Newspaper Page Text
ifo i thrift (i 'ii i ii ii it il'Utiil:)) d Wd , -O .lf 01 b nj.ltiJl n ,ii ' eSJfo j,i f.l I U- .'ll &i I l t ! ,iV II. IS. 1 II I'lC TMI:c Ii ll ll II ' V l IJ rf II -U nl I' ll II ll ll II ii w i i . I - II II y Ok ffl-" ffP: 85 1 NE SpiES; , ! " la?j" ijssgasiC ) i j ; H r CQLUlBUS OHIO, ' TDESDMtMiDBNlNfi RPT -.1 7': B j, m i i n i iKBagga i 1,1 ir lLatill kn x , .ii i Mi'i' ttt.lib 1 1 in ' n a i ' iani - ' . 611 D0LLA13 PIBTXAB, -InTariablj la AdTanct. v (Ohixt Statesman .,' i . -I-t .'!''- '-' DilLT, TBI-WEEZLY AM) WEEKLY yoU.ifu - j - ' MANYPENNY & MILLER, f UBtjBHl Bl ! AHD PROPBIRTOBI, i a. GT (HSm Bos. M; IS nA 40, Vorta High Bt ii, IRRMB INVARIABLY IK ADTAN01. ' r ma kmiH, por woea, tents. M.Weekiy . . . . 8 00 permr, riiu ol Adrertiiinir by tb Sqare On iqdr 3 wki..f4 00 On twMki.. 8 00 On " 1 ntk... 1 n On " II moLtbi 18 00 3m month! IS 00 0n . Ob On Imonthi 10 00 . montbt 8 00 " ' 1 month. I 00 On ' Saayi... 1 00 On " dy... , 7S On ' 1 inwrUon SO Dlfplyed i4TrMmioU half nor thn to abor AlTetHwmenU leaded ni nlicd In th oaloisn t tlMcttl Notloei," kmbUth ordinary roU: . All aottMt nqalrea to b pnblUhed by Uw, lonalntM. " vu lueiniiasfGiaiiTeijkiur tbBrttwek Pr ctnl, mor Unn tb abor ru but U Meh wll Bunnell Crd, not xodlng nr llnei, pr jtmut, In lid, SSOprUniutild4, -i . Yv.,vra" uii(,saviwvioMui,nroompuif hi., luir price. . au trantitnt admrtUtmmU ml bt paid or im iMHiM. ; TSs ral will not be TUied from; Weekl, mi price M th Dllr, where th adTertlMf oi in. wwrnjuoo. where lie Del If laid Weekly re both need, then the eharg lef thl Wekl will b ellUie imtecof th Dtlly KvaurenieenMnt tuen except for definite period BUSINESS CARDS. a ii. F. ' A-. B. SIMXDfS, ' . :-'4' . Attornoy at Xjiiw 4 ANff NOTARY PUBLIC. '. OaaeABbat BaiKMnf, oppoelt Oepltol Bqaar.' , ' fKLUlU3CB,0HI0) -A.- OJEHJOXlKTia, Attotaey - & Counsellor at Law, MABION. OHIO. v; ' " MacmnMannfactnnngCompanj AROTuOTUUM Of "- STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS, Railroad. "SWoirlx. or ritr DuaumoN. n coiiuramiB, onio, 0HA8. AMB08, Bsp't. , . t. AMBOd. Tree. 1861. 1861. Summer Arrangements.—Time Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, & CINCIN'I RAILROAD. Connecting at Omtlln with th PirTBBUHOH, II. WATRI As CDI0AOO BAILB0AD ibr PUMwrgh, PhUotUlpkta and Balllmort. Alto for Fori Wayno and Chicago. Connecting tt CleTelud with th LAKI gHOEl RAIL ROAD - roruonlilrlc, nmui, Albanr. IIo- "iimmw Ktrk. THREE TRAINS DAILY, KCIPt BtTHDAV . Iron Oolnmboe, la anneotloa with TreJneon th LIIXLE FIIAITII AND COITJUBCTS AnuUkAIA MAI LHOA 1S. WlUt TRAIN, - . ; Niant KIPEX38LeTe Oolnmboe t 10 A.'lf ; will leT MMnien at all atatlona aanth nf Gallnn. top at Dllawara. Asblty, Cardinn ton udOlleexl, and a aiieutuona norm oi uaiioo, anrtTlDt at Cleveland att:0WA. Donelrk 1:00 V. at., Bull 4 S5P. U. Albany l.M A. At., New York 8:31 A. at., Boeton 940 lf..";,.PUUb",h,Tl OrMtlln S:80 P. M , Fhlladel hla lltt A. At. Chicago Tia OraMllM at 7l P. al. f . . ' at vnnut e w-w HSU TURK SXrREBs Leave Cotambo al 11:10 a. m. mil eup nwwii centre, (for Wbiu Bulphai prtnge), Pel.ware, Oardlngton, Gallon, Oraatline, Shel by, New London, - Wellington and Oraftoo, arrlT at Clerelaod at 8:33 p. m.; Dunkirk, 8:5U p. m. BuK bla, lliM p. a,.; Albany, 8:43. m.; New Yoik, 1 45 S. m.; aVflon, 4:40 p. m. Thl Train eonneotaU Bheb y for landuiky, and at Qiaflon for Toledo. arrlTlnc at Toledo at 0:40 p. a. i!': ! HAIL AN9 AOOOMa(0DATl0K LetTei fltflambai at . p. a. Will eu at all afaTlnnroath of Bbelby, and at New London, Wellington, Oraftoo, and Berea; arrlrlng at Cleveland at 8:30 p. a.; Dun Wrk, ;00 a. m . But alo, ISO a . m. j Albany, 8 :S10 p. m.i BewtorlL. 7 p. .! Jteaton, 11:45 p.m.) Plltaburgb, wta 11:33 p. m., Philadelphia, 1:00 p. ., Cblcag a, a CreetlliM, :4J a. m. Ihle Train eonneoti at Bbelby fur Baadueky aad Toledo, arriving at Toledo at 8:33 p. m. , , i .:... Patent Sleeping Cars are run on all Kight Trains to Chicago, Sew ,' ,'York and Boeton. - laggafft CsM TKrougX to h'na Tori and Bottom fa) Umktnd; alto, to PMlaitlpMa and -rVwaw ibrttla Ortttlint. ; ; a 1 HI Hll TBI IKT , -. fj B, ET URN I NO. Right tipreee arriree at Oolnmboe at. ..11:11 P.'kt. yineuaaan axpr arrrre at Colombo at 10:30 A. at. A Matioaltipreai arrtTMat Coiambui at 7:50 1. M r l i : rM mm k.xr tr avar titer Rente. A' m ai...-- aAiff 199 jcet$ tt vretUnetr UUvtUnd. , ' :, ' .' f uht, .';!.' ' Superintendent, ClerelanA, Ohio, V-., V, JAMM PATISBBOM, Aieat, i ;i . . U .o.. i .':i"Ceo,0hlt. Cclaabue, 7un 17, 1861., ; i -...p , , Jut Betelndl nr. CH GREEN ana BLACK TEAS 10O ban prim Rl Cone. - 100 1 SO poaketa old Sana Aonrnanl Jan Coffee. 7Baafiwyio)uonee. -s . . r h , ... tOObble. itMdard Whit lagan, oailit!n el Pew. tred.Chraahed, flranulaeed A anl B Oorfe. CO ewtatale fleorge Bank OadBab. lOO or. bo do "da., ,- fti ---nj .',-r iw m vigara, eurereni sraaai ana grade. . n .. Wat.AtcDOIALD, And Blank-Book1 ITaauftintTireri ' "' voith biqh mxsftjjavK OHIO 3mr : TEXA1N EV RECK HE9 Joatopeaedby ' ft.'Ujr.i rt r.'J He. 19 South Blgh (treat. M'.T it.. (- MBit 'UOOr...KIU.T. t Kelt B0CTB1 WflH lt ilif.H Have luat reoetred a new akYot1 B0OP XIB.TB lakmedla aaaotar eupdrtot asp yt la kreilaoed aw .... ,ii Pt ,.') fl lir a pan DURABILIT Y. AS ft CRACirULITESS.; pah O. ,id ' ... -'!T.