Newspaper Page Text
MULSH, rnhllahsn- UKO. W. fflAWi-KWWV Bailor. wrdDAY-MORMINQTsEPT- 1861, Democratic Union Nominations. ' ' "fOR GOVERNOR, T'v Hugh J. Jewett, . OI OTetekengaiUa -t- LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, 1 ' " John G. Marshall. i ... ol UrWB ... BUPREMK JUDGE, ' '' ,J ; - ,; THOMAS J. S. SMITH. , , , Of Montgomery. , , ' TREASURER OF STATE, (IFOHGU W. HOI-MKSt ... v i of Hamilton. ' ' .'. . '! ' 8BCRSTABI Of 8TAT1. WILLIAM XT. AUMSTBOKfJ, Seneca.' .' ' ' . COMPTROLLER, ; '. ' ' TVAKNE CBlSWOI.) ' Of PUlateay. BOARD OF POBLIO WORKS, JABEZ W. riTCII, Of Cuyahoga. FOR COMUOM FLEAB JUDUK, 'UABIUB, nMAWAVABO BUOUO) I1GNKV N. HEDGES, Sen. Of Pidtateay. - , - ' ' ' ETAT1 SENATOR, ,': ' (riuiuii abd pickaway) ' Augustus v. yiittiiii.i't .-of ; . - UNION DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. RgrBItjxNTATIVIS, GEORGE L. CONVERSE, ' OTTO DRESEL. ."?! .nmxn, ' ,' ' :. GEORGE W. HUFFMAN. : . 'V . AUDITOR i "" " MATTHIAS MARTIN. TREASORIB, JOHN G. THOMPSON. RICOXDH, NATHAN COLE. O0MIIIM1ONIB, . JACOB BLYH. CORONER, ELIAS GAVER. INFIUtART DIRECTOR, !. PHILEMON nEss. J; ' Mass Meeting at Marion. Got. Sam-oil Medait will address the Mas! Meeting at Marion, in Marion county, on Sat SUt, at 1 P. M. AMOS LAYMAN, Secretary Dem. State Ex. Com. Democratic Union Mass Meetings. Tbe Democratic Union State Executive Com mittee hare made arrangement for holding Mau Meeting as follow! At Coihoctoh, Coshocton county, on Toes diy, September 24ib, at 1 P. M. Speakers Hon. Hugh J. Jewett and other. At Mansfield, Richland county, on Wednes day, September 25th, at 1 P. M. Speakers Hon. H J. Jewett and Hon. B. Euros. At WooeTia, Wayne county, on Thursday, September 26th, at 1 P. M. Speakers Hon. H. J. Jewett and other. At Cleveland, Cuyahoga county, on Friday evnine-. Sentember 27th. Speakers Hon. H. o r , J. Jewett and other. . At Toledo, Lucas county, on Saturday, Sep tember 28th, at 1 P. M. Speaker Hon. H. J. Jewett and others. ' ; At Jackson C. II , Jackson county, on Satur day, September 21st, at 1 P. M. Speakers Hon. John G. Marshall and others. , Other meeting will be announced soon. . , SAMUEL MEDARY, Ch'n. AMOS LAYMAN, Secretary. The Rebel Force. The New York Hirtld gives the following stimate of the number of troops which tbe rebel Confederacy has in the field. The esti mate puts in tbe field one in every four of the men In each seceded State between the ages of eighteen and forty-five, except tbe States of North Carolina and Georgia, from which we have official statements of tbeir exact numbers, which show that these two States have less than one in six of their respective male populations between eighteen and forty five years of age, at present in the service: a MiU Population eT4MM It) and 4i. Troop. Alabama . Arkansas. JOtt.OOO . . . 63,0110 . 84,000 16,200 16.000 119,000 ' 75,t!00 ' 71,000' ltt.uie - J67.0O0 84,WHt ' 60,000 ' 4,000 Vlorida Georgia.....:.... LooUlAoa. ....... MiMinippI Horti Carolina... Twin asm.... A.. Texta Vinrinia.... .... oath Carolina 19,1150 ' 18,700 lfc.OOO , M, 100 35,000 81,01)0 00,000 15,000 Total .Nosaed State 1,116,000 Add to the number the rebel troops three of the n on -acceded slave States: Missouri... RanWckj .. 30 000 , : s ooe . 1,000 Maryland ..... .. ...... ........ Total S8.000 And we have a grand total of 279,160 soldiers In the service ot tbe bogus Confederacy, with their mala body, or about one half tbe whole number, on the Potomac, and the remainder scattered at different points in Virginia, on tbe sea-coast and on the Mississippi river. , New York Politics. The Syracuse Journtl understands that the President of the "People's Convention'' has re ceived a telegraphic dispatch from the Hon. Daniel 8. Dickinson, declining any nomination by the Convention, and aajing that he thought he could be of more beneit to the patriotic cause in another way. 17 Illinois nas forty-seven regimenal in the field, and ia rapidly organising' thirteen more. Sixty regiment :ad. ixty'tuofaeeod soldiera! What State haa beaten 1111001?'" : -' - ' ' ZSr - Tm Fkuno M New BaDNfwicx. 'A gentle man In New Brunswick writes aa follows to the BeetMesjsW! ' !-n;w:..-v'- "I nope you wlU'toon gef )our 'diffioulllee with tbe Soatb settled, as we feel tbe eifecU of tbe war almost as much as you do. We, In tbe Colonies, used to eympatbise with the -North) but sosse of your paper oome out ee strong aud abusive against England aed the Colonies, without any cause or reason, that a reaction Is really taking place. ' This Is a pity, for it make hard feelings on both sides, when' It ought to be different, aa we are mil one people and should cultivate a friendly feeling." ' Republicanism Dead in New York. The Republican party Tiai In name and In York, atfweU as faot bioome dofunet in New. There was a Republican State Convention, and also what was called .;People'! Conven tion." held at Snacute last week. Tbe latter nominated the followine State ticket! ' - kUnrmi.rSmmirml D. S. DlCtflNSON, 01 Broome. Seertfry f ( Horatio Ballasd, of Cort- Und. , f v - : : '' '.' CmptrUr-i-Luctu Rosinion, of Chemang. -3Virtr-WiuiAM B. Uwi. of King. r Canal Ccmmiutmarr. A. ALisAoaa (long term) B. l' Baool (short teraO 1 ' Stale Priiw Intpteltr Assam B. Tamaii, ol vu : a,.,. i,'.oiUMh.WiuuM B. Taylor, of Caurt cf AtBtallVlUUM B. WaiOIIT, Of Ulster.' 1 j The Tritunt elves the recent polltioal stand log of six of the principal of these nominees, as iuiiowb: ,..