Newspaper Page Text
M 4. TUESDAY CORNING, SEPT. It, 1861 LOCAL MATTERS. Tbe Adams Express Company places ua dally under obligations to it for tbe Tery latest papers Irom the eastern cities, j i. ) t The Americas Express Company has our thank for its daily favors la foe shape of the very latest eastern papers. - '. ' Council PaoosiDiftas At a meetlog of tbe City Council last evening,; Mr. Wilson, from tbe committee to wnom was reierreu mo pw tlon In respect .'to, powder; being kept In the vicinity ot tbe AnentU, maue a vernal .report! stating that tbe committee had made arrange meat! with Governor Dinnison, that tbe Coun ell ihould keep lour special policemen to be on guard at the Arsenal, and that the State would defray the . expense. "Mr, WiUoit also state that the committee bad. appointed, the four epeclal policemen) who were on guard two and two alternately, lie also stated that Quarter master General Wood had informed blm that there was no powder kept at the Arsenalj but be (Mr. Wilson) was satisfied from information on which he confidently relied, that there were now at least fifteen hundred pounds of powder in tbe southeast corner of tbe building. ; President Donaldson Mr. Bottles in , tbe chair stated that be had voted at the last meeting of the Coanoll 'for the ordinance to construct the Fourth street sewer, under a mis apprehension. He did not suppose that the city wae to pay one half the cost of tbe sewer, ss was now understood." . He,' therefore, moved a reconsideration of (he vote by which the ordi nance was pasted.' The Chair decided the mo tlon out of or'der.-,',,r:;,l,;,;:;''l.' : ,,' T. ' Mr. Wilson offered a resolution, wbioh was adopted, directing the City Civil Engineer to prepare tbe necessary plat and estimate for con struotlng a sewer on Fourth street from Cherry allev to Rich street.' '"'" ' ' M. Doirrr Introduced an brdfnance, which was read the first and second times, foe grading and paving the gutters In Straight alley from Spring to North street.,, . .. , 1.4 c u ... Mr. Dodti offered a resolution authorising a contract 'for the .construction ot ',a sewer on Fourth street, from Town to Rich street. Mr. Donaldson moved to lay tbe resolution on the t&6le till the next meeting jif the Coun clL ...;.',. yt,n .. 4;. .: Mr. Doom In nswe tojt question, stated met toe Vfouoou wumu uavo vi puj yuc-uau me cost of the sewer, as it owned the property on tbe west side of the street." ; ', V . , .The motion to lay on tbe table was with' drawn, and the resolution was adopted. '. - Mr. Smith offered resolution, which wis adopted, authorixiog a contract with William Nuon for grading and paving the alley from the east end Of Long street, on Seventh street to Cleveland avenue, on the following terms: ex cavating and grading; 16 cents per cubic yard; for paving, 34 cents per square yard; with John Nacohton and John McNahii, sureties. . . , ; The ordinance to grade and pave the west eide of Cleveland avenue from Broad to Spring street, was read the third time and passed. President DoNALDsott for ' the second time oalled thr.aUention of the Counoil and the Mar shal to the ordinance, passed July 25, 1839. to prevent sheep and bogs running at large.1' A resolution was adopted autnorizlng a con tract wlthtCHAED Davis for grading and pav ing the west side of Cleveland avenue from Broad to Spring street on the following terms For excavating and grading, 20 cents per cubic yard; for kerblng, 18 cents per foot; for paving gutter, 34 cents per square yard; brick paving, $7 25 per 1000, with Thomas Rowland and Thomas Davis, as sureties. Mr. Maxiie offered a resolution, which was adopted, referring the sheep and swine ordinance to tbe City Solicitor, to report whether It Is now in fore.- Adjourned. The County Convention ot tbe: No Iartt . eleven o'clock, A. M., it was called to order by Gea.HENav Wil;on, of this city, Saml. Gal lowat was appointed Chairman r Urn , and 1 m rm 'It i . J : , - r i- II. 1 wHITTKnilEN. DeOTcLELrT vfw Itwli J . I ----T-'' A committee wW anrjQtn.eJ on CffAdniiLltU. - 14- w f on the Order of Business, and on Permanent Or ganisation, consisting of one delegate from each ward an j township," as follows: ' ' City. 1st Ward Henry Wilsonid Ward A. B. Battles; ?! Ward-R. B. Warden; 4th Ward-W. R. Rankin; 5th Ward-J. W. Mil- ligan. -:':;-:rr.J-:- TowNSHira. FrankliD Il.,Walcutt; Hamil ton B. F. Reese; i "Jackson S. L. Holton; Mlfflin-Dr'i W. Shepherd; Truro J. Enslpw; Clinton C. Cooke; Prairie F. A, MoCormiok; Madison Dri J. B. Potter; Bleo4on W. H. Grlnnell; Perry James Thomas; Pleasant W. W. Keyes; Sliaron J. M. Fereon: Nor wich Wm( Robertij'.Wasbington rraacia Keilly; Montgomery Elijah Glover and' B, Gilmore; PlaiaL. W. Babbitt' and G. W, Allen. ''.' 1 The last two townships seat eaoh two sets of delegates, which accounts Jot each' having twy members named In the committee.' 'The ques- ,lnn in arritnli ink fif Aeakmm .! hould be entitled tat Iffthn T.An .'T-Trjp: :T.".T;-T"'M,rwlfl waa"referre4 to the -eoHmittee." Brown and Jefferson townsnip were not represented., . The eomnjlttee were .instraete dto report a County Central Committee. io i ; n: Tbe Convention. then adjourned till" naif-past oneo'olock." i 'i ' .- -: t.; ..!,. t-.ltt w:"!' .''','., .".'Viit. ..i The Contention was calle4 to. order' at about two o'clock, P. M. The committee ' appointed In the forenoon, reported the names of delegates from all tbe township's except ?roo and Jeffer son. It rejected the set of delegates from Plain township, consisting ot G W. AlUn,aad others, and made a oompromW fcetteen he, two sets from Montgomery township, rejecting Elijah Glover and others 'XUrt - The following Were reported for 'permanent officers of the Convention 'Henry Wilson, Pres ident, and H. T. Chittenden, Sewetary. 'a The following were reported ;;; County Central Committee ILwy Wilson, Columbus; John Van Iflbry C.'Noble.ilb.i'A. B. Buttles, io George Taylor, Sharon; Jona than Bobo, Plain;, Joseph Helmlck, Pleasant, The report of tbv'eommittee was adooted. "; On motion, James L. Bates,, of Columbus, was reoommendedae candidate for, Judge of! the Court of Common Please, and R, B. War- i '.''"ivkii'i' i an,ei oiumqu,ior omi oenaior.:,.,. . n The Convention fhen proceeded to vote 'for tbe nomlnatloajof two candidates tt rtpfesent thle ooMty In fee Bt&te LefilIatar..