Newspaper Page Text
11ABI ,s.,,lJUST,tECEIVED.y,in i.An WI.X,a A.1 GILL, No. 30 North . High Btreet, 0n of tits Urfwt ajd et WeWtod bvbr onun III TUB OITtT ,T. flonse Builders1 FuniskiBgi Of IVIRT STTLB ADO. QUAUjt. r rometa Arjaerleam Window ;' T 'I PAINTS OHOIIND II 01I and pat apla half pound seas lor fsm" oss,sndDry ....:,.V!Vipiot( m-t Uruslies of every variety & quality- - . ...A Splendid Araortmout of, ; .:, MACHINISTS : TOOLS. CARRIAGE MATXRIADB. " '' i AXES GRINDSTONES, c. ) GUNS, PISTOLS, SHOT; 0.' - -'' j FISHING. TACKLE. ' ' ! '"' ROPE CORDAGE LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER. , BELTINO. WEDGES, MAULS, PUMPS, ... ' ' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, scYTiiEs,-fto.,i;;-;..!,'..;.:''-:' ; SCALES, BELLS, CHAINS Table and Pocket Catleiy. 1 eapeeially invito th attention of nil Intornted to my itock ol Pocket and Cutlery, hna MILVEH PLATED I'OKEH, Table, Desert, and Tea Spooni, Butter Knives, &c, . ol ROORRRB A BRO'S. Maaufsctan. warranted tobs extra heavy, Rleetrc-Plated.oB gonulno AlUtU. Country Merchants, Mechanics, and tbn, n tavitos to call and examine my Stock, mIm pnpand to Nil Wholesale and Retail.. , . WJB. A. tillX. Solumbus, Ohio, May fl.l8t.'. LATHROP, LUDLNGTON & CO. 23 ft 25 TABX PLACE, 20 ft 22 HTJBEAY STEZET, IMJZiW YOUIt, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF f v Foreign and Domestic D R Y GOODS For cash or approved credit,;; spbing, 1861. ; ir. . iaiiln! atoaraarol varat)m, ntth abo number, local ol ttoodi in oaeh of tb Ha ilaputinonla ol our butinom, wptrior to aoythlaf tare ntrttofor xhibltedtotbttrad. CLOlH DEPARTMENT. Tki. hunnvn Ia tti BraMnt BurnUiid ndr the ft.AMk MaMNinavt of n hnvBf of kH)C XDtrl1ie nVBtl .Qowl.dr.4 Rood tatt. W Jtan of AND . .-. .. : FANCY OASSIMERES To bo fonnd In lb market, all atleeted wltfc dlHriminaUoo. AUo,all trade, colon and Tarmtle of; BROADCLOTHS, ; . , SATINETS, . LADIES' CLOAINNGS, - . - TWEEDS, f ARMERS' and HXROHARTB' 0ABBHUM8, KINTOCr:iaiNg,from H Bcenta pat yard and npwirdk; " . T WBEDB, 1&H to 15 eant par yard latt yaaf told ,, IB to SO; . ... .' PEiaUSD BATiailB, nt M enm; . Aaa(t(Ar Qni mrttytmiimfif lam-i Dress-Goods ' Depaetment.."". HancbeMi D Lam, Hamilton do. Paoine do.' Printed Lawn. Prtnud Brilliant, ' ' ' Fancy Gingham, Bombasine, Black Bilk, faaoy Bllka, Printod Cballuv Hancbealar einibamt, aiaajov, do. . ' Clinton do. ' ' 1 Ottoman Clot, .t Alpaca, Popllna, ' FANCY SPRING C99DS, j ;. t Merrlmao Print, Oocheoa do . . i Blebanad'itrlata, ' Paelno ' do. ' PanneU'i do . Bpraga'' .' Bnjlajh do. ' Htacbttlu, Ao. Priate, eve, - rXMSHTXO OOTTOV9. Lavreno 0. Wawtlaca, . AUaaaa A- etmt Btark ,. do.. imnaeaj da- . Lathrop do. Apple4a do. Bhawraut do. i. , Irerett ! de-i" Poramet do. . UtUn. Ae, , , do.. .. '" AU Ortda and Width. .n , , BL1A0BJU) BIHBTINQI AND BIIUTUQI. Wanantta, . Irwteht, . .. ., lawrano. LosKlela. ' 6rat Pall.' : tiaamkaM. Hill, c- - ' Waltbam, 1 .''.oorV.)'3.v VKew York Hill, AO., fco. SHiWLS kFMMllLLAS, A tUROI AMD OtLlOT AaWOtTalaTIT. COTTON ADRS-a great earlety, UHEUKB ao. T10KINnVliaia leading brand. -'- DKN1M8 da. do. BHIKT1N3 8TRIPRB all UMbMdag brand. ANKRRNB r -. '. i - do 00R8KT JRANB , .; do.. , ' -. do. . MORRRNB do. .;'do.- KAMA8KB, PAPIR CAMBRICS, COLORED CAM ( tJptija, aw., eu. i . LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCKS OF WHTTI0O0D8, . HOOTSY, TAixn jronon, " Gestlem'enV Furnishing Goods, UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, , . CARPETS AND IILOPrns, c And a great variety al Bud aluamntJ. iff of which v pleci ire oaraeiTe u aeu ai in lomm wtarkm ptHet tb larger portion at t rem It to 30 per cent, lea baa leal year. . . ' LATHROP, LUDINGTON& CO, r:Eiv yohk: 1 IHPOETEDC00D3., TIIBT IIECEJVKU- O SO can JUbea Ull, Bartoa Co. for 1U OJA. IA Vreanb ldnttanLfaTortie hrmnila:. ft M e AVnad Bardiae, ba BKBT Banllnea imbtd A " afCaaeaf andVIIre. ft Table Baa.e "tea dc tnitt Wmuter- ohira." 'oyr, galuna," VJoba BaU.1 "Uarrty," -Reading." ' " . ?, 10 Mk Walaat and Tomato Catena. rJ " " 7ft doe. ',0 roe. At VlackwaJl' eelobrated Inglitb rKiiea, coneiiunf or "vaniiaovr, . "rv eallll," b.wmiM)W," "Waloat," 'On Ina," "Oebbafe,'' "hm " "(ibfrfc'" i Pick In. , SO H londoa Porter. - ; . i lOO - CampiMlleelebntedBeotobAII. ' tt eM0ioir Preeene. f-ir Ir " nl and Tiimaallla - g groa Ooi'i Oelttin. Oolemaa' ealabraled BaglUa Martard, In keg, box, OUtfaadbotUef. ' -j '' .MeioNAij..; ' ...a.. Inn .(..'' t a r)s-'i.'.. NOW APYr .TIIE'IIETCED' G1ATUTC3T ' ; - Of TUB ' ,.' if AOlNIkAX SATUBB. 1H I0ECI IV St. t, 160. Hi OOLtATFDBY ilea.' )irc!i" n.iflwftni ,, with rorrs or not dscwoss or m bo- (Contained m twenty-nlae voluaen of the Obi sad Ohio j -;.. '!',), Btate Beperte.) ' -'- -'. i AND BITIBKKOll TO PRIOR tAWS, At T LI AS BEB J.CBITCHirl.JL,EM- T j AMD A).AI OlHTWmt 0TBZ' , In Two Raytl Vmm. I w; HaeuowoimMbniMirtto mk wort v i-tM it Ikirinii hMB ka- ind ni oidond to bo dlftribnwa to uo muowui od Oomlrotloi . -J V Urr, emnptrollor, Troworw nd Andltor ot But, nod loth frobrntoConrto, Oortiol Common Ploio, Bopor i.. mm a v.ii nru. AmMan. nnd lb OUrfcn ot (h nrkMf Oonrnilnonck mantf. to tk Mmboraof th Swum nnd Btaot of BopnMotatrm ot tbti Btntn, tnd Mi aiwiiw, n tna aavaimi bum hi uiv uuiub TbM book, oonuiolor, M It doon, til of th gtetuUt ab in ibieo. and uto uuunann eonnrnnioB oi uw ad of Urt no gooauuiuon, wiu.oo toana m no hw I, nana m (no potionnnnco oi umu aanoj, io nn, , , JD8TI0S 01 THIPIAOI, . ... -, i ' TOWNSHIP TRCiTKKtM ' OUtHKl Of TOWNBHIPI, nd . , ,WI OINOW. v . .. ImmicbiinrrnwthuiNinmkMnoitlilbl tUtUlM llDM IbO pakiMSltW Of tb M OdMoM, ! Ml. nllonUonn and addlUona, aad nuny Important do- oUlona bar booa rItu by tb Baprem Ooart oa oon- troYarMpoiaa,ll i ATTUKMKYB'AT LAW,' ' , BAM KIRS, OTROHANTS ' ? AND BCBlHKoS HIM OINIRALLT, WIU And Ihlf an famlnUi Work. , i . Titc Xoytl 8o. TolMmmovr JHntttt Mmdrti . t u . i:T In BUonf Law 1 India r- Prlca ia.OO. Panllihodkr ' ' ' ' " ROBERT CLARlCKt te CO.. UvPnbUiaeri, Bookwllmi BtalinMaa4Ianprtn. -I ..JIO.M iron iai o fU8:d3a:ki ; ' -i nwi OlnetnnaH O. ryVRCHABEK WANTED for JCOpacknojof i BmtloMry and Jew.lry, for au at prwa a n load, leu 10 par cent. dUoonnt, at lb (pna omc at Oornmbn, onto. . Alao. annt wanted to tell tb nut pckm of ttallra- trr (wltborwlthant wwalry) toaeMkw. a ie lwf tban caa a paiflmfed emwnn. AAarn, wiw ..pane., J, L. BAIL1T, ryl3-dtw . . . 