-' V Daniel S. Dickinson, whq heads the ticket, It deseribes as "always a Democrat of theatraiteit sect." ,. V Mr. Ballard was, "till within a month, member of tbe Soft Democratic State Commit' tee, and a warm supporter of Mr. Dooqlai dur ing the last Presidential election." -- Mr. Robinson Is "a Republican of Democratic antecedents." '- " ". . " . Mr. Lewi !'wts recently Comptroller of the city of Brooklyn," and "was elected to that post by the American party." . ' ' Mr. Albekgei, who is the Mayor of Buffalo, "entered the Republican organisation from the Democratio party." -f ' . . ' Mr.TarrAM was a "Douglas Democrat." . ' Thus of the leading candidates on tbe fore going State ticket, three, according to the Tti bunt, are DemoeiaU who voted for Mr. DodoLas last November, and all of them, with a single exception, are of Democratic antecedent. If UUfff UfJ V-VBflTO A fWJJ.f, vwu. - , which Dominated Ibis ticket, was In session at Syracuse, a Republican State Convention was sitting in the same city. Conscious of the weakness of tbeir party, and Its Inability to stand alone, the .Republican Convention made overtures to the other body for nominating a joint ticket. But the "People's Convention" would have nothing to do with them. They went forward, did np tbeir work and then , ad journed. ., ;: ,..'1 a ' The Republican managers, remembering doubtless the story of Mohammed and the mountain, concluded as the "People's Conven tion" would not come to them, tbey would go to it. So they indorsed, confirmed and agreed to support the whole ticket the 'other Conven tion bad made, with one exception, nominating a Mr. Tallmadoi for Canal Commissioner In place of Mr. Beoci. . . ., Thus Republicanism in New York as in Ohio may be reckoned among the things that were, bnt are not. It Is fast dying out as a political organization all over the country. ( But the amalgamation . ticket which ita .leaders have sold out to in New York doea not seem to be in better odor there than ' the mongrel No-party ticket In Ohio. , Both are gotten np as a Jure to Democrats to help certain men to get into, or retain office. ' Both are an acknowledgment that there is no salvation for the country, tbe Union and the Constitution . without resorting to Democratio men, measures and principles. Tbe next step will be a general rallying of the people to the old Union Democratic party as tbe only ark of hope or safety amid this fearful storm which threatens to overwhelm our Repub lic in anarchy and ruin. Important Naval Movements. commit no impropriety announcing that tbe preparations ror two important movements against the Southern coast are going rapidlv forward, so that the expedition will be ready to set sail within a very few weeks. In one of tbem, tbe land forces will probably be under Major-uenerai Butler, and in the otber, under Brigadier-uenerai bnerman.wnois now in com mand of the important camp at Hempstead, Long Island. We believe that tbe number of troops of all arms employed In tbe two will be about twenty-five thousand men, with naval forces of proportionate strength, freoisely what places are to be assailed we do not know. and would not state If we did; but we may safely infer from tbe magnitude of the prepara tions that the object of attack are points of im portance, and that tbe blows to be etruck are intended to be felt with crushing effect in the very centers or tne rebellion. , Unfounded Statement. Tbe New York Indepndtnt, speaking of Gen. Fremont's proclamation, says: , , "Since the Missouri rebels are almost exclu sively slaveholders, thii proclamation it tanta mount to tht abolition of tlavery In that State, by word and a blow." " -'- Truth requires the contradiction of the state ment implied above. Mnoh the largest portion of the slaveholders In Missouri are faithful ad herents of tbe United States. - The entire num ber of slaveholderi here is small. And if it were true that the rebels were, as the New York paper asserts, "almost exclusively slave holders," the faot would show that the merest handful of men could keep the whole State in confusion, and repel large armies. A moment'! consideration must show the folly of such a misstatement. But we must repeatagain, that the men who are in the rebel army ander Priee own few slaves the most of them are adven turers, waiting for anything to turn np to better weir conoiuou. u. am ocpuontan. ; Jeff. Thompson's Sanguinary Proclamation. lanaatioa. The St. Louis Democrat gives the sanguinary proclamation of the rebel chief, Jeff. Thompson, witn tne comment: HEADQUARTERS FIRST MILITARY DIST., M. S. G. CAMP HUNTER, September 2, 1861. Tt all whom it may concern t , Whereas, Msior-General John C. Fremont. commanding the minions of Abraham Lincoln, rn tne otate oi Missouri, basaeen Jut to declare Martial Law throughout the whole State, and has threatened to shoot any citiien soldier fonnd in arms within certain limits: .also to confiscate the property and free the negroes be ionging wine memoersoi uie Missouri Bute uuarda. ' Tbereiore, know ye that I. Ja. Jeff. Thompson, Brigadier-General of the First Mili tary District of Missouri, having not only the military authority of Brigadier-General, bat certain police powers, granted by Acting Gov ernor Thomas C. Reynolds, and confirmed after, ward by Governor Jackson, do most aolomnly promise that for every member of the Missouri. State Guard or soldier of our allies, the armies of the Confederate States, who shall be put to death In pursuance Of the said order of General Fremont, that I will hang, drav and fuarttr, a minion of laid Abraham Lincoln. . While I am anxious that tots unfortunate war shall be conducted, if possible,, upon the moat liberal principles or civilised . wvfere and every order that I ' bare, issued hap been with that object yet If (bis rule ia to. be adopt ed (and It must first be done by osrr enemies). i loieuo. to exceed ueaersi r remoDt ja hie ax eesaea, and will make at tori (hat coma in mj reach rn the day that a different policy was adopted by their leaders.'