-Tht,fol- Imtnr the result ot the balloti. Dr. J. B. Potter "bij C.V.'Landon 132; Li W.I fifty being the numbar required for a choice, U sesri. Sanlm.'ot CbrurahusrinlTofter.' of Vadlson township1, were declared duly srasnlB ,The following was the result ot the first bal lot for Sheriff: ' ; -. i '.- ' .; j t . , Walsteln Failing' 8 John B. Coffroth 23; Lafayette Lszelle 3 Joslah Barber 47 j John F. Ilams 14, and several scattering. On tbe seo ond ballot, Joslab. Barber, ot Columbus, was dcolared tbe nominee for Sheriff, be having re ceived 63 votes, Coffroth SI, and Ijams 7. ,' The ballot for Auditor resulted as follows i Joseph Dowdall 3; Thomas Sparrow 9; Hen ry EttabrookO; Warran W, Pollard, 10. AC King 4; WiL. Hughes 3; Grafton Pearce It George MoCormiok 9j W. Fallinir 6.! v Henry Estabrook, of Columbus, having re ceived jmt the number of votes neoessary to a choice (49), was declared duly nominated ae candidate for County Auditor. ' The first ballot for County Treasurer result ed as follows: Wm. C. Enow 3; Ira M.Gorton 23; Amasa Jones 4; W. Filling 6; W. L Hughes 9; Jonathan Bobo 40. , Oa the second ballot Jonathan Bobo. of Plain township, was declared duly nominated for County Treasurer, be haying received 63 votes; Gorton 17; Hughes 9; Haines 6; and Failing 2. On the first ballot for County Commissioner! W. H. Grlnnell received 10 votes; Pat. Harrl son 5; H.T.Henderson 16; B. F. Reese 11; Martin Krum 15; J. W. MUl'.gau 6; Jonathan Arnettl; Wash. Lakln 4; James Waloutt 6; Wm. Roberts 4; Joseph Henderson 14. No oboioe, and none on tbe second or third ballot. A motion was then made to drop all the eandl dates except tbe three highest, wbioh were the two Hendersons and Mr. Krum. The President pronounced the motion oarried,but said it did not bind tbe Convention. On the fourth tallot, H. T. Henderson bad 37 votes; Krum 28; Joseph Henderson 33; and Reese' 3. . No choice. The name of Mr. Reese was withdrawn. ' On the fifth ballot, H. T. Henderson, of Pleasant town. ship, was declared duly nominated for County Commissioner, be having received SI votes; Jos. Henderson 33; and Krum 19. ' ' v- Frederic J.Fay, of Columbus, was declared the nominee for Recorder without taking a bal. lot - I ' - ' On tbe ballot for Infirmary Director, Martin Krum, of Columbus, having reoeived 43 votes, was declared duly nominated. " Adam Stephens,' of Columbus, was nominated for Coroner by acclamation. t.',. jw On motion of Gen. Henry Wilson, the follow ing resolution was adopted r -1.''. Rimvtd, That- this Convention do re-assert and abide by the platform adopted by the Union State Convention jof the 5th of September. , After brief speeches by Messrs.' Rankin and Warden, the Convention adjourned sine db. ; j i ID Officers Horr and Wakeman yesterday afternoon arrested John Whit for stabbing Jo tmt Mellon some weeks since. t Election,1 in the Third WAJiD.-;The, special election! in the Third Ward yesterday, for mem. ber of the City Council to fill a vacancy, resulted ai follows: C. P.l. Bonn received 117 votes, snd L. G. PaENTiss, 116. . ) .'u. , . ', . xi - -. . - Caution to Bots .The police are on the look. out for hoys who may be found stealing frail from gardens and enclosure Jn the city. Movements or Tboom. The'l'thirty-fourtb Regiment, Col A. S. Piatt, has Jeft Camp Dennison for tbe Big Kanawha.""- - " Company C, Capt. Menken, aha Company A, Capt. Kobinson, both of the First Regiment ot Cavalry, hare left Camp Chase for Parksrsburg, Ve... . -:.;;? '- . V The Tbirty-Becond . Regiment, Col.. Tom Ford, passed through tbe city, on Sunday nlgTit for Parkertburg, Va.i tia Bellair. i i i Imfrotid Dashes Churn, L. Coffield A Co., of West Charleston, Ohio, exhibited at tbe late State Fair at Dayton, a Churn, which tbe farmers and their wives appeared to think the best yet invented. It is the old dasher Churn, and the Improvement consist in propelling the handle-by meina of a rotary wheel on , top. This' eavei an immense sight of labor and 4 large churning oinbe got ont In a few minutes'. Tbe old faehloned Churn has always been great favorite, and this simple Improvement i bailed with great - delight by those who bate tugged half an hour at a time at the handle he- tore the bulter wtvli ttme. " Butter, In this Churn, will come in about five minutes. Tbe ' Proprietors ot this Churn, L. CorriEto & CoWare ready to receive orders at 'West Charleston, Miami county, Ohio. SiLf-OrssATiNo Swings. Any persou that can contribute tbe most tunooent amusement to his home 'circle may be considered a jjublio ben efactor.' 1 If parents desire to have thfeir children Instructed, they must attend to their physioal and moral training at home To make home sweet home," f 'no plaoe like home" every at tention; paid to tanatural wants of the little ones, and no pains should be spared to develop and strengthen their physical and men tal faculties. Children must have exercise, and great many expedients have been resorted to to provide them with that kind' of exercise at borne which would be most beneficial,;, pleas ant and economical, .The Swing haa alwsys neen n.iavorue wun inuaren.-anev we are glad to find that one has been invented at last which is self-operating, cheap, durable, perfectly safe and comes as noar a perpetual motion as anything that we. expect to see.' Mr. Henry avis, of, Portsmouth, OhfoV.a gentleman who fully' appreciates- home comforts and has all his Ufa filed to make his homo the most attrac tive place to bis children, Is the Inventor of this new Swing, and there was nothing exhibited at our late State Fair that exoited more attention Or received, more commendations. ' It is so simply constructed and easily managed that a child of four yeare can swing Itself from morn till Bight without fatigue,' and the exerolse is healthy abd agreeable Physician recommend to diseased persons, who require moderate ont door exerolse, and a gentleman present said that hefwouIdirather' dispense with his horse and buggy than to b 4cprldf thU Swing. the ebalr attached to the BwIngwfU'holil two persons, and a gentleman'aud Udy alt together very comfortably. ' Those persons who are fond of thsir'paper and cigar after dltm"er,ly getting into wis owing win auu moon w ineir enjoy ment, eapeolaliy in warm weather, as the tndn latiog motion oj tbe Swing creates a r cool and agreeable atmosphere.' Mr. B. Davis' is ready to dispose of rlghta to those who wish to mana factul'e these Swings, or he will fill nil orders directed to hint at Portsmouth, Ohio , all . at in EAGLE BRASS XOftKS, a'.'J ConaarSprins; Water ! fyl2 P0TT3 ' a: : cb: M i(Ami f Brt And Onrnrxwttt'm 03UDr, - - - ' rtakM Brm Work ot all BfMrtptios. .. plectra iraib5'fcar- Gilding! '.STENCH, CUTTINC, fta - TELEGRAPHIC. Rebel Steamers near Fortress Monroe was prospeot of a tight at Newport News yesterday afternoon. 