Newspaper Page Text
UAilWABfiSTOBG S"StU 0-?l ' fir'f Jt iCi.i WLL A.t GrUiL, No. 30 North' High Street, On ol tilt laxgeat and Best Beleeted Aseoil coiTor woo Tj o . VIR OrTERKD IS THIS CITTI House Bnilder Furnishings or bVbbi eTHi and "quality. C C i" French American v " PAINTS OBOIIN DIN .OIL, arid pitt ap to. lutlf pound oaa fci- tolly "J" Paints In bulk. iirusbes ot'every Variety & quality. A Splendid AwortmeD. of MACHINISTS -TOOLS, CARRIAGE MATERIADS. AXES GRINDSTONES, Ae. . ,, GUNS, PISTOLS, SHOT, Ao- ..1 ( m TisHjNQ TACKLE ROPE A CORDAGE, " LEATHERAND INDIA RUBBER. BELTING. WEDGES, MAULS', TOMPii, ; 1 v, i" : AGRICULTURAL. I.MFLEMENTSt ; iv it :i i-a .;Y . - - - SCYXHES4.0 VJ ii; i :;.-! ; v : i 1. SCALES, BELLS, CHAINS'" Table aiid Pocket Cutfeiy. i especially iLTiU thi attention oail Intonttedto my took of Pocket and Table Cutlery, and SILVER PLATED FORKS, Table, Desert", and Tea' Spoons, Butter Kiiives, &c, ol ROQIRRb BRO'S. Manufacture; warranted, to be xtraheavy, Ilectro-rtoted, on genuine Altaetta. ' ' Country MtrcheitU, Mechanics, and others, are Invited .0 call and. eiAmln' J Stock, M I am prepared to Mil tfholeule and Retail. AVM. A. OILL. Oolaabo. Ohlb, May B. J960. LATI1R0P, LDDlNGTOiN & CO. 23 ft 25 PARS PLACE, 20 ft 22 MUERAY 8TBEET, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF. Foreign and Domestic D R'Y GOODS for cash or approved credit. ??iPEING, 1861. ; We are opening, at oar ample warerooma. at the abore numbers, saeks of Goods In each of the six departments ( our baskosu. superior to anything we have heretofore xhiwted to the trade. CLOTlT DEPARTMENT. mil hM grown to It. preunt msgnltnd under the .v ...i ..nMMiMit of a buvar of Lone ezoertenoo and acknowledged good taste. We keep extensive linet of the finest and choicest FAtJCVVESTWCS -L AND - - FANCY CASSIMEKES To be found In tbe market, all (elected with the nicest discratirjtUo. Also, al grades, colon and varietiet of; BROADCLOTHS, SATINETS," " " LADIES' CL0AINNGS, ; '"' TWEEDS, PARMRRS' and MERCHANTS' C ASSIMIRIS, KPNTCCIV JKiNi, from 9 to KH cent per yard , . .... . acdnpwarda; f WIBD8, 18X to li eenta per yard last year aold a .- " '.. : ntoSQj . k .(..-.. ' ' FR1NTED IATIN1T8, at M cental And other Omit torrttpnitdingly Lots. 1 . Dress-Goods Department. ' Mancheater De talbes, Hamilton do. Paelfio ' do. Printed Lawns, ' Printed Brilliant, Fancy Ginghams, Bcaabaelnea, . . Black Bilk, , . Pancy Bilk, " Printed Challla, ' Manchester Ginghams, Glasgow , do. Clinton - do. c Ottoman Cloths, : i Alpaca, Poplin, u , And Ih Nat Select StyU of FANCY SPRING COODS. Merrlmac Prints, Cccheoo ' do. -Posits do. ' Richmond' Prints, -' American do. . Dunnell'i.. no, Kogllah do. Bpraras'i ManchesM Wer, Ao. Prints, rJ JDOHlKSTIO COTTONS. - Lawrence 0. Sheetiiias, Atlsntie A. Bheetingt, Stark t'l ,; d. , Amoakeag . -i do. jAthrop , do. Appleton do. 1 Bhawant " do. 1 Kverett ' do. Pooastet do. Btica, Ae., do. -' . . .. AU Oradtt'and Wuttht. 7 BLaU0HJ:r 8HIBTINGS AND PHKBTINQ8. Waniutta, 1 - Dvright, -: " " Itwrenoo, Lonsdale, Great Path, " " Naamkeag, UU1, Wattham, Boott, Hew Tork Millt, Ae., Ao. " ' . . -SHAWlS'lND mantillas;' A LABQI AND KLEOT AMOTIt!T. Ml ,l4. . . ,. . . , . v OOTTONADBS-a groat variety. i-. .!,: OHBCKB do. TICKINGS all th laadra brands. 1BN1bB eto. .do.- - '-! SHIRTING BUUPXS-all th leading brands, , , , ; ANKKKN8 do. .... OOHBKT JJtANS -do.. do. MORBINS do. , do. . DAMAnKS PAPSR 0AMBRI08, CpLOSIS CAM Tar6and Complete stocks of WEITX GOODS, :,e . .v HOSIXBT, X ;' TAHaEZ Koxzon, . (cntlraen'FnrnishiDg Goods, UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, ' - "AMPETaTAN IIcLotMS,' -And great variety of Jood Botneoratd-HttT of wbleh we plMgo oaneive 10 eu sisamwi mt prtes the larger portioUrom 10 to 30 par oent. lea nan teat year. LATflROP, LUDINGTON & CO, 1 i f.EVV YORK. marU lltlPOETEDGOOtJS.;' JIfcA,,KCLIVJEl , 0 sua Italian Oil, Barton A Co., for tall as. . .ID, ' . Pronchalustatd.favorlte brands: ft ,' Boned Bardinee, the JJKtJX Sardine Imp'td 4 " ot (Japers aaouuTM. , . . A." laid ftiuoea "Ia A Perrln's Woreestor a.u,' , r. hint." "Sfyor' SulUin,"."JubB Bull," ' "Harvey, "steading." IO " - Walnut aad Tomato Catnap. IBdos.JOrrs A Jjlackwall celobrated Xngllsh ' riCB'rs, onnsisiing 01 "unaiuwFor, ri- calili," Chow-Uhow,' "Wslnnt," On. Mon," '0bnaj,, "Bean," "Gherk's" .ft. f - M'l Pickles. SO " London Porter. lOll Oanipbell'teelebratod Scotch Al. . , H eawsOlnner Proservs. ..,,.,,. ... 9vboiasItlin tlacaroiu.tAd Tsrnuoilla. , - , 8 Hn Cox's 0lilno. v . CoU-mua'i oeirbrated Auglish Uustaril, la ksgg, boxes, ans snd botk. u . Ktwa,i-. ... . 1.; wm. McDonald. . at . AWTIrPHEUMATIC BAND" IS THE KNOWN REMEDT fOR Rheumatism,'.. Goat ana Seuraljia, t -vr- ' 'and a bceiocss toa "r':i '- -' Mercurial Dlaeaaes. AU Ilh a oonreahmtly arranged rand, containing a med icated oompooDd, toboworrematho Waarl, Wlthoo lnjarr to lue mow delleaM pefesna; an ehange lLkbtu ol, Urlng raqairad,' a u enUrely tnon tbe dli , eaae from the eyeteaa, wltbM prododng tba koJoAwa ff ecu artitng (ram to M of powerfalr Internal edl elnH, which weake and deotroy the oonsUtatton, and giro temporary relief only.' J thle treatment, Um med IdnalpropertloseontalMd be lheaod oemo U oontaot with the blood and reach the dlaeaee, through the pore of the akin, effecting la oeery tnttaaoo perfeet cure, and renoring tbe part afflicted lo a healthy ooadltlon. Thai Band I also a mostpewwrfal Am-fctnovau agent, and will entirely soltere the system Iron hprmoimt effeoteof Merenry. MederaU eases are oared Id few days, and we are constantly recelTinf testimonials of Us emcaoylaanraTateaoaseoCTioDgeauiainff. met Ix,uti. 10 00 naa 01 vrngiws gonvwiyi r w be sent by mall et ezptosa, with fall direction for nee, to any part of tbe soaatrw direst from (ho Frroeipel Office, '' ' - :.;.:. .'f ; 1. t . , JTo., 408 ' BR0ABW1T, K.W Turk. ' G. SMITH CO Sola Proprleton. I. B. Desorlptlre Olraalan Sent free. .. - A. J. BCHUIILIR A SON. SKrjoatrrs, Aoiiits, Ho. m B. lligh St., bet. Trie ad and Monad, Columbus, 0. HJ Affwrnta Wamtad ETarywliere. mhSS-lyisorlstp.dAv OTJBnNSBVS BAIiMI GUERNSEY'S BALM rEITIOVES AN D PHEVEHTS IN VL Duamatioa and pain, and heal the wont burn scald, braise, out fit fresh wound of any kind, prevents swelling and pain from bee stings, mosquito bites, and poisonous plants, neuralgia, rheumatism, agnc in the breast, salt rheum, eto. When taken Internally, It will positively euro croup la children, and gives Immediate relief in the worst eass of this terrible ocmplaJnt; also, removes hoarseness and sore throat. Price, SS cellar bottle Should be In ere ij house. Tor sale by Drag- gist and storekeepers. inviDBTuna, Sole Proprietor, S 1 JBprocett., Hew Tort ooMdAwlyla . No real Justice can be done the above preparations bat be Draearku and reading descriptive pampbletsj th all daalan. or will be sent by Proprietor on demend.