Newspaper Page Text
""''AiWREC'EITli'tT""-""' ITo.30 tf orth High Street, IT IK OFFSRBD M THIB CITO .r" '.'::'. aOH ov House BuildcrsiVjsFBriaslite o bbbi Tt Ul ; AM , AMT-. r -'. treickAlmerlcaa n AAllwTS CBOlIflB II OIL tad pal ap U half pomni tana' tor BmbUF bm, and irushes f.very varwty & quality. MACHINISTS "TOOLS. liT 1 1 AGE MATERIAL'S. ) AXES GRINDSTONES, tot. GDNS. Pl&TOI, 8HQT, , wBOPI CORDAGE, lkather and IndiA1 rubber." BELTING. ,r:i tri'. t Vlintf f.'J W ' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMKITTS, ,,1.4. ,,,, SUYTaJES, iMi ill 1.-7 " 1 ( ;scaLe bells; CHAINS . ... a n-.u.. niir 4-018 ana jroc.s w j . MpaakUlf laikt thtaltoBBoa aftU lattrapud to mj , of Poekat tad Ttbto Catltrr, tad . -x MIL.VCH PLATED FOKKS, Table, DcBettraSd Tea 'SpOopj, Butter Knives,' dfec.", v' ol aJOtiJU a. BBO'aV Bttpaltotart, anatol to to titrabttrj, Iltctro-PUted.oa gtoalM Albttta. . Coaotry Ucrchtnu, Hecbtnkt, and othtrt, art larUal .c, eali tad tnualnt J Btook, alia prtptrtd to Mil botoBlt tad He tall '. XmflL- ;elaintint,'61uo. Mi B, WtiO LATflKOPp LUMGTOiN & CO. 33 it 25 FABE PLACE,". 20 & 22 H0EXAT 8IBE1T, IJtpOUTERS AND 6BBER3 OF Foreign and, Domestic 3 D R YGO d D S por cash'or approted cREbrr. , SPRlISIGv' 1861a , .-y , . .-. - . ' i mr. it Dnln. tl oar taiplt vtreroomt. at tbt abort number, ttocU ol floodt hi tacb o( tat tlx ttpwnmmU uf car bailunt. tuperior Is taTthiag at btra btRtofon tahlMled to iM trtao , ; CLOTH dSPaIITMENT. ThU bat irowa to Itt prttrat Bagoitada andtl lat tboiuof h aaaataitat af a anytr of toot aaporlmt tad ariioMdtd good latta benntiiiiduolcett We koap estaatiTt Uaot of FANCY VESTOCS FANCY CASSIMERES To be found IK ibe market, tit teleeted ertta "tat ataeet dleerlBiliiatioD. AIo,ailtTtot,oolortaa4tartelleaof. BROADCLOTHS, - -SATINETS, J LADIES' CLOAINNGS, , ,. ': (TWEEDS, FABUBKB' aod MB BOHANTS'CABBULB&B. KENTDCKY JaN3, boat X lo 12 tenia parjard tad apwardt; ' . TWBBD8. lX lo U eeata ptrTard Itit pear Mid " 18 to SO; V ' PRINTID BATDTBTS, li U otntl; " . And other Good corrtftndiKgtf Lou. ,,.1. . ..... , r i Dress-Goods Depasimknt. Mtncbetter St Ltlatt, UtmlltvB do. Paeifto do Printed Ltwnt, Prtoted Brlllltatet, ttacj Qtntbtmt, Boabuinea. Black Bllka, . ,.-. ,. Fancy ill Piloted CbaUlt, ' 1 Hanebtater Olsgbtat,"' Oaage . ' do. : ClinUio do. Ottoata Oktht, -"' 1 Alpaoaa, ill Pepliaa, .j.t 3 s And VNi Stint mfUtf FANCY SPRINC COCDS. -" . , st, til' n h oi Herrlnta Prlntt, , , Xlabatad't Prlntt, Oocbtoo do. ' Amerloaa do. Paoibo ' ''" dor"-' ' Saaiiollf do.1 Bpracno't -do.. . .. Xoglleb .. da. , - Uancheiter, to. Prtntt, Ao. , f aX5MESXIO,CK)TTOira.-i - , Lt'renct, v. aBeeuaga,..,., luam at. mwwmn-u diark do. Aaoakeaj do. , Latbrop , do. . ,, App'oloa . , B dot Bbawaal do, Br.retl do, Poeueet ' ' ' do.' " UOea, ., do. AUGndet tnd Width. ' BLIAOBID BniRTCfOB" AND Waaeatta. . lrw1rt,, " BITBITIlfOB. 1 ."taWTenct, Lonedale, 'V, raai Fallt, Hill, Wtlthta, Naw Tork Mill, ., Ac. Rannkatf, - - Boott, 1 .ct.i ( SHANYLS ANDJLfflTILLAS,' A LAtQB AND IBLtOT ABSOaTMIBT. 00TT0N APIS t great variety. ' v OUBOKB' " .. do. a. , ' . ' . ! T1CKINQB tit tht latdlng brtndt. PBNIW8 do. do. BUIKT1NO SIJOPBt'BU thtl ANKBBNB. , , do. . ... da. OOKtCrJlANl . do...; , do. HOaaENd do. . do. DAMACKA, , PAPBB 0AI1BRI0I, 0OL0RXP . 0AM- VttiUB, ate., ao. . ,t li ' --; LARGE AND complete stocks of WR1T1 600DS, B08IEBT, . i ' .,.... ...TASKMSOUOII, . Gentlemen's Fnrnisliing" Goods, UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, CAHPXT9lN0II-.'Cl.OXUSt And a neat vtrletp of Soodt not enumerated-all LATflROi5. LUDlNGtON & CO, . J a ' 1 t ' ' ' . aidaaaaiaa at at ' a av aaaaa. ta m ' aarl IMPORTED GOODS. tO oaaaa luttan Oil, Bartea If Co.; for table at. Ill 14 . P react Maatara, farorlte -.- b ". (Wed BanUaea. Uw BBBT aaratata ata'ld 4 .of Captrt tndOlrrttv i A " labia Baoeee "Lea A Perrin't Woreette ihlre." VBoper-e gaiiara," ioba Pall,'' (,.,, "ilarrep,': "tteading.r t, i- u IO ". . Walnataiul TuatateiJatoaa, . ' 14 dot. Oroa A BlackaU't eelrhrtted Srif llat Pleklra oonaletlng or "Utaliaovsr," "PI ealill,'7 IhoeMJiiow "Walnat, 'On n. CaUl,e,,, "Betnt,", "Uherk'a' IKsPteklea, ,, ., ,. luu " 't.M.uii, ooiebrtltd I colch Ala. (J eaaa Ginyer Preaerree. . , - ' g ti boaea Italian Macaroni tqd Ttrautellai. H (KeaOex'a ttelatlne. OoUman'a eelcbittedhnguab Maurtard, la bag, boat, gant and bottle. . . i . , no7 j. . ,, .. ' WM. McPONALP. ;; i i Mu nit . 1 1"'' ' ' ft . . t"' .i. .-i-'ft .I-,;.. . .:' . . I NOW RKVJDY. i THE REVISED S1ATUTE3 - i . " CI THB ' '" ' if asexkbal maturb, is forob ab(. Lisas, KzzL Zzz:r.h 11 Swan, WITUSOTZZ Of TBS JDSCISI0X3 OF WI Sf oovas, . j-'i- ABB MFIUMOXI 10 VBIOB Ufl, v A ftt LEAN 0EB J.CmTCltl ELat, ES. AMD A hfU, A OWrfBWlUT VKVtZ. , Jn Taa Jtoja, Bra. Volamw. Pile 10 00. mmiHwtiitMHfllliHU taawark atrfoet and relUble to til nopeoa. uMi b aeerlr tbe imiuhu Taw ooia moaeee, srueroerJ le he djetrlbotod to lb foUowUg But tod Countpeeert ' are. 0 aptroll.rr, freneertr Bed Aaelter ol But, tad io& Prolate Caerte, OHriiif 0-wameo Pieces Super luul poltoe Ooarre, AaditertVaad theCrertt of Ih wloo Ooartjtoeaeh Mski a. tin Kiawiil lb Staato aad Heme f Bewewseatatree of 'hie atato, aad ik. immm X ih-acrerel Btateeef Uw Colon. TMi book, eontatalag, M If dee. l et Ih Statetto Mf la ton, (ad the eelherlBtlr eoeetroettoo at tbea to Uw MvOnatltittoa, will K fca4 to to) fptoteh 0D!TY OFFICERS, ' " ' ,!" ' V I i.,.. OLIRKI OF TOWNSHIP!, oa -! 