Newspaper Page Text
5f1 I a , f i A : I ht." !! 1 'V r "" '" ' " 111 Hli' W ' ' " 'I V ' ' AT B I J M .SAffA .aw U ' 17 ' J - . i . I II I I ' I I II I I I III ft T m . . Llll 1111 I TV WW BaT- TT. -a w -aa- . . .. ... 'V bj-- . r --.,-'. " m v i ,, , , - -- ' m tT tt D0IIAES m YEAB,' in DAHY, Tfil-WEIKLT AUDTpS: MANYPENNY MILLEH, f DBLIIH SI AKS PBOPEIItOBI, tr Offlet Sm. 38, II s4 40, Morth Higk t ntMl nfTABIABI,? IS ADVANOJ 0Ujr Vi.N..f ' 5 18 00 jr yttr 7 wnwr, pw WiW, Mat 80 wn lit f.. ' '- 1 00 erui ( ATrtlinif by the Square. MMjiurtyti.';i.t30 00 On t mciLthi J8 (10 Dm " month )S 00 9m u month! 10 00 3d ' HBontln- S 00 On iqun I wk..a 00 SM 100 On . " 1 nak... 1 n On , , fdky... 100 On v ' tdajt... 74 On ' ' 1 Inurilja KA 0m 1-Bontb. . t 00 Diiplarel: kdTtrUitiuoM blf more Urn th bort AdwrUjemint' letded tnd'plutd to th eolamaot All uutlon require to b pobllUxl kT Uw, legal mto. v.ks ifh uiiwaoiaatiyutrthnntlrak prctn;.orthoihbo nlm; but ill look Wll ppear 1 the Tri-WU without chaff . ttif5eit" 0rdaioeHiig Cftimta, poryear, In III. ISOpor Una; ouulile a..M..'.. : a.- Wotieaaof mattingi, eliarltablc ooiftloa, Bra oompanla ., half nrlc. .i ..." . - . tronsiiiti iniwrtlanaiiiri aid k u.liT a .U lit run will not banrtaafra. Wackly.iama prioautha ail. wbara tha anrttaai o" the Waaklvalon. Whtra 'b Dally an4 Wekl r both ukkI, then the ehtrje larth Weakly will fca ! the rate ef the Dally v . T- no aunrusameni utn except lot a definite period. aaaaaaaBaBaaaaaiaBBBaaBaaaaiaa BUSINESS , CARDS. F. A.-B.- SDUKDIS, Attorney at Xctw AND NOTARY. fUBLIC. . Omo-Aiub,i Bulldlp oppoatta Capitol Bqtura. ' . " . ';, . , ; ;:X1 OOMJMBUS. OHIOj Attorney & Counsellor at LaW; MARION, OHIO.-."- . i ,-t r OOIi17MZlTr0 ' iiachinc ilauufaclnring Gompaij AUDI AOTUUM Of STEAM ENGINES & BOILER CAftlnge, KmwlBg, Kwhinary. " t. A1IO,' - -.. TLtxULroa.3L XVorlat or iriaT pnoaurtioii'.",''':; ' COIiTJinJBpflf OHIO. ' 11 iiiS2ft;rJati:M' J'.-Ai'l j - . - r - - rx' r 1861. 1861. 1861. 1861. Summer Arrangements.---Time Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, & CINCIN'I RAILROAD. Conoectlnc at Oreatllni with tba VITtBBURQH, It. WATNI t 0DI0AQO AILBOAD for ritfbwrgh, fMadtlpUa and Jtattimon. ' Mto for fort Wayn and Oilmen. CoDNtIsf at OlereUad wlla the I.AKI IU0KI BAIL ' BOAD ' ' " Fr Danklrk, nffaai', Albany, Bos- . THREE TRAINS DAILJ, ...BX0BPT 8DNDAT,' i'- i from Colombo, la oanctlon vllh Train on flu WIE HI I A III I AND COLVflBDl I1BBT TRAIN. NIGHT EXPRK8B.LTe Oolunbai at 3.40 A.M ; - pwwupii t an aiauona ouia oi uaiiun. atop at Dataware, Aabley, Cardington and Ollrad, and at allaUUosa north of Gallon, arrlTlng K OleTeland at 9:0a A. at., Dunkirk 3:00 P.M.. Baiialo 4.2 P. II. Albany I.W 4.41., Mew York 8:MA. M.. Boaton 8:30 r. at , riuaoorgn Tia uraatllna lit) p. M , Phllad!' phla 3:10 A. M. Chlcairo tU Creaillne at 7tK) P. H. OONDTBAJJf, ,? -v nw tobk SXPBISb Leave Oolnmbua at 11:10 UI top atLewla Centre, (for White 8u!.hur K""n;i 'w, varaingion, uaiion. Ureatllne, Bliel by, kaw Loudon, Welllnttoa acd Grafton, arrive al Oleeelaad at 1:33 p. a. Dnnkrtk, S:4u p. m.i Unt fala, lusitf p. Allny, M a. at.; New Xo.k, 1:44 S. ai. Beaton, 4:4 p.m. Thla Train aonneotaat 8hel y for, and at Oiatton for Toledo, arrtTlng at Tokedo at t:4V p, mi , , tniBD train. ' ft: ; MAIL AND ACCOMMODATION Learea Oolnraba'a at i ,30 p. m. Will awp at all MaUon Booth of blly, and at Hew London. MTellloirtoev 6rafton, and Derea; arriving at tilevelwd at i:30 p. m i Jjqd klrh, i:0. iji.i Buffalo, laoa. m.; Albany, 8 :o p. ra.; 4a 11.U p. n.j PhlbvlHpbla, LOO p. m. Ohleago, via Creetlla 0: a. m. lhi Train eonnecta " tot BIiaV tl Toledo, arriUng at Toledo at KM p. at. V 4 iai'- .f , ;..; Patent Sleeping Cm are run onfall Kignt Chieago, Kew: 1 i. " York .and Bwion, x m'v anav C?it& llreMqhtt Jim lbrtan& Bottm via (Mvtiand: alto, la JPkUaMpKia and Jtv Tort via OraaUena, ; jU RETURN JNG.,i .- .,.r . M. Oiitelaaatl kBpreaaartlT at Oeluaiba at 10; JO A. M. AatxaaaMdatloo Bxpraaa ante at Coluaabiu at 7:30 If . '- - , i . . i Far aa A,w a by any thtr ptitt, Atk for TtekU via Crt$tUmtr Qniuii. 1.1. PLINT, Saperiotaaaaat, Carve land, OU. ' . JAMEB PArTIKSOS. Arent " .' Ooloabna, Jna 17, 1861. on . " ' 100 nr. CH OUEEN anr BLACK TKAI 100 ban Drlaae Bie Oomo.' . . I SO poakat old Data 0oaiaaBt Jaw Oot. 7 bagaCeyloa 0oB .i ii.e'a. o v i't i SOObbla. (taBdard Whit eVaia,OTa1tntr btfe. dred.Obroaned, OraaBteted Aaod B 0oe -SO aaia tela Oeoige Baak Oadnab. o. n u Obbla. Mea and Ma. 1 Mackerel. ' "!''' tea. Plok Baboon.' .-t .'. . "r" ' " 100 ba. Layer Bawina,, - 'j Uil. tlK'4" ftOkX. boado ,:da- -! -i ..r'-i-'Jid lOOar.bosdo da ' ..k--- 100 M Cigar, different biaadj and grade. - WM. MoDONAtD. M . C.- LI LLEYmCT aiatl Ilajii-EooVKaioianttiTC : BT0ITB CTJQH R&IZt,' COtlTatBTJI,1 OHIO avril-dl ' . -! Red, White Rd Bine RECKlIEa. -U-.Ml.aWJ, . Jepenedby . : ' X$Vi ' " X Rl ayrm ' ;H. lontBBl4treet. '. r rum Hoor ikibt, y 1 :V T' a Wovts, nun aiaa ithstJ I ' Bbvw M received k ft nukd ef B00? SKItTB laatBedkaatatMBU nperlor toinyyel latroooeed DUIASaiTY AND GRACEryLITISSJ" i . WOROJESTER'S ROYAL QtTAliTO DICTIONARY. Te Moil Btlaw IIMMK An- tkarlty of tha Englfah Laafaaffc.i SimBmirdMjm4Xdatr$9f0kU, 7THB BBBT INQLIBQ, DI0TI0M ABT ; BXTAKT." 1 , m:t i kre npward of a Hundred Tboaaaad Word, mmtlfarllHU BMakwi lUiAJMlMikM. IkMlh., vbOM et Mora tb prononeiauon are euarly ;. ; : fnoi)iii(i CptnaairWai. thltttWuu of tA JKanler o Me Qftfe of eowMT 4owtuefa .! j4;i,, . Tfc. "''limed, member at the Ohio ItaU Teaohere' -wooiauon, adopt aod aim o aae I teaohlne. wrlllna and iPMalng, the oraboerapby aod pranooolattea of worowter'a Boval Quarto Dictionary, and we moat oor- rreommend It a tb moat reliable itaodard ao tborlty of the BngUah laagoage, a It I now written and J?" mvr, Preeldeot Kenyon College. m Baperhitendent Zaneevllle School. ' t"0! - H, ctopn Mstallon Union School. . a. P. OownaoT, Bap't Public tcheol. Baadaaky 'OHM LTwca. Bon't Pnhlla Bflknnu niMUriiu. aUaroaa, Prtnelpel Olmlaad female Btmlaay W. Hnoau. l kkH. w tt.i Join OaDKM. PrinAlnftl u-.