-formalas and Trial Bottles seat to rhyst cians, who will find developmsnta In both worthy theti seceptanos and approval. Oormnandonoo aolidtsd from all wheat necessities of curiosity prompts to a trial or toe aeove maoM mm dies. for sal by th aiual wholesale ana retail sealer sverywhera. JOHN JU miNNBWELI., Prprlow CRIMItT HD raAIMAOCtmnT, Ho. 9 CommvelsU Wlarf, Boston, Hags. Denlg, Q. Donlg A Bona, A. i. Bchueller A Son, AgenU smontirsai as. oiniii atm m wuviwi or wwaa v lor Colombo. Ohio. myi-aiy S. DOYLE & CO. Maoviaotarert and Wholeaala Dealer In BOOTS AND SHOES, North w wit Coroer of High and Sty St., SbTo. ex, CULUiTlHtll, OHIO. "A largo stock of lint and Stapl Ooodt oa hand." y3Vdtf SUNDRIES. TAPIOCO, Arrow Boot, Scotch Oat Meal SpUtPsas T7IAK1A A, A Sago Rica Floor Pearl Barley -Cracked Wheat Coco Cream Tartar, lg Seedless Raisin Ohoeolat Broma, ste. Soda P roues Prosh Teatatoas Peaches Oreea Corn Frekh Cann'd Pro It of every description; Jellies of all kinds; Flavoring Extracts of all kbj. Gam Drops; Mixed Candles; Almonds, Filberts, Peeon Not, Knglita Walnut, Brasil Nats, eto, - BoS7 wm. Mcdonald. TRAVELLERS! vrrrnEN yon go to Few Tork , drive direct to the W SMITHSONIAN HOUSE, BROADWAY, CORKIR OP HOUSTON STINT Condactedoa th I; EUROPKAN PLAN. Good Pars, Good Room, Prompt Attendance, and Mod erate Charges. SINGLE ROOMS SO CTS. 71 CTB.and fl PIB DAT. D0UBL1 ROOMS and PARLORS 10 to 93. Meals as ordered. This Hotel ha all th appointment of the beet hotels, a most central location, and Is bested throughout by steam. ' BAMD1I, M. BLBAU. Butroh9d3m - , . Proprietor. J0E1T h whkklxb, A GEIvTrOB HOME, CONTINENTAL, Makhattajt, Bacoarrv, and IaviaaFnu In. Co.' Naw Tou; Mancajjm' and Cm Fata 0 HaaTroaa Nsw You Lira and Con. Motoal Lira. Office, 81 Hlrh St., STAfe' Bl 0b71y Alexandre's Kid Gloves. PLAIN AND EHIBROIDEBED, NIOCS QCBTAIRB and regular shape Black Eld Gloves, embroidered In white, magenta, purple, Ao. Undressed Kid Gloves. Mimes Hid Gloves. A eompleto assortment of these celebrated Gloves always lor saw by ,... BAIN A SON, febS9 Ho. 99 South High street. DKESS GOODS, , New and Attractive. MfBAMUQUXS, ,' TlATIUMG FoPLlNt, . . ChENI PoPLIHg, '.' Poit Dt Chxtku, ' " FttNOH Chintiu, . ' . ; Fsmnch Muixim, '. . , . FlIRCH OHQARDIU, Ckineii WAiama Silki, Eliqant DbXSS SlLKg, ' t ' HlATT BaMITB AMD MaITTLB SllKg , And all other bow and tathtonshl matariali most demand for rndsoa DreeMt amd Mantilla. :, M ' ; ' ' ' BAIN A SON, apiS9 No. 89 Booth High street. TT ATINO THIS DAT BOLD OCR XX Stock of Grooer)st.S.DMLNa, we cheerfully recommend una to oar 014 patrons ana rmons. THOS. WALJLBR A SON Co ram bus, March SOtk, 1881-apl-dtX . , T7IEEGANT PLAIN BEACH. SILKS FOB XU Street BasqaasaBdMaatto; ana. JUch Trtmmla and Taaatii to matcn, at Aia - mayH Stammer Under Garments. LADIES LISLE tniDEB VEST. Ladle Gau Vsrino do. do. Gent lllk Drawsn aad Shirt. Gent India Sau Drawers and Shirt. " OoUoa - . " Gana Merino Under Shirt. WMt and Brew DrUlla Drawers. . . " - Whlss Llaoa Dnwer. , M Ixtra ton Cader SMrts. H BupeilorBngllsh Half Hot. ' Long Stoefciag. 1 Fancy Cotton Half He. um GoldoaBUlShlrU., ,. For sal la (real TarUtr and at sudoraU Piwi ",, , .... v e ' 43 ta wan. ' k -msy30. N. it SeaU High street. Notice, CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS. THE rOLLOWIItG CHANGES VERS mad la th th offlevrs of Ibis Bank, January Svth, 1861, to wit: Wat. A. Piatt, P real dent, and Tae Mooois, Oathlor, mtgned tbelr offlce. Dana Tavaoa, Biq., wu Ihsn looted President and War. A. Piatt ap- poiateavaatuor. . r ... By order of th Board of Directors. mb S, 1881-dtf. W. A. PLATT, Cashier. MINK MTJFFBi TICTORIHXI and OTTFFS WS are bow selling at wry to pries, also all other Mad raniDbU far. , PBTR BANS, , dertl. Ma. 19 South High ft. Ladies' Linen Pocket-Handk'Li. H RRIITIED STITCHED UNElk II Alt D kerchiefs very wide horn. Kmbraidered Linen Handk' all prteas. . ; , HemaMd SUtehedand plain do, do do do colored border. Monmlnf do ' blask border 00 ao BiwpjnawianHS. PlnoAppMdo aow pattern -VltW PMa and Hmmd BUwbad do all prlca. Comprising tho most atleet assortment in th etty tad lowest piioe. . .... ,, r JtAIltAiOS,. ! eb,n j,tfs o.L- , B'a Street. , .. .. ... , 4. -' OHIOSTATESIIilll Nos. 36, 38 & 40, North High St. INCREASED FACILITIES I AfiCSRACT. ESEAFIESS BISFATCfi I.! i . iili -, - HAVING MOVED INTO MY NEWiBTJILDING, : i have ;.. . , ... . mx ; BOOK & JOB DEPARTMENT! , WHILE BOTH HAVE BEEN ' ,; REPLENLSHED THROUGHOUT - New Types," Borders, Ornaments, &c FROM TEB OILIB RATIO FO0NDIT Of C.