II.. jr.-.ll IT yfl J ...r VT TT ' .1 . .
VOL. VIII. NO. 86.
.... . ... , . . v,., u.-'tc- - . . . u , . . ;. t 7 .' " Q T T jvy;,.;;
18, 186L
Inrariftbly In Adranee.
i.' I
t)t 9)w Statesman
j i
CrOOw lH. 88, 88 and 40, Jforth High It
Dally'1.',,'. . .... 6 oo Mtnu
Bt the Carrier, oer wMk. 18 U uti
wwif, . ... i oo
etwa ( AdvertLlng- tr tho Hqaare.
noraarlai...tm 00
On l moDth 19 00
Due I' Smooth IS 00
Ooe 1 bodUii 10 00
On .." month 8 00
On 1 Booth. 5 00
On equar 3 week. .81 00
On . IihIu., 3 oo
On 1 WMk... 175
On 3 day... 100
On 8 day... 75
On llnsertlou 60
Displayed edvertliiw, uf half nor than th above
rates. '
Advertiesmenti i lesded aad placed In th eolumaof
I Special Notice," doubU (A ordinary raUt.
All notion required, to be publUhedby Uir, legal rata.
If ordered on the tula exclusively after the 11 ret week
per ran:, nor waa tbe abov rat; but all nob wll
ear In the Tri-Weekly without oberte
Builnea Oardi. not exoeedim
Ave lines, par year, la'
l ie, t'iiQ i
r line; ouUtri $i.
Motion of m
BMtlDM. Oh&rltAhlM Oftlfttlpi. fl re. Anmnanlm
Hmi advtrtUtmmt mutt b paid or in
icaeio Tatrul will not be varied from.
Weekly, enrne price a the Dally, where th advertiser
aettha Weekly alon. Where 'be Pally and Weekly
ar both and, then th eharg tar th Weekly will be
aeir ahe rut, of th Dally
No advwrtbement taken x eept for a definite period.
.,1, o. F. A. B. 8HHIR8,
Attornoy ect Ijaw
Olios Ambos Building, opposite Capitol Square.
.. r OOM7MBU8. OHI0J
Jm jQ0330Xt,3T321 i
Attorney & Counsellor at Law,
Machine Mannfactnring Compan?
, MetMOTAOTUftElf Of -
OutUft, mU-florlcg, Mwhtowy.
' ALIO, '" .
Railroad Worls,
or irtir pnomirnoH.
OBAI. AM BOB. lup't.
deoll. IBW-tf
P. AM BOB. Treat.
Jo a ! o oo e e o u b ljrS)JvJMi
1861. 1861.
Summer Arrangements.—Time
Oonneotlnt at Omtlln with th PIIT8BUBQH, VI.
fhr Pitttburgh, PWaddphUl and BaMmor. Alio
or fart Wayn and Chicago.
Oonneotlnf at OlcTaland with th IAKI BROBI BAII
BOAD For Dnnklrb, Bnffalo, Albany, not
ton, and Hwltk.
Vrom Oolumbut, In eonnectlon with Train on the
mttijE miAini and comuitibiis
rXBBX TEA 15. . ;v.
N1QUT IIPRE8i.-LTea Oolnmba at 3.40 A. H ;
will lea peaaenger at all liationa aouth of Gallon,
top at Delaware, Aahley, Oardintoa and Oilead, and
at illalalloa north of flilloo, arrlTlng at OITlaad
at 9:00 A. Dunkirk 1:00 F. M., Buflalo 4 JSP. If.
Albany t.SO A. M., Mew York 8:35 A. M.. Boatoa S.30
P. at., PltUborjk via OrattUn 3:80 P. M , Phlladel
kla 5:10 A. at. Ohlcafo via OraUlne at 7ttO P. M.
N1W TORK BXPRB88 Lear Oolnmba at 11:10
a. m. Will atop atJUwl Centra, (for Whit Bnlnhnr
Bprinp), Pelawar. CanUogton, Gallon, Omtllne, Shel
by, Mew LondoB, Wellington and Grafton, arrlr at
Olareland at SJ5 . m.; Dunkirk, 8:50 p. m.f Buf
falo, 10:25 p. m.; Albany, B:4Sa. m.i NtwToik, 1:45
p. Borton, 4:40 p. . Thla Train Oonnestaat Shel
by for Baadiuky, aad at Oiafton for Toledo, arriving at
Toledo at 0:4b p. at. , .
at 8.30 p. m. Will (top at all (Utloni Bouth of
Bhelby, aad al New london, Vftlllnrton, flrafton,
aad Beroa; aniylng at OleTaland at 8:30 p. m. Dun
kirk, 8:00a. a.; Buffalo, 3 :80a. rn.Albany,90p.m.;
NewYork, 70p.a. Boeton, 11:45 p.m.) Plttaburgb,
Vo0reUlne,at 11:55 p. m.i Philadelphia, 1:00 p. m.,
Cbiiafo, 9ia Ortetlloe, 6tS m. ThM Train eonnol
at bhelby for laadueky and Toledo, arriring at Toledo
t aK5 p. m. . 1
Patent Sleeping Can are run on all
Bight Traini to Chicago, New
York andBoiton. .''
BaggaQ CVktJUi Through to Ufao Tort and Botton
' via UtMland; alto, to PAUadtlpAia and
,:i iortviaOrfUUu. ..
..... A. A W A, J 1 V.. ,
ut.ti i - -. . . . n '
ciui &sjrae axnm . uviwnou ..ii: I J r . ju.
Oinoinnatl Jtipreu arrlTU at Colombo at 10:50 A. M
AoeonunodnUon, BipxeM rrirat Ooluatbu at 7:50
P. M. , ' " ".'"''
Faro ao low a r iyotlkOg Ront
Ukfff TUktUtU Crutltnt Cleveland. '.
I"'. , v , ' .B.IUNT.' . '"
Boperlnteodent, Olawaland, Ohle. i
' . . i ; JAMBB PATTKItBON, Agent, -'
' -Colombo, Ohio.'
OoloaboJ, Jnn 17, 1801. .
Jut Beetlrod! s
iaa nr. cn been ana biack
1VUTKAI 10O bag prime Bio Oon.
ltH) packet old Datcb Qorenusnit Jara Ooffa.
1 a We Oaf loa Coffee
tOObbl. ttandard Wblta Borar, oonitetlnr of Pow
ard,UtiruId, uraoaimwaau u uora
SO qnkotall Ueerr Buk Cod (lib. . ..
