. CAMPAIGN STATESMAN. August 10, 1861. The New Party--The Secession Cry. ; T " Tt ta' nndmtood that the new party , which la ' to le bom In Ohio on the 5ih proximo, Is to be formed out of tbe defunct Republican party as a whole, and such odis and ends as can be niw. tin from other oartiea. The Journal el this city, which holds that "the enthusiasm of the masses for ths UoIju U more or lees factl elana:" I ta be the central o.'can of the new " amalgamation. The Republicans, embracing all who have been and are clamorous for tbe extermination of elarcry, or a secession of the .f free from tiro sUts 6tate e taxen in e main. lie tHa! organising principle Is to ne . k.t tiw th aword alone w are to conquer i 1 Union, and theD.'bytho rame lnitrumentallty booaaer a peice. There is some difference of . opinion, we believe, among those who propose to stand as godfathers for the new party, which of these two eoneeests Is first to bo achieved In the order of time but all seem to be agreed '.that one of them ouly'le to be sought at one and the same time- Bath a arorramme ie eminently fitted to en list the ardent and earne&t support of those men, whose jirofcssed eoth miasm lor tbe union t "more or less fictitious," and Who desire, above all things, the complete subjugation oi the Southern people to Northern anti-slavery nicta tion and, the annihilation of the institution of "C :elevefy7of the sepsration of the free and slave - 8tatec..i-" " ' v But this despotic and disunion scheme cannot -' succeed, ' at lsast, not without' encountering a formdble' resittance, unless the! old Uniei Democratio party, which hie so often blasted the hopes of disunion ists, can be- annihilated, or its Influence for tbe preservation of the old Fed-.- eral Uqfoa effectually crippled. .To this end, a t ." most ourelentiog and mendacious political wsr t .far a, as indioated by late issues of tbe Jturnal, is to be carried on against all Democrats and " Union men, who refuse to amalgamate with the new party and obey the dictation of Us leaders. Such Democrat and Union men, though they i sney abed -their blood In defense of the Union, and be ready to make any sacrifices for Its maintenance, are to be denounced as secession- 'Jjsts, . ; . . Who are the secessionists, if any there be in 'Ohio, deservlrg that-name? Let the people . 1 wjudge. On the one hand we have a clique a v' faction, who declare they will know nothing but war and iarnas:e . In our eresent national con- fl;0n oh the other we have a party which has v ' never flinched from fidelity to tbe Union In the 'hosr'of perllj which Is, in the present erisis, v ;- aeither exclusively a war party nor exolnsivelj ' ' peace party, but demands that the rebellion fc sgainst the government shall be suppressed s that the constitutional and legal rights or an the people, North and South, shall be" held aacred,. and effectually gosranteed, ana tnai " "the' "old Union of free and slave States, as ,T, formed 'by Washwcti ), Madisou,'' JirnasoN, and tbe men of their generation, shall be re 'stored atd Dreserved. Again, we say, let the people judge who are secessionists, if any there it'. eeloOuio- Judge Nye's Article. Our readers will find on the first page of this mornlnr'a Sfsitfman an Interesting article from the Marietta Xtpublican, written by , Judge Astra Nrs, of that place.- Judge Nrs Is well ,fv inowa W the citlxens bf Ohio as S conservative politiolao of tiie old Whig scbool, and as an eminent lawver anq ,)uage. ice aeuHuiBUM enlerulnedby It msa of hlf age and experience, J -who bas been, of late years, . withdrawn from aoiive participation In the politics,of the dsy, 'and ebgaged In the -ppiition'cf eonstltutlonal and n-uulcipal law, ejDuot fall to gain a re . spctfal bearing from every eitlteo who baa the i gooj of the country ap4 tbe prestfvailoa of its free Institutions really at heart.. , i ' Tbe Government has decided tliat the three month's volunteers are sot entitled to bouhty for re-enlisting. Dennison's Letter to Henry B. Payne. We pablieh thia -Ornlog the correepondence of Got. Dimmmor end Hmbt B. Paine, In re- letkwteeaeel the resolution, of the Deno- araUa Union ConTentlon. Tne retolotion fwred to li that denouncing the "cortupUon, ..j f..nrttiam" of the War Daoartmentof the8tatend neaerei r m.nt It la so Terr ittenae tbet the Gowemor did not, ptettoue W thle, eddreee letter to the Clncl-netl CmmtrtM, Qwtt end other or hie ii.i i t.i.lA. k nhiMt. Since the war thr-a Datere hee, day a tier day charged Incompetency." profllgecy. oorroption n f.n,iti.m. noon the war meneeeri In both .. . xT-.t .i ..j a.i- Administration!. But tne iatiuuM h. has not detaned to notice them though tbey ere all and each regarded responsi ble: So palpable wee the incompetency of the men who were managing the war matter! of the State, that the Honte of RepreeentatlTee, the majority of which were political friends of the Gorernor, paeeed a resolution by nearly a unan imous rote, requeetlng the Gowernor to dismiei man of bis "staff," and appoint men who were competent to discharge the dutlei or tnetr re- sneotlTe offices. Whether the outrageous contracts gtwen out at the commencement of the war, were the suit of "coriuotion." faTOrltlsm,,, or "Incom petenoe," time end Inrestlgatlon will determine. We hare not the space or the inclination, at present, to go into the matter at this time. The Gorarnor reported to the Legislature, m re pome to a reeoluUon, enough to laUsfy any man that the contract! were outrageously ex- trawairant and unjustifiable For instance, he made contraoU without pub- n notice, for sat Uu tkutMnd uniforms at six. raw dollars each, two thousand of which were let to 0 'Haixa C BurwoLi, of uis ciiy These uniform! eost the oootraotora less than Un dollm, making a dean profit en the ten thousand, of sixty thcuiand