Newspaper Page Text
. i -- . sr , - - - - ftin - -i t w ' 1 "V A V, N- II II I V I i ( 1 I L SU It! jU'iWai iVii .ii 8R' VOL'VIIi;: NO: 87.V NEW; SERIES, IV U I J M M I j V le'1- - 'fit t it i II ; I" fc.l'ii . 'XT. -X .! i MS- Oinp-ITIUIISPAY; MOBNINGI SEPT; 19; 1861; ' r. I - - ' V I Via. ' ' r r - , tt , , y!. . .yni'i V-.';iilf ';) '"Mh piS-ilararIablT In Adranw.' DAILY. TEI-WEEZIt AM) WXEXLY ,i'.i-,t. i MANYPEMNY MILLER, fUBHIHIEi; AID PBOPBHIOBI, i tr oiu not. J8, as na to, Forts EIsii it WW IJCTJlMABLT IN ABTAlfOl. 00pryer. . . 1 00 " ' . Miqawl)rMK..t9000 , On ,," , U month 18 W . On . " . nontb IS 00 , On -, " mbUu 10 00 . On i "i 8 month 8 00 On j ilBonlh.' 00 On qnr 3 wtU . .4 00 On twMka.. 3 00 On "luk... 1 T5 On --jfej; 100 On ' 5dT.-. 7S On - "! ' 1 InMrtloa SO xMtplvM Mtertlitntnt hlf njr (hm tt tbort AdTMesl lended inl placid In tin eolamaer Mdkl Rotloei," doi A ordinary raCu. . ,cltrdmd en the Inilde oiolttilToly nftoi tbtnntwMk . m cviic. niurv uiui u pv tnt. mort than the ibort nta; bat all toob wit PPMrta w in tn xn-vrocivwiuuint AhAivA. i. BUIlDtf "J"0rd,notxoKling Art Mutt, per year, In- I I, SO pr Un( atai wf. MoUoea of mMttnK. oharlUhlm wi'lll. A i aau All tromtimt adturUtmnmlt auu & mutAA nm im ,mivaiun frlw rai wll not bTarlH frm7 t s. WMkly,HB Brtoath Sallr, whnra th adTartlwl aaalh Wekl alone Whan ha Bally andWaakly ...TiWm,uwuinini IWIOI WMUI Will al( tba ruo th Oalljr fj.IIo adrwrUMsant takan opt for daflolte period ".!; BUSINESS "CARDS. ,u9..v AND.NQTARY PDBLIG . t -. ?V,"AW unngopBolt Oapltol Bqnar.'' 1 ' 4- nit OOLOM1UB, OHIO 3.. oo33on.zar2zi, Attorney fc Counsellor at La-, rt" MARION, OHIO. . ' nr-T .TTTI" 1 t I !-a. uacnme Manniactnrig loinpan j MAII0T40TPMM Of STEAMJ ENGINES & BOIIERS, Xt.AlliroAd o iTiir BuournoN. 1861. Summer Arrangements.—Times Changed. Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, & CINCIN'I J uLt -J RAILROAD. OonnaettacatOiwUln with the PIIIBBCHOH, II. winra k oHioioo kailboad Ar PfMurgl, f)UadtlpMa and XaUimor. Alto .' forfait WoynBd OMeago. Oonnaatlni at Olrraland with the tAKl BH0B1 KAIL- EQAH rr Dunkirk, Bat ntyAlbanjr. Bot- "' New Qffc. THHEE TRAILS DAILY, Iron Oolombat, In eOnneettot WlthTnlnf on the LlTTLEffTini AD Cor.lJlTIBUS n u.iailvtt A lis. - met tea in NI6HT IXPRBB8. taara Oolnmbn at 3.40 At M ; at 3.40 Al wiu Mara faaMugar at all elation omn or tlaHoo, top at- t)iasr, AiUiy-OardlDtt-ni ai4 6i!p1i ana at allatatloa north of ealion,arriT!ti at ClweHtod I 9:00 A. M D.-nk.rk J;00 p. M., Buh .to 4 V5P. M. Alkaay 13 A. M., New York 6.3S A. II., Botoa sl)0 f. U., PmsSur .. ria OreatUM 3:S0 P. II.. phlladel ""! uutoago aia ureetluia at 7iMi if V 0P. V. ; : ' ! ihat at . t -. ' BS00NBIBAIN. KIH T0EK EXPFESB-taaTa Oolnml a. Kin atop atxewia O.ntra, (for Walt Sulphui Bprinfj), l uip.ware. OanUngtoo, Gallon, Orwtllne, BUM by, Hew toaaan. WelUnftoa and Grafton, arrlT at Olarajand at 3:35 p. m. Dunkirk, 8:50 p. m. Bnf- iio, j y wi.i aioaay, o:a a. ai. eWXok, i:6 p. m4 ttorj40 p. ra. ' Thl Train ooMotaat Bhl by for Bandneky, and at QJafton for Toledo, arriving at 1VWM 'I MATL AND AOOOMMOBATIOH 1T OolwiUil eti.SO'p. b. Will (top at all ataUooe Booth of BbeHqr, and f ' Vtm Lond.n, WalllB((tm Grafton, and Beraa; arrtrlng at Olereland t 8:30 p. n.t Dnn klrk.ftOOa. .(Buaaio.SSOa. m.: Albany, M p.m.; Kewtork, 7S0 P--l oatos,r 11:41 p. m.( HtUtmiyb, ea OreeUin, at ll: p. m. fhlladalphla, 1:00 p. m., Ohleago, f Oreetllaa, 0:45 a. aa Shu Tralar conaaote A alMlny for Bahduaky and Toledo, arrirlcf at Toledo Patent Slieping Cm axe run on all Sight TraiM to CMoago, Sew ,.; VTork aaiBoiton. -.i;: Bagjag Oktck& through to Sena Tort and RottOH via OmkmA: alto, to PKitaAOpMa and . , Might Btpreai arrlVM atOoltrmrM at...ll:15 f . M. 0 in el await Sxprwa arrive at Colombo. at 10:50 A. K. AeeammedacWB) Bxpna arrlraa at Oolnmbna at 7:50 w;t,a. i u. iar u w iei W JTWrtt4 (V(rtfiir,f C&ttnJ,, u e ii.m I ..o tut ' 1 BnperlnteDdent, Cleraland, Ohio. '. t"' ' ''I JAmPAimS0rT, Agent, , ' .iJ. '.& wowmhwa, Ohio. ..i OomatlU, Jun 17,1801., .mir...,,,; ti i ' Jurt BeOOlTOdI IAA nr. CH OREEIt ana BLACK 1UU TEA! lOObig prima JU Oonee. - lBOpookataoldPutohGoTemment JTOoffM. . 1 bt Ceylon Coffee. . . ! tOObM. etandard Whit Began, onehtrrt; ofPoW 'ard,ChnuhdLGrrjalated A and B Coffee BO quintal a George Back CodtUh. . BO bbl. Urn and Mo, 1 MaeHeret. ft 'r J O tea. Plek Balaeonr - v B t aaa. II.AalM w - I l' f A IOO ar. boa do d. ... ... , Im! V IOO M Olgara, dlfftrtnt brasdl and grede. - ' u. orW rt WH. acDOAUl M.'C.'L1LL!BY jft n r-eijlLJx-i. Ana Blaiik-Book KaiiaMtur mulWly .a -jxisrci' TvELAMKBr. - a-'i- i a .A i-.fl UfJBUOxeBi H ( I Jnatoeenedtor ia . 'aprW . h'!wi.ii to'1 loath High I treat. ' " :j :"" i".""i - A TtKiB llouir irtntr. ' 41 K.S9ilOTJTa.BIBITMm Hava Inat reeelred a new1 maki of ''Hobf VlVi Bnlahedia mcn frt periot Many yet totteuaeed at ... tri ',! tro-s !.-r-!l imSASILTrXlAKP fjaACSFOLKISS.; BvbM. jari a - WOROESTiEPEra ROIAl QUARTO DICTIOXAHY. The IatettThe larjeit-The Beit. , The Cheapest Beoaose the Beit, I i v..-: ! I I. "Tbc not Rilbi ataBdaivtl AM' tborltrof tliEiit'UiIt,aBftif. . " ''' '"' St XundrtiBrrintnt&liuatort tf Ohio, "THI BISI INdLIgtt piqilONAKT IZTAKT.' ; f ... M .iVry 'Hi ranpwardeef a Hundrad Tbtratand Word, whow maltlfarlona meaning and dertratlona, tortther with their eorreot epellinf , and pronuoaUUon are clearly at before the era.'' H n'tf.t 't "") n o4iMidrt CbwemerotaJ, a7o thtDtcUton if tKt Mmbtn of tKi Ohio BtaU The anderrlimed, tsraiben of the Ohio Blat f eaefier1 aaiootauon, adopt ana eta to nee In teaching, wrlttn and (peaking, the wtaograpny aaa pfaaolatiB of noreeeter'e Koral Qoarto Dletlonary, aad w moat oor dlally rwKxnmend II a the moot rallabl tBdard au thority of the lngllah language, a it le now written and ipoken. " , " ' - , ( Tntw Amaawi, Pneldent Kenyoo Collate. " ' . M. 0. Luaarr, Baperlntendent Zanerrllle Bcbaoli. Too. W. HaaTtr, Bon't UaaHlon Union Ichoola. -M. V. Ooemanr, Bop't Pobli Bohoob), Banduky. , Jobh Lnton, Bnp't Pnbllo Bcboola, OiroleTiUe. 