1S4 Ooart tmt, Boftoa, ktmav C. DOYLE & CO. If annfAOtarero And Wbolewlo pctJon la BOOTS AND - SHOES, Northwest Corner of Hljh And 6Jt Stf 1 : ; CO IillnlntUl.. .....OHI ,A knr 84000- of FIM and BUpl food t .- i3Mr - . '-" SUIaDRIES. Him a, - TArioca. Ban i' Amm Boot, Booleh Oat Meat . Rio. floor Prt Barley 0 racked Wheal Split Pee CI Obooatau Coo Bmat. Oreai tin TnrUt, Booa ( Pran. l i Beedl Balainf fMahToaatotl alrota Oora r Ikh Oaoa'd fnlta of rrery damrtyrieni n Jellteaof all kind; I hminf tract of all kin. 1 0am Prop; Mlxad Oaadkw; I A Imonda, fllberea, Peeea Nat, - ' , i I BntUjab WlW,toilNoi,U, l ; TRAVEIeLEnS! W(EH yon fO to Hew York , drlr direct to tb j SffUtff OAIAK HOD0E, BROAtWAT.OORNIlOf 0C8T01IBTTfT ' ' ; ' :'. . 00Wd)ClWh r aUROtSANPLAN'.'"', Good Para, Oood Room, Prompt Attrndanoa, and Mod- anuObargaa. ... 7 . ' IINQLI EOOMI SO OTI. 75 OTA. and 01 tXB PAT- COTTFLl X00U8 and PA1L0U VJ U) Meal a ordered. TM Heael be all fAoT ol Ihe Imt hotele. a atoet oeateml korettos, e4 1 tbr(boatby ateeni.. . BAKU, miiaw, Bmrch9dai' Proprletof 1 70SaT I WBXXJXX, '' - A tJEWT FOB1 HBIE,OOnTITIElf TAJbe X. nUvBATTaH, Bacoun, aa urn rpu laa. urn. Nw Tout; laaBCaUrT, and Cm tma or AUTroa Maw ioMMfaanA voaw. aurreaa wrmm , Of flea, CI High St Ul ' W-dlf - " - ' j Alexandre's Kid Gloves, PLAIN A I'll ElftTIIIMHDKllKV, BOl' tcCBTAIBJI aad ray la ahapa Bank KM !. emaroidered la while, mafmta. parple, Ae. TJadiimi aUdaioaaa. Mlaae Aid Ckxroa. A c aaat of ttMclbnted fllorai alwayi for ml ale aw ' ' BAM BOW. fcbSt .nioalbBicb ttraat. RESS GOODS. low mm AttrflrcUwo. MxsuaiirjBi , ; i Tratbum Ponjui, ' 1 Cam Popurb, ' ' . y , ; Poa pa Cbztbbb, GwttLUta, FsnqH Chutu. j , S-JlFRAWCHMtWUiaj, . YREwat OaaursiE,' ' i I.". t .a . a vsawnta w aaboih muu, lwinDaaaa Ban,, -i . , i u v. j v' ; And all otbetbow dad feaUnakat nmtoTtoltolto deavand for bandinaM lnaato ae4 XUatfll. ','. ' . ;'J')' BAnfdVSOJf', , prlf H. 19 toarb BU(A trt. HAVING THIS VAT t,H OTJtt Block of Orooerie to a. B.HBaCIHe.we etwrfally rocoamead kba toaawaed yeWoa. aad fiieyt, - I , TUU. P7AliAJtB PV Columbtu, March fwtn, laBt-aptdtf :'' ,'.) , ELEGANT PLAIN BLACK ftlljKS) F0 BareetBaaqa aad Mantlaii !. lioa Trlmrnto and Taemlf to matoh, at wmjr? Oomiaer Under Gamcnta. Ladies xiaLB vmnzu vests'.';,.,;: Ladra Cans llrlno do, do.' Oint Bilk Drawer aad Shirts. ,0nta India Sanaa Baawar and Bblrt.' ' " Oettoa . . r, ,, . ' i Gm BTerlse TJnier Bhlrli. Li' " White aad Brown Drilling Drawer. . , ( j Whit liinon Trwr. , . - titra large Cnder Bhirt. , SapoilorangllihSalf Boa.. . ' '. . " loag Btocklnga. , ' " fanrV Ootion.BarHo.'u," ' t?' .j " Boapeadera. ' M ' , ' -. ,. , , , ' ;aoldaHllBalrta.-, V ,' ."A,"' J, . Ali Foi taJo ia frobt WAyloty And at atodoraW PTWH, VW -, - . 'r ..r..t' ' "act bos,;.; ' : . i . . . . aigb ri: mayjO. ' Notice, CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS. npHB roiwmo CnANCES WERE X mode la tb roe at tbaleak, i Idl, to wit W. A. Pitt, Praeiaeat, la tb rbatmeea f tblaBaak, Jaaaan laHb. rit: . War. A. Putt. Promaoaa. aad Taaavu ktooora, Ouhler, nalgned their oak. Devi t trio, Req., e the (lecled Praafakent and W AS. 1Uti a pointel Ueeeler. ,i :,.i, ay order or we aoara a viraowr. - " rebi,IBol-dt. W. A. PLATT, Caakler. MIRK trUPTSi TIOTOBIRUaadCrnrfS wear aew hIIIdc at Terr tow arte, alM all atbar kind Mniaoaol ran. raia aana, drl. sa.SBoataigh at. LAdiea Luea fwkot-Handl'lav riEWMESTrPCBfE0LI?lET1 tf ANp XX krMf, ewrywMeneat. - - - XmbreMerad himm Raodk't T1 price. UemMdBUteadadplaia do, o. a i a Vonmlnc do da T do -( . ( colored boatoav aiaocaeroeni . aew (tjteeromUUh4. Ptna ittttle An BeerMttarii.. HUeee- Plain and Bammed Hutched da alt arl flempriilng lb moet eeiect ajortmnt In tb eliy and at toenat price. al tt a,)H He. St loath. HigbStoMl.. H STATE CP Clf ARLC3 CLAH. N0TI0B I bwraby glren that ( baeadoly natsMd dmtaktmlor of 41a aetato d.41aii CHetoaIffBjaie ... . AAW4JEI Cti&X. ... B H. VJuttAMaa, AIWIB. ; f.J .-'. .' 1,1 .1.U..J j(U-3irw ,dw..ii : . : i ' ' - . 'f , J trttfntri .'if t , ; ..! '! . . , " I i I l x. t!- . ' l ,!,i,B,(J i irtxnififa .wuht 'n,' OHIO WAJ&U .wf. anal ni.W-iW-iHr tiwii in--' '" - 1 f N. 31, JS & , North Elgli St HAVJWtf KbViDIlfTO MY I7EX7 BUIEDIIIG, b.-j " IHAVI BOOK' iOBvDEPARTHENTI j .i -WSILI BOTE HAVE BEKM"''1 New Typ dt,;,Ornamen(s, fcc . BAOaf fll CfXABBATBIi WOOTrDlT Of 0. T. WHIXE'ii w. xiW otoiu; ,v- "thoi .piAtnrw rr. TBI Host Complete 'Eatabliihment ...... j ' i: . ' : i ' -) i-'.'i.-i. IM THE OITY . i -i: ' I o bow yrwptT4 to Ixorato mil Ordorf tor , BooE'iiimroB WITH DISRAT.CHI lid la tU KoitApfrewd ttytoof ito Art, ? 1 PARTI0ULAB ATTBjmOM PAIB TO ' DEECANTIH B1ILE0AD Bills of lAellmv. Clremlaim, Ulll Hwmela Alamk.a, B4-H Uartlllcatea, - Aiwcwlmta, , Prrnf Tick, ;, M(itr HOW CARDS & BILLS IN COLORS, ' CaXCXB, aTOTIt, ' 1 1 caads, i. r. . wiviionj, : , HZAorjai, coiiaacti, Illustrated Show Bill, FOR COUNTRY MERCHANTS," 4W BlUs, HABd 1UU, lAbtJs, OowMrt Prw fTABtBinS, BCAOOl AM WUf WOaAM, Bf . ,U1 BHU of Taw, toTtttttont, tM. Boon WorK 1 tad CoUtfO CAtAlaam. kfaWllABOSas PpnitJ, Ootwtitaiwa,BprtkUl Printing; In Gold and Colon OOT ERG rrtatdd la tpory Color oa a mammoth Ho o Cylinder, TU uly rrotf of too lad la Coatral Oilo. My (baUUtoj Aw Aotaf any and all of tb aboaoAeaari- woaaaf work, r new aaearyaeiil, aad atlaebotian arm araoteed to all ..