OCR Interpretation

Daily Ohio statesman. [volume] (Columbus, Ohio) 1855-1870, September 15, 1861, Image 1

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84028645/1861-09-15/ed-1/seq-1/

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i 1 T"
i. i- J .iiiMim
- ..' i i ii i" In i
I . ,
ii ' i.l. ,' i.VT '-T
.... -i .... , ... .J ... r.f,
t sr... 0:14 ). aiee blittii'a L'.M it
Inrarlably ia Adyancf,
2hr Iix05tatomatt
iitf Mil r...'.- i ; ' '. i:..i r.
c '"'"" 1 ' rM. '-. i.
, tjfi Offlet, Ro. 80, 88 d 40, Forth High It
1 njlMSmtUBt IS APTAHOB,'',';
Dall','" i,",Vri a "a SO 00 pe? year
" . .By the Carrier, per weeky IB seats. ; ,
' !tf75V;;'-.;' 50 writ.
WwpM,, ;,.: .! v . : 1 00
mmhm . 1 ' ' ill .''.: I
mm t ATrUninir br t Square,
Dd iquM J WMkk..4 00
On , ' awMka.. 1 00
0o '.,;!.,. 7
0n Sdkjra... 1 00
Oni . ... 9dAr. ... ... 7S
On ' "' hiodOu 18 00
5n '-'8-moDth 15 00
iut ' -'' 3 moDtbi 10 00
0ne '',,,, ilmontht
8 00
5 00
On,. !( ilioMrUoa M
Dlifliya adrtrtlMntBU hklf mart IbM th boTf
A4retttummU leaded knd pluxx! la the tolnaa M
, Special MQtieu,VtoiUeUoKUaryM' 1
- All vUc) require, to be pabliaoed ky law, 11 imtet.
K ordered oh the buMeeuloalTely after tbeflr week
per cu. nor than the aaoT tti; t all aaob wll
appear In Uie Irt-WeeUjcHbonteaareev". '
BatiBefiOardetMtezoeedlne ftTellnee, per rear, tri
aile, H SOper line; onlaide3, - T. ...
HeWefrrjr raeeUngitCtaarltelilei oelUe,Are eerapanlet.
o., half price, , .J o.i v. (.'
UCroiwieia advrtUtnml mint b paid or M
a iriec Tie rule will not be varied frera.
Weekly, tame price at the Daily, where the adrertlaei
e the Weekly alobe. Where 'be Daily and Weaklf
are bntbated, then the 6harge,lf the Weekly ,wlU be
sail the-ratfiof the Dally . : ,
No Mmtijoment Jakea expend 4nsU period,
Attornoy nt Law
u ' AfD NQTART PUBtlO. . . - -
t)ffloe Arobof Bolklng, eppoelkt Oaplrel tqaM' '
Attorney' Counsellor at Law.
Machine Manufacturing Conpanj
r-Tt-.-. &
CMtlsgi, . MiU-Owlng Kuhinvrf. s-i
1 '- - :
' Of KTtkT DlSOTimOM. ''.
in , 1 1 1.'
1 SV" T" ' 1 ' ' ' ' i 1 I ri
Summer Arrangements.—Time
Conneotlok at Oreetllne with the PirTSBOBQII, FT
Sbr IHtttkwrgK, PkUadtlphla and BaUtmor. Mto
for fort Way and Chicago.
CoDBtetlof at OlereUal with the LAK1 BHOBI BAIL
" " ' BOAS
;ujr trannira) noiiaiiiji
ton and NetrX
'Albany? Bos-
l OX'
' EXOXPt BUKoit.
from Columbus, in eonttIbn with Trains on the
AlVll XtlUlA UAll.RUAa4,
I, i j
. UBS! IBAIB.;, : ' .
NIOUT EXPBE'B Lforei Columbus St J.W t,H J
will leave paawnucn at all etaUona eaih of Oaliun,
stop at Delaware, Abi-, Cardlugton and eilead, anl
al all stations north or Oalion, airtrlDg at Olerol&Bd
atMU A. MM Punklrk 3 00 P. M., Bail.lo 4 Si P. H.
Albany 1.S9 A. at., Kow VerfeS:3SA. M Bcton 8 30
P. M.,Pittebsrb yia ureitline v88 P. M , rbllwl.l
attSilO A. kl, OhlcngoTUOreetUneat?NMlP.ai..
' BE00SWTAA1N.' i ' i. ' .'
MIW TOBK SXfiirsa LTet Oolnmbus St 11:10
a. n. Will ttep at Lev l Centre, (for White Balphar
prtnp), poUware, (lardmfrtoa, tialloa. Cnatllne, Ubel
by, Mew teodon, Welilngiua .and QrafMat, antte at
Cleveland at US p. m. AMtokirk, 8:iO p. m. BuK.
tale. lOdlS p. mrAlbasr. 8:45 a. m.l Newlojk. Iri5
p. at.; Boston, 4i40 n. rn.. Tbls Iraln eonneetaat 8hel-J
by lor SaaoVtvy, and as Qurtoa for Toledo, artlTlBg at
Toledo altu. ra. a t ,t t i ' -
THIBDIBAIN. . , , vl
UAIt AMP AOClOMMODATIOrtteaTes joolombas
atfi.30 p. m. "Will stop at all stations South of
flbelby, and at-.le t-eaoon. Wellinirua, Anton,
and Beree; arriving at Cleveland at IMO p. ra t Don
klrk,8;tM) a. .i BtTlo, SaW a. m. Albany, 9M p. at.
MewTork, p. m.l BoeUiav 11:45 p. at. Ptttaburgb.
eVoOre.tllne.at 11:44 p. m.) Philadelphia, 1:00 p. ra.,
Chiaago, it OrestUaw, tvti a. mu Thw Train connects
at khalby tor Bandaaky sad Toledo, arrtTfng at Toledo
at 8:55 p. ay j i .it.! ,y,'l' ,
Patent '$Utglng Can iare run' on al
Bight Train to Chicago, Eew '" '
York Aid Boston
Majjw ChxtJd TArvagX to Feu Tori qui Jlotlon
kt OenelouL' afeo, o Philadelphia and
Jne. Yorkiia Orutlint., .4J , ,i, ...
'.'tui-RBT U EN I K G ,',;';-
HifhtslkriatCbWmlmiat.'.iilSP. at. '
Cineianati kzoreas arrives at Columbat at 10J0 A. kt.
Aoceauaedatloa Bxpreis arrive at OfllnBtbat Jtt.lM
14 ii )-l i -U -
ra aavAvr'Asy -ftf' atsif th Jpoutc.
ett kM :-:. -J l.-.a w.v.m
?,.;;Buritotenjjent, Aleve UutixSwo.,!
i. - i .-i -.1 .iititiCeaBBaa. ChlOv'
- OolaabM, Juneli, 1W1, &.,i iiaii is.-jh
1 ll Ml '"I
1 I'll' I 1 1
1UU TkkAS 100 bags prtme Bio Oooee
sM Sutab OoTernBsnt Java Ooffee.
g 0O bob. tumdard White Bugars, eonelttlng of Pow
and, u nrmekea.wraav latec a ana p aiouao f.
SO oain'sla weortrS Bunk Uodflah. , X, iA J J I W
- xptba). ateas ana no. i uacasrsi.
. Wiak B Imam ..-.. "
10O ba. lt"40 rjjt Ll.TjD.
: 6U si. aoae- - ao- .
, .ttjimijaiutiBY'1:!41.
And niaiS-iJoost "IffanTiMtiirerC
sTobtx xuh iTOcrf , oorincBTi, Ohio
BUAIIfFS, ,, fcv, . T fcoe.14 r
Just opened by
'. aprtS :
'', .1 BAISABON,
a asw alSMSBV BKIRX.
-,-'a-li n! eelllt e.
' Jk-A A. a. a as .mr-mrimw
' ttevt last reooterA a tww asakw1 af . (HOOP BKnrH
ajdakMba a kaaaaer r wperioricaaj yak frJroAwwd
. '
a wv vw'a rrl?rtr wrr'c'i a
til 1 u .VilWiJA .W AiU AKte.
