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KAXTPXHVT KILUBt PuUlshera. UKU. W. WAWyi-EWWYt KoUtor. SUNDAY MORNINOi SEPT. . Democratic Union Nominations. ' job uovbbnob, - " ". (Hugh J. JTewGtt, f LtKlTJJiirf NX HUVBIUiu, Jblw, 3 Marshall. J 4 A - . J I. JC . - BUEBS1H JUDOB, - THOMAS J SmiTlli 0 4vomrir., TABABUBSBOf BIATB, v,i t kl.'. , ,1 ri 49CORGE WW. ,.. , " Of Hamilton-' - " SECBSTARx'OI BTATB, , v r WILLIAM W. AHMSTHONC, :'0t Stma.y.j.y-. ,;;CioJiMBOLLB, Officiate?. -' A- -4 - T ... BOARD. Of PtTBI-IO WORKS, J hit w. s-ITr-St. Of CuysAec. t itO COMMON FtlAB JnDGK.i ;.i ' (iiiiiui, ncxawtt m kadmok) HENRY W. HKPUES, - 8IATI SENATOR, (nanus a ncxawai) r ': L , J AVGTJSTTJS E.. PEBBILL, "" TV J 0 Pickiwy. i UNION DEMOCRATIC COUNTY UNION DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. tirSIelNTATlVU, . , GEORGE L. CONVERSE,... OTTO DRESEL. smairr, '' "V 6E0RGE W. HUFFMAN. t'l -77 AUDITOR, MATTHIAS MARTIN., : - ; -1 . - , ... r, TW0M ' ' vJOHN G. THOMPSON. . f r kxCOXDES, . NATHAN COLE. ' if . . . ; ' ' , r ' comuinoiai . .:' JACOB SLYGII. cottmtii ELIAS GAVER-I Kf',S '' INFIUIIAT DIWCTOE, ... PIIILEMON.HtSS Democratic Union Mass Meetings. The D.mocratio UnUnStU ExprctiTt Com mit Ue hT Btile irrTTgmet)Ufof holdlog Mum Mectiogi f fonoir. y'-' At rnnZton coniti.en Taes-1 day, September 24;h, at 1 P. N-Bpeeker Hon. Hugh J. Jewett and Hon: Wm.B. Wood. Q--.,.mh O.-ih .t 1 P Af . Snntrrt-. Hon. H J. Jewett, Hon. Wm. B. Woods And t-w WW Va . non. u. jnurna. w . Trf ,.K . , . , ; At Woosrsa, Wsya tomvXj, on Tboredty, September 26ih, at 1 F. M. Speakers Hon H J. Jewett and Hon, Wm. B. Woods At CLirtunn, Cuyahoga connty, on Friday evening, September 2Tih. Speakers Hon. H. J. Jewett and Hon. Wm. B. Woods. At Touoo, Lucas county, on Saturday, Sep-t.mhe- SSik. at 1 P. M. Sneakers Hon. H. J. Jewett and Hon. Wm. B. Woofls." ' ; t At JacxsoM C H , Jackson county, en Satur day, September Slsl at 1 P. M- Speaker- Hon. John G. Marshal! and others- . r f O.bcr meetings announced soon. SAMUEL MEDARY, Ch'n. AMOS LAYMAN, Secretary. Mr. Tod's Letter. We take the folio log extraordinary passage from Mr. Ton's letter of acceptance, and cannot but ssy it was high time be should become the candidate of some other tbsn the old Union Democratic party.- It Is a strange freak: ; Mr. Tod has written a letter accepting the Fusion nomination for Governor. T In 'it occurs tbs following queer pttiaget ; : .. 1 "Without going into a discussion oi tbcir ciimstance and event wbieh have brought about the present alarming and unhappy condi tion of our national tffairs, as these must now be apparent to all, I wiU content myself by tav iog ibat the issue presented to as as a people in a a the sanguinary straggle forced npoa as by the ambitious and designing leaders of the South ern rebellion, is that or man's capacity for self government. The whole question is to be tried and settled settled in sucb a way that nothing in buman power can ever disturb Of change it again is, then, 'Whether man is capable of governing himself. 1 Should it not be shown, when every resource and sacrifice has been made, and I would exhaust every means In oar power first ere yielding, then, in order that we might have oar rights protected and oar liber ties preserved In some degree approaching the perfection ot oar hitherto supposed impregnable system of free government, ould CMMa( as At facta tuubr IM erofecftM e oar ones st-asHee MtUur Csaatry, or if any ttktr foxntr espsftls aunUiniit ftr m Ui wttpta J the aoiiow e MS ew6."i, . .. A'. : In a cefttlTl eOTrtTRJirlcy Tilt". Tod would con" tent too1 taken "under the disunion of the Srl( ish Government from which' It cost our ton fathers A seven years' bloody war to cut loose. WerepuaiAtetheidea'. '"J".'r Mr. Stanton, the Jasloa candidate for Llea tenant Governor, said : -' If they ibtll malnUln thtlrBoeitlonrabaTr publio opinion in th steading States shall tos taln ths anthorltlee there for a year or two to come, to as to show that nothing bat a war of subjugation And conquest can bring them back, I, for one, am disposed . to recognise that inde pendences t . r , , Democrats and true Union mea, real find re- flect over each declarations. . Ji t' The Hon. J. 8cott Ilwrlson is very generally talked of as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer. 11 wouia be a popular nomination Ciadawsfi GtntUer, Ah ha! that aooounu fot the milk la the cocosnat I We tuppost If Mr. Haaaisou It tlected, h will b eaadid noagh to admit that his nomination by tbe Democracy for Lleutea ant Governor, has been of service to bim,at leut as trading cspital! . .. , .. . . r , . , , Mass Meetings. The reader is referred to the appointments mads by the Democratic Union Eieoutlvs Com mlttee, to be found elsewhere in tblt ptper Olberi will spesdily follow. of the The Boston Put, a strong Jadvocate vigorous proeeoation of th war, aye r- ' - ' The authoress ol Uncle Tom's Cabin, Mr Stows, is urging upon the Government, in the coIuidds of the Indtptndtnt, the emsncipatioo of all the slaves, as ths only wsy to terminate .k. 1, 1. ... nr.. c,. .