Newspaper Page Text
! "'"iOst RECEIVED B ITa 30 North High Btreet, Om ol the 1m" BmI WmM' , Of Tib omw III TBI8 crra ! 'It House Builders' MJ Famishings Of EVERT, BTTMI AB tJTJAlITT. French America-. , Window, Glaflfl paints eaouwi in p.! .p to half poind ma" tot mally , Brushes of eyeTy variety & quality, ! " 'A' Spieadld Aiortmwl of MACHINISTS 'TOOLS CARRIAGE MATERIADs! '.1 '.i .1 ) Vo. GUNS,PI8TPWkIXB JUBGI, ;,.: , ;. . . nuiLii" iicAWM luaiam) k IIENKY N. HKDCES) Sen. ' Of PichaxBty. . BTATI 8INAT0E, (nukfixuii kckawat) AICVSTCS PJBKKIlXi ; 0 PieialMjf. UNION DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. MPItEINTATlTfl, GEORGE L. CONVERSE, OTTO DRESEL. . . .. iaturr, GEORGE W. HUFFMAN. ADorrot, ; MATTHIAS MARTIN. TKASTjAtt, . JOHN G. THOMPSON. KI00ASBB, NATHAN COLE. O0MH1IIIONBB, JACOB 8LYH. COaOMEB, . . .. ELIAS GAVER. : IHriltHABr PIEBCTOB, - PHILEMON HESS. Mass Meeting at Marion. Got. BaMUai Mioait will oddreu the Mui Meeting at Marion, in Marion conoty, on SaI- 1 P. M. AMOS LAYMAN, Secretary Dem. State Ex. Com. Democratic Union Mass Meetings. Tbo Democratio Union Stato Ezecatiro Com mittee bare made arrangement for holding Mass Meetingi aa follows : At Coshoctoh, Coshocton county , on Toes day, September 24tb at 1 P. M. Speakers Hon. Hugh J. Jewett and others. At Mansfield, Richland county, on Wednes day, September 25tb, at 1 P. M. Bpeakert Hon. H- J. Jewett and Hon. B. Barns. At iVooena, Wayne county, on Thuraday, September 26th, at 1 P. M. Speakers Hon. H. J. Jewett and others. At Clbtlad, Cuyahoga county, on Friday craning, 8eptember 27 tb. Speakera-Hon. H. J. Jewett and others. ' At Toudo, Locas couaty, on Saturday, Sep tember 28tb, at 1 P. M. Speakers Hon. H. J. Jewett, Judge Lang ((Jerman), and others. At Jackbon C. II , Jackson county, on Satur day, September 21st, at 1 P. M. Speakers Hon. John G. Marshall and others. '' Oiber mestinga will be announced soon. SAMUEL MEDARY, Ch'n. AMOS LAYMAN, Secretary. The Democratic Union SuU EzecutiT Com mittee announce the following additional ap pointments for Maaa Meetings, via: , la Cincinnati, on Monday evening, Septem- hv 30th. gDeakera Hon. Huah J. Jewett and Hon. AUenG.Thurman. At ' Amelia, Clermont couuty, on Tuesday, October lit, at 1 P.tM. Speakers Hon. Hugh J. Jewett and Hon. Allen G. Thurman,. , At Geoboetowh, Brown county, on Wednes day, October 21, at 1 P. M. Speakera Hon. Hugh J. Jewett and Hon. Allen G. Thnrman At HiLLSBOBOtHiw, Highland county, on Thursday; Oolober 3d, at 1 P. M. Speakers Hon. Haeh J. Jewett and Hon. Allen G. Tbur At CHiLuooraf, Ross county, on Friday, Oc tober 4th, at 1 P. M. Speakers Hon. Hugh J. Jewett and Hon. Allen G. Thnrman. , , At CiacunuE, Pickaway county, on Satur day. October 5th, at 1 P. M. Speaker a Hon. Hogh J. Jewett and Hon. Allen G. Thurman. SAMUEL MEDARY, Ch'n. AMOS LAYMAN, Sec'y. The Real Fomenters of Discord. We trnat we shall bear no more of the foolish talk that Democrat and other Union men who support the platform and ticket of the Demo cratio and Union Convention of the 7th of Au gust, are sowing the seeds of dimension la the Union ranks. '" ' ". . , The loyal people of Ohio are bow beginning U we and clearly understand that those who hare put up, not another, bat a part of the same platform, and hare nominated a State ticket In opposition to an unexceptionable ene already In the said, are the real diaturbare of the Union element In the State, and are laboring to pre vent that united action oi men of all partita, which U to BBcasaary to ioaore the Tigereas prosecution "cf, the, war against tsballloa to a epeedy and neoeesnd laeue. The maaa of the people see plainly that those who charge the Dsmoeratio and Union party with seeking to divide the Union-loving bad of Ohio by a mere Quarrel over candidates for office, are iheanalvea the only m.a who are oo aixious to the charge. ,L The people will, there fore, see to It that the saddle; is p: on the tight horse on the Bib of October peii. J ,f tT The Union Democracy of the counties Oi Vaa Wert aal Meroer have nomtoAUd Alexis P. J. SirroiB aa tliclr eandidate for Vxt How of RepreaeaUtlves. Mr. Ektdxx was a mem bar of the late Legliiature, and we bear cheer ful testimony to hit flmnets and sowad Union Democracy. W hope, ae wsbtliera, he will bt leoteJ T;l Prcf;ci:rjl"ef.ti tWvtr.iaw'Jl'ia fottsJ la .-.5;!if eoInatB. -.-...-,.: " 3STOW RKAXY. i , , " " A of ihi'"1" oTATn or1 omo If A GENERAL sUTPRB, IN F0R0S ATJ9. 1, 18W. GdauUcsspJx IL Owan, ; WITS SOTSt Of TBM JDIOJS10KS OX TSM SO- I wild ... mi tyorai. 'i iTV. BttweWeiee w- - - , f AND MMRENOBS, 10 K0 IaWbY , IT J.CKITCHIFEfcm'Sl- " I . AMD A TOU. AKD OQJITMJINT IWW. In Two 8to.' Yolunies. W iiu uu. . . ... Tnsyi . mm tf'imiiM has been span to wki th work .nfTtaMtrif IhiBnenlaOO, StEa to bs distrlbuto to th. following Stat .d 0styitorl - - . 'Jt.w (mm. anomptro l.r.T"eurer and Auditor of Brnte, as "T. tt- nrtm. Court, of Common Plaae, Bupw tor end Polio. Court Auditor, and th. Cl.rk. ol the varloo Courtetnaach mitr, to th. Uomb.ri of th Sent and He ( RrB;ativea of IhU Stat, And Tal book, oonUtilBi, M It doe, all ot the Batatas l f.M. An, I ha authoritative aonatrBOtloB Of tbm and of th. New CoaoUtation, feand to b .special ly useful la um pertormapo. ot toeir ounce, hi bu COUNTY orriUK&B, fun! ri- JUSTICES Of IBB PEACE, ....... ! t TOWN8HIPTBUSTEB8,.