0X1? OFI101M. V . ... .. Inniarh awm aWtai towawa wmd la It tatawi tinea tbt taklkalloa tj tht hM tdlttm, t r Ml. altaiMwat at4 ttUlUoot. tail bmbi aaatitut 0 eWoat km awa fia ay tat IttM Ooart ta taa IrorarvM pmam. all - - . -.. ' v ' AIIOBNMi AT IAW, '. ANKBR8. MBHOHANTI r AND BUalMBdl MIS 0IRBBAU.T, Will th4 (bk ta hrtlmtbU Work. ' " u ! In BUonf IBlo41g.., Friot 110.00. . NblaM a mj i - i 1 ROBERT CIiATtKBV A; O0, Law rakOtbtrt. BokMHn; atailtatn tad Iaporttrt. )- , . Mo. 9 Wttl Foaria alratk eU8:dSa:it . (. . ., . .. Oktriaaatt 0 DDKOHMER WAWTKDforirOpacktf A tlatMa?y and Jtnlrr. lor aw at prwaiaaar Tokwd, tot ID ptr nut. dUeoaat, M lat tipntt tOf tl Oolomba,UDl.' ' - ' ' a 1m. Mat aa&tod a) tail tka ntat pasatlt af atatiaa art (altk aliata tovaliy) la iht auckak a prim loaar lata eta to pironawa tinwatra. mmih wa ttaip tnclattJ. J. t. BAU.IT, u9: 151 Ooart ttrtti, Bottoa, S. DOYLE & CO. r I MtDuf&ctararg tnd Wholeetls Dealan In ' li66TS AJD i SHOES, Nortliwegt Coruar of High ud Gty Su., I t. aro.ei. OOLUBUIIB.... iJ. ' OHIO. "A targa of flat to Htplt oodi oa baal." SUNDRIES- TAHinA r Btgo -.. . . itnW r Airov Boot. I I Blot Float ... , , , -Saalofc Oat kittl IfttrlBtrlep : . BpUt Peat . , , , , Ortoktd Vbttt. M ,4 , OnoteltU .. i. I Oooa ' ' Broima, etc. . , . ' Oreaat Tartar, ,, , Boda 'Flgt Praoat Betdleat Btltlat , . . f raahTenttott . . Peaehtt '' . Qreea Oora f rkh Cud. I VralU at IT17 dcttripUoDi jenieeoi til umi; VltTorlng BxtncMofall klr. ; Oaa Oropt; Mixed Otadtet; '-' AlmoDdt, Fllbertt, Pteua Halt, ' " Roglltb Waliiaw, Bntll Battitte, bot ' - wm Mcdonald. TRAVELLERS! TtTBII w oa to to Ho Tort , drive elnet to Ike Vy . . SUtlTUUVMAA HOUSE, n0A9WAT,C0RH0l 0OUSTOS BTIBT '. CoodatUdoa tat 1 1 EUROPEAN PLA 1ST. flood Ftro, Good Koomt, Proapt Atltadtaot, and Mo- natt Cbtrgtt. IIK0LI E00MB SO 0TB. 7S 0TB. ind 1 PIE VATf I . - D0OBLB B00HJ tad PAB10BJ 10to $B, tfaalt at arderod. ThU HoUl bat alt tat appotatawnti of Iba beat botelt, a Boot otatral tccatioB, and la boated tbroagboat bp tuaai. . BAMUab . . aureblMSa . Propria lor XNOTTXL-CkNOID. . I0BI B WSZEUO, AOEKT FOB IlOnBtCVNTIKETITAL, I iii ti.. fa. n HwD Tea Maacauna an'd Cm Fna or Habttob daw yobs iitTaana wom. aiirnAa uir -Office, Si Bllflk St., Sbtm i tM-dlp Alexandre's Kid Gloves. riLAlVI lltDIflBROIBEHED, BIOCS L QUBTAlaM aad regobwtbapo Blaak Bid aiortt. earitroMered la white, annata. parplt, A. Dadrttted- Kid aioTta. Hlawt Kid Olorat. A eoaplttt aawrtatal of ibtMoalebrtledOloTttalwaytloralekp Bain m aun, fkb Ko. loath Hlfbatreet. D KKSS COOOS, W utiirw.Nifi ' MoaaJiiKeJm, . " i-.-h-i Tbatbum Potiont, ' . , Cum PoruM. ; - a v 1 v , . . ' Poifc P CHlTBBa, .. ...-. i. s v , - . Gbrxulbi, Fabmci CBorrus, : ! Fines: Moium, ' "v ''Trntrnm Oaaiaam. '! CnnBra WiMiPd 8uu, EiMtirr DtBti Bun,' - .r EbaTt BtKtDI Ai IteWui SlUCI; Aad til other n tad fathtoatblt PiilirltH aoat a ieaaad for tutadtoa Dfaaat tad Kaatlllaa. .. tpiSS .. V . , . It. loalk Bl ilmk TT ATINO THIS BAT SOLD OCH O. Btonkof wrtearkatoa.a.PaMIMa,wchatrfallp icoaatad bha to oar tat petrena aad Irtaada, 1 '. fci-. ' rtHrs. ALBARaBOM. Coaiata. Manh BBta, iWl apltf TJILEOANT rLAIN BLACK 1L,KS FOB Btroet Baaqaee tad aeatkni alt. Blob Trtmala ad Taaealetoaalob,at . BA1 aaapaB ' - '. ' ' ISnmmerTJnder Garments LACILS LISLE UN DEB TESTS. Udlea aaa alerlaa do. do. OMM Bilk Prawen aad Bklrta. Otntt India Oaast Braaenaad Bhlra. 1 J vouea - ' ; ' r Merino Coder Bblr'. i Wbito aad Bfwwa OaOltolPraatal ' , Wbltt Llata Drewwrt. -..v M Bxamlarre Cedar Bhirbv . I ,'rt , I , - , Bapoilor BagllakMaaf Moat. . Loag Back age. i Ftacp uottoa 11AU Moa. . . iVotdaaaUllBdrtB, . '.? u - Pot Bala la treat nrlcta anl at aularatt I . i . Bdlitek BON. i ' n No. Bt loath High tbeet. mtpJO. ., . . n -.-it: Notice, CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS. 'T'llE POLLOTPINO OH ANOfctj aEBE a aad la me ua effloert or mn Bank, Jaaaarp ib. ml, to wit: Wa. A. Purr, Praetdeai, and Taoai ned inetr offleee. Patib TiVLea. tratlatal aad Wa. A. FlaTt a poiniea vaae ni ..-. - . .. . Br enter or aae Boara or vireeiore. fa, UKI-da. -- W. A. PLATT, Oaahltr, IB INK MTJFPBi TI0T0RINB8 and CUFFB wt an 111 tew tailing at rtqr low prices, alee all other kind, IkabioMbl (tart. PBTB BANB. l. . SB.ttBoathUlgh BU. lAdios' Luen Pockst-Htadk'la, HEmnEDSTITOHEB LINEN HAND knebtera rerr wide heau.. . tabroklered tlfiea Eaadk't all prict. aeaae auteotaaaa aula oo. do do do . colored border. Moernintr (jaaakberdtn - : do . . d new ateleriaaaalfcAad. , . '. Pino Apple do, Bow patterne. , , Ultai' Plain and Beamed Blltrbed da all arkee. Ooaprlala ta taeet a loot eaeertMnt la aWoitr tad Hmeeetpnoo. , bain a aoa, wtv . t " re anew Hlrn airetit. ESTATE OF CHARLES CLARK. NOTICB It berebp glrta thtl I bart bat dalp ap aolnted dainletratr af Ua octal of Cbaila UMrk, ptltoi vrao.aiiatt.BBip BAH ilia CLARK. t. A S. ChlltoBden-Attornsra. , , , , ,qT.'' - .Jf : 'i c . 1 I;1 OHIO OTAXTITIAn mm Niso'ift, 58 t W, North' Hlgl. Sti lEtilltU8!ifJES!J!5Fira NEW.BUIIDIIIG, GvroAiijr.issnlAVOPcj " .. - -"arir . BOOK J-JOMfflJENTI '; ' WB1L1' BOTH' HAVE KPOT,'" "" : teMEQ . tllBOUCSClJT il VtTg ' ' '" 'J ' j i , lv..i- i V i . . !'! aul'i New Types, Borders, - Ornaments, iy rSOM XBB 01IJBBATBO ifODWBftT 01 . .', o. x WHmt; ! co... uw . t asx, 1 THUt HAKIXO IT THI , , -V- llost Complete 'Establishment IN TH1 CITI. i t M aov prtparad, to Xxarate U Ordarp tot BOOK AND JOB WITHDISP.AT.CH1 , lad la tht Matt Appro ItyUol tit Art i ,'iM 'i i i ii i .ii'. l pajitiotjui lrrrrnoir paid to MERCANTILE AND RAILROAD Bills af LaeUaa;, , Clrcalara, 1 , J'' Jill Hada, Blanka, DaaAa, , Cartlflcataa, ttcolpta, DrarxicBOUi . uagriatara, HOW CABDS & BILLS IN COLORS, sons,' ". XHVXLOPU, ' CORKACTS. ; CARDS, 1 EXADUieS, IUnstrated-Show Bills, POB COUNTRY MEB0HANTS, CwW BID,' Baai ilHi, "tMii, Coaaar. Pra rmaN, schoN aat cauaca untaawi, ua- t I Ul Bill af Para, Laitatloaa, fta.' a. S I il I 33 OOlt .VOKjLi' or.rviRY DESCRIPTION School Bnl CoIItga Catalosua, . v , TT i -y lUpaallAnaoaa raaiphuta, ... u VI CooititatioaB, Raporta, Briafg, ftt .i i , , . , . , . . -1 Printing In Gold and Colors OSTEB Prlataa ta Irarj Color aa a Ilammoth Hoe Cylinder, Tat uijTim af tha klai la Caatral Ohto. Mr faotllttti fer doing tap aad tfl tf tht Boat or work, aa now aneui,aaai I, a bo raartatu i la all tteet. - will m"All wert farolahed proapOr tir the tea wroxlead. uunuv aatxxiB. WHO SHOULD CSX DR. J. DOVEE DODS IMPERIAL WINE BITTERSt All who trttffik wttblnetpttat Ctataatant ta Wmk Laaia aboald aae taea. Allwbo eater fraa Weak fttoauoht, Indtgeatioa. Cjt- aaaetatrrilMtaaaldaatBta. -All aba tafar ftoa ttonaral at NtmaaBtMl' Baatliama at night, Want af Bleep, au)., tboald Bat Ail piitaat wfca an oswraleeoact tftar frrar w toVer aeaaeaa taoaw aae utea. . v . If iateton of tbt Aotpol, Lawptn, taotartn, tad tl pablle apetkea tboald aat taea. Book Keepeta,aadaU praoat leading t tedaaarp V tboald aae tbaa. Tbaaradtad roflra ttoald ait tbaa. ' 1 - t 1" All ateftprintttiaalaalartoBtotaoaUatotbaa. AU wbo are addicted to too aae of ardent tpirila aad Btotorara,tbaaMaaetfaoa Tbep art aadaof a part Bberrp Wine, and of tht aa trrt paanto and berfce of Iba ooaatrp, and taoaU btaf tiaaiinted bp toaportM etdetitt. tMrrjraaea, pkpaV tUae, ami all frtende t bnaiaitp. - a . a Tbep art prepared bp aa arperleaoad tad akilifml pap. tbiaa aid, aelilaliea Ikalt aaillalnal irnpimit ana aottdellgblfal beteraga, aad pot, at a aodlotot, art at aaoeeateadbaralaaaafbe dtwtof bcaroa. Bold bp drag peoeraJtp; '- k CBARI1S bymPrriBLD CO., rraprlaton, r . 