-T. WHITS ft CO., irEW YORK, THUS MAKING IT Ifil -1 . Most Complete Establishment - . i ' ' ;.' . . , , . IN . THE CITY. , I acs now pnparad to Ixotnto til Ordr for BOOK AND JOB PRINTING WITH DISPATCH! Aid U tho Xot Approved Itylo of tho Art . PARTICULAR ATT1NTI0N PAD) TO MERCANTILE AND RAILROAD PHINTIBTGr. Bill )1 LttellMff, Circular, Bill Hemda, Blaaks, DeaA Certificate, . Hecalpta, Dray Ticket, Beg-latera, HOW CAEDS & BILLS IN COLORS, CHECKS, ; . CARDS, . siAorfios ions, KNVHOPli, - COXXRACTS. Illufltrated Show Bills, ; TOR COUMTRY MERCHANTS, now Bllli, BAad Bill, label, Coaoart Pro fraamao, Bebool ana oouom eBoinat, no . tol Bills wf fart, iBviUtlOBl, o. Book Worn OP EVERY DESCRIPTION School and Collegt CatalognM, MlieeUaneouJ raapRUU, Coniatntloni, Rtportt, Brioli, e Printing in Gold and Colon E OSTBHS Prlatod 1b Ivory Color on a Ilammoth Hoe Cylinder. Xno oaly Fret of th kind la Coatrai Ohio. Mr facillUe for doing any and all of tht above descrip tions of work, r now unsurpassed, sod saUsfaotioa will be guaranteed in all eases. . . ITpAll work ronutnect promptly ny toe tun proausM. -. WOHAAD NBVUIS. WHO SHOULD USE DR. J. BOVEE DODS' VKGrKTABLJC IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS? ' AU who are afflicted with Incipient Consumption or Weak Lungs should use them. - All who euffer from Weak Stomachs, Indlrtstloa. Dys- yepcia or Pile ahcold naa Umh. All wb tafStt from General or NervoaaOwtl Bestletsneai at night, Want of Sleep, Ac., should ass Alt person who are convalescent after fever or other tleknass should ase them. Ministers of th Gospel, Lawyers, Lecturers, tad at public speakers should us them. Book keepers, sad all persons leading a sedentary If should ass them. The aged and roan should as them. All who require a stimulant or tooio ahoald use them. All who are addicted to the as of ardent spirits and with to inform, huld as them. Tkey ars nude of are re Sherry Win, and of th na tive plant and barb of th country, and should be re eommended by lemperanc societies, elergymelt, physi cians, and all friends of humanity. - They are atopared by an experienced ana muni pny. stoma, and, aside (rom thotr medicinal proportle, are a moat delightful bsveragoi aad yet, as a medtdn, ars as innocent and harmless as th dew of heaven. Bold by druggists generally. CHASXKS WISSmiLD CO., rnrprUtorg , T8 Wllllaaa St., Nw Terk. K0BEET8 ft SAMUEL, Agents, Calamkaia, Ubie aotStdAvlp. Wholesale and Retail Depot for No. 106 South High Street Yd, SIcDONALD, DEALER IN v ' "-, TEAS, FINE & STAPLE GROCERIES IN ALL HEIR VARIETIES. Dally rrlral of GeeA Fot the Fivll and -Winter Trade Of .186061 n7BETOatHMe SIHCEHE THAXBIS TO TH M PCFJLIO Tor put favor and patroa- age, and being DETEHimnED to BXEBIT a eonttasaoo of gama by strict avttesatlea ta rae, and arempt del Ire ry r ! I weald aU the atetlco ef the public to the met that having .a Larva and well ScleoUA Stack a hand, and being lnaally receipt of food, from th elfer- atBMurtart, t SaMer myseU that I osnefler to tatettl- n of Oolvmbus,' or to tnf who may dulrt to sarehass. asaortmont of ertfcloa appertaining to IbaOROCZU trad. UlfEQtXALKD bp any aauM la th Uy. Th prlca d quality of th good offered, I fmar tea ta tlwa aatlafacilanr , Goods 'DeUTsred: Pres of Chrjs. B0VS7. " ' . J. r ) : ' a-, f WM. MsBONAU' . :; :. .. ,y..; J t FIRST'-! 'a :. ., i"t It ; i t Ofe.tVi-ivi :U ii i) ' SPRING ASD SUMMER GOODS AGAIN OFFEH TO THE PUBLIC an eottrs now (took of Sood In m Mnau last tmsch. aeed at Mew Tort at taoehoaooot aaaissatasjtU of wbleh 1 snail sen ai ae smaiiew preaej, for uaan. ay sum en and frarad ara reepetfally mvlted te salt and azam. mo my Sood and Pvleaa, a I am detmtaed ta U a efteap ac air man aoyouor aoaeala tteatryiaad as I do ay own Outtlnw, and supsrlntead my owa soak n. I fool ar,rToss my loss xaarine a bast. aes. to give gsnsrat satwracttoa. Tbe doee. of work- menaro nrplond. aad aH work don strieUy lo aim and on short ooiiee, aad warranted tett. Suranawrs vtsitlog our citv would consult their loWreil by giving rs a su befevoparoiiasiDgstnwBsr, ..' . r. stonai, . ., . . . v k , .m.. . s v . ' mfsw mwa . ; marchSdly - - Co. High and Sswa w, - Laces and ' Embroideriea, . ' VALEWCIEUKS, rLTESB dk POINT Lc Collar and Beta. French, Pathe aad Thread Lao loll, (new patterns.) f stent tease, thread and Point Lac, embroidered Collar, Betta, Trimming and Skirt, Lae Barbe and Coiffures, Plain Linsn Cellars, tuand GuB,Iaaoldra volar aaavunsra aeu. .. ., . .. aain a wm, Hill! .i ir.fS,aV)athBlihSMat; .'II ,i f." J :.::.) -.."'IT"'' '- "-VS -.- H ,vT-.. : I. I .8--. S-:I. ' : J- 'S i... ":J .; DI XNTITB ATTENTION to som of th most ex traordinary (urea by my PECTORAL SYRUP. 1. t they an at bobs, and aav an who hat doubt, oaa In- qolrs of UM person who bars beta cured . t tR. KSTSBS IS PRBPAR1S AT ANT TIM! To 5XAMINB LON08 WITHOUT CHARQHi FOR ALL HOiB WHO NBBB HIS MBDIOINBS. ATTIND TO TO0R COLDS A ess of flv years landing oursd by DR. KB YSB&'S PBOTOR AL SXBUP. ' v PrrristJiaH, Jan. 11, 1800. ta. Rjnrstt: My wife ha been afflicted with a bad tough and difficulty of breathing, for flv or six years, which , for wvaral year back, had gradual ly Increased In vtoleno. Tbe oomplaintha bn hereditary, and the had beea treated b several obralcuns without any re lief. In this slat of hr caae, I prooured som of your Pectoral Ooagh Syrup. I bought, the Srst time, a fifty oent bottla, which rslleved her very mach 1 1 then called aad got a dollar bottle, which cured her entirely, and ins bat nsw no irac 01 tn former oiteate, except watt Bess. I would also list that I used the aedicin my elf to a cold and cough. The medicine cured me bv Uk lag on dose I express ay entire satisfaction with th medicine, and yoa are at liberty to publish this If yon aetire to so so. vrm. vriuoun, Alderman Fifth Ward. ' Pirrsaoaaa, Nov. 18, 1658. Da. Kit urn : Although not an advocate of Patent Hedlrinei, In general. It affords m pleasure Indeacrib bl to rooommeod your Pectoral Brrup. A a medicine II k well worthy the attention of any person who may la aay manner b afflicted with coughs, 00 Ids aad hoaraenea of any ntna, ana (or um peculiar qaalinoaliont or re storing all that disagreeable sensation attending a so rer coin. I bav boon, more r lees. In my lira, aff soled with th art rest of colds aad huarseness. At times my throat woaia neoome sosioosa ss to prevent my speaking above a whisper, and by taking a few dose of th abov Syrup it would relieve meeoUrvlj. i-i la fnoaaondlng thai medicine, I mast unhesitatingly say that It I th bat remedy 1 ever found, purporting to our th abov, nor should any family be without this waeay roraispasei so prevalent. lours, most respeetfklly, ., , , BDWARDJ. JOWBd, Oathler Cltlasaa' Deposit Bank. BTcssirvTLLs.O.. Msrch 14. 