Newspaper Page Text
VUJJilVl .i rnqL'no3iv;ii II - ---- - -.r:. fjlSlffi&UO'i.'l u-sdsiUa-t aajJiv. t a I V h. latr II II 11 .af 11-11 tt VI' Et " II II "II III i 1 mn I'fll' 'I 'lfUPHI'i m.J-rm V I !-" I f "II I IK . S n 9 I J II II aa-v 1 1 II . V 1 Ay i.' "CS-M. VVrikIyIVl II filii Y. I jaw liicll f V.llia Tirt .llfift Mlfll xflMr-2iiluii:.i,;i dr.. .111. " I I I I I I ' - ii I i i I l 'J. .1 A. l,Fi.F.vr.-..itii..iMi ill I . . InuMakl. nil V X ..J.. fHifn .w:i l I DAILY, TBI-WEBXLT AND WEEXLI MANYPENNY & MILLER, 1J B 1 1 S H J E .' A I D P B 0 P JU X T 0 E I, i i CP OfBte Hoi. 8, 19 itft 40, XortJi High It1 tlj,.-...a,ARM HvABIABLY IN ADVAKOB til Uilfl tf'.u W tha far-rU,-' ui '...iaix --J-- . effrUWee.lf -"' '!.' ' - 8 00 tttf 7SU. 'ft laud i aa 'tfiSfltfM AdvertUm bp- the) mn. Onlfanirtlvwlu. ,0m... H v mount in on On 1 I wmki swaths U 00 Btaontht 10 00 i month, 8 00 1 sonth. : S 00 Uni ' ' liek On ' SHnyii, 1 00 One " "SdiyK.. 75 Om ' 1 lmertlott' W iMI v - ' AdtcrUsemtDtl'ImM n4 pliotj In th oolunaol uo reqalrec to t publlihed hV Uw, Icnlnta i ji If trJtwt on the IntUe iclmively fur Uu SrttWMk '" fr nt. Mora thko tbi hoT nle: tut U ci VU "irtr h, flie trt-Weekly Ithonlclrgi. , BuitneiiOtrdt,not eoee(ttni; lire lloei, peryeir.'ta lile, l 311 of line; aottif.c i Vif : NotloeiofmetlDgi,rlrttabU:)9Cltle,flrooBipali I tok kJf nrlr. ' tfmHtnl adMrtUtmtnlt mutt tt jxtitf far to WMkly.moM rrtaauth DIIt, where the ulrertlMi ;, wiu ntekiyuon wtm HI Drily indWeek .. n tooth and, then ttw hrg lr th Weekly wilt ...If UenUMol the DeJIy ..' t u ?Uuiimnt aikea eiroept fbf deflDlte'ptriwt BUSINESS CARDS. .ii ik ' i! F. A, B. 8IHEIN9, ' , Attor jaby vt XAwi ,..,. AND NOTARY PIJBUC. , .j j ..Jdlaa-aieoe 8iUldlnrpjoattlC4pltorlWuar;':J 1 -oonMBna.-onio; Attorney & Couosellor at law. MARION.OHIO. " ' uacoine Mannfacturine ComnanT . 4 fry ' .. MalTOFaOjTBZM 0F STEAM ENGINES &. BOILERS, Outings, KlU-3riaf, Xaahlntry. MaaaoaaiaeaBaaaaBaHBaHaat - f ' " AtiO, ,'. "."'' Of fTIat BMCarfTKm. . t , S 1 V 1861. Summer Arrangements.—Time Changed. Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, & CINCIN'T RAILROAD. ConneetlncatOreitUoe with the PtWBDrjROIl, FT, WAYNX k CD 10 AGO RAILROAD 1 ror ruuourg, rwadtlpMn and BaUimora, Alio for Fart Wat "' UUcoao. Oonneetlnf at Olerelend wllh the LAKJi 8II0RS SAIL 1 - " ' 1 ' ttna PenrDuaiklrk, Hnffalo, Albanr. Dei' ton, and Haw tork. -i. ' THREE TRAINS DAILY;.;'' ' ' XX0EPT 8TJNDAT, ', ". !' from Columbtn, to eonoeotloo wllh IralDeea the . tilTTliE ni Alfll AltO COirnDfJ) AND JttltlA lUUKQADN. IH8I TRAIN. NIGHT XXPRI3B.-Uai Oolombni at 3.40 A. U 1 will lear peuenere at all autieu aoatb of Oelion, top el Delaware, Ashley, Oafdiogton and Ollrad, and at ellaUtloai north of Oalien, arrtrlng at Olereland at 9: OUA. Dnnklrkl;00 ti M , Budilo 4:35 f. M. Albany S.0 A. M.. Mew Yorm 8.35 A. M., Boeton 9:30 ,,:.M;,,T!lt.ub2.r7i.Tl1 Oiaetltoa 3:80 P. H , Philadel phia 1:10 A. at. Chicago yle CreetHne at 71)0 P. al. t" BBC6NDIKAIN. V NIW YORK SXl'RES Lr.ree Colnraboe at ll:lu a.m. Will itup eiLewia Centre, (for Hliita Sulphur Jprtf p), Dlwr CardlrgtoB, Uallon Cr.illUie,hel by, Hew London, WeUinnioa and Omfton, arrlre at Clereland at 3 3$ p. ta. Datikirk, tM p. m.i Bnf ble, p. b j albiny, M:a. B.;NtwloiV, l:4t S'. ai.l Ilceton, 4:40 p. oi. Thle Train ooiinect. at Shel y for aandoiky, and at eiafton for Toledo, arriving at Toleat:40p. m. , v . i : THIRO TBACT. , ' . ' MAIL AND AOOOUMODATION-rLearee Ooludbm at .;0 p. m. Will eo-at all ilatione Bonih Vof -ihell y, and at Meef Iraadon, iVellloirton, Ararton, andifr; arrlTln at ulevelend f-30 p. m i Dan klrk.!i:We. m.; b.iiulo, 3S0a. m.; Albany, Sin p. m.; 7:','a p m.j Boeton, H:4p B.t tttiurti, Wa0r.1ii,.aill:SJp. m. PhlMel,,hla, 1:00 prm., Cateate, eta OreMUoe, esefi a, b..- Th Train u&lf?k' nai,ole'.rrlrtui. Ptt-Binf Cirt' ari 'pi 'ail TiaLn to Chicago, t Saggat Ct Thrtmth to Ve ' Tori and Xott'on via 0r4lan lUu, to i'MUdMaami k .-. .r -.ii i .,.'.. ; r BETURNINO. -' ' yvr H(M xpw' aVrlrei iit Coinmbnj it'.',', li: VJ p.- M.J CineUnatl axpma arrlrea at Oolnnbatal 1:S0 A. M. AaiiiodUoBxprtB frrlvai at)oliiBbni at 7 1 V v A Am m A .a. ' r & . . - ' '1 ny-eeny einer UDIIIWt for TulaHwUCtmilimiH ' Clnikni:" (..ittu.- eli 'Tietendewf.OleTtliina.Wo.''1 "r-irlnmMOS. Agent, t. 1 M'.H!r.-..CH.k oHEEir-atfa; mjifjit avv aavne iuu Ki imai lug vonn, , ,. '18TtmeketaoM Dntoh GoTeamant Jan Cofea.',,.";.' 16 bartOeylon Coffee, , , ' ,7'"' ttXtbble. ettndard Whfti" Boirarf, ooniliUng bl P6w ' dred, Chraabed.flrannlated A abd B OoHeev, WajitntalgOeorteBarkOodnjh. .1... BObhla, Ueae and No. I Mackerel. ' ' . " .';'" "n. Pick 8toon. ' ' '4, ' IOOba,Uyef Ranlni;1 1 ""Vi , T SOU. boido do t-!--.-' "'!'' do .':daTia .45 ".: Sfia.i.lH IOO a rjUnua, different brandi and padee. r. .,. WM. MoDOHAlD. AidlEkli-Booi: llantur ar, J ' 'j ft m -an a av - TVEtAIIItiK. VET MiV-iUi-V XJ v CALICOES ': HIBUOlla,. i ,s natt1 MIBBOIM. rana- aic-aTIO'TT rr; a 6UK1, Jaatepeaeday apVlw4 ai bt-i .aaa .''aaW "-',"iIL ' ' ' an tooiH .auaa u ; Ban hat reoelTed a new aitke of HOOP IKIB.fl lalakel la I aMnner far mperior to any yet Introdooed BWESmAOT.CjU W.,it-ifiH e-naiaiia no-i.-.l lln Hi rfil.elj ii ,vn. jJ aualtuS I "a .1 a-sue 'i'a tun m .WOKOESTER'S 'VMWTQPICIIOSARY- ltett-Tht ITfeit-.TbV.Bit, -' The ChetpMt Beeu till Beit. xuoit HiUkl.iliHMN An ' "fL.' , Mf Aatoeiii Joaor ojT 0A(a, -jx buz OLHH piOTIONAST 1IIAHT, 'Heit uepudel MaherM tbeanad WeMi, whoee maltlhirloai Beaalnn aaAderliaUeaa. oMetner . i . ewwet ipellnii, and propaaelatloa are clear at before the eye.'' j j ' , . ' 'out iboWm- y M HmUr tf Ihi OUa Slat . Mndent(rned,' nembert of the Ohio VtaU Teaobera' ..j "! "?" t aae la teaohut. entUai jnd epeaklnr, the orthofraphy as BreoaaolaUoa A " vaene Vlettonary. and we aioet eor- ateliy leeeoaiend It u the Boot reliable itaadard aa- Ipoken Zt.0,-"',l hnr!,? 