- i ... ,iOJuiaKB Of T0WN8HIPB, 4 oux omowii.. i . Xnumooh if Tory ehucw turr dms and. ta th( StatnM i1do Um pnbUotUon ol tb. ImI odHloiM, by rth nL tltarstlnna anil uldtUoUS. ud May UaportUI oWon. hT beoB gtroa by tb. Baprara. Court ? itfon, ,MI I party, ATTvliPiaiB AT s BAN KIRS. MBR0HANT8 V,; nnmMttioB .!!, Ann aViftiNana oppoaiuon WllUnd tbJa-aa-tM, aod laiteined. iti men fttAauree. There was In the country suMtan tially but, the one great Dsmooratio party the factious, aarelentinir Federal opposition New England ought hardly to be dignified the name of a Dtrtv. By this united action the American arms became victorious by and aaa. and both the Government and Union were saved. The same great Democratio Uaion party till in existence. Out of the depths of rolah and almost of despair, the country Is log upon it for help and deliverance from fearful peril now threatening our beloved Union. While other political organisations are falling to pieces, and men are contriving bolster np new and temporary ones, the Demo cratio party stands, firm as the rook of blbral ter, by the Government, the Constitution the Union. All who truly love tbeir country, cannot bat see the expediency and necessity, even, of rallying, aa our patriotlo men did former days of peril, around this old party, as the only hope of salvation for the public . , , i tT The following, from the Norwalk mui, contain! the ring of the pure metal: We understand and fully appreciate RtfUctor'i twaddle about "the union of and good men of all parties In Ohio, for welfare of a common country." A year ago was equally fierce in the eaoie of freedom," and delighted In taunting uemoeraia aa - u and "slaveocrata," because, heeding the warnlcrs of Waahinrton and Jackson against sectional parties, they would not join it Abolition crusade against the South and institutions. While we are willing to support the Administration in all constitutional means to put down rebellion, we beg to be excused from occupying the same political bed Glddings, Wade and Spalding Abolitionists, ae we do that tbe starting point of oresent national difficulties can De traced rectly to tbe insane Intermeddling or such demaeoEues with tbe institution of the South. Such men have long been in rebellion against portion. of tbe constitution, and hence we anxious to aee their disturbing and dangerous dogma buried in the same grave with ecessionism. To accomplish this desirable end, shall stand firmly by the Democratio party, lieving aa we do that It 'is tn only organiza tion. Ttossetslnt: sufficient nationality to bring together and re-unite tbe country once more in fraternal oonos. Hon. D. S. Dickinson. Tbe Buffalo Courier noticing tbe action Daniel S. Dickinson, of Ntw York, get off following good things: . , . We are not among those who propose to cen sure Mr. Dickinson for occupying tbis position. We believe him to be a loyal man, ana we not believe that he has fallen in love wttn Ke publicsnism, or Abolitionism, or fanaticism anv sort, in nit old are. tie wouia aeiiKut. day, like Samson of old, to aetid three hundred foxee witn nrebrana ilea to tneir tans into tn tandine corn of hi old enemie. th Republi can. . II would be glad of an opportunity imite them hip and thigh with a great slaugh ter." or. "with tbe law bone of an ass," or other constitutional weapon, to alay a tbouaand of them. But Mr. Dickinson knew that hi for thia kind of fighting waa overt that strength had in a measure departed from him, and be resolved upon imitating Samson in last sreat and oloaine exoioii, wnicn it narrated at follow, In Judge, Chapter XVI., commenc ing at the S3d veree: . S3. Tho the lords af tb rhlllstiat fatbrod togth.r for to offu a gnat auriflo. an to IHa goo. ana torajouo: tor uuy laia, var goa uau aUT.r d BaaKnnonr mar Into our bands. 94. And wbaa tb. ppw saw Dim, they pralMd god: for thty aald. Oar god hath A.Urnd into baada oar (May, and deitroy.i of tor country, alew auay of ni. 93. And It oam. to peas, whan their hearts war that thoy aald, Call for Baaaoa, that hi may mak. port. Ana uuy oaum for aamaon ant of th. pruoa hooa.; and h. aud. Ihaa sport: and thy sat hla the Dlllira. 96. And Baauoa aald unto the lad that held hla by hand , BuCcr m. that I may M th. pillar, wbmnpon in. boom sianaain, uai i may icu nyon wcm. 97. Mow then tb. bona, was fall of men and woman and all th. lord, of tb. Fhlliatlaee were there; Mere pan the roof about three thousand am and woman. Ut beheld while Baauoa made cyort. 18. And eamaoa Bailed onto tha Lord, and said, Lerd God, remember me, I pray tbee, and atrangthea me, I pray thee, only thia once, 0 Sod. that I may be OBooavragoi or too rntusnno. tor my two eye.. -9. And aamwa Wok hold of the two middle pillars apoa which tha hooa. Hood, aad en which it waa horn np, of th on with hi right hand, and of the .ther Lie left. 30. Aad Baaaoa aald, Lt medic with th mustla. Aad he bowed himeelf with iiAeemlfhti aadthahoaaa fell Bpoa th. Lord, and apoa ail tb people that therein. Bo tha deed which be alew at hi death wer more than (Vy which he ilea In hie lira. . - We have to much cooJIdnee la Mr. Diekin- ton' Democracy that we feel Justified In assert ing tnat next to ma deeir to uphold the Uov eminent in this oral, 1 bis with to contribute to tbe downfall of the Kapublioaa party, and baa decided that la no way can he accomplish thia so effect uaJly and certainly a to place him self at the head of it. While we do not think it neocMAry tha other Democrat iheald crowd into tb temple of the Philistine or mount upon the roof, we shall await with great eompoaure the moment when thia