'The reoei steamer i oratown ran down to within three miles, and opened fire On tbe blockading fleet. A couple of shells from tbe Sawyer gun on shore caused her to retire. One of the Yorktown's crew, who escaped, says she has been watching a chance to run the blockade for some time. She mounts twelee broadside and two olvot sans. . ; Tbe rebel steamer Curtis Peck aimeared this morning above Newport News i also a steamer irom JNorlolk, made a reconnoissance. - . Polltloal srlsoners reoentlv arrested at Baltl more, have been sent to Old Point, and' will bs confined In the fortress. - . . i . . . New York. Sevtember 15. The -United States steamer- Sumpter, from -the-African squadron, has arrived here. . Most pf tha ves sels are homeward bound, f). ;r.J. ' BorvALo. Sent. 14. Over a Quarter of million bas been subscribed to the popular loam. subscriptions coming in rapidly. - - i . i Arrival of the Kangaroo. ''St. John. N. F.. Sent. 14. The Kanearbo from Liverpool, on the 4th, via Queenstown, on tne otb, arrived on Uape Kace this Y. 11. Tbe dates are five days later than those by tbe Africa. Tbe political news is unimportant England was about to send three more regl menta of troops to Canada. Spies. In the em ploy of the Government, at Washington, we're reported, to be on board all transatlantic stoain are. . ' . . ", : .: Another terrible railroad aocident bad occur red near London, by wbich thirteen persons were kiuea, aua nity wounoea. ; - The sales of cotton Id the Liverpool market for two days, Monday and Thursday, were 27, 000 bales, the market closing unchanged. rroviaions quiet. Uonsuis x;$y. LivEsrooL. Sent. 5 Breadetull'a firm. : Flour advanced 6d9d. ' Wheat active with an im provement, nioetlv on the lower Qualities: sales at 9s 4d10s 9d for red western; lis 6d for white western. Corn firm, and all Qualities sugntly dearer; sales at W bdJUs tor mixed, snd sifts lor white. " Pa6viSioftg-Becf . del): botk auiet. but Steady; baoon decliningj lard steady at 4649ij tallow quiet at 46a46 6d; rice firmer; sugar quiet, but steady; euflee firm. London. Sept. 5. Breadstuffa steadv. and all kinds slightly higher ; sugar steady; coffee buoyant; tea active; rice firm; tallow quiet, but steady. .:;; t'l f j; . consols closed at yiW&vl'A. American se curities steady ; Illinois Central shares 39 discount; Erie sharee 2323, ., i ,. -, ,, Important from the West Indies. New Tore. September 14. The ateamahin Columbia arrived here this morning, with Ha vana dates of tbe 10th Inst, . . Tbe Brltiih mail steamer Solent arrived from St., Thomas on the 7th, and had gone into dock for repairs. Two vessels arrived at Havana from New Orleans, after running the blockade there. ' A British schooner bad arrived at Ha vana from Newbern, North Carolina, with Tlce tna naval stores. Vessels under tha ttaaof the Confederate States were admitted Into tbe ports Cuba td discbarge and receive cargoes under the same privileges as vessels bf all civilized nations, witnout tne recognition ot tneir nation ality. r - .-j j f . f -v jr.. -y - From New York. New- Yore, Sent. 14. The Governor to-day approved and confirmed the order of tha War Department, authorizing Gen. Boroggs to raise ana. oreanize a Drieade ot- lour reeiments. Hon. Daniel Oilman will command the first regiment. Aotive measures will 'at once be taken to bring this body, to be called tbe Eagle Brigade, into th field. - ' ' -Tha Fifth Rhode Island Battery ariived, and lert lor Washington during tbe day. . " General Butler and staff are at the Metro politan HoteL-' .At t. . j. a'l'iJUJ W The steamer Columbia wae eeized soon alter ber arrival from Havana. " She is almost wholly owned in Charleston. , - deven thousand dollars In sold baS also been seised, destined South. . . , - One hundred guns are now being Bred In the rarK in bonor ot toe late Legislative vote in Kentucky. .'.'.''. Gov. Magoffin's Proclamation. , Frankvort. Sept. 14. Gov. MacolBn has is- sued the following proclamation: "la obedience to the subjoinea resolution, adopted bt the General Assembly of tbe Com monwealtb of Ksntuoky, the Government of the Confederate States, the State of lennegBee.and othera concerned, are hereby Informed that Kentnokv expects the Confederate - or Tennes see troops to be withdrawn-from her soli uncon ditionally." . , - , , la tbe senate Mr. wnitauer mtroduoea a resolution authorizing tha Military Board to seize tbe State arms wherever found, and to em ploy a sufficient police force to protect the rail road.- . .. ,--:-, .... " ' From Missouri. St. Lotna. Sept. 14. Advises fiom North western Missouri stated that, since the withdraw al of Federal troops from Si. Joseph, the Se cessionists - of that region are arming again; Some two thousand are concentrated in Andrew oouoty, under Major Potter, and about the same number of. Unionists,' oompoied of Missourlaoa and Iowans, under uoioneis uraner and And rews, are stationed in the same region, and Both are preparing for a battle, which is shortly expeoted.. .' -n i.i- : -.' Tom Harris, with 1.000 men, crossed the Mis souri river at Arrow Rock, on .Tuesday last, bound for Price's army. ..; '' . - v i Six. hundred Beceasionists, nnder Colonel Hull, were marohmg towards Glasgow, on Wed nesday, to cross the river1 to join Martin Green. , The rebel army at Dick . Creek, in Monroe county, was broken tap by the Federals on Sunday-last, and it is reported tbat 31)0 rebels were captured. Another rebel oamp was broken up 8pencerburg, Pike county, on Monday, ami 16 prisoners taken. ' " " " " - 1 f - Hannisal. Mo., Sept. 13.