Newspaper Page Text
KA51FEJTST MOLES, Publisher. Democratic Union Nominations. Htigli J Jewett, fV" 'T"'t Wu.Tilnm. ' ,' eq s a . .- . . d: .J .J gUPKlSMi JtHWH. . 4 TIIO!AS J. SMITH. m - 0 Mohfcomery.' 1 ' ' ti'. J . ' - v1-' V TREASURE Of AT, '' Of Hamilton. , Alois f 1 t XCRITABT Off STATE. ... - iiimrl Will 1AM W. ABWSrBOMS, - 0 Ste. , v I.: i-. : A . rJOMPTROLLBRr -' VATtt OB1SWOLD. j!,c 0 ffciawey.' ' - "' ,.(, iir.rr i .. ' " ?v .-a.inoiB Of POBLIO WORKS, . JABEZ W. fllClit s.i),ffj of Cuvakog: ', r J ' O..'' Meeting of the Union Democratic State Central Committee. .O.r. i i; :;t"- i '.' . ' i i . i rv. Statu Central Com 1. :i B UOtOW UBWWWkv miuei l!fl mee at Columbus, TowoaT, Au. oiber ii' reaueeled to be present, ana candl Ticket, date on the Union Uemocreiic .".'Auii invited to be present. ' - - WAYNE GRISWOLD, Chairman. S. JOHNSON, Secretary. August 20, 1861. THE OHIO STATESMAN For the Campaign. ' W. -Ill hroMi tb. different taue. of IbeOb.o State, mm. daringfte Campaign, follows: ' : 1 ' ; fie Dalhr Statesman, per month, at.. . ceJj"' Th f rl-Weekly gtajian, . .1 .... i..nM will be farnlibil for one oi k.r. otb.In cluU .r .IngJ. eopte., it the abow "tte Weekly Obis 8lateuMn 'm U furLiibei fol- lowai . i a .i UUibt of TS ebplei for tiret)Btrw. Inolublof llcle,folw mmth.,-Y..-r.- , -.-i.ui .im mi fnr two months. I.....'..' aw Uelabtof oopl,rtwo monUn . 'w " 'Tha,tomonlbi,'Clnts 'lll eoier the period of the Ounp.tsn.and tbui pl.c'car MAMMOTH WKKKLT In tb hndf of H no nnt, . OB very rtMon"" !"" . , ,1 iet thi frienO. of to. g.l cause - the trae.TJulon la oCOnlo gU wor. ana jiwuun. CAMPAIGN STATESMAN Oil over tbe Plate J Ve peet to mV a It an efficient aid la tae 'gisd prkuf JU'iWopUoo oi me bom " t K oewell lroaUtel : a. ' ,: 'Augaftio.iwi. ";;."'.;'.'.;q Henry B. Payne's Letter to Gov. Dennison. r Ij'.."""' iJv" .erfeiiM .welmWea tie letter l Uov h.uKi.wui to"H..Ii Tatni. E:u , and Mr. PTri rfDlv. We this morDbs publ'nh en other letter, from Mr. Vkwir iiblch will be .c ' " a . 1V t. nAMaalll tOUOp,OU QUr nrB pago. . v uoto " falMo read it. aBO that ill our Kcpuotican co tlmriefa'rie will nubliib it. When we read CUff pijwiioii'e leUer,.we weroecrrj that he 'bid ibna'esnjid fciiaf e X to complete annihila tion. Xiiie letter of Mr. Payne utterly ex- tinguieaes the overnor. tie w provoato, auu has no out ioJ)lame but blmieu.: - Practical Secessionists. A thcoreiicAl Secesalouist i6 one who believes j .;.!, ! r,:! '1: j. .u.ri. in laerrijiuf oiu a.-eio icur "w u Ji. Th ptoetici! Secessionist labor to effect the diasolution of the Union'. Tni may be oocom- pliahed in two wajet in-"-"Tirirt. By fwterlng, oiding ini and accotn. plishiog a euooeaaful rebellion against the Ted eral Gorernment, the. Constitution and the law.,. Ttiij ifltbe position 61 Jarr. Datu and Lhil compeers. Seoond. By nuking a war for the euppreision of a rebellion, a war of one seotlon of the UO' ' ion against the whole people and. Institution! oi " the other, thns converting the effort of the Got. eminent to pat down and pnnieh individual trai Ji tOrtlia .rebels idto' a' war' of Bectlona or of ifiUte offoiaot State. Thii ia what certain politioiaie ore praotloally doingr woo are very 1 luaJlu theli gertforthe 8nppr of "the Gov. eroment'oud; iiVKt!y fierce in denouncing those wbo do Co't partake of their eectiooai an imoaltv. oj SecessioniSta. . 1 fh two claeses-o praotical Beceaeioniats we have described obover work Into each other' haudsV fhethe olf who are drawn into their ranks, ore afteTe6fft tor .faot, both classes ore working to a common ecu. , , . . ... 39 The rebellion'was grounded upon, and nas been sustelnedt'inoinly by a belief ia the alleged boo tllity of o majority, of, tbe Northern people to the poopl and ipstitutiont oi the Soatb. .Notn t log can tend mote directly to make that rebaj c Hon effleieas prolonged and ' suceessful in the 'wrl, than to einvmee the SouthorrJ people that Ijftat alleged bomllity u real, byconveiting i .war undertakea to disperse combinations oi ia dlvlduali la arms ogalnst the Government, into o war against tbo-wbole people of o aectlon of the country or against entire States considered . - aa aanattca add duOihcl Communities. ; i . ri ,: .They who take up orms ogoinst iho Govern. aseai, and they who sow the seeds of lasting ''"and deadly fend between two section of the " "countryi ore alike , pradticol . Secessionists, and . , oreworking in common for, the dissolution of u UtO Unioni'V ,', rJ.-.-.i'; r-yn " ' ' i . : .fiA ft. J y ft. wi ii iwtw iiihii,i , r 27 Tke Toledo BiadtU wonderfully out of ,;Aumo,oiid tal(ts abou ,V'" i W.UI . muon flippaaoy, a to convince ony man that the edl tor poo. "brought up" where such waa the com mowteo-tobrrk. ;ye,mke,all allowance for the disagreeable position of the DUdil ; It must b very humiliating to a paper that bis been so devoted to Abolition Republicanism as it has, riov to be compelled to disown and obaa don Uon Account ofahe. Injury it lias been,to thacoantrv. Fallv convinced that "its princl plea r in tonfiict 'with potrlotiim," it sink them. That I right oil each paper should .J. tV'e or of the opinion, however, that it I from the force of necessity , rather than hplce.. Pail oway we will forgive you... , Republican Nominations. The Republicans of Harrison county have t gtominated tb following Bounty ticket: ' prMenUtiver- Juho Latham ; Treasurer, if if Jf'ranii GraeeSherifr,,S. E,Mgees Prosecnting Attorn'Tr Amon .Ltmmonj Recorder, Joerpo Rest Cuuimlssioner, J. J. Billlugeley; Sarvey or, Jacob Jarvli; Infirmary Direotor, John N. Baverfleldi Coroner, Dr. J. B. MoCullough. Gen. Lyon—Why was he not Reinforced! .v .- r ;, ftn. I ton betrced In vain for reinforcements. The night before, hi death he said, "Alas! tbev do not come !" Since hie death, seven reg- - a a.. .....! thai intent, novo been lorwaroea w,au troop whieh he commanded. Xswaeitfs Uem. Gen. Lton sent messenger to ramorrior reinforcements several time, but they were not eat until ofter he was killed. Gen. Foimoiit must explain thl matterr Pillow' msnosuvre wa ' no doubt intended to catch FauioNT.ond he did it weU. Gen. Lioh (aid on the bottle- fieldt -...-. v ' .