Newspaper Page Text
1 mmim K AJirESIT SULLXB, aMiaXtett. nnT,t!MBUB, OHld. . THURSDAY M0RN1N0. BEPTTViaSlT Democratic Union Nominations. ...-. 10 OOTlBNOIt, Sj-' Of .Jolin Gr. '''Marshall :,U V ASSWWFaa. 'i JT. Hi. BOTMIII JOTQB. - i-f i .; ,.-.v o Jfetjeirrw.-' , ;'V.I' U mlir."' ' TRlABTJBBBOFBTAin. EORGB W. HUF 1 ' Of Httnilttn. -'', ' ... . " cxcutAiTor mn. WILLIAM W. AM0 .0 Smmm.J. . '' ' . ,V rWA B GBISWO BOABD Of PUBUO WORKS, . JIBES W. FITCH Of Cuykog. ' fOB 00UM0H JUVOE, (rtllUM, SVKtWAV ausiso) . V flENHY H. HKIHJESi fe. , OffNdbtwty. ; v 1 ' ' ' . it at bmatob, f '"" . 7 Hruajnuia ncwawav ) At7GTBTl) PEBBIEA . !" 5 i fit Vitkmmm. ' i UNION DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. . - . GEORGE L. CONVERSE, s v - OTTO DRE3EL. ' tHiairr, GEORGE W. HUFFMAN. , . . ADorroi, ' MATTHIAS MARTIN. ' 1 '' 1 TKIA8DRIB, , . , JOHN G. THOMPSON.' BIO0IDIK, ,. NATHAN COLB.; br.:- - OOMMIBUOHKBi JACOB 8LTH. r, ", ' - COMMBB, 'f" ' ,. 1 ELIAS GAVER' INrUlHABT lXCT, PHILEMON HESS, j TICKET. Mass Meeting at Marion. Got. Sabdel Mbdait will eddreii the Mms Meeting t Marion, la Mwion conotT.orj St nrdey, September Slei, t 1 r. AMOS LAYMAN, AMOS LAYMAN, Secretary Dem. State Ex. Com. Democratic Union Mass Meetings. Tbe Demoontio Obion Stole EeeuMr Coi mittee bve made errMgemeote lor ceWing Mau Meeting! u lbllowi - - -' ' At Coihoctoh, CbehoctOQ county, on ,Taet- dy, September 24tb, tl P. M Spekert Hon. Hugh J. Jewert Ana olneri. - At Mammiiu). Richland county, on Wednee dt. Seotember 25thi At 1 P. M. Speakere- HoH- J.JewettAndHon.B.Bome.- ' At WooeriA, Wayne tunty, "on ThursdAy, September 26th, At' l P. M. ' Speaktre Hop. H. J. Jewett end otheri. , : ,iT lJXs jvr-. At Clitilahb. CuyAhoga coontfi on' Friday erening, September 27th. SpeAkCTrT(m. H J. Jewett and othere, ' , .'. . , . . ' , ., . At Tout do, Lncee county, o Seturday, Sep tember 28th, at 1 P. M. Speaken-Hon. li. J Jewett and othert. .'. .' At Jacuoii C. H , Jacktoa county, on Setnr day. September Slat, at 1 P. M. Speakert Hon, John G. MArthAll And othert. , Other meetinge will be Announced Boon. to SAMUEL MEDARY, Ch'n. AMOS LAYMAN, Secretary. The DeaocrAtlo Unloa State Etecutire Com nlttoe Announce the following additional ap pointment for Mate Meetings, wii: 1 la CwcwiiATi.'on Monday erening, Septem ber 30th. Speekert Honv Hugh J. Jewett and Hon. Allen G. TtarmB.;;;4, At Ahbli a, Clermont oounty, on Tuesday, October lit, at 1 P.M. Speekers-tfoo. Hugh J. Jewett and Hon. Allen G. Thurain. ';' At Gboiobiowh, Brown eounty, on Vednee dy, October 3d, At ' 1 P. M. SpeAkert-Hon. Hugh J. Jewett and Hon. Allen G. Thnman. At HiUiBOBOoaB, ' Highland 'county, on Thoraday, Ootober 3d, at 1 P. M. Speaken Hon. Hugh J. Jewett and Hon. Allen G. Tbur man. ', w. is .'.' ' - At Chilli cothi, Roes eounty, on Frldey, Os- tobet 4th, at 1 P. M. ' SpeAkers Hon. Hugh J. Jewett and Hon. Allen G ThnrmAn. ' ' ' ' 41 At Cuolbtuxb, Pickaway eounty , on Satut day, Ootober 5th, at 1 P. M. . Speakers Hon, Hugh J. Jewett and Hon. Allen G, Thunneo. ing the of to-dsy. his hu SAMUEL MEDARY, Ch'n. AMOS LAYMAN, Sec'y. AMOS LAYMAN, Sec'y. The Union Democracy of Franklin County. Wo have bad: the pleAtmre la the UsC few dsyt to see and coo v arse freely with men from many of the townships of this county, and we do not recollect of 'ever hearing each earneat and determined talk j , The necessity of preserv ing the orgAttltatioa and supremacy of the old National Union Democracy, appears to be Appre ciated by ell we have seen. Wi predict a larger and more united vote of the Demoeraey of this eowntj than we have bad for years, ' The cry of "No party! from those who have fought the. Democracy so, bitterly heretofore, is properly appreciated.-. - -t One of tbe delegates- to the "Union Conven tion" offered a reeolntion to catechise the can dldatee on ths Union Democratic ticket, 'end if satisfactorily answered, to indoreethe ticket but the wire-pullers amnggled the 'reeolujfen, and it wu not put to the Convention; Anoth. or delegate wu rejected by the committee on Credentials, because he bad intimated a jial lar propesiUon as to some of the caodldatee on our tlokei though he bed been elected by a de- elded majority of the people of hie townebipv of He ly be the Now Announcements. . The reader will find ia thit morning's Slate men annonnoements of additional Democratic meetiogt. - The eentral and local committee In tbe eountiet where theft moatings Are to be held, ere desired to give doe notice of Bad make the iteeiwary anangnnenti hi Use tamo. ? 1 ; be to was The No-Party Party Unmasked. sTin llrtdei whioh we dUy hert boai cat ling Ioom from all rrty aaiooUtioM uutil tl war U or, ac truprenf uowwiMe. w mt who Uer! auch Uneiige, mut be oonsciouf nf lt l,w,t .lnr.lilT! for theif oto eotluae give the lie to theli profeeslone of o-pfkjtom. They kre h moi imIom end'eoiWe of pJ They hTegooe ta work iu OM lorme .j ! h '"(Tnion meo. a new PArty, aod cDriMenea;ii.uii PArty." They here laid down a pUtform nomlnAted a Bute ticket, and are holding meet Inge and making local eounty nominations all orer the State, thai perfecting thorough party oreanlzAtlon. -. 'n v. . 1 NimM do not alter things. ) A pollttcal or ganisation with a platform and ticket is" as much a party If Its adherents caU It the Union or People's party, as it la under the name of Oemocratie or RepubllcAn. A religious sect may call itself Christian; but that does not take away Its sectarian chAtAoter. . Neither can & nolitloal DArty. b asaumlnir the name of Amarloaa or Union, disrobe Itself of the pArtl- ' Men hATe an undoubted right, to a free coun try like ours, to forsake their old politicsl or- ganisAtlons, wUen eonfinced thAt they are rot ten ct lnlurlous to the country, and form As many new ones as they pleue. But tbey bare no right to delude the people by pretending to be no-party men, and Insisting that tbey Are better Union men than others who Refuse to unite with their new psrty.., ,,!S . , : c i ,. At the time the Ute Republican party was diAtolred, and tbe new party formed, the old Onion Democratic party was In the 'field with its platform end Its candidates- .No issue wu taken by the aew party with this platform. ' Its State Convention met on the Sth of September, and adopted1 for the main, and only substantial plank In its platform, almost word for word, the fifth resolution adopted by the Democratic State Convention of the 7th of August. : j That the reader may see at a glance the iden tity .