Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY MORNIKQ, -SiPT. 6, 1861a COLUMBUS POST OFFICE. COLUMBUS POST OFFICE. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. DEPARTURES. Mall tor' New York City, BolloR, Albany, Buffalo, Pittsburgh, rteubenv IHk way Cleveland, Zaneivllle, newark, uranviue, wa-ningtoa city, jwiumorw, delphle Mid New Orleans, clot daily (IJuaday oep. A through nail for New Tor and .0lerelan4 lo felly (BundiiM excepted) al S o'clock p. m, - ' 0.0.0.H. R. WuMtlcUtt.biy(BarhrM' oepted) at I o'clock p. at., . '. . . j ' Central Oblo War ball clotfi 4al1j (Bandars excepted) in ..ii. . ' -- OlnclaaeU Wa IJeJttji flaltT fj-unrleyl exeeptodjsi OUMt. una ewe, Delawen, Marion an Worthtar toa Mali oloeoe dally (Sendaya emeptad) at 8 'leek p. nail, ,ti-"n ,i .'1 LI J A , ' l .' u, li t '.il . l-li : pi' -. Malta for Xente, Springe-Id, etav Calais CioeU. natlHLadianapolla, awelevilJ,. It. teals, and Detroit, do daily (Buodayi excepted) at 8 o'clock p. . . - A Uunofk malt to Aeata, BBgAel and GUtqtnaati loaee daily (Sunday xoepted) at 10 o'clock a. m. Urban, Plqua, Tiffin aod Unloa Oily mall oloaat dallf . (Bandar! exoeptad) at 8 o'olook p. m. Laucaiter, Logan, NalMOTilla, Circlevtlle, Ohllllootbe. Portaeaooth, Washington 0. H Athene, Marietta and HllUborouih mall close dally (Sunday excepted) at 8 o'olocw.p.'avi - . .uiviv. ... , it Baa War Mall by National Baa to UnnrUla oloaaa dallylanayaaaeapted)avllo'clookai.' i ....' - HatMabaifb Mall cloaat dally (aoadayi aawpM) alS ' ' : v. - . fciu Tanwa Mall, by way f'Waatrrillsa floabaiy, eloaa dally (aaadaya axon tad) at 8 a'alaok p. at. i Snkkn Mall aloaai ally(8andaya aaeeptad)at o'oloek ' p. m. -'.f J- , ' nA.r.l OJ 1 ' LMaMM Way Hall oloaat dally (8andaa xaptd) at 'olok.'a ' ' v x '' "'' '' ARRIVALS. Malla from Maw York, Boaton, Philadelphia, Bnffalo, Albaiu. Plttaharvh. OUraland. -Daytoa, Tolado, Xania, Datroll, BprlniAald, ClnalonaU, ObIIIIooUm, ttt. Loula, and all (outliarB oltlaa, arlva batwaan Um honri ol 8 o'olook p a. and 4 o'olook a. m. Mali (roat iDdiauapoUa, OUoafO and Dttbaqaa arrira at 3:40 a, . . i. . Mail tmm WaabintioB City, Baltlmota,. Wbatllna, CanaavlUa, Howark, kuabenvllta. Ml. Varaou, and tba 0. O, JU &. Wa Mall, arriTa at 19 o'clock m. Wy Hail from OloolnnaU arriTM at 1 o'clock p. at. Laacaaui Hallarilna at8 o'olook p. at. Baat Way Mail war tka MaUasal Jtoad anrlTet at 11 Vlooka. a. . r-rr. . Ht. 'arnoa Way Hall arrtma at ll:N a. a. ' r.r Mall traa Dahlia arrrfta at 1 o'oloek m. " ' ' Crbaoa Way Mall arrlTaa at a'olock p. aj. i ' HartUMtgh MaH antral at 11 'atoak a. m. i ' ' Laooaaiar Way Mail arrlTM at It a'oloek m. -' ' Offloa deHrary opan avary day (aacopt Sunday) from 7 'clock a. m lot! o'oloek p. m. Open oo Bnndayi from lit ta 8 o'olook 1ft tba. atorninf , and frua 8 to 8 ' '' ' ' ' JOHN GRAHAM, P. M. Rail Road Time Table. LITTLE MIAMI & COLUMBUS & XENIA R. R. ..... .. v, -.u .teaTM.'- OlaolnnaU aocommodatloa. 5.00 A. M. " BipMaa...ll:40 A. M.' Mall and Aeaomanxlatton.. 9:10 P. M. Might Sxureai Tla Day tia. 1S;00 midnight Arrtrei 0:10 P. M. WO A. M. 8 00 r. M, 3:20 A. H. . .j;v,yJn. W. Boaaarf , Agaot. . Right Bipreaa... .... Maw JTork Bipraaa 0.0. A0, WayXxprtii. t.. j, '.:i"r ' OamaiiOai K.. E., .'.ftitO A. M.'- "I1:1SP. M. 0:50A.H. 210 P.M. , 7:50P, H. ... Juiaa PamaKXt, Agaat. . Ma.'B SxpVaaiM..' S:l A.'M. - 11:9I A. M. no. do &15 P. H. . 11:48 A. M 7TrVJ. Tux, Agaat. Pi i weuaea. Ooumrm at CureimnTi . R. ' Mall train 3 3 A. M. Bxpraas T)-ala 1 1:23 A H. 3oa. BonM Ootrtktoi 8t IenuRoroLU, B. R. " ' (jCoLcaioi Piaca fc iHoiaMa 1. K.) Me. 1 Kxprtaa 8:30 A. H. Me.S ' ............l:0OP.M. VM A.M. . B:4I M a. Agent ' 9:00 P. U 7:80 P. M. 10 4U A. M. acooeuaooauaB ' ' "W.: Rhith. Agent. LOCAL MATTERS. The Adams Express Company places ns dally under obligations to it for the very latest papers (rum tbe eastern cities. ,l ... The American Express Company baa onf thanks for ita daily favore in. Uie shape of the rery latest eastern papers D A gentleman who lost bis wallet, con taining money and valuable 'papet 1 the orowd, at r the Convenlioo yesterday, would be (lad to recover the papers, if nothing more. Aoy person leaving tbem-al Ibis office, or giv ing information that may lead to their recovery, will be liberally rewarded for bie trouble. . . r- r j Tan Cocktt Fna Tbe Fair waa largely attended yeeterday, and everybody waa delight ed whh the exhibition and arrangements. The diiplay of horaea and cattle waa larger and finer than at any previous Fair. Tbe horses particularly attraoted our attention. Among ao many fine ones It would be invidious to at tempt a distioction, and our space does not per mlt us to mention all. Tbe ladies were highly pleased with the beautiful appearance of Floral Hall. ;l Is in deed neatly and tastefully arranged. The exhibition of batter, bread, honey, cann ed fruit, etc V wte. highly creditable, aad the committees iao ao iittie perplexity m oeoming upon (he awafds Tbe tabh-e in tbe. Dining Hall wore laden with tbe flaesf prod sole and laxartea of tbe sea eoo S B. U annum, iine of the oiorks, farniahed ns with a full' !at,',oHKe..'4ntrlee,' nearly all of which waa tmblinbed in the Srarmaa of Wed needay morniBg :: The total number .of entries np to thtl time is 9R4. ,Th Jlst of premiums awarded! will ba pablisbee, hereafter.- The trotting otait borsaij ftrpund )he, ring takee Blace' mt tea o'clock thla forenoon ; The ladies ride In the afternoon. u ' 'I'r if i m f I D" A man flamed C, Bi PiasdJia waa arrested at Cleveland on Wednesdat - evening, on - warrant issued by United "States Commiaeloher B. WBlrrh FaIiokb it charged with carrying letters and contraband goods to Memphis. , 1 1 r "" Camp Wadb. Tbla is the name of. the camp near Wprthlflgton, where the Forty-ninth Reg leant, Col . WoaTUNaTOM ,7 Lleat.-Col Wai- ovtt eommandlD 4. hss.T ItB rendezvous. It la faatflll.tpg'Wp.-' i:'-.;is. v....i ' VCT Captain Btotm left tbe eity yesterday or Weatern Virginia, with a wmpany' frbiri-Alien eonntyfor the) eeond. Virginia Cavalry ST Aeeordlog to i'jaotlce ,,lsoel trom' Ihel mosterbig effioeof the Western Department at Clnclnoatl.lio wot'e companies or ragimeota. save than wow In proceiis' of formatlon. wllbel aocerrted far General Fbemowt s oommandv m. . .. . . . 1 ! -:J fT Thf September trm ojT,rtj! fyotirt, of.fiW mow Pleas tor Delaware eouaty oommencw on Moodi,thel(SAU.t. XT itlMMXXlf&hwftl -iaai eveotag, a large crowd "from tb 'Btept of the Capitol on hla great original truths 8nd being tK avaataaf 'htaW! 