1859 I hav ased Dr, Keysers Cough Syrup for a bad oougb f nvoral year luutdlng, and oaa oheerf ully ay It It th beat atdlolat for las (am that I hav ever teken. j , J.W.PR10B, COL. PRATT AND DR KBTBER'B PB0TORAL SIRUP. Da. Aavsat Dear Sin Bzcue th dalav of ay aeuowledglag thzollno or your sectoral Uough Brrun sooner. I Use groat pleasure in saying that It it ail yoa say it is. a mtauaiA mu4 om oj m eovgn aad th wrat ens I was vr afflicted witk I hav not ased mot tbaa one-half of th bottle, and I can and do wish that all who ars afflicted would giro It as fair a trial as I hav don, and they will be proud to say, "It Ir no quack aedleine." I would not suffer another inch an attack for anv consideration, or at any cost. I am eon. silent 1 can breathe more freely tnaa 1 ever did. I shall always acknowledge a debt of gratituds for Inventing so excellent a remedy. Xou are at liberty to um my name In this regard, as yoa think proper. Jf . f . rKATT, assanger uommon Council, ruisburgtt, ra. Pittaburrh.May 11, lt(5K. N. B I am nostrangar to ay fellow-ettlsens, and who ntrtala doabta can eoasalt personally. ' PrrrssnaoH, April it, 183 RBAD THS TRUTH. D. Karats: I hav a daugh ter who ha tax en several medicines for a bad eeuKh without benefit among them Ayer' Cherry Pectoral. I purchased froa yoa a bottio of yoar PBOTOUAL SIRUP, and befor she had uesd half a bottl alio was relieved. Th (eoond bottio tured her entirely of her cough. JOHN DARIN, Robinson street, Allegheny. Pirrssoaaa, December, 31. 1BS3 A CRBAT CURB BY DR, ABIaRR'S 1'BOIORAL SIRUP. I lire In feeble township, Allegheny county. I had a coughing and spitting, which commenced aoout th dtn of robruary last, and continued eignt monui. 1 employed Ih best physicians La th eountry, and ay cough continued unabated an til early In October. Al that Um I wu advised to try your PBCT0RAL COUQH 8TRCP, which I did, and alter I had taken on bolt lo I was entirely free froa th coughing and spitting. I had despaired of ever getting veil, end I think it ahoald be known that tnis vatuaoi imay win ao tor others wast It has don in my esse, Jtmn u . 1,111 l,k, Witness B. M. Rata. ' Peebles townhlp. ' ' r . Pattow Tr.. April U . 1857. ' A WONDIRPTJL CURB. Som Um ago. an old aelxhbsr of mlna was very 111, with a bad eouih which vary on appoed to be oontumptiou. . His relative told mo mat no naa nuen every remeay tney oeara of without beneflt; hi brother cam to see him die, and all era confirmed In the belief that be aoald not liv. I had about lb third of a bottl ol your Pectoral nyrup, which 1 gave him, and it snurely cored him, to tn aaton Ishaent of all. What makes the case more remerkahi. I tho eatremc age of the man, be being about eighty years old. 1 nave ao aoaoi too rcourat area nis me. JJUMN'OINNIS DR. KKTSIR'S PBCI0RAL SYRUP IN BLAIR8- TILLB. Please send m another supply of your valu able "Pectoral Syrup," Almost everybody around as bas theoold and are inquiring for "Dr. Reiser's Pectoral Byrnp. Ws bars sold ilxloen bottles lul week, and ars now entirely oat. Mr. A. Alterand Mr. P. Maher. both of Blalrsvlils, Pa., tell us they would not be without It In tholr famllie. in fact, an wno um 11 one want It agaia. lour, reapectfully, J. 8. WATTKR80N A SONS January 30, 1860. ANOTHBR NBW CIRTIFIOATaCdR. KBYSBR'B PB0TURAL BYRUP-I had beea troubled with a cough and cold tor several weeks so bad was It that I could not sleep. 1 bad Ih advice and prescriptions from three of tnobsnpnysieisnsin tiaciiy, wnom 1 could name, but do not ao so. 1 nnaiiy procured a ootli of your Pectoral Syrup, which cured ate entirely. Signed, ' J. W.B1MONT0N, (36 Liberty street, Pltuburgh, Fa , Jan. 9, I860. STOP TnATJC0UOHIN."-'HowcanI do ltr "O to Keyscf son Wood street and get a bottle of his Cough Pectoral, and If that don't core you, your ease must ha das pent indeed." This I a specimen of th colloquy on bear almost retry day In cold catching periodi of Ih year. Aad w can, from actual experiment, cheer fully concur la th adviser's admonition as above, for we have tried the 'Pectoral.' in a most stubborn ease, with entire saoses. Bear two weeks ago w wsat to Pittsburgh, with an of th most distressing, ooatrary, aailsh, un obduabM sough ws ever experienced sines oar advsnt upon this mundane sober. W soughed iteadlly and laboriously for on whole week, In hopes of tiring a out. taiK was n go, an rasa u eseraeq miner to have la anvad by araclic. and to hav aeaairad atrenvth.notu. ay and dUrtuibiiilf by ths opsratlon. In this stage of the siege, we ooarbed our way to Keymr'a, 140 Wood St procured fifty cent bottio of th "Pectoral; took it accordUg a dlrcottona, and la forty -sight hours ws were master of th Sold, th omy having nnooadltlonaliy arrendared, after a brief but unequal oonfiict with ao lormtaanie an aorversary as sveynr's famous Congh wimi, iv.wu vnpptr, eo. , BV. ' I m"' . - -:i DR. KBTSBB'S PB0T0RAL BTRTJF Is prepared and u,u uj mjt. eavavs at. aval Bab, J4U wood street. 2j" Sold In Columbu't by R0BIRT8 A SAMUIL. JMbOTHACHB BEIdEDV. .' ' ' . i:' i. . A. SURE CTJRK Prepared sad old by ''.': . . .i ' ' Da. ABO. H. KBTBBR,' ' ' A- I' ,., Pte,Mcsta. 1 ' 140 Wood tt, Ptttaburgh, Pa. ' ' ' ..." ','!' H ;l , IL7 SoU la Columbus by BOBRRTS A SAMUBL.' ocuntawdtla. . GENTS PAPER COLL Alts AHD Hand som and ecoBomloal. Alto.' 1'.'' ' IllKTIeat '-'-M' '.... i,.,. ' aaina .inu ,. . Llaea Callara, u, llalfltoir), " ' Drawer, Ac. " ' BAIWASON, s aprW . HfcfSS.athHtghtmt. GOLDEN HILL SHIRTSv,. . 0OLDEN HILL BniRTS, " ," J . J . aiit.nuM tiii.f. buiwtb 'i : ; Thepetbsia of th shins ara new.. Tka BeAt.. yi aevecaad sosom sr formed ta fit th person withes ad comfort. The mark apoa each on designating ths sis may be relied on ae belo g correct, and each alJrt It guaranteed well aad A full stock of sll on.lHie. Biai.uj IOVSBMM ' 1 " ' ' B AIM'S, ' ') era- . So. W Boatb High street. STELLA SnAWLSI STELLA SHAWLS 1 1 la ell desirable anlnra. and at nr. irmiBrgaim, BAIn et BUB, - apni , a, aw South High strut. . f WIDE IflANTLB MAHAUES, Whit and Black, lust received a HUTU lrl . - ' --' BAIN'S TnDuinoNForiEVEni UMfrOPf ENTELOPKSA RARITY 0 aestgns. at S4,0 per LUvO. . , ,1 : , t, ., tjtioj urm in ion rxru. - ataau in pne ehargM ny small aeaisrs, IT-l-BTlAr, onaTiiwT.. S a.a m.l. s... I It tWaaMa,s,W,,. t,.rKj .t.aa Ii,,,-;, iti l.l,'J'3JifJ.T!lLL frill' . l , . j 1 t . 