1861, THURSDAY MORNING,' 8JEPT. 19, .. . i in i i . ji ii n i r LOCAL MATTERS. The Adam Expree Company place W Jelly under obligation to II fb the very latest pepert from the emtqra cities." f J The American EiDrees, Company net out tbanke for lu dally, favors la the enape f th very latest eattern paper. " , ? D" The publio elatetn, th different parti of the clivers bains; pumped ent and cleaned ' t - J I All . out, preparatory: to, peiBg repaired ana renjiea for the Jail end winter campaign. A ' Ofle ' of h;oit 'lmpor'Uut' publio Im provetaente now' belog made in oar cltyj Ii tbtt which, he oeaJjr gome time In progreii on Long ttrcet, between Fifth end Berentb ttreets That portion of Long het been heretofore quite ImpunbW la. wet weather, end the miring of loaded wagoni .mnother' TehlotM was no an' obbum ' ooenmooe uTbe loed-wey of the tree, bai'. been' filled', op, graded and made e Smooth end lubctantial track." ' Workmen are now employed in hying down Ibe. kexbiog and guttering.""'" . "ll J ' Ttll PaKHDIRT O THI COSNTT CoNfMTIOH or tbi No Patt PiiTr. In the report pf the permanent oiBoera of tbli Coaventioo in Tnei day'a SfilMmMn! an etror occurred. ' 8moii uiu.owatdoi, paaai rr iuowt waa rretiaent of thponTentlon!'';:;;';:::V,;:--:,,:ia.:ViV i...!'!1 .! " 11 1 Kill - HiDitoH Towmhi ;Fauu Tboi Madison Towniblp. Fair (Simmenoeit jeaterdayj and 111 continue tntil ' Frldty erentog. ' Tc-dy Mr Rabit exhibit his fttmoni ' bone Crnlier. Madiaoa .towethip Li one, of the 'wery' finest townihlpi of an4 In 6hlo,'and very few, If any, excel it In fine stock, and wealthy, enterprising farmer. Tbelr Fair Grounds,' located near Groreportr are beautllul.) For: several years tbelr tairt bar been very successful, excelling many of a Codnty Fain ( the State. No la bor or x'penaa hst been lprd to render their cxbibltlont Interesting, and they have advanced the acricnltaral and stock-raising Interests of the county. The citizen of Columbo should not be backward; in patronising and enooursg lng the oitlrenj'or MdIon io'thli laudable nterprlse. :r'i T; ujr. i ' tTThirteeq ear load of cannon and ammnnV tiM passed through, here on Tuesday en route for 8. looia. ; The ahlpnient,. ooulsted of otn turn, tea, 64 pounders, twenty 33 pounders; am mnnitioo, 9,467 33 pound balls, 147 46-ponnd shells, and 96 64-pound balls. , ' i m . V. . SoRiioa Coorr 'Joaoas. The following Is the list of regalar jurors for the next term of the Superiot Conrt: i -"'"-.i '"f . V William Merlon, James H. Woods, Adam Stephens, Owen T. Barbee, Andrew Biles and Tbomae Hamilton, Montgomery township; Orris Kllbonrne and 8, M. Mtlbone, Sharon townships Lewis Agler, Mifflin township; J. S. Stephenson, Aaron Vutor and John Brown, Madison township. - - j,v Taa.VAauTiii. Tbeie amusement at the Theater on State Street, are fast winning gold en opinions from the lovers of the comic, the ludicrous and the funny. The burlesque circus represented last evening, drew forth bnnts of unmitigated laughter. If any one would livs np to the spirit of the old proverb "Laugh and grow fat" let him or her witnese the Varieties attbsTheater.Oi'JA'AH) ', ."' ST The three regiments Fourteenth, Colonel Stiabmaii; Thirty-eighth, Colonel Biadlit, and the Twenty-first, Colonel Moton) raised in the Maumee region, are full, the two former to overflowing,' and have, received their uni forms, equipment, and are awaiting orders to move. i. XT Rev. jG. T.' Fumdibs,' formerly of the First Unlversalist Church, Cincinnati, was laet 8unday installed pastor of the Second Universal is Church, corner of, Second avenue and Elev enth street,' New York The Htrald aata the ' Church was evowded by a highly reipectoble , ooogregatlon,' and the occasion itself was made quite atrtanmrtDg-one. -Rn.VfZ Sawyh, Rev. Mr. BaaTwobomw, Rev.' Mr. DiMAnctT, Rev. Motel 4ifi? .""V3 ReTv r ChapW par tlcipateal ud ceremonies. (DrCHirm, who was the concluding speaker, exhorted the people to co operate with their pastor in sll.his works, and pronounced w high eulogy opon Revj Mr. Flamoiu. 1 1 ' ' ' ST Sahou, Lavr, a wholesale dealer ia hoop skirts, on .West' Fifth, street,' C!ncInDatl,;wsB arrested on Tuesday barged with having smug. gled goods' ,'$9utV iinoe the commencement of hottlllUea, end also with having taken the oath of alleglanoa te the eo-eaUed Southern Confed eracy. H fVKtfifl JU to await hi examlnatfoat yesterday before U.' S. Comml- loner Rptwnav,, jr4 .k.;,.. , : ,. HAaaioW Coo ,Tai. Wo have tecelved the premllm 4it ol the Harriaon County Fair, to be held it Cadlx, on Uxej 121, 31 aid 4th days of Octooei'next. On the firat Tlaof the Fair, premiums wIQ be awarded to boyl under fifteen years of gf for;'bOrseBtabahIp, onjha lecojbd day, predhnms to UJiee for horsemanshiif.- and on the Iady,JadIe, .forvW. v7rlle premlumliflrisJaririiT'e oe a lucoesatiu one.;.- m .t b ITGe.t,yr'Bi3os'atftrU"dfrom Aon"gn Taeeday feorning ' for1 Wasblngtoiiij ejtnj j0 .' ' i - ' i ' ' ' r11 " fcl; CTCol.WiixfAii Monoiit, of Hanoi) A otJuntyj has reoelTftd an order to raise regiment for ine war, w p reormtea at ,QOieyw, we nave no doabt VLtr Mtwatw will soon rals4 th full complement of good ment Sneeeae to him 1 ' - - - ' 'i i , 1 1 1 ' ,'-:; ' tr Fourteen prisoners of war, taken on the lltninetVln the eniraeemeok at Cheat1 Monht aln, between the forces . under Generals. Ross- ciawe and FpyQwerd'bronght' to Camp Chase yesterday morning, by Lieut. Bami, Sergesnt Major Bitt,and five private t the' Eighth Ohio wm;TZW;:iXZi, V. ST Fifty-nine uen, part ef cavalry compa ny, from ChilJtcplhe,, arrlve.4 . at ,Eamp Chase lesterwTn M ena v-Ji'aniiwsc , ' . ) t.vH ; tutu, fn..-j 0.1 K-H ST Captalo J, Wi Uaarsi, with a oompaoy of 84 men fromTTah. Werffcrnrttyi., af'lvd"at Camp i,yon,near wartntngtoov on Tnetdar That Pots.-rWe bu?ve several times oalled , attention to the polo la front of the Thee tw it is really dangerous, sow tnarthf rain Tree ther has set in, eMfaaZI-ec,'-; Dear Local! Spare that pole. Though badly dilapidated and teady io fall, tt la the last sad memento of Republicanism at the Capital of Ohio. a j ts ' v s 'i' v. sr ,n a i. i i i i i 'ii lm I hi ii. I , ST The Mayor ; eerdj' .lniJtnln6;',!)