- . AU wok tnrnmMd ajaaapny By mo am anauaat ni0 KIT3ULI) USX . J. X3VEE D0D3' EBIAl' TOE BlTTERST Allwh awanVc wialnelpUat Ooampttoa at Waklaanalleajaa. AU The ante from Weak Stoaaicti, InntiB. Pya- ppalarPllnoaldnntbm. AU 7ba uf nam eWneral at IfOfoawOaafl '- atljnri at nifht, Want of Blaop, ., anoald J All rBM wb ar aoaralmoaat ftr trmatawmr Minatter of the araayal. Lawyer, Uetarera, and al pabuo epeaker anoaM aa umaa. Book Keepeai, and aU naatbam. nieriatralmaaatbaj. AU who regain ittama last erloiiie theald a, them. AUWhearaaddioted to tarn a of aidant eptetta aad Warn infona, aneakt a inea. Tbey ar aeUeef a pare Bbarry Wtaas m aWapianm and berk at tb aaaatfy.andi iwmkiaalil by limiantin taototka, aiarg ataaavrarfaJlfjrkmd at baauaety. I bey are prepared by an an irlremd aad aWaa,' and, aatdetrom their midlelaal prop amat iHhtfal bmrani aad yet, a medldna, are at ianoentanbarmlmlB aewioi neatea. Bold ha dranrM marally. OUilXM WUIxmXLD . OS., rTOarUtort, '. I T WllUmJkt St., Now Torku . K01XSTJ ft f ASUZL, AftntA, ''! ':'Z'i r'r', UaBiiotoBa. wly. Wlolesale ud Be tail Depot for So. 103 South High Street n Xia, HcBOMALD, DEALER IN TEAB, FIND & STAPLE GROCERIES IN ALL HEIR VARIETIES, tmllf rrtwal of (loada ., . For I . ' the Fall and Winter Trade Of .1860-61' in ? jrp taETfJatrllNQ SINCERE TUANKS TO THE PVBLia fbf pt mrom and patron age, aad heist DETERMINES) to IIEAIIT a eontltaaoe f am by otrtoO attottUoat 0 tr40, and mroawft dloUTorT Af Ooode Iwaatd eaUlbaliOUooaf tnepabUe le tb mat that Wring jtlATto eat wU Soloetodl Stock aa and, aad betog ktCdally raoatpt f goad from tb dtfet- Mtmuketa,! Batter myaetf Omt I aaaeSar to IbaoiU- at&A of Colawbai, a to any waa may aeatr to parcaaas. I af arttcle apptrtalolog to the SROORRT trade, tNEUVALED by AoylkeeM hi OW tlty Tb f ilea nod .auity af me good Mereo, l fmar atwitoe) to aiwo aatlafavctloai. , . flooU rellTtred Th ef CUrp. trorJl. WM . McDOBALB. FIRST Of SPRANG AND SUMMER GOODS A.T ia KOSIC'B. I AGAIN rPBf SPO)- TTfE PtTSIM aa attr aw Meek f Ooada m my tine. )t pia. aeed to Mew Tatkat theibeapiet pant rat(eU of which laball Mil K lam meaiUM proam. for nut. ay euelom era aad trtoad are Maaetfalla larlted taeallaad exam. iaaaayrodaadPiiem,aaI am diiiwkiil toaell aa cbeap ereneeper inaa aay ovmt son ia at iiy; ana at I Jo my awa Catting, aad aprlnumd my awn baaV acea, J feet aaeanii.rrom my long eipeneaee inanet- raitor. menhtSdly t . . , . . Oar High aad Towa to. )' jAccs nu morowenes. tfjk trNCSENES, tfAi-Trww At MIST V Vpb Oollara aad Aetw. Vreueb, Paeiior aad Tbraad en ! , tnew paTeeraa,; iuea erne .it !.-, knoroUoe (Milan, rmw, TrHaarrea mm -.1 Brwe and Ool)"e. PS' I " Oi'ilnro, 4a4 OuiA, AwDivana vaa In a.Mg, . V.M,oaUBkjklirt ' ae, tofTf gaoaaateatiareeiiem xaa anem m eraea. men ar employed, aad all wk Am mrletly to Umm aad abort aolloa, and wurmaUdtoAt. Straager eWUee oardty Woaid aenmlt their nlret by ilrlng m a call aaUM aambaaraa 10 when. ' f . bM)B, . ' BTetebaat ti .,' pj' i..v.'i.!'.'--' ; g- "S H ,. Jw.'H - W v- I;."' S.-.5 . ,.(,sOat . m j.i.: ; . "-.-i"'. p?H ..i i ...,!.. ..ij '.i5-' " ITTI INTITB ATrBNTIOS toaom of lb mott M- iraorainary mum by my ...... .. PECTORAL SYRUP. -. i ....... . .'w T key are at bom. Ud ter one who hu donbl on In- (vim of Uxpenoa who ban ii DR. WWTRWR II PBlPiUlB AT ANT TIMS To SXAbTINa iCNGS WITHOUT OHAROBi fOR AU TbiOBS WHO MBit BIB NBDIOIMRB. , .. , ,,' . ATTSBD TO TOUR COLDS A a of Br year atodtotsaradkyPA. RRKSBR'S PBOIORAI. BTRUP. '' PrrpnoAaa, Jan. I, 1800. . Rarata:-kfrwlr ha keen afflicted with a bad ongh and dliaoalty f breathing, for Br or lx yeert, Wblea , tor eerenl year bora, Bad granaairy lnoreaaea in lolne. Tb eemplilnt hn bea hereditary, and aha nad been treated by wrmal payatrnvna wlthont any re- Utf. la tui Kate o( bar oue, X proearea esme e your Panln! Oonrh gmrt. 1 bonrbL the Brat time, a fift eent kottla, wbtak relieved her very mach 1 1 then called and get dollar eoUM, wblea ura aar awwr, ana au aai now na trao of u former aiaaaa,aaep waa I would alao Mate that 1 a tea in meoicine my- aelf todtotdaadoMub. t be medicine cored m by tak lng one aoeo lexpreeamy an Mr aetif action with tt medlcma, and yoa ar t liberty to paellas tha tt yoa ftaair to ao ao wt. wjiwkjb, r . .1 ( . , autMnnaa tiiw riara. i t .a .ca rmvauavar, 1. ut . to ion. Dt . Ear era A llhoaab ae am adeonto -of Patent Hedirlnw, la geaaral, U aford m akraaara lndecriba bto to roeoaaBMod yoar Pectoral Syrup. A a medicine It watt worthy the attention af any uereon a bo mar In aay maaaer be atUeted wRb ooagba, cola and heareeoem af aay bind, and for tba pooailar aaellAoatloae far re moTlng aU that dimgmaabte tenaatloa attending A ae tarld. 1 kaa keen, more or Men, la my lire, affected with tb anereet of aalds aad limiiia. Al Itom my throat voakt kicom ao tloatd a to prereat my (peaking amm abJapay. and by taking a lew doe of tb Ure Byrnp a wobm raanw m aaureiy. Ia mimmaallM Ibm medMna, I anat anhaitmtrn1y ay mailt M u. MM remeoyierer nana, parporung to can tba abore, nor anoald any mmlly.b wltoont thl reayray loraiaaawi ro pwrraioB. , . year, move rospawcrairy, ' . BDWARDJ. JOB KB, - Owbiar OlUaana' Dcpodt Bask. SmiBumixs.0.. March U. iffiS I htr ajad Dr. Kyrw Ooawb Byrap for k bad eon rb of tTral yean (leading, aad sea ubaai tally aay It it lb bam (aadlcuia for too ame Lbat I bars rr taken. , i.W.PhMOS. OOt. PRATT AND DR. KBTBRR-fl PS0T01AL BYRDP-Da. rmreaa D.erBkn Bxeaa lb delarof my aoknowMdaiBC toeeeueo ar yeaw nototai uoagk Byrapaooaer. I lake great cliaeare 1 aaying that It a all yoa aay it m. JiatoauaiM aow. ow oj eouom aad tb Went one I wee ever aAlcted wlthi I barauot eaeAaU at I be kottl. Bug laaaaaddo aitoaietaUaboareadUctedweaMaireMnmlra Mai a I bat dona, aad Ibay will be proud to aay, -it Is a e,aaek madietua." I woald Bet offr another aeh an attack tor aar naaldntliin a Many eoat. I am eon Aden tleaa areatbe more treory khaa Inn did, laball alwayi aekaowledga a debt of gratltad for lnTeatragaa wcelleat a remedy. Ton an at Ubarty to u my nam m tha rtM, a ye mm praper. . w. i-ratt. . atiugii veaamoa