modern Sanson artera the two pillar of th North era Motional party aod bring the airuoture down npoa " tbe lord and all the people that are therein." A ball not b intid nor upon the roof, th funeral will be none of ourst Kill w cannot help miring the (kill with which Mr. Dickinson manared to nutce elms if where tntad which he will ly at Um death, will be more than they which be lv in ni Jii. SJi Sl ,1 -i.V The Candidates on the Democratic State Ticket. i The Toledo Tim eaa BtrtU, a paper' which file at ita maaVbead tb Stato ticket nominated by th Union Convention,' beaded by Darin Tet, tho rebakt tope of it eo-laborerv, wbo peralat la denoenoing tad aiiatpraetiUng Mr. Jewett and hi fria4. It tayi: fc ' Tb attempt of tb SUU Jturntl. Cleveland air, Saoduiky Rtguur and other paper of that peculiar wipe, aoiparn the ptlrloitm and political staadipg ef tb Hon. H. I Jwa aad Hen. John G. Marshall, in tb eye af tommenlty, timpiyveeMia ol lb poaitioa they oocnpy with their party,! totally pobaooaLg th time or the oecaiioa. No freer patriot ar ta be found la tbe rUirt, or' mew more- worthy to hold tb Jiiia to which . they bar bea T-t if R8!iT;.lonPfbl and patriotlo. OniO.DTASIJ-IM, mm 111 l , ! ' MBntfwtt DMk. "Wi H""l Nos. 56, 38&40, North nigh St. : INCEEASED FACILITIES t : ' fllAVl.NO JtoyKP INTO, MT new building; MY '.) fill I M J I BOOK-& JOB t atlon mst WHILE BOTH HAVE BEE1F , , I' WITH Blavery. Hence ri r ' 'H0 et tbe North New Boragtfiows which iu 1 Uid to adq for In With land the is an call the Types, . on , ' WBOM Fremont struck the utly at the root of tbe war that be v .IV to wace. Were I In his place, and modification' should be sent me, the next mail should carry to tboae who made it my resigns lion, and tbe next mornlog papers should pub lieb it. And, bad I before started to enlist tbe Federal army, I would turn upon my heel and leave to their folly those who were willing to join themselves to A posse of slave catchers for tbe rebel tyrants of Cottondom. "Unless 1 greatly mistake tbe principles feelings of 'the North,' this 'modification' will paralyse tbe arms of the most reliable soldiers already In the Federal army, prevent the enlist ment of many others, and will give a ten-fold impetua to tbe rebellion.' ' 1 ; "If slavery is to be perpetuated, the question whether it should be done by Southern men Nortberw men, or both united, is of no Import ano. But if both parties mutt fight for it, think the end would be gained much quicker, aod at less expense, by uniting all parties under the leaders who now have it iu ebarge, and know how to mantge it. At all events, let the North cease to fight, as they have thus far done, the benefit of under the stored name E PLURIBUS UNUM. and in Union Re . the loyal tbe It nion savers" In her with be lieving our di a The above communication expresses views of tbe majority of the present supporters of tbe war. But such was not the case wbeo the war commenced. Tbi Administration oc cupy a stand point which enables them to view tbe conseaaence of General Fremont's action on tbe slavery question to better advantage than our correspondent, wbo probably takea counsel oi bis feelings. , Tbs prospect of a favorable termination of tbe war alone tbe whole Hue of opera tions never was as good as at present; if slavery question can be held subordinate the preservation of the Constitution and tbe Government. But where Kentucky. Missouri, Western Vir ginia, Maryland, and our Union friends In extreme South discover that tbe negro is be turned loose on them tbe energy with which they will rise against tbe Administration will counteract tbo efforts now making to save State. : Tbe Government know this, and naturally feel alarmed at the action of a subordinate, which threatens to take the control of slavery question, even in a remote degree, out of their bands.' They have tbe responsibility, and understand Its consequences better than those wbo are only operated on by tbe animosi ties and excitements of tbe contest: and we suggest to our readers to keep cool and trnat tbeir Government, wbicb, being dally tn com munication with persons from all parts of the country most Interested in tbe result of the war, are best able to judge and give advice to jt Cincinnati Prtit. ' What Papers Give Aid and Comfort to the Kentucky Secessionists. we be of th oo of to "to any day hi bis thta thcur "Poblicus." a correspondent of the Commer cial, who lately attended the Bourbon County (h.y.j rair, alter OeBcrtmng the state or public feeling in that locality on the aeoeatlon que tion,aaya:. . t" 1 "I gleaaed from several sources the common information that there has been 'a great revo lution In the feelings and eympatbiee of Ken tuckian,' consequent upon Major-General Fre mont's proclamation in Missouri. One company of men, who had volunteered for the Union, near Paris, disbanded on bearing of the procla mation, and over half of them eonneoted them selves with avowed secession com pan ie. They affect to believe that the war ia being waged for the aole purpose of emancipttiog elavary throughout tbe whole of the Southern State. Tb mor intelligent controversialist are well stocked with extract from Northern paper, inch at the New York Ttibunt, Tim; World and Indtftndtnt, which they offer in justifica tion of their fear. One even produced a copy of tb Ciocinneti Doiiy Prtt$, which contained a piece of poetry entitled 'The Cornice Man,' th ton of which wa eulogistic of Fremont, a belog the bead