'yihfllUrinVat--Ind aattrtatl . "T ' -.,---,--. - that eve lived, he reaHaea full well ,the great sabds7'tha(UAa f iat. agatoaVi'lilin,'.' and Hn teada ahortly agcln." totrrcareerate; himself rot tbe space of opa month, or for lifel ::, Ue leavea thU nornlnj; fprptlibpp1ui,! wherthe UMciv ore this Evening, en tbe 9th t Laneaster, aad Oft the 13th t' tUviUit'Fatewell,:J. Strike like a Vert In the cause of Trtith, Justice and BuBtafiityi a t" !T j-e. t I 4 i .reii' '' j."''. v" V , CT The fhirty-fif lb Begimant la camp near Hamiltol. It to M transferred to Camp Dennl soei tuia weKi -t -r !-t..wv.j ET There are at Camp Dennleon three regi MfttJ of WBatrjfwB8ywt.( artuiery, ,1 ' ,4 -V .'te- fj" One hundred apd jwept monpted men frosB FarmlDitonTrumballeoontyfeommand. s4brCat.CaLbruCurivedial Cleveland Wsdeesday .evwlng, and west Into Camp Wade. I J PioirocEiTB. W heal ot mnj me balnf bad tbalr pockatB plo'x4 jMterdty darlog tb tkmpedB from lb Tbcatr. It was so doubt premeditated by plokpoekeU for the porpoe of carrying on their baaioeat uocetaruJlj, wnion they did. ,; ' ; . . ! ap f ' ST The number of troopa at Camp Demtiaon 1 2,500 f'Cl, L. A-Hamii U new tha officer pommaodlog at the camp, 1! I ZT Mr? Maion ,"of thla cltj , baa aa exdelUnt I eating-hoaie ; on, h CouBly Fair Grwride, which la a great oonTenieDoe to Tialtora. - n - 1 1 ; J tTCoV Shmwih'8 Regiment of Attllliry baa been disbanded brt Oor. Denkiioh, who, It W n(d bad authority bo to tto Irom the War $c$arlment at W'aablngtpl,''i' ".. - l. ; a tTThe Cleeland flareM of Wednejday trenlDg aayai..-i , -V;, i!- .i i Three yoang 'women were thla motnlog dla-' ooTered lo IDA 4iat regiaenh aitirea ae mataa, hating enlleted In the regiment vTbe erect oaoaed quite a eeneatio among tbe aoldiers. , ST Capt. 1. W, Faai'e oompany froaa Petry county, and Capt. Bowta'a eomp'any from Hock ing,' both of the Thirty-Bret Regiment, left Camp Chase yesterday afternoon for Galllpolia. u - . ' ..i.i " i H'.7I L bee of the hamaaitarlan Bovements of our time, although little known ae such, can hardly be orer estl mated In ito UBportanoe upon the well-being of our widely aeattciwd eommunltlea. Tbe population of the American Btatee la In maoy sections ao sparse, that skillful pbyslclana are baidiy aTallable to them. Vast numbers of our people are obliged to employ, In (lokoeM, auch medical relief ae they can bear of from each other, or, Indeed, any they can. get from any quarter. Uenoeexleea tbe great consump tion of ratent Meaicinee among us, .greater ny far than in any of tbe old oonotriea, where skill ful chTslciana are accessible to all olsssee. Un principled men hare long availed tbemeslvee of hie necessity, to palm off tbetr wortniesa Ma trons, nntil tbe word bae became aynonjinous with Impoettion and oheat. One of oar leading ohemiste in tbe Eaet, Dr. Ayer, la pursuing course which deleato tbla iniquity. lie bringe pot only bie own, but tbe best skill of our timee to bear, lor tne proaaouoa ot toe oeei remeatee wbioh can be made. Tbeee are supplied to t b world, In a convenient form, at low prices, and tbe people will no more boy poos aedloineo la Bleed of good at tbe aame coat, than tbey will bran instead of flour. Tbe inevitable eonsKjueace of ibis is, that tbe vile oom pound that flood our oouotry are discarded for tboee which honestly accomplish tbe end la view which cure. Da we oyer-estlmato It Importance, in. believing that the proepect ot supplanting the By arord raadtdnaa. witn those Vt actual worth and vi tue, Is fraught with Immense consequences lor Boodi to tbe maasea l 01 our people. uimm i peoplB.- Chronicle, Peru, It). leept.i oawiw. A Jott JoDonrJiT-Publie opinion is ft bar before which few care about appearing without their acts will atand the severest scrutinising; some aay that its verdlcte are harsh, but never theless tbey are generally Just and correct. "Kennedy's Medical Discovery" bae now been on trial for some twelve years, and during that period thousands, of witnesees ' have arisen to speak in ita favor. One testifies that he was cured of Scrofula after Buffering six teersi an other that be found immediate re'lef after suf fering with Bait-Rheum for twenty years, and It ie such evidence a this that has oaused the public to render the following verdict: Guilty of exterminating ana anniniiaung irom tne eye tern every humor with which it oomes la eon toot, and we recommend ir to the consideration of tbe afflicted. ..J . oa TO .WHOM IT XAYCOICE&S. The Public .Works of Ohio. Ornoa or vba Launs or rma Public Wous, ( OoLoasoa, Jaoa 11, 1881. rpHB ondenlimed haying beooma the Laawaa of th 1 Pnbllo Warka of Ohio, andar the aet of May 8, 18)11 and harlog antarad Into the poaMaalon of aaid Works, hereby ! aotloa teat 10 operatic nnaer ia leae. and dktchargloi their dntlaa ooder tha aaaaa, tha boat eaa will ba traoaaotad with tba poblto throogh aienta appotuled by tha Leeeeee, under aooh rulea, regalatlona, reetriotlona and llmltaUoo, shall ba praasrlbad for their roteroment. v Thoea Areata lor in pratnt, win eoniut or aw u an tral ageau a xreaaureraoa aeoratary, lor in ventral Offloe of tha Leiee at Oolnmbo: and tha ntoaiaary nambar of eaperiatandanta of atapalr and Oalwoior of Toll oo th OTral Work tmbraaad la m leae. 1 Tha General Agent shall ba tbe principal exaeatlr officer of the ttmct, acd shall JaaTe enarye ol um gen eral bueloea omoe atOoluabo. lie ahall ban nper Tlelon oyer th aaaiDsas of tha I mm wlUi thvanblie. and a aoh agent (ball ezacate all oantratta, axotpt thoee for labor and material! coaaeowa wiu to ordina ry rapalra of the aereral Work, and be shall audit and Mttie ail aceonnta. Th dailea of tb Treatunr and Baentary ahall be anoh aa an oinally dlachargad by atmllar officer In other uea. I Tba InvoTinteiidats of Bepalrs shall, oa their re peotlr dttlelon, hare power ko mploy and ditcharg all inbordloatea and laborar. aad to parehai all tool and material! neoeeaery in the ordinary repair of loob dirlalon, and tha aam anaii b ander usair ipeclal ai notion and managtaaai. I TheColleoloraof Toll. Water Rent aad Finee, are Inreated with all tha anthorlly and power, proywed in the lawa or -the state and th legolauon ol to Hoard of Pablio Worka. aaada for that parpoe. whaa each Col lectors acted aader appointaaaat aad aUwtly f roea tbe State. Mo Indlrldaal meeiber or me tali ahall hare th right to tranaast bMinaaa In th bm of lb Lea, with any periaa or ponon, la aay other manner than throogh tha appointed ageale, aaleao apaalally authoria- ed by iha luei ao to ao; nor aoatt aoy on w wa ap pointed aaent nara aamonty to tranaaei any aueii in tba name of tha Leeeeei. aaoept la the Darticwlar braaoh of tha bniinea confided to bin, aad (abject I the reitrlctioni and limitation or hi agency ie nniKUVDi WU IM.ll.UVU. vt W. .IN. - Mo authority to borrow money aa tha credit of the Leweci, ahall arer exiitln any Leeeee, agent r other employee of th Lehui, aolea th (aa aaall be eoo- ferred by a noanimooa vol ot ina Maaaea,ai a regular meeting, kud tba amooat o aatooriaed ta to borrewed aueclBtd In um order ana entered Laeioanai. Oco. W. Maarrtxiv I tha Oeaeial Agent of the LeeeMl, Baajaaut JE. Bum, Treaiarer, and Jaa JoTca, Seoretary. . . r . Tha Suoerlntendenta of Btvalrs are : On theM. at. Canal and W. R t M. Boad Joaara Ooora, taoaaa fiaowa, Wa. J. Jaoko and Aaaaa t Baoxo - , On tb Ohio, walhondlof and Hooking Canal and the Maeklnguat Inproroment Eeaaax II, Mtwaa, taieaua Miiua, Daaau HeOABtarr. Briytwraa HaoautT and ThS Oolleotor on the Canali, Hoiklnnm Imoroy- ,santand Haamoe Koad, ar th luia that war in th Mirloe of the hi at at tb tlata et tb zeeatwa ot tb Leaaej but all th aloreaaiit aganu held thtlr appoint ment at ue pleasure anoj epuoa oi tee bue. I ,.