Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 23, 1861, LOCAL MATTERS. ' Tb e Adams Express Company place us dally under obligations to it lor lb Tory latest ppr Irom tbe eastern cities. , , (, , t , , Ti.a AitiffricRn Exorese Company bai out Chaaksfor its daily favors in the shape of the very latest eastern papers.' , ',;', LOCAL MATTERS. To the Union Democracy of Franklin LOCAL MATTERS. To the Union Democracy of Franklin County. Notice is hereby given to the Union Dcmoo racy oi Franklin county, to, meet on Friday, Angast 30, 1861, between the boun or thm and six o'clock P. M, in the townships, and ei and ton! o'clock P. M , in the Wards, at the usual places of holding elections (excepting Norwich township, which will be held at Schofleld's Sohool House, and the Fourth Ward at Oarer's Ware Room, and the First Ward at the Gait House), to appoint delegates to attend the Coun ty Convention, to meet at the City Hall, Injlhe olty of Columbus, on Saturday, the 31st day of August, 18C1, at ten o'clock A. M., fot the pat pose of putting in nomination two Reprcsenta tivesln the coming Legislature, one Sheriff, one Treasurer, one Auditor, one Recordet, one Coroner, one County Coumiasioner, and one Infirmary Director. At the same time and place one delegate from each Ward and township will be appoint ed to the Senatorial and Judicial Convention to nominate a candidate fot Senator and Judge fot this dlstriot. Time for holding the Senatorial and Judicial Convention will be fixed here after. , ' The following is the number of delegate! al lotted to each Waid and Township, based upon the vote cast for Supreme Judge in 1860, allow ing one fot each fifty, and an additional delegate for each fraction of twenty five votes so oast 1st Ward, ; 7 Hamilton Tp ;3 2d ' 5 ' Miffln 3 3d " 5 Washington " 3 4ih '" . '6 Madison '' .'7 1 5th " 13 Mlendon " 3 Montgomery Tp. C Norwich 8 Trnro ' 4 Jefferson '"' 4 Prairie " 3 Jackson , " 6 Clinton , " 3 Sharon " 3 Pleasant " 3 Franklin . " 5 Brown ' 1 1 Plain .... " 4 Perry Wm. Dobhqan, ' Jacob Riinhabd, Sam'l Dotli, Aui. Tbonmon, H VV. Millm, Wm. Coona, ' John M. Pooh,. J. Colin, R.Piciiril, Jamii IIoblocibb, II. S. Hioh, ' County Central Committee. Senatorial and Judicial Convention. The County Central Committees of Frank lin and Pickaway Counties have agreed upon WlDNgSDAY, THg fOUBTU OAT 01 SmiMBH, SS the day for the meeting of the delegates from the counties of Franklin, Pickaway and Madi son, lor the nomination of a candidate for Sena tor, and a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. It is rcquesttd that our Democratic friend to AUriiaou County will send delegates to the Judicial Couvention. . ,., . '-.i. The Conventiou is appsinted ' to meet at Co lxnbus at the City Hall. ' WILLIAM DOMIGAN, Chairman Franklin Co. Committee. WILLIAM DOAN, Chairman Pickaway Co. Committee. Chairman Pickaway Co. Committee. Columbus, Sept. 23, 1861. ET R- P. L. Babes has been appointed fay' master in the army with the rank, of Major. Mr. Baicr went to Washington with, the it' monstrances of citizens against the removal 01 the Postoffloe. The Postoffloe Department re fused to change the order, and the matter, we suppose, was compromised by giving him a Pay' master's commission. On the whole, Basis made a pretty good thing of the trip. ' This Is better than going as Consul to Mataozas. '' O While the traia was conveying the Groes beck Regiment to St. Louis the other day, one of the soldiers was knocked by a bridge from the deck of a car on which he was riding, and Instantly killed. This has become a common occurrence. - - - - ST Niwtom Marsh, a member of the Twenty-seventh Regiment, 0. V M. waa brought before the Police Court In .Cincinnati oa Wed nesday, and sentenced to pay a floe of twenty dollars and to spend fifteen days in the City Prison, for needlessly tanning hilLbsyonet into the tboulder of a fine horse. . . ,. . HJ It is said that nearly two thousand me chanics have gone from Cincinnati to St. Louis, to work on the new gun-boats nowj belrJjf con structed In the latter city.' '"'"wpv , , h, ' :. K O" Two steamers, loaded with Government seppllta, fiorec, wagons, etc., left' Cincinnati on Wednesday bight for Western 'Virginia. . MaiTAir ArroiM-MiNTa.rrThe following" , ap polutmenU have been made by the Governor! Owen P. Ransom, Colonel 1st Ohio Cavalry Regiment, Cincirnati.j r J,..'V. roaTT-aiNTH aioiMiRT. ;, W. H. Gibson, Colonel, Tlfflnj A. M.'DlaeaV man, Lt.-Colonel, Foetoriat Levi Drake, Major, Ottawa i R. W, Tbriti, Sargosn.Kalida; W. II. Park, Aaslstant SurgeoniTiflin; -" .w ' .,'"tr.TWNTITM IMIMaaT', , 'i !" ?, ChaKWhUUay, ColonelCleveland; Wm. H. Hay ird,JU -ColotwU, Cleveland! Manning Force; Major, Cincinnati." .u . t , , , u. ;.j Joslahpiven, Lt.-Colptieli Coshooton. :. ';! atvawTiiaTH miwmi,' j n Dutbln Ward, MaJoriJX"baBbni':jWarshaH P Moore, Lt.-Colootl, Laaeaateri .J0 w m. ' I Anson O. MoCook,' Steubenville.- Major, transferred to 2d Regiment.' -k ; .Stoughtira Billos, Clnolnnatl. MaM'jr 10t Regiment. - i. )..: ,:u ir iuwi.-. m' i. A. Tarley, Portemodth', Lt.-Colonel of 2W Regiment. , 7 :, T. H O Captain Bdsdsaul's cavalry, having been mustered 6nt orservfc' llDd' paid off, left Camp Chase hut night ei iUit return ; CT Mr. A. V. Banuawu. ef this eity, las been appointed a Commissar in the limy, aaS wm ivare w-uey ro join weneral HouoaaMH TbUiaa good appointmiinl.t. XUttitmail ia a th6rough b'njlnesi mab,1 and Mff ompe ten so discharge, the dutiaa'.o"hia..ai5ioa for the Interest, ol the, OoverhfflrirM'llliwn credit. with (bete were mote a'achJ.''.' ' ' . . c ... I, i l i i Oa i.,. n ,tr The slab eoapany fton' fkkaway L'u iy, joooaisung 04 aid men, aJnTJOT aV,tJani Chase on Wedneedey . : ..v-i" . UT Arohblshop Pubcill, or Cikcianatlwho rtcintly started on a visit- te Rome, arrived' at Soajthamptoni England, after voyage' acton thtJatIantio.of ien dayjjndjpeventeen liou'ra. He 4AS his companions were walk .t t n jtr". - - , 1 1 (11 1 ,i.iA, , 1, imntfa V . OTTie Delaware &tMtri arfateYttirt a'vo'l snteer fh Western Virgala on e linen Coti, one o"th qmmTiJbner'r ofThal jSoTimj; was reeeanv auie ny-.acwaentAUy.JMQflri k!rt.Alf vnH"n el . , .J, ' '' T ' I Otnons or thb Gbouuck Rioimmt. The following la a Hit of the offloeri of the Groesbeck Regiment (No. 39, 0. 