18 WUllaaa ., Haw Tar. , &0SXET8 ft f AtfCEL, Afrats, ' u. , Claabat,klt Wholesale ind Eftail Depot for ... , . j .i f j W i .i;w - , .... g-aatBpar - i . .uft.wt. I No. ' 108 ' South High Street i . ., , . - 'm - J -' ' a ' TVd. SIcDONALD,- ... . T BAS,r '''' FINE & STAPLE, GROCERIES - IN ALL HEIR VARIETIES. . . Dal I valval at Oaada For the f ivll and ' Winter Tiadi i . . ".'n nUETIJKNINeSMCEBETaaAJlKS TO TJHfc PUBLIC tor pact Mran aadpeAaa tge, and keUf DETEBMINED to B1EBIT oUnaaaoi of tatat bp Btrlat Mftaatlad ta lamtla, tad praaapt aallTary af fBaaoto I Woald tall the Batle of tbt pabll to tb fast that hartai t Lartja aat rail Salae t4 Stack.aa bead, aad being la iallp receipt of feodt frea tht diiTer- ealaarketa, I tattarapitlf that I cu offer lo the dO aaa f Oolaabaa, or to tup who aap teefrt to parotitaa. aatrba tat of arikVx tpprinln to the GR0C1BT trado, FJN EQUALED bp anpbooao tat fht tttr Tha prte tad aaallto of tat good eOered, I (aiara aaitaa ta f iTa amtiafaetlaai; ' t Ooods Dfilivsred Tree of Ciargw. Btt7. , . ., ... , WE, lacDOHALB, FIE8T ' '- OPEKISC OFTHB SEASOfJ SPRING ANBSUMER GOODS ' ; A.T Pa - ROSE'S. 1 IiAOAIN OrFEfl TO THE PUBLIC It earl re new ttock of Ocodt ta at Una. (net notch. teed la Mew fork at traebeapaet paste rue ,all of wtilck 1 taaiiaeii tua aauueei nrtna. ler cam. aroaataa en ted frkaea are reea aotralhr tavitrd toealiaad exaa lat ap Ooodt end Piieoa, at I aa deuraloed IimHb p er cneaper uiaa tap other aoajt la Ihaaltpiaad 1 do arp owa Oattlng, and taperlntend ar owa haai a. I feel acta red, froa aw loaa tcoerloaoa laaaab aaea. to (Ira moral Mttofactloa. Tlia loeat af waife. aea art eaplod, and all work dna atrleilp la tiat aod oa abort aottet, aad warranted at at- u-anaea iMtlna oar clip weautoaeaii anoir wtereei op grriag ana a call kofor pnrebarlng oleewher. . r. KuHB,' : k ... . . i mmiwui latior, irc dlp . . i Ct Illb todToeaat. ' la., a. ' t) ' h . n (t l ils.ana'KinDroidcnept1i v VALEIbCIENES, EtaLTKawj aroillT Lace Oollaraaad BetU. French, Fuaher tnd Tkread rello iiM pane me j .aictin.a ana ain k-lM 4 CoIItra. Bella. Trtaatnet tnd tklrta, Uw anbo and OoMfaret, PMa Lit Collar!, eta aad CerTi, aiaaroworea vottwe an aa. . fi .i i . , . .mn .'i., , ! w, rt. V ... Ka. tAtWhlllghBUaoa.. Y j ' '' --' ' -..' a I") all . '..iw.iirm.ii.vJ jwwiwaa -. . i n.'nVa-yj)' r7-.t .. . y- ' ..; dou.1'! r g i ! tf .i't-fCLt V ' at..- Cm ut,' 3 at't i.j-hi fi if i e U inn' i 1 utxH -.'B .' N"p4 wIjiiIwP A i , C3 !,.'. E ii' Jt 0 tli M 1 'sLj:'' ' toJi.i pi -ailim-iarttt & 1 no jr. S -jv O ifi 9 l.i L. ,um.wI u l'T ll.i! J, ...... r ' CTt Crrrra ATTBNTIOS to eoaa of Ota aott Irawdlaaiptaraibpdap " ' ' ' - 1 PEOTOHAL SYRUP-i aat . tbnarett boaaa.aad'airVoDa w4ahu aMtKdeaafir alia l a nwi..; PR. KBTiKB TB fBBPABBD AT AKT. Tlltfa Tn XAMINB LUNOR WITUOUt CHAEaj. Jott 1(1 f ttt WHO WBBD BII kUDIOlflBd. . - . ' ' i ; i ii. .:.'i U -v. .i ii.lill tiJV;'.Bt il il' . ATTBHB- TO TOOK 00L0B -A ttoe of ItaVoar.' aBMiiif ewjtaapyii. uuui rauTuaaiiBikUPb ' Da. Kirns. : Mr wlft bat ban afflicted with a bad aomgh and dlaoaltp of hnatalng. for trt or m paara. vaM.itrttrtraJ paart bank, had gndaallp tnoroaeed la noioaea. laeootBBiatnt aat aeea Baradiurmaad aba bad beta created bp MTtrtl phpalcuat trltboal aaa,ra nai. u tnui ataia or nor oaea, A prooarM aone of peat t wwi orrap. i Dourm, ua am time, inn, east tot tie, aatob rallofadbtr wry auacb j I Ibeaaailod taa (etaavuar eoww, vnlea oared ho aatkrtlp, aad aba ha aaw bo tnat of thttoatt dlaaet, taoept weak- mmm. woaio aieo ataa mat l aaea wo aeaiaioa aip ealf to a told tad teagb.' Tbt aedlelna oared at br tak tagtataot I arpraB ap eatlra atUifaraox with kbr aealcine, tnd poa are at Jlbenp to pabllah thai a pea ',' ' ' ' ' ' Alderman litlfc Wari ' r ' PttTraomoa, IIot. 18, lftefl. D. Btrna. Althoagh not aa adraeatt of Prntent eotcwii, in general. It affordt aa pkaaaratodoaoriBai w rKvniawii joar reotorai sprnp. at t aedtclno It a wall wertbp the attention of top ponoa bo tup Is n Banner at afflleted wUb ooarht, oolda lad boaraenoM of asp hind, aad for Iba peoatlar analranalloat lot ra aerlng til that dlaag retail le ttaaaUoa aWandlng a at- nnwHi i i I t bar beta, awn er lea. In tip lift, affected with U Mrartttol oaldt tad beaaeatta." At Uam ap throat would eeeoBM eeolvoad at to rrtnt rriraaina aba m wuirar, ana er taatni a uw aoaat at ILa eboea BeniD la loaeaaoBdlna thla aedldot, I aart anbarltottnglp tap Iballl a aw ban reaadi I eror Imad. Daraanin ta eare tbt abort, nor tboald tap faaiUp )p wltboatiblt raweup rarowjeaaet to preraieni. , ! Toara, aoet ratpeetfullp, ' v, DABJJ. JOMBa, ! ' -' " Otthltr OltutBt' Depotlt Bank. Biainuxa,0., Marali li, 1SSB , I Btta ad Pr. Keraer! Ooarb Brran for a bid oonoh or Mrtral peart ttandlng, ud eta obotrfallp tap It It to brat BtdielB for tha aaa tha I bare eror anew.' COt. PRATT ADD PR ItlSBE'l PIOTOEAX lYUUP. Da. Kmia Dear Bin Bxeoj tbt delay of mj aacBowioagiBg toe eael teste or poer rotiortl Oongk Brraattoaer,. I take aroat atoamro la 'tarku that It a aiipoaaapua. a cjincran uu mnom cy ap oov aad tht wont oat 1 waa trer tfflloted with: 1 baro not aatd aore Ibaa one balf of tbt bottle, tad lean aad do wlabtbMaUwbaanalBktedwoaldBtraHMfarra trial ta I bare deaa, aad tbep will at proad to tar, "II la a ojaack aadlclne." 1 woald not toiler aaothtr each aa attack for top eODtUtratlon, or at asp oott. I ta ooa- leaa ereatba Bora frtelp lhaa I tT-r did. I thall alwaraaokaootodgt a deal of graUtado fortoraatlngie aaeelleata leaedp. loa trt at Ubtnp lo art ay aaa la tut rtgaro, at poa toink proper Bu P. raaXT. aeaeaager uoaaos uoaatu, riuaoargo, ra. Pltaawrgb,alap U, laW. . i . t ii. U. B I aa bo atrancar ta ap lellow-elUant.tnd waa tatorttla doabta ota oonaBlt at portonallp. ' M.W.i. PrrratoBBB. Aorll li. 1857. ' UAD TBI TBUTS. Pt. Act an: 1 bart a daagb. tor who baa takoa arrartl aortlotnti for a bad aoagh witheat keaaBl tatoag tbea Apar't Obtnp Pectoral.