-dllill.'l,.K WORCESTER'S R0Y4L QUARTO DICTIONAKT. nmlatt-ni'lilrf,.tTha Beit. Aao vneapoit otai tnt) Beit, maw nut BeUtU Stamdlavrd A- thoritr of th Encllah Lmngnrng . " 5 BunSr! Mmtnmt Siuoaton of Ohio, "THB BB8T INOtlBB M0TI0HAKX. BXTASI." ; ,i e retry ittn Aaryviere ."Dei arenpwardaof a Bndnd Thomeand Wofdt. Whoa mnlufarloni meanlnra mii ilwlMtinM. kMii wtiw epeiunf, aoa pronaneiauoii an OJ early eet before the ee.'' . , ad f A DtcUlon of tlic ifmlirt of iKo OMo BtaU joaMtro AMOoUHon. , Th. onderilgned, memhera of th Ohl Stat Taohra aanciaiion. adODt ant aim to naa In UaehlM. wrltlni 9d apeaklne. tha arthnr.iih .nil hMfinM.tAfi oroeater'a koeal Oturta nitim. ..a M m dlally reoomoend It ai th moet reliable itandard a- luoruy oi in milieu langaai, a u la aow wrtttea and wyvmw , i , . . it , Lorim AWDEnra. Pnaidant bTmivah nll. '- ' D. Loon-r, Baperlntondent laneeTllle School. J w. MaaTar, sap'i aiajelloB union Bcnoole. M. I. OowDaaT, Snp't Pnblta tohoola, Banduki, JOHK LYMal. Sun', Pnhlla Bnka.1. ml.lU B. M. BaarwD, Principal 0 lore lead female Semlna- . ... , .. Wat. IfrreamLL lmi wntiiu ouk.i. hi n.i-' r w m wvonavf mm wiaawuw tlOHIf OflDKM. PlHnAlnall flfmlA atUkiul UUaa, ou. r, Otrw Nana, Prinolpal fourth Intermedtat School, vihviuubUi Mtih. Bap't Canton TTnlon lehool. Knwia Baaut, Principal HoNeely Normal School. KM T. Tarraw, Prof. Matheautloa, Ohio UnlTriltr WM. W. IhuIU. Ktn'l Ttn Fnlm BXinol. '. A, 0. Homaa. Prlnslnal WaH Hlh lwt. Um1 laad i r:- : B. A. HITM. Aameeuta Prlnrlnal Bl.h BrhasL fltM. mi Tubodom BmuM, Prinolpal High School, 01m laid.' ' - HtmleTow, Prlndpat Otereland Inttltnte. " J. A. OaiFiaxD. Prealdent 4 Steotk Iaantata. Hi ram. . , . . ... t . . rjniTr,irf. r--. .1 rtki U' Bm0nimlalonarof Ooamoi Bch!, Jaaaa Hontot, prof. Khetorlo, Oberlln Collate. TBO. HlLL. PraaliUnt AntlMh AnlUn. SctooM) ten T"0A,lT Fro' 4maHo, High B. u. atniiiiiiM Wm. T .nmkM irtak eua.i B. at. tUaata.Bun't Union Sckiula.Aihlaid. ifbrw (Aim Sim BvmArtA. alr PrtAtmtm n fkJU. ft, Proftuori, Author and JHttingvUUd Iduca- wry, xv4 enowraaa tM aoovt untlmml. ESIDENTS OF COLLEGES IN OHIO. W Alirrra OoLLlaa. "'It la tnl a maralflaant work. n honor to the author, the publlitora, and the whole rnaratni Anarewe. Ollie WaaLaraa TJwrnBarrTt ann.fl. , .mMlk ttode. It will be ay gnWe In erthorraphy and pronun ciation, and will often be eonaalted by ae for It neat and accural deflnlUona," Preeident Thoapaoa.i yt. R. IctatTnoOoun. "Heretofore we have need "mweraortnofiepny. At reoact meeting of our waa decided to enure It to eonforta to that o' Woreeeler'e Royal Qaarto ClcUooary." Preeident Warm Ranava floiuaa. I dnd It amrth if wraiM .(iprooiLaeii-' rreeioeni Muoaooca. . . ., Ofeamui CoLLoa.-"It more than aeete ay nrpecta one. I recommend It a th atandard authoritvla oruoepy 10 ay anuoraa ana ay pupua." frwldent .viawi. v Aim oca OoLLaaa 1 adantaiid aim aa aaa In bnlk fna-JWritlna and makine. tfaaorthoeranb and huiii. maqoa 01 noroeeier a oyav uoarte visuenary." Frealdent HU1. . ..W- "tn all ay writing, tpcaklog.aad teaching, X have en atvotad to eenforai te the ralea or ortborraDhv and pronunciation aa oontalned la Wanaaatr'a niaUnnarv. Hp race Mann, late PreeidenL x KlKTOH OftLUan. 9tnnt.-'T aaat mrdmllr leeaea. Bond tt aa tha aaat reliable itandard anthorit of th Bndleh lanraae aa It u bm riu,. iaVm1 Preadent Andiewe. 8 JlIOOL COMMI33IOMER3 OF OHIol Vowt Sot. Anton SntvH, CommUtiontr of Common 'I : AAeoM lie OMo. f "The Dictlonarv la an Imnerlahabla BonuaaaBt ta tha learning and lndaetry et It author, and an nonet to th world of lettere. The Baohanleal zeouUoa tafaTau pa rlor to that of any other Laxloon with which I aa aa. qualatd. . From Bon. IT. B. Jtamtv. Mb-dmrnUtiontr of I OTWi wm ivt 1 "The aoit reliable itandard authority of the laa- uag WaUT TBt I jJeadlna Newarpapejra of Ohio Bay. ilromUkt Clootland Btrald of JfarsA 98. The orthography of the Wore tat er Slctlonary At that need by aoet. If not all, author of all Unction la thii country and Ingland, and conform to tb geoerai uag of ordinary writere and apeak ere. 7 Whatever prejudice may nave ex tiled previously, a oarafal itudy of thl volume will Invariably be followed by a Warm appreciation of It great aerlta, and a) deal re to add It to the veil eeleeted library, be it larga et email. It a library inltaelf, aad will remain an ImperUha bl resold of th learning of It compiler. Jrom A CTnofnnaW ftaanirefal of AvrU 80.- Her are apvarde of a hundred thooand wonft good, bad aad Indifferent whoa aultlfarwu aeanhige and derlvationa, together with their correct palling and pro nunciation, aia eat clearly before the eye.. The work te nquatlonably th greateat Xbeaaurui of Ingliab Worda Tor publUhed. . " ' IrohtOtCntvtlandlnaintUaUr oJW, 1X0. . Rvllently Woacnrm' Roraa Qoaavo rtonouiT it ot only (A foef, out A aarr work of fA kind ooor it Hd,andeaa by no nealbllity tafler by eoaparlaen r eontravany. LFrom tit TbUd JSUuU 0 May 89. nomncuTtoM. Woncneiaei'a raa BTanaaa followed by our beat aathorat, In.dettnlUon he leave nothing to be deilred, and In OaTaooaaniv It la auaotent to aajr mat we. cam saa be aamy rolioved. ' intOllAITI afc BRAGS, PnMlahere, Baaknallera ttattanwira, NO, 191, CLITIIAKP, 0fU0. r, mail . , v. ,-Ul.o.i. ......;,... "rx Y?1 E TUALJ BENEFIT LIEE INSURANCE. COMPANY, of tToTrf7eaxlK.t WT. T. - A . .... jk ... , r -l . Dividend January I, t88leFr Ceat AlsiM-uj.'...-. .4. .....i.ajisJid so. (fltatomeat Janaarr 1 1801. Balance, per Itateaent Jan. lit, I860. .J,409,58J 30 Rot?d for Premtaa dur-- - i tag the tear lBt-0 ..,.tTt8,0U 63 j -, Raoetred for interest during . , the rear 100 M,U 19 ' ' ... , J ) ' )i"!,i'im.. Ii JAQ Total reoetpls for 18W....BU77,0(17 74, , k , , roauauBinyveinfwtvav ug Paid PeUftie lurrea- I derrd- -v- 41,111 . Paid Balarlee, Pott- ...... - age, .Tame, 1 Ra." ' ! ' 1 1 hang, el..,,.. . 11,010 34 1 Paid Oeamlaaloa to - , tyki 30 Paid PtuelcUna' feee. S.OUtf 75 . f:.l'i: 1 .;! : .;J Paid AaullaaK.a. 4 1,317 00 Pake Mvldeod dur-, . ... ... Lvri lng the year lM, 300 73 505,11 63 . 411,70 14 1 t .-. 1 1 u 1 1 '.Net Bajano Jaaaary let. 1881..,. i(..J,814S8 9 eahe4hand 188984 18 Roads and Mortgagee on Real . Batata, worth double tha - amount loaned.n,.x4 S.8VA41 88 f '5 Prealua Mete, en Policial ..,, , . , ... . Infoaoe.onlyarawlngo- per 'TX' - ' cent.! Intareal.. ....... ISm.mi 17 1 -4 Real RaUle.....r..w.v T . Kj a'rq f Wnloorlp... ........ , .,8,931 44 Premtaa, Hotel and Caab, la, " n court f tranjalaalon....