15 : f .-aoTAiioerHi'-'-a? tf-.f . VAT' fTT I 11 ATH '!00'" .V , . , , r ,,,,,. 04IITrTt-WiXIXYAS)WkLT r MANYPENNY ft MILLER, fUJUIHlBI AHD W fjli ' '' 1 aw-mwaBts rXOPBXKTOll, 1 1 .... trOfflrt Kot. 88, SB and 40, Borta Blgh 0t .i.TBRtlS INVARIABLY IH U)iSCM. ' "W - ;- W 00 per y tar j ttt Carrier, w wtk. etati. rri.Wry " -";- " . ' J ft 90 BM Mai. WMMJi .100 . .1 ..,,-'. .-J t hi il ; i., ,t I ,1, ;-VT ruga of Aavertlslnr y th Beinare. ceital yeei...f?fl M 0n . 0 month 18 00 On- month! 15 00 3n.i.:-i 3 month 19 00 On square 3 weeks.. 4 00 On ( wmIu.. 3 00 On' lwxk... 171 On Jdri... 1 00 On " Sdi... ., 75 Oni I month ' 8 00 On h..j month. 5 00 On I InMitlom ,50 DlrpUred nlmtlnminu hir n u,m th mham UUt. . , j ., , . , . t . . j-. AtrsttlMmanti U.iti and plMd la th olou! tpK.X(,aQet,"(luU4t ordinary ntUi.r All uotlwi raaolrea to b pabliitxed by law, legalnt. It ordered on UUuldxcliuiTlT after la fin wH por cni. uore than th abo fata; bat aUraeh wll appear u un xn-nwurwiuuatoaana. Baineti Crd. notouoadlni At tinea, per real, In- (I I, tit SO per line; ontitd Notlew of mMMop, ofaari table ooUUm, At ooopanlM, aoH be If nrke MltranHtHt adfurtUmntUt Hunt ft paid for in dwmo In ml will not be varied from. , Woakljaawj prle a the Pallr, wbera the adTertlMt e eh' Weekly alone. Wher Ti Dalit and Weekly rebothated, then the oherg forth Weekly wUl be air tht'ralecof the Dally ' ,. N Mvefllaeuient taken etoapt for t deflnlU period. ' BUSINESS : CARDS, i; -. ,.f.: A,,B.jnnnJi8,,,1,l,,l,,;,. Attorney o-t XmxRcr , AND NOTART" PUBLIC. OBoa-miboi'iibwinfcoppoiltodapl - ' 'J " OOMTMBUB, OHIO ji iOoxioii3Taiv" Attorney & Counsellor at Law, ' marion; ohio. . v -: ' Machine Manafactnring Compuj MaNDIAOnnCU OP JUT,1I I STEAM ENGINES ,&; BOILERS, or itht Ducumoii. flill.rMDlll nuiA OHAi.'AMBOg, lap'l, """"I.AItBOl, Tr. 0(011, JOOO-CI 1861. 1861. 1861. 1861. Summer Arrangements.—Times Changed. Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. Changed. GREAT NORTHERN AND EASTERN ROUTE. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, & CINCIN'I RAILROAD. ConneotlngatOreetlln with th PITTSBUBOH, ft . WAT5B fc 0HI0AQ0 EAILB0AD For Pitttburgh, PhUadilpMa and Baltimor. Alto ' for fort Wayns and OMtago. Connecting at Olerelend with th LAKB BH0BI RAIL B0A Far Dunkirk, Bur fail, Albany, Boav ton, and Hew ltik. THREE TRAINS DAILY, XX0BPT IUNPAT, from Colombo, ra eonniotlon With Xralni on th uttle iniani and coLViriBiJa AND XL.it! A. UAILUUAUS. 1 . fIBSI IBAIN. . V NIGHT KCPB!SS.-ITCColaibnat3.l AM; will Kan paaaauger at alt itatlon eouth of Oalien, top at Defawan. Ashley, Oardlngtoo and Gilead, and at all etattoo north of Galloa, arrlTlng at Olerkland at 9:0O A. Un Dunkirk 1:00 P. M., BnHalo 4.3SP. Mt Albany 1. to A. M., Mew York 6 3SA. ai Boeton S:3 r. M., Plttabargh via OreetUno 3:80 P. M , Philadeh kU 9:10 A. M. Clilcag m OreaUla at 700 P. H. ? .. BB0ON9 TBAIN. . ., NBW T0BK BZPBXS8 Iter Oolnmbn at 11:10 a. m. WUItUrp atLewt Centre, (for White Balpbar Spring), Delaware, Cenluagton, Gallon, Oreetlne, Shel by, New Iiooaoo, Wellington and Grafton, arrive at OIrland at 3.35 p. m.; Dunkirk, 8:50 p. m.f Buf falo, gertf p. m k Albany, 6a. m. New Hoik, 1:45 p. I boeton, 4:40 p.m. Ihia Train eoaneete at Shel by for BaadaekA and at Giaftoa tor Toledo, arrrfing at Toledo at 6:40 p. m. . - f i O ( i IHIKD tBATJT. : , , I A i ') ' HAIL AND ACCOM MOD ATION Lear Oolnmbn atS.Se . mii WUl (to a all (ration Booth of Bhelby, and at; New .Loodoo, Wellington, Grafton, and Be real arrlylng at Olaealaad at 6:90 p. m. Dun kirk, S:00 a. aa. Buffalo, ):tOin. Albany, JriO p. m.; New York, 7.-U0 p. m.; Boeton, 11:4 p. m. PitUburgh, VaOrtlla,at UaU. at.) Philadelphia, 1:00 p. m., Obicage, wia Orettlloe, .-45 . . -Thl Train connect! at ealbyor Baaduakyand Toledo, arriving at Toledo 4B:S$ ...- .'.a.... ! ' , i i fr- t.j .'dA '. ! Patent Sleeping Cart are run on all Uight Train, to Chicago, Sew - ' y. b.t?. York and Boston.: ; taggag OucJud Trog to Jvew Tort and Bottom ,ftq fjtncanajOMo,tot'AuaatipMaona -IV. RETURNING. : . , Night IipreearrlTaaOoJjnboaat.lH&P. H. OladnnaU azpreaearriTMat Colutcbneat 10:54 A. M AcoonmodaB Bxpreea arr)&t Column at7:M Ail'fitJcktt via Cro$ilmr tie'' I '.a! .v . B. ILlNT.i ' In - ... ... . n. I . ALl. .Ui:p a. e.4 JAMBS PATTXMON. Amrt j. eei v-'tl i' voromtrae, vnw. ! ' I , ' ' . - OoroBboi, Jaa 17, 11, t IaitBeeelTdl 1 "' a a a tir. OH 43BEEIV atmel BLACK. 1UU TKAI lOObanvrimtBl Gone. ISO pocket old Dutch GoTtnimest Java Oof e. 04)fcbte taadard W hit Bagacc, eoeiletinf f tW nn,unruabea, wranaiKiaaae une. i aft . i.i. n--b fin.iii.li w aObbl. ate and No. 1 Wart ere I. 6 tea. Plok tolmoa.l jt.Jt lOOka. LererlUieln,, " " ' - - naim, im i novK7 Wat. MoDONAlB M. C LILLEY ;id aint! Elank-Sook CuufjantiTajv ' irlMlr XJ AJAilCOK; " TO VJ jutpBlywm)I ..-t. pTtm iLTTi i aeMaj awe, j ,11 y rKo.'Sinth'lllgh(tit. aprSB A aTW OttOOPAIAAT. . . J ti ' t,,.He,WOTJWjBT.,:TpWi, lurt reoetvad a new ' f rBOOPVETSTS tolahodnaaMoejjaanfaxijf to .Kvf rut jwn.a itj(.u r! .rfi nj s 'mm --w rM Is Important ona, and has , ( 3 or tbi Ret. &m Hoch.--U. 8. Com Ekiuoktot CIocioMti, on Wednei Am MnAnA the Inllnartn dAnrifnn In owe, aiscnarging in prisoner irom , - ,. UD UOIWUIUK ill Mil VH W -asUnlted States Mughal on the x-warrant laaaed by my authority, a ralwt tht United State tjatt i nJemli of tht United State, iiUl AL Ul nd oomfortv .Tb tfflda t j,iv - liud wa made by M. P'o VtitiV,' pV'of the United 1 The Cbeapeit'nd In the poeseMion ' i-... - -., mi in different parte ; tborlty I the Encllah AWaed, end St ffymdrl Jfminmt Sduoator.?? i "THE B88? NOUSQ BIOTIONABT IITAHT." rory Jfe MYtr ''Be i an npwarda of Bnndnd Thotttand Who amlttfanona aManlnM anA ilarlntlnna. tAMthar With their ovmot epelllna, and prononeiatlon are eet before the ej.'' i , , Cincinnati Ommtreial. Stad ttoJ)4oMmt of tiut tlmimt Of thi VMo ,nndrrlp3,-nrinbri of th Ohio Stale Teachtn' Aeeoclatlon, adopt and aim to dm In teaching, writing end apeakisa, th orthography an Bronanetatloa Woreaater' Boyal Qaare Dietlonary, and we sxiet reoonmend It u th mott reliable etudard of the angllah langtun, a it i acw wrlttta ?;k,n-. t , Jipaiir Aasaawi, Preddent Kenyon Oolleae. ' M. D.Lnorrr, Banarlntendent Zanetrllle School. , Too. W. Bum, Snp't Maatiloa Union School. M. V. Oownntr, flup't PnbUo Behool, Banduaky. Jobr Ltrob, Bnp't Pablio Bthoole, OlrotoTlll. 