-. I amrobaad froaa poa a betlla f pear PBOTOavAL BY BX P. aad eafeea tat had ated ban a tattlt aba iBbwrad. Tht toooad boulo earad bar entlralp of her iOBK VaJUif, BjblBBOB atoattj dllegboay. aaaaaja . fc W laaWBJtTaaBta aajpajgaajT;. awRa JfTaf 4T 1 A OBIAT CT7R1 Bt Da, KBIABA'd tBOIOJIAL lltur. 1 art ra reetlee anrnanip, Allegbenp ooantp. I bad a otagbaaf and tptttlng, Whtob tammiautd aaoat tbadthef Pabraaay bat, aad esaUaaod aajbt ajaatha. -1 aaii liii id iba beat pbpticiaat la Ih ooaatrp, u ap aaagb taatlaaad arahtied anUl early In October. At that waa I waa awrtotd to trp poar PBOTOBAL COUOH BYlUiP, waick I did, aad altar 1 ka a ratio aaa bottle I BeBttnlpfreafroathaeoagblngaBdaplltlag. I bad laapalrod of ever getting wtU, tnd I think It tboald bt knows that tha ealaabit rtaedj will do for o there what bat done la art taea.-. ' t - iOHN O-IITTLB, Wllnaa B MaVaaa . . ttbiMtoirBhtp.;C I , r d' . .1 . a. I'. ' ii. ,J- S Ii PTTO Tr., April U,18W.' A WOKPRErUL OtJRB. Boat liaa no. an old artghbor of aia waa verp 111 with a bad cough which are rr aat aanaeead to baoanaaapHoa, lilt reiatlToa told a fatk ba bad aaea twerp aaaaadp tbep heard of wlUaalbaoaAu alt brotbtr ttaa to teohaada. and were eo&Armed la the belief that he ootid not Ure. I bad aboat tha third of t bottle of poar Pectoral Bprap, wnbaite baa, and Ueaanlp earad bin, to the aa too Miaant nf til What Bitot tht eaaa aore reaarkabia, a tha axtreaa age of tht aaa, be belngalekrp peart old. 1 Bar no ooaot int reotorai area rue lire. . - ' , JOUMN' Q1NKTS. PR. KBTBBR'S PBOTOBAL SIRUP IN BLAIRS- TU.1J. fhaa eead a taetkar taapv of leer Tela able ' Pectoral Bprap." Alaoet narVbodp aroaad at bat the oo 14 and art laqalring for "Pr. Kepar1! pectoral arrap." Wt but eold atxieea bottlet Met week. and art bow entire lp ta.. Mb, A. alter aad Mr. t.Mthar, both af BlaUariiU. Pa . toll at the woald aot bewiibont It la their faailiet. la fact, til aha aat it once wast it. loon, latpeetrullp, 'wATnRoiraoifS!' . a. JaaaarylB, IBM. J - l! o- I ANOTHBR BBW CBRT1PI0ATB PR, UIBIB'B PXOTORAti SI RUPI bad beta treokled with ooagh aad eold let eeroral wttk lo bad wat It that I tould not Bleep. I bad tht aarwt tad prattripttoaa froa throe af the beet pbrtbdane la aaa lp, whoa 1 eeald a aaa, hat do aat 4t at. I Baailp prooared a bottle of peep Pectoral Bprap, which tared BMtaUnlp. Bigntd, , ,. 5. W. 81M0KT0N, " , SK Uhartp (treat, PlttaVargb. Pa , Jaa. tt, 1808.' . frTCTaUT0TJ0HIl."-mowt I do Uf "Oo ta Kapaar'eea Wood tweet tad get a boUieef altOeagh reanial, ana u utai aoai care pea, poar oaee a aat oa aat ana la dead." tblt Maipeeiaesof the oollooar aaw beer alaaotarwrp dap hi eold eatchleg period! of aa pear.- Aad we Ota,- frea atuea tapanal, abtaa tallp eooear a tha adrleer'aadaoaitjoo, fer art BoretrteatM -recunu. ' in aatoot euooora aaa. wim oaOraaaotea. Mtartwawanaago w weal lePlttabarpb, with aaa af baa ateat dittraalna, eaotatrp, aMUaa, aa (ebdaabto aaa he w erer Mix not aid aiace tar adrant apoa thle aandaa epber. W ooogbed tteadllp aad laharVajlx tor one whole met, mbopee of Mringtt owf, bail It wa bo go. la faot it eeemed rather a bin ba. a rod bp peaetlee, aad to hare aaejalrid Mangih,paaa. er aod eUetraaaioiUrp bp tbt eptrailon. Ja thla atagwof tha ttota. a oabod oor wtp to Kara.r'a. 140 Wood Bt. roc rede Bftp cent bottle of the -Pectoral;" took It atom dl.a to arrecttoat. aaa B'ortpigat aeajaerewero aaatar f IM aau, u eneap aavana aeeoadlUanaltr ear rendered, aftarabrtaf bat anequal eoti&iot, with ao romioaow aa aarortarp as aapeer t amon "uoagn Ptctonl . ''oerafi(ie Otpptr, Dm. M, 1B5B; ,J, t u ..a aaw i.ii, t4,i ull til PR. KBTIBB1 PBOTOBAL ITRtfP "prepared aaa eu ap w natiaut a. ttitu, rtu wood rtreo Plttahorra, Pa. !. -- . m I i t ' TOT Wdto. OolBBbaibpROBRRTI yA llbltJBLjj rpOOTH X t ACHE KEffllEPT ,.ii in mo i.'i ..i . . . . i n. , . i ,-i 1 i.r, (. 1 ABtnxRauTaa PrtptrciaadMUbp ' .VliJ IB! '1 ,r , ... p.po. , sim. . Pact, M Mat. "' "140 Wool rt., Plttiburgh, ti, ' ITT Bold la Oolaaaat by R0B1XTS A lAaTTTIt flKflf FAPEH COLLAH9 .AMD va naea xiaa. ' - " ' ' nindiraa and MeaoBleai 'aIm," Mlkl Tlaa, auirtae " v n LtaeaOallara, : , J f .laalf Haaa. . i '.f Jot. ,v.V , . uraweiii (tc, " BAIN A ION, ' ' aprts He, n geatB Blfh uri. OOLBEPJ Hit L IHIRTg, J ,p ,,r,iff VA .I IWLPN HILL BH1BTB. . , , , tl Y ; f . otyrDBB HILL SIMMS. ' '' L1 1 Tea peAtare af theee ehine ere aee.. Toe Bod ita. Votraa.' aiearat tea taeiuaae a Bt the peaaaa wilt teat aw etaaron. aaa atari apoa aaea en deelftoattng aa a aap be tolled oa a being correct, and eachthlrt ar aaranteed well and. A full Mock of tit On.llOet gnaraaii rwwaaup Braaleel t aaara4.,.iii , ut BUM'S, t So.MBeetBUghirati a.TELLA IIIAWtll ITILL1 ir ttiauii ta l all deelnsl)lulere, od it rerp BAIN A BON,' l i No, IS Swath High HnttV rrwatt bwrwelrja. c 7- WltlK HI AKTliB BABAttEBV BOTH WblWBdBlaca,iatreorra4at. ... ia i - atiN'A TmsmnonponiivEm Union ETKLorM-B.a tiaUITI of taalgna. at 4.08 per l.wUU. . - psio tZTTti tm tatt pipes. s ' . atfcatlS Iht price abarged bp (Ball Searera. jTTrul AB QDAHTI RS Me, TJ Bon I"r tirecf., 'aaae, Map 8, 1MJ1. - f.H.MMkt,' - JC' v- ) in.! Mil l j ' ft Jr. i .vy,.'t .- V V ' . . 1 V - ; , .iTrMl;. Zi'-v hk iaa-Vfft-al 0 " aW ;. . RBmatannai. BT !UlTS H X S I R ' AST L E Y - C OO P ERi J,,L 1 ..ii. i, i . i ar bv.v.i.1 - ....-.'. - B. VAIENTINE MOTT1; u.t il l ,mi- er aowsoay ana" i.:uli'i u aohBaarladrdd Heall-f tha 1 .atrf. I n Tin,- ::i( irm . r ' t..mi Tha boat Dinretlo, Tojnlo, ana umoranv moat Extract of tha ITA-UAIf iVSPirtm ,rrftM"ft'?&ft. P ami. INDISPENSABLlv TO FtM ALEBj . o;,t e . INVALUABLE TO - THE SICK; W""-"' ' INCOMPARABLE FOR THE AGED. -iatra' rlnrr: tan 'aincO n THE SAFEST ARD HOST DELICIOUS BEVERAGE IN, THE WORLLU ,1 , For Bale. Flnta end Qnarta, b mwty Qprurlat, Oroear, or Country Marohaot, ,. ..ololra"' " iimii''ii Mail ' .. . IO0X QUTi FOR BOODS , ,,T . tirO N JD ,0' I,N,Ht ., TWB OBTLX OEirPUfB ABTIOUI IB: ' m CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL GIN. .el ' ': 1 l 1 L,' ' ' LIZ' BiKtv't) CliAJjAJWUN fJJmi . .. ,)( Ji'1. I " i Importers. 