-a l u .t.u fanatlos that the nation It chiefly Indebted tot this war. Petticoat government Is entirely too costly, tt C.n r:U, and a lllUs toe bloody , t The White Feather of the No Party Party. i v In publlobitLj la Our ywt rdaj' le i toor respoudQOK betircnJ thu Union mocraUo SUU Excouiir CoaimluW ud tb bogui "Union" Sttt Exeontlr CommlttM, In rI tkalo V fllwiiMlutt-Al."lIgiU, poloU' la" Uo StoM btweD Mr. Jiwrrr and Mr. Tan, M ckndldktM tor GoTor'aor now beforo th bopIt, w Mid wo obonld (ln refer to the otmIto iniatilbblliyt aniwerfAa Jtte eomBiltUe to tbt reamable and 'pwoprUtO now of tho ' la (be o'penlnf put l iheir not ar. com mlttetitated oxdIIoIiW that it' kadaol baea the lotenUoa of the Union DemOcratlo 'Exotm tire CommlttM to ln-onrat an ctjTe . pollti otl ourtai, and tbat in tblt policy they bad the approbation of toe eadldAte. on tho '.Slate ticket; bot In tIow jtff tho faot that'tho bogtw Uolon" meq bad nropoaed a aetlea ot U naetinget it waa eagceatad thai, ia order hr a foil and free dli8lon of tb mre qnertloni 'lnrolredi and to cat' tbo peoplf to aa little axpMiM od trouble aa poeil.le, a eotuof eooe be held tot Abe parpoee of arranging joint meetlsn, to be Addreeaed by the two oandl aaiet lor mo omoe o uoTarnor. , :. If there aver wao a time wbea the people Ohio would auemble In large maeee. to bear1 a ditcnaaion between gentlenten on any topic, the pretest U an oooaaioa which, would oall them oat in Teat aumbera. :. There ie in the -jmbB mind an ankioui earneetneaf to underetand the length, breadth and depth, of tb great queetlon f our Uulon'e peril, and bow, It poatibU. to sato and preeem tt. .Erery nun "ye meet uki tho qneetioa, vktn ana teheri U ttir nuUtr to tndt And there I also an anx)oai doilre on the pert of erery tu payer to know what meem bare been. adopted and what Oth ere art propos ed, for tho proper aid faithful expenditure C-f the fabulou tnmi of money which mint be drewn from the bArd aamlagi of tho pooptOi and wblob they will cheerfully py, to npport oar patrlotle rolanteer army, bat waio tney ao not want to hare squandered on pal Aangers on and jobber ia amy ooatlaoM and otkar plobder ani spoil. --t.'f - .. The people win( light Also on th measares of Administrative, poljcy which ara to orern in tho a&Alra of fur Etata, and ihejvowM get tbat ia nt way to effeetnally'as By a dlseassioo between tho osndldatH for Governor. Instead of meeting th courteous note a th Union Denweratle KxcentiT Commlttt In tb spirit In which It was preptred, and which tbt ocoulon demanded, tb "shodd7, obmstitte of ths No Farty party lntiaat that th aote of aor eoamltte wsw not repAredT lrfincrity,'And that we really flli not deair any meeting or discaision betf eoa )it, Jiwwrr and Mr. Ton- They do tot aay (his in ao mwf words f bat saoh Is the effect of their language. , . , .. . W that the Union Democratic Exeonilr uy Committee, since th bogus Unloniati have re solred oa holding atootlnga, at rery aaxlowt tbat Mr. Ton and Mr. "Jcwitt should go to gather and speak at the same meetings during th whole oearAM, end 4h hogna Union Cona-lmtrrat 1 "" eA was ue ia, aaa "u-",y www; Infait,ad M rort4 to mm I - ""- ganlxttlofl, gotten np fot plunder and spoil, and their want of courage to go before th people) In t fair and boosrabl dlsrwetiow. They taersfef qaibbte end prevarlcAte and finally express th opinio that '.'a confereac wouI4 be u-clets..! It is era they y Aha novo sesassed A ait without having had an opportunity of eontultlng with Mr. Tod, and thus they seek to shield him from the responsibility of the act; but if he do not approv what his eommitte ban doao, he win promptly set its action aside, tad hit silence will be taken by th people aa acqulasceoc,, .The note of our eoasautte wm WUrred to th bogus Union" Committee in lees than ten bourt after the earwal appeared, containing tb torn five or six appointment for Mr Too, all of which could avo neon withdrawn with. oat iooonveoisnoe, er Joint faceting ealled at the same placet, as might on a conference have been Agreed npon. a Bit thii bogus eonotrn, after calling these mass meetings, informs our eommitte In tb moat Innocent Itnguige that they did not desire to disturb the public quiet, or divert th public Attention, by getting np or assisting to get np a heated canvass! What then was their object m calling these mas meetings? ' t'l-n.1 r-N Tbo platform of th 6th of Septesabar Con vention eenttin tb CartTtoMW totokUbn, de- ohuatory of th 'purpose of the war, In th ex tot laoguAge of th Kentucky Senator j and in leoond resolnuon t entimant i q to ted frasn speech of Jo. Hocr, of Kentucky, opposed to Of any and every suggestion of compromise "to be made under the guns of tha rtbabw, These two proposition are laid to aw wary plain and comprehenair, and ao they are, tad tbey aotord with th sentiment 6f every Democrat la Ohio. But there ia not aa original thought or idea ia both, and they ar clothed in th exact language of Cju-txndx and Holt, thus disclosing the ftct fliaitha Cammanm nf W k- ytj) not the will er tb eapaolty to effer a tbooght of Its own or clothe a borrowed Mania it own language! i ' C'vir"t' ' , W are kiadly told by the committee that Mr. Ton b not; Ignored thg pjatferm, and for thl information we ought to b thatkfnl, since It eould not be learned by tb wniniHafad by studrlDgMri Ton't letter ,4 a iaonihJirpt ara ws seiiaia that Mr. Cartrawntji or Mr. Holt would 'aooepl "Mr. Tod's letter a an oordance with their tentlmente, which the Con vention bM borrowed. But f isld Ubf shoddy" eommitte tb right to put ita own eontuuetloa on th pUUom and on Ms. Ton' letter, and. then we may learn something of this new party and th faith U would establish. Mr. Too oa the platform then ia to b taken thus: I Am for rtjosoenttng too wee tor tho spe etne purpoeei mentionea ny, jnt vBiTTBJjnin, and onnnaad with Mr. Holt Sb am. m.i4iI.. "to be mad. nndar tho gnat of the robs.