Newspaper Page Text
JUST RECEIVED BY WB1 cGILL, No. 30 North High Street, On ol Oil Largest ana Beit Sslestta Assort BVKR OffBRID IS THIS OITYl llonse Builders' Furnishings: Of BVBBY BTYLB ASD QUALITY.,'; - t rench A Arriarlean Window Olnss ! tAlNTS CBOIJND IN OIL, aid pat ap la half pound cant for family bm, and Dry Paints In bulk. lirush'es of every variety & quality. A Splendid Assortment or MACHINISTS TOOLS. CARRIAGE MATERIADS. AXES GRINDSTONES, Ao. N GUNS.P1STOLS, SHOT, Ac ' - FISHING TACKLE. " ROPE & CORDAGE, LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER BELTING. WEDGES, MAULS,' PUMPS, ' ' ; ,j ' AGRIcViiuRAl. IMPLEMENTS, SCYTflES, &cl', 'n'iJ'. ;V ' SCALES, BELLS, CHAINS. ;i- Table and Pocket CuUery. 1 especially iuVlte the attention 'of all Interested to my itock of Pocket and Table Cutlery, and SlLVEK PLATED FOBKN,. Table, Desert,1 and Tea Spoons, Butter Knives, fcc, - of ttiXlBBBb at BItO'8. Manufaclun, warranted to bt eitra heavy, Blectro-Plated, on genuine Albetta. Country Merchante, Mechanic and other, an Invited o call and examine my Stock, aa I am prepared to Mil WholtaalaandBatalt.'- "WIH- A. tilLL. Oolumbua,OhJ.48( f i , ::t UTHR0P:Ltli)lNGTON&CO. 23 & 25 PAB.K PLACE, 20 & 22 KUBBAY ET2EET, , W YORK, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Foreign and Domestic,. DRY GOODS "0R CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. spimro, 1861.- Wa are opsnlngatourample warerobms, at the abovs numbers, stocks ot Oood, In each of the eix departmenta of on bualneea. aaptrtor to anything we have heretofora ihlbited to the trade. . c .. , - --yt . CLOTH DEPARTMENT. . This baa grown at It present magnitude nnder tb .,...., mmmmaBt af a barer of lose experience and acknowledge good taata. We keep axtenatr Uaea of the finest end choicest - '- ' and ;. ;' FANCY CASSIMERES t w. fannd In the market, all selected With the nioeat dlscrlmtnatloa. Alao, all grade, ooton and earletlei at; BROADCLOTHS, SATINETS, ' " " LADIES' CLOAINNGS, . , V,. TWEEDS, IARMK&S' and MBROHANTS' CASBIMBBBbV s KBNTUCKT AN4, front K to ttK cents per yard v . . . and npwardaj - :. ZWIBDB, to IS nt peryard-lait ye " iBloSO;' ' '." , ",! ' tVXSXtV BATISlTa, at oenla; And other Good eorreipoitdiHglj Ino," Dbess-Qoods Handwatoi Da Lain, Hamilton do. Paciflo do. Printed Lawna, , ,:, Printed Brtlllaataa, Veney Qlnabaina, Bombulnea, Black Bilk, ... Department. - .-. j Paney Bilk, Printed Oballla, . Manobeiter OtngbaBi, , Olaigow ... do. Clinton do. Ottoman Oloth, Alpaeaa, ' ropllna, ;., . j . And &$ fit Stltet Stylt of 3C FANCY SPRING COODS. - Herrimae Prtoti, i , ,. Blchmand' Print, , , Oocbeoo do. American do. Paeiflo -do. Dunnell' do. 8prarne' do. . ' Sogliall .t . Manoheatar, Ho. Print, Ac, . , -... , DOMBSTIO COTTONS. ' Lavrenc 0. UneetUiga, Atlantio A. Bhectlnp, Btark do. . ' Amoakeaf ' do. -Lathrop 'do... , t Appleton ) . do. . Bbawaat do. Xrerett do. Pocaaiet do. Utlca, Ac, do. All Grid Mud Width. BLBAOHBD ' SHIBTlrtaS ' AND SEIITnCQB. Wanratta, ' Swlcht, , lawianoa, Lonadala, Great fall, Maumkeaf, mil, waiinam, . oott... , ISewIortMUl. ko.,. r W, SHAWLS ANFmMTILLAS, A tABOB AMD Un 4S80HTHKNT. COTTON ADBB a great variety. CBBOKS do. TIC&1N0B all th leading brand. SBNIMB do. do. " BUIRTINfl SrjtIPI8-all lb leading brand. ; ABKBBNS do. - - do. - OOUKKT JBANS do. 'do. ' . ntORBMB - V.- ' do. "-' DAMABKS, PAPIt CAMBBICSr COLOBBD 0AM LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCKS OF WHITJ GOODS, ' ' B08TIBT, YAVX1X HOTXOBJ, Gentlemen's ;FnniisMng : Goo ds, UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, OARPETB) AND OILCLOTHS ' And a great rarlety of flood not ntunen(adalt of which w pledge raraelTe to anil at tb loweet mart priom the larger portion at from 10 to 30 per cent, lea hat lartyau. . jd-'. '- LATIIROP, LUDINGTON & CO., HEW YORK. marl IMPOIlTEi) GOODS;, JUBT RKCEHTEaa-. ..... 80 eaaa Italian Oil, Barton A Co, for labia IO " f ranch Muiuud.Uforiw brand: - ,, ft Boned Bardinea, the BKST Bardine lan'td 4 " el Caper and Ullna A Tabl BaneH "Le A Perrln' Woroeetor . . ihire." "rAoyer' Sultana,? ."Job JtuH,'' uarrey,- iieauing." IO walnut and Tomato Ualaap. roee At HuukmtU on let Plcklre eoneiitlng of "OaoUtturcr," "Pi- callti,"' Cl)owuiiow,n."ludt, On- Ion," "D.iJt,'' "bMh, "Oherk'j" ara nrim, BO " London Porter. lo " pbeH'eeelebratdBooUinAl. tfeaeMOincor PMarrea, , , ..; .., t boa Iiamn t ,i, irunl.and VtncaoUJA. .. : 3 rnxoOoa' 'JcikOn, , i ... Co).-, tw ' eelebmitd AnglUb UuUidi U kega, aoaea, IBS aim www . . .. i - . .j aw? ;; ... ,.., ,WK. BUtOllAlB. : CTIIE REVISED STATUTES OP Tfil ? ' ' : )f AQINK<. H1TTJUB, HI fOROl AUO. 1, 1800. . .', COT iT t A.TI&D BY Hon.' Jo3cpa H. Gwan, wits yozss or tss pxoxszos or jnzr a , i rsxia oovst, ' (Contained In twenty nln Voltunea of th Ohio and Ohio I BUU Baporta.) . tV , AND BJIXBEMOIB TO PBIOB LATT8. I ' Vl.EANDEBJ,(;RITCniJrE.P,eSj, amd a nu nWim won t ; : In Two Royal 8roV4um.. PIoai flQ Wi Ma eara or eipente ha been tpared to' make 'the work oarfect and reliable in all reepeoia. U baa now tb teUUUre auction, harlnit been ap orored by nearly the nnanlmou rot of both Uonwa, and waa ordered la a diatrtbatad to lb following Bute nd OoaatyeiDoert: ' . Oorernor, Attorney uenem, oprouuir lary, Oomptrollar, Ireaaarer and Auditor of gut, and I the Probata Ooarta, Coarto f Oommoa Pleaa, Btiper lor and Polio Oowta, Aadltora, and the Olerka of the earioni Oeart in aaeh asanty, to the) Member of the Senata and Beai of BapraaentaUvaa of thl Slate, and tbeeoreraenof the arearal State f the Baton. Thl book, nontalnlnfr, a it don, all of th Btatato tow In fore, and th aatborttattv aonitraoHoa of them ud of tha New Oraiti tattoo, wtll b fonnd to b i pec tal ly aaefnl In th perrormane et their ttutlea, to all oorjrtTYonricsRa, - , . ." JUBTI0B8 Of TBI PB AO, , . T0WK8HIPTBTJBTBBS, ' CLCKKI OP TOWNSHIPS, and . , CITX OfKCIBB. Inumnch u vary many ehantea bar beaa made In th Statute eineatha nnbUeatlon of the hut adtUoae. by re peal, alteration and addition, and many Important da- noon Bare aean giraa ny ue npren uran x troyerted point, all -. , . ATTORN BT1 AT I AW, , BANKBB8. M1B0HANT8 ,t AND BTJ&INISB at IN AXMBBAlLT, Will and thl aa bmteabl Work, v , 7 Soyal teo. fahmu ef over jnaafam Emdnd ' . rv-i : f In Strong taw Binding. 