Newspaper Page Text
rinw n A! ; 1 S: '"Vror fcior'Tirm 'BY . JU91 RbUI'l"'' - vti.I".&:;g-ill, Ha 30 North High Street, 0m ol tns bipit Bm Wet lit O I T " ll A ? iria oniBio in this ottyi House Builders', jFumifihings Of BTBBY STTLB till". ; , j j PAINTS GROUND IH OIL, and put op In half poind otaa' hr aally am, Brushes of every variety & quality "'i sjrlendld Aortmenl' of "' ' ' MACHINISTS' TOOLS. CARRIAGE MATERIAD3. i -rva I'orwnciTnKFa. Bui GUNS.PIST0LS, .WOT, , kh, v; ., , FISHING TACKLE-ni ROPE CORDAGE. LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER. BELTING. WEDGES, MAULS. PUMPS, . ,,.. ' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SCYTHES, ate -:' ,;' " ' ;. scales, bells',' chains Table and Pocket Cutlery. 1 sptelly tattle th ettaattoa af all totortatod to my took o( Pocket and Table Cattery, ua SILVER PLATE JF0HB.8, Table, Desert; and ! Tea Spoons, Butter Knives, &c, ot AOGBiYRa A BRO'S. KuilKkn, mmaM to to xtnh vy, Ileotro Plated, on genuine Albatta. Country Mroban.e, Mechanics, and otbara, an Invited iUud nun In ay Block, alia prepared to tu Wbolmtl and Mail. , WM. A. 0ILL. Colombo Ohio, Mar 8. 1B00. LATHROP, IMN&TON & CO. 23 & 25 FAILS PLACE, 20 ft 23 JTCEEAY 8TBEET, igjjw TORS, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Foreign and Domestic D R Y GOODS For cash or approved credit. .' 1861. i WiopanlB(,atoaraBpMamooBa,atlb abora numtora, atoeka of Good, la oaeh of tha atx dapartnant of our but In m, onpartoc to aoythlnf wa bar bontofor oialbttedtotbatrada. r CL01H DEPMENT. ThU ha frown IstUpnaant Bagaitndo undot tha thorough maaagomnt of boyor of loof oplaoe and acwld rod U.I.. W. keep Itn of thalMtandaboioaaa fancy mm :.:- - ... -AND .-s - ' FANCY CASSIMERES To b fooDd In tb market, all aleetd with tba ntoMt dhwrlmtnatton. Alas, ail grado, colon and o broadcloths, satinets, ., : . . ... . - , i LADIES' CLOAINfiGS, i - - (TWEEDS, IARMIR8' aod HZK0B AHTB' 0 A88IHZBI8, " ISNIDCKI JEARB, front X tt KX nt( pel yard and opwarda; ' '.. ' t WUBB, ; to 15 canta par yard lu yaaf aowTa ; J8aiV,i.e!..-.i.!-"...i i.-.. . PBISI1D BAIEiBTS, at U oat;( , Dbess-Qoods Depabtment, UaDcb.r P Laloo,, Hamilton do. Faclfi do. -ti'i Fancy IBa,'-' V.-- ' Frlnted Ohallia, . i .. Mnnehaataf Slnibaan, eiaogow do. in"? Clialon do. ' Ottoman Oloth, , Alpaca, . Printed tawn, Frlntad Brtlllaataa, f anoy Olnghaau, Bombaiinea. , Black Bilk, ' ' '' AniAtNtmStleetStylttf FANCY SPRING GOODS. MarriBM Frlntd, ' - ' Mahniand'l Frtnta, Cocbooo. - jAmanmat iu.t Faelno do. Donn.ll' do, Bprafo'. do. ' " Bngllah ."" do. ktancQaaUr, A. Frlcla, Ave. .: u.S r. DOMESTIC CXXTTCWa. " LawrenooO.Bho.tlnp, ' Atlantis A. SbwUnp, Blark do. , . Aaotktu , . do, Lathrop do. Applaton " do Bhawan''' f'- '4o. ' ' Innn i r.o.i do. "; Foaaawt do. TJtiea, Ave., 'do.'"-"' , , AH Brmda ana f iA. , BL1A0HM BBnnaas , AND 8HUXIaS.-c Waaoatta,.! ,.s " Swlfbt, t- i lawrwa, Lonadala, ' Groat fall, - MaaaUaaav Bill, Waltbaaa, Boott, PiTorklIllj, Ave., " J A LABOB ABB BXUOT AavOBTaTKNT. .' , ..f T '- lll OOTTOlf AlS-afrat Tad. .-v ... ... :i OBBOKS do. .... : TIOBUNGS all ON laadlnc brand. DBNIMB do. . . io.-.- -v.w... h SBIBTINd BriUriB-aii tba laadini tranda. AMKBB9S do. . do.,, OOBBBTiBABi do. t.d- HniEKl dn. do. DAkUBKB, FAF1B OAMBRIOBV COLOBB . 0 AM- LARGE AND COMPLETE 8T0CK8 OP WHIII800DI, ; H0SHBT, 51 h TaKZXI iotioii, Gentlemen's Fnrnislusf Goods, UJUSKKLLAS AKU rAKASOLS, OARPETWA9D OXICXOTB And aftaat rarioty of Jkod not trasoratod all of which w pledg onraelT to Mil at tb hvmt mark m-iam tb. larger portion at fruai ID to 90 pot east, tea naa lawtyoar. . -v -j-; rt A.?S 't W. " LATHKQP,LU1)TOON&.CO, nSVaYORK.- arS JUST BECfJIVEaW. tkC at i-r 1 SO ae lullan Oil, Barton A Co., fcr tabra aa., IO M f ninrb Mo.tard.faToirlt hrand.l ft u Bonl Bardlne. In Eti J BarOln inUl'ld - or uaper na uirr . ft " Table ta "1 A Ferric' Wretan . ahlr." Tir-, Ballana," "Joha Soil,'' MBOoy, - "aewoing." , . ..( , 10 " Walnot and Temaio Cata. 1Adc.:0row A BlaokwaU'a eelebnted Barllth FMIm, eon.utu., of '0"llower," "Vt eallll," Cbow-Chow," "Walnot," 0n '""''l "c'toge,,. "lenaa," "tfherk't" a1 rir.',- . BO " londvsa Porter. "' '' ' ltM " Campbell i.brtedoo)B Ala. eM Bm,r Prowma. tObrmiliilM 1 wronln4 Ytmadil , g trrmU'-l l.i-i'i, l au.? ., - 7, ;, vxU-;i'Aa ri 1 . 1 '.t f a .- 1 v ' ' 1 '' j ' NOW RJ5A.TDY. i . ;" ' " " Of THB ' OTATI3 OP OHIO If AGBNEEAL BATUEB, IS fOBOB iD. 1, 1880. I Q6iiiToaeph .'IL: Swan, WITBSOTIS Of TBS 2XC1&10N3 Ot TBI SO- (OwaBaad In twty-nlae Tolaa- af th Ohto ab um "'ABB Uf BBBHOBS, 10 FBIOB UWB.. ., tlT LEAHDEB jr.CBITCHIFELD.ESe;. 1 . AND A FBI ABB OOHniMlNT Iir&BX. ' In Two JRoyal 8to.! Volumes. Woo $10 00. K sNunpnulm tow tpld to make U Bark Mrftot ud nlitbla i U rwMCU' i - r ' - UkMpow ita LnKlaUT Uo, to ap nnd to Marly Ui anulaona Tat of both Hoawt, n oiWto to di.UUmW4 to U foUowlnt iato and Oaaotrvffioens h ., tary, 0wpnillr lnmnr aad Aooltor of Btata, and .k. ptoi Cnnrta, floorta of Oommoo. FSom. How tor and folio Gooru, Aodltore, and tbo OUrki of to rartona Ooarta In cb oooatyt to tha Mom ben of ba Bout aod II mm of BonosotatlY of IhU State, and lha flnMMtn of UU HTIIU BUMM IU UDUIp . Tbia book, vonUlnlntt at it doaa.aU ( tb Statataa u la foraa. and lh authorttatlv oonttmotlon of tboai and of tbo How Uooiutouon, wtit.oa roana w do upocwr f onfal to tna parte numot ( tnaur dattoa, w au . , OOUNTT Off IOIBS, - .t b " JHBTIOI8 Of TBI PIA01, 1 k '., i XOWNBHIP THCBTSK8, a ' . i" . ... ; ci OifiKB Of T0WNBEIP8, ad ' , !. ' !(,.