- W a. i u. . ggjj ' - - . wim rnvtrnm, wuiDr GTKC BTaBOW. PrinKtnl rl.l.l. a.v1 ninMnH.ii " ' - ""- """"'I H. B. MakTtir, Snp't Canton Unle tebool. ""2" m' Prioolpal UoNeely Normal School. Jtu T. Tairan, Prof. Matbematiea, Ohio Unlveraity Wit. W. BdWaBB. Hani Tm. Hnln land! Bonun' o'f' Weat High lohooL Cleve- I. A. nOkToa. Aaaaekta Wlru.n1 rflvli Ibduutl. flkn. . , n Taaoooia Btxlo, Principal High Bchool, Cleve land. R. I. BoMlarow, Principal Cleveland Inatltata. J. A. QAAfUtu, Prealdent at XlecUe Iaadtnt. Si. ram. -r i . . . . . W. L. Kami. Prof, af ntimtar. nhi v.i UDlrerelty. . ni?" H" Bx-Oemmlntloner of Common School, Jam Momtoa, Prof. Rhetoric Oberlln CoUage Tao. Box, Preeldent Antiooh Oolleee. VJ. W. I H . flitlni, Damf U.,hM.tlM TftV a . " r -" W MIU.UUHM1 HIUI tcfaooKDuton. B 0. OlDHaAOn. Pwnf. T.anr.a TTlnti atVI . M. BaaaW,8apnDnlnlhoola.Aahlan. r-i ' n7,nr,, awon ma A'VHanpiMtMa Jtanoa tort, ham mdorttd A aioee xatfemim - PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGES! IN OHIO. Maktirri Oouaaa ."Tfc u tniv a uniinii n.w an honor w tba aathon pwbltanar, and. tba whoU wwuwy.-rreeiacoi Anarew. Onto WSSLBTAJI Vwrmnm Tl amMa mvnnuli. uvdb. ii will OB BJ anma in Artliowranbw and nninnn. etauon. ana; will often be eonealted by m for It neat muraiB oennitiona." rnaldeal Ibompeoa. , louoTio Coiiaea. "Heretofore we have ued 'fcS.!tJ,'lt decided to ehacpa It to eonform to that Jr"!t'' Koyat Uuarto fiktliiary.,'r-Pratdnt Vmrm Bavarn Count."! find It worthv of nuai appioaauoo. rraaioent ultcnoocK. ,. Oaaaruji OoLua.UM.oft blii rivu eVaata Mrnj.. Uoaa. I reenmmend II aa tha atandard anthorltv In arthoepy 14 my children and my paptl." Preeldent . r v. Airnooa Ocuaan.W! adont and aha ta ax In tMh. mg, writing and aneaklng, the orthography and pronnn- wavioBw woroeawra awyai unarto vicuonary." In all Bt wrltln. BDaaklnv. and (Msblnw. T ban n, deavorad to- conform to the rale for orthography and .vDuuewaiion aa ooniainaa in n aniinra uuiunnin ' Hone Mann, lata Preoideat. : . . v t v , Kihtom OoiLBoa.aata-'Imiiatann1l11v mum mood bt a the meat reliable itaodard aathority of the BnglUh bugnaga aa It la now written and ipoken." 'SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS, OF OHIO. ttom i?t. tiM0 SmftA, OmmUttoatr ef Common j amootm w vmat -. Tb IXetlonarr I aa baoerlahahla eimnrnMl in iVi learning and Indoatry of ita author, and an honor to tb world of latter. The mechanical azeontloa la far anna. rior to that of any other Lei loan wtth wbloh I am ac quainted." , - from Bon. B. B. Bamty. Zk-Qmuntitionar of "The moat' reliable itandard authority of tha an- goage.V,.. j t . Xjeadlnrr WkUT TBI Newapapera of Ohio Say. JrVem (A CUvOand Berald if MarcA 39 J Tb orthography of tha Woroeeter Dlctlooaiy I that aud by meet, If not nil. anther of dieOnctloa In thla oontry and Kngland, and eonform to the general uage ui oruinary vrinri anaapeaaera. ( Whatever prejudice may have ex la ted prarlendy, a careful atady ef thla volum will Invariably be followed by a warm appreciation of It great merit, aad a) dealr to add It to the wall (aleetad library, b II large er email, It la a library tnlteelf, and will laaula aa lapeiiaha ble record of thelearoingof luoompller.'-' -I .-.. , .., trim IA QincinnaU Oommrvial of AprV SO. Here are upward of a hundred thowaaad word 'good, bad and Indifferent who moltlfarloa meaning and derivation, together with their eorreot apelllng and pro nunciation, are, aet clearly before the eye. The work 1 anqoeatlonabia the greatet Theiaani of Xngllab Word Tr pabilahed - y Jrom O CUvUmd ftotndtaUr efSipt. 10, 1880. " Xvldently WeRcsTrne'i BoTaL QuaBto Dlmo)tiT U net only (Aa tat, Im tKt aarr wor of W tiful tw it tusd . and can by no pomibUlty (offer by ecmparieon or oontroftraym I . i ... from t4 TbUao Had of May 19. Aa to raotrcBoiATiaB. Wauitm rk m RTxwnian followed by oof beat antnorat In definition he leeveo aoibing to be dell red. aod la OBTHoaWAj-n It a lufflctenl to eay that WoacaaTTBB. aaa bo aafeiy followed. 1 INOnABI Ac BBAGC. riibllaaora, Bka)Uernt Statlaaera, s J0. 1W 8UPBRI0R ST., CtlTBLAND, OHIO. l - THE' MUTTJfAL BENEFIT ' LIEE INSURANCE COMPANY, oai JSw,-JrJJi aai al . f i . DlTlfendiaaary 1, isei.ASJParOant. ASTB.....r...''.,.....v1'...U,'.lloj43oM. --I Statanieat Aaunaary -1881 r"".' '. Balance, per Itatiment Jan. lit, 18gOw.,e3,00,30i 19 njoeaivea lor rreminma our- ,M , 'n- ln( the tear ffifO. 7C3,0M 9 , ,-; : '( i i --. Baeetved for Intereat during . . tba year leoo ............ 814,014 la )3 . , v tent! teeelntaifor 1880. ... I977.u7 . w "i , PJdOlaImbyDekthtS07,060 00 Paid Poliole aorren- . " dered ...... ,...-4f,lll f" ram caianea, rov age, raxes,- ax- t t , -. ; i I'.. S1.8S0 34 Paid Ooamlaatond to Agent .. S1.333 30 , PaM Phyalolan' fee. 5,00 7 i t 3 Paid Aanultlee...... W17 00 Paid Dividend dar- T;ir T ;mUi year,,.,.. 108,300 JS W.091 C5 411,978 14 ,;:. v-....i I A8BBI8. Oaahon k4....i ,, Bond aad Moetaageeoa kVeal 0,6284 19 ..awawev worm ooable tb i cool leaned. .3Jtti H Premtaaa Rotea, aa to lie lea Is force, only drawing per 5- r oent. tntereai.. lTTOPM 17 Beal BUie......i....w-'; W8SI BT ''' LoenaoBBcrtp...... ....... . (,931 44 . rvenuaaaa,aiuiwaaiao vaaa, in coon of tnoamlMlon.... . 4SJ41 73 Total Aaats..4 81818JM 30 T8T5 landed to ioroa, toarUg. aA9e.fi39 1,4 new Polld bar beea laaaed dartng tb year. '"Iftar'k careful ealcalatloa of lb piaaurt wara of thd ntatandln Pollele of the Company , and having tha aexwMnrv aapeal In reaerv thorefor, ah Dlfeatora have aeelared a Diwinem of 43 per cent, on the Preml. aaa paid al lb tab! rat, to all poltaie for 1H In fare, laaaed prior la January 1, 1M0, payable pcoordisg to Uw rwTui ru I ui uiw vowawamy. Bate tor alt kind ef Lite Contuiforjalee, Protract m, ttatawjanta, and Applleatlona, will be furnubed wiTHooBemjtae, el, toe Office or Agencleiof ,th Com- Dane. ! .' ' i . ft ---.