'VHct$KM.'., . Pnbllhdky .... '.'.-. . v. . ROBERT' CXiARKKt fc CO.. Uw Pabllihra Booktellen; Btatlonen and Importer. tt. OA nee I roaru etreei. ftblftdlm:! V" . V Clnelnnatl 0. PURCHASER WANTED forlCOpaoktgei of jL atationery ana jeweiry, tor F" m w Toieed, I 10 percent, dlieoant, at ttMcipteai offloaat Oolombna, onto, -.-.ik . i ilu .nnia wanted to aell tho heat packet af atetien- ry (with or without jewelry) in the market, at price lower than can oe pure nana (laewaen. uurH, wm ....plod, J. t. BAlLlf," JlU-tlw . ... rr-.- lil Court itreet,Boton, ktia S. I DOYLE & CO. : ' Manoikotattn and Wholesals Deleri in BOOTS AND SHOES, Northwest Corner of High nod Cay, St., connnavBf... r. .OHIO. "A larR Stock of PIM and Itapto flood so hand.". y3i-dt . - -r.S'' SUNDRIES. ' - Arrow BooL ,r- T7IARIKA A.' BlgO Kio flour ' Bootah Oat Hear . Pearl Bariey ' V j.epltt Pea , . . Oraokad Wheal ' .Cbooolata Coco v .-'.'.is prom, et. Cream Tartar, , 'Boda Fin . J Pran SeadleM Balrlni ' f reeb Tomato Paaohe - Oreen Oorn . - troth Oann'd FrolU'of trery denriptlen; Jelliaaof allkladaT ' i i i t '., ' , f laTorlnf tract of all riijr' - ' ' " ' 1 ' t". Oum Crop; fcllzad Candle; -jV.i i Ahaonda, filbert, Peoon Wuta, ' . Bngliah Watoala, BraaU Nate, tc f" : TRAVELLERS! TTTHIH yoa (U to Bew York, drlvw dlraet to th 1 -VY ; " BaiTMBOAIAJ HOUSE, BBOABWAT, COISBBOf HOUITOH ITEBT. ' ' 1 i .. Oonductsdontha j;ri,,,.. . ETJRO.pjBCAN PL'AN.'''i, flood far, flood Boom. Prompt Atteodaac, and Hod- rata Charge., tj ..u-,ilK., ,,.f ,t' SINOLB BOOMS SOCTB. 7 (1 PBB VAT.. .-IIOUBXlBOOnan4PlBlOBBl,SOtorJ. ' Meal a ordered. Thl Hotel ha all theapoeintsaeaa) of tha beat he tela, a moat etatral loeaUoa, and I healed throaghont by tteam. ,t,t.r BAUUAt,. autAis BarchSd3m , . -, ProprtetaCu . J0ZH .S TEZZUX - - A CENT FOB HOIU, CONTINENTAL, XX auanAiTai, Bacnnm, aaa ibyim aii ia uo. Nw loan; Maaoaanrw1 and Crrr Vmnop Hjdrtrou Ww Toaa Lira and Coaf. Monita Lira. - .... Office, 81 HlfH Uf pmrmgtH Bl , bTmiy . - . " ' V "iVlexandre's Kid Gloves. TiLAIN AND EBBSOIBEBBD, IdOIJt i onBTAIBB and ratalai abana Black Kid Qloraa, embroidered In while, magenta, parp la, Ao. TJadraamd KidaioTte. Mleeee Kldfllerea. A eemplet amoifeat of theee celebrated Qloree alwayi (or eale y - BAlal BOH, tebM . . No.MSoatAHlghatreet. OOOIM, . . new and AttraeUn. MozaMBiam, ' , ', : j , . . , '3 TBATixraaForuiis, ;'. Foil, OB Crnntka, .... , . , , CAasxtfA, fb mdsuk:':-;-: . a I FbBWOBI OUANprtS, ' ' '!'' ,, I CB3BBAB Wasbumo ILBJ, t Euaaira Dbms 8itM,,';' r;"'u ' HBATT BaSQDB AND MaBTU! SlUCS) And all other new and tuhlonabl material moat ta demand for haadwat Cram nod Mantilla. . I .'. - .. - -...,! BAIWAtBON, . apr ! -j:'! !''. H,nBothBlfhtret. J OAZa,Da, TT ATINO THIS DAT )OM OTJtt XX Block of areeorle to 0. B.DSM1H4, we cheerful! recommtna nim to oar oia petroa ana rnena. THOS. WALKS A BOH. Oolnmnaa, narea Bttn, ii api-atr T7LEGANT PLAIN BLACK BILKS I0B AJi BtreetBaaanaiandManUea: a 10. JUoh Irimmia andTaaaltomaton,at ' ' MAIM' aaayaa ( . .jr ; . v t .! ' , Ctunmex Under GarmenU. rADIKB BilSliBi VltDKH WJSBI.-e. ffi atnt(Sllk PrawwraadBbtrta,r Bentt India Oaaa B rawer, and Bhlrta. 44 Cotton , ., -y r " Oau Mertso Under. Bhlrta. . f .. - J White and Brown Drilling Drawer. ,," ' Whit Ilnon Draweri. - ' - , '! J.f tl - Batr large Under Snlrta. i iVi L. u U ik - Bupoitor Bngllah Half Boo. ' Long StoekUiK. : - ,. MiS'l T'.t j fancy Oottoniialf Boa. ,.XM. tot SBlo la iroat Tartofy acl at BMdorato prioas, bt .f.. ,;..' r. i i r'" Ui , ' m out., - Ho. t South High atreet. arw- . , - -----. ..... Notice, CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS nrnEfOLLowiNBCHANeEswcite J. mad In tha thoofltoenjof thl Bank, Jamaary Bath. 1661, to Witt . Wa. A. Purr.Pneldent, aaeV Taaaiae Moooib, Oaehiar, nahrned their omeea. - Bavr Tva, Beq., we then elected fraud ent and WW. A. mT ap- pomted Oeekiar. . u 1 -; ay oraer e tna mam or inrwowr. mw, bb i, tWl-dtf t-. ... ,. W. A PLAIT. OaaUet . MINK MTJfPSi IOTORISBS BtdOTTPfB w art nw (elling at vary low price, alto all ether kind faahlonable far. fBTB BANB, ' dertl Boa High l. . LyHs' Lmea Pocket-Eandk'fs.,, f I KMmEDSTITCnEDLINEN UAND A.X Beeonief e. very wvse heme. - ' -' ' Bmbret'lered Llaan Hwdk'a all prist.- J 51 J " Hemmed BUtoaod and pleia do, do. . - A ,4 1." do -i do oelored bordenn -.1 . 1 .!: t .. i Mourolrif do . .t . i black bordere . do , do ' aewatylecromiUtched. Pine Apple do newnatterne. ' - ,"' kJIne .'Plain and Hammed. JUIched da .11 nrlMe. Oomprtalng Hi mot aeleot ataortaientto the cltv and at toaen price. - ' Mill t aytt, nws ,ie va aoenn itign street, ESTATE CPCHARLCSCLAtaK. NOTIOB h hereby given that Z have keen Jul, .p. notatad admiuiitrator of tho oerat Of Charlie Clark, late of frB)rlieeWiereiti - a. fjuiLLenuen. Attoravja. .... . t I I I I 1 Kos. 3t, S3 & 4i. North nigh St , INCREASED FACILITIES I 1 " ...- :--.L. - ..i .t; - AGCOiiAEy. CEEAFIEES.-EISPATCa U AVISO MOVXP IKTO M t i NEWi BUILDIIia, MY ' BOOK & JOB - DEPARTMENT! WHILK BOTH HAVE BEEN . .: MIJSMSIIED TimOUCBOlJT '. 1 ,( w WITH i.k New . Typw, ' Borders, Oriamcnts, " Stc ' fBOM TBI OBXBBBATBD lOCHUBT OP C T. WHITE ACO., WEW TOKZ, . THUS MAXIMA IX THB Host Complete Establishment ,(i IN THE CITY. 1 tm now prtpared to txoonU oil Ordon for BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, WITH DISPATCH! r And la tb Moat Appror4 8tyl of th Art '', V PABTIOtTLAB ATTBNTIOB PAID TO. . MERCANTILE. AND RAILROAD Billaaf Lading-, -' Clrnlr, BlUlleada, Ulank, BWii Ctrtificattea, -. atacelpta, c -. Pnf Ticketa, . Ucglaiert, HOW CARDS & B1XLS IN. COIrORS, . CAMS, 'i i ' IJVSX0P1S, : , GORXBACTI. ElADDIOf, - ' I COnlilAwTB. I i - Ulnstrated Bho w B ilia, FOR COUHTRT. JRCHAST 3,' 'J '..! . Ihow Bins, Sab Bill, Labels, Concert Pro rnunmee, Bcnool sad vouem ontm, no-; tel Bills of Tar, InrlutloM, As.. 1 M .1.1 I I li -.i OF EVERT DESOBIPTIOM ' ' ' lehool Bad Collags CatalogTiaa, ,. , i MumUaaatu fampnists, v Con tit ntlona, fiaporta, Brief, 0 Printing ' In ' Gold and Colon 0:S,:.ia..xi.8.s- ' Printot Is Iwy Color n t ' . ; ni o.