- '.'"V "I beain to believe our term of oldiering I obout completed. I have tried earnestly to j.-.v rintvto the Government, and appealed to them for relnforcemente and ..mnii: but. alas! tbev did not come, and the .n.m. i 0ttln- the advantage of us. . The wrrespoodent of the NewiYork Hit aid in his oceount of the battle says: "For two or three days before tbe bottle, Gecerol Ljon changed much In appearance Since it became apparent to blm that be must abandon the Southwest or have his army out to pieces, he had lort muoh of hi former energy and decision. To one of hi staff be remark- ed, the day before the battle, 'lorn o man o- ii;n in nrMAntlninnta. and ever since this night surprise was planned, I have bad a feeling I cannot get rid Of, that it would result disas trously. Through the refusal of Government properly to reinforce me, 1 am oougra w don tn couDiTT. 11 i wnuwm o.b-B .k- M.m. h nnMifl will o.U me a cow ard. Ii I engage him, I may be defeated and my command cut to piece. I am too weak to bold Springfield, and yet the people will demand that I bring about bittle with the very enemy I Mnnni k.An a town aralnat. How Can this .oanlr KltMaln than ft.rft.inet US?' ' "On the way to the field I frequently rode near him. He secmea nee one oewiiucrw, v.n -hn mAA,M,A. failed to elve any recog nition, and eeemed totolly nnoware that he was ..k.. . . n. iia hattl field be save bis or- ders promptly, ond seemed (ollcliou for the welfare of hie men, but utterly regardless of hi own afety. while be wa oaing wnere bullets flew thickest, just ofter his favorite horse was shot from under mm, some oi ui wu. Interposed and begged that be would retire from the spot and seek one lee exposea Scaroelv raisinr hi eye from the enemy, be old - '- . ' ' t ' ' 'ft ( pnnneh thot I stand here. I am While tbe line wo forming for the charge tgclnst the rebels In which be lost bis me, uen, Lyon turned to Major Sturgls, who stood near bim, and remarked: r f. that th dav la lost: If Colonel Sleel bad been successful he would have Joined us be fore this. I think I will lead this charge." He bad been wounded in the leg in an early Ant a flash wound merely -rmm -hirh tha blood flowed orofoselt.- Ma jor Sturgls, during the conversation, noticed blood on uenerat Lyon-i nai, auu .up posed he had been touching It with hi hand, wbica wa wet wiinoioou irum ui mS. u.v ment after, perceiving that It wo fresh, be re moved the General' bat ond asked the cause of its appearance. "It is nothing, Msjor, nothing but o wound in the bead," laid General Lvon, turning owoy ond mounting bl Dorse, witn out taking the bat held out to bim by Maor Sturgi. he addressed the Iowan he wa to command with "Forward, men! I will lead jou!" Tea mlnntea afterwards be lay dead on tbe field, killed by ( rifle ball through tbe breast, jost above the heart. Io death bl teatures .1 1 1 1 A .nuutA. wore the same trouoiea ana ponicu AprTOiiw. that had been fixed upon them for tbe past weei. Hi hod waa hronrht to town in the afternoon, and will be forwarded to bis friends in Connec ticut for interment. ' '' We Progress. Tbe Democracy of Ohio at many of their count; meetingsin Knox, Licking, Stark, etc. have indorsed tbe propositions of Mr. Cox. In Indiana and other States they bove don the nmi tBintr. Al I union mat neeiing Terre Haute, Iodiana, they were read ond unanlmon&ly indorsed. They or receiving the general concurrence of oil true Union men ond even tbe Republican press, not from inclination but from necessity bag been compelled, ond tbe Administration will be compelled, to carry on the war ond conclude o peace on the basis of those propositions." Tb New York organ of the Administration, tbe VTtrld ond the Times, wheee orticle we copy to-day, ore beginning to acknowledge tbe sens and propriety of the first proposition, that the war must be carried on ac cording to the roles of international law the laws ef moderation, justio ond honor suoh as are observed between two alien nation. In no other way can flags of truce, exchange of pris oners ond foil treatment on tb field of. bottle to the wounded be bad. Tbe other proposition that, some mean should be left open for the restoration of peace, is but o corollary from the first proposition. Congress will sooner or later be compelled to act upon It. Tbe Administra tion will of necessity be compelled to adopt It Bat they must remember its full meaning. No such restoration of peace by separation no peace, without Union I " - ' 87 We see It often atated, that "It will be time enough to revive the Republican and Demooratlo parties when we know that we have o Government." This would look like de termination on the part of tha Republicans to revive that party, after the Democracy have saved the Government.. For tbe lake of hu manity, don't talk about reviving that party, if we now succeed In uvlog tbe Government. If. we get over .this trouble, don't revive the cause that produced it. . - ' . ' m i a ' . ' Some of the Republican are beginning to see that they were much mistaken In tbe South in manv respects. They sneered ot tbe threat of o dissolution of the Union j they now see it a danger not to be sneered at. They thonffht th South week: contemptibly weoki rather a mistake, as they see now. W recom mend ta tbem, ofter that grove mistake, to abandon Republicanism and lie porpoftftft. It will not do to depend on it.' - - i We clip the above from the Louisville Dim crti, edited by that polld Union Democrat, Col Hasnxt, who hu just been elected by tb : Un ion men of Jefferson county7, Kentucky, to tb Legislature. Tbe earns man so beautifully oompUmented by the Cincinnati Commtreitl, Zanesvillo Ccurur, and. other Republican ptr ten. " - -1 -.1 ! "Let H. J. Jswett come on with bis Central Ohio Railroad Jruh mud dtogtn, all be con buy ond hire, ond we will cleon them out next Uctober." xvayuo wenmet, avjmk ij., . It If perhaps oil very well for tbe editor of tbe Dayton Journal, while he is comfortably stowed oway in hi sng berth in the PojtofEoe, to cut hie dirty slurs ot th "Irish mad-digger," while tens of thoussnds of gallant irishmen or In arms ot tbe call Of the President to protect (he Capital of the nation, and "maintain tbe Con stitution and the Union." The Dayton Jearael is a very