1 B. If. Bamtord, Principal Olereland female Bern lea- ' " ' --- i Wk. MrrcHni, Bop't Pablle Bchoali, Mt. Union, t Jor OnaR, principal BtaUlforaal Bohoot, Mlnn lota, OnoilTAWK, Principal fourth IntrmedtaU School, Cincinnati. . , B. B. 1Utik, Bnp't Canton TJnloB Bchsoli. i InwmKtaAi, Principal MoNeely Normal Bchoot. , Bli T. Tirrm, Prof. Kathematlo, Ohio TJnlTenlty. Wax. W. InwAane, Bop't Troy TJnlon Bchool. - A. 6. Hontnra, Principal Wert High Sohool, Olere- Und- i'. ' ' ' ; , ' : .; . A. NotToit, AtMdato Principal High School, 0IT land. iHWBoa Btwuh, Principal High Bchool, 01m land. "' B. f . Btmlrrox, Principal Olrraland Inrtlrote. J. A. Gurinji, PratUast of BleotK butttnte, HI lam W. L. Bllltl. Pfnf. af IthMnlrfv. flhla Waalan UnlTeraltar v . .:..,.. - . H. H. BiMm, Ix OammlMlonerof Oonunon BohooU, Ohio. uua Hontra, fnf. Bbeterl, ObrUn Collage. ' Taoa. Hot, Preald.nt Antlooh Collage. , '0. W. H. Catoat, Prof. Matheaatloi, High Bchool, Dayton. , 8. O. GnnMBAffaW. Vmf. ILanmaM. Hlth HaIuwiI. Dayton. . B. M. Balm, Bop't Union School, AAteBd. ' ' Mor4 fhan Bid Bmdrei otter iVeeidenf of OoXlt- 9; Proftnoro, AuHor and JHoUngntihod Sduca tort, hav4 mdorud (A abov mMmtnt. PjlfiSIDENTS OF COLLEGES IN OHIO. HaJtiiRA OotLaaa. "It at bra It a manlaoont work. an honor to the author, the pubiiher(,and the whole eountry.''-Prealdent Andnw. . . ...',r Obi WcnnawUnmiutTr It exoeed my expect Uone. It will be m nide la erthonaolw and nronnn- elation, aad will often b eonenltedbymeforlt neat and aoonrat definition." Preeident Ihompion. . B. louono Ooiuei-"BrVf.r we hare ued Weter'i orthography. At recent meeting of our faenlty,lt waadecided to change It to conform to that of Woroetter'a Boral Quarto Dictionary ."Preeident flarneld. Wiwrana Kmuti Oouam.-I Bad It worthy of ooraiai approoauea.' rreeiaent uitcnoocx Oiamun OoLumo-"It more tbaa meet my expecta tion, x reoommenfr n a tn atanaara antnoncy in orthoepy to my children and my pnpll." Preddcnt Morgan. V Ajmoew Coujtaa. "I Idont and aim to at In teaeh- log, wrltlngand tpeaktng, th orthography and pronun etaltoB of Woreeater' BoTai Quarto Pletlonary." Preridenl BUI. "In alt my wrltln. tDcaklcii and taaehlnf . I hay a- deavored to conform to the role for orthography and pronunciation a oontalned tn , Wotneeter'e BleUonary ." "Horace lfann. lata Preeident. t tairaiM oi)j i a . i - i ..y molt fordhlly reomai. mond It u th meat reliable etandard aa thorny ol M Bngllah language a It ie now written and epokta." rieaiaeni Anarewi. I SOT SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS OF OHIO. Wromttto. Aruetm Smik, Otmmiuior of Oonmon . . tekooit a 0A4o. - . J "The Dictionary I an hnpcrlahablo monument to the learning and tndnetry of It aathoiy and an honor to the World of letter. The meohanloal exaoutlon ta far rap. tor to that of any other Lexiooa with which I am ae- qaatnead.1': . , (i ...-. . " i JVom Eon. B. B. Bamg. Ktt-OommiHiontr of 4cAoo( 4t Ohio. . .. l"Th meet rellabl etandard authority of th laa . :.;,,,, i WBAT TBI lieadlnBi KTewexpttponi of Ohio Say. from ilU Clovotand Btrald of JforcA B8.) The orthography of th Worceetar Dlettooary B that need by moat, if not all, anthor of dlittnotlon In thlt eOontry and Bngland, and conform to the general Mag ol, ordinary Writer and epeaker. I iWbaterar prejodice may bar exit tad pnrlonely, a careful Mudy of thie rolom will Invariably be followed by a warm appreciation f In great merit, and!) deelre ta add It to the well telected library, be It large or email, It lie library Inltaelf, and will remain an Imporiihe blAreoordof thelearnlsg of It compiler. . ' tlrom th Cincinnati Ommtrtial of April 90. , ere ar nnwarda of a hundred thotuand word " good. bad and Indifferent who maltlfartoae meanlnga and deriTatlont, together with their eorreot epeillng and pro nunciation, are eet clearly before the era. Tie work la ntmueatlonably th tree teat Ihaeaunu of lngllah Word Ttr publlihed. .. . . . Prom th CUnland PlaimdUaltr tfttpi. IB, 18W. Irldently Woaoima'i Bovaft QQanTO IKm0Bir It M enlv tM la4i, Intt tt aarr wrk of Hi bad ever u4l,andoaa by no pomtbtlltar uller by oomparitoa or oitroTny. : . ; r rrmiKBtiSlifilai9). " " r i to moBIIHiJUTie)!. WoBCTTt' t T StaWDUIB followed by our beat aathoret In 4elBlMon k leaeee noViIng to be deeired, and In UBTOoofctm It U lutnctent lo lay that Vfoacnrrnt be eahly followed. .vk , INCHABI OKAt Fibllaltnr, BekUern Stattlwnar, HO. 191 BUPEBIOR BT., CLBTBLATn), OHIO. . nW Mil If TltE MUTUAL'BE LIEE INSURANCE COMPANY. , 1 1 VTIMlftH. . J aaiienBBBi I pmdtaaJraaaarr l186lf SParCt-nt. i' 'I iff' T ' -Iei" ' eiMtiee a,j . 83819.536 50 Statement January 1. 1861 e.n . Ball a&?a,paratatementJan-ltW W.e3,)6,MI 3B ItAftaiviWt fne Pramluma dar- nnl tb. r 1WO I;..78j;( M " u ill aeoetTM lor lntereaa aunng tbk year iwu .....,.v.... xie.uie iv.i .v Tdtal'raoelot for tMaW.';Wri.(ftl W PaldOtelaatvDath,7,0fi0 0B v ., . ...1 -lalAPolloie miren- rtJ.r .v. defed ....v..'... (I.11T JO . ',. ,. .111.. fffV Vstti JUb in i -mi itfjit "J i-'V..v i chAiin. e)to 3I.6S0 54 .... P ald-Oommiadoni to , , , , ,., -emtlt ..4t.i."B1BBi'aB ' " " " " faMPhyaieUiia'faa,)-4i6o 75, 1 II ( 'ut. .uhi--PaMAnnultlea. ., .1.J17 M,. ul , . , ,1J, Veld ttlvUanila tf that yew .Jw..l6,00 Ti SAV.OOl R - 411,973 Id Bet Balano January lit, lfl01.r.v..,.3,BIB,358 SO . ASUXAii-Ntf . ' Caahonhtnd 80.(884 19 ul' f Bond and Mortgagee on Bee! Beat, worth! double th 'amaunt loaned... ,..n..A7Jt7 Jut ra ' . i-" malum Kote. on feliclea ,,,.,, f- .. . . In kree, only drawing t per 1 nt. tnterett.......... 