-.The following ap pears In the Messenger of this morning: All we oan hear confirms previous reports that the secessionists still hate possession of St; Joseph, and are doing pretty much as tbey please 1 tbat city. It la represented tbat tbey bava control of the munioipil affairs of the corpora tlon, preventing egress and Ingress of both mails and travelers. Tbey have also levied heaw contributions on several stores, taking just what tbey wantc Tbe steamer Omaha has been seised snd appropriated to their purposes, and we learn that an effort was made to send the mail out by a band car, but it was intercept ed and taken back, henoe' a complete blockade exists, which accounts for our getting no, mail mar. . The straight out Union men have crossed the river to Elwood for safety, and took -the J ferry boat With them. , "At Iatan and at Weston' it M said the rebels permit no one to go into the town or out with out passes. . .. ,., 4 ,. M From all we csn learn the Union men and their property In St. Joseph and surrounding country are completely at tbe mercy of the reb els, and demand the Immediate Interposition of Federal arms to save them from annihilation." jErrERBON Citt, Mo., Sept. 13. Aspeciai to the St.' Louis Republican says :" Tha steamsr Sioux City just arrived from above, brings the Intelligence tbat the fight at Boonvllle, yesterday morning, terminated in a victory to th Home Guards, under Major Epp steln, who held their antrenohments. The reb els 1,000 strong were driven back, Snd were In the neighborhood of Boonville when the Sioux City passed- The Home Guards loetenb killed and four wounded. Thr rebels' lost tvelve killed and thirty wounded. ' Among tbe rebels killed ware Colonel Brown and Captain Brown.' ,u ' - A small detachment of Federal troops on the Sioux Cltvhtd an enesirement with Green's force at Glasgow of half an hour's duration, when a oattery of : three gubi opened .on: the boat, and they retired .without Joss. iiL ,.. r . News from the South, via Louisville. ! ; Louisville, September 14.' A lot' of. medl cine and soldier buUoos, mounting to $6,000, ware aeiaed yesterday. H'lipy were being smug gled Into the Southern Confederacy. The Rlohfflond Eilmlner. of the"nth. ias one hundred aBdUfty sit Yankee Br doners were sont - tn Culls Plnckney South Carolina Amona them. Col. Wlloox, Mioblnn lilt Col. 'Corcoran, New York 69bj Lieut. Col. Neff, 2d Kentucky; Major John W. Potter, 38th New York; Rev. G. W. Dodge, Chaplain 11th New Verkt Rer. H. Eddy, Chaplain 2d Con necticut Surgeons Griswold, 3Bth N York; Gray U. 8. A.; Stone, U. S. A. Connelly, 24 New York; Harris, 2d Rhode Island. Captains -Donney, 11th New York; Fleh,"32d N.' York; rarusb, im Kew Yortt Lrew,.za rermom; Shurtliff. 7th Ohloi L. Gordon, 11th Massa- ohnaetts: Whlttlnvham and Jepklns. Lieu ten ants-Tov. 25th New York; Hamblln, Son of the Auditor of that name, 38th New York; Underbill, 11th New York; Worcester 81st New York; Dempeey, 2d. New xors; rvucox, 7th Ohio; Gordon, 2d Dragoons U. S. A.; Ca leff, 11th Massachusetts; Connelly, 69th New York. 'o r Capt. Rlcketts, United States Army, was to have accompanied tha nartv. but is not suffi ciently recovered from bis wounds to undertake the Journey. . ... - ...rv.i,;; t &".nvi Serious fear are entertained foi the crops of the South. The rains of August, ara reported as the heaviest-and the most' general-ever known In the South, and have been very disas trous.! - ' .. Vf i. " The Savannah Rnubliean' dlalns a fair rice crop, but admits the continuous rains hare dam aged it somewhat,!,,., a i Tha Baton Rouee Advocate save the cotton crops in that vicinity are uteraiiy covered wna the army worm, and that the fate of the crop will be sealed In a few days, for the raid and neavy atmosphere Is favorable to tne worm. Governor Rector, of Arkansas, has sailed an extra session of the Leglelatura for the 4th of iiuvemoer." . l:- .' H. Kellv. clsimlne to be a Baltimorcan.'waS "rf"2?? W " nianaasas on vae otB. .- a. i.Hiedsoe Assistant eoreiary or war or Ilia f!nnfArlAa,Staaa hum ramttrnaA'' The Richmond shoe merchants umo the di- cnarge. of all shoemakere from tne army, and tneir employment at making shoes now being maae or canvas. ' " " ' " .: .. The Kichmona Whlcr. of the 10th. is verv bitter Seainst soeoulatiott contractors lor winter clothing aupplies for the army, aud urges tbe impressment or cotton and woolen mills into tne service.'1 to avoid eneculatlntr contracta. It states positively ifrit the War Department has detailed: from the army all operatives, to be einpioymt in the elo'tt taotories. "" ?' ' Jeff ThompjOQ baa tsBucd a proclamation, In wbich; as a retallatlve measure for Fremont'a proclamation, he threatens for every Southern soldier and citizen executed, to hane, draw and quarter a minion of Abraham Lincoln,.,,' .,',.,. . i ns Ubarlcston Uouricr says preparations ara making in tbat city for manutacturing locomo tives on a large scale;,;1 ' ' -Richmond. Va.. Sept. 15 News has been re oeived here that vessels under British register had arrived at. New Orleans with assorted car goes, includlbg 2000 muskets and one hundred and twenty-five rifles.. n v . . , A dispatch from Wise's headquarters, nnder date of the 5th instant,, says that bis force is encamped at Hawk's Nest, on New river, and at Doe wood Gap. The latter position bas been rc-inforccd, 0 No important movements had tak; en place.'. Vl , A M:,-j,m :i,aiA.o a.-v.a siidell arrived bero-tovday. - It iv generally conceded that be goes (oTrance 80ohs".J . lbe iuchmonat-wmJiMir's bulletin board has. the following;, post marked" Lewinsbure, and written to the postmaster' at" Richmond: "Gen: eral Floyd bad another engagement .with the' .1 .A.. . I' . . .1 . 1 I'll' euouij gu tug. lutu, 114.U ruuteu wm, avuujig 600, wounding 1000, and taking some prisoners. After tha engagement, Floyd; heard that anothj er Winn of the enemv had. crossed the river' a few miles, above, In. order taeurrouad "him on this side, and fell back. This is reliable, being bronchi bv Sn officer who was in the eneaem ent . Tbe Confederate loss was obe killed and eight wounded." .Louisville, September 15. The North Geor gia (newspaper) says On reliable authority we" learn that two weeks before M.cC1ellan fas. ten dered bis' commission, by Lwaoluabe, was trying to secure a position in the Confederate armyJ u - It is understood that a train 900th on the Nashville road, yesterday, was detained at Elizabethtown, the jail broken,, and sixty or elgbty State arms put aboard and taken uooiu. Siak Henry the eoiidootor, was forced to take tbe arms, and. by a Certificate from the parties engaged In tbe 1 affair1, la relieved freta. sll blam. j-b't 1 1 ..1 .1 1 1 1- iti J More Contrabands. 