Newspaper Page Text
IOL. VIIl.NO. 64: NEW SERIES.- " - ' n . . i . ,,.,., , ... , 4 COLUMBUS. OHIO. FBIDAYMORTO. AUGr. 23, 1861. IIZ D0LIABJ PIS YliB, InTariably la Adraner J DAILY. TKI-WEEKIT AND WEgXLl MANYPENNY & MILLER; fTJBLISHlBS AHD rBOPBIZIOlS. XT Office Dm. M, S and 40, Worth High it TERMS IKVABIABLT IN ADVANCE. 1 Daily . ' ' 8 00 per year jy uie barrier, par WWI, aSf Cents.. Tri-Weekly 00 per mi, weekly, 1 00 crisie ol Advertising; bjr,tha Square. - usquarlyei..,$90 00 On sqnsrt 9 weeks. .4 00 Ont , " 1 weeks. 3 M One ( " tweet... 1 T5 One is" .iday.,, 100 One , " 5 days... 75 One " ' 1 Insertion ' JO 9u . " V nioi.thi 18 00 One " S monthi IS 00 3u " i months 10 OS One " !! month! 8 00 One ' 1 month. : 6 00 Delayed advertisements half mora than tba Stove atej. Advertisements leaded and pieced In the eolunui el Special Notions," double th ordinary rat. A II nutioue requlreo to be published by law, legal ratea It ordered on tbelnslde exclusively after the Drat weak per cent, more thkn the boy ratea; but all men wil ptear In the Trt-Weekly without obarge. . , -.- Buslneai Cards, not exceeding five lines, per year, lu ll le, -l Super line;" outside Notices of meetings, charitable! oaletlei, fir companies to., half price. - All trantitnt admtrUtemenl mwt paidor n idvanc The rule will not be varied tram. Weekly, same price as the Dally, where the dvertti s the Weekly alone. Where 'he Dally and Weekly ire both used, then the charge lor the Weekly will be aalf 'rHtci of the Dally Na'JWertlaement taken except for a definite period. BUSINESS CARDS. . F. A. B. SmXINS, Attorney at Iaw ; AND NOTARY PUBLIC. ,; Office Ambos Building, opposite Capitol Square. COLUMBUS, OHIO A. OSBORNID, Attorney & Counsellor at Law, MARION, OHIO. pOLUMBUS . Machine Mannfactnring Companj ANOFiCTURIRi or STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS, Castings, KiU-Qearlng, Machinery. ALIO, Xl.allxo4aca. Work or (Tier DiaaumoH. COLCITIBfJS, OHIO. , OHAB.AMBOB, Bnp't. P. AMBOS, True, deoll, IHitt-tf Wjo o'o oej.eer' 1861. Summer Arrangements.—Time Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, & CINCIN'I RAILROAD. Connecting at Crestline with the FITTSBUBQH, IT. WAYNS A 0BI0AQO SAILBOAT) , for fittetvrgh, PhUaielpMa and Baltimore. Alto , for tort Wayn and OMaago. i Connecting at Cleveland with the LAKE BH0BB BAIL ROAD f i Far Dunhirlc, Buffalo, Albanr. JDos lUi and Mew tsri, THREE TRAINS DAILY, ' . ' KXOBPX BUNDAT, ' From Oolumbui, In oonnectlon with Trains on the ! LITTLE Ml hi iBI I AND COLTJITIHTJ3 AXVP XfclXIA KaILBqADS. - mm xbain. , j ('': NIQHT IXPBESg.-Uaree Colnmbos at 3.40 A. at j will leara passengers at all etatlon aonth of flallun, stop at Delaware, Ashley, Cardlngton and Qilead, and at all station north of Gallon, arriving at Cleveland at 8:00 A. U., Dunkirk 100 P. M.. Buuelo Ut. M. Albany 3.SO A. M New Vera 8.35 A. U.. Boston 1:30 P. M PltubnrKh vU Oraatllne .S0 P. H , rhlUdel pblaSMO A.M. Chicago via OreaUlnaat IMP. M BBOOND TRAIN. . . . . ) . .. . NEW T0BS EXPRESS Uavei Columbus at 11:10 a. m. Will stop at Lewis Centre, (for Whit Bnlphur springs), Delaware, Cardlngton, Gallon. Oraetllna, Bul , by. Maw Loudon, Wellington and Oraftoa. arrive at Olsvdand at 3:3S p. m.; Dunkirk, 8:SO p, m.i BaK falo, lOSU p. m ; Allnoy, H: a. . Newloik, ltti p. m. Btston, 4:40 p.m. This Train oonnaetaat 8ht by for Saodniky, and at Olafton for Toledo, arrlvlmt at Toledo at 8M0 p. m. . i - n . .j l . i ." WMtBiBi;," MAIL AND ACCOMMODATION Leave Oalnabai at.30 p. m. Will swp at ell eSatlon Booth lof ehelhy, and ati New .lAndea. tVeiiingtetv alvafUn. . and Beraa; arrivlni at Cleveland a faw p. n.tiran UrMlitlOa. .iMuflaJo,3aia. nui Albany, SiiO p, .; , Mtwlork, 7:80 p. a. Boatoa. IDat ,s. Vntabarfti, via U:M p. m.; Phlladelpfela, 1:60 at. at. Chicago, via Crestline, 6Xi a m. This Trala aenaect at tbelby for aaadosky and loleds, arriving at Toledo at ftM ..; . ,jf Att . , , (. j Patent Bleeping Can' are run:1, on all , Sight Traini to Chioajo, Sew? J - - . York and Boitou i ' J ' BagiOgt OitcJbtd ThrtmgKto JW Tort and Boin via Omeland: otto, to Philadtlvkia md 1 Una Vorkvla OrtttHn. . ' -JJ- ' i ,, ,RETlKN'rN,Gf. . , i Night Express arTtveaalOoliimbw at.. .1IUS P. M. 'CUietnnatl kapreMarrlvaeat Oolnabwaat 10:e0 A. M. Aooommodation Ktnr... . ptv.. ubIm. ''1 t: M.i . 'jrr .... i',.' - Fare a t,e by any titer Bute , -o A$k for TicluUvimCrtHliMorCUotUnd. ' ' 1 .'., a. nisiji Euperlnuodent, Olevelaad, Ohld. 1 JAMES SAITBB80N, Agent, Just BeeelTed! lis 100: nr OH - GREEN 'aaat BLA ' TbAI 10O ban prime Bie Conte. ISO pockets old Datcb, (ioTernmecit Java Coffee - 1 S bai! Cevlon Ooffea. ' - 80lbbU. standard White Bagar; ooniartlnf of PMr area, unrusuea, Uranuuted A and B Coffee. 80 ojaintala George Bank Oodnsh. v loil SObbla. Ilesa and No. 1 Mackexal, q f 14 . 5 tea. Plot Salmon. V lOOka. Layer Baalaa.i il n? iSit ')0Ci. . lOOer. bos do d 10O M Cigars, different brand and trades. 'r 1 BOVJ7 .t-i, -..( .WaVJfeDONAlD. M.'CrLitClEYar'rIeMX X3JL1M And BlAnk-Book' Kanafa'litaier, v BedjpiWaaiA-'Blue XJ ,: liCAUCocfl. r UIBBOIVS, NEVK Jnst opened by Sen -A"f .'.lb :si.o; ell el I ill -Ko.BiitiHightr.e ; A WKW UBT.J JWJ ... ' , .' ' l' 0XJIH HIOH BIBItT;.-.t f s- Have lost received a new make of HOOP MtTtTa finished lb ejauear far uprjr t tlt iatrodeoad "lUBUlTt'XNlj OUAClTtESsJ WORCESTER'S The lateit-Tha largOit-Tlio Beit. j The Cheapeit Because the Beit, . The JQoet Uellab.ta Standard An tkorltf f tt EBKUeb Lannia;e.' , . , . StoUwndrid Eminent Zlvoatort of OAto, "THE BESt ENOUflH DICTIONABT EXIAOTC." t-.'i s-i-o-ir- i ii i -j lAttrarf Mm BmmMr' . "Hi are nmrarda of e Eundrvd Thoasaad Words. who majtlfarleo asean Inn and darlvmttona. tothr with thei, eormt Relluig,and pronnosatUoa an elearly set before the ,. ... .". i ,...,: ;! r.. ; '. K '' ' ' ' " ' OtnobmaU Ommtmiot Btad tUPtcMM of th ManUrt of U C7AiV BtaU TxxiwiJt Auociution. n The undenrtgned, mbr ef the Ohio Stat Teachers' Association, adopt and sub. to use In teaching, writing end (peaking, th orthography and. pronaaoiatlon of Worcester's ttoval Quarto Dictionary, and w most cor dially recommend It a the moat reliable standard a thortt of th English laogaag, a It la sow written and spoken. , . , , , . to' AJreaiwe, Prastdent Keuyon College. M. D. Lswirrr, Superintendent Zsneavtll School!. Too. W. U.avxv. enp't Haaalloo Union Bcbrol. M. f. Cowoxav. Sup't Pnblio Schools, Sandusky. John Ltkcb, enp't PuMlc Sohoels, Olrolevlile. B. N. sVawrots, Principal 0 leva land female Semina ry. - Wn. HrrcaaiL, Snp't PubHe Beheola, Mt. TJloo. Job Oaoan, frlnslpal BUta Normal School, Mlnna ota Ono Kasok, Principal fourth IntennedlaU School, Cincinnati. H. S. MikTW. Sup't Oantoo TJnkra Schools. -EDwu)HaAL,rriDerpal kUNeely Normal School. . Bu T. TaitaM, Prof. HatheaxatM, Ohio University. Wat. W. KnwaBDs, Sup't Troy Union School. A. O. Honcun, Principal Wat High Bohool, Oler-' bud. ..