BObbl. Maa and So. 1 Mackerel.
tea. Pick rabaon. r . ...
100 ba. Layer Jkiwlna. . T. . e ir"i.. :,....!
Obi. boldo do . , ,
lOOar.bex do. Too. ,ir" K
IOO it Okare, lflrnt brtodi and grade.
nor7 ,,:,, ... WM. MoDORALD.'
Aad Blank-Book Kanafluttnrer,
vobth hiqs itxxr, ooixnatrt, pato
faartMlv -. v, ;:! --v .lb?: -U
Red, White. anOlntf
v .'II n i HIBODTIl. , " M"i
Juet opened by fl'vyj J.
i i ,',;i YS
i. , ,1 USUI IV,
aprW JT-n BotMSeuOkBlghatwat i
at jam aorra am. maxww: wr aaiuia
tabiaad la maaaat ar upriof any yat , totndBted
n tot'-The Iaigeit-eTlio Beit.
The Cheapeit BeoaoM the Beit,
"The n Raiiabiei ttaaaard An
tUorlty ! too En;llbliaMg;aar.'
Sim Bundrmt Entfnmi Xiutatort of Ohio,
trary Men BtHrywhir.
''Hai ar upward! of a Hundred Thouand Word,
whon multlnvrlou neanlnr and derlTatlona, together
with their correct ipelllng, and pronuneUtloa an clearly
let before th eye.''
Cincinnati Ommoroial.
Btad ttoPtoitton of th Mtmbtn of th Ohio Stat
TtacKur't Atiociation.
The underilrned, BMnber of the Ohio Stab) Teacher'
AMoolatlon, adopt and aim to ua In teaching, writing
and peeklnr, th orthography tod pro on note Oca of
Woreatter' Boyal Quarto Dictionary, and w moat Mr
dlally reoommend it M the moot reliable itandard au
thority of th Bngllak laaguaga, a It K now written and
tokitf AxDKiwa, Prattdant Kenyon College. ' '
M. D.Uen, BoperlnUndent ZanetTlll School.
Thoo. W. Ham, Bup't MumIIob Union School.
M. F. CownanT, Bnp't Publlo Bohool. Bandnaky.
JOHii Iituci, Bup't Public School, OlreUrill.
B. N. Baitroan, Principal Olertlwd Vernal Bamlna
y. - .
Wn. MrrcnxL, Bnp't Public School, Mt. Union.
JoMOewj, principal Btat Normal Bakool, Minn
out... Otbo Natoit, Principal Vourth IntaraedUU Bohool,
H. 8. Maatm, CupH Canton Union School.
BDwmBMi,prino1palMoMely Monaal School.
Bu T. Tarraa, Prof. Mathematical Ohio TJnlreralty.
wtt. W. Bnwutn. Bup't Troy Union Bohool.
A. a. Howiiw, Principal Wait pigh Bohool, Cler
land. 8. A. KokTow, Aooclate Prtndpal ElghBchool, Otero
Xacofou hitUN, Principal B!gh School, Clrr
B. V. BoKleroa, Principal Olereland Initllut.
J. A. OatriiLP, Preildent of B lectio Initttut, Hi
ram. W. I. Hiin,Prof. of OhmUtry, Ohio Wmleyan
unrmiity. . .
H. B. Balm, Ix-0amlmionr of Common Bohool,
, J Momioa, Prof. Bhatorlo, Oberlla College.
.nv..iui.ii,rre.aent anaoca uoiier. . t
O. W. H. Ut.cia.t.
a. vaTaoaaT, irrot,
Malhematioa, High
bcuuoi, iftyion.
B. o. OaoKBio!, Prof,
Language, High School,
B. M. Baun, Bnp't TJnloti Bchoola, Aihland.
Mor than Bi Jhmdrtd otter PridmU of Oon
9, Frofor, Author and JHHinguUhtd Educa
tor, hot tndorMd th about untimtni.
VaairrTA Colli.; "It l truly a magnlfloent work,
an honor to tb author, tb publUher, and th whole
ouBtry." Prcaident Andrew.
Ono WaTLRABUBirmtrnTIt exceed my expecta
tion. It will be my guide in orthography and pronun
ciation, and will often be eonnltedbrmefor II neat
aad accural definition." Preddent Ihompaon.
W. B. Xcucrto OoLuei "Heretofore we bare aied
WebeUr' orthography. At a recent meeting of our
Vacuity, It wn decided to ehance It to conform to that
of Woroeeter' Boyal Quarto Dlotlonary." Pmldent
Wutbbb BanBTB Coll.. "I and It worthy of
tOTOiai approbation.'' rre idem ttttonoock
Obbbjub Coixeoa. "It mora than matt my expecta
tion, i noommena It a tb luadara autnorltyln
orthoepy to my children and my pupil." Preetdent
Ajmoca Ooixaai. "I (dopt and aim to u In teach
ing, writing and (peaktag, th orthography aad pronun
ciation of Woroeeter' aoyal Quarto Dictionary."
Prealdent HU1.
"In all my writing, (peaking, and teaching, I hart en
dearored to conform to th rule for orthography and
pronnndatlon a oootalned In WoroUr' Dictionary. '
iiorac mean, um rremaent.
EnrroR Oollbm, Qimn.-"I moit cordially raoom
mond tt a tb meet reliable (taadard authority of to
Bngllah languagaa It I now written and ipoken."
Preildent Andrew.
from Bo. Anion SmftX, ObmmtiUmr CbwwitM
i School to Ohio. .
"Th Dictionary I an fanparlahabl moBamant to th
learning and Industry of II author, and aa honor to th
world of letter. The mechanical execution Itfariup
rlor to that of any other Iilooa with which 'I am ao-
qualnted." .
From Bon, B. B. Bamoy, Xta-Corrmiittontr of
ocvioaw m vwo. i
"Th mot reliable itandard authority of th lan
guage." 1
TjtKulinx "Newfrpaper of Ohio Say
Iromth ClrHland Btrald of Bareh 89.
Th orthography of tho Woroeeter Dictionary I that
uaea by moat, u no an, auinor oi ouunouoa. in ui
country and Bngland, and conform to th general uag
of ordinary writer and pakr. )
Whaterer prejudice may bar exiited prrtoulyt a
careful atudy of thl rolum will lnrarlably be) followed
by a warm appreciation of tut great merit, and a d eel re
to add it to the well Klected library, be It large or email,
It I a library In iteelf, and will remain aa itnpariibn
bl record of the learning ef It oompller. (
Irom th Cincinnati Oommtreial of AprU SO.