and front of the crueade against slavery." We oopy tbe above for tbe purpose of soow ing the kind of Northern papers that the Ken tacky secesiooist quote for the purpose of strenr'.bonlnK their cause. They are the New York Tnbnnt, New York Timet, New York Wand and New York Indtftndtnt, , Such jour nal furnish tbem the mmnnition tbey desire to destroy Union aentiment with! Tbey ar all leading Republican paper of tbe Abolition tholr our itampr U. jLaoaircr, : j A Royal Marriage. a ho tha were 0 at with aoere be daughter Queen Victoria, ia soon to be married to the heir apparent of the thtone of the Grand Duchy of Hesse Darmstadt. This country lie be tween Prutsia, Nassau, Bavaria and Baden, and contains an area of about 3.JUU iquare mile Hse-Darmttadt I partly mountaiooua and partly level; tome portions are agricultural, aal other rich in mineral treasures; nd, a a whole, tb country would not appear to be be hind th rest of tbe country in manufacture and commerce. In religion, Hesse-Darmstadt ia mainly Lutheran and Calvani.tio, contains above 200,000 of Roman Catholic. In 1838, tbe military establishment of the Grand Dacby wat fixed at 6288 menj but tbe wtr establishment was raised to 10,5 J 4 in 1855. Its population, according I the census of 1851, m 354,314. , -. Prince Frederick William Louis', the bride groom elect, wa born September 12, 1837, aad ia consequently in tb twenty-foorth year of his age. As tbe urana uqeo nt no euiiaren, the Prince must ultimately inherit tb sovereignty, If he sarvive hit father and uncle. ' . Our reader ar aware that 30,000 hat been settled by th English Parliament on tbe Pria: ees Alice, by way oi dowry, ana that ano win alto have an allowance of 6,000 a year.. " Her Royal Highness wJ born on th 25th of April, 1843, tnd ha consequently just completed her eighteenth-year.;-;;,.".' . ..VI'V .; ,;;r,( . w ad ha t j A gentleman la Leeaiog, Michigan, Wbo hu kept a securat aocouot a poatiMc, eetisaate that, of tbirty-tbree batuea aaa more important tkirmiabe ainc Abe war began, the Union men have been victorious tn twenty-two the rebel In fir, wbil in lb remaining lix.neuber party etn claim a victory. - The number of priaoaer token by the UaJonHts, t aeoat iWt and by tbe rebel not quit aa many. the killed, it I impoaalbl to obtain anything like accurate knowledge of tb lease of th rebel. The Union lowia mthiD over pee tbeoaAadt aod lb rebel . to I belmrd to be mere tbaa twice that number. ,; ij " m III I ml m ..j, n;,. ' Tb Rothechild ar now chief ewort la th Loodoa Tiav i Suspiciou peepl act in. this feet an exslanatioa of it Ptralateot . AitAck opoo Amerloaa credit, which tbey. hope will enable them to get tb loan cheaper. . It would be aiogolar if wa should twin th war to a doe without go eg to Jew tr, Genti to England forbalp. " . ,i ni m-.ii i Jin ; ,if ( 8otMb)dy ia drtMnf -empioytatat tjoa a acwapaper in any subordinate eanaoity djuftrlhe herelf aa literary lady of Cfeat abiUty od recogultd geaio," od would bavdJwaej -noobjettioa to devote a day la ihewee,- nt be ubjed torwh ahtimlJiatioa.i ti j 'I. iwwWMMt B -""; ! . tl 'T fll .. I gifs aJ n ; A) WiiJilKBlJ !('t. tit i ii'SS 4 ft Hi. irW INVITE ATTENTION U BOB. Of tb IMOtt W traurdhiar cur, by my ,, :j . .... 4h !. ,u! "! 'PEcrORAt SYRXJP.;; 8 h '.ik. B' -I" J?'" 1 . .u . j iv .. . ,f.i ,f v i tbe first was tbis in or I for '' the t how, and any on. who has doubts car,, bad -en who hart enndby.U. t aa of tha b.. ;i i.uf'n " ! I passenger oar 5,?? b,id. fall crashlna- tOnehMABa"f AW eunini with it th second, third, loariu,H and aixth passenger oar. ' Tbe second and sixth were lapped against tbe abutments and on at an angle of about forty-five degree. third was mashed completely flat by tha fourth and fifth car, which also were puea up a com plete wreck. - Tbe upright post of tb bridge, braoea and timber, although ; of - oak, wrenched, split and shattered la thousands pieces. A more complete wreck of care nevu known. The seventn oar exienaea tha ( abutment, but remained on track, while tbe baggtge car;, oontainiog itb stores, supplies, etc, for the regiment, brought up tbe rear of tbe train. - company & oceupiea the first nassenirer ctr and were upset, b attain ing no Injuries, aside from scratches. ,- Company F was in tbe second car, and all It occupants escaped with slight bruises. ' Companies G I were In tbe third, fourth and fifth ears, these are tbe companies that sustained heaviest loss in killed and wounded. Company U was in tbe sixth oar, and like those In aecoud car. made a narrow escape. The offloers were all in the seventb oar, and all escaped Aa already stated, immediate steps were taken to remove the killed and wounded from wreck, and special trains were forwarded Cincinnati, with surgeon; beds, lint; etc, the relief of the suttertrs. ' Up to nine o'clock Wednesday morning, the 18th Inst. , the officers of the road, their employees and th troops assiduously, and succeeded in removing from tbe wreck ' one hundred and fourteen wounded soldier, oo brakeman, and twenty fire dead bodies of soldiers, and one brakeman who was killed. Those found dead were twisted up in the wreck in all possible shape, many were to mangled as to almost preclude recognition. Tbe spectacle waa the most pain ful ever witnessed- Th surgeon wer untiring In their labor, and to their skill many a fellow owe hi life. The wounded were placed on a special train and Drougbt to wnoinnati. COMPLETE LIST OF THE KILLED. to to the to Tbe