V ...- :.t.,- i .HO rt . ' .
i ...g ,A1 JetJUvre4rras,
1 1 iMil o T ' M) MJajf f l, ..l
It.!, A K ?,t ft d-Va?iai7aUl teKatm
1 DBBBS l"L A. af avoe araaan 'wbt BeaS'saleai
ff uMweMMt
ina UAMBAat BaHna triav .eel
g awwwpiMiw vaf " flMlt'
inorltr ttt Eafllih Uiruf j
I Sim JBiuidrta Bminmt ZJwxtfon of Ohio,
'Hie are nnwarda of a Tlnnrtrrfl Thnmaad TTltnll
whoee maltlrarlona raeanlrm aad derlTatloaa. toeelher
VUa thetroorreet apelllDg, and pronaaeUUea ut elewly
I - OtnebvnaU Qwnneroia. "'
t t I ? ,Af..i.l I '4TTil
feod (VMMWf AM lOmievi of W AUb CKite
2OCAer' daanetiiMrtQl.
"The indewlffiea, petabwi of the Oblo lute Teaehery
Aeeeefatlea. adonfrarid ahrr to naa tat ieaehtnr. WritlBX
and epeaklair, tbw rtbempt and ' BeoneadaltomeX
WoreeeUr'e Baial OaartA JjtalioaaiVL aaA
dlally Reomaiend 11 u the raoet reliable etandard aa-
therity of the InflUkjUagaagt, wit it mi cxitiert na
loinr AJTMiwm, Preeldent Kanyori Oenepe. ;
. M. I. Ikiii i, superintendent Saneerille Ivhoolt;
Taoe. W. Bam, Kup't Maaellon Union kchoole, .
. II. P. Oowdut, lup't Publlo 8ehooli, Bandaaky',
Jorta IiTucn, Han't PabUe eheele, Cirelerllle
a. N. BroD, principal Olenlaad Janata
W. MrTeaittjetipS Pubtto Sckoohi, Mi! Vakkf
Jou Oasu. Prtnolaal anrla Horaarf nahal Ulnae-
.OTaoiNieoir, Principal loartlIntenaediale Bekoei,
vioviaoaci, , . . ; .
; H. . llaliul, BoptOaaton Union IchooU.
. lowin Bawai. Prtneinal lloNeelr Dermal Beheol, ,
lU T. t aitaiy Prof. aUtberaatka; Okie 0Dlreralty,
' W. W. InwAxna, tup'ttrey Union IckeoLn .
A. 8. Koruira. Pitnetnal Waat : EUhobeol, OUTe-
Xakormu Bratum, Prtnclpal Biga Beaoel, aur
lend. .r vie
H. y . HuHlrroi, Prlsdpel Olerelanl IntUrata.
3, A, OAaiiatn, Preildent ol Ileetto Iaitltat, El'
MUD. v
Unjeiity' VW-WST
H. B. BakioT, KX'GemmlarioDer of Oomnoa loheela,
Jikii MoKloa, Pnf. Bhatorto, Oberlls poUege, f
Taoe. Hiti PniVint Antlneh Ooll.nl .1 i iA . 1
Ol W. H. OATBoak. Prof. aUthematlea, High
W. H. CATBoak,
ncnooi, vaytoa,
Bt 0. 0l
uiuaDerl, Prof. Xanzuage,' Blgh Bcoeel.
. Bi M. BAka,Bup't Union Behoois, AihlanA,
. Jlart than Sim Awuirad otAer PrmUmf tf Cb!l-
f$i eroftuort, AuUkori MaMiayatsAea AatxJO-
Kret Aaee maorttd (Ae aoove eenMmerK.
UiairrTi Oollbib "It ts truly I rauslfloeat Work.
an boner, to tha aataor. tha nblia&er. and the whole
eouatry." rreeideni Anarewsq . r ,
Okie Wntnut Uirmirrr"It exsnds rky erpeeta
Uon. It will be sty gulds la orthography and pronun
ciation, and will efteabe eanealtea by see Ser ial aeat
aadkoouratt defmUlone. Pretldent xborapsoa.
Wi IcLacno Col I aaw ''Horetolare we bare seed
Webster's erthograpby. - At a noons raeeUnt of oar
f acdlty.lt wae decided to ehance U to conform to that
or Worcester's Koyal Quarto BloUonary." Preaid.at
1 Wtmax Baamva 0etUws.IT n it Wdrthy of
aord al apprebaUoa.'1 Preeldent Hltokeoea.
-Oi mux Ooiuea. 'It avors than steers try expecta
tion! . I recommend It as the-standard authority In
tetbi epy to By children. aa4 fl jupUs," President
eeg". I
Ajtnoci Coujtae. I adoDSSbd ata) ts M n ttteh-
btg, rltlngand .peak leg, the orthography and prooan-
nl all my writlne. sneaklnr.and teaehlag, I bay eu-
dears rad to oonforM to too re lea for orthography and
pronunciation as osoteiaed la Worcester's BioUonary,''
Horaw Mann, lata Preeldent. '
Kiirroa Onus (inn mfl amat rnrdlattw rnoora.
raond Itastheraeat reliabia orandard aatkerity f Ukr
jiDgiaa laognageas it is now wriea and rpoaesu'w
rieeiaeat Aaarsws. v
r'v bcXooU en UMa.
is Drctlonary Is sa Imperishable raeaoaMnt to the
learn rot and toduriry of Its author, tad aa honor to tne
world ol letters. Tha mechanloal aMeaUoa to far upe
rtorte that el any other leakon wttb hlch 1 araa
oaatogeae--''- c " '
JfcmJ Bon. B. B. Barn. Sh-CmmitUm. cj
v 8ohoU a fM.f. . i t.
. TbB most reliable etaodard authority of the lasr-
ttugel" i ' -:i-iAu . ,
I . .. WAT TKS . ... ,
xeajiiiis Nrwpeipa of Ohio Say.
'fromth CUlad EtraU JfareA . : '
Tha orthography of the Worcester filctlonsry ts that
need by raoet, If not all. authors o( ulitinoUoa In tbls
count ik and BnglaoA and eonforras to the general asaae
of ordinary writers and speakers. .
Whatever preud(oes may have existed prerlouiry, a
oareful itady of this Tolane will In variably bo followed
by a warm appreciation of Its great merits, and a desire
to add It to the well eelooted library, be it large or small,
ItisaBbrary tnitaelf, and will remaia aa lmpertihe-
bUreoordof tbelearrJogoritaeoSBpller. . -
Jra Owoaeaat. ttxwwireiat o Apru )
Bare' an unwardeof a hundred thourand won) good.
tjad and tadliferent whoos BUlUtarloas Beaalags aad
derivations, together wtta tneir oorreoi polling ana pre
nuoelailon. ara set clearly before the ere. the work Is
derivations, together with their oorroet pollln
unqueatlonably the greatest Tbeeaoras of English Words
erer pabUahod. 1
frork tht aindcmd PlMnitdUr if Apt. 40,1860.
Bvldently WoacssTka't Borat Qearre Diortpiutt.is
MMif,adoaa by no aces ibulty augeg by stPiarswa oe
exmtrtivarsy. , ... ,,..,-: ,iiat ,;
a 1 Trom tUToUdaJBkuUaf jfeySS, ( ;r,c .
Aa U taoHnacuTioa. WoSonrOt ts TUB BTajrnAlS
followed by our beet authors; la deflnlt4ona bo leaves
nolhlnr to be desired, ana in uaxifoouArsnr it is sunrovnu
tkit Woacmraa een be Salcly fouoeea. r
:- IS CHAM A asBACe; '
' - . , j ......