- .OIZX.omOBM. :.., Inaanmoh u Tttr auny ehaora bara toon mad. ta lha Statntoa aiooata pnbUeatlon oi tb laat adHlona, by r nsL aiunttona and addlUona. aad atan tin po riant do- oldana ton be. rTa by tha tnpreni Court on eos awwioa point, an- ' ATTOHM B I B AT LAW, , . s BANK1B8, MBR0HANT8 : T I v AMD BtSINKBB MB N OINBEALLT, ' Witt tod that !BTlnbliW6rt; '- laltroDf UwBtndlof. Frte10.00. tobtbhod by ' " - 1 ;u : , i't BOBERT CLARKE, Ac C30., Uw f ablWura, Bookiltit Btattonon and Impottora, Ifo. Bo wa woairin nn , ,. fblftoaj:H ' V 01 lBOrtl.0. TJfJHCnABER "WAITED for 200jokg I Htatlonar and JWlrT. for al at VrlCO In- Tokiad, tea 10 p.r Mnt dlKoont, a( lb axpraa office OQlambna, Uui. , 1 Aka. annt wanted lo MB lb. bnt packet! of Italia try (with or wltboat jewalry) la the market, at prloe lowor than can be piirooaetd auawnera. Aonr, wiw .l-rp-o.OMd. J.t.BBJllT. SryUMtw l5IOoartltrt,Boatos,kIaai 8. DOYLE & CO. MhDufAeturort and WdoIobbIo DoAlers in BOOTS AISTPSHQES North Cornor of High and 67 8U.r COLCJIUIJB..4 i.....OHIO ' "A ten Stoek of Ita tad Btepl Oood oa hand SUND1UE3. V TjlBRlN A, TAPIOCU, AlTW Boot, 7 . . BootehOattlaai. , a tv tout fa t, : . i . . Chocolate , . , . j .. Broaa,l. i . j-, . ... : , 7 .Soda , ;,.. ,.i Praa .. . ..-, .., v. froahToaatow i...' , ArMS fl fl A B Rtoe float , , Foerl Barley , , 0raoka4Bhet 9 Oo Oraaaa Tartar, ' , fig ' Seodlcaa BaUUa FaaobM fiwahCann'd fraltaoi T.ry 4ortplani ., k JelUaeof aU kind; , - , ..; , I f la.orlng Bxtracteef el) IJ. .,!::',' , earn Crop; Mixed Caivdia; . ' . Almes da.riberte.I'ooon Bate, I 1 , BnfM Walante,railMate,te. TRAVELLERS! IS yoa M to Vw Torfc , drtva direct to tb ' B10ABWAT, OOlifBB Of OUfTOrf ST1CT. ' ' - f ) ' ' ' Oondnetedon tha " KUKOPBAN'PLAN. "; flood far, Oood Booaa, Pratwt At U atataflk.t . . surar,! eoomi so ctb, 75 ctb. d 11 riR dat. ! COCBLB KOOhll and FA1L0K4 Bl,50 to . afeala a. ordorad. Tnif Hotel bat all lb appolntmont of bnt ho as la, a noat oantral locatton, and ta boated Uroughoatbyitaaa. i . BAMUBI. B. MBAD, aaaichlMaai . . - rroyrxior. JJJOLJJLt VXCH. c I J "JOHMII WBZSIXS. AGBMTrOBHOjrB,OOHTIlK!TAI., ManaaTTAa, SacraiTT, and Ianwaf rax In. Co. Maw Xoaxt ktavcXAim' and Cm fou er BaBTroa Haw ioa( Lira and goaa. atoxsai. hira. u r .. Office fll tllfB St., BaTaft-a'a Bl 7' ! Alexandre's Kid Gloves. PLAIN AND EHIBHOIDERED, FIOUB. QTJBIAIAB xad renter ahap Bteck Bidfileroa, awdwotdered in wLito, Baa ta, purple, Ave. Gadrad KJdOloTee. Mteiea KMOIotoi. A eoaaptete ejeortment f theae cetebratcd Blem alwaye far ante by .- 1 Aia m Bun, Ho. St Soath High ttrait. fb9S DRESS CMPOXMI,- ' -' . How ua Attrmetlvo. MatABBiaon, .. -, ... t r , .. ,.. . . .. i Tbatbltbo Porum, !.'? T ' Cbbmi Popum,. ' i i L ( t Zl-'J' ... Poil bb Chitbbb, , ,. rsmca Cbsbrss, ".rffr-' ' '. Fbxnci Mdujm, . 4 . . . " Fbbncb Oboakdiu, Chiriab Wabho SlLBJ, ' EuoAirr DbjM Siixs, 7 .? T i ' : 'v !' -U i ! ', ' I HXATT BaKWI AKD MaJTIXB 8lLH; And ! ail atbar new and huhkaabte atoraa atett ta deaand tor raadarae prxejag Bad Httll. iivj v-i & 'JwtT..x.'i v.. .BAIB dt B0B- a aprSt di.ffcri v. T.SttiHlgbti t.- HATINO THIS) VAT SOL TJR Stock of erootrft to B . B.DBMINO . w chaarfally reooexacna am 10 ou 01a piron ana ineua. . ' . a uu0. n n w pun i Ooloabu, Barch F7th, 891-apl du: " rpLBOANT rLAIFl BLACK BILKS FOB JLJ Btr tnoMeaad aunttea: ate. Hi Trlmmla and Taaala to aatcn, at j ' !( ,i; lAU .'i aayx j: . t ' , t .-.m Stuamer Under Garments, LAS1EB LI 8 LB UNDER. TESTS. 1 : Xadwa Oan Barm do. do. " 1 0 Silk Drawer ed Bhtrt. ' ' . Benla Indlaaaa Brawer d Sblrte. " "i Oott - f.ivJ. " Oeaae Marina. Vndw Shirt. ' - J ' - ' White aad Brown lMlliag Braweri. ' 1 WMteUn Bfawere. ..-- .-..-o.j . " ' . BatralarDadorBhlrta. r :.:: i . Bapertee Bavllah Balf Ho. .t t -M' en " L g Btoakma.. v,w.iviThi!( - Fancy OoUoaiUKB a. a J ' w j; 1 Soapender.- ' ..-.ta. . b iu,.',. . in .1 - ' 1 Qokl Ulll Shlfta . ' '-''''' i;..- 1. ' For sala ta fiMt tt itty aad it Btodarato ptlo , By u , t: "..11 in ),....? r- " BAIB A SON, Ba. St Sooth High etnet. . aaySO, 1 I 1 h Notice, CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS rpBBErOLLOWIBra CnAISOES WERE A made In In the o-acora or thi. baa. January Wh, 1B6I, to wit War. A. PuTT.Proald i, and Ta aoat. Mo ms, Caehter, rwlgned their afao . - 4arra Taraoa, Ba., w th elected Prid t and Wat. A Paarr ap pointed 0hir. ' ' - . - - . n. : . . bt 0 merer me aoara er inrn'n. - - t. abt,l86Wtf. . W. A. PLATT, Oaattor. 11 flHB MTJFFSi TIOTOBTBBS andOtTTFS wo are 1A new l In al nn low mice, atee all ether tin mauioneoa rare. -w ' rsi .u, deotl. . 'i tr-', - wa. St Boats High t. lavfliss' Zones Pocist-EAadk'l. r r e m itieb btttchei lw Elk ban D i-i aerediera, T.17 ww ha. aleW.nfd Hr,h'. at In, irft ,' ''Till n ,K BtHcbed domain k do ' Mlvred bsntwe. " k - ?!!-mtnf d ,( , klaiA tordera -iu-v' ' 00 , ; aewayaeroafUtcha. F1nAmldo ' ,J aewpatama. " Mian PUIa aad Bammed Btltchad da all rlm. Ooaprhring tii moat lut aiaorlaMnl la th. dty and al lowant prtea. ' aa(H A BUM, fctaal To. w ath High Btreet. STATE OF CIIARLC3 CLAHX. NOTICS aj aenby gltra that I 1 ktoadnlyap. elated admioKUatar of the estate of Cbarle Viara, mteoi tranaiiao. uaiy, acmura. BAOUXIi CLABI.' I I. ... . ., I. " ' S. A B. CbitU&dea, AttorMrt JU-JWW of at i lrMLBkif f i I i.fl. l-.4 -"it- ' '!',.'' Nos. 35, J8&40, yjorth High St. INCREASED F ACUITIES t ' lECEMCl IllffiSniSPlIf! H'AVINtf .MOYK INTO , MY,V new building; CVrocitly UlrLla.X'Koca II v ImbUm -y 'J.: - i-it !. BOOK-1 JOB tDEPARTMENTI . ; WHILE BOTH HAVE BEEN I ,ir uw. WITH' -J '" r New . Types, Borders, ,'Ornamcnts, " &c' FBOM TBI 01LBBKATBB fOBBBBT Of Cy T. WHITE ft , CO., HEW, YORK, TBTJS M AKIN a IT XBB . i i t Host" Complete .Establishment IN THE CTY. , , . ,, I Am bow prepared to Xxatuto All Ordan for BOOK AND JOB 1 .. i . -. WITH DISPATCH! And 1b th XoBtApproTtd StyUof U Art. ..( . -,. I, "'- ' i FABTICULAB ATTEBTIOB PAID TO ' MERCANTILE AND BAILROAD .lap XtXiNT T X ZaT O- Bill of Lading;, Clrnlra,. BIHHaaelOt Blank, DoodO, . alartlflcatea. Wwcelatb, - ; v . . Draf TlckOta, , " Kaajlatora, HOW. CARDS & BILLS' IN COLORS, chicm, : ; CARDS," ' HxADIlieS, ITOTBS,- -' ' ; WV1T0PIS,' ' - CONTRACTS. Illnstrated Show Bills, FOR COUNTRY MERCHANTS, ' 0 I now Bills, Hand Blllf.iLaboU, Conotrt Pro mauiw, tobool and toUon aahamaa, Bo -v" . 11 Bills of Tart, iBTitttions, Bo., n Boolx. Worlt OF, EVERY, DESCRIPTION ., Ichool aad Colloga CaUIojh-, ' ' "' :. 1 . BtUoaUaa na Fainphleta, . Coutitatlonx, JUporta, BrUfi, At Printing in Gold and Colors O ST 1 1 . i ' rrlatod In Irory Color on a nammoth Hoe Cylinder, no only ProH of tit kind in' Central Ohio. My faoiUUe fcc doing any and aU of tha aba daonp- Ho of wort, are now awaipaMwd, and aaUifacUoa will begnomteod la all oaM. work fonuabod preapuy ay me oa pramoao. ,, K.B.U1S all 1 SB aVBJBB BAUwSB - 1.: WHO 8H0ULD U8Z ,; - : . 