- --'i I. AMI JAKV1H, i. -, ;:-, -it- ii :ObKPH OOOPIB.- ',h "V i J' WM. J. JA0K8ON, :1 s.H WJ ARMObl) MB1)BBB.T, fi- ' . THOMAS MOOBB. Leneea of th Pablio Works. , J4-d3tv3 Sheriff's 'Sale - John Kennedy. Kennedy, ) v. i Boath t al.) v. Common Pleas, I ABM Boath T vlrta of an order of tale te at directed, from the Court of Ooaiiaoa Flea or Vranklln conntr. Ohio, twll 111 offer for aal at tha door of tb Court Hooae, la the elby ot Oelumbua, on Monday, tWl6th day of Sept., A. D. 18G1, at on o'oloek 1. H.. the followlnf denrlbed real eitate, iltoate In th ooonte of Pranklln. State of OhloaadeHyef Ooloeioni, towli: Theeaat ooe-balf of in following seaaneaelag one BaaSraa an eighty-four feet (184) weat af tb awitaeaet orar f al lot cumoer (j turty-nra, aad betas apart of M oat- lot, at a atak. thesoa north one hundnd and clean. even and a half feet IVStX) a a itaka, theoca wet nfty eeyen feet (57) te a eUke, thenoe cut fifty eeo feet at) th place of aeelBalaa. all of which llnea aodoonier, oowerer,aiaat ba uadeiaoeed av carfpoadv ,n with ujo,, bt tb etrl aad alleye of tb etty of Ooluabo af jraaaid. balae tb Met one-hall ot tha above deecrlbed premliee, and th ettne ooavayed to th aaid Jamee Booth by (aid John Kennedy and wife by deed or ren lata aereiu- ) i--" - AOnraiaadat BH70. Printer'feS.TJ f.iW. HTJPTMAH, Bh.-lg, aegio-td. ,i Bjmu yarie, aiapmy. HMatgartl).lPliillipV Eitat. ' XTOTICB 1 HBBEBx VIvEIf THAT l Iha underalined has beta doly appcleted by Ike rrabeta Ooart ot franklin eoonty, Oblo, AdatlatatratrU ol iha eotate of MargaretP. Phtlllp, tat of eetd. ooanty eeoeaeed. - ",".,., .... , .. Dated Jon 8, 1681. 1 ' , AX MAIUS. , 4e7:dllwair-- ; a... 1. 1 ihJiiim i - vi K A9TMIXBBIUHT ft Pa lb lBSTAJri HUH "IJJ I N ad P1RM AITT OTJK1 of It i i.ja' j tBtrfestng eaapltlat Bee , na.i--J ...- ft'iiDTIl I ' ... .to .V . BS0BC3IAI. GIOABITTXt; ICaJeby j. i- IBYMOtii i CO., 107 Raaaasi BA,'. U.yii : rnos ear" oi sentfrewof . IOB 8 A LB AX AIL BUMIST.. j 1 TELEGRAPHIC. More Confiscation Seizures. PhiiamitbU, Bept. -Ooe bark and foof sohoooere were eened by the Uolted' States Marshal to-dey nnder tb oonflscaqon act, A t ; Another Conspirator Arrested. Bnama. flanl. 4 Jaa. LcRulre. naillog frord N. 8.. waa arrested in this eitv to-dn on a charge of conspiracy against the Govern ment,. He b8 been eommitiea ior iriai next term or Ue u. b.jjisuici wk.wu waa refneed. LegUre waa bound for Memphis, and a uniform waa found In hie trunk and other suspicious otroumstanoee led to hie r'" Another Conspirator Arrested. More Seizures in New York. Niw Yoai Sent.' 4-Eibt rnord veegele were aelsed by Government effloerar(M ,. Four oompaaiea of sharp-ehootefg InolodiDg the MaeeacbusetU and Mlohigan eorpe, left here for tbe Bomb to day . " T ' J A f . & A dianatch from SoetcraM eneaks very en couraglugly of effewe In Weetetn Virginia U: It le reportea me reoeis are coucenwauun mi ilij.i.i,wrk.lH ti.M. .(i-i:.i"t 'IUJ A Mississippi Rebel Arrested. RiaiTnn. 3ntaeibrt 4.aIamea. Cbsnin,- of Viokeburg, reported to be ft Captain In the rebel army, was arrested at the reaidenov of hie fath er Inlaw In this) Tillage to-day r by, United Ststea Marshal Burke, ot Albany, by virtue of a warrant of tbe Secretary of Suite. He Is te go toFort Latayette,. r .'; '' i i' "a From Richmond and Charleston. BaltihobB, September 4. A oopy of the Riohmoad DiSDktch of Tuesday , received by a flat of truoe at Old Point, coatalne the follow- inc Items of news: . ! .! i J A A dlanatch from Charleston, dated Sunday night, sajs a brig, laden with Coffee, fan tbe blockade on Sunday morning f else yeeMl with frnit. ; Tbe shin Gondar, from Liverpool, arrived at Beaufort last week.' Tbeebip Alliance, which arrived at Beaufort laet week, ie spoken of by the Examiner aa laden, with arms, ammunition, thread, quickallrer, etc The Dispatch ears: "We may la a few daye expect Beauregard's and Johnston's report of the battle of Manaraae." ;!', ( i I ! . Tbe Peteieburg EipreflS of Monday gives an account of tbe taking of Fort Uauerae, and aaya a portion of tbe wounded left on a steam boat. It gives the number or Killed ana wouna- ed at about eighty, and says that loose who ee caped irom tbe lort contended that tbe magasine exploded, bat the Expresl doubt the story, and adds i "Our latest advices Irom North Carolina are up to eight o'clock laet night. At that hour it waa koown In Geldaboro', that a formidable Yankee fleet was in sight of tort Macon, which commands tbe entrance ot Beaufort harbor, and la sookaa of aa the moat formidable fortification on tbe coast of North Carolina. An attack was expected on Monday morning. Tbe garrison is well prepared lor tbe assault, and will resist, to the laet." . . Tbe excitement throughout North Carolina and Eastern Virginia is intense. It wasrumor- ed that Washington, N. C , had been destroyed b the Yankees. : ' : ' ' ' No mention is made In tbe 'dispatch of the illneee of Jeff. Davis, but It contains a procla- nation of the Preeident. callioa ConRieea, to gether on tbe Sa Instant, on acoount ot its laii ure to deliver to the President for hie eigne tare tbe bill containing the military appoint ments, i- . - - - Illinois State Fair. - CanoAOO. 8eot. 4. Extensive pveparationa are already made and work actively going on for the State Fair, commencing Monday uext. Thus far tbe number of entries are unprece dented in the hiatorv of the society In addition to tbe usual variety ot stock, toe nnmerone collection of the museum of tbe State Natural Hiatorv Society, consisting of geologl cal epecimeos, coal formations, and fifteen hun dred varieties of native plants, win oe tor me firat iim oMn ta the tmblio. .Present, indiea tiona are that this win do ice jposi euccessiui S . . r..t Fair ever held la tbe northweet, Gun-Boats Fired on from Kentucky. Caiso. Seotember 4 Tbe gun-boats Tyler and Lrxington baa aa engagement oa hick man, Kentucky, with tbe rebel gun-boat Yan kae. this afternoon.