proper organ of th new Republican party.;. ' ' ' ' ; '.' UTTh eecesaloolsU or , canning in their menaeemeot, ond resort to meay ioeeoloa de vice to deceive tbe Federal Government. W believe moo v of tb pretended deserters from their arm v or spies ssnt lo deceive. Some com oe Northern men who eay they -were pressed into the Confederate ormy, ond pretend to give minute detail f tb toroee, position, defense ond intention of the eoerayj bat so far a these statements hev been tested tbey hove generally proved notrn. Tb other day son escaped iNortnern saan iron jtionmoad. affirmed that th fortifications obout that city were not oil formidable or extensive, where there is lndubltabl evidence that tbey or pf tmatens strength, ond extend many mile eome accounts soy fifteen beyond tbe metropo-lis. BMton Pt. Arrest for Treason in Philadelphia— Pierce Butler in Custody. [From the Philadelphia Inquirer of this morning.] Yesterday morning o dispatch was resolved from Secretary Cameron ordering the orreat of Mr. Pierce Butler, one of the most noted men oi the country, iormarly o resident of this oity, but recently o resident of too South, and on alleged extensive slave owner. . Tbe order of Arrest wa accompanied with o "description of tbe probable locality in which Mr. Bailer would be found. Marshal Mill ward immediately set out upon the search, ond, ofter dxing upon the exoot premise designated (a large boarding house iu Broad atreet, above Pine), disposed of hi deputies, Messrs. Sharkey, Jenkins and Sohuyler, in a manner most likely to prevent the etcspe of the prospective ond distinguished prisoner. Tbe marshal then prooured o ear riage, which was placed In a convenient position. He then taog the bell, which wa answered by the ladv of tha house, who nroduced Mr. But ler. The Marshal read the order for arrest, and placed bands upon the gentlemen, in the name and by the authority of tbe United States Gov ernment. Mr. Butler looked somewhat crest fallen, but delivered himself up without remoo atranoo. Pierce Butler, o prisoner of the Uolted States government, was then placed in tbe bands of tbe deputy marshals, whilst raarsnai lumwaru proceeded to overhaul tbe trunks ond furniture of the prisoner. After on extended ond diligent search of the entire premise, nothing was found to directly implicate Butler in any desigo against tbe government.' -As tbe prisoner waa placed in tbe carriage tbe lady of tbe houae aaked . " When will you return, Mr. Batlerl" Aod tbe person addressed replied in CAafanl way . "Oh. as soon as the war i over, Madam." Tbe carriage, with the company, then drove down to Wabmt atreet wharf, where the Cam den and Amboy boat wa taken for tbe railroad depot. Here the deputy marshal took their leave, and Marshal Millward proceeded on to flew York, where tbe prisoner wilioepiaeea in durance vile at Fort Hamilton, New' York harbor. , -... . . . i Tbe antecedent of Fierce. Bailer or well known to our citnens. . He is, we blieve, o na tive of Philadelphia, ond woo educated to the bar. lie is repotted to be very wealthy. . General Fremont. ' There Is on unusual amount of good sense In the following from the New York WetU, the orgsn of the Administration: Tbe St Louie ond Chicago newspapers ot re cent date come to ns filled with complimentary notice ef Geo. John C. rremoot, who, If these journals ore to be believed, boo olready proven ooe or toe most remarkeoie men oi moaern times. It msy be tbst be is: bnt the faou given In these notices hardly warrant tb ex travagant eulogies indulged in by oar Western friend. It seems the General ia not given to eoeecb making, he attends olosely to his bull ae, ond has on excellent habit of keeping bis appointments. All these things seem to sur prise tbe editors "beyond tbe Mississippi," but w can assure them that ont this wsy there ore thooBend of men that have been doing the same for years, without anybody thinkiog it worth a newspaper pun. We refer to this matter to protest against the whole system of showering anticipatory honors on Gsnerals before they have eeeo a thot fired in ooger. We have had quite enough ot this eoneeaae.' Tbe nation expect great things ol General Fremont; but let ue be chary of our praises until be doe something to merit them. With a battle lost ond tbe union lurces in ion retreat before tbe rebels, it is no time to be boasting ef tbe genies ot the commanding General When the rebels ore cleared out of Missouri it will do to begin that sort of thing. Until then let us watch and wait. Eicbanox ot Poisonim. A teh-gram from Washington ujsr ' ' "The question of the exchange of prisoners, which has been the subject ol considerable con elderatioo, has not yet been decided. 1'rnidmt Lineal it firmly op'puid to any recoynifMit eA rtbtl es a 6eUtytrnt poierr " However disagreeable It may be, President Lincoln will probably be under the same necee slty of recognlxiog this fact, as hs is of recog nixing any other. Even he most be tolerably well satisfied by this time that the country la ot wor with tomtbodw that ia entitled to be called 0 "Power." He can neither cheat himself nor tbe coootry Into any delusion as to the magni tude of the contest, by refusing it 0 belligerent name. Tbe exebsnee of prisoners I on inci dent of oil wars; not because both sides, or eith er side, can claim lo be legally in tbe right, but because it Is much more humane to exobange prisoner than it is to hang them. Tbe country will be much better satisfied to support this con test, with both men and money, when it learn that it i to b waged in accordance with the usages of civilized and Christian nations. We copy the above from the New York Timet, a Republican paper. It recogoiseo tbe inevitable truth which hag long stored sensible people In the face ond urged upon the oountry by the Democratic party, that there must of be ceaslty be ouch Intercourse between tbe bellig erents 01 will mitigate tbe horror of war ond enable those who ore taken prisoners to return to their respective home by exchange. ST Tbe following w olip frsm the New York Werliond the Pott: . The Wor W has not concealed' one jot or tittle of tbe truth concerning tbe disgraceful panic and defeat ot Bull Run. It lost no opportunity to oppose