. Already mills, barns, warehouse aod other private property have been waatefuliy and wantonly destroyed by the enemy la this district, while we have taken .no. thing except articles strictly contraband or ab solntely necessary. Should these thiogs be re peated, I will retaliate ten toll, so heln me M. JEFF. THOMPSON, Brigadier General Commanding. Yon see Jeff, is area J if U In eatoejt. If be Bets an upportunitv. ha will ctrUloU burl L. W. M. ( , , 7 j Hon. 3. 9. Jicluon, member of Conirees. ren- reeeoting the Second diatric of Kentucsj, is raising a regiment oi eavairy in L.ouiviiie tor the aerviee of the United S(atea. -'. cc.-p i ; Incidents of the Battle at Carnifex Ferry—Colonel Lytle and Captain McGroarty. We take the following from lU Cincinnati Lnqnirtr of yesterday, the 17th Inst.: We had the pleasure last night of a personal interview with Colonel Lvtlo and Captain Mo Groarty, of Abe gallant Tenth, who arrived at about five o'clock vesterdav evening, on the steamboat Wave, in company with Lieutenant Fanning and Color Sergeant Connor, who were also wounded in tne engagement at larnnex Ferry. We round tbe Colonel at the residence f his brother-la law. Samuel : J. UroadwtU Eta t stretched upon an eaav lounge, and as comfortable aa tbe affectionate solicitude of ."ministering aneels" ean render blm. . Tbe shot which disabled him passed through the enlf of bis leg, which must have been thrown eomsehat forward, for tbe came bullet wound ed to tbe death bis gallant steed, who after the fall of the Colonel, dashed forward, and leap ing the parapet died within the entrenchment of tbe enemy. Uaptatn jncuxoariy iniormeu us that tbe Colonel was unhorsed by the wind of a cannon ball, and that as he lay upon the ground b picked off a couple of the enemy with a rifle which was handed him, at the same time al though he must have necessarily endured much pain from tbe wound continued to Issue ble orders as coolly as if it were a dress parade Tbe ball, wbiuh wee a Minnie, Just scraped tbe bone and missed the arteries, otherwise it would have been a much more serious affair. As it Is'. a short time will place tbe gallant Colonel onoe more upon bie legs, sound as ever, save ine marx of an honorable scar. It Is nleasautto mark tbe enlbulsm which lights up tbe eouuteoaD.ce of tbe commander of tbe Tenth while speaking oi nis regiment; ana it Is equally eo to hear how thoroughly every man in that regiment ie devoted to their com- mander. "Why," said Captain Stephen, "there are no men but would battle to the death If led by Colonel LyUe;" and the sentiment came from tbe heart. ' ' ." - ' ' Captain MoGroarty was snugly ensconced in the bosom of his family, the pain of his wound materially assuaged by the sympathy and at tendance of near and dear relations. ' He had a narrow and reallf wonderful eeoape, as the ball entered tbe chest near the shoulder, and passed out throogMhe back, fortunately without com log in contact with any vital portion of the in iarlnr.' i.' ' " :- '''.' In this condition be lay for four hours, with the regimental flag, the euff of which had been splintered, in bis possession. Uncertain how tbe fortune of battle might terminate, and de termined that the eherisbed banner should not fall Into the bands of tbe enemy, be succeeded in soraDlog with hla band, as he lay upon bis back, sufficient dirt to conceal It, but wben for tune determined upon our side, the reaction was so great that, in spite or tae loss ot oiooo, whioh had formed a pool where he lay, he arose to his foot, and gallantly waving tbe flag, bore ittothecamp. -'" ' About tbe time tbat uoiooei Jbytie leu, a snot struck his Secretary, John H. (rreen, in the breast, who was biased by the side of his com mander. . Mr. Green way the correspondent of the Eiuiuvrtr, and witb note book ana pencil in hand, he was with the front rank wben he re ceived his wound, o.i ' ' " "Mr. Green." aaid the Colonel, as they laid him gently by bis side, "wDy in Heaven's name did you expose yourseii to tnis easuaiiy i" : : 'Colonel," be replied, "i came because thought it would encourage the men." L We art happy to etata that Mr. Green's wound, although at first deemed mortal, has as sumed a favorable tarn, and there is well-found rl turn that ha farill ruMivar. " -K.v'. . 1 The Tenth eaetsined the brunt of the fight for an hour and a half, and folly realized the high expectation of those who knew tbe fighting ele ment of which tbey were composed.' Led by their commander, not a man of them bnt would have itormed the batteries, and died where he stood, rather than yield an loop. - ' The firing is said to have been fearful, and tbe storm ot buueta irom we enemy s mirencn ed position was Incessant) and yet our men be haved as cool and self-possessed as could vet eran soldier, although but few had over smelt powder .before.-1 We do not disparage any other oorpe attached to our gallant army in Western Virginia wben we aay tnai tne 1 entn, thu far, has proved itself the ereck regiment of Ohio. . " ' ' Thr Jaw ' im thy. Fkdcral At .The Jewish Metteneer alludes to the patriotic action of the Jews as follows: ,. , . , , :., ' In the army of the Union our people will be found to occupy no insignificant part, taking into consideration their comparative fewness of numbers. Commissioned and aonommisslon. ed officers as well as privates of the Jewish faith there are many: some, in oommand of fine regiments and gallant oompaniee nave made tbeir mark already; some nave oeen stricken down bv tbe hand of tbe destroyer; soma have received wound! wnicn a metime may not neai; but, on the whole, they have baea singularly blessed. The patriotism of oar community has manifested itself in different ways; the unwont ed spectaole of the star spangled banner fleet, ing from a Jewish eyaagogae basecome an ev ery day ligbi. " ."i-i'Ti,. ! .;oi :.,;.. .i .a . . ... - HTGeneral Grant, the new commander of the Federal forces at Cairo, who supersedes