- i . . . . ; 1 ''! nammotllHoe Cylinder, nsonJy Frtas of tt kind 1 Central Ohio., . Mr faoUlU for doina any aad all af tha akM deeerln- Hona of work, ara now anearpaaoed.aod aaUafaeUoa will be fueraateeu In all on. JUrB Jrnt ronoMiea prampny or m am promnea. I . mtvjuuaw amrtxta. WHO IE0TJLD USX a.t.i ; J. GOVEE DODS )l)i ri iii VBX3rB?TAJBTE IMPEMAL WINE BITTERS? All who are nffllotod with Iaelptent Oenaamptloa at Weak Lang ihonld aa them. All wh euler from Wak Btomaoha, IndlgMtloB. Dyv papel er rueeineaM aee tnem. - -,-Ail Wk aaffat from Oeseral or Bm I ea Oeta t it Beetlearoematalaht, Want of (Kep, St., eaoaid Bee then. All peiaont who are eonraleaoent after ferer or other Mean anxmM aa them. Minltrf tho eoapal, Lawyer. Leetorera, aad at. public peakari abenld bm them. . Book keeper, aad all penoua leading aeedentary If aboold aee them. TbeafadaodrodrmahoeUdaaa tbaaa., --. t All who require a atlmalant or tones ihoald a them. All who are add toted to th aa at- aadani aplrtt and wtah totnform,boldaeelhem. . Taay are made of apart Bharrf wtoa, ana or moaav Uvo planla and herb of tho oonntry, and thoald be re commended by temperance aoetettai, clergyman, phyaV eaaa, aad all friend of bamanity. ny are prepared by an aapenenoaa ana atiurui pay. eiowcr, and, aeidotreaa tbatr meitlinaal peoperUea,' are otfeUgktMkaerafi and yt,aa a medlota, are a oooeent ana narmtem eatne oewiei neTa. " Bold by dragrieto generally. - ..r.v... OHUUZI wmSOlKLD CO., Froprittors, i Ti Wlillami St., Nw Tark. ' EOBEETS ft BAinjlL,' Agents, , i Oalmamkau, uhlrn J 'otdw. Wholesale tnd Retail 4 Depot for WW.IUV CnOCERtES. No. ; 108 South lligl. Street. Xin. ! DEALER IN u itiTEAs,:; FINE STAPLE GROCERIES IN ALL 'HEIR VARIETIES.- I ' - ' . v. -r Dally rrlval af Oaedo , For the s Fall and Winter Trade : Of .1860-61 hynrnTvuKina sincere; tuabkb TO THBt PI7BUO 1 Sat pant favora and patrea. ag,. and beiog PETEBlltlN ED to JtlEBIT aooetlnnane of earn of Otrlct aUtvttUaa M trad a, and roa doUTerr I troald call tb static of th publk) to th fast thai having .a liftfC and arell Selectdd BtOcK so hanat, aid being feudally receipt of good from the differ entaurket,! flathirmytolt Ihal t aamoffwlr to thd etll- tend of Colaabat, or teacy who may darlre to pntak, aa aMortmac t of article ppertllnlt)g to theQBOOBBT trade, UNEQTJALED by any hottto the, fjly Th price aad qaaUty of tha good offered, 1 f nar tea ta rlw aatlafaetlaai. . , Qoodi DeltvoTofl rru oi cirarge. l first. , ,( v , t J i Of Spjiing- and summer goops ;:at Pa-EOSE'a I AOA1N OfFI H TO TnETTJSlMO 'an tir new etock of Good, Id my pnr. lw aaed in New York at IhoaheapMt nauic lateejilt ef whwh I (hall aell at the emaltaat proUM, for Oaah. My aHaUiin. en and friend are reeDeotfully Invited to sail and exaui-, Ina uv Good and Prtcoi. a I an delermllied to evil aa etiean or cheaper man aoy ewer nouee in tne city : ana a I do my own Cutting, and inpertotead my wa boat. neea, I feel amured, front my long experteno mim,i- aea, to gtva-genora. eaiasacioffi.' tm aaeet o. wova men are emrileved, aodallworkdenaatrtethrtotimaaad aahortneUee.aBawarrantedtoat. Btrauaera vtalttag our otty would enaall their tatoreetfay giving eat a oall be(irannrehaain(leewhra. ' "' f. BotJB.i , 7 Merchant Tailor,': aMteehW-dly .. . 0 Hili and Iowa at. " a . - iaces and Embroideries, tTAt,rrirrr,ifrr'TrB point V Xr ColleretMid ietuw rmh, and Inretd tiu-e Valid, (new pttem..r raieacienea, TAreaa and Point Liwea., Betta, and tki. to. lae, Berbe and Colli ane, fiate IhMa Cuilara, AeVeacd v VH WW4,io wviiara ana uun m netu, . ' . - .11. A II A ttrJthmw I 1 J (M n, ...... A,,, 1t. i-.f I'qiiii 2- HI t'ii rs. fca ;;: m ' "J Ml PM r a;.i 8 g ITPI I5TITB ATTBHTION to Mm of th moat traurdioary ear ay my .. 'PECTORAL SYRUP. Ther ara at home, and an on who he doubt can in quire of theperaoa who hare been cured db. nnn tb phpakbd at Afnr timb To IXAMTUB LTJNflg WITHOUT OHABOBi BOB ALL TUOSB WHO MBBB BIB MBDIOINBB. ' . ATTINB TO tOUB COLDS A ea of Br year' landing cured by IK. KBIBBB'8 PBOIOBAX BtBUP. " Prmacaoa, Jan. 11, 1880. Ba. Kama -Mr wife ha kesa afflletod with a bad vough and diffloulty of breathing, for fir or ix ytara, which , lor aererai yean neck, naa gnauaiiy moraaaea in Ttolenoe. the oompleint ba been hereditary, and aha bad keen treated by nreral phyildan without any re lief. In thl atat of her aae, I procured om of your PectorffOongh Byrap. I bought, ah Brat time, fifty cent bottle, whieh relieved her very much 1 1 then oalled and get a dollar bottle, which cured her entirely, aad the ba now no tree of the former dlasa, axoept weak. m. i weaia auo aiaa mat i bmh tna meotcine my elf to cold andcoaih. the medicine cued ma or tax Ing one do I ezprea my entire enUtfactlon wiui th medicine, and jroa are at liberty to publteh thl if yon aettr to uo o. ir. wibBun, .. . .1- Alderman fifth Ward. " rrrnaoBoa, nor. is. iaw., -i Ba. Kirmt : Although not aa adrocata of Patent Medicine, in general, It afford m pleaiur Indeaciina ble to recommend your Pectoral Byrnp. A a medicln K la well worthy tha attention of any neraon who mar in any manner b afflicted with oough, oolda and hoaneneea of any tuna, ana for in peculiar qualification for re moving all that dlaagraeablo eenutton attending a nnwa . ... . . 1 aar. been, more er lee, tn mr Urn. ageetsd with the eerereet of oolda and boaneaeM.. At time my throat would baoome (ooloeed a to iirevcat my paklng above e wuinier, aua oy lazing mw aoee oi to anova nyrup It would relieve meenUrely .. .. - in raoommanaiaa thi medicine. I muit nnhaaltolhlt ay that It I the beet remedy 1 vr found. uurnorUna to euretb above, nor abould any family be without thi remeny loronce, eo prevalent. i . . i r our, moat retpeotrally, ' -. . . .', , .,, . -.j BDWABUJ. JONktl, v" .' -, i. .. Oaahiar Oltbmu' Itopoali Bank. BTcnrriua,0., kUroh 14. 1859 I bar Bted Br. Keveer't Oonah Bvrao for a bad eoueh af (evwral year ataodlng. and ean chaarfully aay It 1 to e bhuicio wr in aama mat i nave over taken. 00b. PBATT AND Dm. KETSBK'fl PBOTOBAL SThUr. Da. Knaaa Dear Bin Bxoua tb delay of my aoanowieoAiBg uwozotiieoo oryoiu raotorai vouan Byrap aooner. 