dollars. A con tract for tar tkownd orerooaU was let at $9 65. i We ere informed that the coats eoet hnnt .It dnllara. learlnc a nrofit of about tUOOO. These orercoata are now famished far seren dollere and twenty-fire cents, and we suppose, et thle, the contraotore bare t respect- able profit. We need not allude to the oootrecis ior auo- siitence, at firty cents per say, ai uis ume. The whole Bute has condemned them. Whether these contracts were let througn motires of "feToritlam," or from IncompeUncy or corruption, we leare our readers to deter mine. As to the rery liberal offer made by the Gor- ernor of the use of his "staff" and the reoords of the ExecutWe offioe.we will only say, that all this will no doubt be examined by a Wglsla tire committee, who' will hare more time to derote to that subject than the committee on resolutione. Indeed we hare no malice toward Got. DufNisow; his fate at the hands of his po litical friends has exoited our sympathy and commiseration. When his political Mends sustain will be time enough for us to say mote. Call you this Sustaining the Administration? Tn r.AiT. There ie a class of quasi traitors in certain parts of tbe Northern States, ts. rMT hMdanartere 01 wnom are at naw York and Albany, who labor to promote the oause of the rebels by stirring up dissension at tbe North, and particularly by endeavoring to break up tbe Cabinet. JAiZ. Bulletin. And there is a class of editors in Pennsylva nia and a few other States, wno oetong to ai mon Camion, and who receive every sugges tion in favor of removing him from the War Department, and putting a more able and hon est man In hie piece, aa high treason and tbe sin against tbe Holy Ubost mat is unparuona hi. We think It highly probable that Pennsylva nia politicians will presently oome to be esti mated at their true value. The removal of Cameron, and the appoint ment of Holt in his place, would carry joy to every loyal heart la the land. Eridenoes of the Incompetency and dishon esty of Simon Cameron are every day apparent. They arc perfectly appalling. The President thinks this is not the time to swap horses, but hs Is mistaken It la tbe very time to make a wholesome change. We deelre our friends to distinctly under stand that the above is from ths Cincinnati Cmmtreinl, the mouth-piece of ex-Governor Chase, now the Secretary of the Treasury. And yet the resolution of the Democratic Union Convention denouncing corruption in tbe Wm Department la called Irteseaeoli. Evidence of incompetency and corruption is "narioTLT ar rALLMo," but a Dtmtergt must not say so! .Farther on this point. "' List of Officers Resigned. The New York Trttans publishes a list of officers resigned, and whose resignations have been recognised two hundred and twenty-five in all. Ws give those from Ohio: Benjamin Rush, 1st Lieutenant, 9i Regiment; P. S. Tower, 1st Lieutenant, 1st Regiment C. McDermont, Surgeon, 3d Regiment; J. Ross McMullen. 1st Lieutenant, Sd Regiment; L. M. Kellogg, Captain, S4th Regiment; Nelson L Lnt(, 1st Lieutenant, 13th Regiment; A. Lan- dut Piatt, Colonel, 13th Regiment. "A Great Nuisance." A petition Is In circulation amone the Ger man Republicans of Illinois, preying, the Free! dent to remove Cameron, aa a "great nui sance." The following Is a copy of tbe peti tion: "T U$ ExulUney,Abrhm Lincoln, Pruiitnt f tae VnUtd Sutm: t 'The undersigned American eitliens, having some to tbe conclusion, and sincerely believing, that Mr. Slmod Cameron, your Excellency's present Secretary of War, U In every reaped wholly unfit for the high and, at the present time, doubly Important position your Excellen cy intrusted him with, and further believing that he ie in fact a great nuisance to the coun try, would most respectfully pray your Excel lency to rid the nation and yourself of the eald officer, and to replace him by a nobler and an abler man, la whom all loyal dtlsens may eon fide. . "Discharge Simon Cameron, and 70a have won the country a aosen vioiorieei Wa. therefore, will ever prav. etc. etc." The Anttiatr it Wtn$, of Illinois, hopes tbe petition may be effeetnal la removing the "public nuisance" irom hs vaoinet. '' There Is no doubt in our mind but that Fbax BLAiaias got this up since he went weet. Blair belongs to the Ciasb sllque, who are determin ed on driving Cameron out. Bat "Old An" is determined to keep 4AMfR0 la. All who fight Caxho are opposed to tbe President's war policy. . . Defalcation of George N. Sanders. ft tht X<or cMc Innirtr. " GtsTLiKKt In my father's absence. In the South, 1 wish to stats to ths public that bis eo- eounts were ecrnpuiousiy made square wita ens Government before ble departure from the North, and that his prosecution IS political, baeed opon some unfair construction to punish ble 'treason" to the Administration, as be is not available new tor tbe courtesies or tbe Gov ernment in the hospitalities of Fort Lafayetto. - I will immediately forward to him intcllh. geoceof tbe sole; he will promptly vindicate himself, asking no favors or Indulgence of Mr. Lincoln. Very respectfully, Defalcation of George N. Sanders. REID SANDERS. GRASS HILL, Carrell Con., Ky., Aug. 18, 1861. The New Republican Union Party. We taks the following from the Ashtabula Statist!, the true exponent of the late Repub llcan organisation In Ohloi UNION STATE CONVENTION. ' Below is a call Issued at Columbus for State Convention. ' For what object the oall Itself says; and upon what authority, Is to bs deter, mined by reading tbe samee of thirteen Individ, uals In Franklin county, thirty-one In Cuyahoga, eight la Miami, one in Portage, one (David Tod) In Mahoning, seventeen in Lake, one (Hocking 11. Hunter) in Fairfield, eeven in Clark, one tn Champalgne, and three In Mont gomery. Eighty-three Individuate la all, In cluding foor or five who may be made eligible to a