.- ' ': ' -:-'- ' v' ''.l
IEE mum
o.l I . I.' fcJ
:s-. yt
, I
ABA4...vfoifwwr..M WWvMt
SUtemenAai,iA;yDar'ABtUe 1 w
Baraaes, parsBtsBsat lea 1st, B00iw.a,W,SW 30
BoeeteSd for Premiama, ..ivti; i'k iil .mi-a
jaa year icov u.m -m
eili; .... at.'rska'.l. ar '' il 11
a.uflut-hirtk.5AT.o6kkir. J tf'Haauu
Paid kairiea, Pot-M4 MVAWS J
.1J!7' V ""4
154.T it.l'M K'Tirr.JJ
S1.9U SO) bJA .eeati if ir-u
lelans'lees.i.i.W 7,f.T 1 j f e lo mu.s
itiee...... 117 w - .i,
landa nar-
iearivWwd8S,9SS' sasfOSl ill,97 14
ce January in. tout
r,".i t .T.'Trfrt. r. .
rM.resVn-B-1 W-""''
worth doable the
t loaned...... 9.327 J41 CB
IK .1 Mwtmt I.Ul ..' W..nl
aoiaa, oa reiKiee
In foroa, aa ly Srawiaw t aor
1 IU C IM'"!
seat) lbtereeei..M.w.. LS7tl.844 17 .,
Beat Bsbkie.. i ' tK),8l 7
FiamlamS.WiadOasat,kav'r I. . i-.j tl le
-Mane et. transmission,.. itojq 7S . jesl art
3 'Totali Aftrive..AlAw.s;:.V;.,.;.vs
TiOTS rUeles m fores, bearing. S At4te,S3S
1.43S atwPeUctes have beea Istwtt aarbrg tbatam
. arW k karetul aalenlatloa ef the mini ealaaaa tha
o'utetandiag Policies of the Company, and having the
aiiMliiigl aeasaal to re terra tlierafor, the Directors
bars cm! erode Pinaanac ea teaat.aasne Pread
id at tba labia aates. ts all peltetee foa Ufe iafone.
laaaed prior to January 1, 1B00, payable aooereUng the
uaMSt rule of the Company. . ' '
Ualee for all kladsal Mle-Caastoasselea, PiomwaiS.
usee. B Btemenls. aaa anpitoauoner wui aa mvnmora
wrraeuT oaARaa, at the Oulot er Agencies
Py.. eti t. vl'.-v'l-lLi-'.X,"
-a aJtUnXs "e f A AXN tBWlW
4 'Wtjnflfcpyi
katuanttn. a. I il iiiB.amuaalilailB" Ii '
aas, wua,
Pnd Aaron
Paid TiiA.
;ri,i I
Kef Wan
fHshea 1
Bones atJ
U. Batata, I
w wj an w v An , mrww v sdb
I I t ' "
-.ii;a .i.iBrattaaaik&teksaitVi'
, aiki i
, I
II a, cuuautuuwiu tuavaw, wrrupuwt ui wi
blood, )I,whthU'0uid;bejrttlt(4l
Weak, hud poor. Sting in tha circulation, it
pkTfi(kjLtha wbolo .boar. and may buret out
In ei&tue on ahy paVt of it." No organ U frt
from its attack, not ia tUqra gn wiaoh It may
ntt destroy. Tha ecrofuloui taint ti rarioualy
cittsed by mercurial diktat, low living, die-
stdertd, vi - unbaaUthy taoai wiporv war aim
Mid filthy habits, tha detrmting rices, and,
BboTjU,.by thai venateal infKtibnyaWhat
ter baiti dgilslt is hereditary te fli(H'b6n
titution, deewwluig " from paaant to otildrtn
unto tha third and fourth CBrtjon" indeed,
It seeratf to,bf .tl rw 91 fif0 y "
Will Visit; jjie tomutiaolthe fathert upon
their- cldlcu?ri.'' 1 n,
ilts effects commence by deposition from tha
blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in
. the ltwjprjarpdfatttraitl WTRtjjJjWnoftil
ia yi glands, swellLiga.;-. and on
ilia turmce, crupaont or sores. AiuSM'iucor
iuptfdnl'wiilch khder la the blood, depresses.
tiw enerews or jue, so uiat scTAtmova eonaaitM
tions not only suffer from eocofuleut corn
planus; dui incy nure bit iu jraww mui-
stand, tho attacks of othef1 diseases consef
qucntly vas( numbers, perUh , by disordsw
which, although not scrofulous in their nature,
are still rendered fetal by this taint in the
system. Mostpf. tlie. consumption which da
imatcs the humafauuly haaits fijia. directly
In: this scro(uroirur,'contrmiirrtrtIdnf emd many
tlcRtructivo diseases of the liter, kidneys, brain.
iid,'irtloli of oH rthti tyin, vtofow of
ar KSHrnvutea oy ue same causa.
- One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ;
their persons art invaded, by this lurking in
feqtionand thai r' heal ui it uudaminad-by U.'
To cjoanse it from tha system wt must rtnoratfj
the bloou by an alterottre medicine, ana in.
ylioratt; jt fcrthtly. fotjdr ajidvearcba.
SukK ' rneo"icin supply In1 u '
Compound Extract vcf arparilla,
tht1 most effectual remedy which tht medical
skill qi.our, timet can, deyisa- for tlua-rrery
where nrmUUii and fatal malAdy, r. lUk eonU
biraed from the roost active remedials that have
been discovered for the expurgation of this foul
disorder from the blood, and tha rescue of the
irrfnn 4Vnm it, rfoatruntive rnnaaaurmnea.
Henbd it: should ka inrnloyed for- the cure' of
not; ou(y Scrofula, but also those other atfec
tions which arise from iu luck at 'ErtvPTiyi
and Skin DiseasSj, St. Axtiiont' Twz,
RofE Of-EBISlPStAV PlMPlBSfr jPjJTtrfJlt
BtotciiEi, Elaini and Bon.s,Tt)Morts, Tetter
and Salt RiiEC!gcALD JIbad, JUjioworx,
KiiI-umathm, StMfrti'rioemaMEncffinAiAJit
EAifcs, Dhofst, DrsPkrsu, Deuiliti, and,
uidcdrttioi.rwiaM ABi8iMa.ruost.YixiA.
ted( ok.Jmpuae loqo. Xho, populs,belic
in 'I imputitij vjtlieilJciS' is founded (n truth)
for iorofula UdcgenraUonaf thtblowerV Tht
particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsna
rilla is to purifj aiii regenorttfi Jilt Tital fluid,
without whleh sound health it impossible, in
CohtacdOUtrlkyJHh I
r aitrr -Ci t n cJf .1
' Vvnr-a
'ron fne trrtPT cdrb or
I n erm It e u t FeTtr, an Fare aaA A gae,
Remittent rvtr, tUlil Fawotr, Duubbi
Asfitc, flrltllsol. Headache, SUIbb:
Heiwlnrtio,"AT!a Batons Vtvtxtt lnlea
for tile tvliolo class of tUscasesaaltjtaaa
111 (T, in niiiary ncaaugemoiat, eaaeeei agr
the Alajayta. jrf MiaaiMaUo Citj;iea(wu
quantity. , bacli a'remcdy is invalnsbtorqellttfleU
where ';lb. DfllUtmy-is8raars pamil."''"ThTe
'Cb'l:sif!xpebi ariiaavMtlwtwiiWrPlmtli
anu feotm srowi'lrirststeml fltJ provents th,dor'
Telopmpnt of tltf6icasp: lf telon tm the (list sbi
prgadi of its premonitory tyaptems,"; Itiaaoteniy
li ht r.tnairtr rdr to t iliacaecrad itSF this
Lauatitity we supply fnr a dollar brings It within the
rWdiiof everybody i and ia biJ)out aitriotaVharej
r KTF.1I Arlll ntil K Ijrcvmu, ci yvv auuMA
have it uud iiseit fi-etH both M curt and, protec
tion. A t'rent siipcrlrrrltr of this remedy over any
other 1 ever discovered fr the speedy and' certain
cure of Intcrmittcnts ft that it contains no Quinine
or mificrul. consetmcatlvit prolW!flo fltrlnbrm or
other injurious ellccts whutcver upon the eonatitu
tion. l lioao cured by it are left as healthy as if
thcr had never luul lite disease.