1 DR. J. B0VEE..D0DS' IMPERIAI VWINE i- BITTERS? All who are afflicted with Inelpleat Oonioaptloa 01 Weak Lang (hoald a tha. All who Bar from Week Btoaaaoha, IndtgaaUoa; Dyo- pepeiaorFlteeaboaidaaetbea. ' i ,.l , All who (offer from General or Berro Dall ; BMtltanea at night, Want of Bleep, Ave., ahoald aa (am. -.. '. - All pen wh are oonTaleaeent after lew or otheV atekna,hoaldatnem. . , p. lllaKtei of tha BoapalTuwyara, teetarera, aad al pobli (poakor ebon Id naa them. Book ker, and all penona leading a aod buy tt boa Id ae them. The aged and roflra aaoaM a man. All who reqnlre a atlantent or tonlo ahoald a. tha. All who are addicted to tbo a of ardent aplrlla and wlah lolnfom, ahoald then:. They are madeef a par Bherry Win, and or in Ba il ntente aod herb of the ontry, and ahoald be ro- eommonded by teayemnee aoctetiea, atergya , pbjnV anno, aad all friend of huaanity. Thay are proparad by an experienced and aktlRai phy. letea, and, eaUtetroa their aiediei 1 proporttea, are a aoat dalightfol to raft and yet, a a aMdidne, are a inn tandheratea the dewaof boa m . . ,, Sold by drngirtote gonorally. : fJEASXU , WDDXllEXD CO. rroprtotort, tt St.. New Yorkw , , S0BZ2T3 ft 8AKI7ZL, Agents, y - CalayaBaa, Vbl . aoaadAwly. ... Wholesale ud;RetaU Depot for rAMtivrciaOCEntEo. - ; wLir.i -a -axawaaa- ' 12 No.: 106 South High Street. " teas; FINE &' STAPLE GROCERIES 'IN ALf HE1R, VAfttETIE3. x" ' Dally ' rrlral it' CoodB'.V' For the Fall and Winter Trade i '"' '. Of OB6&6ti.h !u'' " I , . 1 ii i n 1 1 n' t n - ITTHETUHNIIie BIHCERE TJIATTX TO THE PUBLIC, for peat fator, and patron age, tad totng BBTEBBUNBB te SIKU1X ae nasan of bum by ati-let attotttlan t trao, aad jpraaapt ajoUwory of (Ba, twonld; oaU the Btlca of tbepablwtotheawtlbat aartof xaLura; aad wall SolocUdl Stack hand, udbctof tnlaally reeript of geodf from tb diff.r eaiatarkcta, I Batter ayaetf that I aaa offt io abedtV aM of Ooloaboa, or to any whe may iorlre to pucha , aa KMrtmt of artkte arpertainlng to tha 0BO0XBT tod, UHEQUALEB by anyhcmt ta eM"etty Th prloe aad .ollty of V pod. ffira, 1 fatair aaitaa ae ajrvw aanaiacuwav - Goodi 17ekvewd.Fre cIClitrirBj :- 037 . Wat. M.DOKAIiB, 'J t FIRST "0 z -v.J '-! i '?Etttaa of the imtitf or SPRING AKDSU1BIER GOODS ;v a..,t, pa. i aiwwjui rwe , T ' AO BIN OEFER Tt mS PUBLIO A "an tin new Meek of Boode hi my line. 3tt parclk. td In Bw Tork at thteheapeet panic ntee,all of which la tlnllattbetmallwtproaa, for Cart. Nrenln. en and friend are reeeeetfolly Invited te 11 ml exam Ine ar Oood ed Frl t, I aa detrrrahwd to II ehooroh pertneu aoyotner neua tn ineity;ad I do ay owa Butting, and tarlBimd my own bull et, I feel aa r , rrc ay wog evperwn in m bm. to el rmnl tltfaetteni J Th Ante of work- mm, are en1ued. and ell Work dead ttrtetlveo time and oa thort notlo, and nrm ted to Bt.' Btrengen vleltlng eUr elir weald eoalt their totenet by giving mo a II before parohaemf oi wnen. , 1 , ' atrehlBdly Cor Hl,b and Town it. litces and Embroideries' 1 ' .. ALF.iaCIEWEB, JOALTESB AaPvlrlV LeoeOollan and Belt. ,f ranch, Puiher and Thread I Teila, Inew pattern..), Thread and 1 1. Bmavaidard Oollaim. Beta, jrlmmlnn and tklrte, La Barb aod Coiffure, Plain Lin Collar, Sllii atu nd Culf. Xabnldtnd Goiter and Com In BtUg. I , i ' BAUt A 80S?, I .:'.- v a-;i.;XSA 'rtaiVi (i',i t4. . .. 8. ,'i a- t i'rpjf fl, j vi b' K II: r. ',i c I I vi b' r- i;-af : .1 lit j fid D2. . u u n -vi"' ' i 3: .; aa r B .l..vo.; HTi IN V ITS ATTBNTIOB tI0 oftftt Wtl W traurOlnary euro, by ny , .. j , . .-. . !. ; ,t.. "')"" PECTOllAL SYRUP.1',: :? Thay are at home, and any one who ba donbt otn In qalre of the penon who bar SB. BITBKB IS FRBPABBB AT 'ABT.TIHa TO BXAtfWH LUNOB W1TH00T OHABOfpaJ AI TI10B1 WBO NnKD BIB aBBlOlnno. ,;. . . 'r ATTIIfD TO TOUB 00LD8 A eeto of tanding oared by DK. KEXBBK'B HUiuaan.iauj. it . rrrroH.Jan. U, ISSOr, !'. Kwrm'-.Vw wlm haa torn afftlaled with tod oomh and difficult, of breathing, for fire or aix yean, Whl.'h Tn. Mnn THIIflHE. Haa KTBUIMIIT UlOIOTUeu Ul Ttoteno. Tbtooaplatnlha ton hereditary, and aha had been trted by .Ttl pbyilcla without any re lief. In tht itat of btr caee, I procured obm of poor Pectoral Ooerh Byrap. X boognt, 10a nrat urn, a nnj ent bottl, whloh nllad btr wry inch ; I thenoalled and aot a dollar bottle, which eared nor entirely, and h. h now ao trao of the termeaalae. except Wk nw. I would a Ik rial that I naed tha Dodioine ny .if toaeoldandecnrh. The medicine cored me by tek Ing 0 do I npie ay onllr Utmctloa with tb medicine, d yoa are at liberty to pnbllah thl if yea deilielodoio. , ia .., WkU WII-80JJ, k.,. , Aldrmn fifth Tfard. miii)i.a. Bo.' B. ltd Ba. Krrni : Allhooth not an ad eata of Patent Medldne, In general, it afford m pleare lodetariba hla to recommend you Pectoral Bvruo. Al a modioine It hi well worthy tb attontloa of any perton who may In any mannar to affllcud wftb agha, 00M1 and boa neno f any kind, aod for the pa Iter qualiflcatlona for re moving all that diaagreeabte Mnaation attending a nraoold. 1 1 I ha bora, more or tear, In ay Uf, affeetd with the rest of Ida d hoar nam. At time ay throat wonld com clod a. to prer.nt my ipwklng a a whiipir, and by taking a few doe of lb abora Syrup it weald relieve me tlrely. In reoommending thl medldne, I mtri anhltatlngly ay that it I tb tot remedy I rr.r fonnd, purporting to care the ebon, nor ihoald any family to without thl remedy for dteaa piwraten t. ' . your, moot reap tfully, ... BDWABD J. JONES, , " Oaahter Oltlaena'QtpontBank. , ! ''' l" ' B iauaamu.La.0., March W, 1859' ' I ha need Dr. Eeynr't Coagh Syrwp f or a bad gh of veral yeara atanding. and a oh rfolly any It t tha bnt medicln for tb aaa that I bare ever tok . ., , . j.w.raics.,, ' COt. FBATT AND BB BBTSBB'S FBOTOBAL STBUP. Da. Bara P r Bin Bxon the delay of ay acknowledging tbeaamlten of year Pectoral Ooagh Syrup eooner. 