Newspaper Page Text
ti'ilxilLl Jii .11 .X ill TliaRty4Y MORNINGssyT 13, 186U COLUMBUS POST OFFICE. COLUMBUS POST OFFICE. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. '3 DiriHTURM at , ... t Milli tor' Kcw York Olty. lloltoh, Albany, Buffalo, Plttal.uruh. eleubenvllle way.' Cleveland, itaneeviue, m...i. riti,iiia. Wuhlnitoa Olty, Daltlmore, Phila delphia end Now Orleanl,,cloio,di;y (Jiunday. PW edjato o'clock P:-a-,l.Um UAu,AlaI a uirouga nun " tt "7" " . . latly (Bumlivv.excepted) at 8 o'clock p. m. , i dally (SumliVT'cxcepted) (J.O.etU. B. IUW . .ft i . .k. .1 , R. H-.Way AHlJloie; puyr yunuijoi- CeStf Ohio WW GallcWdalday. .Wpttd) ni!n!S?irclogei"daMyfu4dayliiSit . M.- '.. iii HI 1,1,1 ' , ,- (ihiM.. Duhuaue. Dataware Marlon and Worthing- ton elell. cioeea 'UHiiy . iiw& . . i ... "- I I tin .ffl i i. vi.n.a,T.nU. flurlBKnehl, Dayton, Toledo. Olncin. natl, Indlanapolla, Louisville, St. Louli, and Detroit, cloee. dally (Sunday, axcapttd) at 8 o'olook p. a.r A through mall to Xeula, bpringtteld and Cincinnati eloaea dally i Bunuaye oxucpwu; v uiuv . m. Urbana, Pique, llllln and Unloa Oily null eloies dally Lanouter. Lomtn.Nelionvllle, Ctrcleville, ChilllebthS, Fortamoulh, Wuhlngtob 0. H , Athena, Marietta and Uilliboronih niall. clot, dally tBundaye, excepted at Hut Way Mall by National Road to Zaneatllle oloaea dally (Bondayi axcepteu) atix ouiocam ,,,..,. ... Harrlibnrgb Mall oloaea dally (duudayi aicepUJ) at o'olook n. lu. 1 1 ' - ' " alt. Vernon Mall, by way of Weiterrllle and Buobury, rlnitfifoll rBundava exoeoted) at It o'olook D. ai. fiublia Mall elotea dally(guDdaye excepted )at 8 o'clock P Lancaater Way Mall clotea dally (Bandayl eioeptid) at ooloclp. m. " - AKRIVALB Malli from New Turk. Beaton Philadelphia, Buffalo, Albany, PltUburob, Olareland, Dayton, Toledo, ienla, Detroit. BDrlnaAald.OUMiDiiati, UMIIIcouio, Bt. l.oun, and all Boathero alliea, arrive betweea the bourao( aVIiwIt m. am. tutii 1 at'olonk n. 1 i f ' .' V a- Mailetroaladlropolavtibitam andDuboqua airly Mill, froaa. WaablnaioB. Olty. Baltimore, Wheelloi, Zaoeartlla, Newark. Bieubenville, alt. Vernon, and tUe 0. 0. K, B. Way Mall, arrive at liloclockm. . , Wa Mall froaa. Cincinnati arrtvea at 9 'lock p. n lancaiter Mail arrivea at V o'clock p. Kaat Way Mail over the National J Koad arrivea at 1 o 'clock a. Mt. Tarnon Way Mall arrleea at 11:00 . m. Mall from Dublin arrivea at 18 o'clock m. Urbana Way Mall arrivea at 9 o'clock p.m. Harrlibatgh Mail arrivea at 11 o'clock a. m. Lannular Wif Mill arrivea at 18 o'olook m Office delivery open every day (except Sunday) from. 7 o'clock a. m. to k o'olock p n. Open on Bundaya from 1H to 8 o'clock in' the moraine-, and from S to JOHN GRAHAM, P. M. Rail Road Time Table. Littli Hum k. Ooldmidb k XlWli B. H.' , , Leavea. Cincinnati Accommodation. 5r00 A. M;' Kxpreaa 11:40 A.M. Mail and Aooommodatlon. . 8:10 P. M. ' Arrivea 91 P. M. 11:03 A. M 8:00 P. M, Night Ixpreea via Dayton. 13:00 midnight. 1:80 A. U ' Jko. W. DotrraTT, Agent. Ooinmoi k Oliviumd. A. ' Night rprea....w.w.....3:40 A. M. New York JCipreeew......ll:ll A.M. 0.0. 0. Way Kxpreaa.... ItdO, -11:15 P. M. , 10. Ml A. M. , 7:50 t. M. ' 'I ' t '! . , OnmuLOHio K. K. No. 3 Bxpreaa...v..:k.J.3 M A. M. . , 11 2i A. U, No. S . do 2:1. Jf. Mn . U:4S A.j-M. ' "' " ' ,'. rtUn Aganl, PiTTiauaaH. OufcoMioa k CiKCtnaiT? S. B. " V ! MallTraia 3 30 A.M. 115 A. M. Kipreea Train 11:85 A.M.... 8:i5P.M ,i . hi imi Jos. Hoeimof, Agent. " 'i 1 ' . ':' .... n., Ooldhbci At iHDuaoroui tl. R. ..-v- j . :f (OoLOHaua Pioa ai iHOUNa R. R.) No. 1 Kxpreaa. .....tji.'.y A. M. 1 t OO P. M No. 8 ............ 3 00 P. M. , 7:80 P.M. Accommodation '" " 1 1 10:50 A. M. C. W. SMITH, Agent. LOCAL MATTERS. The Adams Express Company places ua daily under obligations to It for the very latest papers Iron tbeeaerero eltiee. 'v .'. '- The American Expre Company baa our thanks for Its daily favors in the shape of the very latest eastern papers- " '. ' ' ZT Oenerst Mitchcli, and dovernof Dinni- son started for VVaehington on. Tuesday night. It is said tnat the 66jcbf of their Visit is i make such an arrangement w'ltkli'ii War Department that troops". ratostered'ltrtoR'eUhlted States service shall be sent into camp at once, and to negotiate for other alterations as to the terms of enlistment Thpy will be back on Saturday. The RicauiTtso Stavicc It Is staled that Adjutant General 'Bucxinouam will' in a fow days Issue an order annonncing a plan for the encouragement of recruiting In our State, which will afford cUIietia an authorized opportunity .to promote that service, A committee of promi nent citizens will be appointed in . each Con gressional District, y. .These committees will ap point Camp committees, who will receive re cruits. All recruits will bs muatercdin as soon as enrolled, end will 'bo clothed.4 When fifty are mustered; they wiU be asaigned to s regi ment, ao '-officers) rota among' tl)Suwill be detailed to rtintli the company to the minimum number. The committee will report regularly to the Adjutant peiKfral.lTbiB plan i enable tbe authorities -to aacertain bow-many regi ments can be Immediately filled up W bur State, We Unit ll.wtli.eicitoau active rintereet In all pM u;8&kt;y,y',,rvrn;,. v DOoe hucdred recruits' from Uibaua and Wilmington, and t e hundred from Steuben, vllle, for'She;'.,tlAis;'';HcctiDeot,l'srrWl'il)p; TuesdayVat Camp Chase.' ,: " y, , yr . , i ," Col. Rrws" RsoiMiar. This Regiment, tbe Kiltietn Ohio, under the ooioinand of Cul. M. C. Rtan) of Hamilton is advancing ,rnpld ly to a'l'uliii organiaatioB, . Thsy went into camp yeiterday1b,,Ta'CllVni)a(l.l?a9u(rcr says that "the ieglmeW will -be composed of Irish men and their sons'. i lTne- Siiry-DintU . New York hia already 8h6wn what the country may expect from tbe Irish boys when they bavo bay onets In thtti.haoJi and an incmy before tliem. All sons of te Green Isle1 who want to ss so- i hv, uu v imrdp-a Mwaii au WV UUW1 J aaopiea country, wii qMtone stana ard of thrhiftleth." ' J'" ' -''-" .Li-ilSii- Bound OvM.rrrEowaan ft.NJia.uTs ViAm lnationbeforls Meyor THOsris jesterday for bis assanlt on Mr. Woaniiavo,siear Fraekllnton, on SnndayIgnt,';.Tl'siau'U was'.'th'.aV'lio' was bound over to the Court of Common Fleas, to answer tbe charge of an assault with,' Intent lo murder. Ills oTnpanion at the ttm the SManlt was made, was recognized to appear in court as a witness for ths State, , -.'41.' .,t. '( t4 ei'i't 4 HT ths BSTfl f Canio Wide," ear Worth--lngtoo, has been changed to'tha, of Camp Lyon.' Ta RHki6w ,RtCBD.i-i-Tbls History of ths Great Sseesien Rebellion agaiaet ths Gov ernmext of the tjultej Stale's, puMIaliedJln weekly nnnibert nfl6ilthjy parts', by Ot -P. Pptn am, 63 JBroadwajV New York, and sold by bookssllerd'a'nd .Bewate'nEenoranY 'has a ready reaehed ths XXIId nntaber of Its weekly Issues, snd Is His most 'compleUt IfctulaU "and reliable wArk Of the kind SOW In fotmu hf nnb- llcatlon. t should bs .In- tie. pMssealoa of svery perepoj tQ ramiyt for Ifirptmstloo, (efeJ euce end iHtsre nee. a" u.'n, ST Ths Forti-nlntb Re'ilmebU which arrived on Taesday.lneTCssed the' number Of troops- kt laavp lsutuatji. aTe.invuiaBUi tT OoS) htpdred sad ssveotj Jrsopsiros,; Bldney pa(ssd, h'ctlg Cjeof nnjtiljtf Ju Hdsy M NUtS lor k..ij001M U ,1HmI.iii finl a.ifw. mi " " m im H .taikU,. P Wat: B. JonwrTBw; vjnexf ttfTropTtt'tors of the Cincinnati 5flr,'t4 .fliveiJ', UisTsp.' nolntassnt 1 of' rHyssisteK" with ' ths rank of rajor. 