-of the. two. resolutions, we here insert taem.jj; Tbe fifth resolution adopted by the Union Democratlo State Convention , of the , 7th of August, reads as follows: . " :;:.";rH-f lUnltxd, That In this National emereencT the Democracy and other Union meo of Obie.ban- ishlngall feelings-t paeaton or resentment, will recollect only their duty to the whole coun try thAt this WAr should not be waged In sny spirit of oppression, nor for Any purpose of con quest or snojugAtlon, nor for the purpose of over throwing oc interfering with the rights or es tablished institutions of the States: bnt to de fend and maintain the supremacy of the Con stitution and to preserve the Union, with all tbe dignity, equality ana rigbt or tbe several B tales unimpaired; And thAt as soon as these objects are accomplish 1, the wsx ought to ceaae. ' ; , ' " Tbe second end principal resolution Adopted by the new No-party State Convention on the 5th of September, is in the words following: " Rfoiotd, That in this National emergency we banieh all feeling of mere passion or re eentmeut, and bill recollect only our duty to the whole country; that thit war wu not wag ed upon our part in any spirit of oppression, nor for airy pnrposw of conquest or subjugation, nor lor tne purpose of overthrowing or interfering with the rights or established institutions of tbe States; Ivt to defend and maintain the suprem acy of the Constitution, aBd to rreeerve the Union, with all the dlnitv, equality and rights of we tevem states unimpaired; ana as soon as tnese opieeta are - socompitsnea, me war ought to cease. - - 4' - ' ' .' The 5th of September Convention did not ex press a word of distent from any of the viewa or principles in the resolutions .of the Union pemocraMo Convention of tWTtdr of August, 4vptatna principal resolution In the plat form of the latter. On the score of prinoiple, then, or In regard to the policy of the Adminis trAtlon or the conduct of the war, or the man agement of our own State affairs, the god fathera and leaders of the new No-party party, did not and do hot differ with the Unioo-Dsm ocTAtlo part, Did they went a more Staunch Union party T Not a bit of It; for they adopted precisely the asms Union resolution as the Union-Democrats had adopted In State Conven tlon a month lefore. Their object clearly was get np a party strife about men, to distract and divide the Union men of the State on the merest and most, trifling of all party issnes a strife la which no question t principle is con corned, bnt merely question at to the election of particular Individuals to office.'; , 'r The Unlon-Democratio oaadldates had been nomlneted and their a Ames published all over State a month before the No-party State ticket was formed. 'Nobody doubted or now pretends to 'doubt Jhat is capacity, Integrity, and devotion to the Union cause, they are fully equal to the nominees on the No-party ticket- Why, then, after the Republican organization had disbanded, wu this new ticket presented lb the people, if not to distract and divide' the Democracy and other Union 'men of Ohio, and prevent our' nobta . State, by a mere partisan contest about tbe spoils of office, from present an undivided front for the preservation of Union "aba the Constitution T ' '" '' . In Fremont—Blair. Ws announced v si tarda y the military arrest rranK r. isiair, ot bu lome. i ne affair U fully explained by the dispatehet from St. Louis . JUiair, it teems, cannot siok tbe poliU- cian Into the soldier. . As a politician, he hu held a commandinff position, often dietatinc to superiors, and supreme in hit party at home. Fremont bu not seen proper to, consult Blair's wuhes, and Blair Has revolted, f A Statements from vsrioua quarters indicate thAt JJlAir, jeaMrae of r remoot's tnecew, and probably rankled at nis own military Uttieneas, been scheming At Washington for the re moval of Fremont, -t It it said thAt letters high admits or nis uencTAi, are new at bead quar At St. Louis. , la f Act, tbe circumstances, now given the public, present Blair In the character of A miserable, scheming, demagogue. rremoni, nowever, is nis man, in was no sooner sware of the facts, then he promptly ordered the brother of a member of the Cahl. net Into euatody. He will not atop there. -If Blair hai alandnml nm ci... fered with the duties of his General, be will bo court-martialed end discharged from tbe ser vice. This we have A right to expect of Fre nont. - be Allows no man to atand In tbe way his duty, not even Congressmen, and If Freak it in tne way, be will be on . tbe tion and ekM at . removed; and he ought to be. dm. Tim$. ' ' There are few-men who nave gfvenany coon try so much trouble as this man Fbame BuibI is ambltioBsmeddlesoms sad misohlev- How these oomplieationf between the PreaU dent, Fabmont And Blaia will end is not exact clear, but It looka Very much like there would a amaah-up tomewhere We do hope our country will not bo the sufferer in the trouble. The following front- the New York Petf, a Strong Buua paper, indicate! deep trouble. It after "Old Asnr-- ; W he "NO MORE RETREATS." The Commander In-Chief of the armlaa of United States, who is at the earns time its rreeident, win not forget, we hope, that his of ficial post lion ft In ths lead, and eot la tbe rear. should not allow bimaelf to be ontatrinivrf his Cabinet, by Congress, by tbe-Mjior-G.o. eralt and by the people. He it the head of tbe nation, to which it naturally looks for forward movements. But in the relaotence with which signed the Confiscation sot pasted by the last Congress, and la bis lata modification of Fre mont's order, it almost epoesre At if he desired eo backward. Fremont's position, which not inconsistent with Ui act of Congress,1 . still to with tbe "I other need) I fc an m Aflt nnnil i , ft P. ft f I, it ia iu wvn K w - -J ...Miy of the small circle or border UM5!sis sesreely found a gainsayer.