nomination for Governor by the aeiembliog of euch a Convention. (Here lollows the call). It ie tbe right of any individual to get up a a.... r.nnniinB ir h east and he may hold uui himself if be likes. But with our habits of party organisation, the people expect such things to come in order. , The Democracy have held a Convention, declared what i sus they propose to make, and nominated a ticket. Tbe Republi can Central Committee has invited tbe Demoo racr to ioin them in a Union ticket, which they navedeciinea. u was Dstuwi; w -i therefore, that the Republlcane would nominate, . . ..11 . r.nn.ntinn to take some aC' tion. But the committee has not called a Con vention, for either purpoee. xi h.t i. tha Renuhllcan nartv to do appears to be left for tbem to fall in with this call as an only alternative. But what ia to be the effect of such a oourse it ie well for ue to inquire. The Democraey nave orougo tu ticket before tbe people on me grouna ot opw 1 v.. nvauint Httte and National Admin istration, and making this an issue, declaring that the Republicans are responsible for the War, and that they are not worthy of publlo eonfidence-and oflerlng to settle the present difficulties by compromise with the reoele Here on the other band ia a oall, which proposes to repudiate eU party relations, not even offer log to sustain tba Administration, or Justifying tbs course it has taken in the conduot of the war to this time. Is the Adclnlstratioo, sieotea by the most decided popular expression, tc 1 be thus ooolly repu Mated in this trying hoort After voting for Mr. Lincoln, end placing tbe Admin- P . . . 1 a . 1..,. t n si wr tnaea Istratlon in nis nanat, arw m. -tbsir backs upon him, and invite aU who toted against him to join them In electing local om cereT We are of thoee wno oeneve was we Administration ought to be eustained j and we oannot Join In a movement tnat eo piamij gim it the go by. It may be that those who got ap this call did not Intend to do this; but In a new org anlsstion of thle kind, we must know what isintenaeato oeaoow. . - Democracy are. and what the Republicans are, from their peat record. But tbe elgnty-tbree gentlemen wbo propose to call e state tj,onven. lion, must UU us before we can know what lif propose to do. Their call snouto wereiare in dioate whether they intend ip euppprt the Ad .ini.i..iinn. bt not. We demand this ss a right before we follow their lead As to tne nepuoiioau v.u--. .k., . th aboatl Tbey published the other day that they would issue a call on a certain basis, if the Democracy did not respond to their offer Where is that call! Someof them have signed this call. But are we to regaru tue ap pearance of their names in that petition as an order for us to face abaut; or Ie it evidence that they have lektbeir pariyl iney were appos ed to oall a frii6a State Conveouoa, and like party duties; out not 10 mtuauu .u put; at their pleasure. We deny that they had any right to make the move they did toward the other party. But since they have, it was their business to perfect their proposed plan. How are we to know that tbey have decided not to a Rnuhliem Convention 7 Perhaps it may not be amies to remind them that they have done an unwarrantable thing, transcenaea tneir pow m. and krtravd them who out them in place Their action is without precedent, and without excuse; and tbey merit tbe denunciation of all honaat nnliticiana: and tbey will find them selves held to a further account, for this high- banded attempt to destroy their party organist tlnn . A. tn th ITnlnn nartv. we do not Say WS will not act with it. We mean to act aa seems right and beat! and we may see reasons for Joining this Union party; but till it proposes to support Mr. Lincoln's administration in its effort to maintain ths Government, and takes issue with the Democracy in their opposition to it, we sbsll stand aloof. We must be permitted to say that we think tho Sentinel Is perhaps unnecessarily severe on the Republican committee. Tbey could not well do otherwise, though some of tbem strng gled hard In the committee-room to savs its ex istence. The order of tbe committee is cer tainly to "face about." The people of that party have been so often ordered to "face about" aid ground arms by committees, that they are getting used to it. It is supposed they will obey tho command of some man wbo they have been la the habit of denouncing as a "DoujUt iro-Blarery doughfaoe Democrat," rather than one wbo has the smell of Republi canism on him. The men whom tbe tfranati would favor are behte par just now, la tbe new movement. They must be kept In the dark for feu of making the new party unpopular. , ' A Very Broad Hint. Tbe capitalists who losned the Government rim million dollars, adopted tbe following res olutioa: ' "RestM. That this meeting, In assuming the grave responsibility of furnishing means to sustaio the Government in this Important crisis, beg leave respectfully to express to the Presi dent of tbe United States its confident expecta tion that the Government will, without respect to party or personal considerations, so conduct Its affairs In every department of administration, as to Insure vigor, Integrity, economy sod effi ciency to the triumphant termination of tbe Thia is simply saying in very mild terms, you have not done right heretofore, but after tbis try sod do better. The N. I . Times says: "To the President, this significant resolution esnoot tail to imply several things. One ie, that there wee, ia the opinion of the bankers, ased to live taint tne warning it contains.. Ths capitalists it fear that all ie not right in tbe administration of tbe Government, or tbey would never have told the President that be would be expected to enforce Integrity' and economy' la ue application ci me atonsy thsy are advancing But the resolution signifiee more. - It reaches into tbe future, and means tbat If tho President ahall (ail to eons alt the ob vious wiebes of the nation la regard to the Wlgor, fakorty.eeritewtw and efficiency of the Administration in too prosecution 01 tne war, tbs 'grave responsibility of furnishing mesne to sustain tba Government' will be dropped by tbo very capitalists by whom it bss beea ss- MUSSd.. .?,;-. i. 1 .?,."' .