Gen. Prentiss, is Brigadier General Ulysses S. Grant, an experienced soldier, who retired from the army a few yeari ago, but offered his services to tbe country when the present troubles began.. He is a native of Ohio, and about thirty eight yean of age. He entered the Military Aoade my at west roiiit, m ibj-j, and' graduated in 1843, as eecoud lieutenant in the Fourth lofan. Judge Caton, of Chicago, the receiver of the fond for tbe family of (Senator Dooglai, pub lishes an appeal to the public He says: - ' " Let not Utose wbo loved Douglas wail to be called on before testifying, by liberal sootribn lions to this fund, tbat love which they bore him and the reverence which they cherished for bis memory.; lias be not a friend in each, city and town who ia ready to go from door to door, and from neighbor to neighbor, to take the names and tbe funds of those who have not for gotten that Douglas once lived, and forward them to the receiver! . ' 1 u' -: v : .' h;, ii ' ' i ' ' I ''. Speaking of the Union troops being raised In Kentucky, the Loniavillc Journal isaj:- - .There arc nearly one tbeniand ready to"tnas- ter Into service, under Cot. Pope. ; There are nearly one thousand (cavalry) already collected, under Col. Jas. 8. Jackson. We hive not heard from any quarter of the State that arms and men are eot being raised.. ' ' ' - '' " Knox County. j. A Delegate Convention of the Democrats Of Knox county Was held" at the Court House ia Mt.. Vernon, on, Monday, Sept. , 9. , Delegate! ware appointed to a Judicial and a Senatorial Convention; aod the followioK gentlemen were selected ai County Central Committee' or el eosuiog year: t.U..t ,io at. ;. u.ittl w? Chauraan...L. Ilarper, af Clinton J "John'M. Aadrewa, Clinton; . Mosea rkboaler Harrison; Mesbao Chaw, Berlin; James Wlthrow, Jeffer- son j Job i B) Movamuenc, ' jacteoof Jsmei Uea4iogtofl, iulllar. i eci io s n wr.i ow Taw Coaveetloa then nominated the fbllOirlnff f or .ivepxwmimiive, .vaPiei s aai, .-v iMji Treasurer, Paul Weljtsr, of fioward; Coraanlav sloDer t3amoel, .Bryant,-of Wavier lafirmary Director. John liiscbo, of Liberty ( Sarveyor, Emme W. Cotton, of Cliotoa, l Xi:t f- i The, following retolatloa -was onatrlmohsly iddptedt'-' ,:; viqcrw oi d-n-il .) -' !' ' i5If,. That we, tbe Democracy ot Kaox oonnty, approve oi tne piatiorm adopted by tha Democrats of the State,, fa tbe 7th of; August Convention, and heartily, ludoree' tha patrioiie sentiments of Hugh J Jewett, oor candidaU foe Governor, arexprfcesed in hi letter ol aceepa. ance; li ei,- -a :.. o v.a , art visa .The Mt. Vttboq Manner says ol the ticket ! i H' Tba CaOventioa . was folly attended by the araa. beneal and loyal men of the party; The ticket a'aced id notsioatiow lain alf reepenfe sin tscoietiit a,eompoed of aawavevieg Depo- crataof (he atriateal integrity and nign moral wth.. It, U- antltlad to iba avn&deaee and hearty support ot every trsw Democrat fa Koox aonntvj ' .Tha rentleWJen are elites well known to tha pukliorrara honest, capable aad faithful to tha-Ci8HtttU0tiyan'afiJoieri men MtneDae back bene vires :aUs iriMitoof law, drdet? good-govertiineet raJly to thehe lupport. : D The Confiscation Act. The foilowing Is tiTcoufiicatioi Act fm at the lata eYtra aeaaloa of Congress! As ihe President has required Gen. Fremont to modify bis lata proclamation in conformity to tne pro Tislonsof Mus possesses a special interest at tha prasent Mtf IPMbljeerved that It li tha fourth end lait, seetiot tbat, relates ape dally to tbe case of slaves: . AH lCt' to eonllKaU proparty used for Inaurrtctlonarjr , ; 7 r, atAipeata. I Be itiua'cttdlby tht Stnttt and ttoutt of Reprt. timtatitto ,of tkt United State of America in Ctngrttt attmUtd, That if, duruig tha preeett or any future Insurrection against tbe Govern, meat of the United States, after the President shall have declared, by proclamation, that tbe laws of tbe United States arc opposed, and the execution thereof obstructed, by combination! too powerful to be suppressed by tbe ordinary course of judicial proceedings, or by tbe power vested in the marshals by law, aay person or persona, bis, her or tbeir agent, attorney or em ployee, shall purchase or acquire, sell or give any property, of whatsoever kind or description, with intent to use or employ the same, or Buffer tbe eame to be used or employed, in aiding, abetting or promoting such insurrection or re sistance to the laws, or any person or persons engaged, therein; or if any person or persons, being the owners of any such property, shall knowingly use or employ, or consent to the pse or employment or the same as aroresaia, an auch property Is hereby declared to be lawful subleot of orixe and capture wherever found, and it shall be the duty of tbe President of the United states to cause tne same to d seuea, ooniis. eated and condemned- .." 1 ' " " y 6io. 2. And bait further tnaottd, That such prizes and capture shall be condemned 'in the District or Circuit Court of the United States having jurisdiotionof the amount or in admir alty in any district in wnicn tne same may oe eeixed, or in which they may be taken and pro ceedings first Instituted. ': . . Sic. 3. And further anacted. Tbnt tbe .ttorney-General, or any district attorney of tbe United states, in which said property may at tbe time be, -may institute the proceedings of condemnation, and in lucb case they shall be wholly for tbe benefit of the United States; or any person may file aa Information witb such an attorney, in which case the proceedings shall be lor tbe use or ancn inrormer and the united States in equal parts. ' ' Sic. 4.. And It it further enacted, That when ever hereafter, durlBg the present insurrection against the Government of the United States, anj person claimed to be held to labor or ser vice under the law of any State,' shall be re