1.8W.W4 It ' Baal Bltat..M.M....M.' - . W.8HiT'" LeanOBBcrlp.. .. B.KB 44. , ; ., i i premnrmi,noteianauaaB1in . ... court ol eranamierton.... 73 ' - . I I 1 i in v.ta.v tbtal Am 3,hjb,ho H i I,fif6PdUckkrntorolniurtn'...J..t8,41i6,53$ ' 1,4 J5 w Policial hT bean lam! luring th year. 1 Aftre4fllenliHotth prvaent rain of the ultandln- PoUeienot the Jampany,and haTfng the neoetaary amovnt In raaerre threfr, the Dlreotoei hare declared a BtTtBDro ot u per cent, on n praai. am paid at th able rate, to all poliete for 111 la force, leaned prior to January 1, 1800, parable aoocrdlEg to th preeent rule of the Company. ., , r( -,. . . -. , Rate for all kind of Lit OonungMelM, Protpeot bhi, ItawmanU, nd AppHoatSoaa, will M farniehed witbomchibbb, at ui uaic or Ageneie ol .im vat- 1 ulj (MidtOBfi Irv AtTBTtlfllf. Prt'tlo'eht: J r . riAOBOTBaV.TIMaraald(at'u LHW. 0, WILL Kit, Bwnetary. , r,iIjt KinTvca ' .VarrS81486U'- w 1 ' - - ', Caluaibiuhpl , t .... i... ., , ; - '-sl-l 'I. .-r- T ti A I FT A. N J I IrRFJ 'BlIiAKTX A BKKrs BIJ,r., ef tnrrt-kttv' (ata-Mt rileot fjorunauk ta eut.siw, ana i ait'e ti, ' - tvu ; l'.:":' .BvaUtLJhUMt: Ayor sS;Tsa.(v(ri!la A ompJund remedy, designed to be the most effectual "Alterativ that can ba made. It ii a concentrate, extract of .FnrraSntMpririlln. to comt)ine4 'rith other ubtance pf still greater alteratfre 'pfrwer as to affortT art effec live, antidote fcr the diBeaeei Saraaparilla ii reputed to ,eure.- - It la believed that such remedy ia wanted by thote Who suffer from Strumous complaint, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow, citizenav' How completely this compound will do it hM been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to ba found of the following complaint --' J " ' ' ", ' . - SoBOfuiA : Ain SoBOfttoDs" CoinptAbrTs, Euvptiors and EarjpTtvi DisBAsits, Ulceus, Pimple, Blotch, Tumors, Salt Rmbuh, 3oald Hjsao, Stphilis awd SrratLiTic" Ar motions, Jluiouauj. Dissabe, Dtiopt, Neo baxoia oa Tio Dovlovbbux,' Deitilitt, Dts Pbpsia and Imdiobsttob,- Ertsipblas, Bosb or St.Ajthont'sFir, and indeed rho whole class of complaints arising rmi Impvkitt op thb Blood. - '' This compound will De-rtund a great pro. motor of health, when taken im the pring, to expel the foul humors which fester. in the blood at that season of the year.' ' By tho time ly expulsion of thcra many rankling disorders are nipped la the bud. -Multitudes can,' by the aid of this remedy, spare, themselves from the endurance Of foul eruptions, and ulcerous sore.; through whioh the aystorn will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural Channels of. the body bv-an alterative medicine.. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin infimplcs, eruptions, or sorest cleanse It when yoa .find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins cleanse1 it whenever it Is foal, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. . Keep the blood healthy, and all is well i but with this Eabulum of life disordered, there can be no isting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown: Sarsnparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing' these ouIsk But the world has. been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending, to be concentrated extracts, of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else, Sv ""5 4 During late years the publlo have been mis led by large bottles, pretendjjrato give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sorsapa rilla, but often bo curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various attracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market; until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with Imposition aad cheat - Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such aj remedy as shall reseut tht name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is Intend ed to cure. - In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be Judioiously taken according to directions on UavbottW. r 'J ' - ; PltEPABEO Bt ' ' w' DR. J. C ATllifc CO. . , LOWELIi, IIASS. Prloa, iipwBvttlei SlxOottU for f 5. Ayer's Cherry. Pectoral has won for itself aUeh. a renown fcr thseure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, th.t it U entirely unnecessary for vie to recount th evidence of its Virtu ea, wherever It has been em ployed. A It has long been in constant us throughout this section, ws need not do more than assure th people it Quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. ' 'Ayer's' Cathartic Pills, f ... FOB THX CURB Of Cotlivtneu, Jaundict, Dytpopsia, . Indigestion, Dytenttry, Font Stomach, Erytipelat, Headache, Pil$, Rhtumatitm, Empliotu and Skin DUoatet, Liver Complaint, Vropty, Tetter, Tunwrt awl Salt Rheum, Worm, Gout, Neuralgia, at a Dinner Pill, and for Purifying tht Blood, .. . .. They are sugar-coated, so that the meat sensi tive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a nunuypnystc,' r j Price ti eentl per Box ; Five boxes for $1.03. Great numbers of dergyu en, Physicians, States men, and eminent pcrsonaaos, hare lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, bat our space here wilt not permit the ihsertion of them. The Agents below named fur- nith gratis our America Almanac in which they art given ; with also full descriptions of the ahnvo complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Do not be put off bv unprincipled dealers with other preparations thoy make mart profit on. Demand Ateb's, and take no others. The liok want the best aid there is for them, and they should Dave it. All our remedies-are for sals by , BOBBBTS BAirUBI Columbus. At) 4 by Srantttsand Distort everywhere. aow:iya.iwaw .... . ..... a;-.. OABABIAB ft UJHTED STATES MAIL STEIAME1 TO AJIO tTHOBI LONDONDERRY, .GLASGOW. . LiTerjJOol, Montreal, jQaeteo. . ? j HM JJJ W , YOHK. Th Moatrsal Ooeaa StaanithtD flontahys Srtt -fllaas full-povrrdOiyde-blM Steamer sail ervery Bat ardar from PORTLAND, earrylng the Oanadlan and United Bate MaH and pesttsgera, . i I BOBWBGIAS. X . W-BORTHAMBlltOASr,: , BOHEMIAN, - - r ' ANGLOBAXOS, .4 f . HOBTH BHIxONi HIBBBNI AN. -. CANADIAN,' NOVA iOwIIAS.