- 4541 ti '"- ' I.f. W.":. V... Totfcl AsNta 18,81938 SO TrSTA Poll) bt rote, mMrinf'. ....9Bd t8,03e -1,435 nw PoBctej hat been araed aurtng the year.'" : .'After a esieral aleuUUeo of the premmt vain of tb eatetandinf PolWeset the Ooapany, and baTlug the fteoetaory ewwtml hi leant tMaafot, the Blreetee have daelartd s DivroaKD of 43 per eent. en the Preal una paid at th table rates, te all poltclee for life In force, tamed prior ta January J, latlO, payable aceerdlng te the preeent rule f tb Oanpeay.. . , ., , , r : Rateafof all kind of Life ConUngenctee, Proepect oeee, Batteasenla, nod AppUeatlona, will rurnlaaad wiTBoot yHe,atlh Ollie er AgwcMeol .the Ceav r"t" I RORT. tr PATTHRSOir, PwtMttt. I JUL' ' L.J.OBAVRS1fcNtlMidM-.' " " - ' Bl. It. (t tSp?r, Jomi, v -Z VlJ! t.ohboeR,','. . ,VArch0B, 180W- '' mh .1 fjolaabua, 0, I- pfcAtrt.'AWl TICCaBfe.RU.ACK Jk- aiitava SILKS, M rranda..b aaaertmont la th sity, and at aMannMttae. . I !,-. . a,..- a, aoa.?''' ,.'--,. T.a)lviUUhereU. 1. Scroltila, or Ehg Evil, it b constitutional dbeane, a corruption of tht blood, by which tliia fluid become vitiated, weak, and poor. Being in tho circulation, it pervades the whole bodvj and may bunt out in dUeaM on any part of U.,.; N organ ia fret from its attacks, nor is there on whioh it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living;, dis ordered or unhealthy food, Import air, filth and filthy htibiu, th depressing vices, and, above oil, by the venereal infection. What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending " from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation " indeed, it seems to be th rod of llira who says, "I will Visit the Iniquities of the fathers upon their children." ,, .,, , Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, In the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surfucc. eruptions or tores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in tht blood, depresses the enorgies of life, so that scrofulous constitu. tions not only suffer from scrofulous com. plaints, but, they have far less power to with stand tha attacks of other diseases) conse quently vast . numbers . perish' bv disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still reudtrcd fatal by this taint in the KVKtem. Most of the consumption whioh de cimates the human family has its origin directly in thii scrofulous contamination 1 and many destructive diseosee of tht liver, kidneys, brain, And, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or pro aggravated by the sam cause. K -. One quarter of al) our people ore scrofulous; thair persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, aiul their health is undermined by it. To cleanse It from the syiitem wt must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply ln! ' Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the 'medical skill of our time can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady.. 1 1t is com bihed from. the most activo remedials tluit liave been discovered fbrthe expurgation of this foul disorder from, tht blood, and the rescue of the svstem front -its" destructive consequences. Hence it should be employed for the cure of not only Scrofula, bat l9Q thca. ether affeo-. tions which arise from it, such B buptiva and Sxiff. DisBASBs, St. AmthomVa rin, Rosa, or EarsiratAi,, Fustolei, Blotches, Blaiks and Boas, Tenon, Trrnrn and Salt Riibuk, Scald HeAr,-Bh(owonf, Rubukath, Smntrrio and MenconiAi Drs r.Aan, IJnorsr.'.DTsrrsiA," Dbxtt,: and, indeed, all Cqmi-laimts aaisimoi ok Yitia tei eie IirrtiHa Dlood. The popular 'belief in . impHtiMfaftht Hood" is lounded in ttntli, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood.. Tli particular, purpose and virtue of this Sarsap. rilla k to purify and rettnwatd this vital fluid, with6ut which sound health impossible in conionunatca constitutions. ... . i r. .it.-. : st.-i r r-- rt 'j -1 .-l' A il.:. Cure, for thb sneer ccbb -or - Intermittent Fever, Fever aadAgue, Retnittent Fever, Chill'-Fevr,. Dumb Aguu, Periodical Headache, or. BUtwne fleailac he. and JUUIona rea-cra. .latataaA ror the whole claaa or dlarVaaa erlajinaa. In a; In lilllarjr deranjrenMnl, eauead kr the Malaria, of Sllataauittla Couutriee. We are enabled here to 01H1 tKii' rommiinitv a remedy which, while it suroa the stove complaints, with certainty, is still perfectly hormleae in any quantity. Such a reineuy ta invaluable in diitricts whrre theso alllictiiis disorders prevail. This CfRH" cxiit-U the iniainmtle ponton of Fever an 11 Auub from the system, and prevents the de velopment of the diseaeei if-taken- on the first ap-In-oacu of it premonitorj1 symptoms. It is not only tha best remedy ever yet discovered for this class of complaints, hut also tho cheapest. t?..The large quantity we supply for a dollar brings It within the reach of every body 1 and in bilious districts, where 1'kvh;: and Aoiii. prr-vaila, every bodv'thould hava it mid ikc it freelv bath for cure ana protec tion. A tfreuf superiority of this remedy over any other ever disfow-red fur.lUo apcedy and certain cure of Ink rmittoutH is that it coutains no Quinine or mineral, cousequcmly it produces no quinism or other injurious ellcrts whatever upon the constitu tion. Xlioie cured by it sr left as healthy as if they had never had the disease. , , lever and Ajruc is not alone the consequence of the miiumntie poison. A great variety of disor ders urio from its- itritntion, among which are Seuralijin, llmimntHm, Gott Itcmlacht, lilinil- ni, loi'ihic', Kararis, Uatarrh, Atthma, t'uh fitatinii, I' tin ful AJTection of tht Spleen, H'ltttr u t, 1'iuii in tht- lloioi-U, Colic, Pitralytit and Do rantiimrut (if tho Stomach, all of which, when nrigiiiuiiii ? .11 lli'n cnuac, put on the iiitermiUtut, tupt,nt bxcome pLtindical. This " Curb " expei the poi.nn from the blood, and consequently cure them all alike -It is an invaluable protcctiiav to Immigrant snd persons tnrrelliug or temporarily residing in the malarious diitricts. , If taken occa eionally or daily fthile exposed t the infection, that mil he excreted frumthe system, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into dis ease. . lieneo it is even more valuable fur protec tion than nirt, and few Viill ever sufTcr from Inter rhittcnts if they avail themselves of tho protection this remedy affords. ' W J ; 1 j - " , ,. p f PMpsred by Br. 3. C ATE2 &' CO., Lowell, Has. . . R0BCRT8 At SAHTJBL, Ooluabus, Aad by Drurflrtaaad Daalers everywhere. - " , aevl lTd.twAw CABADIAJ ft TJ3TITED STATES M AH TO AND fHOHi LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW, ( Iaiverpool, Montreal, Quebec,;.'