quired or permitted by tbe person to whom such labor or service Is claimed to be due, or by the lawful agent of such person, to take np arms against tbe United States; or shall be required or permitted by the person to whom such labor or service is claimed to be dnc, or .bis lawful agent, to work or to be employed in or upon any fort, navy' yard, dock, armory, ibip, entrench ments, or In any military or naval service what. eoever, against tbe Government or lawful au thority of tbe United States, then, and in every such esse, .he person to wfiom -suoh, labor or service is claimed to be due, shall forfeit his claim to such labor, any Jaw of the State or of tbe United States to the contrary notwithstand ing. And whenever thereafter the ' person claiming such labor or service lhall seek to en. lorce bie claim, 11 ebait be a toll and mfSoient answer to such claim that the pereoawaole ser vioe or labor ii olaimed had been employed, la hostile service against the Government of the United, States, contrary to the provisions of this ant . i Approved August 1861. Nomination for Senator. I Tbe Union Democracy Of the -counties of Bo tier ; and Warren have nominated Pktkr Moarav for State Senator, t ,..-;; Mr. Morpht li one of the best Union Demo eratiin the State. .,t.:r i The Lebanon Cithe say!: - ' - The Democratio Convention, held at Monroe. on Saturday last, nominated Peter Murphy, of Dutier, io r otate senator, inn is a- most ex cellent nomination. . Mr. Murphy is one of the leading men of Butler county. He was Sheriff lor two terms, which omce be filled with die- Unguisbed ability. iJuring tbe last Presidential campaign he was an ardent Douglas man, and did everyvning ne could in behalf or our la mented entertain. Air. murphy is a man of good talents, robust common sense, great influ ence and popularity, and would make a capital Senator. He is an enterprising farmer, and baa never been an office-seeker. He did not desire tbe nomination for Senator it was ten dered bim by tbe unanimous vote of the Con vention. An honest, upright and clever ten- tleman, and a sound Union man, he : deserves an eothusiaatio support. .- . .- - Senatorial Convention of the Counties of Knox, Wayne, etc. The Democratio Senatorial Convention for the district composed of tbe counties of Knox, Wajne, Holmes aod Morrow, met at Manileld, on Toeeday, the 10th Inst., and nominated Thomas Aimor, of Ilolmei, as the Democratio candidate for State Senator from said district. The Convention adopted the following ieso- lutloa: . .' ;'-'.'' ., t t. .''h -. 1 1 Reoolved, That we iodorse tha nlalform adopted by the Democracy at the 7lh of August Convention, and that the patriotic sentiments of nngn t. jewett meet oar viewi eieclly. ' V ' .' T . . ... . . . Is a Giniui. We Snd thii sen tence In one bf the London Saturday Review' t articles on American affairs: "General sMcCiellan most be a trreater ce. nlos than ever the world baa yet produced if be can make an effective army out Of the materials at hii command without a mnoh longer delay wan win or g,reeui k toe lmpeiaeui Datri otiof New York." y" ; y "Little Mac," ai the soldiers call him. nmat irame me answer. . , . , . ' !!. . .. I , Hit ! ! ! C A man In LaCroeie, Wig., a few dava ago. rushed to the river swearing that he would Crown himself. When he had waded into the depth of his waist, hie wife, who had followed him, seized him by tbe bair, aod then, aa a local editor describes It, she "led him back till they reached a plasa where tha water was about two feet deep, where she pulled him over back wards, soused him nnder, aod polled his head np again. "Drown yourself (down he. went) leave me to father the brats !( another plnng-e) get dronkl ( another souse ) and start for th river I (another dip) bettor use water, instead of rot-gut! (another dip and shake of the head!) I'll lam ye to ieaVe me a widow, and all tha men at the war!"" After soi sling him to her heart's content; aheled him out a.weUer if not a better, man, r and: aseorted aim into tae noose ana closed tne door." . PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR. AJMUfA. tne ovio, aua mi tie independence or tut ' Whereat, a iolnt committee of both Houses of tne Congreaa of tha United wtatas, reqaesting we rresuieoa recommena "a rvy an tjodiic hnmlllation, nraver and fastinr, to be observed by the people of the United Biatee, with relig ious solemnities acd the offering Of fervent supplication! to Almighty.. Godr tor thaaafety and welfare of these States bie blessings en their arms and speedy restoration, bf Teace: and; whereas, because it ia all iimee &t and beoojniDg for all people to acknowledge -and revere tne supreme government or Uod, the President has appointed Thursday the 26ih of Beptembeni a day "of hnmiliatloo prayer and fasting for alf the people of :tha nation. therefora, a JJ I, WUliam Paonleoo, Governor of tbe State of Ohio, da earnestly reoowimead to the people or thii State, that, avoeordkig ao their aiveril' erlede and modes .of , worship, they do ketp knd observe thu day, wordee-wbab heir'pryer may nnito with the or a vers of the riebt minded hf other Stateejor, guidance by tfie oevewrH jp. ..uifsr vi uBuvare, w raw enu luaa lew eon oraer and peite mav bra eeCMlMheiantfthe blerB- Ingi of clwir, aad religion! liberty secured and pctpeiaeter.. "throughout tht wide awtetrt U, oar eouulry. ' ' " ' " i m rj'' In testimoDV whereof. X- have- btmtr net y hand, ard caused the great Seal of H e gute r Ohio, lobe affile this lain day of Beptem. ,, ''A-.; D. 1861, of the organization .ofioar H k l-sneraeaa 4 W. DENNISON. NEW ADYERTJSL;1La(TS; 'p . PROCMIJAHON. milH OTJAMFIKD "TlfTBHi ' Off ITAtIFIBB "TT Bl Bounty are hanby notifltd to aunt at U X franklin count are bonny notifltd to most at their Statl plaoos of h141og aloetli f h141og elections