- ' Jt Is about time some one should have thrown oat this Mat.., Ws. hops it may. bo of advan - ' er ' " - Come to Think of It. Gov, Deonlsoo hat somehow come across a paper which Insinuates that bis war Adminis tration is not a brilliant sucoess. Hs Is "er westy ereusd.n He writes to 0. B. Payne, as obairman 01 tbe uemocrauo convention Com mittee, asking him to make rood tho Insinua tions in tbe resolutions. Mr. Payne replies tbat H. E. Smith ot Stark was ehslrman, and If he wanted tbe chairman's answer the note should be re-dlreeted, whereupon the Governor throws open his files, tenders the assistance of bis staff, denes tne worm "or sny omer man," end pub iiahea toe wnoie oorresponuence. inciuaine a re- loinder to Mr. Payne, which reached Cleveland in pint before tbe note to Mr. Payne, which cat off tne possiDiiuy 01 ait. rayns's nnai an swer, with tne vouchers, Irom appearing at the eame time. The answer Was ready before boob to-day, but Is crowded out sod will appear to morrow. eutnaeaKr. , While the Democracy rally around no flag bat that of tho Union, they wilt never eeese te fight foe freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of tbe press, freedom of tbe nations under the protection of tbe habeas cor pus, and trial by juries Impartially elected. TtlHtTMne. Correspondence. GOV. DENNISON TO H. B. PAYNE. THE STATE OF OHIO, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Columbus, Aug. 14, 1861. Mia ana A tYlftn SV tha .aanlntlona reoorted by you aa Chairman of aoommittee, and adopted by the "Democratic Confentlon," which met In this cltv on the 7th Inst.. I find the following: . "RessW, That tbe corruption, extravagance, incompetence and favoritism shown in the War Departments of the State and Federal Govern- mente, deserve ana receive our uuquanucu u demnatlon, and ought to be Immediately correct ed and reformed." 1 J V Thai ara rave eharcee. . If well founded the State authorities, and especially myself as tbe Exeoutive,- ought immediately to -resign their offioial trusts. If talse, those who have preferred and those who give currency to tbem, mnit'.anaim tha merited condemnation of an Indignant people. Your resolution embodies general accusations; I call upon you for partio ulars and demand tbe evidenoe upon which you base your esiault; the medium through which it shall be given, I leave you to deter That you may be prepared for tbe fullest ex hi hit nr fmMt. 1 Invita von to a thorough exam. inatlon of everything relating to the War D partment or my Aamimsirauuu- n wu trant. mmwnnndenoe. records of appointments and orders, appertaining to the Department yon have attacked, snail oe ireeiy pu, jwu shall be furnished witn copies 01 wuawver pa mm wan datirnate. I extend you also the lib erty of Interrogating, at your pleasure, every effloer la mj staff, and every assistant ia my own end their offices. ' , J .' . . If your resolutions are not the exponent of a purpose, ae old aa tbe war, and as malevolent aa it la tOViaiOUS, IO SimuintV ptinuireui muM economy, but instill distrust, by which political ambition and party avarice may be eubserved, publlo credit depreciated and tbe National Gov ernment compelled to a disgracetul compromise with armed treason, you will promptly seise the opportunity I give you to show the people that those you represent are aoiuaicu uj mumw ui honest antagonism to reoemon, out ten uu vj amiatv for the nreservatlon of political identi ty and the snpremscy of doctrines, which by DODUiar vote tne toyai oiei t muutmuw WM. DENNISON. H. B. PAYNE, Chairman Com. on Resolutions, 7th Aug. Dem. Con., Cleveland, Ohio. MR. PAYNE'S REPLY. CLEVELAND, Aug. 17, 1861. Data 8iai I am in receipt of a communioa. tion from von under date ot the 14th iost , but em at a loss wnetner 1 snonio repiy k it, 1 was not "the chairman ot tbe committee on Resolutions at the 7th of August Democratio Convention." Uf you designed ths letter lor tbe offloui or gan of tbat committee, 11 anouia nave oeeo au- dreesed to the Hon. H. E. Smith, of Staikcoun ty. I read the resolutions before tbe Conven tion at his rtauest. and thia act probsbly led you Into tbe error of supposing tbat I was the "chairman." Unless, therefore, you especially desire a reply from me, I will return the letter to you, or forward it to Judge Smith, as you may prefer. . I', , ' Keepecuuuy yours, eic ,. H. B. PAYNE Hon WM DENNISON, Columbus, Ohio. GOVERNOR DENNISON'S RESPONSE THE STATE OF OHIO, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT COLUMBUS, August 19, 1861. Si a: In reply to your letter in stant. in which you Inform me tbat yon were not the chairman of tbe oommittee on resolu tions of the 7tb of August Democratio Conven tion, as you were understood to nave been, 1 have to say that I intended to address you only In your reported offlaial capacity as chair man, w tin you personally 1 nave no contro versy. ' '"' ' ' I publish the correepondence for tbe purpose of saying tbat I desire my letter of the 14th Instant, to you, addressed to any respectable gentleman, wbo will assume tbe responsibility of having been tbe chairman of the committee tbat reported tne reioiutions reterrea to, or to any other member of tbe committee, or to eay other member of tbe convention who approves them. Respectfully, WM. DENNISON. HENRY B. PAYNE, Esq. Cleveland, Ohio. Important Railroad Decision. Recently a brakesman on the Pennsylvania Railroad, named