-J should we fan, T-thn (at" Mr. Ton uyi In . 'taytla hie letter), in tetter tha w might- faav ur rlgbu protected and our' BWtie prseerved, in some degree approaching the perfection of our hitherto supposed Impregnable tylmm of (rae government, I wocu coksawt to bb tabu ma thb ramoT3 oct owot .aiA Morass Cotnrrar, oa awtotbm rswn oaratu or aMTAimno fot tm tttd Bxancr or tbs ha- ntna of rat L0st.',a Against the oonclisloh towhlohMr.Toneoms we protest, and hold that there Ie no eootlngtney in which we would eon sent te be plsoed under th "proteotlon" of tb British governmehft Ohio and th North wnt esn take ear of themsolvea nader any eontin genoy. In making thla declaration th com mittee wye Mr .Ton stands on" their platform If that be W we take Issue. If thai be the de sign of the now party, it should ba repudiated by evry man in" th o0mmunltyl Mr Ton ssy farther In hi fetter that oar ' . .mm t mn - . ? fc. 1 , ' . oomptclot Union V not ou'of fital, but". people.1' Ia tbll dselaiatloa tb fwSraltt tb sot ini Ur. Too of of tl t'atform, tod htnot wt taki Lnue with aaysu;h fersi tlA&k- A I . Mr. Ton i js hat t e f"clr"t;"--',-ia and treat, whkii hare bro! ,tt t' t t1 present alarming and uultsppy c jndv-ua f ear Nation ti a.ff.';rs y ,t , ' '-jjcuot now bo tpjiMent to all.U H He doe not say what they are, aad heooe we cannot determine whether WA. agree with hist or not; -If Mr. Too has "not obangetTnls position slno'th'ajniaJBn of 18G0.1 h will hold now," aaJild lhali, that th "Irrepressible doctrines' of Linooui Sswasn Cwasn, to- etc hare don their fuirshare ia bringing about th presont 'nnbAppy and Alarming 000 dltlob of our Nattoaat aSalri;" and II h do, w suppoes tb eommltt wlUagra that b la still npoa their platform, ad then npoa oo point wo shall oonoor. , L W hop Mr. Ton wlU set asidatbla deter. minatlo o( th eommltu, alaos It, waa mad wlUontxQnsaitotVn f Ith hist, sod that k mod Mr. fswaiT will thsmaalva asraagw a rtoi meeting In different parts of th Bute, At trbjeh they vill appear and speak to lb people. Neither Mr. Too nor Mr Jrim wanU to b GoTsroor'krbbgfi any flness Of fals pretense, and bene let them arracg and trsrel together and Address the people from tb nam stand- Can Mr. Too SAfely deolin ta do se? . Ia h afraid to maintain hi relation W tb aw party ia diecoasloa before th people t WIU h allow this "shoddy committee to pot him in leading strings? W shall .... ni lr' Supporting the Government. Who are th supportar f th Gorornment la Ohley naderstaadlng by tb Government th existing Administration T ' . . '," First, 1st us look At the case la regerd t oar But Gorernateal. -Ta rseot Stat Admin iatratlon wa plaeed la power by th dsfucot Eepublloan party. To thai party, tho Gorarnor and all our present State offiosrs tw their potir tloo. Twe, some Of the late Rapoblioaa Or gans, beforo tb demls of their party; abased Gorernor JDinnwon without stinti but sUli (b RepahUoa waa tb Administration fArty at re gard to our State Geternment, if It had Any. Bat (bat partt bat deserted Its post. In fhU r- speot by owardly committing sulcid--. The new aw-nartr nan neither todoreed aor is it pledged WkoppOrtwr But Admlnlstratlotri it leaders, Its papers and its' sctlr partisans aN Just as lndifferrt toward the State Gortrn menk.nd maaifent an little ooaoem for It proper appot as airy other et of raen to be found within oar boTdt''r .' , uo A 1 Beoond, w will now se how th eas tlaads In Ohio in regard to tho npport of tho presont AdmramtrsUott ot'th Federal OoTernmentj Th Rspublloaa party in this State, now 4oaa? M; wa. unit l ylaolag that AaawniaAratfoh at tb bead of w National Affair. By that aet, It pledged ftsell to lb support.' y But scarce-, 17 1A4 freeident 4-utoom tormed w 4iabUwt- and had i too inaction with his log! advisor, 1 by the President. '.More than,; this, U nroeeineM w leanng w A4auni.tration.ta -saet w .w.ww iSU'bUinigQi, " ' begun t Uk aetivk meaeares for melnUtlnlDg ' the Government and crashing out tee rebellion, when leading Republican jownel aaaallod th member of th Cabin, bo k After another , Aad daniaodad In lb most violent manner ,; their r- that anoh and sucb measures should b adopted. Thaw sjsanlte npon Individual membenof the Cablbt,,an4 thj Ineiesact, grtwUnar at tho Aljniniatratlon by thoa th country had a right to rtftrd"M ftere y presss,; tended moiw .th evil thlnAL nls combined tit anaka public oonzuleoc la it capacity ana amdeney. . Soch wu th hehavlor of loading Republican organs In Ohlo'toward the Admlnlstratlons.To erowt all, th party.ln.Uiia State, white Utterly tcousiiigitepoiaioalopptoeotaaf not auppar ting th Government, vdnnUrih gtvb np tbt ghost, And lgnonvlnloufJy withdraw lno ntter utrkiess and nonsntl -..fu . ' f (!" A Convention mst at the Capital of oor Slate and formed a now party It Adopted a pUtfprnj. But that platform contain ao indorsement of tho Federel Administration, tot a word of en- couragstaeot totb President and hi Csbiatf, nor even A tingle syllabi In favor of supporting th government.. . The Administration ie, there fore, left without party proper in Ohie.01 No man in this State, beoaus he has Attached him' self to a as am wssrtvi arwwwuww aa asamaw . u cju uiui new party, .d, up of .AbolItlonUbi