voaaau. fHtenargk, ra. PHtobargb,bUy 11, lttW. a. a-i aa i ao stranger to my fallow -ltltai. aad : ho aaterteia doubt can conaoll m pereonally. AorH ii.lfOT. RBAD THB TRUTH Da. Inati A haa a daaaa- ter wh has takaa aereral meaklne for a bad ooueb wltbeat kaa.dl amaag th Ayr' Cherry Pectoral. I rarehaaad from yoa a bottlo of yoar PaOTORAL SnOP, aad baton ab bad aaadhaU a bottl ah was reliered. Tba aaooad hottat sand her entirely of her JOHJIDAJUN, . Babtnsoh (treet, Alkghaay. rmwokW,Bmabr) 31, 1863. A ORXAT CURB BT DR. ABTBBR'S rBOTORAl BTRUr. I live la rmhte tawaakip, Alleghany ooaaiy. I had a eowjrbmg and (pitting, which anmmeneerl aooat tb 4th affohnaryrasktadooaUnaad lgbt month, I employed th best pbyalilni to b ooaatry, and my oragh oaaliaaad anatotod nattl early la October. At wmi urn I was ecmee a try yoar riuiVMi uuuuu SIRUP, wbloh I did, and altar I bad mka ona bottl I waattrerytr arcm tba oeaghrng aad (ptttag. I had aeepelred of evar getttng well, aad I think to boned b kaowa that tha Taloabl remedi win ao for stem wnat II bar daaa la my oase JOBM 0. LITTLA, at reeouo lownnip. '' 1 Parren t., April It, 1837, A W05D1RJTJL CTTRB. loaea tarns ago, aa old aefarbboraf mina we Terr UiiWlthafcad ooath wbloh every on soppond to booonramption. Ba) nlatrrea told ma that he bad takes stary remedy they heard of ailhoat baaaBt; hi brother tame to htm die, aad All wan eon Armed la the belief that bsooald not lire. I kadaaaat tha third af a bottle e yoar Pectoral Byrap, which I gars bkawaad tt entirely cored mm, to tneaetoa lebmant of all. What make tha sue sen remarkable. to lb crtsams as af fa ama, ha being aboat efg hty y ear) old J bar a r . me nic. ; : JOIUlW'ilJUlKJS. DR. RXriBR'f PROTORAt BTRUP Cf BLAIBA- TILLS. Pin and m anoator anpply of yoar Talk' abki "Pro are I iyraa." Abwoat aewrybody aroasd aa aarAatoadnlMSirtnfl tor "ir. Reyaer1 reeeorel lyrap.'' Wo baaeld(UteB kettle met week, and are Bwatlnlyat. Mr. A. Altar aad Au. P. Mabar, both af Blalnellto, Pa., tell aa Ihay emld pot ba wltbeat It la their families. Ia (act, ad who aa it mm want it ' .-Roara, naywirairy, I . J. B. WArTRRflOM A BOBS. Jaaabry 30, 1880. ' . AKOTBBB BBW OIRTIPIOATB DB. KXTSRR'B PBOTOBAli BIRDP-1 bad beaa traabtod wHh aeeturb aad oht let atreial imj n bad was it that I soaid not alee. I bad tba adrtoa and preaartottoas tram three of tbebeatphyeiciafiila the city, whoa 1 soald aama, bat do stoOeoa. I aacilypreoan a KHUe of you Sectoral lyrap, which aar me aaurery. Btgaaa, W. blktOBTON, 96 Idbartf atroat, Ithmargb, Pa.,n. a, J890, BTTBATJpOUaBIMa."--BwaaaIdltr "Oo to Rcjeec e Woe etreet aadfet a botuaol hlsCoagb Padaral.aad If that aWt can yea, yoar a mam ba deeparule lailld." that biapmaf an aelloqay mam btai. aimoet erery Aey la oeld eaublsg period! of tha year. Aadwsaaa. framaarnal aiimnat ohoer tolly aoasar ta ths dTlar'(admBlttoassbawa,toTW bawa Mas tno -reewrai.'' ib b mas waonara .oaaa. wita eatlra hear twowaeh ago wawat u Plttebaryh, wlto oweot UmeatatdhUramtng, aeatrary.fealieb. aa. ahdaakl songha w rret axperieewed ainea ear adwaal apoa thl Brandas pbn. W eongbad (teadlly and Itbortoaely tor eae vbeteweok. la hop, of Hrio balMaasasgo. ta anu amm is rataat toaJurre lat prorad by pnottcs, aad to here ao,alrd stfngth,pota T and iLttrtuMity by the opera una. Ia tola tugeof Ibealeea, ereeneied ear way to Aejeer-a, 140 Wood SI. -arucaied Arty eent kotUe af aba Potoral took tt aosorautf to araeasaa, aaa ia ronyignt noun we were miatir I tb aeUU tb nmi baTtoi aneondltlonallT rartandsnd, after a brief bat aoeaal conflict with ao rormidabm aa astarmir ayr ram on. -Qongb raeiorai etwpwaeeiii wwt aw. Ae, ico. ! I. . .f ,.- . . laamm '.:.).: i .... . I ill DR. RBTIRR1 PROTORAD STRUT proband ad (oMby D. OIORflB B. AXTBjtX. Jtft Wood a treet. ruwmnra, ra. BjT pd to Oolambaa by ROBRRTfl fc lAkrTJRt. fTWOTHAOHE HEBIEDT. A I A PTRBJ QUHB; i ,'i ,;ii. I VII.I ' Praparedaadaoldhy ; ta.B0. B.KBTBBR, Pleo,tS oatto, ' ' '"HO Wood St., Ptttaborgh, Pa, i uf1 . a- ...... - trr Sold t& Colaobw by romstb'a iabchv Serf :lawdom. . . , h , ;. k ., G"l'Aa,BateA.l.AM AN NocHTloo. . i . i,-i -,': : SIlBt TlOOy amiram. R.ia am Oollara. -.f i aamts its, j Atrmworo, Ac ' slnf A BOlfl " pita (" -T- ' Bo, tl Booth fllihatreet. p OLDEN mLLgmtllTS,' i i, ,t l l' IK'.' ' . VO .ervawan BU.U OHiaxa, I ' BOLD B A IliiX BUIRTB. " Th patter of tbea chirm are aew. fna Bodies, Tokss. ma boeeeu an rbrmad to at th penoa with cue ifert. no mark apoa aaobaa deetraatine; the Meeauyaereneae e belay eaceaet, sad saohaiilrtra leal wall mdm . A sail stock af mIIUm eoaaeanuy aar oam a BAIM'B,' aarat. - i . . t ' (U.WBeath Blab (treet. STK(.t,A IHIWLII ITEM.! OHAWLSIIto) all atohabbjaoron. and at nre imwaiai - am a pjn. aprtto ' w. n Bowlh High atreet. firiIB BTANTtK SIAStAOP.S, BOTH e w WbltoaMBbmkgnatnoalraAst Bala's TITTJTJITIOIIFCniJVrill irinoN ENTrwtrrr iiAjniTir p w ( a. per l,ww, i,-L trncaf tmzx axo ran ape2. aaa prlra ta.d by email dealers, i aba pram aaargedryomsiloaatora,! t.t I 7m0TlAB,rtia.7JBotor'-(rl"IM vIaaba,iayl,loil, . , i.MTAitJIir.. j ..te.-..,. '--J..Mi'v..-' j IfAriTf"" XIJUEADEACF MITTf tM'-, Cog laio; le, i -.' !iiijlTl At y,), : fT -- KAiM B. J ..j.JT?"', ! t2 ,.t)tI 0!f otvi niii'l hn'Mn h;J4 Itf 11v0f l 'I t r'tt . a.? iS'U Jin u ' -u -irilaa wi S' i : WanrraniaWDBS BT TBS 1ATS i ,. ; : WanrranraWDRS BT TBS 1ATS 8IR A.STLEY COOPER, ' Or IrVltLrull, At r l DR. VAlENTiNE HOTT, l or aew toaav ns aetnoirtedged Head of th Profeeatoo ta attk . ' v.- iimisapamm - Tha bant DlareHo. Tonlo. ad Iavlfirorant Th rirjaat Katraot of tba ITAXIAN JfJJSnDPlia nVUBBT. ' IT ureat and Moat Costly Oia Xa hjgit, " ; - i. !; ,.!; INDISPENSABLE TO FEMALES. . . . J, tn INVALUABLE TO THE 8ICK. ' I INCOMPARABLE FOR THE AQEO. '!' THE SAFEST AND MOST DELICIOUS BEVERAGE IN THE WORLD. For Bala. Pints and Qnaita, Dy OTOTf DnifKlat, Qrooer, or caaauy juoroiianav ' J. "! LOO! OUT FOB BOOUI ' ' lib N D O N G I N S .. rum flMLT aCNDIFIB ARTIOTJB IB CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL 9IN. B. BALDWIN & CO.,' Importers, 91 Liberty Bt., ' ' ' -;: - NKW. YDHH. BoMtoOolambk. , 'icrtf fc B.8TI1ATJT, '" ' Who.