-;: ) V" 'e: ' , Two baUeriea on abore, aupported by aoont fifteen hundred rebels, also fired upon our boats Nona of tha shots took effect.' ' Tbe Tvler and Lexiogtoo fired about 3D shots, with what effect Is not yet known. . Tbey returned to Cairo tbie . evening. - On the way up. tbey were fired on with small arms at Co lumbus ana UbaiK Blum, nemucay. Col. Hicks, of the 4Uih Illinois Kegiment, ho waa sent to exebance prisoners, returned last night from Charleston. Tbe rebels had but three Federal Prisoners. It is reported Ibat tbe rebels are filling back from Sykestown to New Madrid. Ueneral urant toox oommana 01 mis poet u- day. - '- J From Fortress Monroe. FnaTHsa Mowaoa. Sent'. 3.Tbe Confeder ate slaves at Old Point now number 1800, -in cluding women and chil Jren. .-ulr-.-V e.aT A nag or truce nas just come in irom nor folk, with the crews of the barks Rowena and Glen, schooner Mary Alloe and. brig Joseph, all oaptured by tbe privateer Dixie-i with the ex eantiab of the oeeph. which was taken by the privateef" Savannah. The captain' and mates of the Glen are retained aa prisoners at :iuon mond. e:-.o hi : ' t . Ths captaih of tbe Mary' Alice la almost ai reot from Charleaton. lie report mat tne force there doea not exceed 4000 men, and. that . . tbey apprehend 88 BtUCK from the recent naval expedition. . 1J .: y ".i ', , .''I, , -. Col. Corcoran waa lately pat la irons several bonra, for refusing to answer nia name at roil oall. - - -. .''..;'.,''.,.'.'.,,, -i . .. . ., FoKTaass HoNsoB, September 4 A flag of trues from : Norfolk eame in wis morning. Tbey state tbe North Carolina Confederates are terribly exaaperatea to. consequence oi toe i int rialorv. . a -e. : '! 'V ' ' " '." - - - . . .... . . i The-float ns?' baueryv aaia to nave neeo towed to Seweli't Point, exUta ouly In Imagina: lion. ; - ' "' .'-"r Skirmish with the Rebels in Missouri. . J l" - IIUTl. ' . HanmibalI ko Sept. 4. Corporaj"'!, the Third lows Regiment, while out oa a aoont with Bra men near h.irxivuie last oweea, waa anrrdnnded In a farm house while at dinner i twenty-five eeoeaeioniata, who demaodea. tne aarreader of hie party. This was relused and the seceuIOBlsts made aa muck, upon tnem. The fight wae severe, but tbe Federal troops maintained their position la the bouse, driving tha aaaailanta from the around, with a lose seven killed and five wounded. Corporal Dlx, the Federal aide, waa killed, JN one or the. pin.. era were hurt, -j.i, u : t.i -i I :i From Missouri. and anlt arrived at, seven o'clock,' and -took tnnmi at tha Planters' House. A military. es eortbad been provided by order of usoeraj Fremont, to attend the Priuce from the depot his quarters on arrival ot tbe regular train, H-.'Jh. whion waitea at tne teres uutu uioe o'olook. wbea 11 was ascertained .that he quietly entered the city two hours before.., 'i nraa rnnawav siares. nuiui.a. iw uti since by a part; of Federal troopa at Merajnec rtda. hara bean broosht to the city, and- be delivered to their ownera oa sufficient poof of their loyalty to tne uovernmeni. ,, ... . , ,. , " . . . w wwr n . i j l. It ia reported tnat Jonn w n-eiu, ihuiiwoi uongreee, la raising a regtweue vi mw ki. AittwiM tnr acrvice in the rebel armv. A military commission, toaaeemma anna Louis araeoaUbaa been instituted for the. trial ranmrdla to the raise and artiolet of war) all prltonera brought before it. ? -1 Capture by Our Navy. Nw YoBwi'Seot. 4. f he schooner Mi dtelon. with a carro of naval Stores, ' Irbdi CbarlestoB fort-Liverpool, was seised; bf frigate Roanoke, while trying to rup toe mock.-, ade. ' A prise erew waft pet aboard, aad aha here this foreaooo. i Sbr-wa ongiotilly Intended for a rebel privateer. A ' ... Kentucky Legislature. ' FkiUKf - I been selected 16.011 contested seats la the ateC Tbe temporary Speaker then resigned. Tbe Senate win oe rsguiany organuta morrow, V , ' ' . Kentucky Legislature. New York Democratic Convention. 8TBAC0SB, 8pt. 4. The Convention was per organised by tbe eleotiod el Herman J RgdBeld, of ,N. Y j'8 President and a num ner or v loe rsaeiaeniM .. r-" i a ki.i,,tin nir.rod that sereateen rep. rssed'tatlvee oteaoh organlstiion, namely, Tarn- many and Metart, ofNew York be entitled Id seau on this floor,the object behig to re. uoJtenhe Demooracy,againet the Republioaa partyV". v X z? . ' mmiA ha recoenlzed a true Democrat in every man who wae IfiTavor of, .iiri, h ..p. within the 'limiTB ol the Coutltntion, and of offering1 tba most" libera terms ol peace. He offered an amendment to the resolution, admitting the entire Tamman aqd Moiart delegations, and allowing tbem td caet a full voief Mr. Lord moved an Bmendmeotwh, was pasaed, allowing the' two delegaJiqmA paefc.84 TTha Praal Jerik anhottnokot that) oelega- tlon are admitted to the floor, with leave to oast eeyenteen votea ecb .The Jam many delaga V0n(tben wlihart-w, ior """ " mittee on resolutions was appotpv --. MrV'Redfield. iri 'bHj' Bpeech ;orl taking tbi rat,V, 'said that V 'believed the country woaia ever be relieved Irom its present uiunuun, biit.,by firmly maintalninr tb.rlar ergiril autionef tbe Democratio party. '-The' party in power under the name of tbe Republican, alter voting down every' measure of compromise, ini-lnrtir, that- anhmHtfeff bV their OWU :DrlI friends, as If intending to sUll further exasper ate toe South, la violation o goocr iuuK again returned to the policy of proscription; '. We have, tberefore,'a8 la, j844kthebu!e,:to. fight over agaln,; For this. Burpoee, and Ao rector the great-and wise measure, the" ibdeprnaear treasury plan, tt"1)eccmes'., necessary tpatithe Democratic party should preserve. Ita Uidepaod- snt orgaoization to ineure tbe more speeey-ooif-elusion of.thia uenatoral war." He furthSr BTB civil wsrwill never preserve, but forever deetroy tbe Union of these states. The deoieloa admitting tbe Mozirt sod Tam many delegate, oaasea mach excitement. There will probably bn tffort made to reconsider the aoiioa of the Coqventlon to-morrow.r.i. ' - Stacob, Sept.' Sir-Immediately aftor tbe Caniauuat aaaaaatilad to dav.'S motion t r coDStdeethe vote off the reolntion; admitting toe Muzut sod Tammany delegations! yester day, wee made. . A warm aod spirited debate ensued, wbea the ' airoeeiaea trmr;ne fiew York delegates ban ho right Id apeak, or vote on tha oneation... . . , - . n.. .r -i, - ti An appeal from tbla decision was taken, ana After a long debate the Convention refused tb lay the subject on tbe table, by a vote of 91 to 110... . ..-as- ' ."" 'J ' ' Tbe Convention then refaed to hear Mr. Mo Maeters, of the Freeman's- Journal, speak, and. ordered thd brevlout auestiorw.b - m i.-1-..