7. V. 8. A ), formed In Cinoinnatl and no at St. Louis: John Groeebeck, Colonelj A. W. Gilbert, Lieutenant-Colonel; Ed. F. Noyee, Malor . . - Cbarlea 8edon, Adjutant ' Harlon A. Edwards, Quarter-master; ' H. A. Babbitt, Sergeant-Msjor; -'. ; l Samuel A.Hale,; ,.. Oliver W. Nixon, Sargeooj ,rThoe. W. M'Artbur, Assistant Burgeon j John HatbowAT. Hoaoltal Steward. Cantaina Henrv T. MoDowell. Pottamoatbt John C. Fell. Marletui John 8. Jenkins. Ml Carmelj Chas. W.Pomeroy, Cincinnati 1 David C. fienjamin, Ml. Union Adam Keogle, Wit mlnstont ChriAtoohar .A. Morian. Cincinnati 1 Jaoon JioBolg, Marietta) John Knonaes, irojj Geo. W. Baker, Athena. .''. , , - 1 t A Gbcat Flooo. A young delnge waa sud denly poured down on Cinoinnatl and vicinity, on Wednesday afternoon. The streets were overflowed) and the Great and Little Miami Rlvtrs,,the Miami Canal, Deer Crk, and other water courses were swollen to a terrible extent. Horses, hogs and other animals were drowned, and Immense damage was done to other prop erty. Two women were drowned In the eity, and a woman and two children in Storr's town ship. ; , The damage done to property is estimat ed at one hundred thousand dollars. - ETMayor Thomas, yeaterday morning, bound Chbjstian KiLLia over to the next term of the Court of Common Pleas, to answer the charge of an assault upon Evan Hoouib. ' BT There are now four full companies at Camp Thomas, uniformed and equipped. CCapt. STArroao'a Company of ninety men, from Lancaster, arrived 1A the city yesterday, on their way to Camp Cor win, near Dayton, to oin the First Regiment. BTCapt. OrrTiB, of the Fourth Ohio Battery, arrived In the eity yesterday, with twenty men from Cleveland. Hie company now consists of 105 men. ET Camp Chase ia accessible to civilians be tween the hours of and 6 P. M. only.. , ZT Twenty teamsters left Ravenna yeaterday morning, to be attached to Col. Ttlib's com mand on the Eanawba. OT Hon. J. A. GaariiLB has accepted tb. appointment of Lieutenant-Colonel, tendered him by the Governor. ' " - IT Company A, Captain Robinson, of the First Ohio Cavalry, came to the city, yesterday afternoon, from Camp Chase, and were uni formed and equipped. There are now ninety- seven men In the company, and It will soon be full. ' - Rail Road Time Table. Littu Blum OotCMBCi k Iota It, R. v Leant. Arrives Cincinnati AccoaiaodaMoa. 5.00 A. M. . , 8:10 P. M. Sweat 11:40 A. at. 11:113 A. at. Mall and AccommodaUon.. K10 P. M. 00 p. M, NlfbtBxpnas via DajrfeD.lKW aaUaight. I.WA. M. ' 1 ' JiW. W. Dotott, Afltat. CouiHari 4 Ouriuaa B. B. " -: ' Night KxtRi......;..'.w..8:40 A. M. 1 - 11:11 P. U. Hew Tort Bipretl. ....... lfcie A.M.' 10:50 A. At. , wajr azpressv. am P. at. . tmi. at. -. AMIi PATTBIIOlt, A(Dt. ' cnrrRALUaitBV. B. - . . No. Sfjqntti 1:10 A. M. ' 115 A. M. No. i do S:U t, kt. : li:tf A. at. ; : w. j. tbj, Agtt, ' Prmaoaon, OeuMaca . Cuacuouxi B. B. -..' ' c Htll Train S 10 A.M. 11MA.M. xpreu Train ILtt A. M; .1.46 P.M.. , , s , , Jo. BeannoR, Agent. Coumaos at ImtAaoroua, B. B. ' , (Ootoo Vmoa 4t Ikdujia B. B.J . . No. 1 Bxpreai 61 Ar U. -V 8:00 P. M . Ho. 9 " 1:00 P.M. I 7:80 P. B). Aeoomaodatloa .......... lUi4 Aj. M. . W1. BMrra, Agent. COLUMBUS POST OFFICE. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. DEPARTURES. Milli (or New York Olty, Boston, Albany, Buffalo, PltUbargh, t tan beo Till waj. Olavelaad, S4neillle, delnbla and New Orleans, eloaa 4au7 (SoBdaji ezeepU d) at a o'clock p. m. A tnroagli Ball for Hew York and OlrreUcd eloaa dill7(8uixt7iesoepted) aA I e'eloak p. su 1 0. 0. At 0. B. B. Way Hill aleiee eaily (flHaiarsas- eepiod) at S o'olock p. at. Central Ohio Wa Mall eloies dally (Sandays excepted) 10 o'clock a. at. . . . . , , - - Cincinnati Way Mall elotte daltl1 (tandaji ejoepUd) at ObJoNIo, Dabaqoe, Setawara, Kariot aai Worthloff loa Malta eleoos daily (Saadaya ocavtodj at o'clock p.m. ... Malli forXenla, Iprinffleld, Dayton, Toledo, OlBcla Dtil, IndianApoUe, Louurrllle, 8k Lonlt, and Detroit, dotes dally (Sundays ezoepted) at 8 o'clock p. m. A through Ball to -Zona. HprtaKilehl and OlooUisatl sloeea dally (Sandaye excepted) at 10 o'clock a. m. Urbana, Plqaa, llffln and Unloe Olty mall closes dally (gondays exoepud) at 8 o'clock p. Unouwr, Lofin, NchjoDTlllo, Olrclevllle, ObllllooUe, PorUnoath, Wuhtnittoa O. H , Athene, Marietta and BlllAboroaih Balls cloee dally (Sandays excepted at S o'olock p. ax. . . 1 - Bait Way Kail tw BaUoaxT Bead to ZantavUl cloeet daily (Saodxyt excepted) at IB o'oloek b. Ilarrleourib MaUtloae. dally (Sanlajt excepted) at I eolook p. at. - j - -f . . .. . Mt. Veruoa Hall, by way of Wetterrtlleand Santmry, cloeee delry (Sandaya axeedted) at 8 a'elott p. at. 1 DooUn Mali oloeoe dally(B daya aannidW 8 o'clock P.B.'""" t. .' l.:. 1 '. s I-. ... : LaaoeetoT Way ktall alosce dally (Bandaya aaoeptad) at Q'Clodip. St.?.- 't- ruv . i.i v ,w ARRIVALS. Kails fron New York. Bottoaw Thlladelphla, Bnffala, Albany, llttebarth, Orerelud, Payton, Tolede, Xeota, Detroit, Bprlnffleld, Cincinnati, Chilltootae, St. Leale, and all BonUiern attlea. arrlr Dttweca the hoanaf o'olock p. b. and 4 o'clock a. a. ..... .., Mai It froa Indianapolis, Ohkam sad Dnbaqne arrive at9:0a.m. - - Malla from WuMiiftoij City, Belttoora, ' Wneellnfc EanatvlUa. Newark. Bteabeonile, Ml. Vernon, and In 0. 0. B. B. Way Mall, arrive at ia o'clock. - -Way Mail froa Olndnaatl arrives at S o'clock p. at. Lancaetcr Mall arrives l O'clock p. a. Bait Way MaU over the National Koad arrival at 11 o'clock a. b. -- Mt. Vernon Way Mall arrival at 11 M a. at. ' ' -MaU Ire DaUeiee at U o'clock a. - Urbana Way Mall arrlToa at 8 o'clock p. bv BarrUbartk MaU errkro at 11 o'oloek a avl lABeaater way uau arrival at in o'clock at Oiilea AeUvery opoa every dap (accept Saudey) froa o'clook) a, a. to 8 o'olock p. a. Open on Bandaya from 7X t t o'clock In toe aurnjnf, aaA troa S to 6 o'clock la the evening. JOHN GRAHAM, P. M. Mi i. yioitflki)itfjtrJ(Vr"v'j PtOsiwMBowtertOBaivat.l . AaTl parties feanafaetwrtat Bswtef BtaoMae are Used lo pay Mr. Howe a Uowee on eeoh aaotiiM eeld, and are a o eonpelM to ak retamato hla, ander oath, as to nnaosr sold, ale koohs l re a comet Mate aenf. Proa thlc rollakl on roe wo kare oktainod the rollowlnk atatlttics. ' Of the aaohlnos and la the ymt lt, then were esld, - . " wni WiMoa.r.r.A.t,n,srav r ' I. M. Singer a Oe...A.nrie,eM- aroTtr a Sakor....kM.,oro Piwte tie tale Wkoe4if WUoeake k 44 soon of any etbar Ooapany." - - -' t.v A Awarded the highest piawilea 'rt the Culled Sua I airs of 1049, 18M and 1800; , altalWJ . Onto llat lr of IMdandlBoei ., 1 ' and at nearly aU m Ooaaty fairs la the Ital. " '' Out price, at tb late reduction, ar low oi any (ocA tiiA auehln now told, and bat a kla higher than tb talorler Mrowd oAoo Mo aenXaia, now forced neow the oMrkel. ..