-. . ' 0 d I 0BT v- ATT1R80B, President. I 1 1. O. eiWVBR, Tie PrwhtenL BISJ, C. AtlLLER. Beeretan. -v. w ' A. U. AtJSKSOri, Jevnt, 'Ifareh'si'telC' j Me. 4 ! venae Block, , 0olua,0t Phil.?.. "ir-FIOCatiSD" BLACK . DRIBS SILAS, of evwrv grade. Tb moat aim aMCrtaaeul la t) elty, aod at aav! iwaaonable rata. - i S.vl ' . - . MAtA. attf rn tm 1.. ..A iwv wwwip aniane . -''V ' Ayef s Ssabarilla A compound remedy, dcirignecx to be tha most effectual AUirativ that can bo made. It it r concentrated extract of J'ara Sariapatilla, to combined with other aubsUucei 'of still greater alterative power ai to afford an ffcc tire antidote for" the dlseaogs Sanoparilla ii reputed to cure. It it believed that uA a remedy ii wanted by thoia : who aufler from Strumout complaint, and that one which will accomplirh their cure must prove of immense 1 aervice to uiu largo claas of our auiictea loiiow citizeni. How completely this compound will do it hot been proven by experiment on many of the worst caiet to be found of the following complainU : "' - . SonorviA and ScnoPvtows CourtAiNH, Eboptioms and Eruptive Diseases, Ulceus, Pimple,' Blotchm, TuMona, 8alt-IIiibom, SOAU IJjEAD, SrPRlTiT akt Stphihtio Af pbctions, MnncuniAiDisL'AiB, Dkoi'st, Nbu- RALOIA 0K TlO DoDLOVttSBX, pBllUlTT, Dl8 PBPBIA AND INDIOBITION. ltTafPtUA, RoB on St. ANTiiomr' Fn, and indeed the whole clasf of complaints arising teexn . Ixpukitt or TKi Blood. . . . -, Thia compound will M-jWtnd A pro moter of health, when taken in the spring', to expel the foul humor which fester in the blood at that season of tho year. By the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in tho bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of (hit remedy, spare themselves from tho endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous Bores, through which the system will strivo to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do tliis through the natural clumneld of the body by on alterative medicine. ' Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or tores; cleanse it when yoa find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleans it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell You when. Even where no particular disorder it felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. : Keep the blood healthy, and all i well ; but with this Eabulum of life disordered, there can be no tsting health. . Sooner or later something must go wrong, and tho great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves mud), the reputation of accomplislung these ends. But the world has been egregious! deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue -that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to bo concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of .Samparilla, or any thing else. . . - w . i During lata years the publio have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give A quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar, Aloet of these have been frauds upon the tick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla. but often no curativa nronartie whatev. er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use. of the various extracts of Saraaparilla whioh flood tho market, until the namo iticlf is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla,' and intend to eupply such a remedy as shall rescuo tie name irom the load of obloquy whicn rests upon it. . And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are Irresistible by the ordinary run of tho diseases it is Intend ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should i i . i- . . uu juuiuuiuiy miwu uucuruuig iu uirccuons on the bottle. . PREPARED B7 DR. J. C. AYEIt St CO. LOWELL7 MASS. - '" Price, 8)1 per Bottle i Six Uottlee for $3. AyerY Cherry Pectoral has won for itself udt a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Compliant, that it is entirely unnecessary for ns to recount the evidence of it virtues, wherever it hat been em ployed. As it has long been in constant nse throughout this aeetion, we need not do more than assure the neonle its aualltv la kent un to the ht it ever has been, and thitt it mny be relied on to do for their reliof all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, r FOR TUB CITES 07 ' Cotlivenea, Jaundice. Dvspeosia. Lidiaestioiu Dytenteru, Foul Stomach, Eiynpehs, Headache, Pik$, Rheumatiim, P.ruptions and Skin Diteates. Liver Complaint, Dropty, Tetter, Tumort anil Sail Rhnim, Worms, - Gout. Neurafaia. oi a Dintur ftll, and Jbr Purifying tin Blood. ' They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensi tive can take thorn pleasantly, and tlicy are the best aperient in the world fur all the purposes of a family physic. , frioe 25 cents per Sox ; Fivo bozos for 1 00. Great numbers of Clercrmen. Phvsictans. States men, and eminent perrmnges, havo .lent their names to certify the unparalleled ruefulness of these remedies, but our spaco here wiVl not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our American Almanac in which they are given ; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Do not b nut off bv unnrlncinled dealers tvitli other preparations thev maka mora nrolit on.' Demand Atee's. and taka no other. The aiek want the best aid there is for them, and they should have It. ..... , , AU our romedies'are for sale by . , - ' ROBKRT8 a BAMTJBT. flnlnmWn. And by Dnurirlsa and Dealers everywhere. , CAKADIAS & UNITED STATES MAIL .STEAMERS . TO ANA A'ltWifl 1 .: LONDONDERRY1 GLASGOW. a Liverpool, Montreal, Quebec, ' The Montreal Ocean Bteamahlp Company's Bratla powereauiyae-Muii steamer tall over Data II r day from PORTLAND, earning the Canadian and Cnltad Bate Mall tad pasting!. H0RWB8IAN, NORTH AMBRI0AH, B0HBMIAN, , . ANQLO-8AX0N. NORTH BRITON, ' HIBERNIAN, CANADIAN, NOVA 8C0TIAK. , Snarteat. Cfeeapeat andQalckcatCon. .. .... -.