RepubllcAns, and of others who. voted tgsinat Lrwooui iaat tali, has aay bMinete te elalm that It men th AdnunlitraUoa than hi democratic .... a. 4. . i:. ejgsroTin jmtnj rsepeots, nit Boauana Ja much mor an ta goals tio to the Admlalstratloa than "that nf Wi DemdorAl'whb sUadfastly A4- ksrta to that ld Union . orgaoitatlon, which nvr hAt beaa and Awt an b flatterod, nrioeo r xtwn nato a reernoa or tnw uovero-1 L J'JU'V i. I msnt atrftteCnlonr titt- tf, Douglaa and Crittenden hsve laid that ovyouniee eonid bare been settled peaceably . Ben Wade Wa en of the Impracticable, who would not listen to Anything In (be tbapt of compromise or couoeasion, and If taere it any oot man In the Republican party more guilty (ban the rest for the present deplorable condition'' of oo eoaatrr, that man Is Ben Wad, for it waa b woo replied to Mr. Pouglae -that tbey the Abolitiohists bad no oompromlser make with alaveboldart. Is It right tbat a mst should be sleeted te the Legislature from thla' .eounty. who would wot for htm on tti plea that now bs Is an uoenditlonal Union mtuT jf ,C'Irs- siu waasne;-"" v :-t " -" - - " "' ' Ohio State Fair. 3t J .r.SllajBam n.rj-'ht'..'lM Hsa-I II 'Vmmi W-i4,:-. -rH.1- 111. - . 1 "... i.i. aawuua: kum anoDia 1 i;.Ui.i.'iv..i ft.'' 1 rnanaA IntA aw ajtw nr. aa avmIa&aVa i n..l broad aire war hJocked up at ta'tarlyhBor with k nnewnin f wwltrreawei', rwepentAbf-' looking ladle lad genflemsn, all going' io' tfi fair grounds'-. ' A." BOj firm Stafrrir hav w tcca such a largo nsawbaw of people bled in irae day ,W learned at the ticket of. r- , - . T vti mtmm f pot tost npwAraa oi inirty uoneand tiCAMl nawaMldtadAy.aadthM cofltlnt. niseaaar, to morrow wilt W anetber lPreAn 'te 'TsM ;lt plear rf fvl"' "W teg Nln laid tb4nst,nd ihey wotfaar iav MchaTul.tiO ,W:li b'Tiati'J JJ.j .aol I U ' TUlton at tit fair grounds to day, iavt been highly gratiflrd, with fh xnlbittea 0 tb pr. daetaea of our nobl State, and they had ret- ton to br, at the quality ol naUote exhibit- td waa never before exeelled, and thetw ws aa nnuauAl vvlaty.Wevfeel BrandarHthaii owwr of th tngenion n hiduMew dntsbs of OhiO "'' (rrteiiJ't I, w. ti ir'i .:: t : ..-. rremiuma, oavesen awaroea y Judicious tad Impartial rmmittaes,a list at whteh I bsv not dm now te give yen, but If win he fbrth- comlrjg tmSottlf.'"1'1 " -'l " - When w left th frhoV ' geotlemsa ihy tb nam of Carter, from Tsnnessw. was tA. flreealBf t large aadlne Te-morrer, Senator Andrlobneaoa Is te b preaent, and ia expected to deliver a speeerv wbea tBe gratte Fair llleloforX861.i -"" 4 ' ' - ....... A s-reat xnanv artldlet' oi walui SrarA Tied, which I wilf rfr t In future le'tem.whea I hav mora teUur. -Ir fa noweonoodett that all of our people am (tbt et-jsged in thr trt oi war. Dor nl ;oduS A at pear to be si acuive, ludastrlott aad as inf. Vr Ohio State Fair. H. D. S. Pickaway Nominations. f : Th Invlncll! Union DeawCracy, of f lok way oanty have noinlnAtcd tb t follow In? oalltot ticket, which Win b sleeted by a sweep Incmalorltvi llctiraHantitlwA.'Itllliani DnerA'nditor. William Bowman i Commslp3M Job HJUor- rrosmtin Atmraey, iia. uonoj turvey Th. Wttckmd satsj - .-r":r,i-;r.-r -"'W do not bellev thai, a word ol ohiection caA be urged against either tb qualifications or th character of asinglsooeof oor candldrte. Of oonrs all persons did tot get their .first oboio in th nomuatloos-HWch never - was th ease, and oonld not b ipsotedt bat every irae Democrat who rooognUsi lh neosaslty or pro priety of a party organisation,-! mrbmlt to th deoislon of th tasja-tty, AM -iabor for th saooeas of th tiokct.. All that la neoeasarjr to secur Its hrinmpbant tlsctlon, It a fall vot bf tn iJemooracy of tb ojunry. ..i(Jr. . I Th Fnslonlati of flikaway har nomln ted a ticket on which there Is only L one fitpuhtiea, and h for Grrencr. It Is said tney put mm on to hold tb .Inquest evr bit Aei collemgnee after the election. ' Th Republicans claimed tbat, as their party wasdstd, they .should htve th Coroner. .a!c.. . ,.. s ts o;-am:C Pickaway Nominations. Stark County. , The Dsmooraoy of Stark county htvs oom nated the following strong llckair 7 . ' Fot Reareatetlva,Samael Lahm aod He r E. fintthi Treasurer. Godfrev . Benower: Sheriff, Daniel "Sayler; Recorder, JsoobKep Itnrcn Proseontlnir Attorner. GeorE VT. Raflj Commissloaw, Andrw Btebl; Surveyor, J. G. Williardi Coroaer, John Hbepiey? lonrtnsrv Tb Ikmocru saysi - ' icOar eonntr ticket 1 eombned 6f f entletoen pretty weU known over toe oounty., .'i &ey am Demootau worthy of the hearty support of every ma who desire to hav good 'and tru men aUcutd.. AU mast admit tbat th tioket-1 a nooalar one and only requires every Democrat and eonierveur mAtt .to no hi duty to a is OMotrr ana Jt wiu m a-iampnanuy eiectea filM th Democracy 6f in county preDAre fox th October election. Let everv man who Wishes to preserve lb liberties of th oountrv.1 raur to ue snpporr ot Mnstuational iemo ratio Union Stat and ooanty tickets, i? m 1 . 1 mi Guernsey Countv. :Th Democratic Union Convention of Gnern- )( ooanty stet nt Washington, on Monday, SepiJ. Th following ticket was nominated: For RepresentaUr'e, WmkBortonjTreasurer, . K. Wiseri-Protwoallriw-AttornrrTrancia Crelghtonj Com missioned petiry MoClearJj Barveyor,. Robert .NcKalutnt.ReeorUor John Wtlllamsj Infirmary Director, Lemon Fergu- Jtaeolut'loM la favor7 3f Wtslnta 'ArJoV- erbment agatost rebellion with an undivided front, aql maintaining Jh Cnmocnttii orgtnl ntion snd jt fiMjitw2XS'(l9ay Aoepteo, Th npmlOAtion, of 5 J. PO'Coaiio, t Monroe oouutyioe, 6Utefoator, wsawnani- . 