- , - . , , Tb WHIkLB A Ac WTtftOW M AOHTM aakas the Looc i-nca theonlyeve wkioheannet benreled. It Ainu ce Bam Suae ol sn gscda, lvlaa redse or JKiuili. t.i . . 'l-T . it .. fltenin their hm, fre of entree.' " - s 4 "'Vii 9?'.!" ' 'waart.oM e3&kiDaWflnt Pike's Optra Boa, Oinetanebl. Tt TA NTH D )Oft.Wl ., kAnalA! V V- ttpr jtaf.vW(Vl"A UlHiflMM,.,. Blrb door stottkat aha, Aaerea AUtok, 0 laaAaataia.1 ,0k .( 0 TELEGRAPHIC. Loss of the Missourians at Springfield— Death of Ben. McCulioch— Movements of the Rebels—Federal Troops, etc. St. Loom, Aug. 31. General Price's official report ot the battle near Springfield, says the Missouri forces in that engagement numbered 5,221, of wbioh, 156 were killed and 517 wounded. . . - . Among the killed are Colonel Wtightman, Uolonel Drown, . Adjutant Bennett, Captain Blackwell, Lieutenant Colonel Austin, Captain Eojart, Lieutenant Hughes, Captain Farrls, Captain Halleck, Lieutenant Haskins, Captain toieman, ma or Kocers ana Uoionei Alien. Wounded Brigadier-General Clark, Colonel Burbrldne. Colonel Foster. Cantaina Niohols. vougberty, Armstrong and Melee, colonel Kelly, Colonel Cawthorn and Captain MoCar tny. Many or the wounds, both omoers and men, are reported mortal. ' r " rrlce makes no mention of MeCnlioch's forces in the battle. 1 The entire rebel army bad been ordered to move forward on Lyon in four columns, at 9 o'olock on the night previous to toe nattie, so as to surround BonneOeld, and be fin a simultaneous attack at daybreak, bnt tbe ordet was countermanded in consequence of toe darkness 01 ine night, and a threatened Storm. -' .1 Canton Coma Minks, Franklin Co . Mo.. Auk. SO. Tbe eortesoondent of the Su Louis Uemoorat furnishes the following Intelligence: A sergeant belonging to company E, U. 8. Dragoons arrived here to-day. bavins etcsted from tbe rtbels by whom he was taken prisoner in ine late Dattie near opriGgneid. lie reports that Gen. McCulloch waa mortally wounded and dUd at Springfield tbe morning after the battle. His body was placed in a tin-lined oof fin, which waa filled with whisky and closely sealed, and sent southward on Tuesday eveuiog, accompanied by bis body guard and a few com panlea of soldiers. tie says ben. rrlce was badly wounded and thinks be will not be able to take oommand again very soon. Ine rebels were reinforced on Satnrdav nlcht after tbe battle by 9,01)0 men under McBride, very many or whom had no arms. It wag current amone tbe rebels that 10 000 of their army would make forced marches on Jefferson City and take it. My informant says that the last chareea bv the Kansas and Iowa regiments and the dra goons, forced the enemy to retreat three miles, wnere tbey raited till nlgbl In constant expect ation of again being attacked. lie says two more regiments would have driv en the euemy to Arkansas. ine terrible bavoo made bv Totten'a and Dubois' batteries filled them with dismay. He thinks 6,01)0 s low estimate or theit killed and wonnded. The troops with whom this dragoon traveled kept him in ignoranoe of the route nureued, but told blm they were going to join General Pillow. From the description of tbe counlrv throoeh wmon tney moved it is believed tbey were mak ing for some point near Pilot Knob. - ..... ....... ' w St. Loch, Aug. 21. Tbe Committees of bafety appointed by Gen. Pope In Calloway, Lin coln, and Pike oonntiee, report satisfaotorv ac counts of affalra in their counties. Many lawless charactera bavo been driven outof that region. and the counties north of the river .being depriv ed of their presence, are becoming quiet and settled. : Glasoow, Mo.' Aug, 21. Abont 1.50O se oestioniets have assembled in Saline county, and are organising,- either to lain General frice's army in the South, or for local opera tiona in tbe surrounding counties. In view ofihe lattet purpose, tbe Union citizens of this place Bave sent to Uen. t remoot for pro tection. - Some . thousand or more secessionists of Christian county, oroesed the Missouri river at Brunswick, on Saturday, and marched south' ward, to loin Price's forces lu the aontheaat They took a large number of h.rses and wag on wun mem.: , IaoNTON, Mo., Aug. 20. Tbe correspondent of tbe St. Louis Democrat learns that General Prent Ss has been assigned te command a dlvis ion embracing tbe several points In this vicinl ty, Cape Girardeau, Cairo and Birds' Point. Gen. Grant, who was formerly in command here, has been ordered to Jcfferton City, where ne win establish His headquarters. Col. Roee' regiment started fot Frederick- town, Madison county, to-day. Tbe enemy la reported to be on St. Francis river to day, having left Cedar Creek. Thev bave received reinforcements from Hardee with artillery, and aro waiting to cut off Col. Hecker, woo is at ftiarow ureek. Their force ia said lo be 2000 stron;. Hardee's oommand still re mains at Greenville. A rebel camp, 1000 strong, is reported near Lestervllle, on Black Creek,,about 15 miles eouth-west of here, with forces at Centreviile, Marble breek and frederlcatown. Pennsylvania's Response to the Call for More Troops. IIabbib sogo, Pa., August 21 The proclama tion of Governor Curtin has been nobly res ponded to. More than 3.000 men bave already been forwarded 1 the firat, commanded by Colo nel Black, ex-Go vero or of Nebraska, left for Washington last evening, and two other are fully eautpped and will march In a few days. Tb remainder will be made up and dispatched at the rate of two regiments a week. Ail reg iments will be officered by experienced men, se lected with great caution by Governor Curtin. Most ef them bave aeen active service fn the fields, and abont two-thirds of the tank and file are recruited from returned volunteer." r : Boston. August 21 Mr. Motley. Minister to Aastrla, was penger on tha Europe, which Union Convention in Vermont. '1 MonTriLiia, Vr., Aug. 21. The Union Con vention nominated fot Governor Hon. Andrew Tracy, of Woodstock. 