ond decry tbe oeiess clamor, "Uo to Richmond," which precipitated our army In. to it defeat, and it bos also don what wo in it power to enforce tbe leatoo wblob that de feat must teach us if w would follow it with vlotoriee. To tell the truth about oar defeat wu, therefore, the first duty. Oar specie! cor respondent's graphic account of that battle, and tbe rout in which it ended, though the earliest. wa not lest a most faithful account of that eventful day. The official reports, end tbe let ter ef Mr. KusmU which we published tester day, confirm its statement in all particulars. Tbe defeat was 0 defeat, and the rout a ebame ful rout, ond it only remains for us to swallow as we best may tbe exultation of tbe victor th jeer from those who sympathiz with them and let lb future tpsak for us with deede( not words. Tbe eeat Pott, though late In learning the fact, 00 longer attenuate our defeat ana dle- graoe. lteayo: .i; : . Tbe rout at Stone Bridge wa 0 disgrace Let ut own that, it ia nothing to lay that our aoldiere were brave la aotion, out miauied ond badly offioered. .Bravery ie honorable, but it I tb commonest quality God hu given men We may beap exuuse upon exouu, and ' opon if, ond. ofter oil it said, it remain true that, with the eye of th whole eivllized world upon 01, with th opplout of every Christian people ready to ball our success, we onereq battle and ran away from tbe enemy. ,- It is tru that ponio may strike tb bravest army, and it bu often been said' that to run away moy happen to ony man., So it may: but let us obow ourselvee men by accepting in ti leoee tb contumely that is sent by iboe who look only to tbe end; Jet ns not pule ond maun der Impotent rejoinders, let ut t onr lips firm ly together, shut down every word, ond look to it tbat hereafter we wipe out thi bitter dla grac. , ,,, . j Monroe County. , The Union Democracy of Monroe county hove nominated tbe following ticket: -. -. ' Senator,1 J. DO'Cennort Reoiweenutive, John Keyaeri Clerk, Daniel Walton 1 for Treas urer, WUllam Kud lor Bberifr, Ueorg W Carrotherei for CommMiiooer, Baraett Mann for Recorder, Daniel O'Connor 1 for Proeecut. iog Attorney, Jamee O. Amos; for Coroner, Mlchoel Fogerl; for Infirmary Director, Arthur Smyth.' -' ' . ' ' " ' x - : Muskingum County. The Union Democracy of Muskingum county have nominated tbe followlpg excellent ticket t Treasurer Joo. M,- Lane; of. Muskiorum township; Representative Iboe. MaxUeld, of Waahinc-ton. and Frank Ewlng, of Meigs: Pros ecnting Attorney I L Copelaad, of Springfield ; Ramwdar-A-David Ilarrl. of Waynei Commls-. sioner-Ccphu Hanks, of Highland! Surveyor t-tdword Betbel.of Melgi Infirmary Director T. Stemler, of Ztnwvillei Coroner Daniel 8mlth,of Zanetvlll. Comments of the Press on the Battle of Bail Run. [From the London Times, Aug. 7.] "Th discussion which arose some months ago in tbe United Statu of North America have unfortunately assumed the chorooter of open wor.w.. gueb. is the tranquil oommente of the foyol speech upon tbe event In the New World which bar fallen unexpectedly pon the ear of Europe. Our queen be reflected, with on excellent fidelity,' the feeling of her people. After the first surprlu wo over, and tbe "God bleu me! you don't ay oT bad been said, we think we never heard of a bottle In which 75,000 men icem to have been eogag ed on each tide, and which fell eo blank upon the pubUo ear, and engaged eo little European Intereat. The fact ii, tbat we do not like to laugh, and lb tense of th ridiculous come too strong over n when we would be serious. it is a great batue witnout we uigiu. v u.u ger and tbe painful interest of great oaroage. There are all the ridiculous Incident or stork fear and rabid terror, without much real peril, ond with very little actual suffering. 1 W begin to feel thot we bove been cheated out of our sympathies. When this war broke out, we Eng. liab all pictured to ourselve two earneet aeo tiona of tha aama Doonlatioo. interlaced in mor-, tal combat, warring to the knife ond to the death. We received by every mail little samples of an atmosphere of blood and thunder and war and wounda. All America appeared to ns, poor dupeel like o fresh exploded mine all emoke ond rragmenle ond torn umos. we rancieu our kinsmen reckless, furious, flying ot eaoh others' throats, and careless of their own safety. At the same time that they were shaking .their knives at each other, tbey were shaking their fist ot us. W trembled for what we were fated to ue. W held our breath for tbe first shock nf battle betwaen these two Voung giant. W but our eve against the deadly struggle. . We are calmer now. We ore oil calmer. We are satisfied that these warlike athletes, who were lsauiog suoh dire threats againal any one who should dare offer to separate them, are not eo very recklese. . Since their dissensions have assumed "tbe character of opto war'.' they have been carried on upon strictly humanitarian prin ciple. If we ore to believe tbe American preBi, u American battle bu never yet been so dan' gerous as on American passenger boat, ond not much more eo than on American railway. The hostile forces shell eaoh other out of strong for tresses without losing a single life. They fight a battle In Western Virginia, which determines tbe fate or a district ot tbe expense or less than 0 score of casualties! and o great stand -up bat tle is fought between ISO.OOU men, ending in 0 panioond o twenty mile run; and wneo toe "Grand Army of tbe Potomao" reaches Alex andria, th New York Herald reports that "the killed ond wounded on our side will be between three and five hundred." ' It Is very difficult to gauge the solidity of anything American even of a great .battle. We know fiat there wa a great rout In front of that gap wbleb rune up into the bill, lor we were reoruented In tbe ruck." and mav ear tbat we taw It with our own eyes and beard the can nonade with our own ear. There ie o proba bility, also, tbat the number of men presrot at the battle mounts to tbe high figure of 100,000, for both account aeem to agree opon this. Be yond these foots, however, everything seems vagus and uncertain. - The advance or tbe "lirend Army or the Potomac"- reads ia tb American papers like 0 burlesque