((tiiid Jon Wem orex lit the mm of 200, to eppeu t the nest .tsrar of (th; Conrt of Cotonjac fleas, to an war to t'.e ehargo of Uatblbf Jot v i r ; , f J JC I 'if it ,1, 4 - Jv V , ArrotNTmirrs ov.tbs Osuo.ANROAi.CoRm' ikci. .Tbr following Is a list of the appoint mints made at the session of the Ohio Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church bald at Clrolevllle, September 17, 18Gb' , Column Dibthct.-G W Brush, P E. Colnmbuit Tewo Street, Joe M Trimble. 1 wesiey Chapel, D D Mather, ' "r,", Bigelow. , AlSee. t 1 it I ' Cltv Mission. T W BUnlav: ( Worthlngton, ft Doughty, W H MoCilntlck, wenterviue, u n nicher. ' '. Aeiaware, oi. raurs, i n rnwipi. , Mllford, 8 Tlppett, E U Hagler. O'i r' ' , Dublin, Archibald Fleming. West Jefferson, L Hall, Jaoob 8 Adams., -. London, James M Jameson. Midway, H Wharton. "'" ' '""x w Mt. Sterling, U Z Adams," H L Whitehead Darbyville, Jamee f Given,- n - . jUarrUburgb, O G Weet, B Crook. ' ' Ohio Wealevan Unlveraltv. F Merrick.' Proat asm; r uoyt, rroieasor. t - . a Zawwvilli Distsiot. John Prater, F E Zaneavllle, Second St.. Joe H Crelgbtoos Sev entn at., urian Heatn. ' "r..i ; Fntnam.C C M'Cabe. ' k ' Rosevllle, H Lonnls. r , Rehobetb, 8 Bateman, W Banner, u, -, .. Somerset, P V Ferree. . -j ' Rushville, D Mann, John C Gregg. '' ' '..:J Hebron, N Speck, R W Manly. . ,5 ',.' Irville, R D Anderson, John E Sewers. Asbnry, 8 C Frampson, W B Chadwlok. 1 ' ' Deavertown, B Lows, W H H Woolf. , ! ,' Fairview, E N Nichols, Jos N Adair. B St Jamee Frv. Chanlaln to the 33d Resrl ent. O V U 8 A. L F Drake. Chanlaln to tha T Tat Bevlment. v v u B A. . . .. Lawoaitm DimiOT.'t-Jno W White, P E. Lancaster, C E Felton. ., J,,. -: -,i Clroleville, A O Bvere. - . . ;, .-o 1 1 Newark, T D Martlndale. ; ' 1 Baltimore, Alan Fleming, C C Lybraad Alexandria, W 2 Rose. Johnstown. Jacob Martin. Jos 8 Brown. Etna snd Granville, L Talt, John W Young. A-ioKcrineton w u rwer. n u u rina. Royal ton, D Smith, E Sibley. Tarlton, A Carroll, B Ellis. . r Maxville, W C Holliday, W M Malleoli. West Rushville, Thomas H Hall. Marictta District. BN Bnahr. P E. MarietU Centenary Chapel, W Harvey. " " Whitney T DH Moore. narman, Isaac F King. Barlow, 8 Ryland, John P Calvert Plymouth, W Gardner, G Murray. Ameevtlle, F 8 Thurston, 8 Rankin.' Coolvllle, C Betbanaer. . ' Cbeeter, John W Lewis, T 8 Stivers. Letont, B F M'Elfreah, R Callagban. .,'.', Ponferoy, A C Kelley. Mlddleport, E W Kirkham. '. Athens Biation, W Forter. ' " Athens Circuit, C H Warren.' ','. . Pleaaanton, W Glenn, E I Jones. - " Nelsooville, Joseph T Finch, Samuel R Por ter. ' .; Logan, SM Bright. ,-.- ' Ohio Unlveraitv. Solomon Howard. President! Jamee O Blair, Prof.. Coolvllle Seminary, Tbomu J N Simmons, President. ....... fc GALlaroiu District.- A M Alexander, P E. Galll poll Station, John T Miller. Gallioolia Ct.. Joaeob Barrineer. G W Iaa mlnger. V' . Mo Arthur, D HOrlooker. ' Jackson, John Q Gibson-1 ' Berlin, Joho WWakefteldf.;'" ,.,;;,' ' ". Kicnmond, Joba w r teeie. Laurel, W P Grantham, ' Junction, John N PilcheV Mt. Fleaaant, Jaoob Hathaway, John F Dick son. a ' - . New Plvmontb. Josenh H KoDklna. John R Prose. W . , , ... , Furnace, Isaao B Cartlloh. V Wilksvllle, M D Vanghan, W H Gibbons. 1 Centreville, Thomas L Lloyd. w f Patriot. D H Cherrinrton. Josenh Robinson. John Dillon, Jr., Chaplain to the 13tb Regi ment, UV D8 A. V . - PoRTaMOUTH District. L CnnnlnehamoP E. Porumoutb, Bigelow Chapel, 8 C Richer. - " Boenoer Cbsnel. JoseDh I" Wil liami. . . . . i t Lucaaville. E P Hall. . Beaver, John W Dillon i meton, I bos Mcintire. . . Waverlv. W N Middleton. Jasper, W R Copeland. : ; . , Wbeeleraburg, 8 M Donohoe. Furnace, Uriah L Jones. ( Hanging Rook, 8 Middleton, J P Licroix. irooton, H h. r ooter. ' Burlington, W J Griffith, J Meg Shulta. Home, 1) Tracy. ! ' , V. ) . S " ' ; ', Swaa Creek, E V Bine. 1. U U Hi Duoborton, Jno M Shnlts, Kockvllle, M L King, W B Guthrie. . r'otv e 1iAMiS tlraMtMi f ' D C ' vniuuiwi oaa avtsi i mvii-i VUUUwI sT Mzn rwer, Z Connel, P B, J int st., O A Vananda T'- iit,ABrooki,,;;u.,.;,JrJ.:;, mi Crook. im j ,-,-4 s i. Ubtlilootbe, walnut -Main Washington, Isaac Bloomiogbnre and Jsffersonville, J Q Lakio, H Aoton. ) Stanton, N Westermao, J D Ttff 1 ! J ) V New Holland, John W Clarke. Thomas G KOSS. ) I veer vreeaf a. riuer, r a i immooe. y 1 ' Frankfort, John Stewart, W W Cherrfngton. Bainbrldge, E H Dixon, J B Bradrlck. Maasievilie, A Nlohole. . -si-, i- ;A i"i A 7' SharonvUle, A Cartltcn. ''' 7 ' ' : w r . i. ... a m Kingston, E EsUlj W Morris. ' Wester Prettvman. MlmionarV to Bulcarl. Il-T Maelll. transferred io W.WIaoonsin Con. f 3M ,k vnr i.tj hji ;'.., I 1. -.1 yt. . iv 00 j ST. Colonel Kinhrtt's Regiment has been assigned as the Fourth Regimeotof Cavalry un der Gen. Frimort. -'This ie the lut regiment that will be raiaed 'tTOblo for FainoRT. V ST Colonel A, McDowill ' MoCoox'a Rrf- meat at Dayton numbered - on Taeeday even. lng, eight htydred men'K will be.fuU this week. ., i' j ..-.:. n.iviix 1'. PC Colonel VANoavua's Regiment at Ham. ton, Butler county, is reported fall. ' ," . "! . M 1 ST The remaining members of CoU Pitt'i Regiment, numbering 150 men, "left Cltclunatl with the Colonel, yesterday r morning, by rail, fbf i Marietta,' taking with 1 them" artillery for one! company. The re'glment number! 1,150 men., i t.-r::. , ? . ' . i i ' r , Rail Road Time Table. hTtualuMifcOtuiMoeAXiRUBtB. ' - Lmvm. arrives. Olnelaoaa AooomaodiOon. 5:00 M. e-.II I. tt. Bcpresi ...11:40 A.M. ,, , 11:03A.M. Mallui4 AooommodUoi. 9:10 r. M. 8:00 P. M, Might JCxpnst vkaAflu.lS:WBtdatllt. 1:80 A. M. ' i " : ' "0" BoaniTr, Apot. - ..Ootbames Ouvbh B.-B.'; ; ;. $ , - Utah! Bipre........M,..3:40AVM. a 11:15 P. M. New Y orKrpre........ .11:19 A.M., , 10:50 A.M. 0.0.40. Wajap.i.... :J0 P. at. -7:50 P. M. 'iW i m rawMueav Aieat. 'CarrmALOmo B, I.'--'tWaiii f-. .- Ho.SKxpraM 3:30 A. m. ires A. H. xi. us ..i R jrM.t IMS A. M. ' a w. J. leu, Agent. rrrrawiRasi, Oolombos ft Onnnaum B. B rUU Train liJO A.M. 11M A. U. Bxpnss Sntn..... ..1LS5 A. M. ., S: p. M , , . Bowrsmi, Agent OpmwbvI ImiARorous, B.B. ' Aj. ' 7 lUotqHlOi IIQBA Sfc 1HVIAHA A. tt. RTe. l BxprMf..n.y- 1:30 A. M. N. 'V 3:00 P.M. 1 T:SM P. M. AMOMieoditioa f' 10:50 A. K. SPHIWO CLOAK Ann BASaiNF.S MIW rTLBSUamt Sett, No. S High, (tnet, bT Jo, t wnri nswetyke of Oua 0i anuju. B4duh ud )UouM, Bttde In lb aewwl tut moM tjllh smmtr. ' Alae, Hasievfe flala IStacic tllk, nrr hmrj, Mined exprenly (or MaoUliM aod fcwqalnM, . ... ,j (rlll BWHJKTB, Hlimons TABS AND ' "i'T -UL i -i'j oi ta' BAUT I0,' . lt.v,..?ti .B?imh Mat,; , -4 Wlti ana He etna ,K1 fAiaetsoN. B.MaaaBlrt TELEGRAPHIC. Skirmish on the Upper Potomac. or men of the Maasaonnaetu utb, while riding on the tow-path, two miles above Uarper'i rerry were fired noon bv the rebel! from the ODDoeite tide of the river, Bnt one wu killed. There was aconalderable body of rebels potted behind tne warenouae ana otner nuiiaine.