-'.. B. A. NohToM, Axfoelat Principal Elgh School, Olev land. ... , Ibeobou BiiUM, Principal High School, Olere land. .-- B. r. EtmirroM, Principal Cleveland IniUtnt. . J. A, Qam nap, Pretiilent ol Eleotio Institute, Hi ram. W. L. Hajtia, Prof, of Chaasiatryi Ohio Wsalsyan Unhrenlty. H. H. lum, Ix-OominiafloDerof Common Bohoola, Ohio. Java Homoa, Prof. Bhawrhi, Obtrlla College. Taoa. Hill, President AaUoch College. O. W. i H.. Oatboabt, Pnf . MatbaauUca, High School, Day ton. B. 0, CltDauuoaa, Prof, lauruage, High School. Dayton. . 8. M. BsjLaxa, Bupt Tolon Bchoola, Ashland. . Jfort than Sim Btmdrod oOtor Prttidtnit of Cofl fit, Proftuori, Author and JHtingutA4d Siuea lor I, hav4 mdortti 114 bo4 untlmmt. PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGES IN OHIO. ' UtXTT OoLLasa "It I truly a magnificent work, an honor to the author, th publishers, and the whole ooatry." President Andrew. One Wourraxt UirrvxiisiTT.-MIt exceeds meazpeeuv tloaa. It will be ay guide la orthography and pronun ciation, and will often be consulted by m for It neat and accurate d Haitian!."' President Thompeon. .V. B. Iclxotio OoLLax"Bertcfore w have need Webstar' orthography. At a recent meeting of oar Facility, it was decided to chanae It to oonfonn to that of Worcester' Boyal duarto Diotlonary." President aarneld. . '- J Wxmrjte Bamivw Cotjteoi. "I find It worthy of soruuu approoauon.'- rresiaeni nitcnoooK. OaxRLta CoLUoa. "It more than mt my exoecta' Uon. I reoettmearf: It ai the (taadard authority in ormoepy to my cullditn end ay puplia. ' rraaidant Morgan, ; 'v ' v Airrroka Colltoi. tfnpt i4 aim te a la teach ing, writing aod nf.isU;g, liienrujoraphy and pronun elation of Woroatwt'g, Jtoyat" Quarto Dictionary." rresident AUll. .. 1 . ;. ."la all my writing, apenVme;. and tedchln;, have en deavored to conform to the r ' for orUiokaphy and pronnnclatlooaioonulned In )onatr'DtuUonary.n r-Horace Uasa, lata Jraakinnt. . , ' Kxirroa CoLLxaa, Gaxarn.. ''Imost cordially reoom mood ltaa Lbs eaeet .reliable standard authorltji of th English langnagea It I now writteo eadapoken." Presideat Andrew. ' - ' ji SCHOOL 'Cj3MISSIONA-jOTF... OHIO Jfrom Boo: Anton AnyfA, Oommiuitmor of Vommon i , SsAooi t (Mae. i ''The Dtatlonary la aa isnperlshabi xejounmeat to the learning and Industry of Its author, and an honor to the world of letters. - Tha mtchanlcal (xaontloa 1 far supe- Irlor te that ef any other Lexicon with which I am ac quainted." - : rrom Bon.; R. B. Bammg, Jm-Ommmiontr. oj . aatoou) cte. . -, : . The mott lettable etandar authority of the las .. ... WaUta'... i Zjeadtna N"wBpexpKri of Ohio Bay-. i romfcU (norland StraM. tU XarAtt. Th orthography of th Woroeater Dictionary Is that oaed by moaU If not all. entbor of disUnotloa la this country and England, end oonformi to the general usage of ordinary writers and speakers. ; . Wbauver prejndlcaa may have existed previously, a careful study of this volume will lnvarlab'y be followed by a warm appreciation ef It great merits, and a deetr to and itisus wsn se Leo tea library, pa u large or email, III a library la Itself, and Will renal an imperisha ble record of Uie learning si tta compiler. JhrvmtMo OaietaeaeM OnmurtUfaJpra 80. Bsre in upwards of A b nod red anneand words wood. bad and indlfferert4rhoe maltUarWoa aseaalnsa and derivation, together with their eorrast apelllng and pro nunciation, are set clearly before the eye. Tb work Is unquestionably th greatest vr published. , -. J ' of anguan words rows (A akmd riaindfitr SS SO, I860, ' Evidently Woxctt, towat Qoaavo IhcTiseataW 4 net onlf 1A4 torf, t4 tAe asst ssert caea nd issr t svatf ,asd can by aw posaibtlity euSer by aompaaiaoo or epntroTW,;rt; j,;, I't, ' I ui ,01; jymn ttotoUtoitad, JfyVi. y ' ; Aa to nwjrcwau'noii, eriaiaiisi u ea Staxavaaii followed by our beat aathorat la afiallons be wava nothing to be deetrad, and In 0kTaaeurt It I lufficient to say that Woacxrrie sea be eafeiy foOowod. 1. 1 INCriAlrl A BBAOG. Fnbllsbers, BeebaeUere dk tatleere, iNO. 1P1 SUPBBI0B IT.. OLKVXLAND, 0BI0-I HE , MUTUAL BENEFIT i I1EE AsUIIaNCEXOMPaNY 0? DlTlaend JTaaaxALTT 1 i8(W , ltr Ceat iSliB'.........'"'.''''! so, ; staUment latter-? It lfMls " I Balance, per statement Jan. Ut, I860... .".131,400 ,461 3D stsonvea tor rramiams ear- Ing th leer t..t....7aV)U S5 Baoelved fee - Intsxeet .derkax - the ,r, yd!,. U0U . Teat reeaip's for lW.,,.trj77 M -PaidOlalaxsbylleeaaiJjOOO.,,. ., . Paid Polkues surren- " 4(ti .i..a....!. 11J11 SO . raid Baiertes, rot go, Taxa. " ehanst, sto..MM tlfitt 94 rsM.ajoeMllaM9ae to Aral ......... , 30 Paid Physician4 fee. 3,W0 75 Bald Anuultiee 1,517 00 Past Dlvtdaoda dat 1 v.) . ilivX 14 ... ..,.. t Net Balaeee ,taear M.1801. . . 3,81x53 SO "'!"" V 'ABIITB. !' ."."it v.M I Cash on hand...., tafoegd It vti ht Bond and sisrtgageaon Beal , 1 Estate, worth double lbs t!'-' j smoant loaned f,3ir.Wl 88 - - PreaMsxa lata. )' Bclas ( g-, lf... .. j sent. InUrwt.... ijK.M It1 'u Baal lsui.....!...rt 'i' k ' lMaaaaorrp.... , 44 Premie ma. Motes and Oash, la , 1 i i ; , court of paonnissloe. 