! '' ' and . - .... ,, ,, JTJJVt Yoriix. , 1 1 Th Montreal Oeeaa Bteaaaakls Ooananv'a aratlaa ralWpowered Olyoe-bulU Steaaea call everr Bat. relay from PORTLAND, carrying the Oanadlaa and Doited States Hall and paaeengera, OaWBI AW. - - - - WORTH AafSRtOAN, 1 BOHBMIAH, AMQLO-BAXOll - " , , iORTHBBITOti; J---IBBRNlAN, T " tJAMAWAM. . , ,.. , HOVASOwTIAM. , . Saartest, Cneaaeet anAQalckoetfjan-1 - veano srowt , r axxbica to all mil or vnan. 'Bataej ot Pasjawiia ta Ktixop, 1' ' ao oaa Bnft , ejfcJV epwu C?UI. J,.w j . 'u Will sail from LITRRPOOL avery TFedaeedav. and from QCHBRO aTerjr Batardlaw, ealling at LORTJON DR RRT, to recelv on board and land hulls and Paaeranrs, to and front Inland and Scotland. ' .H7tbe Steamer are built of Iron, In wat.r-Hght eompartaanta, any eaeh au aipMisuced Burgeon, and eery attention is paid to lb comfort and acoemmmla- tton er peases re a. as tneyproeeed dtreot to LONDON DBRT, th great risk sad delay of calling at St. John's Glasgow paalNairsrVfarnisbsl irith' r-w paaNge tlekata to and from Londonderry, Retnra ttokata granted at nctaoed rates. 1 Oarttfleates Issued fbr carrying te and bringing ont pas senger from all th principal teeraeotfrraat Brlatta and Ireland, at reduoed rate, by that Una of lliaaire, and bytheWASUUlaTONUNR 0PSAILIMQ PA0KRTB, Mavukg uverpooi eveiy weea Ltrkt Draft far t ana lswlrdi bar-l , al lit llB(l(B4t IrelaaUa HewliuL sauna mi taiee. ror grange, apply at the Otic. 93 BROAD WAV, Nwwr Varks and 18 WATliR B'f., a.iverpaal, ; lABXlr IXAB11, ereasrat ifeats,',' Or ti- J. ft. ARMSTRONG, J aolO-lydAw.,, foi! 90ce,OoUBbuakqhlef(V -r- . t Co-Pannenhip. v" I"iT2? LTms ADMITTED B1Y oa JAMBS ADOCB BAIN aa partner U ay bust TT1. J0.111 , after k endueted andarthe Bra (Uesef Pnalon'l etaWlshment, H. T.,) Pfoprleior - Mew JTertj lV.hioahi, efui-?, ' HaVCaSa aaaaapeoiiuir, uaruug and Vresaiug dalooa. Ran Stat ..atreMa ver the Poatomoa, where aaVurJIZL .,11 v.-r. . - wta ia an Deal (tela, t irti-dip Ague Summer Arrangement. Little Miami & Columbus & Xenia RAILROADS. For Clnolnnati, Dayton ft IndlanapoUgi Through to Indianapolis triilhottt Changaof Car ., and bat Ont Chang of Cats between '' , Columbus and St. Loolai -. '.r. 'ii Four Trains Daily lm (oluinniis. ' ' ' ' nRSTRAiii;'; ': ''V-.'v ' AOCOhfHODATIOK at 8 a. a., stopping at ail its. Hons between Oohunbas and Cineiaaall aad Dayton, ar riving at Cincinnati at 10.05 a. a., and at Dayton at 8.10 a. a., connecting at Dayton for IodlanapolU and the Wast. , .via.: . 8ECOND TRAIN. Ho. 1 RXPREBS at 11.40. a., etopplngat Jefferson, London, Char la ton, Oedarvllle, Xenia, Boring Valley, Corwln, Preeport, fort Aneleat, Morrow St., Lebanon, foeur's, Love land and Mllford, arriving at Cincinnati at 4.30 p. m., Dayton at 9.45 p. B.,oonnectingwitb th Ohio and Mlaalaelppl Railroad for Leulsvtlle, Ky., Vln oaanea, Cairo, BL Louis, New Orleans, eto.i al Dsyton for Indianapolis, Lafayette, Terro Haute, Chicago and all Western poinU. ; TIIIRl) TRAIN. .. ; i " ' MAIL st 0.10 p. m. , stopping at all stations bstween Colombo and Xonla,and at Spring Valley, Oorwin, Morrow and Lovelaad, arriving at Oudnoatl at 3 a. a. ' ' "), iu. ' FOURTH TRAIN.. ,' " sTIQIIT XXPREdl, via DAyton, at 19 00 mklnifht, topping at London, Xenia, Dayton, Mlddtetowa and Hamilton, arriving at Cincinnati at 5. S3 a. m.; at Day ton at B.S3a. a. 1 connecting at Cincinnati with Ihs Ohio and ailMlntppt Railroad lor LaaiavUle. Bvaaavllle, Tlacennea, Oairo, Rt. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans, sad sii points South and Bouth-weeti alao, at Dayton (or Indianapolis, Lafayette, Terr Haute, Chicago, eto. . : . . ' , " ' - - ' Jj" Por further Inforoitlon and Through pickets, pi to M. L. D0HIRTT, Ticket Agent, Union Depot, tpp Qoluoebui it P. W. STRADIR, ' . v, Oeneral Ticket Agent, Cincinnati. " ;,JH0.W.D0HRRTT, . , Agent, Colnjnbu, . E. W. WOODWARD." . ' i ' ' Auiiarlntanilnnt. ninlnn.M' Columbus, July 14, 18C1. EAST. CENTRAL OHIO AND AND Steubenville Short Line RAILROADS COMBINED! ''Ei r e j COimCIlNa AX BStLAIRR WIT THajT, BALTIMORE & OHIO, I AND AT PITTBBDRSH WITH TUB PENNSYLVANIA'; CENTRAL ! EAILEOAD:; Shortest, Quickest & Most Reliable ' ! Route to all Eastern Cities li j, ... .'-ii )i Train Leave Columbus a follow : f 1 I..;;) tv J) MORimtO KPR1BI " Leave Oolumbud 8.30 A. tt.' from Union Depot, via Bellair er BMubenvlllei arrtvaeal Beltaire, 10.90 A. M.i bteubenville, 1S.S0 P. M. ; ruuburgh, 3.40 P. M.i Rarrlebunr. 1.10 A. M.I ofa Allmtoten. arrlveaat New York 8.00 A. M.l via fMadtipMa, arrive at Phila delphia. 8.10 A. M.; Mew fork, 10.38 A. M. Cemwota also t Barr labarg for Baltlajore, arriving at 7.45 A. ftU Sleeping Cara attaohed to tliia Win Praia Oolambns, ran directly throagh te BelUire er" Pittsburgh without ohangei sod PasHngers via AUaav wwnarriv in new xonatOA. al.. 1. ETTW0 HOURS IN ADVANCB OP WOBTHRRIt aioai . . , 1 , This Train also connect at Bellsire with' the v Baltimore end Ohio Railroad. PITTSBURGH IXPRBB8. . Leave! Columbns 11 S3 A. M., from Union Depot, via Bteubenville; arrives at Newark, 1H.50 P. M.; Coshoc ton. 8.13 P. M.l Bteubenville. 8 P. M.: Plttabnrr. 8.40 P. M, JTFIbls Is toe only routs bv which Paseenrer can leave Cincinnati at 7 A. M., to throaih to Pitts- nurgu in uayugot, witnoni onange oi ear or delay. ..t I '. it ,, IAITLIMR, : j Leave Coin mbns 2.15 P. M., from Union Depot, Via Bellslr.