- ..." f . Com-rees declared tli&t Cue property of rsbele la arms agalnat Hie Gov Aiimuul should be con- jgcatea. uut among, uiie rropertt aooruiug to State Iaws are man; t,lvt. .Kow. what is tobedooewltn uemi tremont saia iohow log the precedent let by the Btate of New York In the time of the Revolution that they should be manumitted' His deolslon sent a- tbrob-qf anoourasemsnt .4o the whole oommiinlU. I oat the president says, no; Iney are only to oe con- fiacated. W bat is to be done who tnem, men i Is the United Statee Government to be turned into a vast slaveholdiog oorporation, and nee the labors of ths negroes, as it. bu been for merly used by their roasterstv Or will it bold them for a time only, to return them hereafter to tbetr rebel ownerst We had supposed that Mr. Cameron's circular to General Butler, which had the concurrence of tbe whole Cabi net, covered the whole case. ' "lo States," it remarked, "wholly or partially under insurrec tionary control, where the laws of the United Smttoa are so lar oobosed and resisted that they eaanot be effectually enforced, It is obvious that rights dependent on the execution of those laws must temporarily fail; and It la equally obvious that rlghte dependent on the lawa of the States must be necessarily subordinated to the milita ry exigencies created by the insurrection, If not woolly forfeited by tbe treasonable oonauci oi parties claiming them. To thie general rule rishts ta services can form no eioeDtlon." If there wae any State of the Union where tbe i military . eiigeooiee , required ' the most stringent measures, it wu Missouri, and when General f remont's proclamation appearea, ev ery bodv exclaimed simultaneously that Mis souri was safe. v. Knowing the exlgeneyj he Aoted upon it. And he Acted with a promptitude and boldness whioh we have not alwaye found in the conduot of the war. That it rrs an effective blow was made evident by the oniver sal howls of the rebels. Tbey felt that the bolt had been ebot in their most vulnerable point, and thev writhed in painful apprehension.' The effect was everywhere exoelleut. 1 ' a It is alweisiwise to let well enough alone. Fremont's so", rightly understood, was doing no injury,, not even- in-. Kentucky. it was doing much good, because it was convincing ell cKl sens, both loyal and disloyal, that tbe Govern ment wu in earnest, t. i '-...-iv;; i:-!"' ' If there are anv other crooods for dlsgatiefac- tion with General Fremont and we hear that there ere he ebould be rebuked or auperaeded If he Administers hie Department in a way whioh is displeasing So the higher authorities, A proper method baa beeo taken to correct the Abuse. Postmuter-Genersl Blair and General Meigs neve gone to St. Louie to Inquire Into the wrongs which, After dus report, may be rec tified. Hut these ere questions independent of tbe principles involved in r remont's proclama tion. That we bold to have been right, what ever hie general offensee may be. : ' ' Reported Release of Mayer Berret. We find iu tbe Evekino Star of lat bight the following paragraph in reference to tbe Mayor of thla eity, who was arrested three weeks Ago, on suspicion of disloyalty to the Government, end conveyed to Fort Lalayette, in the harbor pf Hew York: ' ' " . "We learn that yesterday evenine's mail car ried to New York an order from tbe Depart ment of State directing the release of James G. Berrek, late Mayor of the Federal Metropo lis, front his present confinement in Fort Lafayette.'- This offer Is on condition that be takee the oath of allegiance to the United States agalnat any and all enemies whatsoever, and eus rertoas the tffUt'of Mayor." : In Riving place to the foregoing statement we think It proper to express our belief that there muet be some misapprehension aa to ths terms or conditions on which the Government it alleged to have offered to release' Mr. Berret from the detention in which he is now held We take it for in-anted that the Government did not proceed in his arrest until it believed iteelf to be in possession of good and valid evi donee sufficient to justify a strong conviction, If not sssurance, of his treasonable conduct. If, on examination, it is fcfCTSd that this evi dence Is of a nalurs so little positive (bat it can be rebutted by an oath of allegiance,' and If in virtue of tome solemn declaration he is to far purged of ell injurious suspicions as to be deemed worthy of enlargement, It appears clear to our mind that in being restored to his civil liberty he hu a right, both legal and moral,' to enter anew upon the official functions from which he wu legally suspended only because of tbe disability tbai resulted from bis imprison ments It tbe Government reeardi him aa a loyal citizen, rlgtfully entitled to hie liberty; It wouia inaeea oe eineuiar to aim u a condition of that personal liberty such a deprivation of ommai prerogatives as would sun imply a sus picion of his guilt. It would be Impossible for Mr. Berret to be innocent as a citizen bnt guilty as a Mayor. Under these circumstanoee. we repeat the expression of our belief that the Government bu not addressed to Mr. Berret such terme of releue ae those above indi ' a cated. NaMnal JnteUtgtnar. ' " .. . r - V. V .C ' 1 The President and Mr. Holt. WASHINGTON, September 12, 1861. Drat Sib The late eot of Congress orovld- Ins; for the confiscation of the estates of oar- sons in open rebellion against the Government was u a necessary war meuure accepted and iuiiy Approved by tbe loyal men or the country. It limited tbe penalty of confiscation to oronar- ty actually employed In the service of the re bellion with the knowledge and content of its owners, and,' instead of emancipating, slaves thus employed, left their status to be determio ed either by tbe (Jourts of tbe United State