Her are Howard of a hundred thouand word good.
bad and Indifferent who multlfarloui manlnge and
derivation, together with their correal pellinp; and pro
nunciation, are tet clearly before the eye. The work la
anqueotlonably th greateat Theaaurua of Bngllah Word
Tor publUhed.
"Irom th Cltvdand Plainitalor of Eept, SO, 18C0.
Krldentlr WoBcarrn' Both, Qoabiw Diotioxibt it
not only tAt lati, U tht mmr work of tit bind mur
MMoT.andoaa by no pomlblllte aafler by oomparuwa or
oonttoyerfy. (
i Irom tht Tolt&o Blaitaf flay 29.
A to raoHoacuTio. Woacarrra i tbb STAKoau
followed by our but author; In deflnUlon he learo
nothing to be dealred, aad la OanioMAnrr tt 1 aufflotaal
to any that woicarraa eaa b aaftly followed.
PnbU.Uers, BookaejtUro StatlOBtorr,
., . .. v, OF. . -
j pN"o vir arls., N". T.
DlTldend January 1,180145 For Cont.
Assiii. ......- ejisso so.
Statement January i, tseie
Balances peritatement Jan. bt, 1880 83,408,881 30
aMoatt ea tor x remium our- - ,
mg lb year 160. 8763,053 55
Baemred tor lntereat during
th. year I860 n,n iv
Total reoelnla for 1..'.. 977.007 74 r S'
FldOlalmbyDthtK7,O50O0 . ' " ' '."
Paid fouclea anrren- . .
dered 41,111 29
Paid Balarie, Peat- . ,: -
a, Saiaa, j ,
ehanrt.ato 3120 54.
Paid OommlMlon to
Awnt...w...... 8I.W3 W : ' ' ' '
Paid Phyetolan fM. i.OOfl 75 ; . ;
Paid Anbultle 1.517 00
Paid Dividend dur
ing th gear 168,800 75 505,001 83 411,978 14
' Bet "B lance January lit. 18G1. . .. . J. .. .83,818,58 50
I . .... Asaiii. ..,
Cuh on hand 86.0284 19
Bond aad Mortgagee on Beal
Batata, worth doubl th
amoant loaned 4.387,841 68
Preaiam Bote, on Pollcle
In foroa, only drawing par ' 1 - '
' nnt. lntereaUw... 179.864 17
aeal caut..,... mi,hw3 87
Loan on Scrip.
PmsJun)i.Mo4ad0aah,la '
Man or iraaoiion..., A
X total 'Arnet.'.. . 'i.'.i '. iZZZ ixirifiiii to
l.-Jl I Vt!' 9 U..J 'mweBpaaam '
T,5T8 PoUde In fore, Insuring 5,426,588
1,435 rnw Pollde hv rceai leaned dartcg tb. year;
- After a arfnl alcalaoa f tb iwul vataw of th.
onUtandlng Follcio oi tn uempany. aod aavtog tb
ntetttary amount In rrv therefor, th Director
havadsciarMa Bivaar per cent, on tc Premi
um paid at the table rale, to all palloie for life la fore,
locoed prior to January 1, I860, payable according to ia
present ml of th Company.
Eat for-alt kind ot hit Ocntliignclef, ProwpM
Be, Statement, and Application, will b fwraubi
mab.b, at to wmc or agencies c
;i t t i . ' . '
. O. PR0VB,tHPri
I. KXLLBRi Beeremry. '
,.:u ..u adfm V
mot or Agtacles ot. tb. Com
-,- l-l
, wowanja.vr.
Pi a i n a i n Tt&vnn Utifttm
DRS BILK By er ererv grna ' la meet Moot
9rtmatm IhacUy, aad at awtfttemblt
u.xiut ..-- BTa.aaA..i. ir -a
Scrofiila, or King's Evil,
ia a coiiatitutional disease, a corruption of tho
blood, by whioh. this fluid become vitiated,
weak, and poor, . Iking in tho .circulation, it
pervade the whole body, and may bunt out
in disease on any part of it. ... No organ i free
from its attack, nor is there one whioh it may
not destroy. The scrofulous taint ia Tarioualjr
caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis
ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth
and filthy habits, the depressing yices, and,
above all, by the venereal infection. What
ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con
stitution, descending n from parents to children
unto the third and fourth generation ; " indeed,
it seems to be the rod of Him who says, " I
will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon
their children." " .. ..
Its effects commence by deposition from the
blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in
the lungs, liver,' and internal organs, is termed
tubercles ; in the. glands, swelling) and on
the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor
ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses
the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu
tions not only, suffer from scrofulous com
plaints, but they have fcr less power to with
stand the attacks of other diseases; conse
quently vast numbers perish by disorders
which, ulthough not scrofulous in their nature,
are still rendered fatal by this taint in the
system. Most of the ' consumption which de
eunntes the human family has its origin directly
in this scrofulous contamination; and many
destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain,
and, indeed, of all tho organs, arise from or
are aggravated by the sams causa.
Ono quarter of all our people art scrofulous ;
their persons Are invaded by this lurking in
fection, and their health is undermined by it.
To cleanse it from tho system vro must renovate
the blood by an alterative medicine, and in
vigorate it by healthy food and exercise.
Such a medicine we supply in
Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla,
the most effectual remedy which the medical
skill of our times can devise for this every
where prevailin g and fatal malady. It is com
bined from the most active remedial that have
been discovered for the expurgation of this font
disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the
system . from its destroative consequences.
Hence tt should be employed for the cure of
not onhr Scrofula, but also those other affec
tions -which arise from it, such as Enurrivs
and Skin Diseases, St. Anthony's Fire,
Rose, or Erysipelas, Pihct.es, Pustules,
Blotches, Blains and Boils, Tumors, Tetter
and Salt Riif.uk, Soald Head, RiNOWontt,
Hhkuhatihm, Syphilitic and Mbiicuiiiai Dis
kakp.8, 'Duoi'ST, Dxspipsia, Debility,' and,
indeed, all Complaints auisino ritoM Vitia
ted oh Imtcbb Blood. The popular belief
in 11 impurity of tht blood " is founded in truth,
for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood, i Tht
particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa
rilla is to purify and regenerato this vital fluid,
without which sound health is impossible in
contaminated constitution.
i j
. , .ACER'S , ..