8 A ala as T ' ' i ' it i Jiy iv MiLiTisy AeroiNTMMTsThf Governor has made tlis foUowlng appaintmenw in addiuoq (9 those lis noticed Vesterdavi i til i-' Lieutenant Colonel Thoe. K. Smith, CfncA. nam, 64th Regiment. , i( t rr ' r'-'k SurgeonE X. K Wade, Cincinnati; 0. Fsr- ris, Upper Sandusky; John T. Kyle, Xeniai A. C. Swartzweeder, fronton; B. B. Braahear,New rnuaooipniai c. L. Uill, Oxlordi J, o. Crane, Aabland; h. U. Myer, Cleveland; ; J, A. Gordon, iuanmowt Jl.W,15arr,Columbmi H.. Worth.. Gilboat Alex. AkBride, Berla; Joel Fomeraine, Mtallope. iBalat.n, a.HMA..n r urn, rtKtM.n n T1 r . V . .... a 1 . ueg, c, oioat, ,iyris; j, n. wnuiora, Viruit vine. Chanlaln Wm. H. Nlckerson. Plvmoulh Captains Jai. C, Cummins, New. .Concord Wm. Irvine;....! - u.. ,r. , first Uentenante Cyrus Keasoner new uon ootd; Ransome F.': Oaborne!" James Watson! London : J. II. Svolier. Cleveland. Second Lieuteuanta Bamuel T. Btorer, New Concord; Aljphonso T. Uraoober; Norman V, Baldwin Cleveland; Ebeo P. Sturgla, Jr.', Mans- Held. .,- ;., ,t.a Of Tbe. Thirty sixth Regimeut fas ; latoly moved from Camp Goddard, near Zanesvllle, Into, Western Virginia, under' the command of Lieut. Si.iMaiia, of Fort Pickens fame. 1 ' .' ',;, D" Four companies from Madiaoa county- three of Infantry And oua pf cvlrj jeitdrday took up tbjoir quarters at Jtmp Cbaie. , Tin cavalry . oompany la under the command of Captaia Foyin, of West Caoaao, Madiioo county.' O TLe inuob needed and refraining rain, of which we received the first Installment on Tues day evening, continued to desoend gently and atjntervala all day yesterday,, Let us be grate. ful to Him who glveth the, ','lattcr" ai .well as the early" rain! " ' , ' " '.., ,- . ' , ' ST The Government loan taken. ,in Cjncln- natlexoeeds $100,000,... , , , . -.. i ' ' "' " " ' ' GioD and BiD Tinmaa. An Editor is often called upon to indite articles that he knows will came sorrow In many hearts; for, instance, some railroad or steamboat disaster Is to be announe ed, a fatal accident Is to be recorded; then Is his heart sad as be thinks of the tears that will be eked as the paragradb be Is Indltfrg will be perused. But when be gets an' item that will send joy to every heart, the - pen . glides briekly over the paper. These are onr feelings as we write 'Kennedy's, Medical Discovery ;" It Is life to the dead, knd health to those who are sick. All kinds of humor are cured through its magic nflaenca "frdm' the slightest'.' pimple to. the se verest case of scrofula .-The prioe is reason able; it can be obtained"' everywhere, and there. U no occasion for the afilictedirO remain IRISH STEAMSHIP LINE. Steam Between Ireland and America NF.W YORK, BOSTON AND C ALAV The follow tn new and manUUent Int-eUaapaddU wheel gtaaauhips ooaipoaa tbe above line:' " . ADRIATIC, 5,888 tons bmrtben,. CapLI.Uaoa (Formerly of the Coljina line.). -. .. HTBERNIA, . ' 4,400 tone borthen, Oapt.N, Faowas. COLUMBIA, d,0 ' v " k. LllTOB. AN0LI4. . h i. .480r.i' i.V" - Nioaouok PAOIIIO,-' S.StlO -t' I. 8mi. PBISCal ALBERT, (Screw.) i -iSi . . . : One of tba above ihlpa will leave New York or Boiton alternately every Tueadiy fortnight, forflalway, ear- ryins ths government malli, touching at 0t. Johns, She Steamer! or tfart line have been eonatrncted with tbe greetaet OMre, anaer tbe aaperrieloB ef tbe govern ment, save water-tight compartments, and are unexcel led foroamjart. safety and epetd by an ateanMra afloal. They are eon minded byabl and experieaoed office ra, and evtry exertion will be made to promote the comfort ; paiaengera. An;experieneed Sargean attached to eaea abip.X KATES OF PASSAGE. . I Pint elui N . Y . or Boaton to Oalway or Liverpool t lHI Second'Claaa, " " . ' " v 75 flrat-clata. m i. itoBt-Jobn'i V 3i TbiM-claaa, " " to Oalway or Liverpool. or any town In Irelaad, an a Hallway, y w 30 Third-elate paaaenaera are libarallv aunnlled with cro vlaiona of the beat quality, cooked and served by tneeer- vanta ot me company. , l . Trim Tirif pt . Parllei wiahlna; to aeod for their frieade fnom' lla eld country eaa eouin tuaeuirom any (owe, en a railway, la Ireland, or from tba principal cities of Xngland and Beot land, at vary low ratea. Paateniera for new Tork, anrmns rv tbe Boiton teamen, will be forwarded to Mew Tork free of charge. tut paaaage or runner iniormation, ana ly to -. - . . ... - War.M. WiOKHAM.' " At the oSioe of iha Coaroanr. en the wharf, foet of uanaiatreai, new torx. - :-.. 1IOWLAND k AbPINwALL. A rente ' apruiyaoui. TT T '' ', ed trUNNEWELL'S UNIVERSAL v- riiCOUQ II REMEDY. "it. , : .. a'.'l ri J for all Throat and Lane Complaints, llncladnr, with moat perfect reaulta, tVuoorwu Oouvit, OiiaaaK) aa Ooamow Ooeaas, Baoscnua. awe lmiT Oovruirra, alwaye forerun nera of Oenaamptlon. Aa a Bootbim Svaurit baa no aaperlor.- Vreee) trom all Opiate or Kmetlo a rope rt lee, aaay a weed by aaoal eelicateceaetle tutiona.laad with perfeot moflcleoce.'- t ' I -'.-. . 1 1 'ir ii i-.'.'ii t, "3 vr. ' i W I ... nPTTlfJ A TI?T , ."1, VlWUlUtUlJJl Tlfa OaXATtsi KaTDSaL Onara aver AffereA to aha world, ooaUlnlng not a particle ef Opium, nor any aub etono but Ita trlotly vegetable aad medtoel properties, sure Remedy for MaoaaMU, BinrrjMATiul, Oodt, Toots m Kaa Acaa, OaTaajua, koai oa 11 it Fxvn, snd all minor Nervous Complaint!. , fna Loaa o Buxy, and Headache In an ita varieties, haa so equal, and to wbiab meet sndouMed teaunonl. are offered. .