. i'et-br and Af'F ' talons ti consequence ef
the niiasmaVJJsilisnn.l U wrest warfoty of disor
ders arise from its irritation, among which are
Xnrnlnin. liheumntiim. Ooiit. lleaoacht. Bliitd-
nrw, foa'.kvia. EataJu, iOafavrAilstiaijt, Pai- 4
pitatinn, fruitful Afection of tht Sphtn, tin
ill, i'tfiu i" t'.i- JIoki '.t, I'vllc, PitratjM and
rauncmeut of tht SU.tuach, ali of .which'
ranacmrut vt ,tt Dh,mnc, au pi ,WBieo ;nyn
nri.rinitln t'ti'Mi! Cnti'e. fit'.f on the intermittent
tjflt, or uet'Qiue f.eiibdicnr. This " Cuun " expels
the poison fcp(U..tlic Wtod, and consequently cures
them all alike. It is ad invaluable protect iotr-W
hnmlgraiUs V'd. persons travllinjs temporarily
midiiig in the mtlarioui districts,'. If ta.en occa
sionally or daily "bile exposed to the infection,
that will be Ranted from, tbt system, aad cannot
aceumolate in sufficient quantity to ripea hito dis
ease. (Hence tt is even more valuable tor prorecv.
tiorr than cure, and few will ever sutler ntjrn inter
mUtants if tbey avail themselves of the protection
this remedy sAwies. I . '"t i- ,J'1 edi
rrspaDta oj ir. v. Ai4- m vu., aawau, sums.
iiUA.I AOB1RTB At BAIIUBL. Oolumbua.
a.aueTlranr1rtMUnmlna aiaiiskiiS ' U i-..'v
lvv:lye.taSMr ' 41 io -
i jl I rsa. ambb wsasai
AT1rrtTr'rrlT TfTW' ' Vlf 1 fl AvT
BXiirerpooy Montal, .Queljo,
. ' .','r - J .Tttiid, S n .Isaiatt Ml f
u4 ial
TbeVbotrMl Oossa Btaeaahtp Co
i tfnfcUai
faH-aawared Olyde-buBt BBaaarl sail' arary 4ltb
nrda.y fma POAlLAkb, earryUg the Oaaadlan and
ITrillArt: Mala amraau BBaBaBBantMayaA. .11 . ia.i4 n-
MHBMIAN. , , . . AKOWAXOJl,,' k,
svbto imvn, nuaiunAB.vui ri, w
BOvASCOnAlf. 'i1
ftnwptaety tjkaaVatt Bin4t,silck.cstOn.
a nim K. ,,'f,
i wasA I
ot lassuata to Eturopea.
830. SOflL 890.
rTTTI tafi frea UTBBPOOL OTary Tfael aaa ri SIT
auk waa QU1BB0 aTarf. AaturdBy. aalaag at
WalfurwauijBneeiTeea Boaraana boo stalls ani
and and Italia
raesengeia, to aaa nraw siaemra aatr nuana. a i
Tribes Bteeaerg are built ol true. In WaW-llghU
seaiiaitBiiAa, way aaob an eapetienoed Surgeoa, and
svary auenuea ia pan n tue owon ana anniBm na
tion ot iiiBensers. Astnerprooeeaairta nujrivuie.
atasgow passsagars are rumisnaa wita ntcs r 1IDJ
OCketsanaireB.wi"innrTWTy. ,
Betarn tliaalsi'Miiitd at n .arrri riUS.
OertlSoktas kiu. j for ctrrybg t and brlnglpf or' pas.
nnrs frea all a t prtrwipal towasefOrealtrii,.'uBd
tteraad, at redeeed ntea, by tbls Una of steam, j, and
MaTtng urerpooi erary wwv.v l' , lx UXf l"
bt pratxta rap ai upwards
WAX, Pee) bp lorky 'as' 18 VfpWfgi,
T.t.""ir !.- U 1 TVr"",'"r
I Owtva- a R.'AnM8TRO?C.
e'MNfaydetw.HK a tost 0os,0otBbaa, Ohfci
1 Oo-Partnenhip,.
sea JAMBA ADOE BAIsT at pamee .sa say baei-
aeae, whleh will ae. after be snndueted pnrr tba Aral
HMiaaees. r, aaxBi.w fostaAuaa at.
- valambae, Pah IS, MSI."
!:- " '- ... rkblA.
fie! W PbaW !TirfT1lmi' jr.' t.'J PirnrUtore
rwaai ie aavins,,.iair vettiu
f ,iwpeonlB(, oarltn t rraii .lAon. but auaa
rVKmilJ'TI ' ra,aaUaitB .WlU
1 il,f t t "ee,'-letaa
- V'""'" "IWIS Uv! f la Ml
Vlssoiv, .teijeiti j rD'l.rI
Summer Arrangement. Little Miami & Columbus & Xenia
1 I U let trsiK.fflOtl
Through to IndiaatDolit wiupt htxjje ef PfU
U ; anj but One Chann ol Can between, iv
rusT train: tiwj
AOOOUMODATIOlf at S a.a.. stopping aVafl tW
Uoas between Ooluatbas aad OleeksaMl and Dayton, sr
firing at Cincinnati pi )9 OA av sad at Uarton at
lea. ra.,oonneotligat HayUutor Indianapolis and
,T BECPIvTJTOAIN;;,,,,,,,,,
No. I IIPRB8I st It 40S. ..'Sopping stjefferioo.
leadoa, Qnarleetaa, Oeaarettla, Xeoia, ttarlnf Teller,
porwin, tiaepoot. Pert Aneientt alenv 8t Lebaaoo,
losttr's, Xoveland and ktllferd, atrlvlag at Olaetonatt
it Olael
tint all
ate.sv p. m., tiayion ais. p. B'toonneeugrwun uis
Ohle and ttlean.lppl BallroeA for lioakmile, Ky., Tin-
Okie and ttleaa.lppl BallroeA for Louisville, Kr., Vta
oeoaea, Cairo, St. beau. MeerOrloaas, ate ae Daytea
lodlanaoola. Latuatte Tana Haata. Alhlsara
eUWestem points.1 ' . .t .1, souial .wjs
! THIRD TRAINaf law.a u)
MAIt st 9.10 p. m . stopping at all stations setwsaa
Oolembus Snd Iehla, Sod al Bprlog Talley. Corwlo,
Morrow and Leveiaad, arrrTIng at Cincinnati at t ft. an
77 ! i :::wtRT XTjCiWcz
I I"
N1QHI EIPRBJJ. via Dsytoat at 1 04
I snklnlfb,
Uteea aai.
topping at Loedon, Xenia, JJajrton, Hkldletews
Hamilton, trrlvlns at Cincinnati at 5.S6 a. m.:atl
.;at Say
with thi
ton kl AMs. B.t eMirnesrlog al Oloclnnsti with the
Ohio aad HwelulDniBallraad Mr leulirtlle. vaaevlllet
Tlnornnes, Uairo, 8t. Louia, atempbla, New Orleans,
and all points tonth and South-weet: also, at Dutom,
IfyfladUiiaDoEi, Labyette, Terrs Haute, Chicago, si;
- f j 1 1 '( r ' i . i . 1 ..-- f-, v
JCr' fartt'er Infcrts'aflan' And Through i f loksts,
apply io at. a,, wag an, inn Agent, union vepoi,
Columbus. .s:a wii 'w 1 "
Central Ticket Aeent, CUwhinstl.
, " " Agent, Columbus,
Baroetatatideat, OkBlnrjatl.'
Cooobui, July 14,1381.
AND Steubenville Short Line
t? ccrtTirctirrQ AT BttarBa Wnd "fifsf
i Pennsylvania central
. a. ..... - ... m.t .A f
biiarteEL Quickest & Most ileiiat
n n.iiijUF.n twv ' ' j i e?sr i j
' fifflW.Wa
1, . . ! ' "i I f '! B 1 tilt
Jfkl&l Leave Columbua a follows f j M
' r; ritioBiuwB xmiii
Iiewses Colnmbaa .X A It. frem' Urdoa DepetJ tb
eltalre or BieubeovHU : srriree al Bellalrs, lu.mi A.