91 Liberty Bt., NKW YORR. fBoMinOoltrfflbBkbp' ""' "' ':'' ,, ' WbolteaU tad Retail Oroeera, Btateeman Building., g. A, WAUn.aDO oujera.,.. WAONBR.tnd other. . Id Cincinnati, bp ' oS8-deodAilrw snraa. rokbtbin oo., j , i . ' aadothera. Mr. ' TTTTT,T?T'T XT ATTTA 0T 1 TU01T A XT I . ,. ,., HATDIO A0IR0C1ATI0N , .) Jitu; Tbaa any otic ptptf Sh Ohio, oatcM of Olnctnnttl Offers- K'eilitie iori'dyertlsiBg ,i l . ' ' . A i I - ' I" ll'l' at Xi i iiiU''H.i . x . r j -;ia ..Which CANNOT f All to fcrlnu. Saee "and IterannerailTo Retnrnaj .., i : . .... i ri To thot who tak adnqtag of thta, '. I .ii BTATK8MAN, iitrU)atc .Htu trongh'Trp Port Offlpj inOhjo, Rcichcsf a Large Class of Readers i .,.,- . Whoa tatronag It Ttlsabla, and who Mtyoaf act Ibe " ! Ptllp Idltlonl of city Joamab; and it cnlp' '''A A limited Bomber of Advertisemsiitt ,Ar lnMrted In It eoltunnt, tppopritttljr' and toimOMELV OISPUVEDt BtT UaBHOT PAtt TO ' "' ' ''' ' ' -a.ttxaot Attontion 1(j 0t ALlit - - WHOLESALE DEALERS ''AdrortiMnf'' la tht WISELY. STATS SMAJtwill fin j lladtmntBgooBlh' THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which I alooat otrtaln to follow an ztenlT dtnemli aoawicdg of tnett ronn aa . ,i c. , AM050 ' COUUTEY DEAIEE8 V . .. ') ! ADTBRTIBEMXHtg INTEND IP FOR 1 ' TheWeekly Sttemah Bhcruada handadla btfor Friday boob. .. 7 . V .' :.' ,.', tBB .,' . ,,,,',(.,y4 ONLY i PREPARATION .:. j THAT HAS ,;i .M , , STOOD THE TEST 0? .YEAItS, i " Anet fraw tnare and More papular . v . . , . .j 1 . r, Aai leettmonltli, new, ana alaoet without number Bight bt frtTtn froa hdlc and gentlemen in ill grade, of aaciety, wboat aaltad ttatimoap none eon Id retlrt, bait Prof. Wood' Hair Rettoratirtwilt reatore the bald and gray, and preaerrt tht hair of the pouifi to, oldaga, In .11 It. vanthful hunte. . ' -' aUtttoOMftlVloa.V'PwV. j.i'jiBSrj,, Por. Wood: The wilt plcaa accept alio to Inform thee that the hair on hip head alt fall off orer twenty peart ago, canted bp a complicated ehronlo dlteiM, at landed with an eruption en tht head. A continual earae of inffariog threat life aatlBg axloeed aw to a ttat of dependtnee, J bar aot been ablt loobitlo ttaff io( tap, seltner ntre x seen tbie to uo tnem ap, In oon teCuenee of which ap head bt (offered extremelp froa eold. Thl Induced me to par Br lure A Mod ate tlmeat the laat cent I had on earth tor a two dollar bottl of tap Hair Ilea to ra tire, about tht drat of Augrut laat. I hart raltflfuHr followed the dlreetloniAod the bald epot I now oowerad with hair thak and black, tnoat better!. It I alto coming la all orer. Bp head. Veiling eonfldont laat another Urn boUla. would rettorl It .antlrtlt and permanently, I fed enxlou te poraererT In Itaute, and being deetUtrte if aeabt to' puichat any mora, I woald aak tbea If the woaldtt not a, willing to tnd aa ta order on tnine ageou ror a Dome, and reeeire to thy. telf the (crlpturt declaration "the reward la U thot mat art una to toe wruow ana we laineritn. Tht friend. " KDBaNNAB KIRBT. i ' Llrontor. Nobla toaatr.Iadana. Fab 6Ul IH50 . Por..O. J. Wood: i)tar Mr:lt lb blur part of in pear lean, wune attenaing rne eutto andMUontl Law acbool of Ibe BUM ot new lork, bp bair. from eaaa anknown to- aa, eoauntaeod falling oil eerp rap. Idly, a that to lb abort (pace of tlx aoath, tha wbeit Bpptr part cf ay ecalp waa almoat tutirely bereft of iu ertrinc. and much of the remaining portion upon - the lid and be. Darter my bead aaortl, after rjeeaia trav M laat poa wtu not nt eurprtaoa waea a tell yon tat up on ap return lo tht Stat of Indiaaa, my mora caaual acoualntaneea were not n much ata Iom tolaoorer the eaaa ar tea caaeg la ap appaaraaea, n np sort mu auto acanalnunoea were lo leoownlxa me at all. rv.'ir, Itt one Bade application to the aoeli tkillfaf Dhnk altnt In tht country,. bat, receiving n awarAoct from tbea that ap hair won Id again be recto red, I wa rorced te btooa reconciled to bt fate. Bntll. fortunately. In ta latter part of the pear iWrje.-pwerHetto retire ai re commended to me 1T t drtufiiet, ta belai tha aott nil-' tie Bair Reatoratlrt In aaa. I tiled out bottle, and found to my great (atlafaction that It waa producing the aeare encat. t biom ina. nae, a naro aaea toron aot but' werth of Boar Rettorktir. (ad a a remit, haw i rich coat of Tor pott, black hair, f hlch. p mooaj eta eaa aUritef arp tratltade for penrtabor trrtrtllMn Ih nredaettoB f ae wenderfal aa article. I bar reeem ounded la aaa lo awtpef ay frltodi aad aoaaalnane. vno, l am nappy to iniona joo, are nitng H wib Ilk rati -H. a ... .A. MVtiATfA, ' ii.-i ! ' ' i. AttonjepandCoaaaelloraliaw. , ' Depot, 444 Broadway, and Mid by ail dealer through onitntworia i'. i - -r p -rr-ii r -,(.. v ' The Reatoratlr li pat up la bottle of thro diet, tlx: large, medium, and email: tbt email boll K Dint, and Mttlto for one dollar per bottle; the medium bold, at lea at twenty per coal. Bar la proper Bee tbaa the email, dollar a bottle: kb larw boldea and ratal la for two inert, 10 per oen L more In proportion, and retail for S3 bottle. ')'' - - 'v.i- i iu.i awve ui lork. and Ud Market B Proprleten, 444 B road wtyfi New trail, st ioje, aa. . And told bp ROBERTS A BAMtJkL. Oolumbur, Oliio. wi 17.HKVV11 viayirauujIUH mull wafera., aeriiuaawaewur.i wi 1 1 li I in ' i ' -,t';i.l I .,'r ! i'i vf.1 r.iil Wttclies I Diamond. It 6Uver Ware HI 'i CHOICE 'A'SORTiTIEMT Of 'tSOLD A a. aaau BitTwr rraicoew, ra great reneip. . " I an Ageal far tbt Aaeaio.B Witch Oo , tnd eta' Mil tbea excel lent Witebt at aanafaeturaiV wilnM eiiner wooiaaaitoi at tall. . . ,1 :,i von ana enooet from bt nmntirni aianiaw or Lu. on da and other rich Jewelry. Style nw price low. ietBiler War of iterting quality, Ioan ahoVBCw patterna, reiy baadaofa ,r ; ,i i .1 ,n . ,r. ellrar Plated Ware, Te Sett, One, Waller, Cattera.. Baaket, Pluher. Ooblet, Kniret, Porta, Bpoona, Ao. ' tbea I bare a (ueolrof flue Table Cutler. Pk Ktrree, Baaera, Acit and aaanp Vaeep Doadt-ath at are deal red for preaenlerat each prieet e are aa tod oca 1 menl I tht purchueri . WM. BCl'WN, akarSl ' North aid Bute Houm amre, ,i:f.m .:::. ? ' in: 1, - :i; '. . - Gents jLAieri ; SbirCollarsr)l, -,. Or atJfEHIOH QUALITY RIB sBABBa BOTE. Btapdlng, Byroa. Potairaay, benftep aod other new aha pee. liemmed Pocket liaudkerchiefa Nana Ties, Itoeks, Btreef and Brenlng Olorsa, "Half tloaenf erory sine, u near varments ane an iiboi or tree ft' Pap Blsblna laped ta groat rarloty na at atewerati pHoro.M AbSt We. to gonth faigh ttreit 1 'i ' ... 