Frszier, having been injured by a collision, which he claimed was tbe result of gross negligence on the part of tbe Com pany's engineers, brough a suit for damages, and got a verdict for $5,775. Tbe defendants sppealed to the Supreme Court, and after a careful examination of the case, that Court re versed the decision ol the Court below. Tbe grounds of the reversal are thus summed up: "Aa employer is not necessarily responsible to bis employee for inury arising from tbe negligence of bis fellow-servant. But if he knowingly keep la hie employ a rash, careless and Incompetent servant, and injury is thereby caused to another servant, tho employer is re sponsible for tbe damage. If, bowertr, tbe habitual carelessness or incompetency of the employee be known to a fellow employee, who remalne In the service without giving notice thereof to tbe employer, and receives an injury therefrom, tbe employer Is not responsible -Character for care, skill and truth must alike be proven by Svldenceof general reputation, not or special aole." 1 . - [Correspondence of the Cincinnati Commercial.] The Rebels on the Mississippi between Caire and St. Louis. Cairo. Aug. 19 A thousand rebels oocupy and have sacked Commerce, Me. Tbey have also planted a battery there, compelling the steamer Deamoinee to return to Cairo and the Hannibal City to Cape Girardeau. Tba gnn boats leave Cairo at daylight, to take the battery and disperse the enemy. Tbere is considerable excitement. Payne's regiments leave to night by boat for Commerce. C. D. M. Army Appointments. Tbo Detroit Fru Prttt gives tbs following sppointmsnts from Miobigan, in ths regular army: i Brigadier Generals A. S. Williams, of De troit, Democrat; I. B. RIcbardson, of Pootiao, Republican. ' 1 , First Re k I meet Artillery Joseph P, Sanger. Of Detroit, First Lieutenant, Republican. First Reciment Infantry Jtiozle Sates, of Detroit, Seoond Lieutenant, Republican. eleventh Kegiment lnuntry Menry L. Cblpman, of Detroit, Captain, Republican; martin cider, or , first lieutenant, Ke publican. Twelfth Regiment Infantry Samuel S. New berry, of Detroit, First Lieutenant, Republican. Thirteenth Kegiment larantry E, W. Clift, of Detroit, First Lieutenant, Republiean. Fourteenth Regiment Infantry Richard F. CBlerne, ot Detroit, Firet Lieutenant, pern, oerat. , ... Fifteenth Reglmeut Infantry Edward' A. Curtenlus,of Kalamazoo, First Lieutenant, Re publican. . ' : ' i Sixteenth Regiment Infantry Charles T. Trowbridge, of Detroit, First lieutenant, Re rmbllcan. 11 8eveateenth Regiment infantry Jamee W. Bingham, of Ltvingston, First Lieutenant, Re publican! Bemaer Howrad, of Geaessee, First Lieutenant, Democrat. .. r. - Eighteenth Regiment Infantry Henry B. Misntr, ot Detroit, Captain, Kepubilean; a. Denton, of Ann Arbor, Firet Lieutenant, Re publican. , - - i Nineteenth Regiment Infantry William J. Lytter, of Detroit, First .Lieutenant, JRepubll- Paymasters Joshua Iiowsrd, of Detroit Re- publican J Anthony Ten fcyex, oi uetroit, Vtm oerat.' .' . . . vn . . :...v. ,, Commissary Department Griffith Oweo, of Detroit, Captain, Rrpubllcan, ; : ' , ,t : . , The FrtePrete addst 1 " '"" j It Is true there are a few Dtmocrats selected, but so lew that It impresses one wita the belief that they were made from a feeliog of necessity and not from choice, tbat it would not do te ignore the existence of the Dsmooratlc party entirely, but it should bo dons ia such a manner I as to maks the neglect full as striking as though I none Bad "tea appointor Female Traitors. A faot has Just corns to our knowledge shows how readily the enemy obtains Wmj; tion through agendee which are perform their operations without check or bln- A lady who lipasBlng the summer at New. port received, lsBt week, a letter from a lady friend, dated at Richmond, asd announcing the writer's sate arrival la tbet city from Baltimore. The letter was filled with seoeesloa sentiments. Ths writer, a young Southern woman, espouses ths oause of 'the rebels with ths utmost fervor, and expresses an earnest wish that the war against the Government may suooeed. Bbe then describes tbe plan by which eho .was en abled to elude tbe vlgtlanoe of our patrols, snd maks her way aafely to the rebel capital as ths bsarer of important dispatohss from the se ceesloniets of Baltimore to their friends at Manassas Junotioa and Rlobmond. She lert Biltimore some ten days sines with no other baggage than a medium-sized traveling trunk; tha Ptnm.A In an 0060 bOSt. made bCT thrnnoh nnvnarded OSSSCS St ft. distance r.m k ii.,. n i aimv. and bv a circuitous and fatiguing routs succeeded in entering the lines or tbe enemy, one usu tuu m ,juv.v U r..n.,..ilni. An tha aamn at ManSSSSS, having given tbe enemy's plokets abundant evidences of her sympathy with tbelr course, and was permit ted to proceed to Richmond without molestation of any kind. , , Arriving at Richmond, her trunk was Imme diately sent to the Postoffloe in order that the Immense number of letters whloh it contained might be properly assorted and forwarded. The writer adds, mat ao great , m .u.vm. the correspondence whloh sac had thus convey ed from Bltimore to Riohmond that her trunk was packed with letters so that she had room for only one light summer dress on the top of them. In detailing the particulars of this Journey, tbe writer further saysi "To bs sure, 1 ran some risk in doing this, but then, if they the Gov ernment! had caught me what could they have donel 1 am only a woman, iney wouia eaiy Asm test miff Wnthtngton." This story, which comss to us upon the best authority, simply proves what has been said lor many weeks past that ths rebels constantly re ceive Information of the movemente oi tna Government, and that tbelr faculties ior oom iDg regular communication with the secession- 1,1. In R.ILImnra and WathinCtOB SUffur BO ma terlal cbeok from tho euspenslon of the mail ser vice. . The young lady in question, however, could h... ..d haraaif much trouble and considera ble risk by forwarding tbe letters to Richmond through tbeiAdams Express Company of this clty.