-H A veiv stormy debate eoeoed.' -.The Convew lion than Ordered tbe main question and tbe vote was then on the substitute Offered yesterday, ad mitting both delegations JromNewYork. and It was ioit-tea 85, naja 120.. ..-j i.t -. .- ' Tha ariainal Moonlio tho Convention admit ting the Tammany defegatet was th ed adopted without caning toe yeie ana nays.,,, ,Mu una Upon the. aououuoement of.. the reeult, Mr Genet, on the part of the- Mosart dtlegatiooi rote and entered a protest agstnot the' rejection of the reoresentatlves of 33.000. D.mocratW voters in the etty OL daw- xora te aeicga it". . .... -Wv m, j i lion then withdrew. ' ' '-. , Arrival of Ex-Minister Wright InniAiiAronis.' Sept.' 4 -Ex-Goy.. Wright, Minister to Berlin, will arrive borne on Satur day. Arrangements have been made by tbe citizens of this city, to klve hi m a handsome re: eeptlon. Tbe gallant Col, Pumont Win mane the reception tpeeeh. Senator Wilson's Brigade. BfiftTrtM. Sent. 4 SeDator Wilion meets .ith great encouragement ia tbe formation of bis brigade; over thirty companies nave aireaoj teudered their services! twenty eiliht have .been ccentrd: sixteen" are csmDOSed Of returned three moothaV. volunteers. It is believed, the hnl. heisadaMti ha faenad in a fortnight. " ' r " m . - : ii. .' .' I' 1 Oswkoo, Sept. 4. Hoa. Daniel S Dickinson addresied a larae meeting: to-day,- wltb a- stir ring Union speech,- .; v; ..i..V News from the South, via Louisville. , Looiivills. Seotember 4 The Ap neal of Seotember 3 reports the receipt of one r . . r. ... . , . ... , . hundred and thirty Dales or eottou,anu eaies yt lull,; ...v., ''" 'rfi-v ' ' 'A ' A teles-ram from Columbus, Ky to tbe An neal, eav a three United States auuboate and one transport arrived opposuo voiumons wun- targe numbers of men, it was inougnt tneir purpwe wae to seize Columbus or, atucav.toneraL l"jl- A meetlne of native Kentnckians al mempbis oo tbe 3d, resolved to pledge themselves to fen der their native State and her sons an tne aio within their power, whenever her . freemen shall inaugurate a atrnggle for tbe eeserrioa of ber liberties against tyranny, r eaerai power sou tbe despotism of the abolitionized North.' - --.o ,, A Richmond letter to the .Memphis Appeal report the arrival of two cavalry bnpanle from Georgia, said to be tbo finest, and moat ef ficient trooos. with tbe beat horses, ever seen. The Charleston Mercury of Satardayi en nounoes the arrival at that port of the armed privateer Gordon from a ail weeks ernise She bad captured fouf.prliea" , ,, General A. Sidney Johnston passed, thiopgn Memphis oa hie way to Richmond.: ,bv(i1m h It is reportea tnat tne rresioent ns .tele graphed to Union members of the Kentucky Legislature repudiating iiemontepsiicj ro- eard to slaves. A IyaBOVIIeeiegrni n-wj nja uw ia uu truth wtialevef in tke reported" death of Jeff. Davie. "" ' ' ' :""' ' " i" ".' ;" . Dispatches from Washington. " of by of on to al bad . WA.H.oK,8ept..4 ; Wenmohd paper. Are Mnnaon klili and aeoiare the-an oaward move mem will soon be made, it is; reported mat Mr. Ely.'M...C...fr6m. .RiwbeaifeNejroik, will soon be released-. . : id n. -v m Oow. Gamble, el Missouri, has arrived nere - 1 Tbe following order has been issued by LlebC. Gen. Scott: . J j. c m i.i ,11 ... in " . 'The General-ia-Uiiel is happy to announoe tbat tbe Treasury Department, to meet futnre naimenta to the itoods. Is. hboof td suddIt. be sides cola as heretofore, Treaeuty No'tee in 6's, 10's and SU'a, aa good aa gold, at alt oanxs ana Government , onoea : throegbout 3 the . vpited States, aod maat.eonvenieaa: for the transmis sion by mail from officers and men to their lam- HleS at nome. uooa nneoanue, imtioro, ruuo and brothera serving under ths Stan and Stripes ill thus soon bave ready i safe' means or re lievlng an immense amount 01 iiuiu8,wun.u eonld not be reached by ooln.t' r J tlon nnn&rmatorr of the reported death of Jeff. "l" mwoumvw F" ": Paris. Intelligence received in srmy circles readers roch ad event' merely probable. Commodore Stiincosm has. made an oiuoiai renort of the Halter as affair. It contains noth- Inir arliliiinnal of .intereaU: a i .,K.Aiia.oO v MoX The Naval Retiring Board mVete at Brook1 Ivnflavy xaraootneioia.,, . ,., Tho Treaeufy Department Bat laaueo, pjtopo sals for tbe construction of fire,, stearo . sprew revenue veesele. ... .!" Gov. Gsmble, of Missouri, nsa an interview (if, tha PrMldsnt to daV. .."titll nu It la believed tbat paesea to cross tne roto mio will hereaiter be withheld from newspaper - - a ' [Times Correspondence.] ... w . ot. of the ar rived (Sen. to The tng-boal R. B. FiW,'atVfvo t Nvy Yard thia P. M., Uer .ctpUld.flrtt aaoond, mates, boatswaia and ,oarpenteri.weee imaMdiateiy arraeted by oroat ot the avy ie psrtment, en pat ia double lronaV". ' - harte against them has not trapiDirea, bat It It believed their arrest has grow eut their reckieea eondaet froaa- the time the boat lei I Boetoer. :Sde.bIw WnblVhloF .MnatyrA nornlng ner BWleJ VXtdea RoM. An lour before dailiabt-the tehees tavonsiderabe W.V.M.MB, " 1 - ... J from Maueeo'e Hilt drove i ewr-ekete from the Cross Roads and took aotetXtaibijoT (be taint: J , i.. r .w. qi.,- ikuinkdJ rour compauiCTi w. ., wwummuwu . 1 J - lk. mKIa U I. agtio hold the MsttWOOarrr a lots et two aiucu, .,o .uujy of ths rebels' and took ffpiUeueity, .ai i'a Jney (late that no town I'K'aaa.j rec ceived ot tne aeavn iuw,MTi,t v At Ave thia atternoou, our it?es were In seesioaof the Cf oa Roads. , i i'i'hia afteroooo Prof. Lowe made another near Fort Corooran, aooompanled Generala MoDawell snd Porter, and Mr, trader. Tbet asceoded About elghl bundred l-tti aad bati a fipe view of tbe rebel campr ,in yVtistttpy ftiwSsiotjbif V deket of tbe 1pm nmiaWitJtUVSaBBsavj awv icuw uivewyi w.m . Lk i st .u,. k atiiaa.KAi nW.H aiL ratrwr ma an hour. B.aa ;, 4as.fcw''?f Thia mornlnr. k gUtiofiment of men from two mpauies (bf the M" Terk TM Zinavee, nn- ir tha dimnLlon ol Gen. Sickles, captured four toWneBt'sver lomiataitss six aalletVfcelaw tke East Branch-. - Wan Dftebeirten of Buflale, has fceen, stpf pointed Aid 'W'Oerj'. Fremont,' with a commis- n of Ma otto tue regular army, lie win act Iter of the Haaeratown Mail aaa prisoner. Ak ha naaaaii thinuffh the DlaOO. tbO BOBUlatiOO ...i Amla,rlrA aliliri(A of aymnalhv with Cotton Factory Burned. Etocksbipos, .MvSet.,4.rTb cotton fafctory tn Great Birflrigtonelrmglbg lo Oihey Gtff, was consumed By fire tbilTOreooon. Cotton Factory Burned. From Missouri. Seina. anedal disoetch' ! 'he Tribune from ftoiocy on, tbe ith,sys,Geoerali Pdpe arrived last bignv end reaves uis aveaias; to) take ths field In Missouri.