- bartettt Cttaawett anaatUckcatOaa- . -i , Tiyaao xraaa AICESICA XO AU FABT1, Of ITT10PI. 1 1 . Kataaot rw4aa to jDiiropa. v ! too. sea Sao. win sauirova Liriubvery wstnttaayi and 'from QUBRBO awtry Batartlart iling at LONDOMfiBSJlI. tonoervtoa beard aad ton! Mails and Paeeengera. to and treat Ireland and Scotland. ' ITTtbeee Bteamtr ar bulll of Iron, tn water-tight tompartments, carry each an expertonoed Burgeon, and every attention is paid to the comfort and acoommota- non 01 paeeenterti a uey prooeea oireea to imh uvm- DBBT, the peat rJk. tad delay of ealllng at St. John's hi avoided. Glaagow paaaengert are fumlahed With tami taaag Uokato to and from Leodoaeerryr - " Bwtarn ttokele grantod redBCed Ate. himi ' Oertlflcatet toraed torcajrrytnt to and bringing eut pat ten ten from all the principal towra of trreal Britain and Ireland, at reduced rate, by thl lint f treamete, and by th WASHINGTON LIMB Of SAILINw PAOKBTS, ttavut uvipoai tvety wweavMi i a-nia Bltjat Draft taw. i ana tpwarli par- : ! aa B!.naiaam-ia ir.iaau, ace Eigiattt traiavma. acot- laata ar vevi for naaaaaw. anril at thi Offl laaia af WUNi V.', f 0. 93 KRaan. ntii aewii ark. tod 19 WATaH ST., . . . BA art a BXABJ.ll: flaiiaral Awamta. A. -t a-amtevnAiir) . s , y. .t twtsittas siwstvisi ,j aoiw-traaw ( i ' roa. vmoe, voiBmoa. vow. - v. '. wcr jr cjxnerioiPa : .t. r IIIATB TI119 DAT ADMITTED BIT ton JAMPt ADSBBBAIR aa partner In my tuet- toe, whioh wu bee after be eondnmed anderth firm V1'-- W AUU A. teDlO ' tXTTflXT Kfmt.JEit.'i', 4 " (Tatoerpnalon'l nbuehmaia, N. T Ptoprtotort 'wit an !! i- ni'e ) 'iavfr', Ealr Catdnt " Bnewpewii. but . and itw-in wtlooo, Beat Bait " seren, wvei w rottt ii-ia, mfefMttaa will p fivea to a.i ua iuut u.. iait tad w .m . up - vwt tvue ta mm svtt IWi 1 Summer Arrangement. Little Miami & Columbus & Xenia RAILROADS. For Cincinnati, Dayton f indUnapolii! Through tondlanaboIiB withVat phane of Cars r ,. aDd but Ono Cbango of Cars between ColumbuB and St. Louie.' " Four Trains (DUy from Columbus. AOOOUMODATION at S a. m.. (topping at all eU Hons between Colnmbu and OlnoisnaU and Dayton, ar rivtn at Cincinnati at 10 OS a. m.. and at O.vtan at 8.10 a.m,. conatln at Davton for IndlanaDolli and the Wait. .rf. , SECOND TRAIN. 1 .", London, Charleston, Oedarvtlle, Xenia, Spring Valley, vorww, i tea port tort Ancient, morrow Bt., lieoaooB, f oatar's, Loveland and atilford,atvlna at Olnelonatl at 4.30 p. m., Dayton at 1.45 p. m., oonnectlng with th Obi and at Italaalppl Ballroad for Lonltvllle, Ey., Tin cennee, Cairo, 8t. Lonla, NewOrleane, ate. I at Dayton for Indlanapolla, Lafayette, Terre Baute, Chicago and all Western point. , THIRD TRAIN. . IfAILatS.lOp. m., (topping at all station! between Oolumbua and Xenia, and at Spring Valley, Corwin, Morrow aodliovelasd, arriving at CUwfnoaUetl a. m. . FOURTH TRAIN ' "' " BIQHT BXPRE38; via Dayton, at IS 00 midnight, stopping at London, Xenia,- Dayton, lllddletown and Ilaallton, arriving at Cincinnati at 8.86 a. m.; at Day ton at 9.55 a. m. connecting at Olnelonatl with tb Ohio and Mitalealppl Railroad lor Loulavllle, Bvanevlll, Tlnoennee, Cairo, Bt. Lonlt, Hemphif, New Orleans, and all point Booth and Bouth-weett ahw, at Dayton for Indian apola, hafayett, Xerrs Haata, Chicago, eto. for further Information and Through Tickets, apply to At. L. DOHEBTlf, SickttAgeat. Union Depot, Oorumbu. P. W. ITBADIB, General Ticket Aient, Cincinnati. . .1,1 :t;:V.t ... JNO. W. DOHIBTT, Agent, Columbus, ID '-.".I I ' B. W. WOODWARD, i :i l i i ;U ( Bnparlntmdent, Cincinnati. Columbut, July 14, 1881.-. i, . .(-. EAST. CENTRAL OHIO AND AND Steubenville Short Line RAILROADS RAILROADS COMBINED! J ''COrWIOtlSa AT BILLAIBB WITH THB. ; BALTIMORE & OHIO, , i. ARB AI.PITTBBTJBQH WITH THB " PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL H ATT.RO AX): !' ' .' , fOBMlNO XHl . j ., i , Shortest, Quickest & Most Reliable , Iwute to all Eastern Cities ! ! ... I .-I Tratna Leave) CoIUmbtu aa follows ! BfOBKTJf f IXPBIBB " c" h i so a. at.-from Union Dw. via Bellalr or Bteubenvtiloi arrTmal Bellaire, W.90 A. M. iteubenvUle. 19.80 P. M.i Pllteburgb, 3.40 P. If. i Barrteborg. 1.10 A. at. I fa AUmtovn, arrive at Vow lork oJM A. at. I eta PUUKMphia, arrive t Phila delphia, 1.10 A. H. Bew fork, 10.30 A. M. Connect auo at aarr anarg lor jaaiiimore, arnving at a. m. oleeplnj Car attaoned to this Train Prola Oolambas, ran dlreetly through to Bellaire or Pittsburgh without change) aad Patatngtrs via Allen town errlTe In tew York at 8 A. M., ICTtf 0 H0UE8 IS ADTAMOK Of HOBTHBBtt UKBB.t This Train alto connect- at Bellaire witb the -. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad ' K 1 ' TTT. .1 "I. , PHIBBUBOH XXFBE88. Lavei Colombo 11 85 A. K., from Union Depot, via Bteubenvlllei arrive at Newark, 19.50 P. II. I Coehoo ton,8.15 P. M.i Bteubenvllle, t P. M .; PltUburg, 8.40 P. M. ITTThiil trie onlv rente by which Paeeenrere oaa leavecinclnnatl at 7 A. M., go through to Pills burgh In daylight, without change of oars or delay. - i r PAST LISJC. Jt.i Leave Columbus 9.13 P. If., from Union Dspot, via Bellaire: arrive at Newark, 1.83 P. IM Zaoacvllle, 33 f at I Bellalre.T .65 P. St. I Pittaburgh, 11.95 P. .1 Harrlebarg, 9.00 A. M. 4a AUtntovn, arrive ; Sew Trk.4 P. M l 4s PMIa&tlvMa. arrive- Philadelphia. 