-. viaiesuM . i-,.. A1CEBICA TO AU FASTI OF XTO0FK. RatM ot Paaawe to Euroix, -H 830, 860. 8SO. Will sail from LIVBRPOOLa very Wed need ay, and from QUI BBC every Saturday, aillni at L0ND0NDBRBT, to receive on board and laoj Main and Pwaengera, to and from Ireland and Scotland. Urines Bteamen are built of iron. In waraMfarM compartments, carry each an axpanenoed Burgeon, and every attention la paid to the comfort and accommoda, uon or passenger. Aa they proceed direct to LONDON DEBT, the gieat risk and delay of calling at Bt. John' b avoided. . ',. i Olasrow nawMnrjere are fumtihad with nan r..M ticket to and from Londonderry. Betam aoket granted at reduced rate. OerUacatee laaaed for oarrvlne- to and brlnelnwaat naa. senger from all tb principal towns of Great Britain and ireuma.atredaoea rate, nyirti line of ateamen, and by the WASUINQTON LIN 8 Of BAILINa PAOKBTB, leaving Liverpool evtry week. .. . , , . .., eiftat Drafte for Al ana npward pay- laud er Vvalea. ' for tann, sroly tt the Offloe. 03 HHna li. ffATi New Vork, aad IB VVaTLH sr.. Aikverpool, , . a r BABXt BBABLB. Oentral Ae-eau. . Or to4 . J. R. ARMSTRONG, ' - aolO-lydfcw . Peat Oaaoa, Oolambot, Ohio.-' ' - Co-Partnenhip, ;-...-r I 81 ATE THIS DA1T AOITIllTEIk rflT aaa JAUB8 AD04R BAIN aa nartner In m t.w.1. bi ablch will bet after be conducted onder tb firm .,u - son. . . r, A1JI, la aoaUl High Bt. Columbus, ret, 15, 1841. v t ' . .. " ,bl (Lata of PbalooH letabllsninebt;-!!; T.,)f wprie'twaT na new lerk Fa.hWn.b4. ahawina a: n,i.,- Bhaiupeonlog, , Onrllag and Dreeetng aaleoo, Ban State ftrart, over tb Poet Offloa, where eatUriwtfea will , !!!!v.t.f.lli?..T,r,, .r. Udias and ,a!Zti " "wuf woa ta tut teet style, , 4 Summer Arrangement. Summer Arrangement. Little Miami & Columbus & Xenia RAILROADS. For Cincinnati, Dajtoff Indianapoliil Through to Indi&naooIU without Change of Cart and but One Change of Cart between', -i .. , Colambut and St; Lool8 Four Trains Daily from (jojamfcus. : I ; xTEST TRAIN- , A000MMOBATION mt ft . m..' st'onolnr at'aliaiV. tiens beiween Oolaaoas and Cincinnati aod Du ton, ar riving at Olnelnnatt at 10 05 a a., and at Daum at 18 a. m,,conneetlif at Dayton for IndlacsDalls aid m. nvai. - . , . . ' Z !;; i SECCTSSTD TRAlN.i..'r'..J.; i.'. No. 1 IXPRISSat II 40. m.,loppDg at Jefferson, London, Onarleeno, Oedarvllle, Xeola, DurlDg Valley, Gorwin, f reepurt. Part aVnoleat. Morrow St., Mbanon, loiter'i, Love land and Mliropd, arriving at Olocinnatl -v. wv p. n., vmjwa aa aa p. m., oonnecunir witn in viu ana mieauaippi nail road Tor iioaiirtlie, y., Vlu. Manes, Cairo. Bt. Loom. NrwOrlram ati.i at Du.inn for Indlanapolla, Ltfay.W, Trr Hnuta, Chleigaad u n asiern poinu. : " 't THIRD TRAIN. MAI Let 9. 10 Columba and p.m, stopping at all stitlons between Xenla,and at Spring. Valley. Oorwln. Morrow and Lovetasd, arriving at Cincinnati at 2 a. FOURTH TRAIN. KIOHt EXPRU33. via Dayton, at IB (10 midolaht. atepplDg at Loadon, Xenla, Dnjton, Mladleton and iiHOiumn, arriving at uinclnnatl at S.liS a, m.iatDay ton at S.SSi, m.; conneetlng at Cinrlnnatl with the unio at,u Miaaiaalppl 1UI1 road lor Loaiaville, Rvwiaville, Vlnomnea, Cairo, Bt. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans, and all points Booth and Bcath-weet; also, at D nylon for Indianapolis, Lafayette, Terra Ilaute, Chicago, eto. TCT toT further Information and Through TMceti, apply to U. L. D0HERTY, Ilckit Agent, TJaion Depot, VUiuaious. ., .' ,.; I k P. W. 8TRADBR, , Oeeeral Ticket Agent, Oioetoniti.' , . JNOw'.DOUBRTT,'' ' Agent, Oolnmhna, .... ; ' ' K. W. WOODWARD, ' Superintendent, Cincinnati. .- Columkui, July 14, 1881 . . EAST. CENTRAL OHIO AND AND Steubenville Short Line RAILROADS RAILROADS COMBINED! CONNtOIlNO AT BBLLAIRI WITH THB BALTIMORE Stv OHIO, AND AT PITTSBURGH WITH THB'J,' ' '1 , . PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL BAILROAD: . 10RMIN0 inn , ' ' Shortest, Quickest & Most Reliable , Route to all Eastern Cities !.V Bl 1 in . I '.. Trains Leave Columbus aslolloirB ! M0RNIN8 IXPRB8S , .l Leaves Columbus 3 30 A. M. from Union Depot, via netisire or attunenvi ie : srrlveaat Heliaire, A. M i Bteubenvllle. 19. SO P. H. PKtsbargb.8 48 B.M.; ttarrlshara, 1.10 A. M.: via Allmltiwn. irrlrtm t New Turk 8.00 A. M.fa PkUaiUlyhi. arrival at Pblla. delphla. 5.10 A. M.; New fork. 10.30 A. M. Connect also at Ilarrlaburg lor BaltUore, arriving at 7.45 a. Al Sleeping1 Can attached to tail Train Froln Columbus, ran dlrectlv throueh to Bellalre or Pitubnrgb without change; aod Paemngera via Allen- 10 wn arrive in new lorn ate A, JU., .. UjTCWO H0TJRB IN ADVAKOB 0 NORTHERN ) 1 LIMB.- This Train also connect at Bellalre with the : , ' ' Baltimore acd Ohio Railroad. i; ' PITTSBURan EXPRESS. ' "9 " " Leaves Colnmba 11 S3 A M , from Union Depot, vl Bteubenvllle; arrive at Newark. W SO P. M.r Coahoe- ton, 8.15 P. M.i Bteubenvllle. 0 P. At.: PiUabarw. 8.40. r. u. itrinta la in only rout ny wnioa raseenrer can leave Cincinnati at 7. A. M go through to Pitt burgh lo daylight, without change of cars or delay. ' ' -"" PAST LINE.'. V 't ',lr. Leaves Columbus 8.15 P. M., from Union Depot, via Bellalre: arriveaat Newark. 3.83 P. M.s Baneaville. 33 P. M I Bellalre 7 .55 P. al.: Plttiborah. II. SS P. M.i tfarrleburg, 9.00 A. M.; via AUmtlovity arrive at New York, 4 P.. al,; eta PkitadelpUa, arrivee Pblladelohla, 1.10 P. M.i. New York. 0 P. U. This' Train also connects at UarrUburg for Baltimore, ar riving at IV. M. 1 , This Train runs through to Bella ra or P It tabare with out change of Car; and from rittebarg there i ao change of Oars to Philadelphia, or via Allentowo lo New lork thus ooeilng i . ... .. . Tha only Route from Columbus to Baltimore, ' rmiadeipnia, or Wew York, with only - . .-. 1 one change of Care. ' ' ' Br this Train Pasaenrer arrive in New York Ave hoars In advance of the Northern Hoes. This Train also eonnecta at Bellatra with the Baltimore and Ohio B. R. , . . 