1 lake great pleare la oaying that It 1 aUyoaaay III. Jl knockdtM4 avoia out 0 my oougA and th wont one Iw er e aiUteted wllhi I naraoot need more than one-half of the kettle, and I can and do wlah that all wbo an afflicted would gWe U fair a artel I ba done, and thay will to proud to aay,uItUn qoack aMdicine. 1 wonld not euffor another uch an attack for any aaldaatam, or at any ot, I aa 000, tdentloan bnetbeaora freely than livr did. I ahall alway acknowltdg a debt of gratitude for lot n ting xcUnt a remedy. T are at liberty to nie my nam In thl regard, 70a think proper. B. f . PRATT, M ngu common Uoanai, rituoargn, r. WltUhnnh. Mm 11. UbB. ' B. B I am no stranger to ay felIow-cltUen.and whowrteiadou bteeanco n It a pononally . Prrr obm, April St, 1837' BBAD TUB TROTH. Da. Knaanvi v: lha a tmr eh. ha. taken eeveral medicln for a bed oouxh wllht toaefll aa g IhemAyer" Cherry Pectoral. I aarchaNd from yod a bottle of yoor PBOTOBAl SVKCP, and fore ah naa aa nau a aoiu an wax relieved. Tne aeoopd doiu cureu ner enureir oi . at oougb. Bobtnae B atreet, Allegheny, Pimniiu. Beeeabar. 31. 18S3 A SBBAT CDP.B BY BB. BBYBBB'B 1'BOIOKAI, VLt;p 1 1 It In Peeblw tewaahlp. Alleah y ooontv. I had aeoocntaa and pittia, whtah iiniumiinil aoom htaanrnaCTte U aadoon tinned eiahtaaoa the. I emeloved th beat atayaieiana la the country, aad toy coo. h eoatiaued unabated- on til early In October. Al that time r w advbwd to try roar PBOTOBAL OOUQH 8B0P.whleatdia,anaMtr naaiaxea one eon i i waaantlralvfr froa th aoaihing aad eaUtlnt. 1 had dMpalredof av getrlog well, and I think it ahoald to knowa that uua vaiuaua raay win oo lor omen wuav Ithu donelnmyea . ' 1 junir c. IiITTLK, HtaaB. at, A a. ' ire m townarp. !,,'!..:. .1 :. i.i WW Si ''"'4 ' j' . . ..riv .i FaTToatr., April It 18S7. A WOBDBKfTJb CDKB. Seme am ago, aa old naiihbor of mine w very ill. with a bad oouxh which very one ppoeed to be ninmptlon. Hla relative, told aa that hi had taken every remedy they beard of without beoeAti nai brethw earn to a nia am, and an wen eon Arm ad m the belief that he aoald Bet li ned about the third of a bottle of your Peotonl Byrap wntehl him, and It entirely red him, to the a. ton- unmeet M aiu nana aaaa mm sees .eei remaraaoie, at the trema age of the aan, he being abouteighty yean old. I have no aouot tne jreowraieav.a nu me. JOilMM'UlHia ,MI-w')lJ , V1 . ii SB. BBTSBB'S FBOTOBAB 8YBPP IB BLAIBA. TILLB. Prea aend mo another .apply of your vale able "Paetoral Byrop," Almoet everybody around at ha th Id and an Inquiring for "Br. Ktynr Pectoral Byrap." W ba told aUt a bottte 1 I week, aad are eowentlnlvouu Mr. A. AJwread Mf.F . Men . th of Blalrtvlll, Pa., tell u thy would not b without It la their famllie. la fact, all wno,u on want It again. loan, napectfally, , . ;: .i . n.iuiwn evu JanaaryW, 1800. , ,, . ;,3 iS : rir-: AMOTHBB BBW OBBTIFIOATB-BB. KXtEBB'S PBOTOBAL BVHCP r- aad bee a troubled with aooagh and cold tor aaveaal weeka tod wa a that I a Id not al pr 1 had the ad vl aad pr crtptioaa froa thr of tbbtpHyictnaiB unary, wnom i eoaia nam , col ao aet do . I Sully procured bottle of 7 oar Pectoral ByTup, which lcr4antmiy." ' aimed, -' - " SX Liberty ttr-t, FStebargh, P Jaa. , ISBO, ' -s-t r i .'I fii'iv!'r,'i'ii ' ' it b t Piavnivni " r BTOFTHAT)00TJ0BQia."-'BownIdHlt "0 to Beyaer'ioa Wood atit and gat a bottl of hi Cough Pectoral, and if that don't cure yon, your eaa aut b deeDoxate Indeed." Ibla laaapeiua of the lloouy eoe aanalmeet every day kaooid aatehhig period, of tt gear. Aad wa can, irom actual aapetuaent, eneer tally near in th advuer'a admonition atova, tor wa ha tried tha -Pectoral.'' to a moat (tubbora on, with en tin OR. Bear two week age w wo toPIUabaiah, with one of ueatoMOJMmeavng, ooonary, muiua, aa- tubduahl ugha w e r expenenaed lo oar advent upon Oil mnulene tpber. Wa oghed teedlly aod laborioimy ror one wnom eeea, a nopeo or iwwew ova, I it Wee bob. la tea It air eather aavena n roved by practlc. and to to acqatrad U e.Uwpoien cy and MtriibUUy by tie operation. Ia thl Ugof lha men. wa Ooaibed oar way to Beyavr, 14D Wood Bt -procured a afty ntbetQa -of the "Pectoral ; took It ing le aireetloca, an la aorvy-eigni noun wa were Barter oi tha Sold, the amp havmg aaoondiUeaaUy urren deved, alt a brief tut unequal conflict with formldabla an advwmry neyee r ramona "Cougb Peetortl . "-rvwueiU Oippms Jm. 14, 18S9. ' 1 ,.,u. ' ' aB ) bi-jn tui- ,i' l , BR. BBTSBB'S PBOTOBAL STBTJF it prepared and eold by Dt. SBOBQB H, ABISBAV, 10 Wood erreet. ymiDurgn, ra. , . ,wi U f jffviu IU vuiww. tmvvmmm w rrOOTnAfjHBBEMEBT:' ' ' 0" JL 1 e .,' . i .-..a vr,n.ii v.iaiu ' '' j .1A A BV&Bl CVTBJ A tin ui r Pnpared-d to id ay. u ,vj!rtiu6 lio'i t'J.Jial 1 I timi Frlc,S3 cent. i ia Viui d.. mimmmA. ii1 Imi 1t nna.-i.t Oiti.iad lid tt JTY Bold ta Oiaabaa tar BOBBBTS da iAIfTJBB. oclS7;gwda.. . i..i"o'J tr, i.i.i u-t-too j IB 11.1, . '1 f,.?l f. ! J.H. nun v, - ' r l n t " i If alt Maa, 0- t. i;r vrmwora, dkc. ., -t. , BAIB di SOB,.,, aprTftl"11 1 ' " ' BoilF Bout High itrt. i i . . pOLDElV tlll.L iniRTB, v t. .09 1 SOT.DBH BILL aHTHTtr , The rtara of theatahinaar aew. lb Bodlea. Tokta. teev d keemn are forxd to St th peveoa With ea aad comfort. - The wrkim aaea ndelg Ueg t ay to raited era oteed wall i oa tola rm t, d each li A full (took of .11 qualttie 1 aovv I . " no. v aeuta uiga ten .- CTBLtia.IHlWI.ll ITELLi O ' SUAWLBII In aU deairahteoolon, and at van ., in. mu a.ttf ajinu . i i. .. . , aoum mgn ttreew t TT7irE BlAflTLE DAB AtSEBv BOTfJ thd Tjinon FOitcvi:::! UMIBRT E"VrLPr-A HAKIfTOr dxlgna,atS,0Op l,0uuv.a i. t.iu..T). a . rawiijETTEa ArorcTsnm.i: -l at half Ibtprtot hargedby Jld ten. i '"'J '. ID QUART H.S-B. 1 toeltv V'ft tfa..,' ' . TTfEBAB OUARTTSS-B, H foi Ooluiubua, May a,16UJU i, w A i W I i Jai. euiiAJf a ' 31 tu fc Kl In- inT'i S t:v-y .5 i3 ' XSJ'' .Ai T?jwmv.rl ,.1 u a Vi V aT'ewBm, at.jiJ 1 vv,wuH.iiiiik Brw . ttiw T.lTa 1, ,8IR.ASTLEV,COQEE,.i,, DBAlEHIINOTX; Thi aotnawWgtd Bt-d. of therottoaloa tt attkw I aaemiapneieh ' r. Phi Wiit THirmtla. Tento. and lniiSrarit, Th fflnert KBtrox of tfaa ITAUAK . JUHPIPM BJtaJBTi Taa f nr and MoatC tly Gin E aat. INDISPENSABLE TO FtMALtB, y v hi INYAUUABt.a-tJ.ini;oivra, r. INCOMPARABdVE FOR THE AGED. J A I 'in TUB JAFFsTlB ND 'rnuSY bttllCIOUS BEVERAGE .IN THL WORLD. Par Bala. Plata nd Quarta, by. errary DivavUti Oropor, ?r. qouatry MororMUBB. CdlO N D O N O I NJS I AtlJB BVAB Ad - VAtM wAtl na BF'I""' lHARLES'i LONDON -CORDIAL flIN .,.,1 imrjorters.' wa A.iuBny Dt,.,ic . n., , u- ,n ,-it til) ,",vm""" .n.a .TTlll1T. -.1 Whol-al and Betell erooer.. Btateuuau ty, 1 O. A. WA0NBB,nd othera. t- n,.