Ague Cure,
''vob'tub speedy' fcuatt or
Intermittent Power, or Fever and Ague,
Itemittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb
Agile, Period!.! (iead.eh., or Btllom.
Ileadnrhc, and Billon. Fever. Indaea
for tli. whol. Laa.ofellaWii.. original
Ins; In biliary derangement, eaweed by
tli. Malaria of MiaamaUo Countri..
We nret enabled here to oflVr th. community a
remedy which, while it cure the above complaints
will) certainty, is still perfectly harmless in any
quantity. Such a remody is invaluable in dirricta
where those alUicting disorders prevaiL This
"Ctmr." cxppU the miasmatio poison of Fever
and Aqoe from the system, and prevents the de
velopment of the disease, if taken on the first ap
proach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not only
the best remedy ever yet discovered for this class
of cumpluints, but also the cheapet.?.The large
quantity we supply for a dollar brings it within the
rcat-li of every body ; and in bilious districts, where
I'evhh ANi Ann; prevails, every body should
have it and ase it freely both for cure ana protec
tion. . A great superiority of this remedy over any
other ever discovered for the speedy and certain
cure of Intemiittents is that it contains no Quinine
or mineral, consequently It produces no quinism or
other injurious effects whatever upon the constitu
tion. 'Ihoae cured by it are left as healthy as if
they had never bad the disease.
Fever and Ague is not alone the consequence of
the miasmatio poison. A great variety of disor
ders arise from its irritation, among which are
Xeuraliia, liheumatitm, Gout, Headache, Blind
neti, 'I'oolhache, Earache, Catarrh. Asthma, PaU
pitntioH, 1'tiinful Affectionof th Spleen, yrter
ict, I'uin in the ISotoeh, Colic, l'aralysit and Z)e
rawj tint id of the Stomach, all of which, when
origiuutin in tlii cause, put on the intermittent
type, ot become periodical. This "Cutis" expels
the poison from the blood, and consequently cures
them all aliko. It is an invaluable protection to
immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily
residing in the malarious districts. If taken occa
sionally or daily while exposed to the infection,
that will be excreted from the system, and cannot
accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into dia
eaae. Hence it is even mora valuable for protec
tion than cure, and few will ever atifter from Inter-
miltents if they avail theratelves of th protection
tins remedy affords. "3
Prepared by Br. J. C. AYES U CO., Lowell, Maia.
BOB1BTB a 8AMTJBL. Colombo.
And by Druggtrt aad Dealer everywhere.
TUAJ10 sTHOITi v..r,-
; Liverpool, Montreal, 1 Quebec, "
,.1 . - stnd J".'-"-v
:; Nlil VV L YOllILa
Th Montreal Ocean Btmahlp Oomwny's lrtt-claas
fall-powered Olyda-bullt 8teamr aall every Hats
n relay from PORTLAND, carrying to Canadian and
united niai man ana pusang,
Shortest Cbestfest suiltlickctOBiw
. . vcyevmo. ai-eysn .
' Rsttea Ot Paswaaet to Stuop
S30, 900, tBSO.
Win tall from IITIKPOOL avery W.etna.dsty,
aad from QTJBBB0 ry tmrdy. ealMngat
iiurnuriuiui, wreceTTwow soon ana mna mail aad
Paneurar. to and from Ireland and Bootland.
1 ILThe. 8Mamr am built of Iron, la watwMJght
earn penmen ta, carry aon an ezpenenoea nargeoa, and
enry attention I yM to th eomtoH eod aeooffljno-
tion or pemenireri. a tneyprooeea direct to LONDON.
DEBT, th great risk tad delay of ailing at St. John's
I avoided.
aiaagow Mngr ar fumlahd with na paaatn
ticket to an free Londonderry - - - -
Return ttokot granted at reduced rate.
Certifies tee leaned few eanymg to aad brtnrtnroutnas-
aannra from all th principal town of Great Britain aad
Inland, at reduced rate, by tbi lint of tteamara, and
MBVUg aaverpooi evwry wni.. , t (
Slsjbt Draft ! tl gtndl vpstrma pay.
, ltui Wmlwae V 1 1 . ? .
t V . T4
Pofjpaaeaga, (PPV at the Offle. 88 flKOAD
WAY. New lork. and 19 WATEH ST.
.:: ,..r-u i IABXI, ft mSIS, 6aralitTats
to-4 J. R. ARM3TRONC, '
"' Bois-lydotw v Pott tMBos, Ooiambaa, Ohm.
aa JAMBS ADOR BAIN a nartna la mt bn.l-
aeaa, which will bet after be eonduetad snder tb. Arm
oi MtaatBoa. P.BAIH,atltUtaliB .
O0lambua,r15, IWlf iu.txu ,,,.j,i,:a u tablS
i.ijf i
1 ' M ftwa- ta aUiO wi.vn hmnm, W aad
i.'j'' tVitwiiw v" jr7TTT ,"""w
t.:n iCv w ,
Summer Arrangement.
Little Miami Columbus & Xenia
for Cincinnati, Dayton 'a Indianapoliil
Through to lndiaaaoolis withott Chang of Cars
, ' and bet One Chang) of Can between '
1 , Columbus and, Bt. Louis.'
Four Trains Daily from Columbus.
...nil,; . 1 ' ' 1 . -v v. . . '
A0OOMM0DATION at 8 a. m., stopping at all sta
tions between Oolnmba and Cincinnati aad Dayton, ar
rhina at Cincinnati a 10 05 . m..and al Darton at
8.10 a. m., connecting at Dayton for Indianapolis and
the West.
No. 1 IXPEBB8 at 11.40 a. a., (topping at Jeffarton,
London, Oharleeton, Cedarvllle.Xenla, Bvrlng Valley,
Oorwla, Preeport, fort Ancient. Morrow St., Lebanon,
foster', Loveland and MUford, arriving at Cincinnati
at 4.30 p. m., Dayton at 8.45 p. m., oon oac tine with th
Ohl end Miialialonl tUllroid for Lonlivllla. K.. Yin.
canne, Cairo, Bt. Loula. NtwOrleana. etc.! at Dayton
iula, NtwOrleana, etc. at Dayton
tor Indianapolis, Lfayetter Terr Haute, Chicago and
all Wntera polnw
' THIRD TRAIN: .' , '.'".".i
' MAIL at 9.10 p. m., (topping at all atation between
Columbus and Xenla, and at Spring Valley, Corwln,
Morrow and Levolaad, arrlvtog t Cincinnati at 8 a. m.