1 ., J UTThtB Route it 30 miles shorter to Pittsbnrg, ana mora wan iuu miles snorter to ' New York, than Northern Linetajr - Baggayo Checked Throngh tflF. U iin- important folnU JSast. .n-'C .... ABK I0R TI0KRT8 TIA ; BELLA1RE OR STEDBENVILLE. Tloketa Coed ever either Honte ,(, JN0. W, BROWIf. ' '' " ...... . . uen. xuaet agent ventral uaioH, n.u I. A. HUTCHINSON, V Sen. Ticket AgentBteubeuvlllbhort Line. jelG . -i rUileaxri. jaY 'GUlI. - coLvniBCB, itinu - flGRICUlTURlltAllEnOUSJS v 1 Aiid Seed Store,' ; GENERAL HARD VARE; NAILH.OLABS, BASH, PUTTtCOBDAOBw' ... Onni, Fistola, treed Wallow Ware, ether and Rubber Belting, Io Leather, Hose and ; kJj. m . ... auldlj , llKllTLEraEjrU rrn wishing BOBN. " Bvron and Oarrote Oollare. - -.. J . - Embroidered Pockot Uandkerdatefs- Parts Kd ttlovee mptrlermske. - ' , " ' , . Ooldea Hill Bbirta, varton stylei.''1 ' 7, , Boys' Golden Hill fhlrta, do - :.J' ' i M Driving. nd Street love, do .V T!' ... Ummd Pocket Handkerchief, vartooi tttlos. ' J 11a If Uoee and Under Oarments, BAnBon,.'V 'apflll v. . .. . No. 89 South High etrcet,. rSOMETHlNG rNEW 6.r ... a-.:tAt H 0.wARD:&:O0'H. ". AMERICAN WATCHES, h CALL AT MO. 83. BBCTII HIOTI 'NTi and aaamlne our new make of - aanufaetdred by I.HOWARD A CO ." Boaton. if mJu That Watohee are far superior to any thing ever e art 4 to toe puotie, neretorore. tiavtcg ue eaciustv agency, I can aell them at price to salt tb times. J nv Juit WO.ITBU wrgw buwbi ( ..:..., v AMERICAN WATCnES.1' v malanwuM by APPLBI0N, TRACT, CO al, a flsaasortmantof . 1 , . ;i .:!.. p s-n.i , JcneiJiBii and rwiMArtiitls,? m wom ana wiver cases, at, raoa pna" a- ,.i ss tm . W. J. lATAfft. 7T TIB HI1,' 1 K " Dally, par year..'- ,..-..S..:V..,',..'.(, (nj Tri Weekly, per lu..ui.;.J..i....'i..-. i in Weakly, per yea rrrr. 1 on [From the Special Correspondence of the London The War in America. WASHINGTON, Aug. 5, 1861. 'Lot oi only bold or till October aud e are safe." TUt, or tomeihins like it. was eaid to me over aoa over again in the South by men who pl&y no inconsiderable part la the mystery drama of the Confederate!. And whan I ,.b,i ooe of these gentlemen, more than- two month go, wnai onunoe there was of the North giv ing: be Sooth all that time, I was answered al most in tbeto words, "We are bound to bo to the astistaooe tf TrgIriiai..Tiie whole of the northern frontier-abouods In. good positioii, which can be fed by the rail from the South.-w Tba Abolitionists will come and give us battle. We are certain to whip ihem if-they a tuck us, and the North will thea learn It can't at once overruu u a it fancied. - The loaders will pause, .: iDere will be a reactiwu up there We win wore an me Harder and all the better fur oar victory, drilling- outng and eoBsSIlrTatlDg our resources. Tne Northern cities will. be. come dliconlfnted. Foreign nations will ask when the cotton port are to be open.' The North will have bo reply. We shall be hotter able to Bghtla Norember thao wo thall bo to fight in June. Every week'a delay will arid to the oomplieatloug and weakness of tho North, and the end of tbe year will find them-fartber from tbeir aim than ever dlvidone hi their councils, even tlUturbaooea io tbtir pup-natiooe, while we, inspired by tbe approach of saecesn, will exhibit lncreein; energy and unanimity." A part of tbe programme has been already ac complished, but ;t does not follow that tbe re mainder of tbe prophecy will be fulfilled with as much nicety. So far tbe result of tbe aoiipn of the 91st has been the prolongation of the war in Amerioa. Tbe effect it may bare bad abroad will be known in a few days more. It is plain now that (he Confederates were not only really unable to pursue tbeir advantage, but that they were not at first aware of its extent. They suf fer from deficient transport, aod are better pre pared for defense than for attaok. , Their army was almost as much"f0aed,'! to BoanEog!ib word In at American way, as tbe Federalists, if .be reports are to be believed of copfuslonV wavering,; aid retreat In Ibeir rinksand of tba paetlouata exertions of tbe officer, as well aaof tbeir losses.- Io faot, the Confederates stand before the world stripped of a good deal of the strength of which they boasted in actual oumbersj and it Is a poor cover to tbeir weak' naes to out forward tbe aawriion that nnlv a small portion of tbeir force was engaged, when it io uuiuriou i am taey nau scut to all quarter for reinforcements, and, above all, when it Is considered that, by usIdc all the men at tholr disposal, tbey could bare forced the mass of tba reoeraitsi army to surrender prisoners of war, and have iocupled the Capital.- Their oner lions up , to this time indicate hesitation and want ot vigors but it it just possible they may ue jui-pariug iu ainae some great diow. . . y a , a .... .-m. .... . a. , a t The President is now vested with most extra orainirj powcrj.iuch as Were' never beard of neiore, txcept under a virtual despotism, be cause by a recent bill he is epabled to dismiss officers at pleasure, without giving a Court oi inquiry, uut tbe evil was enormous. Every wnera id trie same story. .At Newport tbe troop nave oeen in a state or mntiuy; tmeers have ebot soldiers in self defense. Demoraliza tlon prevailed largely in Bmler'e force, and tbe men bad Burned down part of tbe pretty village of Hampton. . Tba day before yesterday a eol dier shot a eomrade in tha street, oloaa to the spot where ( was staniiiDg one -oi many simi lar oases. Tbe officer may not be reepooeible for ali this.but tbey are to be blamed for a good deal of the disorder. As a treat for Prince Na poleon, whole passing bit time here very quiet ly, tha Washington papers propose that be should be Invited to review tbe army by General mcueiian, nut 1 do not think be will be asked to do anything of .'the kind.. A few months hence tna suggestion would be less