11 1 1 I .1 1 1 H I I HI IU . , 1 ......... u r 1 1 Tr rs p m nrraaar a 1 r.anv nw fwwm " i il f ir, ...;t l)uo. tor Wlc,alo, AiWi itt gratrar.e " -,-J , - rAIM'S. ' aatyUl t y.n ; Ti.rri , ,j r..v uf.jyv .-J i'Miri" ij ,laifJM 1,4.1 Ir-w 1rtd ' . r: lLACBf ITKAW 5I!EI?'!,.n El Lli t Ribbotw,! freal aartetoa A Aia V 'tlrj-- qBWalaA,;.jr1(r ' tai.A...a.n an an av . art aei r.- A - VluVXJ v Jul' & tilt' 1 ftMon'il to T'jrfmt'ff .1T -C. OPTIIEjAGE;' 1 MB, KENNEDY, ' Of. IlOXIlCKYl 'ill btdlaooTtrodln.oneofohroonimonDMtarevtdt treBM(tpthalCBio.U,(.r a d -'J' Ereiy Kind bf ntimor' :;" lif woryJrpKowrl jp Jwdubob" Plrapla. Hi bat'triea It la orer tltrta haadred tat, and bit. tr rVllf d Hcnl In twt otaee, (both Umnder hcmor.I lie hit no la Alt aoitaaita ettt-en handrad MrtidcttotaH it Ttlue, til within twenty ml lea of Boeton (Two bottle are warranted U' cure a aantng or Beam. t One to three bottlei will car the TOrti kbnfi i Finn; leal va w. law. Two or Hire bottle will clear tu nttoa or aihttv 7 p?wo bottle re trarrtnted to, onrlht,wort eanktr a thaioniortoinacn. bi ahree ta B beUlea'ere wtnabted Witt th WOr I tin M arpatplM.ltr.rDl.1 t:ii 111 iij.-.nn vne to two jooitaart wafoa a pg oo pi, aiwr, tt Iwo bottle an wrttfltferrfoodW,funnlng''o the ear 1 tndblatcheaaaotig the haliv j I . T vl Foar to tlx botle ajewnjinttd. tonre corrupt aad ranntnKwlotri.' ' 1 " - . Om eottle will erlrc aoalp erapUoli of tbin.ri. j Two or three bolila are warranted to our the went klodof rtorwonn.-,.w ,..-T-.-. all-.C' " ITwo or three boUiatai warantaa JevauAe, the aott Caiperat caat of rreomatlam.- - J'hree to foar bottleeere warrnt4 io-enra aU-Bbeaaii WjftO ajchj bptjle jfiy.jpurej t; wert,ua of potv AbbMalWBwiieWnol frem'-Oi frtt bottle, tpericQlcamto watmtiakjrhra ttaf ahooe batn tllp a " Ptua MB1:ia-hi,ref aitrtltin of the Medical Plir cxrreolneaurlDfeBlltlndot blraoia- k)0 weU oatat U tlied bp lb pnanvreeat rolce of all wbo bar trer aatd It, that i need not aap taytltlng in lie i ml J act, a Ih moat ikiiirai pnyticutni and tut auttcareiul Prnggut theooantr are antnnaona la Itt srtlaai - ' iDDrceantlM Iba Medical Oiaoeeerr ta poar Mtte. I do-it pith t (ua) knowlrdga o ill curative power, at- rej llcnps ill, tod curing ipoat o. tnoM dtaeaee to, wntea poa trt unfortunately to llama. That moil txernclti tting 41Mwe to an tffeeMonaa aothor,' - "'- 11 J . t. t PIURSINO BCltE WO-"TH", I eared a1f bp nilraWlef. rotrt awn tompot 'to natoirad a Ita aaUral aweatnaaa. and voar bahe froa) abort and fretlolnap taoalaaadiwcetdaabar! aad IhaMedieal uucovery becpmei a louoifin ot bieamj to poar nuauana tnd honiebold, ' ' -" ,' . . it 10 the aore adrasM ttarea of ' . . . tu-, ; OA Mat, Kit ' ,it) '-1 , ItMteBjtatothtouaokMlDg.Bi.,i:l ,0 ,i WhloJ I n6thlnkbijt,cnjr,r W,th itcawhj then to th lnieaiinet aaa ' , I),-.lli:.IUEI-DIfBjrg' U1 oreatlBta rinkina, gonr faalinraad ta indlffarente area toJtuaf4uaolppui,fiart(,l, aaj ,,ti u, t.,.;,' foar (bod diilretaot too. and roa nam oolr takt certain Modi, and (ran of (tut your lyitem doet not get half fh aoarltknontW oenalnt, at th Boriaoaoea Bald of theoanker eaiai llnpt ithea poa denploBtoa Bee it bloom aud beMimea aallew. and ar alitt areaaaa, am i poor dtp a gone, . For want or nourlanneat r of nourlabment rour. u our ay ileal bf ooaet looae and flabby, tnd the Obel of poor bodr bd ui ret i. Then foUew train of dteetat whtob tha Medieal PMoatrarp M pecaliarlp adapted to, a in wr- tatbI aaa a Palpiatloa f tht heart, pan ttti ihe.eUe. wakkntU I tbaapln and email oi me Die, pain ot intwpjoiai whea poa retire, imrularity of the boweht, and alto, thrtajertaxarpadaU oi II. (j.-- '. .!'.'.aii i"J a vt 1JSwi ..:i '.j i i Bow BUtDP thouaand of poo women art tunerlng froaa mn uiacaae ana pmiu, "'" a"tdoonagiiMBnrowaoa.' Unprcaa on your mind that good old prorrb,"An ounce of prwrection I better tbaa pound of cure," la the u.iHEIttOAa.BISOOVE.BTi '' yo Aaw both thprentatire tad th rare; with tha groat tnd good a.QUtp, that U- will Btror, undtr anp elreumitaiioei, do poa np injury, , 1 . ..,.1, . ,)( i (,TMK.WtI)ICAJt,, UISpdVERY ,. la Mpocltlp InUbdtd for dieeaace of the blood, but tioot Ita Introduction In the Weitern, Blale. it 1 found to br thtbttt" ' ' ' 'IL-Z rtiiT 1 AOTJE StEOKEbTX, "" - " ' that wee trer before tb public J . 1 1,0:1 t No change of diet rrer ntcsxiry Ml th beet poa par, and get enough of It. " ( ' m , da.BaMaeaaeaeai tea rearra, dtaMlttPOtrlrfnlCMln&T Uiaamoxt roa nit Anuria ona ante epoonmr per from Bra to eight peart, Unapooofui. , A ao-direetlen : . . . . . .: . can bt applicable to all eeaateaorav takt (ancient toH operate ta on tha bnwauvAwieee-Aav. -. r 'ivMimit , T - tr.r..r? Price a 1 .00 aarhotila . Var... . .waear draroiat la 'iheUnltAd tiiU jvn '.1 j MpSl-dAwly. 1 ' -r...., , ( 1 , I)OBK;WiHKWftlSKERS? rjQYptj,WANi;,wnisKERS7 DO YOU -WAt A"4 AlfiSTACHEt . ; tQ YOU 'iVANf 'A iUUSTACH E I B E L L X NO HA M '"s";; CELEBRATED " .t f:...,i. -'.4 : , . . ,. I I .'.li a. ... At'... ;, I r a ( 'ttiS !f In Idr. 7 'll ' M-' forHo Whiskers And Hair ) The lubtcrlber tike plueur In tnnounclng 0 tht Olthtent ol the United State! , that they bar obtained the Arencr for. and Ire now entbled (0 offer to tbt Aatrioaa public, the tbor Jnatty elibrifd And, wnrliI;rtuownej irttcie. Th," ., . -...v., ,i.i ! 'STIMULATING ONGUENT " I i t ( ' 1 . . , ., a !i 101.' at'- '-r v r I t .' I prepared bp De.