- arrive at Newark, 8. S3 P. M.; Zanesvllle, 43 P. M.i Bellalre.7 .35 P. M.: Plttaburrh. 11.85 P. M.; Darrisbarg, 9.00 ;A. M.; vfa AUtntovm, arrive at Raw Iork,4 P. If.; ( FUlaMpUa, arrive Philadelphia, 1.10 P. M.; New York, B P. M, This Train alao connect st Barrlsburg tor, Baltimore, w riving at 1P.M. ' This Train runs throort to Ballatr er PIHiburrwllh- dot change of Oars; and from Pittsburg there ia ae change of Oars to Philadelphia, or via AUeatowui to new iork-tnu. oir.ilng 4 ,, j,uV ,, . a.j xl. The ooly Routt from Colnnbng to Baltimore, rniiaaeiptiiB, or new Yorkjwitn only. one change of Cars. By this Train Passenger arrive Tin New York r. houn In advano of the Northern lines. " This Train alao connect at Bellsire with tha Baltimore andOhloR.. , . ,, ,t.r.:Ht... CTThl Route Is 80 mUo shorter to Pittsburg, I New York, thso Northern Liner ': Bag? age Checked Tloagli ta all im- '- - . , . portant Joints sutj-r. , I l; , . . ,. i i.vir-:- .! i .-, .,: ASK I0R XICKRTR TIA .t. . : BELLAIRE OR 8TEDBENVILLE.'1 . r . .-: . . i ... , ' Tickets Gaod aver cither Konte, ,A ' W nanenr SM-J v. nasnvnii, . ' 1 1 Sen. Ticket Agent Central Ohio R. B I I. - i -i , j I. A. HUT0HIN8ON. I 0n, Ticket Agent Bteubenville abort Lie J10i .h'.i ;ac L ' t And Seed Store, 1f t-itr- t, GENERAL' HARDWARES " NAILb, GLA88, SASH, PUTTY, C0RDA0R, w c Oaai, flatale, Waadek'trjulow Ware, istherand Rabbtr Belting, lee Leather, Boa, and klng.-.i,' -,c ,,.r . '-i..,TiHl- n ENTLP!1TIEN8 VX OOOD1. -iu.-.f, T'r1 ii. 1 1 rrorellia In Neck Ttae and Bearfa ail 4.1 Vf Una t v jiyronanawarroieuoiai.' i - -- a,moroinerea rooiei uanakfrenter Parts Kid Glovee, inperlor make. -GoVlea Hill Shirts, various atyle.';- , Boys' Geld en lllll Bhlrfa, J uj C'X oo.'a Driving and Street Glove, do r , ,,,.,,- v' S)r1 . Hernmed Pocket Handkerchiefs, Various Stiles. uau dm. ana viwrr firaiiu. ) ATW a SOtf.t 1 awns'; I Net 19 South Bgh tAreettif, ,lui r. cnMrTuirMP. nvwr aJVmA4 AAAAAty, 0,A1VliyO i. Mi (ALlj AT NO. 83. Ol)Tinutm T J am4 sriamlrat ant1 rmsb1 snaka rif AMERICAN MAiCUWXn aanufactored by R. HOWARD A CO., BeitotiV Mess, These Watobee are far superior te aaythlne; ew4rad to tne public, nertsoiore. staving in axoiualve agency. I can 1 thea at price to suit tM.liui.,,! bar Just received a bug -stock d ' ---' " r-T H.. I , AtefiRtoA'N WAfcta. BaiiBtetredhy anaaaoraanioi,,, v.:,. j 1,-rl !ttw M fl e EnaL.18A AIS.D SWISS WATCHES, -iie-.Hf IUtw lW)ri.v mm . W. d. BAVASR l nriwittiwi.r'"v' , Weekly, par,,.... ,.t....,....;::.'i S wesMI, paryeat. .4evlweataBeW4aeaaaaa 1 09 ' The Action of Congress at the Late Extra Session. , Ho nueu uncertainty exist In the public Bind, daring th Session at Imnwlint 1-r!.l.- tite bodies, ia regard to the exact ebaraoter of ue dhi WBicn are finally adopted, tbst few cab know what is really don natll bo offlolal copyof h new law 1 published- The ap pearance Of document, of this kind, ia nfu.n very much delayed; bntweart glad that tbl error be been avoided In regard to tha Import ant legislation of the late extra tension at Wash ington, for, althongh only a few day baa el spi ed since the adjournment, a full eopy of the "mm ana Resolutions passed daring the first session or tbe Thirty-seventh Congress," and signed by tbe President, I now before us. Tbe title of aonte of them sufficiently explain their character. They ary as follows i ' 1. Ad act to refund and remit the duties on arm imported by States. S. An act to crovlde for the Mvment of the militia and volunteer oalled Into the service of the United States from tbe time tbey were oall ed Into service to tba thirteenth day of June, eighteen hundred and lixty one. 3. An act further to provide for the collec tion of duties on Imports, and lor other pur- pwe. .'. ,. , .. ,- 4. Aa act to provide for the appointment of assistant paymaster in the navy. 6. An aot to authorize a national loan, and fsr other purpoie. , v . 1 6, A act making additional appropriation fo the support of Ue army for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and appropriations of arrearage for the flioal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hnbdred od slxty-tao. .. , .. . 7. An act to alter and regulate the navy ration.' ; -" - " - 8. An act making additional Appropriation for the naval service for . tba year ending the thirtieth of Jone, eighteen hundred aud lixty two, and appropriations of arrearage for the year ending the thirtieth of Jane, eighteen faun dred and ixty-on. ' ,t .-n - - - 8. Aa aol autborizlng the Secretary of tbe Treasury to remit fine and. penalties incurred In tertaln case. . " 10. An act making additional appropriation for sundry civil ex tenses of th Government lor the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty two, and appropriation of arrearage ror me year enamg thirtieth or June, eighteen hundred and lixtv-ooe. " Hi An apt in rUtion to forwarding soldiers' letter. . . . . 12. An set to provide for the temporary In crease ol tbt navy. ' " 13. Aa act to authorize the employment ol volunteer to aid la enforcing the law and pro- n:i;iiug puuue prvpersv. ,v .... , , - 14. Aa act in addition to the "Act to author (xe the employment of volunteer to aid in en. forcing tbe laws and protecting pnblio proper 'y. approved July twenty-second, eighteen nunarea ana sixiy one. 15. Aa act to refund duties on arm imported ny Baie..::i , a-. u -. . , v. ' 16. An aot fbr the better organization of tht marine corps. ...;-. 17. An act relative to tbe revenue marine, to fit tht compensation of the offioer thereof, and for other purpose.. ,cn .-.; :e - i t.-a . ' 18.,Aa aot to indemnify the State for ex penses Inourred by tbem in defenie of the Uni ted State. 