1 Fort Monroe. . Sent. , 1 5.-Fourteea contra bands esoaped last night near- 8ewell's Point, and came over to the fortress in tc esnoe j they represent provisions very scarce in ranee Ann county. There are some 500 rebels at S swell's Point; the force there is constantly changing, - The vessels composing the blockading fleet, previous to the Hatteras expedition, ara. again returniog to Old Point. The St. Lawrence has been off Savannah, but brlnns no news', We learn from a Frenchman, who deserted from tbe.Yorklown that she is iron platod to protect ber sides and Upper macbroerv, ; ' " Dispatches from Washington. Wasinoton, Sept. 14. There was heavy firing at Chain Bridge this morning; supposed to have been artillery practice...'. . 1 - .nt i At ten o'clock this mornlns) the rebels mov ed in loroe to uau's uross Koads,. burning, the bouse there., nsed by pur pickets, who ell back, unable to resist overwhelminr numbers. Four our pickets were captured. -J There' were; a few discbarges or musxetry on"eacn side, and two of the Massachusetts Ninth were wounded. The President transmitted a letter to Gen. Fremont on tbe 12th Inst , on-the subject of remont'B recent prooismaironi :ne sajs r :' " Assuminir too, being On tne crouod. could better judge of ,tbe necessities of you poaition than I could at this distance, on seeing-your proclamation of the 30 ih of August, I perceived no general objection to It.- The particular ob jection being the clause relative to tne oonUsca tion of property and the liberation of the slaves, objectionable lor its non-oonformlty to tha ant of Congress passed on the 8th of last August; 1 wrote expressing tne wisn tbat tnat clause should be" modified. . Your, answer sxpreeses tbe preference that I maken . open, order for this modification, which I cheerfully do. Ic Is therefore ordered that thn said clause be modi fied, held and. construed, to couform, with, and not to transcend, tha -provision- oootainsd in the act of Conereea entitled 'An act to confis' cata Mopertv nsed for insurreotionarV Ourooses.1 and that said act be pubjbed at length with this order. ,,.-.) .tmf . j , u- . - 1 . .-OlnolnnaUWayilaUalo - J. . ,1'lSigned UNCQLiiyj-; A dlsoatoU' has . been received at tha Nav Department from Commander 1 Ravan. ef the etaamer Pawnee, at Hatteras Inlet, giving the particulars of the oapture of the prize schooner Susan Jane, with a valuable cargo., She enter ed Hatteras Inlet, supposing it was still Jnjtbe possession of tha Confederates... She has been sent to Philadelphia, in charge of Lieut. Cros by... This Is tbe third vessel captured sines the taking of the forts there. , ,; , , Washington, tsept. io. inree spies were ar rested to-day, having in possession accurate topograpplcal and other: infotmstlon 'designed lor the rebels. F.; W. : Walker, the Washington correspond' ent of tha New York Express, was dangerously wounded to-day by a prisoner,' Who afterwards escaped,' , at -Malla [Special to the Herald.] A balloon reconnottorins to-day ibow tbat a- bod? of rebels, which advanoed last night, have fallen back behind MussonV tlill, xnfl rhat the; main body of the rebfel body had fallen Wct on Manassass, and is now encamped there., .There are various surmises as to their movements, but tbe general belief is they intend giving bat tle iett)wbere on our lines wltbiaiorlgueisj ,t hours. ' .?! ilnll A naVal officer from Fort Monroe ttititt at tack Is expected od New port New Immediately Several war vessels have gone to assist iu the defense. .jTvuk liiuV Com. Porter Is assigned to important duty on toe river, -n. u mj [Special to the Herald.] [Special to the Tribune.] , Tho Potomac flotilla reports new batteries five mile below Aquia Creek;' also,' a number of soldiers at Matblas Point.1" The steamer PehsacolA won t pass the point without a severo SGen McClellan went up'thsitr-tot lirr, nd The skirmish of pickets which took Place yes terday near Ball's Cross Roads in Virginia, was not a serious affair. -The accounts of Knave been greatly exaggerated.' ' " J ait. Dioxiea VBateraayarreatco... iwo renei The mllitlibf CnVtftstrldt-ot 'tAa?W preparing for aotive service,, -A foil regiment Is now orgsnlsed afld will soon pe sworn In.; The .Unttlmore 8.ototh.'' the. j'abld, toP8ioa Journal, Srhesa' edl COS attested strdajr, has stopped publication. ' Tba BaltlmoN Exchange, tha leading ieoes J slonj paper of that city, is mora violent than ever toi morning, its principal saitor was ar rested, fi'fl! ,J J ; .;' -4 Prpmibent oltisena of Baltimore, bow (0 this olty, 'declare that the effects, of the arrests WM be salutary. - - - The secession fever in Baltimore and Mary land Is likely to be 'icked by such summary proceedings as those wbich the Government fell compelled to adopt.. , r i WisHiMoTON.' Sept. 11 The Postoffloe- De partment bas answered all the letters asking for information la regard, to the naw.xorx t-venlcg Day lioox and aU otner paper exoiud ed from tha maiU. .-. It aunaara from tha oorre spondenoe' that taol only postmasters, but all oiosr poem agencs-are prcrentea maoywiie from aiding in their circulation. " - No twi thstandine 4he ! explanation made by the Spanish Minister to Mrr Howard on batur day, tbe retorted 'proolaraation of tbe Captain General of Cuba, ooneerning vessels carrying the rebel flag, occupies tbe attention of tbe State Department to-day- rr .' s. : .' The following official dispatch was received at General McClellan's headquarters to-day: DEARNSTOWN, Md., Sept. 15. - about four hundred and fifty rebel attaoked the extreme right of my pickets about three miles above' this place opposite Pritchsrd's Mills. roe astir was a spirited ons, lasting aDout two hours. The enemy were driven Irom every house and breastwork tbey occupied. ' Eight or ten of them are said to be killed, and several others wounded. Our loss was one killed. Our victory is complete! the troops behaved admirably; our cannon were Indispensable and W. GEARY, Colonel 28th Pa. Regt. The Privateer Sumter Again. Boston. Sect. 16 A lettter from Surinam 1 states in privateer Bumtor remained mere Aug. 31st, destitute of coal and 'provision, and tbat, Capt. SemmU bad threatened to fire on the town, unle.3 be was" supplied. t 1. - ' . - . . . . -i Running the