1 lake great pleuoraia aaylng that it la all you mj it la. li tnucJud tAs oit4 pw af my oovvh aad the wont one I waa over afflicted with: I have uot aeed more than oneA.H ot thebeUe.and loan and do wUh that aU who are aOUeled would civ U a fair a trial a I have doae, and they will ba proud to aay, "It la no quack modlcra. I would not luff.r another auoban euaca lor aay eonoaerauuB, or at aorooe. l am eon ttdeolloan areaUMmore tieeli than lev did. Iball alway aeknowledg a debt at gratitud for Inventing m xceiient a remedy, xouareat I liberty to net my naau per. B..PBATT7 in Ihnj regard, aa yoa think proper. . Meaaaaaer Ooeamon OounelL Plttakunrh. Pa. Pittaburk,aUy 11, iait.. . .- , ,. .1 . ... M. B I am no atrancar to my lellow-elUieoa. and r who entertain doubt ean conjolt me pemonally.. . i ' . , a. r. r,. Pirnacaon, April t4, 18S7i BIAD THB TBTJTH. Da. BAvamu I bay a daiua- ler who ha taken aaveral medicine for a bad aouuk wlthaat haneflt among them Arer'i Cherry Peotoral puna nraaa yon a aetue or your butuiial TJiUP. and adore ear had aoed half a botU ah waa relieved. Th aeooad boUlo cured her entirely of OOUgh.' jobm dabin. t BoMnaon atreet, Alleghany. - VTrrommA. tmaMr, n, 18SS. A flRBAT CUBB Bk DU. BBIBJtH'B PBOTOBAI. BYBTJP-I Uv InPeehle townahip. Aaiagheny eoanty. I had aooughlng and rpltting, which eommeaoed aoout Ibo dlh of f ebrnary latt, and oontlnnod eight montba, I motored tho beet phyateian In toe eoantry, and my eoagh continued anabatad antel early in.Oo.obor. Al that nma I wa aaviaaa to try your ru iumaii uuuun BY BOP, whkh I did, and alter I bad taken one bottle I waa eanrelylreo from taoeeaajn aaa epttun. inaa daapelndof ever getting wall, and 1 thlak It auoald be known thai Utia TaluaMa remedy Will do lor outer what It ha done In i yeaa JOHN 0. LITTLB, Wtlnea I. M - Peeble townblp. :.) : ,!( p,rrrwTr., April It, 1SS7. A WONDBBfTJM OUBB. Bom tima age, aa old nelahbor of alao waa aery ill. with a bad couch which vary ono (uppoaed to beeonaumption. Ill relative, told me that he had taken every remedy they heard of without kesttfUi hi rotar earn e him die, and all maimed la the belief that ha could not live. 1 had about th third of a bottle ot your Pectoral Byrnp, which I gave hlavand It entirely oured him, to the oaton lahmant of alL What make the cam more remarkable, I th extreme ag f th man, he being about eighty year old. I hav ao doubt th Pectoral eared hi 111. .. JOUMn' GINIuB. . SB. BLBYSIR'S PBOTOBAL BTBUP IB 1LAIBA. T1LLB. Ptoaa aand aa aooinor anpply of your rata able "Pectoral Syrup. Almott er.ribody around aa baa theootd and ara Inquiring for "Dr. Kayaer' Pectoral Byrap." W hav aotd elxtoen bottle mat week, and are now entirely out. Mr. A. Alterand Mr. P. Maber, both of BlalraviiM, Pa., toll a they voald not wa without it la their famlilet, la fact, all whs aa It one want It lalev Tour, tepectfnlly, i. B. WATTBE80B A BOMB. " Janaary 30, 1880. . ,; . l. . ANOTHBB MBW CIETIf ICATB-DB. KBYBBB'I PBOTOBAL SYRUP. I had been troubled With aooaih and sold tor aaveral weak to bad wa It that I oatd nut eleepr t bad thaadvtee and preetrlptloa from three ef taeDeetpaiaoiaceta to city, waomiouianama,oao not ao ao 1 anatijr prssarea a aottie oi yottr fectoraiJ pyrup, wbku eurea me euur.iT. nigneo, " '- ' ' J. W. blMONTOR. ' ' S3C Ltberty ntreot, PUtabarf h. Pa., Jan. 0, 1800. ' l,lU. i i .. K'aa. -it v. : "STOP THATlOOVJaTItia.r'-How ton I do t'.r 'Oo to Keyeer'ioo Wood atreet and get a boUleef b'a Cough Peatoia, and If that don't our yea, your aoee muat dee onto Indeed." Thl laaipeolmenof tha eolloouv on aeaeaalmoet ovary day ha eold ca tenia g p'lodof the year. Aad we out, fraen actual experiment, cheer fully eoDOU In the advkmr BdmsnlOon aa above, for we her tried the "Pectoral," in a moit ituiihoni cam. with aottrOeaKsea. Bear two week ago w went to Plttahirgh, with anoot iao moe, amreaaiag, ooatrary, mniun, uo anbdaabla ooagh we eve, ezpertaooed ilnoe oar ad rent npoa thl, maadaaa (peer. Wa soughed steadily and kborloasly for n whol week, In hope of tiling it cut, katltwaanaio. In fact It teemed rather to hare im proved by practice, aad to bars acquired trBgth,poteu ey asA dUtrtuiHiitf by th openUon. In thi etagsof Um (toga, w eoujbed our way to Beyeer', 140 Wood St. prooereda flfty sent bottle of the "Pectoral;" took aoooraing to atraeuona, ana miorty-eiint aoure we were tar of tho Bel, the enemy having n conditionally iixmaiirw4, ikftor brief bo I nqui4 oonfllot wiUi rorawubM u mayrmrj u Ktywr i iaaoat "(JougU r s nl raiiBhBBhiSBhTif Urn f&Anww. Aa. a Ifcucn WWIW" ww.-w w WT-y-l. rwve W lr7l 1 BB. KBYSBB S PBOTOBAL STBTJP I prepared and told by Vr. 6 MO HOB M. BJtiSBB, 140 Wood atrest. Pittsburgh. Pa. iiwarMn, ra. - - - ' - ' . . IL7 Bold la Oolumbu by BOBBBTS A 8AMTJBL .(. i h emaaaaaaaeamnaB rTMNPTUACHE HEA1EDV; V , ' ' ,uvL'i i : -A. BTJRHJ CTJKS. Prepared aad BO Id by . i- Jl,-. ' " Tl-i:r Fries, S3 santa, , H JJa.OXO.H. BBY8BB, 140 Food t., Ptttabnrgh, Pa, 'lD tola la Oolnaba hp BOIBBTB IAM0BK. pcti0:8aMrdoaa. i .-. ?. if. -i4 .. f E N T I PAFEati, OO A. If ABM AJKD xiock itaa. AWeWUayWBBfV bBAAU owvwvrBBaauejaa, ibv . , """.if.,..!-. ., , M, -I'l.r niiH, 'I i,f l.lnj Oallara, " ' ' 'Half Haaa, apr . '"Vl Ho. SB South Hljh (treat. GOLDEN fill I, BIIIHTS, OOLDBN HILL BBIBTB, ',-' " i J ttOLDBN HILL BHIBTB. r '. 1 The pattern of Iheee ahlrt ara new. The Bodle. Yokes, slewv end bosom are formed to Bt the person wllh aaa aaa eomron. To mark upon saeaoas aeeigaauns in aiaa may be relied on a btio correct, aad saehehTrtl guaranteed well made. A fall (took of ill aaeiltle oonetantlyfsraatoat ' 1 ' , BAtN'B, aovvt. . . , . . ; Ro. wseathlllgb trl. T1BT. LA BII AW LSI ITKLLA BUAWLSII In all detlrabUeolon, aad at wary (Mlbargeina, BAIN fc BOlf, , ,. apni ' . pis. xwBoutn nign atreet. , WIDE BTANTLU BAKAOEK, White and Black, lust received at ? - UOTU ....... BAIN. Tnuuinoiiroravun! rTNION EwrELOPKI-AHAKITI PP yr aneirae, aa f i,w per l.wv, ... .:. rcxic irrrxa vsra ion tun, , .a Aa?f i'5- i. u-ja' .tii , t , .' 13 .i' . be C ; B3, I,-- t , ,7 W8rwl v PM" "'ft" - t j ii ruiuuuitti r hh wo. a m&wim u ionmi. i 11 """"'"""Ir"' I I'C j It wo . ATjTKK THREAD bLACJR HHTTI ajl m iiitui auiitMi LiuhfAi aim. k pmbm' i ,l:ai i i PeMSf tott ,. m.m y .... . , . . - . I i. BBOOaTnarDEQ BT THB LATB , ? SIR ASTLEY COORERu ;a 1 '"' j . or lOKBOW. ABB V ,. , DR. VALENTiNE lttOXT. O WBW TOIL fa aokaoirledged Head of the Trofearioa ta attkA' Tito beai Dlorotto, Ton and Inwlgorana. Tba flneat Extraot of tho ZTAXIAJf. JUNOLPAUI B1ULBY. Tha Fareat and Moat Cotij tiln S INDISPENSABLE TO FEMALES, y . INVALUABLE TO THE SICK, , i INCOMPARABLE FOR THE AQED. "it THE SAFEST AND MOST DELICIOUS BEVERAGE IN THE WORLD. For Balo. PlnU ind Quart, by awar Draggiat; Orgcer, or Conntry Morohamt. '. 