distasteful. Aproptt of tbe Prince; it may be worth meoiion ing that when the President entertained him tba Other evening at tbe Wbito House tbe band treated bim no leas than twice to the "Mirseil. laise." Lord Ljone, M. Mercfer, and all tbe Ministers were present, but, owlne to soma n. explained reason, the Chevalier Bartinatti, Min ister of tbe ; King -of Italy, was cot invited, which Is all the more curious on account of tha Prlnce'a connexion with the House of Same Oa Sunday tba French Minister, M. Mercicr. gave a diutfer at bis bouse, where the Prinra" u residing, 'to the Cabinet Ministers, at which Lord Ljoct and the foreign representatives were preeeniii at well .oa Mr. Sumner and other distiognlfhed j persons. The vapid air of the Lapital la, tojf cely ruiaed: by the Priocv'a prea- Aa a proof of the erand fiha which ara man. rjfaelured brie, and of tbe' way in which tin.. suoceed, U may bt mentioned that Geo. Scott waa deceived i by the statement that Con flm. ate troops bsd desecrated Mount Vernen, sd far mat no issuea an order, not remarkable for ex cellence of composition, though full of fcelioir, oalling en the United Statea troops to respect tbe place in case thev should be called on tn no. copy tb roundd. The Con federates were nev er were at an, ana L,aay lieorglna Fane and a lady who it traveling with her had no difficulty u (juiu5 iuu imuruiug-iiuurr inej escort Of a British subject. The tendency', 6r rather tba habit, of saying the tWcg. whioh it not, and of putting out of all proportion to the-truth, tbe thing that It, has been so developed by the war that one of tha moat respectable iouruala in tha city gravely aod seriously leeturea the whole nation on Its Indifference to truth aod Its Invet erate love oi, exaggeration, in language which would, ba resented with aoiiaouy il it-were used by a atrancer . Criticism is al VIM rBAfir.. ed by the criticised uulest it be all suearaud treacle, aud Of all people tba moat difficult to please are those who are vain. Irritable, unfor tunate and conceited. The voieet wblcb come from tbe other aide of tho Atlantic eaanot be agreeable to A race above ail things emulous af military prestige. "Qsfaf tphippia bo$." lit will get item and have to pay lor them present, ry; but la what will President McClellan differ from Napoleon III except in tenure of offioel Tbe United Statet army aod aavy will be made wormy oi ine young tcepnDiio, and tq their hearts men rejoice at tha proepeota of a ''a-rons Government," Whioh must come, though tbey cannot see how, out of the present conflict .; Iar4 not qutieeer tain that thesllenoe which baa obtained io Europe in reference to the con flict will not soon be resented as an impertinence and tn losultipg affeotatlon of Indifference to that wbloh Amerioana regard as the greatest oo n test tba world has ever teen.' No cue can be bonastly Indifferent to .the insult, for tbey must affect Europe, just aa anv treat rilstnrh. andoe In any State mutt produce an lmpreeIon on the rest of the world.', Ills useless to say that we are; hot jealous of- the grandeur and glor bf tbe ..United States, for the Datioual yanity wuuiu rvgaru we tuiug tt impossible. I Via, iodeed. Impossible to regard with indiffer. enoe tbe fight wbioh bat suoh enormous inrarxta tod great principles Involved lathe luue.but Ivu unfortunate for the Unlte4 Statea that it haa by lurnt affronted nearly .every Government Id Europe, and left lo-itaelf onlv tha fiumpatbiei of the people for those hv' inn... neiore tneoj at me irienaa ot liberty There - - . ,-, . . " . . - v a' a aaa a iwonw tuirg; w d nam aooui oivu wart thev uu uu f.v uuKj. i aa in . prvouuio mat ma "ex oeptloutliim," if on may use the word or which tbe Americans rather pride, themselves, will prevail in the oate of thaetroggle between North and South- " Each of tbe contending par ties, however, believes It it sure t win. - The voloet front the South are, to. be euro, rather aeaueneo, ana tboie or tbe Worth are swollen and blown out., through penny trumpets aud brass whittle, but there it ttlll raaeoa to think that botb are bent on "having it out.' And, indeed tha North must da ro, even if separation tomee, for there would not and could not ba aa honorable peace If it followed an. -unavenged eteat la oonteti wherein the viotere bad an BOuBeed beforehand that their' Opponents were ' 1 waBn-mmaaaam.w-BwawnBaw.BaB - t aestuute oi courage and manhood.,. It, would not be possible for tbe North to Jive on terms of decent amity with tbe South If the leaders on both, side . vera . to agree to peace to-morrjw. The violence and triumphant jubi lation of the conquerors would render, it a mere armistice of short duration. "Thoj- who can tee the reconstruction of the great Republic! la tbe warring element of this great lOonvuleiba, most believe ii) some oeif utoiuio thairy.and in eoroe tottl eheminry of political alflufties. As I paaaidtlia State Department ' the other diy, I oosctvedeu the ground great eelumoe of marble In wooden, cufflu like cases, lyisg by tbe roadside, Near the White. House there wat elmilas food for- ruins. ' Above the unflnlehed dome of tbe Capitol rises a great machinery of scsfloldaKe and leverage, motionless and life le$a, aud, around the very building in which fcouawr and Representative keep high debate, lie tbe vast fragment which at tome future day ar teeanti,o aupplemei.t arch and dome tbe iue pi a conception not jet brought iuto being; I bereare, then, two sorts of ruins those of tDlrlg which is not yet, and may never be at all. U was strange to tee that ell tbe effect of tbe work of jeart could ba produced by the mate rime oi work: unaccomplished. The publio buildings Of Washington ara anprnurwltul holn. they ate completed by the evldencet of what iuov imui do wheu tbey thall have been de stroyed', ' B-fure the Republic hat finished iu temples, the worship of the deities lo whom iany are steeled it