11 7 f1"" Aroarwe, Prartdeat Kenyon Oollere. ' ' . lwTr, aperntendaot Saaeevtllelchoolf. THoe. W. UilTIT. Maot MaealloaCnlan Ichoali. . M. V. Oowout, Sop't Pabllo Behoole, Bandnaky. i , Jou Inm, ttapH ratille Bebaola. CiroleTllle . H. tinroRB, Principal Olereland fenala Sentea- WM , MlTCMI.f- MMmUWMkll BAVat If TT-I-. JOH OoDUt. frinolnal Bt.1 M..l ak.l Ul.. apta.i .... ! ,..'.VT7-'"i-. . T ' ,0mm Nu,?rlBolp4l f earth InUrnedlato school, OlnclnnaU. . . . . . ' JI. 8, Mth, Bup'tOantontrnloo tebooli. ' m,uwm aaaaa, moarpal MaNeelr Karaal leaeol. u T. TtrtkU, Prof. HatbeBatloa, Ohio Cnlrerflty. Wat. W. BDWAane, Sop't Troy Uatoa Behaol. A. U. Honim. Prlnelnal Waai llluh Byhnnl. land i ; 4 .. j A. Kdarex. AaaaolahtPrlBehiat ITt4i UtttmA. m. land '. ' ' TmoDoai Btiiiuo, Principal Hlih Bchool. Oler land. . ...... H. J. HonUrow, Prlndpel Olereland InaUtate. J. A. OaariiLS. Preildeat of Xleetle InaUtate. El- ram. W. L. ITiiim. Vnf.' e iShemMrv. 01,1a W..u..a Pnlreralty. . H. u. vAiaiT, Xx Oeulaatonerof Oonunoa lehoela, Ohio. Jam Uomoa, Praf. Rheterlsi Oherlla Oollete. Taoe. Bill, free! riant Antlaah Dalian. Haihenatlos, High 8ohool,DDii " nvanuiT. rroi. . CasMi amiiAuaa, Prof. Lanaati High School, Dayton. B.M. autaem, BapH Ueloi loaoola, Aahlaadl. ' 1 Mor Hum aim BvmArtA eW PrtMAtmtm tit Mia. pe, froftuort, AuViort md lHttiKfuiKd Idtuscf tort, ctvt mdorud Lie obo tmUmmt. PRESIDENTS OF C0LLE0ES IN OHIO. ' 'afaanrva Pm. r mMm . IY a, a MunHL. kd honor to the author, the publishers, and the whole eoun try. "-President Andrews. OHIO WatLaraa Uiw airW-MTt eivaai1a aaa-a-waala. Hone. It will be By guide - orthofrsphy and pronun ciation, end will efteaoe eemlteabyaMforlla neat and aoourate deflnltlone." Preetdeat Thoapeon. i W. R. Xcteot-o Osujss. "Ilsretofure we haToasad webeter'e orthography. At a recent meeting of our faeultw. It iraiTlsnlile. in ehaara tt in aanfnnn to thai of. Worcester'! Royal Quarto DlcUonary." President uarnew. 1 WaenkM BfttTa OotLrai. Sad It worth at cmiuui af(u.eaueji.'- rrasaieni aneaaooa. OnitLiR OoiXiaa. "It aiora than maata a aniaahi. Hone. I reeoBBiend It. sa the Bautdmrd author! re In orthoepy to ay children and By pupils." President Ann oca 0ofXBM.--."I adontand aha to aae hi teach Ina, wrttlm and soeaklna. the orthoeTanhT and nrannn. cumiow ue -nereeeiera a, oral vaarto utcaonary.'' rresiaeni run. n In all bt wrltlm. sneaklni. and ttachlna. I hare on. deavored to eon form to the roles for orthoeranh and proaamBUoaeaeeaeataed la Woraeeter's Diotlonarr." iiorava aaoa, law rreeweni. , . -A Ktirroa Coiutaa, GiJirta'. ! most cordially mom Bond It as the meet reliable standard authority of the Bngllsh language ee it hi now wrlltea and epoken." rieeiuent Aoaiews SCHbOL CO-iMISSIONERTOp OHIO. From ?. Ann erA, CmmluioHti: of Common " BeHooitt OMoS : . "The Dictionary Is sa Imperishable mocnmsnt to the learning and Industry of Its author, and an honor to the world of letters Tho aaeehanleal oiasutton la far aape rtor to that of any other Lexlooa with which I am ac quainted." . T Fron Bon.' B-B; Bornty. ' Xw- OOmmiuioiur of '1 f iMooU ta Ohio. i Th most reliable atandard authority of the iaa- - . wauy taa , , . . . Ijeadins Newrrpapera) of Ohio' Say. Jrom Pi4 Clmland Btrald of Mcm 28. The ertbogranhy of the Voroester Dlcttonary a that used by most. If not all. authors ol distinction In this country and Iceland, and eonforms to the general usage of ordinary writers and speakers. I Wheterer prejudlcee Bay hara existed previously, a eareful study of thle rohuaa will Inrarlably be) followed by warn appreciation- of Id greet merits, and a 4 eel re to add it to us well aeieates Merer, be tt lane or small. and will roawta aa imaeriaha- bl record of the learning of Its eompller. from Via OinoinnaH Qmnnroiai of April 90, .. i Here ere hnwarda at a handrad thonaand avmfa avwvt. 'bad and Indifferent whoee aultlferioaa Beanhns end derlratlons, together with their correct palling and pro nunciation, are set clearly before the eye. The work Is anqooationably the greatest Thesaurus of English Words rer published.".. J ..,.;;., Jrom M CltttUmd FlatmUaUr ofStvi. to. 1800. I Irldently Woacarne's RoTaa Quia to DicrroiuaT U 1 only if last, but Us asrr eeor f t4 ktnd r it sued, and can by no poMiblllty aojir by aoBpariaoa ot eontroreray . , ' - : ,. ,Vm th4jbldo MU&tcf Mafia. ,.,. to MaatnasiAtiiat. Woaaseiaa re wen Inniii fcllowed far ear beet aethers) ta aeaaltlons ha learee Nothing to he desired, and In 0iTwonur-rr It la lumolenl say that Woacanaa sea be safety followed. INGItAm be BRAOO, Pabllalaars, Baaksallara at tatlamcrs, HO. 101 BUPIRIOR BT., CLITJIAXD, OHIO. taaiS THE jWiTjA' BENEFIT , tINSlJRilNCJE .COMPANY, I 1 n API eT ' t ji. . 4. T-a ,' W'j ir U 18MTI..... v;M..,M,.M,,tlJli8lsS6 to. Statement Jaaaarr it lSSlf1 11 . Btience,' pef itateaenl Jan. iai, WCe.,l,40e. Reoelred for Prenlnm, dor-,, , . , , .., .,. , . Ting the, pear 10...K....7M,03 M ' ' leoelred tar Inlerest .dsrtpf . ... .:, s. ,k the year 1K00 814,014 19 - , T4Jbl receipt for lmW.:.. 8977.007 74 1 1 '' Paid 0 lalms by Death,9Q7,vM 00 Patd PotleMs eurrew ' lerw, -Taxes," 'Bl-'1 J change, eto 31,820 Paid OoaBlaaloni to . . , r AenU......,.jl,S? 20 I PaldPhyeldananeee, 5,M0 7S Paid Anntiltiae.k... HAIT uu:iV l ft nix' Paid Dlrtdends dor- , iniaoa ieai.Mb.KOog 73 501,091 83 411,978 14 Het Balinee'fmnaaiy tst. M81. I ' A8SXIS. I 'I , 3,eis so Cask aa aSnd.MVv.,Ue- ' UMtt in" ' Bonds and Uortgss on Real v , t .. ., .. , , Aetata, worth double the ameant loaned. ..... ..iw I arfjul a4' t.-': ( Premium Notee, oa Policies i ,,-,., . In rone, only drawing 8 pet eat.- InAereaaieaaaauaae J,S7 RB4 17 - Real Estate 1001407 Leans on scrip 8,931 44 Premium, Notes end Oaah, ta ' poarre of brsaamisaoea.,. t 4JU T8J 1 rt J"; tl'RK I Total Aasebi ..,,,.,1 tUlXJM M T(T5 Polldee m fans, lsexitUfi,v-tiaV41oHit8 1,438 sew Pollclsi hsT been Issued sarin; tba year, after a oeeful ealcutatloa of thd present ralae of the efltetondiasj .Polletee f tho Oaapany . aae) baring the Morseif-p; amotmi n reeerre therefor, tho Dkreetore hare declared a- pwsesna of 41 pereent. ea aha Prenl ums paid at the able rat as, to all policies for lite In force, leeued prior tojaaaary U Ute), pajaMa aeeordUg to the ? rbsent rale of the Company. ... Rat-sfor.airktadsof Lire Con tinges dee, ProepecW aase, 8 letomeatt, and Applications, will be fumUhed WaoT caesAJBjl or Atnoial ol. lbs floav nrm fe bout. fc. FATTBR80W, President. ' W w' hth aOVla7,TleaPialdaot. . . ! O. MHLER. Beoretary. ,. , ' -l A Wr1- AlaiBOItf AffHO, ,riisnr. .i.iiaZi. . 