3,30 73 ' ' f dtal Ajsets.n............4,..l. !3,8BW SO T,5TI Psllol la fores, tofnlnf......5,4t6,88 1,433 sew Pollde have been baud during tb yi , After a cartful calculation ef the present value of th rat tending Policies of th Company, aad bawtaff the Heoesesrs oeieeitl hi man the rarer, tbe Direct ers haveaard Divwewe of 4 per east, oa ths Premi ums paid at the table rata, to all polWee for Ma In tores, burned prior te January I, IdoO, payable aeesnUnf aa the present rule of th Coat parry. - -I - Pates for alb klade o Lit Ooatlaedev PToepeet ssas, BtatemanU, and appHcatlona, will be furnished wiTBOToauejtttheOa wAaneleit tbe Cem- nir? 0J "L '! '0W t- AWlR80K,irfdent,J.; tora,.vj,.. u J- o.emiattelteiaaat, , anr O. at1I4.aB, taetetarw, ,:t. ,. .-: -rt-.r UWetfeCESOJCe Affmt, ',toarcn'ie8,)lj.'.. i-fci i..,."te doonson biook. Colambns, 0.' fl ' 1 1 . " " PLAYIPJ AW B FIOUflEO, BLACK PHIS! SILKS, ererv graeet . Theaaesl seleot aseerOaaesU la the etty, aal taesafleaaonabla rata. ' ' .'.:-.... Hi ., w 14 v ,.-( .-. JLAlel AoT. ";pt-1 ".!-: t.iw i lawlaaliatawea. Scroftila, or King's Evil, Li k coiutitutionol disease,' corruption of the blood, br which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. ' Being; in the circulation, it pervades the whole body and may burst out in disease on any pert of it. No organ 1 free from iti attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The ecicfulou taint ia variously caused by mercurial disease, low living1, die ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy fatbits,, the depressing vice, end, above oil, by the venereal infection. What ever be its qngm, it is hereditary in tne con stitution,' descending " from parent to children unto the third and fourth generation ; " indeed. it seems to be tlie xou ot JLum who suyi, 1 wilt visit the iniiiuitie of the father upon their cluluifii. Its effect commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs liver, mid internal organs, is termed tubercles; in tlie eland, swellings; ana on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies tit lilc, to that scrotulous constitu tions -not only sulfur fruin scrofulous com plaint?, but they have fur less power to with stand the attacks of other disease ; conse quently vast numbers perish by disordor which, although not scrofulous in their nature, nro still rendered fatal by tliis taint in the ivstcm. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in tlii- scrofulous contamination; and lnuny destructive diseases of th liver, kidneys, brain, and, iudedd, of all the organs,- arise from or avo aggrnvutcd bv the sarno cause. One quarter or nil our people arc scrofulous ; their persons nro invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by on alterative medicine, ana tn vigorata it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine wo supply in - " AYER'S - Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remedial that hftve been discovered for tlie expurgation of this foul disorder from (he blood, and the rescue of the svstem. from its destructive consequence, rlenc it should be employed for the cure of not only Scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as Eruptive and Skin Diseases, St. Anthony's Tied, Rosf, or EnrsfrELAs,, Pustules, Iir.oTciii.s, BLAiNsonuDoii.s.Tfsions, ltTTEB and Salt Eiikvm, Scald Head, Rinoworx, Kitri'MATisM, Syi'iumtio andMEiicuHiAi.Dis KAsm, Duorsr, Dyspepsia,' Demlity, and, illtk'l'd. ALL CoJtl-LAlNTS AUIS1NO FUOX VlTIA- tei ou 'Impuhb Ulood. The popular belief in " imparity of the blood" is founded Dl truth, for bcroful is a degeneration of tlie blood. The puvtieulur purpose aud .virtuo of this Sarsnpa ri!!a U to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible hi contaminated constitutions. Ague Cure, TOa THE SPEEDY CURE Of Intermittent Fever, or Fewer anal Ague, Remittent Fewer, Chill Fewer, Dumb Asrna, Periodical Headache, or Bilious Ileadai'lse, and Illliou Fever, indeed for tile vliete class of dleeaseserrlerinnt I tip; lu biliary derangement, eemaad by the DIalariav of Miasmatic Countries. We are enabled here to offer the communiry a remedy' which, while it cures tlie above complaint with ceitaiiity, is still perfectly harmle m any quantity. : Such a remedv is invaluabl in districts where 'these' ellflcting disorder prevail. Thi "CtfjiK" expels the miasmatic poison of Fevek and Aors from the system, and prevents the de velopment of tlie disease, if taken on the that ap proach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not only tho best remedy ever yet discovered for this dues of eompluints, but also tlie cheapest. The large quuntiiy we supply for a dollar btuigs it within the reach of every body ; and in bilious districts, where Fkvimi ami Ac ub prevails, every body should have it and use" it freely both for cure ana protec tion. . A grcnt superiority of this remedy over any other ever discovered fur the speedy and certain cure of Iutcrmillenta is that it contains 110 Quinine or mineral, consequently it produces no quinism or other iniuriotis ellocts whatever upon the constitu tion. ' Those cured by it are left as healthy as if they had never hnd the disease. 1' ever nnd Ague is not alone the consequence of the miasmatic poison.- A great variety of disor ders ansa from its irritation, among which are Xeiirafoia, tthcuntatism, Gmt, llcailacl.e, blind- nut,. laoUmrte. hitrucht, Catarrh, Asthma, piti'tn'il. Painful Ajlpctinn of I'm Spleen, Ihittcr- Id, J Mm in ins iKiwci, (.cue, 1 armusie nnu ue- ranaemeiit of tin Stimtaci, all of which, when originatiir.; in tlus cause, put on the iiitimittent type, or become periodical. This " C'UUB " expels the poison from the blood, and consequently cures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residing in the mularious districts. If taken occa sionally or daily while exposed to the infection, that will be exeroted from the snttem, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into dis ease. : Hence it i even, mora valuable for pro tec tion than cure, and few will ever suffer from Inter nvittentn if there vail themselves of the protection thiitemtdy affords.' 