NIQET XXPRK38, via Dayton, at 19 00 midnight,
atopplng at London, Xenla, Payton, Ulddletown aad
Hamilton, arriving at Cincinnati at 5.35 a. m. I at Day
ton al 2. 55. m.i eonntcUng t Cincinnati with th
Ohio aad MMnlppi Ballroad tor Leolevllle, Bvaarrill,
Ttnecnnea, Cairo, St. loul. Memphis, New Orleans,
and all point South and Bonth-weat; aleo, at Seyion
for Indlanipolla, Lafayatt, Trr Haute, Chicago, etc.
117 Tor farther Information and Through Ticket,
pply to M. Ii. SOQKRTY, Ticket Agent, Union Depot,
General Ticket Agent, Cincinnati. ;
Agent, Ooliimbas, .
' I
Superintendent, Cincinnati.
Colombo, July 14, 1881
Steubenville Short Line
Shortest, Quickest & Most Reliable
Route to all Eastern Cities I -,
I Trains Leave Columbus as follows : "
Leavt Colombo 3.30 A. M. from Union Depot, via
weiiair or Bteuntnviu t arrlvee at Bellalre, lu.iw A,
M. i Bteabanvtll. 13.90 P. M. I Plttaburgb, S.40 P. M. ;
Harriabarg, 1.10 A. M.I via AUmtoym, arrive al New
Vork 8.00 A. M.; via fkUadtlpMa, arrives at Phila
delphia, 5.10 A. M.; New York, 10.30 A. M. Oonneoto
alto at Barrtabarg for fialtlmor, arriving at 7.45 A. M.
Sleeping Care attached to tali Train
Irota Columbus, run directly through to Bellalre or
Pittsburgh without change; and Paamnger via Allen
town arrlv la New York at 8 A. M. ,
This Train also connects at Bellalre with the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.
Leave Columbo 11 85 A. H., from Union Depot, VI
Steubenville; arrive at Newark, 11.50 p. M. Ooehoo
ton.9.15 P. M.i Buubenvllle, 0 P. M.; PltUburg, 8.40
P. M. irrThla I the only rout by which Pamengero
can leavaOinolnnatl at 7 A. M., g. throagh to PI It
burgh In daylight, without obang of car or delay.
PAST Liua.
Leave Columbus 9.15 P. M., from Union Depot, via
Bellairt: arrive at Newark, S.S3 P. II.; Zanvllle,j
4 33 P. M. Bellalre.7 .65 P. M.t Plttaburgb, 11.95 P.
M.: Barrlebun. 9.00 A. M.i via AUtnlom. arrtvea
at New Tork,4 P. M.; via Philadelphia, arrive
rnnaoaipnia, l.iu r. n.i now lork. e p. at. xni
Train alu connect at Uarriiburg for Baltlmor, ar
riving at 1P.M.
thi Train run urougn to Belial r or PltUbnrg wltn-
out ehanra of Can; and from Pittaburg there is no
change of Car to Philadelphia, or via Allentown to
new irk tbua onering
The only Route from Columbus to Baltimore,
1'biladelpbia, or New x ork, with only
i one change of Cars. ' 1
By thl Train Paseenrer arrlv In New Toik Bv
hour In tdvano of th Northern Hum. i
Tbi Train also connect at Ballalrc with th Baltlmor
and Ohio R. R. .
UTThls Route Is 30 miles shorter to Pittsburg;,
ana imore man iuu muee shorter to
New York, than Northern Lines.
Bagfafe Checked Throngh to all im-
, portant Point! Eait.
Ticket Good over either Route.
Gen. Ttcktt Agent Central Ohio R. R.
0n. Ticket Ageat BwubtavlU Shott Lin.
coltjiubus. ombi
, And St3ed Store, '
' BXALXB a ' I i i.l i
dust, riatrnl WMdAt WIUOwr tT(m
Owrand aabbet Belting,
law leather, Boa aad
J.111111.1: emt-euy
.U.IM 'I-- i, 1. 1 ,U
BoveltlelnNekTleand acarrt. l w.lij
. .. Byron and GwroU Cellar., ;
. ',. a , m Rmbrolderad Pocket Bandktrehlet.
j . Pari Kid (Moves, aperler make. --'
Ooldea HIU Shirt, nrteas (tgkm. - .. U -
: Boyf uolden uiil snirta, so .,.,
Drivkigand Street Qlovt
Hemaied Poebet Hndk
Hemmed Poebet Handkerchief, vkrlonl ttjlM.'
HaiX Hooo aad Under Oarsieata, '
..iiI.br-0 jo J;inr;''AIll tOVi
y r
Howard ai oola.
CALK at not est SOUTH Rieii rt.
and wemlB oar sow auka o4 ' , - .
niie.iiwm vv f g v , uu
manufaetared b 1. DOWAtI as CO.. .KaM .Va
Thee Watohee ar far superior to anything ever eCered
n in. puoiio, Hmnoni ssnng we eniattr. mDy,
leu MlltbeaaaprlcM ktwaillhettmee. I havejmt
nvnneRWinnw t
wt ! ; AMmAW wiTrWi 1 r
swaaJatrtaM by AXrutTOn, laVACj, at 09 ; alts,
8m sesermuhtat '-'l .f
. -.in toeUaUvvtCetv,ttar
Sljtljia Statesman
Time. ...
Dally, par year gl aa
rn-Weekly, per rear 'J oo
Weekly, per ya jo
Extracts from Mr. Russell's Last Letter
to the London Times.
NEW YORK, August 10.
Ooe does not know where to look far a sola
lion of the difficulties which are springing; np
on all sides. Not the least of them is th dan
gerous socialist movement, which I foretold
some time ago, amoog th working classes In
the Northern citiei, where w may yet hear
the terrible ory of the French Revolution to
echoed by the masses whom the war has plung
ed Into poverty. New York, Boston, Philadel
phia may well grow pale at the thought. These
miss meetings which demand bread or work
from the Government, mean oo good, bat at
present they only indicate approaching danger
rather than Its actual presence; and meanwhile
tb expenditure of the Government Is going on
at the rate of one million two hundred thous
and (l,H)U.UUU) dollars a day ! A rain of paper
money is threatened.