-ih..L w. ) , aniBB.BQBBTBIBAOO.. " AAA vaxavaa. uww "J . . .a , - ' WEEKLY OniO StATESM l UEOEB ' BVf IKVKEAl 1 THOTJlAjmi Than any oth toper In Ohio, butoU of OlnllinaB Offers FacUitics forTAdvcrtisiiig 1 , wwcnt)ArntOT-An!to sftoi 1 ; Spoetty awA Heinii.nora.lTe Raturn i :i I . Io thoa who take adntan ef .lheoi v BUtrtbatod - ft It through vi Pott 04V I OWv, ' Reached a Laj-ge ClasioI 'JKeaflere Who- "patronaia la vdluablo, and hb ieUoi aeot j 'Daily BdJUopi'of ellyJonrnaUj end aly (,.Jt A , Limited Humter of dvertiiements ',. a Are Inserted mltl ootamai. wpoprlatoly andr. ''''! Tin CaaaoT raa to , AtixAot jCLttoritioxA "U. !...: W-'Af) ALL t W"-'. t t i;,;,i Hat in ii ii .: ' K. WHOLESALE ; . DEALERS ' Adrorttelai In lb WBBXLT BTATBBMAB will Ba . .. ! 41 It advantogoui In THE INCREASE OF, TRADE Which tt aim I certain to follow aa titentlr ditatmla i'; , atloa j knowtedge of laarkaalaaaj a a it '1 " AMORQ CQUHTKT "nEAlEBS l ,V i 1 ABT1BTI8BMBBTS' blTBlJDBA yOB""' The Wtseklv Statesman :- iii ' lit i ,"" , i . .j..... j nu! I Baoald to handed In fori. Friday noon. lL jo AUJ-fn t i 1 i i 1 1 ' 'J " ' ,:t - 'I- 1TIIE " '' I:,J l.::A wi". ITHB 1 ' Mu o only preparation: 1 j aia 'THAT' HA3;: Jt t;i-i;-;Jf ; Sl66i) THE TEST OE a'EABS,1' And Bjrowa utore and. mare popular i l' .; ... .,, t,., jr1;Bf.I ."l ill,:.-,..! 'i And lee rlmonlals, near, and ahat wltbotil . Bomber Bight be given from ladle and gentlemen in all grade, of society, who, united testimony nana old mitt, that Prof. Wood' Hair B toratlvawill rerton tht bald and gray, and preaerva the hair of the youth to old age, In all iteyontniui Beauty. - - ' Uf.-..Bettte Creek, MIoB.rB-.IlrClBM Pxo. Wood: Th will plea ' accept allot to Inform th that th hair oa my bead all fell cEf over twanty yean ago, oaoatdby a complicated threate diaea , at lanaea wlin BU erap.ioa un uie m gvuuoiw cour of Buffering through Ufa having reduced me to a Mate rf dependen oa, J have not ben able teeMala ttaf for pa. Belihef have X bee able to do the ,ap, ia ona aoqueace of which my head hu tuffend extremely froa Id. . Thl Induced m to pay Briggt A Hodget almoit tha last at I had oa rib for a two dollar bottle of thy Hatr Btorettve, about lha first ot Aagutt laato I kav fclifafally followed khe direction aad the bald apot Id bow our d with half thick and black, though abort, tt it alaooomlng tn all over my head. Feeling confident that another" Mr re . nani iww reo a tntiniy and peraautntly, J. feal aaxloat t per verve la ita nav Ing deatltute t mean t. purcba any more, I Would aak th If the wouldst not bt willing to tend m aa ordar on thine agent for a bottle, and reoolve to thy .ir .lhaMlRtiii. AMfontlaathe, rewuA 4a a.rh 0 that akind te tb widow aadtbe (alberte "K i ' "' i '.Iby friend. . BUBANNAa KlBBT,j-; iirnrier, nonie county, in(ii, Pxor. O. J. Wooat A -Ia h tatter part of tht year 1853, while attending the State and National Law Bebool of tha a Hew Verermy hair,- froa a eauee aukaowa to ma, aiuara aal tetungeff very ap idly, thatlnfhabort apace of alx men lbs, the whole npper part of ary taalp w alat tntlrely ' bereft of It oovtrlt and much of tha r aelatag portion ueod -the aianiibaea.Bartef nr bead ahortlr artcr became rrar. that yoa will not be surprised when 1 toll youthat up. oa my tarn U m Diate oi l no tana, my more caiuai acqualnoo wan aot much at a low to ttovor th u of aba ohango ia ay apa ma , my mo Ina aviate acqaalntenoa were toreoognl maall. vt .r 111 tin made application to the moot ekiUIul phyal da la th country, but, receiving bo aaanrance from them that my heir would agalat reatond, I wa, forced aa hmna neoncll.d to aar fate. rtoaa tety. to Ua tottor part of tha y r 17, our k j. torati ve M samenata io me ny a iiiukhh ocius w biu.. i,iw ble Hair Be torattva ina..' I tiled one bottle, and found to my gnat tattefaction that it w prod lag th deal red effect. Sia that tine, I have naed v dob tera worth of your fte.ioratiTe,ant a result, oa a rieh ooat of very loft black hair, which,' no moaey ,can boy.-, J J ''" "' ' ' ' v- " A, a mark of ay griUtod for yoar tebor and kill ta SWpror"acttea of wood erf al an artteto, I hav retar BModod Ita a to many Of ay frlendt aod acanalntancea, who, 1 am happy to Inform you, an asing it with Ilk effect. Vtry rarptfally, y ra, - " i T'J ',' ''' I-'9.a? Ji ,'" ia I. ' IA.M.1ATTA.1..1.. J-ji ; : .. . , , Atfornay an 4Qoon Iter at Lawl.i. i ltopet, M4 Broadway, aaaaold by all dm ten tbroagk- routth world. .... j. Jbe B tontl I. put up hi bottl of thr tlut, yur- urge, meat am, ana mn, oe milt neiae 7 epini, ana reteite for one doll per bottle; Ui medium hold, at teaat tw.nty p.r cant, aura luproporltoa tbea tkeanall. aadratKila fnr Iwo, dollar, a bottl.; tb larrehoUl. a quart, 40 percent. more In proportion, and ntallt for S3 B bottle. , K'J ki lli ' ..... . - ' Ov -l WOOD A CO., Proprietor, atg B lead way, Xaw -love, and ii xiarxet aireevui. bona, mo. . j i ;. ,And Id by BOBBRTS A BAMTJBL, Oolombut, Ohio, and ay aiigeod Draggitatana rancy uocos v lert. " aprili:awo tu. u. u-i ' .. " WAtoaM I Dimondi II Bilver Wtrs 1j; A -CIIOlCB A S O RT SIE 1 TOP, QOLD A A. and SUvn Watcb . in great variety. , . . . , . I A nut for the Aa Max Ware Co.. "and Mb II m avlteat Watobat at aaawfaatann' prion , Mth W holeeale or BetaU. ..... r lir f - i j. Come and choo fri.