11 '':. f; Prepared by Dr. J.C. ATEB & CO.; Lowell, Mask . B0BERTS h BAMTJBt, Oolambaa. Aalby Dnirglstsadieln viywbr.,l,,, aovv:lrd,lww ,;:, ,rr, Jt (-.,., . . CASACIIS 4 TJ2STTED STATES KATX STEAMERS TOMIFKOH . LOONDERKT, ; GLASGOW, , Liverpool, Montreal, Quebec, , 1 : -i-vi. , n." and : -,i The Montreal Oeeaa BtaaouhlD Oomsany' Bnt clas full-powered Olrde-built Steeaaer sail everr Mat riir freaa PORTLAND, carrying th Canadian aad Maltea iuvhb Bau ana paMtngers, , , . norwtcian. hobtb american, ' bohemian, an0lo-8ax0n, f north briton, hibernian, Canadian, - - movasootiah. Snerteet, Cneeipeat nl QuIckcatOotf axbbica rAsri or sTOore. HAtu ot raaaawneb to gtjurope. 3o, jwet tjao. , WIU sail from LIVERPOOL e)vry Wednesday. and rrom OjUBBBO rf Saturday, calling at LONDONDERRY, te receive oa board aad tend Mail and Passengers, to and from Ireland and Scotland mrtbe Steamer are ball! of Iron, la water-tight ewmparanaam, aany aaoa so eapenenosa eergeea, ana every attenUon I paid to th comfort end aoeommeda- trea of ess sea sera. A they Droeeed direct to LONDON. DERT, th gi eat risk sod delay of celling at 8t. Joha' l(votaa. - .. :..-',, Olasgow paasenren are fumlahad wlih rasa passage U oasts to and from Lonaonoarry. . Return tickets (ranted at reduced rates Certt&oause lasoed for oarrylng t and brtngtiig ont P- Mngers from all th principal town of (heat Britain and LnUad, at redueed rates, by this Una of steamers, and by the WASniNQION LIN B Of BAH4N0 PACKETS, leaving uvtrpooi very weea, , . Slrbt Draf te far 1 aa aware par-- akle UaaSmKLaaa, I re i samel, Seat .: line iavud r Waleee - - . Tor pejeeir, ettry at th OtSee, ft HKOADe tTAT, Now Varfc, and 19 WaTEK UTm I. tt: wi- aa.nn.aiaw anaara suu, m m nnV . navtw 1 ... . - Or to- j. R. ARMSTRONG, , .'Foal Ofllos.Colarabas, -Ohio. Co-Partnership. id 1 1 T IIATP? TRII VAT ADMITTED BIT A on JAMES ADOVJRBAIN al partner In bail' sees, which will hag after be eondueted andertaa firm Ol ra'o at eon. - r, DAIN, V koutu lilgn et. Oolumbui, rsb IS, 1881. fehld ..'.i:ir.BEIftT KCEIILEK, fLate ef Phalea'i attabllsbment, K. T..V rjoortotere the Hew York tashiuuabi Shaving, Balr Oettiui haaapotaing, Osu-llng and Dressing Saloon, Bast street, ever tbe Poet 0oa, whara atlfaotioa will be riven to vaiiou branohee. - Ladle aad Children' Hair "rostuu tone la Ui beat ItyU. 2tltrZ .T -V.TT " :i:! ales J' l ,& li. id Summer Arrangement. Little Miami Columbus & Xenia RAILROADS. For Cincinnati, Dayton t Indianapolis! Through to lndiaoaoolis withoat Change of Cars and bot One Change of Cars between - ' Columbus and 8t'. Louis. '.' " Four Trains Daily, from Columtug. FIRST TRAIN. ; '.''' AOCOMMODATIOlf at I a. m.. strninlne at all sta. Hon becwesn Columboa and OiMinnail and Dayton, at. rlVloa at OLu:lliBatl at inns a. ...nil at Ila.tnal J ;W..iOonnectu:f at Dayton for Indlauspolls sid ni, r, m. second train. : " Nn. t WTnnrau .A. .. 1 . t-rr - London, Charleston, Cedarvllle, Xenla, Boring Valley, vvnrin, xreeport, yon Ancient, Morrow St., Lebanon, foster's, Lovcland and MIKord, arrlviog at Cluctonatl at 4 SO p, m..Davton atB.dA n. ln..nnnn.otln.lin lha Obi and Missiisippl Railroad for Louisville, Ky., Tin oeenea. Cairo, It. Louis. NcwOrltans, eto. I at Dayton r luuiuiapoiia, baiayette, lerre Haute, Chicago and aU Western points. , THIRD TRAIN. HAIL at 9.10 Cm. atnnnlns at all .f.llnn. blau. Oolambaa and Zeula, and at 8pru.g Valley, Oorwln. Morrow and Loveuud, arriving atOinclnnaUatS a. a. FOURTH TRAIN. NIOIIT EXPRESS, via Davton at IS 00 nldni'ht. stopping at Loudon, Xenla, Dayton, Mlddletown and Hamilton, arriving at Cincinnati at 5.?J a. m.; at Day ton at l.ili, m. oonaeotlng at Oioclnoatl with th Ohio and Mississippi Kail road lor Louisville, Evansvillo, Vlnotnucs, Cairo, St. Louis. Memphis, New Orleans, and all point South and Soath-west; also, at Dayton for Indlantpolla, Lafayette, Terra Haul, Chicago, ate. 117 Por further Information and Through Tickets. pply to Mr L. D0LTBBTY, TicketAgent. Dawn Depot, Columbus. P. W. BTBADEB, General Ticket Agent, Cincinnati. JN0. W. DOIIEETr, Agent, Columbus, K.W.WOODWARD, " Superintendent, Cincinnati. Colnmtu. July M, leoi. RAILROADS. EAST. RAILROADS. EAST. CENTRAL OHIO AND AND Steubenville Short Line RAILROADS COMBINED! ' C0NNE0T1NO AT BELLAIRB WITS THE BALTIMORE & OHIO, AND AT PITIBBCBOn WITH THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAJXROAD: I0BM1N0THE Shortest, Quickest & Most Reliallti Koute to all Eastern Cities ! Trains Leave Columbus as follows ;' MOBNINO EIPBKB3 Leave Colombo 3.30 A. M. from Union Depot, vis neiiaire or otaanenvtiia I arrives at Bellaire, 10. KU A M l Steobenvllle, 18.80 P. M.: Plttabunrh. a 40 P. U. Harrleburg, 1.10 A. H.! Ha AUmtown, arrives at New Kork 8.0O A. M. mia jPAUatUlpAla, arrives at Phila delphia, i. 10 A. M.: Mew York, 10.30 A. M. Connect also at llarrlstmrg for Baltimore, arriving at 7.45 A. M, 1 - -i Sleeping; Can attached to tnii Train Fro la Columbus, rca directly through to Bellalr ruisDurgn witnoni cnange; and ruKnger via Allen wwn arrive in new 1 orx at e A, m., IETTWO HOURS IN ADVANCE OP NORTHERN LINES. This Train also oonoecU at Bellaire with tbe Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. , ' 1 PITT8BCB0H EXPRESS. - : Leave Columbus 11 S3 A. M , from Onion Depot, Dteabenvllle; arriveaat Newark, 13 SO P. M.; Coahoe ton. 8.15 P. M.; Steubeoville, tt P. M. Pittsburg, B.40 P. M. YTfThia I tne only rout by which Passengers can leave umcinnau al 7 A. M., go through to rut ourgn in aayngns, wiuoai cnange of carsor at lay- PAST LINE. Leaves Colombo 9. IS P. M., from Union Depot, via Bllairt arrive al Newark, 3 S3 P. U ; Sanosville, e m r. m ; nauaire ,oa r. si.: Fittatmreti. li.aa p. U.; Harrlsbarg, 9.00 A. M.; via AUtniovm. arrives at New York, 4 P. M.; via Philadelphia, arrlvea- rniisaeionia, 1.10 r. M. New York, 0 r. M, This Trala also aoanact at Ilarrlabarg for Baltimore, ar riving at 1P.M. . .. . 1 This Train run through to Bellaire or Pittsburg with oat change of Can; and from Pittsburg there fa change of Car to Phl'adelphia, or via Allentowa New York thvu offeilng The ODly Route from Colnnbusto Baltimore, : r-biiadeiphla, or New York, with only - j change of Cars. - - j Br thle Train Paaaensera arrive In New Toik Sva boura In (drano of tha Northern line. i Thl Train also ooncect at Bellalr with th Baltimore aadOhleB. B. .. .... j STThts Route Is 30 miles shorter to Pittsburff, ana more man luu miles snorter to i , New York, than Northern Lines. Bagaa Checked Through to all im nortant Pninta TJaaf.. u.. .