-... . jTbe rebele bave torb bp ha railroad (rack aad oat dojro tbo telegraph poles belweeo Hiinnewelljtnd She,lblns, , . Martin Grsen .WM between those places yesterday'wllh V fgirce,pf 1,000 welL armed men, and bad twotpieoM of ar tjlery.. -77 ,-.' t(t 1 jGeneral Hurlbut is reported weit of Shelbera witbr twelTt or tifteea thousand Iowa aod Jltt nois troops. .', I am authorized to say that the reports that General Fremont had disapproved and counter manded General Pepcl orders "'regarding tbe miliar adanted In Northern Missouri, end partio - f3 -7' - ,-r j T ..ifc..'.:,L.M 4- Biayij W1LB trgare, to leyma; tuuwigu.iy..Jr. Morion county and Palmjra, are without Ibe slightest!: fbusdatioa in truth. General Pope will proceed fmmediatdy Wilff shoH force'sB wjlj Uiire.the complete execiMjon of isoocy. i Cotton Factory Burned. From Missouri. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, Sept. 5. OUR There wi a b better fueling in the market to- tear, though .without noeh loeieaue la the BueMiaee Son. Pilcef remain a they have been quoted fur everel dava uait. .... . .... - . n .. 1 1 u WHEAT aold more readily to-dy.aod;tlie beetqoal. Uie can be quoted at rather better Biuret., wa exteua Ui outer raiif of pricta for ledaoe whit t 734fic. ItarrDi the lower ranie a beroi etated. COttN We l.areee laet qooted-rH8o but It 1 easier bouebi lhaaeoldet uialBaaiav O.iT Held mostly at. k3o, bat thiy will not btiog over S9o in naik. . - ."tT'T KYB-IaUt40e. ' MUtLSJ Commercial. Cleveland Market. CLEVELAND, Sept. 4. . PLOTJB-Eelei of 100 barrel! doable extra at 84 M WHX Af Market firmer, baleothice of crmarqnence doing. . 1 Stle S UoO Metieli lei aBoaa, at T5o aad I ar' 00 trark at4o. , i..-7al ,y.r 1...... fl ., COKS-Qu.etait?o. - .On I'd b.le of 1 car on track at 52e., . - BUTTAH Selei f 108 kege good 9ta C ., BIOHWISEd-Balee bfiUbbieat 13.-. , . i i :, , -ji. i . .T'ji Ltader. fle -..ThS ef tiAU (Vrw.; Z L ,l!W atri iorceln. ' vj .r o- pos as cension by Ma- GUE RNSEY'S BALM! I . : - I 'S i eenatlil lwa. e;araaiiijr.i rtliiTlOVKS AND PREVENTS IN- Xti SammaUon and pain, and beal Uie wuxat barn. ecaid, broue, cut or (reek wound ol aoy kind, .lAevewta swelling and paid from be itiuga, mi equito bites, aod uoiaonoua plauta, eeuralgia, rneamatiaai, age tn the breael, ealt rheum, etc. W hen taken internally, II will positively care cronp ia child row. and givea immediate reiieiaauuy went race oi ton eirrioie eompuiiaii suo remer hotreeneee and aore throat. Price, S3 ceate bottle. Should be in eve ijbouje. Por aale by Drag. giliaanaatareaeepere.- - iavin muno, - -Boie Proprietor, N i I Spruce it.,Jlew York ,. ecttdftwlyle -. . -. ' ..,;.-,., No real Juitlce can be dona th ahoy preparaliaae bat by procuring and reading deeciiptiva paatpalelM bo found Witk all dealera, or will be cent by f roprietor On demaDd. lormulae and Trial Bottles lent to Phvii ciana, who will Snd developmenta tn 00(0 worthy theii acceutanee and approvali .' - w -J J J vx. t . Oorreevondebce aollcited from all whnee necetiitle 01 ourleelty prpmpa to a tria( of th abnv reliable Hem dice, v, H' t'. t v . ; ; .f , for eale by the niuai wooieeal and retail dealer everywhere. 1 J : I Jf OJIN L. HtJNNE WEILIj, Proprleto, I ! J l-CHIBrer AND PBAaMACKOTIST, t ' J Xo. t Commerelal Wharf, Boston, Mass. i Roberta A Bamael. N. B. Marole, J. B. Cook. J. U Denig, 0. Denlg A eon, A. J. acbjieller ft Boa. AgenW fcrr Oolumboa. Ohio. . . . ... ,.,-. autl-diy OB EAT ClIBB. DR. LE LAND'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC. BAND" Is'lUE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Khaomatum, Qont - and Neuralgia, " AND A SUU ODBA FO , n "- it .", rAU "Mercurial Diaea&iea..: It t a oonrenlentty srrantad Bead. ntalnlowa awdV lea ted eeropoud, to be wont aroaodth WaMwtUieaL iujury to th moat delicate peraona; no, change in babiu S living ia requirea, ana ii entirely removee ine uie too from eh yetem, wltboat, jrwaudoB tb tpjarioos Beets eireing from Die at of powerful Internal medi toiseet watch weaken aad deetroy tb eonetitutlon, and give temporary relief only. By this treatment. he Bied kinal aeuaei ileeenealned ra-the Wand cum Iu uunuwt with th blood end reach tbe Slaeaaa, Uuoogk the pores of thaal&,e(cliag io every uwtance), perfect core, and requiring the parte allllcud to a healthy condition. Tha Band la alaaa eaaataowerfal AJtTt-klwsaiaa aaent. and will entirely relieve taaawataaa mat ia farewoeotM eSaotaof Mercunr. Moderate-raeee are ourrd In a few daye, aod we are oonelaotip receiving teetlmoalalaof It etoaoy in aexravaiea oaeeaei toag euaatag. -.- v v faica, to be had ol iiraggiita generally, or can a eentby mail or upreaa, with lull direction for aaa, 7? Kffl " G. SMITH dr. CO.,' Sole Proprietors. N, B. Deioriptlve Circulars Seat Prtej A. J. SeHUILLCB A 80S. Drdouuti, ieiUTe, No. 277 8. Sigh St., bet, Irieadand Mound. Cohimba, . .jrj Agents Wanted Everyrrnere. ' di28-lylortatplAw'2" ' '" 'i oJ ". 1Z W. A.' Batoheior'i Hair Dyol .- Thu nlandld Hair Dye has no canal lnjtantaneoui effeot Beautlfal Blatk'tV iktuaU irown-l-n aUinlng lb skin or Injuring fa Hair - reeaeeneaoaeaiiawr an effect kfBwt Dyeev and' fcrigoratee Oa lair tar life nohvdae. aallgDe4 "W.IA. Batch lor." Sold eveywhe. 01 1 Y 1 V. -r.tT.'t.t t.airiri. ' ,el rn"iXAB. BATOHXIIKVToprleBor, Ji t,n..f. C . 1. v, Bl Vak. iHlttilljrf mji ( .., . ,. , , . , . ,,B : . HAla-! DtHAIR (DYE. l. a :-!..,;. Ve. i . . 'i!'.ila".lu WE r A, aatcneioi;'g, aair iryei f . All athera are mora . baltaaoca, aad, aheatf bearotdad lfyouwiahtoeicapexidioal,, j n ip f rt...T. wrv nn enony mil ti . .. kMndful and Natural Browa or Blacit,Ladtbsait tajaay TXalrwBkln. ,.i , ., r,ry .t yjrTIBlt 'MKBALh AWT) DIPIrOIIA8 have bee awarded to Wat. Ar Batchelor lino 1830, and over 80,00 apedltaMea have eewn saanVts the San? -of bl patron f hlafamoudrei " '-'jil I Wat. A.BATCHILOR'S HAUJIH prodaoaael or not to b Atttagllahad feaea Satnr, sad a Wwrraotad not to injur In tb nut, however atng It may b eonUn ed, snd ha, UI effect! ef Ba DyH rerdedle; ths toTtrt'wbylhnsptrBys.1'''- fold la all ekia ant town T Jthe Obaad iaree.'. Drogglita and yaocy Goodl Dealers." ;" 'TJjTne flenutn baa th nam and addreei upon a bbtta engraving oa four aide of aaah-aws. t .WUX1AS1 A-JtawiMiM!, aoureaa i 1 1 I.n OHAAWtS BATUHWa, Aopttetor, t e' k-n. ii 81 Barolai atroet. Mew Voih. ..' ir,, i i ita . . , I.. fcl, .t, INT ALS CODFISH," . alee.'-' q-iiii,ii.iii.,) ldBrlewirkifwiJkie i .-. 5U Barnl WkM Wheat PtaSW "' - -a Hid n a Bait IBxora).' il i "'I .-"V f "n" iter and Co aal by -; auslj-3t' ;iMIi"'i..BJl 11. JtHOI laAUA, n jTt,r ,!,.'