8. N. Banrosn, rlnclptl Olerelaad female Benin- . ' ? , - v v. , .. i I Wit. Hrroan.1, Bnp't Pnblle Behooli, Mt. Onion. Jobk Oeow, Srlnelpal BtaU Noronl Behool, Ulnn- Oraoa Nifon, Principal fonrth Intrmdlt Behool, Olnolnnatl. . H. B. HaTM, Bnp't Canton tTnlon Schoolii lowia Kaau, Principal MoMeely Normal Behool. u T. Ttrrxn, Prof. Mathematlc, Ohio Unlrtnlty. j W. W. Inwaaix, Bnp't Troy Unloa BchooU A. a. Honunj, Principal Wert Blh Behool, A,HoftTew, AtaoclaU Principal llih School, Oleri- i Znonoat SnauM, Principal High BohooS, Clot land. . B. f. Hoaurron, Principal Clrreland Inttltnt. . A. OaariaxD, Preildent of Kleotio Initltat, - - - - - - - - W. Ii. Haaaii, Prof, of Cbtniitry, Ohio Wealeyan TJntrmity. ,. i t , lt , . , . H. H. Baxior, It-0annlMlonrof Oonnaon School, Ohio. Jahm Monaoa, Prof. RhetorioT Obrlln0ollg ' Juea-Hm.rreaWent AaUooh Colleger 11 , , 'PV,W. U. CaTuoamT, Prof. Methemattoi, Behool, Dayton. B. 0. OaoMiAoea, Prof. LangMi, High Payton. , 0. U. Butin, Bnp't Union School, Aihhsd.' , - than Si Mmdrtd othtr PrttidenU of Proftuort, Author and JiUnyuihd Xduea ort, haw mdortd t4 abov untintni. t RESIDENTS OF COLLEGES IN OHIO. ((uirm Ooubbi. "It I trnly a magnlSoint an honor to the aether, th pnbUihert, and th onntry." Preeldent Andrew,. Ohio Wannaa UxmirTT-"It exceed my tlent. It will be my mid In orthocraphy andpronnn- elation, and will often be eonraltad by m for It and accurate dcaaltkna." Praaldeot Ihotnpeon. If . X. Icuono Oolli. "Heretofore w hay Webater'i orthocrmhv. A a nontnUoi f faculty, It wa decided to ehang It to conform to of I Worcester' Boyal Quarto Dlctionaiy." PrHnt uaraaia. v IWimdtN RanatT Ooiaaai. "I And it worthy ooHlal approtaOoo.'' f Mlaeat Mltohoook. - OouaaaWIt mora than meet my expecta tion. I reeoetisen It aa th taadard aathorlty orhopy to my children and my pnpli." 'Preddent nargan. ... V kimooa Ootxaoa. "I adopt and aim to at in U, writlngand epeaktng , the orthography and pronnn- elaalon of Woroeeter Boyal Unarto Dlcuonary." Praildect E11L. r--.yi ,i.i'4 .- Mn all mr wrltlnr. (Making, end teaching. I hay deayored to conform to th rolea for orthography pronunciation a contained In Woroeeter Dlouonary." Horace Mann, late Preelient.. n , .. i . . ' int oh Gouna. Qiatmi. "I mott cordially reoo mond It u th meet reliable etandard aathorlty of Ingllih language aa It M avw writta.andpoka.'- rrtildent Andrew SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS O Sow. Anton nyA, OonmUtionor moot in OMo. - Th Dictionary la an unpnlahabl monaml ernln and indnatry of It anrhor, and an bo world of letter. Th mechanical exeouatoa I ear to that of any other Lexicon with whloh I- em quainted." 'Mr- ' ' 1 1- etVlHI Eon. B. B. 'rBimt. XCbmmUrt6r boAooit tie VMO. I "Th moat reliable itasoard entberltyef CH 1 gnag." I WBAT TBI ' ' i Xjeadlns KTewarpapera) o Ohio. i from th Clovtland Berald of March . The orthorranb of th Woroeeter Diction eflr M nial b moet. If not all. author of dtetlnction In country and angland, and conform to th general of ordinary writer and epeaaere. f Whatever prejudice may hay existed pretiouely, earefnl itndy of tbU Tolnme will inyariably be by a warm ep.orectaoon or it great aena, ana a to add it to in well (enotea imranr. n it iarz or It Ma library Inltaeir, ana wiu remain aa jmpcruna' kl record of th learning of lUompilr. Jrom Vu Cincinnati Ommoroial of AJrU Jt era are nnwarda of a hundred thonmad word bad and Indifferent whoa mnltifarloo Bwanlng derivation, together with their correct rpollrng and arc eet clearly before the eye. The work anqueetlonably th gnateat ineeaurua oi angiian ever puouuM. ..... om th Olootland Plainitaltr of Apt. 80, I860. Kiidently Woacwrm'e Borai Qoaaro Dtomxaar not only (An kut, itU tU tan eeor of tA kind M1,andou by no pomlbUity ufIr.oy omparlor Ofntroverty. rnerover a to from th7bUilaatMayV noaoacuTioa. Woacmrraa i tb BTAaaaka follewed br onr beat author,; In definition be nothing to be deelrad, aad In 0Taoaanrr it I t cay that Woacarraa can be afely loll wed. , INonAirCek'BBAOOt ' Pnblialtara, Beakeeller tatiair, 0. 191 BUPKRIOB ST., CLBVBLAND, OHIO. 4 .1 " ' - niijTJTIIAL BENEFIT LWgS 3l -' .n 'i-; .-v : - r.i .1 Nowarlt, JO". T, DiyUenaJanaiarr 1, l8ei4SFr assets. ......... . & .t .) Jiane itatameBtnaaAry i, mi, Balance, per itatement Jan. lrt, 1HO.....BS angSt Kcived for rroeeiaae oar- i i,,ii - nig th jew jmv.... ioa,uM Becelved for fntereet auruif . . . . thk year lew i,uu nr i Total roeaiDia ror iw....i'M.wi il ., lndCIlmiyuui,),uoi w . PaM Polkeit aurrec- "-'- " - t eroa ... fi,ui aw. a ,r :. ' ' ' fatal aWarlea, Poet-, . .. i., 3 ,,r.'.'.'i.l.i.. age, Taxes, si ebaaa. eta..... 31,020 54 it . .e(:i 1 : i ' i tald)Commiaaion( to Agent. 31,S5 . Paid Prrvelclane' fee. 5,tlog 7S fH An .tile UI7 00 fell FlTlili.ee Aar. . .... . Lnaui jew ..,..j.ioo,3w va na.wi ox ii,yra l 44 Balana January let. 1861. . . ..3,8lt58 Oael Hlh on hand.. )nd and Mort) l.,t. i 6,S3M IS Be and Moronaeion Beal i Batata, worth I amount toanad aouDl lha- Prealam Note, a FeHde 't- ' In for, aly draering pee- ? vi ..-. v ,-:-at. lntrrt.e..vJ,479,er54 17 , Beat Biui..... 80,8V 47 ;' ' ' Loanaewlerlp.... ". - u -1,31 44 ' 1 prernlenaiBeendOea,aa.TJ- ; mviT-i", ,one of tnaamimlon. :-45,343 75 , a c4al-At;. tS.B18.S5e T,5vt f UelM ta frJaifrtQ(-'.M-Bgt4Se,8B :t,Gi aw PoIldM bar eeea 4 datta Ot After earerui aalculaUon of a praaeal Taloaef atatandin Policle of tha uompeuiy, o Having aiiarfaiei'a aJnawel in neerr therefor, the havdeolare a IMnaeniB ef 45 'pereeau eo th eae paid 4 th tabl re tea, to all poltctee nm an baaed prior to Jan aery 1, 10, payable acoording reen4 rwlrof ih orpaor, . Bateafo. alf kkadaef Lit Ooatngwi., aaae, 8 tutemeii la, and AvpHoattoaa, will k enia, ana appiweuoaa, win a iBeattkeDorApn4l(t th ROTlt. t. TATTIRSON, Preddent. Lm 'Li O. dHOTIB, Tkt PrislnU, omaaaa, at tae,ao r Ageneie g in irr u1r:r.i.J.JltEre v a 1 -V n ia l 1,1 i ii TTW 4"n .norMvi.tiiini; je. la BH.ua, nmn.M,i Twie Nitaeat ta lhiiyr d . tr en."-'.' I .it) J.ra ... 1 in i - -i i M a R OHIO. if common lotto wmeo Pl jitl:. . t TELEGRAPHIC. TELEGRAPHIC. No News yet from Rousseau's Command. 