-iV. Y. Put. : In a Tight Place. Hearlne a Republican misrepresenting the speech of Mr. Vailandigbam tne otner aay, we remarkea mat we were going to puuuau , tu let the publlo aee what Mr. V. did say. Well." said he. "any editor wbo will publish a aneeoh of Mr. Vailandigbam ought to have his office mobbed, and Is a secessionist." We remarked: "Do yon take the New York Trii- wr1 "Yes. sir. I do." said be, "ana you don't find Vailandigbam' speech In it, either." "Why," said we, "we dipped it from the 7ie n our jell, end we will bet you $10 tbat It Is In the number you now have in your pocket "i The TViount waa pulled out of bit pocket, and the first tblug which met his eje, in large type, was, "Tbo epeecn ol tbe Hon. i. u vauauuig ham," etc., cto "I'll give up," said be; and mizzled. It was patrioiUm for Mr. Greeley to publish tbe same thing. Was ever bu "buggery more arrunt7 Afeitoa Drmocreiic Mirror. . Mr. Giddings waa attacked on Siturdsj afternoon witb a paroxysm ot the complaint from whioh be has occasionally suffered (atropbe ot the heart), and lor a few minutes his symp toms were really alarming; but ne is now aoing well, and decided to be out of danger by bis physician, and likely to be entirely recoverea in a few days, bver since tne late oeieat at Manassas, he hae been very much excited, and has labored nigbt and day, through the recent hot weather, In getting up tbe iwenty nintn Reelmeot making two trips to Columbus, and traveling and speaking all over tbe county by which bis physical strength nas oeen over tlxed. Aihttbult Sentinel. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EZIRs, BUQAB CUBED EaaUl ' EXIBi. 8TJQAB CURED BEEF! WRITS WHEAT FLOUR (Best Brands.) French and Turkish Pruuei, Figi, Zante Currants and Eaitins For tale whotetalo and retail by WM. H. REBTISACX, j)31 106 South High Btreet. PAPER FOR THE STATE. SCALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CMVD at the Oflice of tbe Becretary ot State, until Monday, the 2d day of September next, at noon, for fornlthtnt caper for tbe use ef tbe State of Oblo, ai follow!: 2,000 BStmt Donblt Baper Royal Printing Paper, S7X by 41 idoIiu, to weign not Kte man oo peunaa w uic nam. 100 Reams Double Flat 0 tp, 16 by 97 Inches, te wtlgb at letttM pounds to ibe ream. 100 Reama Broebnre Oover Paper, ataorted colors, SO by 87 lacbee. to weigh at leatt 20 pounds to tbe ream, Tbe quantities above named to be tnoreated at the op tion ot the Beeretary of Stals. Bids matt be accompanied by samples of the paper, and mutt specify the prlo. at which each kind tod quali ty will bt delivered at the State Boute in Colombot. No temples of an Inferior article seed be presented; the paper mntt be of the bett qua liy . Ibe dtllveiy of the Baper Borel and Oover Paper to oommtnoe on the first of November next eneulng, and continue aa the paptr ahall be needed. Tne delivery of tbe Doable Flat Cap ta commence on the tint 6ay of Deoembtrsext, asd eontlnue ae above. Bondt, with approved tesurity In double the amount of tht contract, will be required (aooordtof to taw), condi tioned for the faithful performance at each contract. The bldt to bt made and ihe contraott awarded fat ao- oordtnot with ibe terms of the -"act te provide for the purchate of Stationery, Fuel, and other articles for tbe General Amenably end State Offlowi," pitted March 11, looj. nee uurw. aim) awan a aui. ooo. Bldt to be Indorsed on the envelopes, "Proposals for fumitbina paper for tht fetate." e Bidden are atturvd that no paper will bs rvoelved nn late It conforms la every respect with the samplea. 2 Ate jromiHn tmt oe uncut acuurem to. . . , i Secretary of State. Cotumbna. Ohio', Ae'gnit f, IfOl-dtd FUEL FOR THE STATE. SEALED PUOPOSALB TV ILL BE BE. 01VB1 at tbs Offltt of U Secretary of State, until .-, ,. ,., ... . -i ,. Monday the 31 day of Septsmber next, at 12 , o'elocK M., for furnltblng tbs flats of Ohio with Fuel, at follows: 80,000 Bushels ef Coke, to weigh not lets thaa 40 pound, to tne rmtner. - 10,000 BuebtM Coal, to be of the best quality equal et leut to the lower vein or iiocting.uoai, ana rrat from slate, stick arid dirk.- I The fuel to bs delivered, without ' rhart tor inch de- llrery, at tbe State Boute In Colon but. , ' ' Pronotalt to be accompanied by eunplet.end to tpeol- fy the kind, quality and price ot tbe fuel proposed to be innitahaA. - ' ! Bach contractor will be required to give bonds, with approved taoarlty, in double the amount of the con tract, conditioned for the faithful performance of hit eontraot. - Tbe bldt to be made and the eontraete to bt awarded In aeeordanoo with the terms of tbe aot entitled "An aet to provide for tbe pnrahatt of Stationery, Fuel, and ether articles for the Qrneral Ateemaly and State offioert," patted Waroh It 1S5J. See Bwaas Bev. Buu ,$M; Curw. SIM).' ".. Bids to ke Indorsed oa fbe envelope, "Fropostls for lunnaniDg inei ior tnvDuita. , , . , , , Fue 1 furnltbed by tbe eontractor matt In all eatrs be ennat ta aaMt o the sample. TM rate WiH te ... t . -.- a. r. .udoauui ; , . . .. - - Secretary el State, Oolnabus. Ohio. August lMI-td. TjfJHCIIAlEH WANTED for SCO paektget of JT. Itarlonerv aod lewelrr, for sale at prioee at In voiced, tat 10 peretat. dteeeant, at tbe expreat oflice at Columbul, Ohio. 'Alto, tgente wtarea te ten tne nevt peeaets or Itltitn try twitu v wimoui jewwiiy bout Jewelry) tn the market, at prlcee be puiebatta fleewhare. Address, with lowtr uaaean Itamp Saoloeed, , ... .. .. t. I,. BaILIY, UiOeart street, Bottou, Mtts. ' JIyIS-4tw rtEPELLANT OH TTATER.PROor XV CLOAK CLOTHS, i Alao, other Dikes ef Spring u loaa vioina.wau aenraiue mutuiree Hinainn, lee tell and Buttons to match, . , . BAIN at Suit, apnia - - 110) M South Hie h atre e A'ATTIKTALB CODflSn, XV rierovi ntoe ; 1 Catk Pearlrd Barley. -n T-1 ...K.i' :: t M-ti' ,llr-l k ' 60 Btrrelt White Wheat Ilotr. 