-a my beautiful jdispay of Dla-, mono and other rick Jewelry. Btjle. new puce, low, A to Silver War af sterling qualliy, I eaa show sew paufma. vary nana.. e - . . Bllrr Plated Were, T Setts, Ures, Walter, Ototera, (tatkttti ritenera, uodmu, nnives, xorxs, r poods, dee. Then I tent tumlv of tn Tabl Cutlery. Pocket Bnlve. Baaera. Ao., and may t aa o Boodetuch are d trad for preeeote at auea prree at an an Induce- BJenlte in.pumnae.ri . ., r wat. JiblNll,. marSl ' ) ' 1 ori .Ida Btkta Houm Knar. Gentsr'Liiicn SHrt 'Collars,' fr BjTjprnion qtjalitp, is- oak 01 B, Btaading, Bgraa. Panlgaay, Btnfnw end other sew Jn.tnmed Pookgl llandkerohlefa. Neck Tiee. Btooka, Btree t and Bvtnuig Blovea, Balf Ho f gina, u ar uarmnia ua an xind of Uentt fur gtlahipg Good, la gteaA varkti gad g aederet prteaw rj ia.i ; , ... I . PV.NI HlfH HIW1. LI'HkirtmKAkt'tjicr'ir A el irtnt quail Utt for LaUteK kio, A. 1- 1 imt . I IBBJ I . aaairK? "dV-va- -wJAnfaf FSVV" at a trmt awltia k.rtf'a -. - .;j'I l.i.r . . ' a. i ft! ntVii s. 1 s i 101 I ' tup pdc rror T.Jjiiiv-j'-. ,wlfit!jifll la i J .iTTlt 41 A BTTTi TfTT . . M. wan yavA.JUKt ha dlaoo red la one of our oommon ni r.w. arnwdythatoar-., rj "'V. Every mnoYQf Kumbr;Z ! WBvOBS tUJli; tA .iiil.iiJ' Tha worst toroYuWdtfwk irj ntni6 linpjs, Be ha. tried It la oyer eleven hnadre d KM, and av- t failed except In two a aa, (both thunder honor.) He ha now to bit poetan over one hundred eerUOcato of It value, an witnin twenty nuea oi aoenw. (." Two bottle, are . warranted teVeore a aurttng so On to thr bottle if ill car thV Wont kind of Pimple, oathofa . ..ii.i l , 1 -Two or thr bottl win clear tne t tamar an . Two bottl an wamated to our th wont oankar, in i Thr to Ave hoMle ard warranted la war Uu Went kind of Brnlnelu. n).-', li '" .-' 1 On to two bottl, are warranted to on allhoavw,,, : 'ajiu.; two DoiiiN are warranioa w ear Tanning o ui ear ndblotcbe.amonlhhalr." " - ' . four to tlx botlta a warranted to Mr1 bbrrapt aad tanning uloer. , . ; ( ,j,fi i One bottl will toalv drnntloa of th akin. , Two or thr boftl a warranted to oore th W.rtt kind of rlngwona. U t inn I. ,i:.,khui . Two or thr bottl a warranted to. ar tha atott lpi Thi irate f r ' rheuaiatlam. re. to fonr bottl are ami a tail tocarefnlt-Bheom. . jriT w via", mm win wi wvm we fula.ii . ( !'! Ml ifl"if! I ,V '1 ' !! fl to tight ui will ar the wont A benefit la alway experienced from tb flrrt kettte. a perfect cure la , warranted, when tht above quantity la BOXBuBT. MABfly " Data Uxbau:- Th notation of the Medioal bit- ermry, In coring all klnda of homorv,', liu Well. tab Uahed by the ananlmou. voice of all- who hrr ever weed kVBhat ; I nwd not aay anything aa taei Meat,, tha meat aklllful phyalclana and the atMloajafud jiruggtetola toe country an onaaiaou in iia praiao. I"- la prenttng tfa Medioal Bltcovery tb yoor noUewJl oo it witn a ran xnowmge oi imwwvewve powi- vj Urring all, and ring moat 01 IheM aieeeate B. whi youananfertnnately liable, jtliatpexfraetettof dlteuatoanaS Uonatomotbtsr,.. lt , ; j KTJK8INO IIOBBldpC;;, it cored aa If by a mlraclei ' your 'own temper. 1 r tend to It natnral .weetneee, an yemr babe from abort and fretful nap to calm and twwet dumber.; aad ta Medioal Dlaonvery tacom BfoBntelB pf kteaang. M yoar aaebaad ABB wAAW IBVI aaW-Mr awa-- ua ""1 :t H OASjaBi5ir.'i,I mr.ia wboh Is nothing but oankr oa th etcach; thea to saf K D l SJ 1 .fc;i .iv area ting a linking, goa feaonBS and an, mdtfetep aw a toanaoiyourramigr., ,,.,, j-i' ,j 1 ,V.i. , loartlonuchta , , ., , (j , I HAW. AND. IWrLAJIJED. . r , ' endiJ rood dlitreeee voa. d roa nan or tek rtela klmli. and even of that vonrmtem do not gat half tha U eon tain a, a. tha anrlmonout Sold of the canker eat it op; th yoax eom wexien io u bloom and beoomee anllow and tea. d yoar beet day a gone, for want of nourtehment your tyatem be oa loo and flabby, and tha fibre, of yoor body b aoma relaxed Then follow etrala of dteeatet Whloh DM Medfcal PBctmry i peculiarly adti) ted to . .-, . 1 1 CTJ HEI PalpiUtlon of tha h rt, pain In th etd.'weknt a Ui tpin and aaalt of tha back, pain of the brpjatol when yoa retire, Irregularity of the bowel, and, al , that aoat eicruclatlrg of dleaeth'' , ..' , , " piLE8.'','r: ' How aany thonaand of poor worn an tofftrlog fro thl and piaiag away alterable life, and their aextdoo r neighbor do aot know tha oaavt. I wtah ta Unpraa on yoar mind that good old proverb, 'Ab oan of prevention it better than a pound of n. In the : ; I fllLDICAL DISCOVEatV; ... : . yoa ha both th preventative aad the) ara with, thai great and good quality, that It wlU rer, aadey any Blrcuautancea, do yoa any Injury.,, . . . , v v; 'THE MEDICAL IlISfjVEttV . i & eepeclaly Inlended for dtee-to'of th Mood,' bat tin It, Introduction In lha Wetltra Btalea, if Is found to to the beet. i 1 " 11 ' " ' ft I AGUE REMEDY thatw tTarnttoretaapaoiiai I - Be tbang of diet rr.r aemary oa I the beet yoa ou aod get enough of It. Diitxmoit roa aaa AdulUoad table' spaaafnl pt' day Ohlldna over an yean, de rt tpoonful Child r from t to tight jeer., Ua spoonful. . Aa as dlrecUon eaa ba applicable to all atlttttlons, takt tufflcitnt to oi.ral. o the bowel twloe day. - ' ' .i .iw? Wuniruly, . ii " 'i i -J DONNALD KBKNBDT ' Fnd 1 1. 00 pr bottl. for yevary drafrglit hi ACaltedlteu. ivi '..i-''' a " aepSMAwly.- PQ TOD "WANT ' WHISKERS 0 VOU WANT WHISKERS 1 1 , DOYpU WANT A MUSTAfif'Vvr7 it DO YOU WANT' A taCStAipHET L .! :vl BELLIJJGHAM'8 ' .r .!. )'. t i-. - ' OBLBBBATEO .,.;,,( y, it 0 M t I -i ' t I 41 .n. St . tt , i . - ' Vol th .-.llinaiiBmjm s)At ,!ljt - ' The subetrlbere tak pleaja to ann.uucing a lb OlUae of me United Stetea. that thay htvt obtained tha Agincy for, and are now enabled sooner to to. American publio. the abo Juttly celebrated aad world-renowned arneiM anv-.i u a r. i j'. 1 ia . . ' Ik ore red by- Ix. 0. P. JBLLIBGHAM, an amtnea physician of Lof dond. la a-apeated to, bvUg oak B uucawtoi ,...i.ii ,(11 .i.