In thlr rtijectlT town- U kJ "'J ships and wards, Second Tuesday ! October, A. D. 1801, btlof lb elh'dair of ths rao'nUand vol for lbs follow. In otuoora, to wit (OaeCJoveniar,t5nLlitnt "oy Srnt)r, on Bapmns Juai,' eh Treasunf Of Bute, one (cjcralarj ot Blate, Comptroller, a H enter of th ftaard of Vnblle Works; on 'Ooaman Pleas Jnag for kthk dlitrlet aoaposae of im esBatts or rraoana, rm airay and Had Uoa, an Mtmber of tMBtat Senate for the aiskrlet ooBposasV of tbe counties of Franklin and Pla kaway, two Atembtr of lb House of Beprisentatlvoi, ene Bherir, on Aualter, one Treasurer, on Recorder, one Commissioner, en Oorontr, on infirmary Direct or 0 Th rasters of lh several townships are rsqalrtd to Ntnrn t tbe Olstk of th Court the names of Ihe M- loftnf number of Jurors: ' , . '' , for Common Went and , lorprolat Cr'..'ii ouptrtor vcrwria. TP. So. Tp. tontgomry .... HamUton Truro Mad lion Jackson No Hontsomary Hamilton Trnro. Uadlson ca . 7 ' 7 li . e s 4 I li S s .. 48 . 8 .. .. 13 iaesos.'f. Sharon...... Perry ....... 7 6 S S Sharon Psrry Prairie r Pralrl.. Clinton . Pleasant, Plain ... main .. Norwich. Clinton....... Pleaaant Plain Mifflin Norwich Franklin Blendoo . S .. e . 7 . s . ft Franklin. Blendoo... Brown . 7 . 3 . . i Brown , Waihington'.'.. ' Jefferaun Washington ...... Jttferaoa... . 1M , Gives under Bay band and seal this urn aay of September, A. S. 1831. J GEORGE W. HUFFMAN, , BheriS of Franklin Co. i 0. ' Spl7-d.j I . .- ' i) '' .Old Orders Redeemed. NOTICE Is hereby riven 'tliat'i will fy.on pre aentaUoi. all She oaMtandlnt- erdara lesued anlnst ihtiQeusty Srauery, ladpned, 'No paid (or want of laoas.". . . ,:r, ,juxin tt. xiioairBon, Bir"' ; Treainrer Franklin Co. sepMMStwU. im I'". 7 r- LIQUORS. i A BARRELS OLD M0H0N8AHELA i I 't , , . 1U 80 do.'- v. ' 4o.' BODRBON. " ' ' J est reoelvtd and for sale low for oath, by " , . - ' ' . ' r " LAOBLLR K088 c CO., I-,': - ' ' ' I 32 Booth Hljh street, Columbus. sepllCt, ':. .-i'-'-.i ' ' ; ' lOGl. I iir .'.f. lOGl. '7.1 ,i.r.- GREAT WESTERN DISPATCH. United States Exvrcaa Co.y Frop'r. I FAST FREIGHT LINE, 1 Via Hew. York & Erie Eaiiroad. .. iU '.-ClfWfl 'I ''i ", ' . And all other It&ads lieading West ! and BoTithwest. i, cu. t-.'. I ' . a Chartered Cars over most Roads on Paisenger Trains. L :. KNI6TBT. AtX H. HOVIT, Ag't. 251 Broadway, N. S3 Bute St., Boston WltVttRRlf, 8uprlntendn.BBralo.O t: ' St. flTCH ft so.iAarentsrj: 8T Wilt Broad Street. COLUMBUS, OHIO. sepH, (Late of Phalonl Establishment, N. t. ,) , ' TltOPBIETOR OF THE HEW YORK A. . FaahfOnable Bhavicg, Hair cutting, Bhampoontng, tiarneg ana Aliening neioon, South jTTigh St., over Bain'a Store, whire satisfaction will be given In all the various branche. . , - . , Ladlea' and CbUdran's Hair Dreailog don In Ihe best siyie.. sepl3dly ' ! OOIaTJJMIlUS WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. LACELLE ROSS & Co , Commission Merchants '.'',': IUP0RTER9 AND DEALERS IH 't1 . a' FOREIGM AHD DOMESTIC WINES, BRANDIES, rl 4.0. Ice. ' ALSO, Old Rye, Monongahela & Bourbon :' whisky. WAREHOUSE AND OfFICE. SSI SOOTH mall IT., ! tJOLUMBUS OHIO. . ' stpSdlyls -A ' . i : OOLULIBUS a haw 4 OPTICAOniiTffUTE: twSW')'.; THe! Heel Artificial Help to the Human Mlarat ever Javen ted. Joseph: s. pehley. PRACTICAL1 & SCIENTIFIC OPTiciANi Keeps the Largest assout. meat of the moit Improved klods o( Brxctaclaa. All hla Oiaana, whether for near or far-sighted, are ground la eoocavo convex form with th rreateat care, ao aa to suit th lye at all eases, earing Weakaaaa, Dliainea or Inflammation of the Kyea, and Imparting aareacth for lone mdinr of SaA ain. .71 Ti u01'!3 '"et,'t.BsjimrjtVWUtr,s Music Btrtre. u5-Ui 5,s' WVO j.,(rrf IJ Corner Bprlas; aWaler Hta.v " W. B.h P0TT3 CO, lad Uannewlarer ef Sraes ant) Oompoettl'oe CuUniri, "vl rielahed Rraae Work of aU Deacrlj.tlona. .T: Pwtrt.aPhtlBJ; ijwysvwmw .... fbl llrdly Om Irish ' Lineti' Oooas: Lima Bhlrt Boaaaae flainandlaBey il Bhlrtlng end Roaoa Llnea , . . Linen Hbeattag and Pillow Caatnra r ' . Lloeo Oaoibrlcs and Lea lwna.' ! r, m.n. ',t1,aodaiti,Urtaa.-T ' ' R . 4 Uno TowelliniiandDianaia . ! 1 Unea Nanltn and VOvlles. ' V,V? tu.e Table Oloaha and Satin bamasksl ( l ' LtnM Tewu with oolond taHiM. . tvr ill KM I liBfra Stair Oorarliin aod rjruh. ' t:t .. InrsalaM lewBiieas, labn Jl,-.,: .Ji: 1 ''-A mi r.siuua Ml f4.V4f wti Ite atniff 7lf eel fcla Wkt Checked of lpriwfMUty. Voraailby-' i BAIN A BON. BihSJ .lrtbHlg)k . .. i . h get A "0 r f I and all ;i.-.'i the aaa For -and . the-'Journal 111 reel biig-rws of GUUnNOEY0 DALL1! CUERMSEY'S CALM VV RE IQO WEN AND PUEVENTsT 1 -aaamaUueene pain, and heals th worst bnrn, oald, bral,eut ,er treah wound ol any kind, prevents swelllnf and Bala, from ke tnrs, moaqalto biles, and poloonon plant, nauralirla, rkeumatlin, agna In tin breaat, salt rhMmA etov When Ukan Internally, II will positively ur croup fnehlldreii,and lvee Immediate rallatln th wont cm of thia terrible complalntl alao. TTme "a on throat, frto, Ut ceaU. No real Initio can oe don th above preparations bat by procurina and reading deecrlpltv pamuhlelaA b found with at) dealers, or will b eenl by Proutleter ea demand. L VoTmulaa aad Trial ottlea ai-nt to Via at clane, wb will Rnd development In byilt worthy their aeceptanc and approval. Oorre.pnndeno eoliolled from all whoa necaaaltle or eariqsl V prvmple to a trial of to above rollabla Hem dfca." 15 For sal: th nlnal arbxilesaw Bod' retail dealer' eniyweere. , . .. , . JOIIIS LrlUNKWJUl.i, rroprleto . f ' ' CHEMIST AND FHAKMAOEUTIST, ' No. 9 Commercial Wharf, Boston, llass. Boherts a Bamnel. N. Bi Harple. J. ft. Cook. J, At Dtulg. 0. Denlr Boni, A. t. BtliuelUr Av Hoa, Atent A ent lnily i tor Columbus. Ohio. mi t Oysters! Oysters!! Oa,,!, 't0.i :;,XKrj3LGt-'JSriSJ3. HAS JtJIT HKCKIVED, ANIi vTII,l, be la dally receipt, by XxprtM, ef , . . . FILE3H CAN & KEQ OYSTERS, Vnn TlalllmnM anil Vllv HlfMI. Call at WagMi'l Oysifr aud frujt Depot, No. 21 Xaat "iMtf lja iiU,tA.A J!M.w l',.;:. ,.'