-,.,,. foa sxuMDat Tajaftns It a a a oat Mrfcct remedy f ok Bo wax Ooaniauna, after rem oriel tbe pela M sets a phytic, a moat Important contrast with the eooaUpa toryeSeeta ot Optanawt Jo ptyilclana, Vormalas and Trial Bottles wlU be aeat, and to Dealer or Invalid a deaoriptlye paunhlat without "pMtetamp." ' , rrapaani uuuer ua aperiai anpervuion ot ' ' i JOHN I.. HUHNEWELL) H'M s, '' ctitxivT and rHAaaucsy'risT, . So 8 Commercial Whsrf, Boston,' Hals- lt.,'j . 1 Jowbem pleaae dlreot all oommanlcatlona, . , i Frlaei Large Cough Remedy, SO centa per bottle. i j Bmall " . BS . .i Tola Anodyne, '60 . tor eale tejtbe uiuxl wholeeals and retail dealers, everywhere. ...'.. '? . A 'i-'. ' . KUriCKTSc RAUTJEL, N. B. MARP, JOUS R. COOK, tlvtaA . J. H. 1IKN1U,' '' ;iO. DUNN!.. SONS, ,). A. J. SCTTUSLLSlt St SOW, eiajrajvuiy n. t i:ivi Sntl ror uoiumbne, Uhlo. Joseph'?- Bywaters .. ' ' " " ' ,.J VI. .i eapaner OearU ,J i etal.) Wm. B. Darnell BT VIHTCB or A If 'ORDER OF 8 ALE te ms directed, from the Supertcr Oeart of Break lin County, Ohio, I will offer for eale, at tbe door of mm vpura-aowee, in we city ex uoiumusi, onr t ' 1 Mnnil,.. fnt 7(t,rtBRl'0 one'o'jlock P. U., the following deaoribed real eatata ltuiteln the county of Franklin and State of Ohio, to Wit: Tba Booth ball of the N. ' soarter of aeettoa , towniblf IL range 21, United states JMUltarjr lanSa, eon talnlng eighty acres. , ,n AppraimdatM OSpeVieTe. , " A : , kyw. HTJFVMAH, Bherlff, . iJUj . . and aUatev Ceomiaeioae. , Ordcr to sell the above described Land It) parts', On rnolloa to the Oosrt by I. Taylor, attorney for So randante. ie ordered that the order of ealvhereeorere made ia the above named action be and the same la here. chaneed ee follawh-,- : ,i j v.. ' Tuo bherlff U enlereiw aaU aald land ia the follow lug Dimmer: lea. te effer far Sam and tell thirty aorea off Of laid tract of land baloulna U William K. Dar. awle,e4e; Uve Horth aM f raid treori aad II said 10 aoraeennoipringaaaujcient ameoat te pay the aame, men inaine oiur lor eale the SU acrea UamedUtely ad iolulna the former on. the tooth, and If a anfflotent aotouuioi money , n raroived from the aame to aatia lata oruer. inei Printer'! fee CO. SenSdlteSt mio oraerinen inf ui nu Bherlff eeli lb balance . '':'.'"'' Master Oomn:ia.loner. of '' the ing ths the tbe era of n-nua.viiia of ly ot of me of Steam Between Ireland and America TELEGRAPHIC. Railroad Accident. Rilav Horjjs, fept. 10. The six o'clock marnlns? train from Washington, odllldel wtth cattle on the ' traek, at Elk; Bridge, ten miles soutb or Uaitimorei ;ne engine, Under, mail and baggage cars were smashed, passenger car inj area ana lue rails torn np, -'. , . t " ''.vr. Tbe bsgaaee master,, eneueer and fireman were sllghily Injured, bot fortunatolr no lives lost, r, , , " .'r - t -K-.f The Sumter Short of Coal. 'Yoik. Seotember 10. An arrival from Barbadoea reports tbe arrival at Sanevsns, August 20tb, of ths privateer Sumter, short of eoai; but toe government authorities of mat piaoe reiusea ner permission to oDtam s supply aiinatpiaco.;,.; ; , Syracuse Convention. r Sept. 10. addressed the Convention, reminding them of the importance of tbe objects or tbe conven tion. . The object was not to destroy old par ties or build np new, but to nominate a ticket to unite every 1 loyal cltisen; for himself be spat npon parly piauorms; was sick, ot party (Jon ventions immense applause.' ' -1 'i William 11. JVlurpny, of Albaav; a reputed "peace man," was not allowed to speak, bam'l J. Holly, of Osweco, telling him It he attempt ed to disturb the meeting: or utter traitorous doctrines, he should receive severe punishment at nis nanas. -- Tbe committee on Credentials made a report declaring tbe delegates from Albany county be rejected and denied seats on tbe tioor. 1 no re port was unanimous!? adopted.'" " ' ' ' 1 The Chairman, read a letter from Leslie Combs, ot Ky., its follows: n . , I ! c - i H FRANKFORT, Ky., Sept. 4, 1861. To Boswcu. Gkavks: t : ,.,, Dear Sir Yours of tbe 30th and enclosure, are received. These peace meetines with us. and! I presume everywhere,, are mere soft words for treason, and wo shall so treat tbsm, I am gratified to find you still at jon'r post, and have not caueht the Bull Run nanio. which has done some misohlef In Kentuoky. . I am on guard all the time and ready for action; If the rebels dare! make a war upon us, we. wjll sweep, tbem clear, and that rapidly ' We ' erVwids awake, and defy their malioe as much as ws acorn their mustering. "Tbe Union, tbe Constitution and the enforcement of the Laws" must be .kept loll everywhere, and all mere party platlorms ' LESLIE COMBS. AnaNOON! A question arose rcearding the admissibility of delegates chossnr to represent constituencies in this, and also In the Republi can Convention . The whole report of the com mittee on credentials was adopted, which admit ted them, v ir n vr: A::ii,n Tbe committee on Permanent Organization reported for President,' Hon'.-Tb6. S. Alvord ana twp vice rrestaents.irom eacu aistnct. , i iuTis. Everything Is ensettied, but tbero Is bnt little doubt that tbe two Conventions, this , dnnht that Ih two r.nnnt.nna. thla and the Republican, wilt co-operate to-morrow, and act in harmony. ' 1 ' - O. T. HurlburrJ. of 3t. Lawrence, will proba bly be the temporary chairman of tbe Republi Convention, and Simeon Draper Is talked for permanent, President. . . .. A Rood leeilce: prevails emona the Reottblle canoeiegates. , .. titaiueyu ia uut uere at prcaeut. STRACcra.'Sept.' fl!The People's Conven tion met this morning, but transacted no bual ness of importance, and took a recess at 1 1 to 1.30 P.M. j f if a jr r; srn Tha fi.enubUca4 Qonv entioa is largely attend ed. It was called to order bv Simeon Draner. 