7 Guard mo more.' LotniYiuui, Bept 1811:30 A. M. No com- munloatlon over any part Of th Southern lln ilnoe tlx o'olook last ereulng, wneequently we hare so information oonoerulog the progrM of Colonel Roueaeau'e oommand and the Home which left by rail M night and thia morning. ' . city it quiet, dm rnu or nnreuaoie ru -v ' j r Important Military Conference. lMalng RooxriLLt. Md.. Sept. ' IS. It It currently tated that an Important military eouferenee wu held yeeterday, at which lereral high mili tary men were present. The arreat of Bonle. Brewer and Young, hai atrnck terror Into the leoeuton ranke of our community, and it ie laid that eome of the peace men are expecting to be arrested [...] New York 19th. . of eor diallr aa thority aad n 'j . j Cler. ' Hi ran. " ' High School, -Man Oo!U ft, work, whole xpcty Beat wed ear that ef -bmua ia teeoh en- and -a al tb do it has been prpven by experifiiifofi of the worst cages to be fpund of the following coraplaintf : , ,i ;,.....," DCItOFULA AND SCROPtLOUa , tOMPLAINTg, Eruptions and Eruptiyb Diseases, Ulcers, PiMrLBg, Blotches; Towns, "Bait kheum, Scald Hbad, BttbiliS antj StrHititio pEOTioNe, Mercvbul DieaARfl, Dnorsr,- raloia or Tio DoDLocitBtne, Dgimrrr, and Indioestion,) EaTsirst, or St. Anthony s Fibb, and indeed the class of complaints aiiirigfxcm IiiruitiiY TUB BlOOO. .)-; t, x-,jtil '' !? ihis compound will Bifjunu a great moter. , of health, when taken in the spring, expel the . foul humors which fester in blood at that season of the year. By the expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped In tlie bud.. Multitudes can, the aid of this remedy, spare themselves the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to this through the natural channels of the by an altcratirs medicine. Cleanse out i . - , ,..:, , , , TUiaieu dioou wnenever you una its unpunuea bursting through tht skin in pimples, eruptions, or gores ) cleanse it when you find it is and' slueeish in the veins i cleanse whenever it is foal, and your feelings will you- when. Evert where no particular disorder s felt, peoTrte' enjor. better health, and lonirer. for cleansiiiir. the blood. . Keen blood healthy, and all is well ; but with pabulum - of hfe tlisordcred, there can be lotting health. ' . Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery lite is disordered or overthrown. Barsaparilla has, and deserves much, reputation? of accomplishing these ends, the world has . been egreeiously deceived preparations of it, partly because the alone has not all the virtue that is for it, but 11010 because mrmy preparations, pretending to be" concentrated extracts contain but little of the virtue of Sarwparilla, n, nn tliins all. -'.1 w'l'V'VI. ' J w. wi.j ......n V".i - . r I, During lata years the public have bouu led by large bottles, pretending to give a of Extract of SarMDarilla for one dollar. of these have been frauds upon the sick, they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa riiittf out ouni no curuuve propciim -wiiou-v- er. Hence, bitter and painful ellsappointment has followed the use of the various extracts Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until name itself is justly despised, and has svnonvmoua with imrtositlon and cheat. we call this compound Serserparilla, and to supply audi a remedy as snail rescue namo from the load f cbloquy which upon it. And we thiuk we have ground believing it lias virtues wluch are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is ed to core. - la order to secure, their complete eradication from the system, the remedy be judioiously taken according to directions tlia hnrtlA.. i --- ' cope rior ac of tea- Say. thai thia usage a followed aeair amui. . i rood. and pro nunciation, I woroa i r t leaye iufflolent v'j Cent. se. 3 j . . .i ..a ' . i $0 f.liJ' ., ' ' so feuu th the Dtractora Preaat- fore. to tb t fwapeeV furnlehed rurowra Oca rf , ejoar- ilot th PREPARED BT .. DR. J. C. AVER A CO. LOWELL.. MASS. Pre, ft pr BottUi tlx Bottle for 93. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it il entirely unneeeejary for u to recount the eviaenc oi its virtuet, wnrver it na neen em ployed. . A it has long been in constant use throughout this section, w need not ao more than asaura th neoDle its Quality ia keDt uu to the boat it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it ho ever been found to do. ' Ayer's .Cathartic Pills, . TOR TUB CUBS Or Costiveness, Jaundice, Dyspeptia, lmUgcttion, Dytmttry, Foul Stomach, Eryttptlas, Headache, Pit, Rheuniatiim, Eruption and Skin Uitoaui, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumor and Salt Rheum,- Worm, Gout, Neuralgia, at a Dinner Pitt, and for Purifying tht Blood. They are augar-coated, ao that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in the world for all the purpose of a family physic. Price 25 cents per Box; live boxes for $1.00.' Great numbers of Clergymen, Pliynioiirns, States men, and eminent personages, hare lent their name to certify the unparalleled ruefulness of these remedies, but our space her will not permit the insertion of them. The Agent below named fur nish gratia our AhsbIcan Alhanac in which they are given ; ' with aho full description of th e above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. . Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make mora profit on. Demand Aybr,'s, and take no others. , The sick Want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. All our remedies'are for sale by . , ' 7 , BOBBRTI A BAMTJBL, Oolambas.' Aad by SrcgvUtaaad Dealer everywhere. Bovwura.twmw CA5ADIAS ft UNITED STATES X ATX LONDONDERRY, 1 GLASGOW; Liverpool, Montreal, Quebec,1 -1 tend r,- ,y . -i-i Tkt Montreal Ooeaa Steaauhlp Ocaspaay'i Brat-el nsli-noweredClvde-huiit eteemen sail vrr aa. ardar from PORTLAND, earylng tb Oaoadlaa " . NORWIQIAN. , .r. .. NORTH AMEBIOAN, , NoaTn aaitoB.5 V miBBaMiAhr. ' ' .', CANADIAN, NOVA SOOTIAN Shrtestt Cbeapt nl ,cilckctOm .. vsiaacairem.., .,.,). UEDUCA XO AU PABTS OF JTOBOPX t TUtteef crt 'nawatjja -to. BMyrptxy .' ... S3o,tee,80w WUl sail from LTT1BPOOL -very WlslMlat and from QTJBBIO Trr BatarvTay . ealltog IiONDONDBHRr, to receive oa noara an Laoe Mails Paweuwr. to and from Immad aod BeetlaitiU Ohean Bteatners at bunt of Iron, la water-tight oouipertioeata, earrr each an aspeewaoad Burgeon, very attention ta paid to the comfort aad aecommoSar uea of vjeaaes. mnenr ( oiremnuia num. DBRY. th at eat rlsk, oa ias of UsaaSt. atobaa a avotdea.. . ....i v -n i ;ii Suwgow psusenger are rumlbd wit raaa pasmaa Uoxets to and mm Maaonaerrr.