'The Convention' was unanimous and enlhusiaitio. z ' , ' l.t, Operations of the Privateers. 'Ntw Yoa. Aug.! 21. Tha John Webster has arrived and report having been chased . by a privateetln lat. Si), long, bi; alto, tbe barque Cordelia was cnased in lat. w, long. o The gunboat Keystone State left St. Thomas en the 8tb inst. te search for privateers- - r The Bumter put into tne port ot Trinidad to coal, and tbe Jeff. Davis was seen In the Mona passage on the. 10th . luat., .where she took a schooDorw - ' '- ' Nw Yobc, Aug. 21 A British schooner baa attived Irom Bermuda with 607 barrels spirits turpentine, probably tun over from North Carolina; :y ; ' ';' '; ' Tbe schooner Fharaon, from Curacoa the 6th, has repotted that the capture of the Sumter is untrue,' nothing having been beard from bet sinoe she left on the 4tb nit. it w rumored that the Governor waa recalled for allowing her to enter porta, n , . ,,. . .n.J,, Reception of Three Months's Men at Wheeling. Whiiuno,' Aue, 21 -Th 1st Virginia reel msnt, three tuenth men, returned to-day The reception was enthusiastic and Imposing. . Tbe people tuned out en masse. A sumptuous din ner waa served np. ,..... !., The Convention adionrned to-dav. and unless called together by the first Thursday in January, tnelr adjournment la sine me, ; . ; .;.: .;V . ? Wheeling. The Rebel Army of the Potomac. Auxandbia, Va ' August 2I.The largest SeXMesioa force between Manassas ana ont Hoes Is peat Fairfax Court Bouse. All oulel on the rotomae" w,- r- .. ii ..,.tf f Wheeling. The Rebel Army of the Potomac. Arrival of the Frigate Congress. "Bpatom; Aua 23. Tha United Staiea frigate Ceenese. from Rio Janeiro la belowj i The schooner Thomas Woodward, at this port irom JUerogovlne, reports tbat tbe uritisn war ateaaier aabote taere la tbe unver. ' Baltimobi. Aue: SX From information be. Ueved te be reliable, there Is good warrant fot eying Mat tbe ttport ot Gen. Johnston eross Ing the Potomao ia false.' ' .?-;t av ... V. Ill . II-' -! Wheeling. The Rebel Army of the Potomac. Arrival of the Frigate Congress. Needs Confirmation. FantAMxtnu Aog, fi3.-The Inquirer of this City bas a creunded Waahlneton dltoatcb desorlblng a flank movement ot the column of Gen.'B auirfroin "Harper's Ttttt xni Sandy Boor, and th -HeuDatlon of tha Parr tt th rebeU, and the passsge of th Pototnae pj Gen. Johnson's forces. - . From the South via Louisville. . LouiaviLti, Aog. 21. The Memphis Ava lancbe of tbe 20th, says Gen. Wm. II. Crow sll returned from a brief visit to East Tennessee. He reports that Bridges, the Federal Represent ative, addressed the Bradley county volunteers at Kooxville, saying he. would enlist to fight against Lincoln's horde; also that Nelson would shortly Issue an address, advising acquiescence lu tbe will of tbe majority or tbe state; that Brownlow will soon issue tbe Whig and advo oate the cause of the South against her. oppres sors. Tbe Nas'jvllle Gazette says, a number of Northern printers, engaged at tbe Southern Methodist Publishing House, left for the North. John Clark, a Northern man, but a resident ot Tennessee for. some time past, Is now a Captain of a Federal company in Cumberland county, and was arrested for treason and brought to Nashville for trial. The Memphis Avalanche strongly appeals fot aid to wives and children of volunteers who are left destitute by the absence of husbands and fathers. , ;;.- tlJ . Travel southward from here (Louisville) continues uninterrupted, although energetic measures are adopted to prevent tbe transporta tion of contrabrnd goods. no 1 ' i . Fobtriss Monioe, August .21. There is nothing of Interest proper to communicato from this point to-day. Gen . Wool held a grand review and inspection this morning. He took into bis hands every musket belonging to tbe garrison. Federal Loss at the Rattle of Wilson's Creek. St. Lome, August 22. Two member of tbe First Kansas Regiment bere from SDringfleld, having been released by General Prioe; tbey re port that on the Thursday following the retreat lrom Springfield, McCulloch started in pursuit of Sigel with 8000 cavalry and oioepioce of ar tillery, but after one day's march, learning that Slgel bad been reinforced, he gave up the pur suit and marched toward Jefferson City. Quite a number of wounded on both sides have died since out forces left Springfield Colonel Cop pio, who was a prisoner iu the Federal camp and releaaed on parole by General Lyon a abort time since, was wouoded on tbe rebel side and has since, lost a leg. Official reports foot up tbe Federal loss at tbe battle of Wilson's Creek as follows; Killed, 223: wounded. 721. miss ing, 291. A large number of missing were ta ken prisoners bv tbe rebels and have aince been released. -.. , Dispatches from Washington. [Special to the Post.] Washington, August 21. The Navy Decirt- ment entertaiua no doubt of Its ability to keen open tbe navigation of tbe Potomac, which li uninterrupted, and vessel are constantly arriving. [Special to Commercial.] feeling among military authorities is ¬ tense against Russell, of the London Times They assert that some of bis statements are false. There is less anxiety tesrJeotios an Attack on Washington. All la quiet to-day . Alt. Boteler, late M. C. from the Haroer's Ferry District, baa been arretted.. It is report ed he will be tent to Fort Lafayette. i ne statements ot Kusseil, or tbe London Times, that there was no hand to band fight ing;, end no batterv taken bv Our trnnna. At stone unoge, is aeniea nere ny bigb military autuurity. ' Mr. Russell's report that the Smithsonian legaoy naa been iquandered in the purchase of Arkansas bonds, and that tb Government ia dishonored by tbo transaction, in also ialne Tbe Government is now sending arms to East reuneesee. Tbe severe newspaper strictures on tbe Admin' Istratlon aro regarded as attacks on tbecouutry, and many are suspected of beiuc In the interest oi me secessionists, ine