or by subsequent legislation. . The proolamatlon, however, of Gen. Fremont, under date of the 30th of August, transcends and, of course, vio lates the law In both these particulars, and de clares that tbe property of rebels, whether need inppott of tbe rebellion or not, ensli be oou flsoatsd, and If consisting in slaves, that thav shall be at once manumitted. ' The aot of Con. greet referred to, was believed to embody the conservative policy oi your Administration this delicate and perplexing question, and hence the loyal men of the Border Ulave States have felt relieved of fell fears of any attempt tne part oi tne uovemment oi we united states to -liberate auaaeniv tn their , midat a population ihipreparxd for freedom and whose presence could Dot fall lo prove a painful ap prehension if not terror to toe homes end fami- iiuor ah. ' Yon may therefore well judge of i ' J . i : i i.. t . . i iue -aiarm ana couuemnatiuu wuu wiupa toe Union-loving citizens of Kentucky tie State witb bote popular sentiment l aat beat ao- qnainted have read thit proclamation..-, The hope ie earnestly indulged by uiem at it . Is by yselt that thla paper was Issued under tbe pressure of a military necessity which General Fremont believed luatified the step, but that in partioularr specified It hat sot your approba and will not be enforced in derogation of law.". Tbe magnitude or toe interest at stake my extreme desire that by no misappreben of yoor sentiments or purposes shsll the power and fervor of tbe loyalty ot Kentucky be thie moment abated or .chilled; musf be my anolorv forth frankness with which I hare addressed yon) fend for tbe request. I venture to make of an expression of your views npon the points of Gen . rremonf t proclamation on which ' all ft alL by --1 of of tt in toet it J. HOLT. Hit Excellency, Abraham Lincoln. President Ik. rMll Sl.l. - . -r-- ' In J. HOLT. EXECUTIVE MANSION, Sept. 12, 1861. Hoitt Joaet-H KovrDcr Sir; Your a of thla day.iu relation to tbq late proclamation! of Uenerai rremeot is received.'. . Yesterday I aoareasea a tetter to mm oy mail on tbe not subject, and whioh ie to be made public when receives It.'- therewith tend you a copy of that letter, which perhape those my position ae dlatinotly u any new one I could Write. . I will thank you not to make it .pnbUc" until deneral Fremont eheU hare bad time to receive the orlf IoaI. V-'.- ,J'i - ' j Yoor obedient aervant- . The crop! erop A. LINCOLN. a coot of him mvn order to General Fremont, a document which is already oeiore tne country. . were Tk Mrs: Elv. of Rachealei. has received anethar I letter frees ner tjastrana at Kicnmona, , Ut a priaooer, and well, with no knowledge as the rime when be ie Ukelv to be released. permission to retnra to bis family nod friends.' Tbe letter (s dated August 24;b, and following Is an extract ttiersfromt '; see tome of the taper state that I in f,fi-Jrtrt "dolnirrnnoral kitchen work." and' ttateiaentt equally absurd.: lbtg yon to ' fare no puwicAiious 01 tuit natnrt. 'r.,,, v-i'ii vny i-i.'. to -Tbe ' "A Sober Second Thought." [From the Crawford County Forum.] a. Euitoh: fnutToeln the prceediitre of the pstcr.$-',lJ()ion' convention held at Buoy rns. Aui-!!st31t. mv name mentioned is con- neoUau with cihera as a delegate tw Uelt Sea- atorlal "pow-wow" at Upper banauaity. -I would simply atate; to vindicate my honor aa a eidetro( Crawford county and a Democrat, that my name waa. used, without permission, and that the committee ea Delegates could lot have stooped to i meaner or morf Intultihsl act than to connect my name with tbe old ttageborse RepublioaoA in ibis vtolnity without my permit- aion- .-.vtA tv? t .1 wau't'k uTatlnotly Understood thAt lam a Democrat, and that I Intend to support the Democratic nominations; that thla "No-party". i'Kbow-Nothing"-"Republican"-"Unlon" hum bug not etrAggling through the wintry under the weight of the Chicago Platform and vainly trying to a teal tbe support of the Democracy, re ceives no support from the Democrats of this section; and thtt if ths opposition are - anxious to rid themselves of their 'fanatical and dis union proclivities by' Connecting , themselves with the only true friends of tbe Government, we are ready and willing to receive them aUU CYRUS FRALICK. CYRUS FRALICK. OCEOLA, O., Sept. 8, 1861. Ma- Bits I am informed that tbe eo-oalled People's Convsntlon whioh met at B norms on Saturday, August 31st,' have honored(T) me with en Appointment ti delegate to the '.Union" Benatorial Convention .to meet At Upper Sen. duaky. ...v.-..( Whilst I profess to be a Union man, allow me to say that ths appolutmsnt wu made with out my koowlede or consent. . Further; I will say that I will support the regular nominees of the Union Democracy in tbe oodnty and 'district, and at our election shall vote the straight-out Demoeratio ticket.' : ,ov -'-" ' n UTl W. W. BATES. Eoitob or I desire to say to my ocratic friends that tbe appointment made by tbe eo-oalled "Union" Convention of Crawford oounty, which made roe a delegate to the State Convention at Columbye.was done without my knowledge or consent. B, The asms is the ease in trying to send me to Upper Ssndoak to the Senatorial Convention.- - , ,' .,':,',; ; I would further eay that (n (be 'good old Dem ocratic party I have found and do still find' tbe true Union sentiment, heneO I ehalt vote the straight Democratic Union ticket for State, dis trict and eounty efflcers. it- w.,M,r f iV. . By giving this a place in your paper jou. Will much oblige, . ,- . GEORGE HEIBY. [From the Cincinnati Enquirer.] Terrible Accident on the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad Last Night— A Train Loaded with Troops Precipitated through a Bridge. city or a terrible accident tbst occurred 1 to an extra train bound Eaat' from St. Louis, having on ooara a portion oi tne XNineteentn iiiinou, Colonel .Turohio.r i The rsKimeot we n tne ipeotai traiosi werst aeucnneotowietr cars, and the aecond battalion on eight cart. ,The firat train croesed bridge 0. 