1 ' .i k. s "orannnrnm ET rid LATB '" , SIR. ASTLEY , COOPER, ns DR. VALENTINE MOTT or BW tOSE. Th aolmowldged Head of lb ProfessioB ta nBaT am,, w TMnHtUa. Tanlo. and Inviirorani. Tht rneal Kxtnol of tho IX A I.I AJi rfUJNAraui BRUUBT. . . i'ho Poreat an4 Atoat Costly Ola JS taut, t ' j 1 n INDISPENSABLE TO FEMALES, , INCOMPARABLE.FDR THE AGED. THE SAFEST AND - MOST i Dt! ICIDUS BEVERAGE IN THE WORLD. Por Balo, Pints rnd Qtuuts, bj ry DrogglBt, Grocer, or connny caorcnauu ' 100K.OTJT P0B BOOTH 1 LONDON GINS. m ONLT OElfTJINB AHTIOLB IS CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL flIN. B. BALDWIN & CO., ' rHKu.n AV T lltAw Co .AAXxyUlbOlB, C7A AJlUClbV Mb., , NEW VOKH, , Bold to Colombo! by . .0, ,rr A McKIS A BIST INAUX, Wholesale and Retal I Grocers, Statesman Building. . " 0. A. WAOB BR. and other. InOlBolnnatLby . SUPB1, BORSIBm uu., oeSO-deodAlyw . andothtr. THE ' WEEKLY OHIO STATESMAN . ii HAYINO A CIRCULATION ' 1 .: . - IJUOER I T mXRAI ; THOUIAUIH ' Than any otie' paper la Ohio, onttld of Cincinnati Offers Facilities for Advertising ' ' Which CANNOT FAIL to bring A.i 1 BDoedr and Remunralr,neturn To Ihoa who take advantage cf thea. - TUB iUmJLY BTATBSMAN, DUtrlbated it I throngb tvsry Post OfBo to Ohio,, Reaches a Large Class of Readers Who patrocagt Is valuable, and who seldom e the . Daily Idltiona of city Journals; and a only A limited Somber of AdTertdsements Ar inserted to It eoltunns, appoprlaUry and HANDSOMELY WUYED! ' ' " iat uatntoT ran, to Attract Attontion OF ALL I WHOLESALE DEALERS Advertising la lli VrlSKLY STATESMAN will fla it advantegout in THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which 1 almost certain to folio an dltMmti ' atlon ' knowledge of therr bosinea ' - - j AMOSO COTJMEY PEA1EBS I ADYSRTI8BMBNTS teTKNDKD FOB Tho Weeldv Statesman Should be handed la befor Friday noon. . THE . on ONLY PREPARATION . .that; has' l ; STOOD THE TEST OF YEAES, And grotrt mere and mere pepnlar . cYery dajl And testimonials, new. and almost without number might bo given from ladle and gentlemen In all grade, of society, whose united testimony none could resist, that Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative will restore ths bald and gray, and preserve the hair ol th youth to old age, in all its youthful beauty. Battle Creek. Mich., Deo. 81st, .1858. . Pao. Woor The wilt pleas accent a line to Inform tl.e that the hair oa my head all fell off over twenty years ago, esnsed by aoomplleated ehroole disease, at leaded witn an sruntion on th nsad. A continual ours of suffering through I If having reduced m to a Itauol dependence, 1 bav not been able to obtain stuff for cap, atither hav 1 been abM to do them op, in eon. sequence of which my hud has suffered entremeiy from oold. This Induced nee to pay Brlggs A Hodge almoel th last osnt 1 had oa earth for a two dollar bottl of thy Dalr Restorative about ths first of Angnst lsst. I hats faithfully followed the dlrectionsAnd the bald spot Is now covered with hair thick and black, thooih skert. It Is also coming in an over my Dead, reeling confident that another iare bottio would rector II entirelv and permanently, 1 reel aniions to perse verve in it um, and being destitute of means to purchase any more, I would ask thee If thea wouldst not be willing t and me an order on thine agent for a bottla, and receive t thy self ,the scriptur declaration "th reward I to those that are no tome wiaow ana ine istneriea." '. Thy friend. bUSANNAH RlBBT. ' Llsonier. Noble County. Indiana. Feb. tth. IrttO . Paor. 0. 1. Woon: jMar Kr.wjn th latter part of tn rear ira. wnit attending tne oiata ana national law school of uie nut ot nsw xors, my nsir, from eaat unknown to a, aoanmenced failing off vary rap idly, so that In th short spaos of six aoaths, th whoa upper part tf my scalp was almost entirely bereft of It covering, and much of ths remaining portion upon the ctdo ana beea part of ay neaa saortiy after beam gray, ao that you will not be surprised when I tell you that ap oa my return to id bum of Indiana, my mar casual acquaintances were not so mncb at a Iocs to discover the cause of tne eneng tn ay appearance, a ay more inti asm acquaintances aer te moguls m at all 1 a one mads application w um moot Mtitnu porsl clans In lbs country, but, receiving no aasuranos froa them that my hair would again be reetored, I wu forced to become reeeaotlod to ay satsvaatll, fortunately, In th tatter part of too year van, yoar jtestoratlv wu re commended to me by a drngsiat, as bsiog ths most relia ble Hair RestoTBtlv In use. I triad oa bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that tt wa prodaelog ta oeeirea eneot. sine uu um, 1 navw usea saves aoi lers worth of your Restorative, and ss a result, have rich coat of very soft black hair, which no money can ouy. - - . ... . . As a mark of ay gratituds for yoar labor and trill to th production of so wondsrful an articl. I ban reom mended Its um to many of my friend and acquaintances, wno, laa nappy sotnrera you, ara using u with Ilk ensct. vsry respectfully, yours, ,-! , ;.! . .. A.M.LATTA, ... Attorney and Counsellor at Law, 'Depot, 441 Broadway, and Mid by all dealer, thronsh- out th world. The Reslorattve I pal ap In bottles of three sits, fit: arg, Bsdiua, and email) th email bells M a plat, and arg. rstatis for on dollar pee boltli th nedlua hsldtat sua lorone aoiiar per oouiei uic.BMiua hsldtat it twenty per cent, more In proportion than th small, I retail, for Iwo dollar! a bottle; the large holdt a irt, 40 percent, more In proportion, and retails for $3 mat twenty snd qusrt. a bottle. , O. i. WOOD A CO., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, Nw Yk, and 114 Market Street, Bt. Louis, Mo. . And sold by ROBKRTS A SAMUCL. Columbus. Ohio. ana oy an goon vruggima ana Fancy uooa neater. aprtll'.dAwsow'jr. . ,j ... t ... .,. ti V!' ...