-1.4 em use 1 Return Uckeleeranta at tadaoaeraeaa -. if 10 OextlSoatea lamed for oarrytac le aad arinrtnreat vas- Wnger frosa all the prlampal town oMeraat Bstuiaaad Iealand. at reduced rate, by thi line of stoma re, by tbe WASHINGTON LINB Of BAlJUNtt f AO UTS, leavmt Uvarpool (very weea. Bight Draft far It artel aiwards way. ; e' w BH W BT TV HBVsft I Vor pasaaga, appry a tuna J&V n raw AW. tWlV. Mm -mm V.rll. and ISWlTF.lt NT.. fey k Ik tOnJii tlKOABr. LlvjrWWnfO .i.i-X".JICaJLiliJA.. SABIT. llAitirmsrsiigiti, ,0f tarOUj.:R. AHMSTRONC ;,oio-iydir i , f Terr 4jrf)e', P6rneipbj9i . T T Cd-pGrtn6riliip. -tnl 1 T ItATfS TTfH D ATXHlffITTE D Mir A sea JAW F j ADGIBBAIIS as yaruer T my nee, which ill kef arr be eonductad Bnder the or Bala Bon.; P. BAiH.Sothlllih.Si. Ooluaxbaa, Jen BC1. i - . j StMS-- S7nXRCUJEm Oats of PWoes's FMl.e-ar.. jr. P-vprtetav , tb New loi i -. ,11,... bf.-t.i: Kelt Oattina 1 Bhaaapoonii a Ci '. - il iv . ...Jooa, But 'Wet, tr t". -.-Tt t , a n "Je r''X'.tS ;l': . ki-m: Lu(tg rki.. ..itiiiil. , .,1,1. is... .1. . - - " 1 -a " . Mf VM 1 IK Jt i-1 a al 7. ir-w! men. . The pected ish j The next morning they shelled the oemp, uriTiug too reoeis pecs. . ' Thd Government has just discovered that the rebels; are carrying on contraband trade be tween Woroeeter county, Maryland, and Vir ginia, Large supplies of army stores have been tranapoited to tht enemy's lines by thli ivum.j me uoucBearv iihhuiii w mw en to stoo the traffic. ' ' ' precaution adopted 6v the Government indieates that an attack from the enemy il ex It Is believed her that if any advance Is made it will be from Leesbnrg or Harper's ferry; - It il ascertained at the Department of State that hereafter communication between the Brit on Government and its Consuls In ports of the ed insurrectionary States, will, with the consent of onr Government, be csrrled on by British ves sels of war. . , This course will obviate the em barrassments whloh have heretofore attended these communications through other channel. The following order was Issued through the 1 PostolBce Department to-day i . oi Cars " Ordered that the Louisville Courier-. X. to be an advocate of treason an ' the Government ar --- , ii.i was many four Trains Uauy from Columbus. ' ' ' FIRST TRAIN.''," Ar- ACCOMMODATIOrT nt S a. ..'tnnr.lna'kt'ali'ata. Uons between Oolnmbo snd Cincinnati and uayton, ar rtvlnc at Olndanatl at 10 05 a. M..aml a luatao at S.10a.m.,onnotiiigtDaytoB for ladlanaDoli and tbSWeat. . Dyi nreiA .... , . ...... . . ,,.. , SECOND TRAIN, k v ". , no. laArmsoeat ii.4oa.m.lpplnga(Selrnoa, whole or pro to London, Charleston, Oadarvtll, Xenla, BpriDg Valley, vuiwm, iraijros ton anoiens, morrow at, beoanon, f ofter, Loveland and Mlltbrd, arriving at Cincinnati at 4.30 D. m.. Darsen at 9.45 n. wi nnanantln.wuh the Ohi and miasiHippl Railroad for Uivill, By., Vln wrnin, vairo, oi nouia, newurieana, ate.l at Dayton for Indianapolis, Lafayette, Terr ilaute, Ohicsgo end all Weetern point. -.. . '. .iTT-' the time ly :t'''::' . third train;;',9;..,''.!,;' by from MAIL at 9.10 p. m , stopping at all itetion between Columbus and Xenla, and at Bprlu Valley, Oorwln. alorrow and Lovelaad, arriving at Cincinnati at 2 a FOURTH TRAIN., -. . to do body the .. ob structed it NIGUT BXPRE9S, via Dayton, at 19 00 mldnlibt. stopping at London, Xenla, Dayton, Mlddlceown end Hamilton, arriving at Cincinnati at 5.25 a. m.: at Day. too at 9.55. m.j oonneotlng at Olncinnatt with th unto ana mimissippi Keliroad lor Louisville, Evansvllle, Vlnoennes, Cairo, Bt. Louie, Uaophla, New Orleaoe, and all point South and Bonth-woet; also, at Dayton for Indianapolis, Lafayette, Terr liaut, Chicago, ete I i i . toll irr for further Information and Through Tlckats, apply to II. L; DOitEBTY, Ticket Agent, Union Depot, live VUlHHtnel : o.-i .1. . P. W. BTRADXR, the i ,, , . General Ticket Agent, Cincinnati. this !,,,.,.. . ,,. JN0.W.DOI1BRTT, no Agent, Oolumbus, !rV- ': W. WOODWARD, of Huperintendent, Cincinnati. Columbus, July 14, 1861. EAST. CENTRAL OHIO AND Steubenville Short Line RAILROADS COMBINED! Most for of the become Still intend tn rests for intend. should on ! CONNECTING AT BELLAIRI Willi TEB ' BALTIMORE & OHIO, ' ; , AND AT.PITIBBURaHTVnH SHX ! . PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL )' EAILROAD: '. ) ' fOBMisa ma ; ; Shortest, Quickest & Mo?t Reliable , Route to all Eastern Cities ! Trains Leave Colnmbna as follows : ' i c MORNING XXPRB8B " Leaves Colombo 3.30 A. M. from Union Depot, Bellalre or Bieubenvllle I arrive at Bellalrc, 10.20 M. ateubenrllle, 13.(0 P. M.; Pittaborgh, 3.40 P. M.; Barriaburg, 1.19 A. M.I AOmtovm, arrlvea at New York 8.00 A. at.; via Philadelphia, arrive at Phila delphia, S. 10 A. M.; New York, 10.30 A. M. . Connect aleo at Barrtobarg lot Balllmon, antrtsiat 7.45 A. Sleeping Oars attached to this Train Froln Oolambas, ran directly through to Bellalre rttttburgn without cntng; and Paiiengeri via Alien town arrive In New York at8 A. M,, ITPTWO HOURS IN ADVANOK Of NORTHIRN liinio. This Train also connect at Bellair with : Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. . PITTSBURGH EXPRESS. Leave Oolnmbn 11 SS A. St.. from Union Depot, Steubenvlllei arrlvea at Newark, 18.50 P. M.; Coshoc ton, 9.1S P. M.I BUubenvllle, 8 P. At.; Pittsburg, B.40 '. at. IFPThii I theonly root by which Passenger can leave ClnclnneU at 7 A. M., go through lo Pitts burgh in daylight, without ehang of ears or delay. - FAST LINB. Leave Oolumbus 9.15 P. H ., from Union Depot, Bellalre: trrive at Newark, 3.93 P. M.t Zanesvllle, 3J P. M.J Bellalre.75 P. M.! Plttaburgh, U.9S ; Harrlsburg, 9.00 .A. M.; fa AUtntoum, arrives Maw York, 4 P. tf .; oia Philadelphia, arrive- Philadelphia, 1.10 P. M.f New York. 6 P. M. This Train also connect at Harrlsburg for Baltimore, at 1P.M. inia Train ran tnrongn to Bellalre or rittsourgwitn