But the capitalists see the mischief too
clearly to abandon the Government In its ex
tremity, and it I said here that Mr. Chase baa
snooeeded in the object of his Interview with
the moneyed men ol New York, and Is hopeful
of success la getting all the money be wants
on tolerable terms. Of all this too will re
ceive more accurate account from jour regular
correspondent at New York. With th new
Treasury notes at four per cent, below par tn
wan tweet, tne lutur was Indeed lowering.
Has it ceased to be sol Even Garibaldi, whom
some people believe to be coming out her, cao
scarcely give the Government sunshine nnlese
ns Driogs out with him a loan from Franc and
England, and if any thine oonld indue, the
countries to make an advance, it would be the
pleasant tone adopted toward them both by the
American journals. ,
If the moneyed people bold back there can
be do doubt tb churohes are coming to the res
cue, and a the congregations melt away Into
the ranke their pastors follow them'a-oolonel-Ing."
Bishop and General Leonid Polk, of
the Southern army, has been followed by a num
ber of bis olergy to the oamp, and one of them
lately wrote a most affecting letter to on of
bis reverend brethren tn the North, in whioh be
declared with tb unction of m Covenanter, that
he would smite hip and thigh the aforesaid rev
erend brother if he encountered him in the flesh
on Southern soli. The religion of th South
le fervid. No Canaanit wo aver in won ease
In Israelitlsh hands that will the Black Rannh.
lloan be who may find himself in th grip of
good, God-fearing Georgians or Carolinians.
There has been a blesslnc- of flan and a ear.
log of enemies all over the States, the Ilk of
which has never been seen since the time of th
Crusade let as say In a general fashion. As
one of the colored brethren observed of a oolor-
ed Baptist minister, whom he followed In Sa
vannah. "We don't care much for him hi
log, but hi 'ouesln' Is jist bewtiful and make
we teei awtui nappy." Hut cursing Is general
ly done, It must be said, bv imnlioatioo.
Notwithstanding the great ezoenditur there
is but Utile exoltement visible al Washington,
unless ooe goes Into tb War and Navy Depart
ment, wher crowds of contractors block op
L. - a .. .. . . 9
in. passages, acn waning lor his interview
with aa unhappy minister or his representative.
In America these personal interviews ar tb
rule. Each man is entitled, perhaps by the
theory of th Constitution, to walk la and Uk
oat his own share of th publlo time; bat the
pressure is so great that some men bav been
there for a week or ten daje without seeing the
particular person they desir to favor. The
streets are now clear of soldiers. The gallop
ing of orderlies Is very muoh reduoed in oro-
portlon aa things get Into good order, and on the
other side of the liver there is Incessant dril.
ling and plenty of herd work, principally In
completing a great abatis from Fort Ellsworth,
si Aiexanane, across tne front or the position.
None of this, however, is seen in th Capital
itself, :,
It would seem as if th torpor whioh pre-
l, -A ...--LI . - . ...
vans at vrasniugwn nao its counterpart at
Richmond. The Southern papers attribute the
ioaotlvity to design "a great 'caws' soon to be
made, and 11 la eoesssry to be cautious and to
bs silent." On both side tb utmost cars is
taken to screen suoh movements as msv take
piaoei passes ar striotry examined at all the
exits and entrances of the Northern camps,
Geneal McDowell, who was id attendanoa on
Prince Napoleon last Thursday, was stopped by
one of his own sentries beoaas bis pass was
not n rtgl. . General Beauregard evinces the
utmost sensitiveness in respect to any approach
to bis lines. Prince Napoleon was, however,
received with feelings stronger than respent by
the Confederates. .
On Thursday mornlne earlr the Pi inc. atarbad
with M. Mercier, the rrenoh Minister, and bis
suite, . front Washington, and proceeded to
Alexandria, attended by General McDowell,
woo provided mm with an escort of United
States cavalry. On arriving at the outposts the
General roturned, and th Prlnoe'e party went
on till they met the Confederal pickets, by
wuobj, auier a oriei aeiay, uey were permitted
to pass on toward Fairfax. I know but littl of
What happened, except that the Prince saw Gen
eral Beauregard with General Johnston, and
slept at th quarters of the latter! that be ex
amined th battle field aa far as the horrible
odor would permits and that be returned late
on Friday evening, pretty well satiifled that
there was not muoh to choose between the two
armies, but that the Federalists wer on th
whole the better of th two, and that he woula
take them for choice.
General Beauregard did not make a verv rood
Impression on th Prince, it is said, although
his French Is natural to him as a New Orleans
I Tit J a . t .
oreoi. at is saia dj tne people woo oan ss a
ions; way into milestones that th Prino will
certainly propose an arbitration, and that hi
visit is mad with tb object, of securing for
r ranee in position wnion wouia certainly be
given w m. power inai mignt render aa agree
ment possible. Mr. Seward not onlv exhibited
an inclination to let the Prince go if be liked
ne ecemea to minx it would not b possible to
nna any .souna reason to ODjeot to the expedition.
Now It strikes an outsider that If the United
states uovernment was entrry with Great Brit
ain for placing the Confederate States army on
th footing ot belligerents, and If U baa always
maintained that the troops ot th Confederate
States army, so ealled, are rebels, the visit of
in neir so to tnrone or r ranoe, minus one in
th present Imperial succession, attended by a
United States General and escort, to th oamo
of th rbla and to the Generals in command
of them, with tb saocUon of tb United State
Government, and the return of the party to th
United States lines, is on of th most extraor
dinary cases that bsa ever been permitted to
occur by any government in tho world. I doubt
u any neutral prince would have been allowed
to pass from th allied lines into Sebastopol sad
to nsv returned to th allies bv either slda:
but ther oould be no "if " in th matter at all
had th on old considered and uroelatmad th.
others to be rebels. It was late on Friday when
th Prince returned, and on Satnrdar ha Ufa
Washington for th North in company with M.
, His visit will be construed in many ways, none
oi inm jTtn sigiuncanee ot tb act win
b macolfls4 and Its importance exaceeratw!.