1J0 P. M.I New Xork. P. M. Thl Train alao connect at Harrltburg tor Baltimore, ar nviog at jr. m. Thl Tram rant tarongn to Beliair or ritteourgwiui- out change of Carat aad from Pltteborg tbr to- wo change of Oar to Philadelphia, or via Alton town to new xoTKuut onertng , , , . The only Routt from Columbus to Baltimore, Philadelphia, or Hew York, with only . .., t , i. , : BhangB of Cart. " ' - - By thlt Train Pstaenrert arrive la New Toik flrs hours la advance of the Northern Unee. ' ' Xhta Train alao connect at Bellalr with urn Beitlmor andOhloB.p.. ! , otTThlt Routt hi 30 milet shorter to Pittsburg, ana imors uan auu muea snorter to , . New York, than Northern Lines. Bayftffe Cheoked Thronya to all inv I portant foi&ta East. . i " ' ABK POa IICK1TI TIA BELLAIRE OR 8TEUBENVILLE. , Tlcktta Oae)d aver ejltker Btutt. I ' ,SJ' JNO; W. BBOWrl,", ': ' ; Gen. Tloket Agent Central Ohio B. B. .. ..- , - 1. A. HUTCH INBON, Oen. Tlokt Ageat IteubenvUle Short Lin. 1, !.. .'h.l - J W " ' JelS . . JriXlXekxa. -a- O-lll 4GRICUITU1UIWAEEH0USB A-nd Seed Store,. M 0 UUIll L BBALBA IB, IUiL, tU,iUB:pT n eawriatait, wyaatWuit rairo, alntvtaa Btbber Belting, Itot Xaatker, Hoee tad .) kiat-.v' . ...ii toi-aip Norelttos to KekrieBBa toarra.' - w v. t " n. 1 " Byron and Barroa Ooitosv ' 1 rr l a 't'imbrolondPo4SUvnittr iPhHW'love,Biperlormake. , ... , Ootten Bill Shirt, variew etytot.'1 ; - ' " 1 Boy' fleldwa Hill Ihirto) od 1 , ;ino,:. Drlrlng and Street aiove, di n .1, -c-i . .4 lit Hemmed fooket Hendkerohtofs, varidut stytos. 1 Half Hot tad Under ferment, " -1 T "lAIrt at SON, sprlU t:' Oiti vd tt Sooth High street ISOnETHING.lIlEW;!; HOWARD AOO'D. I , , . 1 "-J II' ,T VI -.1 I aMICAN-WATGAES,-- pALt AT HO. e, SOCf-UUlQII x'.t W' tBUV WIUAMtj VWI asejvf -. 'APJIERICAN WaVTfflir manuftetnred by 1. IIOWaBT) St CO.! Botton, ism. Thee WatoteMaM Miapertor to anything tver offend to tn paoiw,aeieieoret.i aavta tn exolnalve egenoy, eeu uwm at pnorc vi uj.iwaee, -a aav taat reoaveaaarg two 01 ,.( ..,,,,,1... i,, , AMERICAN WATCHES, ' it 1 t.-VI tttnajaetand bp APPLITOlf, TXACT, At CO 1 atse, 1 an aavonasent of r, m :; UoMninvti 0Wv,t Panto prto W.7.HAUU 1 - . ' .i , ' 1. ' " -' ..; -,.! 1. i tllll, -- .. ' ''') 1 llr,perr... ....... It to Tri- Weekly, per r tar., Weekly, per year ,. 1 00 . Terrible Accident at the Continental Theater—Fourteen Persons Dreadfully Burned—Death of Victims. An incident Of frithttnl fatallt Annra4 at the Continental Theater, in Walnut atraat. on Saturday night. .. The Continental was form trly tot ".National Wrong.".. A few week ago. Ms. William Wheatlev, an old and favorita aotor and manager, leased and refitted the place. 4 At great tipenst, be produoed the ttage edition of Shakspeara't Tempest, and devoted tnesual meant to perfecting the scenlo and mechanical arraogementa. . Tha ballet eorps was numerous, and maoyof tbedancsri beautiful and talented The rare ingenuity of an English machinist wai employed to make exhibitions of oolor and shad ow, and the doting taene wst said to bt unpart alleled for magniflotoce and beauty, Durlog the week tha bousee were exoellent, and on Sat. urday night about fifteen hundred persona were assembled to tojoy tht entertainment, Tbt; play bad proceeded at far at the eloee of the first act. Pfospero had related hit misfortnnesi and the pretty Ariel bad been instructed at to her master's behests; had ttirred op the ele ments, and the lightning and thundei exhibited to the delighted people the tattered shrouds and torn tpari of a doomed ship, Tbt waves were rolling, and the vessel began to sway. All eyes watobed the assumed terror of those on board; the jester Tiinoulo (Chapman), who found time for joklog in the pauses of the storm, and1 Stephano, the drunken butler, who swore and rollioked with seeming death in bit face. '' ' - AU at once, (bote accustomed to witnessing show pieces saw an unnecessary light glaring over tue top 01 me rear scene. Before they had time to speculate npoo it, a number of men in shirt sleeves (ttage carp enters) ran upon tbe stage, and, while the confusion grew momenta rily, a sharp scream, that teemed to pieroethe btart, raog upon the ears of the people, and s woman io ballet costume, with her dress on fire, emerged from the tide icenee, waving bar arms above ber bead. In a moment she fell into tbe abyss where tbe ship wta riding. At tht tame time s succession of screams ensued. Trlnoulo suddenly ceased to Joke, and dropped into tbe waters, wbile Stephano forgot to be druuk, and became at sober at a Judge. - .' ..- : Tbe young woman who bad fallen into tbt waves, suddenly reappeared, and the waves all at once assumed the guise of a bit of green cloth that was folded around the vonnc woman. and while tbe ecreame went on faater and fail. er, the curtain dropped upon the stage and hid the soene from the audienoe. Some eymptomt of alarm b ad appeared by this time, and one lad in ine gauery crisa "tire:'' whereupon be was at onoe choaked by a big fisted man beside him. Two or three women said "O.Lordl" and en. deavorea to edge their way out of the bouse, but these slight manifestations wera aualled bv Man. ager Wheatley, who appeared in front of the curtain ana sua: . "Males and Uentlemen: Be kind enough to remain In your teats, and make no unnecessary disturbance. If anything hat gone wrong, I will return in a moment and state tbe occurs fence." ... . J The screams were prolonged and thrilling in ibe Interim, bat directly Mr. Wheatley re-appeared and said: ,,. 