.. i! ' B AITJ & so n, No. 29 South High Street, ColuttioUB, ARR N01F OtFERIHO '''-"" VOOO yarda 1'iaveUo, Jlrca Oood at 8K, value nXonts. ,.,-! SSOOysMs Travellnr Bren Osods at32X. valua SQtt. iWW yards Bngllih BVraaes at value 25 eeaU." 1000 yards French Organdies at Uljtf, value SO oants, r. SOUq yards Fut Colored Lawns at 10, value IS cents. 100U yards Foulard Draai Bilks at 37X, vain SO eentj. 15U0 yards Super Plain Black Bilk at a 1 00. vain l!i5. Robes of Organdie llerage, and Kegllah Berate, at ene. half their value. - ' BAIN At BON, . . J25 ... ri'. f.?fTi- M South High Buret.1 ,1 REMOVAL. 7 mimmn. restieau .a , ..iar....-- - . - ' DEALEIl. IN . .: .I'.-'' ; Groceries,-1 ") .it ii r. ' K -.ri.-JT-Provioioris, Foreign 'and Donptic Xfqu'ori, : a: .Fruits, d&eic, " .n,'.;is(!.'.'...u:i H ah-.1 j vj IU , ', ' nAB BRMOTBD rrS BTORB IBOM ' ' . N 0. 34, N 0" K T IT'ji JO'lT'SSTRE BT, TO tt , "NTa inl Snnfri TTio-r. fifrppf- ..... .....J...A,. J .. Tbe old stand recently occupieu byaf. HtdTONALD ! . j .n.e 1 la dally reoslpt of v, i .. n - .NfeW?AND FRESH GOODS '.IV ' ll Clieop for Cash or fjonntrT Produce. I 10' Oood delivered to 0' 1,12 tnta free" of charge 'TJI VM. Hi RESTIEAUX, (STJCCESSOjp TO McKKt A: BE3TIEACI) No; - " South High Street, ' Oolls"CnVII3TJ, DIALER IN CROC E Rl ES, PRODUCE PROVISIONS' Foreign andf Domestic Fruite, Vl our, a'l t, liquors, etc- stora6e & COMMISSIOW ' ECONOMY. IS WCAL AII." Whoever buys'achsas compound of ateratus, throws away his money. Those who purchase Pyle's Dietetic, a bur and whtleeame artlole at half Its value and double, their outlay. Depot, 345 Washington street, New Yrk. Bold by grocara everywhere. . . . . v . . . vf - . ' ...... manhood: how, xoix, now XSIIOSKO. JoitPnWkhfsdln aDealedlnveW: Prleelols.l ' '' LEOTURn OH THR rtATTJRl, TRFATMRNT AND KADIOAL CURB Of 8PRRHAT0RRDKA Or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Kmlsalona, Bexuat Debility, and Impedimenta to Marriage irenerallly, Nervoueoeee, Con sumntlan. Eolleoav and Vile, Menial and. rhyaieal In aapaoity, resnlUng htm BeV-abua, Ate. , By Robert 3. ouiTrweil, ai. li., auuor oi in uraea book, tov A Boom ta'Tliaueandii of n(f?rera. Sent nnder seal,' In a plain arivelope,' to any addriSa, Joai paia, on recoipi oi iwo a tarn pa, ny nr. UUA8. 0. KLINE, 1.7 Bowry, Niw York, foat O.Uce Boa 4Jt. - - . sep7;3mdk EFFECTS OP tSBZaTJIABItlES AVOIDXB. Too much eating an4 drinking, saw habit and modes life, often prodaos' Irregularities la the towel and gaaeral health of Ui system. . Sol Baeaoaam's Rtus wlllioobeur, th stomach will regain Ms ttrenglh, and betltlv action of th System will V (restored.. Bo llmicim are equal in aatfulaess to th . . , -1 ' I BRANDUETIPB PIULS,, . . BKAHDRETII'S TJNIVEBSAIi BALTB ft AXLCOUK'H FOBOU9 PJLASTEBS. Ivery man of th FIRS ZOVATKS had a boa of BIANDRITH'B PILLS box of UNIVERSAL SALTS, aa ALLOOCK'S PORODI PLABTIB pat la their knapsack free of expena. Aad to this fact may b at tributed th abseno of any of IHIB BROIMENT from Ineaaepllal. ' ' ' . . , . "EVKRY BOLDIRR aheuM hava box of Braodreth's PUla, A box ef flalve, and a piece of Porous Plaster. tbey at BURR to be Beeful, often life-saving. '.Boll by Joan B. Cool, Drugglit, Columbus, and by respectable dealers la medicines. . , , aogt7-dlm T.J .'! 1 11 - HIOFFAT'S L.IFE PIIit.8. i , In all eaaes of eostlveness. dyspepsia, blllloutand liver affection a, piles, rhenmathnn, levers ahd agues, ebstt aU liaad aches, and all general danuweaktat ef health HUa have Invariably proved 8 certain and apesdy remedy, i a slngl trial wtn plaos lb Life puis beyoad reach efeompstltloa la th ssti nation ef every pa tient. , . ..jj.-.!j.-. fi a' r Dr. Moffat's Pkemlx Bitter! WM k fbanl eoaally f. Icaoteus la allsass ot aerveas deUUty, dyspepsia, bead ache, th itcknaai toetdenl to ibamle tn delloat health. every kind of waaknea of th dlgasttv ergao. sale by Dr. W. B. MOFFAT, SS, Bawaeway, R. T. by aU lmgBt,---A v--r,i ,: ' aayS-dwI Tid folUnrinfF la an txtrttt froa i letter written by the Rev. J. I. Holme, pastor ef th rnireTint-Btrat aiVtM CAurh", 'Brooklyn, Bf. T.,to and Meaetngei',' OlndtuiaU, 0.,aad speaks ToJaaui In favor of thai wertwvefwad saediatna, kU. WoslowV BenSnaw lrmceefOBaai Tavnaaai , Weee aw-adTffianenl to your column of Hi. :ihmw BufWUfW B mil ff'lfowwir never saiga word favor f a TMtoot SMdleta before Bl list, iMt W cmpuu tor o your rauerawM BuakiB hum bavb Tv.n o rr, us aaew.i re we n ai v ruj,.fic. Itkipt.j .al iy eneof the moat euroaaaful aaedr ennflheday, 1mum It taeaeef the but, And those your reader whe bar hgblte oaa't do better thaa llFPPl.1 , fjlHWah! ' 1-1 PROF. L. MILCER'S HAIR INVIGORATOR Aa Effeotlv, Bf and KoonomiotJ"' , , Compound, . , , )ltfOVL EESTORINO GRAY HAI To 'lis original eolor without dyeing, and preventing Ualr from turning gray . ....... " FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS, y And wring It, whea tier Is lb least particle f vlttl ' ) i, i , or roaurativ energy reaialalng. . , l-YJR REMOVING 8CURK AND DANDRUV j y And all eoteiiK! affection ef th Doalp. ' .1 1 ' ; ! FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR. Imparting to It att BBeqaled gloa and brllllaoey, aukta( It aoft and silky In Us tenure, aud causing it to eiul . readily., ,-.', h ' ' ' - ' . iJU . Ik great celebrity and Ineraaalng demand for this aa. equaled preparation,' oonvinoea Ui proprietor that oa trial la only neoeaaary to satiify a diacernlng public of Its aupariorqualili over anv other iruarUoa in a. It aleana th haad and scalp from dandruff, and other autanous diaeaees, eauaing th hair to grow luxuriantly luring u a rioo, aoii, gioaay ana neilble a auo, wnor the hair la I the hair ia looaanln and Ihinninv. 