out ehang of Cars; and from Pittsburg there I change of Oar to Philadelphia, or via Allentown new aork muioneiing ... , . The only Route from Colnmbna to Baltimore, 1 Philadelphia, or New York, with only 'I - one ehange of Cars. " By this Train Passenger arrive In Mew Yoik hour tn advance of the Northern lines. Thia Train aleo connects at Belial re with the Btlnmor aadObwR.B,. - '. CTThls Root Is 30 milos'sborter to Pittsburg, anoimor man iuu miles snorter to New York, than Northern Lines. . Baggage Checked Through to all im port ant Jfoints East. . ABB. BOB TICKETS VIA BELLAIRE OR STEUBEN VILLE. i' ' ' ' : Ticket ' Good )Tr either Route.' , JNO. W.BROWN, ' ' ' Gen. Tloket Agent Central Ohio B. R. ' - LI. HUTCHINSON, n. Ttckat Agent SteubonvUl Bbort Lln. x at and aai aad host, ftna .will ad u xr 1111am. l. ca-ui fjoLTJorarjs.oHioi" ; : AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE , And Seed Store, j ;:! " BBALIS Dt "'' ' f--.i.;.J GENERAL HARDWARE, AlJAwXABS, SABH, jTUTtt; OOWASI, GstBta, ritla. wT WlUw War akMraaeV Better Belttar, Xac Leather, Bosk .,u- .- s 'i-.i.i .'b-aiy Gib w t te at b it 9 IL rcni:miiTa ,0DI. - e.c ,..:,V. ABvWelaNeeaTIae Boar.: 1 ... v . an Oarmk. (lollM. . - I .. . cs " Bmnreidered Pocket Bandkvrctuefs- 1 1. Geloaa Hni Shirts, vartoe Kylea.' u.-.r .T. ti - Bora' Oeldam Hill Bhlrt. d ui l. n Las , uirDrlviogsad Street aiovaa, do . m HMnrn Stjeket Handkerchief.' variAif a fvlM liatf llos and DodeT Ganaent,t Tr-- -tH I BAIN It SOW, aprllS r- - - - Ho.-tS BoTrth High street, 1 1.1" in eeeiea.siii ii m SOriETHrnGTREWr:: nOWAIlD'O O .!'B aMMICAS-WaTC pil.sU AT H4 81, BOfJTII HICII fT. VJ a,.if wiunlna our n.w mak of r,T-i . , , . j . .1 ' ' ' ; 1 - it i AM ER I WAN VVATCUZS. saeaaSMtare M S. HOWARD tt CO ' Boeton'.' Theae Wetcbeear t ssmerlesji ta anythina erne enai-a to thepabiws, hraee4or. KavSnr U (aoluelTe 4 eaa aeu eneaa a praw w nuiwuaei. a Bay I A Uma ..Mhr M . nVMia. aj Mia "wva. " , , . 'I. iAJiEHJCAN WATCnEa, kaBirdy AJPIJtrxjN, TEA OX,1 A CO j Baaaaenrtmentes; . . . 1 .... . -BNtJLlsa AH VWtSS AtCH)E9, B"aM and prtvet Cases, at Fanfc price. " 5 W. f. IAV4QI COMBINED! Attack on Springfield--Reported COMBINED! Attack on Springfield--Reported Rebel Loss 4,000--Federal 800. sever tnree Ingtoa at troops Jirrnsoa Citt, Sept. 'lfl; H P. K. Two courier just arrived from Lexington bring the following- intelligence believed by lbs com manding officer here to be, in the mala.; part, reliable. - . , v ' Gen. Price commenced the aMack en th on trenobments , at Lexington, commanded by Col. Mulllcao, on Monday.' The fight wu very all day. Price assailed the works, and repulsed with severe lose. , , , -,. ., rT,-. Gen. Lane was at Johnstown, Bate eeanty, Monday morning, witn a lorce from two to tbousana, marching po me renet or Lx . i The rebel loss on Monday Is report four thousand and that of the Federal at eight hundred, whiob la probably ex aggerated., . Fremont and the Blair Family—Fugitive Slaves. j YoiK. Sept. 19The Herald's Wash '-atoli says the dlflloully relative to go, is the interlerence of the Blair famaster General and CoL Frank Touch from them the charges have I ' " OoJ.'d-e"'?11'1 ,b9 re1 ,'Cr" 0f tbe ' , 0'rth,gaJ!itna, Ffsmont would , ' ' ' forth snrglngs'ol to him, and woold i'i o . On our home wtit-iflon of contrac M'''-' 1"' 1" ' ' ""' Cincinnati, . I1-.. Bear ttm tenderly and slowlei- r the ' " " A 0,st,( 're would gasa one more 1 . On the nobl form and features , ' '' Gracing one some cottage door;. " 1 .i. i' Wher tb rippling Hudson flowing, '" i; !. Gieama the brlgkteat In th eon, ; ' i Gently lay th fallen comrades, i - With the laurels they have won! ' Ncwburgh, N. T , August, ltl. ' THE ADOPTED CHILD. via A. At. or tbe via via P. ar riving no t Bv .H and . ' 1 J.i 1 i' imm. eeoaxiy, lost ..... T a, " ' That waa an anxlons dav for Mr Talbot wblon ahe was expeotipg her brother Everything about the oottage was arranged nealy as possible, and a very nnnsuali all her eight little children wre as nice aod clean as if they were each the object of her care. But before she bad put tbe finishing touch to bar own toilet, subdued murmur of childish voices her that the expected and almost dreaded bad arrived; and hastening out, she olaeped to the breast oi ber only brother, the first time for years. Mrs. Talbot's story is one that has been often told, and so much more often aoted to life, that it baa become quite stale. A pret.y, gay girl, she married against ber ily's consent a man mncn beneath ber in respect. She waa cast off by ber father, aod many years dragged on a miserable life lo and distress. When ber lather died, inald, her only brother,. settled upon ber just enough to keep ber from want h did not wish Mr. Talbot should derive benefit from his connection with him. Tbe grstitude Mrs. Talbot felt for Reginald's kindness was out of all proportion to tbe for it saved ber from so much anxiety and that she felt as though nothing could repay the debt. And when Mr. wrote to her to ask ber permission to adopt of ber children, she felt that she could not the requeat, much as it distressed grant it. Her heart best painfully as dressed them herself, and wondered on which of ber darliogs bis choice would She hoped it would be one of tbe boys the eldest, or Reginald, bis namesake or little Charley or Mary any one but ber reckless Edith, or tbe babe. Every one how a mother's heart clings to ber babe; middle aged gentlemen seldom bav the fondness for them, and so Mr. Churchill gave the chnbby, staring little fellow a lock; bnt It was precisely the forward Edith that won his whole heart in tbe first minutes, by b coafidence, ber playfulness, ber Incessant chattering. She declared as as she wss asked, her readiness to go with and to be bis own little girl always. Mrs. hinted in vain that one of tbe bovs or children would suit him better probably; ba did not like little boys be said, and was just tbe rieht are; a ohild of four lodger troublesome like aa infant, but yet was yonng enough to learn soon to look ber nncle's house as ber only home. Cbnrobiil waa very positive in his choice, as Mrs. Talbot baa fetoivea to consent neimt. ha had nothlntr to do hut to little Edith ready to go as soon as