-. apiain Striber. one of the MawaohuietU !3ts. Ulreet id the fire of a twelve pounder against the building, disponing the rebela. ' It ii inppoaed tnat live or aix were killed. - - ..- Commercial Intercourse in Kentucky Commercial Intercourse in Kentucky West of Cumberland River suspended. e. . . , ,.. . ,.,;,,; :, CAiao. Sent." 17. A inecial to the Journal from Cairo, aayi that a portion of Kentucky weet or tne Cumberland river, nai oeen eeoiar ed under insurrectionary control. Seoretary unaie nas instructed the Surveyor Here to pre vent all commercial intercourse wltn that aeo tlon, and to search the baggage of . all peraoni soioK thither. .j.i .., ibe irunboai uoneatora captured tbe rebel iteamere Stephenson and Gaxelle np Camber- lana nver, yeeterday. Una eonUmed iuu ton iron. A deserter from Jeff. Thompson savi that Ihs force opposite Columbn is 9,300, and that tney are raireed, iboeleas. ana abort oi prorii Ions. He ezpreiaee the opinion that tbe com mend will disband. -.', ,'.,.. .. ( Gen. Pope After the Rebels. 8t. Jostra, Sept. 15. The St. Louii Demo crat ii furnished with tbe following Item:, au ii quiet nere now. General Pone haa sent a column of one thou sand men and three nieces of artillery, under Colonel Smith, after the rebels, who left here on tbe 13th, and there is little doubt, bnt that their larire train of plunder will be oaptnred, although, ai uaual, they willidisperse,' and be ing mounted, will escape unless Colonel smitb shonld snrorlse them. t . ,w : I be lrrerulari, Home uuards ana otbers, are scouring tne country on all aides. ' colonels Cramer and towards, tne nrat com- mandlne the Irregular force of Missouri volun teers, and the latter about 600 Iowa state troops will arrive here on Sunday, having; awept tbe entire region north of this city. Tbe Ueoeral will immediately pnt tnem in motion aloDar both sides of the railroad to olean out the small squads of rebels remaining In the woods between bere and Chillicothe. The General aayi in fire days North Missouri will be quiet again. :- . '- Alarm at Louisville—Humored Advance of Rebels on the Nashville Railroad. LotntviLLt. Sept. 17. 10.30 P. M. The train from tbe South on the Louisville and Nash ville railroad hu not arrived, being aix hours behind time. Telegraphio communication below Elisabeth. town (46 milet louth of here) hu been Inter rupted tlnce tlx o'clock thla morning. ' j Tbere is great military activity in tbe city, All the Home Gnardt are assembling, and it la rumored that a portion of Ronsteau'a brigade bai been ordered over from the Indiana aide. Movements of Gen. Price. - correeoon dent of the St. Louis Republican write aa fol lows: , . A person arrived here this morning who re porta, that on Wednesday night General Price wu moving towards oedalia ll.UUO men, and that Parsons wu there with 3,500 rebels and sixteen pieces of artillery. Other accounts lay that Price left Warrenaburg for Lexington on Wednesday night. " Reports are current that Lexington has been captured, bnt they are not Douevea. Parties from Pettii county report a fight at uiacKwater, in whlcn tne rebels defeated tbe Home Guard and burnt the Blackwater Bridge. Gen. Price Demands the Surrender of Gen. Price Demands the Surrender of Lexington. [Special to St. Louis Democrats.] Jirriuoa Cm, Sept. 17-A man named Griffith arrived bere to-day, and states that on Saturday lut, General Price, with 17,000 men, had surrounded Lexington, and had sent a summons to Colonel Mulligan -to surrender. Col, Mulligan refused, when Price la reported to have lent word that be would give him till Monday at fonr o'olock to surrender, and if he did not, that he would march on him with a black flag. ' ' " ' ' ' " It is confidently thought in military quarters bere, that Gen. Sturgis bai by thii time reached Lexington from St. Joseph, and that Prioe will be cut off or forced to retreat. Quite a panic prevailed at Georgetown on receipt of reports from Lexington, and many families fled, fearing an attack from the Mbela. ;'. '-..: . -- '' : All qniet here, and ho apprehensions are felt of an immediate attaok.' v - . .v., . Federal Troops in St. Joseph—Rebels Joining Gen. Price. ... . . St.JosRra, Sept. 13. The oorretpondent of tbe St. Louis Republican fnrnishes tbe follow ing Ittms: ;,V't."',..j ' . ..".; ' .- Tbe railroad bridge over the La Platte river il not yet repaired. Travel la uninterrupted, however: 'A'-"-..: J-;;"': Tbree regiments, of United States troop reaobed here to day, and more will arrive to morrow. Before tne arrival of tne Federal troops more than 5000 rebe'a rode oat of town. bound South, to join General Price. - They are an undisciplined orowd of mounted, bnt poorly armed men. ' The Union niea are' jubilant d, hopeful.'.- ' ... ',,' ... -'-.HMt .M.nt -law n 1 At RUwartsviUe, yesterday, two eompanies of .Colonel Morgan's Home Guards had a skirmish with a band of rebels, routing them, killing ten or more, and capturing icveral horsea. . .: iij cai'i . : ,n. kl. .-. . Particulars of the Booneville Fight. . - VuriHvn vui Jug,, ecll. lf.-lig OOrre pondent of tbe St. Loaii Democrat give tbe following aooount of the engagement with the rebeit at Booneville on tne idtn instant, taken from Capt. Eppaln'i official report. The Cap tain lays after the fight bad laated about an hoar, the seceuloniate whom he had taken at hostage became so restless that they begged him to allow one of their number to go with a flag of truce and uk an armistice.. This hoof age came baok the same afternoon, while I let my men ceue firing, with the request to know my conditions. ; . - . I than demanded that theyahonld withdraw the secession lorees two miles from the cityj not to molest any of oar families and other Union people; to leave the arms of the killed and the wounded on the ground where they fell. While I promised to let the prisoners free whom I had taken, with tbe exception of Preacher Pointer, who I informed them I would ahoot, in cue they should not honorably keep tbelr promise for ssven day. They left