'Hon, E. G. Lapbam, of Ontario, temporary chairman, made brief speech in favor of no peace or ..compromise witb-rebels, and Union wtin an mqavjvitjine;. i0 aupporv jne govern? mpnti ..The usual committees were formed',' arid the Convention took a recess till 4 o'clock. - " Revolt of a Mississippi Regiment. Baltimori, Sept,' 10. -A letter In ths Bald more, American, from a citizen of Leesburg, says tnat wnoie Mississippi regiment station here revolted on Saturday, broke tbeir mus kets to pieces, and started borne. (en. Beni. C. Howard was nominated for Governor, tbis morning, by the' secession peace men. mi Greeley's Libel Suit. Pulaski, N. Y., September 10. The suit for libel brought by Hen. DJQ. Llttlejofan against Horace ureeiev, was called up tnis alternoon, before Jodce Bacon; r There is an immense attendance of witnesses on botk" sides; but tbe greatest number on the part of tbe defendant. The Bberift is niter Geo. Law witb an attach. ment.' . It seems that tbe LeztsUture of winter belore last is to be thoroughly overhauled. -Tbe counsel for the plaintiff are D. II. Marsh, J. II. Churchill, Henry A.. Foster, and Mr. Sedg wick. ; Tbe defendant has retained Grant and Allen, of Oswego O. T. Williams, of New York, and Mr. Porter, or Albany, . ' ' News from the South, via Louisville. LouiaviLti, Sept. 10. The 1st movements tbe Federals in Kentucky creates considera ble excitement.. South Tennessee papers de mand prompt action. They say Kentuoky neu. trality -baa been abandoned,' and calls tier an earnest etrort to sustain what they call tbe true people of Kentucky. . . , .',.1 Major General Polk has iesned general ot ders lor all oflloers and soldiers of bis Depart ment on furlough to report without delay The Richmond papers of the tb contain what purports to be a reliable estimate of the Federal forces In, and' around Waihlnnon. The totalis put down .at 112,000. :, " .Tbe Atlanta, ua Confederaov, ef the 6 tin aavs there is little doubt that tbe Confedefate Government Is In late receipt of dispatches from tneir uommissioners . in Europe, tbe . tenor of Which Is that France, England, and Europe generally, Is greatly agitated' on the American question, snd that a recognition of this Confed eracy by tne rowers ot. Europe will be shortly accomplished. ; - .. - ..i.-.-.w .. The southern papers complain or the fact that millions sre sent North by banks and cap italists of the Soutb, for tbe purpose of buying bonde of the Confederate States at a dears- olated value, and say this if equivalent, to giv money to ,. mo k enemy., to ; prosecute, tbe war. . i ,, i l. M. . i ., ..i (The .Savannah News ol the SthI save that 'whole coast of Florida-Is oloselv block aded. ' . ,: t .. , i Jf ' vl'',ll.l.'ui' A stampede of families took plaos about the under epprehension of a' bombardment of town by tbe Federal fleet which is now blockading that port In an article on the saptnre of Fort Ilatteras, Memphis Appeal, of tbe 7 to, snakes a loud complaint of the inefficiency ;of the Military uoara, aua expresses tear mat me military lead, are too much engrossed, in tbe proseoutien tbe war in Virginia to accord a necessary de gree of attention to tbe sea const and the Mis sissippi Valley. ' The eoaat guards ars increasing along the Georgia, South Carolina and Florid coast,,' '. '; Tbe New Orleans. Crescent of the 7th, eon demns the Military Board of Mississippi for in activity In not adding to her coast defense. A dispatch to trio Nashville Gazette, says Parson Brownlow and son bats been arrested at uy ucu, aavuamuuoca t .I'kffivi'. A nasnvuie eenueman iniorma us tneestea-r elble eharge Is for circulating Helper's boolp, ". A Richmond dispatch to tbe Knoxville Reg kter of the 5th, states that the Quartermaster's Department at Richmond has been verv active late.: Large contracts have been bade late' for camp and field equipage to tbe amount of 180.000 rets.-I'V;.,' VK, .' AlZl Gen. Polk has issned ths following; proclams. tion t ' .t"t-initt" I v ,J The Federal Government havlce. In denahcef the wishes of tba people of Kentucky, dis regarded, their neutrality by establishing oamp depots of srmles, and by organizing military compjnies within, tbeir, territory, and by can. atructlng military works on the Missouri Shore. immediately opposite end 'commanding Colum dus, wvtaentiv inienatnA to cover the lahdlno- troops for the seizure of that town, it has become a military necessity far the defense of .territory- oi . saw uoniedentts States, tbit toijieaerate forces occupy Colnmbns In ad- vance. ' - Tbe' Major" General commandtrisr las there. fore not tell kfniaelfal libertv to rlaV the idimpprtapt a, position, but nas1 doolded to occupy' ft. Id pursuance of this dectslen he has thrown a lufflofent fores Into the town, snd oi dared them to fortify it. It Is rratifjlnf to t at- S. Is , S4 S3 . euu for $1 ' ' . , "-r'LorT know that the presence of his troops is acoepta. bid to the neorjls of Columbus, and on this oo cawontbey assuro them that every precau- I will be taken to insure toeir quiea. ana me tectlen of tbeir property win personal and boral rights. , iatait at Colnmbns. Sent. 4, . LEONIDAS POLK. Privateers. e Jvobic. Saint. 10. CD. Welctu of tbe Bclioner Mary Alice, lately returned from Rich moid lays he aw man? Federal prisoners mere, nut orders irom me uoniuerava marauai prevented his conversing with them. He- gives a statement ofi s. privateer fitting out and al ready gone front Charleston. He says all tbe Conledprat 8tata erlvateersmen belone to Charleston, and are natives of New York, and Livtrpobi- v.: v The States Fair. Uyton, Sent. 10. The State Fair opened to-day. The total number of entries up to tbis evcaing are HUUU, wMca comperes favorably with those of previous years. Among tbe cel ebrated bloodod stock' is Tom Rolle. sod of Poc ahontas, Wishtetxaa Chief; ', Keene , Morgan, Urit, owned by Mr. Woodmansee, Joe Uodwin, and Jack. Resetter, owned by Mr. K.'Nevlns, and St. Lawrenee, Alice, and Etbilinda,' owned by Mr. Jcnnlnest also. Karey's line blooded stock and little ponies, " Thus far the Fair is a success. " A gentle rain Is' falling, and with a The States Fair. Kentucky States Rights Convention. FkAHtroKT, Ky Sept. lOr-Ssventy oounties are repreeented in tbe Btates Klgnts uonveD tiont They occupy-the hall , of tbe House of Representattvea.: The'. Sena to has adjourned till to-morrow.,! Resolutions are now twine: act eu upon, the substance ot wbiCn cannot 'be, 0D- tatn till hiLmh..n ' -t ' There was1 nothini done bv the LeeUlature tO-Uky. i,- k; rn.:l 1 . A Skirmish. PootVBSVlill: 'Mo.i Seat.' lO.