assailed by terrible heresies, i no vapitoi can never see within ita dome the Scnatotsand Deputietof the Union, of which it seems no Inapt type io its ajDlriuar looom- pletenuss. Can any evert, of tbe Powers moat menaced tnd affronted by the Republic rejoice iu i'.q roBiuruueH anions- ina iraompntaT talnly Ensland hat not bv wnrrl np mllhln ber borders exhibited a trace of the pisslons at- A:u.. a . - - The Hungarian Question. The London Saturdau Renieto thna the situation of affjirs in Hungary: "Unless the AuatriaoB succeed In their in trigues with the Sclavonio subjects of the Hun garian Crown, the foroible aeparation of tha kingdom 'cannot be much lunger delayed. There it great rUk in the commencement of an outbreak, but an losurrection would be irre sistible If only it bad tbe opportunity of coo tolldatlng itself for two or three months. : A foreign war would almost insure tbe success ei Hungary; tnd It may cot be impouible to per. suude ion i go allies to give the signal of not tllities. Jo 1843, tho Hungarian broueht a large regular-army into tbe field; tod tbeyde- maica tue Ausuiuos in teveral pitched battle, without themselves incurring any correspond ing reverie. Io tbe ntxt coofliot, tbey will be subjected tb more serious diffiouitiaa at tbo out set, for they havo do longer an army of tbeir own, or au organized government,-and their (or tresses are the banda of tha enemy. r Yet their materials are tbe same: thev can ultimata. ly rely on ,the aid of their countrymen in the army; and thelr 'own divisions have been al most obliterated 'through tbe wise nse wbloh tbeir leaders have made of accumulated Aus trian blunders. "Well-informed Hungarians confidently rely un ids support oi tne Sclavonic popn'ation wmcn In eunie districts inclined during the former war to tbe side of Vienna. Tha differ aoces of races wilbin tbe kingdom are happily not complicated, as in other countries, by relig ious oiesensions, lor in Hungary Koman Catho lics and Protestants love their eonntry more than tbey bate the members of a rival communion. Ncvertbeleae, tba risk of Internal division can not be salely overlooked aa long at tbe Austrisn government; confidently reckons on the support of Transylvtaia and Croatia. ' The Hungarian Diet baa, irom the commencement of the ses sion, been employed In anticipating 'Austrian attempt to excite tbe jealousy of the non-Magyar subjeots of the crown. Although the Diet, in its incomplete state, declines all positive iee- lslation, a committee appointed to consider the relations of tbe various races has Drenared a report which will b practically respected as a law; ' ' , , -. -i- ."Equal rightt have been secured to all classes by tbe measures ol 184d, and it seems that tbe principal grievances which remained related to the competing claims of 'different languages. Down to the present generation, the difficulty was evaaea oy tne oinciai usear Latin, and con elderable discontent waa -iettwJ--emtm;-the ociavonie inhabitants by the substitution of Ma gyar io the debates of the Diet. It woold, how ever, be absurd, under present circumstances, to conduct tbe debates of a sovereign assembly in a ueau language, As it it ncoessary to make a choice, tha Hungarian It retained In tbe ditcursioDB of : tbe ' Diet, - nor eould any competing dialect have been reasonably pie ferred. All tbe races which inhabit Hungary aad iu dependencies, with the solitary excep tion or the baxon oolouy In. Transylvania, dis like the German language as a symbol of for eign domination. It is out of tbe a&eatiou to prefer tbe Croatian or Tranaylvauiau dial ecu to tne Magyar, and, en tbe whole, tbe com mittee could scarcely have proposed a less ob iectionable plan, unices It were thuueht exnedi ent to allow every speaker in the Diet to use the language which he might prefer. Such a compromise aa thai proposed seems the more unobjectionable, as -it Is to be applied to the oonntry aseemblea and to all municipal bodies. w pea two municipalities nave occasion to com municate 'with one another, tbey are to use tbe Hungarian language, unless they agree In pre ferring some other dialect.' Tho details of the scheme are neither interesting to forelenera nor easily understood, but It ie evident that the In quiry has been iusUtuted And conducted In a aplrit of conciliation and erood faith. . " ibe contest for the willing allegiance of the soiavomo races in Hungary raises tne most Im portant qnrttions which are now at Issue be tween the Emperor tnd his Hungarian subject. If tha Don-Magyar population desires freedom and independence, it will be more prudent to form a part of a powerful nation than to be maintained as Austrian partisans In chronic hostility to tbe majority of Hungarians, it is possible, however, that jealousies of? language aua oi netgnooroooa may prevail over lesal right and poutioai expediency." . . ' ... . : -....--! w aaa .j i ..American Bjard or Missions. Tbo Board will bold lit fifty-second anniversary at Cleve land, Ohio, oa Tuesday, October, Uu The- re ceipts for July were $50,389 88. . The amount irom tbe let oi Auiuat, lew, te tbe tame 88' rlod lalSGl.wti $i84oi4a. This is the total amount -for tbe year of twelve months. Tbe tabular view of the mission foa the year 1860 shows, at H stations and 81) oat-atatlona, 18 churches, with 644 members, of whom 30 were received dnrtng the year SS eommon school, with 533 male andlSSfomaleDunila.. Tha Mint ing for the year, In four different, languages, amuuuteu ew aav.uuu onpiea or oiuernt DOuaS, tract anu papers, ana w at,ow pages. BaaaBwaBwawaaaBBBaanBaBBaawaBaa Irish Liaen. Goodi-M' rAUBAKTED FAHKIC,.' 1 I. nen BBirt Bosoms ' Plain and Pant ' Ql.tWtn. ..J I , I . ,,i " , Linen HheetiDga and Pillow Caslcga. ,ii v , ' IlDerCaikHeeaBd Long Lawn, " ' ""' . '::;) Linen Pooketaadi'fs,allsii ' .'"ii m. www ..iiiwra.1;." 