1 98. I88I.1 j- ,( I . .i, OelaambemTb."' R Hl2J.?irJ! 2 rriv" black AI DR888 SILKS, wf orert ereue The maaS aalaat i yVyO' WJM 'ga wHw WMaeaesBweeia ree-e. ,1 w aua.a 'imit t eutaj en aua.' t n aa r11- Ku a Kl in, awetava uisaatreel. ..I i,. i. i . ..7 11 " V IS 1 -iL.U-ia '..v 1-2.- ' i; .1 ar -"..An.. . i . effectual Atttrativi ,tnat can te mda, It tV t concentrated txtract of. Para Sarisparill so .combined with other substan.-ofsfiU greater alterative power as to. afford, art effco-' tire antidote for the diseases SaraapaiLU. is reputed to cure.'. It j Relieved that such remedy is wonted by .tlioso who euffer, ftora Struroous cpraploints, and that one, which will accomplish their cure must prove of trnrnenee lerrlce (o tills Urge djusof our eillioted SMaw. eitirene. How corppletely this compound will dp it has been proven by experiment on bias of the worst case to be found of the following complaints;. - vv ., r BCllirPUtA' Attrj SCROPiLOUS COMPLAINTS, Eatrpnoirs and Eacrrrvs Disbasis, TJlcbrs, PlMPtEl, BtOTCUBS, TOXOBS, SaLT JIUROK, BcalD Head, SrPKiiit amp Svphiutio Ar yxcTioKi, Mcrcukial Disbajb, Duopst, Navr ftALOIA R TlO DoOLODREOIt, Dbbiutt, Dr-ftr-sTA, A!fD iKDIOESltoK, ERr9IPEtA,, Jlo or t. Anthony's Pirb, and indeed the whole close of oomplaints arising Atrm iMToiirrr op ttn-BtAw. . ', .. Tliis com pound, .will Wcound a'great pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to) expel the foul humors which foster in th blood at that season of the year,. ""By the time, ly expulsion of them many rankling disorderi are nipped in the bud.s Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sore,-through wldch-tli? Tjystemili striveto rid Itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an, alterative medicine.- Clcanso out the Titiatcd blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruption or sores; cleanso it when yoa find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins t cleanse ii Whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder fl-lt, people enjoy .bettor health, and live) longer, for cleansing tlie blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ? but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can bo no lasting health. ( Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great maoWraery of life is disordered or CTerthrowfYi 'j;',; . ' ', SarsaparJIla has, and deervei eiujch,' the reputation, of. aeeeraplishiiigithese tnds; i Bat tlie world has beert egrcgioujly deceived by preparations of if, "partly "because , the drua alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to' be concentrated extracts of it, contain but Utda of tlie virtue tt .'Samparillit, or any tiling eiseu-1 . i int. .!.:! nr ...i.e. :- . , - poring late years th public have bepn mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of 8arsapiwilla for one dollar. AMost of these have been frauds upon the sick, for wey not oniy coniAUv JUtuo, ir any, Sarsapa rilla, but oCtan no curative croncrtiea whatov. cr. . Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various cxtraoU of barsapanlla which flood tho market, until tho narao itself is justly despised, and har become , ajTionymous witl imposition and cheat.' "Still we Call this compound garsaparilla, and intend to supply sucn a remedy as shall rescue the namo from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think wo have ground for believing it has virtues which aro irresistible by the ordinary run' of the diseases it is in ten d- eu ro cure, in order to Secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy ehould be judiciously taken according to directions on tho bottle. ;.,,'-: , r. - : ., .- ' TftEPARED BT .... , DK. J. C.; A YE It & CO. ' LOWELL, MASS.' . ... ! Price, A4 per Bottle Six Bottles for A3. ' Ayer's Ghcny. Pectoral has won for Jfcielf such a renown for tho cure of every varrety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it s entirely unnecessary fur us ta account tlie evidence of its virtues, ulicrever It has been em ployed. As it has long keen in constant use throughout this scotian, we need not do more than assure th people its euality is kept up to the best it ever has bern; and that ft may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever beca found to do. ' Ayer's QadiarSc Pills, :' . i .' ros, im oTrriB op ' -CoiftrmeM, ' Jaundice;' Dytpcpu'a, indigestion, Dytentery, Foul Stomacli, Etytiptleit Utadacht, Piles, lUiemnatitm, Eitiptims and Skin Diseases, Livsr Complaint, Divpsy, Tetter, Tumors arid Salt Iihexim, Vorms, . Gwif, Quralgia as a. Dinner Pill, and for Pivifjing tm Blood, fy They hre Kignr-coejat,' so that the' most uensi tire carl take them leanntly. and they are the beet aperient in the. world for all the purposes of ft fahrHytlrysie.- - - Prise 5 osntJ perBoif Plya bor'os for fEtO.j Great numbers of Clergymen, Phyejciurj,8oites. men, and eminent' perionoges, hare lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulnns of these : ramedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named IV nish. gratis our American Almanac in which they axe gives j with, also full desoriptioas of the nbov e coniplaints, oad the treatment that should be fol lowed for their euro. i 1.,. r i,. ,.j'.. I. . 'It Do not he aut off bv anerinc'ntef i!i!it1n with other preparations they make more . prolU on.',' j Demend Am', tnJ .Va m rtv..r 1 'rt.