H,t ateaboirvllle. ll.M P. kf.: Pliuhi.rih.1 40 P. St.:
Herrlsban. LISA. M.l via AOmUmf antfesal New
Terk 1.00 A. M. atVe PMimdsipMa, antess at Phikva-
derpkkw t.10 A. at.; stew lark, iu.su k. n. vmmonxm
also Sl BarM--, - "Teef .'T? rV v
Sleeping:' Can attache! "to' llus
fraraToelumbus, rua directly threusk to BellalB or
Prttsbirgh without change! and Paaaengsrs y.e Allen
tewa arrlva la Dew Terk atf A. at., J'"
"-i-1 nfl ' 1 n raeMSiMSH) lJ
fTrain ab eanneota ai Bellalra, with the
lolAltimorw and Ohio RallroM-1'3 '
rTTawTTwnrr TTV1 '
-."V.V... M. . . ....
leaves Columbae 11 ts A H , from Voted repot,' vlfc
SteubtevUlei arrives at Newark, IS M P kt: Ooehee
too, S.13 P. kt. Staabsavllia, t. kt.l Pltteburt, B.et
P. M. ' ETrhli ia t lie only route by whisk Paaeengers
oan leaveOlnclnnatl at 7 A. H.. so through to Pills-
burgh In daylight, without ehangs of cursor delli?r't .
I. , .'!. ...M'lll''i' 1t.lt
i ' Li L ' . - .: - "'J w'l
iiaavB ueiumnuB .u r. m., irom union
Be I lairei, . arrives as ITewark, SM P. k Baneeviiie,
Br. at. Bellalre.7 .at p. kt. yitrsbarwa. iwe r-l
: namabarg, .uv a. s,i ra Auvuom, amvMi
Traia also connects at'Harrleearf for Baltfmere, ar-1
riviogat Jf. ai. . . I, . ..! v .i
ibis Timia runs tnrongu to aeiisirsor riiteourgwiin-
out ahann of Cam Mdfrom ft.targ there u no
onaage oi van to mmosipaia,'or tb miwmw
Bew leritF-thusoffetla .i r.i., .NU a u.n lumq ,
mt. ' i. n . 'ia.Cij. .
Jttvjniy Jiouta iromvoinjnouBi
Philadolpbla, et New York, wltb' TOlt" ;
i.-iialtii s,nt obangt of Cars,' --; "'
4f Ujli Tnui 'psaseojrera arrtva to Jisw Jots; gyal
VB Uit Tntln rasseoirera arrtva m Jtew iota i
hours Id sdranoecf theKorthernlloee.. .
k Nnrrnam 1 1 naa - . ,
' tbliInrBahtmaeetMkllatrewllBtritMlUiBOTe
kbi0hlp.K..m.V. . a ni .-i a.--.
UTTblt Routt It 30 miles shorter to Pittsburg,
9 and i mora than
100 miles shorter to
'V J V.V WPV,ar T.tne. ' '
K I iT , ) , ,1 " .T l"Jsr!TV .K-.
1' I 1 ' !. -1 -". ' . ",fi :,. . 'J I.
Bam'go'aRwd Tironrii io ail lme
yii pottant afoiata Jsan. '
. " - ' " .. J
tt I
V ASSLI STJB, S LA tti kki
ricl4eta 04a.,'Trbliiier Xlonte.
.... iU.t""JI"i' ; i ' ' "'""."..l
SflSl n -1- .A i , , ,1. I - 13 D
i.i r
wo aicavt agani venvfai vino I' mi .
xucui la Di.t a. nnmniwanM"'i
Jeakst Ajaat StcokaarUlathoat UaU
cT .ncilaW'ib elaloiJa tliw ,tsn-i
n i' 'I. ft ii ' I' rl.ill "il t .' 1 1 '
I . 1 1 1
XX7i 1 TlATM .-.aa A: isrtJ OllX
;e ai iaua "
ii ba ino
5TI 'ff'
HAILb, LASjH;yLlWOm,ni;
nan..!PlatalA. Taaa A sTsUAVkvaAfJIICl
la,r ani ikUaaardaifAaalaasi laeaaat'B.
lldf' seeua'Ale
"'T. IT.'' t..r- e-of iTTv
1 '1 1 L :. If 'y
II i . I- ., J 1
' KT ill 1 I lltih sBMaaaMwI IllSJlla
- DWrva BUI II UBti ivbb vviiBHsye at
Baakeetdered Pocket aandJeefaMo
Kid Verve, snptrior make.
BA SB .A n.la fl.Maai
Oolden Bill Bblrts, earieua if lef;, rni at S3
Han'Ooidm lint BhtrtA do. 7TTZHJ. ,.. ....,
IrtvBf and btreet lorei,de , ,
ruuH-eaad rjude, m K
wt Ho. South utgh streel
AieBBea rvesat bcbtu njvm
V. 1.
V SJB.eBBJkBsenaawsaakoee ea -
AtVtUiilfAHVfAl wri
1 , .. , ..j .ji..x' ' J. t. v' f
renuraetsrea uy a. bviuv m iv., Boston, aiaas.
Thesa Watckas ara far superior te anything ever offered
to the publlo, heretofore. Baring the exclusive sgeney,
leaaseUtbeasspnoes a miiiM
reoeived a laras stank of
I have
American vrrHpTCL
ley AypxBTvlt, TBAOT, a CO 1 alse,i
a A . aVJaUF ' V'SJ UV SAiA-a.
ENatisu Ajt0,8TirKV,rAic'm:s.v
eMtaABUmOASekVUPanMprkes. '
.JrfVJ,,eeleltJ-. ;iATACIl
L-iai- ad J Ti mujt 1,'iai iii "-, M t
'l.'liirt Ula B J ww-'Al J'V XjlTl
ia ' laaai,
illy, per year ,...,i;W7. ; . io u
Ben McCulloch's Official Report of
the Battle of the Oak Hills (springfield).
August 12th, 1861.
galltog.'flstj poufed on
Frflwf MiseeuriTwere severely wounded-Owrai
r avilihli. r.r.ti Mi..nn r ,k. r.-u.
A CI SI ALtl 1kI- " OiUrflM c. .. . - a
rGar)MLl"I bafntbtr&onor tri:,a'ki lUfat.
lowing oiBdkrreaoTl Of' tha tattle W'tbVj Osk
UlllaoO.ths) lOAiloAtdiuUi aid nUluiata o i
Hiviog tkan jwaitlon. about eq miles (com
Sprlbgflela, I eoaesTored to gain the necewary
infortaatlon of rrrektreogth and potitlott of the
eotmy, stationed In and about the town.' Tht
Information was-sey eeaaitsiag aa untatitfac
tory. I, bnwwawN-Baaria tpaty salodto sutack
tha enemy In their position, and Usoed orders on
Iba Vihlnatant taWf fore 19 atari at bine
lockj at nlgaf tOAUatk alfoof diiTarani polntt
ai dajllght. A It data before, General Price,
of (he Missouri foroe, turned over bis command
to lie; ana "I uebiried commator of the entire
foroo.emprBia aiyaws brigade, tha brigade
of Arkantat State lorcat, nndsr General raagotd
auu uenerat rnce a command u iniBSOuriBBB, ,
.. . n i e, i . . ... ,
'. Mt effirctrvrJ force was five tbonsand three
arwdrwdiafarJlry.iftee'rAaetof artillery, and
ei thtusand borttmtn. amat with flittt-lock
kaoiketi, .rifles,, and tbot guntv y Tljera,. stre.
otbtf horsemen with tht army, who' wtrt en
Ural darmed and Instead of Being a help
WensAoatlaaeily In, the way'Wkei tbt time
trtrWedJor ,4b t lgbt march it began to ralni
aiightiy, ana teaemgj from tbt want of cartridgt
boxes, that my aamunltlon would be ruined, I
erttrwa tbt taoTemeot td be stopped, hoping to
mot i mt axt!' jnormngtv ny taaa nasii oat
twtsty-flra rounds of tsrtridge apiece, and thtrt
waa no mere to be had.. While ttlll batltatios
In the morning, the enemy wis reported advsuo
iDEi w i maaa arrana'emsniB to mem mm.
Tht titatk wet made BimaUaneokaty at Balf-pasl
a A,t po par.rignfc ana ictt aankjyana ttt
tnetiy had gained tbt positions tbey desired..