following ere the name and rank of killed, whose bodies wre brought on a epeotal train to Cincinnati on Wednesday evening, were Interred yesterday In the military lot Spring Grove Cemetery -. Comnanv E. Chioaro Martin Keller. Company F, Can Co Charles H. Vallen tine, drummer boy! J. W. S. Bobbjt. -Company G, Chicago Charles H. Cutter, David Noble, G. M. Brataton- 1 -, ' " i Company I. Galena-Captaln B. B. Toward Corporal A. H. Painter, Corporal Sam. Clark, Corporal Jerry iDgraham, Wn. rrrost, Law rence Carrol, Jacob Coleman, Henry Connera, John Brown, Joseph Smith, Michael Contelly, Robert Bruce, Henry C. Burroughs, Wm. War wick, Antone Ratbner, Peter Fowler, Wm. Ringer, John Douglas, Henry Hunt, colored servant, wm. ratterson, oraaeman. , ;i THE WOUNDED. Tha wounded were brought to Cincinnati the atme evening, and taken to the Marine Hospital. Th injurie consist of breakage left and arms, dislocating of hips, knee ahonlderf, contusions In the head 'and' facte,, bruiaea, fraoturot, etc. One psraoo, ipamed John Blackman,' i)t Company S, had the right leg ampatated above the knee.- lOaly about eight of tbe liat are believed to be seriously jured and likely not to recover. Tha total num be? of tbe wounded I on hundred and four teen. . The Earliest Copy of the Scriptures Tbe London Literary of August 10th state that during September there will be pub lished a work of rare interest to the Biblical aoholar. It is a fac-timile of tbe earliest copy of the Scripture ever yet discovered. Tbe manuscript contain portioni of tha Gospel ol St. Matlbaw, and wa written by Nicholtus, th seventh deacon, at the dictation of the Apostle Matthew, fifteen years after tbe aacen aton. Ibe manuscript, together with many othera, wat discovered by the Rev. Mr. Stobart, la a aarcopuagua, at lDeoee, ana was brought by him to England. ' Oo bis arrival in tbi country he sold a portion of his collection to tbe British Museum, aad a considerable number of tbe .remainder be disposed ol to Mr. Meyer, the celebrated arcbaologist of Liverpool; Those in tbe Brtusn museum remain unrolled and un read to tbe pretent day, but Mr. Meyer, having obtained tbe asslitanc of Dr. K. Simonides, proceeded to unroll the variout papyri, and among other of great interest waa discovered one Mo fragment, containing portion of tb Gospel of St. Matthew, and bearing tbe In criotion "Th writing by the band of Nicho laua the Deacon, at tbe dictation of Matthew, the A pottle of Jesus Christ: it was done in tbe BJteentn year alter tne Ascension of our Lord, and wat distributed to the believing Jews and Ureek in raiesune." . . Th papyrus I much damaged, and the irag- mente preserved are not very numerous, but they supply tw6 lost verse, furbish a" muob purer text than any other known version, and clear up many ptttAget thAt have hitherto been doubtful and obscure. The manuscript I writ ten in the Greek uneial character, and in all probability waa tbe identical mtnuccrjpt that was cupigu sbtvu iiiuc uj uciiuuuuruB, uuriug tne in oi tn apposite, ana likewise eeven time alter hla death. Tbe copy from which the EoKlish version of the Gospel it chiefly de" rived, it the eleventh copy made by Hermodo- rus, preserved in one of the monaaterie of th titat, and in tni several error nay been made la the transcription. The publication of this work I one of tbe greatest interest' to-th Cbristiao world, tnd will probtbly excite more attention than any tlmllar discovery du;ing the pretent century. Hi Fremont's Case. The Louisville Democrat that state General FaaMoirr'a aaa la faw woadat v rmn-r General Fremont ha energy enoagh) but he lacks judgmeat, as bit late doings ia Jiiatoarl Abundantly show,. He ie one, ef that ,claa of mea who would cut down, t mi to lop on rotten branch. Tbi it tbe kind of energy to make men atare, aod when directed byjodioioua mind it i highly useful,, A attain ..engine, ,i wery energeuo; nut to oe meiui. at fquva torn on to govrn It.- General Fretnotit went ea in real tteam eogtne atylet but the engioetr waa wanting. He bad aa object to accomplish. and he Immediately puffed out A terrible am aunt of (team, asd went ruablng ever irieod and aemie alike. Let hi energy b directed by morejudlclou mind4 And. h jpuydo a. great amoant of good.' n .:d:"T. 1 ' " I" " e e i i , t; oeatlnaUd for EtArih Tjy' lte Vi$6Hf bnt tR,tjlfwu ?0, si,WDdIdaV before' Wl Detpbe lectoa. The antogtath of th Prise Napoleoa-eoe- it or in avora ntpoieooi written; to arraaii tetttrs, ana almott la a lemltiine band, aad Im mediately under it "Jerome," In equally tmall letter, cnciceed in rroktJ. j l h witjed ba given hia autograph In bat twoor thre instate Blnde hi arrival in thi coantry, A i I A . V I ,t i w - , . . , , , la the cat of Llttlrjohd v; Gfeeley. ihJdry war discharged at 10 o'clock Friday night. tight ot them etatiuAfery rmt4 ut &od A r diot for th pUiatiff, Dotwithiiaeditig the charge ol the eoarti three of theot wra wtllieg to give utuejiMraaixMoce) aod one wa ui aud out for Lwttltjonn. t, yr Tiy.: a K t'fcr Tboma lJtTt; llU,"t KhtiU"anty, M ,i . - I ! ' end, The of waa over the and and tbe tbe the for la bored and poor v the and In A on of and in "1S"'''v;'!.it',r"WUiii.i ' -v i viT,. "TiaFU'in',W Li. . g f -c:, : fffk.fiRii.ii 1 '. ' BECOMtfBJrPED BTi THM If; - Jj ".o I , ,arR.ASTLEY,POQPfc.K,.,, rJ k1W& n thr The beat WereMe, Tonta, and lvigrrn tonrt - Kxtreot'Cf the .JTAia ef llira ' ihT,"!rhe Pmoatjanfa. tMXM. AVile rpIIE QTJAEiIFIED . VOTERS X franklin