subject is uttractins attention in Wanhiueton. . Major Btrry, on Geo. McCIelirtn's staff, is to-day promoted lirigadier General of Volun tcerj [Tribune's Correspondence.] Tbe Washington department has Information wbicn leada to tbe bellcl that tbe rebels bave withdrawn a mile beyond Frirfax. Court House. leaving only pickets in tne valley. '' The move ment was made wun precipitation. . . It isreported the rebel strength at Leesburg was increasing ana consists ot several thousand men supported by artillery. - Gen. Banks is near enough to the point to prevent them from arose ing, even if tbe river were fordable, wbiob it will not be lor a day or two yet. xo morrow ien xuotiieiian assumes com mand of all the troops on the Potomac. Senator Wilson has been offered a place on uen. naouieiian'a stall, end is urged by Secre tary Cameron to take it. He has not yet do. elded to accept. - - - - - Private advidea from Kentucky state, that Union men there are rapiJIy receiving arms and organizing. Four or five regiments ere now reedy. . 1 It is believed that in a few days 20,000 loyal citizens of Kentucky , and Eastern Tennessee will be on the line, from which hundreds of fu gitive are prepared to fight their way back. ' Last night a muuny Drone out in , the New York Twenty-first Regiment, from Buffalo. stationed at Fort Reunion- Forty of its mem bers were arrested and are to bi sent to the Dry Fort. ' ' L General rremont bas been authoriztdto take and use the Illinois Central Railroad for mili tary purposes. ' -' - ' -i ' -' -'. [Tribune's Correspondence.] [Times Dispatch.] The Department bas aocepted a regiment of Mounted Rangers, to be raised In- Colorado Territory, tendered by Judge mils. , , ' " J as. Kocers, one of tbe deserters from the rebel rauks, and a member of the Polish Le gion, says that when bis regiment left New Or leans, there was not another regiment remain ing in tbe city, and that It was almost impossi ble to obtain tecruiis, though moat active efforts weremakiog-. - . tw. .j,i information baf been teoeived at neadauar. tets, that the tecent rains' had entirely broken up the plans of the rebel lot a movement on tb olty, by their having so swollen th Poto mac, making it unlordable: ' There In no point between Georgetown aud Ilarper'a Ferry which oan be forded. . . ,",; , ,. Intelligence is reoeived of tbe intended na tive intervention of England, France and Spain in tbe affaira ot Mexico. It is also stated that their- aotion is to embraoe . in some form the recognition of the Southern Conledereoy, provided assurance (can be had '.that the South will not make any attempt at conquest in that direction. I do not learu that any offi cial representation on the aubjeot baa . been re ceived by our Government, but tbe . foreign le gations are well informed. . H;' A formidable Insurrection occurred among the alavea in Orange couuty, ten days since, set on foot by a negro preacher. Several negroes were bung, having taken part in the movement. There are very lew whites in mat county, neat ly all having been drafted into the service of the State. '-" ' (Herald's Correspondence.) Maior Francis W. Crane, Paymaster of the United States army, has been ordered to Mis souri to pay off the volunteers who are waiting for their pay in that section.' The Union nnen of Maryland ar At last fully aroused to. the neoeesity ef defending their soil, against inva sion from the South. In addition to,the Cooper Brigade of thre years' soldiers, uon, rrancis Thomas, in the western part ot. the State, and Col. Wallace, on the eastern shore, are rapidly organising borne Brigades,- and fost master rumen, asaistea ojxvi. x.. n. retner bride. Is raising two companies ol light artillery and a regiment of in I an try In the centre, for three years' service. . ""T7T"' EAGLE BRASSWWPRS, .' " center tprins; wttti sta., - Oolvi.rraT3ViJBi, Otxlo, W. ; D. POTTS & GO, ind ItUnaftKtnrvrf of BnH ixA Oonpoftftkm OmUih. a,,. l n. 117AI, .11 rk. lai - . . ' eTlflUllCQ Xllaww truiBk va at a a Avaajgip NUDW ' ' Electro " Plating nidia 2 1 1 .Ji STENCIL CUTTINC. C2 (iprtino cloaki Ann basqiivi.w t O H8W BTILSBBsilB on, No. 8 Bonth High street, aae)t epeaed atw tyte ef Cfcorw Out onLABa. BAtwawa and Bmmob, ari an lb aert and mot tynM- aaaaan . aOT-) afica . araaua It luck Itllk, very UTy,oetgue4. ewreealy for M..,III...JB.m.Imm f . . 1 COMMERCIAL MATTERS. New York Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 21. ILOTJ1 Heavy, and 510s lower with more doing for export at th lower drolln. To-day'i tales amoant to l&.uou barrel at St 10 AH 40 for luperflne tUlei 84 SO ! ou lor extra ttate) o-t 4U lor lupernoo wet em; 84 3034 80 for coamoa lo medium extra wettorn; 85 OU 5 IS for ihippuif brand extia round hoop Ohio, and SSSOiSfliUlur Wade bitndt do) market oloelng heavy, with outer! cenerallv lefailna to operate at anything over the IntUie prion. Canadian floor lower; telei of SOU barrels at 84 40 for superfine; and 84 S07 so for common to choice extra. - KYK f L'JDhV Steady at 81 S083 80. ' OORN atlAL Steady; tale of 500 bob choke weetern at ihi. WH18KY-Dall; sales 330 bbis at 17 H,e, chiefly at the IntldODrice. WHKA t A elude lower, with onlv a moderate export demand; ttlee of 4,900 butbels Milwaukee club tt 8 1 US 'i la; lu.suu buaheli Kaclns tpnng at iu; buehela new winter rod weetern at 81161 SO; 6,000 bullion winter red itat at 81 8; 14 buaheli old winter red wettern at 81 81 28; 1 S000 buabe:i Amber Delaware at 81 29: 12.E0O butbolt white weetern at 81 31(ail 34, and 1,400 buaheU wblio Kentucky at EYI Firm, but quiet at fl0Oci VAKLBI Dull and noalnai. , f- OOHN A trifle eaiiar, with a moderate demand for export and homo oonaumDtiou; la let of SS.000 buaheli at 41AU7o for Inferior to goud mixed wettern; 47X49ofor gooa to prime imppuig ao, oioiing ot xaia; ana sxc tor western vcllow. OATS In moderate requett, at S203S9s for Canada; 3234c for etnte and wettern. i-OKK licit active, bat prices generally Without material obtnge ; aalei of 7,550 libit at 8 IS for meu; and SlOfornrlme. liEEf In moderate requett tod nnchanred; itlei of mo Barrels at 84(94 SU for country prime; aawosu lor country meat; 891150 for repacked meat, andSH SO 13 Vi for extra men. Prim mesa beef