1'IOOK OUT FOB ' BOOTH ' L7 O N D O N Qc I N S. THB ONLY OENUIMB ARTICLE IS ' CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL GIN. 1 T B. BALDWIN & CO., ', :, ' ., , .. ! Importers, 91 Liberty Stt-. I .. '.N-JHi'W YOBK. ., Bold n Ooluiobu by i ' ' t.' A v ' .' 7 . . UoKBB A BIBTIBAUX, : , c Whoteaal and Betall Oroceri, Btateaman Building, , i , 0. A. WAGNBB,atid other. ,1 In fllnalnnatL hv' . BTJIBB. BOKBTBIM k CO., ,' ortifl-deodfcliw I ' ' - - andothr.f. THE WEEKLY OHIO STATESMAN; ; j,', "' ' t HAVINQ A 0IMTAAtI0iT';Vi' . 1 UBQKB BT BXTZBAIi- TEOTJbAVTJS Than aty othe paper la Ohio, outsld of Cincinnati Offers" Facilities for Advertising V' "which CANNOT. PAIt'to bring', , j. ; Speedr atnd IlentunorAUTa Return : ' ' i To tho who take advantag ef them. ' n TBCEl W3CKICLY STATESMAN, DUtribotod u It ta throagh every Port Offlc In OhM, Reaches a Large Class of Readers Who patronage la valuable, and who seldom e th ! ' Dally BdlUon of city loarnalit and u only J w A limited Jfttmoer of Advertiiementi t!" Ara Inserted la tat solum ne, appoprlately aad HAtaiS t I r ,, ran feraer ran. to i j i.-. ,-flL.ttr.aot .Attention 'Ji-ul'l Of ALLI ;r , , i i WHOLESALE ' DEALERS ' AdvortUlht la tb JRBSKXT iTAtf BMAK wttl tn t'l' j" 7-Jtadvantgoua'to.ull. , '' THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which I almoet otrtoln to follow aa xteaatve dtaiemta' auoa . knnwtedge of their nnjtoem '' V amOso COUBTBT DEALERS I ' Hi' i ABYSBTI8BMBMT8 IBTBNDBD POB U The WeeJdv Statesiiian Should b handed In before fridey noon. I THE ONLY PREPARATION . that has-l;y- STOOD THE TEST OF IEARS, Aatd rw mar aad aaara popular i erery dap! And teetlmonlall, new, and almoet without number might be given from ladle and gentlemen In all grade, of oetty, whoa, united testimony non sould relet, that Prof, Wood' Hair Beatoratir will raetore the bald and gray, and preserve the hair ef the youth to old age, in all iu yoa thful beauty. i : i- Battle Creek, Mlri., Dec. SUt, ,1858. ' Paor. Woon: Tliee wilt pleaaa aaoept a lln to Inform thee that the hair on my head all fell o over twsntr year ago, caused by a complicated chronic dleeeee, at tended with an eruption on tho head. A continual sours sf uSring through life having reduced me to a state of dependence,. I have not bean able toobtain (tuff for saps, neither nav x been able to uo them np, in eon. aequence of which my bead haa euffered itrmely from cold. Thl Induced me to pay Brigg, At Hodgea aim oat the last cent I bad on earth for a two dollar bottle or thy Balr Beatoratlvs, ahoat the firat of August but. I have faithfully followed tha direction Mod the bald apot is now oo Tared with hair thick and black, thoach abort, it la also coming In all over my head, feeling confident that another tori bottle would rectors It satlrelr and permanently, a iew enuoui io peraeverv tn its ore, and belnc deetltute of mean to carchaae any more. I would aait thee If thee wouldtt not be willing to (end me an order on thin agent for a bottle, and receive to thy eelf ,tho scripture declaration "tha reward Is to tho that are kin to tne wiaow ana tne ratneric." , i Thy friend, . BU8ANNA11 KIBBY. ' Llronler. Noble County, Indiana, fob. 3th. 1B59. Paor. 0. ! Woooi Dar .- In th latter part of the year l&U, while attending the Stats and National Law Sohool of the Bute ot New York, my hair, from a causa unknown to me, commences railing on very rap Wrr. so that In th abort apae of rlx months, th whol apperpert ef myacalp waa almoat outlrely bereft of It oovering, and mush of the remaining portion open the. (loo ana oaca pan oi my neea anortiy alter beoame gray, ao that yoa will not be rurprued When I tell yon that op en my return to th State of Indiana, my mora eMail sequalntanoe were mot ss much at a toss to discover tha sauss oi ins cnange in my appearance, as my mars inti mate acaueintancee were to reoezniaa me at ell. . I at ones made application to the most aklltfat pret rial In tba eonntry. tt, vaoeivlng no eitniaaoe from then that my hair would again be restored, i wa. forsed to Ijscob reoone'iled to my fats, until, fortunately, is the latter part of the year 1RS7, your Beatorative was re-anmme.i,-rt U m by a drtriqrlet, as being the mot relia ble Hair Kasta retire Inn,. .1- tried one bonis, and found to my great atMfaettoa that it waa producing the darlred effect. Since that time, I hav naed seven dol. tare' werth of your Beetorallve, and a a reault. bare rtoh seat of very soft black balr, which no money ean pny.,.. ' i 1. 1 .. i-t , m.-iv.,.- -.1 . . Aa a mark of my gratltnde for pour labor and (kill la th production of ao woodeiful an article. I have rocom- mended lie urn to many of my friend, and acquaintance,, who, lam happy to Inform you, ara using it with like tuect. v rry rcepectiuiiy, your, :, .;., -iy, A. M. LATT A, - ... . tt,,,,, Ma Oouneellor at Law. 1 Depot, 444 Broadway, and told by all dealer! through oat the world. Th Beatorative I oat an In bottle of three ateM. in large, medium, and email; the (mail bald X a pint, aad retell for on dollar par bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per cent, mora Ip proportion than the email, and retail for two dollar a bottle: th lam bold a quart. 40 per cent, mora la proportion, and retails for SS a ooiite 0. t. WOOD A CO., Proprietor. 444 Broadway, Kew v-m, ana lie mere. Direct, Bt. Xiouil, mo. . And sold by BOBBBTS 4k SAMTJBL, Oelnmbuei Ohio, ana nj an goua jrruggineana saucy uooaa twalers. .aprilltdAwasaljr. w t , ;j . , c;..-in,( I "" "'- . 1 ' 'I. I Ml I 't 1 ' l' i Wntohei! Diamonds tf tUvet yUuit Uf A CHOICE A)OBT!TIENT r OBLO AX ana Bluer natcnee, in great varlely. , . , I ant Agent for the Aaeaio.a Watoh Oh .. and ell tbeee xoellent Watche at manafactareri' price. hmwi ninimi, vr ....m... . ... i. j Com and ehoot from my beautiful dies lav af nu. Bond and Other rich Jewelry, Btvleenew nrlaaa L. Ae to Oliver Ware of Stirling qualily, I sao ,bow new pattern, very handsom. 