ooonty are hereby notified to meet at naoal places of holding election! In tbeir respeetlrt SecondTnetdafef Oetoherf Ab.lSlt being the 8th day of tha month, and vote for th follow. Ing oSoert, to wit: (On Oovsrnoron LLatcnant mor, oh. Inpraa Jadg, on Treasarw f Btam, Sac rotary of flat, u Oomptroller; One k ember of Board of Pabllo Works, Mi Common flea indg. tha district eompoeedof tt j oouatles of franklin, away and Had laoa, on Member of th. Bill fleaat th district oompoaad of th. eoantlot of Irtnkllh Pickaway, two Membaraof th Hoai. of Beprcsentatlres, ens Sheriff, an Auditor, Ah Treatnrer, on. Bocord.r, on. Ooambsionar, on Coroner, one Infirmary Direct or.) ' Th traatatsof the smral towniblpa are required to retara to tb. Oleik of tha Court th. names of the rowing number of Jurors: for Common PUat and i Buptrior Court. Tp.. .ii Ho. Montgomery .......... 69 Hamilton 7 Truro. ... 7 Madieon 19 ilor Probati Court. Mo'nl in. ontrom.ry .......... Hemiiton Truro Madieon.. ............. Jeffkwn....... Sharon.. Perry... Prairie. ...... ......... Ollntoo . ........ ... Jacluon..... ........ ... Sharon., Ferry Prairie OlIntoB iMtstNiVistn' PlOUmttt Plain Mifflin Norwich Fraoklln .... .... Bleodon Brown Waihtngtoo JcHenon... Pleeeanl Pmln.. .....'..... MUBin Morwtoh frank lia Bleodon. ..... ........ Brown Weehington ... ..... Jeffereoa I 150 Given under my hand and aeal tbi J3th September, A- v, looi. . OEOBOE W. HTJTIMAN,' BberlB of franklin Co., 0. sepl7-td, 4. LIQUORS. ; v 1 A BAERKLB OLD MONOSQAHKLA , ' , , r . it) 30 do. do. BO0BBON. , ., Jaal reoelTt and for sale low for cash, try ' ' LA01LLB ROSS fc CO., , v 2S4 Boaik Ulgh street, Columbus. p" ; ..:!, . . ,.,?" , . , ... lOOl. r , lOGl. , j GREAT WESTERN : DISPATCH. m .? r Co.i i i !' Prep'r i c. k . . Uniled states Expre FAST FREIGHT LINE, - Via Htw York ft Eris Eailroad, i L.'ti .- ::-:. -. .) .i.r.- ' ' And all othef Roacls Leading West !i .... and SouthFest. . n,s 1,1 ' ! f'-tj..t Chartered, Oars over most Roads on Paiatnger Tralae.' H. nOVIT, Ag't. i I , 251 Broadway, M. T. ' BSStaUBt., Boeton. WM. H. PBRRT, Buperlntecdent, Buffalo. ,' 11. FITCH dc BON, Aceata, . 8T West Bread street, COI.Vr7IBl7S,OBIO. itplJ (Ut of Phalon'a EsUblUhment, N. Y . J PROPRIETOR OF THE NEW YORK f aehionable Shaving, Ualr Cutting, Bhampooniog, uuruog ana vreaeing oaioou, , . South lliah St., over Bain's Store, where eatlafactioa will be gives In all th various braBchee. i Ladlea' and Chlldre&'a Hair Dreulng done In th CIJ10. atfUJIy ' OOH.XJJV.233XJO . '-: V1I0LESALE LIQUOR STORE. : I : ... i'i" LAOELLE ROSS &Co:. - j . .. , .. ., . .. ..., v.. I .. .. . Commission Merchants, j IMPORTKRg AND SBAXRR8 IN - ,',, ' POREIQH ASD SOHEBTIC ' i. ' WINES, BRANDIES, .tco,.fct. ALSO,. fTAV' f f-'l t Old Rye, Mopongaliela &, Uourbon 1 .AI.'.l...'' .AiA - " - 1 J WHISKY WARtnOUSI ANI) Off ICE, S34 BODTH HIQH IT COLtJMBTJSDHIO.,- ..-- "ai -, h V.' ) ai sepBJlyls i ii i . t '.r ' I .-.. t- n;h C0LTJMBTJ3 OPTICAL 1IISTITUTE. ' : ., 'T "t.'.Vi- ,AiJA4Xt Te" Heat Artificial :nipJio''the ; Human hight ever Invented, , iPirarie-PEAUaWi-v:: PRACTICAL k BpIENTIFIC OPTICIAN, KEEPS THE ' LARGEST ASSORT went of the aaost taprov kind of Spectacles. All hi. Glajeea, whether for near or far-atghud, ar gronnd ta aoBcsvw bobvm form with th grentrat ear, eo a to nit tha Bye. of all eatea, awring Weaktese, DlsahMo or Iaflamaatw T the Bra. aod hnnerrtna atreogth for long reading ar flaw eewtrjf " ' vmoa, u aaat etnas e treat, at Beltur a WehaWr's Hneio Store. i .): .1 e.J: ,- -i " -.' . igS-Clyl it (C-M'.S '-i"l tvL-SAWli-.A T Tl l-.-.-t- ir -r I EA i , Oeraar Swrlaa- Water St - tni Itanafactarer ot Bme and CoapntlHoa Oaatlagt, . ' I InUbnd BncS Wota al all iManriDtioaav ;fs,ht wir Cfvmn rt oahs -AW'jYn h tf. O . trtLtd-rlaH it iffl. hoif. e mh Blg1Strfet,l.i.T)ii,loini JneW.,vi cf Cv i tn. mnee -yiuo tnaav-ir, . ilm,. a r. fc la, Ximoic ktlkei. very Lean. (Wmui axcnsaal I men HUM and BaesalneaJ (acrid vfV - - J l.l?,r ' f. C)-:.-f. Jil'f'lli 'KyiiaiM il.ill bMdlooTiaiaon. o(auroommontiMtiiiiI)nit- I I . : 'I .lJLi.C.J''.l nnaT: wiuiif-w viwumrenuiui OF .their town ahlpaandwarda.ontb. .,' Oov on th for Pick for and fol- wo. 48 9 13 7 A 5 5 8 iH 136 day ., " . - - bast " , l . i - i v.- 0). . i ii., tin Atiiuphi: . has triad It In ovar alarm hnadiwl t failed ut two ha now In his pomoaaHm over one u whoee neoeealtlea or iUvaino, aiiwiuun jweniy mrtbo aboT. reliable Bern. Two bottle, ar. warranted, ,,! i.l i.n -- mottth. i,n 1,1 ilwhbleaal. anil xtilBrt , ,-,On.tothboRleajUtf,,,i)el, j . ... . JT ' ?lwooYureu' MCPUtEWtiLE,, Proprlete t- .TIUTOTIEaUBT AUD felABHAOBUTfBT, 1 So, 9 CoiBBuraial Wharf, Boston, Hats. Roberta Ac Bamool. N, B. aal.. J. R, Cook. , at Otclg, O.Deulg A Bona.A-J-BotuMller AAoa, AienU tor fJoluinbaS,,Ohio.,riri'.'Tt, hi ju''ie)t' myt-dly - , Oysters !;0ysters!!v HAS JUST RECEIVED, AND T be la daily receipt, by Xxpnas, of " I AS JCaX1 kaUCElVED, AND'lflU t MSU CiS & KLQ 0YSTER3 'ft . 'i. J sw.,. rrm nauimore ma iur sieTru. ,T , , . , . Call at WagBOf. Oyster aad Pratt Sepfttj It p. 21 Xut BtalBtre.t' 11 iw i- ' , lauiSttf CJfii3 if'rrt-'.VT J'qcd .- fit.) I I .. m e t .-;-. :j:ii j Til -two - ? ,mi'".';i '.ii-'f i BAirr&sbrj.;, No". 29 Soath ' High Street,1 'Colambat,' A m NoirbwERino iY. 9000 yards . Bresa floods at,8t,Vlu i , KM nt, .; '.' ' 2S00 yards Trarellng Dress Goods at UK, vain 40 at. Sew arda Bneliib Beiaaes at 12 K. Talne oent. . 