of the prog ress of Xerxes to the Hellespont. Tbe great notional vlotory or null Kan, which was Hash ed over the Northern States and recorded In the Northern papers, was a thing hovering for hours, while yet in print, upon the connnes or fancy and possibility. The abject rout, the ul timate reality, was what we could bave least believed. Perhaps we ought to have anticipated that the tame ferocious men who bad burnt up the homesteads on their line, of march, would speed back over the embers with palo' laces in their oanlo flight. But thi never did occur to us. It require the testimony of the Americans tbtmselvee and the wituesa of our owu corres pondent to suggest to u tbat 75,000. A Bier ican patriots neo lor twenty mues in on agony 01 fear, although no one was pursuing tbcm, aid that 75,000 other American patriots abstaictd from pursuing tbse 75.000 enemies, becTuse they were not informed bow e'urk frightened these were. Even tb riiliery wore out capt ured, but plckad up. . Tbe guus were left be hind, because they impeded tbe flight of the at tillerymen, and tbey might have been to a gTcat extent carried eff, if the .apprehension ot the gaoner would bave allowed them; to take, ad vantage ot ,ne leisure wnicn toe prudent cou queror wot to ready to afford. On tho other band, our correspondent tninu mat. tbe pauie had gone so right to lb heart of the North, that if Gen. Beauregard bad tbe enterprise to follow up hi advantage, he might bave gone elmoet unresisted Into Washington City itself. All that tbe Northern press says upon ibis sub- Jeot, I to congratulate themselves that tbe ene my did not know to wnato ingot toey were. This ia not our account oi the battle, it is the American account.. It Is the account oi the New York papers, alternating, as tbey do, be tween shrieks of vlotory, of agony, and of Tin- diotlv despair. If they bave only loot between 300 and 500 men, it teems to us to be a very cheap lesson. Sse wbot they hove gained by it. Tbey bove found out row that the spirit of patriotism, ond even lb vostinot or combat, doe not prevent Northern volunteers from go big off in o body, under pretense of their time of enlistment being up, oitnougn tne morning of tb combat may b come, and the eannou maybe toundlog in their ears. - -Tbey bave found out also that even a Northern army can, without much good military reason given, lose It attraction of oohealon, and dissolve into a mob. They bave also found out that the Sostb ernert are not to be walked over like a part. ridge manor, and that they bave eome military bead among tbem. Ot course, we must ex pect them to meet these bard facta by a certain quantity of bluster. Tbey must call out a few more million of volunteer, and they . must make a confident demand upon an incredulous world for a few more hundred millions sterling. But bthind eU (Aia Acr winsf rif gathering doubt that thit Southern nut it too hart to crick. ond that On military lint, ut a matter of sulfites, dot not answer. The Worth bat now made it experiment, and not only bu it not answered, but tbe process has not been, jcncouragiog. As a matter of bablt, and-to eue tbe Amerioao mind, certain quantity of threat ot.d tall word may ba necessary, and' they may pas. But tbey will be of small avail against tbe faote u tbev now stand. In the face of the picture or that screaming crowd the Grand Army of tbe rotomaO, etc. tneee great words irout the expectant gentlemen at Washington lose every charm. ...--.:. .'.-:;.- [From the Times, Aug. 5.] It is o complete victory as much victory os Austerllt. - All tbe looideot ol o victory ore frankly stated to we new York telegram All tbe artillery, arms, stores, ond small arms, have been captured by tb Confederates. 'And now, what next I No one can hope that this Is one of those vlotoriee wbleb produce a peace There will be shout of exultation all over the 8outh, ond there will be frensy all over tbe North j bat w cannot hope tbat there will be ony thought of peace. W may be lure tbat the flrtt thought will b for revenge. We will moke no remark upon tb number of casualties recorded, except to toy that other teUcram bar arrived which put It muoh higher; lor w (hall be glad to hear that loch a fight can bove been fought at th ooet of 600 men. ' Every ope of these will have hit circle of friend and hit worn league of avenger.. The army which hu jut been routed ba bad H it plrlt brok en, and u a military bdy hu booted to exist; but there ore ten timet at 0017 ready to come 00, perhaps to the tame fat. .We wish we oeeld find unsettling in thit vlotory upon whioh to congratulate either the victor or the van quished. We wish we eould see in It the prob. abla cansa of that humility or that content. meat which might focllitot peace. We can. however, unhappily, tte in it nothing but what mutt stimulate tbe evil passions or botbcom ..." [From the London News.] , The defeat of tb North 'sbota the door to compromise or to acquiescence on any terms the Booth can oner. I D union ouuna to con quer now. The spirit of New England and tbe Northwest will ris1 to tb occasion and we of tb old race, tried aod strengthened by many rverM,tball not be turpriudif our kinsmen sever rest nntil they have turned defeat Into "victory." ; . ,j .,T(;,j, [From the London Telegraph.] Tbe battle of Boll Rub was a battle whioh, if second to Magenta or Solferino In tctuol slaughter, wat marked, with-' to or envenomed hoaulitv. The dominant feeling' lb England In thia unhappy quarrel I on of unfeigned and bitter sorrow. If American labor for on mo ment under tht Impression tbat th successes or reversu or one or 01 uw. .v..v- l!k.,..,. .111 A.Aken anvthlns 11 k partisan frJUJUKWUH , I feeling in thi eountry, they are moot grlevou ly mistaken, y ; j )J ' Headquarters Ohio Militia. ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, Aug. 21, 1861. GENERAL ORDER NO. 45. luformallonlh been received that money has been demanded by the commanding offloers 01 certain regimnts, a the price of their Influence lo eecure to pertlea seeking them, " ubordlnot appointments of the regiments, r Tbl he been done for tbe ostensible purpose of osslstlng to pay tha expense of recruiting. All ttch bar gaining 1 in the higbeet degree disgraceful, ond i positively forbidden. Should ony uch ce hereafter be brought to the notice of the Com-monder-ln Chief, oil partie oonoerned will be promptly, reported, ond tbelr dismissal from service imperatively demanded. ; Bv order of the Commander in Chief. GENERAL ORDER NO. 45. C. P. BUCKINGHAM, Adjutant-General of Ohio. ' KgHKiwr'a MtDioAt. DuooTxai. We obeee fulty devote to Mr. Kennedy and bit. popular medicine 'o portion, of ouroolomnt today, for we are well aware that the "Diecovery" 1 no log more) Id one week In tbe cuting of humor of every description, then any remedy that ha ever been got up has done In It trneu career We are prepared to speak of thia article in the meet oonfident manner, for we have taken un usual pain to find out whether it wee oil that it professed to be. We bave visited the Labor;. atory or Mr. Kennedy ot Roxbury, ond there perused the certificates of those who hove been cured, many of them known to nt 01 persons of veracity and truth. In addition to tbl we hove had cue of enre occur among our own relative ond friend, ond without solicitation have had persona relate to us what the " Dis covery n did for them; these ore onr reasons for the high estimation in which we bold this rem edy. .-;.!... . ; : : DIED 'At Cincinnati, on the 15th lost., Josxra If. 8awi gidl7ar8 months, son of William 8aw, laq. late of tbts count.' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PROBATE NOTICE. '.. ; .... ; ' Settlement of Accounts. THE FOLLOTTING ACCOCliTS HAVE bsen Sled In tha Probata Ooart of Franklin eonn ir. Ohio, and will bft bftard for uttl.mftnt on WJIONB8. lal, tb 18lb day or t?IMUElt, A. O. 1861, to Tha flnt Account of J. "B. Bur, adm'r of Oottleib Wtlbftl. dee'd; tht Snt aooouat of Jam Aft Heed, adm'r of Rcnlamln Head, dce'd: th. flrtt AOftOUnt Of John Jonftft, adm'r with tbe will annexftd, of Kdward Jones, deo'd, the flnt account or Hargaret neiier. aam-x wiio iu will annexed, ef Abraham Keller, daa'd, tbe drat ao- eonnt of J. II. OroU and James Dongbsrtjr, axacatori of tbe will of Jacob Keller, dc'd; tne nrst acoonat 01 Bamuftt T Baddlck.adm'rof the ftUt of James A. Sad dle, deo'd; tbe second aceoont of Wa. U. Bolles and . Uatbar, tb administrator of W. W. Mathftr, dfto'd; the second aoconnt of AbelOlark, adm'r of Har mon Dlidlne, deo'd; the fourth acoouat ot Robert Nell, Adm'r of Joihna Baldwin, deo'd; and tbe filth account of W. A. J O. McCoy, exesnwrs or Uift will ol aonert W.MoC.,,dec'd.- H;B:AtBgRTt . , aug38-dAwll " ' Probate Judge. ' -COLUMBUS OPTICAL INSTITUTE. ; - - i . Tlin "Ht Artificial Hlp tw lh Human Mgbt ever Invented. I JOSEPH S. PERLEY, ' . PRACTICAL SCIENTIFIC OPTICIAN, KEEPS THE LARGE1T ASSORT ment ot tbe laost Improved kluda ol Opectacle. All hie OlAAfttA, whfttber for near or far-lighted, are ground In coneav coartx form with th graateet car, o a to lutt Hie Ejes of all cases, curing Weaanftts. Dintae or Inflammation of tha Byes, and Imparting airanvih fii. 1a tMjllnv at Sna aewlnff. umce, ij sail riaie ma, a neimr m nraur, Moilc Store aogS-dly EXTRA SUGAR CTSED HAMS! EXTRA 8TJ0AB CURED BEEF! ' WHITE WHEAT FLOUR (Beet Brands.) French and Turkish Prunes, Figs, i i - Zante Currants and Eaiiina Fnr salewbolssal and retail by . : ' ' '"' ' WM. 0. BBBTIBATJX, j Jl31 ' 108 South Blgb Street; , PAPER FOR THE STATE. CEAI.ED PROPOSALS WILL BE HE- O OI1VBD at th Offlc of tha Bftcretary of Btau, until I, Monday, the SJ day of September next, at noon, . for furnlahlBg paper for th us of tb State ot Ohio, as lollowi: . I e .nno Baaau Double SuMr Koyal Printing Papr. S7X by 41 locoes, to weigh not im tbao 48 pound to th lOOKeami Double Plat Cap, 16 by 37 laches, to weigh at nnnnria fta IhA raam. lOl) Reams Brochure Corer Paper, assorted colors, SS0 by 87 iniba, to walgh at least i pouad to th ream. Th quaotltlMabOT named to be Increased at tb p- uon ot Lbft secretary oi etaie r ... .... Blda unit be amompanled by Minples of th paper, and mmt speeiry ins prioe at waioo eaoa sine ana wau t will b delivered at lb. Btala Houat In Colambus. No ample of an Inferior artlelw-weed bft f miau I tbe paper auetkoef UMbftstua-tip. v. j , - - - I The delivery vt the Super Boyml aOd" Cow Paper to oommeno oa tb Bret of Movwmaer ! ensuing, and sontmua aa Iha nanfti shall ba Dftculd. i Tbe delivery of lb Deual But Cap to oomtnenae on tha Aral daw at Saaftmbfttsftat. aod continue as abov. Bond, with acprond eeoaritj la double tb ftcaoant of lbft oontract. will b required (aocordlng to law), condl lioaed lor th faiuuai perronnano caea ooniraci, Tha bida M he ib ad a and i lift oontraota awardtd In ae oordanc with lb terms af tb "act to provide for the pureuaaft af aiatlanftry, PuftL aod other arUclea for the General AMembly and Bute Offieftift," paatd March II, 1863. He Ourw. WW); ewan's etat. eue. BMi to bft lodonodftn the eavelopfte, "Propoftali for rurniihlnepaperrormesiate. -' Bidden an asard that no papsr will kereolved nn leia II eonronas m very mpftot who iu eaaspie nil pr&tiHon, tetU bt UricUy adAtroi tot- '. A. P. BUBSRLl, " : . Secretary of Stat. Colombo, Ohio, August 9, UOMtd. " y , FUEL FOR THE STATE. SEA LEO PROPOIAI. Will, DE RE. OB1VE1) jw p; Ofas(.f ,te Becreury of But, nntil ,,vf, , . 1T, ... .... .ru, ( Monday, tbe 2d day ef September tisxt, at 12 ' :'. 'dock M.,v- ''-. u for fursUhlDg lb Stat of Ohio with fuel, al followir 80,000 Basbat of Ook, to wgh net las titan 40 pound, to the atubftl. s; .!.-.. -10,000 Buikels Coal, to b of tkftbftst quality equal vt least to th lower vta of Hook teg Goal, aad Irftft from data, sltck and dirt. .It. . . rn.'.l ' Th faftl to be delivered,' without' Wait for Bach d livery, at tb Stat House In Columbus; - ' - ' - . Propoaals to b aeoompanied byaarnpl,and to speci fy tbe kind, quality and price of th luel propottd lo be lurnlshed. . (-. ' - . .; Each contractor will bs required to gtte bondwlth approved tejurlty, in double th amount of Ut eon tract, eondlUoned for tb faithful prformano of bis Oontract. t ' !' I t "1 riu. .