-JV'aabArda'v' in picKei guar a at Goumd's ferry discovered the reoois oaa ereeieo-s battery., word was sent to Geo. fctone, whd coon forwArdcd puna. The rebels diecUarKed two shells luett'aotuallv. One gnus responded, causing the rebels to leave! I be Medical Inspector says our 'nrmy.ia ' louruiuarnj ueaitny,coneiaeriug. lue onaogo or climate, etc., there being but . lew serious cases in tus uospitais., ' u-.n-. i. nfi hi " . j . .. ... . , tv.Mf Later from Europe. I JMbNTsiAL, Sept, 10. The North Briton has arnvea j ner eavice anticipated. Lord Palmergton has been Installed Warden ot Unquo ports.. ,,Ia,bla speech ba eulogised tbe stroog defensive measures of England, and said that perfect defense was tbe only stable foundation for friendly relations witb foreign ."oaiiuueawmeoattieot uuuiiunl prf,;r.7,TiLi "v: - 7 "" a evidence oi men personally brave, but im- ;-fr.7" u " .V"" v.r5"u' T 1 tu" nan Bnotirer equenai On lUO loan loan ua expenses oi toe reaeral Uojernoient, conouiaes wuu tns DeUet that tbe., snbjugstlon of tbe South is a hopeless taekv kjU ' v" " Tmhck.a-The Pays newlpaperdeuifesilne rij port that the government had notified faraien -, . i , ; . - ... .? uiuunouii taet .sranoa womcf maintam tne eocupatienor Homes' ' e , - Russell's latest letter td tfii.Times says' he snq In America is last narrowing: down be tween elavery and abolition. " He thinks the President will soon declare ll tbe, slaves within the limits of the United states army free. The Times editorially ad Vises COmnromidO between. the Northern! Hnntl, It is stated that reading Liverpool houses have purchased 15,000 nales of 6tfon for shlbment cart Ausseii, in a man lies to on Spanish ewu pation of St. Domingo, says American forbear anoe cannot ne calculated on as permanent. ine inaian uovernmont .continue to report irum an, parte oi tbe country relative to the cotton .produoinp- capabilities of India, which are represented to- be eonal td all wantn nf steady demand, and gooa.roada are estabUabed From Washington. . tVaitirOTOIiSe'tlt.' 10.' At thaaVtrm! j, nL'.' tue ouaui, nriaaTSi SWO nrisooera. onaot UiArn-a captain In Htuart's Virginia Regiment, were Uken prisoners by our fprcrs They refused tt give tbeir names.''. W prlvatesof the New York Do Kalb Reir- ihvent fell into, tbe hands of tbe Confederate pickets this morning, near Hunter's Chapel; to the right of Ball's Cross Roads. " A laree force of Conlednntpa. Within 'tha last three days,) have enaamped near Falls Church.' . . i a i . , l Great aotivitv prevails In all deriartmant tt toe navy yara. i.oo men wer emnloved. and many of tbem nicbt and dev.. Slwi. hu and all kinds of ammunition continue -to be' for warded tO'VariOUS DOintS In immense nnantitlaa. The manufacture of .Dahlercn. rified cannon progresses without Intermission,' , The howitzer drill ia conducted under exDerienoad nffioara. and Ibe seamen there have acquired great pro ficicncv?,,lil-- ' ,llim ''j 't w.4 A. it From Cairo. Cairo, Sept. The ennboats Cones- toga andr Lexingtob,' 'reconnoitering down, tbe I 1iaatoatnn, .inn. , r . . n . . t t terr of sixteen guns at Lucas ; Bendon the luisaouri suore, ana two reoei guuboate.l ,1 bey silenced the shore batteries anoV disable a rebel boat The Yankees wdiild have captored her had l she'not been suppqrteil; near wlum-" bOS. .'...! .tlrJwin wv:vi it One of the Coneetoedlt men was sliehtlv in jured.! The loss of the rebels il not known. Twenty ot our sooute to-day were driven in to Col. Ogleby's earn p by 200 rebels.''-'1 . There ore .no less than 15,000 rebels in camp Columbtts, oTheyrwerot largely reinforced yestffday.c.ta- a-u: b ' Kentucky Legislature. FsAtKrOAT. Kv.'. Sect. llThW tfonaa ahie ih'brblngii adopted resolution-directing-the Governor to issud a Oroclamattnn'ordnrlnir tha Confederate troops to evacuate -Kentucky soiL i,oe vote swoa ii sgainsa no, -i o. - i The Houee refused to suspend tba rnlea to al. low another resolution ordering-, the proclama-J tion to be jasued to both Federals snd CenfedeI- rates. -- :-ct i.t.;l. -:i tali lit From Fortress Monroe. Foitrcis Monios. Sent, . 10. The R. Spauldlng left to-night for Hatteras Inlet witn rq-iniorcieqts.', Tbe steamer' Balti mors also 'on tbs wsy with naval stores. " Ji Tbe sloop of war Jamestown baa arrived from ths blockade off Florida, but brings no news ef importance. ,i e. 44 , .ih tAa 1 if COMMERCIAL MATTERS. New York Market. YORK, Sept. 10. more eoUUar export and borne eoainmptloa; aalea of 1(1,400 bela at, t 4094 41 for auperflne atate; 4 KM 75 PC txtra etate; S4 40(3)4 3 for luperHne weitorn V SjS4 96- for eomncnr'tn npitltim 4.vtra""w.Bt.rn Ua(9)5 10 far ahientoS Bvanda exfrn eomut ftnnnP ...... J AC n.Ll. .... r . . - n 1 . . vhh., va3,u , ,ur irauo oranaa no. vatmaian nour atafdy wtth a moderate koalnees Soinseelee r oo ia i si wai4 au ror luperbaa, and 94 71K411.LU common to ehoioe extra. ' . 'OORS I MEAL-Oontinnea auiaL 'Will jS JLSiJi.S Chang, id price.. , wiiiniii saici ot Kio tbii at reaisvo. triUAI la battef witb a fair demand for ,r.,ri chiefly for Franoa; at tha eloia holder, war a Utile moredlspeetdtorealtte; ralei of 9,400 bnabola' Chicago pring at si w; i,vuu duxmii noHnwaaterS olub at 053)1 09; 98,500 buahela Mllwanatatahil at SI OS t 09; 17 ,SO0 bathe li amber Java a. SI lOAi n- 4,fS0bnibela winter red weaternal 91 IStftt 17if 4B0O bnthali white Kentucky at -91 ejil xtt) 7ue mnela wnita Mlcnigan at f t tafil iMMwt mi'l-uuV -jifiuv. nix-virn; aalea fit ioo aaaaale Oaaada, eert'ta-r rerlor, at oc; Ui rvtaalnUet onprtvate erae-- nanbHii vuu ene Bominai. - M alaa v-jI uuttnuaaaMvanoaa cpeeuentivitb a a-aod de- mand ror export ana nome coninmptioni ealee of 19 SOU buihell at 4la)4Bo.for infaiioa at eoewoa iialaed ajoat- ern; iawxo ror aooa ana nrune ainmn wmm . . j . OAT8 In moderate . requtat at S7ia,i!l)a for Catiadat FOBK Pull, hot without matertaf channe in nrlcaa taot 6JJ barreli at' 113 "iH OU Jorjua-- ju..nil forpril ix-w -rrrtTiK-inniir HiSjIi ,..-i....oL'tJ A.Jltfcu relief 55 SOfor.e..; 91 1 'lor icpacJccdaeall I skew ii ah a waiei ana uacuaogaa,,,, ,,rr: - CUT, Ml BEATS -Uoutinue I aiaaay, who, aalea.. b .0.Uie. paokages at fk$4 Ko for ahoulderi, andau, home. I .. JEJftA'I AiU'A itx AU.. heme. i r7tTI JTTSlf.a'I .BAOQlMQnleland namiaali llaM U U re e-e el HrLv. taW.ya'.a ... rtii' -r 'TltTffE'R Ta t.1 AAn.'i.l'.l 7,ain fn. itiu ..rl?, 1 14 for. tote. I OHEBBS-57d. I (tOaAR Rw la good demand to-day, chiefly epeoale- V nTii'rr ' r. -ji; , iaw:'a -f-a-ir- tl,'al)atfcarktahaaiJmi(Ti alsof7 hh4a 0 t 78, tnclnUiof fcir r-flnarv at T)tro; isou xitxH ilwvana. oart ai 7Veo. and tba raucaiU' enint vntatcmnJ iliji, fit 1. 1 i l I UuAaetb-OftntlriaM la fair aanaatand iri-rftl' tend upward: aalea of inff hhili fl.rtn'lo.-. iA ?14Wci t'uCs' aiii W khda Forio Blao at Si r lie i kaA a Lhj Cwli kbda Una' ooamao ai a4C. j . , aj Cleveland Market. CLEVELAND, Sept. 10. M soio to at U Wi 1 j 4, ff 7 ' WHKAT-Oiilet and unchahtedi aalti of t carl ted at dii rra uouDisi rxirv sh m-m w n BUepn track, and 1 earwblta atac. 06HN-aalaaf can aa vara-at -Mm 40Stttaa)iIS . c. :..,. ,.i il'.. ""f If r. ' t f a i i icj uats lata aasear raaauairaks tjwu iiivnninaa eaja av nuia u iao. H Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, Sept. 11. OtQOBIia-Ihe eeune..