48, three miles west of Huron, where tbe Accident took pi aoe, All riaht. and had arrived at Mitchell, when the seoond train came on to the bridge and tbe bridge gave way, precipitating pis cari lute Beaver Creek, a depth of twenty feet. -Huron is 140 miles from Cincinnati, and 53 miles from Seymour. . v '"' ; ; ' ? ' i I i Tbs bridge is a low tries -bridge-, about tixtv feet in length, and . wm always SJlved to hsve been of a aubatantial. sharaeter (When tbe news of the catastrophe reached Mitchell. the officers of the train returned on the engine to tne scene or tne aisastor. oe aooideut oc curred at half past eight o'clock. The train was composed of passenger 'cars, Mr. Charles irysdaie conductor. At nair past ten o'clock laat evening an extra traia lelt the depot in Ibis city, with Mr. A. H. Lewis, Assistant Su perintendent, and Drs. Jseee Jodklnt, Meoden hall, Mussey, Norton and Wood on board, who Went down to render Aba necessary aid and alataocs- '' A dispatch from Vineeones Announcea that three phjalolans came up to, the. retiel of the aufferen. "The express traia that left here at five o'clock , obtained physicians at Medera, mitcneu, oejmour ana oiner points, which, with the f Otoe from thisOity, will beef valuable aesistanoe. There are: aeveraliCinoinnatians connected with this regiment. " tusi : j.s The encine not -over 'mhtd the Bkfx''era crushed through the Mieti'. and were piled in mass in tbe creek.Tbe -two rear cara re mained on the track The engineer hastened to the nearest telegraph station and telegraphed the accident, and atated that 150 of tbe soldiers were killed and crippled. ' : One ot the soldiers, after the accident, walked oaca to Booais, and teiegrapbed that about forty Of the toidieri were killed outright, . .. - ix . One of tbe Station operctore want down to scene or toe accident, and making t conned wim nit instrument, telegraphed tbe fol lowing: BRIDGE 48, Sept. 18, 1 1/2 A. M. A U. iwrat Wn Wnirmaiin. 'br&kethati. oaa a irg Drosen.; triage no. S3 is broken in two-' '.If let; four of the passenger oare down into tbe bed of the oreek-one on to of the en gine, and one car came to the east aide. Engine right ' Canolear off the track. Jt will be necessary to transier.: There are. About Ose hundred men wounded, end as manv as tan m . n rrw4 A k. ... llw l J . .wi. m-wwH- w HIVIHIIir WUUUUGU. ft 11(1 killed; one of the brakesmen Under the irnina and not yet got eat; another got 'his leg broke, and otherwise injured; one of them all right; sent him to Shoals u toon at got off; bad to walk all .the way, at tome of the soldiers got the band-oar Two cars with officer and baggage oar were left on lb weft tide, I expect right. Patterson, the brakeman iivea in ViBoennss. He it the one that ll buried In the Win. Uon't know thAt tbe fifteen will helmta tne number killed until the roll it CAlled) The Commander says It will not Jt much creator then that number killed; bnt nearly ell .pf 4he company Is missing. , -'-- K;-. It is tbought that the brldee Was weskened malicious persons, - It gave way In tbe cen ter, irom tne oest laiormauoa we can ret. im j, j ;M'3 a ; .-1 , mm FaiVatkib Jtrr. Davu Fool Plav. 'A Uepoty Marsbal J. i. Beasley, of. tbe .Confed erate Court, snoceeded lsst Saturday nieht in sr. reeling fonr conspirators belonging to the crew the Drlyateer Jeff. Pavla. We learn that a cooipiraoy existed Among the passengers end a portion of tbe erew of the privateer to kill tbe Captain and officers of the Jeff. Davis, and to take tbe vessel into tne port of JNew York. This eonaplraov bat been disclosed Alio the return Captain Cozetler and crew to Charleston, and proof of tbe design or toe conspirators estab- liahed by the affidavit oi one of tbe crew Jt tnongbt that tne conapiraoy naa some agency the stranding of tbe Jeff. Davla boj. tbe St. Aasnatlne Bar. Olsrlaafeii Mercurp. i 'i i ii - iThb Caort in Ifrw Ennubo-WelieBr anb. vorsbla resort of tbe crops from the northern aantlon of New Earland.otb eon and Boia- are Buffering front tbe want of rain. . Thit tbe general oornplaloi in Maine, New Hamp- and the boitnern part of Massaohnastte. There is not so anon complsiot-from drongbt Vermont, thongh the crops ere Aol.flooilsJi- I The BurliDgtori Fre tree savsbe crops In Chittenden ooemtf will not ater- more than two-thirde as mveh at last rear. corn It late and1 will not give1 ti average probably not ene-fonrth of Jt lenai yet enough to boll fee eatlogiiiTfaO eppla will be a complete failure In iTerf ,Blon Nsw EnglAntJ. ".,;,. ,,'r.iaasttfa n '. i ... j "j All eo ' Iltavv EosataT-A paaeenger by the Major Aaderaoa. iross -Cteoa tl, -ITinrsUay,- was robbed of the torn of tl.SOQ ewbtlr bet was aalerp in bis atate room, aa tbe boat ley at our landing. 1 he money, ne savr, naa neen niaoea the lining of bit vest and the garment and were stolen wane ne ana nis companion eeleep. There t no cine to tbe robber. e nan who lueUlneitoe lose, aa well as bis 1 -fcwe, companion, is a Mjjouitvilu Jtvrnml. x,A-t , The Lenlavllla jrMaoerkf kavl bf tie modify UiCatineof Fremont s proelamatlenr 1 .j- np and resign. itpsreq," . - '.'We are clad to tee It, or it most asqnes- tlonatly will da A great deal of rood to- the cause. In deed, e Union permitting i; uennraia so far sxoeed their aatiority, could bardl be considered dealrablc." 1 1, "it ( ''--'- ptmter$ln faytt-' .v tdw'- I'W Inn) (hat fuannt 0-t 1-arW HM. JNo man tvnia be better ... Sad . .-. . k r.'l HEW ADYIilTISEriEU JIattor Coamisaionor'a B f. Oolambaa tIahlB ifmoufaotujk.i Doii Ownmon Pleat, ItiabD:u.uiaodothra. . ! ) Ohio. pVHSHABI ff Xt AM OHDVR IMtDD A. iron u umrt or uommon rieu oi rranaiiB ouniy. Ohio, ta m dlnoUd In th abof eatltlad action, I aball glltr tot aalS to Oie hkbeat ldd, on 4r raeae.y.iOoto1ber' 2, 1801, txtwatn tbe houri of t a. m. and 19 m., on tbspnmUM wbm atoot Hid Baktr'a mill (recently burned). In tltu- ant ValltT. kladlaon ooaniy, Ohio, th followlnc prop ortftvli: The weighing icaln, ronnanta of aaohlDary ana otoor sononai prouarw eamand bt sau Brat t ; CaraMof aaloouh. i .. '. .