-i'ii Whiskers or a Mustache:;!;;: n,.i. weeks. Tbtf arttela tatfa akty aaa of th k'ld d ba Ui f ranch, and ,1a Lonaoa aad Pari . It u kaeMtifaL aconomlca . aoothlsk. til tttmatetlog eompoand, acting aa If by magic upon the root., eauslog a bean in a I growia oi inxnnaoa naia apt a Ipi place puea hair I Ihi.. u ufa. Haenlh. and an article In every ntteman'i toilet, and after oaa nek's a they weald aot for an con. id. ration B without tt. -- Tha to oriben a the nly Agent tor tha arttol M th CblteO ota lee, to whom all orden mint be addnmed avtMOna Ddlar a boa tor te h all Bruntetg aad Boalen; or a box of the "Onguent" (warranted to nava the derired eflect wfll ba ol to any who desire It, by mail (direct), eecurely packed, on receipt of prior and pottage. Si. IB. APP.y o, . v a...... i xiynvAVW ai. uaiaaniwi jVW j i- iJi c:H J j i .m ..BBOoaiev , A., - 1 x--j lebSOdavwfim . 1 1 1 4 WUUam Strwt, Bew-Tork I '"' Whnleaala and Ketall Dealer In ' i) t,. gmokiiie ft Chewinar Tobacco. Alto.' (no best qsaUty of baTTT I oontttntly fi', ;.e.lisnd,,i, t' (.1 -.f H.f, , jjrvounuy memianui wc hum. mmvn mm. chalng el whan. ,-cl n,flJ WO. I EAST TUlllW BIllEfiTi " I .An : Mala and B.eamnr. j' jaaytlltrm a, o?;C jllCmNAXl.'6. t" I WM. KN ADC &' CO.. I AT' THEIR' NEW 'SdliES-vj MOOM, MO. ISO SAL7IM0HS &T.I s'iT. ..", --KB ' If I ,4J BOB. .L S, S aad T B. BUT AW STKBT7 ,. I AWav n Mia ihalv MUWIal .1 l t-r-'i GOLDEN MEDAL, u - .1,-i.ui GRAND ' ini ''u,1l - AND 8QARE ;u ..i PIANO-FORTES. "' ' 1 ' Being highly reeommded by tha Bret r feasor aad aioncai amawamor tea aateyvaad BTBRT i. v-.-.S a: k . TB8TBTJMBKT ' .1 .- i. v.aaairrarrjaria. .'-.i"i . . ,. , .S, fITBTBABB. Th Bott faetldkUi eutteestl aI wlj apoa.teg pimeia veryrw.peo , ,M . Terms llaemU . WM. BBABB A COr ,1 SBLTZF.ttfcWBBSTB Ageota, ..Ottauydw. ' '" Colambaa, Ohio ni.aiiiiivn. inEETinna- nw titi,itr.j -it .i.iii.. f most ce U. orated aukaa. Bowoffen,! to, r van. V :,BprUl.i i L?.nJ V," r-r EAHOP SiHllPf" "It-rtt .PIlSiM i. Vlti.f Bew'fftirlBgOBrtii"Vi'-'' tioi-k Of Fcy Prea rinl I V (Vivr w p I,. m, , M. SHI t Prto- lee than ? ""!Lt. It .ttenth)B of i ebs.lie Of thtealtyaad yotalWB li.ii u L awr st- k te very- Btteot and complete la all rood la Hut 1, --PlIA a "Alii, A I -T nrWP'v XIS BLO TE. ' ' V : ft will BaLsxa, aad ate io .pring up in ,dtaha bald apela a So growth of aew hair. Ap- aaooraing vm aiiweuooa, ivnv -- . iaar.and Tutor gray hair to Ita original color, naxtbl.V Tha -HiBwrasnrf la . A ; edlV-lUt- 1 OWV'M. I ... J"--. M T.v?t A-'- v. . Dr. H. HcLEAN'S Stresstlicnijig Ccrdial and .Blood f TBoOroatoat Betaa7iB tub World j . 1 i.ABD THB.'I Hi ' t1 I tML. :i t.i 1 host iiincroTji-- ... OUKDIA ,.,,, EVERTAEEN- V. IT IS STRICT, ly a aoiantioo aad. Vegetable Compound, procured rf the dl.UI- ' " ItUoa of B ta, II. r i a ana earn, . i.uow Vock, Blood Boot, Banaparilla. Wild Cherry Bark and Dan--f miioa anteal into Itefsi n i m . oompoaiuon, in en BBSdullta Taking.! .o ueiore lahmstm . prlaolpla ot each Inrnrnent tt thoroughly extracted bp ri my new method of distilling, producing i A daikteaa, nuvmung apirit, and tb moat inyaiajiii.a temvay j renovatlnt the dlmaxed tvttem. and n storing tht lick, lining and 8TBBN0TH. and debilitated, 1MV All tai HAALTH aadrir M0LEANaj STREftGTITENrrlO ' COB- L...ii-,M i,tv-vs,..ajBwa BJ . t . V.iH-J iii: - f rl a 0i., I f 1 .J wilt 4utri r, l 1 1" t Ms i1 VA.. lawal'- W ' ! ;J I1 Wtn;'iotmJtoW''f .'rM'i. LITBB ; OOkfFLAINT, DTBPBPBIA, JAtDICB4'.l v Ohronl or Sttrvo Debility, Dteeasof 6ie kloiayei1''1'' and al 1 diaeaee arlaing frem a dleordend Li ror BteliiiM sob, Dnpepala, Heartbem, Inward Pile, Acidity or Btckc . ie Of the Btomaon, yunneaa or uiooa io mt ueex uuu ala at twlmmlag la th head, PalatteU of tha Heat,, dm eaiinee or ithui in mi. pwhiwiii. puw mwimwdi Choking or luff oce anjrt llogwhen Vlagdown, Drvo al or xauown ward f a i or Vellowneaof theSklaand Byea, Might Bweala, la.-,,,, ward fever. Palo in th amall of tn ok, en Sudden flush of Heat, Depression of Bplrlh Dreaaaa. Lannor. DaBoad cy araay. Nana Palo In thamall of Che took, ehtor lid. tt, frightful Pitta 1 1 Bon or Blotches oa BUn, and Fev.r, andjtue (or f . ..OTr a Million of Btattloa la .rniuiiq Have bes Id dartog th laat ax moatht, and la (KuV..b itanc hat it failed In giving tire tlirfaotion. Whe thea. wlM fferfre a Week 1 or-DaMUty attiaa' Moui LBAN'B 8TBBN0THBNINB OOBDIAL wUl re yout,;j , No language oan convey an adequate idea of lha to me dial and almoit miraculous change produce 4 by taking this Cordial la tb! diaeeeed, deblnud and i haltered IA narroat sjstem, whether brok down by xoes, weak by aatan. or inmalred bv stoknese, the relaxed aod an. brunt; ww lorganteattoa (a restored to its pristine h Uh god ptVsuiiovi i I . , MARRIED FEHBONB, . TIwJj Or otheri oonaoiont ot Inability, front whatever can, will SndMoLea a Strength lag Oordlala tbrongh;L.K legeberator of the ayatami and all who aay have injured tbamaelvee by Improper todulirence, will find la tha Oor" dtel a etaJn and speedy remedy. ,rv,ii, ui ii i-.i2a -n. l .1 tha Ladloa. I -I 1 .r.toiu't MeLean's StrertglheiiiBg Cordiah; ft lIli'Mtlullnandsaaaayonrefoy''11 a-ii"t 1ii.l INCIPIENT CONBIIMPTIOri,WHITE8.;aal Obstructed or BUBonlt Msnstraatloa. Ineontinea at . .nil.. ... V.Mlnn,av. nianharM tharaof. Tnltlne af the Womb,iddtn a, fwntlflg and all pi fanal TYm-m M W .I.V. BIlAIlt It I Baser no longer, xakeuaocoraing w virecnons. ti 11 1 stlaatet, ttr gthan and Invigorate ye and oM I H laUooaof health torn nt yoar oh k again. . ri. . i B-ry bottl la warranted to gl mtlsfactton" " " t , WOW. CHILDREN. t.iw'a " If yoar children are tlckly, puny, or afflicted, ttcL n -, Oordlal will make them bee Ithy, fat and robust. Deb L aot amomt, try ltnd you will b nvlBtd.f,.,rj VI !ISJDEMCI0U3TTd"TAOr 1 Oaetrox.Bewa of ' Bragrlita or B lert wna aay' try te palm open yoa tome Bitter or 8arapriutrat) i, wbtehtheyoea buy cheap, by aay Ing tt Is Just good. ., Avoid nch men. Ask for MoLeeao Strength togOof ' dial, and take nothing atea,-Jt ia tha only aasaady thai will purify tb Wood thoroughly and at thtpamt Uaua.-,c. ttrtngtbaa the system. - On tobteapoo nfal tax ary morning f Uar; ft m l rtato preveoUve of Cholera, Chill and fever. Yellow . fovea, or any prevalen t dlaeaaw. It It pal ap" to largo J Uttl..,: , . I t't ,.'li,-' Prl- only tt pti bottl, i bottl for IS. r'- L ! :; .'j I Sol frorjitator of tbte0rdlal, ' ''! (i , . ? Alao McLean VoteuteOllaunteMal. ! . ' FrltolpalDepolon Iheoorr of Third and Pint ttr 1 St. LtiU. Mo. . ,-" . , ',', j ' McLean's Volosilo OU Llnlmetat. .'