1.0 -;f. : I Ladl J Oiatiaiaii. Th. pwiriiaiuan. somewhat excited, and we cannot eo on with tbe play nntll we ditcover -the extent, of the acci dent, xou will, therefore, go out quietly." A voice r" Wee the yoane- lady whom we taw just now muoh btrnedl"! Mr. Wheatlev"! cannot tell., itiera is a great deal ol eonfntion behind tbe curtain. . Please go tutl", : ... .. . The people disbanded anietlv. Some one de scribed tbeir orderly dismisnal aa resembling a funeral. Bat a toent far otherwise went on npon the suae, r , .1 u:v 1 Tbe girls were dressing for tbe ballet The dressing rooms adjoin Sanson, street, and. in a aressing-room at ine Booth west corner ol tbt building, t-e Misses Gale amiable and talented danitutc were adjusting themselves for the ballet for Act II. Miss Zelia Gale, one of the sisters, stood upon a. settee to reach her dress, and when in tbe act of bandintt It down, tht flame of gat from an adjacent tube set it on fire; tbe flame communicated -to her paderolothes, and sbe was an ablaze In an inetaqW , Her sis ters ruined op to extineuish tbe fire, and thev. too, were ignited. The firs mounted to their arms and breasts, inflletlng terrible barns, and panle stricken, they ran from the room, through narrow passage-way, Into tbe next dressing room, filled with ballet ladles.' .The, gauxe drtttes of these biased up directly, and soream log, straggling, wrestling, tbe poor creatures either turned and leaned from tha windows inta Sanson street, or ran hither sod thliher, calling for assistance. , 1 1... . Miss Sella Gale, with bet clothinr on fire, and altering load screams, ran down stairs and upon ui ttage, otnina ine toenes, 1 ailing Deiow the stage level, where sbs was caoeht in the arma of, Mr.-Thomat Bayard, the carpenter of the theater. Mr. Bayard, in aitemotlnir to extin guish the fir with a sea-cloth,", was himself uui.w uvua lua uauua auu arms, - , t . j t, 1 Miss Clara Clifton was caosht In, the arma ot toe oyaianaera, osvingeaped down, and es- casta nnnurs, ner clothing not t having taken arw. 1 ,, Mies Hannah Gala did not tamo from the window nntil she was badly burned, and when she leaped she fell to the ground upon b,er back, sou lUBiainta severe injuries : irom us tail aa well as from the burns. She was carried into Greer's tavern, near by, where sbe lav in an al- most hopeless condition at a late boar. On Sun day at ten o'olock, shs expired at the Hospital, m great agony. Miss Anna Nichols Io her fright Jumped from a platform to tbe stage, a distance of about ten feet She will not recover. '.- .1 The burned and wounded voune ladies were earriea into ine neignooring nouses, where eve ry attention that humanity could saggest was bestowed upon tbem. Several Were carried in to tbe house of Mr. Robins, nearly opposite the theater, on Sanson street. Othere were taken to a French hotel adjoining, while Mist Gait wat taken to Greer's tavern. Several of the sufferer were axterwsrda taken to the Pennsyl vania Hospital. Mlsa Abbey Can was burned about the breast and waist, Phoebe Forbes died m toe morning at nine o'clock. Miss Anna Mo- Mriae aiea at six o-oiocx in toe morning. Misses Adelioe Gale and Ruth Gale are badly burned. Their cases are not hopeless. " Mrs. Mary K. Herman wiu not live, tier nuabana - wewned her np to a late boor last night. Mis Anna Phillips died .daring 8andej afternoon Jfatt Harris was burned slightly. ' , 1-, :,, 1 . roe Misses uaie were young ladies ot pre-poMeeiirjgjtppearaQCt- .They were exoellent daaoera. They wert English, by birth, , and thsy first appeared proftstlonally In this city in the Roxlnl troupe, at the . time "Faust'' was btooehlout as a ballot, at tht Academy of Miss Forbes Is about (went vtan of era Sbe bts ho relatives In this city, her ff lends re siding at Bristol, lb. Bucks coontv.. ,Sh haa did lot s year past. In Vanhern street, above Germantown road. , The lady with whom she boarded was si ner tide during ber dying eg 001. . . . . , ,. , - When the disaster first occurred the soene was most harrowing, the sufferers screaming In Sgony and In terror, and there was some delay before medical aid oonld bt obtained for tntm. . . . Several Dim! dans and,drueirists harried to the spot, anJ did all In their power to afford re lief. Several physicians who were sppealed to refused to leave their home., They deserve to bavs their names exposed to tbe community., We are assured that at a fashionable hotel In the vicinity, brandy prescribed by the phjeloians was refused. r.U'M'n" t ' . The event spread uniform xloon thronehont the olty, The place vat bealogti np to s lats hour, sad the memo was npoQ story iipytsierv dtv lx of tbsss borntd woota liA dlti up to midnight last night, and four more era not a pected to survive the next twenty-four hour All of them suffered terribly, oalling for wat most piteouslv. and malntainlnc their aenaaa UDimpalied to the laat. Mr. aod Mrs; Wheatley wore ui tneootDltai tnrouenont. aiirilsurln an their necessities, aod doing all in their power So make their last moments peaceful. The matter waepnrely accidental, and no stigma can In any Way be cast OPOn tha manatement. PkiUdl. ramrrtu.- .,.1 .,;...,. 1 jj.:; ,., Order of the President. 'Those who were unwiillntf to bt oonvinntd ti fore, mutt now be sattifled, that the proclama tion of General Fremont, in Missouri, wat ib contravention of the views of the Administra tion, as It waS Certainly counter to law. Indeed, only a set : purpose, it seema to ns, tor miscon strue tbe expressions of the President, and to believe bim regardless of hit duty u rider, tbe lonstitutlon, as to tbe nghta of the slaveholdV lng States, can account for the incessant outer) ot some of oar Northern presses, that this wat. or moat be made a war of emancipation.' 