town ' according to their agreement. . ,. , ..... ,, ,'.,, Thna the gallant fellow, with ; only one hun dred and fifty men, actually dictated bit own terms to fully four times hit number. The en emy fought well for a little while, bnt ont of the whole tlx hundred only tlx could be found to alarm the works. Their leader! bravelv led the way, but they absolutely refused to follow. Of these tlx onr men killed four.' Among them, their two leaden, Colonel Brown and bit son. Colonel Brown falling so- near the entrench'! menu that they drew bit body In end be died inatde. Bealdee these tbe enemy lost eight or ten killed and wounded.4 ; I . , A courier Juat from Booavllhj reports that the rebel force was retreating towards Price's com mand. Besides Colonel Brown and his ion, they lost two other Captains. . Colonel Brown wu armed with three eight-Inch revolvers and abowieknife. The weapons are row In the possession of Lieutenant Pease. J '' The correepondoot of the Republican aays that reliable information hu been received that Lexington still held ent ea Monday, and bad been elightly reinforced. Two thousand men from here bad arrived at Arrow Rock, but Green and Harris had left, with five or lix thousand men, taking a southwestern dlreo tiou."" s- 1 .h.'.''.. - " Intelligence from the West, received here-to-day, contradicts the report thar Person! bad arrived at Georgetown, with, fonr thousand rebel "W i: v V 1 n B i i.. '..-. oiri'- .' Reliable news from Lexington, np to Satur day evening, received hero, shows there had been no fight there up to that time, though the Federal troop had b render by Prioe, wboae armj was fourteen thou ana twong. 4 .. . 4 , v. Gen. Pope will relnforoe LixlzWo to-raort row, tb m, with 4,000 an, An Indiana regiment was lent to guard the Lamina bridge, lrom this place to-dv. As the train wu leaving, a private named Wallace, In getting on tne train, leu, wa run over, ana in etantl killed, i ' C ;; -.-Thi steamer War Eacle arrived this evening, having left Booneville at 3 P.M. to-day, reports all Oulet there. J - Tbere were about 3.200 Federal troops there when the boaflleft, betide the Home Guards, consisting of the Iowa, 5th, Indiana 8ih, and a battalion of tbe Indiana 22d . - tut night a battalion of Home Guards were eat west to gusrd tne jasmine pnage-, eigai miles from Booneville, and on entering tbe bridge they were fired upon by therebel pickets. They returned the Are, killing one rebel and wounding another. None of the Home Guard were Injured. A private in Company K, Iowa 6tb, named William Barrett, committed tulolde en tbe War Eaele. this evening, on tbe way down, by snoot ing himself. ! ' t: ' u. The steamer Clara Bell had arrived in salety at Lexington. , , . r, ,,. , ,, .. - , From Washington. Washinoton. Sent. 18. There it's rumor to day that the offer of our Government to accept tbe proposition of the rarii Conference in re- ferenceto privateering, bat been rejected by tne European rowers. l no report, nowever ia not vet confirmed. Government bat purchased all the woods which border os the railroad from Washington to the Relay House. The timber will be out aown end transDorted to Wublncton to oe nsea at fuel. A large number of men "are now en gaged In felling the treet, leaving the track of tne road perfectly clear on both sides. ,-; ' -Information baa been received from - the In dian country stating tfta several tribes of lava get have offered to enrol themielvet in tbe ranks of the enemy. , The penalty for this trea sonable action ia a total forfeiture of their an nuities set apart for the benefit of these tribes. mere la authority for declaring tbe reported proclamation of the Governor General oi Cuba, recognizing the rebel flag, as sonrious none snob, has been made r ' 1 ' General actlvi'r ttlll cmaili in. all the branches of tbe Navy Department, .; An order wu issued to-dav, autbonaine tbe commander at Hatteraa to accent the services of loyal North Caroliniana, not exceeding one regiment, and to make timely requisition for arma, etc... ...i Maryland Legislature. Frkoiricx, Md., Sept. I7.i-The House met at 11 o'clock to-day. Eleven members were present, and answered to their names, and on motion, they adionrned till to-morrow noon. h. - Sinatr. Secretarv Kileore remained in the Senate Chamber until 2 oVlook and no Senators appearing at the roll call, he announced the Senate adjourned till noon to-morrow. Messrs. Kimmell. Mottle and Bradlev are the only Senators bere, and they decline to enter the Senate Chamber until tome of their col league arrive, who are expected to-morrow. ' Fight near Sharpsburg—The Rebels Defeated. Sent. 17. The correanondent of vdo Amerioan at oharoabnrg reports that en Friday and Saturday laat, a aklrmiah occurred near that town. On Friday the rebel appear ed In large numbers in Shephardatown and commenced firing on the. Federalist on the Maryland, tide. Several oannon were brought out by the Federalists, nnder Col. Anderson, wno orongnt two of nil gona to bear upon them from Douden Hill, opposite the town, and open ed with ball and grape, which soon silenced tbe rebel battery and destroyed several bouses. A nag of trnoe wu aent from the rebel! propos lng a cessation of the firing. , Since then all has been J j Beauregard to Attack Washington by the 20th. New York, Sept. 17. The Herald's dis patches contain tbe following, which it about the only fresh sensation of all the specials: Vltatmarmu, Sapt. 17. Everything- ia quiet along the linet to day. Several rebels have been taken prisoners within a few days, and they all assert that General Beauregard hu promised the extreme Southern . and 'Coast troops, that if they will not go home, he will move forward before the 80th, and have a bat- Jo. He assures them that he will take Wash. ington without attacking our works immedi ately in front. Thia promise ia made to keen the troops of tbe Gulf States from leaving the army.. Our spies corroborate the above state ment. ''.- - .:' ' ; .'" Boston. -c.Th iihf.flntinnii In tha ireaurykesterday reached nearly fKvb 'J?ir.' - : I - ine Arabia sailed to-day. i, Sbe took no specie. v- . !' '. --j-i'-'." i '' ws Kentucky Legislature. FaANxroar, Sept. 17. The Senate bat pass a bill to provide for tbe security of arma, and protection of the railroad. .