1U0 Bed (Bxtra). Ia store sod for sale by angW-Jt VTB. II, BI8TIBACX 106 South Ills b Street- ANNOUNCEMENTS. COUNTY AUDITOR. iDtroa Ohio BTTtt-PleaBe announce lbs earns of Joaua tiUtaaaACu. jrf this city, wbo Is at prtient clerk In tbe Count Xreatarer's office, at a taltabls can didate for Oouaiy Aadltor, ratjeet to tba dtoltlan ef tbs Vrauklla Oouaiy Union Dtmooratls Convention, and T'llZ:-:??:' f AKT BEMOOBATI. gurtea bam lAiraiAX P Uate anBoanoa the .tame et Im W'Uo at a candidate for County Auditor, ekbjeet te ths detUlon of tit Union fiemoeratlo Oonren' tha. and oblige . MANY P1M0QBATS. REPRESENTATIVE. iDtToa Dm 'BTATfAB Please announoe the name of Oso. 1. Convraeaasaoandldete for BtpretenUUre, snbjeoi te tbe deoUloB of ths TJnloa Betaooratlo Con-VehUo.a.ebUgs,-1l,-- jjjMoOBATS. , -Emtob Oaie BTAtaaiuii-rPleaia announce the name of Jons 0. Idwabds, of Madlaon towntbip, u a candi date for KepmentaUTS, tnlject to the deolslon of the rnlonDemoeraUe Oonyentlon of Franklin County, and oblige, v., . k nogT 0J pEMOOBATS. KoiToa lTniiai-Ploaie announce In yonr paper tbat many voters In this bit" and In Franklin county, dttlre to hare Otto Daaan,, !., for their next Beprf mtettre.r Mr. prewl U Jut the man for the place. eugH'M ' ' ' SfANT PaMOCSATI. , Onio fTKii: Pleats announce la yonr pa per that many of tbe voters of tbe northern part of this county dttlre to bare Oen. OrUwold, of Bbaroa town Ship, for ear aext Bepietentatlva. ' MOSES DAVIS. : Koitoi Ohio Btatoimh: , Sir Pleate annoanos tbe same ef A. 0. Bum, of Jacluon townthlp, tt a randl data for Bepreteatatlre, eubjeot to tie deoitioa ef tks Colon Dtmocratlo nominating eonventlon, andoWtfe, A BOST OF DEMOCRATS. SHERIFF. a mm. ar.TMMAii Pleate announoe the namt of Oapt. Biaaa at. Oisoas.of Blendoa township, at a oaodldate for Sheriff, subject to the decision of ths Franklin County Denocratle Convention, and oblige abiW ie ' MANT D1M0OBATB ( COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Ioitor 0b Btatsb Pleate announce tht nine of W. W. Etta, of Madlaon townthlp, at a oandidate for nnnwtm flaamlMloner. aaUeet te the dedilOB of the Union Democratio County Convention, and oblige, eugSl . MAST hgMOCaATB, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS MILLIONS OF MONEY For an Inch'of Time! WAS OlfCE THBEXOLAIHxiui or a eying Queen. Tbat Inch of time etn be procur ed at a mush cheaper rats, and many long years oi HEALTH AND HAPPINESS enjoyed by consulting Dr. MBRBTwB ATHBB, who ltourlnftnemoatobitlnateand lonf it ending diteyet of the LUNQ8, Ha ART, HTM. atUBBin, DBB. STOttAOH.BBBTJMArisa DIBEABM riuu LIAR TO yKMAtKB, SKIN DI8IA8E8, AND ALL AtFBCIIOMB j)F IUI BYB AND BAB. . V , Facts1 airo Stnbbara Thlnga! Bear what the Philadelphia eorretpondent taya tn the "Commonwealth," Wilmington, Delaware, Bib of AprU, IBM: i "An Xneilth gentleman, formerly erni netted with the Briiieh Army, and wbo atylee blmtelf the 'Indian Botante PhjttcUn,' hae of late gained an extensive repu tationhereky his skill In curing all manner of com plalntt. Some of bit patkwts I bare oonverted with, tnd they proaonnoe hit remedies and mode of treatment at very superior. Some have been ret to red at U by matte. Tho medioine be utes It dlttilled by himetlf from vtrloua horbe poeteailng rare curalira properttea. "While aotlog In me army he devoted his lelture mo mentt to a thorough study of the elfeota produced by certain medlolnal roots and berbe on all manner of die eaus. It tacmt ft bu found a turn and epeedy reme dy forall the Milt that fleih is heir to.' flit practice It already extentlre and la dillr increasing. In the com plaints to which Females are subjeoted. he bu no equal, ua large number here have tettifled that they owe not only their praeent gcod health, but their lives, to ths skill of thlt Indian Botanic Pbyilln- Office 37 East State Street, Columbus. aug!7-d3m COLUMBUS OPTICAL INSTITUTE. The Best Artificial Help ta tne Human le;ut aver InTonteol. . JOSEPH 8. PEEIEY, PRACTICAL SCIENTIFIC OPTICIAN, KEEPS THE LARGEST ASSORT, merit of the molt Improved kinds ef Bpeetaolee. Ail hit aiatiee, whether for near or far-ilghted, are ground In concavo convex form with tbe greateet care, eo et te suit the Byes of all eases, curing Weaknett. Drulneas er Indammettoa ef tbe Byes, and Imparling strength frr long reading or fine sewing. . Offiee. II Bait State street, St Bellter A Webster's Mutio Store. eugS-dly V. SPECIAL NOTICES smcTS or irregularities avoided. Toe mpeb eating and drinking, dsw habits and nodes of life, often produce irregularities la the bowels and general health of tbe system. But Baairmura'a Puts will soon sure, the stomaoh will regain Its strength, and a bealthy action of ths system will be restored. , Ho Mteicutas are equal In ussfulnosi te tht BBAIYDKETH'S PILLS, BKAKDBETH9 UNIVERSAL SALVE cV ALLCOUBVa POHOUB PLASTERS. Every man ot ths FIB1 ZOUATIS had a box of BBANDBBTB'S PILLS bex of VNITBBSAIi BALTB, and an ALLCOCK'S POBOUS FXABTBB put in tbelr knapaaok free of expense. And to this fact may be at tributed the abttnoe ef any of THIS BBOIMINT from tbshotpttal. . ITXBT BOLDIIft should baveU box of Brandreth't Fills, a box ot Salve, and a pleoe ef Porous Platter. Tbey are BUBB to be useful, often life-saving. Bold by 3os Cool, Druggut, Oeluabae, and by all respectable dealers In medicines. '. . J ! .':' ' augl7-dlm i I : t ' jnurr ats Lire pills. In all oases ef eostlventes, dyspepsia, bullous sod liver affeotiont, pilee,' rhtamaUam, fevers aad esaes, ebstl Bate head aches, and all general derangetnents of