possible, Mr. Churchill was anxious to leave after to avoid meeting Mr. Talbot, who was tht day and er pretense of a business 1 ' Il was a long time bofore Edith could used to ber new borne stately mansion, an extensive nark at some little distance New York. It seemed to her so lonely no one bnt ber nncle to amuse ber after accustomed to tbe companionship or so children; but she did get need to It, and exceedingly fond of Mr. Churchill, him everywhere like his shadow. Mr. wife was a selfish, disagreeable who piqued herself not only on controlling house but her husband too. As Edith grew up, though lovely, and high-spirited, she saw that these seriously annoyed ber nnole, and so she lo avoid ber annt as mucb as possible, when she could not, to bear her rebukes reply. Thus matters went on, till Edith bad her twentv-first year. She had been since she was eighteen, to Charles Deverenx, yonng man of good, though reduoed and of fine talents person every way able to her nnole, and to whom she was much attached. They wonld bavebeen before, but her unole could not bear to part her, and bad exacted a promise from to leave him before she was twenty-one. she had readily given; bnt Deverenx complained bitterly of tbe delay; Time, aver, effects marvelona changes, and one most wonderful that beprodnees is tbe of affection that we flatter is unchangeable. Just three months before tdlth's day, Mr. Churchill died snddenly in a fit oplexy. Edith's grief waa so violent and that they feared for ber reason; ber eldest brother was sent for by Mrs. ill. who informed him coldly tbat It was sire that Edith should be taken home as sooa after the funeral as possible, presence bad. oeen to ber so very Samuel Talbot could not. Imagine wby Cbnrcblll should take such a tone, aa always understood tbat his uncle Intended make Edith bis heiress; but bis turned to Indignation when he found there no will bnt on mad many years whloh Mrs. Churchill was left all the He applied to Edith for an explanation, soon as she comprehended him, she said her uncle bad told her but a short time his delth tbat he had left her all his excepting that during her life Mrs. was to nave me noute.wita an income to support her in the style to which been accustomed. However, this will where to be found. . And so Edith returned t her old horn seventeen years of absence, sad and Her father waa the only one that, or aggravated In any way her distress, be did oftenisT by sneering allusions to ber weather lover," as be calledDevet eux, any other way. ' Edith had been at horn for six weeks, bad not heard a word from him. ' She help thinking H rather Strang tbat h lav aald his bailness, however - might be, ud bastes to console her In of affliction, ' Bat h earn at last: ah a alimt) of him, as, seated In a travelm rlag, b a rove quicKiy pact aer fathers t tisane.' -7'""' 1 '' Resales and caeasv. ah wandered frnrn to room, abd at length took refuge In the sbrabbwry in iron el tb cottage.' tier earn oat two1 or tore time to eail her tbe last time ahe saw Edith hastening Deverenx, wh had jrwt wrftwed, and drew back wlt'aout speaking." It Mrs: Taitot n very long while thvngb, th dodf of tb little sitting-room qaletly, Bnd Edith entered with a pel 1 as marble, but as alm and ah sm4 1 be determined to resist prestkmof feellof that she had entirely come them. "Wait Is the matter, deatt" asked 'here n Mr. Devereaxt Didnt himAaetay for Seat" -i" '" y ' 'Ha ha arose awav. other.'" :imsJ. i ,f Gone away I" cxelaleMd Mr. TslbOt, to New .York r ' V j-';i t Yes," aald Editn, calmly, "h hu ft Trk, ; H is ot oomlbg her ,' avoa say anjvmual awvar bius : An . which enlng Dcpead and . We what almost on Reginald. as oecnr fence lookior only qnlte the informed per sonage was for so real very fam every for pov erty Reg an nuity for any gift; dis tress, ever Cburobill one re fuse ber to she anxiously lalL. Sam, even wild, knows but earns hardly second little ten tnd soon him, Tal bot older bnt bdiib was no she upon .', Mr. and to MB her at dinner away for engage mSnt.. get in from Mns. WINOLOW experienced NnAe and female Physician, presents to th attention of mother, bar ",: sob t nJN O'rs YRUP, FOR CHILDREN 'TEB!T1TIN0 r. neatly faaUltaae th aroeeas of taethbH. by soft. the gums, reducing ail Inflammation wll I allay ALL PAIN and epasmodt mbob, and 1 " i'i"' 8UIIE TOUEGUliATTHJ'. BOWJLH. upon it, mothers, It wilt ftvwrstt yoarselv , . . ... :: ,. BXLTO ARB HEALTH TO TOTTB OT1HTI. have out ud and sold thia article for over tan veara. uavan bai, ia wnimtauaanv iauiu,enu have never beaa able lo aa of any other modi eine-NHVo-a UAS IT VA1LKD, IN A BINQLI INST. ANOB, TO KkKMOT A OURK, whan timely need. Nev er did we know aa lnstano f dlssaUafatioa by any on who need it. Oa tl eontrar. all ara ilalbrhted with tie operaUons, and speak in term of commaadaUoB ef it magical effect mi medical virtue. W (peak In thia Matter "WHAT WB 1M KNOW;" after ten year' expe rience, AND PLKDOB OUR R8PUTAT10N fORIUB f ULILLMKNT W WHAT WB UxlRA DRCLARB.. In every Instance where the Infant is suffering from pain aim aaoaosuon, reuei wilt tie louna in Biteen or wenty minutes after tbeByrnp Is administered. valuable preparation la the preacrlptlon of one of B&JCAI'BtllKNUCVar.a BbULLkUL NUHflaB la tbe rich"0 kbveb. raiir be denied inareDa w oases. ,', Of ber wealth child from pain, bat invigor. foolishly;. e . u ; notreom acidity, tnd give :Sbe was talking to he, huafTaL"?"' evening, when a letter came from Mrs. ...v.,,,1, utI vu eome id oer aa soou possible.' ' Gditb suspected at once that tbe ao Jong desired In vain; was found at, last; lml no lime in obeying tbe summons, Mr.Cav eadisb could not accomoanv her. but waa to low ber In a day or two; and she sent her new nearly two years old, to ber mother, ss knew her aunt's temper too well to think tbe presence of a noisy boy would be anything bnt a source of discomfort. She waa therefore alone,, when after having saluted kindly the domestic who earn forward to welcome tbelr former pet and little mistress, she entered tbe large, elegant drawing-room where her aunt generally sat. "I don't know," said Mrs. Churchill; "it seemed to me as though everybody must suspeoted me, and I oould bear it no longer. did take it, Edith; bere it is." iWith these words, drawing tbe will ber pocket, she handed It to her astonished niece. 