. l' ,',t;R(, The) beet Liniment tn th World. Th only safe and la to world. Th only tan ana tears, Pllee, Swell Inn and Br alyate, B ralgtej Wmknetoof th ' I Innaaumatory Bh aatlaa, Stla; rtela for Can ra, ehftte, or Gotre, Pan Irate, Mnaetaa. Ohronl Inflammatory ae Of tha Joints, contracted Musotet or ailgamoia, Baraob or Zoothaeha, Brait, Bpralna, Woaadt, ftaak u Cute, Ulo, yev.r Boree, Caked ureaata Boniiippi, , Barn, 8 Ids. Son Th t, or any Inflammation or Pals , adifferen how re, at how loaw tha diaea amp kava til. tad. McLean's Oslebrated Llnla t If a ear: talB.naad. Thwaaandaof human bstngt aa a a vm a ui al tVorpltads) iad mlMry ' by the a Of thai la valuable mod- ,,'..., u ..... .. .if ...... i '-i-.l i in m..i i-ji j . McltEAN'S VOLCANIC OIL ri' ,.,,,!(,,.; lAlimiElSIT,:", - ..i -m Will reU pale almoit tottaalaa nsly, aad tt wIL eleanat, purify and heal tha foulest sores la bu lnoredl to sheet tim. i.-.r.ot-. l n . -' t ! ,1 Bor lleraoo auta Otttor AMimale. v. ' MoLean t celebrated Liniment ta the only fa and ra Babte remedy for the cu reof Spavin, Bing Bona, Wtnd-' ' gall, Spllnte, Dnnatoral Bump, Nodes ov a Fallings. It ,,n will never fall to re Big Head, Poll BvU, fistula, Old running Sons or Sweeny, if properly applied, for Boraina. Brulae. Bcntehea, Boree- Woevuda, Cracked Hla. Ohafae, Saddle or Collar (Jills II la ao lnfallibl naiee, wauaie divouwunkh m mi wwihu. Jlibla mMAm. . Inula It MM d nlaL Ba B Br. U 8118 IB aroiy tost. ' i ' ' J ,c Tb trifle no longer with the ' many werfalea Lini ments offend to yoa. Obteia a pply af By. MoLaaa' ...L-ihS lebrated Liniment. It will n you, , JI. H. McLEAN, Bole Froprhtor, ' ' Oornerof ThlrdandPlneBlr te,Bt,Lottte,M.,1;, .fo,,ldnMtis4il aafS-oAwlf, . y,; ;,. .' Bwbb Ctfc),,...,,, (;piior, wood's itlT.4j mum -wm ,t ;'otooo:REsovAToa:;r.:ZLi; Ta nralMlw fa:l lti lUm lndlOttaM, fOT, Wbllu A-a a. T. a.-aA 10 I. aaFlwirart B wh II AVAt.l nsF. .tewiMmOimt BVttd trsM-trsoinini to tbt 4UH ICTBiaWaua W U1J Vgaojfc , ia a awv, .a aB .-.. ' rpOWtrt, ADd HUM P-W HB ivwuiur abtw ' r . . . a - Ulnaael lea mil Ira anrllt' maul Ii,.,.. mm lha Hlood in all Ita narltv. and mat on rwtvovvw bwwvwih.i mm ur""'-vw to auaca or omomo. 11 it w oniyi preparattoa ever efle ere dt th ' world, bmi- U'cally ar skillfully oombtnM to ba.tb awetJ - - . Mf,,i A. . an. ft. th earn Urn p.rfeo tly at adarytto,Htoatap f-aeorn wrtk ate) : laraof aatun, ana n win we wwevBf afomacA. and ton up th direst! v organ, andtJ ' ithus alley ell nervous and oCbec h-iilatloea. Jt tejmj.ul perl tly axmianung, aua a. w eaaw ume "l,.! . JmrnBOBBd una oi ventaoiaa, jei to eowiowvn ew at. lA Brnduoethe mo tlhorouxh teatetffeet. wlth- , ioat producing any injnrloa a q b a. Ban hi frfk. iil MlLnrUBaeda no medioal tkill toirjiS'' Hia tbtdblUty follow all att Uof dlaeaaa. ndl , , , proc-d and Indeed lays th system open to th U 0 'insidious attacks f aany of tb a t total, aaea, ar-w.."'U for example, - the followingi Oonsampiloa, In- dlgestten;DyPpa,L-BAppHite,itoate?a, kaiu.v, - Nervooa Irritability, Neanlgla.Falpltettoa of lha , Cjlueart, fftelancholy, Bight Bw to, Languor, Oiddl- fT Pia s. BstentSea of, a wall u Painful otokraoted. f7-i. FT . Uulri,allAK mm. mm. S BP 1 I J too profu , or lOO snani mro.wua.iva, bum mmn-i I jtag of to Woah.-Tb all depend upon geoenl ' debllllyt ,xnia pure, uvanuj' viu. a-M i rise and -t. There te bo mtotakaabou t M. Aatyausawj this k aot all. If th. system la weakened, w arj"" span to Mltoua attacks, the liver becoa torpid, DIOOB MUUT.." mmm.m v , p . or won die ,tn giaaeye re laeevo yvT,-rm rv 'their functiOBS, end we ere trouhted wllh 0BjdWh land ineontlnen of urine, involuntary dla- f Imwaief th mm. aaia to the back. atot aad awlA' lo",- u Icolde, ooughs,andlf anob-ked, aa maotetloB r.liK)-fJt and taa pan Igo oown wi,i. Bnt .nana ariU not allow 0 to aa ta IcTl 1301 tht many Ilia towhlch wa ar llabl In a weakened; W ttteBtaaystma.-'BBtwawuiBy,ia-im. - Oordtel and Blood Jtenovaior yo" " r'""v- ,4 rnmlrn .lu.1 and .ff.ClOal nmdy tof lo Ofl , or e inu-i . j j r--r B - U . 0 tloaof thO H rt, Jtep "io" "F-'f "rH u Ihlttefloagb, dimqalty of Bmtblng, and au Ual- betem Of diseas ealiea lsami. mauaa, watt, wm - -enumerated above. W wlU ate aay lha traveler U-.t peeed to epidemics, ouangeoi . L . ter, will aaa .a-pieaBw..j;,rrj - landnen anoaia evr "i","1" T";'fj1i)l trrit, gorw re yoa yoa wlU find in It a friendi "1 ' try it, for wo as re yoa yoa tjy st SVi maw ia J idee d, well a friend ia a d. All persons of xten terykaWte will find Ita pert-lereven tt off A u I 1 well a. cure for thoee ailmeDts to whloh th.y are 11 .-.i.i. .1- um. nlr.Ut.M..t.,Wnt.. I UI Indeed, Lead haw i" I particularly expoee rt. Hen arlnlaterMtod tel t- ItornerSi Uterary gnUawarfud tedlm whe era not) . vt g aooaetoaed to Book outdoor axerclte, will Bed it (1 w loeiraavante to k P a Nuiecvusatuiiy on -1 Ihaodj and, aba all, moth, the beeoungl)qJ 14 ah 1 ii will g through that moat dangeroat pari I L only wth all their eceuatoed .irength, bet! J and rna ire th then, and aUmeatt prv-lr.o r. 1 I.BOt C 0 falan t aaong th teaala portion ot the world. lor .hort, It U Indeed a molher'e oordlal. Try 11,01, and ,canfr; a loefr rua the rtek Of aemv; ttwliij 1 rellm aad una. Iu.ll aainkm Uila a Aeatorav lW JUiew Cordiai and Mlowt iiowtor.. ... .. l JI O. WOUD.proprWWv. A Jtroaaway, new . llTork-aad lid Market ft tree t. BU Louis. Mo.1 and -Id by BOBBBIB A SAMUJUi, Coltmbaa, Ohio, " J n .n .ii wvi ti.n..ut Prtea One DollaiiKw. . HBfltfteVr.iri .rTrfiAw-wiy'jt rrrlwaiKii iflKfTI TO iBbh V p-kam of STAIIOWAEI Md-aSWBl-Ur price n-Ui ird ten inaa oan o pu--'.-Calloa etUrees (samp aiiUyjedJ J.L.,B0 Kurd lew than oa be pur el."hre . atLJrus (Ilvtip Hvlvti) d.B'SAlLBf.Be l0eutt4tete,Ai4ito. a '..toiM '' . . . . .. .... ,Hl, lii A JL.L J tillsiwaktognM TM r V no O! T- .! wuurt.j UU , aftd moil iri a pea j