dull, and print entirely nominal. DEEP HAMS email sales choice wettern at 814 SO. CUT il BAI 8 More acUr. but pricee elightly favor the purchaeer; ealet of 140 package! Including ihoaiden at45o; SSSioforbami. bauun yuiet and pncea nncbaiigea. BUIIK R-BelUnx at 83111 for Ohio: and 10$14 for Bute. OUEEHJ In moderate renueat for eiDort. at 69 7Xo. OOFFEE There hat been a better butlnen doing In Elo tincc oor last, at lull prerloua pricet; ealet of 8,450 rngi nio at iaiao; inciuoea in taiet are wis nags, per Kll-n, told la.t He. BUdAK In fair reouett. without Imnorttnt cbanEe: ealet of 1,129 hogaheadt of Cuba, at 837c; 150 hogahwde Porto Rico at 6&7xo; 00 hogiheade New Orleans at a; njOEOfrineaaeAielAUO, part neio; ana u noxet Havana at S6)4e. mULABBKS finn, and demand moderate; taiet or 100 hogiheadi Cab Maicorado at S4dat25ct 10 bogaheadt Porto lco, at 30c; and 10 bogibeadt Bartadoct at 88o. - Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, August 22. Builcen In a iieseral wav wat exreedlndv aulea. Th Produce market bad leal of stir In it than baa been no ticed for eereral daft patt. f LOUB Wat la but little rcauoit and nles were aoetly confined to the local trade. Buperfln wo still quota at 83 73, but It Is much tatter to buy at (hit figure man to ten. extra raoiet from f 3 eu to 84; family, 84 2S to 84 40. wubai Tne escrlngt war rather heavier to day. and tbere was leal eacrnea on tbo part of bujert, eo mat me maraet u a inao nrmer, but not qootably lower. CORN Was sold at S9c aealn from canal boat, bnt at hrreiofore distiller will not par over 2Hc. OATS A trifle more firm at 21o for old; new ranges fromtltoS3o. ' - :. i. BARLEY AND RYE Remain neilacted anil drill. Stcb are caoted nominal at 40c. . w u trm Dropped to lJo.atwblcbflure the market wn firra. Cleveland Market. CLEVELAND, August 21, 1861. ".OUR Inactive; no aalei. WBE AT The market hat fallen to 83j. frte on hoerd. Th receipt wen large, and about one-third of tbe wboie dunged btndi. Sal are ae follow: 9.401) and 3,00 buaheli red, tree.on board at SUc; tlx car loadt white CORH-Quletat24o. OAId Sal one oar on track at SSo. HIBHWINHi Bale 10 hblaatUXc 8SKU8 Salei imallt cat timothy at tiSi. RQQ8 Dull at 7c. I AKD Country rendered nomln al at 7 8c. VORK No demand, and nominal at an SO. ' BCITKR Bemalnt Inactive, with only an occasional aue ei otgtw lot common to cnoto. . Laitr HQNNE WELL'S UNIVERSAL COUGH REMEDY. lor all Throat and Lang; Oomplelnte, meladng, with mott perfect reeultt, Whootikb Ooosb, Ohrohio ajip OOUMOI, COCOHt, BBOflCHIAl, AICD TBBOAT COMrtAJJI T, alwayi forerunner of Contnmptlon. A a bootbim 8taop it ha no luperlor. treed from all Oniato or Bmetlopropertlet, mayb nted by mott delicate oonatb tauoni, ana wun pertcci oonUdence. HUNNEWELL'S CELEBRATED TOLU ANODYNE. Tbi GRiiTnT Katdbal OrUT ever offered to th world, oonUining not a particle of Opium, nor any sab ttance but It ttrlctly vegetable and medical propertiea. A tur Remedy for NioaAtsu. Kiln avniv. Goot. Tootb AHO Kit Acs. Oatabbh. Boaa oa Hat Inn. and all minor Nervous Complaint. Foa Loee or SLtxr, and Headache In ail ira varieties, It hat no equal, and to which moat undoubted teatmoni all ar offered. Foa Dexiaic Taucm it It most perfect remedy. Foa Bowxl OcKTLAurro, after removtne the nain It aefat as a phytic, a mott Important oostratl with th conatlpa- lo rnytlctaus, rormulaa and Trial BottletwllI be tent and to Dealer or Invalid a dcecrlpUve pamphlet without . Crepared under tha ipedal tupervlaton of " -i ... - JUUN L.. HlfNNBwELL, .'; cBKBturt ajtb twBJtowoner, ..j,So 9 Commercial Wharf, Boston, Xass To whoni pleaa dlreot all ooBaenieation. Price Large Cough Remedy, SO oena per bottle, '-" Baall .-- - - g -m . i .m Tola Anodyne, . SO " For ul by In utual wholenl and retail iah. everywhere. .... ROBERTS Av 8UT01I,, . L N. B7HARP4v7. 10119 K. COOK, r r n. M. DBNIO, 0. DKNIO Ac SONS, A.J. SCHUBLLIR A SON, mayl7-wly ,f j,-, tt AgenUfor Colombo. Ohio. E; M. WILLIAMS & CO... ;i Front Street, Between State and Town. THB OLD ClBHI AGE ttUOP la still running, end althnn.h the preetur of late yeara hat let heavily upon her running gears, ahe tt ttlll turn-' ig out moee iniendia J-HJITONS, BOOKAWAT8. and PKINCH ALBKRT'S BHIFT1NO TOPS and NO-TOP BUGOIBS, OABBTAQBS, BXPBH8S, SKELETON, DKMOOHAT and 6B00KRT WAflONS, SMALL OMNI BOSKS and BAOKSv Twenty year Heady aanofa turing baa given onr work a wido-operad reputation through th South and West. . . i i We therefore deem It anneceatary to ny any thing more In regard to th quality ef oar work. Wo wuiun vim , Yimou. W can tell eoon Tor Buwuta from ltstoe-JM. ' . . ... , :, Dealera can be furniehed vtlth hort notlo. and at price lower than can be bought any where In th Wat, 8eoo4 hand Buggies taken In ex change for new work. Ujr5 Be peering don neatly anoftTlSorTiottc. Tac tory oa Front, between Bate and Town itreete, Oolum- i lLrAll commanleatloa will receive prompt attention. Jig. 31-wly 4 , , U. WILLIAMS At 00. . -t I o th INSTANT BXL1BI .. andPIBItANKNTOtJBBoftte M , dUtreaing omplalnt..BM .. ,r. Biff DTtff - ' ' t.'., BS05CEIAL CIOABETTEfl,- MadebyfJ. . BIYMOTJB 00., lOTNaaaa St., N. -: frloe S 1 per eoxi eent tree ey poet. FOB. 8AL1 ari-dfcwljrre , AV AJ.JU ,BBDf w,tT; Irish- Linen Goods, W'ABRANTGD FABRIC . Linen Shirt Botomi Pialn and Taney . ,11 Bhlrilng and Bosom Llntos. 11 '"' imen Bheettngt and Ptllow Oatlng. - Linen Oambrtct and Long Lawna. l f , 1 ' ' 1 ", I ' roektanda'ie, aU itte. All"':' , "t Linen Towelltnp and Plaptrt Linen Napkin and D'Oyllea. Linen Table Cloth and Satin Damasks, r Linen Towels with colored DonHrei - "f l.'t' Lines StaliOoverinnaadOnth. a , .t. .J V For aal at low price. - . . 1 .- - -. .w ...... i '.-v. !. ... BAIS a tOH, -", rtabtt i : , .i v NcSaaoathHUhtireet; -. . ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. PIRSONAL property belonging to the trtat f Fnak 0 raven r. deceased, oaniiitlne ehrtSeef a HOBBI end DBAY, will be told at pabllo vend, at th eeraer or utgn ana unerry itrettt, in votaaea, ew nw axa itj of July, A D. 1W11, eoamenclng at IS Mk at tn rorenoen . - - ' IDWABD M. riTZOBBALD, Warden A Sretel, Att'rt. Admlntitrslor. Sl' wlf " Uargaret S. PhilUps' Estate. N6TICH M MBBEtrr 3ITBV HAT th nndenlitoed bts be duly anolt4 by th probata Oourt ot Franklrn eoenty, Ohte, AdalnlitnAris ortiiveauin oiaarganvx.. rnniipe, ate oi vara ooeaiy ovceaeea. - - - -- -..... Dated Jtrri ,TBJ1.'1- v '' MABT MATllBB. Je7:dltw3w., . J - ' maul UUAUiSiil i mrs, ! wrriSLOW, An etperlenoed Hurt Mid Tcnato PhyilcLtn, preMaU 800 T H.I NQ SYRUP, FOR. CHILDREN TEETHING. t!.h lulltlate. "- fcMthfTW. h eofl. ening the gam, reducing all InSaaaatlon will allay ALL PAIN and tpeaaodlc aeOon, and 1 8UIIE TUUEOTJt,ATE TBE BOWELS. Depend upon U, mothers, It Will five mt to yoarMivw and BKLHF AKD HEALTH TO TOtTS TBrk.HU. We have out on and euld this articl fnr over ten yan. and CAN SAV, IN OONFIBBNOB AND TUUTU, of it, wnat w nave never been able to mt oi any outer meai etne NBVBB HAS IT FAILBD, IN A SINOLB INST ANCI, TO KFFKOT A OUBM, when timely nted. Nev er did we know tn Inttanoo of diaaUifaetton by any one who ied It. On tn eontrary, all are delighted with It operatlont, and tpeak In terme of eoameBdation of lit mag teal efleott tnd medical virtual. Wa apeak In this matter "WHAT WB DO KNOW;" after ten yean' expe rience. AND PLKDOH OUB REPUTATION FOR THB FULILLMKNI OF WBAT WB UBBB DBOLABJt. In tlmoet every initanc where tbe Infant 1 tutoring from pain aud exbarution, relief will be found In Blieen or twenty minutes titer wenyrup te aominitierea. Thlt valuable preparation It the prescription of one of th mott BXf KBIKNOGD and SKILLFUL NDBSlBIn New Bntland. and has been uted with NIVBtt FAIL- INQ SUCCESS In FHUUSAN D9 or VASES. Itnotonlv relieve th child from Daln. out lnvhror. atet the ttomach and bo we la, oorrect acidity, and glva ton and energy to the whole tyitem. It will almost In) stsntly relieve eBirixa a thb bowels, aid wind colic and overcome convnuiont, which. If not ipeedlly reme died, end in death. Wo believe It tha BUST and SUB- It ST HBMHDl IN TUB WOULD, in all Oaae OfDY BNTBUV and DIABBUOIA IN CHILD BUM, whethei tt aritei from teething, or from any other caaae. Wa would to every mother who haaa child tuffertDf from any of the foregoing oompuinta DO NOT LET YOCB PBBJUDIOXB NOU TUB PREJUDICES OF OTUSUf, land between yoa and your tuffering child, and th re lief that will be SUBS yet, ABSOLUTELY SUKM-to follow the ate of thij medicine, If timely uted. Full di notlont for ating will aooompany each bottle. Nope genuine an lea the fao-lmil of (IUBTIB A PIBKIN8, New York, it on the onteide wrapper. . Bold by all Draggttta thronghout tn worm. Principal Office, 13 Cedar Street fl.T. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. octS7fcwly. , " . " . ' ' ' " - PROF. L. MILLER'S HAIR IHVIGORATOR, An Effective, Safe and Economical Compound,' ' FOR. RESTORING GRAY HAIR To its, original color without dyeing, and proven ting iiair irom turning gray. FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS, And oaring It, Whan there I th least particle ef vital or recuperative energy remaining. FOR REMOVING SCURF AND DANDRUK And all cataneout affections of th Scalp. FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR. ' Imparting to It an nneqaled gloat and brilliancy, making aoft and tilky In Ita taaturs, and cauiing It to curr teaduy. Tb croat celebrity and Increasing demand for thlt nu- eaualed preparation, convince the proprietor that one trial ia only Decenary to tatbfy a discerning public of It tuperlor qualities over any other preparation la nee. It cleanse the head and tcalp from dandruff and other oataneoua dlteaaea. eanalnxth hair to now luxariantlv itvlnt: it a rich, toft, gloat and flexible appearanoa, and also, where the hair la loosening and thinning, it will give itrength and vigor to th room and reetore lh growth to note parti which have become bald, cauiing It to yield a reah covering oi nair. There are hundred! of ladle end gentlemen In New York who bave had their hair restored by th ate of thlt Inrlgorator, when all other preparation! bav failed. L M. ha In hit potaeaaloa lettara innumerable tettllylng to th abov fact, from perton of the highest redaecta blllty. It will effectually prevent the hair from turning until tha lateat period of life; and In catee where' the hair ha already changud lti color, the at of the Inrlgorator will wltn certainly retwr it to to ltt original nue, giv ing it a dark, glutty appearance. As a perfume for the toilet and a Iiair Beatoratlv It 1 particularly recom mended, having an agreeable fragranoe; and tne great fa oillUet It afford In droning the hair, which, when molel with th Inrlgorator, can b dreeted In any required form to aa to preserve lit place, whether plalnor In curia; hence the great demand for It by th ladita at a ttaudtrd toilet article which none ought to bo without,! the prioe place It within th reach ot all, being Only Twenty-Kvw Cents perbottl, to be had at ail reipectabl Drugglttt and Pcrfumert. L. 1IILLEB would call th attention of Parents and Guard tana to the at of hit Inrigorator, In caaae where the children'! hair Incline to be weak. Th na of tt layi the foundation for a food ad of kair, ae U re move any Impuritie that may have become oonneoted with the ecalu, the removal of which la neoetiary both for the health of th child, and tha (utare.appearanoe of It uau. Oatjtioii. Nod genuine without th fac-ilmlle LOUTS MILLIK being on th outer wrapper; alto, L. MIL LBB's BAIB INYIOOBATOB, N. Y., blown in th glee. - - Whole Depot, SS Dty itreet, and told by all th principal Merchant and Draggle ta throughout th world Liberal dloccant to parcher by th quantity. . I all detir to pretent to tb American Fublia my KZW AHD IMPBOYED UrBIAXIAnoUl LIQUID HAIR DYE, which, after year of sdenUflo erperhnentlng, I have brought to perfactian. H djee Black or Brown inttantly wlthoutlnjury to the Hair or Skin; warranted the best artwi i to una in PRICE, ONLY 50 CENTS. Depot,' 56 Dey St, New York. octSa-dAwby. NEWARK .MACHINE WOUKS, ". NKWABS OmO, , ;. .., ,, Rlannfaeiarera of all kind ! - table anel Ntatloaarp- tlteaaa B5U- . srlnee. Maw Nllla rla mile, i LASS BOLLS aUI . JLBJMTB TBtattnl Ji JT.. a. JUTALL UatmllL, G0LV31BV8 JtACmSS CO. Slate It 1 1 'SSlBOSD " '- 00. ieatmttlll ' ' ' Onr Portable Snwlna ant Bav Kill ' Wat awarded th first premium, of S50 at the Indiana Stat Fair for 100 over Lane tt