- .:,.t. i want the best aid there Is for, them, onil'lug ahuiUd-J H At. - - I- All our remedieavare for sale by . t AOBMTB A tlllnm, j flalnmhna And by Druggists and Dealers ererywhere. . . BOTk.17U.lwaw . . r r. - , , CA5ADIAII 4 HUTTED 8TATa MAIL BT"R A MEBS'1 19 T i.nt.f.., to an o FKOitt ;:r'5;-- 10ND0NDERRT, GLASGOW; j pyerpoQl, lVrontr'Quebw'a , e-v tt i . v l arid. - NJJW : The Montreal Ocean Steamship Company's Brat -class fall-powered Clyde-troll t B teamen sail every 8at llrday froea PORTLAND, carrying the Canadian and ,1 1 FORWEQIAN., UORTHAMERIOAH, I ' NORTH B&ITOoT, ' ' HIBBRNIAN, ' " ' WAA01A, -KO V A BtJlrtlAB.I 1 Shortest! Cheapest and Qnf elccatcoii ,. ..' .k.. ntun f .am 1 aesbica to ait .mil or iroopi' ', 'itatea ot Paawre to Europe, u,.-. ....... 930, tjae, sso. v. ,t, - VTIll nil from LIVERPOOL every Wedaaadaw, and from QUBHE0 every Batnrdap eajllnaat UlNDOMDB&RY. atreoerre on board and land fctaluand rasseneera, la aaa rroa uaianeaad Soot land. - , . 'ItTTbeee Bleamert are built of Iron, la wabar-thrat aompartBenta, carry each an experienced Burgeon, and every anenuoa te paici te ue comfort and accommoda tion of paesengers. Aa thmroteed direct to LON DON-' DERY, the gieat risk and delay of calling at Bt, John'l It avoided. aiaagow paeesugsrs ar famished with ran pa era re tickets to and (ram Leodoadarry, -' i , t tu K Retnrn Ucksis granted at raduoed rata., , r,,.r. ,..,, Oerttflcatee lesued for carrying to and bringing out pas atriisr frea all th principal towns of Greet Britain and Ireland, at reduced ratea, by thle liae of stsaaier, end oy ine n aouinoiun Lona vs ytpl't xAUAATar learlng Llrarpoel tvery week: , . k Bight Draft lo t and ttpwArd mklolaiKBtlaiid, Ireland. Sea 1 ) aatatia err waits, Per jaaeage, apply at th Offlea'tS RROADe WAV, New itorke and WYKH BTe UW ' ,. ,.-( . 1 liBltA IXABIX, Osnaral IgeoU, - 'e J. R. ARMSTRONO. ' aolQ-bdAa Post Office, Cottuabaa, Ohkv l & Sin T HAYB TH11 DA r Admitted hit A ton JAMBS Al)lia BA eat, which will het after be conducted under the Ana "rtt'l: tll AIM,99 boulh Uth8t..t LIE n aa mmm, n mm VVtMWtM AVaaaa Ifwj ftblS ' ni-lB ."ae,a, a;, r;t) jhffotoH1 ST - --w wnarrftf,' nay Uutting SheBpoeatB, OurlUi g aae) Dreeemg tfcloon, X,t e.afe Street, ejvae IM Peel Officer where tatiefnotioa "will i ae aiWB sa u rarrous erani-hre.' I n.lioa and ! Cblkireawfialr A rearm ten h the tt ,,il:',i $i Me Summer Arrangement Little Miami & Columbus & Xenia T-!!.r--"" RAILROADS. Fof tolM'atJt,'i)aytoii A'ADpapolii! ThroirghWlWIafiabolIs wlthontjChsngtj o? 5ari .'X'ofal VnChtog8.oC'(Xra' b.etareB.jea J Ji( r j, CielumbaBatid BULoois.d d , .,t i:l l it ' 'w iw llsan Four Traini Daily frool Colttmliu! . -4 5.)t!(ff MS ' III .. .li' iQ ilu.l.-. i l!', H frfrja rprj 'a"tJw -"O10la AOOOHUODATIOtf at S a. m., stopping at aU sta tions between Oolumoos and ClnoLnnatl and pyton, ar strlkf at Otnetonatl at to OS a - B., and at Dajton at fie a. ai.k eeaneotto g at' Dayten for iodiaaepoHs'i atd the West. " ',i.imip irustUa! SECOND-TRAIN, i ; IXXPMSSat 11 a.Ji,totplBirstJ's(rcrMiD, Loerfaa, Oaafleatoa Cedarrlila, Xethv Sprlaf Valley, Oorwin, Preepurt, Port Aaeteot, Morrow St., Lebanoo, Poster's, Loreland and Mllford, arrlrlug at ClnolDnaU at 30 p. b., Dayton at 9 43 p. m..coopecttni with th Ohio and kliasl.slpul Railroad for Louisville, Ky., Vlnl eennea. Cairo, St. Xoats. New Orleana,, etc.; at Dayton! for Iodlanapolia, Latayotte, Iorr Baate, Ohkago aod tU Western points. , .y.fc J rne , n !,; . THIRD TRAINS) val I HAItyat 0.10 p. m Stopping at all -'ludon Iwtwfei ftoluiaboe and Xaola, sad at Spring Valley Oorwin, Morrow sad Lore iMd.arrlrUig at tiiucAiietUt 9 a, m. ,UA tii FOURTH TRAIN. ' 1 HIOHT XXPttEdS, TlS Dayton, it 00 BldnTghtl capping at London, Xeala, Dayton, Mlodletowo and Uaaillton, arriving at tlinelnneUat SS a. Day ton at 2. Ma. m.; conncotlog at Cincinnati with the Ohio and misslielppl Railroad lor Louisville, ErauevUle, Vlneennes, Cairo, 8t. Lonls. Memphis, New Orleana and all points South and Boath-westr also at Daytoa loranoiaDepoiis, L,ayeiie, Terra liaute, Uhicago, elo. 4 lU" Por further Information and Throueh Tlokei apply to tt,L. EOHERTV, IJeke Agent, Unlea Pepot, . ., . , . P. W. 8TRADER, i 'H i ,1,1 . A Oeneral Tleaet Agent; Olnclnnatft JN0:1v1OHBRTYV v :, fj V ir-n-sa'.3Tjt' AiSB BotasjABf, , ,,,,!) ,,i ii ! i H. W. WOODWARD, v. , c tt '" . , ' ,. Superintendent, Oinclnnati., Oolnmbns. July W, .1801' " - ' EAST. CENTRAL OHIO AND AND Steubenville Short Line RAILROADS COMBINED! nCwC3 ' ' cossECTisa LlIiub mi;n thb; ' B ALT I M 0 R E; (StLlO ri l b; ..,,0 LAND AX PITTSRUBGH WITH SUB K t"- PENNSYLVANIA CEHTnAL: Shortest, Quickest & Most Reliable .'1' '.Route ltd all Eastern Cities i I, Trains Leave Columbus as follows r:... " 0. . it. ; I MORNING EXPRESS ' rrux . Learc Oolembae 3.30 A. 11. from Union Depot.' via neuaire or BteuDonriiie t arrlvee at Bellalra, 1U.W A, M. i Btenbenrille. 12. SO P. U.: Plttsburib. 3 40 P. M. Harrlsbnrg, 1.10 A. M.; via AOmtovm, arrirea at New York 8.00 A. M.J mia Philadelphia, arrrrei at Phila delphia, S.10 A. M.t Now York, 10. JO" A. St.- Oonnectt also at Uarrlsburg for Baltimore, arriving at'7, A. ab Sleeping .Can attached '.to. tbis Tram Prola OolaBbaa. ran dlractl throaett aa Bellatra ot PttUbnrgh without change; and Passenger via A Ilea- wwDKimisnew iflHSISAiU., .. i ICTtWO H0TJB8 IN ADYAN0B OS. NORTHERll iiniss. , .1,1 . . . " t b . I ' This Train alio connects at Bellalre with the - Raltlmnr) anrl fiMn Rallrnarl si?! : s PITISDTJRail EXPRESS. .i:i Ii f )eooi Stenbenvllle; arrives at Newark. IS 30 P. M.: Coshoc ton, B.1S P. M. Btenbenrille, 8 P. M.; Pltt.lmrr, 8.40 r. ea. II rite a tneennr ntnta bv whloB Paaeenevni can learc Cincinnati tt 7 Ai M.. o thron.h La futat burgh in darllght, without change of cars or delsy., -J .. PAgtLItlX., . T .i,..,;,l.t ... Learee Ootutnbus 3. IS P. M., from Colon Depetfvia Bellalre: arrives at Newark, 3.S3 P. M.J ZanetviUo,, 4 33 P. at l Bellalre 7 .83 P. M.t Plttitmnrh. 11. SS P. M.i Uarrlsburg, -9.00 A. M.; rla AUtntown.-tnin at New York, 4 P. U.t wOs : JAiadeipAts arvtree- Pblladeliihis. 