1 .I, . j "The oVinMpJrrtin7pCkI tissTf lt .V. 4.1..,t4 .4J n.J .1.1,..-. ' I- wyaiwiiwi wi lawHuaM mm ih. wwaoti i : Tht Drmooratle Union CDt, ; Col,vefltlod.j w .. vv MUUivV4ij yu Aiy,ua.j. sVaVTejij attended by ImtKraMlrota aJt JarU. f xhs ooanty. A. better, mere nuajiatie and de- tartniaed apirlt among delegates w never wlt aeaaed at any previous Conrmtioa.u ft total slander aad abas heaped npon Abe true Union Uenuoraey of tnw country by Aoolitlon-Kepub-lioant and their mltwrbfiW)U-,1s tntflng th fCeot to area all good and true Unloh Demo- orass to renewed energy and determination in support of snetr tlssw-beoored party and th un dying principle of patriotic And loyalty which : Tb CoarrenUow aiWAoasiv adooted it elAU wtwes well tor ni oonntry.rr w commend tb raoteDona to the calm consideration of every vote, and eepedally thot who are Inclined to "ma alter Strang rods", m jteaxea, of thslr rwnvuaix-... vj ion f- - Th Democratic Union tioket Is made np of goon ana true memrWMWtu-otsxMmrg tb an ttet of thslr rerpectlv oftset, U etectsd, credit ably to themtelvat and foe th general good- of th people. . MtCoixocn'a IsDUHS-From. aha Una. C. VV. Adam, of this aonntv. who arrived at home lev oars st oo frem ths nortbera part of .the saw, we learn mat on Monday week thirteen hnadred Indian WArriors Southern Allies j oraeeed the Arkansas Rirer.Jiear Fort -Smiih, gout for MoCulloch's oamp. These Indians armed with rifle, butcher knife and toman tawf, and had their fseos painted and aeemad -Jl.:l.DecrlpUVe . m .. " . . 0.?-"- KWftt? 14.10 - ti .1 ,iiiiT A True Democrat. XAMtlU. Angntt atlst, 180, waniiot aatbor- so appoint mm a delegate to represent that party in thslr State Convention, -,t , ,-;' B baa always been Union Democrat, and tetanus to continue one.-. He would, sooner ha nrwanen on uo rocks of Gibraltar than turn raiser to hit country fof the ake ,of n. 'pal try efttea wbick bit lilewte;offrdIlm i Republican It ho would Joia tbtr nw party -Zanstwitt. -5f-f-Sl.ltJ4.4 3 Atwwr. tT Our nelrhbor. the Tiaau. ara ara'ana,al aw, as uupvweu to xaaa ugm or tne present em iceey of th Confederate armyTlW had sup fxxasaf tbU th North hanTi alsaadw a.Wid enoagh from underrating th flgbttng eapadty i she rebel, to prealuda4h possnaUtyaacn sn twror nereaiter. ThaprcanntptinvthAt sur- vrsw noil Ban can nevar dlar Bat it wan kawa fawihar Influano spoa. the or lb su people, law-datermlnation ta fixed to Incur no risk, wbAtever of another auoh disgrace, and there is a dsalre to rate th power of the enemy at 4tl.. .L 4 -1.-4 ll ... J. aw. ita luuen meaanr.T in fact at aswepted thai tb rebela have an Immanaa temy. ana an which will fight with spirit, with oomrage nay, with absolst desperation. To dlagnis thf fact, or to belittle it. 1 a shridtsh fraicB ortbera thia day, :rjlAAlni. What ia wanted is not th disnaraea- - -4 . . . - - -o- ww Mveswari, oni a mor complete 4Ui. ..i .4 . .... . r ali4i4. 4.1 .. . 1 .1 li. "...l',.7I: -Jir-. yLi mTvTj TTT-r'. 44w rrnw. T!mmrrF l?srnAl?n'o- TCafnta 'a - .....w w f 4.V1VW twiuwi 1OTIOII 7jSTSk nEV ADVERTISEMENTS. ' 'UJsitf.mtii.Mii ..iti.iu Wehy glaa ttial the ajdendgned'htt ft ii Ohat. adailnlaliaaii ml tha a-uta ml t era em, late ef trwre ttwathlp. la said ooanty, da, esaaad.. Dated thla Idth dty of Beptamber. A. D7l8GL sH-w. fl.Kliiliil BIJtAM BUOBAI: I - Old Orders nsdesmdb r aTVaTlwffTanBw a v -i l vzin' ' s1- mat wm pay. oa pre, r ' JT"-' aaing oraars latues sgamu t Cewnly Iraatary, tadoned. RMot puid lr wasi of i L, 4..-,. a vie raaart yraaaita uo .1 - : . A v 4I or U lloaaoU af mmim mttm mm I. ju-7.T. l .jVJ 1 IOOlQ33iaUDri. 1 r ' ; I mavoa Orra fcexii.nio.j ' 1 I,(3. . tpleaab.rB,lWl. -f-- " axaxvaMtay wya ltpimgBSJ BTwl BAwflBlJCy BBW w of tU Oowoll of aid ally, to aapply vacancy ctu.rd 2 '"".'""t"" O. Blet, lata f mttas, mm a held at the United liatee Boki.lB aaid Wanl. th TtT.. '777. . """S eieetloo Ie taid Ward, on Boo, ww tu. rvta ai will a apaaad wr. " vl Silt 4- 4.iw,wa xtoiauta eaia t at aalilin .wu. 1 .(. a . LTfT '.. P. lUei. vA'he pailt oa gnat aay at me a '--agi J- ,rciiti t'.- 4ll vr' wbai' ni0xtt8," Wrti. I tnti fji J. ui m.i'j U nn: 44, a, . a 1 1 1 LTftTTcr-'iAi-i.i'f.A ft vta-in ivel-uka s.4"iT. .' 7'T-r' r?rV AJti rStl' 'stpltoi BOA MA StiatColuwdtaJ. ,. iifiiv Aiivijii hi n is. '-- 1001. jiia. IJsittesTi , ntatee- Eyprewe ; C),i JPjrOP'l Ti Hew Ywk J4 Si'Eailroad.'1?1 tliUOOST jiV..itviI wol xiu'b j'.ur:TTn vJ Lou- OtarMrst Cars over most Jtaattrpn PaiS6gIiilB.l' ' I .L:ui na n;:i43i.1'. U e.J .tJ.OA.-i v;iiitt t t.f.. --w LtN-v. .if ai r,. "V art a vsi, ex wort, Affm. - 87-veet lirwaa Street, GOLinnBrji.onio. 1 H HOFETrAVrr l- AX WWri J' li l h kvlt KMIOHT,1 At ttatsnt-rnottoa. rWAti-tti ZlKBxV uperniUadat, iffaloi11" TO?. . coLTjnBrji.omo. j R'of:lyien4K PROPRIETOR tt TMtK KF.vr VOHK 1 ratuionaoia BnaTing, nair viminc, BhampooBlar. 0rllarfrtiBalaan, -'",-i " - ry' "South 3K;$"pVRBa;j Stoire, whan latiaCaotlaa will U.glrea 4n all. Ik vsrloasl braacbea. - , ' , . , , : , .. . Ladl1 aad OhlUrea's Bale DiwMlna don in lha bait mJ ae 1. 11-14 ttwtiavM'W" f ' J I -1 loO WHOLESALE STORE. 1 a" Ofcfbi v.n ih In rat:- 11 ' I mrofts-t Jerm v cam ts o.'J ux. it 11 t.'