Blockade. Boston. September 16 The bark Illinois from Boston was at Vera Crua on the 3d Inst, discharging her cargo: she was to sail for Msz atlan on the 7th Inst. A letter from Captain Lovejoy States that a schooner then in port had ran the blockade SI Galveston, and was bound back, again wuh a cargo of coffee. The Cap tam of tbe schooner reported tbe greatest 01s tress prevailing throughout Tsxas.. . w 1 ' Late aoeeunta from Masatlan report tbat a privateer mounting; four 6 pounders arrived at that port.1 -The Illinois is well armed, having three b-pounders, one or wntcn is rineo. . , The Intended Naval Expeditions. Hew! Yore, Sept. 16. The Tribune of this moraine makea tbe following statement: ' We commit no impropriety in announcing tbat tbe preparations lor two important move ments against tbe Southern coast are rapidly go ing forward, 10 that tbe expeditions will be ready to eet sail in a .very few weeks. , in one of them the land forces wiu probably be under Major Geoeral Butler', anil tbe otbes nnder BrlgGen. Sherman, who is now in command of tba im portant camp at Hempstead; L. I. We believe that the number of troops of all arms enrployed in the two will be about 25,000 men, With naval foroea of proportionate Atreogtn. . " The Tribune's Washington, dispatches con tain the following, which was received -at the Wavy Uepartment Al'.m?6l . ' THE U. S. SHIP RICHMOND, AT SEA, August 25. a a convex sation that occurred (bis morning between Capt. .Morris, or tbe Royat Navy, ana myseir, during mi visit to tbe guard ehipjat Port .Royal,-. I suppose, he remarked, you are in search of these privateers.-; We are ordered to observe a strict neutrality, andif the" Sumter were to come ia to-morrow she would receive the same attention and assistance that you nave; we can make no difference .' 1 t.jJ.-.i-t .:.-. I asked, ie tbat observing a neutrality; is It not recognizing herl .Is that the meaning of tier Maiesty'a prooiamatioa 1 1 understand and I. look neutrality-to mean-that her. aubjeota must not meddle in this affair. .Yon oao reoog- hUC no flag. Yes,' be replied; and have re fleiveia-eopy of.tho flag; I will show yotf the letter- i He showed- me the flag and read ma an extract from a letter from tbe Lords Uommis sloQeri lot the Admiralty, In which the seceded States ate- styled the Confederate States. It says in tbe event of a vessel bearwg a flag of the Confederate States, you ara to observe a strict neutrality . ,, ...' "The flag la described", and tha latter adds that tne number ot stars win do inoreasea in ease new States should join the Confederation. This, as near, as I csn remember, is the sub stance of that portion of our conversation ' '." ".'. I am respectfully your ob't servt, A. B. CUMMINGS, Lieut. U. S. N. To Capt. JOHN POPE, U. S. ship, Richmond. COLUMBUS POST OFFICE. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. DEPARTURES. Mall, for New tork Oity. Boston, Albany, Buffalo, PlUeborgh,, tteubenvlll way, Cleveland, ZanemU Newark, (Inuivllle, Washington City,- Baltimore, Phila delphia and New Orleans, cloae daily (Sunday except ed) at 8 o'clock p.- , : .- -. 4 I' - 1 ' -7 .- A tnroun man ror ne m York and Cleveland cloeee SAI ill (Bandari excepted) at 9 o'clock p. m. ; ' - v O. 0. G. R. R. Way Hall ka dally (Sunday ex cepted) at a o'clock p. m. ' uentral Ohio way auii(inalir (Bonaay excepteoj 'W o'clock a. tn. ,1 daily (Sunday excepted) at o'clock a. m. . , Obicuo, DibunwJIBWir. Marion auj Worthlnr- ton tdail oloee daily (Bunday excepted) at o'clock p. m. 1 f. t- -v ? - Haiti forXenla, BprlntteW, Dayton, Totedo, Cincin nati, Iodlanapoli, IiouUville, Bt. Louie, and Detroit, cloeee dally (Bunday excepted) at 8 o'clock p. m. A through mall to Xenla, Hprtnirfleld and Cincinnati elooeo dally (Bundaya exoepted) at 10 o'clock a. m. ' Urlmoa, Piqua, Tiffin and Union Ctty mad cloeee dally (Banday exoepted) at 'cloak p. n . . LanoMter, Logau,newonTiu, yircovun, uminooue, Vortamooth. Waahrnrton- C. 11-. Athene. Marietta and Hillebor&h mail cloee dally (Bunday exoepted) at 6 clock p.m. - '-.-.' Koat Wav Mall bv National Boad to Zanefrill cloeee Sally (Bundayi excepted) at It o'clock m.'. ' Harrrttiurgft autlolcM dally idunaay txoepwa) atx teefe 8W I I i 1 .1 : r M t. Vernon Malt, by way of Weeterrllle and Sunbury, cloeee dally (Sunday esewted) at B o'clock p.m.; ' vnoun aiall cioaea aaiiyiBunaay excepteajat x ocioca iannter way Ban eicae cany innaayr exceptee; a o'clookp. my , . - f, , . , ' ARRIVALS. nana innu new xurs, jwww, Kuiuwciiiuia, uu, Albany. PltUbureh. O lave Land.' Bayloa, Toledo. Xeaia, Detroit, BpriDjfleld, Oinclnnati, OhllUwthe, Bt. J.oale, and all Bouthern cltiea. arrive between the h.oura ot 4 'eloek p. m. and 4 o'clock a.m. - - . . Hall, fromliKtlapapeUoi Oktoago, and Daaae arrtv. S:40a.m rj--. : c. ' ;i rL - from. Washington City. Baltimore, wheeuny. anesvllle. Newark, Bteubenvtlle, Mt. Vernon, an th 0. O. B. B. Way Mail, arrtv e 18 o'clock m. .. . -1 i Way Mall rrom. omotnnaa amvea at aooiocx, p. n. Lancaster Mall arrive at S o'clock p. m. , Kit Way Mall over the NaUonal Boal arrive at H m. Varnon Way Mali arrive at uQ a. m. . , Mall from Dublin arrive at B o'clock m. T'c i 1 Urbane Way aUtl antna at 9 e'cloek p. m.i 1. '. Harrlabugh Mail artlva at 11 o'olock a. m , u 7,-, Lancaster Way Mall arrives at 13 o'olock m.. OUloa delivny open every day (except Bunday) from 7o'dook a. u t8 o'clock p. at. tOpen oa Buday mxe v to o'clock in tne, atamuiE, , an,irot a w o - ' " JOHN GRAHAM. P. M. COLUMBUS- IT Xllf OPTICALIUSTITilTE.: Ttn Hna.t Jtrtirielal ' tfatw to '- - Humaa klght ever lavealed. ' t sVSBJSilaVIll1, 8, PEULEY, 4Jj.'ki'K,irr V a i UI PiaCTICALit SCIENTIFIC OPTICIAN, TTTBCprt THE , LABGE8T ASSORT. AV'nentofth meat Imntwred aloda-of Bealaale, AU M 4laws, wbelher for- noar or tar-el(hled, ara (ron4 .tn oacavo omKi fore with the greateo oaro, eo aa la tnll lb Kye of all caeee. curio Weakaee. Diaalaes eJ lofluaiutloa of the Eyee, and ImparUnf ttrtiBKtk) Sr Inna readin ar Baa aowiac. - MaalaaUofei 1 1 an s si si. t MaMBsy 1' 1 j urn, K 'East BUte street, at aeiiaer ai weoenra Hill -r.'.' r. OU .WATSH.PHW)? JVC! LOAK CLOTHS. aiaewatha saakasof Sprla O teak Cloth, ia all deairahl suUtar Biadhwa, lean Selaaaa Bnteoa to salk! la-.. 