'General Lyon attacked 0s on our left and
Getaemt gtl Orfanf tight' arrd "fekr. 'From
trttda. aolnw)', kstUrtat japsned arpbsr ua. 11 My
command,, wai toon ready The MitaonriAnt
ender Gecerali Slack:, Clark, MoBrldt, Persons
tndj Rains wSrt Bearetf tbt position taken by
Geo, IaosjumU blA raald foroet tbey were ra-
ttantlj tornad to tha left and opened, ths battle
wrm an Incessaat firs ot small armt t Wood
ruff OODOted bll battery to the battery of tha
tnim Mdet'OepVTottenend a conttsnt 0tn
nooadtof WAA kept,; up batweeai Abaatj battulowi
Ooribk tba eseaEment.n ueuxrt a Keel men t
of Lonislsns Volnnteert and Mclntoth'a Regi
ment ot ArxantAt mountea Kintmen wett or
4ered to tha treat, and after vatstdK ne. battery
(Totttn's) turned to tbt left tad boor arigagad
tne enemy wttn tnt regiment deployed ivoi.,
Molstosb dismounted hit regiment and the two
marched bp abreast to t fence around a large
fcork.fiaULj wbere tbey met tba 4efi of tbt eoo-
tty aittady poetea , v A torrlblt oooua of ssbaU
mrBS took niece here. Tha onnoeloa foroa waa
Mkjody of regular United States, infantry, eom:j
taaecM.Dy tyspMini riommer ana uiibert.
these two regiments, tbey leaned CTtt the coot J
a, gallantly lea Dy beir Uiloneig, arove the
aotn(y btfort them back upon the malp body."
DimpgibiAtrme,ba:Miseoariao dereen:'
Price) were aobly aMtmpUBg to Atmtairt tbam
slrea la tbt center, an 4 ware hotly Aogaged on
the tldeS Of the height upon wbtoh Ua eqeniy
erewfwe'' Karon tba riar.atiAai apnea-
aa 01k Aauarf uponCburoktn,an4Gear,eReg-;
IBftils. sno had araauAllT nana Ula way lo aha
dprldgfiald road, npon asob itida of which, tht
brtrfV wat efroamped, and tn' It prominent, potl
lon k talWrbaJ hlsbsttery'.''Iat (face took
tww oompaAlee tr IAe aoutttaoa tiaclmeirt, who
wertt ntarcst ,mt aM, ,mar chad 7 iaot rsp
vdiy. from ue' front nd right to tht rear,
wkU btder Ho Col. Mcintosh' to bring np'tbt
'l1""! vvnen wa arrivea near ine enemy t oat
tery Wt fennd that, Red5s battery had opeaed
npon ft. ana II wat already: in .ooalutioo Ad
wantant' Wal 'taken' of It, od toon tha
LoaUsefebs 'were gallantly charging mong
the f dot, and Swept tba csnnooleri awayV Flea
gwat Wtrt heta taken, and SJgtl't oommaad
ootkpletely rooted, and wert in rapid retreat
wltb 4 ttnglt son, followed by tome companies
01 Dd reset Regiment ana e, portion or Col
Msjors Missouri oralryrr i0 tht Bursal! many
vml u "
nHwwiiPw i-u..
boo ineir last gun oautareg. i . . , ..
i Hayinr cleared our right ana rear, it was ne-
unoer Mfnerat ajo wno wat preasiag upon too
toiusooriaos, caving arivwawemoaek,, A otmt
naina fflelntosh'a ren ment. under L ent. Col.
CnaTt.hll. ...,mint btk faoL 0r..
- - - - - - , '
tiort Mgitaabt Antl ' McRst'l bUtaHo;wert
nm n Hill sit) oi tllit te.iswMnj. ou.i
. an, J Ueelhl. flva rf mn.lr.tr mm T.. Vt
np)tuSna; tht Whole tldt and to
p of the bill,
anas wklnh tha anerne wra rjoetad L M aaaaa nf
iulABtfj fall bask nd agakl ybe' forward
eana . . as,. - a .a .
las. eamrqit oi ana nut wae eorsrwa anssr see
. . J .1 ' J.j l . L . . 1 . . m , . ,
aeu auu wuuuueu uutu biucu waraunKUir4i
wiior aeaperauon ror tat usjivrrou a. ana
Greerls regiments, led gallantly, by Captala
atretrtth of the enemy was Immediately kraar.
ante a ueauir ura waa upouao npvu, tiism, ;At
lit. , . .. li., .i.L i 1
. j . , . . . , . , .
tnaa raticsi moment, woenj me fortune ot, tne
eay aacmeu to oe ai tnt turning pouUe two reg.
s or ueoerai roarce s origaae ware order
Bikfch Irooi their; position (as restryetl
teaopbort tht center; .Tba order -was obey
ed etltb alacrity, and General Pearce.sallaatlv
roaaea on nngaae to tbt rescue., ,, i
; AMtf t psitery wat aiso oraerca to aoyt iar
Ara. ana tot LiOUlsisns reeimant waa anainl
aauaa into tenon on tbd ictt or it, iioe battle
taen ktctmt general, and probably no two ope
ratcag lorcet ever fongbl wLlhBxaatsr..dasDeta-
tlesi itch by Inch tbaiSnemyAaya. waj, and
were) driven from their nosltiniu-Totten'a bat.
ssrytofl baoki Mlssoorlant, akuJUaelkot, Lou
iaUaibas and Texan t pushed onward,,,. Tbe in
oewaaal Poll of musketry Was deafening, and tbe
altMr. ihiaft a kaftwtooeai1 bat ttlll bnr
fmJUa9oiiartrartt Bukked. teWsLrd,aey tsttli
ana-wllfl ysU broke, tpoa the: eaetky, peahiag
them bick and strewing the ground with tbels
daad.4 WolhlOiT could withstand the1 ImbetuoJ-
U It odr Baal aharaal the aaaar fled, bad can
not againberAjllafcadubsry't-atee, at
.,fMt;reteatmsi among, tba UUJgi tbe'4itrlpj
1 ,auw. 1 auu. vuuot. u vatui. . a. lantcu .ijv
IL .lia . L.lr LK.bu.'l 1.1 H'.l,J
ttaaktUiMnd. wat .cavKeed af waU etpiiawd.
I trwWkN ivell armed, and a iarare nart-of Sham
I iiJ..:AV .1.L a!4 r .v.-Tfi..J Qr.,
Wlvhl btwry--Ad vintage 'oa "thtelr tide, they
btTt mtt etltb) en aigaat-MBoreev 'i tr ioar
- NBOleeV l Bar Ioar
tnawnttiy It at laaai eight hundred Billed, one
tlx.H..nS mih.J mtA tk.,. tinn AwmA WkI un
err-mdOsptartd-SIt glecel 1 or, artillery and
aeeeral bandrwd a tab ST ef small Brm, arid teve-
ralef Uelsttaadaroai bus ,"iB e-.oie vt'o.i
I MaJos GenerAl LHmmm wa.
Ikllled. I Many of tht , offloera, hit tj la ynk,
araWduhdedf TJur lostras alto Severe, and
Ifmonta tba sjaath t Assay A 'rtllant jfflcer
and soldier, a Out k'Ued amettat to two aaadrad
and tlxty-flye, eight hundred wounded,
thirty-musing, voi. weigmman leu at
bead kf Ate brigade tf Mlssotrrlau, while' gal
Untly ebaaalnn; apoei tha eaemy.'eHls plada
not bt easily, Biua.,Mnerait isUQkvand filaca.
titrtATeBimcnt. vspwracArfxanaer, e umton
eatt,i.. i...j1;r- r..t.!. D.n n..
Ill's rejrfmenVfiuu-iB1' And Breyo.f)f
rearoe a ,Drigauei kiicovouauia, erj anuuvaai
vVeervee, i (ell while pobly andgaliaAUa do
lag thelldUty. Uolonel MolototiiwM:SlJgtry
WOUnaeq py AgrspoSBOI,,wniiar oumra.,uK
toe AjOOUUHIIU (rrgiaiu.,iiuuia-i teavi3
weai, fflkor n. v sra,,Hapa .uai.a aaxasaaa
CS ItikS.' R.maarix." I'urtev. IdantanABlt DAwaoa.1,,1
ln 'a-lnff: Adams. UalitAl
IMoiyerSnd badUlar. were ,1
. 'jheadjOf .Ijislf; 0ptieS.