-- . f i Tb bids to b md aad the eontraets tb awarded In acordaaos wHB to Urtas of tb ftjst eaUtlod "Ao aot to pro Tide for tb parobav of Stationary , Vaal, aod other artlele for to tsneral AftmlyaadStaw offiewre,'' paseftd Naroh ll, lt3. Be Bwao ftv.. Btat. 668; Curw. SltW. - Bids to be Indorsed en fb wnvelop, "Proposals for fumtfthlng fuelfffr ibeSUta.'' . . . ' Put 1 farntshsd by th Contractor must lo all eases be equal In quality io the (ample. TAto mil vHU os rigidly tnfimrit,- ; f r.f o-. rf ii- ,TA.'t, BUS8BLL, ....vJJJIa. -sJeeretaryof Btat: r Columbus. Ohio,' August B, 1801 did. -. - - ' REPEl.LiAlT OH TTATEHaPHOOF . OLOAJL CU)IUB.., Also, other snakes of Spring 0 toak Olotha, lo all desirable mixtures Binding. Tea aU and Bottnns ta mstrh... . BAIN At BON. aprlli v r-cr; j, Mo, 29 SoutbiUgfisU 1 a qcihtals coprian, ) ' ie 'ji; J IU t Tierces Blue.- - w't u ) "1 . 1 Cask rearttd Bsflejl. ' ,kwi!,u. .71 ' : 50 Barrels Whit Wheat yicur."' '"" ""WO . , . ' Jied (Ixtro). ' la store ond for sale by '.' '"' ;"- Wtf- n. KE8TIBATJX. 108 Soutk High Street. auglfllt ANNOUNCEMENTS. COUNTY AUDITOR. ... . a.....apiAAuknnaaaee thfnams a t.ot r thia eitv. who Is at present stark laObaOetwaly- treason VefBosJ-ssi tuttabls can didal for Oouatg Aadltar, niejftot to lb deolsum i u fraukllo OUnlj VntMl TMmaeratKr OanVanUoa, and oblige, -- J. M.W.i "'li,ma uuii(a, .., TisMnnniTa. nani tnitoa 0819 BtaihMaji-PIsaja annoaoc (tit name 6f L. wruea oaodldau fa County aaaitor, nhleetto th Ula ( lh Talo peawwatie Oeayea lloa, sal oWlgsi Kii'l 0 JtAHX MMOOlUta. . COUNTY AUDITOR. REPRESENTATIVE. i.n. a-f.ntaAH Plea aajMaoet the -nam of J. W. DMA", of Westsrvllle, u a eaadldate for Hep resenUUve la lb legislators, subject to w dwlslwpf tb Franklin County moorau , yi u Tf j.i. j, i': . . : jsaris yaflivvn1-' isiToa Ortio 8T2wtAWsWoce the .. -r' n,..M...aaaeaiadidati for BepreseBtathn, sublet to tbe: dMWon ef lb Valon Democratic Con- TTr1. "Ma jIM0bBAI8. 1 BDitoa Ohio 8TATtJWA-Pleas"nBoune tb's a iii al If idison townihlp, as a oanui .... ... D.u.i.tla.-aaMst to the dCClSlOO Of tb URHl III! .iismmiw.i - TJnloB SemoeraUc OoBVentlo" of trankllo County, and Wi. oi ; . .. A Bon Of MMO0BAT8 'Ebrrol BTATsaniw-Heaas annouoe to yr paper tbat aaasy votara In tbl city ana in rnuwua 'ii e1itehav0TT0lann.Bq., for theU next epre- sBtativ. Mr. Dreiells Just tb master in piaoft. OUgl6'01 j MAST DaMOOSATJ. Tf. Omia BTATtiiiAii'tr-FlaaM anooanc is your pa per that many of tb voters of th northern part of tbl county deilre to bav. Geo. Griiwoia,- ot enaron rown ship, tor ur oext Eepresnlative. . , , ..... r " : .. i. i .. r . Tmra, traly, .. .'. . 1 '' ' - M03E8 PAVI8.' VarB AHM BflTfltfllfl AiwPleas aoBOonceth nam f A. w. Hi, f Jaoasoo Uwnshlp, u a ndl daU for KpreienUrtv, ubJeotte tb deolilonef the w w ai. .' AAnetnllnn . iA oh. Itrtt. , UDlOn VCUV7vTllU HUiHtwtw j COUNTY AUDITOR. REPRESENTATIVE. SHERIFF. IriToa BtatbiCaU Pleas announce the name of n.n( Titft.vt V. Oaaoaa.'af BlftndoB tOWDIblP, S eandldat for Sheriff, subject to the decision of , tb franklin County VenMcietle convention, ado gangs . Miv TiiMnnmT.' ' angiu , . - .. . V. 2 COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Edit OSTO BraTtsiuH-Teu wUl pli onoooncl the nam of D. 0. Baxsio, of Hamilton township,' ass ;.ta fnr danntT Cammtiiloner subltct to the at- eUion of the ntou DimoorttK) Oouoty . onvBtlon, snoooiig , 7M .vv nminPRATd. :;:'.!r.- :-- i . . ' a i I r nnin BTTiiinl,leai announc Ihtnaa of yr. W Kn, orMgdlson township, as a eandldat for rnnr.t. Oommliitoner.'rnMecrne the dedilon ef the Union Democratle County Convention, and oblige. augH 1. . ,.MAHX BJUWVW.-UO. NEW: ADVERTISEMENTS! u:.'" s vl : v:.;ve ! tr.t '-- -i:.;t enf '.e f MILLIONS: OF 'Foflfi Inch of. Time! i W. AS OffCE THE EXCLAMATION OF . Tkatlnhof tlmft ctn be procur ed Bt a amok ibnpir aalo, aad many ion ? HEALTH AND HAPPINESS - enjoyed by eonsulllng5 brJ'MEREYWB ATHKR, wko H hearing ta most ftb.ttnat and long-stsndlng dlieam of the f CN08, HBART. UVEB, KIDNXYo, BbAD P B rT BT0M A0B , RHEUM ATI8M DISEA8BS PB0U LIAR TO PBHAtiBt, 8EIN DI8IA8E8, AMD ALL AP1BOTION8 OP IBM BY AMD KAB. Fact are itwkberm Thlngsl " . ' ' Hta'r what (h Phfladelphla eorrnnondent ay In th 0onunonwltb,VtWilpi!ngton,. Deiawat, Bib of April, "An tDglltli gentleman, formerly connected with th British Army, nd who It j left blmelf th 'Indian Botaalo Pbyiicun ' has of lata gained an xtnsrve rspu. tationotraky bU ftktlt In eurlng all jaaaMrof cum plAiatft. Boat of bla patient 1 bar convened with, aad tha raBooao bit nmadtcs and mod of treatment a vary auaorlw. Boa, bar been mtorsd a If by magi- Tb medlcin bft. una Is distilled by blmesir fnm various bebtposeftlngrar euratlre, properties. While acting In tna army he devoted bis leisure Bo rneo Is to a (borough study of tb sleets produoed by cerutn Bssdlsinal roots aa barb oa all suaaaer of dla- It aftftoM ba baa found a sure ud spaedy rwsc y lor all tbe 'ilia tbat Huh Is to.' - His praollo Is already eyxttoalv aad Is dailr, Inerusing. In the com plaints to wbleb Pcmalee are snbjeeted, be ba 00 equal, as a Urge number hen bar testified that tbey owe not only tbelr -areftin good hlih, but their lives, to the UUf tbtoinuPbyilaB."w;t t; ,A 2 Office, 37 East. State Street, Colombut; ' j augl7HL3m' , l ...&-''" : . PURCHASER WAITED for SCO packages of 8tatlonry and Jewelry, for sal at prises to voiced, lew It peroent. dlsceoat, at tb eipresi sfflo at Columbus, Ohio. Also, agenu wanted to aell lb best packsts of ststlio ary (with or without Jewelry) In th market, -at prises lower thftAteaa-b putahasftd alsawhsr. , Addnss, wtb stswp SnoloftAd.'X UiijiJi . I ' J. L. BAiXBT, I JkyBVtty,' r0oortstret,Boteu,llfS. . SPECIAL NOTICES - xtroti or ntRsauusiziEi avoided. Toe much eatleg and drinking, new habile aod modes of life, often produce Irregularities lu th', bowels and general health of tb system.' Bui BaakDOsra' Ptixs will soon cure, the stomach will regain IU streogthf and a healthy action of tb systtm will, he rsatored. No MsBicinn ar equal la ujefulaes te th 1 .- -.J j BUAHDRETH'S PILL, ,JJ OBANDRETnn ITPIIVEBBAX SA1.TE V ALIiCOUK'SI POBOXJS PtiAwTEtt. Ivry man of lb URI SOUATES bad o box' of BBANDBETH'B PILLS, box of TNITXB8AI1 BAITE, ud oo ALtOOOK'S POBOCB JU8TIB pot ia their knapsack fit of txpen. Aod ta thia fast may bt at tributed tht absence of any bf THIS RBQIMEWT from thshospltsl. A. Tic r ' I, M ! KTEBT SOLDIERlhouli bar J a box af BraodreUi'i PiJlAA box of Balvti1, sod o plee of Porous Fluter. Tbey are 8TJBE to b njafal, f to llfs-ssrlog. ; . Bold by Jobs B. Ooogt, Druggist, Columbus, and by all raipoo table (salon to medicines. . t ro tut) OUgl7-dlm !'''