-, J T ' ' rrlatei'ttoM S.S0. ' . i i, i h tHANOIB COLLIN 8, a tpl-td. -1 " "' ' '. ;.- Uaitar GonuBlMloaar; rrilE atlALIHED TOTEBI OF X franklin county arc hereby notified to meet at their uual plaoea of haliisi eleoilona In their mptctlre town ahlM .k. - M,jk , . ... . ,r 1,11 1 I . f SecoadTneeday at October, A. D. isoit bclnj the Sth dar of the month, and yota for the follow, log offlcori, to wit (One QoTexnor, one JUcotenanl floy ernor, one Saptama' Judge, one Zieaaqiaref Hate, one Scoretarjr of State, ont Comptroller, one Aftmbarof the Board ot Publlo WoBke,eoe Ooaunen Pleaa Judge for the dtitrlot eompoaed et the eouatlea at rraakrla, Pick away and ilid Icon, one Member of the State Senate fdr the dlitrtot oonpoaed of the eoaatles ef franklin and Pickaway, two Member! of the Boaaa of Bepreeentatirei, one Sheriff, one Auditor, one TrasiaMr, out Xeoorder, one Ooamlaaloatr, one Ooroaer, one 'Infirmary Direct-; v. . , UWW11 u uiv evTcni Mwnonipe are rcqmreu to retnra to the Oleik of the Court tbt namei of the fol lowing number of Jarora: tor Common TUoi and ' (Superior Oovrto. i P. ,. - ; (.HO. Montgomery li BaalltoB .. Truro............. j... Madlion Jacluon B heron,. Perry ....... Prairie ...I,. ........... Clinton ...... Pleaaut Plain ................. Mifflin Norwich..... Bnuiiia .......... Blendon.....J. Wuhlog ton. ..,,.. 4taeraon.,M. 1 13 i 150 f lorfrobato Court.. ( Montgomery , ........ BamUton t Tmro-.... , ' a. MedlKn:.......!..1.... 1J weauon... at caexon..M Perry.. Prairie S Clinton ..' B Pleaaut - t Plain,.,.., T Mifflin V.r Norwich ... ....... . Pranklln.... .......: 7 BleDdon.u. d Brown 3 Waebtotton ... 5 Jeffejnon...4.,..,..4" (( -. j . ea eeas f .i -tl: ISO Gtren under my hand and seal thla, 13th day pcpiemoer, a. jj. iooi. . . . , ...m , . : GBOBOB Wi' HUtrMAlf, ' . ... ....... Cs'Abarllt nt Vnnbll. Cit.., A ' LIQUORS. fc J A BABREtS OLD MONOXdAEKLA. '", .' u', ,; tJ 30 to. do. BOUBBON. . , , " Juitevoeryed and for rale low for oath, by"0" ' ' ..! I.AOBLLK EOBt At CO., . : , !S4 Bomh High etreet, Colambaj.,i spl4 6t' . " ,. loe:1 ...:. iogi. Om: ,VjrESTEnN DIvVATCE ll I United 8 Utes ', Exprese -I v " CO., Prop're, , . l J ' . A t.A 11 T Jj Tj: Ivirt I; ! ''- -- "' ' ' V. FAST FREIGHT LINE, Via Hew York & Erie Eailroad, en Tiri flnrtfTiwoaf f u .. K ; .,11 :. I f-J , lei: i iii i rn1 ' i','i; . ' ' ' artered Can oyer moat Boada on Paninger Train. h; norif,. Ag't. m Broadway, N. acpl3 I A. I. KNI8HT, Ag't, T, J SS Blate St., Boeton. WU. H. PBBBY, Superintendent, Buffalo. . H. riTCH eV sjoff Asrentt, vi -. 8T Weal Broad Btreet, . o9i?a'-i coi.rMBr8,omoi.' I ; ! I. ZXezLry! Seoelxlei,' ; '-'-(Lateof lnEitablliliment,.N.T.;)'.,(, PROPRIETOB OF THE NEW YOHfeC faahlonable Bhaylng, Hair Outtiaf , eoampooolng. Curling nd Oreiiln Baloon ,.', . j ,,,, . Boutli High Sfc over Baln's r3tprO" wtar aattafaetlon wlU'be glyita ta all -the i vVtm branchea. . r -' 1 ' ' ' Ladlei' and Oblldrea' Hair Srenlns don In th beat rale. ' , i . -r r- - T . , . . .aaolSdle1' ' -J 1 x WHOLESAIE LIQUOR, STORE. ; LAGELLE ROSS & Co . 1 i , l . , .-,-. , , . i ......... " - ' Commission! Merchants. I ..: ..... I j IMPOBTERB AND DIALS US IS ' POSEIQI AHO DOMESTIC WINES, BRAUDIES; '. Ac." Ac. AtBO,' s.l r.t o .I,.-!...!- .- I:.. ew get d Rye, Monongahefa & Bourbon j- ") r c . .; l ....I f! , , WHISKY, "i-f I ..'.. l.ii cvh.-wT WABIH008K AND Oil IOHtS24 BOTJTIJt jagij: at,8dlyla VT- rJ..SX.l'JMJtJ. J- -1 ;( 'doiiTjiiBTia1"!' A A, Sent poet a. OPTICAL; INSTITUTE. Tke Beet . Artificial Heln te tbe Uaanaat tilgla,! laiwwaKeiel. - tui i unt-n.a-t ,'if. r-jjiifi Ing the ataor their QIA aVh.. .A . ... .. WU a if-lVitwir Viiri AtV'tJ BCIEHTIFICTPTICIAN, ,f HB l f;AftO'K8T .A8SOUT. wnABIfl meaneraul kInalaa'aafSanu..l.M . PRACTICAL i XV. ment of the moit lanumyed klnde'of-Snactulaa hi aiaeeea, whether iy wear or ttB-riRbteaV are tronad; In coocayo cony orm with the graataat eete, aa to luU the Jtyaaof all ae. eariag Weakneea, Dluiaeia or Inaammatiea of the Syea, and Unpartlnf itrength for long reading or fine aewlagr -wi r Office. 13 laat Bbtta atneL..e.a Baiiur tt. Haeio Btor. . ..,,,- .si i.ii a,.- . 1 pi' ' ' " ' i ' ' i ' ' -; i :: doe for M eoiive "Irish -lcri:a2. WABBANTED ITABHIO -''''-- '"' Linen Bblrt Boeomo. . Plain and aaw wi ' I, Bbirtlngaad Boeoaa Lanon. j'h k ' it.-, Linen HbeeUnra and Pilbiar flulnn' .1 ;a j Llaen Oembrloe and Long Lawn.i i . Linen PocketandMfra. all ikM- Vfcue. .t-leen Towelling aad Dmparr Linen Wanktna anS TI'r.IUa .... . . I Ltoen table Cloth aad jutm Pamaaka. V iiinen Towel with colored border. toraaieatlowprioea. baiw at BOB, aTe.SB Boath Blah atreet. EAGLE BKASSJWOIIKS, ajwraaer SprlBr tt Water Bte., In aato then the tient, Dr. and For and ' letter k 15 a ,,r 1 I 1 cUrl WW. I the TV V a? 1 f r' I vol ,- ' n m tm l-oa. .r-.-. Hinofaetoron of Bra and OeeepeeMew tJeelton . Ilniaued Brae Work af ail Dmi.ii . . ' r . g. .-TtTTrW-" -A 1 -" ..T" iVt ( 11 1 -f J W. D.' POTTa ria w 1 - a i.W a Ml W1 v. ' ' 1 "I ': volume wiaavAw la Kir .! M 1n ! aunitllOBV'.T .UALI-l uOUERHSEy'3 CALPili REMOVES 1HD IpikBVEMTS IN- Sunmatlon and palo, and heals lb worst barn, eMy bruin, oot .or freih wound of an kind, umll MUtt;oaS pais, from boa oUuk. bit, and euiumum pianio, neuralgia, rhtnautlut, airue In IM nut, mH rhona, ols. i When taken Internally, It will potiuviiry aaro orosp taohUdnn,aod fire Imaedlata nllenoaUS wartlowa ot aha Wrribla oomplalnti alto, romotoa hoanontM and nn throat. Price, US oenUf bottle. Sbould be In T isbonao-. for sale by Dnf BlataaodSlorakeepon. , IttVW SCONB, , r - . bom jrrourielor. N k .nomae .. VnHr . lviai' a.t" : oetdAwlra1 but No real jaeiloa sua be dons the' abore pnparatloai t by proenrloiaiiA yeaulnt. deeariptlye pampbleteA i found with all dealera, or will be eent by Proorletdr on demand. Formula and Trial Bottlee eent to Phyel oiaaii who will fend developmaats la tola worthy ttiell acceptance and approyal. . . B .i v ' Qorramondenoe aoUeltee frow all Whcae neceeeltlee ar earioeity prompt to a trial of the abore reliable Kama dtea. . k. I foa ami, by ,tha aaoal whtleaala end reUII dealer everywhere. ,r .. , , 0 v t; I JOlilf L. lllVNNEWCl.L.e Praprletal V "'oHtmg iNp rHABMACIUTIST, ; ! 