'i n .... , Llnn Towelling and Olaiiefl . linen Napkins nod DXIyllee. Linen Table Cloths and Batia Damuka. ' lAata Towels with colored border. ""y-i1- ' UoenBuirOovermaaaBtlOTaariiirha. ,! ib8" 'i'jj ' sW :ot f Booth High ttreet?' M. .'V, Ua JK8TANI JllLlBf n and P,BRHANltN OUiSJ ef U e .' ..,'JI"18 aoapatat aaa . Wft)'nf 4 Mr ai.iv O Ii..-' B B OJI CU I A"t 6 1 6 i E T T E f aadeliya B. BuvkiotJil CO VfW Nai.'si'.TS, a'Jh - rnoe 1 per (art 'eent Wee by-pott. "r u;Vt oa'.'bavi, A"Att vBranitv t I- ,.a,or-dAwUr it.i ! ivHi a V 5O N N KTB, U1BUIII TABy.AND UWlUXi.m sVle,iun opned by. . 7;. .. at vviM ' BAIN a BOB, apriU Nc-MBoBtbHUthatreel. h ' .i.Aarnaoiy Advancr, HUNNEWELL78 UNIVERSAL" rKVJ j . . . .IL'JBWQE'BEMEDYajK- for all Throat and Luna flomnLut. k..t... i.i. meat perfect reealu. Waoorwo Oeooa, Ohbobw aaa Ooaaioa Cooona, Baoitoaaak jca TaaoAT OoarLaun Jlway tororuniwr of Couaaaiption. Aa a Booraiaa 8raer K baa no aprior. freed from all Oplat. or Baetlc properties, ma; be need by most delicate cuoatt. tutlona, aad witb perfect confidence. . .. ... . . jiuj'-t l L-iatT . " i'tflit ' HUNNEWELL'S CELEBRATED ' ,K v ,. ,t; i') i tux TriTH A XTnTivraTf . i iviiu,invijiiri, Tm fl aaa test Navoaat OruTa eves oBered- to the world, oonuinlng not a particle of Opium, nor any auu stance but iu striotly vegeable and medical properties. A sure Remedy for Nkobalou, KnaoaaTtaM, Ooo, Toots aaa B.a Acna, Oaraaaa,. Aoaa oa Hav fivea and all miaor Nervous Complaint. , - f aa Laea or 8lut, and Headache lif ail id varieties, It ha no equal, and to which moat nndaabted tea tm out al are offered. . foa Dauaioa TaiMena It I a moeTTJerfEot remetly- foa Bowbl GoatiuuT, after removing (he pais H a-;a aa aphysle, a moat important ovntrast wUh the atatUi." tory effects ol Opium. ' . . To Physician, Ponaola and Trial Bottle will be seat, and te Dealer or Invalid a descriptive pamphlet wlthHut "poetage-sttmp." Prepared undar the spucial aprviin of . - I. " w JOHN L. HDNNEWELL. :.-.t, i'n , cBsnurr.itn misauaannp Be B Commerelal Wharf, Button, afts ; To vhom please dlreot all oommaolcaUsBSi. . . Pi Ices Large Cough ftomedy.SO ecats per bettl ' ' Bmall ' 85 " . Tola Anodyne, 'id for sale by the usual wholesale aad retail dealare everywhere. K0BBBT8 tMMUXL, N. B MARPB JOHN B. COOK, ........ I. M. UHNItt t O.WlINia 80N8 1 A.J. BOHUBLLKB AS4M, may!7-wly Agent for Columbui, Ohio. stone'sjbazaah; N"oi ,4 Gwvnne Bit iV k ; :H STONE &' 6'HAiiKA - ABBNOW HECEIVf NGTalErtl Wt'i IKS GOODS, and Invite the public to Inepett them. Ro such stock of Goods ha ever been brought to thla market, i The South, lo eooeeouence of the f.ilnn, f tn grain prop, ha not been able to purchase the u aaiquaamy -oi ncn gooaa, and tntr faet has forced tht Importers to aell them at public auotion. Our bnyei (Mr. Stone) being In New Tork at theaa Lire aalea. took advantage of them, and wv can and will aell our goo-ii nare, at kta man any one who pu rchaaed two week altic: paid for them in New York. Our stock Is comple'. iu every depertmenlof : . - " ELEGANT DRESS SILKS,-. OTTOMAN VELOURS. . B ROCHE VAtENCIAS; ' PRINTED MERINOS,' ' ' ' 7'1 ; fl l' PRINTED COBURGS '" - I " ..-.DYED COBUGSy.. BLACK ALPACAS ' . . ORLEANS, - i ... i fancy woven fabrics, ;,n ; ALL WOOL DELAINES, - - . POPLINi. PRINTS, .DELAINES . SHAWLS AND CLOAKS! Five Thausand Dollars Worth 'Bought in One Day, ;v.;LADiEsFuas,: HOSIERY DEPARTMENT." Man'a,Ldlaa and Children Coder Shirt and Drawer. ' Ladles, Uiiaee and Children' Hosiery of ail kind, la -. Wool and Lamb Wool; Pleecy Lined and Cotton Glove: of arery make. '."."t! ' alto I A complete assortment of all the nual vari'v ties of .. .... t .. t . LADIES CLOTHS, " - CASSIMEREH, " ' , ' OVERCOATINGS, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, " ' RIEB0N3, - URESSTRL'W.MINGS, ladies and Geat'i Linen Cambrio Eand jT kerchiefii, do., &c. ' ' ' To nenonwha call on a, w nlede aorworil. in ' show them the largest, best and oheaoe.t atc-a of iiuU,t. ever asea lo thia market, er pay lb am on dollar par boor while looking. aea-uiyvutWKW. BTONB ft O'lIAKHA. ;.- NEW ARRIVALS' -. ' . - OF -- ' " ' Spring r'Sc ''Surrimer Millinery 1 The Stoolc Heplenlshort FUO.ft LATEST IITIPOR T ATIUN Of ' NE W- YORK. 7 r ' . ' , -1. .. ...... . : j - -. .i WT 8T0CK.01 , , , . . , ... - Spring & Guiaxaer MiUinery i Xlaoweomptote, eomprhlng every variety of Mllln:' ery; also,, large aasortaent of- Bmbroiderttl Hosiery aad Notion, to., and in quautitraeasd prices that can net tall 1 satt all who mif favor as with a call. The fo havo aeao bought at raBlppticcs, and will sold . at a itaay adyaaco on. cost. ' , I Misa M, E. ypUNG, late of New York Chj, ' will enperlnMI the Millinery Department, tier long experience In the most Fashionable Establishment in Broadway wll I alone M A warranty that aha will ba aUs to give entire tatkfaotion In matter ef test to all whb may favor her with their orders: p.'i 11; 1 i .'''. :The Ladles of Columbus and vicinity will pteaae a,' sept my sincere thanks for tbeir liberal patronage, aud I woulil respeetfulIynllrHa continuance of the earn, , R. - H. WABB, ri v ' 69 Eliat Town ait..-eiaanbBa, Oi tttawt cwTTMDtJi. X .'HBtfar t. oaimtDm -5 ' S. VH.T CHITTENDEN r ' ATT0BNBT8 AT LAW. ' ' ' ICi Dmeas, 8?8 Broadway New Tork City,' an 1 PaasoRs' Bou.oiita, Colamaoa, Oblov-r .' " 1 100aiefa1 attention palj to OollacUons. .. .... ; . .' apHlStdttm,., t ' '-' I Baltimore' Clotliifig Hotise. J ;' - tqxaxjba' j, ' i. ' 0 . '' '?'' . . AnruriiTi a hp wholoali oiALaU IB, t l( at. . f. READY-MADE CL0TH1NG: ""Nb.;aOrVY.'Baltlmor(U,twVI tarnwesa uaaarv aita arowaaB.) l.'i. ' r-.: Hil.Tinnuv '1 rij n."t . . ,v 1 . j". a ii -.,. - Ary Asiortaaut ol Piaet aad famish lu i , in i ui pmw a v 4.11 4 j ) it dtwdar ConsUBtly ob Head.: ij - .''OertOJl,.' ha 0 l b BRASd work s Bad Uanafaetarari ef Bnw aud OompoalUon Castang . ai nf a i,r,air,iwa mnh w"" wi icwnpuont., filectro Elating and! (lildinf H " 1 STENCIL, CUTTING, tJtC. foblfJl-dly ' " 1'lirV :.' u ""B.-iutra'