1000 yardt f rench Organdies at Ytii, value 30 oaat.. . . Soog yards fast Oolond Lawna at 10, value 15 cents. 1000 yards foulard Drue Bilkaat VX, value 50 cent. 1500 yards Super Plain Black Bilk at SI 00. vain. I1SJ. Robes of, Organdl. Bong, and BoglUh Borage, at oae. half therr value. BAIN fc BON, "l':'J! ' SO Soath Hljh Street, IjeSS r-i z eJS .e Bllitr-t mui.' ie it ! REMOVAL; ' i i i Mi , 4-A I WitUAM ; Ht RESTIEAUX; -:r DEAIiER r flrnponrio :'A tf-i:5 a i. ;v' Produce,, ..V":'-vr v-l r-v Provisions, 'i . - tM.i ; Foreign and Domestic Liquors, ,. - Fruits, etc etc.;' -.' ': r ,' .1 ' i mi- II' - I 1 HAS REMOVED BIB STORE f ROM ' ' ' Tt - KO-, -.1 ..! .it NO. 34, NORTH HIGH 8 TR E E Tf 1 -''' :'""-"W ' !N6'.' 106,VS6uthi.HighSreet,l: Th old sua Yteently ocmplM byVmV McDON ALD ;! ' - NEW AND FRESH COODS t.i.. '-t '-j"'WhiobwlllHI1 "'"' " -r-,.-..- it': t . . ; -'f . v' Cbeap for Caafei er Ceantry Preaaee. i . i .' Good delivered to 01 ty trad free'ef eharg.cJQ ,iy VMH. RESTIEAUX, (B000BBS0R TO licKBS fc BEBTIEAUX) u ail i' - - . ' -J ' ' . ' lOG,. South. High Street, . . OoIjTZnVIT3TJ,e, ' y DIALER IN it CROC ER I E S,P RODUCE j provisions : ; Foreign, and ,, Domestic Fruits, F LOU ft 'it SALT, LIQUORS, ETC STORAGE & COMMISSION SPECTAL NOTICES ( ECOIVOSIT IS, WEALTH." ' - Tf boerer bay atbaap eompoaBd of BaMratB, throws sway his money, ' Those who pnrehast Py Kt's Dietetic, get I a pura and wholesams article at halt Its valus and double their entlsy.1 Depot, 345 Washington street, BW Tort j ' fjord by grocer! everywhere. " ' manhood;. r. how,imi, how MarosiD. Just Publlahed In a lealed EnvelopsPrlc Cets.l ' A LECTURE ON TBE NATURE, TREATMENT AND RADIGAL.GDRE Of BPERhlATORRBBA Or Seminal Weakneee, Involuntary Emialons, Sexual Debility, aad ImpedlmeBtt to Marriage irenerallly, NsrvoaeneM, Con. eumptlon, Epilevay and f Ita, Mental and Pbv.lcal In capacity, resulting from Belf-abu., fce. By Robert it CulveryoU. M-1)., tuibar of tb. Oreea Aok, s.r A Boon ta Thousand ef Sufferer, Bent ander seal, In a plain envelope, to any addrees, peel paid, on receipt of tw stamp, by Dr. CUAB. 1. 0- KLINE, Vit Bowery, Nsw Tork, Poet Office Box sep7.3mdfce. Ferseae ef full aahlU, Who arc subject to Oostiveness, Beadache, OkSaiaaaa, DroVtUMas aad ting tog In Ibe sera, arising from too great a flow ef blood to th head, should never be without Biaadratb't Pills, and rainy highly dangerous symptoms will b. removed py thelf Immediate ua. i ;;. J .:i , TIs Bon. J. Baatr Westchester county, N. T., aevebty five years of saw, hu used Braadrsth'f- Fills' for twenty flvs year as his sots medicine. . Wbaa h feels lli Upoaed, be It from Cold, Rhoaaatism, Aathma, Eeed achei Bilious Affections, Oostlvanats or irrltatioa of the kidneys or bladder, he does nothmg hot tak a few do nf Brandrsth'i Pill. . m Bis usual method Is to tak lU pills, and redu'c th doae. each nlgbt, en. pill. In every attack of atofcnea far, twenty -flvs yasrs, tbis slmpls method hat Barer failed tatmtorehtm to health; and few men sr. to be found so actlv ana hearty as h. , : :,t,-v,fvr ' Bold by Job R. Coot. DraniaL Columbua and he aUnapeclable dealers la medicine. , . hep 19-41 iv i ?r ,1 . e.r ' l' I V Ml i ll iriOFFATtS'LlFB Pltij;TA bi ases of oo tl venom, clyspaptl, Mlrtoa Sad Brat In) all aSeotlona, plica, rheumathna,' fevers and astsi'nbstt ate bead aches, and all geaeral oracgamnt el aaaM' hB Pills hav invariably provaa a nrmea amd Speedy remedy. A aingU trial will plaoe tb lit nil beyond th reach oroa petition In th asUmarioa ef rrary pa tten t. ,' ' Vi. Kofart PhaBht Bitten Wftl a lewad sita!ly.t Seadoa ta all of Berreua eMllty, ayspwpsta, haa acha, th aMra) IheMenl t female ta delicate health, and amy 'kloa of Waaknsa of th IlgesUv rgaa. far tela by Dr. W. B . MOPf AT, 3X, Breadway, W . T sadkyinliTayjta.j.v owt '- -tearta-dfcWlf, t.Jl .1 .... i The- fcllowlr? is s txtiaot rom ft l.hrwrUteuWiRev, B. BolaaaaaU af go Plenapoiat-Btraet Baptist Church, Brooklya,. T.,to tha'owroai end Mwarrjor,'' Cioelonatl, 0., and speaks slame to favor of that world- teetewaed mediclna. Mat, WaavorSooTwfWtnrmOaiuamitmnwiBi -"We w sa ''""" " year eoraan afafas WwaMrw's ,mtihit bvaor. Now w never aal a Word bt lVnw-wfwpoeB,DBf"ia ear llie, hot we l i fei it-i-.-r to yewr veodmB that thl ie a tua I i(t- hvh rr, aw- tw wo w aui rr iite. Iilyo ereof lha maet awneaetnl mod. nee tA the A bn II I on ef th heat. And tho. yoartw h. aa) aaa't heteer than . ijlB4'V'-'! ow7:lydtt i i PflOF. L. MILLER'S II7.IR iriVIfiORATOR An Effective, Bfe and EoonomtcaL rt f?:"-- -"Compound, ' - '-- Ct O FOR RESTORING GRAY HAHtj? toi'Worlgiiat eolorwithutdj.lnt and f lernttaf Ualr from tamlDf gray. FOR PREVENTING BALDNXSS, - And curing It, whoa than Is th. tout parSlal. of yltajft'. I , , i o ruaperatW .norgy aaualnlnti F6RUEM0V1NG SCURF AND.DANDRUr,' AndallontanMBsaffoctioa of th Boalp., f t(i i JfOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR. Impartin to It aa anewwd gloss and brilliancy. mak tag It eoft eeil eiltar , ta it Bulure. and eematog U arJ taadllyt-" ' , - .