( tha.Now, York aurar lunravi iu, Mmx a aiiaaaraBa uwa un nwm mmiw andrtaultedintba eatabliahaunt oC o to Ko II within tba week. The aalea ot staples from flnt bandi ara AM laira. not the are naylni waif, sad a qalet cond- denae ex lata that ike etoek an band will And a aaarkel. at the lull or currant urieea. -Then war aalea or auxar to. darJin lota aawnntinr ta 85 bkdi. at BM9oitoa aom- en to fully fair; and ot molaatea. amounliag ta SOS hblij at 33o, a amall part In Ojrpreaa aoo(iera HolaaM la aanarally held at 3k37o. and theae urloea ara obtain ed is amall lota. Ooffe baa baea uoiat duriss tba weax Aa atmarked a week ago, buy era feel that then la not muob u be aalnad by takln( atoeka freely at praaaot hlah priora. iney conaequantiy only laae hub aa tney re quire it, aid by ao dotnxreUara tba aaarket of the atlm- alas wblob would be (Ivan to It In its preaeat strength. It they were ta make their ordara for large antoat.ta. ' ILOUK The trade in flour tnioacboul the week haa beet, narvalaea. The quotations nay be given luit aa mey were iiat xneaaayff ousm ior..iupernne 3 fXB lot extra.- x.iU.f..- WHKAT The aualitr of the wheat which la beinc marketed here continue! to attract ooaalderable aitentlpn front abroad, affording a buaineaa In advance of tbe prea ant facilities of the railroads for tranaportlng Itj The grain being shipped goea to Interior and Veatern Mew Tork.Vor them Ohio au4,Weetera PenniyWanla.i Tbe prjcfa havd rules quite ataedily during the Week, vibrat ing iwlUY the eunnlv from 78o-to 75o for erlme red. S34B85o for prime white. The. variationa ia the range nave been greater eu the ISfetiSr gradei, rdoutog: ilowi to blaa.'W, for r-A .nrf Ii 4ar vttlt. - - - 1 COKN llu . n.rkrt for uM dmva. anrf settled S7o; hut Ught reoaipta hoW ike S aailer to sell than to bnv at that eurer.T,T r - UATB aave dropped during the week to Vic; pot the pnee nae pronaoiy auected the receipu and will uoubt leaa re-act. - BABLK1T Is venr eenarallr tiacleetad: vet ta, rhe brewera, and only nominal quouiioni eaa he given. .. r ' HlfB-Ii hard te aall 37e U the. beet that buyere ara offerin.r It ia held at 40o. - ' Tl f. Z. I ! ' WHISKY Advanced on Thnrlday a iia, on Friday iioiaer sou on Baiaruar oi tut te-day ItiUS arop ped bark to 13X with a dull market. .'lAiani I ivonmttcuu. a ana 1 1 ' Jwli.T U-afl'jtr-S ' , .. a.' OHIfJ STATESMAN STB AM zxm neoK'AND job J ' .r.t,i(;Uili . i f f S7 t. -a n A I". rrvi-'i? PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT ' W1 J-eap.Vl ,'t;t ,SrJ?t tW'Af HV&Kh ,Nt ,iA ,rnfi;ih?s.t rif Is eulSt it X X S I.V E F AC ILlT LSt - la fully prepared to execute in tbe tin t er., . WAa T v T , u n n i a. D,.u , u u p D tfta 5.1c D ANn iJf Itf ui a m xt sir i n o I a THE LIT EST Tl'LKi. ttvivr ra .WWit!.) BILLS LABIIf (J, i . 1 tliW b- "AT V A BILL DEADS. ,ii hA:'..M , rfl a?v 1 NOTES,'' ' llG i t LITTER HEADS, -.its I.KflAT. BLAWKS DRAY RECEIPTS, I DRAFTS, i S'J tTiaUSlsffjARBS, -A I .jtLi.- a 33 f ttvJ A. i . 'iivrioprv RAILROAD, INSURANCE, . ' w 6 "Ub4 every oWt$ " tf-T..- . v " a.,.. 1,..' 4'u PR ESS ' PH INTINo', Jt ;tETTEB '' i rj -. o , Equal to any Eit'ahllihment (h ths'itate'and doon i v . . . r - - - aj .-.a a -a.' ti t, rt-4 Urmt which will oompare favorably with (he , 11 A j ..aaill tut ti'-A. B.-t.1r-i in, i ay-f'J kiwi r tnri w u, j, 9 t-.': I j. leadlDf Eaetern Printiof Houee.. ..beat cit .... u irui i..wa.aiJou' : .a it : ..:t'W vua'.1! eravia iiiofaui art . ).l, J t. w tut .. iwm r.j teVf a, atj. kv-'l . i "tiivt MrtiHv H e -X-!B.n.A' s l .i't i!a.' c, v,a.j i jt?uSr liemae tq.. r; l :i:trf rva vm m a tayip-g , Arorf V aollity" to aid TJsj ELEGANT- POSTERS It 11 JftqA. lu tliizl r"t e"?'e.arri ! H I G h ir I L iVifflt aYe-d S o. sJS ME Mtrca rX)I '' I Jit SHOW CARDS, .rf our lorvic. fwall"who mkr'deilrt UiatHlaia I k. t. 1 a'aiiamio mm i. xnr.iMA v aiir j i v .i bavs oirbWeet itlfWliialliihmiill 'i slf l'l TitfliW J:iT fdt BLANK BOOjerWNDERTiC) iiaW SJ . i KAtAAiT -Iba Hti tit IfcaA I1H --l0BV'r'we-roo'pe!lnVl " S lltiU t ii.ii'iKl aiJ : (t at "real l UiW baa u At at I a t!'Jf.;iC ll t'K1- IJ:-r rj.ju trnt-tt ewl .. TBTE.HOgt-.,, 4 , aeat ,.l . 1 vr 4 o i to .s)-i.,. vfv ei --(i ... ,( , BAL JbVOAO BUUUCJB00 , J; j,. 11 1 t vn. ).-.. j nil rtj L r. . . ? i . lahr, Ii .1 S2 our . ,xiBXiaaMEyy t ,UUaJ . ,,,..,i.,(.tj Sib. SJlWirfMS KW WM ' Ilto beadrnfttvU 1 "W ,, vtttpi t ) iIU( er w airiVi( nwhtiwi-j x.i v- " .iliH . cJK .'l-J ( fnli.neertt ta wjiiv LailM J n eta efi.M teaa aa Haa au IuwB.tww Hon 1 aa ,,. aaabo- kiiuawov H;vni tw jua mir.i; AtJi'i m tu.i4,tf j rtt4 yon:) g t!-rn t 'xPEftsTJaT OEtOANIZATtONi .r s . Uia !' :. T" " v 1 joir f ,miT uaa-w'H tie iK-tan tfairt ,i. JVEiWILL' FAVORABLY COMPARE tor tmh-:.lsfui'JtuM Ian Kocxtv WBtw latn.etii'tat'ii mnil SaYlVSi SJfs:r -aifc-e iuiw fc! ay, - .,, lu r u. V i Jwaaraaa emit A LuK.i-.iaii jMieewej at.' tfiBC:r r ik,-.iHlifjJSi )!; ' RICHARD KEVINS, . PB0FST1T0R, ' , v I r -AWS. at J - b i tir u-aW'rryawsxa ,ttA,VJti MRBt WHTStiOW. i li-V t M ,..i'J idi 10 , tu.O .Ibe. An experienced Nnrae and, Samele .JbyalcUn, preaonb POaTtHIiNflia-aYROP whlab rraatl SaeUMates Saanoeoaaof teatbtx nine; the gumi, rednclng all inflammation wll I allai . I I . U i I U J j, 1 i. SfJtl B TO ItKdTJI.ATFl-'rHn BOWIl PeMna bbos It, bk tbem, it wUt five ml tt Mrwtval ana i , j .'i:rAi i,l t.')w':u", J i) I.u.v. . BUIEF AMD. BmiH TO T0UB ' Df FAJf IS, U.'. , . " . ..... . I We have anil fllW I uarr um up nno iwia riui eruciu ror ever ten yeare. AN BAY. IN OONHBltW;jt AJMO TllOTtt,ofi? whalTwa have & ever lxea able to aay any other auxiW etoe4-HVEB !IAg IT VAILED, IN A BINBLK IMH11 8 IX VA1LSD, IN A Bin ANOH, TO V.rtlCT A 0UBK, whan' timely natd. Dev. ar did'ws know an initance of diaaaUafaatlon hi anr una who uaed It. On. tbe eontrarr. all ara dellzhted with iu eperatloni, and ieax In terms of oommenniaUoa of ita Bugkal etlecu aod medical virtues. We apeak ia tbte. "ir'in(ir t is uu nnuw ; -aner tan yeara axue. rlenee.AND PLSDOB OtIB REPUTATION rOBIXIS JUULLMKNT OV WHAT WK HERB nant.AHIi. - r uaoet every iniunce wnere tne inrant is tufferlng from muauu axuauauon, reiieiwiii lie lovne in Piteen or weqiy minuiei aner tnenyrus ta admin literad.' Toil valuable nreuaratiow la 11m nreamtntlnn nt nn nf the molt AtXtltklKNOIIbeua BttlLLrtb MUHHB8 is few Indiana, anniuui uno naeo, with MbVAlt JTAlaV inu nuuuaiHB in . . . i i- . 