-O. P. BKLLINSnAM, an eminent phy.kao af Load oa. and to warranted to bring out a thlchMtof '(. In' rroo three tb Mir . TMi'trtlcle' I th only on of Ita kind weed bp tbt Preach, and Is London and Pari It It la Mweroalutn t ' l- - Il la a heaoMtal, ecOTomlfti, toooimr, prt itlmultnng eompoand,eMag at If bp magie upon trie root, earning e beautiful growth f laxartaut hair. If applied to the Ip, It will ear BaiDrnnw, and ctnit to ipring up lo plae f the bold epota t Doe growth of Be w. bair. Ap ilea aoenraitig leurreenon, it win ram kid or towt til itB,an feitrtr pray heir to Ita orMntl color, reaTlortt eoft, eoth,'and flexibl. Tb "OKoomrr ta aa mdlrpeoaab'e article 1rr trery gcntleman'i toilet, aod titer owe weexa Baruiep wooia not tor anr cooaiaerauon bewiUroatlt. i ,ai ,-t':i 1 . uTh innacrlber trt tht only Agepto for thl trticl III tb United Btatet, to whom ill prdcrf mart be adjreaeel PriceOne Solar a baX-Mor talc trf til FrucrljU and Peklert art beaef Pi "Irrrgaenf" (warranted to bar' the dtaired effect) will be Mat to tny who deal re it, bp anil (dlreot)," Meanly ttteltei, on! receipt ot brie bad poat,i.g. m 1) " a itiOHhOM hi UUaBH Alt k "Off. 71 ' " nansarara. aur. aim a. . ..,.. -u lu.j 'elf '1 AT THEIR fleiFDALF.a., BOOU4SQ. 1.VJ MXliaiOSISTJ or AND I ROrU l.i, and T N. BUT AW BT Offer for thellMlebrtted GOLDEN MEDALS toe..--a ' r GRAND rw,.- n . .l dAnmrln . J elnr highly recommended bp th first Frofettor gad Muiloxl A ma tears of tht conn try, and. BVBB.Y 11 1 . ti IRbTRUMINT ... ... , l.i WSRKAXTKn mx ... iw I ,. 'in. ri, ..'": 'i FITBTBAHB, The aoet faatidioaa caetoraer taayraly apoa being pleated 10 ererp reapeci. ' lerma liberal. ; . . nn.AtujBUV, -BklLTZHR A WBBBTBR, Agent. . ' ocOB lydw u 1 ' ' t " ' 1 : - Oolumbaj, Ohio, ' - i.,s iWaoleaaleaad Retail Dealer la 'i w Fprolgn ft '.. Dbmestio - CiffarSi ' U..n ii,iiiwajriiaaai '''l AitO) tha wt finaiitT of rJNrrri aonitant JXT'pountry Merchant ar inrlted to call befor mttf; aaaaaiai eiawwowre. ,,, ,..-. . t 1' n iN0!sl EAST, TIHS 0 . STREET, 1 1 rrSl-wflm .arfl' .. . a . ' r a. e t j Z t . Ar 17 TANOV DRi;? Sll-Ko,. . on .atflA fANor eBEa fttKB. - c k , W ar ao offering our Immcuae a lock of Taney DrM Bilk ttpricceicaa Ounreer aetore oBtrod la f.1,4': The attention bf the ladle of thl dtp and Tlclnitp far tolldtciL ta our ttrwk la rery Mleot 'l'?tlfa all gradeeof goods tn thlllltt. " . IN'. .1 BartMi a1 aw awaui una etroet. Tl L E A CHUB: "SlIEETIBJOS r Af O IS BHIBTlllOii, all wlJ't't, of moat oeebratr1 ni. pt, nowored la giatt tarieiy and at rerp Jo price 1 .y'JTlVZ. a0, . prill t f 1 "t tiACBf BTICJ No. m bouu uipa ttroei. mca i -"rw aw, nujatwews - ttdf .tTBiatCi! 1J4 la B.4A4 aot . vwAa-evva j 1 " Ly a 151 Dr. J. H. HcLEAN'S SiSffi Ja, wJbaJM t a iai tiraateat Beotadiy in TMa Warla, i .'i .AHP THR. --uif r .-host vtuaon -i ltr ' DELIQinTUlV i OOBPIAb- EVER' TAKEN. V '''YtSSTBICT;:,i,1 wl broenrtd bp tht dlaUl-a elation, of Root. Beit, , "' and Bark, yellow,,,. j.' ni.l n.r- ' Y fWelAUIIfll UDIBDODnn. , mraapanita, " II, , Oherrp Bark and Dan. 'Jj dellon ntrt Into lUrVr. oompoattlon, The en- .LiA M aioh tnmdWBt I thorobghrp aatrtctedbp a r. ,v.r dalialraat at Bp new aotaea er w--'"' .NTi Ttor.a t. (oa. . Kn.Hiin .no me bum aw .. vm . a-- tLa llaiawal tTtriTi ' '"" u aj" KpL.SnAllB to .MBAWB scRBNOsa.1 " 1 .'""' y . . j ua maa US aaa w Wa Ata I AnafBaTdTaV at) ffli)LEAN -'Bm -TM" Jtaar --- ,n oii're,', I Jl. f ' WUt TOCVHiauj !. .J WtSa T'aiWIailAlST PtBPffMA.rMPTOO.r, I,TJ'- ei' '.i ifl J ,'r",.nri rwjin.' - of the Kidneiai,-.. Ohronlo or n tnront .ni 1 m-irt, r a ilWinlsraJ. Lin orWoalA tar Prtpepia, Ueartbara, lawtrd Pilot, Aadllpar BlobiUc TM 1-3 ft. aTiiiirtj.'l .1 fhiAierJ k a. ,iiL ii .j-a-.iU a I I M tu iiaelii laaaul 1 arMKina aunaen, jraunaee m meoa w ue ;ii pak or twlaalng in tbt bead, PalbAatloB of tha FullrMatot Weight In thaKoaacll, Booj a.actatioM.irl Choking oianSocatiagfe Bag whoa Iplngdowa., Ptiuiai Ihe Barn tad Spea. MI1U Bwatarta ja ward Fercre, Pain In the email of the back, chert or doe.., Buddea t inaha of Beat, Peprfiiea of Spirlto, f righUai.j Dreama, Langaor, Peepondenop or any Nerrou Aieeaa I ) Sore or Blolche oa the Skin, and Pater and Axon (or CbJlUanA FeytrJ,. . , I , ; a!ll' l' .a OTaa BIHH ! .ns.taa.iir B are born Mid daring th lea eWBontb, and rd tanc ha it failed In rtrint entire tattefaetton Wbe ' Ihtn, trill tufferfrom Weakoeee Of Pebilitp wbou Me :' BIBMNeiUBMIMw CORDIAL will tare poof i lo langntge can conrep an adequate Idea of the laemo ' diata and almoat nlracaloat obangt produoed bp toklntT .1.1. ri i. V. .1M.MJ. Atllt.tiiil and ahallarto?11 narrona avatara. whether broken dowa bp exeat. nature, er itupalred bp Bctnaae, the relaxed aad aaetraef ' ull ' " MARRIED PEIISOItS, ' , ' Or othtr eontoioBt of laaWUtp, froa wbatorar ovate, jg wiD And McLean Strengthening Vorolal a ineroaga 4 regenerator of the tpdeat and all who aap bar tojanal !1 fhenuelre bp uaptoptr todulgtiicea, will And la the Oen r dlaiaoertAlnaaxlapeedpreiaedp. ' , .,3,i..l tlti'i "To tamtn,' ; ,k.V.T McLean's Strengtheniiig Cordial l I If - -- -a - a I .u-aaaM fta I MM BVTVIIII1 eMTU MfiatVU VUI avi INCIPIENT CONSOnraiON.WHITES Obitmetad or Dlfflcult' Mtnitruttlon,'tooohtinno of TJrina or Inrolunary Piaobsrg thoroct falllag of the, i Womb, Slddlnoa, Fainting and all 1) lac aaea incidntt Vernal. ,. , i. i m ,.,.(.,'.,-1. ,- t , iy?a.0K Hi k i Thara is aa AUttaka About It. ( " , flutter no lonirer. Takltorflngto BlrM(m.'' t'. willitlmalate, (trengthea and lnrlgorato poa and cam Iht blooaof health to mount poar cheek train - lvtrp bottle a warranted to (Ira aaUataottoB. , , . .1 .-1 COIl OBlAJDHElta . . ... r..,S irKl pour Ahdren trt tlcklp. paiop, or ffllcied, McLtanT llal will Bake them healthy, fat and robuiU' DtUj' MXiyuui Cordial i aott trp it, aad poa wiu oe eennnoea. li IS, DELICIOUS Tb'T&KXZl 0it4to. Bewirt of Draggtifior Dealtrt who at try ' lo eelai apoa yoa, tome Bitter or Bartaparill treat , which tbep oaq bnyeatap, bp ayin U i juata (tod-r; Arold uch bab. Ask tor McLean's Strengthening Cor-, dial, and takt nothing tie. It tl th only remedy that" will purify th blood thoroughly and at tb tame timer itrengthea the (Tateea. ... u,. one tthleeDoonful taken mn ntomlng faatlnp. taeiinc, a a fellow Ferer, or any preralent dieeaie. It I put up la Urg lettle;. 