-r.and B.t.1. aBUUmB-g. . 10 0101811011,111,. BUIKB,B0KJTJilb(A 0O., ,., aH-deodAlyw ; and other. WEEKLY OHIO STATESMAN' ,,j ; ,,':;hatin(J a onovunoM'.; X'" uxon v . wsvesal raoviAiTM .'. Than any othir paper lo Ohio, oatrido of Cincinnati Offers Facilities for, Adrertising .''' : J'Wmkk OABVOT lAIttobrlng ; Bpaedf gtaol Kemnnero.lTO Itettirtaa ' ' ; . To thos who tok adrknteg of thm...: . TUB. WKKKXiY STATESMAN, Dhtriboted as It 1 tbropgh nry PoT Omco0h.o, ,! Rcilches a Large Class of Readers Wbos patronag la tblnabl,'knd ' who wlicol sVf'th ' Daily BdiUonii of city Jonrnala; atui ai'only u A Limited Humber of Adrertisemonts ....... -..-:! ; .. i 'ii'-. 'i - An tosortod lotto wloan, appoprUttly and n :t ... .HANDSOMELY WSFUVEt)! r." 'il Tturr eamwT raa to , Attxr o,oti JSLttOrtAtloxx , - Of , -: cw.i .,- WHOLESALE . DEALERS , , Adrertltlog la lb WKLT STAJTRBHAM wtil an. i j .; ' . It adTaatagenj la ' f 'j . THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which I almost certain to follow aa oztenilr dtaeemls , ..... . j . . i atloa kaowwdgoof their basin .. L, ;.v AKOSa C0TJ5TRY DEALEES I . i - " t ADVBRTlSRalBSTS INTRKDBD TOE : ; ; The tWtBeJdv 0fitfefaiA ' Should b handed fat bafors ffridar aooa.-' ' " ' -".' , :. ,- ; I -n'.r-., .J ;. DULY PREPARATION 'i THAT HA9 ' ' ' STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, . ... . - ...'i An grows moro aid nero ooymlor . otopt 4y And teitlmonUle, new, and elmoit without nomler might be gireo from ladle aad gatlma in all grade, of aocMty, wbon anlted Watimony nona could iciirt, that Prof, Wood' Bair BeatoratiTawill reston the bald aad gray, and preaerr th hair of the yoath to old age, inaUiteyoalbful beanty. i . , ? BaUl Oretk. Hloh., Deo. Slot, 858. PAor. Woooe Thoo wilt pleaee aeoeptaHc to Inform thee that th hair on ay head all fell oft orer temnty yean ago, caoaed by eomplieated oh rook) dlsaan, at tended with an eruption on the head. A continual ooaree ot satferlng throagb Hfe bar lag reduced me to a atato of dependence,, I here not barn able to obtain atnff for cape, neither bar I been abb) to do them op, In eon OKraene of which ay head ba (offered extremely fna seld. Thi( Induced m to pay Blieg A Uodgea almoct tha tart sent I had oa earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Balr Kea torture, about tha Bret of Augaet UiU I bar faithfully followtd th direction eaad th bald (pot to aow eorered with hair thick sad black, though chert, it to atotaaalng in all orer my head, feeling oonfldent that another largo bottle would niton It ontlnly aad permanently, 1 feel inzloos to pereeTerr in tte a, and being aaetltat of m eerie to purchase aay more, I woo Id aak thee b thee wonldet sot pa willing to (and ma sa ardor on thine areata for a bottle, and receiT. to thy-ma-th nriptan declaration "the nward la to Ihoae that are klsd to aha widow and Ihe fatherlem." Thy frieod, SUSAMNAB KIR HT. . " i Llronler. Nobl ComntT. Indiana, fob. otb. inso. Pmor, 0. ! Wood! Dar Sir.- In th Utter part nf fna year itwi, wnne aimnaing ineout ana national Uw Bob of tha State ot Haw Tork, my balr, from a oaosa Bokaowa a me, oemoieDeec niiiiBg mr rsry np. Idly, e that fn tha abort spaoa of six months, th whole upper part of my scalp was almoat ratlnly benft of Its 0Tnng, ona mwb or in remaining portion upon tne lid ana bee pert of nry bead shortly after became gray, aa that yoa will aot be earprised when I tell you that np- oa my retnra to th State of Indiana, my more eesaal axuBsinteaea wen not o mach at a loss to Cinorer th oasaa ot too ooango ia my appearaaoo, as my more mil' mate acoualntanoaa wen to rooornis me at all. . I at one made application to the stoat akillful pbyst eiaae ta tba oonntry, bat,, rewiring ao aentrance from them that my hair weald agaia ba restored, I Wa forced to become reeeacilad to my fata, onttl, fortunately, In the latter part of tbo year 1867, yoar Recto rati re au re commend .d to me by a druggiit, as being ths moat relia ble llalr Reetoratire In net. I tried on bottl, and found to my great satisfaction Ibal it waa producing tb d Ml red .Beet. Biooo that time, I hare nnd omen dol bu' worth of yonr Reelerairre, and a a rfwuit, here a rich coat of yery soft black bar, which ao money caa Buy. - ' Caa niA tj nw aratltaila fn wear lahee unA A In the aroductlen et e wooderfBl an article, I hare reoora- smaded 11 na to many of my friend and aoenaialaooec, who, I am happy to inrorm yon, an sjios u with i Ike T.. Vm iMMriftlllf. AUM. r . ' A.M.tATTA, " ,' 1 , ; . Attorney sad Oeansellor st Law. Depot, in Broadway, ood sold by alt dealera Ihrongh' out th world. , ' Tb Re.lonitlT h put np la bottles of three litee. Tie krga, medraa, aad email; the small bolda a pint, and retail toreoe dollar par bottlei tb medium hold at lat twenty par out. more lo proportloa tbaa tha email. and ntalls for two dollar a bottle; tha targe holds a ewert, 00 per cent, men la proportloa, aadnlalli for 3 a oo rue. O. J. WOOD to CO., Proprietor, 44 Broadway, Nw Tl, sod 114 Market street, gt. Deal. Me, . -. ABdtoldby XOBRRT8 A BAMTJBL. Columbos. Ohio. eaa ay an goon vrwggine auu aaury uoous veaien.. pnii:o.weewi. , . .............. Wfctchefl PUmbnrla ll Silver WitrsIII A CHOICE ARSORTRiENT OT (.OLD JL and Site WctokM, la gnat variety: ' I am A real for tbo Abmio.b Warn Oo., and oan (ell lhee excel lest Watch at maautaoturen' prices. euner nuoieeaie or aeiau. .' Com and eheeee from my beauflfut display of Dia mond, and other rich Jewelry. . hty tee new price, low. A lo Bilrer Wan of atorling qaailly, I oaa ahow aow pattern, eery handsome. . j : . Bilrer Plated Wan, Tea Belt., Urn, Walton, Oaalon, Backetei Plteben, flobleta, Knlra, Porte, Spoons, Ao. Tbeo I bason anpply of an Table Oatlcry, Packet Rnlrea, Raaor. Ac, and many f enoy flood each a an dealred for preaeate at inch pricea a an an ioduos avenl to the purchaser. ' , ' WM. BLVMN, martl Worth eida State iiova aqaare. V ' Genta" JJnen Shirt .Collars, 'I. fV Btirr.RIOR QUAI.ITVc IN OAK. J ROTR, Bteadlnf, Byron, Perelenay, Renfrew ang ether new ehauea. linmnied Pocket lianilkeirhlcfa. Keck TBM, Htocks. Btreei ana amnmg uiorea, nan Una. drery kind, DaaaeOmnaeoteen alt kuds st Van to f i sthug Uood ta (rest fAtioto-sad simceraoirrleeair a V - THE GREATEST mm MSCOVERY ' -ii t r r" wi .c r!