health thsee PIllthATt Invariably proved a etrtaln and speedy remedy. A single trial will plane ihe Lua Mis beyond tbs teach pfoompetitlon In the estlmatloa of every pa tte&tf ' " ' '' " t Dr. Moffat's PnW ltun will be found equally ef Boeeious Is aU oases ef bervous debility, dytpepsla, bead sohe the aVhaeee taoideot U filie la deUaale health, tnd every km! ef weakaeeS ef the dlgeetlve ergant. For taU W Dr- W. B. MOFFAT. ?, Broadway, B. I. and by all DruggkrU. . : amylB-dAwly Tie foUowlnj; U sn sxtract iron a letter written by the Bev- S. Holme, paster et ths pierrepblnt-Btreot Baptist Church, Brooklyn, W. T.,to the "Journal and Maatenger," Cincinnati, 0 and speaks velsntoa ia fetor ef that world-renowned medicine, Mas. WtMiow"! sooraiM Sratrr roa Oaruant TaaTBniei ' "Wt steam advertltment la your columns of Mas Window's Sooth we Braor. Now ws never talda word In avor of k patent medicine before In onr life, but we feat eon pel led to Say to your teadare that thle Ie ne hum bof wt v vaiea rr, an anow rr v aa atx rr olaiM. It la probably one of the moat suroaairul medt ointeef thedar, beoaoas It Is one of the beet. And thoee of your readers who bays babies seat do better thaa lay supply." fowaydaf RAirj& SON. So. 29 Soutlx High Street, Columbus, 1 AEoS WU-f Pr Good, atex.valu. fMOrard? TrT'tHns Dress Ooods at 1S. va'us 0 ote. MOO Jtrds BniHtb Btrasat at WK. value oeoti. 10U0 wrd! French Ornndtes at UU, valoe SO cents, loon rards Fait OolorJd Uwne at 10 value 11 cents. ?. ,,ra. h.... Hiit..t 37W. value 60 eentt. MO vari Bnpir FMs BUek lllk at l 00. valas f I . Boul S OrgSdle Berage, and UnglUh llerage, at one half their value. fc -0M ; 29 Booth Ulgb Street. Elegant Lace Mantillas, cto ON", ISTo. 29 South High St., HATS J tut opsned an Invoice of very Urge and bandecae pusher, french. and cuantilla lace mantillas and p0inte3. Wide French Laces for Shawls. Very Deep Freooh Flouncing Laces. Real Thread, French, Cbantilla & Oeneveee VE1XS. Valenciennes, Point de Gaze, Brussels and Thread Laces and Collars, VALENCIENNES TRIMMED H'DKFS, " MALTESE LACE COLLARS & SETS, LINEN COLLARS & CUFFS, In new Shapes, PAPER COLLARS & CUFFS, For traveling. PRICES TJNXTSTJAX1.Y LOW, Traveling Dress Goods. MOZAMBIQUE S, POPUNB, BHEPIIEBD'S CBEOKB BILKS, FOIL Dl CBBTBB8, LATILLAS, BBOCHB TALXNCIA8, Ao. Ac The belt and moot fashionable styles In tbe city, - AT VERY IXrW PRICKS. BAIN A SON, JeSl SO South iligh Street. REMOVAL. WILLIAM Hv RESTIEAUX, DEALER IN Groceries, Produce, Proviaions, Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Fruits, etc. etc., HAS BEHOVED CIS BTOBB FttOM NO. 34, NORTH HIGH STREET, No.-10G,:$outh High Street, Thtoldttand ree.-ntly occupied by WM. McDONALD lie It In daily receipt of NEW AND FRESH COODS Which he will tell Cbeap for Caah or Country Produce. JJjr Ooodt delivered to City trade free of charge JJl lylS WM. H. RESTIEAUX, (IUCCSB30H TO McKEB fc RESTIEACXj No. 106, South High Street, OoHsXJ3VII3TJfci, DEALER I GROCERIES, PRODUCE. PROVISIONS Foreign and Domestic Fruits, FLOUR, 8 ALT, LIQUORS, ETC. STORAGE & COMMISSION Jlylg IRISH STEAMSHIP LINE. Steam Between Ireland and America NEW YORK, BOSTON AND OALWAY. Ths following new and magnlfioeut nnt-olaispaddit wheel Bteamthlpa compote the ebove line: ADBIATIO, 5,888 tons burthen, Ctpt,J.MiO (Formerly of the CoUlnt Line.) BIBERNIA, 4, too tone burthen. Oapt. N. Paoweu. COLUMBIA, 4,4t0 " - h. LaiTca. AN0L1A. d,40U " ' " Ntoaouok PAOiriO, S ttoo " " "I. Burnt. PHINOB ALBEKT. (Screw.) 3,300 " " J.Waumb. One of the above ships will leave New York or Botton alternately every Inetday fortnight, for Oalway, ear rytn the government malls, touching at Bt. Johns, The Steamers of this llae have been constructed with the greateet care, undtr the supervision of the govern ment, have water-tight compartments, and are unexcel led foreomfort, safety and tpeed by any alternate afloat. They are commanded by able and experienced officers, aad every exertion will be made to promote the comfort ot paeeengert. An;experlenoed Bargeta attached to each ship. ItATES OF PASSAGE. Flrtt elatt N. Y. or Boston to Oalway or Liverpool I1U Second-class, " " 73 Firet-ouue, to St John'e 33 Third-elate, " ' " to Oalway or Liverpool, or aay town la Ireland, oa a Railway, - - - 30 Thlrd-emee patioagoie are liberal ly tapplled with pro-. vttlona of the beet quality, cooked and tervtd by the ser vants of the Oompaay. N. BETfJRN TICKETS. Fartlss witting to tend for their friends from the old Country can obtain Uckete from any town on a railway, in Ireland, or from the principal dtlet of Eogland and Boot lend, at vary low ratet. - Ptaeengtrt for Mew York, arrlrlng by the Botton Bteamere, will bs forwarded to New York free of charge. For passage or further information, apply to "-v Wa. H. frlCKUAM, At ths offloe of ths Company, on the wharf, foot of Canal itreet. New York. HOWLAND A ABPINWALL, Agents. aprfll9:dbm. bain & isoN;, ia S9 IOUTH HIGH . ITBEZT, ARJm NO"W OFFEBINO 1 1,000 yards Sapor PUIn Bleak Silks at 00 value 1 par yard. ttSOO yards Travtllng Irress and Mantle Ooods at 1 1B eeots value SO tents par yard. ,000 yards White Briltlantes at 12 la cents value SO cents per yard. ' " StOOO yards Fme sad DessssUe Olngbamt greatly an- ear value. ;u , ; . , AXBO- , LARGE AND DESIRABLE LOTS OP MOllaOIQUlS, Biuoxorxs,! . CHi.IJ.TI, fOULAXD BILKS, DTQIISS BASZOEB.amUS, tAWXI, CJXIC9Z8, rOFUKS, AND ALL OTHER ' Nervy and FaabLlonata ZrtnHs Oood la the a est desirable styles asd at Very lowers frloes. 3Vi:L3NrTIXjXja.OI Of all matarlalt, suds In the most stylish manner after the latest Paris Fathleaa ae most elegant styles In ths city. . .... ., BAIIf a BON, may X So. 89 South High street . , Canton Mattings. - Am'. (At 8-4, White ana ileal aad White V becked of sapeitut quality. For sals by VAin m Bun, athst iBo.saesthnih