1 - V19. Ad act making additional appropriations for legislative, axecotlte, end Judicial expenaea of tht Qoveraniank lor tha year ending tht thlrtitth tt Junta aiRfateen hnndred and eixtv- two And appropriation for arraarage for tha yea? ,enamg .tuirtleux or dune, eighteen btr dred and sixtr-one.. i. tw : vr , ,.t r -. .i:?ri, , 20. An aot to provide for thl payment of the potice organised ny toe united atatet ror th clly af Baltimore, and o enable the saint to furnish small gold coin, and to provide or tht marmiaotura or purchase or field signals; -SI. An act to Increase the present military establishment of the United State. 24. Aa act to provide for the suppression of rebellion against and resistance to tbe lawa of the United States, and to amend the aot entitled "An aot to provide for celling forth tho militia to execute tba laws of the Union." ate., nasted February twtnty-elcbt, aeventten hundred aad ninety-fire. j u. ,i . -. v.i v ;. :.r xi. Au act authorizing tbeaprjointmentof an Auislant Secretary of the Navy, and fixing tht salary of tht same, and for other purposes. , 24. An act making an appropriation to pay the expense of trans porting and delivering arms and munition of war to th loyal citizen of tbt States of which tb Inhabitant aow are, or hare, after, may bt, in rebellion against the Govern ment tt toe united tttatee, and to provide for the expeast f organiiing Athena into oompaniea, battalion, regiment of athcrwiaa, for their own protection against doraestio violence, iniarrtc- boo, invasion or rebellion.! i . .. r-fcio t.. j ; 25; Aa aot maklBR an aonroDrlaUoa for tha pqrebae of arm for tba volunteer aad regular troops of tht United dutes ta mi cv -y 3b.. Aa Mt Brotidar a'aommlsslon to ex. amine aai report aa to th compensation of su officer .ol the .CoverBment, and fur other BTirHHM)sja J o ,t.1': .1 I !.).. it t. SsiJ An act to loertaie the med cat oorea of thenavv.J i t h.h e.'u n hi iu- : . 28 Aa aot In addition to an aotentltled "An actlBrlber to provide rortheeoUeotionof dutlee on Import, aad lot other purpoaei,!' approved July thirteenth A. D, eighteen baBdred and ixtyont.,t.i ; J1 7;asi .. - ...-. An act to define and ouniih certain oon- piradiea.u .. ii i.i m ...v i.e. in JUJ An aot antboriBint the Secretary of War to reimburse, volunteers tor sxpense Incurred In employing regimental and other band, and for other purpotoew. i i. '..m-i -. -, ui u: An aot to increase tha eontolar MnMaea. tetita of tha United State during tb preeent iDsurfeetJoau tr.".a km,ru!J,v;j nit,,,,.. 33J An aot to amend an act entitled "An aot supplementary to the act entitled 'Aa aot provld- tog tor a navai paaoa esMDiiinmant, and lor oth er BUreosee,' " passed March twentv-eeven. eighteen hundred and four. ; . .! An aot oonoea-nlne tha AttormvXianaMt and tka attorneys and mars hails lor th eeveral distrits...4T'i Mi rl i. oi .;..- Li ru,. . 34 An aot to provide for tha coattraetioa of 0M Bt mora armored ihlp and floating batter. tew, ana ioi saner parposes. . . . ... 35. 'An aot to amend "An net to nrohlblt th salt Of ' spirit uona liquor and intcxioating drinks In tha District of Columbis, Id certain oases ad act to proviae tor ue parchtie pi - I 7. Aa aet to aaspend, lo part, the operation of an aot eotltled "A a aot relating to tevtnot wMate aad aeemet,',' ft t :., ..-. r 38. Ad aot providing for tb better orsaDiza- tion?f the nliiUry eatabUshment. ' " 1 , 39, Aa act to prohibit tha sale of SDtrltuoas Uqnor and. Intoxicating drmks in tha Dlatrlcs pt Columbia, lo certain casas. . , . ... .. . 4U, AO hot to provide increased revenue from Import to pay interest On the publics debt, and for-other purpose. v. i.i i.w.? .)-. ti;, 41. An act, supplementary to an aot antitlcd il'Aa aot to authorize a national loan, and for other purpose. "" ' ' . ', 44. Aaacisoppiementary to enact entitled fAnwict to ioorcm tha present military estab lishment of the United State.", .Approved July twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred aud aixty-ooe. 43. Aa aot supplementary to an act entitled An aet to protect th commerce of the United Stafcm, and tq punish tbnlaooef piracy. ; t 444 An sol to rduce consular fees lor vessel running to or between foreign ports' ' ft 45. Aaaotnttihofislnf additional enllitmente in th havy eLthe United State. ;j-t I 46. An act maklsg further approprlatloo for tbt Support of the naval service for the rear end, tog June thirtieth, eighteen hnuJred, and sixty-1 tat, and for other parposea. t oif'-i a t.v.ii An ad making apprrAatIotht to pay ibe txptnses of tht inveetlgatlon committee of the House of Representative and Senate, sppolnt ed the flrat session of tb thlrty-eventh Cofl gresa, and of th aommiasloa anlborUed to x amin and report aa to tbo oompensatioo of all offioer of the Government. . , , , 48. An act authorizing-the 'construction of twelve (mail aider wheel steamer "" ' ' 49. An set making approprialldbi fo? Yortlfl catlons, and other purpose.' i-r '- . , I - M. An act In relation to thooTuceOf Altorne'y ii "" ovates ror rae aumern yiainotor New York. ' u . . . V61.', An tct Pno'sb1 oertairj crimes agalnit the United State. ' vt- : 59. Ao act to promote the efflolency of th e en gineer and topographloel engineer oorpe, and lor other purposes. - ' l , 63. An act to authoriio aa Increase In the corp of 'engineer BDd topographical engi neer. ; - ' : i 64. An act to proviaoTor holding the district and circuit court la judicial districts during a temporary vacancy ot tbtjudgshtp. 55. Aa aot to confiscate property used fof ia (urrectionsry purpose. , 66. An aot relative to appeal to tbe Supreme Court of the United States uaV . .8!' Anc'to ' metropolitan police dis trict of the Distriot of Columbia, and to estab lish a police therefor. . 68. An set to Increase the pay of Ibe private la tbe regular army and of the volunteers Id the crvioe ui toe united mates, and for other our POBfB. . . .. , j . ... . . ,-. . ... 