-, j ABS TOR TICKETS VIA ' BELLAIRE OR STEUBENVILLB. Tickets Oeod aver, either Route. , JN0.W. BROWN. , l Qn. Ticket Agent Central Ohio ft. B. I. A. HTJrOHlNSOW.i Oen. Ticket Agent Steubeuvlll Short Lia ; .'A : T- H Jel8 WlUlom 'Jx.' . Q-lll ' (JOCCBIBCSe OHIO) I ut ' rVGRlCDITURAl. WAREHOUSB Arid Seed StxirB',' '- DEAL? I " ! ' '9'''-Tiij GENERAL HARDWARE ," NAILb, &LAB8, BASH, PTJITT, OOBDA01, j GnM. I'lsiale, Waad Wlllaar Ware, ether and king. Rabbet BelUng, Iaee Leather, Has nENTLEnENU rcBifiaiuNo vn eooot v if a. - . v ( n-. , i. i. , NovalUea la Neck Tie and Beam. , ' . ' Byron and Oarrote Collar. !- "! : " Embroidered Pocket Bandkerebiefs-, i Parle Kid Gloves, swpertOT make. ; . ... : , Golden Hill Shirts, various styles.., ,.,.' . ' . Boys' Ookleu UUI BhlrU, do , , k ' Driving and Street Olovee. do 'i-'lim ,1.1; Bammed rocket Baadkerehief. raitou sty lea. ' Half Hoee aad Under Canned la, . .) - BAloT A BON, spillt .' ' No, J9 South High sureet. something: NEW; in ; ' . - : ... . ' .'. '.,., ' i , - I HOWARD & OOlQi 1 AMERICAN WATCHES. ! PALI. AT NO. 83s BOCT1T TUOIt ST., j ana examine our new mate . i AMERICAN WATCHES; I aiaaufaetured by 1. HOWABO A CO J Boatoa. Meat, Thee Watokea era far superler to anythmf evee- elfared la tbe subtle, heretofore. Having tbe exclusive acenov. I can sell them at prices te suit th times. I have received a urge stoca tu " " , , . 1 . AMERICAN WATCHES, uufafaetared by APfUION, tEAQY, A CO ; also, A aaaortauatof , ' . v JEN4SL.ISU AND SWISS WATCHES, I - "i t, i , , la old aad Pllrei Pats,at Panle prices. . . wr., ui n ii fo ;tr;I 9.1: iituai iwia ' . TZBXI. Dally, par year. .a.........,.....,..90 00 3 00 Tri-Weekly, per far. noaxiy. peryeai 1 00 Mr. Payne to Gov. Dennison. CLEVELAND, August 20, 1861. . 1 or 1 via to -one " . '. . K' ant 1 V just j. a To Hi, Etulltney, W. DtntUton, Governor of Ohio; .... Dcak Sia A a member of tha nnmmlttaji who reported, and a delegate in the Convention Which UDSnimOUSlV aODreved tha raaolntlnn In queetlon, I may Lot decline tbe challenge io your note of yesterday to reply to your ex.raor diaarw oommuoioatioD of tha ldih inat. I in mat document you express tbe opinion that this resolution embrace some "grave charges" against tbe "State authorities." lnnludlno nur. eli as tbe "Executive!" and you ak for a bill ui -particular," sua demand tbe "evidence" upon which the assault is based. You cour teously lnvit me to look over the Sire of the War Department, and pioffor me tbe distin guished privilege of "interrogating tbe officer of your staff " I and you more than intimate tbat a deoltuation of tbe servioe is to be coo. trued into proof positive of the "simulated painotiem," political ambition," "party ava rice," and sundry other nnamiable thiogs of the Democrallo party. . . .. My reply may not equal your expectations, but It ehall leave you do cause to complain of tbe want of candor or fraukoees; aud if on pleaeant truths are related, I beg you to remem ber tbat tbe writer, though a political opponent, 1 more a frieod than an enemy. And first let me correct one or two errors into which you have fallen in regard to the purport and soope of tbe resolution. Yon teem to con sider lie accusations aimed principally, If not exclusively at the "Governor of Ohio" and tbe other "State authorities." But tbe language expreealy condemns the "corruption, extrava gance, Incompetency and favoritism ebown io toe war uepariments ot tbe Slate and Feitrol Governments." A fair proportion of this cen sure was intended for, and ebould ba assigned w, sue war veparimeni at Washington j and that it wag just and merited requires no further proof then the declaration of Mr. Van Wyck, tbe Republican chairman of tbe seleot commit tee raised at tbe receut soeoial session of Con gress, to investigate the transactions of that Department: " 1 hat within two abort months there has been a system of Dlunder. which, for audacity and wickedness, baa never been sur passed." Tbat corruption and favoritism, when exposed, should be severely condemned, every- uouy win asseui to; out WhelDer it Is good pol icy to expose and oorrect them during the pen dency of the war, le a question on which men may, ana it would seem do. diner. 1 infer your opinion to be that such exposure and condemna tion of abuaei, tends to "deprecate the pnblio credit, and compel the "National Government to a disgraceful compromise with armed trea eon;" while others, with equal sincerity, believe that this war will never be brought to a success ful termination, until men of admitted compe tency and unquestioned integrity are entrusted with it administration; and lu my opinion the rresioent, oy no t n act ol bis, would so eneo tually strengthen the publie credit and marshal and nerve tbe national forees lor the prompt suppression of this rebellion, as by the simple uispiacement oi rar. Ljameron eta tbe appoint ment oi juogs noit in ma piece. Another error into which you have fallen ia In extending the censure of this resolution to parties for w bom moat palpably, it was never intended. If these charges are "well founded" you eay "th Stat AtuAoritit," "ought imme diately to resign their official trusts." . Tbe Auditor, Treasurer, Secretary, Comptroller and Attorney General, as well as the Executive, are usually classed as State authorities. I am not aware that any charges have been preferred against the incumbents of those offices. And should the validity of these chariea aeainat your war administration be established I see no reason why tbey should resign unless It be from a profound commiseration for the "Executive." neither was it Intended by those who voted for the resolution to impeach the capacity or integ rity of tbe diatingniabed gentlemen who have more recently been called to the principal posi tions on your staff. I will go oue step