-i?'T?i,...' 01 THE : AGE.: MR. atENNBlJY, Of ' lHOXtlfJRV) has dleeorered la ana af oar eommoa nuhiiawaed a remedy thateorea . " , Every Hind of ntunor, . Tbo wont BorofBlA down to a rtaata fimplA He ha tried It In vrer tltren hnadred raaai. and nev er failed except la two , (both thander bamor.) Ha nu now in aiepoeceeuoooTer on onnana oeruaeMMof iu fame, an wlihia twenty mil oi swaron. . n . Two bottle an warranted to enn a anrrlng son month. - ' ' ' -T Oaoto ahrao bstti will ar th wont Had el Pimple oatootae. . .'1 i . .,- ! .... a Two or thro bottl will aloar the tyitem of klle. Two bottlee r warranted to care tb wont canker 10 the month or itomeoh. Three to Bt bottles an warranted to oan tit won! hind of Brytlpelaa. , . i h One to two bottle an Warranted to can allbnmor the Bret. .. ;, ;....;. Two bottle an warranted to enn rnnolng o tb oar and blotcbe amona tha hair. ' ' ' font to ill botlea ar warranted to oan eorrnpt and raaaing nicer. Oaa bottle will ran Bear nirtoa of tba akin, two or thre bottle ar warranted to ear th weret kind of rlnrworm. Two or three bottlee ere warranted to own tbo moet decperate eae of rhanmatlrm. Three to four bottle an warranted to enn (aH-Rheam. fire to tight kottla will oar tb wont case of ore rale. , , , A benefit b always ozperieneed from th' Brat bottle, o perfect enr I warranted whan tb abore quantity to akea. i KOXBOBT. HASS '. D(al Madam: Th npatatloa of tbo Medical Die- Co Tory, hi curing all kioda of bwmon, Is ao well atab llebecf by tb nnanlmon rolct of all who her tt aetd It, that I need aot any anything oa tha sablMt, s ths moat skillful phyiiclana and th in uncareful Drnggiite to me oonntry an ananimona ra ns pmae. In omentlnr the Hedieal DbwoTerw to roar notion. 1 do It with a fu (1 knowledg of It cu rati to power, In raj baring all, and oaring moat oi then dlaeaaes to which yoa are unfortunately ao liable. , Xbe,t moit eieroolaang quease loananocuonaiamoiner, "I' ' NCKSINO SOKE mO'tll, It cured aa If by a miracle) your own temper I recto red to U natnral iweetaeee, and yoar babo from abort and fretfalaan to calm aad eweet lam be re; and tbehteillcal Dkarartry beeom a fountain of blemlng lo yonr hatband anil noaeerjOM. j . : ItOk omaoh ,eeeeing , U . AtVhll'El'SIA. which hi nothing but canker on th (tnmaoh ; thta to th inmwnosana i '. i . I KIDNG1H. Sreatlng sinking, gen feeling, and ao tadlfemo (TOO to to care fyoat family. .i i Tosr atomaoh hi , .", : HAW ANDINFIiAlTlED, our food diet rcama yoa. and roa oaa onlr taks eertala kinds, and area of that your ayetea does sot get half ths noarlibment U eontaini, aa tbo acrlmonoaa Bald of the canker eel llupt thea year eeaaptealaa loae It bloontandbeeome aallow and greeniah, and yonr beet day 1 gon. for want of c carte meat yoar syatem be- some loo aad Babbs. aad tha fibre of yoar body be am relaxed Then follow a train of dlsca Which tb Medleal DWeorery to sawaliarly adapted to , . ) !::.:!- ... OO BB .. Palpitation of the heart, pain la tb (ids. waaknea o the spins and small of the back, pain of th hip Joint whoa poa retire, Irregolarity of th bowels, and also, that n)o.t excruciating of disease, th . i- j ' " PIIiES.- Howminy tbouaandof poorwon-areafferior froaJ this din and pining sway A alMrabto life, and their next door nelhbordoee not know the cause. I with ta baprem oa your mind that good Old proTerb,"An oano of pre option la bettor than a pound ol cut," la the :, MEDICAl. DISCOVEH V f poa hare both the pmentatlre and th can, with thl gnat and good quality, that It will aerer, aauer aoy inumitaaoes, ds yoa any Injory. V , THE PIEDIOAIj DISCOVKHV ta sepocialy m tended for dkwtsst of tbo blood, bat sine Its Introduction la th Waters glstoa, tt la foaod to a tbo best . . r ' ,T AGUE RESTED If ' ' tbtwkeTrbefon thepablio.- Bohangofdlet arr n.caamry eat tbo bat you oaa and gat enough af it. Diaonriowroa oia Adalb) ooo tab I spoonful per day-Children oror ton years, dcaccrt spoonful Children from five to elrht yean, tot epoontol. As no dlnctlona ao be applicable to all coaaltations, toko lufficieot to operate oo th bowel twice day. . i Tountrnly, ! ' r D0NHM.D KJBKNIDT. ' Price 01. OUpcrbottl. for . yTry drnriirtfai tb United Btaui. p2VdWly. ,- not j&0WJ4WHKKT DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? do you .Want a mustache t : i DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHEt . ,; 'BELLIHGH AlI'S ' f CBLRBRATRD StimnlatiDg On ucut, - For the Whisken nd! , ' ' Tl aahscrlben take plaasaro to anaoanelng o tha Crtiiwn ol th United States, Oat they bare obtained the Agency for, and an aow enabled to offer to th American pnblle, the abora justly celebrated and world-renowned artier., in y ... -. STIMULATING ONGUENT la sreuared by Da. 0. P. BBLIINOHAM, an eminent pbycician of London, and I warraatod to bring oat thick set of '; Whisker? or aMnstachc hi from three to six weeka. This arttcle Is ths only ens of lbs kind and by Uw f ranch, sad la Iiondon and Parte it i In aaiT.rml as. Itta a beaaUfaU soooomloal, ooothlng, yet itimnUttng com ponnd, acting a if by maeio apoa Ihe roote, eaaalng abaaaUIal growth of Inxariant balr. If applied to the scalp, ll will oan Baiomaav and eae to aprtng ap ta plaae ot the bald ipote a Ana growth of aow hair. Ap plied aooordlng to directions, It will torn are or Towr halt aasx, and recto re gray balr to 1 erkrlsal color, laawlae ll aoft. cmooth. amd flexible. he -Onarfarr" to ao indlapenmhle article In erery