1 "r . - , niiTer riated w are, Tee Be Its, Ursa, Wi lert, Outoia, Baaketa, Pitchers, (JobleU, Knivea, f orka, Bpoons, Ao. . Then 1 have auunlvof Boa Table Oull.rv Pa.i.i Knivea, Baaort, iw.. nd mtny fancy Oooda anr-h ra deelred for preasoto-sit suob prlcee u are an Indnce menl to the purchaeen WM. BLYNN, no, tunneaeyellloek,,., ,N t. ; .-.fori" tide suito, Ooasa tw ' marBl. i f ktl nilp-KHIOH UIIALITY, IN WilBj Blandlng, B.iem rein, nan BCTfiww- anrT new thapas.' -Uemmed tfoektt ilaadk,rchlera,-Nok Btocks, Street end Bvsnlof Olores. Half llu other Ties. very klaaS tadataarmsuls and all kladj of tients1 fur nUhtogl gttat variety end t moderato price. . ffo, 90 South High street, ' . 1 1 A ; . 1 . . 1 ' laUAfiJab. SfVTW .nrill rasccvHiY OF1 THE AGE.; K. BBWEDYr Of JIOXnCBY) baa dlaoovared in one sf onr . .,.. a rsmedy that susa r ,i i , J :7 r" " Z J - '-, erw. . , . ' . xjveiy eUtiina ox uamor. lit worst BorofolA 4owb to mbubob PUnpl. He hsj triad It In over oleven hundred inaae. and ne. sr failed szeept In two case, (both thunder humor.) He has now In his poaaeeilon over one hundred oartlBcatea of It value, ail within twenty mile af Boeton. Two bottle ara warranted to cure a nuralne ean month. . One to three bottle will oar th wont kind ol Pimple on the face. . Two or thro bottle trill elear th tyatom of bile . Two bottle r warranted to cur th wont canker It th month or (tomach. Three to Bra bottle art) warranted to ear th wont kind of Bryrip!. ODototwobottleeare warranted to cure allhomor ' the Bye. - i . Two bottles are warranted to cure running o the tar tnd blotches amour the hair. - four to all botle are warranted to ears corrupt and rwuuBg e icvra. One sottls will snrs soalv eruntion of the akin. . Two or three bottle are warranted to ear th went kind of rtnirworm. Two or three bottle, are warranted to our th molt oeeperauoaae of rheumatlam. , Three to four hot t lea are warranted toeure selt-Bheu five to sight bottle, will ours lbs wont sax of sera. lala. i A benefit la alway experienced from the firat bottle, aaertectonnl, warranted when th ahov quantity In '"I. - - ' " 1 , B.0XB0RY. MASS. Dsab MiDiM: Th reputation of the Medical Ws- oovery. hi curing all kind ef heaore, 1 so well eeub. IMhea by the nnanlmou vole of all who hav ever need It, that I need not aay anything on the euMeot, aa the moat klliful phyeleten and toe mutt careful brurrtaeatn tneeonniry era unantmonain it praise. . , In presentlni ths Medical Dlacovery to roar notlcs. I do It with a full knowlsdgs of It ouraUvs power, to re llevtngall, and soring moat 01 thoss dlaeaae to which you are unfartuaately to Uabl. ihat moat excruciating aueia to au aueotionatemomar, I najiaaaiau euitr, mw Til, Is eared as ff by a mlrsolsi I racial your wn temner n rertorsd o It aatnm iwsstnsss, and yoor bal from short aad fntfalnapt to calm and wtlumben; and the Medical Discovery baoome a fountain of blearing to year hueband ana notmenoia. , In lb mora advanced tarea of '' - ' CANKEB Xtectond to th stomach .earning -.. DVBPEPSIA,1 ' 1 which Is nothing bat backer sa ths tc&aefaj thai to tho inteatine and . . 1 KIDNEYS). '' ereatlnga Unking, gone feeling, and an tadlfferenee tvwn to tne oares oi your family. M Yoty stomach 1 o :' ' 1 V J i HAW AND INFLAltlED, i yonr food dlatreesee you. and yoa can only take esrtala kinds, and even of that Tourer .tern doe not ret half the nonruhment it ooatalna, as the aerlsaonoas Bold of the canker acta it up! then year ceeaplexloa -doses lis bloom and becomes sallow and ereenlah, and yoar day I gone, for want of noarlabment your system be somes loose and fiekby and the fibre of year body be' some relaxed Then follow a train of dtaeaoee which th Medical Discovery M peculiarly adapted to ,.,. I O0BEI Palpitation of th heart, pain In tha side, weakness ths aplnt and amall of th back, pain of tha bin joint when yoa vetlra, irregularity af the bower, and lae, that most sxoruciatlng of dlseaatl, the ? ; ' P1LE8. . ' How many thousand of poor women are Buffering from thte disease and pining away a mlasranle life, and their next door .neighbor does not know too cause, I with to Impress SO your mind that good Old proverb, ''Aa eunot or prevention a oetier man apoan oi ears," an tne : HKDIOAL UINUOVEU V : yoa hav both the preventative and tb Sura, with thl great ana gooa quality, ion win never, anoer any sireumttancsa, do you any injury. '-"-. 'TUB MEDICAL DI8COTEKT - hi sspeelaiy blended for dltaasssof the blood, btrt alnos luuiroquotion in tua n cetera Btates, u is louna to o ... AUUE RESIEDI that Wait kver before the public ' - No ebaog of diet ever oeoeeeary eat tba best yoa car and get enough oi it , Dtaaeiioas roa pan Adult on tabl (poonfut p day Children over tea years, deeacrt apoontul Ohlldren from Ave to eight yean, toe epoonfhl. Aa oo direction ean be applicable ta all eeneltutlone, taks auBcient to operate on the bow,l twice a daf. ,; v. i - , , , j)01tNAt.D KBNNBDY kPrlM 11.00 per bottle, for y every drugglat la the United Stales. sepal-dfcwly, WW WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? i DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE?' DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? BELLI BO E A M ' S OBLBBBATBD Stimulating Oiiguent t n. .... , - .... .. iPorJtae WLiskeri and Hair Tha subscribsn take pleasur In aanoanolng 0 the Oltlaens of ths Dnited States, that they have obtain! ined the Aeeney for. aad an new enabled to offer to the American public, the above Juitly oelebraUd and world-renowned article, xne t ne j i I STIMULATING ONGUENT Is Dreuarsd by Da. 0. P. BELLINOHAM, an emloenl phyateian of London, and 1 warranted to Jirlng out a Uuca set ,1 i- . u ' ' ;V ? ' i ;rs or a Mostache In from th res to ill weak,. 