- i tho gnat tielcbrlty and Inereaalng demand for thw ax ' qualed preparation, oonvlnoea tha proprieto that on trial U only neoeeaary to aatljfy a diaoernlng public of Jt ' superior qualiUea over any other preparation In ae. It sieaneea tha head and aoalp from dan drag and other antaneou. diseaaes, canalng th. hair to grow luxuriantly givinc tt rkh, (oft, gloeeyand Bezlbla appearanoe, an aleo, where the hair is loosening and thinning, it will gtv strength and vigor to the room and roator ibe gaowtfe toil hoee parts which hav. become bald, oauaing it to laid raeh eoverlng of hair. i There an handreda of ladiea and geatlemea la New fork wh. have had their hair raatored by tbe an f this , Invlgorator, when all other preparations hav.atilad.i tV M, haa In hla pOHeetloa letter, innumerable testifying .. to th abore facta, from ptraooa af th hlgheet retleect--htllty. It will effectually prevent the hair from turning -until the latest period of life; and la eeaoa wbera'the hai ha. already changed Ita color, th nee of tbelnvigoratow:' ; Will with oertalnr rector. It to it to Ita original hue, glv in M a dark, gloeey appearanoe. As a perfume for tb , toilet and a Ilair Bo tore tire it Is particularly recom mended, having an agreeable fragranoe; and th. great ta oilitiea It afforda In dressing the hair, which, wbaa moiat wit)- th Invlewrator, ean be dreaaed In any required formeo a topreaerv Its plaoe. whether plainor In ourlal be oo th. gnat demand for tt by th bullet as a slander j , ballet article which bob ought la be withoot,a th pric, ' plaoasRwithmtb reach of all. being ;' ;.,,, r j , ,.,, Only Twenty-PiTS Cents V-.'-u'f- rr bottle, to be had at all reepKtabl Brugglitt Aad) . j w' ..r.-, Ulrfel.'';;' . ,,1,."i.4 L. MTLLIR woold oalt th atUn Uon of Parana aadV Croardians tn the u,e of bt Invlgorator, in caeee whera: . tbe ehlldren't hair incline, to be weak. .The aa ef it lay th. foundation for .gwdka& of Aair, aa kn ij move, any Impurltlea that may have become eaaentadV. with th. scalp, th. removal of Which Ie neceeeary both for the health ot bhe child, aad the rutnreppeanso( of t Ita Hair. 'Vy OAtrnow-Wooe gninawithoat tht fae-afarl! LOTTTB hflLLBB being on tha enter wrapper: tlso, h. MIL--. LBtt'S HAIR UTIOORATOB, H. Y., blow In tb ghva. 3"'T'V'"' ,J "(Wholesale Depot , !W Dey Street, audeoMby all the principal March ota aad BruioreWa thranghoat tb werIA X I Liberal discount to purchase! by th loantlo. tt also deelre to present to th. American Public my , . B j ltzw um " rit r&orzD nsTAXTAxiovs ;; LIQUID ilAIR DYLv wtloh, after year ef telenUSa tape rime ntlng, I brought to perfection. It dyeo Black or Brown Inaantry wlthoutlnjury to tha Hair or Bklal warranted th baat article of th. kind in cxhrtacM ' ' a-1-1 , ( PRICE, ONLY, 50 CENTS; ; Depot, f 66 1 Dey ;.Bti;iTey7- .tork, u .otSfcfdfcwV' I'" 6-!!i "7j 'i:"" ""' ' EXTRAORWNAnV BiUCAtKS' BAIlQ" & SON";" f HO, 24v ICUTH HIOH bTEOT. " ABfiB; NOW OB,B,B3IN' iyOOO yard Sapor Plain Black Bilks tt tl OO-valB 1 85 par yard. "L- ,"" 8500 yad Traveling Dreai aad Manila booia'at! C i- ft 1S oento value BO cents per yard. 3)1000 yardt Whlbi'' Brniltnws at 19 l- oenta - alu 20 cents par yard, i jj, . S,000 yard Ins and DomeslleOlaghams grely as-i' I tor value. - ; I -Ag,S -"'' -" IfARGE AND' DESIRABLE LOTS. OF KOZiKsiavis. saxzosthzb,1 j. : CHALLI8, rOUIASO BUM, t ) CTOLIBH BABEQIS.UTELIAI, " '" "' IAW5S, CAUCOM, TOPLEU, . AND ALL OTHER New and ITaahlonable Xreaa Grood in tht most desirable atyles and at very loan pries, j , Of all materials, mad la th most stylish manaar aft.i th latatt Pari f sshlons ins most slegant styles a th city. , . BAIN At SON, miy30 No. 09 South High street. , MILLIONS 0FEM0I1EY' For an Inch of Time! f " ' 1 . WAS ONCE THE EXOE.ASEATION OF " a dying Queen. That inch of time ean be proeur- - ad at a much cheaper rat., and many long year of - r' ' - HEALTH AND HAPPINESS enjoyed by consulting Dr. MERRIWBATBBR, waa is oaring the moat ebitlnat and long atendleg dleeea-i: of th. LUNGS, HEART, LIVER.. KIDNEYS, BLAU.- DBA, STOMACH RHBUMATISM DISEASES MOO. - ' LIAR TO f SHALES, SKIN DI8BABK8, AND ALL""T AIIBOIIONS Of CUE MY a AND BAR..(u- fiS Facta are Stakeem Taleg'tiV ' Bear what tha Philadelphia eoiirespoBdeat ears la th "Omnmonweallh," Wilmington, D n, Delawaia, Bth of April, Enailek rentlamen. gnvmart mmimim ertth the Brltlah-Army, and wh style brmeelf th 'Indian Botanic Phyaiclan ,' haa of lata gained aa exlenalve rapa tatloa here byhl. .kill In cnrlnr all manner of oom . plaiote.- Bom at hi patienU f hav conversed wlthi and tby pronauno his remedies and mode of treatment . aa vary .uperlor. 8om-tjav twea reetored as tf by , magic. Tb medicine he uses It dlitlliit hlmeelf ' -nam aeuug men army Bsosyiitea nit leisure mo ment! to thoronih Stndv of the aTecU nradnoed b eawtain medlotuU roots an herb oa all manner of Ha lt semi, he aaa Brand aenre and sneedv reme dy for all the -Ilia that fteek iebetr to.' HU practioo I -already ABtensiva aa to dally toeretBk. Ia as a larta number her hav. teotlAed that ther aw. not only their present good health, but thels ilreir I tb.-3 skUlof thitindlag Bottnjcl'hyttoian.n-- Office 37 Eaat State Street Cetttrobut; '.;Jr."ir 00 ' No. 29 South Wgjb&tt' HAVB Juat opened aa tavtof Vaty 'laigW 4n0l , haodaom. ... r - " ,a 'PUSHER, FRENCH. ANirHAimLTar"-" LACE MANTXLtABAND POINTE3. '. VerDecprmehneuitob;Laeeii;3 IbI '. Real Thread, Fmoh, ChmtaiKYOeeeM3 -rl -VIIILS.-- Tftlenoimei, ?olat it, Cm, tmb ..and Thread Laeei and Collarf. j, VAtENCIENNES TRIMMED E'DKFS, '. ; MALTESE, LACE COLLARS & SETS, LINRN COLLARS At CVFFR'aiV f I Iu nw Ehrt; CJ.U I PAPElt CptLARS CUPTS, '"'' 1 JX- - 11 For travIine.ll tOIAaBIQTJES, PorLlNS, BfitrnSIUTB CBKCKI ' nJCB,TOrii HE CnBYBEB, 1 l-vt-t e'. ll tl t ' LATELLA8, BIWOflE tAlESCllg, fc. fc. ' f Th beat and meet faiHloehI etleeta thowrr f-JQ h.X TEKV IX)"vV I'lUOlUJ. cm BA1H a eow. jttt ' ' '- nao.tABighBuwsU 7.1