Whilf 1 wtrt doipig their doiy aw gallantly,
Is aimos uuiair so uisoriminatt. . ., ,,.
matt, however, brine to your notice the
gallant ooodaat of tht ' Missouri ' General,
MsBrlde, FarwasT, Osik, Slack, and thelt. offl
cefs... To General Frioa I am Qder,irn j obi If
gatioDi for assisUnoa on the battle field,, We
was at tht bead of bll fbroet, leadlo thtm on
and auttaidiog thaa by fait gallant aariog.''-'
Ay,,nwvWilMI. blAinaja DflgMe,
(ft-atlpt Walker's, aud Dxksry's regiments
iDfADtrvY ctme'' tallant'lv the raecue when
laene for; leadlAr bit men tn'tb the thickest of
sat PgatJiecaniubated mactat law tnectai or
wtuay. rktwmmaodari ofjegimtBttof aay
OWd brlCed flnla. r.knrnhlir.'nraar. Rmhr.
Morntosb, Herbert and McRie led their differ-
Ml reulmeata Into actroa aritrl rreat Annlnras
and brsTsry, and wete alwava la. iroot nf their
men cbeerlpg, them jop.j Woodrnff and .fttid
inauagea tneir Dutenw wiia, great abuityaaofl
drd. much execntloo.1 Pbt'tbose offlcers and men
who were particularly oooepleaonsi I trill 4rfer
tbd pepsrj,a)f nto ba ropoftB of tht different
commaudett., . '.' , , . , .
" Td my persotaa) stkff fsm much' IndtbteJ for
the eooioest tod rapidity with which tbey car-1
ried orders about tha field, and aromirj call jkr
tlctilar kUntioa to my yolaoteer Aids Captain
BleUeot, Meaert. Armttroog,. Ben. , Johnston
(b,ose horse was killed' nhder"blm)i Hamilton
Pike and Msjoi King. "To Me)dr Montgomery,
Qasr tern eater, J am . also i Indcbttd lot; maeb
service as an Ai4 firing tbebaule, and. was of
mna uit w me. io Vol. Molntosb, at one
time at the bead of bit regiment, and at other
hub is mi apaeity-or Adiatani-uenerai, I
oaobot gire too muck praBCoaWheraveg the
bslla flew thickest, ha wee gallantly leading.
different regiments into aotion, and his presenoc
fevry evaawtuvf uvv sva w uviv
a,oteebonoTtba,elr, ll j soj wni
A BWr ooeqwot aerTBni,ii rj'C-
Brigadier General Commanding.
The Suppression of Newspapers.
e suppose
suppressing the circulation of certain. newspa
pers, bas tba authority of law, for the proceed
mg: ir (Be papers are or tne tungerous cnar
aasearatcrtbed ta thea, and tf tha general gov
ernmtot baa authority to tuppcass, tba aupprea.
slonj it right. If the government bat not tbt
nndoubted authority lo suppress, tht proceed
log si dkopawie ooe," wbavavdr tht Sbaracter
of tha natwrtL-Hlangeyout, beeatwe the aramstr.
ion, of uosuthoriaed. power of tpit eprl by pie
governmeui is a greater evu man tne existence
of twenty secewlon 'papers at tba prrsentJmo
atnt la tha city of. Now Yotk Better far that
tha opoojiont. papers tbouid ba toleraiad tuntll
ine legal meant can De pro via ea lor suppressing
them, than "that a balr of their heads tbouid
bo harmed Illegally.'' Bat, as wt bart aald, wt
trjtuttuppt tas.lhageyeiTunentIep(oaadlng
awtplly. ...it r. . i .t ,('i ) .til s
Ufton this tupposltiofl, we wish, to call the at
tentlon' 1 of tha "Gorernmtut 10 certain other
jonraals which aaom to at la ba at deserving of
ftpprestloa as tnoso wnoaa ouoouttion nat oeea
seiisd ana confiscated, it wo andtrttana it tnt
tappressed papera art charged with being guilty
Of glvtne aid and comfort to the tnemy by up
BOiaing, m mora e tesa uiraue earms, taw ngni
of the revel tad States to. ttoede, by advocating
tha policy of "letting tbem go in peace," at tht
Ntw York Tntktae bad it when the rebellion
ret broke out. 5 NowSwhkt wa want tha Gor
rttrient to tall nt", ia, how much worsa aretbese
)our,naia la VbU regard, and la a mora general
regard, than . Is, for example, tha New York
Mtftnacnt; a late Isroe or wblctr noioj tma
lanobaeae ,C91 oiii "Vi-'d OS CJ SiAiuot.
,-t,':Tbe trata of tbrmaitet ia, that tba only aU
taraatiyet left ns are, either a complete separa
tion of the free and slave States, or (be destruc
tion af slarary Itaalf. ' It U tha moattma mv.net
sothssroiad o-4lk: of any CHbar Obursa Wa
mnst abooaa en of tba two, and tha sooner wa
begin! to contemplate tblt fact, and consider aU
lta bearings ana oooieqaencet, tnt oetter."
aThAfsoptiia'r4 it tor aeparatlofi nnles:tbe
OtkerS c.ua!jy aAdonatitational alteraaUra can
ba bad ..( I.., r.y. re:, .-i t.i. '
: ' And how much worse are the suppressed
Jcmrnklt than the iiefwsoi Asf Stavery Sisntt
oe-d, a resent ttssio of Whlob aayt: ' J
i :"Tslt ia tht naat oettlonl the bone. j Shall
wa acknowledge tbe, war, or pretend that there
it only a Utile inenrrection aomewfiere down
Bohthl" Acknowledge the war, and let prisoners
Dt seaanged, ana men ptweeea to pat down the
belli brents to tabjagata them if the thing can
Da done, ir not, tben give them a good thrash
ing, and bid tbem go in tha devil's name." '
1 How much worse are tbey than tha Boston
Xterrtfer, whote motto la "Tha Constitution
tht Volted States, a league with .ball and oom-
.M allh rl.lkt)
How mncn worse are iney tnaa an tnose
Abolition-Repobllosn joamals whloh are teach
ing tha Northern people that tbt only way
auppTeaa tbe rebellion t to, proclaim negro
emaudipsllon a measure at reroiationary at
tt,. rkhalllnn lUalf t -r--u" -
Wa etll tba attention of tba Uevernment
tha New York aoysaotl : end . the Nltet
Asti efery Siawaare' aad tbt B Jttoo Lioeretor,
and to til those AOolltlon-ttepuDiican journait,
tomewfiat nomeront rn the north, wblob daily
assail kbat truA policy of tha war, and which
seek; to tubtUtuta .other policies which Would
Inevitably product the desyuouon o tne uoj-
Let af hate eren-handed justice all aroand.
f anv naocra whose existence Ja daaeareut
tht teat objects of the way oq ,tOS perpewity
of the Government are tohe suppressed, let
aiinh ha knnnraaar,d."' L'
" Wo await the aotiorr 6P ttb 'Government
these premlaea with extraordinary lnurert.
.t. i -jjr.y JattJ ''C.'"'
qt tr
d s st'.i 1
h sloels
ta tu
vi ins .m coTJGH REMEDY:
ejt:e ,!aiis;i eJ 4 ii.jw" . i.v
for sll IlirveAanALnnf flompalnlt, brolbdJMr, wttk
most perfect renlla. Waooruta Oooea, OBkaarc a
Oosuioa , veraaa, mmmmuuM aa. muni wn.i.,
always fcrerenaers ,af OeaaaBptloa.i- Aa At BoorsBae
Bvasrltl has no superior, freed from all Opiate
emetic preearvkBBay ka askA by meal delicate eoaeek
bsUeas, knij wjparieossonnaeBce
T?7Z 7 .... a J- r i A:':ft.r4 l
kiiiwl j "vi5jElilMLD.il enV w
12 i'
.i.imVvi VavAwt'sW
ttfjlew ,
j,lufk,J I
j ,1 i i r"-' ,i.t.-i f-ft
Tot asXaTtt WaToAal OrtiiH srer offered to
,mMmrm . lll.lU, .T I Mill, Ml, AT .!W
Ant its strktlT vee-etablejtad snadloal Droverties.
a mire aenr tor sisobauha,- aniraiTna,
Towtw aa Baa AoBB,0raB, AVoaa pa.fi AX ymsk,
aU Minor nervous uompiainrs.
ipuunta. . .
aeadaoht ta U fWj varieties;
7 roa Laaaaa Skaar, and
aa Bi
"-(Jv- riT. 7 ' !