1.10 P. M.; New Kork. tt P.U. Thti Train alto connect! st Uarrlsburg for Baltimore, art, rlvinga IP. Mr T' "- '-' ' Xbie Train rans thraart ta Bel a t or Plttebunrw thw. out change ol Carat and from Pittsburg there esjao change of Cart to Philadelphia, or via AlleBUw, U NtwYerk thai offerlag . av :. . t-S.' -iH-iO ' U f)10 I ha onlv Kouta Irora Golunhua ta Haiti mneav rwudeijidia, or XVew x or k, with onlj aoU , .1 ii.-- wfr tHA'--w warn, tt, 4 .jtv Ay Oil Train? Passea Pars "Tartiv In Wcw Yo'tkdVe boors In adranoe oi the Northern lines, v r; a -m i This Train alio connects tt Bellnk with theBaltlmdre and Ohio R,R. ... - CTThls Route Is 30 mile shorter to Pittsburg, sou more man iuv mne snorter to ic New. Yerkr than Northern Lines. V. ,.'! e i . 'ii .fi ii.a i'.i- vO. t V M Baggagt Cheoked THrontrlt to "all im- It.: ,;-a;.portMlt Polatl Eait,K 1 , ' !e:'u;l -w - i- i- i I, I ' j.pi iiio "'A8K POR CT0K1 T8' VIA r.5'"1'" ; SULIUAlllfil ViV OlCiVCClil V1LLL, t - . . i ' .-,-iiet. ui oj-M f.l. !!..'!. 1 1 eu ia.ll .J tlv IIL .'1 WW, BBUWB, g J.lJ i ,Qn. Ticket Agent Central ubioR. R, !.3il 7. vi' ? f.'A. HOTCniNSONV , Oen. Tloket Aretstulrrrlle Bhort Litter J , JelS ,)-. ,. .,,'( ton wm ai Tifi I I ' 1.. IIWI'P .' !!) ill a ill ... e4 AGR1CULTU11AL-WAREHQ1ISI AidBdc.; 11 til i-i);'. :A1U bit) I -t-U ni i Ht ri. (SEALER. .- i generai.;hardwArM NAILb, GLASS, SASH, PDTTY, OOHJWfla, '' 11 Gait's, riatols, WoetJr'Xl'l,lloif iaea ! ffiSIoft'? lcisA-U; .Hji i ita i ,r?',n V vn m li!j it'irT rri t " ' . . I . ' . 1 . ! ., S '- r-r-K ."HI , t - .woiviiauu neauaerauieaia, Paris Ktd Olores snperior make.,., ai. U1J Golden Bllt Shlits, various styles," , " . , t RnWOnUtaal Hill Shlrta. )n " P " 1 .1 1. , j J . n , . b l , ; .DrirlBf and Steaet aievartoij I ,o-)titai a )-.J , Hemmed packet utMUronief VSItOilt styleev.w i aprillo oe M.twO X'1 Ko.'tSBoolh High! etreef." "SQrJETHlNtJNEV:: I . ff i ' jl tin? : " 'xjH ,t"ii evtfan av JUL o iW- zv iiv1 & u ii : lt )'U V'J t .1 A 7IAB.SJ M. T JtU 3, fiUUIll XI I U II ST., TAUIU r AexalllJIP fU uow lUeVavtj ot AM E R I C AM-WATC H E S. MawMrored by i fiOWARl' A CO 5 Bb.ton' Tkese Watohe ar far Mpartee ta aaythlng ere otered v ine puuiio, ucrvwiarw utidi auvwequtiT egeacy, tt 4qunotiired V AP(I,X INaTB AC Y, A CO taao, s TitJoealalaNeekeiahcr Stjarft."1! . I n x i tl " Brroa ami Harrow Collar;'"-'' " 1 fliaetortajentof.i f.-isrit b mit isa Jtuur9f Bt?l,UiaJIX SWlXA TATOBSS 1 I , S ita Sold ted UvwCsaesi at PeMoyrtttsvi til T " iiaiac J d 1 V; t.'U S-n.nji 'fix at g1 " Ijslly, per year..' .f?,;H ,.Y 00 Pit-Weekly, per . , ar. , o Weekly, Pariej.a.,,, 1 00 NATIONAL LOAN. To the Citizens of the United States. mlad '"-YOBPtNattoall eAmeDl,V6'iiTpc!led I guilty eoBtpiey. oTilawstmg W esmelees rt surMoUtvt,p tgaBed,,la War.oibt sorty a rfiVorfeL e3Pn"J Pt Uw, foR,ha defenee ofarrilbri;- and lor the maintenance of Popwlaw Iditltodorm." Fo taeahs to defray thk . taw war, your lODgraS baa directed that sq appssl be soaiU to yoa, Jv Opening' a' anbtcrlptiop to a National, ioauwof One HiMrtd and Fifty Million, of DaUor. . t Altesayttaa oigk)teoed and pr!btIoTcp'Ifalr ists of the great cities of New York, Beaton and Philadelphia. htrimnifetad;; their eieat scrliB boto'bt duty od Interet, by the suhscripr tlon of Fifty MillloBir 6f LVblUrs ' ' - The Act of Cougioraj antler which this subl ecrlptlon wasrecuUed tUelj provides, boweveri that the advantages is well aa the patriotic "iiN iafactlou of participttioa lattits Lian shall b ouerea, not to tne a4taiists or the great eitieS only, bat to the ptoalt of lb whore ocmotryi .. In otiierto- aecurtia ettbataatlall reward Tor their public fpitjl ,lbot wboa attrlotUm p.'ompiA.tbeiB, io, -this hoeroT trial, ro' piAoei tbeit mount as the disposal of Mis Goveramebt Congrees.has directed that Aa interest of- seven end tbree-tsntbs per oentam be paid on the fev ers! amounts subscribed- an interest not liable) to State tazatioOrbul constituting tot the ob. toribers a revenge, not only oertain tn receipt: but greater In amount than oati.beeipected from any ordinary ioveetmeot. And, 1x4 order to afTord to all eitisens equal opportunities Of participation In' these tdran tages, Congress has farther, directed that sobj tcription be received for turns as small as fifty dollars, as fell ss for larger amounts; and that, should the Sabacriptlqns exceed the whole sun) desired, the smaller be preferred io the diatribui tlon. "-i t"h-it" 1- m I Each, subscriber, on payment of 'his Sub scription, will be entitled to receive iTreatury notes of equal amount itj such deopminttions as he may prefer, whether of fifty, one lunj dred, five hundred, one tbouaahd, or fire thoui tand dollars. .ei.etavjni--d. The interest, at 7 3. 10 per annun .Will b on the notes of fifty dollars, one cent; oa oos bun' drcd dollars, two cents; on five hundred jiol lars, ten cents. On one thousand dollars, twent centt and on five thousand dollars, . one dollar All Treasury botes issued will bear date oi the 19.h of Angnst, 18G1, snd will carry inters est from that dsto,'' Etch note 'win have1 eouw pons attacbed ezpresaiog the teveral asaoanta of semi-annual interest; which oonpons may 'be uewcuca irom tae note ana presented ror pay menseparatelvvi! '' - - 't.., r j-Each subtcriboi may pay the whole amonnt subscribed at the timf Qf, subecription, oy, If ha prefers' ta do go,, may pay one-tenth at tbst time ana Vne-tblrd every twentieth day there after At eaeh payment the accrued interest on tne amount from the lfJth ef August' to the date of payment must alio be -paidi and 'the amounts oi mtetest tout paid wl be reimburs ed in the payment of 'ho first coupon., ., , . , Iff order' to eecure beyond peradventure, the: punctual psymetit of interest and .the crsdual reduction ot the principal, Congraes has provid ed by law for on annual revenue amply sutticient uui uuiy iur mu purposes, out, lor tiM. prompt payment PC all demands on aco juut of ordinary ernendlturea'.' - .