'After his sudden death, when they were In vain for tbis very will, sod applied last to me, I yielded to a sudden and powerful Impulse, and said that I knew nothing about I bad no sooner spoken the words than I have given all I gained by them, and more to have recalled them; but I could not confess myself a thief, and neither could I bear sight of you whom I bad wronged.' You how harshly I sent you away, bat joa do koow ho often 1 wished you to return. found to my astonishment tbat I had really come attached to yon, and tbat more than my apparent dislike arose from my naturally perverse disposition and bad temper. My relations, for whose sake I had committed great a crime, disgusted mebv their sycophancy and deceit, and 1 longed for you, frank hasty as you were. Besides, a sense of guilt preyed npoa me, and I do not think I bad a moment's pesce since you left. I not bear it any longer, and so I sent for Yon may do aa you please with tbe will, Edith, only I entreat you don't make my puniic, at least while 1 live. 1 win give this residence to yon now, and all bnt a support I shall feel better if I do so, I I fan bear poverty, but not infamy. " " But Edith would not hear of her aunt's that; she insisted on her retaining all tbe given to her by tbe will, and allowed it to be supposed, even by ber husband, that her aunt bad accidentally discovered long-lost document, which ber sense of would not permit ber to suppress. Edith often met Charles Devereux after had removed to a place not far from her residence, and never did ao without making mental comparison between him and her band, and thanking Providence for the tbat bad shown ber the worthless uees of one, snd the value of tbe otbtr. As for be married an heiress his grand object in but whether be was happy or not, no one tell. Proceedings of the Democratic Representative Convention. many became following Church ill' woman, her blooming quarrels tried and with out reached engaged, a family, agree very married with ber not Tbis himself how- of the disap pearance ourselves wedding- of ap dis tressing and Cbnrcn- ber do. by him as her undesirable, Mrs. he bad to astonishment was before, In property. and a that before fortune. Churchill sumcient she bad was no . after dejected. complained, and tbls "fair- than in and could hot did hot twesstntr it her time canrht ear bous 'o-n rnont little mother hr.bnt to meet so she mef to M for open ed face as 'anmoved, til Pursuant to orevions notice tbe Democracy of tbe counties of Van Wert and Mercer met in Convention In the village of Mercer, on Satur day, the 14th day of September, 1861 , for the purpose of nominating a candidate for Represen tative, to represent the uistric. in tne nexi uen ersl Assembly of the State of Ohio. I On motion, Mr. Joseph lienkie was cnosen President, Mr. Samnel Chtvington, Vice Presi dent, and John M. Simmons snd Silas Torrey, Secretaries. .......... Tbe Convention then proceeded to select com mittees. Committee on Resolutions D. K. Gaucher, of Van Wert; G. LeBlond, of Mercer Committee on Roles and Apportionment J. Godfrey, J. Ii. Hestler, and w. L, Blocher. While the committees were preparing to report, William E. Barker wss called by the audience, and responded in a good Democratic Union speech. - The committee on Ituies ana Apportionment made the following report : .,. . The vote lor vongiaa in low, is laaen aa a basis. . Nomination by ballot, if more than one candidate: if only one. by acclamation. Each oouaty aball bav a vote lor every au oast for Donglas, and an additional vote lor every fraction of 125 or over, which will rive to Van Wert 13 votes, and Mercer 32 votes, wnoie number of votes, 51. ; Necessary to a choice, 2fi, . .. . ,..m j.-.. . , . : On motion, tbe candidates were required to come forward and pledge themselves to abide the decision of the. Convention.; t: -' 1 Alexis P. J. Snvder being the only candidate, gave the required pledge. - : ; ; i On motion 01 w. c, t-axer, Aiexis , v Snyder was declared the nominee by acclama tion. ''"' ' t ' ' ' ' " The committee on resolutions made the fol lowing report: .;. .!.-;!!. . - ' xWws!. That the Democracy of tbis Repre sentative district, composed of tbe coanties of Mercer1 and Van Wert, are in isvor 01 a vigor ous prosecution of the war for the suppression of th present rebellion, and ia the language of the Immortal Jaokeon say The Union must and hall be preserved. -fc '" : Rtlotd, Tbat we Indorse the resolutions adopted by tbe Democretio State Convention, held at Columbus, Aug;. 7h, 1861, and the pa triotic letter of acceptance of Hon. H.J. Jew ell; and that we will cordially support tbe ticket presented by said Convention, believing it composed of true Union men." ' --:" Ketototd, That w rally only under tb Msg of th Union, and by common efforts, common toils,' common danger and common escribces, through the power of united eouoaela and united numbers, will maintain that Union wnion na been - onr boast rn tbe past, and onr only hope and wuet in th future. ' "'. J'" ' , Resoieeef, That the nomination ny tnts ura ventlon ef A. P. J. Snyder to represent this Dis trict In the Slate Legislature, Is bnt a just trib ute to his known patriotic and Union-loving principles, and w pldgn a an! ted support and triumphant electioru r-a-ao r . The resolutions were wnehlmouslT adopted. On motion of T. J. Godfrey, the following named gentlemen war appointed (v Democratic Central Committee 1 Geo. Wi Day; a Roberts, of Yen Wrtj R..G. Blak jtnd S, Sjnjder, of riotron of G. LeBiotid. faU '""'J ' Raakt4,i Th eepl of U. proceedings' b furnished tb Celioa , efaaaWl Van: ..Wert IVsfcnwMa, Cincinnati JJajairer. statetrm and Tt. Oiaia. HJ ,IWli Vuw'i'Ul-i(-ill Th fnnjmlirin than aStftilaAa.f' 'aji't i AA. JOS. President. S. CHIVINGTON, J. M. SIMMONS, SILAS TORNEY, Secretaries. "Bfll .M.' refOMiod agalnvJ- sua jus TTT-TTrr; i,,r. i v-Canton 'X.XaUir sag, 5.4, o-4, wntt aa ae7 sxncj if hit Checked of superior quality, for imf ky . '''mhSJ Si tShiTTOy-U A Aiva I ..I GOOD i.'