69. An act requiring the oath of alleclnnc. aod to support tbe ConstltutloD of the United oitew, mj oa administered to certaio persons In the eiril serf ice of tbe United Bute. 60. An aot explanatory of an aot entitled "Au act concerning the Attorney-General and bus attorneys ana marsnais or tba several dia trict." ...... .... - 61. An act to provide for th repair of the -vug, unuge acros ins PRIVATE ACTS. 1. An act for the relief of tha, miAa .nd orphan of tbe offloers, seamen and marinea of tne unneo mate sloop-of war Levant, and lor other purpoaes. ' :, j . . . : ;. . a. ad act lor the relief of oertain anasloians and Boiaier itationed at Fort SnmtA.. in Hnmh CoroUna.' ' 3. An act for the relief of the Ohio and other volunteer., -. , . . ,. x . , , j , ;i-;, 4. Ad act to authorize th issue of a register w ,ue abeamer x.ateil. i 5. An act for the relief nf Jnhn MrP. .. 6. An act authorlsine- the Seoretan of War to pay tbe volunteer who, under the command of Charles W. White, and bv order of Brisadlar Oeneral T. A. Morris, enlisted to protect the raiiroan oriagea and other property la tbe vi cinity of Oakland, Allegheny oounty, Mary ' 7. An aot to provide for tha navment f Ar. nold and Willett for bread, and Henry North mi- wooa, suppiieo. to toe united states felon teera in Maryland. - : .:t -r , v i RESOLUTIONS. 1. Joint resolution aathorizing the appoint ment of examiners to examine a steam floating battery at Hoboken, New Jersey .;. l. .- 3. A resolution relative ta tbe exhibition of ue industry or au aatioos, te be holden In Lon don, in tht year 1862.,, ,Oi ... i . , 3. A resolution requesting tht President of the United State to recommend a day of public uuuiuiaiiun, lasting, ana pray ar. e ': i .j . 4. A resolution authorising an examination ui Junes- projectiles tor rind cannon. " 6, A resolution to nsv to the wMnar nt tha isie oiepnen a. Douglas tb amount das to him as a senator, at tbe time of his death. TOPOGRAPHY of the SEAT OF WAR. Deerlptla af tha Pesitlans Vr Vht i vnuanaw mmwumnm vtrRtaliK. i TH,- rxr.i.!.. , . . . . uuig,ma Borrajpwuaen OI tot new i era; rott thus describes the position of the Confederate foroe at Munsou's Hill and other -'' L " - MUNSON'S HILL. Monson's Hill it natorallr strong position, aod is especially o for th rebels, who art at ma poini eniy lour mite distent from tho rail way leading straight to Manassas Junetion and jucomosd. munson's Hill I about three and i half. mile, a tha crow flies, from Ft ran and Arlington House. It ia four and a half miles from tbe Long bridge due west and not more man inree rrom fort Albany. So far a an attack npon our fortification Is oonoerned, the occupation of Munaoo'i Hill I of no im portance. It is utterly impossible for tbem to bombard Fort Corcoran or Albany from Mun ton't Hill with any effect. So far but two irnna are mounted on the hill, and tba forttfioationa are limple breastwork thrown np on th top of .us uui. ius Kuue are not near, and tha work upoD the hill do not yet indicate anything more aeriout than the entrenchment which were dug at Falrfag Court House and Centre Ville previous to tbe advanoa of tha ras.l army at Stone Bridie. Future mni.mmian.. quickly change the aispeot of affairs, but at present there ie certainly no good evidence that anauregara intends so attack our line of fortifl cations. Two rebel reel men ta Oconrilfd Hun. . s vuapei uigui ueiore lasi, and are still along the creek of that name, but thla of itaif i. nr.. a threatening movement. - THE CHAIN BRIDGE AND THE UPPER POTOMAC. conntrv aloot the Potomanft-nm ai... drla to tbe Chaw bridge i not near so favorable for tbe rebels as that around CentrevUl. Bnll Rub and Manaesas. Tbe Chain bridge is about five miles northwest "of Washington, and the Virginia short of the rivef there It hilly, form ing a kind of a rocky bluff all tht way down to W asbington and for a distance abtvs tht brldra aus .utua uau uw caany neid Oy good trOODS against an approaching enemy. The same is true ait tna wy down to sod below Arlington. The ground is high, aod the chain oi hills terms a aatural line of defense. Aa the forests have been ont down, our artillery pan have full sweep at any attacking- columns. 1 Tha eonntrv la full of ravines just back of the river but there are no pieces ui ue auoa not commandsd by our guns.. . On the other band, there I a deep ra- vint back of Munson'e hill, by which our troop, if they ever aet fit, might attack It Id tbt rear. , r .- THE COUNTRY BEYOND ARLINGTON. Saoh i the topography of the country back of Arlington, that If th entire rebel armv ahaald ntrench itself in front of our lines, It would be moon easier to tiKe tnem by storm to conquer them Mere than at Ball Ran er Man..... w. hare nothing to fear, then, at this moment, from tbe rebel, if it be true, which la war that they are entrenching themselves perma nently and with their whole Torna mithin . r.. mile of Weahidgtoa. t ThefhrS ofoo mean ui au eirong a position nere;j iney would be .urwBT away. . . . THE POSITION OF ALEXANDRIA. Tht position Of Alexandria la anoh that the rebel can have llltl hop of taking ii. Hunt log Creak protect the lower part of th town, at that no flask novtaenl can bt nado upon IW- The hills back of, Alexandria ar kigh, and oaa easily be beld in protection, of tbe town, aaa even u tney were not held, our vessel or war tn tha river tauld atonoe make. Alexandria untenable. v mt-?. ;,ii...-t OTHER PLACES IN VIRGINIA. - .Arlington Height r directly, eppetitt Georgetown, nearly two miles back, fiom" the Pototnao. " Roach Spring is about two miles distent, southwest of tbe Loot Brldre. a lltti. on irom in roan iq ratrias Uonrt tieusa.