( ICS touih High Street, , MANHOOD. '3'aJ iitM cr.r loawrv n Tll NATDRB. TRBA TdR.1T aBO kVaOltiabOUBJt 08 8PBBAtOBHBA a.Mamluu ueotuv. nervwueuwM.ue. rolnutaieaaaiaaietm auaV InpoteBey, reelUo SeUlae, AVi By llabUI. Oalverwell, At. O. Z. n 7 r,, 1a"i'r. pain, ea receipt vt i rt - - - -- - tfi.iNB. I Uowarv. Hew Vork Pot Offloe Boa. e,tw. unudodaw r '. tn I d t , to Balr A gtael li ( rrom Sent j If MRS, WrtTOLOW, Uxpwttkeed Unra' d"Ma1r nrMeW :b sreatly facliiute uie prism "", ,"V1 suing the gnat reduoiaf aw ianaueer-wu. ALL PAIN and apaamodio aoaiiwi m bep4 wbn W ' Wtlieri'H wlH ftre t IVa . ... fi Si3i iu ojlo J "J yd . ! .. . . . t ( i I ii l2juL.toiu-l UtwtltWI RXuE? and He 41TH To tod tv,-ii a u . i . .... ,., M,i. .lnto tut aver ten yaaia. OAN'Ayru-riiiaytti ad xaotirW.y w oat, we hr.,nv tmtu aw u aay m m ' ""nf VEST alqe-NBValt HAS II lAUJtO. W A .IlMUJlaT, ABCJ, 10 BUT-A- UU Set, we "J r k4 w Ho. a belMM ! ""VS! nuj it . t l. il aradalioblM With it operatlosaiHMl speak b tra f oota"0 mogiial4-t aod weotcai yirioee, , w t matte " WUAT WB bat B.MOVV':" after tea year' eetaa-1 SJno7. Amu Lit (! OUR KBPUIAT10SI 0E till, n i u7dn wuif ura uKBI riunLABJl. .In Slfcoet every Inttanoe whore the Infant la (offering- from Vain and einauitioo. rellrt will be found Iu Blteed or twenty minu lee alter the iy rup t aanuniitereo. thl yalnahl preVrtion I llie preeeriptlon of on of tha moat EXPBK1KNOKD aod SKlLLfUL NURSB8 In SewBalao.ndbwa aaad Wtth BBVBtt I All, IN BUCOBita ler t ' ' " ' ' "1-" :' l"i...'HettJftAIJD9 orCMEIuKU " Iteotoaly relleree lb child from pel a, ewt rartgwi atae the atomach and bowele, oorrecta acidity, and (rryei tope and energy te tb whol ijeteen. It wlllalaioat la tantly relier -" - " ' -" 11 1. - " r ft arrXT it MAT WA GB:P:aQ IB TJ HUWkVLO, AJ, WWJf vvuv and erereoaieeonraapioaa, walck, if not ipeedlly rmaa- dled, end in death. We belle rt th BSflT aod 8DB BtT KBMKDY IS TUB WOHI.P, In all caae of Of BtfTERY and DIaRRFKEA IN CUILDBBM, whether it arise! from teething, or Irom any other caaac. ''We would ui te yeri metherwholmea ehllfl eaffering froea any of the tniernlng oomplalnti 1)0 HOT LEI- xOUB PBBJTJDfCBs NOft'THB PHBTODIOEBOI OlBEBa .Za hMMin tMM end oriT anHerina child, and the ra- llafthatwIllheBDKB yee. ABdOLOrBLY BPBB-to lollowthenarof thl medleta-, tf thnely nee.- Pair dl nHaoaafor ruin will , teoonrpaiiy " each . kotlkk - Bene genalMMuleee Um lac-alaii of OUWW. PKft&UIB, New kerb, i oa, lUe.eolel'ie wrapper. m,., (i, ,.-,1 .te I Bold by all PruggiiU throughout th worhltoO .iv'sn. Irl otpattMMowr H CeMlaBSjtewoat.1.. pctCT dfcwly. f . ' '" I .Maeeaaaaaaaa. Master- Commissioner's Sate ywatersj-k fc0 C3 Wat. R. Darnell ef l.) . , (.'.' , ' BV V 1 KTUfjOF AN ORDER OF WA LE ta ma directed, from atiet BuDerlor Court of Pottle- lio Ooantyv- Ohe 1 will oser ler eale, al tb door of Ui Court-lfouu, ip tne city.oi uoiumoai, oa , ...- Mond"iy.Oct.7th, 1861, r I aitheia ki taw county of Pranklln aad 8mi t Oblo, to all: Tire 8uut halt of the a . JC. quarierot aecuoam, tevothipll,' iaoKe31, Uulud 8ute miliary lands, con Uklng eighty ecree. ' Apprateed at 85 OOperjere. -- :u, w. vuiien.i ruenu, - and Muter Cooqilulonar. Order to sell the above described Ltod in parte. On Btotlon to lb Coort by 8. Ttylor, attorney for de fendanta, it ie ordered thit the order of eale, breto' re ade in the atiov Lamed actios, ne ana ine same ia ncre- Tht oiienn i oravrea .o ecu eaii iana in me iuhuw Ing toinner: let To offer for eele and aril thirty acrea oa of eeld tract of land oelonalng to William R D-r-sell, being the North part of a.ld tract; and if aaid 30 gem do not tiring a luffldrnt amount to pay th lame, then that he oner tor eale tne 3U acre! lmmtoiaie-y aa J taint the firmer on tbe Snath; and If a luBicleol anmunt ol money not reccirea irom ine eame u eaiie ly aaid order, then that th: laid Sheriff cell th balaure of aaid land, aa directed by Ibe former order ot thii Court.'-' - '' ' 1. I trrrrRaK tt. fuffvia, rnenn, 1 J?'; i end idJterConani.ioner. I Printer! fee 83 CO.,,. ;. . y v -i" e.a.llt.t , : - The Court ' of - Corfimon Pleas, ' Franklia bounty,', Ohio.. . I Joseph ffenry Bnrkenrlilge, " 1 By hi flaardiaa, Moah I. Britloa, . I gile j p.fimon. Oeorge Waihingioa Shram et al. j. - IN Pt7RK VANCE OF AN OK BEH OF , Ibe aaid Ooart I directed, I will offer for ale ai pubilo auction at Uie. doer of the Court Uoom la Bieciiy of Columbus, oa ,, . - c , ..-. Saturday, the 14th day of September, 1861, between the hoar of 13 o'clock m., aqd 2 - clock .p, a., tbe following deacribfd real eitate, illume In the ceniy of IraukLta. aad dmt of Ohiot i - Beglunlne al the N. W, corner of aaid tract of 135 acrea and 43 H polee, in th peHtio aed writ of parti tion deecribed, and loaning theacwwUh be aortk Hoa of laid tract N. M.dag. 30 aiin. K. ltt polee to a peat in lbs center of the md, M- K corner lo said tract; thencewith the road. 37 dee;. 30mio. B. polee ma pott in the road; thence 6. 61 deg 30 din. K. iH 3j-IOO pule to a poet tn th we-1 Ho ofeain 135 acrea and 3 poles; theuce N, Si W. pole lathe beginning. con. lalnlg 311 acrea. Babjeot to the dower enate of JCliaa beth A. Dejmule on )3 acreeof laid tracl. v Appraiaed at 3U hi ItMt er a:re. ... Bt. W. HtJFPMAIf, Sheriff. Prinlrr' Heee, 88 00. . sugS-ltdwtd. .t-. TH. '' r- . t-. r ;i f SheriirV Salo. luaef Tockertnd wlfr " JlluL. Hughes. ,r..r.t XIV TIKI TI! C1P A WRIT OF VENDI I) in me directed from I he Court of Comatoa Pleaa of Pranklln county, O., I will offer for aale, at the door ol iha Court Hou,e, in th eity of Oolnmbo. on Monday, September 30th, 1861, At on o'clock. P. If .. the-- felloWlne deacrlbed real ta ut, stloaie la th county ot franklin, and Butt Ohio,' t. wit: ' . Lot No. SO, In John and Henry Millar' AddiUod the Oily of Columbus. r.Appraited at 'iOO. '' ,r ", 1 1 i. fl.W.HUHAr,;fherlir, ' Printer' leei, 1.50. , ' By Ed. Darn, Pepaty, angStl--- r-1 ' Master .CominissiQnef's ' fialo. 4trabsaIeiwd).'U? wejyV: I . i!.'.aaperlot,rjai4,n,,u-j,.'-i John 11. Tarney. i "T V VIRTUE OP AN ORDER OF SALE I to e directed, from the Superior Ooart Franklin eevrrry, Orrroy-t- wtir offer tor sale at th door of th Court llouso, la. the eftyaf aojanbaa en Saturday, tbe 2lt day re, Sept , A- D, 18.61 at onW,eloek. P. M.. the followine dewirtbtd reJ eetat. altuate In the scanty of Pranklla and BUN ar uue. wit:, LoUWoa twraly-tlrreaaed twenty four (33 and In Baker a klitrhell'a aaodlvteloa of oat ton 5oe T 8. ot the oily of Oolaaebu- aa- pee- raoerdod plat la Reoerder e eaice t Veanklin eoanty,,Vttle, "r Appraiacdat-botNo- VI, 00. i- uoom. - ' l - ue, gjifll iiw. t .-1 --rr M 0. W. HCHMAN, Sheriff j and JUatter C ommiattopcr. aglWltA"w'uT, vt ,.t? ' Pgiatkr RHViV't lJ.-u Mtii. 1 Rrt'eriff 's Salaoo m-'i t,ii l. I r.-t.f y.'d 9eorge L. Conreri,! i i.i,r:i-t' t ' '' I ya. a eJ pujiyiiut vo.. .