gentleman'! toilet, aad after ona week's aso they would sol for any cooci do ration bewithonttt. ' Tba sabscrtben an tlte dblr Agent for tb article ta the United States, to whom ail ordem a net be addreeeed Price One Dollar a box for aala by all Drugglet sod Dealen) or a box of tha "Ongnent" (warranted ta here toe desired effect) trill be cent ta pay who deein ft, by null (direct), etorel peeked, en receipt f price and pottage, 0 l lAT-plytooraddreg ' -V 5 ,i- . MOBACB b. HRURMdM A CO., saoooisTs, Ajo.i ' " ', febWVVkwom , .., . . William Btreet. Hew York. WM. KNADE At CO, A T THKIbt NtiVr Bllta.. IYmoom.xo, mMAllIMOXJCUT. ana NOB. 1, 3, Sand TB. BUT AW ST ' ! ; Offer for ale their octeDnted " GOLDEN MEDAL, , w-- r t . ,. -J , i ., t GRAND; . t '.!',"v.i t ANDSQARE . . . PIANO-I-'ORTES. . .i, ' Belnf highly recommended by the flnt Profeteorl and (lu.irai amcieunoi tnaoonniry, ana BVBRV ,.j INBTRTTMBNT WARRANTS D f OB ''' ! - f ITS TBARB. ' Tbo moet fasttdlooa eaitoaor may rely apoa being pleased In erery respect, i , Term liberal. WM. BMABB A 00. ' SMIiTZBK At WRBBTRR, Agante, . ' octM;lydw. .... Columbus, Ohio. i ITTOTIIY TOW, '-... Wholesale and Betan Dealer lo ' Foreign & Domeitie Cigars, ! h .. , v and Barf ixahds . Vt'-.".yirie V'.SmokinE & Clwwinf Tobaecov Also, tho btst quality ol. WITlTs ooutaaUj ..:-. i - .i OB BSBd.. . , !: t' i1 ' STOoaotry Merehante are jaTlted to oill befon psr charing tlscwhereV lo.:,v ' . " ,'.V.', " NO. 4 EAST THIRD STREET, "' i Bet. Mala aad Byeaaoro, r--V'-n ' oySl wOa CtNCmNATI- O-.T IAncv bhpm sis.koi-- ' -. "fANOt DKKPS SII.K0.. , -t4 (I . iiimv rkkrtii BftKB. Wa an nam afarina aar launeims Stock of f aOy DreOl BUM at prlea leas tnaa are ueroiw iv The nttenUoB at tb bullae st this slty and yteialty Is solicited, as sar stock Is eery select auimpltela all grade. of goose ka mm uae.- . " ,Z . 'taint,..'' ...-.-- MmSOSoatoUlrtstnsi. B w. . siaaMsa, mm t-rr'VIVm'fim -4' Aa foTTM Id Wi JoH' ST - - - am i w ahw . i .nir.alC.A a. II tawtff wtaf MMll MlMlrArAft rMaeae taw eiured la greatest Tarte tad etow price, ; ' i ''.'' .-'"." o "u i a aw,tharui Opiis ' .' ,. " r-.a. m .... tACK STRAW IIONNETB) AN l ER enru aumwasif -r . .... ... blk-.-.v-i:w. ..ib (teset, . n oif!i I . . , i.'-' r1 jh.. ERf? .: fl ' . ' Dr. J. IL UcLEAN'5 StreEgthcuins Cordial and Blood" Tko Oroatoat KonteAr la Tba UorlA. - AND TUB Rton mtuaoTji AWD fl ' DEXIQHTTUIyi f . , OOBDIAL . t , EVER TAKEN. Vj IT IS STRICT-' ly a toientlns and Vegetable Compound, procored-by th dlattl htloa ot Bootl, Herb nod Barks, y.llow Dock, ' Blood Root, . BaraaDarllla. Wild Cherry Bark and Dan- j dellon antera into ltefc anmruMritinn. The an ... . . BcfOM TakintWto acUra remedlalAutr lOAillg. owatlns th dtoeaeed eyetem, ana neionng we bk, , (offerlns end oaMUtatod IRVAilD to BBAuTrl ana , , 9 "1 principle of each Ingredient ll thorougniy oxiraoisn ny ' aiy new method ot si.nlilnf , Pln; "e' ?! ' ' kileratlnf aplriM and th moet my ALUMLI retnedy f or , , renamUns tb dtoeeeed eyetem, nd rcctorlnr the lk, u , BXKBMaiHi .. '.i ; , nt.. . ..' HoUEAN'S 8TBENCTHBNINO OOR- ;."'iaa.-; : .':; ; Will effectually aan - ' Ll V B B ' OOMPl AUfT, DTSPRPBIA.' JAUlfDIOB, ' , Chronte or Marroa Debility, Dleeaeee of the kidney) tnd all diaeaeea arlalng from a disordered Liter or Blom . , acb, Dyepepeia, lUarUnni, lawani Piles, Aoklity er iSielf sea of the Btoniaoh, f nllnea of Hlod to th UeaJ, Dll pain or owlanrlns la tb heed, Palpitation pf the Heart, . fullBea or Weight la thoBtomach, Bour Bruotaliona Choking or saffooating feeling wlien lying dewa.DrenaM , or Yellownemef the Skin and Byes, MlKbt Sweala, Ia ,' ward f eeon, Palo in the small of lbs bank, ebeat or Sid. ' , Buditen fluaha of Bat, Depnalon of Spirit, frightful Dreama, Lanfraor, Dcepoodtncy or any rlerrooj DUeaee Bant or Blotch on tb Bkln, and Percr and Ague (og , ' Chilli and ferer.) Orer at iaillio o( ilotttoo Bare been (old during the last ill months, and la Dele ;.? stanos bat H railed lo glrtng enUn satlifaotioa. Who;; then, Will snfferfrom Weaknea er Debility whoa Mo t IiBAN'S BTHKNQT11RNIN0 OOBDIAL will oare yoaf Ho tantaag oan eonrey aa adequate idea of to bam. dlate and aunoat mlracnlout change produced by tektaa . I tula Cordial In tbo diseased, debilitated and chattered .-. narron. T.tem. whether broken down be axoeea, week by patore, or impaired by lick nam, the nbued and aaetrant " organ liatlon U raatored to lis pristine ballb aad rigor. ' .. BIAHR1ED PERSONS, Or othen eonsolous of Inability, from whateror aaat, will Bod McLean a Btnnathenlns Cordial a theroucb neeoerator of the ayetem; and all who Buy bar injured . themselY by Improper Indulgences, will And ta Uw Oor-' dial a certeln and reedy remedy . . ,:. , . To tbo Ladlea. McLean's Strengthening Cordial :Vl": IM a aoTerelgn andrpeedyonre (or . INCIPIENTCONSUKIPTION.WIIITES Obstraetod or Dlffloult Minitmatlen, Incontlnsnos of Urine or Inroluntery Biabarge thereof, falling of tha Womb, Biddinea, fainting and all Dbjcun inoldn t . femalw. . . ' Thoro Is BO BTUUko About it. Buffer no longer. Take it acoerdlng to Directions. It witlstimalaw, atrengthea and In rl go rate yoa aad oeum th bloom of health to mount your cheek again . ' Very bottle is warranted to ire aatlireclicn . , :, f, , FOB CIHl-PIEN. ,.L . , ; If your children are sickly, paBy,'orsffllcted,MoLean(' Cordial Will make tbea beallhy, fat and rormet,. Dela . not b moment, try it, and yea will be eotrr laced . ' IT ISDEUCIOUS TO , take; Ciuyion. Beware of Drayelrte or Dealen wh may . try to palm apoa yoa soma hi I est or rlaraaparilla trasc , which they osa bay cheer byaytng It hi jut a good. Arold such mm. Aak tor McLcaa'i Strengthening Oor dial, and take nothing else, It Is tb only remedy that ' will partly the btoodi thoroughly and at the am lima ' (trsngthsa ths systea. o. Ons tablespoon fal takes sr.ry morning fasting, Ii a eertala preventive of Cholera, Chilli and ferer, Tallow ferer, or aoy pre relent