.i. ... C6mmssioitMercha 1 IMP0BTEB9 etAPlDiiJ.'k&6 IN I I " sr a 4 elfi!ni'l Viis Uvtn'i .i f Old jlly: JQAoogaXt ! .j.lie n ''a arc.t; c-.'a JJ .al.jJ.i-'! -.; f-.t BBHOtnnt and omdf, 221 eavri Blaii'iT.l I 8-i." 1 1' ,'.!"!: ,i . ..f.X..... .4 .. n 1 s 1 rt Il.E-VT: TiTTl? r.T.TlT.' A ilTvriw ', - I ' ,' , " " 'frTZ.: mi pa). ' e Ti v --1 ' -:p i'-.'- ANTI-RHEUM ATIG BAND 6 3 fM,Jls,T .xi-uiirul .atet-tiriCt ,vfi.(i i.vy-.iM- -r lf,i-vr;-y 7". IS THE ONLTNpyjf RESTEP.FOR All Talercuxial Diseases. It It1 a aatrmlantly arranged Bud.'eos'ralafng S and ieatad aaatd. Saba warn a round th WaiaU wllhont urytaSa aaaat atlicat pmoni; no chasr In hatill t raquiraa, and it entirely wovei th di as, Without producing th InJnrJou I a sad deatroy th eoutltuUon, and I of Onl. Uv thia tiaataaaat. tha ud- J klnalpmiartlnoontalned In the Band come.ln.nmitarl I of tlM akin, affecUo hi evanr Inlaao a perfect et effaaU aitatna froat ala, which- wwakaa glva tanporary relief only. .By thl tmtxaaat, the awd- pone and restoring the parts afflicted to a baalthy conditio. Chi Bead la alao a xeaaxtMwarfkl audwlU anUaaly seiava thaayalaat from ttefwwMoew Haoaj of jt.rouiy. JUodarat. cam era eared iasfaw daya. and w ara eotutantla aniiiii. i4iiii4m,i.i.ii. eiSaaey to aairravated oaaa of long itanding. ftiosS,eo. w a had of DragirKta generally, or can amlhr xaaii or expnaa, with f.U diremlone forWM. aajr .part of the eonkry dime from tb Principal , - j fl:!,;.-rr jinn. -.ii i , .. .; a 4. .r-- . - : jTo. 40t BROABWAT. lTew TorkV- 1 ' a.'SMITit CO., 8oIe Proprietor.,' ClrcBlart tentlrco, . ... , E?';'!"1'1'" B0M' Daoeeirrs, AaiRTi.No liL ' U rlBd and Uouod, Ooluaibut, 0. ,tt Agestte VAaWe4 Krerytwhere. . . mhaa-lyiiorlar dw , ;. IRISH STEAMSHIP LINE. 8tea'm 3tween , Ireland and America elai" I F 7flKvV YORK, BOSTON AND GALWAY the fallowing new and aaagullaent tnl-claUpadclU Wheel Bteaxaahip ooaipeia tn abort Una: . . ABBtiTio, -. See too. burtaaa, t Capt, J. M.o ' (formerly of th0ollln Ltoe.) EIBBBNIA,' 4,M0 tons buTttjen. Capt. Hi Piowai." Tx T j away gat. doaud New anoi.u. ..c :, , I iRW'ii 1$ COLUMBIA, d,lO " " - k. Urrca. f trri crl lam. ! Kl.fBcrew .)-,. a i .v i .t i - i w 1 rr.,.. i !r- .,: "- : ieLVsAa. , OA eg the abort thin will leave Haw T.i ar B044M. alternately every Tueaday fortnight, for Galway. oar- rying the aMaaraxwat aulls, Staaaiag at St.- Johns. ! e4J :. , .a.r?;.-- I Tb ' ' ''i III. 1 him line a Sit 1 wall I eiikl tgreataat ear, under th aaperv Uoa of taa led for onaaCart. safety ead aaaad wy ef taaatarUaat Tbey ara aiiiaiutil y -able and xparleneed wfllcert'. .1 niexMraoeea Sarg.aUaha kaeaoA xUa. Ptrtt-ehwsX. r.orBMteOalwyvldrrpl.riie '.OOrtyjC .l4?JdtlJha'foCi3jMirrt: ' " " ' to U.laay or Liverpool. I ThlrV-claaa. waay town la Ireland, oa a Beltway, - - - 30 Tmra-CM ptttaiMnwn Iftwtatly supplTM Wllfpto-' Villon of th bat quality cooked gjanrtd by tht Mr-' Parlies wlahlo ta aocd Sot abort. IriaodA Aoat ury aaa obtain UckeU front aay tena. owe aaUway.ia Irelaad,r treat th prlacsaaAvHa) ef Boglan astlrag. land,atv.iylowi.toi),- M3l PMtaogwi fer Kew, Tort, arriving by ta Jostwa raatangar 1 or newrorx. .arrino axaaara,wui aa jorwaruga Aew Xerk fra oXolw. aw. wMn w. lurunr uuorroauon, apPIT to . . , -i5(.j.:4iitw. . WTrtRnlaf t" At th olBoe of th OomMlrr ir the whxiffoot of raawUlttdoBi. Jexiooii.4 o esaMu r iu d --' ii 1 ' rrv t . V aaa -mtrn&L. V . AW,'" a V 1.1 I . AUUAsU lli U t i t- al -.vivvtvaunm . m ai.! 4 ' - .i i. li.mFUXMTnt: oven- ,iAiia. .4. .' fj m aa al ao4)d 'JsBeVni-Ahd uaiaKKxt over iavtnted. ra rti toitlTT - rw-.mrn . tnti oa, .-tv 'i KiZT ,t ... --') ft ,e - - --- " .rr - 1. - n.'lim V-jV1 1 , '! !JT 4 til 1 H 4 Tf -.Tr' " ... t fT IvPr- TT fS A W n.n,...a..a. - A ABSOnTal ground la eoocav convex form with th. rp. t4t n. r.. I alt KMal Ba Iktw lava.. t A 1 err vf Vuile Btw . 1 1SBAxamfmit riljn T - aadlapcf., j.-.- .1 'Wi-aeti. MBB.Wvrrt), J T.I.Ui BhtM Btoir4"-rina 1;. --,'iBhlrUntaod koaoai Linen. aev Baattlaw aaArtllww Jninhlt.' " ! . Idnea 0rf"nsd letif lawns:! . I.lnca i' batHlk'fa.allttaaa., LiJee I.M,,adDlSrS tk-T0) Oinlhtand t.un lm,'!Il"",3,'"'r -a. Lma rwn. wh eol-irad txif.iers.'?. f, T" sl-;.,'. .. but I, 1 i- tr t. v in and Vagi? f ' w eaaT.4 - 410" e.Boiijibftt, ,u-u.iiuiunirD.jJiiji.i! M I. . - i. 1 ntlSEY'SCApr it1 EnorEI AND PHEVFNTH IN- aa MlK.nd hmila tha Worat burn. Kal(, bnlw, ent',or fretn wound of any kind, pnvtnta swolllng and Mia from avettm, Btonojt Mtet. and KiMoooi pitu, onrlct, .roaajnaUum, apu la. tb tut, nil rfaeun.el.6 frhpa hiui. It will 11 .1 .k p uiiiarn,ua 1ti imawuu u. uriL mm. 01 mil Mrrini aonntainli iuk JkWHltoiWMtt and mm, u eeaUl' tlsUandBuoaaajaV X T JXwvin a-pniJa. " 0l rrOBrl.Uir. H . .ISnrait. V v. .1-, i , fSi A. 1 r i7 1 1 II VJRJWU.IV nimjuun m Dm aone ibe above breuarationa it by prrtn(r and nadlnr ttriptlT. pamptalM4 1 fonnd with ail daaleri, or wm fce Mnt jiw frojirl.toi Ml M lonna vita au aeauri, or wm aa sent J Pnurltlot fU aaaau. ,ul aad'Trlal Hottlea tual to Fluil elans, whs via And develspeaaaU ia kqUt ,aaiiliji,ILlr SoceptanM and approval. ' Oormpondanoe aollclted froarall whoa Daoenltlea or p'?Et? SjrW (, r9WJ wnleola Haaw. 7 Woral kXifb aUlaiwfesaa sadrrAetlt lieltVt I ' "" 0mMI8T AND rHiSMAOIUTlST, , I l'ori Commerelal Wharf, Boston, Mass. Ir BoMrtS BBiIi It. J MarBIS. B. Oook.J. at , pnlt, O.pantg At Qns,A; J.fl(iMlWfcB,AauUlFfnsf pr ooiumuus, wmo. . , r.miun I OysteraLOysters! TTAIJIIIX HBCEtTED, ANl TTILI. wxpren, af ; - from Baltimore and Fair Havrn. . r ,,.