11 will tfnra 't . strangto and vigor to th roots and restore ill growU to M naa parte wbtch have become bald, causing It to yield a raan covering of hair. . (There are Tiuodiwl, of ladlea and Btleaea m Hew ' Yarlc wlio have had their hair raatored by th as of (bit' Iuvtrorator, when all other praparalions nave failed. L. , . Mw ha in his pusaeaiion letters lnnamarabl taatlfyiw , to tlia above facia, from peraona of the hiabeat redeect- -klllty. ' It will eOeclually prevent th hair from turning. ,. until th latent period of life; and In oaee whora'th hair has already changed lUoolor, Ui uaa of the Invtgorator , will with oortainly restore it to it to IU original hue, alv lug It a dark, gioaay appearauce. Aa a perfum for the V " billet and a Hair Reatoratlv It la particularly noem mended, having ao agreeabl frarrance; and the gnat la-i'" oilitlea it afford in dreaaing th hair, which, whea moUt with th lnvlrorator, ean b dreaaed in any required ' form s as to preeerve its place, whether plalnor in curia: ' bene th gnat demand for It by th ladlea aa a standard j toilet ankle which none oaghl to be without, th prlo places it wiUiin the reach of all, being h". ! " Only Twenty-Five Cent i pet bottle, lobe had at all respectable Druggists sol ' . ft rf an era. ' I. HILLBH wonld calf the attention of Parents and ., auardians to the ase of his Iovlgorator, In 'cases where . th eh ildrn's hair Incline to be weak. Th aae of U . - c lays th foundation for a food ktad of Hair, aa tt re- move any impart ties that may have become eonnotd with he scalp, the removal ef whioh h) neoeaaary both for the health of th child, and tbe future 'appearance of lupalr. -(;; . . ;.- . ; , , CAtmoa. Kooe genuine without the rae slmlle LOOII II ILLRR being on th euUr wrapper; alao, L. MIL-" LKU'd UAIU IMViyOUATOU, N. Y., blown la the (tas. 1 -" WholasaU Depot, St Dy street, aad sotdb alt ttTi prloolpal Merchants and Crag? lata thraaghoatta world Liberal discount s parchaaera by th quantity.' - I also desire to prsesnt to th American Pobllo my ' 1TKW. AID . UtTBOVED ZS8TAKTAVB0UB ! i iniiin n a in nvc LIQUID IIAin, DYE, which, after years of sclentifle txperimenUng, I have brought to perfection. It dye Black or Inn Instantly wlthoutlnjnry to th Bali or Bkln; warranted th keel article of tha kind to ailaiaae. - " PRICE, TONLY 5a CENTS ' , Dflpot, ,66 Doy , St New Tork.' oct:dkwly. EXTRAORDIWAnV BAHGAtNS . r ! BAINSON;. ' , HO. ' SB lOtiXH HIOH ITBXXT, Aniifov OFFBBINO. laOOfyards Saner Pmln Black Silks at el 00 valB tt Pr yard. , . ( j 8i506rards Traveling Drcs and Mantle Oood at 1 13 1-8 cente vain 80 eente per yard. 8,000 yards Whit Brilliant at 18 18 cent valua 80 cento per jard. , . . ,. tfOOOyard Tin AndDomettlo Olnghams greatly aa ar valo. (... ";., . -ALSOs LARGE AND DESIRABLE LOTS OF ( KOZAMBIHTOS. BAIZOBHrZS, CHilllB, fOTTLABD ILUJ, ' ,"j EKOHBH BABEaES.lAVEXlAS, ' i - IAWBI, CALICOES, FOPLnfS, j', AND ALL OTHER New and FaaMonatJe Xrea Grood In ths most deilrable ttyl and at very lower price. MAKTTTliliAOI Of all materials, mad In th most stylish manner aftei th latest Paris Feshtons lh most tlegant atyles n th city. BAIft tc SOI, may 30 ' ' Ms. 89 Booth High (treat. 4 1 MILLIONS OF MONEY For an Inch of Time! , , WAS OMCE THE EXOCAITXATION OF ' a dying Queen. . Tkat inch of time eaa be Dreeur ' - ed at a much cheaper rat, and many long yaara of ' ' ' ' 1 j UBALTII AND HAPPINESS , enjoyed by eonaultlng. Dr. HIRRYWEATHIR, wbo - ' la curing the moat obitlnate and lonetandine dire aim ti . of th LUN08, IIRART, LIVER. KIDNEYS. BLAU. ' ' PER, STOMACH RHEUMATISM DISEASES PEOIJ-" "". LIAR TO FEMALES, SKIM DI8BABB8, AND ALL:V arvauiiOMB or jut EVE AND AB., r t , i racle are Btnbborat Tbtaajal ITear What th PhlladelDhla eorraanondent aava In lha "Commonwealth," Wilmington, Delaware, vih of April, V ak,w: MAn Eoillah aentlemaa. SonBerlv esnnertetl with lha Bi'ltah Army, and wbo style himself lb 'Indian Botanic Vbyalolan,' baa of let gained an xtnalv repu tation hare by hla aktll In cur tor all manner efaom " ' plaint. Bom-f hi patient I have converted with," '. and tbey proneoacahls nmedlcs and mod of treatment' '' , a very aaperlor. Borne have been restored aa If by " 1 nmeie. I The medicine be jure I dlatllled by himatlf . ,, a om vatloei barb poasesrlng rare enrstlv properties. r nun. aoiiug iu oa army n aavolea nil Hilar mailt t a thorough study of theelTMta nmrtn. k. certain medicinal root and herb on all manner of dls- earn, n aeema ne nas round a (ore aud speedy reme dy for all tn Ilia that fleck ia heir tr..' Hi. nv.,,iM i. already extensive aad it dally Inert Ming. In thecom plalma to which Females are subjected, he haa no equal, a a large number here bar leatifled that they ewe aw ."' . i V'f.'f f rasnt food health, bat their liveer to to skJUof this Indian BotanioPbyaioiaa.u . , yiuceji ta8iartte ptreet,jCoiBmboa. . r.i ,ut augt7-d3m .., ,:;M,Nsrti.ii.UIUVI '' ' 1 ) - , ' J ,.;v,iltWI..Jlit'H'I..'fl Elegant lace mantillas.-; :? ", iT ,VA 23AIX c3 DON, ' ISTo. 29 South High St;;,1 : Hay just opened an invoice or very large and ' handaom ... ... . ---- . PUSHER, FRENCH, AND CHANTILIA LACE MANTILLAS AND POINTEiVj Wide' French'Xaces fob Shawls Very Deep FreneU FlonDcing Lacea. . ,.Ta, i Real Thread, French, Chaotllla k Geneveee'-" Valanciennet, Point it Gaze, Brusiels ana xnreao laoei ana CoUarC" il VALENCIENNES TRIMMED H'DKFS, i MALTESE LACE COLLARS &, BJETC Ti . LINEN COLLARS ft CDFF8, xtt.fv' .'tt ia , : i v. ft in new Shapes, PAPER COLLAR'S ft CUFFS ' -i otivelirifj a . , A ( Travelins: Drc3 rGooda MOZAMBIQUE A, rorUNSy StTJIPHBBD'l VBTECRl "j r XATILL8,R0Qm TALWCIAt, . ., ., . beat and xaort tashfonabl styles In th elty, . f AT1 TKRY LOW 1'IHCKSt. dtf, . . BAIN At SON, 1 jr Vt '.ft ;t