'Ni countenance to this fanatical pretense baa beta afforded at Washington. Besides the obllgal tion 01 ine Administration to obey toe Uonati tution and ba faithful to its oath of office, men witb any eye to tbe future, could not heln ate log that the avowal of any such policy would be Instantly destructive to all hope of restoring the Union. No army could be kept together to fight, for emancipation." Of tbt army- la tbe field, it is well known, that three-quarters, as least, of both officers and men, kclading thei Lieutenant-Genera!, and tbe Chief now morel directly in command, of whom so much Isjnstly !! ..A , . T- I I I J .UHOipawu, Bra arao i,uivu uvu, vn just bhu honorable principles, to , .every part, of tbe Union. . , ,, . -n I It is high time, therefore, for these presses to abandon altogether, not only their style of keep ing mis matter Deiore toe puoiio, no. -every Such illusory and unfounded theory r The time must soon come when it will be reckoned treason to nrge protects which, if carried out, would be destructive to the country, tad when men will no longer be called traitors, tor merely in sisting upon principles tateatial to ita safety. Tbe letter of tbe President makes all thlt clear, ii It was not so to every mind before- There can be no doubt now that Gen. Fremont took upon himself tbe exercise of an unwarrantable authority in bis proclamation; and that that tbe gratification ol some of our,ootemporariet wat premature, when tbey Indulged tbe Idea that this proclamation was s "key note." wo believe some of them called it, to a war for emancipa tion. . ..:..,,,'' . . . Tbe Act of Congress to which the Preeident refers provides for tbe confiscation of the proa erty 01 those who take no arms easiest tbe United States, or who render aid to those who do so, and also, that the person to whom labor or service ia claimed to be due shall forfeit bis claim to suoh labor, if tbe person held to such labor is by him or his agent required or permit 1 ted to taka up arma against the United States, or to be employed in any military or naval ser vice whatsoever against the lawful authority of ine united Btateaa taring tne protect insurrec tion. The Act Is not very oaref ally drawn, and, it is easy to see, may leave the eubject open to a good deal ot litigation, oy and by Dal at any rate it provides for adjudication In all auch oases, in order to determine their merits- Gen eral Fremont, on tbe oontrary, was inolined to confiscate aod make tbe slaves free by force pf proclamation or the exercise of .aailitary law. ..:.)..! 1 The President's order not only checks such Illegal and revolutionary proceedings, but It will bave tbe efftot to rtprtet unfounded specn- iattuu.maww.ktMt, to avert fatal danger. auu win bibu iobu to reueweu oonnoatM i. ana eventual authority of the Constitution and tbe laws. fio( Ctttrttr. J An Anticipation of Peace. It promises well for peaoe that the President. in appointing the Commissioners to represent the interests of American exhibitors at the World' Fair, to be held In London, in Sentem ber, 1863, haa named a good portion of hie Own uaoiuet, togetner witn the heads or other Im portant bureaus in Washington. Among them are Mr. Seward, Secretary of State; Mr. Smith, of the Interior; Mr. Kennedy, Superintendent ot tne lyensua uureaui frof. Henry, or tbe Smithsonian Institute; Mr. Robert Wallace, Mayor of Wasbingtooi Mr. Everett, and others. We like this; it has tbe same kind of antioipa tive confidence aa the famous sale In Rome of a plot of ground ostslde tbe city walls, wblch plot was, at tbe very time of sale, tbe scene of encampment of ths hostile Volaol. It says, a year hence tbe great rebellion will have been crashed oat, sod the nation, forced for a while td atop in the bloody House of Mars, will bave resumed its normal orbit of creative order. The Secretary of State, relieved from the investiga tion of nice questions of International law. will unbend to tbe paoifio qtestions of International industry ; representations as 'to blockades Bnd belligerents will give place to tbe representation of the fruits of American skill and creative in dustry that have so long led ths world. . We dare say that John Ball will be aa much amazed S the exhibition of American practical genius wmon we snail send to hit air next year, at be will be at the completeness with whioh we shall annihilate tha armed' foes of the" Republic, whom John will tben be very much ashamed of himself for having encouraged with the wink of nia loousn cotton-bund eye. !., Zinwi.: ,-1 Tbc Soldiib's Gsavi. Tbe War Depart ment has, with wise forethought, issued a ae ries of regulations for military burials, and the registration of deceased soldiers . and . their graves, showing dale - and ; plaoe "of burial, transfers of corpse, and ether records, so as to enable fritnda to find the graves of their, dead loved ones.- Eaoh grave ia to bave its number, in the order of interment, distinctly Indicated npon a bead-eln of cedar, or some other en- daring wood, the name of deceased, date of death, aod bla company or regimental corps initiate being engraved snereon. mesa vinous records are to be preserved in the Surgeon-Gen eral's cSot in Washington, and are to be for ever open for the mtpeotlon 'of friends of the dtceaaed. There is a deep- pathos in the sol ditr't gravs far away from home tombs In tbe battle field, overgrown witb grasses and flow ers! And those left behind will find consols tion In tht faol that tbe tenderest humanities are to be observed toward the graves of their ivi vuv. a, . a . a n.i ; 1, . . I Gen. Lron't will Elves all his DroDertt.aome 130,000, to the Government. Hla .labor, his possessions Bnd his life bave all been laid upon the: altar nf ths country wblch' he loved. No aid can do more; and his name snd memory is henceforth embalmed amocz the most precious of the nation's treasures. . . ., Biltimort 1 Clothint House." ; tuttracnrextiti Aini waouaAUttAuats m READY-MADE CLOTHING. ;fi No. 808" Motreet, ""'j-v l'ljILft.-l0"t A Largs Assortment of Pitos snd Tarnish in i T fioods tWlanUp: OB Hand '.. 'i t 'w ,yiifH t'i Who'lttalV ana. He tall PealerUaj TOBACCpcfiiW.&XIGARS, iteea donttaattr a P"rl all aha TB Oct. SO 14 , STON&STBAZAArl. NO. 4s,.tifavTmtt "RlvrVIV- .