- - It will be seen at a glauce that not only id the wholo' property of the country pledged lor the Interest and final reimbursement ot tbis loan, but that an adequate. specific proportion ol the annual production is set apart, by taxation, for too redemption oi mis pledge), frompt pay ment,' bejood contingency, is thus insured-M ? , ; ; Nor catr this Uxatlou be thought great, when compared 'with the magnitude of the objects of the contest, or with the amount of property And production, ', ' - - ; v ,.. .. ..,;, Tbe objects are Union, popular Government, permao'6ut peace, security. at home,: respect abroad: all ininerllled bv unnrnvnkerl rl,allinn Thi Intelligence of tho Deooieoomorehenda at once their magnitude. ,.They ilea above TheV be lone to no Administration. ..Th ceru the whole country, during all time, under every 'Aaminiatratiorr, ana in every relation, foreign; and domestic. ti ,ui'i; ,u. v" And the meant tar thi elLilnmant af iK. great obiecta cap be readily supplied from the property and production of the countrv. The real and personal values la Hie' United States reach the vast aggregate of sixteen thousand salmons of ; dollars; and in the btales new loyal 40 the Dnloo, this aggregate is eleven thousand jnilllon8. """'- - Tbe yearly eurphis earnings of tbe loyal peti ple are estimated, by Intelligent oersons cn,i. sent with such InrcstTgations, at more than four uunurea minioos or dollars; while tho, well considered- Judgmetf 'rgf military tneu'ol; (he highest rank andrepati warrant a coofldant ex? pectatlofl that the' waT," prosecuted with energy, uuuiKnuu Dim, tuHj ue orougni to a lorralua tloa before the clots of the bext sprlngj is which eveBt tbe cosr beyond the revenue wifl hardly exoted the amount of the two-hundred and fifty millions loan authorised by Con grew. " im uuw acunony m an oranoneeei the pnbllc Service, the toul expenditures' for all.objsots, military, naval and civil, in this Vatr of wrap netd not exceed the ordinary' expenditure! of TJ-t '.r I.- . - ! . : r. uiw sniiaiB orrruoi id yean oi peace ! And la it unreasonable) to bope that tbe auspl- fiions result nf nptna maw ha intta. . kA reflections of th citizens of the Slates in insur- recuoni inai may will review their act on: weigh their own wIfae;"6n8lder tho dispoei- uu wv tu pwuptoot taa wuoie country to reo. benise all their eonstttutionsl rfehts and tn al. Iow them their full share ly the bentflts bf the ommon Government, and jenw taatalkoian.a to tbe Union wbrsbria-ao vil bouv, th'ef have L . J -I at a. ... , . . . .7 fecu .ciupteu iu turow oa r mil iney UOl jfe- fleet that the war, Into which 'the Government f f the Unrorr hat beelt Constrained, It Sot A war or tbeir subjugation, but Wr. for, national ex stence, and that ah auspicious... result,, to the Uoioa; will benefit as largely tba States in la iurrxotlon as the States which havtr remained toyan i.v.oi.. ,' . w v...a .vWl i However this may be, the duty of tbe Na- Sional Governments'tta ne constitutionally con tltuted agent of - the people, admlu of no ques tion. ''The war, made necessary by Insurrection Sod reluctantly accepted 'by the Government, tnuM be prosvjcnted with all possible vigor tmtil the resioration of. tbe just authority of the Union shall insure permanent peace..,,,- j t ' j The same good Providence. wUokonduoied dur fathers through Ihe diffloultles and daBgera hioh beset the formation of the Union, baa grtoiously strengthened our habtfs for the work ufltt Bresorvstion. a0 rmx. " I Thecroraof theyearar amrlrnt3raAar!r.a ana Darns are every wnereiau; Tbe CtplUliats of ths country come bheerfull foaaarrl .tv - sain the credit of .the GovernmeotctiAlMHiri. iao, even In advance ef this appeal; then of til ocauraUloot seek to share toe honor ttd tba a. vantages of tbejoan, Never, except, beeaus of uia Kuimraiy ucprtsBiuu causea oy in rebel-, lien and the deraugem envoi buaibesa occasion fed by it, were tbe people of the United Biata In a better condiiloR.tQ tMMiatrreafeonteat than ttOWv n t,- , . V Under these favoring. olroumstanees aod fbr these grand objects, 1 shall, irrparsntnc'of tbe act of Congress, Cttnse books of tubsctiptiaB to be opetjed aa speedily u prtotioahls La .tee. sev eral allies and principal, towneof tbe-'lfaited 6tatei in order that all citiren who -del9re" to aubsorUt tTAthe loan may have tte opportunity 01, ,,jiietBJUiie tna woe preier that course oan remit any aum.whioh they .niav.da. eire to invest In the loan to the Treasurer of the vuievu oiswewai vr aanintrion, or toe inerorth Aasisttot'tTrtMsrirerhJ af Boston, ' Ne'.' YorF.'t olphl5t Louis, or te Iba-moeltrrrf t jUsoioaatt, whose eervi Set M will entitle tha koUstue ToptawrfBtrt Jta the torts, .trtady u.uJM-t,ii ia.i.jui.n.-inn, ,.,.t; i to be doubted, wlirpTbdiptiy4 respond to thalui eral'wIsdtwesT bir rwresentativew.1'' S. P. CHASE, Secretary of the Treasury. Important Special Order from Gen, From at. SPECIAL ORDER NO. 106. SPECIAL ORDER NO. 106. HEADQUARTERS WESTERN DEPARTMENT, SPECIAL ORDER NO. 106. HEADQUARTERS WESTERN DEPARTMENT, ST. LOUIS, August 30, 1861. n ine Lomiandlug General sincerely regrets uat uc nnotrimecewsary-to make any reproabl te the patriotio-army nnder bir eoaiiriaod. x tl ,boBa 'herigjd enfuroemtui of 4itelf pline and the good example of tbe mast of tbe enlightened soldiery which he hat the honor te wau.iwoaie uewa oen..'iutnffleot- to correct 1 good-aine.tbtXiirrtgultiiaMand tloeaee ef bS whri. have wUeeied discredit upon oua aausa and ourselves, ' But tho extension of Mrti4 l.w io an ine owietrr m staurl. WndArad ami: .dealt !tMtaeeUy tn tttl tinhaoDV oaaduinaaHM, tiers M quanj,meraHve to oallJUe aa-iayi. good pder and rigorous discipline, a, 1 .They are reminded that'ibd powW to fifiici thenairdiBry eevoHtles of the rroW govern log (lsw is riaid'y confined to few; Who are td do. ueia stricny . accountable oy, its exerplee Tbcy are also reminded that the same necetsi ty wblrh require the establishment ot Martial Law. deraatide ale I tbe enforoemSnt nf'thi 1 Military Law. which goveros theraselvee with tne 9iub euaueu severity. Tbe Comrnanding Generil, therefore, strictly prohibits ail vexa tious ff oceeotnge calculated" utmecesaerily to narrate .tie ciuseni, aha ail unaotborlrerrtelt ores . and destruction . of nronerte in caees oi military necessity, ot and Tor wbion the officers authorizing or permitting It, wjll be held striotitrand'lpereonatlv resoonslbie All ofCoericommaudingdistrioa, posts or detoek- mente, are enjoinea to use tbe utmost prudence and circumspection in tbe diacharee of their" duties. Under tbe circamstances. a strict ohJ dienoe tcorders, close- attention to duties and an. earnest , tlfot to peoteot and avoid harraes log Innocent pejsons, ts requested and expected everywhere Irom officers aud men. " . ' , I ' The Commanding Oeneral trusts that tie Wfll find lew oeoasiout torentoacb tba trocra. J He Jiope And ; believes that he will find nany to J. C. Major-General Commanding. State of Affairs at Richmond. A Iticiimond correspondent of the Cbsrlestoc a"Tbere Is universal 'eomnlaln. 