--ArlloKt6n House I about five xnilea north or ounaeaaa m Aicii uuna. railB tDUroU t a little villagt six mike straight west bf Oeorpe- .i . : . J.t - i, - . . . ' towR, Baiiey'a Cm Roads ta '-a- point -twk miles due west ol the Lan Brlda. ..i ik. road from the bridge whioh leads directly past Bailey' ii tbe road to Fairfax Court.Hause. auwiasv mnmi piace is eiguteea mile from Waahington and fourteen from Alexandria 4 THE WEST SIDE OF THE POTOMAC. Thl Bide of tha river wa have tha h.lcht. i Georgetown, which, eommscd Arlington itself, and which, lri the event oi disss ter,- might be eeotded to worry ih enemy aorot the rirer. nofasi aad snwuieeBS og tn city there art also hill which ooBiaajtd all th roads loading into Waahington. Thes bills art dlitaot two or i.Vi Im' of h,B iMt nd rbntSi ul ?0IDIruwly ta.y to surround tbt Upltal with a network of tortlfloatlon.i The eastern branch of the Potomac flow down on trie east aloe from Bladenaburg and forma a sort oi proteotioa on that ilde. , IThe Capital ta an. amphltheatre-lt la sur rounded by a chain of bills which art from bel'd e nt ttom lh Ctpito1 THE ENEMY'S FORCES. Very little i known here of the Confederate encampments, The main fore at Munson' Hill it supposed to bt behind It, a not more than a regiment, or at tbt utmost two regi ments, have been teen on parade. Gen. Bonham, I at Vienna with a brigade ol Sonth Carolina regiment, and send out a force daily to watch the operation of the Federal force Dear tbe Chain Bridge, but o far remain on the defen sive. , STONE'S BAZAAR. ':,'-' SBBemOnn , , No. 4: Gwvnne Block. !a. P. stone"& O'HAKRA A'BJE?,w"ECeiVIWOTnBIBWI"I. TRR GOODS, and Invito the publl to Inspect teem. No such stock of Good has ever been brought to this market. Tb South, in consequence of th failure of th grain crop, has not been able to purchase th us salquantlty of rich goods, and thl fact ha forced the Importer to all them at publl auotloa. Our buyer (Mr. Stone) being In New York at then late ales, took advantage of them, and wa can and will call our goods bin, at lea than any one who purchased two weeks since, paid for thea in New York. Onrstook is complete in every department of ELEGANT DRESS SILKS, - : OTTOMAN VELOURS, .1 BROCIIE VAIENCIAS, ' - . . PRINTED MERINOS, PRINTED COBURGS, DYED COBUGdi BLACK ALPACAS, . ' ,.i ORLEANS, FANCY WOVEN FABRICS, ALL WOOL DELAINES, J 'I ' POPLINS,- PRINTS, ij , DELAINES. SHAWLS AND CLOAKS! iljTive Thansand Dollars' Worth -- Bought ia One Day, . I LADIES FURS, HOSIERY DEPARTMENT, Hen', Ladle and Children1 Under Shirts and Drawers; Ladies, Aliases and Children's Hosiery of all kinds, in Wool and Lamb's Wool; fleecy Lined and Cotton O lores f every make. .... " ' ALSO A complete asgortmehl or altTtre ffTfJitVarie. tleof ; y ... , - .-, LADIES' CLOTHS, CAS8IMERES, OVERCOATINGS, 1 , TWEEDS, FLANNELS, ' , RIBBONS, j; , - ... DRESS TRIMMINGS, ladies and Gent's Linen Cambric Hand kercniefj, 4o., &o. - To parsons who call en us, w pledge our words to sow them tb largest, best sod cheapen stock of Good, ever esen In tha market, er pay tbem on dilar nr hour while looking. del-dlitaltw. ST0NB A O'RARRA. ' IHEW T-e J Spring 7 & ARRIVALS Summer Millinery. ..' i The Stoolc Replenished DATTiTT . , , r - , TKOHI LATEST inPORTATIWXS OP ' NE ,W YORK. . MY STOCK OP Spring & Summer Millinery Ii aow oomplste, comprising every variety ol alllln- ry; also, a large assortment of Rmbrokleries, Hoalery and Notions, As., and In quantities and nrlcea that can. not fall to suit all who may favor ns with a call . The good have been bought at Pag ia prion, and will be said at a small advance on cost. I MILLINER. Y . Mies M. E, YOUNG, late of New York City, wilt snperlntond th Mlt!iniy Department Bar long txperieaoe" In th most Puhlonabl Ritabllahaaat In ' Broadway will aloae be a warranty that ah will he able . to give entire satisfaction In nutters of taste to all who amy favor her with their orders. The Ladles of Columbus and vicinity will , lease 'ac cept my sincere thanks for their liberal patronage, and I would respectfully solicit a continuance of the eaae. : R. H. WARE, 69 East Town St., (Jalnnabne, o. ' I'HSaO&WIlSONfS A BwT m 6. l I ' . PRICK I RfDTTCJD ' :,. 1 rroBthsNeworkObaervr-T :: ! ; Al all nartle manufutnrtne Bawlae at at-hhia. ah. 1 Uged I pay air. line iUut an eaeh auuhin. uu. , aadre o compelled tomak returns to hla, Under eath. as to the number (old, hi eooki give aeorreotstass- ' nw arom una reiiaoie source we nav obtained th fallowing tutlstie. Of the machines made in tbe rear ' 1859, there were eold, , - " By Wheeler A WHaon... gl.Sfa ; " Singer A Co.. M,S3 . ' ' , " Grover A Ber..... ...I0,sw -. Showing tbe nla of Wheeler A Wilson to be doubU -thos ot any other Company." Awarded the highest premium at the !'":' ' ' United State r.iraof 1W,UJJU and 1880;.. ,, .,, . alsoat th ' ' 1. Ohio State Iain of JMM and mi ' L and at nearly all the County Pairs in the State, , - Out price, at Ih late reduction, art at tot at ' any look atsoi amahine now sold, and but a trite higher than 7 : the interior Sue Mrsoi cAain aticA euAw, nuw forced upon the market. ' - .. .. ' - J The WHBKLBR A WIL80H htAOHINR aakesth ; Leox- Btich the cnlv 0 n which cannot be raveiad . it' Is Auks ew Rova Sioaeef tha rood., tea vln. ma ri,;,- . AirMoisfA tmdor.tidt. . AU WMKAme mtrranitd 8 Vtart. aad UutnwHn gives tn their nee, free of chare. ' ..... c-. 1 ;.JiO km ,.. u. unAHi-,Bi nigh it., Oolnabu. 0,. , j , Wll. BTJMNBH A CO.. Idvc89awd3aAwa plke'a Opera Ueuse, Otectanatf, j t .,. : " ' I STBiiw 0Mirr!tDB!i. . . . RtNar t. chittindbb S. ( H. T. CHITTENDEN iBiannwawa a ea w a rav ni.'!!- . ""ssi: .. .... ID? praces, 920 Broadway New York Cltr',' ana n . . . a. . riwr ddiuiiuv voiumDue, vow, , f, , v. bv t. .i.' lusat ) O'aareful attentlun paid te OolleoUons. , vurll8:da ' ' ,l '" ""' ' . s .ni. . .. . iCaltimere -Clothing flonse. ; .-! all . v-" - Qliss cb TIT .TT-ot u.'uj- i v-i; aaanrao-rrsitte aa waoiaaaut acaLsas in . 1. I .r-mci .-.1 - -. 'I READV-MADE CL0THI N R ui JsOSAV . irnnrA.Rfr0rif ,71. K.4 ". . . .h . !'IC (savwase sic mrl 'aha aowaaaj n-.-iO,,D t.-.a 'IttBl.TlrrlOllE. Bgevl u ji -" '"T .r: ';'.' .1 ; j- t ' v.M..,,r-r. xio Asaortmtat ol Plea as! rsraiatat .-, . Otwds ConatanUy ta Eand. . OcrUJlp .j t,.t trJ J i 1-