farther aud eay for myself, that In aDDrovinar the reso lution 1 had no Intention of imputing "corrup tion" to yourself nersonallv. i What was intended bv the Convention and what a fair construction of its language imports, ie, tbat in tbe administration of the war de partment, which from necessity etuDlovs numer ous subordinates and agents, through the iooom peteocr or connivance of those aoting in behalf of tbe State, Improvident contracts bare been made, extravagant prices paid for inferior arti cles of olothing and suppliee, frauds have been perpetrated and personal and partizsn favorites have profited at tbe expense of tbe publlo Treas ury. Or It may be paraphrased in these words, 1 be Governor, wbo Is really a verv clever gentleman, and who with hie staff was abund antly competent to discharge the duties of Commander in-Chief of the Ubio militia, while restricted to the peace -establishment, was in fact cot qualified by military education or a previous experienee, for the multiplied difficult and arduous responsibilities or war emergen cy, and committing the fatal mistake of not promptly summoning to his guidance a boatd of experienced counsellors, be lone oentioued t.1- ,..LI. . I . . . . . a . ute leeoie ana lotmoient Administration, until tbrongb the want of judgment and ineompe veuoj ui uimseu ana some portion ot ni suDor dinates, extravagance, fraud and favoritism were praotloed, w hereby the Dub Ho service was senouny pre juaicea aoo tne puoiio Treasury at pienca. i i As thus defined, the accusation is sufficiently grave, I admit; and the Democratic Convention ebould not have given currency to it, except from an honest conviction of its truth. Whether tbey had prtbabl etute tot the condemnation they administered, the nnblia must . doniria. Judging from the tone ef your letter, stranger wouiu inter mat you nan not neard the Wisdom and Integrity of your war management called In question until yon read the proceeding of tbe s'emooraiio conventions Whereas. In truth. these charge of Imbecility and malfeaaance were originally preferred, and have been tnoat stontly maintained, by tbe men and the press of yoar political friends. ' Indeed, your present move savors of an adroit purpose to rati a Smoke under the ory ot "party malignity," and "sympathy for rebels," In order tha you may withdraw from danger tbe frail bark in which Is freighted ' whatever of official reDOtatlon nas aurviveo tne oroadsides ol Republican bat teries. ' n ' - .... r. -'.; i ' Tbe Democratic Daoers have treated von with singular forbearance and tenderness. But tbe Republican press ot the State, ae far back as the months of May and Juoe, abounded In charges of mismanagement, favoritism and fraud against your administration.- They specified tbe acts- named tne parties gave tbe figures, and de nounced the dellnquenolee la terms of severity, tn comparison with which our resolution ia moderation itself! Lest It may have escaced your nonce, suuer me to give yon one or two examples.' The Ashtabula Sentinel, of June lUtb.eaid: ... . . , i "We have denounced the manarement of tha War Department of Ohio, because It was bad intolerably bad., The Governor, as the head of tha Department, is responsible, and ae be ha not ebown that others were at fault, it is prop- er w ugiu uim so account.- uur aelguDore of the Watrea Chronklt oomolain that we do not specify any charges. eWe will speuUy tha ti ns, ea vera ordered, into tolumbus before there waa adequate, or even any preparation made for them. They... weta then sustained at n enormous .cost, amounting to an aggregate of at least one hundred thousand dollars more than It could have been done with proper eoon omv. With all this outlay, the men were sub. jeoted . to unnecessary hardships and absolute suiiering. Tbey ' were not well lea, and taey were badly lodged. "- Thle state ot things was oentlnued for a long time after the wroog and tha saute of it were ufidmtoodV Tbe outrage bus price lor sustenanoe allowed at Camp Jack son was not corrected, aed no. prop effort made to correct It. A eeod aootraet was J ,171'lSli 10 ,MitU mm; ..,rv; made at Cincinnati, and a third one at ri.,.. land, at still higher figures, and tbiit when there was time eneegh to have adopted a cheep, er plan. Neither of these cootraoto wa revok ed when they were abused. Tbe clothing con tract were let without competition j sad those who took them were allowed to divide them among tbemeelvee, Instead of belns required to 77 " oixteen donate a suit were pa a in this manner, where not more than ten dollars should hare been paid-. So it baa been with almost everything else.' All waa charac terixed by tbe moat flagrant waste and extrava gance. "This was tha fault of the Department, and tbe Commissary and Quartermaster might bare been held accountable for it. But tbe fact la, the Governor usurped their duties and made coatracte himself, tbat tbey should have made. He made himself tbe faototum ol tbe whole Department issued ord ceived deputations, and sent deoutations to talk who. oiner uovernor, met in Governors' meet ings, wrote ltter and proclamations, revised tbe telegraph dispatches for tbe newspapere, talked to tbe crowds, and beard the complaints Of tbe bOnfliatLOe- eanlrantaln ahn.r .11 ih. office of a Moorish Cadi. " 1 here wae hurry and bustle, and confusion, Ol course. 