'A'AIOUSANIill US' (lANP.ei.. It not only relieve, tbe child from ualn but aaviirna. atea tba itomaob and toweli, correota acidity, and riref tone and eneriry to tbe whole ayabm. It will aunoat inl a... n l : - OSCPilO in the bowels, ahd wind couo and sveroome eonvnlnoni, which, ff not speedily reme died; end in death. We believe II the BKbT and BOB KST RKMKDY IN TBS WOBLB, la all caae. of DY KNTDUY and DIABUUUEA IN CUILDBEM, wbatber it arlaea from teething, or. from any. other oauae. W would lay to every molhefwhohaaa child rafferlng from MV.f IfaeteewaotBBawemurinta DO NOT LKT Vmia fBBjnUIOIIS MOai TUB PKBJUBICJfSOV OIllKUa tend between yea Bnd your anfferina child, and tha m. lief that will be UlUt-yaa. ABKOLOratbY SURI-to follow the um of tbis meaiclne. If timelv Bead.. Vali Ai. recueni ror asing win accompany earn bottle. Nope raiainc unicia me mc-Home oi uuuil c f akMLUIn. p.. juh, i. un tiro uuwiuv wrapper. . , Void by all Druggists throughout tbe world. ' PrfncipalOffJoelf ia Cedar CtreetA.Y. PRICE ONLY 2 CENTS PER BOTTLR.' Octt7(lfcTly I I Commissioner's al& Soperier Oosrt. m'.-'jhA r.. Amoi r Virtuk r an oatoEit or a'Aist U tame directed, from the Superior Court ot frank lin County, Ohio. I will oiler for aala. at aha Aoor of lb. ttiurt Houee, In tbe city of Columbui, on Saturday, tbe atb day of Oot-7A. D.I8C1, at 1 ockx, M-, the following deacribad eta aetata, aituate In the eounty of Franklin, and State ot Ohio, to witt Lot number 13, of John Moniaon'a aubdiviiion of loUf i 0, 7, 8 and 35 ot John Morriion'l addition ta the etty of Columbus, - Appralied at 91,350. rvr-t rf rfXT1- Priatcr s fee. 94.00. ti4l.7U jtj'praii Printer II. 0. 1 KB. W. HUFFMAN, sheriff . r and Maatar GommlulonMrJ " NohIe.AttBtf.Uia.Jii-i.iil u u auKtl-td. wl ..'1.1-1 t-i-uI-, i : ... . , 4 The Court of Commou Pleas," I Franklin flmintv Oihn -rJeaeph Henry Breckenrtdge, " V . i-it t vr-L. . 87 kf ""g:. u BaletiUV George Waahlngton Shrumetali-' .-; .' .' TM PtlRSUANCE OP Alt ORSCrt'or X the laid Oonrl Is me directed, I will offer for tale i puauc auction, ar tne- aoor or tne Court Home in tha cily o' Columbui, on - - - - . Saturday, the 14th flay o?- ep mber 1 8C1 , betweta the honrl of W o'clock a.', and? o'clock p! m., the'followlng deiertbed realeatate, altnate in the county of Franklia, aad Stale ef Ohio: t , ,, : Beginning at tha N. W. corner of aald tract of 13S aorea and t polei, in the peUtioB and writ of parti Uud deacribed, and running thence with tbe north line of laid tract N. fii.'deg. 30 min. E. 140 X polea to a poit In the center of tbe roadr N. B. eorner te said tract; thence with the road S. 37 deg. 30 min. X. 4'2i polea to a poittathe road; thence 8. C4 deg. 30 min. B. 154 33-100 polea to a poet ia Ibe weat line of aald 1 35 acre, and 43 U polei thence N. 23 W. 41 polea to the beginning, eon lalnlog 38 acrea. i Suhjeet to the dower eiute of Eliza beth A. fiaymede en 11 eereaof said tract. , - -..u ... i Aporaiaed at 30 bt-iee par aere. - - i. v j .!, ' 810. W HUFFMAN, Sheriff. Prldter'a fkaa. BO nn Ias-li 'LA a.,.; BBsllltdwtd. - . . ' 1 1; i- Sheriff. Bale.' James lacker eon6)r r.- , r rvntt a f T r . ' ! vs'-., e- i 'Common Plea. ' "-T-j-Wi Ellas L. Hughe. n .... . Ta V VIRS ITR F A WRIT or vrm JLJ ti me directed from the Court ef Common- Pleea.of xranrain county, v., i win offer tor eale, at the door of m ceun uouie, in tne city ot colnmeus, on I Monday, SejHember''30th, I8CI,''"I A AS enb VSIOoh-, P;H.;lb followlai OeMrlbed itafeS eite, ailaeU uu the . ooiiD ty a VrBBklio, aad Stats ef Obio, towiU uV .t,a . r:t" .-..'i , , a.ot Mo, Mo. ia Joha earn Honrr Af U er's Addltloa to tbs CHy of ColuabBSavn, -it) t :.,. .... Apnraiied at iUUflt,-' I r,Ti It -. Vfi HUrrHAN, Sheriff, rnnter i J'.J'iL-.,,ZJ5,: 'vis, Deputj. - . At . pa .. Master Commissioner's Sale.' - a i . i 1 ' , v. . .' SeJatof Real Estate) by ordepCCourt. W.W.Finch. a i vi. IntierloT Court of Franklin Countv. John Brown at ai.)) TN panuance of an order of the Superior. Court of x vrantim county, unio, made at tne May term thereor, leei. In tbe above entitled acOoa, there will be aneceu tor aaie, at puouc auction, to tne b'gheat bidder, OD.f Safcrdayr' tie 6th day of 06T? A. D. 1861, the liour of 10 o'clock A.M., at the 4odr ef roe Court Houaa, in the etty of Columbui, in aai I'ranUm county, the following real eeUte, to wltf ' f Inlet a amber a ef Robert Nell's addltlea 4o the city OolBmbua, being tbe north-eaat corner ot Lookwio turnpike and Johmtown plank road. ' " 1 Appraiedett).06. Tenaaol s. aJh. TermaotBala.eatE . ! WAGLER SWAYNE, .Special Alaater Oemmiulener. ChlttendaiftAMyea- - rnntere wee, .r y. Aug! 28, lel-tw7t,,1(:i." , Ht T i.t i iA it) '. t- uptrior (jo'urt of .IrankKn Coun- ! it na.i ty, Ohio. 1 4..VV, vn . Fntncii M.'Stonf. by hi. next frlen J, I J -w , ,..-tJ t Vi.- Slary Story, petitioner, j-Sale in partition. Josephfitory Ac others, reapondenti. J v- - In rcRsrANOB or an oitAEja or the aid Court to me directed,! will offer lor. aala at pablie uition at the door or the Court Home, in the city of Columbui, on , "; .. . v Saturday, the S8tb day of Sept. A. D. mi, - belweeA the hour, of 13 o'clock M. and S o'clock P. M., the following deacribed real estate, titoate in Pleaaant toeniihbp, Franklin county, Ohio, anf bounded and de anibedaatollowi: " ';. - ' fart ef aurvey No. . or tne Virginia unitary Bor veya, beginning at a atake in the aouthweit eorner of the traot ef ' land, containing one hundred acre., conveyed to Joeiah Bivaui by Joeepb Story by deed bearing date May 7. 1836a tbanoe aouth t7V polea to a atake andfourimall blekoriea and elm; thence eaat 134 pole, to a Make In a Beatitei tnenee aertq 'k poles to a atake en tne weal tide of An elm marked aa corner In the line of the Elver's lot: thence weat 14 nolea to tha bes-lnnlne. containing Sfty-twS and a half acrea, more or leaa; eub)ect to a S.BBB sitate neretoiore act off and aealgned to Mary Story, widow of aald Marraaduke Story in aaid Dremiiea. deacribed aa followi: 17 67-IU0 acre, of aaid land, bound- ad aa roliowi: Beginnms at a nake rrem wblch a black walnut 13 lnohea in diameter bear. N. 45 4 deg. E. 10 Hnkr Skene. S.'S degjt W.,11 pelc. and SO links I a lata; anence b. bs ueg. ... lzt polea to a lUka in tne weat III Bf Teeman'e feed tliaooS N. 9i pttM and SO llnkitoB.btkeHithe weiteVtarf an aha marteS a. a earner; hoae N. SS deg; weet 14 polee tbe begta- ning. I Annril .ApprilaH at IS OS nerfcsm 'Mwlto.ntmi' fT' OEOltaB W. HtTFIMAN, 8hirIS" fee. So 00 , a. mi r v" - J i AJt . . lit I" aogSOtd ... .a .!;' - fA A V'u' J ''ii 1 u'i'.'J A I rJ lw j ajiiR a uu. rial i a.: v frnmnifflr Fia jBaeBBeulbetJItll(tAil.