--i, , ,a- Ia tbs House, Mr. Wolfe's report from the committee ea Federal affairs, was adopted 70 Ml . r . , ' . .1.1 : ' From the South via Louisville. Lotnivau, Sept. 17. The (rain from the Sooth has not yet arrived, i jf-,v? ',"-.,.. i ; A part oi itoateau a Krigaaa iaow landing here, and it i understood - -they- arc going Southward over the Nashville' road, Immedi- The Home uuardi are ail ont.'. Their desti nation 1 luppoeed to be bontbward. - Klobmond attpatchea to the Ubion and American (Nathville) say Hon. L. P. Walker, Seoretary of War, has resigned on account of bad health. Ilia auocessor,,hu not been ap-. WIU.VU..- t .' t ' '' -T&miV ' -t '.I'll. ': All the New Orleans banks suspended specie payment on tne iwqy ana rreasarv notes sell The Journal learn that .imm every quarter the recant wanton invasion ef Kentucky by the conieaerete troops, is gisapprovea or by inou eaods, and in some Inatance, Southern RIgbU men have announced their purpose to unite in tepellinjr the invaders. " ' ' - -y' The Cotfrier of thii morning publUhes a card calling a meeting of all. el tisane of Henry, Trimble and Carroll, coontie te form a league for mutual protection or the lira! and property of the tamlliet of all parties. The idea ia thought to be to put down all marauding band of either party, and avoid guerrilla warfare. 'J be skeleton of anew regiment, nnder Car- ran Pope, of this city, and graduate of Weit Point, goes Into camp tbis week at the Fair Ground near the city. " " ' '! ' enlisting is exceedingly uveiyi besides in fantry, many artillery and cavalry oompanle are forming, One cavalry company it compoaed of German who have (eon lervioe, and cue ar- tlllerv oomnanv nnder John A. Scott, will have Peter Hart, of Fort Sumter, at first Lieutenant.- The regiment of cavalry nnder James S. Jackson, a member of Congress, hu been near ly completed. . , 1 1 Harness ana saddle maker! are kept Duty night and day and advert! for journeymen, n It n reported that 3.000 Confederate, ender I Gneral ZoUlcoffer, came to Cumberland Ford, Knox county, on Saturday, and captured papt. j Poaston'i Company of Home Goardt. , The Fort Smith (Ark.) Timet of the '7th, learna that five regiment of Texai troops will join Gen. MoCnlloch in few daytt also, a raitutslppl regiment ana a sontn Carolina reg iment. I ' , ...... .- The Memohil Appeal bai a dispatch that Gen,' Braxton Bragg hat been appointed Con federate Secretary of War, vice L, P. Walker, retigned. " ,fiii" j.ui xsmu-j RioHkORD, Sept. H.-Th0 fight between the Idnooinltti abd, Be&. Wiie at Hawk't Neet, haa been confirmed. Uen. Henmngsen direot ed ths Confederate troops. The enemy were badly ent np. . , v . . , , ,, Tne Hampton cavalry meae tpienaia dub Into the enemy's line near Alexandria, and after aomoabarp work they returned with three prisoner! and considerable munition or war;.; Exciting News from Maryland—Frederick City Surrounded by Federal Troops—Secession Members of the Legislature Arrested. Frcdiriok.' Mn 8eb08Immdietalr if. tef the farce wu gone through with yesterday In the Senate and House, of calling the roll and adjournment, an unusual etlr took -place In the community. Companies or wiisoa a tugiment were obtervea pas mg tnrougn tne city in nit ferent dlreotlons, and soon It wu found the city wu walled in and no on eonld go out without a pat) from the FrovMt MTibaj,WB0j offlo was toon crowded with an excited throng ef people who bad been stopped and turned pack In the meantime, Litut. Carmksbael, ef the Baltlmor police, was' moving quietly i abont with hit officer, eoeom panied by a q uad of m ii itarv. making arrest: commenoioK with the of- floors ef the Legislature, and especially the olerks. who contended that they would keep the Legislative machine going until a quorum should arrive: The first occupant of the guard-house wat the Clerk of tbe House, Milton Y, Kidd. HU assistant, Thomu! H . Moore, 'could not be found till late io the evening, but wa finally ar rested.: i p a" )''''"" ! i . Vi rl H f, C i The Clerk ef the Senate, Mr. Kilmour, and bis assistant, Mr. Carmack, were alio found with much difficulty and taken to the aame do tination: Mr. trorton and Mr. M. IC. Cubbln of Allegheny, were next taken) and soon Messrs. Bolman and Uurant were arretted. . At a late hour Mr.Keesler wu ai rested; but inn mills, at tne last accounts, ubu au uvea tahen.'' - 'it '.$,..:? i .i The aim of the officers was to arreet all tbe members who voted ior Mr. Wallace's famous report, about thirty thousand : copies of which were -yesterday seized : at treasonable uocu menu. .d '"i jiVav. h -i -ijiW During the afternoon, the Union members of the; House and senate met In caucua, and re-1 solved that tbe aotion of the senators present in not assembling, have virtually brought the Legislature to an end, they would return to their homes and not again attempt to reassemble. Mr; Long in the meantime wat delegated to prepare a brief ttatement to oe aignea ana pun lished bv the member! present. ' The arrest of the clerks will prevent them from calling the roll, and so the Legislature Is at an end. Several of tbe most noisy and active secession' Ists In town have alao been arrested. . ' . The priaouera will remain In tbe guard house an nigbt and be removed' to rort motienryin tne mornlug. T -. ? a.'.. . I Accident on the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad. CiRdNNATi, Sept. 18 Last nicbt, at - past eight, a train on the Ohio and Mississippi Road, containing a portion of Colonel Torcbin's 19th Illinois Regiment,-whiie passing over a bridge near Huron, Ind., 133 miles west of Cincinnati, fell through, killing and wounding over one htndred soldiers. ; Intelligence of the disaster reached here late last night, when a special train wat dispatched to their assistance. The following dispatch wu received from the operator at Huron, dated ten minutes past one 'clock in is morning: . . "Bridge No. 43 hu broken in two. It let four cara down into the bed of the creek, and fonr on top of them. Tbe engine and one oar passed over safely. Tbere are about one hun dred men wounded and ten or fifteen killed. The Colonel of the Regiment aayi about that number was killed, although nearly all of one company are missing. It is thought tbe bridge wu weakened by some malicious persons." of LATER. Cincinnati, Sept. 18 11 o'clock The acci dent on the Ohio and Mississippi Road proves worse than at first reported. Fonr passenger cart went into tbe