- u,.lialojii .aloodoH oll3j;1 lur .viaowoO mm all l 1 1 tVW Sottt High !tteet;ColtoiiDTit';i J500 yarda TraT.HnTireii'dodai fti5i2fttui BOat. W0 yard Kngltih BeWge at value IB ceaUvr 1000 yards franco. Organdies at WX, value SO oenaj. u SOOn yards' last Oolond Lawns at 10, value IS cent. IOOO yard foulard Praia BUks at VHt valu 50 easts. 1600 varus Super Plain slack 811k at a 1 00. Value a 1 S3. ' I ni. m- ... .1 r, I BAllV HUH,., ita ..'o'ttinT t iJvolO rtt tenth Blgl Rtreth" "w;Rsa, iiii'KJi -t If L. Itl U V HL - v:r. Jljpo,! W" .nmvasr-iH1) .0 I 1 vi T :.T .n -4M.! wv.jrroaace-i.K. .. . j.-vu U-M n Jin Vt-tol.11 r A wi-faan44ijiu:-TrA.J;-w Ttt i. j.r,J'i; I'Siihet" .X ratu of tervvt-yQ el Jl iuium J iwvte " lotf.jnlt '.Tat J TO a.t) lte t i -.w-i I rl . '; No. 406, fiontli-HighStTefet, raml-'.-'l.-H t ;tl .d. t'S 01 ' danol timVtm mjl11r.miiJ-.rt i0 ri I wmt. Wa T!to nn mjj .mliLa" Wm ln..r NEWAND FRESH 'GOODS Ch ejaVt Or Cksfc1 5r yfiffiiiuc. i m i ii 'rjwwilg T aa.i'i.wj't- 'A- j 111 1 I I P I . lei B3 pfedi SelreTe'T8'Cl!y;"r-freo HO a" II. a N().'-106, atth ffigh'-'StrrietVe OoIUXJIhlLOTTfil. H r--r-m r.ui. -,,i-f DIAXEB IN -iwi vdj In Of lbs I 1. jpTtoYirofis7: J" L Oil JU.A Lf Li Q U OR 8, H t C Jl12 .Jt 7v-.a. .s-WMbinU, Imk- .! r 11 .4 rnaVniVW a 4. r .nam , r- -yiiia. n ija4a;s4j;-vj 'i oSTerhiiyaVcheap wnnpound ol fatoratua. threw csMjk.haaa. who arnhaaw lyla Dleletk, a sfTOAthleeBMerfIo1 at half Its valu and ithetr outlay. Depot, 35 Washington street, York. Bold by gfoeen : ererywliere. J ' ' , w.-, A LlOflTBI ON TS KAOIOAL OUBB Of ' '" , Bpllaper ao fiat, Mental and Pnytioal I MANHOOI),.' HOW .X0SIi 0 Vi BJESIOSXD. 1 JnrtPWUbrtaaldnlcVf Prioe"ets.i U A LtOtrJBB ON 188 NATTJK1I, TRBtTHBBT A(TD jw Bi-amaAiOKltUKA Or Seminal tary imlatlont, Peiual Debility, and r.v. laajiediaunt to Uarrlage generallly, aiervooaneaa, Con- 1 apiwtt am rira. xtaniai ana rnrMoai la. eaweoK, mulUaif naot waif-ahtuaydt. iBy Atbtrt J. L.,t-HL ITCTB BT TJiKEQUIajnTISg AVOlDXD. .Te ameateaatswa'drinkhig, atw habits- and modes T life, eftea preoxlet ArregulaliaSs it m towels snd OarvorWelU tt. D author of the Green Book. As. Betem tw VeWiaJide Of tatiererl. tent ander seal, w a' plain nveloD. to anv ,,lr..1 vymm mpi, vn ovipi two eiamae; dt nr. VtiAB. -0. KLIHt. m.Bowara. New Vark. Put n iu. Mo t Jbe. C - i?X ..m. at7ilailA - wB't rOBODB PLABTBB put ia.ueir anspssca free ef expense. And te this faot may be at. taasralUltivttt ayilejnw Jiik Wsaanaasnls Pius wni eaia curt, th stomacb will egalA tts ilrttigth, an'd heilthy acUon of ths sytteai WilCbt tatoii.''"Ke' ajaoiciaa are equal la asefutaest la the w"l 1 iBHANDKEWrPIIJ,!.,, ,,r3, BBAftDBJETH't VRIVxSBSAJa'.BAa.VB fa&i'Cov'L' POBora pilasters. xfvtryman or lh TIBI ZOUATBI bad a hex ef SrlimhaJ th abteno ef any of THIS BqikIINT from .k..ia 4 4 ''.... . --4 it1w-" vi-iij.)raria-e arfwr-and a place of Porous Flatter. xawyass Rutin to uterai, ofUn Iirs-savln. 'HoU y Ion B. Cook, Pragglit, Oolumbus, and by rsspsotabl dtalen in mdlclnts. . '.',. :iy.l SutlT-dlm . e-i; tlv aoo nMtuw g!' '-'I 1 ' I dl ,il"j rnoFrATa urn vis. ...,..... U,e ef oosOvnsss, flrtpsprU, MIHotu sag Bri WSvtMBA pus, 4-tal4nv hreri an ,mm, ,bs(. unmviiT) n, 1. I Bate head arhaa aad all nnaral '- - - - -4 4.- 1 a i. -. atrw-r---Ti-- sawtwujs awattAT BCa,St.At ......? J!r-tp -ol n sri f''4tBn,win WrbflCd rusrtVfl Soacloui ihwilAxaaaar-aarawaj AtMfltvl STtrMrra. vnAVl tsgai avsj x inaaVAi SnnBBk-.SaA . nnai h aiTxaxxaWBB 'awAxnwWwAxk twyall DrittH..'rxKm "-' 1 1 I ' nil 11 m HeeH 'btaygwl?, ,' 4444. -Y 1 . . L - " - 1 -1 1 :" TPIoTrf.M'rM-eaadallJ-Mttf.A -a, ' iLi-j-Bri.i 41 l4....l I. m. .j . wr y- - , vi4cUMaMi.,Bnayxa favor of ihwpi(aMxlW!ina. Kit. WnaM'l I I 4.14 I ,M4 4.444 tl. U 44 .4v, vaiiawaa aaaiaiJ-M r"r 'pih p.iYri;';--ii. m voov Bnmm-na At Kb a wiiuw a Bownm eraur. jwoa uavnr Mlda word lur .1,. IV,. -4 '"l" m t tnai inaian iM.ra v,, 4 i r, ajc ay, n a all. r ci.4i4. iflepi' . . tn wum aareaatfal modi-! i-tii ear, ) i u it beat. Aad tiws Je'ywr'".ulretewlS9at,it better tnaa I 'jayusrarpty.", jyiiydstf PP.nF.i mii i pqq i '. amna W 1 1 mwl -htnl Immi I th II INVIGQRATOR I - . r - w- - ; fuR VliU bUUItr AnUUAnUKU 1. ..... r.... . ji " '. rfnTri wtAffi t A iftoiC RESTORING t?RAY HA5tf) To III orlctnal eolor without dyalnt, and prarantlnv . llalrirom UtrnlaaeMvrr , -r-r-.zxim --t'OR PREVENTING BALDNESS, . , Aaeuilni U. when there is the least particle f vltl( X JJ IW1WIW. wmv.u iwiuw,. w . m And all alanaeni affeotldni ef tha Boa. j'i i OR BEAUTIjrXlNO THE HAIR, ItSparttn to Han aaeqaM (toasanltrlUkBor, ankUM It aoft aid silky In Its texture, and eauiloi It ia eui) I celebrity and Inoreailng demand or this ma- ladles and taaiiemea In ""Mameir Mir reaureany in ratdllvin t'ha freat aonaled preparation, ooovlnoes tha proprietor that oov in m wi ooanan buiit a .unniini uudiio oi ita lupariorqualltiea over any other praparatlon la a. It altanae th head and aoalp from dandruff and ether . euuseau dltiaws, eauiing the hair to (raw luxuriantly ' flying It a rich, aoft. gloaay and flexible appearance, an aiao, wnere me natr la looaenlng ana tblnnlng, I treogth and vigor to th root, and reetor lh also, where the traoath and vl hme parti whl gain oovarlng or hair. It WlU rrowi hav beoom bald, eauiing It to yield 'tTC aid S " otthls. luvirorator, when all other preparaUont have (ailed. t..T A. wmmm BIB DOiaeaaloa lultAVB InnnmaMh . mIIM.. toitha