1 '7 Bo.' 8 CommarslAl Wharf, Boston, Mass. j l Aohcrta Ae Bamnel.M. B. Mamie. J. B. Cook, i. Penis, 0. Denis k Bona, A- Behneller tt Boa. Ageota for OplumbuS. thlor,,,, ,-,jijwa o.i nwu myi-aiy p Oysters LOysters!!t TTA JIJ8 KECKIVED, AND 'Wltl. XJL be ta eatiy reoeipi, ay pn, oi -, -(f r 'TAESfl HiS t KEO OI8TEE8, from Baltimore and Till Darm." ' Uail at wagaer-a uyiurana rruii pcpoi, pa. i n"-o'l nl(SMi.l " in' VkVXf.H B Al N & SO N. ABB NOW OPFEBISa Vl 3000 tarda tiaveUn Dreaa 0 X ceou. Mr,. ooda at8f, yttui Hi' . tire Oooda atlJ. value HffoU KnglUU french Oi yarua rait voiorca wwae at iw. nine aa oeni. yarda Poniard Dreea Bllki at 37X, value 90 eenti Oiuvi Tarda Trayallntf 1 SO00 yard Engllah Becagee at Urrtlut is oeota. franco Uf taneiea ai ixti Tame oeau ut Oolond lawoa at lo. yalue IS oenta. 10UO yarda french Organdie at 12& value SB oentt. 1500 vard Buser Plain Black Bilk at at 06. yalue B185. Bote of Organdie Berage.'and Bnglith Borage, at one- half their value. J23 :l !i BAIN At BON, i H 29 South UJh Btreet. REMOVAL. 1 (irrocenBV..(e.f-t atr n 'v-i-i. -Produce, s. r::V Foreign and l6incstiJ. Ltfitiors, Fruits, etq, e;Al'Hv u,,.: Vtl t. lljW ! i:i.ji-ral- iHpfoi-i nl i HAS BKMOVBB Big BTORB THOM. . .. 1.1 t , Ll. .S - felv. ..!.' I " , No. 106, South HighStreet, TnSOldataod recehfljf'eociinlet by4VM. McDOAXD I fw )tl . i i ' i .1 i I11 I 1 fli 'ii 'iii ' ' ' , ... .IIetalndalIy,eoeIptf , , r air-aa un pnre j rnnne rwsAWW mis w sira vivf vraa . Jl.H-1 ae I .; Whl ha Will aall '' h? yili.-er.; i . v. i..; r.-. Ckeaw tor Caslt arCenntr Produce ii. ' ' wjiwii ii 1 ' ID flood delivered to City trade frea'of ctirge-XH - , - - " o:;i.o w Kujfit.'.'-i'i' .1 - 7M. lb RESTIEAUX, s t t ' Jirtr-. -n el Uif'-r -tl ae 'I f" i-'.-a f.':(flnaOBS80R VMeEEB ft BEBTIIATTX) a ie 'Jilt! uiilfw-'' ' ' ' . ' No? 106; 'gbutH'High1 StrtV DEALER IN A f ... i- n'. CROCER I ES, PRODUCE it i,KKO Iti I sJ aw S -i. ' Foreign' 'anrl ' Doraiestic bruits, - J "-' I. if ti pa ' -at lif m STORAGE & COMMISSION , -,-, f.aialU tlK-.rf a trt-' !:: r . EcoNoinr is wealth. ': hoerer borea 1 cheatf iSoeapoand of Baleratai, throwi hlfnibney. JThos. Vho piirchus, iWa Dlstalic, a pare and wboleoome article at half It ralne and doable their outlay Depot, J .Waahlogton Mtreet, F-i , fl't " I9i rJ t' WTwaars. m m ii mi ii wim e m inn in n in .j ii ii HOW LOST. HOW JtlSTDBID. Juat PublUheitnaiealedBnTelop Prloetcta.t i 1B0TTJBI ON TBI NATDRB, TBBATMBNT AND RADICAL 00KB OF BPIBMATORRUBA Or Bemlnal WeakB. lnyoiantarw Jimlanotn, Bexvat Debility, and Impediment to MarrUur aenerallly, Neryoaaneaa. Cou- luoaptlon, Xpilepay and fit, Menial and f hj.lcal Io oapaoltjr, raauitlng irom MU-aoute, etc Ujr Jlobert J. OuryerfaU, Ji.., author ef the Green Boat,. r( . Boon to ThQaaavnets of Snlferers. ander seal, In a plain envelope, to any aildreei, paid, on receipt of two itampa, by Dr. OUAB. v. id. yti sowery. aew rent, i. Post OOoeBea sep7:3mdftw T-m i w i . ii i i. I. 1 1 ii Pereone ol fall brtnlte, Whoareiuhleotto Ooatlyeneaa, Headache, Olddlneia, Drowilnew and ilnr- In the eer,etllng from too great a now of blood to head, abonld nerer be wkhont Brandnfh't PllWaad highly danrarona eymptoma will ha remoyed hr Immediate uae. ' t. ;)- Tbe Hon. J. Hub!, of Weitchevter eounty, N.' T., eoyenty -flre yeara of age, baa need Brandreth'i Pills far twenty dye ytara aa hie aola aeadiema.- When he real. ladiipoaed, be It from Cold, Bheomallam, Ailhma, Head achei Bllloui Affectione, Ooatlvenaia or irritation of th 1I1VI.B AU.VI1UU, VU.I1I.UHI VI 11 1I.UU. OK.U or Wsddsr, ha doaa nothing bat take la few doiei Bfandreth'a Pllli, f.1;- ;, -; Hu) urual method ia to take ate pill, and reduce to' I each night, one pill. Ia every attack or licknen twenty-flre yeara, thla almpU method baa saver failed raster ninvto health, and few men are to b foa nd to and nearly h. t eld by 7oaw B. Oooc. Drn.-I,L' Onlnmhii. n a hi sapiv-dim ' . , fflOFFAT'S IiirB FIliLB.-V to all oaaea of ooitlvanaaa, dyapeprla, bllllotu and Uvei affection, pllea, rheumatlaa, ravers sad acaaa. ebstl ead aehea, and aU general derangement at health Pllli have In raff ably proved a oertald and speed remedy. A single trial will ptaea tb Ufa fills beyond reach ofoompetitlon at tbeeatlmattoB ef ever pa .-y t. ... .. .... Hoffat'i Phosrix Bitten will be band eqaally af. loaolool la all oaaea of narvoaa deUUty, dyapepela, head aobe,the atckneaa incident pa female Indellcat bsalth, every kind et waakoaas at tths dlgeetiva argaa. nw a r. W.B. MOFFAT, SS. Broadway, W. T, by all Drurtlio). IT BMyl&VdAtwlf Tie follow? ,M M3rtiapt from WrltUa by Ut br. jr. Botme,' peeler ef tut ,.ir.p.iareirMi jiayiaw unna, rvoa4n, a ., ta "Joarnal and ktaaMSger,'' Cloeianatl, 0., and apeaka timto U toyer of 1 worM-recewned medicine. Mai la favor of that worM-ren owned medlclse, Has. 'a Beoraniaa Srscr m Ceitstaa XawnroNH ' "Waaeean adyertraerit la roer aolnmn of ATM Wrnu)w'BooTiiii.9 h;aur. Kowwaaavereatde word tavnr or a pitKut toefliolne before hi our life, bnt we ftwloonpelled to aity o your readera that thie lane hum w vn r, a ie -nr wo a tu rt It la p,i.i,i7ly oi,m't,e ewmit ai5i(l Bieiil cuieef Uied-j, bwout t ou el tb bout. And thoa .. ,(, Vwaeait'ide betf" than W'Z ' : " i v. - , ffWOyeetf -. -It; - , PROF. L. MILLER'S HAIR HIVIGOnATOn Zoonomloal An ESflOtiT; Baie and Compound, ro lie orUtsal color erithoat dyeing, And jreveUDf , ', . Hall froea turning grayr FOft PREVENTING BALDNESS, Andouringlt, when there la the leaai partlole of a lull or recuperative energy retaining. I , VOl REMOVaNO SCUEFAND DANDRlfV - ABdallentanaoaaaffeetlonS ef the Soalp. ri s FOR BE AUTHTINO THE UAH. a It an aneqaled gloat and brilliancy, making Uky In U texture, and earning It to ouk -y. 