11 aov one faela abla tn Inatife .11 thia be can try. We would specify still farther. WO LUlflht mention tha nf ..I.. tions, family OJUnentiona ami frianre. tn nffina. uu. wu let loss pass now." I his single witneee. if creditable, uhatent! atee everv obarre amhraoail in fill i VAarilii f ieirt i a naa leisure and acoess to their files I eouid una voiame with similar extract from Repub lican papers. The Cincinnati Cemmerriai, the leading . and most . influential Rrmhii.n 1 1 I . i. r. . . r vue otaie, was constrained to testify luu ' "nu" opposed to deal charitably with tbe Governor, we cannot frame any decent excuse for tbe reckless extravagance which er ery day develops." Exposing the "tin cuu" and "camp kettle" transactions, it declares th" ,. w.111 J,tifr the "hardeet publio cen sure (Juoe 8tb) It affirms "that an inordi nate amount of Dersonal favoritism and Valttl. oal jobbing were mixed in the conduot of affairs; ut uuio naa ueeu aiegrseed in tbe incompe tency Of the executive, nfflnar. anil that .11 kinds of corruption and neglect bad been suffer ed to infest lor a time the commissariat." Again (June I3ib), "the people demand in stant reform. They are ste of Gov. Dtnniiou't imbeoillty. Wa have heretofnra amtno-lxMl far the Executive, reminding the people of the enormous labors devolving upon him, etc., but the result of Gov. D.'s efforts leaves usoo oth er motive but to confess that our charit wot mudirectcd and that h tea tad failure." And again (June SOthl. in takioe tha Ganff to tank iur - gioseing over failure aud defending official malfeaaanoe," it says: "The Gattu knowe as well as we do that the history of the adminis tration of military affaire intbie State has been eminently disgraceful; that the promises of tbe uovernor were out ot all proportion to bie per formancei; that corrupt and ewindling con tract were given out repeatedly through tbe bliudneee and connivance of officials who ought to know better; that our volunteers were trl- uea witu and made tbe victims of ciroum locu tion, delays sod frauds which good business management would bare avoided; tbat money baa been needlessly squandered and precious time foolishly wasted; and that so great and glaring has been tha misconduct of affairs that tne press ol the city bae unanimously, until tbe Gtxrtte't tardy apology, condemned tbe bead of the State Administration for inexcusable neg lect of duty. It is therefore too late in tbe day, even if there has been great receut im provements, for the Oaseifs to seek to white wash the dark chapters of our military arrange ments or to cover tbe nakedness of our official malfeaaance by expatiating upon the enthusi asm and efficiency and accomplishments of our brave soldiery." But I forbear to cite further authorities from tha newspaper press. You will sse tbat if your Administration has been maligned, It ia tbe work of your own political friends. They aid ed in electing you to office, tbey sealously sup ported you until after tbe commencement of tbe war, and with reluctance tbey testify to your incompetency and denounce the corruption, ex travaganco and favoritism which have been shown in tbe oonduot of tbe war. It Is certain tbat tbe people of the State, inoludine- tha Dem. ooratlo party, hare credited these witnesses. ror more tban two months tbey have remained uncontradicted and unchallenged. For renanna beat known to himself, tbe Governor has called no one of tbeso accusers to an account. If Democrats have erred at all, it has been in be lieving that Republioana tell tbe truth about each other. Yon are tbe only person in the State unadvised of tbe "Dertloulere" of those charges. They commeneed with tbat celebrated coo trad said to bave been signed by tbe Gov ernor in person bv which two of hi nollilcal and personal friends were to be paid 60 cents per day for subsisting- all the trooos in Colum bus, or tPAO thoull 6 hrught there during th tear. Tbev embraced those famous enntrama for clothing by which exorbitant prices were paid for Inferior article, as is beat shown by the rate allowed tbe eoutraotor and the sum fiaally charged tha volunteer on tbe award of the regimental board of referees. Tbev bave regard also to the unnecessary expenses in curred in transporting troops by way of Colum- ous, wnen a snorter and cbeaner route was open. In one instance, I am told tba Cleveland & fitUburgb Railroad Co. srooosed to earrv toem free of ohartre. and von neraonallw lnalau ed oo the loos; route at a cost to tha stata of IlsfUU. l oonld go on and fill a column with items euetained by these witnesses and the concur- real testimony of the returned soldiers, and gentlemen who bave bad occasion to transaot business with your War Department, such as the "Tent role," "Tin Cup," "Gunpowder oontraots," etc., eto. It Is Doaelble these mat ters may admit of explanation, notwithstanding the distrust created by your loug silence in re Kara to mem. nut one thing le certain these exposure, had utterly demolished your offioial reputation for competency, long before the Dem ocratio Convention assembled. With vour own party you were already politically dead eo dead mat not a nun or a newspaper o( that party baa proposed pour reuomloation for Gove. nor.. In deed, so tar a I bar observed, no oue except yourself has taken exceptiona to thia very ree lution which we are considering. Many Re distinctlf SDDroved tt. Tha C.innin. nail CtMtitMreisf of the 9th Inst., 'while criticis ing tne other resolutions, tayst ,v "Th fourth retoUtson it en that thtuld adopted ly evert Csneeaffon of evert PHTtv thtt attemblct in the State." " - - ' Thus you see that others muBt be dealt with beside the Democratic Convention. If yon would retrieve your publlo reputation, yon must commence your labors in tbe household of your politioal essociates aad friend. Convince these assailants of their error let them with draw their obareeS, and confess that tbey have wickedly and falsely aoonsed yew and you need bave oo fear about tbe Democracy doing you ample Justice. - , As to sn Investigation, I agree, you hare right to demand it; you ought not to rest nuder tbid general condemnation without an opportu nity of defending your conduot before tbe peo ple of tbe State. But u inveatigation will of uo avail unless it shall be thorough and complete.