I Voa bauBioA nutanki It la a Boat aartaat eamedy
; i foa Bown. Uoarunrra. altar removing tne pain it
as aahyeto, a Boat mtpottaot eoatrael wttn sns eonaapa-
and to paakaror lavalM aeaseripaya psapbM aatbeat
"pBtsse stamp" flT - -T-,.covi 1 ,4,
i . trrenarea eawr mm apvcuti wiu.,tiw v.
' i anma t.. vrWTBBat'SBEB.I JJ1
" L,.mj .jBuBsaraJB ismbi serosa.
' Qj ftWrBtfAlal SottranlUBB-
f towbea please direct al soomuraeaweriB. ;p
goaa-etarya Coogk Bemedy, M cents perboitia.
: sn ' ' ,-- "i a
vr.t . jola Aaodyae. v , J - " -h -for
Kit hp tbe usual wholeeals and retail, dealara,
everywhere 1 I 'i 'J ..-
- l - j..
,r.i . .i' eai tii.,.,ti-"4
kl '. .w'.ii 'i ; i' .
t ay re re ri is y niuou.is s ass. ijv.
lit BD0BBB, new.Wlea, Juet opened I bv '
. . - - n tnC.
- n... - i '" ; -
evau i JZZXj.CSk A.UlWnaiJ
i M
IT Bile r VAI
I nmm.
jr;,nmta vuecaa,ei suJry"y. mum up
-Par ale
I etbSS
.iiiH ir."- JMAkaaagBr':r
KTo. 4 f Grwnn1 Block;
I .in.flmmm , j .
"A.. ?f STONE & O'HARRl
1 DrhuVklnMa..e.. j
11 IBR GOODS, and tavHatke publia to Inapecl
No such stock of OaeAn h. t i rT?7
tneooeequenoeof the faTluro
of the grain erop, baa not keea able M parelues the as
aalouaotity of rloh goods, and this faot baa foraed the
Importers toe.ll them at publlo auction. Oar buyer
ktf. Stone) being In New York at these large mloe. took
advantaita of tham, and we can and wlU nil our goods
hers, at Isb than asy one who punhucd two weeks claee
peJd for them in New Xork. . Our atank la eomplels In
every department of ...,..,.,
OKLiSANa, ' -r.'. t
, ti . pofLINI. PRINTS,
ive Thausand Dollars Worth
Bought in One Day,
Men's, LadlB and Objldrsn's Under Shirts sad Dmwsrn
Lad ma, kiliMe and Children's Uoelary of all kinds. In
Wool and Lamb's Wool; Pieeny Lined and Cotton Cloves
of every make. -
H ALSO '"' '
A complete assortment of all tho annul raric
ties 'of . :.. ':' :. f i ,
. "" TWEEDS.
FLAN NELS. y : '. t i ...
Ladies and Gent's Linen Cambric Hand-
V I kerchiefs, &., &o. .
sTo persons who call on as, ws pleJee our words to
shea them the largest, beet and cheapest stock of Ooods
ever seen in this market, or pay them one dollar per
bear while looking. . :; t '
OF .. . '-
Summer Millinery.
i ..
The Btoolc Hepliiis)lial
xATTds" :
1 l :JV.
ill STOCK 0P ' '" '
' Xs now complete, eomp riling every variety of illllu
ery; also, p large awortmant ef Bmbroideries, noelery
and Notioue. Ac., and in quantities and prices that can
not fail to suit all who may favor as with a cull. The
goods bare bees bought At Pacie prioes, and will keeoM
et A entail advance on cost. . . , . - .
'Minsk. E.'YOUNG, late of New Ymi City,
Will aBperlntend the ktillinery PepartnWDt. tier long
sxperlecoe in ths most fashionable XstabllshBent In
Bread eay will alone bo a warranty that she will be able
te te entb-e saUafsctloB In Batters of butt se aU who
asy favor her with their orders. . , j
..' IheXadlei of Columbue and vicinity will please ac
cept raj vlncera thanks for their liberal patronage, aad
t Would respectfully soBelt a oontlnuanee of the same.
63'Eaet Tasrrs St., Oalnmbns, O,
BkTi 'A "A
from tbe New Y ork Observer.l "
As all eartles Banufaetarni Bewtnr Machines are ob- '
llged to pay klvv Howe a Ueeaao oa eack aaaklae eeld,
and are a so compelled to make returns to hia, under , .
aatb.as to the p amber sold, hie books glreaaorrectitate
ment. 'Proa thla reliable too roe we bare obtained the '
followlag statistics. Of the Buenlnes Bade as tbe year
16 there were sold ,. ?
By Wheeler at Wlkwo B1.S0S ..
1. St. s inner a tie..., iu,km , . . .
Srover A Baker 10b0
Bhowtn the sales of Wheeler A Wilsoa to be douUs
fhoee of any other Oompany."
' Awarded the highest premiums et ths '
J ,, Called Baae Palre of 1868, 1850 and IBM;
- I to - ' . elaoat tha
Ohio State talra ef 1850 and 18
. and at nearly aU the Oounty Pairs In the State. ' . ,
. Our prices, at the lata redaction, are as loto as any
lock tiich machine now aold. and but a tilde higher than . '
tbe Interior a laraaA oAae ettcA saocAiaat, now ' '
forced upon the market. ''
Look Iticb the only one which cannot beraveled. It
Is Auks ow Botb giaeaaf tbe goods, leaving no rdgt er '
AoraM U. mmitr tidi. - -,
All raaoAaaas ewr-aaaaa i yaare, aaa laaiaiaaa. 1
in their use, free of ensne. . , , -Ii
l B. OBABT, 81 HjghVt., Oolumbua,
M I I" - Wat. 8UUKSK A OOn
Pike's Oven Hoaes Oleeianaa.
STCAMg jOHlTTgNDSK. . . . HtNar T. 0aiTTC"OB j ,
Offlsss, 820 Broadway New Terk Oily, tad
PAksoMi'AerLDiHO, Columbus, Ohio. .
' ITjrCtrituI attention paid to Oollesuons r" 1 ' '' " ' '
bprilftdCm ..
.'.BaltuRore; ClothinjjH
M-airoTAOTpaBkt Ajra wwouaau ssuiaaa ta ': ''"
1 : .r.Mt,':
f Na 308 W, Mtimoxe-streeV:
. . saiwssB luvjtTT ajra awwAKaj
UALTinouix, jn
,t f or
A tirgd Assortment of Piece anrf Tuntlihln. v
I f OoodContunUy ea Band ,v j
u h vCftrner kpriug at "Water Bta., ' ' ' J
trMablraeturtrB of Braae'and OompodttoB OasUngs,
j.. -. iMt.kl Hrma Work ol all DaKiirjttoaa. i ... .',') .'
i mt ti 7 .-
: i. i "
IrSaklllBTf 'Wjt OIK AHO B AStal Ik KB) '
l NkV BTTLlte) Brs A Son, Nx tt W knutb
Elcci o Platins
IT' 1 " PI' If- ' ' '
H:hstrfA,baarBterier.lBereiylaeof OweaOia-
'eiHABB HaeiB aad Sfem'ea, auvde la the aawoat ana. t-;:.r
khI etyllh . Bionoar., Also, , Superb flaia . M
Itiaoa pu.af "'S .nwj,. mi,um .pii, ,we
aUruMiUa and eaMiuinaa.
:i ii
i b ;.
I i'A
fi.t It
I I.

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