-Jt,l, t.OM !tlt. Tirvtrtneef aerder of sale te mt dkeetoe, faea-tke L vonrtot uommon rieai oi, onuutr.Uhw, I win or for eale et the doerol Ihj.Oojji, ,Houae,ai . AtonAy, tbe I6tb dayef Sept. v A. D. 18GI, SS one .'clock P, M , efolloWin deacribel real eatater-Sltnate Iff the countv of Vrmnklln. Slate of Ohloandltyor Columbui, tn wit; Th. eaat, one-half of : ta .allowing premiie.,. commencing: one. Hundred and einty-ior mt I,!'"; wet or tne aoutheaat eorner or out lot nnmSer (3rl thirty fivel and beiog a part of aaid aut lot, al a Ktake, thence ilorth ona hundred and elithiy- eves an a half feet 07) to a itke."hfnr Welt flity-iovea pat.,T) e-a wrl metre awtt ufriavw fee (7jthe pllnS'-of brcintlhur. all of whl.-h Itn .ndvrBt wtTeT,-inrt ha aodvrihtnd ftk cunettoinh logwi'ti'tBeeB-eStBe SbreeBj bnS bllv ef the ttty of Ccin.i.aj atoreaald, being tbe-eaat eBe-hatt-ef tha abirve oeaorMja premtaaa, Snd theeame convened to the aald Jame. South by aaid John Remedy ana! Wilt by deed et even date herewith, . ... AnpraiMd at Si.'7S. Prtater'efeeslS.Sl BUglJ-td O-tW. BTJFFMAir, Sheriff, By Id. Davie, Deputy. 77" rT-7r-l Master iohit-W l va, I M. liall etal. I kylo'lliglitty Spot -.: Instnait Uellet'l'' ) 'kte)s yeur Cew(h Sfrenrttaen j mr Volcel ' rrr;p naiti i laz iiKi ? f QO&D FOR CLERGYMEN, , ,. r. ood for Lecturers, v, good for "public speakers!, j . GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOp jQ CONSiJMPTiyES, f i (A-. QfeNTtEafEM 0ARIT '""'. SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. 'In'fji "' ''l.-'t ; - .v.-", t i ,,! LADIES ARK LELIQnTED WITH 8PALDINQ'S ! THROAT CONFECTIONS. 1 OBItDSIN ORr FOR u SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. i Tsc relieve a Congh Instantly.' r r Thoy clear the Throat. , - - i Thoy give streoeth and volume ta th miia. They impart a doHcious aroma to tbe breatb. The are delightful to the taste. Jhay are made of simple herbs and cannot harm anyone. ?-?,:;",, 3 7 J. ajlvlte every one wbo bai a dough or a huaky Voice er a Bad Breath, or any difficulty of the' Throat, to jet a package of my Throat Confection.; they will relieve you Initantly, and you will agree with ma that 'laey t t rlfht to the ipot." You will find tbem v.ry uacfo I and bleaaanl wbil. travellag- or attending pnljllc meet ings for itllllni yoni Cough or allaying yonr thirst I I yen try ens pact age, I am safe ia saying that you will'' m afterwarda conalder them lndiapenaahle. Ton will find them at tte Draggtats and Pialanie Hadltlne.. - PBI01 ' WENfyHE CENTS.1"" ' ' "' ' My lignstnrs Utm "each package. All older, are counterfeit. i,,u ,w . . A package will be sent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of ThlrttOeoia, ,.t i . -. ,. . Adsreasiri ; , - - ... , . , i Henry C. Spalding, ' HO. 48 CEDAR I THE IT, J) r ' f I u ) ; new .YoakJ CVJRE wr CURE t? NervdusHGdMhe CURE ' T I By fie nee of thee. Fills th. periodic attacki at tim eout er aid BtadodKt may be prevented; and If Uken at tbe cOBuMneement of an attack immediate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. -I They seldom fail In removing the Sautta lnl ' ocA. to which female, are oo .object. They act gently npon tbe boweli removing OhHi new. j For: Ultrarj Jfim, BudttJt, Delicti Femala andanaeraooa of aedVmfcjry kabUt, they are valna aa w-SoenMee, im proving tbe pptHU, giving tone wiaw te tbe digeativa orgass, and reatorlDg the oatur - elaiHoity and itrengtb ot the whole ay item. THE CEPHALIC PILLS are the remit of long lnvea tigatlon and carefully oondncted experimanta, bavli g been la uaa many years, during which Urn. they hate prevented and relieved a vast am sent of pain and luffer ing from Headache, whether arlginatlng n the naraor. ayitent or from a deranged itate of tfaw ttomach. They are entirely vegetable la tbeir oompoeition, an ' may be taken at all times with perfect safety without making any change of diet, . and Me ooaawot , , dUaritmblt tattt rmdtrttt taty to mfmtnii er f htm -; BBJlB1OF00TJSTEaFEIT8I ,1 . The genuine have Sw itrnatuiei of Henry 0 Spalding ' on each Box. ,,i",'vi t ,' , Sold by Drngftite and all other Sealers in Afadlelnee. A Box will be tent by mail, prepaid, oa receipt of the All erdera ahoald be addreased to - , i .. - aAel-l "" wr HI-ALAiSniU, - ts vsaar Btrest, New Vrav. From the Rxaaetaer, Norfolk, Ta.. - r ; Oepballe PUls ascomollah the obieoS tor whUK mw. were made, vie.) Cure of beadaehi in ail Im forau. I J I . . t . . M Front tbe Examiner, Horfolk, Ta. "' They have been tested In more than a thomanit . With entire success. j From the Democrat, St. CIon4, Minn. ' '"-'' '" If yon are, or have been, troubled with tha headache ' tend tur a box, (Cephalle Pllla,) so that yoa may haaa ' . them In caae of an attack. - (From the Advertiser, Providence, B. I. ' tie Cephalle PUIS are aaid to be a remarthM .fr. 1 . remedy for the iMadaeba, aad one of the very beet for that very frequent eamplaank-wbiob baa ara. k. au. oovtredV 1 Frem the Weitera R. R. Oaiitte, Chicago; III. J V';'.i t WeheartUv .ndoraaMr. 8iauIi1Ib. uut i,u ' . Oephaltann. , . ,.- tt Kaaawba TaUey Blar, awks, Ta.' ".'-V We are anre that Dereona auffarina with ih. htaJ,.!'-- u Who trytnem, will etick tt tbem. -- From, tbe Southern Path Finder, NewOrieene, La. Try them I yon that are afflicted, and we era n it,., mojr testbnonyean be added to the already anmeront Uatthab haa received benefits that no other mediria aa - produce. 1,1 Fram tbt BK boat! Btnvwrat. Theimmenaa demand for the artlole .Oepkall. Pills U rapidly iauwaaingf n fl'.tg-jg j ,ni''! ' '. '' ' From the, Oaaeite, Davenport. Iowa,, . , , . . , , ' Mr. Saaldkig would not connect hla uu ma. ... tkaa ka Aid not t. BDeaua real merit. . . . , , , i jbdi rrfA insle bottle af KPALbrN.i'a r.Ll S will lave ten Umeeltaooet annually. - h i JBf ALDIIfa?! FKEFARKP GLVE t JMi l a, it 1 b - j I . - . JSfAUJlMU'3 PRrJPARED GLUE t 71 iAvr-SkBfifitwOT lOtWOMTI - .DIgPAtOHr ' j "ABvrte- ofTisnj tfa. Hurs.CB " V " WaccSJenbi will happen, even ia well regalaied am -Tiles, It a) very oevlrable to have aonu abaap and eon venient Trajj foreBeJBf; FnraiUue, lojra, Craakery WAtf'aS r1tPAbBWlj meet, alleewh emeryenotee, and ao hosaebuld eaa afford W DB WHDUHl K. 1 i(Haiwaa, raany, and p ta tbe atlok IUX W""f 14 ,r J ii -BW-B -fatfawek ecaeaapeale. lob BattH. utt.. HSINRT O. SPAtBIVfl, t e..S. tMar Street, tiew Tork. .., OAUVIOE .'a.. "wr'B w'vp"noiyw pvremia re attamptlba film oil r till emuniwetli.g publio, imitaliona of aa ItSPARHD ULUt I would antin. .11 .1 amlal before purrhulng; and an that tbe full nam 0"BPALDiNt'i PHEfABBDULUS.J oa Ui. ouUtde wrapper; aU etbers are twlBdUugaBB terfilte, t.,