creek, and one box and one baggage car on top of them. These carl con tained two hundred and nlty men companies E, e, li, and l; the latter two being the princi pal sufferers. Captain Howard, Company I, was killed. '. f - . Up to tbis time about thirty dead bodies have been taken ont, and more are under the wreck. A train Is now on the way here with ninety' two wounded. It Is the impression that from forty to nlty were killed at tbe wreck. -Circumstances indicate tbe bridge wat tarn pered with by maliciona or traitorous persona. The bridge was aixty feet cpan, teen feet bigb, ana lately constructed. . . ,, m " A " to 3c . Arrival of the Europa. Halifax, Sept. 18. Tbe steamship Europa, irom iiiverpooi Saturday, sept, im, via Waecns town, 8th, has arrived at tbis port. Her date are two day later tbao per the Anglo Saxon at f'Mtber ruint.' The sales cotton at Liverpool, on Satur day, were 8,000 bales market' closing dull. Breadstuffg firm. Provisions dull. Consols Tne general news not or importance. Affi davits have been aent to America, proving that Serrlll, recently arrested at New York, bad no politioal mission' from England, and the money found in hia possession wu for t business pur; pme uuiy. ' . -t , ... . The interview between tbe Emperor Napoleon and tbe King of Prussia, will take place at ' Political affairs on the Continent remained unchanged. - t at , " an ' . NEWARK MACHINE WORKS, KfantKactnrere r all kinds r Por table and. Btatlenarw Kteana En ajlneas Maw ITIlUs, lirlat MUU, - ' oe cVe . ( J ' I ASS S ODLSl Btatmt B. ot . ML AND TBtaUnl MACEIXS CO. Boakfitlll S&ADIOBD ., 00. BMtmini! ' Our PorUhle Inline and flaw Kill. Wa awarded th nrat premium of (50 at th Indiana State lair for 1960 over Ian It Bodley's on account of Price, lightness, ilmpliolty, eoonomy of fuel and inperlor charaoter ef-lumber tawecl. Our Stationary Imrlne wa awarded the ama Tab tbe Brat premium of !,- . r iv i !' Our Portable Snirine wu awarded the Bnt premium ol SllW at the fair at Memphis. Tenn., orer Blendy's Da rail's, Columbus MaohineOo's., aad Bradford t OoV . by a committee of practical Railroad. Hagtnesrs. , 01 ,. xr price auu nsrma aaareas , . - WU.LAKD WiStKB, treasurer1, " decS-detwIyeols. : 'j . v Newark, Ohio a BE IT CUBE ,;l j BR; LELANI)'9. V ' Iff. 5! J-,.K ANTI-RHEUMATIC BAND; IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDT FOR t j - Rheumatism, : .Qont .. and . Hoar alfla, " 1 1 i i AND A SUM OHM, fOK . All Mercurial Diaeassa. Tf I. . iw.MMt.Un 11 avMfiM ttmn . AAntalnln a mA. Icated compeund, lows wore a round th Waiat,.witbout Injury to th most delicate persons; no change la habit oft living I required, and It tatlrely remorea the dla ease (rem to aratem, wnneut proaueing tne ,wanona affect arising from the asr ot powerful tutorial mecll cuMd Whiob weaken and destroy th eoustltaUoa, and ire taanorarr relief only. By thi treaUnent. the med klMlproparUeaaonUined bt the Band come la eoataot wtta (la blooa ana re sen in aiaease, torouga ta pete of the el-ln. etToctlng la fry tnatanot a perfeat euia. ana rwat King tit part amwua to a aeaiiny oodoiuob. Inks Band la also a moatpewerful Am-Maaooaua ageat, and will entirely relievo th ay ateaa tioaa UieperiMoiotie effeetaof klereury. aloderata case are cured lu a few dare, and w an oondutly teosivtng testimonials of It eujracy in agirravatea oases of long standlo. . . PRioa SI.UO, to b bad ef Druggists generally, er eaa b aent by mall or axprese, with full direoiioss for aea. te any part of th eounUT . direct from th Principal Offloa,; , . v.-, ... , ,., .. ., 409 BBOASWAT, Krw Terk. - '.'I -"a, fSMITH Sc. CO.t Sole Proprietors.... " B. J-DesorlptlvaOlrculara Sent free.-' ' ' Hi t. SCH0KLLIH 80S, Paoearrrs, lnrt, lk ifl I. High St., bet, friend and Mound, Columbus, 0. H7 Atrente WantedL ETerrvettere. V , Bin89-lyl0fUtp.W.-l ....'. .?. .- W AST ro 10,000 Oustomer t buy 15 eent Ambro trpes at M. WITT'S Cheap Aabrvtrp Room, Ke. BlElglj street, Ovlaiubuj.Ohiv. ' ' '' 1 ' "' '.'i.-jm'A ; k'" ' ' atmwsdn ','"i.''- '.:,"' I jiuMl ! . . - :l 17 vV .VrV-'- ''-t Hi?'' - - ....... lri.,.L II VN.i3W 2aUXV VrXTTTi , S th ' m - i t COMMERCIAL MATTERS. New York Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 17. iTLOUa ITi again advanmd 510o par hml. with a good daaaa tor uport, aoda fair Inquiry (or hau ooninmption ulna of S3 SUO bamla at $1 S04 90 for uyerfine iUte; $i Wxiib to for ixtra do; t 7094 80 (or iapcrfln westamt 5S Nforaoaunon Is im. dlam extn weataraj $5 15(851 for hipping brands tn ronU hoop Ohio, tat M S&M SS (oi trad do; aarket elotln qoito Ins. - Caodlan Vloar doing bttler; nles of 6j0 bbls at $ bO for saparllna, ana 3 10(3S 30 tor common to onotoo extn. 3 RYM f UlUAHtuiH end tad, with aatea at 2 309 ci'au HEAL-or aotlT, with aala of 100 bamla Brudywut at S3 0033 OS, an 1(10 bsritl Jarvj at WHISKY Mom utlra: aalei of 1.300 bbli at 18V 19c,ehleflttha latterprioe." " ' : WHAT Th. iuddIt of that 1 VrettV IdiM, Snd with moderate export demand) market ttarcely to flrni; prion, however, are without any drclded' ebangar aalea oi nf.im buaheli Chicago aprlng at e wttii v, tne ut ter prioe for Yerjrchdw; W.OUO babeH aorthweitrrn clobatll 08! 13 000 buahele Baelne enrlog at II 09; 6Si,UU0 buihel, lllwankeeolnb at SI O&aH 10; 301 both- riM vreea By eprlng at Bt iu, m,wv nuoeie moer i Si 11 1 ; 1,000 bmheu rery enoloe oo. at ly.000 biuhel. winter red welters at SI 14S1 20: 1,500 bmhele rery Inferior do. at SI 11, 18,100 bothel, Ameer Michigan at II ill: 84,000 white Ohio at tl 139 1 a 000 bniheli whit Illinois at II 88X1 4,700 bnib- eli white Michigan at HO 3(1 30; and 1,000 boiheli white Kentucky at 1 SOffll SO. .. '.'-".