1 Tlits artlcl I th only on of the kind used by the I reach, aad la London and Paris Ulstnaolvsraaluse. It I a baaaUful, economical, aoothlng, yet itlmalatlng com oound. actio aa if br maris upon ths room, oaneini a beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. If applied to the snip, It Will can aiuMee, nd cause to aprtng np ta pies of the bald spot a fine growth of new hair. Ap oiled aeeordlnf to directions. It will torn am sr TOWI hair aaBK,and reetore gray kalr to Jta original oolor, leaving It eoft, smooth, and flexible. The "OMeDurr" Is sn todlepeusable article In every gentleman 'e toilet, and alter one week's BM they would net for an oooaidentlon bewtthoatit. -'..''' . The sobaerihenar ths only Agent forth article to the dnited States, to whom sll orden must be eddreaaed Pries One Dollar a bow for sals by all Drugat eod Deelen; or t box of tho "Onguent" warranud to have the desire aueclj win b eeot to any who deal re H, by mall (direct), seeately packed, on reotipt of price ao poaiage, wt.lC appij ui or euureH - I10BA0B L. UBQBMAtf A CO., '. it y ' naDeetrra, Ac, , ieb30dfcw6ra , . . , 4 William Street. New-York. VVM, KNABE ot CO., IT TI1EIH NEW BALEtt-. Xa. BOOM, NO. IV) BAUIMVRSST. 4-V. KOB.' 1, , and H. lioTAW t I .... i ' ' Offer for atl their celebrated GOLDEN MEDAL, ' ' "--'' ' " t, ,: u A.- GRAND ' I it,.. AND6QARE PIANO-FORTES Being highly re commended by tb tint Professor, aad Hasicai Amateanof ft country, aaa BVBBY - - iNSTBtTMBTrT -' ' -lTi.-.i .. WABBANTBDfOB .;,.. . "" PITS YBAB8. Th mnt faetldlous coatoaar map rlf apoa being pieaaeo n every reaped. f Term liberal. WM. KNABJ A 00. a SBLTZBB A W1BSTBB, Agents, ,sct3o;lydw. . , Columbus. Ohio. iiHENEY. TOW ,,.r WholMtvle And EeUU LWUrln V'J' i aaa Vs ,. a j f Foreign 'C , pomestio Cigars, .oV-'a! tnm$ ,v9 f t, -r-; f j,-, Smokiog ft Chewing Xobaow, Also, tb, bit Bslitf si BXCfT'JI oouUBtly ."' r. . , OB BBBd. n'.i 1 1 i ' inydoontry Merchtnts an Invited to sail befofy pay ehtalng elsewhen. " , J t t , HU. t EiAo T 1 lllril BiaLiii, rBet. MaAandSyxniiro,'o.v.".'J ,'. CTCINNATI.jOi bot?V IAiyVV DRESaj M,K," I4N0Y DHK.WSB1I.K8,' M,iru . . Maun huH.d err X lllir.n. pii,no. . ; 1 ...n. Vt,..d Inn ' " "v tS.te . .s.rln. anetmmenea Stock ef faasy Sram Bilk 'at prtqe leaa lhn erei tieiore enerea iu anta city. Tlie attenUxn .of Bia ladi.e lA thl ally and vtelalty is suIIcIUhI, aa oar atock Is vsry Beleotsndsomnletslnall grades of goid.totol line. l "1N. jwvMa' ! V - 9 aWlb Mich ilreet. TTrnAinnBi bheetinjs -ai I) piliHTlNilit, ,11 wMUiB,et moetotwtiratsdBukss, oWbilend la greatest satiety aaa at very now pncee , , .r: BAIN At suit, Va. It South High stresU THAW BONNETS AN DEL BlionA,lBgrrt .tBrtrfB ' VJ'"', 1 1 Ma. fid Tliuhatmal. M 1 . Dr. J. II. McLEAK'S ; StrcDgtkcnijg Cordial and , Blood X .VI PTjiupiBn: Hl Tste; proatoat Womedy lit Tjk ,f arid, , .' ' I ' AND THB --'em.' -Jl AMD THB von omaori ' AND ' i' A!. BEIIQilTfULw . OOBDIAL ., it EVER TAKEN.-V IT IS STB1GT. ly a aclentlac and Vegetable Compound, Irooured by the di.til itlon of Boot. Herb and Barks, Yellow Dock, - Blood Boot, Baraaparilla. Wild Cherry Bark aad Daa jr aeuoa enters into iiarM Before Toklns"' ouva rsmadiaiirter laKini. . :. AntnnnalLInn Tlu. an. . . prlnolpls of each Ingrsdlsnt U thoroughly sairaoiso iy , , my new method of auuiung, pniraiii'""i " . hlleranog spirit, and ths moat inria.iaiiai mwi y t--enovaUng th dlieaeed ayatem, and mtorlng lie . offering and debiUUted INVALID to HBALT11 ud BIBBNC1TH. .' j i i .. i f. .. i i,' , i .i i fncLBAN'S , STRENOTHENINO COB",, I : , . Will affsstaally Mr LIVBB OOMPLAINT, DYSPBPSIi, JAUBDIOIt Obronleor Nervosa Debility, Diseases of th Kidney t , , and all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Hlom ach, Dytrjevala, Heartburn, Inward Piles, Acidity or ftfe 1 V T ' " I 1 :t r ) ' nr.i neat or the etomaon, Fnuneee or biooa to the tiead,uqu . pain or twlmmlng in the head. Palpitation of the Deait, kullDeaaor Weight In thtBtomach, Sou, Bractations v , Ohokicg or anffooatlng fssllng when lying down , Drvneaf orYellownemof the Skin and Bye, Night Bweata, la "' ward f overe, Pain In ths small of the back, cheat or aid. , , Sudden fluahee of Heat, Depreaalon of Bplrlu, frightful Dreams, Languor, Deapondenoy or any NarrouaDiae Bore or Blotches on the Skin, and fever and Agna (or Chills and fever.) ' ' -.. . i Overa ffllilloM f Mattlea 1 i' i I Have been sold during th last tlx montba, and In no In . i , . stance has It failed In giving ontira satisfaction. Who then, will suffer from Weakoets or Debility when Mc 1 1 LBAN'S BTBKN0TUKNIN(Aef)OBDIAL will euro yonl if , , No languag can convey afi adequate Idea of the unme dlat tnd almoet mlraauloa change produced by taking this Cordial In the dlaeaaed, debilitated and shattered nervou eyttem, whether broken down by exoeee, weak by nature, or Impaired by aickne, ths nlaxad and unstrnng , , , organization I, nttored to Its prlstlns hsalth and vigor. ' " I MAHHIED PEBSONS, - ' Or ethen eonacloos of Inability, front whatever eanee, v -..j'- will find McLean s Btrangthsnlng Cordial a thorough . regenerator of ths system; and all who may hav Injured -thesaaalve by Improper Indulgences, will find U the 0or dial a certain and speedy remedy. "'T tho Ladle. ' ' MCLCitll B OirCUSlUClllUE 1 li a sovereign and ipeedycnr for ate birian m vvn.vwr '"i" - , j Obatrncted erDUBoult Msmtrustlon, InoodUnsncs of Crm ot Involuntary Blieharga thereof, falling of tba s ' Womb, Ulddlncaa, i'alnllng and all DImbm locldnit, . , , f. ma lea. . i "' ' " ( Tiara U BOXletako About It. ' '- i.--, Buffer no lonrer. TalS It according to Direction,. It I Wlllattmulate, trengtbea and Invigorate yoa and cense the bloom of health to mount your cheek again. ' - - -! A Brery botllstowaated to0vemtjrotlont- ,. , . i 3l. rou ctuiiDttEa. v.ijM-V3 If your children an tkkly.pany.or afflicted, MoLeant , j, Oordlal will make tbent healthy, fat and robutt. Del. not tmoment, try It, and yoa will be coovlnoed. IT IS 'pELIOIOUS .T0TAKE,,: " s i i; . - Oaotiob. Bewsn of vrdrKlttsor Dealen who may try to palm upon -you eocne bitterer Baraaparilla traac, .j K Which they can buy cheap, by aaylng It la Just a good. Avoid such men. Aak for McLean', Btranirthenlng Oov ' -'' ' dial, and take nothing slas. It is th only remedy that . will purify the blood thoroughly and at the aama time Strengthen the yiteaw' - - ' ' ' 1 " One lableapoonful taken avsry morning faallnr, la t ertain preventive ot Oholera, Chill, and fever, Yellow fever, or Bnf prevalent dlaeases. It Is pat ap la largs , tottlea. ., , Price only $1 p' bottle, er t bottles for S5. 1 Also MoLeane Vokanle Oil vlnlment. 1 Principal Depot on the comer of Third and Pine atraeta . fit. Loula. Mo. ; McLoan's. Volcanic Oil Liniment. - ' The heat Liniment In tb World. Tb only aara and oois rropnstor oi mis voraiai, . U .T..'