1 JAAIIJ BtW(, . . DapniS r j rn.,.'iH.BeBoatfeHlthatre . ntTASTJSD-.10,W)rt O tupmer to bay l eent Ambre II type at M WITT CtapAwiyp Afcoom,, 81 High tra Colmba,Oei. . t. . .A - MIt8,v WINBLO W, xpertaaeed Han aat leisile Pbytlolan, DrssspU 1 to th attentloa of mother, her ', ' SOO T H INGVS YRUP, ' IFOR CHILDREN TEETHING let (natl (MllltatM th BMW ot tMlhloa1, nhif the iubs, ndaolDg all lnflmMtto wll I allay 8UHE X O HEGTJIVTE THE BP W KIM, ejeoii upon lt,ietber. I t will frlv .'rel .W lroreJye BKiinr axb exalxh to tovt: xstiXu We have pat op tad fold thle artlele fur over lea ad OAN gAY, IN OOXrlDENCJEAJiDTilDTH.ofil. what we have never been Able to aur of any other; modi. etne-NKVia BAS IX VAILED. IH A HLmdlM INS1V Mill, TO srvKUl A OUKH, wheii Uiaely nteS. Mov er did we know m loetue otdlmtUrAettea by any on who need 1U Oa t) eontnrv. all ndellchted with 1U openUoiie, and ipeek la terns ot eoawwodalloa of It magtoal etteela and nodical virtue. , We speak In Ihie natter "WHAT WE DO KNOW;" after tan jear.' expe rience, AND PIiEDON OUH REPUTATION rORIHl rULILLMKNTOr WHAT WSaHEBDlUlLAKB. In almost every Instance where the Infant la eaSerini tnm pain and ezhaniUon. relief will be found In alleen or twenty minates after tbeSyrap Is admlnlatered. . .. -This valuable Drenaratlon la the DreearlDtlon af an nf the nost EXPERIENCED and BKILLf UL NURSES In New Innland, and has breo nied with NEVER IAIL- IBO 8OOCRS8 In 1 - ' - THOUSANDS Or CASES, j II not onl relieves the child frees Daln. bal kivtrort ale the etomaeh and bowel, eorreot aotdlty, and irivei tone and enenrr to the whole mlem. It will almost In I stantly relieve OBiPlXO HI THI SOWXLS, AH I) WIND COUC Sad overcome oonvnuions, which, It not speedily reme died, end in death. Wo believe It th BBS! and SUR EST REMEDY IN TUB WORLD, in all oues of OT EKTERY and DIARRildA IN CflaUtUM, whathoj It arise from teething, or from any other eania. w. would ay to every mother who has ohlld enBerlnr from any or tne rorefrolnr oomplatntt W) NOT LEX Y lainte DQ NOT LEI YOCB rnJuxiiuB riott tub PBEJUSIOIS Of Oinsfih stand between yon and your luflerlnr. child, and tha re lief that will be 8DRB vee. ABHOLUTBLY BURB u, louow Dia na or tnis medicine, ir timely nsed. rail dl notion for ulna; will aoeompxny each bottle. Nope genuine Bole w rac-tunil or VUtU'lH as rBBIUNS; now iufk. ie 00 weouiBiae wrapper.' 1 ,v, 75- . Bold by all Druggial throughout th world. , . 1 PriaelpalOfrice, 13 Cedar Street IS. T. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS FEE BOTTLE." ; oet27-da;wly. : d . i,,'n.; i- it. NEWARK MACHINE WQEKS, ir I N1WABK 0H10.J Iflannfactorer f an klmsie at Par labia aad Statlaamrr (steam En s;isiaat Maw miliar airiaa Uilla, OPLSi Btatmt it et J. BLAJtD TJttatmJ J. t f. B. DVT Alt Bttt volumes ' MACBISI CO. JBtctmlllt BRAVIOMD ' : ' ) S CO. Statmldll .. . Oar Portable Inglne and Saw Mil Wa awarded th list premium of SM at tha Indian Bute lah- for over Lane ABodJcy'i oa aceountoi 1 Priee, lightness, simplicity, eoonomy of fuel and superior eharaotaraf rnrabar Stwetl. -Onr Btatlonary Engine was awarded at tho (am fat th first premium of S200. - Out rortableBoglDewae awarded th first premium of 100 at tho fair at Memphte, Tenn., over Blandy's Da -vall's, Oelumbu Maohin Oo's., and Bradford A Oe 1. by commute of pnotloal Railroad Engineers. awprnwanuienireaaarest wir.l.tun V11T7, a-.... : dec5-dtwlyeols. Newark. Ohio IRISmSTEAMSHIP LINE. Ste&m Between Ireland and Amerioa "''I .. '., I lj .." ... o . ,J1; . ' li NEW YORE, BOSTON AND GALWAY . Th follow In new and magnlfloeot flrst-cUasDeddH wooalStsamshipsoompoM lh above llnoi . . ADEIATIO, 8,888 ten burthen, Capt, J. Hid '.. (formerly of th Collins Line.) HIBBBKIi, - 4,400 tons burthen, Capt. 9. fiowsa. OOLUMBU, 4,400 " k.Lanca. - AKUliiA. ,4WI " - - KiCBOUOa PA0IH0, S.UU0 1. 81ns. . CAIMCB ALBERT, (Screw.) .;.,. j 3.3UU " " . j.WAurau, ''On of th above ship will leave KtW York or Boston alternately every Tuesday fortnight, for Galwar. car rying th governmeat mail, touching at Bt. Johns, Th Steamers of this Una hav been aonstraoted with th greatest care, under th supervision of th govwa meat, hare water-tight oomparunenta, and ar unexoel- iea rorocauort, aalety and speea by any steamer afloat. They ar commanded by able and experieoeed eOlcere, and every exertion will be mad to promote the comfort of passenger. " ' - - An;experlenoea Burgeon atucnea 10 eacnsniy., . 1 KATES OF PASSAGE. Ilrst-elaae N. T.or Boeton toOalway er Liverpool I0O Booond-las, a t. ,y- . 74 Flrst-claa. " " to St John1 35 Thlrd-cla, " --- '- toSalway or Liverpool. or any town in lreiano, on a tuuwaj, - - - 3U Third -class passeniera ar liberally eopplled with pro visions of the best q vulitjt cooked, and aerved by the aer vanta of th Company. .... . ... . t RETfJBIf TICKBTSX Parties wtahln to sand for their frJand from th old country can obtain tickets from any town 00 a railway, in Ireland, or from the principal oUle of Knglaudand Scot land, at vary low ratea. i 1 Passenttre for New York, arrlrln by th Boaton Iteamer. will be forwarded to New lark b of charge. for P usage or luruier iniormaiien. apply to . . i Wm- II. WICKHAM, At th office of the Oompany, on th wharf, foot of Canal street. New York. llowbAMD c ABfinwALi,, agent. aprlll8:dm. : ' "r '. i.Tf.y;,. ;r,l vr ',' fa dr. iiANirs 'Z X ANTI-RHEUMATIC BAND IS. THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR" Ehenmatira, Gout and Neuraljia. , AND A 8TO10UUI0B ) 1 ru : I Mercurial Diseases. It to a ooivenlently arranred Band, oontalnlnt a med- a ted eonvound. to be worn a round the Waist, without Injury to tha moat delicate person B change In habits of, living la required, and it entirely remove the die eaae from the eystes, -without p reducing th mlarlous cunn, ariamg iraia uia us ui powvriui inivmai iuvui ne,whiea weaxan an aeetroy tne oMstnauoo, aa ttvetemponury reiMoary. By lUm treatnent, ta bmI WDaiproparUei enatalnod h ah Band eone la contact wim tne otcoa na reaea me ieeaee, ugoua iiiw of the akin, efleotlag hi ewery Inelaoo- a perleel earn, and reetorlgthpart afflicted to healthy eoodltlo. ThU Band I also a noatpowcrral AJrrt-Maeoeaiu. aeA, and will entirely relieve taoayetoa frac ihepermotosas eOootsof Meroary. Mooerala caeea ar enredlaatsw daye, and w ar eonitaotry tentvug etlaanjals ot it tlllcacy la anrravatad eaace of long standing. .., ,. Pkrca to b had Drain Isle generally, or oan be sentby mail 01 txpne. with full directions for as, to any partjof th country -direct bout th. Principal ,G. stelTH 66 CO.,' Sola Proprietoii??.. ' .nKrlDtlvOlrculari SantVroa. . . ..',.. A. BWHUKiiLur. ae nun, lxoaanra, aaiwn, r0. H77 B. Ulgh pt., Mb rnena eo laoeuty efoluabua. W TOT Asjaatta 7anteid'KyYY-Wher. mhJ9-Iylr1stp.dfcw ."" , ' 1 1 .r.,: ,1,1, it! , CPBIflO CIO A Kit ATI I) ' UAStlllES O NSW BTYLKa-fltiain Ac dan, Mo. ansouth High street, have Just opened new ,tyh-e of Cuitm Cm enuaa. iUsaailiee and BACWaa. maile lu the aewrat and nnt ttH.H BMM. " a Un. ; Dl,k '. ! m Biark Ntllta, very fcoeTY. deilgued, expressly for ...A t.j' ' " ' " ' l..,' -r rioiV7i vs attBnoris tabs, an yj XJ AtuuuAa, new svee, jaMepsnra oy BAUSasBOK. vrtn . Beath Bk MsoeA. . f They go? Eight, to. tha ; Epct Instant Uelleff Step fur CBh ' .tl ! Purify jranr Breath) ' strengtheitTaur Valcal A OP ALDTJNTO'O , THROAT CONFECTIONS' ABE ' ' - -..'