abovw rabtav rrom narann. at tha hir.h..i ..i.... MiX'.L Xf ""'sireetBally prevent the hair horn turning i. unUI the Uteat period of life; and laeaaea where'the hair , onangwi iiaooior, tn nae or the Invlgorator - wlllwithoertaloty reatoa II to It t ita original hue, 1V ' Ipg tt a dark, gloaty appearanoa. A a perfume for the " ' toUatand Uair BeatoraUv It Ie parUeularly racoa vended, having aa atraeabl franaiwa; and the gnat te'c elllUa U aflortU in drearing th hair, which, whaa molrt ' With tit, lavigomtor, can be draaaad la any required ' form as to preaarva It plaoa. whether plalnlorla owrla: ' ' henoe th great demand for It by th ladle as s standard' I toilet article which none oaiht la ha wlthanau ih place it within th raaoh of all, being :'- Only Twenty-FiTw Cent I" : '.: petbQtU, teb.badat all tetpeoUM Dragghts sad ; I .hjf, ..... ..... . ' t-AflXLIB woSld call the- attention of Parents sod Ouardlatis to th dm of hli Invlgorator, in 'eaaas whan ' . the sblldren's hair Inclines to b weak.' Th as of U lay the foundation for aoxxxi Ak1 of hair, aa It re-- " mov-1 1 say haparlttes that awy hav beoom e eonneoted with th aoalp, the aaateval of -waa.b t tMcetaary bolbil " for the 4Uaa-rtHd,4 the Tutor "atiuearaiio ot i;.-fanS reanlna'Mihna. tha, au.-k.114 vm4. JfeH.B'!,?HT?,1,',1,,: wropparl aire, I. MIL. : tUti ,.VT'lyr' l.ivbwa tu the 'P.5 7 tret, aaDMh, Sll tha t, prlscipal Merchant, and Drnggiat throughout th world UbaraJ dUaooajtUajohaw by wje quantity. Ilalso deal t pwaanttotkeljaerlcaa Pnblle ay ' : ' ' TKW.' ixoxamona nrarmAaTMira rllAiri ;nvPA which, after'Teart ot sdantldo experimenting, I bar broaght to perfection, , It dye. Bkukvr Jlrcwn Intently WtthoatUJury to th Bale or Bkin: warranted tha fcat friioi ox in iinn in eiiina, PRICE.1 ONLY SO fcfcumt'. - Blt3.-lm.1- rcteP:dVwlj; '"i""'""."'"'" w.rv.ww ! BAI2ST & SON;: avium xuuu nsui, . . '.- . DO yards Buoer Plain Black BUks at 1 OO-vals -ti 85 MryaraV-irT r:l'V !. . Tv 26o6 yards fraveling Hress and Mantle Good, at via ! eenti-vals tO casta per yard. " ' 3,000 yards Whits Brllliante , at 19 I -a cesU 2,vau 80 eente per jarf. , " ,. - ttObO yards Tme snd Soraeatle Oinghaaii greatly aa -eaivaio. v. -- 1 , k.. -. a sn.. , . LARGE AND DESIRABLE LOTS OF i Vl ' JIOZAJgBIQTJBI. SALZOSHntS us SI .top; CHAU?, JCinJLM .IlXXJ,. r . ETTOUBH BAREGES, LAVELLAS, IT AND ALL OTHER . Jsvaj. ihS moat dealrabl. styiw add at very towns nrlee.: - al., mads la ths most stylah nanaer after fhlTaieit Pari Ttihlooa-iha most elegant atria p ety.- ' ' .;. ; ' -. . -'Jl no. xvBoutnnitnetreet. Ui," 1 s"a' .tjiacS Mu a-iniif '; j ; i .i '"I .t fjjii;a.K i'- "B . v, .''"'.'if i i.:tT!i.'w t (f V. :. 7 J J 4 k 1. if ii I Vt"' ' C f. .-'.it rt'-. , . .ti'.T" " ""T MILLIONS OF MONEY 43 . . V 1 .J S-Xl.'tV.'ls 1 ; xr . j A 1. ' 1 ; Foran Incb of Time! WA ONCE TIIG EXOLAITIATIOIf P s dying Queen. . That inoh of time can be proeuf1 a.:.; i , ii;"... :'.tH Mi. cd at a UkUah chaanar Mia. .n.1 iM. 444444 . 7,r i HEALTH AND HAWKES5 Vl'Sa'. njoytd' ty"cotulUng' Dr. MBBRrWB AT&BH, who " ' U curing the moat obttlaaU and long-standing dlteatre 't ot th iTONOS, III ART, LIVER. tCIDNKYd, BLAB-- " b DBB, 8TOMA0H BUBUMATIgM DI8BABB8 PBOO. . TTo LIAR TO FKMALK8, 8 Kilt DI81ABE8. AalD AL6 ISWV 1 Fact are Btwbhrn Thlnaral iIrhat the Philadelphia eorreepondentaays la lh.. llj "OommOnWtallh.V Wlhn!ntnn. Tli.l.4r4,4 Oihnt Xn.ll . . J6S9: 1 ! uJTir." ' rrt-r -:- - MAn Ingllth gentltman, rbrDerly connected With the Brltith lArmy, and Who llvlea .hhaatlf tha 'Indian Boteoie Pbytlclan ,' ba of late gained aa extanitv pi illlt latlon hSrtby hi ikilt In curing all mannar of cemjataoi;," plaint. I Boats of hie oatlenta I ha mnnml -lih. and they proneaae his remedies and mode of treatment . 1 a vary amporlor. Bom hav .beaa-Mttiti at if bv - start.') ths meilleln b pat H diatllled. by hlotteiti bli- a froat Mroui herbs aoegeiiki rare auratlva.DroDaatlaa. I' Whll aetlog Ip th army ba devoted hi (elaur ate- itf w.ihviv.,. a.uuj ui i,n-i'., iriUUUVIA O 1 medicinal root and beTb on all manner of die- eaart. st aeemt he has found a lur and speedy reme- dy for all th Mil that teth It heir to." Bis practice is already extenilr and Is daily loeteaslag. In th oom bvkM4S whieh female are rablaotad. be haa no tonal. aaa tart number her hav teetified that they ewe Dot'-"" J eair their Dreamt aooA.aaaitfc.bat iliaii ll.aei lu I ha 1 11 ' ItkJIiaf this Indian Botanic Phvalaiax,." t t.,.i - . 'jPJ'ewtj Clojnbjiai. . in rji-t t , .iui .ld ..uj fi K )1 a a V ao,'a hiaa'ooj . I ...i m.' m 1 t nuxi 4a aaJl jat A D-UN 3 aOXTiit m T1 HXYB'jatrspsnH A lavolc ef verr larr and Ti' " hRUtfsMawlel I "" aaiiaaiial sBr-v-aawmwwms PUSHER, FRENCH,: ANJP. CHANTILCiC 1? jLAiCE JUANTILLAS AND POINTESrierrr yVlRfi French jCac53o for gnAWis. ua yetyDewpFnneKflowjrd tsiz UTidTt Real Thread, French, ChantUIa ft ,K'-V 1 . r c tf 1 - ,.. ... . ... ..l 5 V 4lJUL.CJ.iiV .l' l VaJemcietneB, Point 69 Q&zo, Irusieli , iifijid Thread Lacoa ani.CoUrfra.r "Cl ... it,ra- V ma. - . . w- , ., .j-., . '"TTMPir aw -aw a -.- . -rtnn- l 'ft T -' v'uil VUliliAAO SH VUrfOa vr"'" , "rJt.INEN COLLARS j9 1 .-; a er era velLBir:t A PRICES TJNTTS'O'AIJL'Vr Ii5fV, x ' -X'.-'C' jl 'j f ,. , . 4. A A- a -auFfPoii. i enarajtB; ' ' '"' ' " 14TILIAJ.BROOH1 ,TA1350IA. Af .; JAaCX lhbaktiid moat faahlontUe (.ylw In tb ity .Haf - 44M, . , HA. m 4 J4 . mmf 1 , 44 444V'i.'"l4 " Ball A BOB, -a,aikBwetet.