dieeasa. Ill pat ap la large" totUes. ' Price only 01 per bottle, or.O bottlss for i. , , . J.H.MuLMAN, , Bole Proprietor of this Cordial, Also MoLean'l Volcanic Oil lnim.nt. Principal Depot on the corner of Third and Pin itreete St. Louis. Mo. - r McLcon's VoIoadIo Oil Liniment. ' ' ' The best Mnlmsnt la th World. Th only ate and Mrtaia can for Oanoers, Pile, Swclllsp and Bros chltl,oT Goitre,, Keuralgla, Weaknea of the Muscles, Chronte or Inflammatory RheamaUam, Sttfl nas of ths joints, oontnoted Muaows or Llnuneote, Barache or Toothaoha, Bruises, Sprains, Woanda,frab Cute, Utoera, Verer Bon, Caked B reacts SonMipplss, Burns, Scaida, Bon Thoat, or any Inttammatloa or Palo, ne'duTerenoe how osren, or haw dons ths rUsaaa amy bare exlated. MeUan't Oelebrated Liniment to Mr; lata remedy. . Theaaands of human beings hare been awed a Ufa ef decrepitude ntoMy by Ihe ao of this taralaabta md, McLEAN'S VOLCANIO , 6L' . IaIISDlMENT. Will saltere aala aim est tartan ten eeuily, gad It wll, , clean aa, purify and heal tb fouleet sons in as Inoredl ly thort time. , Fox Horsoa and Other AAlmola. , McLean celebrated Liniment Is ths only safe and re liable remedy for the eon of Sparta, Ring Bone, Wind sails. Splints, Unnatural Bumps, Mode or Swellings. It will aerer fall to oan Big Bead, Poll Bril, Purtula, Old running Bora or Sweeny, if properly applied, for Sprain, Braises, Bora tehee, Bora or Wounds, Cracked ' Heel, (Jnafee, Saddle or Collar Oall It ta aa Infallible remedy. Apply it as directed, and a ran is certain la erery tsttsuo. " Then trifle no longer with the many worth lea Dial- .. Bents offered to yoa. Obtain a supply ot Dr. McLean' relebrtted.Ltniment. It will oan you. J. II. BIcIiE AN, Bote Proprietor, doner of Third aad Pin Streets, St. Leois, Mo. PormlebyalldruggteU. . ' ' for ale by BOBRRTS A SAMtTBL. aogas-dAwlf Oolambas, Oata. i i .PEOF. "WOOD'S ffiTOBttTM 01000 BEWOVATOa Ii prsolaly what its name indicates, for, whllei leeaant lo tha taate. It I rerlrifyl ng, exhllcr.t l "Ins, log, inrigoratlng and itrengtnening to ue rimu power, ana at tne acme nma rsrrruiwj, ima-i Uttee, aad renew the Blood la all tte purity, aod ii -1 u mmdnmmM mmA. aawlan. ikm MtMtmmm ca- WmlntrabU to attackt efUu. It ii the onljrl nnnaratioa arer offered to the world. (O cheml- H cally and skillfully eon btned u to ba tba most ini.. anil at ihe an. time co Borfectlr ' adapted to, as to aot lnrrleotaooordanoe with the V I . . ..J L..U .11 Mill d.MMM( P iews Ol naiaiw, aaa umw wh. ' krowvtcA, and tone op the dlgeiUre organs, and Ithn. ailaw all nerrous and other IrrltaUon. It b j'narlacllr exhllaratlnf.aad at tbo suae time It lei C compoeed entirely of Tegetablea, yet so eombtned ea to predaoatbe moet thorough took) (Scot, with- 's reiaedy baa long been felt to be a de.ldentam i,ka marilml arartd. fee Itneeda ao medical skill nnt nmnncins snr iniunouB wmwww. .w" cbt ap. ere thatdeblllty follows all attacksof dteaass. and .i. ana tnitaail tare the evctrm open 10 the bd AlloeUilnBsattacka ot many ef the most total, eaeh,B 111 (or example, as the following: uoniumpnoo, an Vmi.ii,. Deanaixla. Loee of Appetite, falntaem, Werroai irritaoiiiiy, n'ii . ... Heart. Helanoholy, Night Sweats, Laogaor, Olddl- " . ...... I 1 D.lnll.llMlli Ik. oea, Retention ef, as wsll as Pslntol otaarootoa. inn wnriiMi. or wa null aiHii.M u.viuu, wu lag of ths Womb. These all depeodapon general) c debilltr.. this pare, bee liny, ten vonuai aao AmmmjxAmt. fhm It bo nUtolM About II. Bti ULMasaal HaflfiVaVtOr U U SHirW MB CUIW BBS ana was wvf rUOPOB VO WlrUUAl BtlaVUaV, oiswy "y"r " r '11 lor worn dlsased, ths kidneys refute to porterm their rnooUons, and we an trouoiea wiu ecamiug . ., a. lnntlnnl.fAli. ana mconuoepoa a,iu, v. Lk. mi ii .ama. Cain ta aba back, sids and bc-1 li.iT, I ha ahanldera. cnreeadinsls liable to Oilaht, loolda, coughs, ana if nncuecxea, bovb i-i" rollows, ana tae aaueoi gon eew. a un, n in nnt allow Be to snamente' IM Saaj III. w wmua w. . - - , , - - - . ant ara will eav. in flue -ir,. Cordial and Blood Jtenoyator yoa r""";'kli Imfe, pleasant aad sAeotnal remedy for oM-offJ1 f..lw'T.' r,. .TeerOomnUlnt. Chilli and . in. ii i ii.n.u.1 vi.taianca.waiK auu eita w owaiavu, aw.---, -- A.lJi.J , serer, erany jioara v".- T ,"1 if the Btomach. BarToasneea, Bnnlg a, Palpite ; M Uoaot the Hart, Depnalon ofpm BojiPl Plmnle on ths f aos, er any diasss erteing rrorn iJ TL a..nrala. Krr.lD.lM. Bros f :.T i1 ihrtte. Cough, difficulty of Breathing, and all tbaS. . Mtea ot oteaassT sailed female wakneaa, and H ! H'' ZJf.JTZ? . .IU alao aa tha traeeler U . Wpoeed to epidemle, change of olUnsto and wjU -. lH i aaoata anoaw orer anrrwa zz i 4 trait, fnrwa aaaarn .on sou will And In It a frlendi s .m.. (odej.aawellaeafVlendla weed. All penossot l' Udentary haUts will find It a perieot preyenUye el rt c ,f ya j m bs well as cure for those silmsnts to whlob they arc y aoenstomed to mach outdoor sxerolse, will And ll to their atlraatage to keep a bottle conitantly ob Insnawm lllaeasw saetl largraJITl -Ainu kAVUina wuw wiw saui tuwdi and, abore all, mothen, or tneee ieoominp ucbtwill go tnreurS mat mom r" . th all their sMSetemrd atrength, bui not onlv alb I leaf and fn from th tboueand ailment o pre; .lent anocg the feamle portioa si us worm, ai .UVI., WWW p wvwwi m . , . ' . , . I .I...I ll 1. n4J . Mik..'a MMUJ. TrVllVl tend yoang; ao longer ran tne naa oi oeiar . relieve and prove Itself emphatically htttort PWIraVOJ rVTUW IOI00P AliVVW -taoyrw-w - ,1 0... WOOD, proprietor, 4H BroaJway, Be r Pork, and 1 14 Mrk t Btreet, Si. tosis, Mo. kac aold by ROBARTS SAMURli, uoiamoasiyn e I land aU good. Driigglstel P 4'psr Bottls. aurcw-dAweowiy It Court Boetes,bUsa. Si. AI.KXANDSIir.S 'TBW,oeol3 OdJ lo . AU sue aad !". J' "Tik nh .L!t. i (..innvt i .10' ear. ,i .! il III '.a- til. 1st i'l ! t ! J itoii i .(...i.i. fii,.' .i.i j.u;-.i wt Ld .JorHl t.i Si'tllf'tii tl',4ll ,(.t' Jli' a' I ,r bJ dT 'V i ).i .I (jiw.'!