'maHe" of 'the! .want of efficiency In- the commissariat depart tnut. . lt wee Jelt severelvand immadiaulr alter uie, Datfie pt, Wnaasas.-. .Uur brsve troops, partlculufly the' eick and wounded, suffered greatly? Some br-thB troop wete without pro vinous front Saoday breakfast until Tueedsvy alter the battle. Since then it has occurred more than once that . many have been without food for twenty-four hours. Great indignation is leu inrangnout tne army and in Kicbmond ou account ot this outrageous and unendurable Inefficiency. v The efficiency of the army is im paired and even Its movements retarded through toe wane or supplies, l learn it oss been, and is, a matter ef bitter complaint and earnest re monstrance by the aommaodlne; Generals. And not only is there a want of, sufficient quantity, but the provisions are not good are, in fact, positively unwholesome'. It is not onty so at toe camps tn ralrtax county, where tbe army is largo, but also in other oamps. A great dealol sitkneds is the natural consequence. One regi ment bear Aqtiia creek has lost sixty men, and another thirty; ' Tbo weather has been Intense ly hot, and the great mortality is attributed by me troops to oad provisions, unsuitable at any time, especially during such a season. The country people, camp traders and sutlers, too, in the neighborhood of Frederlckabnre and Aquia Creek, charge the poor fellows most ex tortionate prices fur. everything they buy. I have heard it is 'the same In other places, but that It is there, I am assured' by the beat au thorhy. iij-.i.-.n . ;:;.; .... And nolouly is the department of subsistence in managed, but lb equally indispensable de partment (o the mobility aad efficiency, transpor tation, is also lamentably behind. " It was the condition of these two branches of. the. army wnicn prevented uenerai Beauregard from ad vancing to meet McDowell, as he bad iutroded. It was his nnprerUrednrae' In these whltYnre- venttd him from following the defeated enemy from AUass4as..i it ia these which- bow para lyze htm, prevent a forward movement, and ate daily losing the South substantial fruits of the great victory : Beauregard has used ' superhu man eiertious, aad eteuggled Against terrible and unappreciated difficulties aud discourage ments. His great determination and the pluck of his troops have accomnlliihed wonders. But the Executive ii inrrfia la a huge obttaole to success, and the public interests peremptorily require that no man, or set of men, should Stand In the way. " ,. ' " ; tso 'ts ol -v.1!"1 ' 'i ,;:,'.;0 , ' ; Fighting among the Indians. t-The Brownville (N. T.J Advertiser Bubllthee is, letter from Major Baker, agent of tbe.Otoes ana lissouri indiaos.dsted Aug, lUtbt w.blcb gives ad iccountof a terrible fight among tha xaoians on tne piiBsr"v " " u" ' . I -iThe OtSefe and Pawnees were bantihs buffalo ion the Saline Fork, with every prospect of kill ing all tbey wanted, wben tbe combined tribes pi .Siouav Kiowas, Ckyennn, 'Arrapahoa Bid Lamancbes attacked the rawnees with a supe rior; force. The Pawnee's Immediately called on tbe Otoe, who were encamped 'near by end 1o fttH Vty, for assistance.' Notwithstanding the Otoes had forored u alliance with the Pawoeee lor their mutual, protection, the Otoes refused to help them'The Otoes witnetsed, the fight lor about six notrrs, anring wnicn time tbs f aw pees sent four or five messengers te them bee ging tbeir assistance, that they were being cot to pieces oy vastly superior nu tuners, inat tneir peaa enter ana teaaing orave were Allied, une Of tbe Otoe who was ia the fight reported tbst hestw thirty dead PawneeSi .n.-i .0 nM I The Otoes had a thort council, the result of Which was tbst tbey should strike for home at fast as thevoouldj conteqntutly tbey struck fonts and left white the fight was rsging. They came by way bf Fort Rsiley, and reached home In seven dais., Tbey reported tbst. tbe Paw- Bess were. completely turrotinded by Irom tevea to ten tbouisud warrior; that tbere pot tiouuy oi tbeir esoapei tnat tneir enemie were killing them ofT at tbair leisurevapdihad ex pressed their determination not to;jtop; until they had wined tbe last they had from exisienc. and the Otoes firmly believed that, would b their fate.' But last eveninir a r'unnew from tha Pawnees' arrived, here, and reports that tbePawM nees bad exirioatea tnemseives.and cot swat. and had got Idbbs far at the Little Blue, detti tute ot provisions; they conld not go.. home without subjecting themselves te etarvatloa, so they concluded to go back la tbarcV of byffalo. I ne utoes are. very muau aisbesftepe taey hiave Incurred he6jep'leojur:"pf, .tbejtw nbes and their enemies, thd i$ Is doubuulwoetb. er tney win venture on f buuji sgaij kui ft son. n-'-eW t -tut B .at ;j A-T - SosLLOPtD To'aAToW.iTa'tie'Sne isfae to matoes, perfectly, ripe; calJ.tbem to loosea fbe skins, and then peel tbero; bover th bottom, of the dith thickly wlih' bread, 'crumbs, adding a f tw bits of frtoh butttr: then put In a Uvee of tomatoes, seaaooed sli fib with, A little salt and cayenne, and a UtIe Votjderel mace, or nutmegi cover them, wllh another layer id bread crumbs aud butto, . then aaothervUjt ot seasoned tomatoes, atidpfocetdi thus, till th dish is p with bread otqmbs Mt tbe. dish iu. eiQderteioyejn.and bake it nearly three hour 'r'o v 1 V 'I . . . tllt.1'1. ! . Jtosh J4fletf Goods,.,,, , vn vvtAftllAlfTV'n fete Jhaewar. ' J ' lAiwn BhM ByiiD ' V kin tnj'twv. 1 aMtPtioR koh nwym Huont. " v - bHr.tlkrmnttndPllowwbge . I'liuJ Tlnuu'"PM,na Lor't ' I -r rw;aai-oanu i,u sites. . et.i.11 .1- .