- -. Hairy i. Bice et al. ) , ,i yy-, e f Tr. VIUTUBOPAIf BBOTROt SALE me directed 1 from th Bapeiwwyawr r rrana- liu county, Ohio, I will eflerfee tan A iae-awor th Court HoamthcitffCtamaetaiaaaWeetyi a1 ' - Satdrday, the 7th day of September; XD, Ifvli tatwten the boon of 19 o'clock, M., and BVsloebiP. at., the following deecrthed real vital, to wu: l , Lot No. eight (8), In William Phelan' additlbn lo elly ' Columbua. la Franklin county, Ohio, a pr- evdea plat inereer ia necoruer I omce. Jlyf7IMa4tw: Ti-fnlllo oounty.Olilo. j Priuter'a fee, 93,50. ';)) ifl, Master Clommfseioner'B"1 8ali.i wv. nfri " s; --ta 1 v. . r srnpewr wonri. . ... Amos M Httt aV I ., , , " BVTIHTdla' OP AN OB 0E a OS SALE to me directed, from the Superior Court of, Jfrawt" lie Chanty, Ohio, I will fier for eale. at. the doer the Court ktouae, la tb. oily -of Oolambu, en V I. Hty 6B ColUmbua, , 4,t - ABiraliedaltl.S503-;i."i' i fStJ.A t..rf fatiapi-.- J' , - -'.f J , -- ..-a a I FOA CUILCRCN TEETlIia.-Q,,,,, , Mil SaWoar.the 6th. dayM.TAiWBvftrr ll fr.Vt r V. W VroTftaW,h.rfti,,i), ' I .. .... 1, .. . . 1 a.vJ W-alalaa IHW.' 'P' . " V - ' rj -hl. iv, -"YTT'e 'TI. ' nwwiVl -J, rh .. f tklVtal'ltJiri l 7xf-. gWi ... a, ! SB 8 I ,1 EJ mCOLLISTtR " wbalawaia aad MeteUa Jftaalar l T0BAMtlJBKUEJL4aClGj StcMM) aVwiaritif han all Ine.T: riana BHAN a at - - Oct. a ly I I ' 1 of to of w aad the - - - a,' or . fh ir ' r" , of - J . f ipALtrtsd'S TREPAREDLUE: J1 iartd- -111 bappea, are. ea-fW -. 'ik I ui-. uo. Afuinbte la aaw eeaw eheaw and ooa iVtm. I J- Hlcgd Rigkt .tat llie JEpotL; Inetaat UeUofl , Bto yowr Congta ... M ' j a i ' btrengtheai f ear TolceJ THROAT CONFECTIONS aa GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN, GcjoD FOR' LECTD RER3, ;i '.li'if'.li GOOD1 FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, GOOD FOR 8INGER8, r"" ' 1 f rOR CONSUMPTIVES. ,. " 4 fl. ii'ia-t ,.i.v Mnwwwj,,,, SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTION b. . I t. tASIIf AM DW.MHTID WITH 1 ') .1 .- 8FALDING'S throat confections. I .V JO 0 Wj i . WALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS, They relieve a Congh instantly. ,. Tbey clear tbe Throat. Tbey give strength and volnme to tbe voice. Tbey impart a flellclo'ns aroma to the breath. The are delightful to the taste. Tbey are -made of simple herbs and cannot .harm any one. adrlie every on who hu a Coogh or a hmky Tole or a Bad Breath, or any dlmcalv of th Throat, to gel apekg9fr Thro OoehcUoni; they will rallere pou lneUntly, and you will agre wtth m that "they ill And theee very aiefo I ' Lapd pleaaut while trayallng - - .. Onnerft asp or stttndlof poblle aaeet- ian for itllltog your Coogh or allaying your thlnt If yon try we naokarT. I a f la aying that you will ever afterward eomlder them indlepenaabte. Tea will Snd tkn at tc DniggleU aad Dealer, la Medicine. ' ' - - J ! j pure! - ' - TWENTT-UVE CENTS. . yij ilgnator Is en each package. All -other are oen terfelt. ' k pack age will be emit by nail, prepaid, on receipt of Thirty Oenti. ; ' - iddre - '' ' ' ' -" - Henry C. Spalding, ; NO, 48 CEDAR ITKUI,' i; I.' NEW, YORK- J NervousHeadache B; the use ol tbeee Pill tb period Ie attack of Aev- o or Sb-i BtodocM aiay he prevented; and If taken al the commencement ol an attack immediate relief from pain and ilcksee will baohudoed. . They aeldoia tail In removing the A'auwa and cA to which feanle an eo aubjeeu : Tbey act gently apoa th bowele restoring Cbetle " for LUtroiy Mm, Sudani. Delicate remal ant all parson, otttdentmy obttt, they ar rain a a LamaHv. Improving th opjutiU, giving lone tgor to tbe dlreetlv rgao, and reetoring th natur alaiticity and atrength of tba whole system. THB CBPHALIO PILLS ire tba reeult of long Inree tigaUos sad carefully aondnoted ezpeiimenta, having ben ta a many yean, during which tune they hat re vented and relieved a raat amount of pain and luffer gog from Headacb, whether originating in the aerwow system or from a deranged itata of th ttomatA. They an ntlrely vegetable In their eompoiltion, an map be taken: at alltUnea with perteet aafety without making any change of diet, and th niemce of any dinnvretabU kuU rtUr$ B eay lo tdmMt r (A cAIWren. . ,. .'. U . BlWAKIOIOOnKTBaPIITSI Tnigenuln have Svoiignataiei of Henry 0 Spalding oatachBoz. ,-.:-j .' i " Bold by Drogglat aod all ether Dealer ta Medicine. A Box will be east by nail, prepaid, oa receipt or th 3 Prloo, QO OontSi . ill order ehoold b addreeeeoTto I - .HENHT C. HPALOINO, j, 48 Cedar Street, New Vara. . . Irom th I iamlner, Norfolk, Ta. Oenhalla Pifla aeeemnltih the Meet for which they were mads, via. Can of headache la all Ita form. liey 1 Ilea tb examiner, Norfolk, Ta. bar been tee ted la more than t thousand ease With enUre 1 from the Democrat, Bt, Cloud, Minn. ..' - li you are, or bare been, troubled with th headache and for a box, (Cephalio PlUe,) o that you may have them la eaa of aa attack. " Irom the Adrertieer, Prorldanee, B. I. ' Tke Cepball Pill are aaid to ba a remarkably effective naiedy for th headache, and oae ef Uie very bait for 1 that very inqaeni eompraini.wnioa naa ever men aia oevered. . .."" ' ":--? ' , Iron th Weetern R. B. flaetia, Chicago, IU. , -'' Wb heartily endora Mr. Speuldlng, and hi unrivaled Oepbalis Pills. .-.iif t " - : y Pro Kanawha T alley Bur, Kaaewba, Ta. . Wt at nn that person ro Bering with tb beadaebe ' who try Una, will Uct to tbmt I - Iron th Sow liter Patb finder, (few Orleans, La. Try them I yoa tbat an afflicted, aad we an ran that yoon teelimony oaa oeaaaea ra tne aireaay euro era ue , iiit tbat ba received eeoetlk, tbat a other aaedwia aaa iradao. .n..;''i- .-i;'. i Prom thegt. toub Deawerat.- r Tht Immenee demaad lor the nticl vOephalle Pill la veaidl looreaatn. ... I '' Iron the Oastlt, Davenport, Iowa. Mri Boaldlng woaM aot oaet hi naate with ar tiele e did oot tmxe lo ooaaeae real merit. aale tjotlle erf .- SPALDiNd'S PHIPABBB B wiUeavf tsa tlaaaateeaMaiiaallyA( it- SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I . , , . , l .... . . r.t r,, mt nrtem nnn ,,r Tin . l aweuaii l rTTP'-A Stitcb W Tiaa Steal uti."JTl . f TwUrlll Wfrf I Vera waff.. Trepairln, aWtars, ToyOroct.ry i a.. I .1 . . K y - 1 i IfiLltlNll'IPailFAUDflLUll " I I I ' ' . I.. a. 1 bA,.aa-aue,lae anksh .fCrj III raCD mmjltll B,aiejiy. -wnbib srw nvawwaaww v.-m . . . . ia I.U.Iaawa aauW. avnrl ansa atSs. SBArk " fAl Qai ww. Miuena aw - - - - r ; lit. -UBBVUt, IH VBBP HOOBS."' ' 1 li-A Brash' aeeompanw ct battM. , .a Pl aaaieve. UBNRT 0. SP tLDlSO, , o . ( lBo. H, Cedar Street, How Tort. if- V , Ae atrial anprtnelpted peraom an attempting t pelm evl on the aaeaipeauoe pwoiio, imtuuen or tHBr'ABKD ULUS, I waa Id eaa l Mo all paradns hi u. amla eerore parofea-og. ana eee mar tne inn nana, TTPrlPALPlNUll PKBeARKDULOB.J-n'J I k a the oataide wnppert all e the re an ewtedliug eea I atrial la. aov si