. -ViiifAeLaoa noFFAT life ni.t.o ; : lo oft case ef cos tires es, dyrpetwta, btlBea Mid uv affftcUcns, pll, tbeumaUaat,. Jrn aad aguft, bstt oat bead acbe, end oil geoeral aftraugeaaftat i oamltb thftft Fills bar Invariably proved 0 eertebl and tpewdy remedy. XatngU trial will place tne Uf Pills beyond braolrompetlUoo lo tb aMmetwt f every pw 'ttenl. -.7 r! . Dr.rotft's J?hoJnli Bitters alii b foand .qttfly sf . Bcactoo In aUoasea of nervous debility, djtpepsla, head Achc ihAAicknAes todjent U fenutsstadsUcat hftalth, ?TrT tba 41(ttvs arsons. ana wwmrj ahm. va . for aali by Dr. Wi BMOPtAT, twaoy, II. Y. oudby all prugiiib'. i -- t - aerg-qwi ;. Tht fallowttf U aa wAtraot .from 'mt wrlttAaby the BtV;i Bebse, SOSta' th rurrepotot-Strert Baptist Churob, Brooklyn, T.,l to,..JouiDAlaiUMeAegt".CUclnjuUl10.,andpelal Toiun In favor af tbtwtd-iaaWDd mediotn, Mm. yf iiotw' gocrm Stacr ro CmmaDi TaTrii . "Wssreaa 'advertlsaMnt ba roar eolumnt otMaa Wiuiw' Booth 'x Sracr. NoWW never said word In fnror of a patent ttftdlolnsbefors In onr lire, but W laol ampellAd Maey to yoar rdrs tbat tbl Is bo hum q. .. bavb tins it, aji bmiw . iw To as Al rr tuns. Is tft peAAufely oaft ( tl sssaS Mwefafal sndt. dBsf tbodoy, beoausw II Is on of tb bftftt. Andtooot ot yaaa readars wko kT babies caa't do bftttor Ibaa lay lna supply. ecs7:lydJt n a 1 rj Sl SON, Ifj. 23 Soutlx High Street, ColumbM, AiT.rS""vM2, Sr.. flood. atBX.valu. MOOyerds TrevftllngDr.! Good. atl3, va'n. SOett iingUsbLratl2,vala.SM. -mo Jarda fr.nob Orgaodl at WX. value 20 onts. una IaaI TOolored Uwns at 10, value 14 onU. n..-mlwa.l value 40 eents. 15,: Ba" PUIS ilieb Mlk at Bl W. whs BouJ ot OrgKdl. Berag. and Bngliib Borage, at one- ran mr -T " BAIN Ac BON, I ,M 'i 89 South Ulgh Street. Elegant .Lace Mantillas, No. 29 Bouth High St., HAV JuSt opened an tovoloe orvry iarg. .u baodftoaa - ' ' ' - PUSHER, FRENCH, AND CHANTItLA LACE MANTILLAS AND POINTE3. Wuds '''yha'Zjsstitw. Shawls. Very Deep French Flouncing Laces. Real Thread, French, Cbautlllo & Genevese Valenciennes, Point it Gaze, Brussels ana Tnreaa L&ces ana touars, VALENCIENNES TRIMMED H'DKFS, MALTESE LACE COLLARS & SETS, . LINEN COLLARS & CUFFS, In new Shape, ' PAPER COLLARS &, CUFFS, For traveling. prices tj mrsTJ a list ixdw, Travelitti? Dresa Goods. MOZAMBIQUXS, POPLINS, SHEPHERD'S CHE0K8 BIXXS, I0II) DB CHITBBS, ' ' LATILLAS, BBOCHB VALBNCIA8, Ae. Ac. ; The beat and most fuhlonable styles In the city, . 1 AT VERY LOW TRICKS. . t,r-.I - . BAIN At BON,- - j,8l 89 Booth High Btreet. - REMOVAL. 'ivitUAM H RESTtEAUX, DEALER IN Groceries," " '. . , . "if - . Produce, ; : , i . :. i Provisions, Foreign find Domestic Liquors, ; . ; Fruits, etc. etc., HAS EIMOVED BIS STORE PBOU - ' NO. 34, NORTH HIo7l STREET, -"'' ro No. lOeouth High Street, Tbe old stand recently oocupled by.WM McDONALD .. ' He Is In dally receipt of NEW AND FRESH GOODS Which he will sell sjueup lor Catah or Country Produce. JXJOoudi delivered to City trade free of charge. .OI lylil Vm H. RESTIEAUX, ' " (BLr00K83OIt TO McEER A UE3TIEAUX; ;No. i'0C, South High ' Street, ' DEALER I CROC ERIE 9, PRODUCE, PROVISIONS Foreign and Domestic Fruity FLOUR, SALT, LIQUORS, ETC STORAGE & COMMISSION JlyW - IRISH STEAMSHIP LINE. Steam Between Ireland and America NEW YORK, BOSTON AND GALWAY . i .. , ,i ,i Tb following new and magnlfioent firat-elaaspaddli wbeel Bteamablps oompoaa th abuv line: ADRIATIC, 3,888 ton burthen, Capt, 3. Mao .... (Formerly of the Collins Line.) HTBERNIA, 4,400 tons burthen, Capt. N. Paowsa. COLUMBIA,'1, 4,4li ' B.LaiTon. ANOLIA. ' ' 4,400 " ' " NicHoiaua PAOIPIO, '' s ew " " " 1. 8am H. PRINCE ALBEHT. (Screw.) ' - .3,300 ' . ' J.WAtXiB. One of th above ahlpa will leave New York or Boston alternately vry loesday fortnight, for Oalway, oar rylnn tbe gorernment mails, touching at Bt. Johns, It. W. .... Tb Btsaoiass ef this Una have bn eonet rooted with tbe greatatan, under lbs supervWoo of tb govtrn-aMat,barftWatr-tlgbt aompartmftnta, and are unexcel led foreomfort, safety and speed by any steamer, afloat. TMp ar aommaoded by able and xpriftnod oOieers, and vry aarUoa will bt mads to promeu tba oomfort ef paifteagers. . ' - An;experieaoed Surgeon attscbtd to each ship.' RATES OF PASSAGE. Plrst-clan N. Y. or Boston to Oalway or Liverpool ttno Seeond-elass, " " '- 7S rirseolaaa,. to 8t John's 3i Third-class, '" " ' to Oalway or Liverpool, or any town ta Ireland, oo a Hallway, - - - 30 Thlrd-olAAO paaaeogtrft ire liberally supplied with pro vlslous of tbe beat quality, cooked and servsd by the ftftr vanU) vf tbe Company. v HETVRN TICKETS. Partial wishing to tend for their friend, from the old eountry oan obtala Ikkftla from any town on a railway, la Inlaad, or from tb priaetpal ottlao of England aod Boot land) al vry low rale. - v,. - n Paaeengera for New York, arriving by lb Boston Steamera, wtlt be forwarded to New York free of charge. . For paaaag r farther Information, apply to- - WkH.WIOK.UAH, At Ui oBe ef the Company, en the wharf, foot of Canal sirwt, New York. - HOWLAND Av A8PINWALL, Agent. OpmiB:d6so. EXTRAORPIW AHV BARGAINS I ' B AJN" fc SON;" - HO. 99 SOUTH BI8H STREET, ABB NOW OFFBRINS lrOOO yard Baper PUut Black Bilks at tl OO-valo 1 apyor. -ttBOO yards Traveling Dress and Mantl' Qeoda ot 19 1-B oenta-ralu 80 eents per yard. ,000 yard Walt Brilliant at 18 19 eents, Tale fOeaot per jard. 8,000 yard fin and Domestic Ginghams greatly oa der Tela.' .J .' . v fjrcxT&Tk ai.w-': i'--.o? t LARGE AND DESIRABLE LOTS OP XOZlUWrXfl, BALZORDIRS,! . . , . . .C&aXUl, UJU,,:LL ' .RjrouBH baseqes, itmui, UWRS, CAUC0Z8, FOrLTSS, AND ALL OTHER " Iff w ttnd FMhiona'blei Dreasa Good. In tb moat dwtmbl tylea sod al very lower prices. ' MiVTiXAiisa i . Of all matertals, mad In tb most stylish manner aflat the latest Pari ftihton ihs most elegant styles lo- th. tyrK-" f 7. T - Mja icso Buy 10 -; : . i . Afe. W Booth nigh tUeel. l4. 4 Wblt s4.Kd and t Wblt Obacked of Superior quality.1 Tor tal by ' , . Mm aa mTSA i li'Slgh turn Jit. t Oeoi