- Jti a vtniet ana arm at ox 'ue, ai ux qoa.il. ' -r BARLKY Dull and nominal. ! .iv-r OOHN Market about le bio her, with moderate export and fair ipeculatiTe demand; aalea of IDa.SOO baabela at 49X(52to for interior to common mixed western; 5'ifi 5te lor good to prima shipping do; 5556o for weitern yellow... ., . . -. OAtB Scarce and enter at 2731o for Canada, and 33)41350 for wsnem and iUte. ..... , ...... roit Less acUre, but prices without material change; aalea of 1,140 bbli at 1 14 50 for meal, and 7511) lor. prime. ... r ....... BEES Continue! quiet and steady; aales ot SOD bbli at 44 so for country prime; 50 for country men; U3ill 115 for repacked mess; and $13 7&S13 5tl for extra men. In prime mess beef and beef hams there nothing of moment doing, and price nominally un changed. ' i OUT SIBAT8 Are quiet, with sales of 38 packages ixwae for moulders, anaiKeoo ior nams. , BAUON Dull and nominal. LA UP Steady, with sales of 450 barrels at 8J BUe DCIIJER In mnderat demand for export at 7(910 rorohlo; end ckl4o for state. -OBBElaV Rather more sttadv at 5S7c for common to good, and 7jc for very choice. BDOAR8 Raw la vary firm, aalea of 863 hogsheads at7X8eforOuba,and Os for Porto Rico; 141 boxes Havana at OKo.and 380- hhds Melado.and 1,455 bags Manilla on private terms. " MOLABHKS Finn with moderat home trade demand; sales Include 81 hogsheads Cuba Muicorado at 30c; iuu barrels new Orleans at xbo; ou aogineaas rorto Rica at 3C(38o; and by auction, 51 hhds do at 30(333X0 Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, Sept. 18. STJfl AR There were reported to-d salaa ot IM hhds t9Xc, cash. . - . UOKkKit ttalrsst i3,s(iaM.aoJ -.t M0LABBK8 8aleiof!tfbblsat40o,eaih.." ' ' These prices corer. good fair to prime numbera of ocSee, and prima Jaolaeie In oak cooperage, and they are a fair criterion of the market, unless we except ldelsssei, la tbe quotation for which tbere are some lr resularities. Tbsrewere small sslea made to-day at on th aaaal terms, as also at 4Uo, but ths former figure Is generally the as Log prioe for round lot. - - I1A1UK liaa a cotter poiiuon ana is aeia wnn more firmness. There Is lomethlng doing for shipment, and atsadv demand from a reiular custom trade. Buper- fine Is quoted at 13 75, extra at S3 f4, family at 1495. The amount of all ilndi, particularly superune, light. W ua&I Bun nous a naay maraetanu prices an vm oer bushels better thsa at this time last week. The preference ior tne prime quaniea or nentuciy wntcn is handled here la still very marked and likely to continue so. sine Its equal cannot Be Obtained at any other point. Buyers are necessarily lestnunea irom running ap prices as they would were a specuUtlre movement gov erning tne market. - xney pay now as ran rates as are warranted by the prices of hour, and maintain Tory rem- larly that standard, without competing with on another very strongly in purchasing. . The range- ot prices Is state at lOstaw ior inferior to strict ry prime red; nixat Mlo for the aame grades of white. Very good samples of red were sold to-dsyat7Ve. - A large number of the lots selling are in imall amounts and of course do not go eff to readily a though they were larger, sine they cam tne emrperw s greater aggregate amount oi trou ble. ; .. .t -.' -'' : CORN Hat ruled throughout ths week at 37c, not withstanding light receipts. Th demand from distillers restricted or a better figure could be hsd. OATS Hare for several days past been nard to any less than 22c, but Slo la still given as the price, In bulk. " RYE Will not brlngover 38c. 4 BARLEY flat no market. s ' ' " vramnv. u-a-a mtzket to dar at 13 Uo, with upward tendency. uommtretw. Cleveland Market. CLEVELAND, Sept. 17. I LOUR Sales of 150 kbl red double extra at 4 S7H, and 35 bbla do at S4 50. . WHBAT Unlet at yeateraay a ngurea. .nates were 1300 bmh at i4c; S cars at came; 1500 bush at Sie, (re on board and 1 ear white at fir-"-" - CORN Sales of 5000 bush at 33o, free on board. OATS tales of 1 car load at STo. UIOHWlliRS-Saw of 3 bbla at ISKo, and 50 do s 13fiO. -.1 ; --', ', m 1 f.l.ji ...' BUTTSR Sales of I firkins at 8o. 'r.iy i ,,IU08 Baleaof 4bbUat 7oj . : .' - :Mr. i MRS,,.WINSLOW;', in axpertenoed Nurse and female Phyilclau, preeenui . j to the attention of mother. ae , ,t,t do THI N CKS YRUP, FOR CHlLDRENTEETHING Which iteetlV facilitates the proeeu of teething, by soft ening the gums, reducing all Infiammation-rWlll allay aLli r Alfl and spasmoaio acuon, ana is UKE TO KEGUL,ATE Till? BOWELS. trnzA npoo It, motheri, U will giro reft to youmlTe BKUST ASD HEALTH TO TOSS nWAHIS. We k nnt no and sold thia article for orer ten years. and OAK BAY, lit CONflDBNOl AJ1D TRUTH, of it, what W nae never keen able to say of any other modi- Cine-NSVSR HAS IX FAJLKD, IN A BINQLB LNbT ANOB. TO RFflOT A OURS, when timely nard. Nut- r did w knew aa instance of diasetlsntstton by any oas who used it. - On the oontsarv. all are delighted with Its operations, and speak In term ot oommendatlon of U magical enects ana mecittei etrtueev ne speax in tnis matter "WHAT wiooahcw; arear ien years expe rience, IJW JLKUdH OUR RKPUTAT10N fOR TBI fULILLMCNT Of WHAT W UIU DXOLARJ. In almost every tnstanc where th Infant 1 suffering from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found In fifteen or twenty mlnutea after theSyrup la administered. . This Tamable preparation IS tne preeonpnon or one oi moat IXPIBIINOKDend BKILLrrfL KUR8I8 In New Bneland. and haa bean used with MtVlB f AIli- INaSCCOBUtln " - . . .t-.' '. THOVSAitiiB vr VASKSi ' Tt not onlr relleres th child front pain, but lnvhroi atea th stomach and aowele, corrects acidity, and gtres tone and energy to tbawhok ayatanv , It will almost In atantly reliev - wt.'.w .. ... w tsjpura nr ths iirwasy aid fix cot) and rrtrcome eonvuisiona, wnlch. If not speedily resn died, eud In death. We belirr it th BUST and 8Uu BT ItgMKDY IN THI WORLD, In all cases MUV8 NT SHY and DIARRHtBA IN CUILDRJtM, whethw ttarieM from teething, or front any otfcee aim. W would ey to wrery mother who base child suffering from ann? the fnremine anmolainta DO NOl US I XOUii FRfJUDIOIB NOR THS rRBWUBICKSOirOtlURa- etand between you and your aunenng eniia, eaa tne re llef that will be BURI yea. AB80LUT1XY BURB-to follow tbe use of this medicine, if timely used. - fall di- reoUoaevfor using will accompany each bottle. Hop genuine unless the lac-simile or (JURiiB iatiiWHaj Sew York, la en the outside wrapper. ' - Sol by all Druggist throughout th world. i Prlnoipal Office, ia Cedar Street N.T. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. !iotS74fcwiy. e m. :iinnrMS C0.iV: Front Strut, Between State sad Town. '- - . ' " .4 . ', ...... H - - OLD OARRIAAS SHOP m still rmnnln. and althearh SHO tha pressor of lata years has set heart ly Mn h ninnlH. MAM. she la ail II turn-' Eg out those splendid PHJtTOKS, ROOKA WAYS, and PRINOB iLLBRRT'S lUlfTINCI TOPS and MO-TOV BUOOIBB, OAJtaUOHV irruioo, lasu rra, DEMOCRAT and GROGRRf WAQONS, BHALI, 0MN1 BUBBS and HACKS. Twenty yearaateady maautao tariDg Urn giren our work a wWe-spsrad repnutloa ,.l, MI Rnnth and Wait. . We therefor deem It unnecessary to aay any thing mar regard to theruaity-f war wwrlb Wnwauauiv tmx Veiiiou., Ws eaa eell Tor Bfim free, Daileraoan be furnlshsd with aov amount of work st short notice, and at prioe lower than can be bought any where in tne nest, neoona nanajguggie taken . aa as change for new work. , rl, JLBe pal ring don neatly and J abort fa lory ou front, between Biali and, Sown stneta, Oi" AKIb. .. . J. yyAU oommauloatloni wlft reoelVBrrroinpt attention, Aug. Mpwiy 4 , at. wiuamam vtt,,, .. I PtHvrtNotTtT, t.