People here eaa not understand that an Illustri
ous ptrsonag traveling taceontrs ae a neutral
can visit potn camps wiioout impropriety, and
that he Is animated by no other desire than that
M eesiot will nia awn eve. the aetaal condition
of th contending parties. , In Itself, again, th
visit ot u rrtno will b regarded as aotblog
lee than an act of preparation for th formal
recognition of the (nfsderaoy. With eharae
terisilo good taste, tb only Journal in the world
capable of suoh mingled folly and Insolence so
leota the occasion of th Fraaoh Prist' visit to
actras France of a secret hostility totb United
Slates and to denonso th Prtao himself as
soy t aad In aa accsss of obeorditv, whioh really
looks as If the paper In qoestloo were In the pay
some Bitter eaeaUea t th United State, who
. U...IUHUUU Uu in ram, wis journal. Having
asserted that Franc, la anaonrarari h Fl.rr
whioh will soon follow her aiamnU. tn kr.v ikl
blocked and recognize the Southern Cotifeder.
aoy, aemsods, by way of conciliating the two
btbi maritime power of the world, that a
force shall be Immediately prepared by the 8ee
rotary of the Naw to raaiat th. united flata f
seas where at the present moment be baa failed
m cautoiisDiDg a blockade before bis own ports.
However, this is Of a nlee. with aimlUr mnAnt.
and can only be explained on the ground already
suggested. 6 .
Burial of Soldiers.
The War Denartment ha fa. ma1 thm fnllnw.
log order in relation to the burial of soldiers:
WAR DEPARTMENT, September 9, 1861.
for the purpose of oreservins? aoenrata anrl
permanent records of deceased soldisrs and
their place of burial, it is hereby ordered that
the Quartermaster-General or the United States
Army shall cause to be minted anrl tn h.
placed in every General and Post Hospital of
um .rmj, uia.ua, oosas ana rorms, corresponding
with the accompanying duplicate forms, for pre
ceding said records. The Quartermaster will
alio provide proper means for a reelatar.d hmd.
board, to be secured at the bead of each soldier's
grave, as directed In the following special order
wuimauuiug omcers, in reference to the in
terment of deceased soldisrs:
It is berebv ordered, that hnav n Mi
dler or officer of the United 8tatos Army dies,
It shall be the dutv of the eommandlno? nffln.
of the military corns or denartment In which
suoh psrson dies, to oause the regulation and
forms provided in the foregoing directions to the
Quartermaster-General to be properly executed.
It Is also ordered that anv adjutant or act Inn-
aujaiaui ior commanaer; oi a military post or
oompany, immediately upon the reception of a
- " : o
oopy of aoy mortuary reoord from a military
oompany, shall transmit the same to the Adju
Secretary of War.
The friends of deceased soldisrs desire tbst
accurate and permanent reeistration be made
of date, place of burial, transfer of corpse.
and official orders respecting Interment, to
enable them to find the grave, and such re
cords as are Important for purposes of identi
fication. To attain these ends
First: The hospital in which the soldier dies
must preserve a sufficient and proper reoord.
oecona: ineAaiuuntueoerarsUffloe should
receive a perfect duplioate of the same, as the
records ot that omo would be more Derma
nent than those of the hospitals or the ceme
Third: The sextons, whether of churohes
or of military or other publlo cemeteries,
should have permanent record, which shall
always be accessible to the friends of the do
The records- of eaoh of these offioers should
be kept alphabetically Indexed, for reference.
Each grave should hav its number, in the
order of interments, distinotly indicated upon a
post or plank of oedar, or some other enduring
wood. The name of deceased, the date of death
and his oompany or regimental corps Initials,
should, if possible, be engraved upon the said
post or plank. This should bs effected with an
Iron letter brand or stamp, Tbess posts or
osaaaoaras, ana tne lettering or the name, eto
will be provided bv the Quartermaster of the
Department or Military Post where the hospital
The sexton must be directed to preserve the
records and the ordera ssnt to bim by the Qaar
termastsr. Hs most also be required to attnd
to the planing ot the headboard or poet furnish
ed by the Quartermaster for the grave of the
In all cemeteries In which deceased soldiers
are Interred, the burials should, If practicable.
be made In regular series, occupying a separate
piat or ground: bat If otherwise and promisou
ously Interred, the numbers and description of
tne locality or the grave should b careluliy re
corded by the sexton.
The sexton should be notlfltd to require
of tbe physician of the hospital the number
and locality of tbe grave before he takes tbe
corpse. - -
Whenever tbe hospital Is finally broken up
or vseated, the hospital records should all be
transmitted to the Surgeon-General's office at
Washington; and they must ever be open
to- the Inapeotlon of tbe friends of the de
In the cose of a military burial at an encamp
ment, or upon the march, without the aid of a
sexton, it shall be th duty of tbe commanding
omoer oi toe military corps to which the do
oeoseu oeiongea, to cause tbe remains to be
properly Interred, and to provide suitable mesne
for making the grave and erecting a headboard
with a proper Inscription or stamped record.
And, in the absence or a sexton, it shall be tbe
duty of tbe Adjutant of tbe said military corps
to preserve tne sexton s copy or record; and it
will also be the duty of the Surgeon to said
corps to preserve the hospital oopy of said reo
ord with tbe ssme care, and subject to the same
conditions, as similar records in general or post
Queen Victoria and the Irish.
The London StUritv Revitto dwells upon
Queen Victoria' recent visit to Ireland as an
occasion which marks a signal vlotory of the
food over tne evil genius oi tne insn people,
t adds:
"Irish history has been a long tragedy In
three acts. The first act waa that of the wars
between the native Irish and the Anglo-Norman
eettlers of the Pale. Tho second was
that of the Insurrections and civil wars which
filled the reigns of the Tudors and th 6tuarts.