-. I .. -1- H '' . - . . Wttohesl Diamonds 11 SilTsr WarsJI A CHOICE ASOHTmENT OF GOLD ax ana enter watcnes. If great variety. I am Agent-for the Aarsassaa Wnei Co , and an Mil tbea exeelleet WUbt 1 manatee tu ran' aikm. - Ceae and cheeec froa ay aaatKal dummy ef Bl. moods and other rioh Jswelty. Btylunew prices row. At to Silver War of sterling aoalllr. I can ahow new Dattrme. ver handsome. ' ' ' Bttvsr Plated War, Tea Settt, TJroe, Water., Casta,, Bukeu, Pitchers, Goblets, As Ires, forks. Spoons, Ae, Thea I ears a eopplyof So Tabl Cutlery, pocket amves, asters, sxo., sua msny. sancy uooos such as are auiraa tor preeenu-ii sacn prices a ar in tadatw wa, io ine purenawn ' en, attxan, r , . i , . No, lOBacUyeBloek, aarSl ....... Norlb (Id StaU House sonars. Gents' linen Shirt Collars, ,. OP RVPERIOR QVALITVtlN OAR. BOTB, Sanding, Byrea, Penrlgnay, Renfrew and ether new shines, liemmed Pocket Handkerchler.. N.k Tie, itocks. Street and Bvenlng Olovee, Half Bnu of every kind, Under Oarmente and all kind ef tteow Put aiablng Goods to great variety and at moderate Prices, '.'-.- J i.r. i.. BAIN A BON, ,fj .Um. , ; i : U. .- . 1 i. South High .tret) , V f ALTESB dfc TIIREAD LACE WITTS I of .i.nt .iiii T, TtX.lL.7 ZTt":. ,T.Z -s-t , , , . . . . - - ... - . 'i IRC 0THETw4eE;' MR. "KENNEDT,' OP HOJtBfJHY) has dlaoovered la ona of oar ooaaon nastnr weeds remedy that cores " j 1 j JypXy AVIQCI O J UQfflOr, ,. 1 , .-.rBon vVv..;:'..: . tos wont BorofaU down to a wmmon FlnplA He has tried It in over eleven hundred oa, and sev er failed exoept In two otses, (both thander humor.) He hat now In bis posseaion over on nunuraa oerunoaueor IU value, ail within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottle ar warranttd to sure a nartmg tor BBAHth j. One to three bottla will can th wordt kind ot Plmpl. Wtrafao. 1 e- .1 1 . . .:, e Two or three bottiee win Clear ins syswm oi oun. " Two bottle ar warranted to our th wont cankor ta Three to five bottles ar warranted to ear th. wont kind of Sryvlpelu. ' ' : ' . On to tw bottla are warranted to car all humor . th Ryu. ...... , Two bottles ars warractad to urs mnntng 0 lhag an1 hln."V,M Imnn. tt.. 1 Foor ' to six botles are warranted to core eorropt aad running alotn." . .-. . . , , ra'.;, fine hottle will cmr scale aruntlon of th skin. Two or three bottle, ara warranted to cur th want Two or thru bottles ar warranttd to ear tn most MMnk MM af rha: Thro to fonr bottle are warranted to cure alt-Rheum Pive to eight bottiee will euro th worst oaa of sore A benefit la a 1 wave xDrlenod froa th Srst bottl, perfect cure I warranted when th abov quantity t axon. . 4 . f i i ; - .; : j ; ROZBtTRT. MASS Daxa Mnia: The veouUtlon of Uio Medical Did oo very, to curing all kind of hamort, a to well atab liehed by the unanimous vole of all who hav vr assd It, that I ned Bel ay anything oo the subject, as the moot skillful physietan and the must oarafal DruggisU la tbe country arc unanimous in its pram. Jm MMMtln. th SlaHiimi filumrf ta voar notio. 1 da It with fail knowledge of Jt curative power, In re Having all, and curing most those dlstasis to which yoa are unfortunately to liable. ' Tbataeat excruciating disease to an arlecUonau mower, NURSING SORB BIO I THt I eared as If by a miracle; yoar own temper ta reetored to It. natural .wevtncae and your babs from short and fretful nape to calm and sweet slumbers; and the Medical Discovery becomes a fountain of bleulag to your husband and Bovaottoui. - :- ; , tl s. la the more advanood ttaree of "- -V ANA KB'- r -ItsxUad. to Us stomach Mt) ; ... . which Is nothing bat conksr on th stumsch; then I Nat intestines ana - ... -KIDNEYS rearing t linking, gone feeling, and an todlArtnc evea to tne oaree oi yoar mauiiy . ii i r.-j Tour stomach 1. ..... RAW AND INFLAME Di sour food distresses vou. and oa can onlr take certala kirida. and area ot that caarevstea do not set half th nourishment It contains, a th aorimonoas fluid of th oankar at Itupl then year oceplealon wa ta bloom and become aalloa and giwsnlah, and yoar beat day a goats, for want of aourisbmaut roar aystsa be come looss and nabby. and ui fibres or yoar body a urn relaxed Thea fallow a train of duo which lb Medical Discovery it peculiarly adapted to CTJBll Palpitation of th heart, patn la th aid, weaknea a th pln aid email af lb back, pain of thtbipjohat when ,ou retire, irregularity oi uie do we is, ana biso, that most txcructattng ot - piles. How aany thousand af boot women art differing froa this discus and pining away a miserable life, and their next door neighbor doe not know th cease. I wish to impreu on your mtod that good eld proverb, "An ounce of prevention Is better than a pound of cur,' In th . MEDICAL DISCOVER r yon hav both th preventative aad th care, with thla great and good quality , that It will never, ander any circumstances, do yoa any injury. . - TIIK IflEDICAL. DISOVVERV . ' 1 aeeialy Intended for diseases of the blood, bat sine Its introduction in wo rrutern smtes, it w louna to nv the belt - ' ' AOCE REISEDV . . thstwsssverbefors ths public. No change of diet ever neoesory eat th bat yoa ea and cat enough of It. .1 . 1.1 t - . DuBCTioasroa oa Adalt on tabl apoonfal per dar Children over ten wars, dessert spoonful Children froa Bva to eight year, toa apooniul. A n direction can be applicable to all coniltutlona, take sufficient to operate on the bowels twice a day. ' - .' . , loan truly, 1 ' DONNALD KINNBDT. Price S 1-00 per bottle. Por y every druggist la th United Stale. - aepxl-dkwly. JO YOU " WANT WHISKERS? - :d:you want whiskers? do YOtj.y Ant; a. mustache? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? r BELLINQHAM'S 'V CBLIBRATBD StimnlatiDgODgncnt, For ilia Whiiters and Hair Th in bsc libers tak aleasur In announcing o the Cltiaeot ol th United State, that they have obtained th Arener for. and are now enabled to offer to the American public, the above Justly celebrated and world-renowned article. . i n t f". STIMULATING ONGUENT .. . V -' , It prepared by Da 0- P. BILLINQHAM, an ealnent physician of London, aad I warranted to bring oat a thick set of ., t).Jk , Whiskeror a Mustache p la fredl three to-tux weaken: Thle article It th enly on of the kind assd by th I reach, and In London and Paris It Is la universal use. It Is a beautiful, aconomlcal, toothing, yet tthanlattag composed, acting a rf ay Basaic apoa the room, causing aboaalHal growth of lux arias! hair. If applied to the seala, It will care aaXMt, and caul to spring ap In ptaoo of th bald spots a fine growth of new hair. Ap- K lied according to directions, it wilt turn asn or towt air Beta, and ratora oraw beirto tr arlrlnal color. taavins It soft, smooth, and flexible.- -Th "Oteomrr Is an tndisBenabls articto to avsry gentleman's toilet, and after on week's us they would not for any ooutidsntioa be without IU - . The nihscribsn tr th only Agents for th srtlcls In th United Stat, to all orders mult bs addressad Price Oae Dollar a box lor ait by all Drumlita and Dealers; ert box of the "Onrnent' (warranted to have the desired effect) will be tent to any who detire it, by aall (direct), securely packed.' off receipt ef price aad pools, 1. IS. Apply to Or kddreu V llORACB L. BBOBMAN A CO., V .. .u ,r-.,.' Bttoaatara, .fehS(Mtm.,3" " Wjltlam Street, New-Tor. . WM, KNABE ti CO., " - AT THE IH ' N EW SALBS-r ' sooi, 0, lw satpstjnrjkf -jp Offer for als thsU celebrated .1 GOLDEN MEDAL, . ... ....... .GRAND - 'it.-:. ." - ' AND SQARE PIANO-FOR.TRS. . j Being tirghV reoota mended by th ant ITorBtoH and Musical amateurs 01 toe ooanay, tma JEYBBT ' '" ''' ;' ' o.t '.t v :w t, . WBTT!-'- ' r- . . . . . W ARRAI.TBD I0 t I jfc tw..; : x'-'j -. . - sTVBTBARS. Th most fastidious eottomef tap rely apoa kln m every reepect.-' ,.' Icrmt liberal. - 5 . im. XNABB A 00. - - - SSLTZBA AWBBSTBB, Ageoa, eetSSilydw. , . . Ooluabaa, Onto, TflAMOT DRESS SILKS. , ,.l r . f ANOT DRR8S BILKS. s : '- --o iuai f ,i. f ANOT DBBSS SILKS. '.s .lU We are tlotf offering oar ism ens ttoek ef faner arret Silks ai pricea leu thea ever befevw eeTeud to that olty. Th attention of the Ladloa of this city and violnlty ft solicited, u ear tk to vary Mtoat and eomptoa ra au gradeeof goods In this llns. PBTialiAUl, -- aovvt. .Ai a . B aoaia auca 1 : :-..;: '-' . .-- " - -' ' : "" Wholeaaloand Beatn Dnhvria -.r(i: Foreign 1 ii 'Doacitio 1 Ciijars, 'l.vd .v- .AlawtTBaaai) v. 'BmoWij'tk dtfylagtflUooQ'", Also, (A bllt, Walltt V SaOTfT'S fOJHWllUJ I Hi, l,.t U.wAAaaJt . 4.. '.-i.-Jl70antry Merehanto mbrtgtof ' chasing elsewhere. ,, .- s. . ' : -i i NO, 4 EAST i B1" ' ""t ."" ,, , MgiadSycaar1 '" RfjS AOIIasr BilIRTINOH.all wl snEETINOS' AND IIIRTINOd, ail widths, ef asAwteoMwatod aak, BOW OITered I I "fJ, "JJ-" saovi vaneiy aa a wryiiow pneew. SAIN SOM. april. ty71l0.'routHlstreH Ml !fC NTH ATT BONNET AN n KL. e'1 - ..' .' .Uv.' -.iM.-,.f .iv ai. ,-, ,vaua i,iin Dr. J. JL McLEAN'S Strengthening Cordial and Blood Tbe Crenteat Remedy la Tne tterlds - r AND THS MOST DAXiaOTJB AND DEUQHTTUL CORDIAL . EVER TAKEN. IT IS STRICT ry a eclentifio and ' Vegetable Compound, procured by the distil latloa of Root. Herbs and Barks, Ttllow Dock, Blood Hoot, BaraDarllla, Wild Ohsrrr Bark and Dan delion ntcr Into lUr somnoeltion. . The en- . ml,in. Before Taklns. edWrr 1, "6t, pTlllOlpl fl ' 5mE?U nil. anv nw atlfertBOa Ol"P)T r-" -w J ,..t -a ..aA Inf h.l.r.in7.plrlt,.nd.h. JSJTlSnMW to HBALT1I aas BTRXNQTH. lllelJBAIIvSl BmuvWiiTnKninu . iv,.-. . ..DIAL .;; Will efTectaally core . LIVBR COMPLAINT, DxBPBrBIA, Auaavii, . . . . vu - - tii mm m inn i iliuu , . , and all disease arising from a disordered Livei or Clomj aoh, Dyipepiia, Hesrtborn, Inwsrd Plies, Aoidit r or Wok" aeM of the Btoroacn, yaitnsu oi biooo w m pain or swimming In tbe head. Palpitation of the Heart tuilnea or Weight In the Btomact, Sour Bruotatlon Choking ar lunocaung leciwg wnen lymi oryellowneuot the Skin and Byes, Night Swat. In . ward Paver, Pain in tn smaii oi u wit, wisp. vi , Sudden Huihu of Hca Deprealon of Spirits, Prightlul . . " t,-.- i,t anv Blervon Disease SotZsm Blotchu'en the Skin, and Pever and Ann (or Chilli and Pever.) Orer a irillllon el atettlea , Have been aold during th last six months, and lu no In taaos has tt failed In giving entire satisfaction . W b, thenVwlll euffer from Veakoea or Debility when Mc LBAN'B BTRBNQTHItNINO CORDIAL will cure you? No language can convey an adequate idea of the irnrn. Slate and almost mlraeulou change produced by taking this OonUal in th diseased, debilitated and shattered nervous system, whether broken down by excess, weak by ".. . k. .ir,u. tha relaxed and unatrurg organisaUen it rettored tola prittine health add vigor. MARRIED PERSONS, Or other, eonaolou. of Inability, from whatever cause, trlU find McLean s Strengthening Cordial a waraoyh rwenerator of the system; and all who may have injured theuMlvM by Improper Indulgences, will And In th Cor dial . osrtaln and tpeedy remedy . , ? . , . Te Ute Ladloa. ; McLean's Strengthening Cordial ' Is a sovorergn and speedy cure for INCIPIENTCONSCJiril'TION.WHITES Obttracted otDlficult Menstruation, InconUnenoe of Urine or Involuntary Discharge thereof, Palling of the k. (iMriineea. lalntin. and all DlMates lncidne t femalu. T&aro U no kuuco adoui u. Buffer no longer. Take ti according to Directions. It will itlmulate, strengthen and Invigorate yoa andeauu tht bloom of health to mount your cheek again . ' ,: , Svery bottle Is warranted to give atlsfacUcn. roR oniLDHii. Ifyourohlldrensrs sickly, puny.oraffllcted.Mcljeatilr Cordial will aake them healthy, fat and robust. Delrj not s moment, try It, and yoa will be convinced. IT TS DELTCIOUS TO TAKE- m fcgftaaaeBa 0 Annan. Beware of Druggist er Dealers who may try to paia upon you sou Bitter or Baraaparll la traal, Which tLey can buy cheap, by seylnf tt Is just as good. Avoid such men.' Ask for McLsaa's Strengthening Cor dial, and tax nothing els. It is the only remedy that will purify th blood thoroughly and at the tame time strengthen th system. ' One tobleapoonfal taken every morning