Bodley't on acooant ol Price, Ughtaess, simplicity, eoonoray of iuel and superior character of lumber sawed. Oar Stationary Inline wa awarded at th am Tall the firtt premium ot S)0. ' 1 1 Our Portable Ingine wa awarded tb Brit prtmlavi 04 100 at th Fair et Mempbte, Tena-ever Blandy' Da vall'e, Columbua Machine Co't., and Bradford A Oy't. by a oommltte of practical Baluroad Jngtneera. BOiprMtaaaanneadaret . . . W1LLA&D WAB5IB, Treuurer. docS-dAtwlyeol. Newark, Ohw': E. r.l'COLLlSTERt Wholesale stttd Ketttll Dealer la Vvf.'V' i'' AN"oJ,.ja5. FUUi Street. '.. P I T S B U R Cf H,;PV Keep -oaatantly en itanel all tbe va -. . ritttte.HHANUN , Octets lyd 'M,, . ' t- Mty manhood; -3 - ittr.07- ion, HOW BEirORID t JTJBT PUBLI8HBD, OM Tffl NATCBB, TBIA MMMT AND RADICAL OUfU Of SPBKti AIOBHUBA or Seminal Weakaea, Beiual Debility, volantary Imlalooe aad ImpoMney, rtaoltlog froa Rlf-bM,Asa ByBM. i. Oulwrwell, M. D. Sent andereeaLUa piaa aivwwp w ny maanmpvn paid, oa roolptofw kaape, byDr. OUAS. .0. kl TNBV 187 Bee-err, AiWIak..A'((tOiSo Box.ll 404. jit4 aaralmdaw M rj,: , I;? r j "TteT go Right to the Spot ' ' r ' it i i i . iii ItteUttt Hellel! itep year Cental I TPnrlf jr year Breatbl j Btrenajtbegt wear Flee! THROAT CONFECTIONS ABI GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN, GOOD FOR LECTURERS, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVES. OaUTXLXIKB. OABtX SPALDING'8 THROAT CONFECTIONS. LADIES ABI DILIQHTBD WITH SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. OniLDBIN CET FOB SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. Tbey relieve a Cough instantly. Tbey cleat tbe Throat. They give strength end volume to the voice. They Impart a delicious aroma to the breath. Tbey are delightful to tbs taste. They are made of simple herbs and cannot harm anyone. . I advlie every on who hu a Cough or a husky Vole or a Bad Breath, or any difficulty of th Throat, to get a package of my Throat Confections; they will alley yoa inttantly, and yoa will agree with a that "tbey go right to tb spot." Yoa will find them very atefa I and pltaant while traveling or attending pabile Bett ing far itllllng yoar Cough or allaying your thlnt. I f yoa try on package, I am aft In saying that yoa will ever afterward eontidtr them Indltpenabl. Ton will find them at tb Druggist and Dealers In Medicines. PBI01 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, My ilgnature Is on each package. AU othert art counterfeit. A packag will be seat by mall, prepaid, on receipt ot Thirty Cent. Address, Henry C. Spalding, NO. 48 CBDAB STBBIT, NEW YORK. NervousHeadache aSS By the at of the F1IU th periodic attack! of A'r on or Blot Etadath may be prevented; and If taken at fh oommenoement of an attack Immediate relief froa pain and rlcknea will be obtained. They seldoa fall In removing tha Sauna and acJu to which femalei are to inbjeot. Thty act gently po th bowtlt removing Oottit MM. For UUrary Mm, Btudmti, Delicat Female ' and all pertont of ttdtntary kabit$, they ar vain as Xoaaffo, Improving th appdiU, giving foa vtoor to th dlgeitlve rgan, and restoring the natnr euuUcity and itrength of th whol tyttea. THB CIFHALIO PILLS art tht malt of long Invet ligation and carefully eonducted expert roenta, having been la a many years, daring which tun they have pre rented and relieved a vest amoant of pain and inter Ing from Headache, whether originating tn IU aervotit tyttea or froa a deranged itat of th ttomaek. They ar intlrely vegetable tn their eoapoaltloa, an may k taken at all tlma with perfeet afty without making any change of diet, and l obtmot of my dUtaarttabU tatU rmdtrt tt ay lo udminii tr Vim cJtMrtn. BB WABB OF OOUHTi aTBITS I Thtpnnln hare Bv signatai of Henry 0 Spalding on each Box. Bold by Druggists and all other Dealer ia Metasln. A Box will b ant by nail, prepaid, eo receipt ef the Fxloo, 133 Oexxtaw , AU order shoald k add rawed to HENUV C. SPALDING, tBCeastr Street, New rflt. From th Ixamlner, Norfolk, Ta. Cephallo Pills aecompllah tb object tor whloh they were mad, via.! Onr of headaob in all Ita to rue. . From the Kzaainar, Norfolk, V. They hare been tee ted In mora than a thotuand earn With entire aacceaa. Troa fh Democrat, St. Cloud, Minn. If yoa are, or have been, troubled with tb headache and fur a box, (Gepbalkt PillaO eo that yoa Bay have them in oaae of tn attack. From th Advertiaer, Frovideno, B. L. The Cephallo Pill art aU to be a ramarkablv tctlve remedy for the headache, and on of th very beet for that very frequent complaint which baa arer been die oo re red. from the Wrttern R, B. Oaaette, Chicago, 111. -W heartily endorte Mr. Spauldlng, and hit anrrraled OephalloFUl. ' fro Kanawha T alley Star, Kanairaa, Ta. . , Wa ar tor that perton rafferlni with th haaacb"' who try tnero, will stick to theea. . f. i- From the Southern Fath tinder, NewOrteeae, La. Try theml yoa that ar afflicted, and w art ear that Knr tettlmonycan be added to the already nnmermt tthat bat received benefit tbatna other medidM can prod no. Froa th St. Loan Democrat. The lament demand for th' articl vthphalr fill Is rapidly Incresting. ; , , (, . Froa th Qaaette, Davenport, low. Mr. Bmldlnt wonld not connect hi naa wltk a ar- tlcltht did not toioi too oeeea real meriL , . Uj-A tingle bottV of SPALDINfl'S FBIFABBD uus wiueavetea umee iu oon annaaityv j SPALDINO'S PREPARED GLOE I SPALDING'S PrFpARED GLUE I ' SPALDING'S PREPARED OLUHVJ ' SAT THB FIBOBBI 100NOMTI DISPATOUI.0 XT7"A Stitcx ra Tim Bavbb NTja.nXS il.. At seetdtnt will happtn, eve U well regelated faa lliet. It 1 vary desirable to bav oa cheep and eea vaaant way for repairing f arnitart, Toye, Crockery BPALDINQ'IPBBPABBDOLOBI 15 ' ' " ' aattt all euch enMrgencle, and no hootebold eaa afore tebewlthoat it. It Itaiwayt ready, and apt tb stick 1lp0l,,''CSBfUL lif 1TXBT BOtTBl." : , N. B. A Broth aeeaapanM each bottle, cent. - Addreee, ' H BKBUT 0. BPALDINS), K. ta, Cedar Street, Bew Tork, V'- - . - OAOTioa ' . ' A certain nnprlnclpled peraon r attempting rila off on th anraapeatlug pabllo, Imitatlen or a BBPABBD ttLUB, 1 would eaulto all pmona to, amin before panhatin, and ae that the full ne IITSPALDINd'l PrtKPAafcCUi,Ulj,XU7 Is a UaoaUM wrapper; aU tbr are (wlndnug eea "rhlu' - O'.-fcif