- Were I to accept' your invitation make it myself, nb doubt you would graciously introduce me to the files of your office, and un questionably, tbe "gentlemen of your ataff" would courteously .answer mr interrogatories (and, I think, with mora directness tban their etuax replied to tha questions ot the committee last opting) yet, my dear sir, i am oo more a military oharacter than yea vera when this war broke out, and my incompetency would rendered ss ooespieoous as yours. Moreover, any report that I ebould make would gain little creaeuoe with your Kepubuean friends. Tbey would suspeet me of attempting to whitewash Jour administration! jj.e i " Will yon pardon my presumption in tagged toff A better : method of . aooomnliahina tour wishes t Meet people will ak, V IVAy dot vwvernor Aieonteon, u na Deiieree be bae oeea aojaally assailed, demand a f ntmUaiU at tt hand ifkiprtf This aooords with preee- Ot;WiJ f .cesd -;9VI VM 'CiiC.'j f ., ' ueua ,our predecessor was iodoreed by a re- 1 A--. . uv-m.uatiou, aoo lr you should boldly demand tbe same measure of justice from the Conven tion which U to assemble tn Columbus on the O.h of September, It eould not ba refuted, ex cept upon the ground that they repudiate and condemn your war administration. If the oartv win maaa you lie nominee. I will engage tbat the Democracy will auffer yon to defend tbe merits of your offioial condont b afar Ik. pie, without reply from your opponent, and will gladly accept their verdict, as a flotlity. . If, however, your repugnenoe to a second term is under the oirouoetaneee lovlnnll.ltha aext alternative for yon le to demand of that Convention an expression of opinion In regard to your war admioiatration. Let it ha diraat and unequivocal, either an approval or condemn ation. ' Your txperlence may euggeat a better form, if not, get some friend to offer the fol lowing: "Retained, That corraptlon, extravagance, In competency and favoritism have not been thown, lu the administration of the War Departmentof Ohio." - . - -. ' When your own friends shall adopt this, tbe Issue will be fairly joined with the Democratic Convention, and you may then with soma show of propriety call on ue for "particulars" and tba eviueuce. nut ir you shall fail to demand tbia indorsement from tour own politioal friends, if your political friends shall fail ta respond to yvur uciubuu, i eumess your case appears to be hopilett. If that Convention, lu place ol tba Crittenden Resolution, adopt some "glitterlog generality" about "sustaining the Government in promoting tbe war" which obliges them to carry along tbe weight of Simon Cameron and tbey refuse a like office of Cbrietian chanty to you It would be an aotof unparalleled Ingrat itude and cruelly. You bare long served your party with lingular fidelity and devotion vonr political friends are beet acquainted with the oharaoter and value of your labors they ought to be lenient and generous and Juitj but should tbev In vour present extremity rafuaa ran a oim- pie indortement of your oompttenc it vould go far io jusiuy jour political opponents in tbe conclu sion that in the judgment of your best friende your war administration ia iaOesiif. I do not eee what more lean do for you. The proposed examination, without power to go be hind the files of tbe office to eend for persons and papers and to examine witnesses under -oath, ia a farce In which I moet respectfully de ollue to engage nor do I share your apprebeb ion that in conaequenoe thereof the "National Government will be oompelled to disgraceful compromise with armed treason." Very respectfully H. B. PAYNE. be a be to of be att STON'SBAZAAR. No. 4 Ghvvrme Block. A. P. ST0NE & O'HARRA AHE NOW RECEIVING TIIEIHWI. TEB 0O0D8, and Invite the public Io inspect them. No such stock of Goods has ever beea kroaebt In this market. Tb South, tn oonsequsoco of the failure of the grain erop, has not beea able to purchase the us ual quantity of rich goods, and this fact has forced the Importer to Mil them at peulio auction. Oar buyu (Mr. Stone) being In New York at these large sale, took advantage of them, and we oen and will sell oargeodi bare, at less than any one who purchased two weeks since, paid for them in New York. Our stock is complete In very department of ELEOANT DRESS SILKS, OTTOMAN VELOURS, BROCHE VALENCIAS, PRINTED MERINOS, PRINTED CO BURGS, DYED COBUGSi BLACK ALPACAS, ORLEANS, FANCY WOVEN FABRICS, ALL WOOL DELAINES, POPLIN-t. PRINTS, DELAINES. SHAWLS AND CLOAKS! Five Thausand Dollars Worth Bought in One Day, LADIES FURS, HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. Ben', Ladle and Children's Under Shirt and Unaware: Ladlas, Muses aad Ohlldren'e Hosiery of all kinds. In Wool and Lamb' Wool; fleecy Lined and Ootten Glove of every make. ALSO I A complete assortment of all the usual varie ties of LADIES' CLOTHS, CASSIMERE3, OVERCOATINGS, FLANNELS, RIBBONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, Ladiei and Gent's Linen Cambria Hand- aurchiefs, fto &o. To persona Who nail nn na. mm ni... . show them tha largest, beat and cheapest stock of Goods uJ market, er pay tbeaoa sUilar per honr while looking. oeci-auxtawitw. BTONB a 0H t BBA. NEW ARRIVALS OF & Summer JEllinery. Spring . The Stook Kaplan I Lhaa , , PATTdY FROiTI LATEST IITIPOftTATIUNS Or NEW YORK. U7 ROCK 01 Spring & Summer Millinery I now eomplete, oomp rising every variety ef atUia ryj also, a largs assortment of Embroideries, Hosiery and Notlona, to., and Lu quantities and prices that our not tall to suit all who may favor as with a sail. The feeds hav been bought at Facie prion, and will be sold at a small advance oa eost. MILLISEKY " ' Miss M. E. YOUNG, lata of New York City, will enperinteod the Millinery Department Bar long experience" In lb moat VaahloaaM Establishment la Broadway will alone b a warraaty that ah will be abl to give entire aatlafacUon hi matters of taare to all who may favor her with their orders. Ths Ladle of Columbus and vicinity will plea ao eept my sincere thank for their liberal patronage, aad X would respectfully solicit a eatlaaano of the same. It. H. WAIIB." 68 Eaet Tawrs as., Celamane, O. srtaNB chittehdin. . . . Hirttr t. owrrrmota S. At H. T. CHITTENDEN 1 - ATTOBNETS AT LAW. .:. - . - TO Offirei, a 29 Broadway New York OK, sad Puteoas' Bmunne, Columboa, Ohio. , . . , . .. ,) . lO'OaratuI attention paid to Collections. J ... aprilS.dflei . 1 Baltimore Clothbg Hoiise. ' suamraoTFaa am waousviu aetusi m READy-HADE CLOTHING. ' No! 508 W. Baltimore-street, " - (swreraes ussarr an aowaaa,)"" .''T '"-;; baltibiobe, na ' ii M . . . A Large Assortment ol ritee acd ran (ah lay - . ';-' ' t-si .1,.