-ip it: - . ''"!. , In rP.'STONE&O'HmA ATEtt Sot!5kP,.v"hi mirn win. Jlm. laa uuuDB, and Invite th. nnhn. ti in them. No such stock of Snwierb.blJ of the grain crop, haa not been parelii thi sal quantity of rich goods. d tbto fJtbaroed th tmportert to tell them atpubli aoxttonTourbaMr r. Btone) being to BewTbrt at theae torg. iL toot advantag of them, and w taa and wllliiil o goeda -hife, at let than any one who purehaeed two week ilno. ELEGANT DRES8 SrLlTS, ' OTTOMAN VELOURS, BROCHE VA1ENCIA8, s ritin iEO meeinos, '"" PRINTED COBURGS. v 'DYED COB0G8 1 BLACK ALPACAS, ' ORLEANS, ''I -i ''' ' FANCY WOVEN FABRICS, ALL WOOL DELAINES, POPLINS, PRINTS, -ip .-4r -v DELAINES. SHAWLS AND CLOAKS! Five Tlmuknd ' Dollars Worth Bought ia One Day, LADIES FURS, 'HOSIERY PEPARBIENT.' Men't, Ladles sad OhllSran' Under Shirt and Drawsre; Ladiee, Miaiee and Children' Iioeiery of all kinda. In Wool and Lamb's Wool; fleecy Lined end Cotton Qlovee of every make. , ,7 j ..j .1. .. : ', .1 -ALSO . 7 ' ! ' " A complete assortment of til the usual raria. ties of ... ' -' - LADIES' CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, 'i i .'.M' : OVERCOATINGS, , TWEEDS, FLANNELS, ' ' "r RIBBONS, ' " - ...JDRESS TRIMMINGS, Ladies and Gent's Linen Cambrio Hand kercMets, &o., cVo. To ptrtontwho saH on at, w ptodg ourworda to thow them the largeet, beet and oheapeet ttock of Oooda ever een In thl market,. or pay tbem one dollar per hour while looking. deol-dlyStawltw.. I ;. ;i 8 TO KB k. O'HABBA. NEW ARRIVALS Qrp, Spring & r Summer Millinery. - '- The Btook Rtrplenlahext r .DA TTiY FROITI LATEST I IMPORTATIONS OF j NEW-YORK. Spring & Somrner Millinery II tow complete, oomp riling every variety of Mllln ry; also, a Urge aacorbneot of Bmbrolderiee, Hoelery ' tod Notion, Bo., and In quantities and price that tan- Sot fall to suit all who may favor us with t call . The goods bsvt been bought at Panto priest, and will be told at a small advance on coet. - - . MissM.E.YOUNG.lAttof New YorkClty, Will reperlntend th Ullllnery Department. . Eer lesg experlenc in th most Vaabionabto Batabllthment In Broadway will alone be a warranty that the will be able to give entir saliifaotlon in nutters of tuts to sll who niayhvof htr with their orden. - I The Lsdtosot Oolumbut and vlolnlty will pleat ac cept my linear thank for their liberal patronage, and a would reepectfuuy solicit t oonunuanoe of th 1 T 'TV" . W B P 1. a 1 "'I.', 1 . XV. ,tsfftVVN. fBICIl BIOTJ0S9 Ifrom th Newkork Obterrej.l . -:i . 1 . Xv. XX. WXlXJ. 69 East Town St., Ctlnmbnt, O. ' Al all parte manufacturing Sewing Haohlneearok-.uf. tlged to pay Mr. How a Uoena on each machine sold, aid are a to oompelled tomak retaraato blm, Bnder oath, at to the number sold, hla books give aeorreotetatw ment. from thl, reliable eouroo we hare btalaed the following atatlatlo. Of th machine mad In tbt yar lHiii, there were eold, TT.,r.lV . : By Wheeler tt Wilton..... 81,905 r.,r I. It. BlngeraOo 10,653 ,. 1 : . rover a Baker .10JHO 0 - .' Ihowlng tb sales of Wheeler 4k Wlon to at double thow of any other Company." , , . Awarded th hlrheit oretarome at tht iv : t - v vy umwu pwue aair ei toeo, tpn ana inou; -1 - eleoat tht - -- ' 1 . - unto ttat rain tr iron in wj 1 . ; 1 anitt nearly all th County fain In th Stat ., Our prtoee, it th 1st reduction, art M lev) at any teat rftcA maeblne now aold. and but a trifle higher than - '" th Interior Iteo thread oAowt tffcA mooAfit, now forced noon th market. . " " '' ;"u:n il Th WHBBLBB a WILBOM MAOHINS make the . , Loot BrtoH theoolydne whloboannot btraveled.' It' la Auxa oa Both Bma.o th gooda, toaTtng ardomr . .. ohaoth under.iid. AU machine toewramied I tMort; and Inat aiiSfiia given In their net, free of ehanr. , . r ....... a, vaaar,ei utgn t. coinaba. o. ' ' ' . " 1 .. 't WM- BUMNIB m CO., ( J- i ' decJ 9awd3mkwfJm Pike I Opera Houe, Cincinnati'. ' IRISH STEAMSHIP LINE; Steam Between' Ireland and America--4 NEW YORK, BOSTON AND OALWAY " I I n. tt ' I 1 " IF' i - - - Tie followuii new aad nagnweeot nnMaatpadtv t, - ia wkel Bteamthlpe compoee the above line: , ADRIATIC,2 ' l,8B8 tost burthen.' Ctpt, J. aUoe 1 0,1 t v im pormeTlyM theootum Line.' ' o -t' HIBKHNIA. i , 4,WtoBburtha,Oipt.H. Pawermw ji t'u COLUMBIA, 4,W ' " LciTon. , ' , AHOMA. i -Hi 4.40S ' ' ' Mnmoitot - " PAOirlO, w " .l,'!.taiiv, ! ,a PRISOB ALBKRT. (Sorw.) ' , .., ... . AN " .u-.-.a'iiv J. WAuna.1' ' One of th abova ship will ltavt Bew Tork at Boetoa 1 c 1 alternately every Toeeday fortnight, for Oalway. ear-1 , iyng tbt govrnmat nulla, touching at II. Johns, ' 1 B. f. . - ! 'i , ' . -' tv The Ittamnt of this Iln havt been oonttrnoted with the greatest car, nndtr th uprviltt of th tvra ,w -1 maat) have water-tight eximpartmenta, nd are anetcel-, M tarweanrert, aaiaiy ana ipeea oy any etaamer anoai. They an commanded by able and txpartoiioed fneera, x and every exertion will be made to promet the comfort . , ( paaaangera. .-...! - ' ---;' Anlexpertenoed Burgeon attached to eaoh ship. !. it k'' nt . " '-nairVB RaMiOK. nntelattlt. Y.M Botton to daiway r Liverpool 1M ' ' '' BeooiKl-olaja, . 'l V 'Z V l 1 ' " Plrevclaaa, tott John's SS . , TriliX Hi ". " ' ttoCtolwaytrlrvtrpooU ':n ot nj tows io Ireland. 00 a Railway, k:30,,,O Thlrd-elaaa aeeengera ar Ub rally an pp lied with pre vtaion ot Uia iieMqaaUty.noakadaod eerred by theew- i f-1 vanaprtbtOompaoy. , . . j . . . ., .. !,. II r I "'"'itETOItn TICKETS). . ... 1 rartlee WUhUit m mm rot tr h-imcm Tram in. via - - - -eoBBtry obtalB Uokett from eny town en a rallray, la Ireland, or from tb principal 0iU of I uglaud at So-, land, it very low ttee. - - " Paaeeogere for Mew Tork, airtrtng if tht Boetoa 8BnBra,wllrbrfonrerfle4 to Br York free of ooargsll . '"At offloe of . th' Contpemj, on tb Wharf, foot t ,j j . w Oaaalttree :.trCI'. lWlAn AWJJIWALlAgttttV'J ro t prip-dim., DSl'eiil.A'V.'r B 'WATCR-PRIMrf ' Ik CLOAK CLOTHS. Also, Other nwliee t Sprint Otoek Clothe, tn ell dealrablt tAtAMie hmdi"', la- tttoandBBttonttomatob. Xatm a r s aprilS , BO, HBv.lvii,utu -A ' ft ,5 lutl