Tb third was that of tho Orange ascendancy,
extending from tbe time of William III. nearly
to tbe present day. But the curtain has now at
last fallen on the dark and bloody scene. . The
administration of th late Chief Secretary woe
marked by two unostentatious but signal victo
ries of tbe better spirit over the worse. Tbe
national Interest obtained a complete triumph
over that of ascendancy in the matter of nation
al education; and the overt manifestations of
civil hatred and of f';e rivalry of race, In the
shape of party flags and processions, were, to
all appearances, finally put down. Nor must
tb Landlord and Tenant bill be forgotten,
winding op, as It did, the long agrarian Strug.
tie which forms throughout tbe annals of Le
land an alemenl at least as dark and malignant
a those ot national antipathy and religious
nemo.. : ' -
'I hav a firm conviotion,' said Peel, when
Struggling against that last relloot the old Irish
mvu wars, tbe repeal agitation, 'tbat if ther
ware a teriod of calm and tranquility In Ire
land, ther Is no part of th British empire tbat
would make anon rapid progress in improve
ment., mere ar facilities ror improvement
and opportunities for it, which will make tbe
advance) or Ireland more rapia man tne eavauc
of any other country. I will conclude, then, by
exweeslsaT my eiooere ana warnest nop mat
this agitation, and all th evil consequences of
U. ma banannltted to subside, and hereafter.
ia whatever capacity I may be, I should couitd
r that the happiest day of , my life when
could see tb beloved Sovereign of these realms
fulfilling tbe fondest wished of her heart pos
sessing a reeling or uueouwn tor au nor people,
but mingling tbat affection with sympathy and
Undernee toward Ireland. I should ball the
dawning of that auspicious day when she could
alight, like some benignant spirit, on tbe shores
of Ireland, and. lay the foundations' of a temple
of peaes 1 when she could. In aocente spoken
from the neart, spoken to th heart rather than
totb ear call noon her Irish subject, of all
classes and of all denominations, Protestants
and Roman Catholic, Saxon and Celt, to forget
tne lnereno or creed and of race, and to bal
low tbat.templ of peace which she would then
found, with saorlfioea still holler than those by
which tb temple of old wer hallowed by
th aaorlfioe of those evil paislom that dishon
or tat common faith and prevent th onion
heart and hand in defense of our common
''Peeldidnot live to' see the fulfillment of
bis wish; but It is now fulfilled, and th Irish
kiwei7. wh. P,rePM l fulfillment waa
D?co1 "K"8' wnl1" h Irish Sec
rotary who will witness its fulfillment Is his
on," . . , ,
No. 4 Ghvvnns
1KB UOOD8, and Invite th publlo to Inrnict
them. No (ueh (took of Good ha ever been bravibt to
title market. The Bouth. In cnnnn.n. nf ih. .n...
f th grain crop, ba not been able to purchase the no-
'"v n gooue, anu una ract nas forced the
Importer to aell them at publlo amotion. Our buyer
(Mr. Stone) belnr In New York it i)u
advantage of them, and we can and will sell our good
ben, at lee than any on who purchased two weeka alnoe.
paid for them In New York. Our atock I complete lo
evry department of i
DYPn nnnvr.a.
Five Thausand Dollars Worth '
Bought in One Day,
Man', Ladle and Children' Under Bblrt and Drawer;
Mares, aiieeea ana uniiareo'o Hosiery of all kinds. In
Wool and Lamb1 Wool; Pleeoy Lined and Cotton Olove
of every make.
A complete assortment of all the usual varie
ties of
Ladies and Gent's linen Cambrlo Hand
kerohieii, Ac, &o.
To peraona who call on na, we pledge cur worda to
ehow them tbe largeet, beet and cheapen atock of flood,
ever eeeu la thl market, or pay tbm one dollar par
hour while looking.
decl-dljStawltw. BTONB Ac O'HABBA
Spring &
Summer Millinery.
The Stock Replenished
Spring & Summer Millinery
la now complete, ramp rlalogevvry variety of Mlilu
ryi also, a Urg anortmsnt of Xmbrolderlea, Hoilery
and NoUone, Ice., and In quantities and price that can
not tall to ault all who may favor ns with call. The
gooda bav been bought at Panic pricea, and will baaold
at a amall advanct on coat.
Miss M. E. YOUNG, late of New York City,
will anperlntend th Millinery Department. Her long
experience in th moat PaahlonabI Eitabllshment in
Broadway will alone be a warranty that aba will be able
to glv entir aatiafaotion in matter of tact to all who
may favor her with their order.
Th Ladle of Oolumbu and vicinity will nleaa ac
cept my sincere thank for their liberal patronage, and
I would respectfully aollclt a contlnuanc of tb mm.
68 East Town St., Colnmbn, o.
AT xrt " T ' T- Y V --il t"
Ifrom the NewYork Observer. 1 '
A all parties manufacturta Sewing Machine ar ob
liged lo pay Mr. Howe a Uoena on each machine eeld,
and are alao compelled to make return to bim, under
oath, aa to the number cold, hi books glv a correct ataia-'
meat. Irom tbi reliable aouro w hav obtained tho
following atatlatic. Of tb machine mad In tbe year
1850, there wr old,
Sy Wheeler As Wilson S1.30S
' I. M. ginger A Oo 10.MJ
" firorer A Bakr M.-.10,aO
Showing th eale of Wheeler A Wilson to be oW V
tho of any other Company." ,
Awarded the hlghett premium at th
united n La tee raira or uuo, ituv ana ibou;
also at the
Ohio State taira of 1850 and 1880
and at nearly all the Oounty fair In th Beat'.
Our orioet at th late redaction, are a lot as m
lock dick machine now sold, and but a ttifle higher than
th. Interior (to. thread eAoea MoA enaoAine, now
forced noon the market.
Th. WH11LK& A WILSON MACHIN1 makee the
Look Sticb th only o ne which cannot be raveled . It
hi Attn o Both Bioae ot th good, leaving aw rMlg or
ehaiont under. tide.
AUmacMn tcar'anttd 1 vtar. and inttrumon
given In their nte, free of char.
n. UBAJti,Bi am at., uoiomoae,
dc3-awd3mAw6m Ptke'a Opera Hoee,Clnolnnatt...
Baltimore Clothins House.
TTTflQS ct 33XjTXEL1.
TinriCTTa turn waetauu Btaisa in '
No. 308 W. Baltimore-stroet,
' fwriwoas ma TV ax pjowaaa,)
A Large Assortasnt of Piece and rarnlshtnr
i . i ' ' Bold. rVmatawtlw am Waal ;- ' ' '
4 -i;od ui eM
"; TOhAlesal amd H.tall xaealavlst , ; .
' No. 83 Fiftit Btrcjat
" P IT aSBURGH.'P tt
aV.P eOmataatty band all th wsvV im
....V, BJUWsJSJ Oliuw - ,,.( I-
ZiMLjpcxtocS. OistirB, '":
Oct. es-tyai ' '
irar 1. CHimnosrf'
" Kr Otto,' g 89 Broadway New Tork City, as' '.:'.
two' Brajerje, Coliu&baai Ohlew , . , ...- . 1, ,.i ';,.
, 2UCar7ul attention paid to CoUMUaSM. " . ' ;
aprll&dE ,