1 t- ' " ' ' ' 1 Price only $1 ptr bottle, 01 S bottlet for Bt. 1..T.7 i,41.MoLBAN.: , , Bole Proprietor of thi Oordtal, " i ' Alto McLean1 VoloanloOU-lnlmtnti ' Principal Depot on the oorner of Third and Pin atreebj at. Lcuu. mo. , t : , ' J a-m;.i 1. McLean's Volcanic Oil wnlmflUW '' Th beet Liniment la th World,. Th T0p aaf aad ; otrktin ear for Canoera, Pile, BwlHug( and Bros thtUt, op Goitre, Paralyrls, Meurtlgia, Weaknaaof the Mueclee, Onronlo or Inflammatory1 Khmaatlaai Stif-1 nee ot tnt joint, aonuiciea atuciea or siununimw, Riraeha or Toothache, it, Bruise a, Bpraina, Woonda, freth f Bore, Caked Breua BortNipplet, rboaUoranpInnaniaaUaBer Pairs'11 O'. Clcera, Fewer Bore, ti . a 1.1. gMVL.i no difference how eerere, or hoe song the dlaeeMasry hari eiiilad. McLetul'lJJtletnted LUumental oar, tatai remedy. ... Tkouaadi of bumaa feeing haw beet tared 4 lift tl - deorcpiude and mitcrp by tb use of thi Inralutbt bimw, McLEAN'S f 1 VOLCANIC rOIL , IaUHMENT. . Will rtllert pate almort lntantanonily, and It wlL. eieauM, purify and heal th Coalert aorta in ao Inortdl ly short lime. . , ,1 : : ,1 .. . i- 'i. :! ' for llareea aaAOtMap Aatraala. McLean tot lebrated Liniment to the only ata-acd rov.T liabat remedy for theoure of Bparln, Ring Bona, Wind- gall, Bpllnle, Cnnatural Bumpe, Nodetor Bwellmga. It' wUl nerer fall to tun Big Mead, Poll Bril, Vatul, Old: , ranalng Bore or H weeny, if properly applied, for Buraina, BrnlMt, Scratcbea, Bore er Woaade, 0 rack ad BmU, Cbtfat, Baddlt or Collar Oallt It it aa Infallible, nmedyT Apply it at directed, and a curt I certain ta Trp iMtoae. ." ' ' ' ' vE-., n'iri?4t , Then tribe bo longer with th many worth lea till nent offered to poa. Obtain a supply of Dr. McLean' tT ctlebratedLlnlmtnt. It will cur poo. . . ..irvuifjJ J. II. ITIcLE AN, Sole Proprietor, , ' " i Oorner of Third and Pin Btreate, Bt. Loala, Ma. " ;''-io.BtlA.iOItA:' .ugaS-dAwU '..,. folaBbtwOfcl..r 1 :. 1 ' '.i I. PEOF. WOOD'S WWW AND 1 1 OLOOO aEWOVATOa r Ii nreclMlr what la Dam tndioate, for, whllei leawnt to tht taste, il 1 rerlvlfl ng, xbllaraH 1. InriKaratlog aod aireoi thenlng tj tht Tltal lonwera. and at tha Mm time rerlTlSet, loin k ItiatM, and rtntwt the Blood in all IU parity, and le thus at onot reslorwt aoxi natter ti tyiUm aa 1 kruliuraliii I attacJkt odifat. It la the only) preparation trer offered t the world, ao cneai-t U (ally and aalllfally combined u to be tb bum! Iia israKul tonia. aad at tb eaaa Mat to perftoiry 4, tuautCU W, IBtll act IB pwr.woiaowuniwow wiui fa! At ef nature, and heace will otU (At mtaJutt LJ ei'wsemeoA, and ton p tb dUtiUrt organt, audll " tbnt tilap all nerrou and other Irritation. Il U " 'j'per ectlp exhilarating, and at tb aame aia it Cj-oocipoecd entirely of Tagetablet, yet so eumoined ej 1 la. ta orodnaa th mott thoronth tool effeoh With- omi fax rliaett . . . . - r.' out pruaucingany tnjunoot eonaeqaeacwe aimn i. reaueop naa long aaea tait te ew a ow.iuwn.iue twL medical world, for It need no Btdieal asm loir IbatdeMlltr follow til attack! of dlaeaee, and :' oncaeda and Indeed 1 the erttea (pen to the M Ofnlidlouiatlaclta of many of thl aott fatal, atcb, a fut eximplt, at tha following: Cootttaptioa, laW . MirMtton. OiauensiA. Low of Appetite, Fllntnoaa.l Nerrona srrtaouity, rreurargra. -airiiaMuu. wwi , Heart, Melancholy, Night BweaU, Langaor, Oldtu-lfT ' loeaa. Kottntioa of. a well u Painbtl eaetraeetd ? to profuse, or too Meat Menstruation, and Fall-1 . log el Ibe Womb. Thaw all depot epee general).' , debility. Thla pure, healthy, tonlo wordial audi Blood Reoorator li a euro to cure aa tbe tun to u na tad Ml. Thar Is nomltiake about It. . ButlLJ Ja I not all. If the ayatem tat weakened, are are joan to billout tttaoka. tb Hrer bacomee torpid, r jr wo roe dlaaaad, tbe kidneye refue to perlera ftj their fanetiona. and wt are troubled with eaaldtoea aod Incontinence of Brine, or Inroluntarp da- " rhart of the aame, pain ia the back, alee and to A' twtea tht tboulder. ticeedlnili lltbl to alight U loolds, toughs, nd If anebecked, oon macleilooJ . (ollowt, and ta patient go down to a prematura grore. Rot apaat will aot allow ua to taoavera A Appetite, miloaanaaa, 1 aaaaaoa, waaa wow mtwi- fl4toanah.lAniuor. Llrer CoaujlaiuW-CiuUi and i.'iii' iT . 1 . n if r fft IU ibe many Ills u wnich w trt liable in a twtiMii w. rUndltioa af th tysteta. Bnl wt wUl aap, ta ehlej - A . aordial and Blood ReaoTator pod hart Mntt,lAj "taft, pletMOt and effectual remedy for tot mm PI ferer, or any Bllloa ttlack, Ooetlrenet. AcldltyL 4-r -fl U th Stoaaeh, Marrouaneae, Beuralglt, PiipiU-t OtlCBof the Heart, Devroaaaoa el etparlM. Boras, fa . t elmplee 00 thl Fao. or any dlsjaae arising roinJ . mpure blood, such al Berofuuv Brpalpalaa, Broa f 'nltte. Ooagh. dlfflealty of Brealhlag, and all that , . Oklaa of dlteaaa oalled feaale, weakneea, and fa, sntuaeratod abore. W will elae aay thetrartltr y sxijeedtopldeBt,angeai eiuaate auo wat- tr, win nno t a pteaw. - " Ji m , ud aona lb eat Id erer travel -without. Beader. V lol.t; ry It, for we aaauro poa you will find in It Inaod 71, lodeed.Mwellatafrtendla need. All persons of B ledantanr habttt will Bad it prfet rrwrenllTeol V-I awell t euro for tboMtllmetiU to ehloO they aye LJ arttealarlp expeaed. Ueoce ateltteiMaataout torntr. Uararp ntleaB,tnd ladle wba ar aolj ei'. socnatomea to muoe outaoor exeretie, win nua liirj 4) iheti Bdwaoag t beep a kouleeoutaotlp oalf - hand; tod, boot all, motaert, or to see toooairuil uctu will go through that Boat daagtrout ptrltu not Bli wtb ail tbair aeeuatomad iirouth. bat tfl tod free froa the thouaand allmenli ao prtr alentaaeag the laaaf porttoa of the world. ti thtrt, il It Indeed a aolher't cordial. To It. ok and joung; bo longer run tht risk of delay 1 It. aril . Ifwtleew and nmwe lta.lf MinhstlMllw a j24Ulonw ffltit (joniialandLooilimon(Uor. .. O.d. WOOD, proprietor, 44f Broadway, Met 1 Pork, and 114 Market Btree. Bt. Loate. Ala., a.v 'iiorx . , . . , Id by ROBaRT BaMUEL, Columbua, Ohio all good prnggUati Price Out Boll. Bottlt. BAarohlSfcweowlp 1 , ,w tiAl T iPwi'A OEWr T'ti'lftl E'T r . t.Mkairet.11- STATIONSBI aad JBal.Ht.tJa prloM ord llilrd leas than aaa be purchased oa otaddrea (tump enclosed) 1. L. BAILBT.N Court at.. Bottoa. btaaa.... . - . aarcb toiflaa, ' PrrOTI ES til CLOVE". '' Ail dMasad aolan lust nuenl a BAnrB,aSa de.U ... ho-xDEouthUkbumtj "Jaohrt; Jtrij 7 X- : ...7 r ! .1., . v " . . I . . ... i ir-.-nA -a ii aqr 9 ai.ii 1 J I ttioll St -ci 1J OJjIv'OoCi tr.w una ,euia-.T