. -. .., i . . 1 GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN, .GOOD FOR LECTURERS, ' ': "..: ! . 1 .. .... GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, , ' GOOD FOR SINGERS, V , GOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVES. j GINTLElIEtl OAEBT ' 8PALWNG'8 THROAT CONFECTIONa. LADIES ARE DELIGHTED WITH SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. CHILDREN CRY FOR . SPAXDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. The relieve a Cough Instantly. They clear the Throat. They give strength and volume to tbe voice. They Impart a delicious aroma to the breath. They ara delightful to the taste. They are made of simple herbs and cannot harm any one. ' " ' ItdvUe every on who has a Cough or a husky Vole or a Bad Breath, or any difficulty of th Throat, to el apackafeof my Throat Confections; they will relieve yea Instantly, and yon will agr with m that Mhey ro right to th spot." Ton will Bod them very nsefa 1 and pleasant while traveling or attending pibll meet ' ' inp for stllllngyour Ooogh or allaying yoar thlnt I f you try on package, I am life In saying that yon will ever afterward consider thcn'lndUpetuable. ', '.' ' .,' Xoa will find them at tte Druggist and Dealers In Medicines." f RI0B ' i TWENTY-FIgE CENTS. I - .-1- My signature I cn each package. All other are counterfeit. . , : ; l i " ; A pacltag will be sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of ThfrtyOenU. ' " " v' Address, Henry O. Spalding,? . NO. 43 CEDAR B TBI IT, ;;; i new york. CURE Wa.4? CURE NervousHeadache CURE By thsuae of the Pill lb periodic attack of Em- 90ut or 8tet HtadocM nay m praveotadiand if takan at th eomawnoament of an attack learned lata relief from pain and slckneas will be obtained . They seldom faO la reaovittg the Sauna and ocA to which females are so subject. They act gently upon She bowels removing 0U a. - Jor liUrory JUn, SwUnU, DeUcat remale and all persons of Mdentory AoM, they ar vain a AoeuMfM, Improving th appttli, giving ton mer to th dlgaetlv organs, and nstorlng th aatur elasticity end strength of the whole syito . TBI OIPHALIO PILLS r the rasalt of long coves - ligation and carefully conducted nparlatant, havU.g been la as many yean, during which tin they hav prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain snd sBtr lug from Headache, whether originating u tharn syatsn or front a deranged state of th stoma cA. They an entirely yegetabl in their oompoaitlon, aa '' may bs taken at all time with perfect afety without making any Chang or diet, and A oommo any dUagaM4 tattt readers it taty lo mdmtoii rr Liem ' BBWAUOf OOlTSTltffllTBI Thegeanln hay Bv signature of Henry O Spalding ; an each Bex. Bold by Druggists and all other Dealers In Medicinal. A Box wiU be eent by null, prepaid, on receipt of th - Prloo, QO Oonta. AUordsrs should V addreassd to , MENttY O. NPAJLDINU, ! I B Oeaar street, Naw Yarte.7 - from the Ixamlner, Norfolk, Va. Oephall Pill accomplish the object for which thty were made, via.: Cure of headach rnall Itafbrm. , from th Ixnmucr, Norfolk, V. ." ' They hav beea tasted in store than a thnnmA m with entire success. from the Democrat, Bt. Cloud, Minn. ' If you ara. or hav beea. troubled with the amrlaaa . tend fur a box, (Cephalic Pill,) eo that you may hav luvm in cava 01 aa aiiaoa. from th Advertiser, Providence, B.. I. . The Oephalk) PHI are said to be a remarkably effective remedy (or th headache, and on of th vary best for that very frtquent oomclaint whlcn hu an. a:. covered, , ,- . .... j. v . . frost th Wtern K. K. Qasette. Ohtcaco.' 111. " ' ' ' aTe heartllv anitAMA If Hn.nMin. . ..'1 1.,- t - -VT UAiuriAn a. 1 a 1 vir.ia-w fjephaiicpin.. ' ? f r Kanawha YaUey Star, Kanawha, ?. 4' , ' We an sun that Mraona auffarln wllh ih kkrfia 1 . Who try them, will (tick to them. ... ,...). ifrcathBoutharaPathfiudr,H(wOrleB(,U. ' ",' 'Trytheml yea that ara afflicted, and w an ara that '-' four testlsaonycaa be added to tha already aamerou list that ha received bencBtt that no other aaedicfa eaa piodue. j -r ..:: .': . , 1 '' from th Bt, Lcaii Democrat. .H':3! The Immense demand for the article .OephaUo POI I vapidly iDoreasina'. .; ;, i yrom the Gasetta, DaTacport. Iowa. ', Mr. Spalding would not connect hi nam with aa er tide be did not xaow to e owcaa reJ starlt. , ... ITJA angle bottle ot BfaXDIMa'B PAIPABSD sUiita will aave ten times iUooetannaaiiyOJ .. toL .LDING'S f REPARED OLtJE i ' BPAtDmQ'fl PREfARED OLDEl l - SPALDING'S PREPARED 3LUE;' t i BAY! Till fIBOBBI - iuaii k vurAium . r j, , y 0"A Brrroa ra tun lava Wqrs.'JTT 4 -ti accidents will happen, area ka weTf regulated ram. til, Itt vary deelrahM tohav aoaa cheap an con ' '" veateet way tor repairing Varultnra, los, Crockery,, . - - i aTALDiNO'BPBBPAKnattra; :; meat ll such seaeiseuelea, and a 'd oaa atnrd eeaawlthoat IU' It laalwan ready, and opto th (tick ing point. ' ' , " .a "BSSyTJL IS IVBKY HOOTl.'-.' . S. I. A praah amompanle tack Wtll. . . , rant. ! v Addrw, ,,, IISRBT O.BPALDINO, ) So. 4H, Cedar Street, Mw Tort. j-S oertata unprincipled parson an JtVmptlng mUm olfria the aneaMtl,r nnhlL, h;..,. "'' rina .wwp,Hi,i I'uiMKj, imiui' or m tkPARKIX LHB, I weald caotloo all pereona to 1 j asaine e(.r aarehaslii. aai eee that the full name. -: , ' u ,irTBPALDlNU B PKBFABJtDaLCa. nsi "t fa a tMatldawBppartall ethen are (aiadiiuaaaa sertelta, . aow 5 ..' , .1: :T X . 1.'.. 3 U .'.w.. i.-k ta - '