-.BWt TtemrrnD ; , & H.T.CHITTCMDEn 4 a. t and KT Offfcee, 820 Broadway Be York City, Aaaowa' Bcoaurs, Columbus, Ohio.' ' ' ': lO'Oarerul atteottca paid to Oolitctkmi. ' v taprll&dS lnsteait Heller! , . ; atep fnt Cewsrli " Vmwltr yen . S i. i J atrengthen j jrenr Breattkf , ' Jr-H -ft ' 'L'J nr relcef i v. THROAT CONFECTIONS' i sat GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN,' GOOb F0RvLECTURER3;;j: , GOOD FOR PDBLtC SPEAKERS, ; j GOOD FOR SINGERS; ' GOOD FOR CONS0MPTirE3.' rn .aOTtIMM. OABBT, . SPALDING'S THROAT, CONFECTIONS. I I , LADIES AM MUgtmD WITH' f: " i' SPALDING'S THROAT,, CONFECTIONS. ' ' ' OBUDMoT OBt WI . V fe, ' ' - J ,. ,r ft' I'- " SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. They relieve a Cough Instantly., They olear the Throat. ' '' ' - " They give etrenffth and volume to 'the voioe. They imparl a delfclona aroma to the breath. They are delightful to the taste. They are made of simple herb and cannot ' harm any one. . ( . V 'l i-A . ' I advlie trery'bn who hat a Cough or a husky Voice or Bad Breath, or any difficulty of th Throat, to gat package of my Throat OonfcoUona; they will relieve job Instantly, and you will agree with m that "they go right to tha apot." Ton will find them very nsefal. and pleamnt while traveling or attending publlo meet ing for stilling your Cough or allaying your thirst. 1 1 yoa try on package, I am aafa In aaying that yon will ever afterwards consider litem Indispensable. To will and than at lb Druggists and Dealers In Medicines. . , ., . -' , -v s.. . '-"j i ' 'i--,'PRI01. ' j , , , TWENTY-Fiy: CENTS. My signature la cn each package; ail other are eoonterfeil. A package-will be aent by mall, prepaid, on reaelpt of Thirty Cents. - . '. Addrss, . ')' , - -.-' -v. .. ..... ,- - Henry C. Spalding, MO. 43 CEDAR STRUT, , , , . NEW YORK. CURE Nervous Headache ' By th as of the i lAt tie periodic attacks of AV out or Utet Bta&aeto may be prevented; and If taken at tha oommenocment of an attack Immediate relief from pain and sickness will baobtained. . Theyeeldowi fall In moving the fauna end ' " ' ' acA to which females are so roeol. " ' ' , .Tby act gently upon th bowel remotlng Cbttli aM.i ' for? LUtrarf Mm, Bludtntt, Delicate female and all persons of fdmtaty habit, they are ralua a f lamaUv. Improving ths apptUU, giving fotw N0ev to th digwtiv organ, and restoring ths natur , lastlelty and strength ot th whole system. .... ' THI C1PHAXI0 PILLS r th result of long invet ttgatien and carefully conducted experiments, having . been ta use many years, during which time they bar preYected and reliered a vaat amount ef pain and suffer lav from Headache, wtaeth originating in th nerve, 17ft em or from a deranged stats ef the aseeaocA. .. ' They an entirely rege table ln-therr 00m position, an may b taken at all time wltlt perfect aafety without makin( any change of diet, ' and lit oSeewo of any diKiartsabUtatUrmcUrtit uf to udmlttU trllum ; BiWAsi of ooTjimarirrs i ' ,. ! ... . r . ., tnaganulna have fivaHgaataia of Henry. 0 Spalding oacackBoz. . .' u .u''.i , . -im. Sold by Druggists and all ethtr Dealer! In Medicines. ', A Box will be tent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of th Prloog QQ Ooxita. . . AU orders should be addressed1 te.'JL "' " I1CHHV Ge 8PAE.DIPIO, , , 1 4S Oedr Htreet, New yerk,. t front thelxamlnsr, Norfolk, Va. Oenhall Pill aocomtillah tha abject for which tbe wen made, via.: Our of headache in all 1U forms. . -i j ! . f ram th Imnlner, Korfolk, Ta, They hare been tested In men than a thousand . Wltn enure sucoess. t. !f3 j from th Democrat, It. Cloud, Minn) " -Vr van era. ar mm heeu. troubled erlth the huluh. - Mod fur baa, (Cephalle rills, o I them la eaa of aa attaok. 1 yoa may have " - " 1 from the Adrertlser, FroUnc, f,. J, Tb Oephalle Pill an said to ben nmarkablv effeotlra remedy for th headache, and on of th wary beat toe that very frequent oomplalnt. which lata ever been, dia voTvreu. i. ' T?i..' s.-,a ...(4.a n. froan tha Western It. R. Oaxetts, Ohloago, 111. 1 1 "We heartily radon Mr. Bnauldin. and hia unrteaW ", Oephalle Pills. - "' ' tii Kanawha Valley Star, Kanawha. Ta... . 7 We are tun that oereoos aufferln with th btadaoh ' who try them, will stick to them. ;,'.-fV. from the Southern Path finder, New Orleans, law , Try them I yoa that are afflicted, and we are sure that your testimony can be added to the already numsroua list that hasreoslved benefits thatao other nwdiciaeeaa produoe. - ' " I from tbe St. Louis Demoerai, The intmense demand for lb articU ,0ephalla fill n rapiuiy toorraamg. ! from tba Oasette, Dareapori aeaBW'tri-iiur. Mr. Snaldtn would not oonnacl hia naaaa erlth an ar. tlcls he did aot buna to poeaeea real merit. u , , 5. V S v I -w- JO lngle' wottl of HP ALDINOf PMPARIS't ' A ,.wn wmsaToumesitseoetennuJly.iJ . f SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE t ' " ' 4 it'. eaavawanwa " I '' f) ' J T ' " V' 'Jrd&iSQ'B PREPARED oobV t: tl orawiuuo naraufv wuvnr 1 bavb tub nauaw r - . 1 1, j . - 100HOMT1 . s::, '..i -J ' HIBPATCHI i IT7"A Snwn n Tiar Sato Ifiitt.irTT i ; A tceldrat will happen, even ha well regulated fam'f Ilia, it la Tory desirable o har some cueep end eea ' .. Toalsnt way far iwpalrlnf f arnltura, Toj,.Orookery . I IT AtDfrttTI PBWPARFD OLTTB " all ach sswrgeaele, and no hooiwhold en afford tab without Is. Itlaalwaya ready, and rio thestuk . lag point- ksKfin, rn btirt hottbk.',, If. V. A Rraab aoRompsmle each bottle. tent. . Addreea, HKNRT 0. 8PALDTW9, Wo.sH, Cedar Btnet,!ew rrlt.l jAi,.M;r,:AV'-r:ix ,iA csrUla enprlDOlpled ptraon r attempting 't.. r.li e e the unsutpeetlng public, imkutiuus of m PHtPARKD SLUR, I would caution alt perwmstot aalu before purchasing, and e-e that the mil nm. JO"8PAUlDii'8 PRKl'ABkOOLO ej..i j; ) I a Uieouwd WiapptrialloUiin are snw..,,. j cea terlelts, . . v