'i ' ' ''" Imparting to I It toft asj tUky . taaeuf. f.r ' , ' ' . xne great eeieoniy ana woiiaiiiig umbo ivr mw wo equaled preparaUnu, eonvlnoee the proprietor that one trial la only neneeiiry lo-aaebfy a diaeernlng publlo of It aaperior qualiUee oyer any other preparaUoo ta aa. It clean mo be head and eoalp from dandruff aod other eutaneoaa dleeean, oaualng th hair to grow luarlaotly giving it a rich, eoft, gloaay and Bezlble appeanuao. an aleo, where the hair iilooeenlng and thinning, It will give elreogtfl and vigor to the not and reatore the growth to hoe parte whioh have beoon bald, eeualof tt to yield a reeh covering of hair. There are hundred, of ladle and gentlemen la Mew York who have had their hair reitored by tbe aa of thla layltprretoe. erhen til other preparation, hare failed. L. U. ha In hi pne.aa.lon latter InnaaaeraM taetirylng to the above mete, from penwaa of the hlgheat redeeoU blllly. It will eeeotaally era -ran I the hair from turning an til the lateet period of life; and In ea where' th hair has already changed Hoeelor, the nee of the Invtgoraior will With oerlalnly roe to re li to It to lie original hue, giv ing It a dark, gloaay appearano. Aa a perfam toe the toilet and a Ilalr Beatoratlre tt la particularly reoeaa mended, baying an agreeable fragranoei and the great ta olllUe It afford in drealng the hair, whioh, whew metal can be dreaoed ia any reaaired form to aa to preeerva it plaoe, whether plainor la omrla$ aenoe tne great aemana tor u oy tne leaie a anaara toilet article which none ought to be wllhoaM the pitoe plaoea It wiauin ina reaon oi ail, aeini . with the Invlgorator, henoe th great demand for It by the ladle aa a ataadard .41 ! ' ' Only Twraty-FiT Centi per bottle, to ba bad at all nepeotable Drugglata aad , ... PerfSAwre. .. '...r ,1. ' li.'' HILLIB would aall the attention of Parente and Guardian! to the aa of hi Invif orator, tn 'eaaae where the oh lliren'i hair incline to be weak. She wae of It laya the foundation for a pood food AoeVy aa It -remove any fanpurlUea that may have become eon sect ed with the acalp, the removal ef. which la aeceeeary both for the health of the child, and the fu tare Appear aa of Ite Halev4'--' -- '.'1 "1-"- - . --- alftlV tomi MIL- -.., pioww m we Oaottoi. None genuine without the (to-Mm: M ILLBB. being on the outer wrapper, auto, LMH'B HAI ft IN VIOOBAIOE, W-.X., bloi Wholenta Depot, M Bey etreet, and aoM by all the principal Merchant and Druggiit throughout the world Liberal aleoount to parchaear. by the quantity. - ' I alao deeir tb piieaant to the American rnblla my BTKW, AST) ... IHSXOTXD ItTRABTTAnoTJI LIQUID, HAIR: DYE,' whlnA. after year of ad en tide experimenting, I bave browght toperfeoUoa.' It dye Blaok or Brown Initantly wttbontinjury to the Hair or Bklaj warranted the beet article of the kind In txletaaoa, i i '4 t , . PRICE, ONLY 50 CENTS. ' Depot, 66T'Dey x8t,-Newport MOttdAwly. titiilKjiri!!.! aBww BAjnsr& eoN: tlO. t" -0UTH EQH ITBIJT,' ApE now. pF'.jrxcitiiro 1,000 yard Beoer Plala Blaok SIBa at 1 OO valae tl 85 par yard. , ,-r , a 8500 yard! Traveling Drear and. Van tie. doedr at , 19 laoatavalue 80 etnta per yard.' : ' ' ' 3,000 raids White JrtlHaatea at 19 it eaata value 20 cent per jard. ' 8.000 yardi line and DomerUo Oingharoa greatly CMVabM..- ''' - f -UM)- . LARGS AND DESIRABLE LOTS OP CHAUIJ, ItrtJlABD BUM, .t. ,.. EfOLISH BASaTOSI,UVSIXAI, ' uwnoiuoon, roFLnrt, AND ALL OTHER SiTerw sund Faahlouabla SretM ' In the moatdaalrablaatyleaaadat vary towers rrloea.' 1 Of all materials, made In the moat atylUh manner atei the latest Parte laahlont Iht moat elegant atylae a ' eity. '-'"' -'""" : 'V , . . i -.. i --. i t -n : AJA1N BOJI, I' 1 may ju --, : . . - ne, wi boo in uiga atreet -' '- ' ' .Vtlif'Alij fil t , " V "-ii.loCl ai tl , -Vjf Vutri MILLIONS OF EMOIJEY ForanInch.o.Tiffle! WAS Off CB TBE EXrjIi Aid ATlOli 6? , . adylnaQoeea That Inch of tlma.n ha nman. L ed at a mach cheaper rate, and many long yeara o,ni Ji tifiAviu aw jiArnwtijs .miw, enjoyed byeoeiulttcg Dtl BBBBtrTjAf BIB wti? ll curing Ute moat otntlnat end lonS-itandlng dUeaiea..-. of th tjnqi, mart, mvbb, kidnbyS, blad ?! SIOMAOH RHBITMATIBW DI8KA8ES PBOO-V.-LIAB TO VEMALE8, BKIN DISBASB8, AND-Aii w.f" . 4..( j,.f.i 111' J fatcta are tnbera VMtfiAZ THear what th Philadelphia oorreipondenteaya la tbe 'Commonwealth.' Wllminetan. k n 1.1 lesj.- . . .. ... . .. , , 1 . r . "AA Inalln aentleman. farmarlr aoauetaA atltk k. Bribjah Army, and who aty lee huaeell the Indian BoUnlo Phyelctan , ha of 11 gained an exteneiv repa tatlea hr by hi akiU fa carina- all manner at . plain U... Borne of bla patient have convened wutv and they pronounce hi remedle and mad of Ireataaeat a very rnp.rior. Some bava been, reetoied an M by a ' rnaglo. The medicine he Bea ia diitllled by hlmealf.. 1 fritT'lu,.,1"lr Ieaelwaer- wnratlvw propertiei. While aollog In tbe army be devotee hi. bMuro me- n aeou 10 a tnorourn atudv af th.h.1. v. wu. wwwjiwi Kwie an. aero on ail aeaaaor Of te--eaeea. It teem he ha found t urs And needy rema- dy fer all th '111 that fleet) I heir to.' HUpYkUcVi. alreadv axtamlya anil ta H.ll. tL ,.ZZ plaiala to which Females are tubjeoted, b ha ao qnal. aa a Urn nam bar here have iaauaA ih.t th.. ... Vfif l"?'00 baalth, but their lives, to the a kill of thie Indian Botanic Phyilcmn." - ,3 Office 37 EatrSfAle gireet. Colambnt. 1 1 Elegant laceTIantUlaa :i.pOA XJ-XaNT No. 29 South HigEBC HATB jnit opened an invoice of yery Urga and.,1 handaom - - ' - - ' PUSHER', FRENCH. AND- CHANTILLA -"1lA.CE UANT1XLA8 ANDPOINTE9. WjJb Iench: Laces -lonBjuiktic Very DeepFrenebnonnolngLacea.?. ItiH Real Thread, Frenoh, C.'ianUlla Jt GensvesAi ; v h;HiH. Taltnclennet, Point tie .Care; Brarils v ud Thread Laoei and CollarB. VALENCIENNES TRIMMED H,'D?F3,a MALTESE LACE COLLARS at SETS, LINEN COLLARS A CUFFS, "! .-.' InnewSbAiiesi-MvC -1 WAWPB) JVlt 4 Da . PTTPt-fl rr ( f,i ,... j 4. u h ie ,6 .. cor traveling. ,1,111 1 Cc KOBAStBIteuIB, FOriJXB, BHBPBXBD'I CHECKB BJWCI, FOIl tU CHJVRKS. ,, , (..-.iv, ( emr r IATSLUI, BROCHJ. VALIKCIA3, Ae. fce'. "' 'IhS beetend moat fuhlonable atrlee ta the ct'y. .j" AT TiniY.uo'W pjtticasi. ''' ' . . ' . J . tAISf A OK, -' " ' ' Jt81 tt AvAlhWrtAuttt ......,.;.-(