.t. ; CbuP&ev as will and fol child, she tbat I has have I from look ing at It. wonld too, tbe know not . I be half own so and my have oould you. dear guilt up bare think doing priv ileges always the justice she aunt's a bus- troubles tbe him, life could Therrp.Rigfetrto the-grot it n Intmt Hellef I Btep Tnr 47ag:k '. I ., .... j Purify ywwr Breath! - treactkets wfar felcef ,"r"7, F a:, c.j THROAT CONFECTIONS' t t- ..;i L. -.J? ,.4 - .JT: FOR CLERGYMEN, -''- " " 5 t GOOD FOR LECTURERS, , ,! i,: GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, Vm' GOOD FOR SINGERS, t. ' - .. ;,,. ,",'M GOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVES. : ,. .-, . , T, v i ', v. f j GBNTLEMKX CARRY - . . , ; SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTION is. , j LADIES ARB DELIGTJTBD WITH SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. CHILDREN ORt fOB SPALDING'S -THROAT. CONFECTIONS. ' f relieve a Conch instantly SHAWLS Ahu '! Five 'Thausand' Dollars Worth j Bought in One Day, LADIES FURS, I HOSIERY DEPARTMENT, .. Men's, Ladle ud Children' Under Bhlrt snd Drawers; Ladle, Misse and Children' Hosiery of all kinds, In Wool and Lamb Wool; fleecy Lined and Cotton Gloves of every make. ' ' ALSO ' ) A complete assortment of all the usual varie ties of ,( .: 1 . LADIES' CLOTHS,'' . " : CASSIMERE9, ' OVERCOATINGS, TWEEDS. FLANNELS, ...... RIBBONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, Ladies and Gent's linen Cambrio Hand- kerchiefs, fto., &c. ' To persona who eall on us. wa nledira our worde to (how them the largest, beet and eheapeat stock of Goods ever een In thi market, or pay them on dollar per hour while looking. decl-dlltawllw. 8T0NB ex O'HARRA. NEW ARRIVALS 0 Spring & Summer - 'Millinery. The StocOc Rcpieniahtxl -FROMl LATEST rWPOllTATIIINS OF NEW- Y 0 R K, - . - ; t- ' ' MY STOCK Of Spring & Summer Millinery I now compute, comprising every variety of Mlllo- ' cry; also, a large assortment of Embroideries, Hosiery and Notions, Ao., aod In quantities and -price that can not fall to suit all who may favor us with a call. Th goods hav been bought at Panic prices, and will be (old at a small adranoa on cost. HILLINEKY Miss M. E. YOUNG, late of New York City, will superintend the Millinery Department. Her long experience la ba most Fashionable Establishment in Broadway will alone be a warranty that she will be able to give entire satisfaction In matters of taste to all who may favor har with their orders. 1 ' The Ladle of Colnmbna and vicinity will please ac cept my sincere thanks for their liberal patronage, and I would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. R. H. WARE, OS East Town St., Colombus, u. .. XIJAV is. PRICKS SEDUCED ' '"u from the New York Observer. 1 As all parties manufacturing Bearing Machine are ob liged lo pay Mr. Howe a license en each machine said, and are a:so compelled to mak return to him, nnder oath, aa to the number sold, hi books give a correct state-. merit, from thia reliable source we have obtained the' following statistic. Of th machine mad in the gear, 1B3U, tnere were oia, ' By Wheeler At Wilson.......... 31,305 " I. M. Binger A Co 10,163 .... ..''" rt Grovor fc Baker 10,S80 '"; t Showing the aalee of Wheeler A Wilson to k etoaoV those of any other Company." . , . . 1. , Awarded th highest premiums at th United State fair of 1858, 18iv and UOO; : I ; ' ' . also at th , . . I ' Ohio BUt fairs of 1859 and 18SS; " ' and at nearly all th County Pairs in the State.:; , Our price, at th late reduction, art at low at any look ttich mashine now cold, and but a trifle higher than the Interior two thrtad chain ttich machintt,, now (breed upon the market. Th WHSELBH A WILSON MAOHINB (sake she Lock Bticb the on ly 0 n which cannot be raveled . 1 1 is Alii or Both Bins of tb good, leaving no rAa or MS g.1 - chain on the under. tide. -. . . . . 1 AS machine warranted 3 year, and inttruetia given in their a, free of obame. . . 1 , , , (. H. CRARY.81 Hieh it.. Colombo. 0. . . ! . .1 -.. WU. BUMNBB A CO., ' r' ' dcc3-2avd3mAwera Pike's Opera Hone Cincinnati. IRISH STEAMSHIP. LINE.' 1 ' rr-r Ireland and America ., .. . . . , j, , , fS Steam Between i tAt" . NEW YORK, BOSTON" AND GA . I , , , , v ., The following new aad aagnMcent Sret-elaaspadJU '' wheel BteesUlp oonpoee the above line'. . (,. .. ADRIATIC, 5,888 ton burthen, Capt, J. Mac . : ,,t (formerlyof the Collins Lio.l ; . .. HIBBRNIA. l,4fl tons burthen, Capt. If. Pa.weaT COLUMBU, .' 4,400 , , . k.larTca.j, f; ANGLIA, 4.400 ' ' NtcaouoM , PAOtflO, ',' '.. I. Bauv a. - ' " PRINCB ALBERT. (Screw. . , . . 1 Cn of th ahov ship will leave New York or Boeton i altaraately every Tuesday fortnight, fog Gainer, care 3.1 ?lnt tb government mailt, to nemos; at at- Jonns, . - - i '' ' ' f -'-''"f,- e-l flfaaunM Tif tbta ltaa timva laMn aonsernerad with, . .. the greatest Care, nnder the supervision of the govern- " Keavaava water-tight ompartments. aadareanace-:i' led foroomrort, eafety and spec ny any steamer suoai. . , , They are commanded by able and experienced offlaera,- 1 andrrery zrUoa wlU be asad to pros I the eemtan, , Smoti Burgeon rtahl Wel Shly-a .'lT I v - --BATES air PASSAGE. ..i.- 1 .xv firat elsN. Y.or Bcetoa to Gslway orLivaroocl IW , , 8eond-lMv " ' IV ,' f ' ' ' ' firat-ol. ;mm. "-., iB,,,,okV', . "WiiO ThiM-cIa. . toOalwayorLlverpeol. , , torn k, IrelaiKl. a Rail.?, - Z 1 Third-oiaae passenger are liberally uppHd with jlro- ' Tisien of the best quality, cooked and serrdd by ths ser vanUotlmOosapany. r ! i;r": .'-: M u e,"! ' r ' " RBTVRIC TICKE. .', -M .), 1 3 Psrtle wishing to send for their friend from the eld 1 ecu try can obtain ticket from any town on a railway, in . Iretkadyer from th peioeipaialUesof Kogland naot-l.X ilaad, at very low rate. ,. . x. , .. -tr pTmbt- for New York, arrtvtog tv th Bnslon ' Steajnera, will be fotwardud t New York fre ojehseg. T. .1 T far passage or further Informallon, apoly to . o 1 u.l -iu . ia a I'- , - aa. ss. v. xvrxn aai, , t At the ofAo of th r(eunpny,cn th wharf, foot at .j i fl,reet, now mm . UOWjtANa AsriswAJUi Agntt. inv:sa u i spkllWdom. . lv.r, .,.r..v .rv FELLATfT OR WATERapHOgl'lvt CLOAK CLOTHS. .Alto, Oder nn'i-i of Spring x - 0 loB Olotb, In al'i ticsirabl mlxtur? i. nn. . las sals and Batten match. - H a. At t - 4,, ,' l -. . april5 H. iy SouUiiiiaasww V I I I.