-I.lrs TowellinrtanilDiiirt Ltaea MKnt:laeakd D'Oy act -.. f- -I.lnta Ttbre ViwLUSaud Satin Dtmaake. .) ti Q -Lltjcu Towels with oelored bordurfci i j " 'Ll,lnrn Stair Ooverlntrsand Ctaah. ',. r XVuavS ereaieet lteprlcee. M .1 litrx a bobi febSS- No.St BoathUIhiUesU .r--i; i '"II t i n , TV HUNNEWELL'S Bur a '-COUGH REMEDY. iiIrlr:-Xijl7i. .i.) rutot. mlVW"'" .b, Bcladng, with Beet perfect results, Waoonae Oooea, Oamono aib Ooaiioa- CocoHe. Asoacaui, aaa TatoaT OottrLaurr. slwaye forernnseni ot Coneuaptloa. as Sooraut. Bmorlt has no toper lor.1- treed Trots all Opiate or rn.'rperco'"0 "- CEtEBftAED ,ali ...-a.T?IU T0LIf'AN0DYNE, Ttrs OaaaTtrr NaToaaA Out ever offered to U world, oontalnlng Sot a particle of Opium, aor any tut, stance but He etrlctty raewtahl aad attdleel properties A sure Remedy for KtoaaLOu,, Rairtumni, Oon Tooratro Baa Acws, Oateiea, Rota oa lev Pavtai and all minor Hervoue Coeaulalnten r , , . foe Lots or Suit, and BeedacB tn an ta vanetlei, It hat no equal, aad to white, stoat thtdeabted taetaonl als are offered. ...j . ... , , foa bBLiaica Taomalt Is t mett perfect reaaedr ' ton Bowbl OoMrLauttaeltei nmovfng the pain It acts ts a phrsie.a moat unnoritot eoainat talia Uia m. rtory effecte ot 0ilum. " 1 . to rojtiemat, ront mas aoa Trial aattlee will be tent and toDtawaorlavaltSadaecrljiUvs saafuM wltheai "pottage-stamp." . , Prepared under th tporial tvperrlsloo of JOHN I,, BTJHNEWELL, , r , , cBiaorr ute rwjutaacacTmr, sTo, ".Coramarelal Wharf, Boatoa, tte. To whom please direot all eeoaanleatlont. Prices Large Cough Remedr, 50 cents per bottle Bmtll BJ r tr Tela Anodyne, . , So Ml ft' Portal br th atual whuleeale and retail da.i... ererywhere. -J ' - JtUHKKTB BiMUBL,-- N. B. MARPB. JOHN R. OOOK, J. M. Dtt.fltJ. fl. DBNIQ A BOB.' A. . BCUTJBLLEB A SON Bayl7-wly , . , , Agestt for OolBakus. Ohlu. STONE'S BAZAAR. N"o. 4 QwArnne Blrx :k. A. 1 STONE & 0'HAKRA AHENaWKEOKlTINOTsfCIK tfliv. TER GOODS, and atnrlta tha n..h,. l, I. .. - . 'luea. No such stock ef tleeae hat ever beta brought iu uiisiuaraet. in sou ra, moeaeegjuence or tne ftllurt of tbe grain orop, bat not bee a able to parehaee the as ual quantity of rich goods, and thle fact hat foroed t!ib Importer! to eell them at public auction. Our buyer (Mr. Btone) being la New York st thee lirgt mlea, tuu ( adrantare of them, snd we can and will tell our good, here, at lees thaa any on wh aarohuedtwoweektslnc. paid for thea In New . York. Our stock It complete iu trery department of ' I ELEGANT DRE33 SILKS, . OTTOMAN VELOURS. BROCHE VALENCt AS, PRINTED MES1N0S, -, , , -y PRINTED COBURGS, ;w '. 'DYED COBUOSt BLACK ALPACAS, , . ,T . ORLEANS; t ' : ; ' t FANCY WOVEN FARRICS. ... : ' - ALL WOOL DELAINES, :. PUr-UNj. PRINTb, DELAINES, SHAIYLS AND CLOAKS! " Five'Thausand Dollars Worth Bought in One Day,- I LADIES FURS, : HOSIERY ; DEPAJ.TSLENT, ! Men's, Ltdlee sad Children1 Under ShUI and Drawers, Ladles, Misses an I Children' Hotlery ot til klndt in Wtol and Lamb's Wool; fleecy Lined tee Oottoa rtlnvM of erery Bake. . . -,' also J A complete aesortmeut of all the usual varie ties Of !. .,' . ... LADIES', CLOTHS, v CASSIMERE3, - ' ';' ' ' OVERCOATINGS, " ' -'' f . '. TWEF.DS, FLANNELS, .... RIBBONS, . . DRESS TRIMMINGS, Ladies and Oentilinea Cambric Hand- . , ,T , kereWea,,Ao, ... , To pertens who call oa as, w pleJge our words u show ihea the Unrest, best and chotnott stock of aat. ever etn la thle- market, er pay thea one dollar per deol-dlyStawltw." I BTONI A O'RARRA. ; HEW t -) tf Spi Lng . . & . ARRIVALS " 'OF.' ' " ' : Summer t Aliliinery. ii .. im tstooJC zteplenisaioel - i'v-rA.TT.'v,n"u"" i .t-t ,.-- rno.HLATEJT intPORTATIOAS OF ! '-' 1 MY STOCK OP : - Bpring'& Millinery , If bow OOJspWte, coeaprartg srwry variety of MUla" try; also, a Urge assortment of Embroideries, Hotlery j Sad Notions, A., oad la quantities and prion that oaa-, ot fall te salt all who may favor ut with t tali. Th , toeds htrt been bombt stftnlc prices, snd will te tcld ' ttasmall adncte en carl. ' " ' 1 ; I31.1).; '1 ut-n.r ! ' : .:Il i .v.. -a J. tit.i MIL1VIB EET' o vt.i. t I Mis MiCYOUNOs late DfKevrYork City, InSetrpeiThtvmllne Mflllntry Department 'llsr long ' 116000 la th most lohlonabl Ittehlliaatat la dnjwtfl tJonebe a waxraaiy. that the wlU be ahli 8lrtenthrtlsfacUon In auttcrs of tatt to all who r Bay fkror her with their ordert. th Ladlst Of Columbus and vicinity wilt 'umasl ar ospt ary sincere thanks far their lftieral rtrenaft, axd I would laeaectiully toUcIt a eeattnuaaee tt tk stayt. j " -' It H. f' WARE, f I tf Gttt Twa Rt.i Celanska, 0 bVeinbohittindbn. . . . bsnst t..obittu(dS4 S: dt H. T. CHITTENDEN . .ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ... j.i-1- '1u . ' ' ' ' O" Offlees, 920 Broadway New Yrk City, and,. PaXtoia' BirrLoiH. Colnmbat, Ohio. trtr1ana,l athmflM naM ii AalWH... 1 I.' J IBtJlAdem) 1'. a 1'.' fjt.',-. :jti..'. i a.'. BalLimore-. Clothing Qonsej , . mm. ti ... ... iv , . i , a I -tljaajtaraorrarM axs wwoa AVI READy-fiUDECLOTHlftG- Nai 308 W.1 &ithrioretreet, " " -t(l air " . ' .-i'.i r. ' .ti J f t ad it tarrwew uetBT tea Buwaao,) m t .. . BAI.TIA10HE, rid. u::t t;.t i i L. .. . . thrga 'Atterttaedt of Pits aatl Purs lit lu'' '' ." sotdi "Coattaatly t Boad ''' " .tWtjw ft -J-,',-u-W.Vli,: j.i ,. ),'!, i-V ,1 fA'Q'LK IfyRASS WORKS, j a Vomer Nprlng Ai tVater U.. - , a lr'-, . .4, - - - f iVIO JJLUJJIOTJLl. 1 1-1 tJ kttnu&uturrra U Pra aod OompotltWa CatAuft ' ' Vinished Hr&wi Wurk ut til lieainuUout, It.iw fti . j mi- e t' , Elects -Plating and (JiliJ A A STENCIL CUTTINC. &C febl Ml-dly