. DnU.!. nil .InlMM oertaln oun for Oaooera, Piles, Bwsllings and Bmae , . ehltis, or Qoitn, Paralyals, Neuralgia, Weaknaa of a ' Moaolee, Onronl or IntViratnatory aUiseaiallaa, Btl. Bess of the Joints, eonlraeted Mnsole or Ligament, BaraclM or Toothache, Bruises, Sprains, Woo ode, fresh Outs, Ulcers, fsvsr Bores, Caked Breast BoreMlppleei . Barns, Scalds, Bora Tboet, or any Inflammation or Pain, . nottiSerence now severe, or bow long the disease saey ' ' Lava existed. McLean's Celebrated Liniment la a oer, torn remedy. . Tbouaanda of h nraaa being, hav been saved n Ufa af . i deenpitud and misery by th as of this Invaluable mod Ota.. ' ' : ":u' mclean's volcanic oil liniment Will relieve pain almoat Instantaneously, and It wtL. clean ae, purify and heal ths fouleel son, In an loeredl - - ly short tuns. . . , For Horaea and Ottaor Animals 4 -.o: ' afnfu, as.lahra.ted Liniment Is ths only tof and re 1 liable remedy for ths own of Spavin, Ring Bono, wlnoV galte, Bpllnta, Unnatural Bumps, Nodes or Bw.lllnr. It will sever fall to sun Big Head, Poll Bell, fistula, Old running Bore ur Sweeny, U properly applied, for Bpnlna, Bruise, Bo retches. Sores or Wounds, Cracked Heels, Chans, Baddlo or Collar Oall It M aa Inrslllbto remedy. Apply It aa directed, and a cun la oertala la every Inttsno. ..... Then tribe bo longer with the many worthless Lini ments ottered to you. Obtain a eupply of Dr. McLean' celebrated Ltnlmeut. It will eon yoa. I. It. IflcLEAN.Bol Proprietor, ' Corner of Third and Pine Btreote, bt. Loeie, Mo. for sals by all druggist. foreateby BOBBBTS A BAMTJBL, Bog9t-dAwlf ' Oolumbu. Ohio. PBOF. WOOD'S BEuTQlllTIIfi CDB0IJ1L B100D nENOVATOB 'i pw, la precisely what Its name Indicates, for, while Ul'nleaaant to ths tatte. It le NVtvtfyt ng, exbilarat- Tlog, Invigorating and stnogthsning to the vital nowera. and at tha asms '.Iota nvlvtflss, rstn blalates, and nuews ths Blood In all lie purity, and ithna at once reelorea tmdrvuUro (As tvsfem in w i . ....... . ... ItwMsra&u to auocjcf or ateeaa. itistnsoniyi ureDsntlua ever offered to the world, eo chemi cally and aklllfally oombiaed u to be lbs moat P'lwarful tonic ana at tn, same time so psnectiy ulaptsd to, as to sot m psricctsoeoruanoe witn tns isws of nature, and henoo will sootAs Us ssaAea( MomacA, and tons np ths dlgestlvs organs, and.1 taue auay an nervoue ana otner irntauoo, it w oeriectlv exhllantlng, and at th aama Urn It It wompoeed entirely of vegetable,, yet so combined , jee to prodocs ths saost thorough toalc etteot, wlth- lout prooucing any injunoua ouoMqaenova. .uw ia remsdr aaa ions bees felt lobe a deeideratam Id1 the medical world, lor it needi bo msdloal aklll tot see inaiucDimj iuiiuw. en MiauK.v. u.i . whi mmedi and Indeed la e the systsm open to the Alinetdlouesttaoka of many of th most fatal, each, l!ior sxampis, as toe loiiowiogi vonawnpuoa, t. digestion, Dytpopsia, Lose of Appetite), raintasas narrwi. iriiwuini, nunii,ia, si..M,ivuw hi.i Heart, Utlanoboly,Hlgnt Bweata, languor, uidtii-i new, auteouon or, as wait as t-ainrui onsirusma, too proruae, or too scam Menstruation, ana rail- 0 (log of ths Wscnb.beso sll dependnpon gaaerall debility, This pars, healthy, tunic Uordlal aad Bleed ttenovaror 1, as sun to oun a too son to rise tnd set. Then I ne mistake about It, Bat this It not sll. If the sy,tem Is weakened, wa are topen to bilious attack, tns llvsr becomes torpid, or worsa diaeeaso, tns kionsys refuse to perform their functions, and w an troubled with scaldlni and Incontinence or anno, or involuntary t. ha age of ths sams, pain In th back, aid aad be tween the ehonlden, exoeadlnsly Hable to (llahtl lcoidt,sougns,ana ir anobsoked, soon smactationi follows, and us patisnt g oes down to a premaiarsi 0 grave. But apace win not allow u 10 numerate, Br.rBrJa 3mVW Will BUI BtllUW aASJ WV AUUaaJi,v 1 ,. ths mtny Ills to which w ara liable to a wealcanedV -; u (condltlos of ths systsm. Bat ws will say, In chlaj. j , -j. i. Oordlal tnd Blood Kenovttor yon nave a penect.iLj safe, pleasant and effects! remedy for tear Mrt . M il til Ametita. uiliouaneea Ilatalenoe. weak and lick Vr dtomanb. Lanaaor, Liver Complaint, Chill and Paver, or anr Billon attack. Ooeliveness, Aeldlty of ths Stomach, Nsrvousneas, Neuralgia, Palpita tion of tkltart,BwpraMioB ot apints, aorss, Pimples on the face, or anr diss at ariaing from hblti,, Oough, aiffloalty of Breathing, and all that mpan Mood, inch as noroiuia, ryaii.ia, unin tolsat of dlMse called female weakness, and I numerated above. W will alao ay tb traveler lexpoeed to epldemlos, cnange ot otimaie ana riw . , . Ur, will find It a pleasant, eel end anrt remedy,! LJ 'I' kluid non should ever travel without. Beader.1-5 J i If try IA,torweasan yoa yoa wUI find In It a friendly , on yon will nod in 11 a ixtendj , lend la need. AU DeraooAofl :) Pi aadantarv habits will And II a oerfeet wrereatlve of) f t welt at cure for thoss ailments to which they an U particularly expoasai enceainieiipiin teraeve. llterarv ..nll.m.n.anA ladles Who an not accuetomtd to much oauioor exeioiae, w... ..a n to their ttlsaatejs to keep a bottle oonsuniiy on p nana; and i'luchiwill "not only, Luetndfi band; aad, above all, mothers, or these bacomln, ill go through that most aaagenras psnoo Win am tuelf aocuatomna Hnu iu, i free from the thouaandallmenu so prev alent inima toe Samati noitloa Of tkO world. ' U .1.,.., t, 1. imi.,4 a M.iu.1. AflFillal. TrvlLOld land young; ao longer run the rtek of delay ! It will nlleve and prove Itaeti empnauoaiiy a sunwrw lies OortUal and Mood Jitncnaior. O.J. WOOD , proprietory U Broadway, New York. and lit Market street, nl. Jennie, Isold by HOBBHTB At BANUKli, volUB.oua. vii" and all tsod DrurilsUI files Unr per 0ltlS. , , rr. a ' nrlee ono-UiIrd toes than ean be parchaaed -t Call on or addreae (etenp eocloeedj 4 ltCoanet.,Boatuo, kiaaa. : .'- ' " mareUM-dAwsowly l,j Yf.'tfiratOt I. hit .BY.H. ' - ' auaivfc wdi4iM.' H9d rlllf ' - w m-n ninri'S. . 1 i a . 1 - Jl ) ml.. ' 3 .1. . j .1 " n-,:it ji-i.'ii-i)l il il. s'l 'v.'-i .tK iu 1 .il.l :; if's ' rr -11 IV,.-, r-dp r0 .'Is -. jl .j'.i.;oi Sf-itfl ! - " 1 i-.i . . -..I 1 ivD v.. Ah ,.j-j.". M it-1 isvi i.T ,V!5.'f3 ,0Ct' ,QCt' 50 ftiijO Itl" 9 jjij Mli.U'HI 1 em n-Jl .tTaIt