fasting. It a certain preventive of Cholera, Chilli and Pever, Yellow lever, or any prevalent diseases. It Is put up In lure tottlu. Price only $1 per bottle, or t bottles for S ' J.H.McLBAM, ' Bole Proprietor ot this Cordial, Also MoLean . Volcanic Oil uinunenl. Principal Depot on the corner of Third and Pine street. St. Louis. Mo. ' McLcan'i Volcanlo Oil Liniment. The best Liniment to the World. The only safe and certain core for Cancer, Pile., Swelling, and Bron chitis, oy Goitre, Paralysis, Neuralgia, Weakneu of th Muscles, Ohronio or Inflammatory Rheumatism, Still na of the Joints, contracted Muscle or Ligament, xUrach ar Toothache. Bruises. Sprains. Wounds, Brash Cuts, Uloert, Pever Sore, Caked Breast. Bore Nipples, Burnt, Scalds, Sort Thoat, or any Inflammation or Pan, bo difference howavere, or how long the disease may bav existed. McLean Celebrated Liniment it a ear lain reaedy. Thousand of human belngt have been tared a life tf decrepitude and misery by tbe use of this Invaluable met cine. McLEAN'S VOLCANIC OIL LINIMENT Will relieve pain almost Initantaneoosly, and It wll cleanse, purify and heal the foulest tore In an incredl ly short time. Per Heraea and Other Animate. MoLean celebrated Liniment It th only af and re liable remedy for the cure of Spavin, Ring Bono, Wind aaila, SpUna, Unnatural Bumps, Node or Swelling. 1 1 will newer fail to cure Big Head, Poll Bvll, Pistula, Old running Soret or Bweeny, if properly applied. Por Bprains, Braises, Scratches, Sore or Wounds, Cracked Heels, Chafes, Baddl or Col tar Galls it I. an Infallible remedy. Apply It at directed, and a cure It certain In every lnttanc. Than trifle no longer with th many worthies Lini ment offered to you. Obtain a upply of Dr. McLean' . celebrated Liniment. It will core you. J.H. IQcLE AN, Sole Proprietor, ' Corner of Third and Pine (Streets, St. Louis, Me. for ale by all druggist. for ula by . BOBIRTB A SAMUBL, aogSS-dAwLy , Columbus, Ohio. P&OF. WOOD'S ffiTOMTIJB CORDIAL . BLOOD RENOVATOR; ' Hi Is precisely what Its name Indloatea, for, while leasant to tbe taite, It la revivlfyi ng, exhilarat ing, invigorating and strengthening to the vital Dowers, and at the earns time revivifies, rein blilates, and renews th Blood in all Its purity, an thus at onoe restore arid render, th tvifent 4a ieulturabU to attack! qfdla. It Is th only nMNntlm mwar offered to th world. o ohaml- Hcally and tklllfaliy combined u to be the moid adapted to, a to act in perleot aooordanc with thej Cj laws of nature, and hence will tooth thi vakut rWeenocA, and tone up ths dlgestivs organs, and thuaallayall nervous and other Irritation. It It j'peneotly exhilarating, and at the etine time It It H CI icompoMa entirely oi vegeiaDiet, yet so oomoion u to Droduce the most thorough tonic effect, with ' loot producing any Injurious oon sequences. Bach a remedy oat long neen leu to u a ueiiaeraium in lihe medical world, for It needs no msdlcal skill to no that debility follows all attaoks of disease. and broceedi and Indeed lsyt the lystem open lo the OlinsldioBS attack of meay of th most fatal, inch, for xample, as th following: Oontumptloo, In Idlgutlon, Dyipepsla, Lou of Appetite, Paintnea, rtervous irniaDiuiy, neunngie, a-eipiieuuHw juv Heart, Melancholy, Might Sweat, Languor, Giddi ness, netanlion of, as wen as ramiui oostructea, tae nrofuie. or too scant Menstruation, and Pall ing of th Womb. Theu all dependupon general debility. Thi. pare, healthy, tonlo Cordial and Blood uenovator it at tare to cur as in sun to rlu and set. There Is no mlstaks about It. But this Is pot all. If tht tyttem Is weakened, w are oosa to bilious attack, th llvtr become, torpid,! LA or worse diseased, the kidney, refuse to perform their function, and wt an troubled with tcakling and lnconllDtnoe or urine, or Involuntary ais chara of the tame, pain In the back, aid and be tween th shoulder, ezoudlngly liabls to slight loolds, oourhs,snd If anoheoked, soon smeoiauon follow, and th patient goudown to a premature Lm. Rnt anac will nnt allow ua to enumerate ft th many 111. to which ws art liabls In a weakenedIV Mitln. nf the avatem. , But w will tar, in this . . Oordtal and Blood Renovator yoa have a perfMl.'LJ Ufa, pleasant and effectual remedy for Iocs of in itomaoh. Languor, Liver Complaint. Chills and ... riIImh attack. Ooetlveneu, Aetdltyl', lot tbe Stoaaeh, Nervousness, Msuiaigta, raipiu- tlonof UnBurt, irspr ssion , uiiaa m th. neaa. or anv dltssAt ariilnf froa . . . . a ... I. V Dm. I hltls. Cough, dlffleolty of Breethlng, and all that.' jelaa of diseases' eel lea -remaie wvaxneea, ana pej i ehneeM Ws will slso say th traveler LJ mat and wat4 I ear radyjAA out. Reader. . dlnHafrieadri. b.nMMi to eniaemio. cnauav ui vuiusie mr, wui aww m, r- ' ' " end pons toouia ever mi.ei wiuiuuu tn it. roe we amure voo yoa will find In I i-AA mm wall frland ta need. All neraonaof adsntary bablta will Una it a oeneoi preventive oil rt u well at cere for theu el Undo tt towbleh-tbey aaiU parewiNMi ei iueem. new wmwi.iM'w.w.)ii Lnru.vl. limarr ratlmn.and ladle who are not aooostomsd to much outdoor exerclie, will And Ii to their advantage to keep a bottle constantly on band: aad, abov all. aethaa. ot thu beeomini luohi will go through that most dangerous period not only wth all their aooustomrd strength, bat safeand free from tbe thoutand ailment, so prev 0 alent among the female portion of the world. - Ii 4 0 s ihort. It is Indeed a mother's cordial. Tryit,ol and yoang; no longer ran the risk or delay; itwiii Mllm .mm (lull MnnK.llA.llw - RAMbtrn M Cordial and iood Htnovator. O.J. WOOD , proprietor, 444 Broadway, Nsv. I Tork. and 114 Mark, t Street. Bt. Louis. Mo.l six sold by ROBBRTB A BAHUBL, Celumbut, Ohio, and all good DruggltUt Price One Dollai per Bottla. , - mtrehM-dAweowly , TrrANTBDr-A GENTS. TO SELL Backer cf STAT ION BRY and pTlou one-third leu than can be pare based lsewbsr Call eo oraddraa (starrp ncloud) f-t..BAILBV,N 144 Court St., Boston, Maa. msrch o:d3m. " . m. mm. m mtt-mr ana.' rt A A,faa.are arsaw-. 9-1. Ml fcid ait i.-tv Is a . . , , ,